
dr_Willismy exports line  /home,sync,no_subtree_check)00:00
dr_Willismy fstab entry on other machines --> laptop:/home  /NFS/laptop/home  nfs rw,hard,intr 0 000:00
dr_Willislaptop was the name of the nfs server in this case.. and i had a hosts file entry for the laptop machine00:01
dr_Willis -/etc/hosts -->   laptop00:01
dr_Williswell good luck. Im hitting the ZZZZzzz....00:04
=== C8788333 is now known as chalcedny
DevourerIs it easy to upgrade to KDE 4.1 after installing Kubuntu?00:22
gkffjcs_Devourer: yes, it is, but if your on hardy youlle need to add a repository00:26
ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE00:26
Devourergkffjcs_, does Kubuntu 8.10 run nicely yet?00:28
gkffjcs_I don't know, I have not personally run 8.1000:28
gkffjcs_but installing 4.1 in hardy is pretty easy, and as a desktop it's very stable00:28
gkffjcs_in my opinion00:29
gkffjcs_inface it is my exclusive desktop on my main computer00:29
Devourergkffjcs_, yeah. It looks ncie.00:30
Devourergkffjcs_, what repo do I have to add?00:30
gkffjcs_one sec...00:31
gkffjcs_deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main00:33
Devourergkffjcs_, what do you have to put deb in there?00:33
gkffjcs_"deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main"00:33
gkffjcs_yeah, it gose deb http... and ends with hardy main00:34
gkffjcs_look at the others in the file there all the same format,00:34
gkffjcs_once you added that to the end of the file /etc/apt/sources.list00:35
gkffjcs_then run "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-kde4-desktop00:35
=== root is now known as Guest45482
pablohi ppl .. been wondering if u could advice in wich game for ubuntu  ishould download... and where from ?01:21
Devourerpablo, Battletoads.01:30
gkffjcs_Devourer: did that work for? any problems?01:33
pablohavent try it yet01:34
pablothatś the game or the place to download ?01:34
Devourergkffjcs_, I haven't tried it yet...01:35
Devourergkffjcs_, I'm wondering if I should just wait until 8.10 comes out.01:35
gkffjcs_it's up to you, but In all honesty, I have had not problems from using it, and you get to keep kde3 so if anything gose wrong you can continue to use kde3 normally.01:36
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:12
Roeywow :)02:18
RoeyI completely undersood that02:19
KRFme, too02:19
RoeyGerman-language Help for problems with Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu [you can] find in the channels #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de and #edubuntu-de.02:19
RoeyLike, wow :)02:19
KRF$ru | Roey02:19
RoeyI mean, I don't speak German but I know a lot of words02:19
KRF!ru | Roey02:19
ubottuRoey: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:19
KRFnow translate that02:19
KRFokay, might be the same :)02:20
RoeyPozhalista pocetitie #ubuntu-ru dlya poluchieniya pomozhi na russkom yazekie02:20
Roeyit's already transliterated :P02:21
Roeythat word I know02:21
Roeycool :)02:21
RoeyI don't know what dlya is though02:21
Roeyor polucheniya02:21
michaelhi i need help what is the command to kill my panel on the bottom03:11
michaelit does not show what programs i am running just the K start button the time and the 2 virtual destop buttons03:13
=== mike is now known as Guest2359
SharahAnyone having problems with KMixer after installing the latest linux kernal and headers...? It says that "mixer could not be found" anyone know of a way to find out whats going on?03:19
gkffjcs_For security reasons I decided to change my ssh port to 2200, my problem is that now if i try to ssh my server with ssh mysrv:2200 I get "ssh: name of service not know"03:25
corigoI am having difficulties with K3b reporting an error every time I burn the Ubuntu ISO.03:25
corigoI have redownloaded the ISO twice, I have changed to slower burn speeds, but always get the following error Written data in track 1 differs from the original03:27
corigoAny ideas on how I can confirm if it is Hardware, ISO, or application related?03:29
Dragnslcrgkffjcs_- try -p 2200 instead03:29
gkffjcs_Dragnslcr: thanks that works, but for some reason only when I manually enter my ip, if I try using "mysrv" which I added to /etc/hosts, the operation never ends,ssh just hangs for ever until I kill it with alt 403:39
gkffjcs_using mysrv woked fine before I changed port, so I know that part is working fine03:40
miecioOla pessoal03:40
miecioMeu kurumin 8 ng não imprime..alguem pode me ajudar ????03:41
Dragnslcrgkffjcs_- odd. Make sure ping mysrv works03:41
Dragnslcr!br | miecio03:41
ubottumiecio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:41
BenPAhi can anyone point me to the correct konsole setup for wpa psk  ... having trouble with the format and some of the lines to use03:42
Sharahis there a way i can reinstall the linux kernal update all over again...i think it didn't work right and immediately after the download...my sound doesn't work and the error is kmixer cannot be found03:43
gkffjcs_yeah, the ping works fine.03:46
BenPAhi can anyone point me to the correct konsole setup for wpa psk  ... having trouble with the format and some of the lines to use03:52
erananyone knows a desktop search prog for kde 4.1?03:58
Devourereran, something wrong with ones not for KDE 4.1?04:01
vbgunz_the file size view in konqueror 3.5.6 is a bit retarded... anyone know of a cool and fast program that can find where my disk space is going?04:06
corigoI'm a Krusader fan myself04:06
vbgunz_I tried getting baobab, I remember this being pretty cool but the repos don't have it :/04:07
vbgunz_trying filelight04:10
DevoSo how do I update KDE 4 to 4.1?04:29
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde404:29
Devomr---t-, thanks. :)04:30
veritas_man the choppy scrolling in konqueror is driving me nuts for KDE 4.104:36
eamonis there a move all files comand for konsol04:39
veritas_mv *?04:43
veritas_what are you trying to move?04:44
mr---t-he left04:44
grendal_primegod this pisses me off04:49
grendal_primewhenever i connect to my vpn to work..i loose all dns resolution for the rest of the internet.04:49
Devomr---t-, I think it failed.04:52
mr---t-what failed?04:57
Devomr---t-, I think I fixed it. Some dependency failed when installing 4.1. But, using -f with apt-get fixed it I think. Do I have to reboot now?05:00
mr---t-when you get to the splash you have choose menu then kde405:02
Devomr---t-, and that'll basically be choosing 4.1?05:02
Devomr---t-, if I didn't, would it use 4.0 because that was the last session used?05:02
DevoLol, ok.05:03
DevoWell, I'll reboot then.05:03
BlacktidesHello I'm looking for help setting up dual monitors in Ubuntu05:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dualview05:23
Blacktidessorry I havn't used IRC at all in like 9 or 10 years.05:24
Blacktideslol whats the best client for Linux, used to be BitchX05:24
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk05:26
DevourerHow can I organize the icons on my desktop?05:29
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
ubuntu_can anybody help me? i'm having a little trouble after i installed Kubuntu06:59
p_quarles!ask | ubuntu_07:00
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:00
=== romunov_ is now known as romunov
ubuntu_Ok.. After installation... i want to restart my pc.. but then, it doesn't find the os... and then i have to run from CD again...07:01
ubuntu_how can i solve this?07:01
p_quarlesdoes the computer still start? does it start any other OS?07:01
ubuntu_i have XP... but it won't start it either07:02
p_quarlesdid the install process give you any error messages?07:02
ubuntu_not at first07:02
ubuntu_but then i had to re-install07:03
ubuntu_because i wouldn't start any other way07:03
ubuntu_and then it showed an error message07:03
p_quarlesthe more specific you are, the better people can help :) what did the error message say?07:04
ubuntu_it said grub couldn't start (or something like that) but it started kubuntu anyways07:04
p_quarlesand you've already tried reinstalling, right? I ask because I'd suggest reinstalling just GRUB, but if you've reinstalled the entire OS, that's the same thing07:05
mothow do i tell kde when to turn my monitor off?07:06
ubuntu_sorry i was at the phone.. my gf..07:11
ubuntu_so... the fact is... if now i want to turn of my pc.. and restart... it won't find the OS07:11
ubuntu_neither kubuntu or Xp..07:11
ubuntu_and i really like to know what should i do...07:12
ubuntu_i'm sorry if i'm a little slow... this is my first time using linux07:12
p_quarlesubuntu_, I asked if you'd already tried reinstalling -- not b/c I recommend that, but because if you have it would rule something out07:14
ubuntu_I already reinstalled... that's why i'm here writing right now.. cuz i haven't restarted my pc.. or else i'd be reisntalling.. again07:16
ubuntu_when i first re-started... after the bios check, all it said was: OS not found...07:18
kuresunais grub installed properly?07:18
ubuntu_and (strangely enough) the XP partition is D:.. not C:07:18
ubuntu_after reinstalll it said it couldn't load grub...07:19
ubuntu_should reinstall grub?07:19
kuresunaprobably would be a good idea to07:19
p_quarlesthat's what I'd try; the fact that you reinstalled Kubuntu altogether suggests it may not help tho07:20
ubuntu_ok.. um how do i re-install grub only?07:20
ubuntu_is it an option with the CD?07:21
p_quarlesubuntu_, there's a good how-to that pops up as the first google result for "grub reinstall ubuntu"07:21
p_quarles^ tells how to do it with the live CD07:21
ubuntu_ok i'll check it out...07:21
HollowPointwhois HollowPoint07:22
rabindrathe adept-batch is continuously crashing with signal 11 (SIGSEGV) when trying to install mp3 support for amarok07:23
rabindracould anyone help me?07:23
HollowPointtry removing amarok all together, then re-install with mp3 support07:23
rabindrahow do i make sure that it's reinstalled with mp3 support07:23
HollowPointuse KMenu > System > Adept Manager, uninstall Amarok, then once the operation is finish re-install, if you type "amarok" into the search bar at the top you should see all the appropriate plugins/modules for amarok, including mp307:24
rabindraand adept is not working properly at all i have not been able to install a single package successfully since yesterday when i installed it07:25
HollowPointyou installed adept?07:25
HollowPointadept is installed by default so that could be part of your problem07:25
rabindrano it was already installled07:25
HollowPointyou could try on the command line "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade"07:26
rabindraok i am trying07:28
=== drmarwat_ is now known as cryingtux
cryingtuxanybody knows how to fix repos gpg keys issue?07:30
cryingtux! GPG key07:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpg key07:31
emilsedghcryingtux: you should add the gpg key with apt-key command07:31
emilsedghcryingtux: apt-key --help07:31
cryingtuxemilsedgh: i tired but some keys dont add07:31
emilsedghdunno then :)07:31
p_quarles!gpg | cryingtux07:31
ubottucryingtux: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts07:31
cryingtuxim trying to add these repos07:32
HollowPointadd them through Kmenu > System > Adept Manager > Adept > Manage Repositories07:33
HollowPointyou can add keys in there as well in a gui07:33
cryingtuxHollowPoint: well, manager repos doesn`t open separate dialogue box to manage repos, it rather relaods whenever i click manager repos07:35
=== ajaya is now known as Rubic
cryingtux! paste07:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:41
cryingtuxHollowPoint: http://paste.ubuntu.com/42088/07:42
=== Rubic is now known as nemeSis
* HollowPoint is looking07:51
HollowPointhave you tried to run apt-get update again afterwards? As for opening the Manage Repositories dialogue it doesn't open at all? Just refreshes the main dialogue?07:53
HollowPointyou may need to run apt-get upgrade adept (With the Adept Manager closed of course or you won't get a lock)07:54
romunovany tips on how to install dev 3.0 version on kubuntu?08:21
HollowPointdev 3.008:21
dwidmannromunov: ??08:22
romunovoops, sorry. crude copy/paste08:25
romunovi'm trying to install the dev version of open office on kubuntu08:25
romunovi'm reading the forum and they suggest i remove the current openoffice08:25
romunovwhich i hesitate to do, because i need it08:25
romunovi would just like to try it alongside 2.408:25
romunovi downloaded the .tar.gz file and extracted it to a directory08:26
dwidmannUmm, if you're working with the source, you could just install it to a different prefix (ie: /opt or /usr/local/bin)08:26
romunovnow i only have 3 directories (one with .deb) and an update file08:26
dwidmannUmm, yeah, might be easiest to install side by side if you do it from source.08:26
romunovok, i don't have time to learn that right now08:27
romunovback to the report!08:27
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
=== oliver_ is now known as tapir
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=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:38
=== martin_ is now known as martinjh99
* kuresuna falls over while carrying a cup of coffee09:07
Sbucatinohow could i upgrade to intrepid ?09:13
Sbucatinoi have seen how to for gutsy-->hardy09:13
Sbucatinobut ?09:13
Sbucatinodoesn't work09:13
stdinSbucatino: upgrading to intrepid isn't supported until it's releases, but you can ask in #ubuntu+1 (make sure to read the topic in there though)09:15
HollowPointNot sure I'd advise upgrading to intrepid at all atm on a production box.09:20
HollowPointI'm tempted to do it in a VM though :D09:21
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=== nemeSis is now known as bluEzz_Nept
bluEzz_NeptNeed help..I am actually novice to ubuntu platform..I was using kopete to access Yahoo and MSN bt now it has crashed..Is there any other softwares to access these messengers in UBUNTU.09:54
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin09:55
bluEzz_Nept..actually inbuilt kopete has crashed..09:55
stdinyou can try pidgin if you want09:55
bluEzz_Neptokiee..thank u guzz..I will try dat.09:56
_Angelus_GTK is a demon09:56
_Angelus_bluEzz_Nept:  try aMSN :D09:56
bluEzz_Neptthanks Angelus..09:56
_Angelus_its the best around09:56
_Angelus_its the most feature rich msn messenger09:56
_Angelus_offline messanging... webcams.. sound clips09:57
_Angelus_everything ;p09:57
stdinyou think GTK is bad but like Tk/Tcl? wow09:57
=== [ifroog] is now known as ifroog|thinking
_Angelus_stdin: actually its the only tk/tcl prog i use09:58
_Angelus_because its the best around its better then windows live messenger the way it works stable and fast09:59
stdinit's probably one of the only ones left09:59
=== ifroog|thinking is now known as seeihavethelonge
_Angelus_and its has more features then kopete and pidgin and has a cannabis theme09:59
_Angelus_but if in future kopete will come as good as aMSN, then i will start using kopete probably09:59
