
smp4488so is everything coded in c++?03:02
persiasmp4488: Config files are in /etc, in the user home directory, and in gconf.  Code is mostly in python, C, and C++, although you will find other stuff as well.03:06
nxvlC is cool03:06
persianxvl: Congratulations: You've successflly expanded the acronym :)03:09
smp4488most of my programming skill is c# in .net03:14
smp4488is there such thing as intellisense with eclipse?03:18
persiaNo idea.  I'm not even sure if using eclipse under Ubuntu MID works cleanly.03:26
smp4488i have it running03:27
smp4488what do you perfer?03:27
smp4488prefer 03:27
persiaI use vi, but it's not exactly most people's idea of an IDE.03:27
smp4488yea like i said im coming from visual studio03:28
smp4488ahh kdevelop looks nice03:39
loolStevenK: Today's daily starts up Xorg, but hangs there for me; did you by chance look into this already?12:43
loologra: So it points at the union fs12:46
ograaufs :)12:46
loolWhich is an union fs :-P12:47
ograin my case at least12:47
loologra: You could try to fiddle with mount options to workaround it12:47
ograis the booted image using unionfs or sufs ? 12:47
loologra: I think you should write a two lines mmap() test case and file that against aufs12:47
StevenKlool: Nope12:48
* ogra thinks casper ises aufs as well today12:48
loologra: It uses casper's default12:48
persiaI wonder if it might be related to the script used to create the USB image.  What happens if you build it as a liveCD?12:49
persia(and make a .iso)12:50
loologra: Could you try with union=unionfs?12:50
ogralool, i dont use casper :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ImageModification12:50
ograbut i'll try with unionfs12:50
ograpersia, the script at the bottom makes everything quite easy12:51
loologra: You asked about the booted image12:51
ogralool, indeed i did12:51
ograbut to verify an aufs error i can just use unionfs in the chroot12:51
loologra: Right, so could you please try with unionfs, not union=unionfs?  :)12:52
ograindeed :)12:52
* ogra notices he forgot the unionfs mount runes he used to know from the top of his head ... too much aufs in my life already12:53
ogralool, works !12:57
persiaSo it's an aufs issue?12:57
loolStevenK: Ignore me, image works I was just being stupid12:58
loologra: Unfortunately, casper seems broken with unionfs for me here12:58
StevenK /ignore lool ...12:58
loolor I'm missing something12:58
persiaExcellent.  Please reassign the bug :)12:58
ograpersia, you should achieve the same with the union=unionfs parameter for the booted image then12:58
ogralool, likely because there is no module12:58
loologra: "modprobe unionfs" in the initramfs doesn't output anything12:59
persiaogra: I'll try that then :)12:59
ograwe stopped building it with intrepid, it was re-added for -generic 12:59
ograbut might be missing for lpia12:59
loologra: It's missing indeed12:59
* lool though modprobe could at least barf something when I ask for a module which isn't there13:00
ogranot in initramfs 13:00
* ogra fixes the howto and script on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ImageModification13:00
ograStevenK, you only leave 20M spare space in the .img, i think if people are likely to add packages and modify we should raise that to at least 100M13:04
ogra(at least during development)13:04
loologra: I reassigned to linux13:07
loolamitk: Around?13:08
loolamitk: You usually don't work on Weds, but just if you're tempted: it would be nice to get unionfs in the lpia tree13:08
loologra: Hmm I was wrong to reassign to linux13:12
ograyeah, should likely be lum13:12
loologra: So the daily live is also using aufs and it works fine13:13
loologra: lum?  we don't have this for 2.6.26 anymore do we?13:13
ograhmm, right13:14
ograogra@osiris:~$ dpkg -S /lib/modules/2.6.27-2-generic/kernel/ubuntu/unionfs/unionfs.ko13:14
ogralinux-image-2.6.27-2-generic: /lib/modules/2.6.27-2-generic/kernel/ubuntu/unionfs/unionfs.ko13:14
loologra: that's why I originally assigned to linux, but it doesn't suffer from the bug in 2.6.2713:15
loolpersia: Did you try my suggestion of using the live vmlinuz and initrds instead of the lpia ones?13:15
loolStevenK: Michael (Frey) tried the image on a CB yesterday and said it wouldn't boot13:17
loolStevenK: And it wouldn't boot under hardy's kvm either, but that's not worse chasing13:17
