
emmapwnguin: this is my Xorg.0.log -- http://club-ubuntu.pastebin.com/m1403f10c00:03
pwnguinbbiab dinner00:11
emmacool see you later on00:11
=== HardyOne is now known as IdleOne
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intangirwhere do i get the beta versions of ubuntu?01:09
intangirand what versions are they?01:09
AirBenderit's alpha on thees days01:09
AirBenderthese, whatever01:10
intangirdoes it have the guest login feature?01:30
intangirwell thx im gonna try it out01:33
bsnidercan somebody try increasing nautilus icon zoom level to 200% please?01:55
bsnidernautilus should now be leaking memory like the titanic02:02
AirBendercan't see any changes in the memory monitor as I change the value02:03
bsnideryou increased it in the preferences window right?02:05
bsniderit has to be system-wide02:06
AirBenderjust where it says zoom02:06
AirBenderbeside the icon view combo box02:06
bsniderok, click edit02:06
bsniderthen preferences02:06
AirBendernothing happened02:07
bsnidericon view defaults 200%02:07
AirBenderand I can see the big icons02:07
bsniderwhen i did it it grabbed all of my ram02:07
AirBenderand I have opened another window02:07
AirBendernot here02:07
AirBenderamd64 system02:08
AirBenderand I have 80% of my RAM full02:08
bsniderwhat's nautilus using?02:08
AirBenderwill check02:08
AirBender30 MB02:09
AirBendertwo windows02:09
bsnidermaybe i should blow away my gconf directory and switch gtk themes or something02:09
bsniderwhich icon theme are you using?02:10
AirBenderand metacity as window manager02:10
AirBenderbecause I don't know why compiz refuses to start automatically02:11
AirBenderby the way, the on demand frequency scalling isn't working02:13
AirBenderstays at the lower limit02:13
x1250AirBender, yeah, compiz doesn't autostart here too, and I can't add it to the gnome session also, so I have to manually start it on login. Anyway, I read tha you could use ~/.config/autostart to manually add compiz to the gnome session, but I don't know the details of how to do it.02:18
AirBenderyes, I have been starting it manually, but well, isn't that important though02:18
x1250nope :)02:19
Cycomhey, anyone else having their window decorations get all screwed up with the new nvidia drivers?  just the bar along the top.  Emerald themes work fine, but stuff like newhuman or the ubuntu studio theme are all wonky.02:29
Cycomdoesn't show up in screenshots either.\02:31
outbr1So, I switched over to Intrepid day before yesterday and had most everything working when I shut it down last night. (Second reboot after upgrade, first was minutes after upgrade). When I booted up this morning, I had no internet connection. The cable is fine, I checked that connection. Ubuntu says it is connected at 100mb/s, with all the correct numbers, but it isn't. It appears Intrepid is no longer using the network-admin that Hardy used, and now 04:21
bsnidernetwork-manager has been upgraded, yes04:22
outbr1The first problem I've had with nm is that it won't let me save a configuration, it says it failed.04:24
bsniderif it's wired, why would you need to do that?04:24
LSD|NinjaNM handles wired connections too. The problem is that it only enables tham after login. 0.7 is supposed to fix that only it doesn't work in Intrepid yet >_<04:25
outbr1Because it had no configuration to begin with. Somewhere along the line it saved one, so when I view Connection Information everything seems right. What shows up in the Addresses section is not what is shown in Connection Information.04:26
bsniderwhat does nm say your ip address is?04:26
outbr1It shows that as the correct ip (, and the same one that is in Connection Information.04:27
bsniderwhy do you think you're not actually connected?04:28
outbr1Hmm. I can't ping out, or connect to anything in firefox.04:29
outbr1I can ping and ssh into it, though.04:29
bsnideris there anything bizarre about your setup?04:30
outbr1Not particularly. I could get out fine on everything before my second reboot.04:30
bsniderwhat kind of network hardware is it?04:31
jessicahey guys04:31
bsnidergreetings and salutations04:32
jessica8.10 has the .26 kernel doesnt it ?04:32
jessicaoooo testing kernel04:32
bsniderworks fine04:32
bsniderhas lot sof new drivers04:32
SebNaitsabeswhat's  Ibex on now?04:33
SebNaitsabesalpha still?04:33
jessicai wonder when my wireless card will have drivers04:33
bsnidernew alpha is out ina  couple days04:33
bsniderwhat card is it?04:33
* SebNaitsabes likes to get Ubuntu early, but not to early which he did with Gutsy and learnt his lesson04:33
SebNaitsabessince the updates screwed Gutsy up in the end04:33
SebNaitsabesuntill  the stable was much nearer04:34
* jessica tested hardy from alpha 1 - rc104:34
outbr1bsnider: the router is an extreme networks summit 48, iirc04:34
bsnidercheck the .27 kernel to see if there's a driver for it04:34
jessicai shall but i dont think there is04:34
* SebNaitsabes wonders if Jessica will get bored of development Ubuntu after a week to04:34
jessicais it in alpha 4 now >?04:34
bsnideri think it's alpha 404:34
* SebNaitsabes jessica wants some distro where she will learn a lot04:34
SebNaitsabeswhen 's  Ibex beta?04:35
bsnidera few weeks04:35
jessicaill test it in alpha04:35
jessicait be fun04:35
