
Odd-rationalek looking00:00
Mr_Fixitgeez... old music... Salt n Peppa "I f*cked your boyfriend" lmfao00:00
viddi dont see any conflict =\00:00
Odd-rationaleme either...00:01
Mr_Fixitlol... so it's a good screw up then lol00:01
viddmodprobe rtl8151 should jump-start it00:01
Mr_Fixiti should type that?00:02
viddyes...just type it right =]00:02
Mr_Fixitor can i re-run it?00:02
Mr_Fixitand just any where in the terminal or in that folder?00:02
Odd-rationalesudo modprobe ...00:03
Odd-rationalevidd: is there a rtl8185 module?00:03
Mr_Fixitmodule not found00:03
Mr_Fixitnope lol00:03
Odd-rationalethought so...00:03
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: try rtl818700:03
Mr_Fixitthat worked..00:04
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: what is the output of: dmesg | grep rtl818700:04
Mr_Fixitand hey thanks you guys for helpin out... means a lot after 9 distros and no luck00:04
viddshoulda come here first =]00:04
Mr_Fixitsome ### usbcore: registered new interface driver rtl818700:05
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: did that command return anything? dmesg | grep rtl818700:05
Odd-rationaleumm, do iwconfig again00:05
Mr_Fixitsame thing as before00:05
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: see if there is anything other than lo and eth000:05
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: only those two?00:06
Mr_Fixituh huh00:06
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok. do: sudo rmmod rtl818700:06
Mr_FixitI found something here at the bottom... is it of any use?? http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/Gateway_MX322500:06
Odd-rationaleto undo what we just did00:06
Mr_Fixityea done.00:07
Mr_Fixithmmm not gonna work maybe??00:08
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: well, we could try ndiswrapper00:08
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: did the card come with any driver cd? like for windows?00:08
Mr_Fixityea and i need a xp driver for that right??00:08
Mr_Fixiti have an exe file..00:09
Mr_Fixitit's built in lol.. no driver cds00:09
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: is that the one that came with the card?00:09
Mr_Fixitit's from the gateway website..00:09
Mr_Fixitone sec..00:09
Mr_Fixiti have the bcm40100 and doo4-009-00500:11
Mr_Fixiton the box in question.. atm00:11
Mr_Fixitbut they are .exe's00:12
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: i doubt those are the ones we need...00:12
Mr_Fixitand i don't quite understand the ndiswrapper thing yet lol00:12
Mr_Fixitthey worked on my xp...00:12
Mr_Fixitbut ok00:12
Odd-rationalei think i found one...00:13
Odd-rationaleum maybe not...00:16
Mr_Fixithttp://www.majorgeeks.com/Realtek_RTL8187_USB_Wireless_LAN_ME2000XP_d5165.html   <-- but it says usb rtl818700:17
Mr_Fixitgot it pretty sure... http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=1&Level=6&Conn=5&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=true&Downloads=true00:21
Mr_Fixitcrap.. no drivers there??00:21
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: how about http://www.driverstock.com/RealTek-RTL8185-driver-download/18-28-4559/index.html00:21
Mr_Fixitis it 85 or 87?00:22
Odd-rationalewell, at least that is what your lspci says...00:23
Mr_Fixityea lol i was lookin for 87 ffs00:23
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: you can double-check by: lspci | grep Ethernet00:23
Mr_Fixitit's still an exe though..00:23
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: that's fine00:23
whileimherehi the network manager never remembers the password I put in. How can I get it to remember and stop asking?00:23
viddyou mean for the keychain?00:24
whileimherewell it asks for my password twice just to get it to connect to the wireless00:25
Odd-rationalewhileimhere: http://johnny.chadda.se/2007/02/21/unlock-the-gnome-keyring-upon-login/00:25
viddthere is that link....=]00:25
viddmy sound still isnt working Odd-rationale00:26
Odd-rationalevidd: even after adjust the volume in alsamixer?00:27
Odd-rationalevidd: are you sure they are not muted?00:28
viddit wasnt the sound....i needed an app to make noise!00:29
Mr_Fixitok so the file is on the desktop..00:29
Odd-rationalerun: speaker-test00:29
viddOdd-rationale, i have sound now00:29
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: is it an exe?00:29
Mr_Fixitand i don't have wine00:29
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: can you right-click and select extract here?00:30
viddozkugh, yes?00:30
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok. then you need to install cabextract00:30
Mr_Fixithow do i do that from another box?00:30
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/cabextract00:31
Odd-rationaledownload the .deb to usb. then transfer it over to the other machine00:31
Odd-rationalethen double-click on the .deb file00:31
* Mr_Fixit thinks that would have been a much easier option than restarting symantics yesterday with 6.0600:33
Mr_Fixit*restarted downloads at least 200 times lol00:33
Mr_Fixitthank god it resumes lol00:33
Mr_Fixitso now open the exe??00:35
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: no00:35
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: create a new folder and put the exe in it00:35
Odd-rationalethen, in that folder, right-click somewhere in the background and select, open in terminal00:36
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: in the terminal do: cabextract <file>.exe00:36
Mr_Fixitsays no such file..00:37
Mr_Fixitnow says no valid cabs found00:37
Odd-rationaleno, replace <file> with the name of the exe you downloaded...00:37
Mr_Fixitlol yea..00:38
Mr_Fixiti missed an r00:38
Mr_Fixitif i ran it in wine would it install it somewhere i can find?00:38
