
* hggdh is away: movie time00:04
bdmurrayyeah movies!00:12
* Ampelbein is watching southpark. more fun than movies ;-)00:19
MortenBAre the current freeze issues related to this age old bug? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=20196400:29
AmpelbeinCould some member of bug-control please check on bug #263823 ? I think it could be set to triaged/importance low. Thanks.00:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263823 in gnome-control-center "gnome-appearance-properties should not open multiple instances" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26382300:39
RAOFMortenB: Almost certainly not.00:39
pedro_Ampelbein: done, thanks00:41
Ampelbeinthank you, too.00:41
pedro_since you're the nice guys you probably have good recommendations right? ;-)01:07
pedro_what are you guys using as a rss reader?01:08
greg-gyou just read about mine I suppose :)01:20
pedro_greg-g: ah yes ;-) looks pretty fancy but i want a desktop app one  ;-)01:29
* pedro_ dreaming with a webkit based rss reader01:29
greg-gpedro_: gotcha, I'm a fan of web-based. what do you use now on the desktop?01:30
pedro_greg-g: hehe nothing :-P01:31
pedro_i'm only using my dear epiphany browser for reading "rss" which is basically going to every page and read it01:31
pedro_blaah yeah i know01:31
pedro_i used to use "blam!" but is unmaintained  since ermm 2 years i guess01:32
pedro_so yeah i need a new one hopefully based on new technologies too, integrated with the desktop and so on01:32
greg-goh wow, the old days :)01:33
greg-gonce you find it, blog it, I'm sure others would appreciate it01:34
pedro_haha yeah :p01:35
pedro_well i'm going to give a try to tinny tinny rss seems to be cool ;-)01:35
greg-git is, I just found a bug though :)01:37
greg-gsome html code is not being rendered and just spat out as text01:37
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dholbachgood morning07:36
thekornhey dholbach07:37
dholbachhi thekorn07:38
techno_freakdholbach, morning08:30
dholbachhiya techno_freak08:30
Hobbseebug 26307410:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263074 in bzr-rebase "Please sync bzr-rebase 0.4-1 (universe) from Debian experimental (main).  This version of bzr-rebase is required for compatibility with Bazaar 1.6, which is in intrepid." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26307410:21
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elmargoldholbach, are there recordings for the udw2?10:51
dholbachelmargol: click on the links on UbuntuDeveloperWeek :-)10:52
elmargoloh irc logs10:53
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balachmarHi, I want to report a weird thing in synaptic. I want to install python-dev, But trying to do so results in: python2.5-dev:11:31
balachmar  Depends: python2.5 (=2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1) but 2.5.2-2ubuntu5 is to be installed11:31
stefanlsdbalachmar: sounds like python-dev has a depend on =2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1 which is no longer the latest.  Potentially the Depend in python-dev control file was a bit too specific.11:36
stefanlsdbalachmar: not sure why this is, the changelog may give you a clue as to why this was done.11:37
* Hobbsee notes there's likely crack going on11:37
Hobbseebalachmar: which release?11:37
balachmarHobbsee: 8.0411:37
balachmarstefanlsd: How can I see the changelog of a package which I have not installed? Or you mean the changelog of python?11:38
Hobbseebalachmar: please give the output of 'apt-cache policy python2.5'11:39
stefanlsdbalachmar: one way would be -   aptitude changelog python-dev11:39
balachmarHobbsee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43010/11:40
Hobbseebalachmar: please give the output of /etc/apt/sources.list11:40
Hobbseestefanlsd: the depends fields in python-dev are almost always not wrong.11:40
james_wbalachmar: do you have -proposed enabled?11:42
balachmarHobbsee: sources.list : http://paste.ubuntu.com/43011/11:42
balachmarjames_w: yes proposed is enabled11:42
Hobbseejames_w: if he does, it's not the problem, as proposed doesn't have that version.11:42
Hobbseebalachmar: have you downloaded anything from getdeb / playdeb / etc?11:43
james_w 2.5.2-2ubuntu511:43
james_wDeleted in hardy-proposed on 2008-06-3011:43
balachmarHobbsee: for python no11:44
* Hobbsee sighs at launchpad.11:44
james_wbalachmar: you got the version of python2.5 that was deleted from -proposed installed, you need to force the 2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1 version of python2.5 to install to install python2.5-dev11:45
balachmarjames_w: ok, will try that11:46
balachmarjames_w: There is only one version available...11:46
balachmarjames_w The force version option is greyed out11:48
balachmarhmmm, I can't select the important security updates. It deselects itself straight away...11:50
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slytherinpedro_: Can you please explain what kind of rephrasing is needed on bug #264283?14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264283 in rhythmbox "Ripping preferences have no 'Strip Special Characters'" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26428314:59
pedro_slytherin: the comment is different than the summary in the bug report15:00
pedro_slytherin: the summary needs to reflects what you're asking for, in this case that the option is gconf is difficult to find and that should be shown in the ui, etc15:00
slytherinpedro_: Is this description fine 'UI should expose option to strip special characters'?15:01
pedro_slytherin: sure15:01
slytherinpedro_: done, marked as new.15:03
pedro_slytherin: alright, thanks15:03
techno_freakfor which package should i report the bug upstream for bug #24343115:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243431 in nautilus "Can't copy to disk mounted under a Samba share if space doesn't exist in the share" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24343115:51
