
ubottuIn ubottu, Caru said: oh is this your private message?00:07
Myrttithat is HILARIOUS00:07
Flannelindeed it is!00:07
Myrtti"oooohhh is this you speshul place"00:08
Flannelin the channel ubottu says "please see my private message" and, apparently, Caru just discovered what ubottu was talking about00:09
Flannelword for word00:09
MyrttiI feel dirty00:10
* Flannel wonders why anyone would have the name of potato man00:15
ubottuDragnslcr called the ops in #kubuntu (Denise)01:39
ubottuIn ubottu, felipe__ said: I see. is it ok if I ask u a q02:50
naliothubottu: tell felipe__ about yourself02:53
danbhfivegrr, why does ubottu ignore my pms?03:01
Flanneldanbhfive: What do you mean?03:01
danbhfiverather, when Im in pm mode, it doesnt respond.  It only accepts /msg ubottu style pms03:02
danbhfiveI dont know what you call it, pm "mode"03:03
Flannelin a query03:03
Flannelit should.  What are you trying?03:03
danbhfiveactually, it might just be skipping repeats, sorry for the confusion03:03
Flannelyeah, it does that03:03
danbhfivebut I am here to correct a factoid, so feel free to watch my work03:04
Flanneldanbhfive: We'll get the corrections even without you saying them in this channel03:04
danbhfivewill it correct all the alias's too?03:05
Flannelaliases are just that, aliases.03:05
Flannelthink of them as symlinks03:06
ubottuIn ubottu, danbhfive said: !no, pidgin is <reply> The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Kopete03:08
FlannelThanks for catching that danbhfive.  (also, notice the penultimate part of the topic of this channel)03:11
danbhfiveah yes, I'll cya later then  : )03:13
ubottuIn ubottu, danbhfive said: !no, webcam is <reply> Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras - To purchase a FSF recommended webcam: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/cameras04:40
Flanneldanbhfive: You don't need to join this channel everytime you do that you know.04:43
danbhfivehehe, ok, just curious to see whatever response there is to my changes  : )04:44
danbhfiveI guess you can pm me if you don't like it04:45
naliothoh, don't worry.  we'll respond if necessary04:45
Flannelwhat he added is redundant.04:45
* Flannel thinks he's going to try and touch every single factoid.04:45
ubottuIn ubottu, danbhfive said: !no, wireless is <reply> Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs - To purchase a FSF recommended wifi card: http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wireless/cards.html04:47
FlannelToday, danbhfive found the FSF website.04:48
ASrockhello, is there a way for me to have Ubuntu redetect my monitors?05:08
naliothASrock: #ubuntu is the support channel.  /msg ubot3 fixres05:10
ASrockI cant get into #ubuntu05:10
naliothwhy not?05:11
ASrockidk, it just forewards me to #ubuntu-read-topic and it says there to come here for help05:11
naliothdid you read the topic?05:12
jribdid you read the link the topic gave you?05:12
ASrocknow i am05:13
armrpi tried what the link told me and it didnt work05:19
jribarmrp: may I test you?05:19
Flannelsomethign tells me he didn't pay attention to the links05:20
armrpjrib: did you do that?05:21
jribarmrp: yes05:21
jrib(you didn't pass the test)05:21
armrpcan you tell me whats wrong?05:21
jribarmrp: you did not do what the link instructed05:22
armrpya, i went to my network settings and it already sait port 8001 (like the site said to do) so i tried undoing it but i guess that didnt work ether05:23