StevenKlool: I saw that. I'm not sure of the cause13:17
loolStevenK: Would you be tempted to try it out on your CB?13:17
amitklool: intrepid?13:18
loolamitk: everything intrepid13:18
amitklool: may I ask why?13:18
loolamitk: Or a fix for aufs13:18
StevenKlool: I've added a todo item to do so13:18
loolamitk: Because aufs breaks when apps use mmap() and it makes our images unusable; if we can fix this today, we will get an usable alpha 5 image13:19
loolHmm unless it's too late already13:19
loolStevenK: Thanks13:19
amitklool: it won't happen today13:19
loolamitk: Would locating the aufs fix and cherrypicking it be faster?13:19
amitklool: yes, patching aufs is better, but I won't manage a new kernel upload today. Besides aren't we in freeze now?13:21
loolamitk: We are, but what's the risk of uploading linux-lpia if it's broken anyway?13:21
lool * [new branch]      foo        -> origin/foo13:22
loolSomeone pushed a foo branch to ubuntu-intrepid13:22
amitkheh :)13:22
loolamitk: Unfortunately, I don't see many aufs changes/fixes in the intrepid tree13:23
looli suspect a newer version was pulled13:24
loolor it simply works with a newer kernel13:24
persialool: No.  I rebuilt images that used the same vmlinuz and initrds as the livecds in a different way.13:25
loolpersia: For lpia?13:25
persialool: No, for i386.13:26
amitklool: aufs claims to support mmap()13:26
persiaFor lpia, there are no live disks.13:26
loolamitk: Hmm what's the linux-lpia git tree?  I see yours, I see some of the "mid-team" -- no matching one -- and I see no Vcs-Git in the source13:26
loolamitk: Yes, the problem is that it hangs when you use that support :)13:26
amitkso if this is a bug in aufs, it will affect i386 too13:26
loolamitk: It's not affecting i386 in 2.6.2713:26
loolWell to be honest I tested on amd6413:27
loolBut I think we would have heard if the live CDs were as borken for i386 as for lpia13:27
amitklool: amitk/ubuntu-intrepid-lpia.git is the tree for lpia on intrepid13:27
loolamitk: I thought Michael was the maintainer?13:27
amitkBut I started the tree and expected Michael to clone and create his own. But I just understood yesterday that I get back maintainership of lpia tree for intrepid13:28
loolWelcome back!13:29
amitkMichael hasn't made any changes...13:29
loolamitk: I wonder: perhaps you should have an ubuntu/ubuntu-intrepid-lpia tree rather than an amitk/ one?13:29
ograhumm, how do i make the wiki not swallow #!/bin/sh ? between curly brackets ?13:30
amitkthanks. But it is going to take me a day or two to push pending patches and do another upload. I hope to fix meta package issue as well.13:30
StevenKogra: {{{ }}}13:30
ogra {{{#!/bin/sh }}}13:30
ograhides it 13:30
amitklool: I will move it to ubuntu/.... This was supposed to be a temporary tree to hand-off to Michael :)13:30
loologra: {{{\n#!/bin/sh\n}}}?13:30
loolamitk: Ah understood13:30
ogralool, hmm that shows the \n 13:31
persiaogra: Also, if you have a long {{{}}} block, you may need to start with a format specifier (unfortunately nearly the same syntax as the script identifier.13:31
loologra: The \n were for IRC :)13:31
* persia digs up an example page.13:31
loologra: Try with newlines13:32
ogralool, then it gets swallowed13:32
ograonly the first line 13:32
persiaogra: You need a format specifier in the beginning.13:32
ograthe rest of the scrit is fine, but i want it copy pasteable13:32
persialool: None of that will work.13:32
persiaogra: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingWithoutCompiling?action=raw13:32
ograpersia, perfect, thanks :)13:33
persiaSee the way the first bash script is done: I tell moin that it is a bash script for syntax highlighting, and then it doesn't swallow the script identifier.13:33
loolI hate openid13:33
persialool: The idea, or just all the poor implementations?13:34
loologra: {{{#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh works :)13:36
ograwell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ImageModification done and verified ... use the script at the bottom and you get a rootshell inside the squashfs to modify whatever you want :)13:37
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persialool: It works by accident, but will confuse moin.  Better is #!sh #!/bin/sh13:42