tuxxwhich IM can show, what kind of client is user having?10:00
=== seeihavethelonge is now known as [ifroog]
HollowPointtuxx trillian does that, is proprietary though and can't remember if they do a Linux version10:02
tuxxi know that QIP can show it too but i cant get it work in *buntu10:02
HollowPointtbf I have a LOT of problems with tk/tcl but aMSN is by far the best MSN client on Linux10:03
_Angelus_true HollowPoint true :)10:04
_Angelus_actually.. its alsa the best MSN client on MacOSx HollowPoint10:04
tuxxi dont use MSN...i dont know anybody around me using it10:04
HollowPointI did have aMSN installed directly from the installer but then it screwed up, couldn't fix it, so resorted to installing through adept again10:04
HollowPointmy system is due for a fresh load soon anyway, as soon as Intrepid comes out that is :D10:05
tuxxguys :-) i installed extremetuxracer but when it asks me to press any key to continue, it shuts down. Any idea? :-)10:06
HollowPointdid you install it through adept?10:07
tuxxAdd/Remove Programs10:07
tuxxi think its adept10:07
HollowPointyeah, so you get the menu screen, it asks you to press any key, you press a key and it crashes?10:07
tuxxexactly :-)10:08
HollowPointI hate to say it but you may find a Windows fix is required10:08
tuxxwhat kind of fix?10:08
HollowPointWindows Fix10:08
HollowPointaka Reboot10:08
tuxxlol :-) ok i try10:09
=== stefan-f is now known as blackflag
HollowPointwb tuxx10:12
tuxx:-) after reboot nothing changed10:12
HollowPointlol damn, was worth a try10:12
tuxxbut first time i started the game, it let me see menu10:13
HollowPointhave you tried "apt-get update" "apt-get upgrade" in the command line? May just be you're missing some important updates in other programs that tuxracer relies on10:13
corigoSorry, blanking on the name of the popular GUI HTML editors... Can anyone jar my memory10:13
tuxxehm :-) how can i paste text in console? CTRL+SHIFT+V is not working :-)10:14
HollowPointright click the mouse in the console window and use paste in the drop down menu10:15
tuxxaha :-) thx10:15
tuxxlol...now i see...SHIFT+Insert :-)10:15
bluEzz_NeptI tried to install amsn_0.97 bt it's extension is deb..how to install it..10:16
stdinbluEzz_Nept: use adept/apt-get10:16
bluEzz_Nept./amsn_0.97 doesn't work..10:16
dr_Willis!info amsn10:16
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97+final-0ubuntu5.1 (hardy), package size 3426 kB, installed size 11308 kB10:16
HollowPointyou can simply click on a .deb file and it will open adept to install it10:16
dr_Willis.97 is in the package manager/repos ...  it seems..10:17
HollowPointit is indeed10:17
dr_Willissudo apt-get install amsn10:17
HollowPointif he has the .deb file he can just click on the file to install it10:17
HollowPointadept will open it up10:17
bluEzz_Neptit says dependency is not satisfiable..10:17
bluEzz_Nept<HollowPoint> I tried the way u explained..10:17
HollowPointin that case just use the sudo apt-get install amsn10:18
bluEzz_Neptbut I am getting the error: Dependency is not satisfiable libsnack210:18
HollowPointand it will download everything from the repos10:18
tuxxeven reinstall of extremetuxracer didnt resolve that problem10:18
dr_Willisdo a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' then try 'sudo  apt-get install amsn'10:19
dr_Williswhen in doubt 'update/upgrade/try again'10:19
HollowPointseems something else is causing extremetuxracer to c lose tuxx10:19
HollowPointdr_Willis I usually have a look to see if there are any better repos for the program I want as well10:20
HollowPointi.e. installing the latest version of Wine requires a special repo etc10:20
HollowPointsame applies to amsn and many other programs10:20
tuxxbut i dunno what is it...first time i started game, it showed me menu. I set language and when i wanted to set some display issues, it crashed10:20
HollowPointseems maybe you'll need to completely remove it instead of just apt-get remove, if it leaves details behind on the remove it will keep them when re-installed and most likely graphical settings will cause it to crash10:21
tuxxremoved...now i try installation again10:22
HollowPointwhen you say removed you did what?10:23
HollowPointapt-get remove extremetuxracer?10:23
tuxxapt-get remove extremetuxracer10:23
HollowPointall that does is remove the binary file and de-selects the package10:23
HollowPointyou need to do apt-get purge extremetuxracer10:23
tuxxdone...you think its completly removed now?10:24
HollowPointafter the purge I would do "apt-get clean" "apt-get update" "apt-get upgrade" then finally "apt-get install extremetuxracer"10:24
alfiociao a tutti10:24
alfiocome va10:24
tuxxok...trying...please wait :-)10:25
tuxxinstalled...now have your fingers crossed :-)10:26
tuxxhell no :-(10:27
tuxxsome config files have to be hidden somewhere cuz my language was set already10:27
HollowPointok well if you open up dolphin10:27
HollowPointgo to your home directory10:28
tuxxand when a saw Stlacte lubovolnu klavesu a know its bad :-)10:28
HollowPointthen go to view and show hidden files, does it have a directory called .extremetuxracer?10:28
tuxxnothing like that is in my home dir10:29
tuxxthere is .etracer10:29
HollowPointthat'll be the one then10:30
tuxxyep it is...so purge again and remove this dir?10:30
HollowPointso if you do "apt-get purge extremetuxracer", then delete that directory in console by typing10:30
tuxxcopy that...10:30
HollowPoint"cd /home/yourname/"10:30
stdinHollowPoint: or just "cd"10:30
HollowPointand "rm -rF .etracer" (Be VERY carefull with this last command, do NOT put a space between the . and etracer)10:31
HollowPointindeed stdin10:31
HollowPointI like to be a stickler though10:31
tuxxit says: rm: invalid option -- F10:32
HollowPointshortcuts in the command line are to me a VERY bad idea lol, especially if you're not working in the command line yourself, you end up in the wrong directory and you've got problems, plus you never know how someone else may have their bash profile, if you define an ultimate path you can't be wrong10:32
HollowPointsorry tux "rm -fR .etracer"10:32
HollowPointI hit shift on the wrong letter :(10:33
tuxxaha ok np :-)10:33
stdinif someone changed $HOME in their bash profile, then it wouldn't matter anyway10:33
tuxxdeleted :-) now installation again10:33
HollowPointindeed tuxx10:33
HollowPointstdin valid point none the less10:34
tuxxYEAH!! working :-) thx a lot10:36
tuxxbut i have 6,5 fps...so its unplayable :-(10:36
HollowPointwhat drivers are you using for your graphics?10:38
tuxxi dunno...i have integrated intel10:38
HollowPointfair enough10:39
HollowPointIBM then basically10:39
HollowPointah :(10:39
tuxxits not good for games but once a week in a free time...10:40
HollowPointprobably not good enough to run 3d GLX needed for extremetuxracer without tweaking the graphics down in the game10:40
tuxxthere arent any settings for graphics except resolution, shadows etc...10:41
HollowPointyeah well shadows use a lot of GPU10:41
HollowPointresolution also has an effect, the lower you set the res the faster your FPS will be (Typically speaking of course), however it will look shit10:41
karnamehello , i was a problem in kubuntu , when i try to setup a program , adept show a message , what shuold i do ?10:42
tuxxbut thats no problem...im more happy its working :-)10:42
tuxxi learn something new and thats more important as to play some game for kids :-)10:42
Nyadhi. when is the next version of kubuntu coming out?10:42
tuxxreally thx a lot for help :-)10:43
HollowPointnp tuxx10:43
dr_Willisnew release about every 6 mo.. 8.04 was latest.. so  8.10 (10th month)10:43
HollowPointkarname what is the error?10:43
dr_WillisUnless its delayed10:43
HollowPointit'll be out10:43
HollowPointbugs and all10:43
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:45
SonderborgI got a problem connecting to windows using remote desktop10:45
SonderborgI would assume that it worked out of the box on unbuntu - is that correct or do you need to install some extra software?10:46
HollowPointyou need to type in console "sudo apt-get install rdesktop tsclient"10:47
HollowPointthen look in your KMenu > Internet and you'll see "Terminal Server Client" Use that to connect via RDP to a Windows box10:47
HollowPointthere is always krdp but I don't like it, tsclient is much more "Windows-like"10:48
SonderborgExcellent it works - Thank you HollowPoint10:50
HollowPointnp Sonderborg10:50
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corigoAny one know an app that can open ai Adobe Illustrator files?10:52
corigoor EPS10:52
HollowPointinteresting question10:53
HollowPointyou on Mac or Linux?10:53
corigothis is Kubuntu chat, eh. Kubuntu10:54
HollowPointindeed but sometimes people do come in here asking for help on Macs lol10:54
HollowPointthought I'd ask before wasting time10:54
HollowPointas for opening adobe illustrator files I don't know of a Linux program that will do that. Have you googled it?10:55
corigoHollowPoint: I'm so sick of Google. Tired of filtering throught the #$%^& links. It's time for a new search leader10:57
HollowPointXara and Incscape seem to be capable of it from the first link in Google10:58
HollowPointsorry Inkscape10:59
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HollowPointhi skinnymg111:12
skinnymg1whats the off topic channel address11:12
HollowPoint#kubuntu-offtopic as it says at the top of the room?11:13
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bilali cant install my .deb files by double clicking the, it instead opens it with Ark. What to do???11:41
ForgeAusuh, right click them instead11:41
bilalwat after right clicking them????11:42
ForgeAusor change file associations (in browser settings mimetypes) ... from system-settings and/or kcontrol11:42
ForgeAuswhats in the list11:42
bilalthe problem started when i installed kde4 from synaptics11:42
ForgeAusI'll let you in on a little secret... .deb files are actually ar archives :)11:42
bilalm using kubuntu 8.04 64bit11:42
ForgeAussynaptics? (generally its a touchpad driver) or the synaptic package manager ?11:43
ForgeAusbecause synaptic shouldn't be much different from Adept...11:43
ForgeAus8.04? thats hardy right?11:43
bilalyeah hardy11:43
ForgeAusok no problem11:44
bazhangdpkg -i pkg.deb11:44
* ForgeAus shrugs 11:45
bilali knw this dpkg method but i shud also work by double clicking11:45
bazhang!info gdebi11:45
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.8 (hardy), package size 30 kB, installed size 224 kB11:45
ForgeAusbilal its a fauly file-association thats causing your issue11:45
ForgeAusyeah install gdebi :)11:45
stdingdebi should be pre-installed11:45
ForgeAussudo apt-get install gdebi11:45
bilalbut g debi shud be for gnomw11:45
bilaland i am using kde11:46
ForgeAusuh is there a kdebi? not that I know of!11:46
ForgeAusgdebi works fine in kde11:46
stdingdebi is a backend with a GTK and a KDE frontend11:46
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bilalleme install it now11:47
bilalthen i willl tell you11:47
ForgeAusahh stdin that must be the one I was running, didn't realize it was gdebi-kde tho...11:47
ForgeAus(just showed up as gdebi)11:47
stdinthere's gdebi-core, gdebi (GTK) and gdebi-kde (KDE)11:48
ForgeAusbilal kubuntu should have installed GTK for you anyway...11:48
ForgeAusso even if gdebi is gnome (more likely GTK only instead of all of gnome) its ok11:48
bilalgdebi-kde was not installed and i am installing it now11:48
stdinkubuntu dose not install GTK by default, that would be insanity11:48
ForgeAusstdin? uh? Kubuntu by default supports both QT and GTK apps11:50
ForgeAus(not GNOME + KDE only KDE, but GTK + QT)11:50
bilalwhat is gtk and qt11:50
cryingtux! paste11:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:51
ForgeAusessentially the widgets (dialog controls, etc) that programs use11:51
stdinForgeAus: the gtk would not be installed though, if it were then the Qt libraries should be installed in gnome by default11:51
ForgeAusQt is what KDE is based on and GTK is what Gnome is based on11:51
ForgeAusstdin I guess they are in Ubuntu-desktop (but no KDE, just QT)11:52
stdindefault ubuntu install does not come with Qt11:52
ForgeAusbrb I'll find out for you11:53
stdinok :)11:53
LjLis there a reliable konversation 1.1 package available somewhere?11:53
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bilalcan some one tell me a good p2p software for downloading movies?????????11:53
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bazhangbilal, archive.org11:55
stdinLjL: not in hardy afaik11:55
LjL!p2p > bilal    (bilal, see the private message from Ubotu)11:55
ubottubilal, please see my private message11:55
LjLstdin: no, i guess not, but i could live with a third-party package that's known good...11:55
fenixcomo entro a conales en español??????????11:56
LjL!es | fenix11:56
ubottufenix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:56
fenixme pueden ayudar????11:56
LjLfenix: /join #ubuntu-es11:56
LjLo /join #kubuntu-es11:56
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:59
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jon__Morning, wonder if anyone can help with an XChat problem. Everything's working except for the Interface Colours (changes the colour of channel names depending on actions performed in them - red for new messages etc). Cheers.12:07
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Sbucatinohello anyone can listen this page12:51
Sbucatinowith konqueror?12:51
hyper_chhmmm, I can't get tork to run correctly... it always complains about tor being running and then asks if I want to pass config to tor and when I press yes, it then says that tork tried to pass an invalid config to tor...13:00
ahmos hi , i just installed emerald but i can't change window decoration with it ..any help?13:04
rusineck#join jezus13:21
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rexxhi all14:03
rexxhave a problem mounting blank dvds14:03
rexxtried two drives (on of them brand new) and both read dvds14:04
rexxbut cannot mount a blank dvd14:04
rexxdmesg | tail14:04
rexx[ 1286.728670] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!14:04
rexxand if try to mount as iso9660 gives14:05
rexx[  506.973534] attempt to access beyond end of device14:05
rexx[  506.973542] sr0: rw=0, want=68, limit=414:05
rexx[  506.973547] isofs_fill_super: bread failed, dev=sr0, iso_blknum=16, block=1614:05
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser14:08
codyHey all... I am using kubuntu hardy heron on my eeepc 901 20GB and am having problems connecting to WEP networks. when I put in the passphrase in network manager it just hangs on configuring device 28% and then says that it failed, I'm sure I had the key right as well. Any suggestions?14:13
TenzerMAC filtering in the AP?14:14