jribarmrp: you need to connect on port 8001 to freenode.  After you change the setting you need to disconnect and reconnect05:23
ASrock...didnt work05:25
jribASrock: how do you know?05:25
ASrockbecause i just tried connecting to #ubuntu and it sent me to #ubuntu-read-topic again05:25
jribASrock: yes, because we have to test you first, then one of us removes the ban if you pass05:26
jribASrock: do you want to be tested again?05:26
ASrockyes please05:26
* jrib sighs05:26
ASrockare the results better this time?05:28
jribASrock: no.  The exploit disconnected you05:28
jribASrock: what client are you using?05:28
jribASrock: are you sure you are changing the port for the right server?05:29
ASrockya i changed irc.freenode.net to irc.freenode.net/800105:29
jribASrock: how about irc.ubuntu.com?05:32
ASrockim connected to the server, what channel...#ubuntu?05:33
jribASrock: change the port for irc.ubuntu.com to 800105:33
ASrockthen i cant even connect to the server05:35
jribwell irc.ubuntu.com and irc.freenode.net are the same.  Try closing xchat and coming back so I can test you again05:36
ASrockim gonna try a different client quick05:36
jribyou need to fix whatever client you will be using in #ubuntu05:37
ASrockok the new client isnt working ether05:41
jribASrock: as I said, I need to test you and unban you manually05:41
ASrocki dont get it though why does ubuntu only not work when ##linux and #ubuntu-ops work05:41
jribASrock: you didn't read the link05:41
ASrockwhat link?05:42
jribASrock: your router has a bug which lets anyone that wants to disconnect you05:42
ASrockso, how do i fix it?05:42
jribto make it less attractive for people to use it in #ubuntu, we make sure that affected people fix it before they can rejoin #ubuntu05:42
jribASrock: you connect on port 800105:42
ASrockbut that is how i am already connected05:43
jribmay I test you?05:43
jribnalioth: port 8001 is still working right?05:43
ASrockso am i connected right?05:45
jribno, you were disconnected05:45
jribif you connect to 8001, you should not be disconnected05:45
ASrockok just a sec05:46
FlannelHowdy jussi0107:52
jussi01Hi there flannel07:52
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !touchdis-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> Sorry, I can't touch 'dis.09:31
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !cookies is <reply> cookies are delicious delicates.09:36
Flannelah good, someone else is alive!09:50
Flannelor, maybe.  Myrtti, do you classify yourself as alive at the moment?09:50
GaryI'm alive too09:51
MyrttiFlannel: unfortunately yes09:52
Myrttiwho is this Gary person10:01
FlannelMyrtti: check his hostmask, and cower in fear10:03
MyrttiI've bribed one of those already with salmiakkikossu10:04
Flannelyes, well, I don't think you'll sway Gary so easily with all your fancy K words.10:05
jussi01Gary: bring back gazzak, long live gazzak10:05
FlannelAlright.  Time for me to hibernate.10:07
gnomefreakcan someone send me an encrypted email to johnvivirito@gmail.com10:22
jpdsgnomefreak: 0x3C1C3C2A?10:24
gnomefreakno let me get it10:24
gnomefreak0x764D5E13 jpds10:24
gnomefreakjpds: thanks10:31
jpdsNo problem.10:31
jussi01nice boring day :)12:16
Myrttioh shut up12:17
Myrttidpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)12:17
jussi01hehe :P12:17
Myrttieh eh. http://mdzlog.wordpress.com/2008/08/31/speaking-out-with-stickers/13:07
elkbuntubwaha. poor mdz got aoirthoir'd13:35
Myrttimy life is sometimes too hilarious to bare14:03
