
ActionParsniphaha ace00:00
uoaphysactionParsnip: No i mean chrome, the google browser which uses webkit00:03
uoaphys :)00:03
uoaphyscomes out tomorrow.00:05
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Guest82699im trying to put my mobile to the usb it should be read as flash drive put it didbt appear how to connect it and mount it00:18
Guest82699 im trying to put my mobile to the usb it should be read as flash drive put it didbt appear how to connect it and mount it00:21
internet_que ondon00:59
igorque es esto???01:00
internet_de que trata este canal???01:00
igorni se me parece unchat pero no se que seran esas personas que aparecen al lado01:00
internet_bueno enton`s yam voy01:01
Dragnslcr!es | internet_01:02
ubottuinternet_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:02
igorrecien estoy conociendo la utilidad konversatios ni sabia que era un chat01:02
Edulixigor: si quieres hablar en español este canal es en inglés, haz caso al ubottu jeje01:03
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
junior_im new to kubuntu well linux01:22
junior_who in01:22
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DarkriftX!info mtvg01:36
ubottuPackage mtvg does not exist in hardy01:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xmltv01:36
DarkriftXfinding a package name is sometimes a real pain in the ass01:36
dr_willisapt-cache search PATTERN | grep Pattern01:37
dr_willisapt-cache search - tends to be a little verbose in its findings01:38
DarkriftXgonna have to make an alias out of that one01:38
dr_willisLinux FUNdamentals01:40
dr_willisTheres also the apt-file tool that  can be handy01:40
dr_willisand proberly 1000+ other apt-things that ive never discovered yet01:40
DarkriftXin a .sh isnt %1 the first switch01:41
DarkriftXor is it $101:41
DarkriftXahh, $101:41
dr_willisDOS memorys?01:42
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h2iif i checkout http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/3.5/kdebase/kicker/taskbar/taskbar.cpp?revision=604546&view=markup#1078  ...how do i upgrade my kde after that? update through svn?01:58
h2ioh, maybe.. yeah, that's a seperate program01:58
=== root is now known as Guest26527
DarkriftXdoes anyone know of a tv guide program that doesnt require mythtv or a paid subscription to see programming data from the us?02:03
Guest67240whats the name of flash player for linux?02:08
Guest67240i want to search it on adept, but i dont know the name02:08
DragnslcrGuest67240- if you search for flash in Adept, you'll see the package for the flash plugin02:12
Guest67240i found one,, flashplugin-nonfree02:14
DragnslcrThat's the one02:14
alistairHelp with Adept Manager needed02:20
Guest67240ok, i've got it installed02:22
Guest67240now what? do i restart ff3?02:22
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khaije1whats the desktop effects channel?02:52
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion02:53
DarkriftXwhy can knetworkmanager only handle one connection at once?03:14
DarkriftXwhen i connect my ethernet, it kills my wifi, and vice versa03:14
DarkriftXwhy can knetworkmanager only handle one connection at once?03:15
DarkriftXwhen i connect my ethernet, it kills my wifi, and vice versa03:15
Dragonbitesounds pretty quiet here03:17
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joshuajtlhi folks, having trouble mounting a cd that was burned on a vista pc03:49
penguiniatorjoshuajtl: this is a known bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21369603:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213696 in linux "Ubuntu Can't Mount LiveFS CDs Burned on Vista" [Wishlist,Fix released]03:58
ph0rensicHow do I add a network share in kubuntu...03:58
ph0rensicI went to remote places and sama shares .. and it is not detecting that network04:00
gkffjcskmenu > system settings > sharing04:03
gkffjcsor something, it's in system settings for suer04:03
=== luis is now known as tigremx
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:00
rsinghDoes someone know how to trigger a script before a computer "thaws" or comes out of hibernate?05:01
_2rsingh isn't that like running a program before the os boots ?05:18
_2jhgbkuhgvk why did you ping me ?05:23
=== tuxwulf_ is now known as tuxwulf
jhgbkuhgvki am new here05:24
rsingh_2 i figured it out05:24
rsinghyou place a scrip tunder /etc/pm/sleep.d05:24
rsinghthe command is thaw and hibernate which  you need to have a switch statement for05:25
rsinghthe first argument to the script i mean05:25
rsinghthanks anyways guys05:26
rsinghbye bye05:26
sysadminHi everyone! Could someone tell me how to install drivers in Ubuntu hardy heron?05:32
Daisuke_Idoguess not05:33
vikkuHello all05:34
MurielGodoioff :hi guys... could you suggest me a good/cheap host server to my personal webpage?05:35
vikkui have a DSL image in /opt ... and when i ask to do this `qemu -boot c /dev/hdc/ /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso` , i get05:36
vikku Boot from hard diks 0 failed05:36
vikkuFATAL: not a bootable disk05:36
=== jontec_ is now known as jontec
_2vikku dev/hdc is not a partition.   you might try a partition because  unless you have specifically made hdc bootable it wont contain a bootable MBR05:49
_2vikku if you meant to tell qemu that hdc == file.iso your syntax is wrong05:50
_2vikku ?05:52
_2vikku    " qemu -boot c -hda /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso "05:53
noaXessgood morning05:56