SebNaitsabes,but is alpha stable enough to well not screw things up big time?04:36
bsniderthat's subjective04:36
jessicaill let you know SebNaitsabes04:36
bsniderthe more intel hardware you depend on, the better04:36
jessicaooo thats good04:36
SebNaitsabesnew Ibex features are?04:36
jessicai have a intel cpu, intel graphics and intel sound04:36
bsniderthey will all work fine04:37
jessicahehe i have 2 sound cards :S04:37
SebNaitsabeshardy seems rather similar to gutsy to me04:37
SebNaitsabesso I gusss Ibex will seem rather simlar to hardy04:37
bsnidergnome is much faster04:37
bsniderpulseaudio 9.11 is glitch-free04:37
jessicakde is nice tho well on gutsy it is04:37
SebNaitsabesyou mean no more04:37
jessicai never botherd with hardy apart from in testing lol04:37
SebNaitsabeskillall pulseaudio?04:38
jessicai prefer alsa04:38
bsniderpulseis getting better all the time04:38
* SebNaitsabes dosan't really care as long as his sound works, and wonders what the differences are anyway04:38
bsniderthe volume control is almost on par with vista04:38
jessicaalsa is less to type when in the /etc/init.d/ directry04:39
jessicao god it dnt work then04:39
jessicavista is crap04:39
jessicafor everythin04:39
SebNaitsabesvista is ok04:39
bsnidervista's userspace sound system is excellent04:39
* jessica slaps SebNaitsabes04:39
bsniderand the volume control provides a central place to control all applications that use sound, even if those apps don't have colume controls nomrally (like msn messenger)04:40
* SebNaitsabes becomes a woman beater :D and punches jessica with a virtual punch in the face for it04:40
jessicabsnider: ive used vist04:41
SebNaitsabesso pulseaudio is not screwed04:41
jessicathe RSOD put me off04:41
jessicared screens of death04:41
SebNaitsabesrythombox etc will just work to play sound with out needing  to killall pulseaudio anymore with  Ibex?04:41
jessica16mins off download being done04:42
bsniderbut banshee-1 is better than rhythmbox04:42
jessicabrb guys04:42
SebNaitsabesbanshee has no last.fm plugin I think though04:42
bsnideryes it does04:42
bsnideryou're behind the times04:42
bsnideri'm talking about banshee-104:42
bsniderthe new one04:42
SebNaitsabesrythombox is a pretty shit player, but  it does have last.fm plugin :)  and plays my music and that's the main things04:42
SebNaitsabesa new version in Ibex04:43
SebNaitsabesthat is not in hardy?04:43
SebNaitsabessaying that no backport?04:43
SebNaitsabesor something04:43
SebNaitsabesto get that version in Hardy?04:43
bsnideractually there's a ppa repo that is for hardy too but you have to add it04:43
SebNaitsabeswhat's ppa?04:43
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.04:44
bsnideryou can clearly see the last.fm plugin in the sidebar04:44
SebNaitsabesso that's the way to get the latest banshee for hardy tehn?04:45
SebNaitsabesand oh it does video now to04:45
SebNaitsabesI got Banshe 0.13.2 installed04:46
bsniderthat's been deprecated04:46
jessicai might be gone again im not sure04:46
SebNaitsabesoh well that's the one in hardys repo isan't it?  I gues so04:46
bsniderbanshee-1 has a very good daap plugin too04:46
SebNaitsabessince all my updates are on04:47
bsnideryou have to add the ppa repository04:47
SebNaitsabeswhat's daap?04:47
SebNaitsabeshow do I add the ppa repo was that your second link?04:47
jessicabe back again04:47
bsniderdaap is apple's music-sharing protocol. it's a way to share music on a network04:47
SebNaitsabesI see04:48
SebNaitsabesprobably won't be using that anytime soon if ever04:48
bsniderthose are the instructions04:48
SebNaitsabeswhat are the new features of Ibex?04:48
SebNaitsabesother than more drivers04:48
SebNaitsabesin the kernel04:48
SebNaitsabesand pulse being fixed04:48
bsniderit will make your bed and brush your teeth after it gets the morning papers04:49
RAOFMy laptop fails to boot if not plugged in.  that's a pretty nifty feature04:49
SebNaitsabesthe new features04:49
bsnideruse google for that04:49
RAOFSebNaitsabes: The new features are pretty much what they always are; new versions of all the apps, bringing in upstream shininess.04:50
murlidharcan anybody explain me 'what is sd " ?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42591/04:50
SebNaitsabesI like getting Ubuntu early, but04:50
murlidharline 304:51
SebNaitsabesnot to early since things can screw up big time04:51
SebNaitsabesis it still to early to get Ibex?04:51
jessicahey back04:51
RAOFSebNaitsabes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview is a more verbose listing of stuff ;04:51
jessicaand to stay04:51
jessica7 mins left for my download04:51
SebNaitsabesdo an upgrade from Hardy to Ibex that is04:51
bsniderthat's subjective04:52
RAOFmurlidhar: sd is likely to be your hard drive controller driver (and CDROM driver is likely to be sr).  You don't need to care about those messages; they're only there for kernel devs, really.04:52
SebNaitsabeswhen I got gutsy really early04:52
SebNaitsabesthings were fine04:52
SebNaitsabesdid the updates no problems04:52
SebNaitsabesor maybe there was something minior04:52
SebNaitsabes,but then did some update and things screwed up a lot.  untill newer packages04:52
bsnideryou can try newer software on hardy without upgrading to intrepid04:53
SebNaitsabesyeah and  ppa is the best way to do that or?04:53