pleia2elkbuntu: at least he didn't write a book, as he's done in SOME blogs x_x14:05
MyrttiI still can't believe that sticker14:05
elkbuntuMyrtti, sadly, i can.14:06
Myrttiit's like - Was the AD on crack?!14:07
elkbuntui do believe it's a prerequisite to being an advertising designer14:07
Myrttior who ever the idiot was that conjured that piece of crap of a sticker up14:07
MyrttiI'd say stronger words but someone might be offended by it14:08
Myrttithough I do believe they can't reach the amount I've reached14:08
* elkbuntu huggles Myrtti14:09
Myrttiand - sadly - my friends at #lugradio have infected my brains with cursewords envolving female genitalia14:09
MyrttiI need more brain bleach to survive the day14:10
elkbuntuMyrtti, i agree with the notion you are thinking, purely because if only they were, they'd understand the burden ;)14:10
Myrttias a matter of fact - I might go to #lugradio to vent because there still seems to be significant amount of male idiocy in those parts of freenode14:11
PriceyI.ve just been catching up on logs14:12
PriceyFrom august's 1st.. Fail14:13
Myrtti16:28 @,- Virus [n=misterio@223.85-84-56.dynamic.clientes.euskaltel.es] has quit  [Excess Flood]14:29
Myrttiflooded at -fi14:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:33
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:33
Myrtti!ops-#ubuntu-fi is <reply> ninnnu, ath, Reaby, Nakkel, Vililikku, Tm_T, Myrtti, mjr, Koffa, Mirv, Telep, rhkfin tai heikki! AAAPPPUUUUVA! apuva, apuva aaapuuuva!14:35
ubottuI'll remember that, Myrtti14:35
MyrttiTm_T: :-D14:36
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti 14:36
Myrttiit's a joke14:37
Myrttiisn't ubot3`'s database a replicate of ubottu?14:37
Myrttiis it live database or is it just replicated now and then?14:38
ubottuops-#ubuntu-fi has no aliases - added by Myrtti on 2008-09-01 13:35:5314:38
ubottuLove is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig, then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.14:39
ubottuninnnu, ath, Reaby, Nakkel, Vililikku, Tm_T, Myrtti, mjr, Koffa, Mirv, Telep, rhkfin tai heikki! AAAPPPUUUUVA! apuva, apuva aaapuuuva!14:42
Myrttigoddamn I hate the bot they've got at -fi14:42
MyrttiI really do14:42
Myrttiif there was a sensible way of ignoring all the useless messages it spits14:43
Myrttibut no14:43
jribwell that hasn't happened in a while15:16
jussi01INTERNETZZZ!!!!!! :D15:36
* jussi01 has internetz :)15:37
jussi01(new place...)15:37
Tm_Tjussi01: congrats15:38
jussi01Im here for a month - it would be horrible with out internetz15:38
* Tm_T visited registry office today15:39
Tm_Thave to visit again after atleast a week or so15:41
jussi01Tm_T: getting married?15:42
Tm_Tuh, well, actually, as I have told you, yes (:)15:42
Myrttioh god15:42
Tm_Tjussi01: yes, daddy has a new family15:42
Tm_TMyrtti: yes?15:43
MyrttiI guess I'll have to buy a flowery frock?!15:43
Myrttifor whichever party I'll attend15:43
Myrttiewww flowers15:43
Tm_Tpink fluffy ones!15:43
Tm_Tpink flurry pointy ones?15:43
Myrttime, in a flowery frock...15:44
Mezflurry ?15:44
MyrttiI hope someone hides the cameras15:44
Tm_TMyrtti: we both hates cameras, so, yes15:44
Tm_TMyrtti: though you would and will be worth of photoing, my dear little sister15:45
MyrttiI've not worn a flowery frock since... errr..15:45
Myrttihold on15:45
* Mez hands Tm_T a hanky... you've got something on your nose15:45
jussi01Myrtti: have you ever??15:45
Tm_TMez: just if you knew =)15:45
MezTm_T,  ?15:45
Myrttijussi01: hmmmm no15:46
Myrttino wait15:46