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: possibly...00:39
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: but cabextract should work :|00:39
Mr_Fixitwell if it's a cab inside..00:39
Mr_Fixitit doesn't run in wine.. well it fails..00:40
Mr_Fixitone sec..00:42
Mr_Fixitmaybe i d/l'd the wrong thing..00:42
Mr_Fixitit says in huge lettters "download" but i dunno if that's it00:42
Mr_Fixitffs.. lets try that again lol00:43
* Mr_Fixit sets a six pack down beside him00:43
Mr_Fixiti'd offer ya one but beer transfer is horrible on pc's00:43
Mr_Fixitummm their ftp is empty...00:45
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: hmm. did you type in the code?00:46
Mr_Fixitjust now yea lol00:46
Mr_Fixitftp is empty..00:46
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: hmm. yeah, i get that too... :(00:46
Mr_Fixiti'm trying an older driver.. maybe i'll get something..00:48
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: hopefully...00:48
Mr_Fixitso once i do get it what about ndiswrapper?00:48
Mr_Fixitis that already on my sys?00:48
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: idk, we'll see...00:48
Odd-rationalebut first we need the .sys and .inf file from the exe...00:49
Mr_Fixitlol yea00:49
Mr_Fixitwell maybe i found one... so many dead links..00:55
Mr_Fixitdamn google spiders..00:55
Mr_Fixityea i got it..00:56
Odd-rationalek :D00:56
Mr_Fixitit's got drivers for almost all the win os's00:56
Odd-rationaleis it for rtl 8185?00:56
Mr_Fixitthere is a sys rtl818500:57
Odd-rationaleafter you cabextract it, you mean?00:57
Mr_Fixitno b4..00:57
Mr_Fixitit's a zip00:57
Odd-rationalejust wait. i'll be right back...00:57
Mr_Fixitwell still here in case ya forgot lol01:25
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: k i'm back...01:33
Mr_Fixitcool... still here lol01:33
Mr_Fixiti don't think i have ndiswrapper on the box01:34
Mr_FixitOdd-rationale:  still around?01:50
Mr_Fixitoops lol wrong kb01:50
kartoffelmenschi got an almost fresh xubuntu installation here and if i enter a CD in my tray or plug in my external drive, the CD or USBdrive get mounted and opened twice (at least my compy tries todo so) leading to 2 opened thunar windows showing the content of my CD/USBdrive and one error message showing "X is already mounted or gets already mounted"01:51
kartoffelmenschanyone knows help =?01:52
kartoffelmenschthis wasnt the case in 7.x01:52
kartoffelmenschalso my fstab is configured well01:52
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: yeah, i'l still aroudn... :P01:52
Mr_Fixithow do i use the ndiswrapper?? sudo ndiswrapper -i rtl8185.inf?01:53
kartoffelmenschand the same happens when plugging my usb drive off or pushing the button on my cdtray to get the disc out ("..is already unmounted .."01:53
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: what files where in the zip? was there a .sys file and a .inf file?01:53
kartoffelmenschMr_Fixit: just read the installation note, its a perfect small HOWTO01:54
Mr_Fixitin the one directory i have a net8185.inf and a rtl8185.sys01:54
kartoffelmenschMr_Fixit: in the package u downloaded01:54
kartoffelmenschsudo ndiswrapper -i net818501:54
Mr_Fixityea well kartoffelmensch if ya knew the problem you'd know i don't have access to download from symantics01:55
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok. in that directory you run: sudo ndiwrapper -i rtl8185.inf01:55
kartoffelmenschjust read the readme's, these questions are kinda useless \-:01:55
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: the first thing i would try is: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart01:55
Mr_Fixitbut thanks for your wonderfull help01:55
kartoffelmenschMr_Fixit: where did u get that ndiswrapper package from ?001:56
kartoffelmenschsourceforge ?01:56
Mr_Fixiti have no internet connection..01:56
Mr_Fixitat all..01:56
kartoffelmenschOdd-rationale: what does this command do? :o01:56
Mr_Fixitall manually installed packages01:56
kartoffelmenschMr_Fixit: so how did u get this package then ?01:56
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: it restarts hal01:56
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: do you have ndiswrapper installed?01:57
Mr_Fixitfrom this box..01:57
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok. how about on the other box?01:57
Mr_Fixit*yea to you... the second line was for the other guy01:57
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok try running that command: sudo ndiswrapper -i rtl8185.inf01:58
kartoffelmenschjust run "sudo ndiswrapper -i net8185" and then "modprobe ndiswrapper"01:58
kartoffelmenschu cannot tell me that there werent any readmes in the package u installed the wrapper from [-x01:59
Mr_Fixitkartoffelmensch: you are not being much help... no offense but piss off01:59
Odd-rationalecool down, guys...01:59
Mr_Fixitwhat about the .sys?02:00
kartoffelmenschomg just enter the fricking commands, whats so hard about that :f02:00
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: it needs to be in the same directory as the .ing02:00
kartoffelmenschmonkey see monkey do, the only skill u need02:01
Mr_Fixitwhich went where?02:01
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: what went where?02:01
Mr_Fixitwell kartoffelmensch that's what i'm doing is copying what this nice guy has told me to do.. pretty damn easy for a linux noob huh02:01
Mr_Fixitwell i ran the ndiswrapper and it installed but what about the sys file now?02:02
kartoffelmensch02:58:39) kartoffelmensch: just run "sudo ndiswrapper -i net8185" and then "modprobe ndiswrapper"02:02
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: just leav it...02:02
kartoffelmenschforget the sys file02:02
kartoffelmenschif u just untered the 2 commands that i wrote02:02
