
asacwhen was BUILD1 tagged?00:19
ftaAug 28 02:47:51 <fta>     FIREFOX_2_0_0_17_BUILD100:19
asaci mean 3_0_2 ;)00:20
asacapparently 17 missed a test cycle ;)00:20
ftathu 8am00:21
asacfta: ok the awesome branch was restructured like discussed i think00:40
asacits a bit cumbersome with dpkg to test now (as expected)00:40
asacdo they really go for beta after that?00:41
ftain fact FIREFOX_3_1a2_BUILD100:41
asaci doubt that that gets out before 3.0.200:41
asacprobably 1 week after 3.0.200:41
asacor a few days after ;)00:41
asacif they are good00:41
ftatrunk is now 3.1b1pre00:41
asacfta: ok. could you take a look at that brach?00:42
asacor should i upload to ppa?00:42
ftawhich branch ?00:42
asaci think i upload anyway ;)00:43
ftaff3.1 ?00:43
asacno 3.0.head.awesome00:43
ftaoh, i branched it & built it earlier today00:43
asachow much i hate the bug that the orig.tar.gz gets always added to to changes00:46
asacdo you have that too?00:46
asac dpkg-genchanges -S -si00:46
asacdpkg-genchanges: including full source code in upload00:46
asacwhat a bullshit00:46
asaccant you read: -si ;)00:46
* asac bangs his head on the keyboard00:46
ftaeh? firefox-3.0-branding Replaces: firefox-3.0 ?00:47
asacthere is a file i nit that was previously in firefox-3.000:47
asacactually a few ;)00:47
asacand versioned replaces will hit us further down the road00:48
asacso i had to just use Replaces ;)00:48
fta2 newlines after webbrowser-3.0-branding in control00:48
asacthe dh_install lines and the variable names could deserve a cleanup00:50
ftacontrol too. 22 packages now -<:P00:51
asacthe build almost takes as long as xul ;) ... with all the packing up business goingon00:52
asacwe could dump the firefox-trunk* and -granparadiso ones00:53
asacthey shouldnt be required anymore00:53
ftafunny tool00:53
ftabetter than depend on flash for small live captures00:55
asacis gnomefreaks ubuild still looping on the buildds?00:56
asaci saw his plain 1.9 build building yesterday00:56
asacis that known to him?00:56
ftaeach time i want to tell him; he's not there00:56
ftamozilla bug 45277800:57
asacwhy is that build always spining?00:57
ubottuMozilla bug 452778 in Release Engineering "tracking bug for build and release of firefox 3.1a2" [Critical,Assigned] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45277800:57
ftaunmet dep00:57
ftamozilla-devscripts in gutsy00:57
asacthought one has to manually retry if its not in depwait00:57
asacif its in depwait it shouldnt happen until dep is there00:58
ftanope, it's automatic, every 30min or so00:58
asacwell. hat thing needs to be stopped ;)00:58
ftasome huge kde packages are like that since 18+ months00:58
asacoh dear00:59
ftai reported it a few times in #lp00:59
ftayou still have chrome/awesome-*, is that expected ?01:01
asacwhat i want is two things:01:02
asacbut well01:02
asacin the end i dont mind ;)01:02
asacthat will chang when i change the branding branch :)01:02
ftai mean, awesome vs webbrowser01:02
asacyeah ... just saw that01:03
asacneeds to be fixed in branding branch too01:03
asacthats why i didnt do it in this commits01:03
asacok both builds in mt archive finished01:05
asaclets see ;)01:05
asachmm takes a bit to publish01:06
asacdoing a normal upgrade to get that time done ;)01:08
asachurry you publisher ... hurry ;)01:10
Kamping_Kaiserbah. reconnect >.<01:26
Kamping_Kaiserasac, looking at your link now :)01:26
Kamping_Kaiserbtw, iceowl?01:26
asaci lost track of that01:33
asacand it got removed01:33
asacfta: i think the build works quite well01:37
asacshouldnt have much upgrade issues :(01:37
asacKamping_Kaiser: ill try to upload iceowl this weekend01:37
asaci am not yet sure what is really going on01:37
Kamping_Kaiser:( oh well. good luck with it01:38
asacso far i always had luck ;)01:38
asacat least with debian releases01:38
asacand getting things in01:38
Kamping_Kaiserasac, will your awsome browser change go into intrepid?01:48
asacas it seems now yes01:49