msnbotI have problme with samba. i gave share to a volume. Its not read only. But I cant write from my windows machine. I need to share it with write permission14:23
DragnslcrCheck the permissions on the directory14:25
msnbotDragnslcr:  this is an NTFS volume14:26
msnbotits 777 by default14:26
msnbotthis is what I have writen in smb.conf14:27
msnbotpath = /media/DISK314:27
msnbotguest ok = yes14:27
msnbotread only = no14:27
msnbotwritable = yes14:27
msnbot:p   sorry14:27
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andersonna áre14:32
msnbotanderson:  go to localized channel14:35
codyTenzer: No, I don't believe that it is mac filtering, because my friend with the mac got onto the network just fine (it is a hotel connectin btw)14:36
Geggelei will in gernman forum14:37
mrksbrdis there a way to have just kde 3 apps show up under v3 & kde apps show up just under v4?14:37
Geggelemy first time here14:37
Geggelecan me help one person14:37
Geggelegerman forum14:38
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:38
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.14:39
gigabz666I don't know if someone can help me, but I've been googling this little problem for awhile now. I'm using Konversation at the moment, and I've found that if I type past the character limit, I get no warning but other people are getting messages cut off. Is there anything I can do to get it to warn me or automatically split up the message?14:41
forge_giga not that I know of14:42
=== forge_ is now known as ForgeAus
gigabz666Ahh, ok. Thanks anyway Forge14:43
ForgeAushehe X-Chat just dumps the characters as soon as the buffer gets full ...14:43
ForgeAusmIRC cuts them off too14:43
mrksbrdis there a way to have just kde 3 apps show up under v3 & kde apps show up just under v4?14:44
ForgeAusbut I think when you see your line repeated back at you see where its chopped I think14:44
gigabz666I heard X-Chat was supposed to split it for you, but it didn't work. Maybe a Windows feature only, lol14:44
ForgeAusmrksbrd good question ask in #kde or #Kubuntu-kde414:45
mrksbrdok ty14:45
ForgeAusnah its not windows only its client only14:45
ForgeAusyou can use mirc in linux anyway14:45
ForgeAus(via wine)14:45
tortoiseheadafter dealing with the infamous "offline mode" error in firefox by editing the messages dbus sends14:45
ForgeAusbut I think kvirc might be a better choice14:45
gigabz666Just a little frustrating, when you type a long message and people don't get it, so you end up having to repeat the message14:45
tortoiseheadi now find that firefox takes about 10 minutes to start up14:45
tortoiseheada lot of applications do the whole blinking startup thing and then disappear from the public eye until they decide randomly to pop up at odd moments14:46
tortoiseheadany takers?14:46
ForgeAusI have so many firefox extensions it takes 10 mins or more to start up anyway!14:46
tortoiseheadi don't have any!14:46
tortoiseheadi tried installing opera instead, but that just hung and ate 100% of my cpu14:47
mefisto__tortoisehead: what did you do to deal with the error? I had this problem, but it resolved itself, presumable after an update14:47
ForgeAustortise wait for qtfirefox :)14:47
tortoiseheadi'm pretty sure i edited a config file for dbus14:47
tortoiseheadwhich told the system not to worry about networkmanager (which i uninstalled long ago)14:47
tortoiseheadi'd settle for getting everything back to defaults at present14:48
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mefisto__tortoisehead: have you tried creating a new firefox profile?14:48
darcyi'm trying to install kubuntu on my wife's computer and after a successful install, the reboot message says that it cannot find the harddrive - any ideas14:48
tortoiseheadit's been a while14:48
tortoiseheadjust rename the .firefox folder?14:48
tortoiseheadand then let it recreate one?14:49
damianoswhat do you exactly mean ?14:49
mrksbrdtortoisehead: there is a know bug in ff3 that pertains to network manager which causes "offline" mode14:49
tortoiseheadwell, since networkmanager is uninstalled14:49
tortoiseheadand it's still happening14:49
tortoiseheadi read the bug reports14:49
tortoiseheadwhich i think is where i got the fix for dbus14:49
tortoiseheadis the bug absent in firefox2?14:50
mefisto__tortoisehead: start firefox from terminal or alt-F2, with "firefox -ProfileManager" and from there you can create a new profile. if that works, you can delete the bad profile and use a new fresh one14:50
mrksbrdi believe so....yea the dbus fix is the only one I know of14:50
tortoiseheadwill that delete bookmarks?14:50
tortoiseheadi'm guessing i should move them out14:51
* ForgeAus shrugs14:51
darcycan anyone help me on my install problem14:51
mefisto__tortoisehead: yes, you would lose your bookmarks, saved passwords, etc. there are firefox extensions that could help. look at foxmarks for your bookmarks14:52
tortoiseheadi'm wondering if the dbus fix is what's responsible for other apps taking forever to start up14:52
rabindrahey i get this error while closing a dolphin window.. any help?14:52
rabindraUnable to save bookmarks in /home/rabindra/.kde/share/apps/d3lphin/bookmarks.xml. Reported error was: Permission denied. This error message will only be shown once. The cause of the error needs to be fixed as quickly as possible, which is most likely a full hard drive.14:52
mefisto__rabindra: and is the disk full?14:53
Dragnslcrrabindra- check the owner on that directory14:53
tortoiseheadhuh, don't have any bookmarks anywaty14:54
tortoiseheadback in two minutes14:54
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rabindramefisto__: no the disk is not full14:55
tortoiseheadcould the disk for root be full?14:55
tortoiseheadrabindra: did you install root and /home to separate partitions14:55
rabindratortoisehead: ya14:55
seljei ask here instead. i have a problem with my ATI Radeon 2900 XT card. Does anyone know how to configure this correctly?14:55
mefisto__rabindra: then what Dragnslcr said, check which user owns that file/directory14:56
ForgeAusselje you need a kext or driver for it google can probably tell you where..14:56
tortoiseheadstill waiting for firefox to load14:57
rabindraDragnslcr: i am the owner of the d3lphin directory14:57
seljei have a driver for it.... i think14:57
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ForgeAusmac drivers are kexts right?14:58
ForgeAusd3lphin like as in kde filemanager?14:58
seljei use gnome....but i didnt get a good answer in #ubuntu14:59
seljebut under Device Driver it says: ATI accelrate graphicdriver14:59
tortoiseheadfirefox hung on the delete/create/rename profile screen15:00
tortoiseheadi just deleted the mozilla folder in home and am hoping that will help15:00
veritas_weird it seems like the scroll speed for shift+scroll is ok, but just scrolling by itself is still laggy  (KDE4.1)15:02
tortoiseheadyeah, firefox still hangs at the user profile screen15:03
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ForgeAusoops worng channel selje hehe for ati drivers go here15:03
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:03
tortoiseheadmefisto: still hangs on the create new profile screen15:04
mrksbrdtortoisehead: did you try removing the whole app & re-installing?15:04
tortoiseheadit's a fresh install of firefox 315:04
tortoiseheadi didn't remove all of the dependencies15:05
tortoiseheadbut i could try that too15:05
mefisto__tortoisehead: if you've removed the .mozilla directory, you can just start firefox normally and it will make a new profile on startup15:05
mrksbrdtry sudo apt-autoremove firefox15:05
mrksbrdthink that's the command15:05
tortoiseheadany reason for using autoremove instead of the other way?15:05
tortoiseheadjust regular remove, i guess15:06
mrksbrdautoremove should remove all dependencies as well15:06
mefisto__apt-autoremove is not a valid command, afaik15:06
tortoiseheadi wasn't aware of this ability15:07
tortoiseheaddoes synaptic have something similar?15:07
mrksbrdtry sudo apt-get autoremove firefox then15:07
mefisto__there is apt-get autoremove, which will remove unneeded packages15:07
tortoiseheadit's working its magic15:07
tortoiseheadalright, now try reinstalling regularly?15:08
mefisto__removing and reinstalling has never helped me in linux. sometimes it can fix windows problems15:08
tortoiseheadis firefox a gtk app still?15:09
tortoiseheadit seems most of the things that don't quite work right are gtk apps15:10
tortoiseheadthe ones that decide to start half an hour later, if at all, i mean15:10
mrksbrdthere must be some other conflict then i'm guessing15:13
tortoiseheaddo most apps have a debug mode?15:13
tortoiseheadif you start them from the command line?15:13
mrksbrdlook in adept search firefox...think i saw something in there15:15
tortoiseheadadept is a nightmare itself...15:15
tortoiseheadcrashing in the middle of an upgrade and then requiring several removals of locks and various broken pacakges15:15
mefisto__tortoisehead: apt-cache search <searchterm>15:15
tortoiseheadzynaddsubfx, whcih also doesn't work15:16
tortoiseheadappears to use xml15:16
* mrksbrd thinks tortoisehead should just reinstall15:16
tortoiseheadi'm wondering if the problem is there15:16
tortoiseheadwell, i'd rather suffer without firefox than go through a reinstall15:16
mrksbrdsounds like u have a lot of underlying issues though15:16
tortoiseheadit might be worth noting that this install started out as a dapper fluxbuntu install15:17
mrksbrdto me ....just easier to re-install then trying to figure all of them out15:17
tortoiseheadsince that was the only disc lying around at the time15:17
tortoiseheadwell, often it's only one or two issues that matter15:17
tortoiseheadi've got everything else working except firefox and the other crashing apps15:18
tortoiseheadplus mucking around in the guts of it is supposed to be fun, right?15:18
mrksbrdbet thats the problem15:18
mrksbrdlol......ummmmmmmm no.15:18
tortoiseheadi couldn't burn a good disc of (k)ubuntu at the time15:19
tortoiseheadso the ancient fluxbuntu disc won out15:19
tortoiseheadthis desktop is cursed15:19
ForgeAushehe flux isn't so bad15:19
ForgeAussimple but lacks many of kde's features15:19
mrksbrdmy guess there is still some things that dapper is running that is conflicting with more modern progs15:19
tortoiseheadwell, i am fine with fluxbox15:20
mefisto__tortoisehead: you might also want to try creating a new user and see if the problems are to do with user settings. if everything is ok with a new user, you'll know it's some setting left over from dapper, etc15:20
tortoiseheadjust not with fluxbuntu15:20
tortoiseheadi hadn't thoguht of that...15:20
tortoiseheadnot a bad idea15:20
ForgeAuswhy don't you just use a dist-upgrade then?15:20
tortoiseheadwell, it's currently dist-upgraded to hardy15:21
mefisto__tortoisehead: so you're still running dapper? or you've upgraded the dapper install?15:21
tortoiseheadno no no15:21
tortoiseheadgood god no15:21
tortoiseheadeverything should be up to date15:21
ForgeAustortise then install kubuntu-desktop15:22
mrksbrdnot if you didn't run dist upgrade15:22
tortoiseheadi did long ago15:22
ForgeAusset let it set kdm as your default dm and you have kubuntu15:22
ForgeAus(+ fluxbuntu)15:22
tortoiseheadthat's basically what i did15:23
tortoiseheadthe only difference is i removed networkmanager15:23
ForgeAushehhe perosnally I get flux + kubuntu + enligthenment)15:23
ForgeAusoh and windowmaker, forgot about that one15:23
tortoiseheadit's basically stock kubuntu + firefox + ubuntu studio audio (new as of a few days) - network manager15:23
* mrksbrd thinks enlightenment is confusing15:24
tortoiseheadi agree15:24
tortoiseheadwindowmaker is even more confusing though15:24
ForgeAuswell I can't seem to find the standalone vers of engage...15:24
ForgeAusnot if your only in a windowmaker desktop, but if your in flux or kde its kinda, strange yes...15:24
tortoiseheadi tried window maker on debian a while back15:25
ForgeAusthen again so is compiz kinda when your in a kde desktop....15:25
tortoiseheadit's cool-looking15:25
* mrksbrd personally likes project looking glass....but can't get it to install under hardy15:25
tortoiseheadbut i'd prefer something simpler or something more like a traditional desktop15:25
ForgeAusyeah it sits well with debain15:25
ForgeAuswhats project looking glass?15:25
tortoiseheadi've never tried looking glass15:26
mrksbrdsun java based 3d desktop15:26
tortoiseheadi don't even like compiz though15:26
tortoiseheadsimple, reliable and not crashing, that's enough15:26
ForgeAusI mostly only like the desktop cube and the minimization/maximization animatio nthat rotates the windows :)15:26
tortoiseheaddo you find compiz useful?15:27
=== lorenzo is now known as fenix
tortoiseheadi think it's interesting to look at, but it annoys me when i'm using it on my own computer15:27
tortoiseheadthe wobbly windows...15:27
ForgeAuscan you tell kate to embed itself into konqui instead of opening separate windows?15:27
ForgeAushehe kde4 has wobbly windows, but on both that and compiz they're optional15:27
tortoiseheadi think kde4 is never going to be stable15:28
tortoisehead"kde4 is just a preview"15:28
fenixnadie en español?????????15:28
tortoisehead"kde 4.1 is still not feature-complete"15:28
ForgeAusI think kde4 WILL be stable eventually but sofar KDE3 > KDE4... give it time15:29
tortoiseheadwell, it seems their way of approaching it is very different than for kde315:29
tortoiseheadthey keep projecting the point at which it is "generally usable" further into the future15:29
ForgeAusunfortunately intrepid is going to make kde4 the default (ie .kde will be kde4) which means your 3.5.9 from Hardy will be upgraded to 4.1.x or so...15:29
ForgeAus(or maybe 4.2??)15:29
ForgeAusanyway... personally I'd rather keep kde3 so I'm hoping they have a .kde3 solution15:30
tortoiseheadif they're at 4.2 and still don't think they're stable, i'm going to have my doubts for the project15:30
tortoiseheadthey just updated the 3.5 series to .1015:30
mefisto__and there won't be a kde3 version of intrepid?15:30
ForgeAus(currently its .kde and .kde4)15:30
ForgeAusnot sure 'll see if I can find out15:31
tortoiseheadif i didn't absolutely detest gnome15:31
tortoiseheadi might consider switching15:31
Daisuke_Idotortoisehead: the definition of "generally usable" has changed as linux has made massive gains in popularity.  generally usable used to mean usable by most people, though you'll probably have to tweak some things in config files - today it means "just works", which isn't the case with 4 yet15:31
Black_Monkeyhi, twice now, my computer has just randomly shut off, and I've needed to reinstall my nvidia driver to get X to start :-S15:31
Daisuke_Idoand have you considered xfce?15:31
tortoiseheaddaisuke_ido: i suppose you're right15:31
tortoiseheadxfce is ok15:32
tortoiseheadbut i prefer kde apps, so kde it is15:32