ograas long as the shebang line is in the copy/paste all is fine :)13:42
persiaThe first is the format specifier for moin, and the second is literal content13:43
davidmogra, I guess I have  more wiki changes to make. :-)13:44
ogradavidm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ImageModification feel free to test with the recent images ... 13:44
ian_brasilogra: that is cool13:44
* ogra proposed to use the shellscript at the bottom though13:44
ograian_brasil, thanks :) 13:45
davidmogra, I just need to put it in the new hierarchy, but I'll test also later today.13:45
ogragreat 13:45
ian_brasildavidm: some of the links on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded are borken13:45
persiaian_brasil: Lots of them.  We're transitioning to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam13:46
persia(this may take a while)13:46
* ogra always uses the FAQ url from /topic as a starpoint if creating ne pages... we should adjust that 13:47
loologra: Hey what about putting your script in a bzr tree or something; heck perhaps we should have an ubuntu-mobile-scripts package13:50
ograyeah, i thought about that ... 13:50
ograthere are surely more things we want to have for image modification13:51
davidmian_brasil, I spent 5 hours yesterday reworking links, have lots more to do.13:51
loolPoor davidm 13:52
persiaogra: Someone needs to write a new FAQ first :)13:52
ian_brasildavidm: OK...i wondered about the weekly status summaries too whilst we are talking about more to do :013:53
ograpersia, heh13:53
* ian_brasil hus lool for his great report13:53
davidmian_brasil, I sent out three this week.13:53
davidmso we are up to date on status summeries13:54
ian_brasiljust found it in my inbox...thats great!13:54
persiaOK.  Mobile Team FAQ brainstorming time:13:55
persiaLet see:13:55
persia#1: What does the Mobile Team do?13:55
persia#2: How can I help?13:55
persia#3: What is the Ubuntu Mobile project?13:55
persia#4: What is the Ubuntu MID projects?13:55
persia#5) Have you considered ARM?13:56
persiaAnyone have any other suggestions?13:56
persiaOh, #6) Is this the team for the netbook-remix?13:57
persialool: ian_brasil: davidm: ?  Anything else about the team that seems like it ought be on the FAQ?13:57
ian_brasilpersia: can i run ume on <insert_device> has historically been a very popular question14:06
loolpersia: #4 s/projects/project14:07
persialool: Yes :)14:07
loolian_brasil: +114:07
persiaian_brasil: Indeed.  I'm tempted to put that in the FAQ for the individual projects though, as the answers may diverge over time.14:07
StevenKlool: You were under the impression that moblin-clutter-home was a hildon-desktop library?14:13
persiaStevenK: Any more suggestions for a FAQ before I write one up?14:15
StevenKpersia: "Where can I find images?"14:15
persiaStevenK: For the team FAQ, and not the project FAQs?14:15
Celtiorejust for infos : 14:16
persiaCeltiore: Hi.14:16
Celtioreubuntu mobile edition 7.10 with dualboot on aigo mid p886014:16
ian_brasilpersia: just ideas:14:16
StevenKpersia: Oh. Um, none are springing to mind14:17
ian_brasilwhere is the ume code? where are bugs filed?where can i find a list of compatible devices?14:17
loolStevenK: It was my understanding14:17
ian_brasilis there a developer device program?14:17
persiaCeltiore: Cool.  Thanks for sharing the link.14:17
StevenKlool: It isn't, it builds as an executable14:18
ian_brasilwhere can i find the UI guidelines?14:18
StevenKUnless ./configure needs some fiddling14:18
persiaian_brasil: Do you think those belong in the project FAQs or on the team FAQ?14:18
ian_brasilwhere can i buy a ume device?14:18
persiaI think they are good questions, I'm just thinking about information organisation.14:18
persia(and sadly, the answer to the last question is: you need to buy something else and install an image)14:18
ian_brasilpersia: i would think the platform14:19
persiaian_brasil: Hmm.  I think we've a nomenclature issue, as I don't know what that means :)14:20
persiaEssentially, there are three mooted hierarchies: MobileTeam, UbuntuMobile, and UbuntuMID.14:20
ian_brasiloops...i meant project, sorry14:20
persiaOK.  No problem.  Just my confusion :)14:20
ian_brasilof those three i will shoot for UbuntuMobile FAQ then14:21
ian_brasilhowever maybe the device related questions could fit in  UbuntuMID14:22
