
dashhi. anybody know if there's an emacs client for the launchpad api yet?00:03
kikodash, I am pretty sure there isn't. you thinking of giving up a lung? :)00:22
dashkiko: But breathing is my favorite :(00:22
dashi'm on an elisp kick this week, it seems00:22
kikodash, I'm very interested in people trying out the API from weird clients, you might get a t-shirt if you try hard enough :)00:23
dashkiko: Ooh, a bribe.00:24
* dash reads launchpadlib00:24
kikodash, and leonardr is the guy to talk to if it looks too complicated. it's meant to be easy!00:27
* kiko curses OOO00:27
dashkiko: I guess I just have to figure out oauth now00:28
dashanyway let's see00:28
dashhmac, base64, xml, json00:28
dashand https00:29
dashlooks like emacs has all the main libraries I need00:29
dashkiko: is there docs for the protocol independent of launchpadlib?00:29
kikodash, yes, definitely00:33
kikodash, help.launchpad.net/API and then follow the second link IIRC00:33
dashso it looks like the api only really covers bugs and people at this stage?01:21
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mwhudsondash: yes, though it's increasing in scope fast01:53
mwhudsondash: which bits are you interested in?01:54
dashmwhudson: not sure yet01:54
dashthe bugs interface will be the most useful, obviously01:54
mwhudsonyes, i think the 'which launchpad application do we expose first' in the api discussion was over pretty quickly01:56
kiko-zzzdash, the projects stuff is now available on edge. I need to check whether our API docs are being autogenned there yet..01:58
dashok cool01:58
dashi'm sure by the time I get something useful done with bugs the other parts will be ready ;)01:59
dashoh also, one other question01:59
kiko-zzzso edge basically follows trunk and whatever's landed there you get free of charge (the bits might blow up every once in a while of course ;)01:59
dashare the rdf files for projects related to the DOAP spec at all?01:59
kiko-zzzthey are basically DOAP AFAIK02:00
kiko-zzzif there's some non-conformance there it's something we should fix02:00
kiko-zzzanyway really zzzing now02:00
dashthere's just nothing in it that uses the http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap namespace02:02
dashso I was confused :)02:02
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thekornhi, is it possible to approve/decline nominations in a project?07:55
thekornof course, I'm maintainer of this project07:56
thekornor other question: who is allowed to manage nomitations? - the driver?08:00
BjornTthekorn: at the moment only the driver (and for ubuntu, the uploaders) can approve/decline nominations. if there is no driver, the maintainer should be allowed to do it. not sure if there's a bug for that.08:04
thekornBjornT, ok, thanks, so if I'm driver of a project I should be able to manage nominations?08:08
thekornmaybe I'm blind, but I can't find an option on staging for this08:08
BjornTthekorn: yes, you should. can't you find how to set the driver?08:14
BjornTthekorn: it's not that visible. first you have to click on 'change details', and then choose 'people' in the tabs at the top08:16
thekornBjornT, ok, now I'm driver of bzr-fs on staging,08:17
thekornand when I look at https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/bzr-fs/+bug/264154 I can not find a link to edit the nomination08:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264154 in network-manager-applet "802.1x failure, due to lack of ability to set CA." [Undecided,New]08:17
BjornTthekorn: well, that's because the nomination is already approved. there is currently no way of declining an already approved nominations, so you'd have to set it to Won't Fix (which means, won't fix in this series)08:20
BjornTthekorn: if you look at this bug, you should see approve/decline links: https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/bzr-fs/+bug/26415508:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264155 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "fails "subselect" on i386 testsuite runs with segv when compiled with PIE" [Undecided,New]08:22
thekornBjornT, ah, ok thanks08:22
thekornso nominations by driver (?) are auto-approved?08:23
