
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Sep 15:00: Server Team | 03 Sep 17:00: QA Team | 03 Sep 22:00: Platform Team | 04 Sep 13:00: Desktop Team | 08 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 03 Sep 20:00: Maryland LoCo IRC
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amachupersia: elkbuntu: TheMuso: lifeless: Hi11:54
amachuzakame: belutz: ?11:54
amachupersia: there?11:57
amachuelkbuntu: ?11:58
amachuHello Board!11:58
TheMusoHey folks.11:58
amachuTheMuso: Hey :-)11:59
persiaamachu: Here now.11:59
amachuand its time now..11:59
amachupersia: hey, we are three now11:59
amachuelkbuntu: gr8!11:59
amachuand lifeless? zakame? belutz?12:00
amachuit doesn't appear neither of amireldor, huayra, svaksha are here right now :-(12:01
persiaWe definitely need some candidates for a useful meeting :)12:01
TheMusoYeah, people would help.12:02
elkbuntui think we can wait a bit12:03
* TheMuso reads their wiki pages while waiting.12:04
* TheMuso thinks people should probably not publish phone numbers on the wiki.12:07
persiaTheMuso: Why not?  Some people might like to get a call.12:10
* persia remembers concerns about privacy when first being listed in the whois DB, and giving up after discovering the number of ways that data could be tracked12:11
TheMusopersia: This is true, but thats just me.12:11
TheMusohehe fair enough.12:11
persiaTheMuso: I'm somewhat sympathetic: I believe all the telephone numbers apparently belonging to me and available over unecrypted connections are currently wrong.12:11
leoquantamireldor is considered for ubuntu membership on two meetings?: Asia and Oceania and Europe, and Asia and Oceania ?12:11
persialeoquant: At least on the agenda, but has yet to appear before either board.12:12
TheMusomy fingers are cold...12:14
persiaTheMuso: type faster :)12:15
TheMusoYeah that is one option.12:15
persiaIt's midwinter there, right?  How cold does it get?12:15
stgraberamireldor has been on our list for quite a long time (months) but never show up at a meeting12:15
TheMusopersia: It is late winter/early spspring now.12:16
TheMusoI am in a heated room, so that should help eventually.12:16
leoquantindeed stgraber several months12:17
TheMusoOk we have one candidate.12:21
elkbuntumaybe we should add a 'choose the regional board that best fits your schedule' line?12:21
* hubuntu is a candidate too12:21
techno_freakoops, amachu quit :s12:21
elkbuntuhubuntu, which in the list are you?12:22
hubuntuhuayra-the h12:22
* elkbuntu clicks that wikipage12:22
persiahubuntu: You live in Norway, focus on Ecuador, and come to use for your membership application?  You're not a fan of sleep, are you?12:26
hubuntuI focus on Ecuador and Norway ;)12:26
hubuntuI come to you because I am a fan of sleeping12:26
persiaOh, were the European and Americas boards scheduled at a bad time?12:27
hubuntuthe emea board has not had a meeting for a while and the americas.. well, they have but it's always too late for me ;)12:27
persiaI see.12:27
hubuntuit's 1pm here now, so it is quite a good time for me... hope it suits you too ;)12:28
persiaOh, it's about as good a time as we can pick, given our selection of timezones.12:28
persiaSo, while we're all reading your wiki page, perhaps you could give us a shorter introduction?12:29
hubuntuwell indeed12:29
hubuntuI have been a GNU/Linux for 10 years, and ubuntu user since hoary came out12:29
hubuntuI contribute to documentation, translation, organize events, LP12:30
hubuntuI am the contact member for Ubuntu Ecuador12:30
hubuntuand work with other projects as well (SpreadUbuntu, CUPIE, Ubuntu Spanish Loco teams workgroup)12:30
hubuntuI am at the moment organizing the first ever SFD in Oslo12:31
hubuntuand I'm just in love with Ubuntu I guess...12:31
hubuntuI'm very excited about Ubuntu and specially interested in its commercial aspect of it as part of the whole ecosystem12:32
hubuntubesides that I believe in Software Freedom and that all users should have the availability to use the software in their own terms12:33
hubuntuas of now my focus is on contributing more to bugs/answer tracking and the SpreadUbuntu site12:34
elkbuntu+1 from me based on loco contact work12:34
aamachuHi team12:35
aamachuelkbuntu, is it happening here?12:35
hubuntuof course Ubuntu-ec and -no are in focus all the time12:36
hubuntuas I am interested in local participation and getting a community around both LoCo teams12:36
aamachupersia, there?12:36
persiaaamachu: Indeed.  Just trying to digest the volume of content.12:37