persiaI think most of it belongs in UbuntuMID right now, as UbuntuMobile only really got it's first proper seed adjustments last week, and as far as I know, it doesn't actually run anywhere yet :)14:22
ian_brasilbut most people will arrive i imagine through a search for Ubuntu Mobile so it might be confusing if they get la page about UbuntuMID14:25
persiaian_brasil: Hmm.  Maybe have a note on the Ubuntu Mobile project that people may also be interested in the Ubuntu MID project?14:28
persiaPart of the confusion is that the answers differ wildly.  While Ubuntu MID expects lpia, I believe Ubuntu Mobile is likely to also work on i386 (and probably other architectures)14:28
ian_brasilpersia: some info about project directions would be very useful too14:33
persiaian_brasil: Yeah, but I think that everything known about project directions is documented at the end of this line.14:34
persiaThere's the loose stuff, like MID being 4-6" devices (of which there are *two* on the market, and only one available outside Japan), and Mobile being 7-9" devices.14:35
ian_brasilpersia: i didn't know that but that would really help if i wanted to buy a device14:37
persiaian_brasil: Mind you, it's somewhat complicated by the fact that as far as I know, nobody has ever run Ubuntu MID on the target devices.14:38
davidmpersia, new section in wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/Mobile/HowTo/14:38
persiaSo I've no clue if it works.14:38
davidmNeed to add more there.14:39
persiadavidm: Good idea.14:39
ian_brasildavidm: is this the preferred way to modify images now rather than use the MIC?14:42
davidmian_brasil, it's the way we make images, Intel is staying with MIC but we found that for what we do and how we do it, MIC was not the right tool.14:43
persiaPlus, MIC has some awkwardnesses that make automation of images in a clean environment tricky.14:46
* ian_brasil could never get MIC to work correctly so is happy about this14:50
persiaian_brasil: If you've an intrepid chroot, you can install the livecd-rootfs package and just call `livecd.sh ubuntu-mid` to make a base image.14:52
ian_brasilpersia: yes, i ended up working in a chroot environment in the end not MID ..thx for the info about the script though, that is cool14:55
persiaian_brasil: Then you experienced all the same issues as the rest of us :)14:56
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
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ogralool, "linux (2.6.27) not affected; linux-lpia is" ... you should probably note there that you are talking about the unionfs module in that sentence ... (which is unrealted to the hang which i suspect we'll see on the normal liveCD as well)17:01
* persia boots the liveCD to check17:02
loologra: I'm talking of the aufs bug here17:02
ogralool, well, during my chroot tests i was running -generic17:03
loologra: I thought I checked that it worked, but I'll confirm in a sec17:03
ogra(2.6.27-2-generic to be precise)17:04
loologra: apt-get update and sudo apt-get update work on the i386 daily17:05
persiaogra: Works fine on the i386 livecd17:05
ograso we are probably doing something different wrt mount options17:05
ograduring chrooting i just did a plain aufs mount, no extra options17:05
ograsee -devel17:06
ograbug 14400117:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 144001 in apt "crashes with SystemError: E:Unable to write mmap - msync" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14400117:06
loolamitk: ^17:07
ograthey are using nionfs there17:08
persiaI didn't see anything especially different in livecd.sh.  Also, we are getting all the same special mountpoints (e.g. /rofs) that exist on the liveCD.17:10
Celtiorei have one question17:11
Celtiorehow can i add an shortcuts to the desktop of ume ?17:11
persiaCeltiore: Create a .desktop file for that which you want to appear.  Ensure that it contains "Mobile" in the "OnlyShowIn" key.17:12
Celtiorethanks you17:13
amitklool: hmmm.. that is talking about Hardy and unionfs.17:16
persiaamitk: The suggestion was that the bugs might be related.17:16
Celtiorepersia,  i suppose the inverse if i want remove one ?17:18
persiaCeltiore: Yep.17:18
amitkpersia: gotcha. I am slow today. I'll look at it tomorrow along with refreshing the linux-lpia tree.17:19