BjornTthekorn: yes. that will change in the future, though.08:23
thekornok, good08:23
thekornthanks again08:24
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philnis it possible to unsubscribe a team member from bugs assigned to the team? so that he doesn't receive the spam^W^W mail notifications from LP09:04
BjornTphiln: no09:15
Hobbseephiln: you'll probably need to use various types of filters09:27
Hobbseephiln: or just drop all bug mail from launchpad.09:27
philnyah i'll do filters09:30
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philnis it planned to add support Debian unstable distro in PPA?11:51
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mwhudsonphiln: yes, i think so, but holding your breath for it would be a bad idea :)11:52
bigjoolsright, there are no immediate plans11:53
philnbut i'd be a nice feature11:53
bigjoolsI'm sure you would :)11:54
philnright now maintaing a debian repository can be a pain in the ass11:54
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wgrantSomething is wrong with implicit subscription caching.12:29
wgrantUnless https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/264292 has some other reason for me being implicitly subscribed that I can't see.12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264292 in launchpad-foundations "Project overview page wording problem with relative dates" [Medium,In progress]12:30
wgrantI guess it could be that it is still referring to the launchpad milestone to which I am subscribed.12:32
wgrantBut it seems to know that it's talking about "Launchpad Foundations: 2.1.9"12:32
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tomfogHi. My request for a mailing list for the scubuntu-dev team was denied.  Are there any admins here who could help me to reapply and get it approved?12:53
andrea-bstomfog: the mailing lists are no longer only for beta testers, but are open to everyone12:53
andrea-bstomfog: so you don't need to join any team to activate your ML12:54
tomfogandrea-bs: I used the "configure mailing list" link on LP, but my request was declined, and I cannot reapply.12:56
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andrea-bstomfog: oh, sorry, I misunderstood your question12:58
andrea-bstomfog: in this case, I can't help, sorry12:58
tomfogandrea-bs: no prob, thnx12:58
wgranttomfog: May I enquire (as owner of motuscience) as to your rationale for creating a derivative?12:59
tomfogwgrant: The main reason is to promote scientific computing on Ubuntu, but in such a way that the "out-of-the-box" experience for researchers is good. IMHO, part of the problem for people new to Linux is that they don't know what good software there is - we'd like to solve that by choosing "sane defaults/best of breed" and embedding all of that into a derived distro. We're also hoping to attract researchers from the developing world, for whom post-instal13:04
tomfogof course, we're going to package everything as metapackages, so it can be installed on top of a standard Ubuntu install as well (like edubuntu).  Also, we'd like to coordinate efforts with motuscience.13:05
wgranttomfog: Sounds like you want a flavour.13:05
wgrantNot so much a derivative.13:05
wgrantLike Kubuntu is a flavour.13:05
wgrantOr perhaps an addon CD like Edubuntu.13:06
tomfogwgrant: true, I'm using the incorrect terminology...13:06
tomfogwgrant: fixed the team and project descriptions. thnx for alerting me to it.13:10
wgranttomfog: Thanks. You're likely to get much less negative reactions from people if they don't think you're making a derivative distro.13:10
tomfogthe current thinking is to probably move in the direction of an addon CD(s)13:11
wgrantIt works well for Edubuntu, and is somewhat simpler.13:11
tomfogwgrant: it is simpler, agreed.  For our proof-of-concept, however, we're modifying ubiquity to include extra options (selecting scientific field, etc), so it'll be a single-DVD installation, but that won't work well in future (there are too many different scientific fields).  The POC is to help convinve my organisation to adopt Ubuntu for researcher workstations (in addition to the more generic "business PCs")13:14
wgrantA good goal.13:14
