
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
jpdsAnyone know what I'm doing wrong here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43157/ - it appears to be missing chunk.xml which is in docbook-xsl, which I have installed..21:13
mdkejpds: is that file present on your system?21:14
jpdsIt is not. But according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=chunk.xsl&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any - it should be..21:15
jpdsWait, my fault, was checking docbook-xml and not -xsk.21:16
mdkeor just get the build-deps for ubuntu-docs21:16
jpdsIt's working now.21:17
jpdsLoads of: "No localization exists for "c"". But it built fine.21:18
mdkethat's fine21:20

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