techno_freakok, thanks :)15:53
pedro_If you're interested the Ubuntu QA Meeting is about to start in #ubuntu-meeting18:00
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affluxpeople are asking to give bug 63352 a higher priority... opinions?20:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 63352 in linux "Creative labs X-Fi sound card unsupported" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6335220:06
bdmurrayafflux: no20:32
affluxgood, so my guess was right :)20:33
bdmurrayUbuntu doesn't have kernel developers writing new drivers so setting a higher priority won't make resources assigned to it.20:33
persiaafflux: bdmurray: Even aside from whether Ubuntu kernel developers write new drivers, that bug falls well into the class of things that needs to get sorted upstream, and is clearly an upstream enhancement, rather than something being broken.20:55
affluxyeah right20:56
persiaWere there several active driver writers in Ubuntu, we ought expect they'd be pushing stuff upstream rather than just having something like that be Ubuntu-specific.20:56
affluxpersia: I was just wondering whether lots of people having the card may raise the "priority", since most of the users actually complain about the "wishlist" thing, but in my opinion it's clearly whishlist.20:57
persiaafflux: It's clearly wishlist.  Were it an onboard component, rather than an aftermarket add-on, I might have a different opinion.20:57
persiaMind you, Creative has been making noise about releasing binary drivers.  If someone can show that they work with Ubuntu, it's a fairly high priority wishlist, and so might be a good candidate for someone who wanted to explore integration with Jockey.20:59
danbhfiveanyone here know how I can use the new opensource atheros drivers?20:59
persiaWell, "high priority wishlist" sounds funny, but somewhere on the order of a brainstorm idea with lots of votes: it's more likely to get done than the others, but it's still not important from the standpont of bugs.21:00
affluxpersia: afaik they even released something... not sure about how usable it is though21:00
persiaafflux: Right.  I think moving that bug from "Confirmed" to "Triaged" would require that hardware, and testing some of the available solutions.21:01
persiaOnce Triaged, it can be resolved, but at least to me, it's not as important as, for example, a laptop HDA audio codec not working.21:02
persia(That would probably be "Medium" or "Low" depending on how common the codec was, as it would mean no sound for the user)21:02
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pwnguin< taplax> evmar: are channel ops "real" linux chrome developers? ;)21:58
pwnguin<@evmar> yes, though we haven't been getting much work done due to e.g. hundreds of duplicate bugs in the bug tracker21:58
pwnguin<@evmar> there are some kinks to be worked out with the open-source thing, but we knew that going into it.21:58
persiaThis is why the triage team is *so* critical to success of a project :)21:59
pwnguineven the google guys are drownding in bug dupes21:59
pwnguinat least LP has tools for this; im not aware of any for google code22:00
hggdhAmpelbein, welcome to bug-control :-)22:47
Ampelbeinhggdh: thanks!22:47
Ampelbeinhggdh: no more nagging from me here for setting importance ;-)22:47
Ampelbeinhggdh: and thanks for your positive comment on my application. and for the tips you gave here.22:48
hggdhAmpelbein, now you are on your own22:48
hggdhwelcome, glad to have been able to help22:48
Ampelbeini guess there will be some issues where i am still unsure what importance to set. but since i know you are here i'm not afraid of the future ;-)22:49
hggdhand there is always Brian and persi a22:51
nullackbdmurray : Brian please refer to bug 262693 for ff/flash crashes. Im on AMD64, two ways to crash FF with flash is to browse tv.com and anandtech.com22:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262693 in flashplugin-nonfree "Flash not working: Intrepid, 2.6.27, FF3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26269322:57
bdmurraynullack: I'm actively browsing both of those now and npviewer has crashed but not all of FF22:57
nullackbdmurray : I am on AMD64, synched to main, I just browsed tv.com and it crashed FF, would you like the apport dump?22:59
nullackI also notice that npviewer.bin remains on the process list unless I kill it23:01
hggdhnullack, bdmurray, my ffox vanished while browsing tv.com23:02
hggdhno npviewer left, though. AMD64, Intrepid up-to-date23:02
bdmurrayI'm reading all about The Big Bang Theory right now w/o issue23:02
nullackBrian are you on AMD64? With flash non free plugin?23:03
bdmurrayYes and yes23:03
nullackIm going to dump my profile and try again23:05
bdmurrayThat bug report mentions but I'm on 1.1.023:05
bdmurraywhich came out yesterday-ish23:06
bdmurrayI've changed the package for that bug from firefox to firefox-3.023:08
nullackIm on revision 1 of flashplugin and 1.1.0-0ubuntu2. I can replicate the problem everytime I visit tv.com and many other sites23:09
nullackIve tried dumping my cache/profile to no effect23:10
nullackI dont know if the video driver configuration is relevant but Im on Nvidia 177.70 beta23:10
bdmurrayhggdh: what video driver do you use?23:16
nullackhggdh: When youve crashed do you get this in the logs "Sep  4 07:18:43 PPP kernel: [  140.970717] npviewer.bin[6153]: segfault at 0 ip 00000000f6cf6f98 sp 00000000ffb8d900 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[f6974000+93b000]"23:17
bdmurrayOkay, I've one error 4 from earlier today and a couple of error 7s23:18
bdmurrayHowever, firefox doesn't die for me23:19
nullackIm going to reboot and try to replicate, Ill be back soon23:19

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