stinghello guys, i want to remove the black screen with notices during booting, can you help me?06:06
MidnightCommandosting: when you boot06:07
MidnightCommandochange the line so where it says 'quiet -- splash' or the like, it says nosplash --06:07
stingyup or during start up, i'm a new convert to linux06:07
stingwhere i can find the splash, no splash?06:08
MidnightCommando... it's in the custom boot parameters06:08
MidnightCommandotry F6 when you get the screen asking what you want to do :)06:08
MidnightCommandocaveat emptor : i'm not an ubuntu native :P06:09
stingim new to this terminology, i dont know where i can find boot parameters i will try to hit the f606:09
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork06:12
stingok, thanks i will try your tips06:17
noaXessdoes anybody has upgraded to 3.5.10 from backports?06:22
Evil_DuDenoaXess: you mean Kde 3.5.10 ?06:24
Evil_DuDenah, I still have old 7.04 Kubuntu06:25
Evil_DuDeI think i should upgrade soon06:26
noaXessEvil_DuDe: jep :) thats right..06:27
noaXesshave upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04.. no problems06:28
noaXesshey Evil_DuDe here are the instructions :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades/Kubuntu06:29
noaXessit works really fine06:29
Evil_DuDeyeah, thanks06:30
Evil_DuDei think i'll do that prolly in couple of weeks because 7.04 supports is over in next month06:33
vikku_2: iam trying tosay it that the iso file is in /opt in /dev/hdc `qemu -boot c /dev/hdc/ /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso`06:49
vikku_2 : iam trying to say it that the iso file is in /opt in /dev/hdc `qemu -boot c /dev/hdc/ /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso`06:51
vikku_2 : Running this qemu -boot c -hdc /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso gives this error "Couldnt read from CDROM"06:52
vikkuhdc is another non-bootalbe disk06:52
vikkuin my destkop06:52
_2vikku repeting.    " qemu -boot c -hda /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso "07:01
vikkubut  ... /opt is in hdc ....07:02
_2that's what man pages are for.07:02
_2vikku if you are going to ignore me. i'll stop trying.07:03
vikkuok lemme try what you are saying ...07:03
vikkustill getting he error : Boot from hard disk 0 failed07:05
vikku_2 : same err on ` qemu -boot c -hda /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso07:06
_2vikku ok then if you want to only munt the iso file inside qemu. then    " qemu -boot c -hda /dev/hdc -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso "    i'm not sure exactly what you are trying to boot07:06
_2vikku repeting.    " qemu -boot c -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso "07:07
_2that's what man pages are for.    i.e.   figure out what you want and look in the man page to see how to get it to do that.07:07
_2i still don't think you want /dev/hdc   anywhere in your syntax.07:08
vikkualright, i need to run DSL , whose iso image is in /opt (this dir is in non-bootable hard disk hdc), in qemu ...07:09
_2vikku what does the hard disk that the iso is on have to do with anything ?    it makes no differance where or what is mounted at/on   /opt     the path to the iso file is /opt correct ?      does  ls /opt/Dsl3   show you the file  dsl-3.4.11.iso  or not ?07:12
vikkuyes it does ahow me that07:13
vikkuupon doin ls07:13
_2i'm sticking with this being what you want,  to the best of my understanding,    " qemu -boot c -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso "  < that line should boot as a cdrom the file  dsl-3.4.11.iso  located in  /opt/Dsl3/     have you tested it ?   yes or no ?07:14
vikkuok qemu -boot c -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso that worked07:14
vikkuyes that worked07:14
_2ok. anything else ?07:14
vikkuwill prompt you here _2 ... thnkx much07:15
_2and let me say i'm sorry that i let your malformed string mislead me into thinking that was suposed to be an hd image rather than a cdrom image.   i would normally have assumed it to be cdrom image by the .iso  but you kept talking about hdc and i couldn't figure out why unless you meant the iso to be an hd image.    my mistake.07:17
vikkuqemu -boot c -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso ...........that cmd i thought was askg qemu o boot iso image from cdrom07:20
_2no it's telling qemu that the file is to be treated as a cdrom07:20
vikkuqemu -boot c -cdrom /opt/Dsl3/dsl-3.4.11.iso ...........that cmd i thought was askg qemu to boot iso image from cdrom ....and i was time and again relating the fact that it should be hdc which contains the iso file07:20
vikkuok _207:21
Dragon_MasterI need help with java and firefox 307:22
_2Dragon_Master i'll call the bot for you but that's as far as i go with either of those.07:23
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper07:23
alistairHow do you find out which global hotkeys are assigned? I have gone System/Keyboard and Mouse, but the global hotkey I want to modify is not listed07:30
noaXessdoes anybody has upgraded to kde 3.5.10 from backports? any problems?07:33
_2alistair khotkeys07:34
Wakei9_UFKC YOU07:35
Dragon_MasterI need help with java and firefox 3 xD07:36
Dragon_MasterI need help with java and firefox 3 xD07:39
_2Dragon_Master try #ubuntu07:42
_2Dragon_Master neither java nor ff are kde/kubuntu specific07:43
Dragon_MasterI am trying it07:43
Dragon_Mastersame result as here07:43
Dragon_Masterthis probelm I've had for weeks07:46
