
pooliespiv, hope you get well soon00:01
kgoetzwin 200:01
abentleypoolie: Sure.00:01
keeshow long should doing a "bzr upgrade" on a bzr+ssh URL take?00:27
lifelesstime to pull fully, time to push fully, roughly00:27
lifelessfaster if there is an optimised case for it00:28
keeslifeless: ah, so it pulls, does the work locally, then pushes?00:28
keesokay, strace shows that now... the upstream bandwidth was so low I wasn't seeing it my monitors.  :P00:30
keesthe progress bar isn't very helpful.  :)00:30
nDuffAttributeError: 'SvnWorkingTree' object has no attribute '_transport' (in bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree.read_basis_inventory) trying to branch from a svn repo into a bzr one.00:55
nDuffbzr 1.6, bzr-svn 0.4.1200:55
nDuff(ubuntu packages, with http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu)00:56
nDuff...hrm; looks like the branch operation succeeded; no working tree generated, but "bzr update" in the target location fixes that...00:58
nDuff...and "bzr check" claims everything's in good shape.00:59
lifelessnDuff: please file a bug01:04
lifelessnDuff: I suspect you did branch <svntree> NEWPATH01:04
lifelessand its probably not tested by bzr-svn's test suite01:04
nDuffwhere NEWPATH was under a preexisting shared repository01:04
nDuff...but yes.01:04
markhwe need an appeals process for reviews! ;)01:04
lifelessmarkh: we have one; Reply.01:06
jmlor more reviewers :)01:07
markhyeah, but if the complaint is about stylistic issues, hitting reply will just start a huge debate about stylistic issues...01:08
lifelessmarkh: a review is a dialog, no more no less01:09
markhI guess I mean the vote then01:09
lifelessif a particular reviewer feels that some stylistic issue is sufficiently important to make it a requirement to land...01:09
lifelessthen either a) they are right, or b) they are wrong - and either way we should discuss it01:10
lifelessan 'appeals process' sounds like a formalised huge debate IMO :)01:10
markhor I should just stop complining, submit to the request and re-re-submit01:10
markhand sigh :)01:10
lifelessI'm happy to give my opinion if you tell me the thread01:10
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nDuff...filed as bug 26454801:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264548 in bzr "AttributeError: 'SvnWorkingTree' object has no attribute '_transport' during branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26454801:25
lifelessnDuff: thanks01:27
jmljam: still around?01:33
pooliehello jml01:36
pooliedo you still have teeth? are you back in sydney?01:36
jmlpoolie: some. no.01:38
jmlpoolie: back late tomorrow01:38
poolierobert and andrew were going to work here on friday and then maybe go to the pub, you're welcome to come if you want (to either part)01:39
jmlpoolie: I'll be landing at about 10:30pm01:39
jmlbut thanks for the invite :)01:39
pooliemaybe next time01:39
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RAOFIs yours?02:04
strkknow a trick to check history of a single file ?02:16
strkwith 'viz' preferably02:16
strkto easily check actual diffs between revs02:16
lifelessabentley: does bb match the /exact/ sender field, or only the email portion ?02:25
abentleylifeless: The exact sender field.02:25
lifelessstrk: well, log -v FILE is probably close to what you want02:25
lifelessstrk: I don't think viz has a per-file mode at the moment02:26
lifelessabentley: oh. can you tweak an email address in bb for me then? user adri02:26
lifelessstrk: folk generally use annotate though, to look at a file02:26
abentleylifeless: Sure.02:27
lifelessabentley: Adrian Chadd <adrian@squid-cache.org>02:27
lifelessI had just put in the email component02:27
pooliestrk, with gannotate you can doubleclick lines to see the diff iirc02:27
poolieit would be nice to get viz too02:27
strkwow, annotate got to my conclusion in a shot02:28
abentleylifeless: Done.  Note that it is an exact match, so I used "Adrian Chadd" <adrian@squid-cache.org>02:35
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lifelessback soon, shopping run03:57
lifelesspoolie: hi, I've reviewed the locks hook patch john said resubmit: to; I'm also asking for resubmit.05:29
poolielifeless: my patch?05:55
lifelessI wrote a patch to hook locks05:57
lifelessyou updated it05:57
lifelessI needed it today, and realised it was still unmerged05:57
poolienow you want me to update it again and resubmit it?05:57
lifelessI'm happy to do the update05:58
lifelesswe need to agree on how it should look though05:58
poolieok, i'm just preparing to send something then will look at it05:59
pooliemy patch makes these hooks inconsistent with the other ones06:01
pooliei agree the inconsistency is bad, and um06:01
