
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
=== Pici`__ is now known as Pici
=== _jason is now known as jrib
ompaulNafallo, encouraging apple is offtopic :P17:58
ompaulnice bit of work though17:59
Myrttiompaul: but that's Ubuntu on Apple :-P19:26
ompaulMyrtti, read the second line and retract your first line and lets all laugh anyway19:27
NafalloI think I've seen those mac minis IRL fwiw :-)21:06
strohii got banned on the #ubuntu-de* channels without an usefull explanation21:07
strohii try to ask the op, but he draw aside the topic21:10
ompaulstrohi, please wait for a -de op to talk with you here21:10
strohiwhen nobody comes/want?21:45
PriceChildstrohi: do you know who banned you?21:50
PriceChildstrohi: you've had a chat with them in PM but haven't been able to resolve things?21:50
strohiit was no query where i talkd to him21:51
strohii wrote in another channel with the person who banned me21:52
PriceChildstrohi: try querying him, rather than following and asking in other channels.21:53
strohithe only he said was, thas we had nothing do resolve which relates to this channel, but he know what i mean21:53
jpdsstrohi: Haben Sie in #ubuntu-de-ops warum fragen?21:53
strohijpds, no, i was not there anytime21:54
jpdsstrohi: Well, that is the German operator channel, they may know why.21:55
strohii know why i got banned in #ubuntu-de but not why in #ubuntu-de-offtopic :)21:55
strohiok, at first i try to query the person and than visit the german op channel21:56
PriceChildThat sounds like a plan.21:58
strohioh, kicked :(22:21
strohiPriceChild, the plan failed22:21
PriceChildstrohi: hmm?22:23
strohii get kicked in the de-op channel22:25
strohihe says i know why i am banned22:30
strohialleged flame against a ban and ops ...  but the op mute, kicks an ban  from time to time user without a identifiable reason22:31
strohiweird stuff, any idea what can i do?22:54

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