bsniderthere's getdeb.net and the ppa stuff that's out there04:53
SebNaitsabesI know about getdeb04:53
murlidharRAOF: can u tell me if i have correct drivers installed for my Nic  since i am not ablt to use my nic .04:53
SebNaitsabeshehe @ what?04:53
RAOFmurlidhar: Yes, you have the correct drivers for at least one of your NICs04:54
jessicahehe im comming from a rpm based distro04:54
SebNaitsabesso  for a fixed pulseaudio I need Ibex?04:54
murlidharRAOF: got only one NIC04:54
jessicaso it could b intresting04:54
SebNaitsabesRPM from my FC2 and FC4 days was not that different from the Deb installer thing we have for Ubuntu now04:55
murlidharRAOF: the internet i am using right now is from my cellphone04:55
SebNaitsabesRPM was like click and install04:56
SebNaitsabesDebs can be like that now as well in Ubuntu04:56
SebNaitsabesand that's been a while04:56
RAOFmurlidhar: It looks like your eth0 drivers are fine.04:56
murlidharRAOF: could u get my NIC working since  i don't see eth0 in ifconfig04:56
LSD|Ninjamurlidhar: what sort of NIC is it? All the common ones should have native drivers...04:57
murlidharintex 8139D LSD|Ninja04:58
murlidharwired one04:58
LSD|Ninjamurlidhar: Realtek should be supported just fine04:59
SebNaitsabesyou guys know that theme mockup04:59
SebNaitsabesthe one tha looks like Mac OS X04:59
SebNaitsabessort of04:59
SebNaitsabesand well Ubuntu04:59
SebNaitsabesis that really going to become the theme for Ibex or not?04:59
LSD|NinjaNo idea but so long as it's not brown, I'll give it a chance04:59
jessicau like the brown theme ?05:00
SebNaitsabesthat theme is  better than the default  Ubuntu look grey05:00
murlidharthe output i got from lshw is this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/42593/05:00
CycomPersonally, I like a mix of newhuman and ubuntu studio.05:00
SebNaitsabesI read an artice or whatever that was like they should be copying gOS05:00
SebNaitsabessince that looks nice05:00
murlidharit says that my card is disabled .05:00
jessicaok my ubuntu is up in virtualbox05:01
SebNaitsabesMac look for me or just the default.  or  uhmmmmmm  that default blueish  theme whaever that was heh05:01
murlidharthe module loaded is fealnx. i also tried loading 8139cp and 8139too .05:01
jessicaits no diffrent05:03
bsniderit says network is disabled, not that your card is05:05
murlidharbsnider: and the solution is ?05:06
bsniderwhat does ifconfig say?05:07
bsnideris it eth0?05:07
bsniderif so, sudo ifup eth0000005:07
bsnidereth0 i mean05:07
murlidharifconfig doesn't show eth0 . it shows only lo and ppp0 ( My cellphone from which i am connected to )05:08
bsnidernetwork-manager only allows one connection at a time05:08
murlidharbsnider: i am using lxnm05:09
bsniderhave you tried it without the cellphone in there?05:09
murlidharbsnider: i tried disconnecting ppp0 and even then i don't see eth005:09
bsniderwell, disconnect it and then do sudo ifup eth005:09
murlidharor any other card for that matter except lc05:09
murlidharor any other card for that matter except lo05:10
murlidharbsnider: tried that earlier05:10
bsniderwhat happens?05:10
murlidharIgnoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.05:11
murlidharbsnider: brb05:11
bsnideri'd certainly start with a plain version of all of the configuration files05:12
bsniderif you're using mobile broadband who knows what the network config files look like now05:12
bsniderprobably look like the treatment for kevin smith's superman script05:12
murlidharbsnider: nope Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.05:13
murlidharthat's the only message i get . moreover i don't see the lan light on my router .05:13
bsniderwhen you set up your cell phone to act as an internet device, did you do anything crazy to get it working?05:14
murlidharnope bsnider05:15
murlidharbsnider: all i do is sudo wvdial .05:15
bsniderwhat exactly was the procedure?05:15
murlidharjust set up my wvdial.conf once . at /etc/wvdial.conf05:15
murlidharthat's it05:16
bsniderdid your lan card work before that file was there?05:16
murlidharnope tried that too .05:16
bsniderwhen was the last time the lan card worked?05:16
murlidharit worked in gutsy .05:17
bsnidera year ago?05:17
murlidharsince then i was out of touch with the comp world .05:17
bsniderdid you upgrade or doa  fresh install?05:17
murlidharbroadband to be exact.05:17
bsniderupgrade from gutsy or fresh install?05:18
murlidharfresh install05:18
bsnidertry this05:18
bsniderboot from the hardy live-cd05:18
murlidhardual booting hardy and ibex now.05:18
bsniderdoes it work in hardy?05:19
murlidharibex is base install05:19
bsniderdoes it work booting from the hardy livecd?05:19
bsniderdoes it work with another linux distro, like suse or fedora?05:19
murlidharnever tried it. i normally use alternate cd .05:20
murlidhark i try from some other distro .05:20
bsniderevery livecd should have the drivers and networking software necessary to get it working05:20
bsnidertry it in different ones and see of it works there, and then if it does, report a bug05:20
murlidharok bsnider05:21
murlidharthank bsnider05:21
murlidharthanks bsnider05:21
bsniderno prob05:21
bsnidernow i'm going to go watch clint kill a lot of people05:21
MellowDudehow i get the alpha version of 8.1005:45
