[00:10] fta: http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/build-instructions-linux [00:11] (if you don't have already see it) [00:11] <[reed]> kinda useless [00:11] <[reed]> considering there's nothing [00:11] <[reed]> all you get is "all tests passed" or something like that [00:12] yeah I'm reading now [00:12] for now, i'm only seeing things like "building terminated because of errors" :) [00:14] it's late and i'm not thinking straight, guiness effect, i'll give it another try tomorrow [00:14] but maybe asac would have already done it [00:32] fta: the full licences http://code.google.com/chromium/terms.html [00:37] there are many problem for 64 bit [00:38] http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/64-bit-support [00:38] * kgoetz wonders why try to support this when google only support it on doze [00:38] heh [00:38] by the time this runs on windows we'll have firefox 3.1 [00:39] at which point the buzz will have worn off [00:39] did you mean to say windows just then? [00:40] oh I meant linux [00:40] sorry [00:40] whoops. :p [00:41] *grin* i thought you might [00:41] * kgoetz isnt sure "The chromium authors" *can* have the (C) - i thought only people+companies could [00:42] they should really say 'three clause bsd licence', but oh well [00:43] [reed], did the "text-shadow" css3 property disappeared from trunk ? it was there a few days ago, seems it's gone since a2 !? [00:43] -ed [00:49] <[reed]> hmm [00:57] good night... bye bye [00:57] hm, no, it's still there but it's no longer working in my pages.. strange [01:01] found it, it was a // comment inside