YippMNhey guys just installed kubuntu on a freinds machine , i myself run gentoo , but can't seem to get kppp working for him or figure out how to get adept working , it keeps saying break-install, hmm how do i get all the libs for a package to install15:32
ForgeAusI agree xfce isn't so bad, but KDE is better imho15:33
DragnslcrKDE 4.1 is in good shape. I've been using it for a few weeks now15:33
tortoiseheadi think "just works" is a massive mistake15:33
tortoiseheadjust that concept15:33
mrksbrdadept  or synaptic15:33
DragnslcrA few annoyances, but nothing that makes it unusable15:33
ForgeAus4.1 is kinda ok but still no kde3.5.915:33
tortoiseheadif you've been using linux for a while and try using mac or windows15:33
tortoiseheadyou'll find lots of huge annoyances15:33
mrksbrdtrue that15:34
tortoiseheadi am a compulsive clicker15:34
tortoiseheadi click on things while waiting for them to load15:34
tortoiseheadand unfortunately kde doesn't seem to recognize my kind15:34
tortoiseheadgnome does15:34
tortoiseheadyou can click all over the place and things won't crash15:34
tortoiseheadif kde 4.1 fixes that15:34
tortoiseheadi'm on board15:34
ForgeAusWindows isn't THAT annoying, well maybe UAC15:34
ForgeAusnot sure about mac tho15:34
mrksbrdi don't like GMOME15:35
tortoiseheadusing a mac makes me angry15:35
tortoiseheadfor aesthetic reasons alone15:35
YippMNcan anyone point me to how to get adept to install a package and not show break-install all the time?15:35
ForgeAusheeh using ubuntu's default (gnome) themes makes me angry for aesthetic reasons15:35
tortoiseheadyes, as it should15:35
ForgeAuschocolate brown and orange? who's bright idea was that?15:35
tortoiseheadYippMN: no clue, but we're listening15:35
Daisuke_Idotortoisehead: oh, "just works" is a massive mistake, because you can't make it "just work" for everyone.  it works for apple because they have homogenized the hardware, but with an OS and DE like linux and kde, it's a miracle it works on so many different systems at all, let alone as well as it does.15:36
tortoiseheadi agree15:36
tortoiseheadthough i'd prefer to have apps that crash less15:36
tortoiseheadover more features15:36
ForgeAusDaisuke I agree15:36
ForgeAusalthought hey're put alot of work into it to make it do so...15:36
mrksbrdYippMN: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1797115:36
YippMNtortoisehead: ok so i run gentoo on my machine and portage just brings in the dependencies hmm but how do it do that in adept?15:37
ForgeAustortoise, depends on the app and how necessary the features are...15:37
tortoiseheadif the app crashes just as you are clicking on that feature15:37
tortoiseheadit's a moot point15:37
ForgeAusYipp run kdesu adept_manager15:37
tortoiseheada la the prferences button in kazehakase15:37
tortoiseheadi agree though15:37
DragnslcrYippMN- Adept will get all dependencies15:37
tortoiseheadYippMN: i will tell you that adept has always given me trouble15:38
DragnslcrYippMN- if it says that something will break, it's probably a dependency conflict15:38
ForgeAusyou can expand the packages in there to get a list of dependancies, etc...15:38
ForgeAusits handy for when a package BREAKS15:38
DragnslcrYippMN- two packages require different versions of the same package, or one requires a package that the other conflicts with15:39
tortoiseheadwhat ar eyou trying to install?15:39
tortoiseheadthat will break the install?15:39
ForgeAusthis time I'm not upgrading to hardy from gutsy without using an old kernel15:39
ForgeAusbecause last time the gutsy kernel wouldn't work with the locales package15:39
mrksbrdtry sudo apt-get update15:39
ForgeAus(well gusty didn't but the upgrade FROM gutsy to hardy didn't)15:40
mrksbrdthen....sudo apt-get install --fix-missing15:40
mrksbrdrun it from terminal15:40
YippMNDragnslcr: well just trying to get things like firefox and xine and to have amao15:40
YippMNamarok play mp3 it needs ffmpeg lib and they all show bresk hmm, unless i'm not seeing things right15:41
KRF!codecs | YippMN15:41
ubottuYippMN: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:41
ForgeAusbeing a mostly windows user I still can't seem to get used to using Ark...15:43
ForgeAusit does stuff I don't want it to do and I can't seem to get it to do what I do want it to do lol15:43
ForgeAusgotta change the single clicking policy first of all15:43
YippMNhmm well shouldn't it be simple to just tell adept manager i want so and so package and it gets it?15:44
DragnslcrYippMN- it is, but you apparently have something weird happening15:45
tortoiseheadbut you have to add the repositories for the codecs, most likely15:45
ForgeAusnot quite15:45
DragnslcrYippMN- what packages does it say will break?15:46
YippMNok so i searched for ffmepg to install it, and in the list i request install and it shows break install , now do i have to somehoe select all the libs and dependencies too?15:46
ForgeAusI recommend VLC :)15:46
anthonyb7>HELLO WORLD15:47
anthonyb7Has any body have fake ap installed ????~?!!!15:47
YippMNDragnslcr: every package i can think of that i have on my machine i want to install on my friends machine , like firefox and xine and a few others15:48
anthonyb7all dont answer at once15:48
YippMNDragnslcr: this is a brand new install of kubuntu15:49
YippMNDragnslcr: i'm new to kubuntu and adept, i run gentoo on my machine and portage works nice but wanted to have my friend who is new to linux use kubuntu to get used to linux :)15:49
anthonyb7"ANYBODY" used fake ap before????15:50
DragnslcrYippMN- that's really bizarre. Do you have any packages installed that aren't from the repositories?15:51
YippMNDragnslcr: well just what was installed with kubuntu15:52
DragnslcrWhat version did you install?15:52
DragnslcrUnfortunately I don't know offhand how to see which packages are causing the conflict15:54
mrksbrdYippMN: did u see the commands I posted earlier?15:54
DragnslcrYou might try running update and upgrade without installing anything new15:54
YippMNDragnslcr:  hmm well just i guess the latest version of kubuntu , i know it's kde 3.5.9 but gotta find where the kubuntu ver is hmm15:54
tortoiseheadit should be hardy15:54
tortoiseheadif it's 3.5.9?15:54
YippMNtortoisehead: yes it is hardy:)15:55
DragnslcrI dunno what else to suggest15:55
tortoiseheadcan you update and then upgrade?15:55
tortoiseheadyou'll have a million packages to upgrade just doing that15:55
ForgeAuskde3.5.10 is in hardy backports15:55
YippMNtortoisehead:  you mean in aept manager?15:55
ForgeAusbut everyone seems to be adamant no kde3 in intrepid :(15:56
tortoiseheadyou could try it with apt-get15:56
tortoiseheadsudo apt-get update15:56
tortoiseheadthen sudo apt-get upgrade, i believe15:56
mrksbrdJUST TRY.....sudo apt-get update15:56
YippMNtortoisehead:  so just hit fetch update15:57
tortoiseheadat least you'll know if it's specific to adept15:57
mrksbrdthen .....sudo apt-get install --fix-missing15:57
DragnslcrYippMN- yes15:57
YippMNok yup did update a couple times15:57
DragnslcrYippMN- then at the bottom of the window it'll say how many packages can be upgrades15:57
DragnslcrYippMN- if there any upgrades, the Upgrade button at the top should be active15:58
YippMNhmm says there was an error dl updates hmmm15:58
tortoiseheadis this in adept or from the command line?15:59
YippMNin adept, but in cl its saying , Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)16:00
YippMNand;  Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:01
tortoiseheadwell, you have to close adept first16:01
DevourerWhy won't synaptic go away? System monitor says it's a zombie but I still see it.16:01
tortoiseheadif you want to do anything from the command line16:01
YippMNahhh makes sence16:01
DragnslcrYippMN- might be a problem with your sources file16:01
YippMNok cl update went ok16:01
tortoiseheadsudo apt-get install --fix-missing16:02
YippMNok 0 on all lists16:03
mrksbrdrun sudo apt-get upgrade16:03
Black_Monkey_gr my computer just turned off randomly again, and I have to reinstall the nvidia driver to get X to run each time. anyone know how I can fix this?16:03
YippMNran upgrade now and says 0 on everything16:04
DevourerKnotify is taking up all my CPU, how can I fix this?16:04
tortoiseheadwhen did you download this disc of kubuntu?:16:05
YippMNso now if i want to install firefox i can just do sudo apt-get firefox?16:05
tortoiseheadapt-get install firefox16:05
YippMNcouple days ago16:05
tortoiseheadit still seems strange that there are no updates16:06
YippMNtortoisehead:  says invalid operation firefox :)16:06
tortoiseheadthere are ALWAYS updates16:06
tortoiseheadsudo apt-get install firefox16:06
YippMNahh yes forgot install in the command , but hmmm says now;16:08
YippMNPackage firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.16:08
YippMNThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or16:08
YippMNis only available from another source16:08
YippMNHowever the following packages replace it:16:08
YippMN  firefox-216:08
YippMNE: Package firefox has no installation candidate16:08
YippMNaaakk sorry16:08
YippMNdamn paste , so this means it wants to see firefox ver 2 maybe or how about ver 316:09
mrksbrdfor some reason repos are not updating16:09
mrksbrdtry adept again ...search firefox see if you get same break install error16:10
YippMNbut if i just got this two days ago why would there have to be so many updates16:10
mrksbrdwhen you install off live cd it just install whatever is needed just to run16:11
YippMNahh i see hmm , so what would be the best way to instyall kubuntu16:11
mrksbrdyou have 2 options either cd or dvd versions16:12
mrksbrddvd version will have more to it, but will still need to run updates16:12
YippMNok did fetchupdate in adept and still not showing any upgrades or anything at the bottom but it did update ok this tyime16:13
mrksbrdhold on one sec16:15
YippMNok now when i search for firefox-2 it shows me that ans also when i search just firefox and click on firefox-2 it shows install now when i do request hmmm16:16
benbreadHey i'm having trouble with a USB sound card on Kubuntu 8.04 (64bit, i think) - the card is "Asonic External USB2.0 8 Channel Sound Card", it is detected in kmix, the mute and volume buttons work but there is no sound output from the device, reviews of the device say it works under Ubuntu but i can't get it working (ALSA), can anyone help? Thanks :) (PS please put alsoconf back into kubuntu)16:16
teddy_can someone help me? I installed libsdl-pulse audio when i had -alsa previously, and now sdl apps have no sound. I reinstalled the alsa version and it didn't fix it16:17
YippMNmrksbrd: ok firfox is istalling now :)16:17
YippMNguess i jjsthave to be specific on each package name16:19
YippMNso how does adept work when there are a nuber of libs and so on that are neede for say xine16:21
mrksbrdu can also just typing first few letters16:21
YippMN i select xine-ui and it show break16:21
mrksbrdusually once you select 'request install' it will automatically include dependencies16:22
mrksbrdthat is when you select main package16:22
mrksbrdlet me search for it ....I had same problem b4, forget how i corrected it......give me a few mins16:23
YippMNin atails for xine-ui , it shows a list of required files , but if i request in stall it shows break yet hmm this shouldn't be this hard16:24
tortoiseheadgotta get going16:25
tortoiseheadthanks to everyone for their patience16:26
mrksbrdsee ya tortoise16:26
mrksbrdYippMN: try this then paste it in pastebin....link is on top of page......sudo aptitude install kdm16:27
YippMNso what should this do then16:28
mrksbrdwill tell you what is needed & not needed16:29
YippMNmrksbrd: http://rafb.net/p/1zY3IC22.html16:30
YippMNdoesn't look like it did anything16:31
=== sorin_ is now known as sorin__
mrksbrdk hold on16:34
sorin__am probleme cu kununtum16:35
bazhang!fr | sorin__16:37
ubottusorin__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr16:37
sorin__no speak englis16:37
bazhangsorin__, /join #kubuntu-fr16:37
mrksbrdYippMN: try this....sudo dpkg --configure -a16:39
benbreadDoes anyone know the location of the alsa config file?16:40
mrksbrdthis will repair broken pkgs16:40
sorin__  ... I welcome a problem .. kubuntum not really know how to do partitile16:40
sorin__Tuesday who could help16:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:41
YippMNmrksbrd:  ok did that command and didn't see any output16:41
mrksbrdyou won't16:41
mrksbrdsee if u still get error16:42
=== kim__ is now known as daresbalat
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:42
YippMNmrksbrd:  doing apt-get install xine-ui , it shows a lib dependency and says broken paakge and says but thastlib will not be installed16:44
mrksbrdtry from terminal16:45
YippMNhat was in terminal16:45
sorin__  which is the Romanian ubuntum16:46
mrksbrdbut are u still getting break error in adept16:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rom16:46
YippMNromania is RO16:46
sorin__yes romania16:46
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro16:46
sorin__  do not speak English very well and are in romania16:47
sorin__Thanks very much16:48
YippMNhmm this shouldn't be this hard if someone new doesn't know to come here if they are tryig kubuntu , hmm , i should be able to use adept and just have it install xine and not have to pick out all the dependencies right?16:49
YippMNmrksbrd:  i select gxine or xine-ui thos are the two you need to run xine hmm and they both show break16:49
MachinTrucChoseHi...can someone tell me if it's possible to only allow a single session per user? It's just too confusing for my parents. I want a more Windows-like behavior, so that user "Bob" can only be logged in once, and if he tries to login again, it resumes his old session instead of starting a new one. If Kubuntu can't do this, can someone recommend another distro that does?16:49
sorin__are very few users on ro16:50
scifihi im having trouble with kdewallet not saving/accepting my password, can someone advise me on this please??16:50
mrksbrdYippMN: don't know if GENTOO is the same as far as it goes as installs, but I've noticed sometimes U may have to re-install a couple of times to get a perfect install16:51
YippMNmrksbrd:  well in gentoo you ues portage in command line , and do , emerge -pv xine , and it will show what it will get including all dependencies and then you just take out the -pv which is pretend,verbose, and it installs everything  ":)16:53
YippMNmrksbrd:  are you saying i need to install kubuntu a couple times?16:53
YippMNmrksbrd:  hmm when i have adept show details of gxine, it does list package relationships, i guess all the dendent libs and such, so how do i get it to install all the dependencies then16:55
mrksbrdMachinTrucChuse: what are you looking to do bypass login16:56
mrksbrdYippMN: that could be a huge list16:58