poolieto some extent the lack of testing is bad, though iirc the way it was done in the old code was not tested either06:01
pooliei think the existing interface is both a bit unsafe and longwinded, but06:02
lifelessthe old code doesn't try 'restore to pristine' or clone a hooks object06:02
lifelessuhm, anyhow06:02
poolieyeah, anyhow06:02
poolielet's not block this on changing that06:02
poolieso, i think at least having specific names for that behaviour lets you think about changing it06:03
poolielifeless: mini review sought of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/43261/06:28
lifelesspoolie: looks good06:31
poolieanything missing?06:32
pooliewell, before you start06:32
poolieanything missing that people are likely to misunderstand06:32
lifelessnothing comes to mind06:34
j00barhowdy! I'm a total bzr n00b and really just want to accomplish one thing. i'd like to checkout only a subdirectory of the trunk. this is easy with other vcs' like svn -- can it be done with bzr?06:37
Spazj00bar, you can't do that yet06:37
Spazj00bar, it will be possible in a few versions or so06:37
Spazj00bar, if the subdirectory is a branch, however06:38
Spazthen you can06:38
j00barit's a python project where the subdir has the actual code and the branch root has INSTALL, README, etc that i don't really want -- with SVN or other systems, i just check out the subdir and update as needed...06:38
Spazj00bar, most DVCS's you'll find don't support partial checkouts yet06:38
j00barbut if it can't be done, it can't be done -- no worries -- thanks!!!06:39
vilaGoood morning Bazaar06:56
lifelesshi visik707:50
lifelesshi vila07:50
vilahi :)07:51
lifelessbrane is flied07:53
* lifeless halts()07:53
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jdahlinI'm having a problem with bzr-svn 0.4 and bzr 1.5 shipped with fedora10:59
jdahlinThis is written to my .bzr.log: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'properties_handler_registry'10:59
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james_wjdahlin: you have a mismatch between bzr-svn and bzr versions11:08
james_wI think your bzr-svn is too new11:08
jdahlinyeah, I reverted a few commits and it appears to work now11:08
awilkinsHmm, strk has gone11:33
awilkinsqlog has a per-file mode11:33
awilkinsmarkh: Hi there, are you building the bzr-svn extensions for windows?11:50
awilkinsmarkh: I've got a build error, did you run into this - error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _svn_auth_get_windows_ssl_server_trust_provider referenced in function _get_windows_ssl_server_trust_provider11:51
awilkinsNever mind, looks like it's a "no longer supports svn 1.4 libraries" thing11:59
AnMasterI have two questions: 1) what is "subtree support" 2) what is "rich root". Both are mentioned in bzr help formats, but I have been unable to find anything more detailed, like what it actually means13:00
AnMasterand yes I have tried google13:00
sabdflAnMaster: they are related, iirc13:13
sabdflsubtrees are when you have a branch, which in turn incorporates another branch13:13
sabdflsubtrees let you manage that better13:14
AnMasterum you mean like svn:external?13:14
AnMasteror something else?13:14
sabdfli think so, yes13:14
AnMasterah ok13:14
sabdflrich roots are where there is a unique ID associated with the branch root, iirc13:14
sabdflit's a watershed - once you move the branch to a rich root format, you can't go back13:14
sabdfland generally, it should only be done once across a community, iirc13:15
sabdflso we haven't yet made it the default13:15
sabdflabentley would know more13:15
AnMasterhm ok13:16
abentleysabdfl, AnMaster: The relationship is that rich roots are a prerequisite for subtrees support.  But it turns out they're also useful for bzr-svn, which is why we provide formats supporting them.13:19
AnMasterhm ok13:19
AnMasterabentley, so subtree is basically same as svn:externals?13:20
abentleyAnMaster: Yes, but that feature isn't finished yet.13:20
AnMasteranyway that is not a feature I need, features I need/want are: 1) cherrypicking like darcs 2) faster push/pull for huge repos (close to git's speed preferred, but with the usability of bzr) 2) something like svn:eol-style13:22
AnMastererr make the last one 3) heh13:23
abentleyAnMaster: We want to improve cherrypicking support, but we don't want to implement it the way Darcs does.  Their approach to patch handling leads to performance and integrity problems.13:26
AnMasterhm ok13:26
pickscrapeI'm having a problem with the trac-bzr source browser, and I'd like a little help in debugging it.13:26
abentleyThe other two are currently in development.13:26
