
Cimi_MMA_: got something?02:28
_MMA_Cimi: No. Today is/has been very busy. I will get you something tomorrow.02:39
Cimi_MMA_: ok dude, I'm going to bed now, see you tomorrow -evening- (I won't be online tomorrow)02:40
Cimibye bye and goodnight02:40
CIA-42acimitan * r54 murrine/ (ChangeLog src/murrine_style.c):03:07
CIA-422008-09-02 Andrea Cimitan <andrea.cimitan@gmail.com>03:07
CIA-42 * src/murrine_style.c (murrine_style_draw_box):03:07
CIA-42 Added Clearlooks ability to draw better menuitem separators using03:07
CIA-42 style properties. Read from Clearlooks gtkrc for more info03:07
Zirodaykwwii: ping09:28
kwwiiZiroday: pong10:34
Zirodaykwwii: about the deviantart thing10:41
Zirodaybeen trying to get hold of someone there for the last couple of weeks10:41
Zirodaybut have recieved absolutely zero replies10:41
kwwiihehe, that is what I thought would happen10:42
Zirodayat least hoped the would answer my mails :(10:42
kwwiiyeah, that sounds pretty unfriendly to me10:42
Zirodayso I guess there not interested anymore10:42
kwwiiwell, the person who suggested it had nothing to do with deviantart I think10:42
kwwiiso I am unsure if they were ever interested10:43
Zirodayin the spec they say they had a meeting with them10:43
Zirodaywith a Danielly McKay and Ernie Wisco10:43
kwwiiahhaaa, I did not know that10:44
Zirodayhttp://is.gd/28mw <- in the whiteboard section10:44
kwwiihrm, looking at that it seems that it was simply dropped10:46
Zirodaybut anyway it doesn't seem to be going anywhere currently, I will keep bugging them but I have a feeling that this spec is dead10:46
Zirodayunless you have any ideas?10:46
kwwiito be honest, for intrepid it is almost too late.10:49
kwwiiif it failed because we did not offer prizes someone needs to step up and discuss this with the appropriate person at canonical10:50
kwwiialthough that might have been a problem as well, I have no idea who at canonical would be responsible for this10:50
Zirodaywell have to go now, dinner10:51
Zirodaykwwii: you have a great night10:51
kwwiilet's discuss it when you have time, perhaps we can work something out for the next release10:51
Zirodaykwwii: sure, on irc?10:52
kwwiieither irc or email, whichever is easier for oyu10:52
kwwiinight, enjoy your meal10:52
elkbuntukwwii, the marketing people would be an appropriate starting point, no?11:04
kwwiielkbuntu: you would think so, but I get the feeling that they were involved in the last discussions and had no idea what to do11:25
kwwiiUDS would be the perfect time to work it out11:25
thorwil_MMA_: say, that oxygen folder icon you used, is that the "closed" folder?16:18
_MMA_thorwil: I believe so.16:19
thorwilsame for the human folder, i suppose16:20
thorwiloh, but kwwii asked ken v. for closed16:21
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
_MMA_thorwil: Good post. I'll reply in a min. I'm kinda waiting on some more chat about the name to create the wiki pages. Your ideas will be included on them.16:54
* thorwil nods16:54
_MMA_The "sphere and a box" thing was something about as well but was unsure how to get across. You said it just fine.16:55
_MMA_gah *something I though about...16:58
* _MMA_ can't type.16:58
* thorwil think the mailing list is like an animal that must be fed with good stuff constantly so it will not get bored17:00
kwwiino doubt17:11
=== jbache is now known as jbache_away
_MMA_Ooooo.... Look at Ken V's new post. :P http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y111/raraken/example_mk3.png17:24
kwwiivery nice17:25
zniavredo i have any chance to get small  interest with this kind of theme in artwort current cycle ? http://img28.picoodle.com/data/img28/3/9/2/f_hardy2m_5b6c939.jpg17:36
_MMA_Current cycle? No. Another no to using a wallpaper we don't have license to use along with what looks to be Vista and OSX icons.17:38
zniavreartwork *17:38
zniavresorry link-failure17:47
zniavredid you add something i should know?17:48
_MMA_"zniavre: do i have any chance to get small  interest with this kind of theme in artwort current cycle ? http://img28.picoodle.com/data/img28/3/9/2/f_hardy2m_5b6c939.jpg"17:52
_MMA_Current cycle? No. Another no to using a wallpaper we don't have license to use along with what looks to be Vista and OSX icons.17:52
_MMA_That's it.17:52
zniavrethank you17:53
thorwil_MMA_: zulu word for breath or something related? :)17:53
* kwwii heads out band practice...bbl17:53
_MMA_thorwil: Sure. Im open. Can't be too complex though. Something short and memorable.17:54
thorwilnow, do we know someone who speaks it?17:55
thorwiluh oh17:56
thorwilumoyana for light wind17:57
thorwilumoya for air17:57
* thorwil -> dinner17:57