murlidharhow to burn an iso file in xcdburner06:09
alexandrohi"/connect irc.ubuntu.com"06:10
murlidharhow to burn an iso file in xcdroast06:14
LSD|Ninjalol, that's even still around?06:15
alexandrowhat up06:27
=== kayess__ is now known as kayess
suornamhi i installed nvidia-glx-177 with Driver "nvidia" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and when i type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart i get this error message in /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:29
suornam(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!07:30
suornamlocate nvidia.ko gives me /lib/modules/2.6.27-2-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia.ko /lib/modules/last-good-boot/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/177.70/2.6.27-2-generic/i686/module/nvidia.ko /var/lib/dkms/nvidia/177.70/build/nvidia.ko07:31
suornamif i type sudo modprobe nvidia i get FATAL: Module nvidia not found.07:32
suornami googled around for a few bugs because nvidia-glx-177 wouldn't install properly and it took me a while to even get that setup07:34
suornamif anyone can help me get hardware 3d acceleration back again i'd really appreciate it07:34
suornamfor now i'm stuck with nv :(07:35
DanaGsuornam: sudo invoke-rc.d dkms_autoinstaller stop && sudo invoke-rc.d dkms_autoinstaller start07:37
suornamDanaG: no luck it still fails. i'll check Xorg.0.log to find out why07:41
suornamsame line comes up from Xorg.0.log07:41
suornamlsmod | grep nvidia comes up with nothing07:41
DanaGHmm, did the build by dkms_autoinstaller work?07:42
suornami think so, otherwise a .ko wouldn't appear right?07:42
suornami just fully updated too. nothing in the update seemed to suggest a fix :(07:50
suornamjust did a sudo aptitude reinstall nvidia-glx-17707:50
suornamno errors or warnings from dpkg or otherwise07:50
suornamDanaG: do you mind if i spam the channel with ~10 lines?07:53
suornamit's the output from /var/log/Xorg.0.log (at least the relevant nvidia bit)07:53
RAOFBetter to pastebin the whole thing.07:54
suornamhmm, okay, i'll stop being lazy07:54
RAOFNo, keep being lazy.  Install pastebinit :)07:56
RAOFThen run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'07:56
suornamhttp://pastebin.com/d2b10f8a9 -> Xorg.0.log08:03
suornami think the bigger problem is that i can't get modprobe nvidia to work08:03
suornamrather, sudo modprobe nvidia to be consistent08:03
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
suornamoh you're joking08:12
suornamsudo depmod -ae and sudo modprobe nvidia got it to load the module08:13
suornamnow to test if it works with accelerated graphics08:13
suornamwhy isn't depmod -ae run by default on boot? i suppose i can add this to my /etc/rc.local, but that's a hack08:15
RAOFsuornam: File A Bug(tm)? :)08:15
suornamperhaps. but i'm usually too shy and attribute it to some sort of mistake on my part08:17
suornamso in the future, when i upgrade my kernel (which i suspect will happen a lot until the release of intrepid) what do i have to do with the graphics driver?08:19
suornami used to do everything from the nvidia installer before and depending on whether X didn't work, i'd reinstall the nvidia graphics driver08:19
RAOFYou shouldn't _have_ to do anything; it should just work (or, alternatively, fail to build the kernel module against the new kernel, in which case you wait for a new patch ;))08:19
suornamtoday i decided to get rid of the installer and just use whatever the repositories give me08:19
suornamah, that's lovely08:19
suornamthanks everyone. now back to doing real productive non-work again08:20
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=== fdd_ is now known as fdd
aimazI tried upgrading a virtual machine from 8.04 to intrepid using update-manager -d and I now have a kernel panic09:36
aimazI made a snapshot of the vm before the reboot, is this useful to developers?09:37
Hobbseeaimaz: i believe that was documented (the fact that it didn't work) in the release notes, for the past few tribes.09:44
aimazyeah, I've spotted the bug in launchpad now09:46
* Hobbsee grumbles at compiz, freezing when it locks her screen.09:46
Hobbseeand i actually discovered something bad, for when you press and hold the power button to power off a computer.  finally.09:47
Hobbseeemma: btw, for u-restricted-extras, you'll find that each architecture has a different set of dependancies.  You're right on your guess that the different arches get different packages installed.09:50
Hobbsee(if you were interested)09:50
Hobbseeyou'll also find that kubuntu, and xubuntu versions exist, as appropriate09:51
vistakilleraimaz what cpu you have?09:53
RAOFHobbsee: Apparently unsetting "unredirect fullscreen windows" will unkill your screensaver.09:53
vistakillertry to enable VT-x/AMD-v09:53
aimazvistakiller: model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7250  @ 2.00GHz09:53
aimazVT-x is enabled in the VM settings09:54
HobbseeRAOF: oh, that's interesting.  how and where do i set that?09:54
vistakillerin generic pref09:54
vistakillerbut try to enable ineach virtual machine settings09:54
vistakilleris two settings09:54
vistakillerone in generic and on in virtual machine09:54
aimazah yes, I only had the one09:54
aimaztrying again09:54