pickscrapeMy trac install consists of a plain directory containing a number of shared repositories with branches beneath them.13:28
pickscrapeWhen browsing the root of one of the branches, I get an error like this: NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///path_to_shared_repo/.bzr/repository/') has no revision (revision)13:28
pickscrapeIs there any way I can find out why the browser thinks it needs that revision? The repository and branch seem to be working fine in general use.13:29
AnMasterabentley, basically I need to merge bugfixes back to a stable branch from trunk (and sometimes the other way too), bzr can't handle keeping track of what revisions have been merged and what ones haven't.13:29
AnMasternot when you skip some non-bugfix revisions in the merging13:29
abentleyRight.  We do want to add that, though no one is currently working on it.13:30
AnMasterwell I would if I was a python programmer13:31
* awilkins wasn't a Python programmer before he started scratching his own issues on Bazaar, but appreciates not everyone has the time to take out on solving problems in other projects13:32
awilkinsFor me the choice was - use SVN and implement my own merge tracking or - use Bazaar and resolve any other issues you might confront13:34
awilkinsSo far I'm _very_ glad I chose Bazaar13:34
AnMasterawilkins, at least I don't have time before next summer holidays13:34
awilkinsAnMaster: What you are wanting is the tracking of cherry-picks13:35
awilkinsAnMaster: Have you tried a different merge algorithm? You may get more joy with something like --weave13:36
radixAnMaster: if you make the bug fixes in the stable branch first, you can continuously merge the stable to the trunk13:37
* awilkins was just about to say that too13:37
radixthere's a page about this somewhere13:37
radixI can't remember what it's called13:37
radixanmaster: here it is: http://www.venge.net/mtn-wiki/DaggyFixes13:38
awilkinsSo a combination of "bisect" to test for the bug presence, a branch, and a forward-merge (to both the stable bugfixing branch and the trunk) might work more cleanly (but is obviously slightly more of a PITA)13:41
AnMasterhm will try that13:44
awilkinsThanks for asking, I like learning new ways of doing things :-)13:46
pickscrapeIs there a command to check for the presence of a revision ID is a shared repository (or something I can use to achieve the same)?13:51
awilkinsbzr revision-info -r revid:<myrevid>   ?13:52
awilkinsHmm, not sure about the shared repo bit13:52
pickscrapeYeah, it complains about it not being a branch13:53
fullermdYou could stat -c it.  revision-info will blow up if that rev isn't in the current branch.13:54
fullermd(other similar things like diff or testament would work too)13:55
pickscrapeThing is, I don't know which branch the revision was been created against :)13:55
pickscrapewas been?13:55
abentleypickscrape: it doesn't matter.13:55
fullermd(of course, revision-info should be a little more polite about failing, but that's neither here nor there)13:56
awilkinsIf stat and diff work with revid: (regardless of branch) then so should revision-info IMHO13:57
pickscrapeOh, so it will search the entire shared repo regardless of whether the revision in question is a part of the branch's history or not?13:57
abentleypickscrape: Yes.13:57
pickscrapeSweet, thanks.13:57
fullermdawilkins: Well, but revision-info wants to show the revid.13:57
fullermdawilkins: Er, I mean 'revno'.13:58
fullermdThat fares poorly when the revision isn't in the branch...13:58
awilkinsUgh, yes13:59
pickscrapeThanks all, that's confirmed my theory. The revision that trac-bzr is complaining about exists in one of the other shared repositories.14:00
pickscrapeSo the next question would be, why would it be picking up that revision in the first place...14:00
EarthLionhow can you commit with sub revision numbers e.g. revision no 7.314:03
EarthLionif i do bzr commit -m "blah" it always gives me a whole number14:03
EarthLionthe help doesn't have any info on this14:04
awilkinsEarthLion: Sub numbers are always nested revisions of merges14:04
awilkinsEarthLion: Revisions committed on the branch you are on are always single integers14:04
EarthLionawilkins:  "Sub numbers are always nested revisions of merges" can you explain what that means14:05
awilkinsEarthLion: revisions numbers with more than one component are used to identify the revisions that are part of merges from other branches14:06
awilkinsYou cannot commit revisions with more than one number in the branch you are working on14:06
EarthLionah ok i see thanks for explaining14:06
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jelmerawilkins, ping14:43