kartoffelmenschyour driver is installed02:02
kartoffelmenschno need to whine cry or offend any ppl02:02
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: next do: ndiswrapper -l02:02
kartoffelmenschyoure done02:02
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: with sudo02:02
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: and report the output...02:03
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: alright, now to the step kartoffelmensch was getting to: sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:04
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: then check iwconfig and see if there is more than lo and eth002:04
Mr_Fixit*fatal error blah blah blah operation not permitted02:04
kartoffelmenschsudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:04
Mr_Fixityea now it's in iwconfig02:05
Mr_Fixitand thanks02:05
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: cool see if you can see connect now...02:05
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: btw,did restarting hal help?02:05
Mr_Fixitwhat's a keyring?02:06
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: it saves you passwd in a keyring so that you can store severall passwds in the keyring.02:07
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: does it work?02:08
Mr_Fixityea wicked..02:08
Mr_Fixitall i need to do now is fix my res again lol02:08
Mr_Fixitthanks again...02:08
kartoffelmenschbtw: in ANY package/tarball u leech are README and INSTALL files which tell you howto setup this thing, so for the future u know that :f02:08
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: wait, one more thing.02:08
Mr_Fixitand thanks for your input as well kartoffelmensch02:08
kartoffelmenschyoure welcome02:09
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: do: gksudo gedit /etc/modules02:09
Mr_Fixitand yea i am a leech.. so what?? so is everyone else in one way or another..02:09
Mr_Fixiti contribute in other ways..02:09
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: it should open up /etc/modules with a text editor02:09
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: got it?02:09
Mr_Fixitone sec..02:10
Mr_Fixitoh ye.. i don't have gedit02:10
Odd-rationaleoh sorry.02:10
kartoffelmenschyes but the readmes are written from ppl who really knew what they are talking about and the include troubleshooting. if u read the readmes and install notes u are able to setup apps 3 times faster than asking in a channel02:10
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: gksudo mousepad /etc/modules02:11
Mr_Fixityea but i don't always understand that stuff... i'm really new to terminals02:11
Mr_Fixityea it's open02:11
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: ok. if it is not already there, add this to the end of the file on its own line: ndiswrapper02:11
Mr_Fixiti have "fuse and lp"02:11
Mr_Fixityea ok02:12
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: then reboot to make sure everything will still work after a reboot. :P02:12
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: oh, save and close the file... of course...02:12
Mr_Fixitthanks again.. for it all... damn compy finally works FULLY after 9 bloody distros..02:14
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: np. let me know if there is any problems after reboot...02:14
Mr_Fixiti gotta go eat... and get to setting this comp up..02:14
Mr_Fixityea thanks again...02:14
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: maybe we'll figure out your resolution next :P02:14
Mr_Fixitwell i got most of that... i just need to play a little bit..02:15
Odd-rationaleMr_Fixit: well, you know where to find me. or others for help.02:15
kartoffelmenschOdd-rationale: what do you think could be the problem which a HAL restart could solve ?02:16
kartoffelmenschregarding the double (un)mount problem ?02:16
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: hal usually handles all the autmounting and such02:16
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: i'd try restarting the hal daemon first...02:16
Odd-rationalesudo /etc/init.d/hal restart02:17
kartoffelmenschdiddnt work02:19
kartoffelmenschstill openeing 2 thunars when entering a cd02:19
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: do you have tw0 thunar daemons running?02:20
kartoffelmenschand still 2 windows which popup showing they trey to unmount my CD when i press on the open button on the tray (leading to 1 error message "could now unmount .. is not in the /media/.hal-mtab02:20
kartoffelmenschno i dont have any thunar proces opened02:21
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: i assume the same still happens after a reboot?02:22
kartoffelmenschthats why i doubted the sense of the HAL restart02:22
Odd-rationaleok id doubt this will work either, but try rm ~/.config/Thunar02:24
Odd-rationalerm -rf ~/.config/Thunar02:25
kartoffelmenschthe problem isnt thunar02:26
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: i found this: http://sidux.com/PNphpBB2-viewtopic-t-12277.html02:26
Odd-rationalebut that doesn't help much...02:26
kartoffelmenschi got a cd in my tray02:26
kartoffelmenschi press open02:26
kartoffelmenschthen 2 small windows pop up02:27
kartoffelmenschon the bottom right02:27
kartoffelmenschshowing "trying to unmount your cd"02:27
kartoffelmenschthese 2 popups (where only 1 popup should be) are the proof for that there is some daemon or else running02:27
kartoffelmenschwhich does anything twice02:27
kartoffelmenschor 2 daemons of the same kind02:28
kartoffelmenschwhats that ?02:28
kartoffelmenschits an almost fresh xubuntu install02:28
kartoffelmenschi diddnt install anything thunar related yet02:28
kartoffelmenschbut i check, sec02:28
Odd-rationalei still think it is hal related...02:29
Odd-rationalebut i gtg.02:29