vistakillerright click in vm and settings09:55
aimazI have the one in VirtualBox preferences and in the vm settings screens both enabled now and it still happens unfortunatly09:57
vistakilleri have done this and i can boot normal in ibex09:57
vistakillerright click>settings>general>advanced>Enable Vt-x/AMD-v?09:58
aimazI've done that, do I need to set something in the host bios10:02
vistakillerthere is a bug report here take a look10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246067 in linux "Kernel panic during boot in VirtualBox with kernel 2.6.26.*-generic" [High,Fix committed]10:02
aimazyeah, I'm reading the comments on there, but some people seem to want it disabled and others want it enabled10:03
aimazvery strange10:03
Oli``Loads of python-using apps don't work for me (Software Sources, Gwibber, compiz). All their crashes end in "SystemError in <module>()" - any ideas?10:03
aimazOli``: can you pastebin some more of the output from a couple?10:09
RAOFHobbsee: In compizconfig settings manager, core options.10:13
Oli``aimaz: http://paste2.org/p/6894910:14
aimaz"SystemError: error return without exception set" usually happens when you run a program and it exits with an error I believe10:15
HobbseeRAOF: will try that, thanks10:16
marekthi, do you know why knetworkmanager doesnt connect to the wifi?10:18
marektit did from live usb10:18
marektand also during first login10:18
aimazOli``: what i mean is when the program runs a subprocess or perhaps uses a library10:19
aimazso it's not neccesarily a problem with the python10:20
Oli``They're both locking up at gtk.gdk.threads_init() is that's a clue10:21
Oli``(I hadn't noticed that before)10:21
Oli``But if it's a subprocess, how would I trace that?10:21
aimazwell you can probably see the python code for that function10:23
aimazpython -c "import gtk;print gtk.__file__"10:24
aimazthat will tell you where the gtk module is10:24
aimazthe gdk module looks like a c module10:28
Oli``yeah that came back with /var/lib/python-support/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.pyc and that's a mildly binary file10:29
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aimazpyc is the compiled form of the .py10:38
afiefIs is just me or can mplayer and avidemux really not exist together on the same system?10:45
afieflooks like each depends on a different lame library which will not cooperate10:46
RAOFafief: That's entirely possible; mplayer needs a rebuild against the new lame, I believe.10:55
Hobbseedear eclipse, WTF are you on?  Please stop it.  kthxbye.10:58
Hobbseecrazy data collector - although i guess this isn't the ubuntu version11:00
RAOFHobbsee: Trying to package 3.4, or just complaining about it in general? :)11:00
HobbseeRAOF: it wanted to submit data on how i was using the workbench.11:01
RAOFThat's a little crazy.11:01
RAOFArgh.  Can you help me hit upstreams with a copyright stick?11:02
Hobbseethat's what i thought, too.11:02
HobbseeRAOF: that doens't fix it.12:06
HobbseeRAOF: you'd have thought i'd learn to close konvi *before* that happened.12:06
gnomefreakanyone else not have a system beep?12:32
Picignomefreak: snd_pcsp was blacklisted due to some issues with vmware crashing and also a horrible horrible screetching noise upon bootup.  See bug 246969.12:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246969 in module-init-tools "[Intrepid] snd_pcsp module causing lockup when running as a VMWare guest" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24696912:36
gnomefreakPici: thanks12:36
gnomefreakPici: that is constand noise but im looking for a missing audible system beep (like the one you hear when you are pinged on IRC12:40
Picignomefreak: I thought that used the pc speaker.12:41
Myrttiit does12:43
gnomefreakit may i just got done reading it, the first half is all about vmware freezing on login12:43
MyrttiI'm not running wmware and am not hearing any screetching noises - so I'll ignore that and enable the module12:43
* Myrtti shrugs12:43
PiciMyrtti: Neither was I.12:44
gnomefreakhow to enable a blacklisted module?12:44
G_009it does.. the issue i had with snd_pcsp was pulseaudio related, where all sound was being piped to pc speaker.. blacklisting said module was the solution12:44
Picignomefreak: see /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:44
gnomefreakjust shy of rebuilding module-init-tools12:44
Picignomefreak: Thats where I got the bug# from/12:44
Myrttiwell... I'm not running pulse-audio on this machine, so I've got even less to worry12:45
gnomefreakPici: i see it at bottom12:47
gnomefreakbe back soon12:47
=== jessica_ is now known as jessica
gnomefreakPici: worked like a charm thanks12:58
Picignomefreak: anytime12:58
DediLARTC - want to limit all upload from a specific ip to 20kb/s. anyone that knows it and want to save me alot of time to read into this topic? :D13:06
=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to the home of the Intrepid Ibex, the code name for the next release of Ubuntu due out in October. For more info, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex Intrepid is ALPHA software, and we do NOT recommend users upgrade at this time. Only developers comfortable with recovering system from total system failure should use it.