aamachuI got disconnected for a while12:37
persiaActually, I'm going to give up: I reached the point where I'd post +1 a while back, and am just being curious at this point :)12:37
hubuntuI should have made that page a bit shorter I reckon12:37
persiahubuntu: Great work, excellent documentation of that work, and supreme testimonials.12:37
TheMusopersia, elkbuntu, agreed. +1 from me also. Some wonderful work here.12:38
hubuntuthanks for your work too, I've seen many of you around and your work for the Ubuntu community is great!12:39
hubuntuso is that a yes? Doesn't amachu have to vote?12:42
persiahubuntu: Indeed: we like to hear from everyone present.12:42
hubuntuI have not brought many people here for many reasons but I guess there are people present that have seen me around...12:43
hubuntuand can maybe give some testimony of my deeds (all good and not so good are welcome ;)12:44
hubuntuhey, meisk12:45
hubuntuI work with meisok in ubuntu-es and CUPIE (Ubuntu-classroom and chat in Spanish)12:46
meiskyes, I confirm12:46
meiskhubuntu: help me all, in various projects12:47
meisk(sorry for my bad english..)12:47
hubuntuasac is been bothered by me lately regarding network-manager and mbca...12:47
meiskhubuntu: creates doc, and work for the spanish comunity12:48
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hubuntudoc.ubuntu-es.org is the documentation site for the whole Spanish community, run mainly by Ubuntu-es and all other LoCo teams12:49
TheMusoaamachu: We are looking over hubuntu's application.12:50
asacwhat application is that? (what meeting is right now?)12:50
hubuntuubuntu membership12:50
hubuntuI'm not becoming a MOTU any time soon ;)12:50
asacok. i can ack that hubuntu has been active in the network manager mobile broadband wizard effort recently.12:51
TheMusopersia, elkbuntu. Thoughts? Where shall we go from here?12:52
asacif he has been around longer in other teams in a similar fashion, then that would make a +1 from me12:52
persiaamachu: Do you have a working network connection now?12:53
aamachuyes.. but its discontinuos12:53
persiaaamachu: Can you vote on hubuntu?12:53
asac(i just read his wiki page and like it :))12:57
hubuntu(thanks asac, I haven't read yours but I like your work with nm and ff :)12:58
aamachupersia, the connection is discontinuos12:59
aamachui noticed the log, and the wiki of hubuntu12:59
aamachuthe contributions are commendable12:59
persiaAny questions?13:00
hubuntuplease, go ahead if anything should be unclear13:02
persiaWell, according to the math we discussed last time, we may not need to wait for amachu's vote, but given that amachu is the secretary, it's someone important to have confirmation that the conclusion is agreed.13:03
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=== chandran_ is now known as aamachu
persiaRight.  Would anyone else be willing to volunteer as secretary in light of amachu's network issues?13:13
aamachupersia, I will ensure a good ISP13:14
persiaaamachu: OK.  How do you vote on hubuntu?  May we welcome him as a member?13:16
* hubuntu is happy :)13:17
tuxmaniacaamachu: I recommend/suggest you get a freeshell? In such a scene you wont be msising much discussion13:17
amachuI had sent the message, but to be missed again by disconnection13:17
persiaExcellent.  Are there any other items for discussion this evening?13:18
hubuntuthank you... I am an Ecuadorian, living on Norway approved to become an Ubuntu member by the AsiasOceania board13:18
amachutuxmaniac: the power problem in Tamilnadu, i the major cause13:18
hubuntuWe are truly a global community !13:18
amachuI need to have wireless.13:18
amachupersia: others din't turn around?13:18
persiaamachu: There were four of us tonight.  Three positive votes whilst you were being disconnected.  No other candidates or board members joined.13:19
amachupersia: yes. I was referring to candidates registered13:20
amachuthat being the case13:23
amachuwe shall wind up the day..13:23
amachupersia: there?13:23
persiaamachu: Usually.13:23
amachuamireldor & svaksha there?13:24
amachufine then..13:24
amachuWe will conclude today's meeting13:25
TheMusosounds good13:25
amachuhubuntu: Best wishes! and all the best for Team Eucador..13:25
hubuntuThank you13:26
persiahubuntu: congratulations!13:26
amachuThank you all for participating!13:26
amachuOur next meeting will be on 09 Sep 08, 11.00 AM UTC13:30