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rhkfinhttps://help.launchpad.net/OpenID says my profile page should include a openid id somewhere but it doesn't.. Can't login to a service not supporting openid 2.0. Tips?14:02
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kikorhkfin, what's your profile page URL?14:50
rhkfinkiko: https://launchpad.net/~risto.kurppa14:51
kikorhkfin, and you are logged in? it appears right under SSH Keys14:53
Peng_I don't see it either.14:54
rhkfinYes, logged in. I only see time zone and then Most active in -things in my profile page..14:54
Peng_Same here14:54
kikoPeng_, you don't see it on /your/ profile or on his?14:55
Peng_kiko: Mine :)14:55
kikorhkfin, does using edge.launchpad.net make any difference?14:55
ignas_is code.launchpad already using shared repositories?14:55
andrea-bsisn't the OpenID only for betatesters?14:55
rhkfinAny yes but doesn't show the openid key..14:55
kikoandrea-bs, ah, maybe it is14:56
kikoI thought it had been opened to the GP14:56
kikomrevell, confirm?14:56
* mrevell looks14:56
rhkfinI've been using it for some time now anyway..14:56
Peng_Yeah, I'm not a beta tester.14:56
rhkfinMe neither.. -> should join to beta testers?14:56
kikoPeng_, shame! why not?14:56
Hobbseekiko: being hit earlier with the "oh my goodness, the UI has changed again, i'm so confused" changes14:57
LarstiQdon't we need people to make sure things work for non beta-testers too? ;)14:58
* kiko winks at LarstiQ 14:58
rhkfinLarstiQ: heh :)14:58
mrevellyeah, OpenID is still only for beta testers14:58
HobbseeLarstiQ: surely not!14:58
Peng_mrevell: OK14:59
mrevellPeng_ If you'd like to join the beta team, go here: https://aunchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers/ - then ping me and I'll approve you straight away14:59
rhkfinmrevell: but it works for others as well..? Or at least has been forking..15:01
rhkfinHave to try it somewhere else.. Tried on a wiki that doesn't support openid2.0..15:01
Peng_mrevell: I just joined.15:01
mrevellrhkfin: AFAIK OpenID is only available to members of the beta testers team. Have you tried it already?15:02
rhkfinmrevell: hmm.. I'm sure something has changed: now it really doesn't work anymore like it used to.. I was earlier able to log in to places using LP openid..15:03
mrevellPeng_: Just approved you, welcome :)15:03
mrevellrhkfin: Hmm. And you've never been a member of the beta team?15:04
mrevellsalgado: Are you a good person to ask about OpenID stuff?15:04
rhkfinmrevell: no I haven't. But just joined (to be able to use openid..)15:04
Peng_mrevell: Thanks. :)15:04
Peng_Yeah, now I see an OpenID URL in my profile.15:05
salgadomrevell, sinzui is probably better, but I can give it a go15:06
mrevellrhkfin: Welcome to the beta team :)15:07
rhkfinmrevell: thank you!15:07
mrevellthanks salgado. rhkfin reports being able to use LP OpenID previously even though he wasn't a member of the beta team. Can you think of a reason why that might be?15:08
rhkfinI think it was working still last week but now tried and it's stopped working.15:08
Peng_I used OpenID once in the past too.15:09
* rhkfin tries to think where he logged in with LP openid..15:09
rhkfinyes, now I can see the openid address in my profile..15:10
salgadomrevell, no idea, but there was an openid-beta-testers team, no?15:11
rhkfinsalgado: haven't been member of that either, I think..15:12
mrevellsalgado: Briefly, yeah. I guess it's not something to worry about. I'll raise it with Sinzui, though, as a matter of curiosity.15:12
Peng_I've never been a member of any teams.15:12
* Peng_ feels like a broken record.15:12
rhkfinheh :)15:13
LarstiQI previously tried to use lp's openid and failed, but now it works (with free-thursday.pieni.net). Not sure what changed.15:13
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Oli``How can I create/register a SSH key for my LP user?17:22
beunoOli``, https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair17:23
Oli``thanks beuno!17:23
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Tm_Thi kids18:17
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Oli``What is the purpose of nominating a bug for a release?18:24
