
omaruHi everyone, I have a noob question, I was wondering if is it possible to add a users group to another users group, does anyone knows?01:01
omaruI mean if is it valid01:02
SpaceBasssince upgrading to Heardy server, my ldap authenticated user can no long sudo ... its like its not recognizing the network group in the sudoers list...anyone know why that might be?01:02
Kamping_Kaiseromaru, yes you can, a group is just a group :)01:38
omaruKamping_Kaiser, sweet, thanks :D01:39
Kamping_Kaiserno worries01:40
myrgreetings, need help installing on a dell gx1, i get a error saying it can't read files from the disc. can anyone help? more details here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=569708302:49
jameswf-homeanyone have any thoughts why though i have specified keyboard lang etc in the .seed file it still prompts?08:01
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FuRomWould anyone know where I could read up about managing my own DNS alt root? It's hard to find out information on. There's a wikipedia page about it, but it's not very useful =/.09:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #263228 in samba (main) "problems with file-permissions using linux-cifs-client" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26322810:41
oxmox_hi i have a problem with postgresql the egroupware setup tells me that i have no pgsql support but i have installed php5 with pgsql support postgresql is already running with an other application13:33
RainCTI'm trying to setup polipo but it doesn't work on any computer beside that one where it is installed... http://paste.ubuntu.com/42148/plain/  Any idea what the problem could be?13:54
RainCT(it isn't iptables, after "sudo iptables -F" it still doesn't work)13:57
* delcoyote hi14:28
okaratasdelcoyote, hello14:30
delcoyotehi de hi okaratas14:30
okaratasI am read to Linux Kernel in Nutshell14:31
okaratassorry, away messages..14:32
e-jatcould anyone help me up with this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/42166/ ?15:04
okaratastspc_2.1.1-6.1ubuntu1_i386.deb package any tspc programs with ipv6 running..15:42
okaratasapt-get remove --purge tspc15:42
okaratasmodprobe ipv615:43
okaratasapt-get install tspc15:43
okarataswhat is your build tspc packages?15:43
jameswf-homeanyone have any thoughts why though i have specified keyboard lang etc in the .seed file it still prompts? also how to skip user creation,16:53
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jameswf-homeso it seems ubuntu wont let you skip user creation19:56
scientus__how do i replace my server certificate with a real one19:59
fleai am noticing that iptables provided with apt does not seem to provide 'pptp-conntrack-nat'  is this available anywhere w/o patching source ?20:06
okaratasflea your kernel upgrading and iptables upgrading with "layer7"20:42
okaratascurl http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- - o linux-
okaratastar jxvf linux-
okaratasmkdir ~/linux20:44
okaratasmv linux- ~/linux/20:45
okaratasapt-get install libncurses5-dev fakeroot kernel-package bzip220:45
okaratasmake menuconfig20:45
okaratasokey flea ?20:46
okaratasNetworking -> Network Options -> search the Layer7 enabled (*)20:46
okarataslayer7 patching please..20:46
okaratasfind a sourceforge.net with l7-filter (patch)20:47
okaratasidea layer7 new kernel upgrading to pptp-conntrack-nat options iptables filter..20:47
okaratasand logging :)20:47
lukehasnonameIs ufw a frontend for iptables, or its own program?21:18
guntbert_lukehasnoname: just a frontend21:19
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