_2sorry.  i don't like or use ff and have never liked java   the recent open sourcing of java hasn't had time to change my mind about it yet.07:48
_2and i can't support something i have purposly avoided.07:48
Dragon_Masterwell I need IE or FF07:48
Dragon_Masternothing else07:49
Dragon_Masterand java I need for online games07:49
* _2 has never considered a sentance with the words "need and games" to be serious enough to answer. maybe it's just the way i was raised.07:52
Dragon_MasterI use it for other things too07:55
FarghDragon_Master, try the new 'chrome' browser, from Google.08:29
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=== dcrabs_ is now known as dcrabs
fritzhi all10:18
fritzam here for questions boys.. paybak B^)10:19
corigoIf I must dual boot with XP which format should I use? Any conflicts with NTFS?10:23
fritzno more conflict with NTFS today10:25
jussi01!ntfs | corigo10:26
ubottucorigo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:26
blunderok guys10:28
karnamehello , i installed kde4 on ubuntu , but when i select kde4 for session and login i see kde splash but desktop and taskbar don't load !10:35
KiDFlaShi added kde 4.1 on ubuntu, no problems here or?10:44
KiDFlaShi works normal till now10:44
jussi01KiDFlaSh: kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)10:45
=== Guest86185 is now known as ForgeAus
* dcrabs is away: Gone away for now.11:17
ForgeAushmmm... this fglxr stuff is a little buggy and slow with my card... but I can't seem to go back to radeon :(11:19
KingOfDosknows anyone a screensaver that can be used within 'screen'?11:29
compilerwriterGentlemen help.  I seem to have lost all functionality of my keyboard on my kubuntu box.11:40
compilerwriterThis same keyboard is working through a kvm switch on a windows machine, and further the keyboard works when grub has me log in.  After that nada.11:41
compilerwriteranybody here?11:45
* compilerwriter pulls hair out in frustration11:45
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion11:59
corigoAnyone know how/where I can get some help with K3b? I am having trouble burning the Ubuntu ISO to disk on my Lenovo T-61. Could it be a driver issue?12:17
ForgeAusargh who can help me with ati xorg.conf ?12:20
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:26
ForgeAuswill k3b burn a DVD iso of OSX Leopard?12:31
=== usuario is now known as usuario_
tuxickdudes, there's a problem with the site12:44
tuxickvery bad12:44
Picituxick: I'm not sure who takes care of the kubuntu website, but you could log a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-website12:47
jussi01tuxick: yeah, not good. ping ryanakca12:48
routersome one that speak spanish, please?13:06
Dragnslcr!es | router13:11
ubotturouter: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:11
routerok, gracias por la informacion13:12
routeren todo caso me las arreglare en ingles, lo que pueda13:12
starenkahi, i got this mess., while trying to mount an ntfs share... mount to NFS server 'rpcbind' failed: RPC Error: Program not registered.. any clues? thx13:12
routercan some one tell me how can i install a package of pando that i downloaded (it's for Ububtu)13:13
starenkarouter: double clink it?13:14
starenkarouter: *click13:14
routeri have he package in .bz213:14
routerwhen I double click on it, ai have a list of files and folders in.13:14
routerand all the files are in .so and others in .so013:15
starenkafollowing INSTALL file?13:15
routerand only one in .png13:15
starenkaor just unpack it and run/..13:16
Jimmy1Hey Guys.. Im just wondering if anyone knows how to chang my IP to a U.S server, reason y is because i wanna watch HULU (streaming tv) and its blocked unless your from there and me being from Australia its not working....13:16
starenkaJimmy1: use some free proxy13:16
Jimmy1how do i do that ?13:16
starenkayour watching thru some program, or via browser?13:17
starenkaf.e this page http://anonymizer.nntime.com/13:17
starenkaor just hunt such pages with google by typing "free web proxy"13:18
starenkathis used to be fine, http://www.kortaz.com/ , but i havent checked it for a while, tho13:19
Jimmy1Hmm this looks interesting13:20
starenkathe other thing is that those proxies will be maybe to slow for watching videos...13:20
Jimmy1i never really knew that you can block and go into websites secretly13:20
corigoAnyone know how/where I can get some help with K3b? I am having trouble burning the Ubuntu ISO to disk on my Lenovo T-61. Could it be a driver issue?13:20
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!13:20
Jimmy1ok well ill give em a go and see how it goes13:21
=== MaMauntaMa is now known as bibstha
bibsthai have problem with time13:35
bibsthathe bios time is set to13:36
bibsthaGMT/UTC probably13:36
bibsthaso, wheni boot up windows and when i boot up kubuntu the shown time is different13:36
bibsthahwo do i set the time in kubuntu to use bios time13:36
bibsthaas my local time?13:36
dr_willisbibstha,  ive had similer issues on some machines...13:37
Xbehave_how can i access an lvm partiton from a livecd13:37
bibsthadr_willis: u have solution?13:37
dr_willisI think i set both to use  'GMT' but its not shown in the timezones.. it was one of the places in england.13:37
dr_willisOR UTC, or whatver ya call  that  time zone where they begin in england. :)13:37
bibsthadr_willis: where do i set it?13:38
dr_willisIn the time/date settings thing ya get to from the clock I belive13:38
bibsthahumm, i dont get it13:38
dr_willisi recall this being some sort of 'bios set to localtime, vs bios clock set to UTC' issue befor13:38