G_009tried to use dictionary and it's results are blank for any word13:24
G_009dictionary error: Error while looking up definition13:32
G_009Connection timeout for the dictionary server at 'dict.org:2628'13:32
G_009gvfsd crashed (again) right after login too13:35
electroI've been getting an error recently since I installed KDE4.  "Error maximum number of clients in use".  Its not tied to Xlib as far as I can tell, but it refuses to open any new X apps until X is restarted.  Has anyone else run into this issue?  Thanks!14:11
=== nemo_away is now known as nemo
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
hdevalencehello. When I run apt-get upgrade I get a message saying "The following packages have been kept back: <list>". How do I find why they are being kep tback and fix it?15:02
JontheEchidnathey probably install new packages15:03
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get dist-upgrade will upgrade packages that also install new packages15:03
hdevalenceah. thanks, I'll try that15:03
hdevalencelearn something new every day :D15:04
hdevalenceJontheEchidna: When I run that it installs new ones and ugrades most of them but there are still a bunch that are kept back. Should I rerun apt-get dist-upgrade after it finishes?15:05
JontheEchidnayou could try sudo apt-get install on the few that didnt' get upgraged15:05
hdevalenceJontheEchidna: thanks15:06
mluser-homeAnyone know if intrepid networkmanager's vpn plugins are broken?15:08
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=== Pici is now known as ubotuu
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=== hdevalence|away is now known as hdevalence
=== hdevalence is now known as hdevalence|away
cyphasewhat's this new status icon in the user switcher?16:08
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cyphaseah, controlling pidgin.. it doesn't seem to work though..16:09
danbhfivedoesn't work, and I'm not sure I like it, since its also the shutdown menu.   I'd prefer to keep those separate, but I'm open..16:21
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
Oli``I'm having real problems getting links to open in firefox (my default browser) from some apps. Opening a link from within xchat for example likes to flitter between epiphany and opera16:39
`MatirOli``, I had that same problem.  'sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser' fixed it for me.16:41
Oli``Top sausage, `Matir! Thank you!16:42
`Matirno problem16:43
DanielRMcyphase: it controls Empathy, not Pidgin.16:46
DanielRMHas anyone been having segfaults with Python apps?16:47
Oli``DanielRM: not segfaults - but I've been having a few python apps that just won't load (they stumble when initing gtk)16:48
quentusrexWhat is the best internal PCI wireless card to use with Ubuntu? Something that can handle WEP, and WPA's ? The most stable and easy to configure?16:50
void^the "best" is a little difficult, i'm quite happy with my intel 394516:54
cyphaseDanielRM: the patch says pidgin, and it's certainly interacting with pidgin in some way16:57
DanielRMcyphase: it works very well with Empathy but I've seen nothing happen with Pidgin.16:57
DanielRMcyphase: still, if the patch mentions interaction with Pidgin then I'm not one to argue.16:58
dominiqueIs anyone else having problems with GNOME not starting up?16:58
DanielRMcyphase: I would guess that it's designed for Empathy, though; there's been much discussion over replacing Pidgin with it, and the icons for the states also match Empathy's.16:59
DanielRMdominique: in what way?16:59
cyphaseDanielRM: if i set a status in pidgin, it won't change in fusa, but if i set fusa to that status, it will change fusa to show that status. also, from any status, if i set fusa to online, it will change pidgin17:00
dominiqueWell, I can log in, but then it gives the error "Your session lasted less than 10 seconds," and saves a logfile.  Should I paste my .xsessione-errors file somewhere so you can see it?17:00
dominique.xsession-errors, I mean17:01
dominiqueWhat's a good site to paste the content of .xsession-errors?  Since I don't want to spam by pasting it here.17:08
dominiqueOkay, here's what the xsession-errors file looks like: http://pastebin.ca/119160817:10
void^some Xgl issue probably (why use Xgl anyway?)17:12
dominiqueI'll try uninstalling it, then17:14
hardyHi, I have Radeon 3450 card in my new laptop, and I guess I am using the radeon driver but lsmod doesn't display it, any explanation?17:17
cyphaseDanielRM: btw.. http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/f/fast-user-switch-applet/fast-user-switch-applet_2.22.0+svn20080815-0ubuntu1/changelog17:17
=== AndrewB is now known as dressed_in_black
Cycomare the mirrors slow today?18:04
Oli``Is the mouse not turning off the screensaver a known issue?18:10
IdleOneOli``: I am having the same issues. have to hard reboot :/18:13
IdleOnevery annoying18:13
Matir`Anyone else having frequent X lockups when X is idle?18:14
Oli``IdleOne: oh pressing an key on the keyboard fixes mine - so it's not *that* annoying.. I just wondered if I had broken something on my own or if it was a wider issue18:14
Matir`reboot issue?18:14
x1250wouldn't be best that the Add/Remove application didn't show at all packages that can't be removed? Its kind of silly that shows packages which only can be removed using the console or synaptic18:17