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Server Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Sep 17:00: QA Team | 03 Sep 22:00: Platform Team | 04 Sep 13:00: Desktop Team | 08 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 03 Sep 20:00: Maryland LoCo IRC
* nijaba waves15:53
sommerhey all15:53
mathiazgood ...insert-your-time-of-day-here... all ! How is everyone doing ?15:59
kirklandmathiaz: howdy15:59
kirklandmathiaz: i'm particularly recharged15:59
nijabakirkland: scotch full?16:00
zultoo much thistle?16:00
kirklandnijaba: ales too :-)16:00
* jdstrand waves16:01
mathiazallright - let's get this started16:01
nijaba[Meeting started]16:02
mathiazToday's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:02
sorenMootBot: Feel free to enter the game any time you find it convenient.16:02
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting.16:03
mathiazLast week meeting notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Roadmap16:03
mathiazLast week meeting notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2008082616:03
mathiaz[TOPIC] Ubuntu VM builder16:03
mathiazsoren: did you upload something new ?16:03
sorenI did indeed.16:03
mathiaznijaba: did you get a chance to review the new package ?16:04
* nijaba just started working on the tutorial today.16:05
mathiaznijaba: are you using soren's bzr branch ?16:05
sorennijaba: It should be mostly compatible with the old one.16:05
sorenI have a transition plan for when it's completely compatible.16:05
nijabamathiaz: yes16:05
nijabasoren: yep, I'll send you a few notes later on that subject16:06
mathiazsommer: did you get a chance to look at the package also ?16:06
sorennijaba: Any regressions from u-v-b to v-b should be considered bugs.16:06
sommermathiaz: not yet, still on the list though16:06
mathiazsoren: have you wrote a blog post about your release ?16:07
nijabasoren: so far, only finding regression with my intrepid branch16:07
mathiazsoren: or advertise the upload somewhat ?16:07
nijabamathiaz: he did on his blog, IIRC16:07
mathiazsoren: or you're waiting for the package to get through NEW ?16:07
sorenmathiaz: I will when it's actually in the archive.16:07
sorenI've announced stuff before their actual availability before... IRC was no fun for the next few days.16:08
mathiaz[ACTION] soren to write a blog post about vm-builder once it's available in the archive16:08
mathiaz[ACTION] sommer to update the virtualization section of the server guide with references to the new ubuntu-vm-builder16:09
nijabathere is also going to be a feature in the gss newsletter16:09
mathiaznijaba: awesome16:09
nijaba(first edition of a newsletter going out to support customers)16:09
mathiaznijaba: where do you plan to push your tutorial ?16:09
nijabamathiaz: wiki once I have a first valid draft16:09
nijabamathiaz: h.u.c16:10
mathiaznijaba: great - should we also write up something for the UWN ?16:10
mathiaz(once it's in the archive)16:10
* nealmcb cheers16:10
nijabamathiaz: why not, but my to do is a bit full atm, so it may take a bit for me to write it16:11
nijabaany volunteers?16:11
mathiaz[ACTION] nijaba to write a tutorial on vm-builder and put on the help wiki (h.u.c/community)16:11
nealmcbI"d think UWN would just want a link to soren's post?16:12
mathiaznealmcb: seems like a good option16:13
mathiazsoren: could you ping UWN once you've published your post ?16:13
sorenmathiaz: How do I do that, exactly?16:13
nealmcbbut the more posts/viewpoints the better, of course16:13
mathiazboredandblogging: is your man16:14
soren(Wow, it took me 5 seconds to type "exactly")16:14
sorenmathiaz: Ah, right. Will do.16:14
mathiazsoren: great !16:14
mathiaz[ACTION] soren to ping UWN editor to get a paragraph about vm-builder in UWN16:15
mathiazsoren: anything else to report on the vm-builder front ?16:15
sorenProbably, but I think I'll save that for my blog post. :)16:15
mathiazsoren: thanks16:15
mathiazlet's move on16:15
mathiaz[TOPIC] Tomcat6 server stack support16:16
mathiazKoon: thanks for writing the post16:16
mathiazKoon: I've published it on ubuntuserver.w.com16:16
Koonnp, a couple of nice reactiosn already16:16
mathiazKoon: what's the state of the patches ?16:16
mathiazKoon: it seems most of them have been sponsored16:17
Koonthe remaining two are the conflictual ones16:17
Koonso it's more doko's decision16:17
Koonas our java platform master, he dedcides16:18
mathiazKoon: do they pull in a lot of dependencies ?16:18
Koonthere are two remaining bugs16:19
Koonbug 249178 has two aspects16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 249178 in ecj "libecj-java shouldn't recommend java2-runtime" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24917816:19