bibsthaif i set the time to GMT then my time display will show GMT time wont it?13:38
dr_willisthe kde clock applet has a menu to get to the set time zone I thought.13:38
dr_willisif not its in the menus/settings somwerhee13:39
bibsthaum im in kde4,... lemme check13:39
dr_willisOr just set up a NTP client to update the time every time it boots.13:39
bibsthadr_willis: well the time is correct, it it shows correct UTC time13:40
bibsthawhat happens is13:40
bibsthathe bios time is UTC, so kubuntu adds up the extra hours and displays my local time13:40
bibsthaso setting up NTP wouldn't help would it? previously i remembered there was an option to set bios as local time... :(13:41
bibsthalemme ask in #ubuntu13:41
dr_willisset the kubuntu timezone to be UTC also then?  i always have to twiddle with the silly stuff..13:41
bsuserHi all13:41
bibsthadr_willis: kubuntu set to UTC would display UTC time and not my local time :(13:42
dr_willisset the bios to be localtime then..   Ive seen it done both way I guess..13:42
dr_willisits really fun when the os's apply the daylight savings time  - several times in one day13:43
bibsthadr_willis: lol it wouldn't work that way13:43
dr_willisbibstha,  ya just go to the bios menus at boot and set the time to be localtime13:44
bibsthacoz then ubuntu will think the UTC time is bios time13:44
dr_willisI just set bios to be localtime, and let timezone be UTC which is '+0'13:44
bibsthadr_willis: no probs13:44
dr_willisOr course ive seen windows I think also set the bios time....13:44
bibsthai'll cofirm this in #ubuntu :) thanks anyways13:44
bsuserHi ALL   what is the default password for root 'kubuntu' , but i dont have self installed password for root , a have dont access to root?13:45
Pici!sudo | bsuser13:45
ubottubsuser: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)13:45
dr_willisThere is no root password13:45
dr_willisthe first user  you set up during install has full 'sudo' rights. You use their password when you 'sudo command'13:46
bsuserokey Thanks ALL13:46
=== rusalka is now known as girl
grassonehow i can come back from the package upgrade to the "original" packet for example of the kubuntu 7.10 ?14:11
=== forge is now known as Guest18294
=== Guest18294 is now known as ForgeAus
chairmanccompiz desktop effects/14:13
grassonehow  can i recognize the packet that were upgraded from the first installation ?14:14
grassonehow can i recognize  the upgrade packet ?14:20
grassonehow can i recognize  the upgrade packets ?14:20
grassonehow can i recognize  the upgraded packets ?14:20
RurouniJonespackages...and I haven't a clue14:23
RurouniJonesUnless you can find a list online or use an existing installation to get all the version numbers14:23
grassoneRurouniJones: yes, packages14:24
numberiWhen I use ktorrent with 2 downloads or more I can't open up webpages (Firefox). If I close the DL's so I have 1 or none DL's it works good.14:25
numberiSomeone know what make this so slow ?14:25
ghostcubenumberi: the ranges for youre bandwith are set to 100% for ktorrent ?14:26
ghostcubeand the priority is to high14:26
=== erwin_ is now known as vaiursch
ghostcubenumberi: u can set this in ktorrent or ?14:28
ghostcubehow much bandwih it takes14:28
numberii don't want to make it slower because for internet speed is <500kb/s, for local nerwork 1-2mb/s14:30
ghostcube62 kb max14:31
ghostcubewhats max u can get in bandwith internet14:32
numberiit's max for one peer14:32
ghostcubeso ktorrent gets max for all inet ?14:32
ghostcubehow should firefox work faster then ?14:33
ghostcubeu can set the max connections to more then 10 in ff and activate pipelining14:33
numberiwhen i download 3 torrents, firefox or konqueror just don't connect to servers14:35
=== kim__ is now known as daresbalat
ghostcubenumberi: shure too much connection14:36
ghostcubelimitate the ktorrent connections14:36
numberiwhat numbers?14:38
Rioting_pacifistkwin doesnt start with my kde3 session, HELP14:38
ghostcubenumberi: what is the number now ?14:39
ghostcubeRioting_pacifist: means what14:39
vikku ok ... iam not able to do this , i have some basic question ....i have this img file in my host comp in my home dir, ......why/how would i partition it for the use by my guest OS..........14:39
routerthe file unwipped contains a list of files but no one of them can run.14:40
routeri can't run pando unpacked in the folder.14:40
Rioting_pacifistwhen i start kde3 kwin simply doesnt start, i know what started this problem but have no idea how to make it start automatically14:40
chairmanhow can i get compiz fusion effects?14:40
numberi300, in speedtest.net download: 7mb/s upload: 6,3mb/s14:40
ghostcubechairman: with compiz fusion ?14:40
ghostcubenumberi: 200   dl 1 MB up 500Kb14:41
ghostcubetest this14:41
chairmanwhere do i go ?14:41
ghostcubejoin this channel14:42
ghostcubehere no cf support14:42
chairmanthere no cf support for Kubuntu?14:43
ghostcubechairman: whats the prob to join #compiz-fusion14:43
ghostcubego there14:43
chairmanthere no cf support for Kubuntu?14:43
ghostcubesure it is but not here in channel or ?14:44
ghostcubeis thi compiz-fusion channel14:44
numberino, it doesn't work14:44
ubottuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion14:45
ghostcubePici: yes but wont work on most grafic cards so better directly to cf :)14:46
Picighostcube: It should work fine on nearly all accelerated graphics cards.14:47
ghostcubenope not by default you wont get this to run on an amd hd card14:47
