
sectechI updated bug #258026 and marked it high + confirmed with my comments00:13
sectechFrom what I have saw it doesn't seem to be specific to the reporters hardware as there are other numerous bug reports with the same issue00:14
sectechActually...... it's a dup of 251252 which you guys are probably aware of00:15
regmeeHi all, I have been trying to enable "CONFIG_XEN" on 2.2.26  .  I am running into issues like "missing file ./arch/xen/Makefile" . Can someone help how do I enable XEN before compiling the kernel. 02:55
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Syco54645_AAOwould this be the correct place to ask a kernel compilation question?17:44
rtgSyco54645_AAO: you've read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance ?17:55
Syco54645_AAOyes, i did not see mention of anything that would fix the issue that i am having17:56
Syco54645_AAOthe kernel compiled fine but boot hung with klogd17:56
rtgany changes?17:57
Syco54645_AAOto the kernel source, yes.  here is what I did.  i recently bought an acer aspire one netbook and decided to replace the Linpus Lite install with ubuntu, so I took the config file from their kernel and used maked oldconfig as their kernel was 2.6.23.x and i am using  The compile went fine and it boots quickly until it gets to the starting klogd and then it just hangs.  Once booted running /etc/init.d/klog17:59
Syco54645_AAOd start returns the following mesage "mkfifo: cannot create fifo `/var/run/klogd/kmsg': File exists" then after a few minutes times out and reports fail17:59
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rtgSyco54645_AAO: if you're reinstalling, then how about trying Intrepid? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-418:02
Syco54645_AAOrtg: well how stable is intrepid?18:11
Syco54645_AAOrtg: and reports are coming in from other oneLinux developers that intrepid breaks everything on this laptop18:12
Syco54645_AAOwifi, lan, and sound.  i was going to wait for it to move from alpha to try that out.  all of the people working on onelinux are basing it off of hardy still18:15
rtgSyco54645_AAO: you can boot from the Live CD to test stuff without actually installing anything. 18:16
Syco54645_AAOrtg: well there is no cd drive on here so i would have to use liveUSB, but yes.18:17
Syco54645_AAOi do not think that moving to intrepid would solve my klogd issue though18:17
rtgI think there is an ISO to USB script somewhere on the Ubuntu site18:17
Syco54645_AAOrtg: there is a deb that they released called liveusb18:18
CarlFKSyco54645i use intrepid on my laptop, which is my thunderbird install is 18:28
CarlFKmy current backup is over 2 weeks old18:28

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