asacdepending on what you want it could help you more. if you want to do complex things like renaming everything than we still have more work to do01:49
asacfta: now i remember why i wanted a firefox package installed even for "webbrowser"01:51
asacbecause of rdepends01:51
asacwell ... atm when you install webbrowser, firefox wont be installed anymore01:52
asacso the rdepends that would be perfectly fine (like extensions) will not install anymore01:52
asacmeaning: either we transition everything :/ .. or we do something less intrusive01:52
ftai see01:52
asacless intrusive obviously means less clean01:52
asacfta: what do you think?01:54
asaci guess we need to transition that :) ... no matter what01:54
asaceverything just leaves us with a half baked solution ;)01:54
ftabut is that ok with the freeze ?01:56
asacsure ;)01:56
asacthats a bug01:56
asacits just a depends line fix01:56
asacshould be covered by the FFe for the new package01:56
asacbut you never know in advance what release manager tells me ;)01:56
ftayou should ask 1st before we start a crusade02:01
Kamping_Kaisersigh. i hate rainy weather.02:15
Jazzvaasac, regarding nspluginviewer and flash objects... it seems to happen when someone embeds a flash object from another site. though, it doesn't really make sense to me why would that matter.03:00
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asacJazzva: huh?10:23
* asac is in train .... so with some latency10:23
asacJazzva: are you saying that flash-crashes happen only when flash is embedding content from a different site?10:24
asacJazzva: on a nother front: i talked to cjwatson and mdz and they said that using "webbrowser" as the package name would be ok10:24
asacJazzva: i doubt you have anything against that :)10:24
asacso i plan to use that now ;)10:24
asachmm .... ok ... i think in a few minutes ill get off this train10:31
asacwill be at home in an hour or so10:31
asacok ..  cu later ;)10:35
NukeadorIt's me or Mozilla.com is not working? neither bugzilla and irc.mozilla.org11:32
sebnerNukeador: for me it is11:46
Nukeadorfrom US or EU?11:46
sebnerNukeador: EU#11:47
NukeadorI have other people from Spain with problems11:48
sebnerNukeador: /me is from Austria :)11:48
Jazzvaasac, asac_: Something like that... It happens with almost any embedded youtube video from Youtube on failblog.org, and with (some of the) Flash ads on that site.13:36
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87942316:11
armin76bug 8514716:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 85147 in libcairo "SVG crashes Mozilla Firefox" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8514716:26
armin76asac: ^^ reproducible on gutsy16:26
armin76i think its related to cairo+xorg-server-1.316:27
armin76thats why you can't reproduce, because you rice :P16:27
armin76asac: hardy doesn't crash16:47
Jazzvafta, that's related to nspluginviewer 1.0.0, I think18:34
Jazzvait happened to me...18:34
JazzvaI didn't notice that in 1.1.0, but 1.1.0 has another issue...18:34
ftaasac, mozilla bug 451185 <== like my compare module in m-d :)19:16
ubottuMozilla bug 451185 in Build Config "add a build target to compare bin/ and the package list" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45118519:16
=== Sergeant_Pony is now known as KB1OHY
otro_viajero7hello where can i find the firefox extensions source code?21:55
ftaarmin76, bumb23:00
ftagentoo bug 21378223:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213782 in launchpad "Address of login page should be unique (dup-of: 156144)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21378223:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156144 in launchpad "login should be redirected from *.launchpad.net to launchpad.net" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15614423:00
ubottubugs.gentoo.org bug 213782 in General Bugs "TRACKER: Gentoo Bugzilla3 Migration" [Enhancement,New]23:00

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