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beunoOli``, to have a list of bugs you want to close before a release18:26
kikobeuno, or backport to other series18:27
Oli``By nominating something, am I saying "I'll fix this for the release" or "Somebody really should fix this for the release"?18:27
persiaOr perhaps a bug only exists in some particular series, and it won't be fixed there, and someone wants to document that.18:27
beunokiko, right. I always forget about backports for some reason. Going back seems to be an odd concept in my head. Oli``, what kiko says  :)18:28
persiaOli``: Depends on the convention for the project, but typically means something closer to "this bug affects this series"18:28
persiabeuno: The secret to remembering backporting fixes: security updates18:28
LarstiQdoesn't a backport count as a release too?18:29
beunopersia, better, thanks   :)18:29
persiaLarstiQ: It depends on what one means by "backport".  In the sense of "Ubuntu Backports", something like that.  In the sense of "backporting a fix", not at all.18:30
Tm_TI have a following issue with openid:  when I login into wiki.ubuntu.com, my login stays only as long as I don't go other pages except where I'm forwarded when login, seems like session doesn't keep login info at all18:31
LarstiQpersia: a new version of and old branch with backported fixes.18:31
persiaLarstiQ: In that case, it depends on how one defines a series :)18:33
LarstiQpersia: :)18:34
kikopersia, an independent branch of development. easiest understood by example. :)18:36
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persiakiko: Indeed :)  It's that a "release" and a "series" may be confusing terms, depending on the project.18:37
persiaFor something like MySQL, there are several active series, each with several releases.18:37
persiaContrariwise, Ubuntu chooses to call each series a Release.18:37
kikopersia, beuno and I are working on a graphical timeline that gives people a better idea18:37
kikopersia, I think the ubuntu thing is historical because in the old days we didn't consider doing point-releases18:38
kikobut as it's understood that the distribution itself updates throughout its lifecycle, you're right18:38
beunokiko, did you look at my python code for that?  I'm not sure I made it very easy to understand how you would plug into it, or if you'd just re-write the whole thing, so I've left the branch alone for now18:38
kikobeuno, I think right now her life is in my hands18:39
* beuno scratches it off his list18:39
_MMA_When creating a new project on Launchpad is "Common Public License"=Creative Commons?19:04
elmo_MMA_: I don't know for sure, but I doubt it19:08
elmoCPL traditionally means the IBM CPL, i.e. the same kind of license postfix is under19:08
elmoi.e. http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.php19:08
_MMA_Ahh.. OK. I'll go with "other/open source" for now. Kinds odd there's not a CC category with a field for the specific CC license. I'm sure someone's filed a bug. :P19:09
_MMA_Thanx James.19:10
qenseShould a bug in the team display be filed against launchpad-itself or launchpad-foundations?19:12
beunoqense, you can file it against Launchpad, and it will be moved around appropriately19:13
qenseok, thx19:13
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theinehi, i don't seem to be able to figure out how to delete a branch? could somebody please tell me how to do so?20:24
beunotheine, there's a red icon besides the branch title20:25
beunoit isn't as obvious as it could be, and I intend to fix that soon-ish20:25
theineis there? i don't see it20:25
beunotheine, do you own the branch?20:25
beunotheine, what branch do you want to delete?20:26
theineshould there be those red icons on that page if I'm signed in as theine20:27
theineboth actually20:27
beunotheine, go to the branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~theine/shmagic/test20:27
beunoand you should see the icon I'm talking about20:27
theineah! now i see it20:27
theineit's not that non-obvious actually :)20:28
kikotheine, you would think. however ever single user gets lost there.20:28
theinethat makes me feel bette20:28