ghostcubeor an newer gf14:48
ghostcubewithout beeing in cf14:48
numberiand nvidia cards, only after installing drivers14:49
=== router is now known as elthor
ghostcubenumberi: yep :)14:49
numberimy screen was black and i saw only mouse:)14:50
ghostcubeif u go with fglrx the fun starts14:50
=== ubuntu is now known as BlurKing
numberii change d for 350 and u 100. it works14:51
numberibut speed setup for different downloads doesn't work, it's bad14:53
numberii have another 2 questions14:53
numberiwhen i start ktorrent with torrent file, error appears KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/ktorrent'.14:55
numberibut it works14:56
=== mcas is now known as inceax
Rioting_pacifistwhat config file tells kdm to launch kwin as a window manager?15:10
Machtinhey guys :)15:11
Machtincould someone help me to get lirc working?15:11
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:15
blackboardhey all15:20
blackboardI'm trying to burn a data disc in K3b, and it says it is successful, but when I put the disc back in it wont mount it15:21
guest__hay algien?15:27
=== Tizz__ is now known as Tizz
guest__hay algien¿15:28
=== Pici is now known as ubotuu
jussi01!es | guest__15:38
ubottuguest__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:38
=== ubotuu is now known as Pici
Rioting_pacifiststill got my no kwin autolaunching turned sessions off and on with just kwin running, where is the config file that launches a window manager15:44
=== erwin__ is now known as vaiursch
fritzwhen the bridge is created i can't even ping the modem ip.... says "Operation not permitted". which file's rights must be changed?15:59
fritzi created  network bridge16:02
fritzi gave the ip num on it16:02
fritzand routed the default gateway16:02
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:05
=== mike is now known as Guest62349
zhobbswhen I add a menu item via "sudo kmenuedit" it won't stay on my menu, anyway around this?16:09
jpds!kdesudo | zhobbs16:09
ubottuzhobbs: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:09
zhobbsjpds: didn't make a difference in this case16:12
zhobbsbut thanks, will use kdesudo16:12
* MementoMori is away: Pero ora assente.16:17
jussi01!away > MementoMori16:17
ubottuMementoMori, please see my private message16:17
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chairmani need help w/the compiz fusion efect16:23
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=== bibstha is now known as bibekshrestha
=== lo is now known as Guest78910
=== router_ is now known as elthor
elthori'm a starter in the matter of kubuntu ut i like it.16:41
elthori have some bugs about packets installations that are been downloaded form internet.16:42
elthori have downloaded Pando for kubuntu, the file  is sompressed an i have ucompressed it16:42
elthorbut i can't run the application16:43
elthoronce decompressed,16:43
elthorcan someone helpe me, please?16:43
jussi01elthor: the original file, what was the extention?16:44
elthorjussi01: the original file was a .bz2 extention16:45
Denisenever been able to make it run16:46
Denisenewbir here16:46
=== Guest67240 is now known as FernandoX
FernandoXdoes anyone uses amule here?16:53
jussi01elthor: what is pando? can you link me?16:54
jussi01!anyone | FernandoX16:54
ubottuFernandoX: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:54
FernandoXwell, what information do I fill on the bootstrap section?16:56
FernandoXto make KAD network work, i've already forwarded the ports16:57
=== oggy is now known as _oggy
elthorjussi01: pando is a p2P software. i'm using it for download ad share.16:59
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
jussi01elthor: link me please?16:59
pteague_workanyway to figure out why "kded [kdeinit] --new-startup" is eating up 95-100% of 1 of my cpus?16:59
elthorjussi01: http://www.pando.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=11555#1155517:00
jussi01elthor: did you follow the instructions there? ie. install those packages?17:02
elthoryes, the instructtions below doesn't work.17:04
jussi01elthor: where did you run into problems?17:05
elthorthe files listed below doesn't appear anywhere in the folder once uncompressed.17:05
romonazdárek, funguje tu čeština?17:07
romo nazdárek, funguje tu čeština?17:08
romonojo já to věděl!17:10
Maxais there a qdbus command or similar to hide menu bar from Konsole?17:12
Maxathere's "property read bool org.kde.konsole.KMainWindow.hasMenuBar17:17
Maxabut it just checks if there is a menubar i think17:17
=== root is now known as Guest82610
Assurbanipalhi guys, is there a way to convert flv video to avi or other format through graphical interface in kubuntu?17:22
YAOMTCWould there be a way to make a text file open automatically in my editor without putting .txt after it?17:26
YAOMTCIt has some different Unicode characters in there, so maybe that's why it's not automatic for this one.17:27
YAOMTCWould there be something I could put at the beginning of the file, like #!/bin/bash for a script?17:28
aaron_anybody in here17:29
aaron_i need some help17:29
emileIl y a quelqu'un pouvant me help ?17:30
emileJ'ai un problème17:31
emilesous KUbuntu17:31
emileJe n'arrive pas à le mettre en français17:32
emilePlease Help me17:32
aaron_i need some help too17:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:32
aaron_i only can connect to this server17:32
aaron_i cannot connect to webchat and dalnet, why?17:32
aaron_it works fine before this17:32
emileYA UN FRANCAIS ICI !!! ???17:33