MachinTrucChosemrksbrd: no...I just need to ensure that in this multi-user setup, if user Bob had a session, then user Jeff took over the computer and logged in (locking the Bob session), and then when Jeff was finished Bob tried to log in again, that Bob doesn't end up with two different "Bob" sessions.16:59
MachinTrucChoseI'm not talking about resuming sessions in the way Kubuntu means it, but in the way Windows means it. SAME processes, not loading a saved snapshot a second time.16:59
MachinTrucChosefor example, Firefox will not run if Bob already has a different session with Firefox open.  Makes it unusable.17:00
YippMNmrksbrd:  hmm this silly it shouldn't be this hard to just install some new packages17:00
YippMNmrksbrd:  so do i need to reinstall kubuntu again to get things working righr?17:01
mrksbrdYippMN: your right but sometimes the install "burps" & causes future issues.....it really is a good learning platform though17:01
YippMNmrksbrd:  and another thing hmm , i can't get kppp to work with the hardware modem , hmm i used to use it on my machine before i got dsl17:02
YippMNmrksbrd:  so have you seen this burp on istall before with kubuntu , yeah i agree it should a good distro for my friend to learn on17:02
mrksbrdMachinTrucChose: it shouldn't because everything with this is user specific17:03
MachinTrucChosemrk: it says "Firefox is already running."17:04
mrksbrdYipp yes seen it a few times myself, would just install a few things...make sure everything looks good then go for it17:04
MachinTrucChosein any case, I want to reduce confusion. Is it possible or not to make it one-session-per-user.17:04
mrksbrdit's a pain in the butt, but solves alot of headaches later17:05
YippMNmrksbrd:  ok thanks guess i'll pop the cd in againand do a niother install , maybe it was cause i had kubuntu loaded running live cd and maybe i should just do install right from the start17:05
YippMNmrksbrd:  hanks17:06
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
mefisto__YippMN: have you tried removing the conflicting packages, then install xine-ui ?17:07
mehmetyo yo!17:09
mrksbrdmefisto: i think he also has a few underlying issues as well17:11
mehmetanyone knows a good website for linux hacking? :)17:11
Black_Monkey_my computer has randomly turned off 3 times in the past day, and each time I've had to reinstall the nvidia driver to make X start. can anyone help?17:12
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mehmetim newbie on konversation17:18
mehmetwhere are the channels man?17:18
mehmetwhat are all these ppl doing here?17:18
letalislinux hacking?17:19
mehmetje :)17:19
mehmettools etc17:19
mehmetim good at coding and stuff... i ve used ubuntu... now using kubuntu17:19
mehmetlinux is gr8 man! amazin17:20
mehmetfuck windows17:20
mdikhacking like programming or like breaking into random networks?17:20
mehmetnow wanna hack som stuff17:20
jpds!ohmy | mehmet17:20
ubottumehmet: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:20
jpdsmehmet: kernelnewbies.org17:20
mehmeti know what is hacking17:20
mdikmehmet: i asked in which sense _you_ meant it17:21
mehmetlike breaking into ppl who downloaded childporn etc17:21
mehmetalso breaking into my ex's :)17:21
jpdsWhat would be the point of that?17:21
mehmetwhich one?17:22
Roeyjpds:  heya17:22
mdikmehmet, wrong channel...17:22
jpdshello Roey17:22
mehmetok whateva man17:22
mehmetteach me this konversation stuff17:22
mehmethow do i list channels17:22
mehmethow to subscribe autoconnect etc17:22
Roeyjpds:  your nickname shares letters with "Jewish Private Day School" here in the DC area17:23
mehmetlol ^^17:23
jpdsmehmet: /msg Alis help list17:23
jpdsRoey: So?17:23
mehmetthat is nice thanx17:23
Roeyjpds:  oh, I just thought you were possibly of the DC area17:23
Roeyjpds:  but anyway!  Heya still :)17:23
mdikmehmet, if you want to learn more about IRC, press F1 or try using irssi17:24
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:24
mehmetdoh... sry17:24
jpdsmrksbrd: No warez here.17:25
mefisto__mehmet: window menu, channel list (or press F517:25
mehmetmefisto thank you so much17:25
mehmetsry for the spam like text :D17:25
mrksbrdjpds: where did I refer to warez17:26
bazhangmrksbrd, you dont17:26
mehmetthat was me :D17:26
bazhang!piracy > mrksbrd17:27
ubottumrksbrd, please see my private message17:27
jpdsmrksbrd: "!list" is used in some channels to list warez.17:27
ForgeAushehe the !list command does17:27
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:27
ForgeAusperhaps he meant /list ?17:27
ForgeAus(typo? or habit using ! instead?)17:27
ForgeAusI guess its also worth noting not ALL file sharing is warez...17:29
mrksbrdjpds: yes I know, been around here long enough to realize that.....was refering to mehmet asking about channel lists17:29
mehmetopen source is like a good sex, because its better when you do it free XD17:29
jpds!ot | mehmet17:29
ubottumehmet: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!17:29
bazhangmehmet, please take chat elsewhere.17:30
mehmeteasy guys...17:30
bazhangthis is not the chat channel.17:30
mehmetwhat are all these ppl doing here then?17:30
mrksbrdtech issues17:30
bazhangthis is kubuntu support mehmet17:31
mehmetchating on tech issues?17:31
=== mehmet is now known as phreak-
mrksbrdnot chatting....people helping others resolve issues17:31
phreak-i seee17:31
phreak-ok thank you for everything... sorry for any inconvenience17:32
phreak-peace out guys.17:32
=== phreak- is now known as mehmet
x-X-xwhat button is meta?17:34
jpdsx-X-x: the windows key.17:34
ForgeAusif I dist-upgrade to gutsy is there any way I can get fully updated packages instead of having to dist-update then update again?17:39
ForgeAussorry dist-upgrade then update to newer package versions17:40
ForgeAus(still gotta remember to keep an old kernel for the hardy dist-upgrade because the gutsy one doesn't work)17:41
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=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
starenka'allo: how can i prevent echo to make a newline? f.e here http://pastebin.com/d4bdda70a17:47
KRFstarenka, man echo17:48
=== freaky[t] is now known as fReAkY[t]
starenkaKRF: it support only trailing newline17:50
starenkaKRF: i need also the intiating one17:50
starenkaif you catch my drift17:50
starenkalook @ the paste17:51
KRFi dont think that'll work17:51
starenkais there any other way how to concat program outputs with strings (other than echo)?17:52
sorin_care este ma17:53
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro17:53
KRFstarenka, in python it'd be sys.out.write()17:54
KRFerr, no17:54
starenkaKRF: yep, but .... you know...17:54
KRFthats java17:54
starenkaKRF: i can make it in python, but it looks ridicolous to use python for just running commands and concat strings17:55
YippMNmrksbrd:  hey i tried to install kubuntu from the start menu of kubuntu , but it seems as if it can't get kdm to run hmm , would it not like an older monitor?17:55
starenkaKRF: it's print "what"17:55
YippMNmrksbrd:  or i should say i wanted to install from the first menu that come up , asking to try kubuntu or install17:55
arkarai need to edit my fstab i order to mount an ntfs partition as a user from both terminal and gui17:55
starenkaarkara: /dev/sda1       /windows/c      ntfs-3g 0       017:56
YippMNmrksbrd:  i imagine reinstaling it from the first menu would be better then from running on ther live cd?17:57
starenkaarkara: change sdax and mount path to suit you17:57
arkarawith no options?17:58
mehmetkardesh external hdd mi calismiyo?17:58
mehmetflash disk fln hesagbi17:58
sorin_help mee17:58
mrksbrdYippMN: yes17:58
bazhangmehmet, english please17:58
mehmetok ok i shut up17:59
mehmetppl dont like me17:59
mehmetlanguage is turkish17:59
bazhang!tr | mehmet17:59
ubottumehmet: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tu17:59
=== YippMN is now known as but
bazhangmehmet, /join #ubuntu-tr18:00
=== but is now known as YippMN
YippMNmrksbrd:  if i selct to install kubuntu from that first menu when the cd boots it gets to staring kdm and stalls hmm doesn't it like an older monitor18:01
mrksbrdmonitor shouldn't have anything to do with it18:02
YippMNmrksbrd:  well it says starting kdm and something else and then just sits there and the cd spins down after a minute18:03
mrksbrdyou still have ability to d/l an iso?18:03
YippMNyes i'm useing my dsl modem on this machine18:03
mrksbrddownload & burn alternate iso of kubuntu18:04
knkdесть хто живой?18:04
coreymon77english please18:05
mehmetknkd, english please18:05
mrksbrdalternate is a text based install18:05
bazhang!ru | knkd18:05
ubottuknkd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:05
bazhangknkd, /join #ubuntu-ru18:06
YippMNmrksbrd:  you want me to instal kubuntu by hand?? oh god no hehe18:06
mrksbrdYippMN: throw your live cd out the window18:06
knkdaga uzge18:06
bazhangno problem18:07
YippMNthaqts why i wanted to use the installer for kubuntu , so my friend could do it too if he had to18:07
mrksbrdit's still easy to do just a few more easy ?'s18:07
mrksbrdit's easy....trust me18:07
mrksbrdjust not gui based18:08
YippMNso where do i get the alternate cd18:08
YippMNakk can't dl it on his maching here theresnow burner :)18:08
mrksbrdlook for alternate iso18:08
GladyI thought it was what u wanted18:09
mrksbrdlol....batting a thousand18:09
GladyI dont understand anything here18:10
mrksbrdGlady: what are u looking to do?18:10
bazhangGlady, this is kubuntu support; do you have a support question?18:11
GladyI think I didnt understand anything18:11
YippMNmrksbrd:  ok i se how i can get the alternate , but gotta go back to my machine and dl and burn it :)) will it work ok installing it that way when i have kubuntu allready installed , i suppose it will format hmm?18:12
mrksbrdYippMN: yes will do a complete format18:13
YippMNmrksbrd:  iok tanks :)18:13
mrksbrdYippMN: don't give up we'll get it working for ya18:13
=== magical_trevsky is now known as magical
mefisto__yippMN is gone?18:21
mefisto__installing from a usb drive might have been a solution http://clintthewookie.wordpress.com/2008/06/15/installing-kubuntu-from-a-usb-drive/18:22
mrksbrdlol....his luck he probably didn't have one with him18:27
manohey all... how do i configure the kicker to show only current windows instead of all windows in all virtual desktops?18:29
manoi mean windows in current desktop18:29
PhilRodmano: right-click on panel->configure panel -> taskbar18:29
* PhilRod thinks that not having the panel config in systemsettings is a mistake18:30
manoPhilRod, and what would the option be?18:30
mefisto__mano: the first box18:31
manomefisto__, mmmm i dont see any box with what i want to do...18:32
mefisto__mano: turn off "show windows from all desktops"18:33
manoi dont have that option... im using spanish is that why?18:33
mefisto__mano: don't know. are you using kde3?18:34
manomefisto__, yes kde318:35
mefisto__mano: so what's the first box in the taskbar section in your spanish version?18:35
manosort windows alphabetically18:36
azzimut hi there! have a problem and need help! ;) i have a Roland Edirol PC-50 keabord and i'd like to play it in ubuntu but i have problems to get it installed properly and also with the sound configuration of my computer... could anyone in here help me?18:36
manomefisto__, sort windows alphabetically18:37
manomefisto__, no idea?18:39
mefisto__mano: I'm looking to find where that setting is stored in .kde18:40
manomefisto__, ok thanks18:40
lesergihi all18:45
lesergihi all18:45
lesergiI want to upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid18:45
lesergiI've changed hardy to intrepid entries from sources.list18:46
lesergidoing aptitude full-upgrade will upgrades hardy to intrepid?18:46
manomefisto__, ive uninstalled language pack es ill see if now it shows the option18:47
aanderseis there any reported problems with qt4 in hardy?18:47
manomefisto__, where did u tell me that option was?18:48
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DarkriftXis there a way to tell your kicker how many rows to use in your taskbar? i made my kicker large, but it made the buttons smaller trying to fit 3 rows, id like to have 218:56
knkdwoT fak compilit' pad WeNDu cherez MINGW32 ? bI ?18:58
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ForgeAusdoes k3b handle .MDF files?19:07
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mrksbrdgood ?19:07
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mrksbrdForgeAus: should be able to check out that link19:09
ForgeAuskewl K3B does it treats mdf as an iso... but what of the mds? doesn't quite mention it there19:12
ForgeAusanyway an .iso is what I want out of it not a physical CD so, should be good enuff for me19:12
mrksbrdmds is just like a .cue file, don't believe k3b needs it to burn it19:13
mrksbrdjust save it as a data file then19:14
ForgeAushehe whats a .cue file? (I've seen them around generally paired with a .bin)19:14
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mrksbrdbasically it is like a text file that points to the info under the other file it is associated with19:15
knkdwoT fak compilit' pad WeNDu cherez MINGW32 ? bI ?19:15
knkdwoT Kak compilit' pad WeNDu cherez MINGW32 ? bI ?19:16
mrksbrdknkd: english please19:16
ForgeAusmrksbrd you mean like metadata?19:16
knkdMINGW32 ?19:16
ForgeAusgreat :) that means its extraneous19:17
mrksbrdknkd: language u speak19:17
knkdMINGW32 + rtfm 2 me19:17
knkdmrksbrd: ua_UA ru_RU19:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ua19:18
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lo19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about io19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ba19:18
ubottu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast. #ubuntu-ir  برای فارسی زبانان می‌باشد که کانال رسمی گروه ایرانی اوبونتو است.19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yu19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qw19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about er19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oh19:19
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ml19:19
LjLpim: what the hell do you think you're doing19:19
LjL!botabuse > pim    (pim, see the private message from Ubotu)19:19
ubottupim, please see my private message19:19
knkdmrksbrd no in  #ubuntu-ru dont halp to me) ;-|19:20
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numanHi. i'm very very new in linux and i use all my life emule; so what's better emule under wine or amule? thenks19:22
pimhow do I request more info about a package via the command line?19:22
mrksbrdnuman: ktorrent19:22
ForgeAushehe you don't need wine just use kmldonkey19:22
ForgeAusmrksbrd nope torrents aren't the same19:23
numanno, please not torrents!19:23
leandrohi there, how can I see videos of real player? *.rmvb?19:23
knkdwingw32 ? bI19:23
mrksbrdoh thats right.....been a    l  o  n  g   time since i used emule19:24
knkdgorbachow perestroyka19:24