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ericvwI am still a bit confused between bzr init and bzr init-repo for an initial project; can someone give me why I would use bzr init-repo to start a project vs bzr init?14:48
fullermdOh, well, that's easy.  You wouldn't   :)14:48
fullermdinit creates a branch, that you have files in and work in.  init-repo creates a repository, that a set of branches can use to share common history.14:49
uwsericvw: init-repo only makes sense if you plan to have multiple branches and want to use shared storage for them14:49
uwsericvw: but you can always convert later (trivial)14:49
uwsericvw: (just branch your branch into a repository and you're done)14:49
fullermduws: Or use reconfigure   :)14:50
ericvwuws: So if I had a branch with bzr init, and I decided to create a repository and wanted to add that solo branch to the repository what command should I look into?14:50
ericvwBut for individual or small peer use, I could probably get away with a init-rep14:51
fullermdericvw: You'd need to init-repo in a parent dir of your branch (or alternately, init-repo somewhere and move that branch into a subdir of it), then use reconfigure --use-shared.14:51
ericvwfullermd: ok, I will experiment with this, thanks!14:52
fullermdericvw: init-repo doesn't give you somewhere to work; it's not an alternative to init.  It's a potential enhancement for some use-cases.14:52
ericvwso in contrast to svn, the definition of repo is something different, right?14:52
fullermdIf you only ever have one branch, it doesn't gain you anything.  If a project is tiny, you probably wouldn't be able to notice what it gains.14:53
fullermdWell...   yes, and no, and totally, and kinda.14:53
ericvwyeah, that is what threw me for a loop at first14:53
fullermdinit-repo doesn't [shouldn't] change anything about how any commands work.14:54
fullermdThere's no semantic difference between doing $SOMETHING among two branches that are in the same shared repo, doing $SOMETHING among two branches in different shared repos, doing $SOMETHING among two branches neither of which is in a shared repo, etc.14:54
ericvwok, i think i am getting the concept now,  I will have to re-read the guide again to get a better understanding14:55
fullermdFor the purposes of initial experimentation, you can forget init-repo even exists.14:55
fullermdYou can switch to using it (or away from using it) on a given project at the drop of a hat.14:55
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ericvwfullermd: thanks for the explanations and help!14:56
ericvwuws: you too as well :D14:56
ericvwI am a little confused in doc-guide section 4.2.2 It talks about creating a repo and then grabbing a branch from someone else...; so in a 2 person environment, you may each have your own repo with a branch within it?15:03
abentleyericvw: It is possible to do that, but the whole point of a shared repo is to put branches in it.15:06
ericvwabentley: ok, thanks15:07
jelmerwhen did bzr branch including tree generation get so freakingly fast?15:09
zbrownjelmer: I think in 1.5 or 1.615:11
abentleyjelmer: That was a bit of a team effort with ianc.15:11
abentleyWe're currently hamstrung by poor index performance, though.15:11
abentleyI would *like* to be competitive with cp, at least in a shared repo.15:12
zbrownI was quite impressed15:12
zbrownand still am ;)15:12
zbrownI still shudder to think what managing wine's repo in bzr would be like though15:13
jelmerabentley, Thanks, it's now at least quick enough to "feel" instantaneous on non-huge trees15:21
gourany idea why attempt to push from laptop to desktop machine fails - see log http://rafb.net/p/okZ1bY72.html15:29
gourzbrown: don't know about wine's repo, but from today my machines are m$ free - i was finally able to make some proprietary folio infobase running under wine - no need for Virtualbox & similar emulators any longer :-D15:30
abentleygour: could you try bzr push nosmart+bzr+ssh://gour@gaura-nitai.no-ip.org/home/gour/repos/bzr/cfgfiles/.bzr/repository/15:32
abentleySorry, skip the end.15:32
abentleybzr push nosmart+bzr+ssh://gour@gaura-nitai.no-ip.org/home/gour/repos/bzr/cfgfiles/15:33
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gourabentley: same - http://rafb.net/p/pwZZw175.html15:40
gourlet me check if i push to the right dir15:40
abentleygour: cfgfiles looks like it already has a repository.  Is that intentional?15:42
gourhmm, the gour@gaura-nitai.no-ip.org/home/gour/repos/bzr/cfgfiles/ has the following format - gour@gaura-nitai.no-ip.org/home/gour/repos/bzr/cfgfiles/15:42
gouroops, http://rafb.net/p/3c0gT377.html15:43
gourand bzr upgrade says: The branch format Bazaar-NG meta directory, format 1 is already at the most recent format.15:43