theineso is there any way to cancel the vcs import and delete that branch?20:29
beunoI don't know about cancelling the import20:29
beunomwhudson, you up yet?20:29
kikotheine, I can cancel imports and do the thingamajiga for you20:30
theinethat's be great, thanks20:30
kikotheine, URLs. the man says he needs URLs!20:38
theineoh, sorry20:39
theinethere's a vcs-imports branch which I'd like to have removed20:39
kikoyou mean https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/shmagic/main20:40
kikoand it is GONE20:40
theineawesome, thank you!20:49
kikosure thing20:52
mwhudsonbeuno: just20:56
beunomwhudson, good morning  :)20:56
mdkehi guys21:03
mdkecan someone remind me of the correct way to upgrade a branch on Launchpad?21:03
beunomdke, through sftp21:03
beunobzr upgrade sftp://user@bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/project/branch21:04
beunoand after:  bzr reconcile sftp://user....21:04
mdkecan I upgrade to rich-root-packs that way safely?21:04
persiabeuno: Is that better then bzr upgrade; bzr push ?21:05
beunopersia, push doesn't upgrade the format21:05
mdkepersia: I don't think that upgrades the remote branch21:05
mdkejust the local one21:05
persiaOh.  I thought it did.  Thanks.21:05
beunomdke, sure.21:05
mdkebeuno: ok, I'll give it a try. Thanks21:06
mdkebeuno: it crashed :(21:12
beunomdke, bzr?21:12
beunomdke, pastebin?21:13
mdkedamn, I hope it didn't damage anything21:13
mdkelooks like it was still doing the backup21:13
beunomwhudson, when you're through with your coffee, can you take a look  ^21:14
beunoor abentley21:14
kikogotta love memoryerror21:16
abentleymdke: I'd be surprised if anything was damaged.21:16
abentleymdke: It was still copying stuff, before actually upgrading the original.21:17
mwhudsonoh interesting21:17
mwhudsonit's probably this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/25529221:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255292 in launchpad-bazaar "MemoryError/OverflowError in _read_info_file during branch unlock when pushing over SFTP" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:17
abentleymdke: I suggest using an older or newer bzr version.21:18
abentleymdke: 1.6 has a known memory issue.  We are releasing 1.6rc1 to fix it.21:18
abentleysorry, 1.6.121:18
mwhudsonabentley: i think this looks like the ssh server bug though21:19
mdkethis is a canonical machine though, I can't control the version of bzr.21:19
mwhudsonmdke: if you try again, can you set BZR_PDB=1 ?21:19
abentleymdke: What, you have no home directory?21:20
mdkeabentley: sure21:20
mdkemwhudson: how do I do that?21:20
mwhudsonBZR_PDB=1 bzr upgrade sftp://....21:21
abentleymdke: So you can just grab a tarball, untar it, and run it from there.  Bazaar doesn't need to be installed or anything weird like that.21:22
abentleymdke: http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.6/1.6.1rc2/+download/bzr-1.6.1rc2.tar.gz21:22
mdkemwhudson: I'm going to download my own backup before I try again, but then I will try that21:23
mwhudsonmdke: ok21:23
mdkeabentley: I'll try it if I have to, but I'll do mwhudson's thing first21:24
mdkemwhudson: I get a memory error doing bzr branch too. I'll try add BZR_PDB to that as well21:27
mdkemwhudson: so what do I do at the prompt?21:28
abentleythumper_laptop: Who do I have to kill to make verifyObject not use hasattr?21:32
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thumperabentley: not sure, is it part of lp or zope?21:43
abentleythumper: zope21:43
thumperabentley: I'm not sure who exactly, but I'm sure patches are accepted :)21:44
abentleythumper: Do we have someone who does Zope relations?21:45
thumperabentley: I think both barry and SteveA have connections21:45
* barry never had relations with that cms21:45
abentleythumper: Cool.21:45
barry(obscure 90's us political reference ftw)21:46
mwhudsonmdke: 'p count'21:48
mdkemwhudson: without the quote right?21:49
mwhudsonmdke: right21:49
mdkemwhudson: 3688016047L21:49
mwhudsonmdke: that's quite a lot of bytes21:50
mwhudsonmdke: can you go up a few times until you're in put_file?21:51
mdkemwhudson: sorry, you need to walk me through this. What should I type?21:52
mwhudsonmdke: 'up'21:52
mwhudson8 times, i think21:52