Koonone is that it pulls a full java runtime, that needs to be fixed and is undisputed16:19
Koonthe other is that by recommending libecj-java-gcj you get a full GCJ runtime with it16:20
mathiazKoon: right - I'm more interested by the space it may take on the isos16:20
Koonand at the moment it means a few X libraries through a libgcj9-0-awt recommend in libgcj9-016:20
mathiazKoon: although we have a lot of spaces left on the -server isos, it seemed that there are a lot of deps pulled in16:21
Koonthe other remaining bug is bug 261847 - this one pulls a lot through a libnss-mdns recommend in openjdk-6-jre-headless16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261847 in openjdk-6 "Installing openjdk-6-jre-headless pulls in dbus/avahi" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26184716:21
Kooni'm not really sure what is not already on the server iso though.16:22
mathiazKoon: ok - it's under discussion for now and the right person is involved16:22
dokoKoon: I'm back, looking at the latter. I'll fix the former as indicated in the bug report16:22
Koondoko: great ! thx16:22
mathiazok - let's move on16:23
mathiaz[TOPIC] Review ServerGuide for Intrepid16:23
mathiazsommer: any news on the apache2 section from jjesse ?16:23
sommermathiaz: haven't heard from him about that section yet16:24
sommerI added a  support section though16:24
sommerI think it covers what dendrobates wanted, but if not just let me know16:25
mathiazsommer: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ubuntu-support.html ?16:25
sommermathiaz: yep, that's it16:25
kirklandi still owe sommer a review of the RAID stuff in there...  i'll get to it this week16:26
sommerheh, cool... the ldap sections are all updated for cn=config as well16:26
mathiaz[ACTION] kirkland to review the RAID section of the server guide16:26
mathiazsommer: I'll take a look at the cn=config stuff16:27
sommermathiaz: great thanks16:27
mathiaz[ACTION] mathiaz to review the ldap section of the server guide16:27
sommerI think that's pretty much all the news from me :)16:28
mathiazsommer: great !16:28
mathiazsections of the server guide that can be reviewed are listed in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidServerGuide16:28
mathiazand reviews can be made from http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/16:29
mathiazsommer: could you update the roadmap mentionning the review work ?16:30
nealmcbsommer, is there a section in other ubuntu guides on support?  seems like the story is the same for all editions16:30
sommermathiaz: sure, will do16:30
nealmcbexcept for the lenght of time it is supported16:30
mathiazsommer: so that potential contributors can dive in quickly16:31
sommernealmcb: nope that's a new section16:31
mathiaz[ACTION] sommer to specify the review work on the Roadmap16:31
nealmcband e.g. desktop guide doesn't mention it?16:31
mathiaznealmcb: you may wanna ask the ubuntu-doc team about it16:32
* nealmcb nods16:33
sommernealmcb: ya, it may just have never came up before, or at least the commercial side of things16:33
mathiaznealmcb: the desktop guide is actually used by yelp - so I'm not sure if it would be usefull there16:33
nealmcbmathiaz: ?16:33
mathiaznealmcb: hm - it's up to the desktop guide author - I think the ubuntu-doc team is the best ressource to ask16:34
mathiazlet's move on.16:35
* nealmcb nods16:35
mathiaz[TOPIC] # Server survey: official server online, call for volunteers for a last test and to prepare annoucement.16:35
mathiaznijaba: ^ ?16:35
nijabaIS has finally provided us with a host for the server survey! \o/16:35
nijabaI should have a RC of the survey by the end of the week16:35
nijabaI would need some volunteers to check that everything is fine before the launch and start the announce as planned on the wiki.16:35
nijabaI think a good launch date could be mon sept 22nd.16:35
* sommer volunteers16:36
mathiaznijaba: great ! I think owh was interested in that16:36
mathiaznijaba: you may wanna get back to him16:36
mathiaznijaba: should volunteer just email you ?16:37
nijabamathiaz: sure16:37
mathiaznijaba: great - anything else on this subject ?16:38
nijabamathiaz: not unless someone has something to add16:38
mathiaznijaba: did you add some questions to the survey ?16:39
mathiaznijaba: or the questions are the same as the ones back in may ?16:39
nijabamathiaz: yes I did add the question from Redmonk, our partner, still waiting for something from Intel16:39