kartoffelmenschwell thanks02:29
kartoffelmenschsleep well02:29
Odd-rationalekartoffelmensch: maybe file a bug on launchpad of the xfce bugtracker...02:29
Mr_Fixitanyways kartoffelmensch my original problem was that in 6.06 my network connections would keep dropping.. both eth0 and wlan0.. they would connect for up to 30 secs and drop..02:40
Mr_Fixitafter i installed 8.04 nothing worked.. at all.. my screen was shot, no network card and no sound..02:42
Mr_Fixitand after spending a day reading about similar problems i finally came in here to "leech" for help02:43
Mr_Fixitbut i still have the wifi drops now that it's fixed..02:44
kartoffelmenschMr_Fixit: maybe its your router/wifi card ?03:08
kartoffelmenschand not the drivers03:09
Mr_Fixityea but would it do it to both the wifi and lan??03:12
Mr_Fixitit's not the network03:12
Rakeerlaptop or desk?03:20
Rakeerintegrated networking chip...03:21
Rakeerwould cause the issue to be with both devices...is the wifi integrated or the card?03:21
Mr_Fixitis it fixable??03:21
RakeerI know there are enumerator issues with a lot of laptops, inability to use wifi and lan at the same time03:21
Mr_Fixitit's all integrated... no external devices03:21
Rakeerso if linux is attemping to power/use them both at the same time may be the problem03:21
Rakeerdid you try disabling one or the other?03:21
Mr_Fixitwell the lan is not recognized atm at all.03:22
RakeerMr_Fixit: Is you wirelss inside the laptop a mini-pci card or onboard?03:22
Mr_Fixitinside.. no card03:22
Rakeerlol, ok, I know, it's INSIDE the laptop...03:22
Rakeerbut...usually there is a mini pci under a device plate where they stick your card, if not its on board\03:22
Rakeerwhat chipset/laptop model?03:22
Mr_Fixitlol i don't know much else then you can see the specs page if you want03:22
Mr_Fixiti have the pastebin for the lspci if you wanna look in there too03:24
Rakeeroh a gateway...can't say I'm hopful :P looking03:24
Rakeerah yes, integrated wireless ethernet03:24
Rakeerwireless / ethernet03:24
Mr_Fixitso at least that explains the drops on both..03:25
RakeerEthernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller03:26
Rakeergoogle that about X/Ubuntu03:26
Rakeeror just RTL-8185 Xubuntu / Ubuntu and see what you find03:27
Mr_Fixityea i got a fair bit...03:27
Mr_Fixitthat'll at least get me goin.03:27
RakeerHi favro03:30
favrohi !03:31
Rakeer(I switched back to my old freenode nick...after almost 3 years it was still registerd to me :)03:36
Mr_Fixityea i noticed they don't drop them much...03:38
Mr_Fixiti seen one that was 5 yrs since registration and almost 4 yrs since use03:38
Rakeerwhat do you mean?03:40
Mr_Fixitwell the nick hadn't been identifies in almost 4 years..03:40
Rakeerthought you were talking about the realtek chip or your laptop still.. lol03:46
RakeerOpen the bottom of your laptop and see if you have a mini pci slot03:47
RakeerI would just buy a $15 broadcom based card or something03:47
Mr_Fixitwell i dunno what the part looks like but yea that could be a solutionj03:48
Rakeerif you can disable the others in the bios I would reccomned that also...03:48
Rakeerthere will be plates on the boot that comeoff with one or two screws to acces memory/hard drive/etc03:49
Rakeermaybe be a minipci in there...you never know03:49
Mr_Fixityea i've been in there but i dunno if the one is a wifi card or not..03:49
Rakeerhowever you would need to extend or locate your wifi antenna cables inside and reconnect them..03:49
Mr_Fixitit's not ram or hd03:49
Rakeercould also be a modem03:50
Mr_Fixitwell i don't need that either..03:50
Mr_Fixithow would i know??03:50
Mr_Fixityea that's the wifi card in question..03:54
Mr_Fixitthat's a mini pci slot???03:55
Mr_Fixitand can i put any other card in there?03:56
Rakeerany other mini pci I suppose...03:56
Rakeernot sure what03:56
Rakeerdoes it have a black/white little wire connected to it?03:56
Rakeerrather, 2 wires03:56
Rakeeron gold metal plugs03:57
Mr_Fixitb & w03:57
Mr_Fixityea and the rtl8185 # on it03:57
Rakeercan you disable the ethernet in the bios?03:57
Mr_Fixitdunno if it was enabled in the first place..03:57
Mr_Fixiti'll go check..03:57
Mr_Fixitok so onchip lan device is disabled03:59
Mr_Fixitrf power control on??04:00
Mr_Fixityea same problem...04:06
Mr_Fixitit still drops..04:06
Mr_Fixitso any new min pci wifi integrated card?04:06
Rakeerwell, I would try it, they're cheap for a good generic broadcom04:10
Rakeerhowever it may be the motherboard, but for $15 it can't hurt04:10
Mr_Fixityea well i've rought it out of the grave this far... 15 bucks can't hurt..04:11
Rakeerits worth it for a working laptop imo..04:11
Rakeerdual boot microxp or something...04:12
Mr_Fixitnah... it was abused too much by xp lol04:12
Rakeerheh...well, thats why I say micro...remove everything, including all non-essential drivers, services, windows file protection (SFC, DEP etc)04:13
Rakeersometimes its nic to have a ~75mb windows shell..04:13
Mr_Fixityea.. i don't know enough to do all that lol..04:14
Mr_Fixiti'm a learner in progress..04:14
Rakeercheck out nlite if you feel the need..04:15
Rakeersimple tool to make a custom windows install04:15
Mr_Fixithttp://cgi.ebay.ca/GateWay-450-450ROG-Mini-PCI-WIFI-Wireless-Card-6002333_W0QQitemZ270269469753QQihZ017QQcategoryZ74954QQtcZphotoQQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem   <--- does this seem like the right card?04:15
Rakeeranyways, back to xu04:15
RakeerUS $24.95  CanadaUSPS Priority Mail InternationalTM04:23
Rakeerlol ripoff04:23
Rakeerget one that is 54mbps b/g protocol..Im not sure wth that thing is..04:23
Mr_Fixityea i noticed that shipping..04:28
Mr_Fixitlooking for others04:28
Mr_Fixithell if that's a good one i'll buy now lol04:30
RakeerHard to say...I have little experience with the intel ones...I would google about linux compatibility..04:34