Tm_TMez: what is in my nose...15:46
Tm_TMyrtti: you have15:46
MyrttiI was 15 and I bought *RIDICULOUSLY* short minifrock15:46
MezTm_T, I just spotted something brown on there ;)15:46
Tm_TMez: not only that, sir15:46
Myrttiand my history teacher made a cheeky remark15:46
Tm_TMyrtti: green and yellow and... mmm, hungry15:46
Tm_TMyrtti: hmh15:47
Myrttiit barely covered my ass. And I had loooong stockings.15:47
Myrttioh the hubris of youth15:47
Mezmmmm... miniskirts15:47
Tm_TMyrtti: hmh, why I didn't see that? ):15:47
MyrttiTm_T: because you still wore diapers then15:48
Tm_Tno I didn't15:48
Tm_Tit was year before15:48
* Tm_T imagines his/her child few years later running with diapers15:49
MezTm_T, his/her? Are you confused about your gender now?15:50
Tm_TMez: no, problem is that both are inaccurate in my case15:51
Tm_Tand in my age15:51
Myrttisee, we're twins15:51
* Mez is afk -> head is exploding15:51
* Myrtti giggles15:51
* Myrtti gives Mez a roll of duct tape15:51
Tm_TMez: you learn it some day, hopefully soon15:52
* Myrtti rolls some tape on Mez's head carefully15:52
Tm_Thrrr, three babies and 2 marriages atleast in next 2(?) months15:52
Tm_Tjoys of familylife15:53
* Myrtti gives a kiss on Mez's cheek and pats his bum... you'll be fine now15:53
* Tm_T wants kiss and/or pats too...15:53
Myrttiyou'll get a hug15:53
* Myrtti hugs Tm_T 15:53
Tm_Tooh, even better (:)15:53
* Tm_T huggggs Myrtti 15:53
* Tm_T is happy now15:54
Tm_Tmmmm, I was cleaning ->15:54
Myrttisilly question16:23
Myrttican I join more than 20 channels in freenode or do I have to make a request?16:24
jussi01you have to ask16:25
Tm_TMyrtti: you need +u I think16:25
Tm_Tor was it e?16:25
jribyes, u16:25
Myrttijust checking16:25
jussi01u for unlimited :)16:26
Tm_Tumm, 255 is limit I believe16:26
jussi01oh shut up you16:27
Tm_Taye sir!16:27
Dave2+u for "hyperion has too many umodes"16:35
Dave2(Hyperion has a +* and a +@. If you're looking for umodes that make sense, look elsewhere.)16:36
Myrttiwooooo ♥ https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/26366816:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263668 in ubuntu "FFe - mobile broadband wizard and database for network-manager 0.7" [Wishlist,In progress]16:43
Myrtti"as this will go into main asap, i directly subscribed ubuntu-release"16:43
MyrttiI'm so proud16:43
jussi01Myrtti: absolutely fantastic :D16:45
MyrttiI feel like a midwife16:45
* Tm_T feels like a pervert peeping delivery16:45
Tm_TI mean, erm16:45
Tm_They, I am bystander anyway ):16:46
Tm_TI tried to help, but me16:46
Myrttipeeping perverts :-<16:47
Myrttifail on the proverb etc. section detected16:47
Myrttiall men to pumps16:47
Myrttithat didn't sound good either16:47
* jussi01 is hungry, thinking whether he should go to pizza place outside his door, or shop down the road (and cook something)16:48
bullgard4juliux: Could you please change the topic of #ubuntu-de to tell people about the ongoing Ubuntu classroom this week in #ubuntu-classroom.17:29
juliuxbullgard4: perhaps17:30
Myrttihm, #ubuntu-irc isn't +s17:31
Tm_TMyrtti: and?17:33
Tm_TMyrtti: it shouldn't17:33
Myrttijust a gentle reminder ;-)17:33
Myrttiie. nudge17:33
Myrttiie. EXACTLY17:33
Tm_Tah (:)17:33
* Tm_T is slow17:33
Tm_TI'm also covered with dust17:34
juliuxbullgard4: done17:39
bullgard4juliux: Thank you.17:39
jpdsGo Daniel!17:40
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
Myrttinalioth: how old is ubot3s database?17:55
naliothMyrtti: within the hour17:56