* gour thinks that having less supported formats would be better15:44
abentleygour: Right.  Rich-roots are not a default format.15:44
abentleygour: Talk to Jelmer.15:44
gourabentley: ok. explicit upgrade to --rich-root-pack solved it15:46
gouranyone responsible for bzr-gtk here?15:49
gourohh, it seems we solved it...15:53
zbrowngour: haha, well I'm glad to hear it :). We (the wine contributors) are pleased with how far wine has come in the last few months16:04
gourzbrown: i was dreaming several years to become 100% free. used win4lin, vmware, vbox...all bloatware16:09
abentleyzbrown: Do you know offhand how well Wine supports Adobe Premiere?16:12
zbrownabentley: can't say I do know16:17
zbrownabentley: reports seem to indicate its not that great though16:18
zbrowngour: Eh I hardly find vmware to be bloatware16:18
zbrowngour: at least on my laptopt, its very responsive, not quite "real system" but its still better than most16:19
abentleyzbrown: Too bad.  I have a friend who wants to use Ubuntu, but must use Premiere.16:19
zbrownabentley: its getting there, its just not all the way there yet16:21
zbrownhard to hit a moving target like Microsoft :)16:22
gourzbrown: bloatware in the sense that i required the whole OS to run single apps for which there is no native-linux replacement16:27
abentleyzbrown: But most applications are backwards-compatible with XP or 2000, no?16:27
Toksyuryel`microsoft is a moving target? if anything they're moving backwards and making things constantly easier for us16:29
zbrownToksyuryel`: not when you're trying to emulate (sometimes broken) behaviors of the OS that applications depend on16:36
zbrownabentley: What are you particularly referring to? As of right now, emulation in wine is targeted for NT 5 series16:37
zbrownso 2000, XP and 2003 are the main goals16:37
zbrowngranted XP is the focus16:37
abentleyzbrown: So those targets haven't moved for 5 years.16:37
zbrownabentley: API's change with service packs and security releases ;)16:38
zbrownabentley: not to mention the api is just way huge16:38
Toksyuryel`zbrown: oh, I get what you're saying now16:38
abentleyzbrown: That I can certainly agree with.16:39
zbrownIts only hard because there's maybe 20-30 regular contributors, probably <2016:39
zbrownand MS has thousands of people changing things on us ;)16:39
ericvwOdd question, it doesn't make sense to have a repo with checkouts within it does it on a local development environment?17:11
ericvwI understand the using shared storage for 2+ branches in a shared-repo in a development environment.17:12
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jelmerabentley, speaking of which..17:37
jelmerabentley, What's the latest status in your discussion with Robert about rich-root-pack as default?17:38
abentleyjelmer: We haven't talked about it in months.17:38
jelmeroh, ok. I thought I saw something about it recently17:39
jelmerawilkins, ping18:01
ericvwDid anyone happen to answer my question when I left temporarily?18:07
vilajelmer: ping, did you see my mail about 'Re: transport implementation test scenarios and rabbit-holing' ?18:09
vilajelmer: there are two questions for you (search for jelmer in the body :)18:10
jelmerI only see the email from mwh18:17
LarstiQjmm, ericvw quit just a bit too early18:30
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vilajelmer: strange, I replied and added you in CC your email @samba.org is still valid ?18:36
LarstiQjelmer: maybe it's not in the bzr folder18:36
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jelmervila, LarstiQ: nope18:46
ericvwWhat is the primary difference between checkouts and branches?18:53
vilajelmer: here is a digest just for you http://paste.ubuntu.com/43429/  :D18:56
jelmervila, which python-kerberos did you install?18:57
jelmeryou'll need at least 1.0+svn2455-118:58
jelmervila, you have a kerberos environment?19:00
jjessegood afternoon, i'm working on setting up a bzr branch of a subversion checkout, how do i go about ignoring all the .svn directories under the different folders?19:06
jjessei think i need to edit a .bzrignore file but not quite sure i need to do19:07
jamjjesse: "bzr ignore .svn" should be sufficient19:08
jjessejam thanks19:09
ericvwwhen doing a checkout, does the .bzr have the same characteristics as branch since i can bind/unbind?19:09
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ericvwIn the 1.1 project/trunk layout design, are those 'container' directories branches or just folders?19:21
jelmervila, hi19:45
jelmervila, ?19:45
jamjust a reminder to beuno, jelmer, vila, et al. Today is bug day19:57
jamplease triage, fix, and otherwise do interesting stuff to the bug tracker19:58
