
=== Gary is now known as spongebob
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filo1234o/ all14:57
filo1234how are you Myrtti ? :)15:02
Myrttiso-so, and you?15:02
Myrttiflu season is starting, it appears15:03
filo1234so and so me too, i'ma at work now and there is very  fu** hot here15:04
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=== Pici is now known as ubotuu
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=== AndrewB is now known as dressed_in_black
Myrttiit seems to have turned into +i17:50
arquebusI cant get into #ubuntu-es , I get a message saying I have to be invited, Im thinking the channel has been hacked/taken over17:51
MyrttierUSUL, jpds ping17:52
jussi01jpds: you around?17:52
stdininteresting modes +stincrzJ17:53
MyrttiI suspect someone tried to set a ban17:53
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Myrttiand the hostmasks might have gotten wrong17:53
Myrttiso the client has interpreted the hostmask as modes17:53
jussi01Id agree with that17:54
MyrttiI wouldn't go as far as assuming the channel has been taken over17:54
jpdsMyrtti: Hmm.17:56
stdinthe access list looks funny to me too17:56
Myrttifetova ^17:56
Myrttioh, jolly17:56
fetovahi Myrtti17:57
fetovawhat's up?17:57
Myrttimind checking the modes on -es?17:57
jpdsThat should have fixed it.17:57
stdinsomething about having <nick>!*@* in the access list seems dangerous to me, but then the services might take care of that17:57
jpdsstdin: It's P3LICANY's fault.17:57
fetovammm... ok :)17:57
arquebusok, the problem with #ubuntu-es seems to be fixed now, thanks everyone17:58
stdinkeelhaul him, arggg :)17:58
fetovai'm glad it's ok now17:58
jpdsMyrtti: Modes fixed, I've reset them to +cntz.17:58
Myrttijust out of curiosity17:58
Myrttiwhat was the cause?17:58
Myrttiborked banning?17:58
jpdsSeems like erUSUL just did a mistake setting some bans.17:58
Myrttias I suspected17:58
Myrttihas happened to mee too many times17:59
jpdsWhoops: http://paste.ubuntu.com/42763/17:59
jpdsEverything OK now tho.18:01
Myrttiwoops.... :-D18:01
* Myrtti pokes erUSUL with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™18:01
erUSULMyrtti: what's up18:14
* Myrtti spanks erUSUL for http://paste.ubuntu.com/42763/18:15
* erUSUL :'|18:16
erUSULCopy paste error .... middle click can be hard ...18:16
Myrttihave a lollipop18:16
* Myrtti gives erUSUL a lollipop18:16
* erUSUL :)18:16
Myrttibe careful next time :->18:17
Myrtti(or I'll spank you again)18:17
erUSULMyrtti: promise18:17
erUSULMy irc foo is limited ... did i change channel modes ? dind't notce... also i deleted bogus bans after the mistake18:26
jpdserUSUL: I fixed them, no need to panic :)18:31
Myrttiwe forgive you18:32
erUSULjpds: i saw the backlog18:32
erUSULjpds: just checked +d and +e are both indeed channel modes .... sorry for the breakage18:32
jpdsI don't think +d is a channel mode.18:33
erUSULjpds: it is listed on freenodes page but as i said my knowledge is limited ...18:34
erUSULjpds: so for some time only registered users could enter ...18:34
jpds\o/ Yes, no more spam.18:34
jpdsAh, +d is the realname ban, yes.18:35
naliothjpds: if you ever join a channel with +D set, leave it immediately18:52
jpdsnalioth: +D?18:52
* jpds never mentioned a "+D".18:54
naliothyou mentioned channel modes18:56
* nalioth is offering good advice18:56
jpdsYep. Gotcha.18:58
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filo1234hi all22:39
filo1234so i need an opinion :) there is some particular mode for ban user with mibbit?22:41
stdinmibbit encoded the IP address as Hex in the ident, and will have the hostname or IP as the realname22:45
Picifilo1234: A mibbit user on the same connection (ip address) will always have the same ident and realname.22:45
filo1234ok therefore ban username_mibbit is own safetly22:47
filo1234for example *!*57090a28*@*22:48
stdinyeah, that'll work (as long as they don't change their IP somehow)22:49

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