naliothwhy do you ask?17:56
ubottuninnnu, ath, Reaby, Nakkel, Vililikku, Tm_T, Myrtti, mjr, Koffa, Mirv, Telep, rhkfin tai heikki! AAAPPPUUUUVA! apuva, apuva aaapuuuva!17:56
jpdsYay for highlights.17:56
MyrttiI made that one earlier today...17:56
Myrtti19:59 -'@: !-ops-#ubuntu-fi17:59
Myrtti19:59 < ubot3> Factoid ops-#ubuntu-fi not found17:59
ubottuops-#ubuntu-fi has no aliases - added by Myrtti on 2008-09-01 13:35:5318:00
Myrttinope, it doesn't work18:02
Myrttiso the database is not up to sync18:02
MyrttiTm_T can confirm >__>18:03
MyrttiI just highlighted all of you in #ubuntu-fi18:03
Myrttior alternatively - something escapes my logic18:04
Myrttiwhich is probable too18:04
Tm_TMyrtti: out of sync is most viable explanation18:04
Tm_TI believe those are synced only once a day or so18:04
naliothTm_T: i run an hourly cronjob18:05
MyrttiTm_T: well that depends on what nalioth has decided to do18:05
Tm_Tnalioth: oh, then, weird18:05
Myrtti16:35 -'@: !ops-#ubuntu-fi is <reply>18:05
Tm_TMyrtti: I know18:05
Myrttiso it's ~3.5 hours late18:05
Tm_Tit is18:05
Myrttino maths fail today!18:05
Tm_TMyrtti: you missed only with few seconds18:06
naliothtry it now18:06
Tm_TMyrtti: 28 seconds actually18:07
Tm_Tnalioth: still18:07
Myrttinalioth: no worky18:07
* Myrtti hands nalioth a piece of strawberry soap18:09
Myrttinibble this a bit and then rinse18:10
naliothworks fine for me18:10
naliothubot3: ops-#ubuntu-fi18:10
ubot3ninnnu, ath, Reaby, Nakkel, Vililikku, Tm_T, Myrtti, mjr, Koffa, Mirv, Telep, rhkfin tai heikki! AAAPPPUUUUVA! apuva, apuva aaapuuuva!18:10
Myrttinow it works18:11
jussi01awww, dammit, i burnt the garlic bread...18:11
* nalioth hates bots ( but has a corral full of 'em )18:11
* jussi01 is having an extremely healthy dinner... not! :P18:16
MyrttiI so badly need a masseur18:23
Myrttican't turn my head to right at all18:23
naliothguinea pigs + roller ball18:24
Myrttinalioth: meh18:28
jpdsHmm, fedora.18:45
ompaulone community member banned for a while18:45
ompaulohh well18:45
Myrttiwhut where18:46
ompaulscrambledegg has left the channel18:48
* jpds wonders what #kubuntu-bunker is for.19:27
Flannelbunk beds assignments, I think.19:32
FlannelThat was interesting19:36
jussi01apart from ##politics, anyone got an idea where I could ask a basic american politics question (safely)19:42
Myrttithis isn't funny ;__;19:42
MyrttiI've once again lost some of my mail19:42
Myrttiit's not funny19:43
jussi01oh... :(19:43
MyrttiI've lost the final reports of two of my summer coders19:43
MyrttiI've lost *all* my work email for past two months19:43
FlannelMyrtti: Why/how?19:43
MyrttiI've got no idea - some setting in claws-mail makes it vanish19:44
Myrttiand apparently my body really tries to tell me something - damned sciatica19:45
Myrttiok so apparently I'm losing my mind20:12
Myrttinevermind me20:12
Myrttiwhat a witty title20:16
Flannelchroot isn't a security measure!20:17
jussi01nned candy need candy need candy...21:50
Seeker`lo jussi0121:50
jussi01did I mention I need some candy?21:50
jussi01Hi Seeker`21:50
Seeker`at least you can eat candy21:50
jussi01Seeker`: Im addicted to sugar... shush21:51
Seeker`me too, I just cant eat it21:52
* Myrtti huggles Seeker` 21:52
Myrttipoor Seeker`21:52
Seeker`thanks Myrtti21:52
jussi01Seeker`: that is probably one of the worst things that I can think of... *huggles*21:52
* Myrtti noms dried mango and papaya tidbits21:53
Myrttiwho needs candy anyway...21:54
Myrttiand akshully now that I think of this...21:54