Maxa!fr | emile17:34
ubottuemile: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr17:34
MidnightCommando... that should be changed from "uniquement" to "seulement"17:35
Maxais "seulement" only and "uniquement" uniquely?17:35
=== AndrewB is now known as dressed_in_black
=== root is now known as Guest89745
carib909Trying to sync PPC 6 Sprint Mogul with Ubuntu 8.04 See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42742/ Please regarding errors I get on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42743/17:41
=== emile is now known as emile_
=== emile_ is now known as emile
argentohello, Im having problems with konqueror and some flash animations17:44
argentoI dont know what to do17:44
Farghinstall firefox17:45
argentokonqueror works better for me, it cant load some pages, and sometimes it closes without saying anything17:47
argentook nevermind17:48
Denisealways problems of connection17:54
ghostcubechairman: is it working ?17:56
byteme_hi all17:56
byteme_what do I do if my HP d2545 is not listed in the printer setup list?17:57
byteme_how do I get a driver for it17:57
byteme_I guess help comes in the PM hours, eh?18:00
byteme_I'll try back then18:01
jussi01byteme_: 1 sec18:01
jussi01byteme_: according to http://hplip.sourceforge.net/models/deskjet/deskjet_d2500_series.html it is supported -the hplip stuff is under system iirc...18:07
=== emilsedgh_ is now known as emilsedgh
YAOMTCWould there be a way to make a particular text file open automatically in my editor without putting .txt after it? (One file is behaving this way now.) It has some different Unicode characters in there, so maybe that's why it's not automatic for this one. Would there be something I could put at the beginning of the file, like #!/bin/bash for a script?18:15
=== arkara is now known as wantilles
=== wantilles is now known as arkara
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jussi01!fr | emeric18:37
ubottuemeric: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:37
kataklysm54ya kkn?18:53
kataklysm54besoin daide18:53
kataklysm54sil vous plait18:53
kataklysm54personne ne peut maider sur kubuntu?18:54
=== spyke is now known as tomato
=== tomato is now known as tomatoo
tomatoohi all - running hardy kde4 and ripping my hair out because of my usb stick - scandinavian filenames between windows and kubuntu are all screwed up and the forums aren't helping - anyone have any ideas?18:56
arkarause utf8 on mountung18:57
tomatoothat's the thing arkara - i can't figure out where the mount settings are in kde4 - my fstab doesn't have anything, the stick mounts automatically...18:58
arkaraw8 plx18:58
joukoa tout le monde19:00
=== dcrabs__ is now known as dcrabs_
=== dcrabs_ is now known as dcrabs
=== [ifroog] is now known as ifrog|away
arkarahear me there?19:07
arkarawhat file system does usb have? it have19:07
arkaramount -t vfat /dev/*** /mnt -utf819:08
scherfaHi i have some brocken dependencies after upgrading to kde3.5.10 (libldap2 -> libpq) so i could not install aniting new anymore ..19:17
scherfaHas anyone else these problems?19:17
Assurbanipalscherfa, i think sudo apt-get update -f fixes packages problems19:18
scherfaAssurbanipal: Not here i couldn't install anything here is the message :  libpq5: Hängt ab: libldap2 (>= 2.1.17-1) ist aber nicht installierbar19:20
scherfaThe problem libldap2 has no packages anymore but libldap-2.4.2 is installed ... :(19:21
Assurbanipalscherfa, don't know mate....19:22
habobhey, i can't seem to install ubuntu via cd, but i can boot in backtrack off of a USB key, so how i can i install kubuntu if i have the cd in the computer and booted into backtrack?19:22
testiIf I don't have a torrent client installed and I click on a torrent client why doesn't the it propose to automatically "install a torrent client and open with"19:29
testiIf I don't have a torrent client installed and I click on a torrent link why doesn't the it propose to automatically "install a torrent client and open with"19:30
testiwhere torrent is just an example19:30
testithe same could apply for irc:// and no irc-client installed19:30
carib909Trying to sync PPC 6 Sprint Mogul with Ubuntu 8.04 See http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42742/ Please regarding errors I get on http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42743/19:32
emikhi all. good day.19:33
carib909hey emik19:33
emiki am just install kubuntu 619:33
emikdear carib, could you help me to setup my pc as testing server for php mysql19:34
=== ifrog|away is now known as [ifroog]
=== paolo is now known as paolo_
=== paolo_ is now known as paolo__
=== paolo__ is now known as paolo
paoloci siete?19:39
emikwhich one is better for testing server on localhost LAMP and KAMP  ?19:41
stdincarib909: try installing libnotify-bin19:41
paolonon ci capisco nulla19:41
paoloqualcuno parla italiano?19:41
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:41
=== ryaxnb-33 is now known as ryaxnbislazy
=== ryaxnbislazy is now known as ryaxnblesspants
=== ryaxnblesspants is now known as ryaxnb-lesspants
uncleanhow can you tell f you have Hardy?19:46
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell19:47
carib909stdin what will linotify do?19:53
carib909libnotify i meant19:53
stdincarib909: it's a library that sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon, basically will let an application send notifications to you19:54
stdinand that app you installed seems to need it19:54
carib909Is that related to the errors I am getting?19:55