_debg_hi. any one got the wifi plasmoid working on kde 4.1 ? All I see after installing is just an empty box ..18:19
Myrttiwhut, no moosplash on intrepid yet? I is disappointed :-รพ18:20
hardyCycom: it's you who gave me  some hints yesterday with ati?18:26
hardyThere is something wrong here. My Radeon 3450 3D features are not supported under the free radeon driver yet, and I cannot use fglrx under my new xorg 7.4 because fglrx is not supported yet, but glxinfo show direct rendering = yes!!18:28
electroOn an ASA, with filtering outbound traffic, if I try to initiate a connection over a blocked port, does the RST,ACK appear to be from the IP of the far end or the ASA itself?18:29
Matir`hardy, VESA now supports direct rendering, it's just not hardware accelerated18:30
hardyMatir`: what VESA means here? I am using radeon, no?18:32
Matir`hardy: VESA is the default fallback driver.  If you are using the radeon driver (and "renderer" in glxinfo shows that) and you have direct rendering, then you should have hardware acceleration18:33
dominiqueWhen I try to startx, it says "no screens found".  Here's the last part of the Xorg.0.log file: http://pastebin.ca/119168318:33
hardyMatir`: glxinfo shows 'OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer', so this means I am using VESA not radeon?18:34
Matir`that's my understanding, anyway18:35
dominiqueDoes anybody else have the "no screens found" problem?18:38
crdlbdominique: you cannot use fglrx at the moment18:38
crdlbif you card is reasonably old, switch to "ati" for the open source driver18:39
crdlbotherwise you'll need to use vesa18:39
dominiqueAh, mmkay18:39
dominiqueHow would I switch to the vesa driver?18:40
crdlbwell, what model ATI card is it?18:40
dominiqueRC410 Radeon Xpress 200M?18:42
crdlbjust use the open source driver then18:43
crdlbedit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change Driver "fglrx" to Driver "ati"18:43
crdlband uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx if you want 3d acceleration to work18:43
dominiqueKay, I'll try that18:43
dominiqueThanks for the help ;D18:46
dominiqueIf I'm not back, it probably worked.18:46
electroI've been getting an error recently since I installed KDE4.  "Error maximum number of clients in use".  Its not tied to Xlib as far as I can tell, but it refuses to open any new X apps until X is restarted.  Has anyone else run into this issue?  Thanks!19:03
dominiqueI replaced fglrx with ati in xorg.conf, and now at least X starts up, but the mouse/cursor is completely unresponsive.19:05
crdlbdominique: pastebin your full Xorg.0.log19:06
crdlbdominique: is xserver-xorg-input-mouse installed?19:13
crdlbalso, you'll need to reboot completely for 3d acceleration since fglrx module is apparently still loaded19:13
dominiqueYep, it's installed.  And I've rebooted twice already, also trying the vesa drivers.19:15
crdlboh, I just noticed lines 43 to 4519:15
crdlbthose really should be at least (WW) ...19:15
dominiqueShould I change the input device to Synaptics Touchpad?19:17
dominiqueAnd should I change the "glx" module to something else?19:27
dominiqueBe back a bit later.19:49
x1250Matir`, I have this line in glxinfo, does it mean I'm using hardware accel?19:56
x1250OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 20060815 x86/MMX/SSE2 TCL19:56
Matir`yep, if direct rendering is yes as well19:58
Abedcan connect linux to a particual device20:08
DrHalan1i cant startup software-sources anymore. it directly crashes. synaptic works fine though20:16
DrHalan1did taht occur to someone already20:16
bsnideranyone having trouble with ubuntu-system-panel?20:23
DrHalan1bsnider:  no but with software sources..20:24
AmpelbeinDrHalan1: happens for me to.20:26
DrHalan1what does your apport say20:26
AmpelbeinDrHalan1: You filed a bug already?20:26
DrHalan1mine mentions nvidia glx20:26
AmpelbeinDrHalan1: Where? In non-free kernel modules? Thats ok.20:27
DrHalan1no didnt file it yet20:27
DrHalan1just occured20:27
DrHalan1updateing sources trough synaptic works fine20:28
x1250Matir`, yes, direct rendering is yes too, thanks20:28
AmpelbeinDrHalan1: see bug #26376720:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263767 in software-properties "software-properties-gtk crashed with SystemError in <module>()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26376720:28
DrHalan1Ampelbein: yeah thats it thanks20:31
DrHalan1was someone able to compile pidgin 2.5.1 alread20:33
DrHalan1it has some problems with the perl package20:34
x1250 no nautilus open terminal in repos? :(20:34
DrHalan1cause you cant nistall perl-2.8 on intrepid20:34
DrHalan1x1250: what do you mean?20:34
x1250DrHalan1, I can't find that nautilus extension on the repos20:35
DrHalan1ah okay20:36
x1250damn, I need my fglrx driver :(, radeon driver is not good enough for 3D.20:42
DrHalan1i need em too :P20:43
DrHalan1but you can jsut wait for amd to fix it20:43
DrHalan1do you guys know why i cant select zlib license on google code?20:43
pwnguinwell, we dont run google code20:45
DrHalan1yeah i know20:45
pwnguinbut i hear they want to stop license profileration, so they dont let you use it20:45
DrHalan1was just wondering if zlib isnt that popular as source license20:45
pwnguini dont think you can use agpl either20:45
pwnguinis zlib even OSI?20:45