persiaamitk: You may also want to watch the current discussion in -devel, which is on this topic, and involves a wider number of people.17:20
ogra(or read the log in your worktime :) )17:21
persiaNah.  Realtime always beats backscroll :)17:22
ograyeah, but freetime beats worktime :)17:23
Celtiorepersia,  for example : foobillard don't have the OnlyShowIN key ?! how can i remove ?17:26
persiaCeltiore: I suspect you'll find an extra foobilliard .desktop file installed.17:27
Celtioresudo apt-get remove foobillard works fine :)17:29
persiaWell, there's that option as well :)17:31
loolamitk: FYI I checked the intrepid and linux-lpia trees and they match18:23
loolerr + aufs18:23
loolubuntu/aufs is identical18:23
loolSo nothing to pull below aufs I'm afraid18:23
ogralool, but probably something to pul from unionfs into aufs 18:37
* ogra yays getting that nasty gstreamer patching done finally18:38
loologra: Didn't know the codebases were related18:40
ogralool, i dont know either, but cjwatson recommended comparing the two18:41
ograso i suspect there are some similarities18:41
ograespecially if the bug lies in the rename function which seems to have its own .c file in both implementations18:43
ograbut up to amit, he's the kernel hacker ... lets see what he finds18:43
ograi dont trust my kernel code knowledge enough to judge it 18:44
loologra: But we don't get the bug in the intrepid aufs (linux)18:45
ograi do18:45
ograin the chroot 18:45
loolOh right on your system18:45
loolGood point18:45
loolI wonder what changes that we don't get it in the livecd18:46
ograthats pretty strange18:46
ogradoes the livecd already use 2.6.27-2 ? or still -118:46
loolI think I saw -2 today18:46
ograso unlikely to be a difference in the version18:47
ograi dont like to return to unionfs though18:48
ograas its supposed to be dropped at some point18:48
persiaIn fact, it's supposed to have been dropped.18:49
ograthere were complaints18:49
persiaAlso, as this issue doesn't affect the liveCDs, there exists a proper solution with what we have in intrepid.18:49
ograi'll download a live iso over night and try the same chrooting with the livecd squashfs i did with the image 18:50
ogralets see if i can reproduce it that way18:51
persiaThat sounds like an interesting idea.18:51
Celtioreon UME can we change background with pictures ?19:41
persiaCeltiore: Yes.  There's a background selector tool in the Preferences.  I think you can use anything in your Pictures folder, but I'm not entirely sure.19:43
Celtioreok but where i can find background selector:)19:45
persiaAt the top there should be a label "All".  touch that, and select "Preferences".  It should be in there somewhere.19:48
persia(and no, I don't understand why "preferences" is not part of "all")19:48
Celtiorei check one more time but i only change the color of background19:51
Celtiorei have : desktop background preferences :19:52
Celtiore'solid color background'19:52
persiaHmm.  Which image are you using?19:59
ian_brasilCeltiore: you need to scroll down!19:59
* ian_brasil likes the junglecreek background20:00
Celtioreno image for the moment20:03
Celtiorei only search how to change20:03
Celtiorei need put one image in a specific directory perhaps ?20:03
ian_brasilI did....All -> Preferences -> Scroll down to reveal the Desktop Background button -> Change background20:04
ian_brasilthere are presetes like jungle creeek and so on20:05
ian_brasilMaybe all images should be visible without needing to scroll down?20:05
Celtiorei can't scroll20:06
* persia boots an image to see if maybe the name of the app is different.20:07
persiaCeltiore: You're running 8.04.1?20:07
Celtiorenan 7.1020:07
ograthere was a UME for 7.10 ? 20:08
persiaOh.  I've never tried that one.20:08
persiaogra: There was, although it's hard to find the images.20:08
persiaCeltiore: I'll recommend upgrading to 8.04.1.  It's in much better shape.20:09
persiaThere's a few things that make more sense in 7.10 (if I can remember correctly from running in Xephyr), but 8.04.1 is much more solid.20:09
ian_brasilin 7.10 you need to import the image20:10
Celtiorei need to wait new image20:11
ian_brasilCeltiore: you have a device...how cool20:13
Celtioreyes aigo mid p886020:13
ian_brasilyou got this in france?20:14