carib909ok What command should I use to install that?19:55
stdineither use Adept or apt-get19:55
stdinprobably quicker to do "sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin"19:55
emikE: Couldn't find package libnotify-bin19:57
stdinit's in universe, so you probably need to enable that19:57
carib909Same errors after install19:58
stdincarib909: ahh, it needs notification-daemon too19:59
ubuntuhay alguine??20:02
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe20:03
=== ubuntu is now known as danie
=== danie is now known as daaf
stdindaaf: /join #ubuntu-ar20:04
daafq onda stdin??? q no puedo hablar aqui??20:04
stdindaaf: English only here20:05
daafhaaa.... it ok20:06
jpds!es | daaf20:06
ubottudaaf: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:06
mr---t-stdin: do you know much about konversation?20:07
stdinmr---t-: a bit, what do you want to know?20:07
=== mlins is now known as mlins|away
mr---t-jucato gave me some intructions on how to get double spacing  but it's not consistant20:08
mr---t-I have the new rcl version20:09
stdindouble spacing in what?20:09
mcmHi, I've installed Flash but a flash video won't open. Is there a codac that I need to install also?20:09
mr---t-the display window20:10
carib909stdin how do I get notification module?20:10
stdinmr---t-: I've never tried to do it, so can't help. but you know there is #konversation20:10
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
carib909notification daemon...?20:11
stdincarib909: make sure you have libnotify-bin and notification-daemon installed20:11
carib909ok thnks20:11
mr---t-mr---t-: you need to include these lines under the [Appearance] group of your konversationrc file: "UseParagraphSpacing=true" and "ParagraphSpacing=20" (without the quotes. you'll have to experiment with the paragraphs spacing value)20:11
mr---t-when people delay slightly I get great spacing @40 but the quicker they speak the closer the lines get together20:12
=== daaf is now known as alff21
mr---t-I'm fairly new to kubuntu and this was my first binary compile and modification of a program20:14
stdinyou'd get better luck in #konversation, I don't know the config values20:14
mr---t-ok thanks any way20:14
carib909stdin still errors at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42803/20:15
stdincarib909: you may need to edit some configuration, but that's an issue with that app now20:17
carib909whoops! not sure what app or how to edit configuration...any ideas?20:17
stdinwell, the app is synce-pls, and I've never used it so have no clue about what configuration20:18
carib909aight; Thnks for trying...20:18
Jasmin_join #ubuntu20:24
Jasmin_dhq__, hi20:24
Jasmin_dhq__, how r u20:25
Jasmin_dhq__, i need ur help super user20:25
Jasmin_hello anybody help me out plz20:28
Jasmin_how do i configure this modem in kubuntu20:29
=== ryaxnb-lesspants is now known as ryaxnb-morepants
=== ryaxnb-morepants is now known as ryaxnb-lesspants
Jasmin_hello anyone knows that20:32
YAOMTCOne more time: Would there be a way to make a particular text file open automatically in my editor without putting .txt after it? (One file is behaving this way now.) It has some different Unicode characters in there, so maybe that's why it's not automatic for this one. Would there be something I could put at the beginning of the file, like #!/bin/bash for a script?20:44
Jasmin_YAOMTC, hi20:45
Jasmin_YAOMTC, can u help me out20:45
YAOMTCMaybe? I'm not incredibly experienced, but what's your problem?20:45
eyponehey eny of you tride to install at DVB-c tuner?20:45
Jasmin_YAOMTC, http://www.airtel.in/wps/wcm/connect/airtel.in/Airtel.In/Home/ForYou/Wireless+Internet/USB+Modem/Know+More/Documentation+Required/20:46
Jasmin_YAOMTC, i hav this modem n how do i configure in kubuntu20:46
YAOMTCSorry, I can't help you there, I don't know much about modems. I had a "DSL gateway" and when I'd plug in the ethernet, it'd work automatically, so... no experience with configuring for a modem.\20:47
Jasmin_YAOMTC, ok thanks 4 ur reply20:48
YAOMTCNo prob20:50
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
eyponeeny one how can help me whith DVB-c tuner?20:52
veritas_will kubuntu be supporting Google chrome? =P21:00
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
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=== pablo is now known as sontgun
=== udi is now known as venik
Ratchet4620hey guys i need help on how to do the following "To install the latest stable release (SqueezeCenter 7.2) update your /etc/apt/sources.list to include:"21:14
Ratchet4620deb http://debian.slimdevices.com stable main21:14
starenkayou can add repositories in adept more easily....21:15
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
engineersudo aptitude install software-sources-kde21:15
engineersudo aptitude install software-sources-gtk21:16
engineeradd that line using the new program21:16
engineersudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list21:16
engineerscroll to the bottom21:16
engineeradd that line21:16
engineersudo aptitude update21:16
=== kde4 is now known as jirik
engineerany german here?21:28
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de21:28
Denisenew one technical21:37
Deniseor same one21:37
engineerok shoot21:38
DeniseIt engineer21:38
Denisenew formation21:39
DeniseI totally agree21:39
engineerwhat the heck are you talking about21:39
=== mlins|away is now known as mlins
Deniseshoot and count21:42
engineernew one technical what?21:42