jam(I know Jelmer did work last weekend, but *today* is the official bug day)19:58
beunojam, cool!  bug day finally happened!  I like you as release manager  :)19:58
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jamoddly enough, I'll actually have released 3 versions in a row20:09
jamI released 1.520:09
jamand then accidentally inherited 1.620:09
jamand now I'll be doing 1.720:09
beunojam, and doing a great job at it, really20:10
jamI'll say I'm more comfortable with it now that I've done 7-ish actual releases :)20:10
jamPeng: so if you count 1.6.1rc2 + 1.6rc5 you could claim rc7 :)20:10
LarstiQoh there is a bug day?20:11
LarstiQgah, why does ericvw keep disappearing!20:12
theuiguyI'm doing some code cleanup in a source tree and I'm trying to understand the subtleties of bzr rm versus just rm.20:38
theuiguyI want the code to still be available using bzr log / bzr diff / etc.20:38
theuiguyIs there a difference between the two: bzr rm vs. rm?20:39
theuiguybzr status shows files as removed using either command.20:40
LarstiQtheuiguy: you could bzr rm --keep and still have the actual file, but removed from a version control point of view.20:41
LarstiQtheuiguy: bzr rm is explicit, just rm is implicit.20:41
theuiguyLarstiQ: I think I want the opposite -- I want the file removed from my tree, but still have it in version control if I ever need to go back to it.20:42
LarstiQtheuiguy: well, you still need to commit.20:42
theuiguyIt seems like just rm is what I should use.20:43
LarstiQtheuiguy: with any (rm, bzr rm, bzr rm --keep), after you commit that file won't show up anymore, but still be present in historical revisions.20:43
theuiguyLarstiQ: Are you sure? That's not what I'm seeing at the moment, admittedly before I commit20:44
theuiguyIf I do rm, I can still do bzr log FILENAME and see FILENAME's history20:44
LarstiQtheuiguy: I'm very sure, but I could be more precise about "won't show up"20:44
theuiguybut with bzr rm, it doesn't show the history anymore20:45
theuiguyLarstiQ: Please do be more precise... I want to understand this20:46
LarstiQtheuiguy: right, so the difference between bzr rm and rm *before commit* is that because the plain rm is implicit, the file will only not be in the inventory after you committed. Whilst bzr rm has a bit more info and can already do that.20:48
LarstiQtheuiguy: they'll be exactly the same after you commit.20:48
Snaury__jelmer: see my patch in https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/26357020:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263570 in bzr-svn "bzr-svn cannot be compiled for Subversion 1.5.* without hand-editing setup.py" [Undecided,New]20:49
LarstiQtheuiguy: all revisions henceforward will not have that file in their inventory. It might still be in your tree if you did bzr rm --keep, but status will say it is an unkown file.20:49
LarstiQtheuiguy: if you do a fresh checkout, or remove the file and then revert to a revision, the file will not be recreated.20:49
=== Snaury__ is now known as Snaury
theuiguyLarstiQ: So after commit, how would I be able to look at the history of the file? I'd have to revert?20:49
LarstiQtheuiguy: however, if you revert to a revision before it was removed, the file _will_ be created in your working tree.20:49
LarstiQtheuiguy: hmm, it seems there might be a regression there.20:50
LarstiQtheuiguy: you should be able to provide a file path that doesn't match the current state, but a historical one.20:50
LarstiQtheuiguy: you could always revert, yes20:50
theuiguyLarstiQ: It's probably just our older version of bzr20:50
LarstiQtheuiguy: or say, use bzr cat -r rev to see how that file looked in a certain revision.20:51
LarstiQtheuiguy: what part of the history of that file are you interested in seeing?20:51
theuiguyLarstiQ: Well, I'm doing some code cleanup in our tree... files that I don't think we'll ever need again20:52
theuiguybut I want to be sure I can get back to them if we ever need them20:52
theuiguybzr rm scared me because the behavior before commit makes it look like the files are completely gone.20:53
theuiguyincluding all knowledge of what went on in prior revisions20:53
LarstiQtheuiguy: I can see that, but I can reassure you that is not the case.20:53
LarstiQtheuiguy: so I think that is a ui bug that needs to fixed to be less scary.20:54
theuiguyIs it a recent addition that you should be able to provide a historic path to see history?20:55
theuiguyas in bzr log -r OLDFILE20:55
theuiguywith some revision information of course20:55
theuiguyOr does that not currently work?20:56
LarstiQtheuiguy: it doesn't do that on my recent copies. So either it used to be possible, or I misremeber wrong.20:56