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)07:14
pohvaki have a x86 computer (32 mb RAM (!) 2.4 GB hard disk, pentium 3)07:14
pohvakwich version of xubuntu can run on it?07:14
pohvaki try to run ubuntu 6 but ask me for at least 64 mb in ram07:15
favro32mb is a bit short for most gui distros these days afaik07:15
pohvaklol, i know, is there any distro wich can i install?07:16
pohvaki need to use gimp, i only need a image editor to work in these 32 mb ram computer07:16
favroI think you're asking a bit much there...07:17
favroyou could run a command line disto like ubuntu server I would think07:17
pohvakwith 64 in ram, can i run xubuntu with gimp ??07:18
favroyou would need to use the alternate install cd for xubuntu  - it would be slow but may work ok07:20
pohvakxubuntu 8.04 alternate ??07:21
pohvakok, thanks i'll go to museum and steal a 32 mb pc100 ram07:21
favroI've got two 32mb sticks here doing nothing...07:23
pohvakhow much?07:24
pohvakwhere are you from?07:24
favrothey're collectors items now I believe - australia07:25
pohvakim mexican07:26
pohvakyeah, you are right07:26
pohvaki have like 3 or 4 computers stocked here in my house07:27
pohvaktoday was clean day and i'll like to make run one of those computers only for editing images07:27
favroI've found for the desktop to be usable I need at least 128mb mem - gimp will use about 40-60mb just starting up07:28
pohvakwhat about an old version?07:30
Odd-rationalepohvak: hmm. you should probably find another use for that machine... maybe a torrent+irc machine :D07:30
favroI wouldn't know about that07:30
Odd-rationalepohvak: older versions generally don't use less mem... in fact, they might actually use more...07:30
favropohvak: you might look at puppylinux - it runs from cd07:32
Odd-rationalegtg. g807:33
pohvakyeah, you are right favro, im reading in the web07:34
pohvakpuppylinux or damn small linux07:34
favroand there is #puppylinux07:34
pohvak16 mb (!) are enough to them =/07:34
favromake sure your swap file will be large enough :)07:35
pohvakwhat about vectorlinux?07:38
favrodoesn't turn up much in stuff I've read - I've heard of it tho07:39
pohvaktime to sleep here07:45
pohvakhave to work tomorrow early07:45
pohvakgood night or good morning07:45
favrogood night :)07:45
pohvakthanks for your help favro07:45
pohvaki decided to download damn small linux07:45
pohvakit says that works with 16 mb ram07:45
favrodsl is ok :)07:45
pohvaklets see, in the future i'll connect to told ya guys what happen with my museum computer07:46
pohvakbye bye07:46
Ambientanyone know how to set xubuntu xfce default window manager to snap on the screen edges&stuff on resize?10:12
Ambientalso, how to resize using the top window border?10:14
TheSheepAmbient: you can't10:37
Ambientok, nice. thanks :)10:39
sevensunHello guys. I need to recover some files from my broken-windows laptop so I booted using the xubuntu live cd. In which folder should I search for the windows files??13:01
sevensunplease guys, my boss is gonna cut out my head T_T13:04
wolsnone. you mount the windows partition first13:12
=== Gandhi is now known as Mark-lalala
Mark-lalalaHello! I've been given a dusty old laptop with 180MB Ram and a duddery Celeron processor. I just formated the hard drive and the question now is "what OS should go on here?".13:33
Myrttihow impartial answer do you want?13:39
Mark-lalalaI do realise I'm in a channel called #xubuntu, so I'll bear that in mind but listen to whatever you have to say.13:40
Mark-lalalaIf you're all for one OS above another, let me know why :)13:41
Mark-lalalaThough I guess my main chriteria are hardware support for this knackered old laptop's bits and minimal hardware requirements in terms of RAM and CPU speed, etc.13:43
Mark-lalalaBesides that, all I want to do is view images and play various generic media types.13:44
Ben_Cshello. does xubuntu have projects in java language i can contribute to?14:09
BunnyRevolutionhi  i'l like to remove abiword and gnumeric, is there a way?14:29
vinnlBunnyRevolution, can't you do that in Synaptic?14:30
BunnyRevolutionadd/remove, nope.  it does'nt who tti's installed14:30
BunnyRevolutionaptitude says the same thing14:30
BunnyRevolutionsso i'm noot sure hhow it wwas installed for xubuntuu 8.04.114:31
vinnlJust like it always is14:31
BunnyRevolutionthen aptitude should find and remove it, but aptitude doesn't know it's there14:31
vinnlBunnyRevolution, I just saw the same in Add/Remove... for me, could you try using Synaptic?14:32
TMN_BunnyRevolution: i removed abiword and gnumeric just yesterday from synaptic. should work..14:39
TMN_it's something like abiword-common14:39
vinnl!info abiword14:40
ubottuabiword (source: abiword): WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.6-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 2181 kB, installed size 5376 kB14:40
sevensunHello dudes, :-D I got a very little problem which is dirivin' me crazy... I'm using a 20G iPod as external data storage device, but it looks like the system is unable to understand how much big this device is, and always gives out warning message such as "no enough space on the driver" when it actually is half-way filled. It Gives me a lot of problems while I'm using bittorrent, so I wonder if there's some kind of comman15:11
sevensun[I solved my "mounting windows-HD on Xubuntu live cd" problem, thanx a lot 8-)]15:11
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
vinnlHey Ben_Cs17:45
Ben_Cssay, is there a way for me to contribute to xubuntu projects in the Java language?17:46
vinnlI'd ask in #xubuntu-devel17:47
Ben_Csdidn't know of that channel. thanks17:47