nijababut the survey will not be delayed further waiting for this16:40
mathiaznijaba: ok. Thanks.16:40
mathiazlet's move on to review the Roadmap16:40
mathiaz[TOPIC] UFW Package Integration16:41
mathiazjdstrand: what's the state ?16:41
mathiazjdstrand: it seems that things are moving well - most of the packages have been updated16:41
jdstrandufw was uploaded before feature freeze16:42
* nijaba hugs didrocks and nxvl for their work - awesome16:42
jdstrandalso, thanks to didrocks and nxvl, all packages from the server tasksel list have been updated16:42
jdstrandand uploaded before FF16:43
mathiazjdstrand: great - so I guess that's we're done for this cycle on the package integration front16:44
mathiazjdstrand: ie we're not trying to add support for ufw to more packages16:44
jdstrandmathiaz: mostly-- there I a couple bugs to fix, but they are not FF dependent16:44
mathiazjdstrand: ok - is there anything to be done on the documentation front ?16:45
nijabamathiaz: integration with ufw is a feature or a bug?16:45
mathiaznijaba: a feature16:45
nijabaif the former, then we are stuck, right16:45
jdstrandbut, yeah, we are in good shape. I think didrocks is planning on working on squid and postgresql16:45
jdstrandnijaba: I have been considering it a feature-- but at this point it is no more that a Suggests and a file dropped in /etc/ufw/applications.d16:46
jdstrandnijaba: caused I started using dpkg triggers. so additional packages could probably get an easy FFe16:46
mathiazjdstrand: is the content of the server guide up-to-date ?16:47
nijabajdstrand: cool to know. so we may get a few addt'l packages before release16:47
mathiazjdstrand: I notice there is a section about "ufw Application integration"16:47
nijabaKoon: did you add the definition for ufw in Tomcat?16:47
jdstrandnijaba: if you want to add some suggested packages to ServerTeam/Roadmap#UFW Package Integration, then maybe people will pick them up. I'd be happy to sponsor them16:47
Koonnijaba: no16:47
jdstrandmathiaz: I haven't reviewed it, but sommer and I talked about it some last week16:48
nijabajdstrand: adding Tomcat then ;)16:48
sommerjdstrand: mathiaz: yep, I made a few adjustments based on our discussion16:48
mathiazsommer: great ! :)16:49
mathiazanything else to add wrt to ufw ?16:49
jdstrandsommer: can you point me to it? I added a new option with the dpkg triggers changes, but it likely won't change anything you've done16:49
jdstrandmathiaz: as always, test and report bugs :)16:49
mathiazjdstrand: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/firewall.html16:50
sommerjdstrand: ^^ yep16:50
mathiazjdstrand: are you planning to do a review of the section ?16:50
jdstrandmathiaz: yes16:50
mathiaz[ACTION] jdstrand to review the firewall section of the ubuntu server guide16:51
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open Discussion.16:51
* nijaba added tomcat and libvirt to the ufw package integration list16:51
jdstrandnijaba: hmm, libvirt will be hard cause of nat...16:52
mathiazAs you know, we're passed FeatureFreeze now - so we're shifting our efforts on bug fixing16:52
mathiazand testing16:52
jdstrandnijaba: soren and I have had some discussions about it, but I haven't come up with something good yet16:52
mathiazalpha5 is also scheduled for thursday16:53
nijabajdstrand: ok, I guess you are the best judge.16:53
nijababut that would be very nice16:53
mathiazso iso testing will be done in the next two days16:53
jdstrandoh I agree, but the ufw command doesn't do nat yet at all16:53
nijabaspecially if that can be done at the same time kirkland's meta packages get in16:53
nijabaI would call for a ****group hug of mathiaz****, whom has been shaken a bit lately on ubuntu-devel.  It was way too hard for all the good work that was put to it.16:54
* kirkland hugs16:55
* nijaba hugs mathiaz16:55
jdstrandnijaba: for nat and other fancy stuff, need to update /etc/ufw/*rules manually, there *may* be an improvement on that front, if the gui-ufw folks have anything to say about it16:55
* Koon hugs mathiaz16:55
* zul hugs mathiaz 16:55
* sommer also gives matiaz a big hug16:55
* jdstrand gives mathiaz a big hug16:55
* nealmcb hugs mathiaz and neilw for moving things forward on the rubygems front16:55
mathiazthanks guys ! :)16:56
nijabayes, neilw deserves a hug as well!16:56
mathiazanything else ?16:56
* nealmcb wonders about mail and spam stuff - updates from scottk?16:57
ubottuError: Please don't use @schedule during a meeting16:58