LarstiQtheuiguy: but it works for cat20:56
LarstiQtheuiguy: I think I was confused with cat.20:58
theuiguyhmm... so it does work for cat?20:58
LarstiQtheuiguy: but I still think it might be a nice feature. Although I acknowledge it can be tricky to infer what the user means.20:58
LarstiQtheuiguy: yes20:58
LarstiQtheuiguy: bzr cat -r <rev with file> path/to/file20:58
LarstiQtheuiguy: should work even with path/to/file not existing in the current revision.20:59
theuiguyah... it'd be nice if log could do something like it ending with "deleted in revsion X"20:59
LarstiQtheuiguy: well, removed is relatively simple21:00
LarstiQtheuiguy: but consider files that are moved around.21:00
LarstiQtheuiguy: especially if you swap files a and b21:00
LarstiQtheuiguy: what does 'bzr log -r rev a' mean?21:01
theuiguyLarstiQ: So let me see if I understand: bzr rm or rm both say remove this file as soon as I commit this and don't track it any more21:01
theuiguybut ...21:01
LarstiQtheuiguy: give me the information for the file that is currently at path a, or the one that was at a in that revision?21:01
theuiguythey are still in revision history for previous versions21:01
LarstiQtheuiguy: exactly.21:01
LarstiQtheuiguy: bzr very rarely destroys history21:02
theuiguyLarstiQ: that's very reassuring. Thanks!21:03
LarstiQtheuiguy: and if it does, always on explicit user request (bzr rebase for instance)21:03
theuiguyLarstiQ: It doesn't seem like bzr handles the simple case where there's nothing there in the current revision21:03
theuiguyIs rebase built in now? Or still a plugin?21:04
LarstiQtheuiguy: you mean, bzr log foo when foo isn't present?21:04
LarstiQtheuiguy: plugin21:04
theuiguyLarstiQ: yes21:04
LarstiQtheuiguy: right, it's relatively straightforward in the case where there only ever was one file with that name.21:06
LarstiQtheuiguy: in the other case, maybe log should be more interactive, and present you with a list of different files that had that name, and ask which one you want.21:06
theuiguyIt could be helpful to know21:06
theuiguyespecially if there are file renames in there21:06
theuiguyOr perhaps just show renames in and out of that filename...21:07
theuiguywith the log only showing what was there at various revisions21:07
LarstiQrenames would be the common case of that problem, it's also possible to just do serial adds and removes.21:08
theuiguyLarstiQ: So the difference in behavior before commit between bzr rm and rm is accidental, right?21:10
LarstiQtheuiguy: I don't know for sure, but the difference sounds logical to me. It's not of much significance though.21:11
chadmillerHi all.  On the server where my canonical trees are, I wish to have some code that marks bugs as updated when branches are pushed-to with revisions that mention those bugs.  My current idea involves cron, but I'm having trouble.21:13
LarstiQchadmiller: you're not using --fixes?21:14
chadmillerIt looks (I think) like merges can rearrange my trees so that merely keeping track of the last-seen revision-id and constucting a list from that to the end is not sufficient to know what to update.21:14
chadmillerLarstiQ: No.  I perhaps could, but I don't think that solves my problem.21:15
LarstiQchadmiller: it doesn't, but makes the detecting of fixed bugs less iffy.21:15
LarstiQso, on to the actual problem.21:15
chadmillerI don't have a problem with that.21:15
LarstiQchadmiller: you'll probably want to know if the last seen revision-id is in the ancestry of the tip, instead of in the revision-history of the branch.21:16
chadmillerWe're really good about the format.  [Bb]ug\s*#\s*\d+21:16
LarstiQchadmiller: and no one mentions them unless they're actually fixed?21:16
LarstiQchadmiller: are you averse to using bzrlib for this?21:16
chadmillerLarstiQ: (yes.  The format is no problem.)21:16
chadmillerLarstiQ: I'm not averse, but I am daunted.21:17
LarstiQchadmiller: I'm not sure how I'd do it otherwise. But I could be warped by knowing bzrlib ;)21:18
chadmillerLarstiQ: So, to be clear.  When cron fires off some program every minute, I only need an updated tree and a revision id of the last-seen revision-id?21:18
LarstiQchadmiller: yes, I think that would be enough information to figure out the rest from.21:19
chadmillerI don't need the structure of the last tree, or a list of previous revisions ever seen?21:19
chadmillerHmm, okay.21:19
LarstiQchadmiller: well.21:19
LarstiQchadmiller: unless people uncommit or push --overwrite.21:20
LarstiQchadmiller: but if they use merge, that would be ok.21:20
chadmillerEh, hm.  We can trust that no one will commit, push, uncommit, push.21:20
LarstiQgood :)21:20
chadmillerOr use --overwrite.21:20