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coreymon77whats the matter with torrents19:24
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:24
coreymon77i actually like them much much better19:24
numanit's just i download singles19:24
coreymon77there are torrent singles19:25
leandroplz, can I see movies *.rmvb with ubuntu?19:25
numanand things very old19:25
leandroits possible?19:25
knkdgorbachow perestroyka19:25
coreymon77you can find torrents for many things19:25
mrksbrdis that real player extension?19:25
coreymon77knkd: english only!19:25
numani can't find torrents that old, and i'm use to emule (it's more that) it's more easy19:26
knkdcoreymon77 realy?19:26
mrksbrdknkd: if u don't speak or understand english....we cannot help you here either19:26
coreymon77knkd: in this channel its english only19:26
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knkdthis is china?19:26
coreymon77knkd: other languages are in the localized channels19:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch19:26
coreymon77knkd: no19:26
knkdmrksbrd understand!!!19:26
knkddont speak19:26
coreymon77knkd: what language?19:27
bibfrtunacompiz --replace works and i get all my fancy effects (yay), but doesn't resume on startup next time. what am i missing?19:27
numanso please what's better to you: emule under wine or amule? thenks again (not torrents please)19:27
mrksbrdknkd: then take it to chinese channel19:27
knkdmake -(comand line)? -> *.exe for mingw3219:27
mrksbrdi'm trying to help but i don't understand you either19:27
coreymon77!cn } knkd19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cn } knkd19:27
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coreymon77!cn | knkd19:28
ubottuknkd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:28
mrksbrdty corey19:28
knkdcoreymon77 china - joke))19:28
coreymon77knkd: well then what language do you speak?19:28
mrksbrdknkd if your going to play games them please leave19:28
leandrosorry, but nobody knows how can I see videos with *rmvb? rmvb = real player..19:29
mrksbrdthis is not the channel for it19:29
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mingw3219:29
coreymon77!real | leandro19:30
ubottuleandro: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:30
leandroim sad.. =\ buááá..19:30
numannobody use emule or amule?19:30
leandrocoreymon77: thnx19:30
coreymon77numan: nope, im a torrent person, but the rule of thumb is dont use wine if you dont have to19:30
knkdmingw32 - SOS19:30
coreymon77knkd: what do you want?19:31
mrksbrdleandro; i believe you can d/l it from realplayer website19:31
knkdmingw32 -> *.exe19:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tadgikistan19:31
coreymon77knkd: you cant use .exe's in linux19:31
mrksbrdknkd: are u trying to install exxe on linux19:31
knkdcoreymon77 mrksbrd *.exe -> windows | mingw32 <- linux19:32
numanyou guys just use torrents? wow!19:32
knkdmrksbrd dont install - compile19:32
coreymon77theyre much better19:32
Dragnslcrknkd- you'd be better off asking in the channel for your language19:32
coreymon77Dragnslcr: we have tried19:33
numanthen please tell me where can i find torrents of 40's Jazz19:33
DragnslcrI figured I'd try one more time before calling in the ops19:33
coreymon77numan: google19:33
numani tried with mininova, isohunt, spytorrent and piratebay19:33
leandromrksbrd: thnx19:33
numanand nothing19:33
coreymon77numan: torrents.to19:34
numannothing yet19:34
mrksbrdnuman: what prog u looking for?19:35
coreymon77anyways, time to take the dog for a walk19:36
numanp2p to download very old music19:36
mrksbrdhow old19:36
Fjkhola hay alguien que me ayude?19:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:38
mrksbrdgeez!!! thats old ....lol19:38
numanand with emule i downloaded perfectly19:38
=== PeanutHorst is now known as MidnightCommando
prowerHello :> I'm using KDE 4.1 under Ubuntu, I'm trying to figure out how to sort the desktop icons so that they aren't all over the place ;> Anyone know how to do this by any chance?20:11
pimsort icons20:12
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prowerpim: right click the desktop or the icons? I've clicked both and don't see a sort icons option on either20:12
pimwell I meant the desktop20:13
pimbut then again I'm using kde 3.5.920:13
pimso maybe go to #kde20:13
mefisto__prower: I don't think it can be done in any automatic way20:14
pimlol in kde 3 it can be doen20:15
prowermefisto__: Hmm...well that's weird :>20:17
mefisto__prower: this kind of thing (missing basic features) is mostly what's wrong with kde4. probably 4.2 will be more useable20:18
pimthat's why I'm not switching to kde4 yet20:19
mefisto__I'm surprised kubuntu 8.10 will be kde4 only20:20
prowermefisto__: Well KDE 4.1 is a big improvement over the last version,that was practically unusable :>20:20
pimwell 8.04 is LTS so we needn't worry20:20
mefisto__prower: that's true. at least it doesn't crash20:20
kain89hi @ all20:25
mrksbrdpim: actually 8.04 will only be supported till oct 2009, i believe 8.10 will be LTS20:27
kblinI'm trying to use virtualbox on amd64 hardy, running the current hardy kernel20:28
Tm_T8.04 is latest LTS, as noted in releasenotes20:28
kblinseems like there's no matching vboxdrv module. how'd I fix that, apart from rebooting into an older kernel?20:29
joebloggzhow is Xastir upgraded?20:30
mrksbrdkblin: not all that familiar with virtualbox, but is it supported under 64-bit?20:31
kblinmrksbrd: it seems so, there's modules for the -20 version of the kernel, as well as older versions20:31
kblinalso. virtualbox supports the VT bit stuff, that only exists on 64bit processors for all I know :)20:32
kblinthough I guess that'd work even on a 32bit distro installed on a 64bit processor20:32
pimmrksbrd yes it is20:34
mrksbrdyea i know there is a lib file for running 32-bit apps under 64-bit, but can't remember name of it .....sorry20:34
mrksbrdpim: maybe i'm thinking of KDE20:35
mrksbrdi know i saw it somewhere20:36
scifiHey guys, i having a problem with kdewallet not accepting/saving my password, can anyone help me on this please??????????????20:36
pimactually, I switched from 64bit Kubi to 32bit Kubi because of the better support for flash etc20:36
mrksbrdkblin: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/53420:38
kevinis there any way of knowing what teh exact name of an application is? I have to launch an application and I don't know its name. (it is to launch teh hardware drivers for my ATi graphics card)?20:40
mrksbrdkevin: what version of kubuntu 8.04?20:41
kevinkde  3.5.9 8.04.20:42
mcscruffos[Linux 2.6.24-21-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2080  @ 1.73GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 800MHz] mem[Physical: 882.7MB, 61.7% free] disk[Total: 71.4GB, 46.4% free] video[ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB]20:42
mcscruffi got them from the ati website, comes with an installer20:43
mrksbrdjust trying to get video card working to display properly?20:43
kevinATi radeon 1300.20:43
kevinPainful I know, I ought have bougtht nvidea20:43
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mrksbrdkmenu....system....hardware manager, make sure it shows your card20:44
kblinmrksbrd: I'm positive I got a 64bit version20:45
kblinthere's just no module for the latest kernel20:45
scifiwould appreciate some help on this, its quite an annoying problem!20:45
kevinshows card20:46
kevindo I have to be root to activate this card/20:47
kevinythe driver, not the card.20:47
kevinkmenu....system....hardware manager, make sure it shows your card..... this is done, and it downloading, thanks mrksbrd20:48
shane_good day all20:52
mrksbrdkblin; like i said not familiar w/vb....maybe someone else can get u up & running20:53
shane_im searching help for a friend he is using a del dimension 2350 and he is installin kubuntu on it he went through live cd and installed that way followin install and now he cant get hard drive to boot20:53
mrksbrdkevin: just make sure checkbox is checked then it might ask to reboot20:54
kblinmrksbrd: for now I've just booted into an older kernel, so I'm fine20:54
=== eric is now known as Guest31549
kevinkevin: just make sure checkbox is checked then it might ask to reboot... I did this. I only installed the system last night, and I have very little extras yet. Thanks one again for your help.20:56
mrksbrdshane: does it show anything or just blank screen?20:56
mrksbrdkevin ...np20:57
shane_it gives some errors about a cmos problem20:58
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mefisto__sounds like grub is looking in the wrong place for boot partition20:59
shane_thats what i was thinking also20:59
mrksbrdshane: try setting bios back to all default first, if that doesn't work then it's a GRUB issue21:00
mefisto__I would look into grub first, and leave bios alone21:00
shane_he origanaly did the install on a ide 60 gig but he also had a 500 sata atached im wondering if he didnt make an error in the partition but i have asked him to unplug the sata and reboot and he gets an error now on cmos originally it was a hard drive21:01
mefisto__shane_: you can edit the grub boot parameters by pressing the "e" key and correcting which partition it's trying to boot from. once you get it to boot, edit menu.lst to make the change permanent21:02
mefisto__shane_: so the cmos error happens before the grub menu appears?21:05
verveis there a way to stop games from entirely stealing focus and making KDE keyboard shortcuts unusable?21:06
vervelike Quake, etc21:06
mrksbrdmefisto: i believe so, thats why i told him to default the bios first, may not be seeing hdd21:07
shane_mefisto__: it happens whil the computer is still checking system it gives a cmos error and a f1 to continue and f2 to enter menu21:07
shane_f1 locks the system up and he didnt understand f221:07
shane_i had him clear cmos and didnt do a thing21:07
mrksbrdbut he can see bios settings right?21:08
shane_i will reset bios as soon as i get there im sure it is just a siimple error he made while trying to keep his sata as a device21:08
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shane_im not even sure he called me up a lil while ago and said he needs help,tryed explaining but he wasnt so clear21:09
mrksbrdcause the f1 & f2 are locked in the bios & cannot be changed unless you hack the bios21:10
shane_im thinking reset bios and clear cmos then insure he did the partition correctly on the 50021:10
shane_kk thanks for the tips and ill get on my way,i just wanted to make sure this wasnt another dell isue21:11
shane_have a good day all21:11
mefisto__grub often gets ide and sata confused. ie the disk order isn't always what you'd expect21:11
pimhe's gone already mefisto_21:12
mrksbrdyea but why would he be getting that f1 & f2 error21:12
mrksbrdthe guy might not just be doing something properly21:13
pimor he did something terribly wrong21:13
pimlike spilling coffee on the inside of his laptop21:13
mrksbrdbut your right if he had both plugged in then i would agree grub issue21:13
pimI can't think of many ways to screw up your bios21:14
pimbut that is one of them21:14
mrksbrdwhat...just doing something wron?21:15
pimno spilling coffee on the inside21:15
pimor a bios that is no good21:15
pimor a failed bios update21:15
pimhardware failure21:16
pimthat's about it21:16
pimI had a faulty bios once21:16
pimit wouldn't boot properly, so I flashed it21:16
pimguess what happened?21:16
mrksbrdafter all it is a dell21:16
pimmy soundcard didn't work anymore21:16
pimsort of21:16
pimI had someone replace it21:16
pimit was still under warrantee21:16
mrksbrdlucky u21:17
pimI couldn't keep the old card21:17
pimthey were going to test it I think21:17
mrksbrdthey probably just threw it out21:18
pimmost likely yes21:18
mrksbrdanyone use 4.121:18
mefisto__I'm using 4.1 now21:18
pimkde 4.1?21:18
mrksbrdi kinda like it over v421:20
mrksbrdlooks like they made alot of improvements21:20
veritas_does anyone have problems playing mkv files?21:20
mrksbrdi was a little nervous @ first21:20
veritas_4.1 is still buggy as hell though21:21
veritas_though not as buggy as 4.021:21
veritas_4.0 was just unusable21:21
veritas_the graphics card is the main issue right now21:21
veritas_Nvidia drivers don't seem to like 4.1 very much21:22
pimfirst read and then buy/use21:22
veritas_playing a MKV file is near impossible21:22
mefisto__veritas_: can you point us to a mkv file somewhere? I don't have one to try out21:22
veritas_mefisto__: mainly any of the anime MKV files21:23
veritas_mefisto__:  http://tracker.anirena.com/download.php?id=13297 <-- plays flawlessly in ubuntu and windoze, but really slow and choppy in KDE21:23
veritas_i've got a Quadro 570M  on a dual core 2.5ghz21:25
veritas_so I shouldn't have any problem playing a 300mb 30 minute MKV file21:25
Lonewolf3000I need help seting up a driver for my Atheros Mini PCI/PCIe Wireless card21:31
qirLyou need fuck21:31
mrksbrdis it an aircard (ie..sprint...verizon)?21:32
pimqirL behave yourself please21:33
Lonewolf3000hi I need help with settinup my Atheros Mini PCI/PCIe Wireless card21:35
mrksbrdLonewolf3000: is it a cell card or wifi?21:36
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leneahow can i get to the accoung managing screen by using only run(alt+F2)?21:38
mrksbrdany particular model lonewolf3000?21:39
Lonewolf3000I dont know off hand21:40
mrksbrdtype lspci in terminal...see if it is listed21:40
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Lonewolf3000what will i be looking for21:42
mrksbrdsomething with Atheros in it21:42
Lonewolf3000Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc.: Unknown device 0 01c(rev 01)21:43
mrksbrddo you know how to use pastebin here?21:44
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.21:45
stamenhello, I have a question about hard disk on dell laptop21:45
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stamenis it normal for the HDD to bump the head on the first position21:47
stamenit sounds like there are bad sectors and the head is parked21:47
mrksbrdclick this link http://paste.ubuntu.com & copy & paste what the lspci returned in terminal21:48
stamenand after that it starts to read the info again?21:48
mrksbrdclick submit & paste link in channel it gives u21:48
mrksbrdwhat do u mean "bump the head"?21:49
mrksbrdLonewolf3000: you have like 6 things that are not recognized21:53
Lonewolf3000is there a way get them working21:54
mrksbrdlol...alot of work......what are u using now?21:54
mrksbrdas far as ethernet21:55
Lonewolf3000on sec and i will check21:55
knkdfucking Mingw3221:55
mrksbrdusing wired or wifi21:56
mrksbrdknkd: if your going to keep doing this take yourself somewhere else21:56
mrksbrdusing the realtek built in?21:56
Lonewolf3000that sounds right21:57
mrksbrdhmm thats weird cause what u pasted it doesn't recognize that either21:57
mrksbrdthat's one of the 621:58