jaramillo_What app should I use to grab webcam img's?21:44
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:45
jaramillo_haha, cool, grat21:46
=== forge is now known as Guest70664
=== Guest70664 is now known as ForgeAus
ForgeAushow do I get sunjava to plug into konqui?21:55
chrzizI'm having trouble getting my broadcom 43 wireless drivers to work, I downloaded them and installed with ndiswrapper yet they still dont work22:07
chrzizAnyone have any suggestions?22:08
HighHochrziz: does ndiswrapper see the device?22:09
chrzizI'm not sure, how would I check?22:10
chrzizk>System>Hardware Drivers Manager sees it22:10
chrzizI'm new to linux as you can see22:11
HighHo!wireless | chrziz:22:11
ubottuchrziz:: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:11
chrzizThanks, I'll check it out22:12
HighHohave a look there first if you havent, you will find some information on ndiswrapper22:12
chrzizThanks, I appreciate it22:12
engineerJerry Reed died22:12
_Angelus_somebody knows if the next kubuntu releas will be kde4 or kde3  or both?22:27
=== lovenkraft is now known as cyix
mixed1234I am unable to record anything uisng alsa or sound recorder, can someone pls help!22:30
mixed1234sorry, meant to say audacity or sound recorder22:31
Maxahave you tried selecting the right input source from kmixer22:36
mixed1234Maxa yes I have tried all the ones I can think of22:37
mixed1234Maxa, I am using my system board's mic, it was working fine a few days ago22:37
mixed1234I can hear myself speak into the mic however I cannot record myself with either audacity or sound recorder22:38
catfactshi im doing a how-to article about irc clients and as a gnome user dont know much about a basic kde install, what is the best/preinstalled/common/etc irc client for kde people?22:38
Maxaif it has worked before.. then im not sure if i can help22:39
Maxai just know you have to select right sources from both audacity and kmixer22:39
mixed1234oh ok i already tried that i am still unable to record, thanks for the help anyway, im gogn to see if i can do it using ubuntu22:40
Maxai've used KVIrc a lot22:40
PhilRodcatfacts: konversation is probably what you're after. You might want to look at ksirc too, although its main advantage is that it's scriptable22:40
catfactsPhilRod: ill go with konversation then im just writing a base how to no need for fancy stuffs thanks22:40
ForgeAuskvirc is good22:40
ForgeAuskonvi is a quick and dirty irc client, works for the basics...22:41
Maxaif it wasnt for screen+irssi combination, i would use kvirc22:41
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
ForgeAuslol konsole to a screen session and run irssi?22:41
catfactsForgeAus: irssi is my irc of choice but im aiming this at a gui22:42
Maxakonsole is quite good, full screen and menubar off :)22:42
ForgeAuswhy don't you just use a tty?22:43
ForgeAusor do you like tabs?22:43
Maxano exactly, i use compiz so i just switch desktops22:43
Maxai guess i could use tab for a bitlbee session or something, my screen is on a shell22:44
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=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
devo how do i have the num lock light come on for when i start up?22:56
catfactsone more question is konversation installed by default on kde22:57
catfactser well on Kubuntu at least22:57
catfactsif yes what is the menu path to it22:58
devo can anyone tell me how to have to num lock light come one when i start up my computer???22:59
devo wtf is this, i am ask'n for help & no one will help me WTF!!!23:00
scott_whow do i set KDE's default session?23:05
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
scott_wor set a manually saved session even?23:08
HighHoscott_w: From what i remember when logging in from KDM if you use a diffrent session from your last one it will ask you if you want to use it.23:08
scott_wmy apologies, i didnt' clarify23:09
scott_wi mean, when you have the applications to load when you start KDE23:09
scott_whow do i set those to automatically load?23:09
scott_woh, never mind i've found it23:10
scott_wit was in the menu23:10
HighHoscott_w: been using KDE4 for a while, but if i remember as long as you log off it will ask you if you want to save your session23:10
scott_wlol thanks ;)23:10
neWbieanyone uses kopete?23:12
sontgunhi, anyone could work chrome under wine?23:13
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=== struktured__ is now known as struktured
sontgunanyone work google chrome with wine?23:29
ForgeAuslol good question :)23:31
sontgunnobody could work google chrome w/ wine?23:34
=== drkguy is now known as Drk_Guy
sontgunreally? nobody?23:36
* Drk_Guy clears throat23:37
Drk_GuyNow, Hi!23:37
Drk_Guy!ask sontgun23:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask sontgun23:38
Drk_Guy!ask | sontgun23:38
ubottusontgun: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:38
sontguni say a 1000 times (jaja) if someone coul work GOOGLE CHROME with WINE!23:41
veritas_ooh chrome's linux sauce has been released, anyone build it?23:52
sontgunplease i asked 100 times!! anyone could work Chrome?23:52
dr_willisI havent the slightest idea what you mean by 'chrome'23:54
sontgungoogle chrome!!!23:54
sontgunthe browser!23:54
sontguncome on!23:54
dr_willisNot heard of it.23:55
dr_willissounds like a not very well named projects.23:55
BluesKaji don't think Chrome is available yet. Seems google is holding back due to that silly cartoon offering23:58

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