mdkemwhudson: I didn't see it - http://paste.ubuntu.com/43168/21:53
mwhudsonmdke: oh different traceback, it seems21:53
mwhudson(also pdb sucks)21:54
mwhudsonmdke: can you type 'args' now?21:54
mdkemwhudson: I'll give you the whole thing - http://paste.ubuntu.com/43170/21:55
mwhudsonmdke: oh um, that was less helpful than i'd hoped21:56
mwhudsonso i guess two options: the server is sending junk, or paramiko is getting confused and parsing the wrong bit of the data stream as a byte count22:03
mdkeis there any more information I can help with? Otherwise I shall give up :)22:03
mwhudsonmdke: i don't think there's anything more, no :/22:04
mwhudsonmdke: i can upgrade the branch for you on the server if you like...22:04
mdkemwhudson: it's not very urgent, but if you fancy it that would be helpful. Could you do dapper, edgy and feisty?22:06
mwhudsonhang on22:06
mwhudsonmdke: can you ask a question, with branch urls? :)22:07
mdkemwhudson: I've got an old one actually, hang on22:07
mwhudsonmdke: are the branches large?22:07
mwhudsoni might see if i can grab it and reproduce/debug the problem locally22:08
mdkemwhudson: yeah, very large. The question was https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+question/30469 but it doesn't have urls, let me know if there isn't enough info there22:08
mwhudsonmdke: i think i'd prefer actual urls to be certain22:09
mdkemwhudson: fine, I'll do a new question22:10
mwhudsonsorry for sitting on that old one for so long :/22:10
mdkemwhudson: that's fine, I soon figured that opening a new question was the right way to do it22:12
mdkemwhudson: ok it's https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+question/4407122:12
Tm_Thmm, sorry for repeating, but...22:13
Tm_T2031.18 < Tm_T> I have a following issue with openid:  when I login into wiki.ubuntu.com, my login stays only as long as I don't go other pages except where I'm forwarded when login, seems like session doesn't keep login info at all22:13
kikoTm_T, cookies blocked?22:13
mwhudsonmdke: also, when making a sysadmin request, which is what this effectively is, precision is everything :)22:13
Tm_Tkiko: nope22:13
mdkemwhudson: ok. Let me know if you need more info22:14
mwhudsonmdke: this is enough22:14
* mwhudson gets on it22:14
mwhudsonactually, it would probably be better to get a sysadmin to do it, in fact...22:15
mdkemwhudson: how come?22:16
mwhudsonmdke: because i'm a developer and not really supposed to be logging in to production systems...22:16
mwhudsonmdke: how are you finding bazaar, btw?22:17
mdkemwhudson: ah, I see. I figured because you did it for that other question that was part of your thing... so you were just being naughty :)22:17
mdkemwhudson: good thanks yeah22:17
mdkemwhudson: for what we do, bzr seems to work equally well as svn. We don't really used much distributed stuff or advanced functions. But the Launchpad side has been a great improvement22:18
mdkeit's very convenient indeed22:18
mwhudsondo you use lightweight checkouts?22:19
mdkemwhudson: not myself, but some people might I guess. We chucked out our revision history on the last release so checkouts are quite light anyway22:19
mwhudsonoh right22:19
Tm_TI just don't get this, why it doesn't keep the login... no, it's not because of cookies, nor browser22:23
kikoTm_T, hmmm, I can't reproduce your problem myself. do your HTTP headers show you sending the credentials in each page load?22:24
Tm_Tkiko: how I can check this? I'm not very familiar debugging server issues22:24
kikoTm_T, if you use firefox, you can install live HTTP headers. the other thing you can do is look at a packet capture of the HTTP[S] connection22:26
kikobut live HTTP headers is generally easier22:26
Tm_Tkiko: hmm, will look at it22:26
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
Tm_Tkiko: weird this is atleast22:33
kikoTm_T, gotta agree with you there22:34
Tm_Tkiko: dunno what is changed, but now finally Firefox works, Konqueror doesn't22:34
Tm_Tkiko: I have only rebooted, watched some dvb-t and compiled KDE4 and Firefox now works, doesn't make sense22:34
Tm_Toh and installed that live HTTP headers22:35

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