Travellerhave some serious trouble. My Sub-Notebook (using actual version of xubuntu) is freezing while playing flash videos in browsers (epiphany, firefox, opera). This happens nearly every time after a couple of minutes, when freezed the caps-lock - and optical mouse led keep blinking.18:26
cody-somervilleKernel panic it looks like18:28
Travellerwhat exatla is that?18:28
Travellerok :)18:29
Travellermy screen does not show an error like subscribed18:32
Travellerso my only hope is an update that brings cure?18:34
Travellerthanks, will try when ive got enough time18:50
stevenwhello all i have a mild problem19:43
vinnlBring it on :)19:43
stevenwokay i just installed xubuntu on my girlfriend's laptop19:44
stevenwsometimes if it's not touched for a while the screen blanks19:44
stevenwwhen i wiggle mouse, cursor appears and moves accordingly19:44
stevenwbut there is no desktop19:44
stevenwi have to ctrl-alt-bkspce19:45
stevenwto restart xserver19:45
stevenwalso, don't know if this is related19:45
stevenwi can't change screen resolutions19:45
stevenwevery time i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:45
vinnlstevenw, if it's the same problem as I'm having, you can just type the password and press enter to return to the desktop19:45
vinnl(Yep, I should've reported that long ago)19:45
stevenwoh huh19:45
vinnlstevenw, well, I can, even though I can't see the screen to enter the password in19:45
stevenwi have screensaver disabled tho19:45
vinnlThe first time I went nuts :P19:46
stevenwthat's so weird19:46
stevenwwhy does it do that?19:46
vinnlOh, you sure? Then it's odd that the screen blanks in the first place19:46
vinnlNo idea :P19:46
stevenwoh but when i try to recon xserver, i get an overwriting custom configuration message19:46
stevenwit asks me about keyboard19:46
stevenwbut goes back to terminal before i choose drivers resolution anything19:46
stevenwi've tried it with -phigh too]19:47
vinnlPerhaps you can try running "sudo displayconfig-gtk"19:47
stevenwlemme try19:47
stevenwit lists model as plug n play19:48
stevenwi'm assuming that's generic19:48
vinnlThere's also a Detect button I believe, just in case19:48
stevenwit lists intel 830 as graphics card19:49
stevenwtest button returned config test failed. please verfy selected devices19:49
vinnlHmm... Well, that's about everything I know about the xserver, sorry19:50
vinnlPerhaps ubottu  has some more info19:50
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:50
rcscompCan someone help me with my xfce setup?  It was working fine, but now when I log in, the taskbars at the top and bottom of the desktop are gone.  I installed some KDE stuff (kate) and am wondering if maybe that messed something up.20:01
vinnlrcscomp, press Alt+F220:02
vinnlThen run "xfce4-panel"20:02
rcscompvinnl: that worked, thank you.  Any idea why it didn't do that to start with?20:05
vinnlNope, sorry20:05
rcscompwell, I logged out and logged back in and now its there.  Maybe a corrupt session or something.  Thank you so much!20:06
vinnlNo problem :)20:06
vinnlHappens to a lot of people, unfortunately20:06
steven_yeah happened to me a bunch20:09
steven_i put it in startup list20:09
steven_just to be sure20:09
rcscompsteven_: where would I find the startup list?20:09
steven_that was in regular ubuntu20:10
steven_hold on lemme remember how i put it in there20:10
vinnlrcscomp, in Applications->Settings->Settings Manager, "Autostarted Applications"20:10
steven_ah yes20:10
steven_damn it LOL beat me20:10
rcscompthanks guys :)20:11
steven_lol vinnl is pretty good on here20:14
steven_helps out us n00bs20:14
vinnlHehe, but when it gets too advanced I'm lost :P20:14
steven_same here20:14
steven_how long you been using?20:14
vinnlXubuntu since Edgy, when it wasn't even released ;-)20:15
steven_wow i've been since beta gutsy20:15
steven_not too long20:15
steven_but i've been spreading it to everyone20:15
vinnlThat's the way I like it :)20:15
steven_like oh your windows comp got bluescreenofdeath?20:15
steven_ah i know just the fix...20:15
steven_everyone's like i want email internet and games20:16
steven_UH PREPACKAGED!20:16
steven_i am having some serious trouble getting my cursor to change...20:24
steven_nvm got it20:30
scifiHi guys, how do i access the keyring password storage ???20:33
=== terminal is now known as terminal1
vinnlI'm not sure you can20:35
=== terminal1 is now known as terminal
scifii just want to change the keyring password20:37
DatzIs it possible to install xubuntu(current version) on a USB drive?21:03
vinnlDatz, I've tried, but it's having some problems21:05
vinnlI wanted to try again today, but today's build failed to I couldn't download it21:05
vinnlThe process has also changed a bit21:06
DatzI tried earlier, but there was a problem and it was stuck on the boot screen.21:07
vinnlI got past that, but when I reached the login screen my Caps Lock and Scroll Lock lights started blinking and everything froze21:07
DatzAlso somehow in the process the boot loader for my windows drive was corrupted.  :(21:08
vinnlBy the way, I was "stuck" at the boot screen for a while too, but it was just a matter of waiting21:08
vinnlOh, that sucks, though it's probably easy to find a solution online21:08
Datzok, I thought maybe I was too impatient21:08
Datzyea, I found one and everything is back working again  :)21:08
Datzwhen I try to install it from my dell laptop(HD removed) the USB stick doesn't show up though.21:09
DatzI wonder if this is outdated : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent?highlight=(Usb)|(Drive)21:09
vinnlIt probably is21:09
Datzhumm, well might have to go with dsl then21:10
Datzwell I have to go for a bit, hopefully there will be a solution soon. Or a how-to...  :)21:11
vinnlI hope to write the how-to once I've managed it, but, well... It's me :P21:11
DatzWell I'll be looking forward to it.  ;)21:13
vinnlHehe :)21:13
vinnlYou're probably not the only one ;-)21:13