mrksbrdanyway...lets get back to your original prob21:58
mrksbrdis it an express card or reg pmcia card21:59
madohi guys ...22:00
madois it just my systm or do you also have problems writing the letter 'e' ??22:00
Daisuke_Idoit's probably your keyboard.22:01
madoi don't know why but it can't use it at the moment ...22:01
madono ... it's not the keyboard ... because ...22:01
knkdWell pancake how compile Busybox under Windows by Mingw32? (fuck)22:01
madoi can press it in the search-field of the k-menu22:02
madothe 'e's you see here are inserted with ctrl+V22:02
madowhat could possibly be wrong?22:03
mrksbrdlonewolf3000: here is the driver link http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=82936&package_id=85233&release_id=57612122:03
Daisuke_Idodo you have it bound to something else by accident?22:03
mrksbrdmefisto__: u still here22:04
benbreadHi where is the alsa config file (usually /etc/modules.d/alsa) on kubunta? cheers :22:04
mefisto__mrksbrd: still here22:04
madono ... i haven't messed with something like that22:04
mrksbrdu any good with .tar files?22:04
mefisto__not really. what's up?22:05
mrksbrdme neither lonewolf3000 will need help compiling driver for his wifi card22:05
Lonewolf3000now how do i install it now22:05
mrksbrdworking on it for u lone22:06
Lonewolf3000ok this will also help with the firefox i downloaded22:07
mefisto__Lonewolf3000: which one did you download? the bz2 or gz?22:08
madofunny ... really funny ... it worked before!22:08
madoand now it doesn't22:08
madoi don't get it22:08
mrksbrdfirefox u can d/l thru adept, will be auto installed22:09
mrksbrdlets worry about your first prob22:09
mefisto__ark opens/extracts the bz222:10
madono one with an idea???22:11
mrksbrdlonewolf ... did u d/l the first or 2nd link on that page?22:11
neWbiehello, why cant i upload an image on imageshack?22:11
madoshould i install the whole kubuntu again??22:11
ActionParsnipmefisto__: you can do it at cli with tar xjvf example.tar.bz222:12
mrksbrdgoto location where it downloaded22:12
ActionParsnipmado: whats up?22:12
mrksbrdright click & unzip22:12
madoActionParsnip, ... i can't use the letter 'e' ... currently i have to insert it with ctrl+V22:13
ActionParsnipmado: wow crazy...whats in your xorg.conf for ketyboard layout?22:13
madoit's no keyboard-error ... it can't be ... - it worked before22:13
neWbiehello, why cant i upload an image on imageshack?22:13
ActionParsnipneWbie: you got flash?22:14
ActionParsnipmado: well now it doesnt so we have to deal with it22:14
neWbiei downloaded it22:14
neWbieand installed it22:14
ActionParsnipneWbie: does it work ok? does youtube et al work22:14
mefisto__mado: does 'e' work in konsole?22:15
mrksbrdlonewolf....any luck22:15
Lonewolf3000ok it is unziped'22:15
madono mefisto__ ... it stopped working everywhere!22:15
neWbiewell, let's say everytime i use youtube there's always a fram prob but yes it works22:15
mrksbrdok open terminal again22:15
neWbie(for frame prob i mean the image is divided in lines, weird cuz i correctly installed the nvidia drivers)22:16
ActionParsnipmado: can we see your xorg.conf please22:16
mrksbrdgo to unziped directory22:16
ActionParsnip!paste | mado22:16
ubottumado: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:16
Lonewolf3000I sill have it open22:16
madoof course ... but please tell me first if you mean ... /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?22:16
mrksbrdcd <directory Name>22:16
madoi'm a g22:16
ActionParsnipmado: yes, thats the only one :D22:17
madook :)22:17
neWbieso how come i cant upload images?22:17
mrksbrdonce in the unzipped directory type ./configure22:18
ActionParsnipneWbie: try killall firefox; mv ~/.mozilla ~/mozilla.old; firefox &22:18
neWbiewhat is it ActionParnsip?22:19
ActionParsnipneWbie: itll close all firefoxes, rename your firefox config files, then rerun firefox which will give you a stock firefox profile with no complications, try it then22:19
madoActionParsnip, and mefisto__ ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/42244/22:19
ActionParsnipmado: are you german?22:20
neWbiewill it remove bookmarks and stuff?22:20
mrksbrdActionParsnip: do you have an easy driver compiling link for lonewolf to follow22:20
madono ... austrian ... why?22:20
ActionParsnipneWbie: yes, but we're only renaming to test, we can rename back if we gain nothing22:20
ActionParsnipmado: Option"XkbLayout""de"22:20
neWbieok, im trying it then22:21
ActionParsnipmado: do you have a special keyboard or is it a standard uk qwerty one?22:21
madoit's a standard qwrtz like the germans use :)22:21
mrksbrdlonewolf...does it it have a file in there named install?22:22
madosorry ... should have known before that you asked for that22:22
mefisto__mado: does the keyboard have a battery? is it cordless?22:22
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madowell guys ... i'm sitting on a notebook :)22:23
mrksbrdtry ./install22:23
madomefisto__, i22:23
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ActionParsnipmado: just checkin22:23
madocheckin what ActionParsnip ?22:24
ActionParsnipmado: try commenting out Xkbmodel and reboot22:24
ActionParsnipmado: make sure you had the right language for your keyboard22:24
Lonewolf3000not letting me22:24
mrksbrdi hate tar files22:24
dr_Willisthe 'unp' command comes in handy. :)22:24
madoActionParsnip, ... but how can this problem occur ... the letter 'e' worked about 30 minutes perfectly22:25
neWbieActionParnsip nothing changed... can you write me the command to rename and make everything as it was plz?22:25
ActionParsnipmado: try running xev to check the button isnt faulty22:25
* mrksbrd guesses mado hit the "e" key too many times22:25
ActionParsnipneWbie: no problemo22:25
madomrksbrd, ... pardon??22:26
madotoo many times??22:26
madouuuh ... ok :)22:26
ActionParsnipneWbie: killall firefox; rm -rf ./.mozilla; mv ./mozilla.old ./.mozilla; firefox &22:26
madosorry ... i'm currently taking nearly everything seriously22:26
mrksbrddr_Willis: can u help lonewolf3000 w/a.tar file....I suck @ them22:26
neWbiewhere can i learn that stuff?22:27
hardyI now have both a .kde and .kde4 folders, and I have kmail messages distributed between the two of them, is it safe just to copy the messages from the cur,new,tmp of all the folders of one to the other?22:27
neWbiethank you by the way22:27
ActionParsnipneWbie: what stuff?22:27
ActionParsnipneWbie: np man22:27
neWbieall these commands22:27
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dr_Willismrksbrd,  depedns on what hes doing with it. :) i tend to cheat and use 'mc' to manage tar's or 'unp' to unpack them22:27
ActionParsnipneWbie: if you use cli instead of gui you pick it up22:27
neWbieon the guides is not well explained22:27
madoActionParsnip, ---> lik* this? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/42246/22:27
neWbiecli ?22:27
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neWbiewhatz that?22:27
ActionParsnipneWbie: cp = copy, mv = move and also rename22:27
the_keeperjust a nick22:27
mrksbrdtrying to get his Arteros wifi driver installed but in .tar format22:27
mrksbrdhe has it unzipped ....just needs to install it22:28
madolike this -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/42246/ ??22:28
ActionParsnipmado: exactly like that, you'll need kdesu to do it (or sudo if you use nano or vi etc)22:28
dr_Willismrksbrd,  good luck with that.. :) i found 100+ft of cat6 in sale last week.. my house is all wired now.22:28
ActionParsnipmrksbrd: doesnt it work with restricted drivers?22:28
madook ... i savd it now ... now i will rboot ... ok?22:28
ActionParsnipmado: totally22:28
ActionParsnipmado: if its bad, just uncomment22:28
ActionParsnipmado: then reboot, and yuo will be back22:29
mrksbrdsee's the card but no other info on it....let me try to find his pastebin for ya22:29
madook ... s _ _ ... you guys soon22:29
hardyHi, any one suffer this .kde and .kde4 mess?22:29
ActionParsnipmrksbrd: can you give us a pastebin of lspci22:29
ActionParsniphardy: yes as not all apps are kde4 friendly, so you have kde3 libs as well22:30
DarkriftXwhat package do i need for my C compiler to be able to make executables22:30
hardyActionParsnip: but now I have my kmail messages distributed between the two of them, is it safe just to copy the messages from the cur,new,tmp of all the folders of one to the other?22:30
mrksbrdthere is his pastebin....lonewolf I have to go for now but will be back on in prolly an hr or so...........sorry22:31
ActionParsniphardy: I dont use it so have no idea, you could back them up and give it a go, then you can roll back22:31
hardyActionParsnip: ok, I would give it a shot thanks22:32
ActionParsniphardy: make copies in your ~/ and have fun, if its bad, copy back22:32
dr_WillisHmm.. weird.. Got a windows drive mounted with ntfs-3g. root user can access/delete files and SOME directories.. but not all.. mc gives 'error 95 not permitted'  can ntfs some how have directories super-protected or somthing? silly 'My Documents' directory wont delete!22:32
* mrksbrd will be back in an hr or so......22:32
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: if the file / folder has funky permissions then you cant touch it22:33
dr_Willisrmdir 'My Music'22:33
dr_Willisrmdir: failed to remove `My Music': Operation not supported22:33
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: like mydocs22:34
dr_Willisthis is a vista-ntfs.  ive never noticed this on XP ntfs's befor.22:34
dr_WillisI love how 'My Music' is so CRITICAL.. that it cent be deleted! while somthing like  windows/Justaboutanything   can be. :)22:35
dr_WillisLogical eh. :)22:35
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: its all about permissions and read / write permissions etc22:35
ActionParsnipi gtg peeps22:35
mefisto__dr_Willis: what about sudo rm -r 'My Music'22:36
madoActionParsnip, ... mefisto__ ... at the moment it works :)22:36
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madoi can press the letter 'e' :)22:36
dr_Willismefisto__,  the directory is empty.22:36
dr_WillisLooks like its some sort of protection  ntfs is doing.22:37
mefisto__mado: any special keys that were working before, that don't work now?22:37
OzoneNerdHow would one add a startup command?22:37
ubottuTo make programs start up automatically when you log into your KDE session, run all programs that you want to be started and close all other programs, then select 'Save Session' in the K menu. Alternatively, create a !symlink to the wanted program in ~/.kde/Autostart - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:37
madohmm ... don't know ... but the "print"-button didn't work before and after the uncommenting of the line in the file22:37
dr_Willisdepends on the command and what you doing exactly OzoneNerd22:38
madothe "print"-button normally starts "ksnapshot"22:38
OzoneNerdthanks, ubottu*22:38
Smokey1hey people. What is that scim applet and how do I get it to stop what it is doing?22:38
Smokey1It keeps messing up my keyboard settings22:38
mefisto__mado: try editing the menu and add a keyboard shortcut to ksnapshot22:39
madook ... thank you for that ... and erm ...22:39
Smokey1I have the normal keyboard layout applet which (in my case) let's me choose between USA and USA (intl) keyboard layouts22:39
madothere is a message displayed ... after i log in ...22:39
madoit disappears quickly22:39
madobut i could see it has something to do with the sound22:40
Smokey1but then I also have this skim applet which let's me choose between Other - English/European and ENglish/KEyboard22:40
Smokey1somehow that's gets set to English/Keyboard sometimes, messing up my keyboard layout22:40
Smokey1when I then reset it to Other -English/European, everything is ok again22:40
Lonewolf3000Does any one know how to install tar files22:41
Smokey1but after a while, it gets set back to English/Keyboard22:41
Smokey1Lonewolf3000: you don't install them22:41
Smokey1they are archives, like zip22:41
Smokey1you unpack them22:41
Smokey1just doubleclick them and you should get an archive manager that lets you unpack them to a folder of your choice22:42
madomefisto__, do you have an idea which short-cut i should use for ksnapshot?22:42
Smokey1if someone provided a program inside a tar file for you to install, than you should read their documentation on how to install them22:42
Smokey1often the docs are in the tarfile in a textfile like INSTALL.txt or something22:43
dr_Willistar xzvf whatever.tgz22:43
dr_Williscd DIRETORYItMade22:43
Smokey1if you are comfortable with the shell :)22:43
dr_Willis./configure && make   (look for errors) :)22:43
madooy ... mefisto__ ... the short_cut-function doesn't work!!22:43
dr_Willisif you are not gouing to use the shell.. then give up on compiling from source...22:44
madoi tried it out with "windows_symbol + F12"22:44
Smokey1that is true, you have to start sometimes though :)22:44
dr_WillisPeople need to get past this 'phear the shell' fetish22:44
mefisto__mado: the printscreen/sysrq button?22:44
Smokey1dr_Willis: true22:44
dr_Willisor.... 'sudo apt-get install unp'22:44
dr_Willisunp Aboutanyarchiveyoucanfind.whatever.extension22:44
WaR|OcKhi all22:45
madoyes mefisto__ ;)22:45
WaR|OcKi've installed the newest version of kubuntu yesterday and something goes a bit wrong: the option to install widgets is missing from the add widgets window22:46
mefisto__mado: the shortcut is working?22:46
WaR|OcKany ideas?22:46
madono ... it doesn't work mefisto__22:46
* dr_Willis wonders 'what add widgits' window...22:46
mefisto__mado: does it accept the shortcut? does it show the key you entered?22:47
madoyes mefisto__22:47
WaR|OcKdr_Willis:  that's on KDE 422:47
dr_WillisWaR|OcK,  i was just about to ask that.. :)22:47
Ragnarelis someone having problems connecting to MSN Messenger with Kopete or Kmess now?22:48
mefisto__mado: and have you clicked the save button in menu editor?22:48
WaR|OcKdr_Willis: any ideas what's causing that???? it was there yesterday, but today it has just desappeared22:49
dr_WillisI dont use kde4. so No.22:49
dr_WillisKde4 is still very much a work in progress.. I can wait. :)22:49
mefisto__mado: kde4? or kde3?22:50
madokde4 ... why? mefisto__ ...22:50
mefisto__mado: I just tried it (in kde4) and it doesn't work for me either22:50
madouhuu ... i see22:50
madothen i'm glad not to be the only one with this problem :)22:51
dr_WillisKde4 is still very much a work in progress.. Is  sooo true. :)22:52
madodr_Willis, ... does this mean you should wait for it till october?22:52
dr_Willismado,  do what you want. dosent matter to me much.22:53
dr_Williskde4 will not be perfect in october. :) but it will be better I imagine22:53
dr_Willisand it will be even better-er in dec...22:53
madono ... that wasn't what i meant ... if you want to use a stable system ... it's better to use kde3 ??22:54
dr_Williskde4 is a work in progress.. :) no one ever said it was stable22:54