vilajelmer: sorry, I was away afk far longer than I thought, I just have 1.0-1 (hardy) so I think you answered my question21:52
LarstiQchadmiller: sorry, I've been dragged to do other things.21:57
chadmillerLarstiQ: It's okay.  I'm still wrapping my head around the problem.  Of the solution, you suggest a new program that imports bzrlib.  It takes a parameter, the revision id, and inspects a branch.  It somehow (!?) emits the log messages of all revisions that were not present before the time when the given revision id was at the tip.  Right?22:00
LarstiQchadmiller: yes22:01
chadmillerWow.  I have to come up with a test case first.  Then I'll start on the Hard Party.22:01
chadmillerWow.  I have to come up with a test case first.  Then I'll start on the Hard Part.22:01
LarstiQchadmiller: it may not be enough, but you could try something like22:04
LarstiQchadmiller: well, basically bzrlib.log.show_changed_revisions as seen in cmd_pull22:06
* chadmiller looks.22:06
hgr3I am having problems applying a patch with "bzr patch", I just keep getting bzr: ERROR: Error invoking patch: No such file or directory. What am I doing wrong? (I am on windows)22:07
Odd_Blokehgr3: How are you invoking it?22:08
hgr3Odd_Bloke: bzr patch mypatch.patch22:09
LarstiQchadmiller: another builtin to look at is cmd_missing22:09
hgr3Odd_Bloke: I have never done this before, is it something I am missing?22:11
LarstiQchadmiller: specifically bzrlib.missing.{iter_log_revisions,find_unmerged}22:11
hgr3If I use bzr diff myfile.c > mypatch.patch, should I not be able to do bzr patch mypatch.patch in the same go? But if I try, I get Error, No such file or dir22:14
jamhgr3: to run "bzr patch" you have to have the patch executable (from diffutils, etc) I don't think it is available on windows22:16
jamwell, it *is* available22:17
jamjust not by default22:17
jamI could be wrong on that, though.22:17
hgr3jam: ahh... I see :) where can I read more about this?22:17
jamhgr3: 'bzr patch' is provided by bzrtools, which brings in other dependencies22:17
jamI don't know for sure why it doesn't use some of the internal mechanics.22:17
chadmillerLarstiQ:  bzrlib.missing.find_unmerged takes two branches as parameters.  I only have the one branch (unless I change my program to keep another branch to compare against; ugh).22:17
jamhgr3: if you want something you can apply easily, I would suggest looking at "bzr send" though that doesn't do per-file.22:18
jamchadmiller: 'bzrlib.missing._find_unmerged' is probably what you would really care about.22:18
jamBut regardless, those are both focused on mainline stuff22:18
hgr3jam: I have a patch I desperately would like to apply to a file, but I don't find out how to do it... what do you suggest?22:18
jamwhat you probably want is22:19
jamb = branch.Branch.open('mybranch')22:19
jamg = b.repository.get_graph()22:19
zbrownhgr3: patch -p0 ?22:19
LarstiQhgr3: another problem might be relative paths in the branch.22:19
jamg.find_unique_ancestors(b.last_revision(), [old_last_revision])22:19
jamchadmiller: ^^22:19
LarstiQhgr3: what are the values of `pwd` and `bzr root` ?22:19
LarstiQchadmiller: and jam saves the day again :)22:20
jamhgr3: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/patch.htm22:20
jamzbrown: He's on windows and doesn't have patch installed yet22:20
LarstiQjam: I knew there was a graph function like that, but I didn't find it yet :/22:20
jamchadmiller: you probably want some "lock_read()" in there, too22:20
zbrownjam: oooh ok, my mistae22:21
LarstiQjam: oh, but _find_unmerged does that22:21
jamLarstiQ: yeah. _find_unmerged is where the real work is done22:21
hgr3thank you!22:21
LarstiQhgr3: installing patch helped?22:24
jamhe probably needs to put it somewhere on his path, etc22:25
jambut as he wants to apply a diff, patch is the go-to command :)22:25
LarstiQright :)22:26
* LarstiQ just would like confirmation it is not #3015922:27
* mwhudson wants bzr push --no-tree22:46
LarstiQmwhudson: for locla fs pushes?22:46
mwhudsonLarstiQ: yes22:47
LarstiQmwhudson: makes sense.22:47
jambug #3015923:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30159 in bzr "paths are always from root of branch" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3015923:08
jamLarstiQ: for what hgr3 needed, that was certainly the case. "bzr patch" uses bzrtools, which uses the patch executable23:10
jamwhich is a bit of a shame, because we *do* have native ability to parse patch files23:10
LarstiQjam: right, but if he didn't have patch, we wouldn't even get to 3015923:10
pooliehello all23:48
jelmer'morning poolie23:49
mwhudsonhi igc, poolie23:53
spivGood morning.23:57

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