vinnlThe guides for Feisty are some of my most popular articles ever :)21:13
Firestormhi every122:00
Odd-rationalehi, Firestorm22:00
FirestormI'm rather new to linux and I was wondering how to start the windows x system when in recovery mode22:01
Firestormcause for some reason normal boot is freezing up somewhere while recovery mode boots up xcompletely22:02
Odd-rationaleFirestorm: well, one easy way would be to start gdm, which ill startx: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start22:02
Firestormsays user not authorized to run the x server22:06
Odd-rationaleFirestorm: did you use sudo?22:06
Firestormbut now i logout22:07
Firestormand it sent me back to root and it let me22:07
Firestormbut it froze on a black screen22:07
Firestormwell done trying for tonight i gtg22:09
Firestormthx odd22:09
Odd-rationaleFirestorm: k, let me know if you need anymore assistance22:12
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
MarkopotamusHello! I'm using Xubuntu 8.04 on an old laptop. There's a problem with the screen resolution; the desktop is much bigger than the resolution and I can't see half of it. I previously had 6.06 installed and it didn't have this bug22:22
MarkopotamusAny idea how I could fix this? I can't find anyway to change the resolution; there are none listed in the display options22:23
eXistenZhow much space do I need for xubuntu22:33
eXistenZminimal requirements22:34
MarkopotamusHeelp, I can only see from the top left to the middle of the desktop. The right hand side and bottom segments of the desktop are off the screen :X22:37
favroMarkopotamus: try  alt+F2 then type  xrandr -s 1024x76822:39
Markopotamusfavro: No luck, unfortinately22:40
MarkopotamusDoesnt seem to do anything22:40
favroMarkopotamus: well then try in a terminal - sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg22:41
* Markopotamus tries22:41
favroMarkopotamus: then ctrl+alt+bkspace to restart x22:42
Markopotamusk, here goes22:42
MarkopotamusCheers. Well the terminal sounds busy :p22:44
MarkopotamusIee, I am sorry to report no change22:47
MarkopotamusIs there anything else I could try, favro?22:48
favroMarkopotamus: that's fine - need to manually edit xorg.conf then - in a terminal  gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:48
favroMarkopotamus: in the monitor section is there any options?22:49
Markopotamusno, just the rgb sliders22:49
Markopotamusgot the xorg.conf file window up22:49
favroMarkopotamus: could you paste the file?22:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:49
Markopotamuserm.. it's empty (says I'm not in the root account and may harm my computer - pfft)22:50
favroMarkopotamus: did you use gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf?22:52
MarkopotamusThat's what I typed in the terminal window... is that what you mean?22:52
favroMarkopotamus: yep - well you are using the root ac count - gksu allows you to22:53
favroso it's fine :)22:54
favro Markopotamus: in the monitor section is there any options?22:54
MarkopotamusOooh, whoops, sorry, it says "you ARE using the root account, etc"22:54
MarkopotamusUnder Display you mean?22:55
MarkopotamusSettings - settings manager  - display?22:55
favroin the file we just opened22:56
MarkopotamusUnder display on the list pannel on the left it says Default which does nothing and on the right are a bunch of rgb sliders.22:57
Markopotamusin the file we just opened there's nothing22:57
favroMarkopotamus: you have to get the capitals right gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:57
MarkopotamusI'll try again22:57
MarkopotamusDoh. I am sorry, you're right, I missed that cap22:59
* Markopotamus goes into pastebin22:59
favroso in the monitor section?22:59
favrok :)22:59
favroMarkopotamus: yep - in a terminal do   lspci | grep VGA   please and it'll tell us the vid card23:02
spycoMy sound crapped out and it is basically just echoing noise over and over and over... I cannot find the advanced sound options to change from alsa to oss and the others, does xubuntu have this option?23:02
spycoi did sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and that just turned down my volume but kept echoing23:04
favrospyco: in a terminal type   alsamixer   and try turning down/up sliders23:05
favroe.g. with my cd turned up I get background static23:06
steven_spyco: try turning down the microphone23:06
spycoi can hear it just fine the problem is the sound crashes after so long of playing and it begins to echo23:06
spycolike DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH23:06
steven_my laptop didn't have one but somehow picked up sound from something23:06
Markopotamusfavro: the terminal isn't getting back to me on   lspci | grep VGA :s23:06
steven_that worked for me23:06
spycothen no new audio can be played23:06
spycoi want to switch from alsa to one of the other sound devices23:07
favroMarkopotamus: try  lspci | grep vga23:07
spycoubuntu allows it in the sound settings but xubuntus sound settings are so basic i cannot find the other settings23:07
Markopotamusfavro: nore that :s23:08
favroMarkopotamus: well just  lspci  then and have a read...23:09
Markopotamusnothing there either, favro... unless somethings popping up off the visible edge of my screen :s23:10
spycodoes anyone know how to get this configuration program http://www.whatmission.net/Stuff/soundcfg.png23:10
favroMarkopotamus: that might be the issue then - have you had linux on this comp before?23:11
spycoalls i need is to switch everything from alsa to oss  and esd23:11
Markopotamusfavro - it had xubuntu 6.06 before, didn't have this problem23:11
favroMarkopotamus: k - one min23:12
Markopotamusoh hey, result now. load o' text23:13
MarkopotamusSorry Favro, again it looks like I was doing something wrong, the terminal is responding now.23:14