Celtioreno, buy on ebay20:14
celtiore_umexchat working too20:16
amitkogra: lool: I am confused from the scrollback. You claim aufs in intrepid works, but livecds don't?20:24
persiaamitk: livecds work, but we've been able to break it with other constructions (including the current MID images)20:26
ograamitk, if you use the daily image from StevenK and the script from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/ImageModification with a replaced unionfs vs aufs you should be able to reproduce it easily20:36
amitkogra: persia: ok. will start by reproducing the bug.20:49
persiaamitk: Please let me know if you have any issues.  For me, it was as simple as booting the daily image, and calling `sudo apt-get update`20:49
amitkpersia: will do. You seem to be online in every TZ as it is ;)20:51
persiaamitk: I once prided myself on the fact that it was impossible to identify my location by the times I was active.20:51
persiaIt's not so important now, as it's become cliche, but even when I'm not about, highlighting my nick will likely get you an answer when I return.20:52
* persia grumles at epiphany crashing *again* and losing the wiki edits. Trying again in a text editor...20:53
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=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-mobile to: Ubuntu Mobile | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/FAQ | images: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mobile/releases/hardy/ | Help test intrepid: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mid/intrepid/current/
persiaSo, if anyone wants to fix all my mistakes in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/FAQ, I'd be very appreciative :)21:30
GrueMasterpersia:  what kernel are you finalizing on?21:39
persiaGrueMaster: I'm not entirely sure.  I strongly suspect it will be 2.6.27, but this version was released late in the cycle and is currently undergoing fairly aggressive testing to confirm that it will be suitable for release.21:40
persiaAs I understand it, unless a large number of regressions from 2.6.26 are found in the next 10 days or so, it will be
persiaInitial reports with 2.6.27 have all been positive, so I think that's fairly unlikely.21:41
GrueMasterReason I ask is that I'm still trying to port the psb video drivers, and moblin is less than enjoyable to test under.21:41
GrueMasterand I'll leave the moblin 2.0 opinion at that for now.  :)21:42
persiaGrueMaster: Understood :)21:42
persiaLet's agree it's desgined for use, rather than development.  That preserves us from having to have a firm opinion, as we're not the target segment :)21:43
GrueMastersounds about right.21:43
davidmpersia, thanks for getting the FAQ up :-)22:15
landleydavidm: have you seen Google's chrome browser yet?22:32
davidmnope, have not actually22:32
landleydavidm: http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome22:32
landleyIt looks REALLY COOL.22:32
landleyRight now it's early beta, but they wrote a _comic_book_ explaining its design.22:32
landleyIt's a bunch of independent processes.22:32
landleyIf one tab crashes, it doesn't take down the whole thing.22:33
landleyWhen tabs exit, their memory gets freed.22:33
landleyAnd it's a from-scratch rewrite that's neither mozilla, nor in c++ (as far as I can tell).22:33
landleyWhat I'm really looking forward to is being able to use "top" to see which darn tab is eating all my CPU.22:37
landleyAnd kill it.22:37
davidmIt does look interesting, maybe it will be better then FF22:37
landleyAnything would be better than FF.22:38
landleyI'm still using Konqueror almost exclusively, despite that being written in C++, because it's _not_mozilla_.22:38
landleyneither of which is really a good embedded browser.  This thing looks like it might be pushed in that direction...22:40
davidmDoes look interesting22:41
landleydavidm: http://dev.chromium.org/getting-involved22:45
landleyActually, that link's junk (windows).  http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-linux is the interesting bit.22:51
landley(Nevermind, first link was top level.  I think I've hit my sleep deprivation limit.)22:52
landleyg'night all... :)22:52
smp4488hay persia you around?23:03
smp4488I have another question for ya23:04

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