DrHalan1artistic gpl ? tahts possible20:46
DrHalan1yeah it is osi20:46
lukehasnonameThere is/was a drama about how google was indirectly supressing the use of AGPL because it would force them to disclose any code they use in THEIR services.20:46
lukehasnonameAffero GPL20:47
DrHalan1oh im not so much used to license20:47
DrHalan1i just though i could make parts of my code opensouce20:47
DrHalan1and zlib is small and really liberal20:47
lukehasnonameBSD/MIT is 'liberal' too, let me go read zlib20:47
DrHalan1zlib allows everythhing but you must not claim that its your coded20:48
lukehasnonamethat's basically BSD, but I must admit I like zlib's wording better. in any case, for your purposes, I would bet BSD would serve well.20:49
DrHalan1i dont think theyll kill me if i just set it to bsd20:50
DrHalan1is there any difference to "new BSD"?20:50
lukehasnonameuse "new"20:51
trontonicHi, dpkg --configure -a doesn't want to complete. I would be happy if I could reset it somehow - I know which package is causing problems. Any ideas?21:36
trontonicSetting up libc6 (2.8~20080505-0ubuntu6) ...21:37
trontonicProcessing triggers for libc6 ...21:37
trontonicldconfig deferred processing now taking place21:37
trontonicSegmentation fault (core dumped)21:37
trontonicdpkg: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 13921:37
trontonicI have reported it as a bug, but I still need a workaround21:37
Oli``Well I'm in a bit of a bother. I forced python-gobject to an older version to see if it fixed a bug I'm having because somebody in the thread suggested that it worked. It hasn't made any difference and when I try to force it back to the current version or mark it for upgrade, it says it needs to remove almost every facet of ubuntu-desktop. How can I get it back to a current version?21:37
bsnidereverybody probably has that problem right now21:39
bsniderwhich version of python-gobject do you have now?21:39
Oli``bsnider: 2.15.2-0ubuntu121:40
bsnideryeah, that's what i've got too21:41
Oli``and latest is 2.15.3-0ubuntu221:41
bsnideri'm leaving it alone21:41
Oli``oh right - so I didn't actually force it anywhere, it's just knackered?21:41
bsnideri've got the same problem and i didn't force anything21:42
IdleOneOli``: I have 15.2 installed and 15.3 as candidate but it is being held back21:42
IdleOneit is global issue it seems not just you21:42
Oli``Well that's a weight off my shoulders. I hate it when I break things unnecessarily =)21:42
bsniderprobably something to do with dependencies or the numbering systme being fried on that package. it will be withdrawn and reissued21:43
bsniderthat package says it depends on python greater than or equal to 2.4 BUT not as high as 2.6, which uh... whatever21:46
siegieWil the language packages for kde4 be updated anywhere soon? kde-l10n-nl21:53
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
x1250no beagle in universe repo? I want to try it, since I dropped tracker.22:02
RAOFYes, beagle's in Universe.22:06
bsniderbeagle is in universe22:07
x1250bah, can't find it, I'll change my repos then22:09
bsnideryour sources.llist must be a bit bleeped up22:10
electroI've been getting an error recently since I installed KDE4.  "Error maximum number of clients in use".  Its not tied to Xlib as far as I can tell, but it refuses to open any new X apps until X is restarted.  Has anyone else run into this issue?  Thanks!22:18
x1250lol, my local chilean repository was missing 19.000 packages :S. Changed to germany and now I found beagle.22:26
x1250is software-properties-gtk buggy? I had to change the repos by hand in sources.list; it died saying: SystemError: error return without exception set22:32
edgyHi, I cannot log to kubuntu any more after latest updates, is it only me? how can I debug this?23:00
JontheEchidnawhat happens when you try?23:01
edgyJontheEchidna: I just found this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/258861 I would try his trick to remove that file, may be it works23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258861 in kdebase-workspace "Plasma crashes with some widgets" [Undecided,Fix released]23:10
JontheEchidnaso you can log in, but you get a grey screen?23:10
JontheEchidnawell, white23:10
edgyJontheEchidna: yes23:13
JontheEchidnathen plasma is crashing on startup and yes, that trick probably would work23:14
x1250try rm -rf your ~/.kde4, but you'll lose any custom config you had before. It worked for me a lot when I was using kde4 alpha 3..96 on debian23:18
x1250or better rename it :P23:19
DanaGYEah.  rm is bad advice; mv is better.23:20
s000501Some tips if I could safely use rsync version 3 in Ubuntu 8.04 through backporting from Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex?23:25
x1250anyone having this horrible dependency problem today? http://paste.ubuntu.com/42849/23:25
DanaGOoh... 105 updates.23:34
DanaG Yay:  "      - No more overlapping desktop icons, when files are added or volumes mounted while Nautilus is not running. This is implemented with metadata timestamps when the desktop icons are laid out."23:34
x1250my deadly upgrade says:   python-gobject: Breaks: python-gtk2 (< 2.13) but 2.12.1-6ubuntu1 is installed.23:41
DrHalan1DanaG:  yeah sounds cool23:54
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-

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