dr_WillisI will stick with kde3 for a long time i imagine22:55
madouhuu :) ...22:56
madook guys ... i'm sorry but i have to go away now for some hours ... see you soon22:57
* dr_Willis goes back to cleaning out his computer22:57
dr_Williswith 500+gb hd's its amazing the cruft that accumulates...22:57
mefisto__I just figured out the shortcut thing for him and he just left22:58
mefisto__I'm getting a new 500gb hd in a few days. I'm sure I'll *never* manage to fill it :)22:59
dr_WillisI now have a 500gb and 400gb hd in this box.. cleaning out cruft and reorganizing right now23:00
DarkriftXanyone know any good rpg style games for linux?23:00
dr_WillisDepends on what you want. :)23:00
dr_WillisCrossfire, theres also the old nethack, and variants,23:00
dr_Willisthen ya got all the emulators and  SNES/Dos/other games.23:01
hardyHi, How can I tell which Device driver is used for my VGA in Intrepid? xorg.conf states Section "Device"23:01
hardy        Identifier      "Configured Video Device", ??23:01
dr_WillisI wonder if 'Fate' works with wine.23:01
mefisto__hardy: what does it say on the "driver" line in that section?23:02
dr_Willis grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf ---------> Driver 'nvidia'23:02
WaR|OcKi installed kubuntu with kde4 yesterday and for some reason the Install Widgets option you get when you go to add widgets has gone missing23:03
WaR|OcKany ideas?23:03
hardymefisto__, dr_Willis: there is no Driver line in the whole file23:03
dr_WillisThats the X autoconfig stuff doing its job then I imagine23:03
dr_Willisthe x logs may tell you what driver its using.23:03
DarkriftXoh wow23:03
DarkriftXgraphics are from the 80's23:04
asobianyone useses guarddog? can't ftp23:04
dr_WillisDarkriftX,  how...vague.. :)23:04
DarkriftXi couldnt find a ss page, so i installed23:04
dr_WillisDarkriftX,  Theres that nethack-redone with 3d iso gfx also.23:04
dr_Williscrossfire is neat.. and yes. the gfx are minimal.. theres different clients for it with different gfx.23:05
dr_WillisCrossfire is a little.. odd.. in ways. :)23:05
mefisto__DarkriftX: sauerbraten is not bad. don't know if that's the kind of thing you're looking for, but it's in repos23:06
DarkriftXlooks good23:07
DarkriftXbut im looking for a mindless rpg style game23:07
DarkriftXold school dnd without the old school lol23:07
DarkriftXguess since windows doesnt have many, linux would have fewer23:08
hardydr_Willis: but I have lines like  LoadModule: "ati" LoadModule: "radeon" so who can I tell which one is the one used?23:08
mefisto__DarkriftX: http://www.wesnoth.org/  like that?23:09
Lonewolf3000Dose anyone know how to install Madwifi23:11
mefisto__Lonewolf3000: what does the install file say? have you looked at that?23:12
dr_Willismodules are not the same as  the 'Driver' Line. I imagine you are using either the 'ati' driver' or the 'fglrx' driver.23:12
dr_WillisI dont use ATI cards any more23:12
Lonewolf3000I have and still no luck23:12
dr_WillisDarkriftX,  'Falcons Eye' - nethack -revisited...23:13
dr_WillisWesnoth is a Must play game also. :) its not really a RPG however.23:13
mefisto__warning: wesnoth can get addictive. I don't like games much, but have wasted many hours on it23:14
Ratchet4620um hello i have a quick question23:14
Ratchet4620how do i run a binary23:15
Smokey1Lonewolf3000: have you read http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo23:16
engineerRatchet4620 ./file.bin23:17
Ratchet4620ok thanks23:18
dr_Willisor sh ./whatever.bin23:18
dr_Willisbut we feel we have to ask... 'what .bin' are you messing with?23:19
engineerwe? speak for yourself23:19
* dr_Willis speaks for all!23:20
dr_Willissince 90% of the times someone wanting to run a .bin is trying to install things allready in one of the many repos.23:20
Ratchet4620its hplip23:20
Ratchet4620trying to install a HP printer23:21
Ratchet4620it want me to update plip23:21
engineertry apt-cache search hplip23:21
engineerdoes a package with that name come up?23:21
Lonewolf3000can some one that knows how to do this PM me23:22
mefisto__hplip is installed by default, isn't it?23:22
Ratchet4620its like 4 versions outdated23:23
Ratchet4620and wont run my printer23:23
Ratchet4620engineer: yes lots of them23:24
engineerok Ratchet462023:24
dr_WillisI was thinking there was some extra packages/files/drivers for some of the HP printers that were not nstalled by default23:24
engineerif the one in the reps is too old23:25
engineerinstall that one23:25
dr_WillisIt may be a good idea to check  the forums and cups.org for info on your EXACT hp printer you have also.23:25
Ratchet4620thats a fun one ive never been able to figure out how to install cups23:26
dr_WillisThere may be some updated unofficial packages somewhere.23:26
Ratchet4620or a printer on cups23:26
Ratchet4620i mean23:26
dr_Williscups is installed by default..  i just use the web interface23:26
dr_Willisor the gnome-cups-manager tool. (its a little easier to use then the kde cups tool)23:27
Ratchet4620i allready have it i ment i cant fuigure out how to install a printer23:27
dr_WillisI noticed under the latest ubu/kubuntus now.. it auto sees/installs my printer.  saves me the hassle.23:27
dr_WillisIve even seen where cups sees/setups the other linux box's printers that are using cups also.23:28
dr_WillisBut i think that bit is disabled in ubuntu for security23:28
dr_WillisIve trimmed down my # of printers also. :)23:28
mefisto__Ratchet4620: so have you installed the new hplip?23:31
Ratchet4620i have a .run file but i dont know how23:34
dr_Willissh whatever.run23:35
dr_Willisor chmod +x whatever.run23:35
dr_Willissudo ./whatever.run23:35
linuxmcei just started using Kubuntu... i dont want to give up on it but everything is so different23:35
=== linuxmce is now known as azlon
dr_WillisA different OS is Different! :) wow.23:36
engineerazlon details...23:36
dr_WillisI can imagine the Lawyers from MS getting excited if it was identical..23:36
Lonewolf3000I need somemone that knows how to install madwifi to PM me asap23:36
azloni just downloaded firefox3 and it came as a .tar file... how do i install it?23:36
mefisto__sudo apt-get install firefox23:36
engineerazlon sudo aptitude install firefox23:37
azloni figured .tar was basically the same as a zip, but when i navigate in i dont see a .exe (or something equivilent)23:37
Dragnslcrazlon- why not install it from the repository?23:37
azlonsee... these are things i need to learn :|23:37
engineerazlon open a terminal or Konsole23:37
dr_Willisazlon,  dont expect 'exe' to install things in linux very much.23:37
azlonrepository... just a place where Kubutnu keeps common apps that people download?23:37
dr_Willisazlon,  firefox 3 is in the repositories.  like engineer  said.  its easy to install23:37
azlonhow can i get a list of programs?23:37
engineeropen adept23:38
engineerthey are all tehre23:38
dr_Willisfire up the package manger too. (see the add/remove programs icon in the menu?) and explore23:38
mefisto__azlon: if it's in repos, it's easy. it will download AND install everything for you23:38
azloni dont see it in system or utilites... where can i find adept?23:38
engineeropen a terminal23:38
engineertype adept23:38
DragnslcrIt's in System23:38
dr_WillisOnce you learn to use adept and the other package manager tools.. you reaize how badly done MS's install system is23:38
mefisto__no it's adept_manager23:38
DragnslcrIt'll be called Adept or Package Manager23:38
dr_Willisi cheat and always install 'synpatic' since i like its interface better then adepts23:39
ubottuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto23:39
engineerme too23:39
engineerbut when upgrading23:39
engineeradept requires fewer clicls23:39
mefisto__adept is quicker at searches23:39
dr_WillisIt seems adept always is like 10x slower when i go to install stuff. and it refreshes the lists..23:40
engineerazlon got it?23:40
azlonengineer: hrmm... i did the suo apt-get install firefox but it says i already have the newest version23:41
azlonbut i only have FF223:41
azlonFF3 is out for linux right?23:41
engineerwhat kubuntu did you install?23:41
dr_Willisif you installed firefox3 while 2 was open/running .. ive seen that issue.23:41
azlonoh, hold on23:41
azlonengineer: i actually installed LinuxMCE23:41
dr_Willisunder 8.04 that is.. if you have earlier releases ff3 may not be out for it.23:41
azloni think its KDE 7.?23:41
dr_WillisNot a clue what MCE has.23:42
engineerthis is #kubuntu23:42
azlonits a media center version of Linux... really f'n powerful23:42
azlonim trying to learn how to use it23:42
dr_WillisIts best to avoide most of the ubuntu/kubuntu variants.  Unless you know enough linux to understand the variants/differances23:42
dr_WillisMCE has its own channel.23:42
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate23:43
azloni know... i just want to get the basics of KDE before i start fart'n with all the MCE crap23:43
DragnslcrThere ya go, azlon, #linuxmce23:43
Ratchet4620it keeps saying command not found23:43
engineerwhat command23:44
mefisto__in the directory where the file is, type: sh hplip-2.8.7.run23:44
dr_Willisif 'sudo' is command not found .. then ya got some issues...23:45
dr_Willisor some serious typos23:45
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Ratchet4620sudo: ./home/ratchet/Desktop/hplip-2.8.5.run: command not found23:45
mefisto__Ratchet4620: you're the one installing hplip, right?23:45
azlonim looking for the adept program for a list of programs i can install... i typed adept and adept-manager. also looked in Utilities for Adept and Package Manager... anywhere else i can look?23:45
dr_WillisRatchet4620,  typo.....23:45
engineersudo su23:46
dr_WillisRatchet4620,  ./fileincurrentdirectory.sh23:46
engineerthen to the 2nd part of the command23:46
dr_WillisRatchet4620,  yoru path is wrong with the . at the start.23:46
=== Guest89923 is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushow do I get konqui to load Java and flash plugins?23:46
dr_Willis ./ =====> look in current directory23:46
mefisto__Ratchet4620: the hplip website says not to run as root, so leave out the "sudo"23:46
Dragnslcrazlon- we can't support anything other than Kubuntu23:46
OzoneNerdI didn't quite understand what I should do to add a startup script...  I have a batch file and I want it to run when I login to kde.  What command should I run to include this in the startups?23:47
dr_Willisthat MCE is definatly NOT for 'beginners' last i tried it also.. ages ago23:47
azlonthis is kubuntu... the other crap just runs on top of KDE23:47
Dragnslcrazlon- no, LinuxMCE is not Kubuntu23:47
dr_WillisOzoneNerd,  what does the file do?  You could copy it to the kde/Autostart directory23:47
Dragnslcr!linuxmce | azlon23:47
ubottuazlon: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate23:47
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html23:47
OzoneNerdWhere is that?23:47
azlonhrmm... crap23:48
OzoneNerdoh thanks...23:48
dr_Willis~/.kde/Autostart  - be sure its chmod'd executable also.23:48
dr_WillisOzoneNerd,  whats the command supposed to be doing anyway?23:48
ForgeAusDreamlinux is debian based not ubuntu right?23:48
dr_WillisDreamlinux - Hmm.. i vaguly recall that one.23:48
dr_Willisits the 'ubuntu variant of the week club!' :)23:48
ForgeAuselive/elbuntu/ebuntu I think is ubuntu-based23:49
OzoneNerddr_Willis: It starts up wicd.23:49
mefisto__dr_Willis: was that a joke? vaguely recall?23:49
OzoneNerddr_Willis: And this requires sudo, will this be a problem?23:49
dr_Willismefisto__,  i proberly looked at its live cd once... ages ago..23:49
dr_WillisOzoneNerd,  that may be an issue.. you could use 'kdesudo commandtorun'23:49
mefisto__vaguely recall, as in dreams23:49
OzoneNerdThat's what I was thinking23:49
dr_WillisOzoneNerd,  it should in theory ask for the password...23:49
dr_Willismefisto__,  you are reading too much into it. :)23:50
OzoneNerddr_Willis: I'm off to test it23:50
ForgeAusI've been asking the wrong question all along!23:50
dr_WillisI seem to recall Dreamlinux trying to look like OS-X   and using some cutsy tux  images23:50
ForgeAusinstead of how to nest a new KDE I just need to know how to nest a KDE SESSION!23:50
DragnslcrOzoneNerd- if it's a system service that's supposed to be running, you should probably add it to /etc/init.d23:50
Denisea phantom is in my ubuntu23:50
blondethello you there people, nice to be here.23:51
engineerhi blondet23:51
Denisewhat could i do?23:51
mefisto__Denise: exorcist?23:51
Denisea blonde engineer?23:52
ForgeAusXephyr can do that, but how? ie recall KDM to log into a new session (concurrently)...23:52
dr_WillisForgeAus,  run it inside xnest,  or vnc perhaps.. seen it done with xephyr also23:52
blondetaactually, a smoll blond.. :-)23:52
dr_Willisbut i forget the command to make it launch kdm, vs. a window manager.23:52
Deniseengineer are u chris?23:52
engineeryes deci23:53
blondet:-)  just kiding... that's my real name.23:53
engineerexplain your issue better23:53
DeniseI lost ur addy23:53
engineeri didn't get it23:53
Ratchet4620ok i just was able to install it but i got this how do i do about installing these23:53
Denisesorry chris23:53
Ratchet4620warning: There are 6 missing REQUIRED dependencies.23:53
Ratchet4620note: Installation of dependencies requires an active internet connection.23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: gcc (gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler)23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libpthread (libpthread - POSIX threads library)23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: cups-devel (cups-devel- Common Unix Printing System development files)23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libusb (libusb - USB library)23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libtool (libtool - Library building support services)23:53
Ratchet4620warning: Missing REQUIRED dependency: libjpeg (libjpeg - JPEG library)23:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:53
Denisea window opend by itself23:54
blondetjjust a joke... :-)23:54
engineera terminal?23:54
Denisea window here23:54
Denisein konversation23:54
engineerRatchet4620 most packages have dependencies23:54
Denisetalking to myself23:54
Denisevery weird23:54
mefisto__Ratchet4620: sudo apt-get install build-essentials23:54
Ratchet4620is taht all i need to add in ?23:55
engineerye that will probably work23:55
mefisto__Ratchet4620: sudo apt-get install build-essential  (no s on the end)23:55
engineerDenise must be some bug with the application23:55
Deniseor a bug with me23:55
blondetI'm going to "check out"... be good all you there. take care. :-)23:56
engineerDenise is it annoying?23:57
Deniseit gave me chills in the back to be true23:57
Deniselike captain Scarlet and the mysterons23:57
DeniseI m living in a strange world23:59
Denisewhat about u?23:59

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