=== asac_ is now known as asac [17:56] <_MMA_> Kernel panic with latest Studio image using VirtualBox. Has anyone had a successful virtual install of any of the latest images? (Studio or otherwise) [17:58] _MMA_: you mean, kernel panic at the very beginning of the boot? [17:59] you may want to check https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/246067 [17:59] <_MMA_> Yes [17:59] Launchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.26.*-generic" [High,Fix committed] [17:59] <_MMA_> Ahh... [18:00] <_MMA_> This *only* happens with the 2.6.26 kernels? [18:00] dunno... [18:01] anyway, seems the updated kernel will be available soonush [18:01] soonish [18:02] <_MMA_> .27 though. Studio is stuck on .26 because upstream -rt isn't supporting .27 yet. So, we might be F'ed. [18:04] there's a workaround, the kernel option "noreplace-paravirt", but you'll get a pretty slow speed [18:04] <_MMA_> Yeah. This doesn't effect an actual *real* install does it? [18:05] I guess no :) [18:07] <_MMA_> *sigh*. Ok. Thanx man. :) [18:40] <_MMA_> Can one *not* rsync ubuntu images from cdimages? I get an error when I try to get them, but not on the Ubuntu Studio images. [18:43] <_MMA_> with: rsync -h --progress --partial-dir=/partial/dir rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/intrepid-alternate-i386.iso I get: @ERROR: Unknown module 'daily' rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1383) [receiver=2.6.9] [18:47] <_MMA_> I realize this isn't about testing. :P Just trying to straiten our my script I used to get my test images. Figured others here do something similar. :) [18:48] _MMA_: try directly with beryllium or chromium [18:48] maybe one of the servers is down [18:48] <_MMA_> I tried beryllium. [18:49] <_MMA_> Same deal. [18:49] * _MMA_ wonders if rsyncing is not allowed anymore? [18:50] oh, try with /cdimage/daily/ [18:52] <_MMA_> Ahh... That did the trick! Thanx man. \m/ [18:53] np [18:53] * _MMA_ goes to prep a real box for some testing.