favroMarkopotamus: just finding some xorg info for your s3 card23:19
Markopotamuscheers, favro.23:19
spycoSo noone knows how to change alsa to oss like on ubuntu with this config program http://www.whatmission.net/Stuff/soundcfg.png ?23:20
steven_uhh i don't lol23:21
TheSheepspyco: each program has its own preferences23:22
TheSheepspyco: for gnome apps, you can change it with the same program23:22
TheSheepspyco: for others, you will have to configure them23:22
spycowell does anyone know how to change from alsa to oss in xubuntu at all23:22
spycoi cant find documentation on it23:23
TheSheepspyco: there is no global switch23:23
spycowhat are you talking about, do you know how to change it or not23:23
spycoweather it be config files23:23
spycoor a config p rogram23:23
TheSheepspyco: I know how to change it in vlc, mplayer, audacious, zsnes, visualboyadvance, etc.23:24
TheSheepspyco: each of this program does it differently23:24
spycoalright ill try to configure totem then23:24
TheSheepit's usually a well-visible option in the preferences23:24
whileimhereHi there.23:25
TheSheeptotem uses gnome's defaults, which are set with the program that you just showed, that is not installed in xubuntu by default23:25
favroMarkopotamus: gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf again and add these lines in the monitor section - HorizSync 30-11023:25
favroVertRefresh 50-7023:25
spycodo you know the programs name? is it just soundcfg23:25
Markopotamusfavro: aight23:25
favroMarkopotamus: then save the file and restart x - seems to mostly be all it needs23:26
TheSheepspyco: I think it's gnome-sound-preferences or something like that23:26
spycougg  totem doesnt have the option23:27
whileimhereHow do I set XFCE up so that when I touch the edge of the screen it will go to the next workspace?23:27
Markopotamusfavro: with the - before HorizSync or no?23:27
favrono Markopotamus23:28
Markopotamusk, just wanted to check anyway23:28
Markopotamuswell that's done. Here goes!23:28
Markopotamusfavro: Yeep, no change I'm afraid23:30
whileimhereWhat is the point of services like klogd?23:30
favroMarkopotamus: k - we'll tell it directly the size to use - which reolution are you after?23:31
TheSheepwhileimhere: so that when your system crashes, you can look and see why23:31
Markopotamus1024 x 768 I guess.23:31
whileimhereother than that?23:32
TheSheepwhileimhere: that's not enough?23:32
whileimherewell if it crashes it crashes I wont debug I just re-install23:32
TheSheepwhileimhere: what if it crashes because your hard disk drive got broken?23:33
TheSheepwhileimhere: you will keep reinstalling?23:33
whileimhereuh then I wont even get to the logs now will I23:33
Markopotamusfavro: Im not sure what resolution the monitor is - it looks like 1024/768 to me while the desktop is almost twice that, perhaps 1600x120023:33
TheSheepwhileimhere: you will, it usually doesn't break entirely right away23:33
MarkopotamusWhoah - favro, I was just trying the xrandr -s command you told me first and I was trying different resolutions and suddenly 800x600 worked23:35
MarkopotamusI can see the rest of the screen now23:35
favroMarkopotamus: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf - screen section add these new lines after it says "Configured Video Device"23:35
Markopotamusalthough euw, the it's completly horible. Mishapen pixels.. ugh23:36
favroMarkopotamus: yeh - 1024x768 sounds closer to the one23:36
Markopotamusyes! It worked!23:36
MarkopotamusThat command is working now and awsome, I can actually see the entire desktop23:36
favrooops - thse lines Markopotamus  - http://paste.ubuntu.com/42852/23:36
Markopotamusfavro, could you please remind me the command to bring up xorg.conf?23:38
favrogksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:38
favroand the up arrow in terminal will let you scroll through previous commands :)23:39
Markopotamushehe oh yeh23:39
Markopotamusfavro: restart time?23:40
dpickhow do i connect to a samba share with thunar?23:45
favrodpick: from the top menu select  GO  then  open location afaik23:46
dpickfavro: it didn't do anything23:47
favrodpick: did you type in a location?23:48
dpickwell i put a location in the bar, when i clicked open location nothing happend23:48
favrodpick: what did you type?23:48
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
favrodpick: I don't use samba but shouldn't it start smb/// - I'm googling it atm23:51
dpickthat might be it23:51
Markopotamusfavro: well it's a definate improvement! Had a scary moment there on starting up though...23:52
Markopotamusfavro: right now I have the bottom edge of the screen but the right hand side is missing. However if I resize it then it comes back23:52
favroMarkopotamus: I was worried ...23:52
Markopotamusfavro: hehe, yeah it was a little worrying at first. I had some kinda crazy black and red screen for a few minutes, and then it asked me to configure the graphics card because it didnt recongnise it23:53
favroMarkopotamus: type  xrandr  - it will show all available options for resolution23:53
Markopotamusfantastic. It certainly does23:54
favrodpick: type in smb://. You can then browse to what you want. - from a forum post23:54
dpickok, i'll try that23:54
dpickfavro: still isn't doing anything23:55
dpicki can connect using smbclient, i just wanted to be able to browse the shares23:56
Markopotamusrestarting again23:56
favrodpick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131 - a good howto :)23:57
Markopotamusfavro: It's working now. Thankyou so much for holding my hand through that, you're a star.23:58
favroMarkopotamus: np :)23:59
dpickthanks favro23:59
favrodpick: np :)23:59
Markopotamusnow, if I could get this laptop talking to my XP PC over the network I'd be sorted :P23:59

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