mathiaznealmcb: it seems that all of the MIR have been written16:59
mathiaznealmcb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClamavSpamassassinInMain16:59
mathiazsommer: wrote most of them16:59
* nealmcb hugs sommer16:59
* nijaba too16:59
* nealmcb sends props to scottk17:00
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time.17:00
mathiaznext week, same place, same time ?17:01
sommeroh ya, that project should be good17:01
sommerme too :)17:01
mathiazexzellentes - see ya all next week - don't forget iso testing of alpha5 images !17:02
nijabathanks for another great meeting mathiaz17:02
sommerthanks mathiaz, later on all17:02
thorwildholbach: hi there! i will see to be here for the CC. instead of going to bed when i should :)17:17
dholbachthorwil: in a session right now, sorry17:17
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 03 Sep 17:00: QA Team | 03 Sep 22:00: Platform Team | 04 Sep 13:00: Desktop Team | 05 Sep 20:00: MOTU | 08 Sep 04:00: Arizona LoCo IRC | 03 Sep 20:00: Maryland LoCo IRC
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sabdflevening all22:01
sabdflCC meeting now in progress22:01
sabdflwho's here? i see elmo ;-)22:02
elmowe seem a bit light on CC people22:02
elmothe only other one I can even see on IRC is mdke, I've pinged him22:03
sabdflyou and i are total heavyweight's, though ;-)22:03
thorwilwell, my agenda item comes down to a question to you, sabdfl. brought it here as one can say it is about process ;)22:05
sabdfllet's hear it then22:06
thorwilsabdfl: from the talk page: the central question is: Will sabdfl be ready to approve, modify or criticise such guidelines? If not, what is seen as the problem with this proposal?22:06
sabdflit's a good proposal22:06
sabdflwe've already approved the idea that there should be at least two, completely / largely community-designed themes in default ubuntu22:07
sabdfli reserve the right to have a strong hand in selecting those22:07
sabdflbut would be delighted to see a community-owned process defining them22:07
sabdflas to the default22:07
sabdfli would like to see community participation in that22:07
thorwilwork is in progress, but i do have some problems with strategic goals and audience, as neither gerry carr nor kenneth can help me there22:07
sabdflin the past, i've spent a lot of energy trying to setup tools for icon management, for example22:07
sabdflto get participation22:08
sabdflwe are in the process of hiring a lead designer22:08
sabdfland i will look to that person to define the look and feel of the default theme22:08
sabdflcommunity participation in *extending* that theme will be welcomed22:08
sabdfland community participation / leadership / definition of the other two themes is welcomed too22:08
sabdfldoes that help?22:08
sabdflin terms of audience, i think we have to aim for young professionals who are web-savvy22:09
thorwilnow that is helpful22:09
thorwilis there more in the realm of strategic goals for ubuntu that you could tell me about?22:11
thorwilthings that are not clear from the philisophy?22:11
thorwilsabdfl: and suppose i and anyone whi might help me do a really good job with these guidelines, would you given them your official blessing?22:12
thorwili think it would be important to give it extra weight in the artwork community22:13
thorwilwhile actually have the default presentation in mind, all this should be as good for an also ran22:14
sabdflif we are ambitious, we want to serve all human beings22:14
sabdflcan't let apple have all the fun ;-)22:15
sabdflso, the only reason i focused on young web-savvy professionals is they will be the standard-bearers for taking ubuntu to a wider audience22:15
sabdfland they are probably attracted to particular ideas in design22:15
sabdfllike the iphone used web 2.0 ideas22:15
thorwilsabdfl: troy sobotka will be delighted. he haas been talking about aiming at designers and young professionals22:16
thorwilwell, i guess i will see if i can define my skeleton guidleines enough to pusblish them to the artwork community. and also have to see if it can be aligned with the icon theme project Cory K. just started22:19
thorwilthanks and good night!22:20
sabdflelmo: aob?22:20
elmonot that I'm aware of22:20
sabdflthorwil: good luck and I hope your mission is a success!22:20
sabdfli wouldn't describe anything on the CD as an also-ran, btw ;-)22:21
sabdflok, thanks folks22:21
elmoshortest actually CC meeting evar22:22
* mdke cheers22:22
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