jussi01Seeker`: you are diabetic?21:54
Myrttinow I also understand why I took the mail incident so personally21:54
Myrttiand also - why I've felt nauseous and dizzy today21:55
Seeker`Myrtti: why?21:55
Myrttibecause I've forgotten my meds atleast today - if not also yesterday21:55
Seeker`I've got to stb myself again in about 5 minutes21:56
jussi01poor Seeker`21:57
Seeker`actually, will do it now21:57
Myrttifour capsules left - and months worth of pills is about 40€... oh sigh.21:57
* Myrtti takes a handful of dried papaya and noms21:58
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊22:01
Myrttithere, feels better already22:01
Seeker`The onlyadvantage to diabetes is free prescriptions22:04
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:05
MyrttiI need to reboot my brain. words "the onlyl advantage" and "guidelines" combined make me think of "Ubuntu Genuine Advantage"22:06
* jussi01 hands Myrtti a nice warm glas of milk... sleep now :)22:33
Nafalloubottu: ♥22:36
Seeker`!♥ is <reply> I LOVE YOU22:37
Nafallolol. AWESOME!22:38
moo_cowhey guys, can anybody help with my website? im running an ubuntu server http://sourmath.com/22:47
Myrtti!hammertime-#ubuntu-offtopic | Nafallo23:02
ubottuNafallo: ━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊23:02
Nafallo!♥ | Myrtti23:04
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.23:04
Nafalloubottu: ♥23:04
Myrttithat's odd23:05
ubottuIn #kubuntu, _2 said: ubottu pebcak is http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pebcak&redirect=no23:10
ubottuIn #kubuntu, _2 said: ubottu no pebcak is http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebcak23:14
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything* ;)23:14
Myrttiubottu: scope > _223:15
Myrttiincoming, I *hope*23:20
Seeker`ubottu: !♥ is <reply> I LOVE YOU23:20
Seeker`ubottu isn't unicode?23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about isn't unicode?23:21
Myrttiand - MY GOD I love pastebinit and the fact it's done in python23:28
naliothmoo_cow: can we help you?23:30
* moo_cow fertilizes nalioth flowers23:32
moo_cowbrb, got to go give some milk23:32
ubottuIn ubottu, unop said: abusethebot is msgthebot23:36
Seeker`nalioth: why is moo_cow still here?23:40
* moo_cow eats Seeker`s grass23:40
naliothmoo_cow: why are you here?23:41
naliothanyone know why moo_cow keeps joining?23:41
Seeker`nalioth: to annoy us?23:41
naliothanyone have any banforwards set?23:42
Myrtti@bansearch moo_cow23:47
ubottuMatch: *!*@208-117-11-160.block5.gvtc.com!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jul 16 2008 09:28:56 (ID: 2616)23:47
ubottuMatch: *!*@208-117-11-160.block5.gvtc.com!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jul 16 2008 09:28:56 (ID: 2616)23:47
ubottuMatch: *!*@208-117-11-160.block5.gvtc.com!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Jul 16 2008 09:28:56 (ID: 2616)23:47
Myrttidoes that answer your question?23:48
Seeker`how long has ikonia been an op for?23:51
Seeker`and LjL is back!23:53
Seeker`I must havebeen gone a long time23:53
Myrttiban forward for user dmesg for trolling with irc scripts. Can be removed after a short period, but left in place in case he fancies coming back in in the next few days. Was also a pain with said scripts in #ubuntu-ops, but better there, than #ubuntu23:54
Myrttiikonia, Jul 16 2008 15:50:0523:54
Myrttifor *!*@208-117-11-160.block5.gvtc.com!#ubuntu-ops23:54

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