_MMA_umoya ain't bad.17:59
Cimiit seems that finally we can compile gegl with 16bit dithering... should be really useful for your wallpapers18:02
_MMA_Cimi: Is CIA-43 your bot?18:03
Cimiyeah i have added to advice kwwii of the new changes in the code, but i can remove it if you want18:04
_MMA_Yeah. It's printing all kinds of info I don't really think is relevant to the channel. kwwii wondered as well.18:04
Cimiit should be relevant since we will have 3-4 themes based to this code18:05
Cimibtw no problem18:05
_MMA_Most in here could care less I think. A note to the ML about cool new features from time to time would do. :)18:06
Cimi[i'm not so happy in involving the community too much...] anyway i will drop that bot in few hours18:09
Cimikwwii, in my point of view metacity themes for intrepid need a retouch18:10
Cimimuch more than the gtk themes18:11
_MMA_Cimi: He's at band practice. And I'll PM you Studio Intrepid theme in a sec.18:11
Cimi_mma_ i'm on my nintendo ds18:12
SerwayCimi, what!18:12
_MMA_Ahh.. hehe. Ok. Lemmie know when you are ready.18:12
CimiSerway, ?18:13
SerwayCimi, you are typing from your ds?18:13
Cimiyes I am18:13
Serwaythats impressive18:14
Cimi[19:13] CTCP-> Cimi: VERSION18:17
Cimi[19:13] -> <Cimi:CTCP> VERSION18:17
Cimi[19:14] -Cimi- VERSION ClIRC v0.04 by Cluster (running on Nintendo DS)18:17
Serwaythats great, might i ask, are you the same cimi as cimitan?18:18
CimiSerway, yes18:18
Serwaythats great man, i have been using your themes since they came out18:19
Serwayright now i have been caught on the "glow" train, but i installed murrine-svn last night to see the new rgba improvements, and its really nice aesthetically18:20
DanaGI still like rounded scrollbars too much to go to Murrine.18:20
Cimithe problem is that if you run  RGBA withoutthe compiz blur plugin is kinda ugly18:21
CimiDanaG, ehehe18:21
SerwayDanaG, i know where you are coming from haha18:21
_MMA_Cimi: (email sent)18:23
Cimi_MMA_, thx18:27
rsc_hey fellas!19:08
rsc_anything interesting happening here?19:10
thorwilrsc_: sometimes. but for today it might be over ;)19:12
thorwilaha, rico19:13
thorwilrsc_: Kenneth is kwwii here and out to a band practice. Cory K. is _MMA_19:15
thorwiljust so you know the most important people here19:15
thorwilrsc_: oh, and it is the whole point of the name for the new icon theme to remind of oxygen19:16
rsc_yes rico here19:17
rsc_oh cool19:17
rsc_just thought it'd be frowned upon by the kde crowd.19:18
thorwilhmm. maybe the will laugh about their stuff ending up in gnome world, to some degree ;)19:19
thorwilthey, even19:19
thorwilKenneth is ok with it, apparently19:20
rsc_so any interesting developments in the ubuntu artwork front? :)19:21
thorwilrsc_: you might be surprised by finding a piece of your background in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/IntrepidCountdownBanners?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=grunge-with-cal-icon.jpg19:21
thorwilfrom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/IntrepidCountdownBanners19:21
rsc_ooh, whos that from?19:22
thorwilrsc_: the new icon theme effort is _the_ interesting development here, currently19:22
rsc_ah, i'm all for it.19:22
rsc_personally im not a fan of the orange folders though :)19:22
rsc_but jesus yeah, the icons need an overhaul.19:22
rsc_are we sticking to the tango guidelines?19:23
rsc_tango borders, tango palette, etc?19:23
thorwilrsc_: it's from a MadsRH. i might have his email adress. already gave him a subtle hint to give credit/reference, but i guess it was too subtle. i wouldn't care, personally, though19:23
rsc_i wouldn't mind if he didn't credit either19:24
thorwilrsc_: i also have my problems with the intense orange19:24
thorwilrsc_: tango is the enemy as far as borders are concerned ;)19:25
_MMA_thorwil: kwwii has already ran the icon thing past the Oxygen artists. They are fine with it. Hopefully, we can get them on board for our effort. In the end, it's another chance to be artistic. Whatever the DE.19:30
Cimi_MMA_: you have a new mail19:35
_MMA_I saw.19:36
_MMA_Not quite what the screenshot I sent you the link to is about but still neat. Im trying to get the inactive buttons in the windowlist to have no borders.19:42
_MMA_Cimi: Can I use the gradient the way you've defined it there on the entire panel? Without the need for the .png?19:46
Cimi_MMA_: as I said, you can19:46
Cimibut you have to use the pixmap engine19:46
Cimi_MMA_: I don't think so unfortunately19:47
DanaGI like matte things, like that "oxygen + human" one.20:09
DanaGI'm currently using Tangerine.20:09

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