
nullackPing RAOF00:10
RAOFnullack: You'll generally get a better response with a context-full ping :)00:10
nullackcontext-full?? Im new to irc00:10
nullackAnyway following on from the convo yesterday00:11
nullackDo you want to email your ideas or are you ok with me summarising it and mailing that?00:11
RAOFYou're very welcome to summarise & mail.00:11
nullackWill do00:11
RAOF(Contextless ping - your ping didn't give me any idea as to what you wanted to talk about, so I couldn't reply)00:11
nullackThough I am sure any contact from me to you is so important that your compelled to respond on any event :) ha00:13
bdmurraycrimsun: it's driver and codec to uniquely identify sound hardware?00:35
hggdhbdmurray, I use radeonhd00:52
hggdhnullack, sorry for the delay. I get nothing I can find. Ffox simply dies, in silence. Not even a crash report00:55
nullackhggdh no problem, most of the time thats what I get, other times irregularly I get the segfault log message.00:56
hggdhnullack, I also see a small window popping open. Nothing is displayed there. Usually, when I hit the close on this small window, ffox dies.00:57
nullackhggdh thats another bug :) its annoying - windows get created that do nothing until firefox is closed, its an upstream bug mate00:58
hggdhinteresting that I saw this behaviour on ffox 3, and Epiphany, but not on Opera01:03
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persiahgggd h: spaces won't save you :)04:54
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dholbachgood morning07:57
philwyettMorning dholbach07:58
dholbachhi philwyett07:58
gesergnomefreak: Hi, still problems with gnupg-agent?09:51
gnomefreakgeser: not sure atm im having issues with 2 apps im working on09:51
gnomefreakgeser: it hasnt been updated so i would say yes and i havent changed anything09:52
gnomefreaklet me try something09:52
gesercan you check where /etc/alternatives/pinentry points to?09:53
gnomefreakgeser: there are a few of them09:56
geserand when I see it correctly you don't have pinentry-qt installed anymore09:56
gnomefreakthey all point to -qt09:57
gnomefreakgeser: right09:57
geserlooks like some package forgot to update the symlinks09:57
geserwhat gives "update-alternatives --display pinentry"09:58
gnomefreakgeser: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/53001709:59
geserhmm, interesting10:01
geserlooks like the symlink for the manpage got updated but not the one for the programm itself10:01
gnomefreaklooks right to me thats why i figured it was bug in gunpg-agent10:01
gnomefreaktake that back i miss read the last line10:02
geserI assume if you "fix" the symlinks it will work again10:04
geserwhich pinentry variant do you want to use? -qt4 or -gtk2?10:04
gnomefreakcan i just use ln -s or do i have to remove the symlink that it is now10:04
gnomefreakhm update-alterntives should do thast10:05
gesersudo update-alternatives --auto pinentry10:05
geserperhaps also for pinentry-x1110:06
gnomefreakok did both10:07
gnomefreaklooks like that did it10:08
gesercan you check if this signing works again?10:08
gnomefreakstill fails to sign10:09
gnomefreakdpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file10:09
persiagnomefreak: What error do you get now?10:09
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: The build failed.10:09
gnomefreaksame one10:09
gnomefreaknever prompts for passphrase10:09
persiaAnd signing a text file has the same issue still as well?10:09
gesergnomefreak: can you sign normal files or doesn't it work too?10:10
gnomefreakit works10:12
gnomefreakonly asked me once for passphrase where as bzr-builddeb and dpkg-build* ask for it 2 times10:13
gnomefreakthats odd10:13
* gnomefreak thought you can view the .asc10:14
gesergnomefreak: does debsign work on the .changes file (or the .dsc file)10:15
gnomefreakummm ok that doesnt like me10:18
gnomefreakdebsign: Only a .changes, .dsc or .commands file is allowed as argument!10:19
gnomefreaki was signing source.changes and i386.changes10:19
gnomefreakdebsign k764D5E13 firegpg_0.5.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes10:19
gnomefreakit works10:20
gnomefreakbut doesnt prompt for password10:20
persiaThat's because the password is cached by pinentry-gtk210:21
gnomefreakit did it automaticly for some reason10:21
gesergnomefreak: that's because gnupg-agent cached it10:21
persiaNow try to build a package again.  It ought work this time.10:21
geserso this is not a bug in gnupg210:22
gesergnomefreak: what do you propose to do with the bug? close it?10:22
gnomefreakdpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file10:22
gnomefreakbzr: ERROR: The build failed.10:22
gnomefreakgeser: close it with it still failing?10:23
persiaHow are you building the packages again?   "bzr: ERROR: The build failed." make me think there's some special hook that may help explain the problem (and reassign to the right package)10:24
gnomefreakmaybe change package to what caused the failure to update symlink as well as the failing to sign10:24
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~/extensions-builds/work/firegpg.ubuntu$ bzr bd --merge --dont-purge --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kA5C42601 -i.bzr' .10:24
gnomefreakfails with dpkg-buildpackage as well10:24
gnomefreakbut atm i have it set up for bzr10:24
persiaBug debsign works?10:25
gnomefreakit says it did10:25
gnomefreaklet me check10:25
gnomefreaklooks like it10:25
gnomefreakif i remove gnupg-agent all works fine10:26
persiaOK.  What happens if you use `dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -kA5C42601`?  Dropping -rfakeroot10:26
gnomefreakthats why i put it on that package10:26
gnomefreakwith bzr-builddeb still fails if you give me 20 or so minutes i can set it up to just use dpkg-buildpackage but as far as i know the ' ' in bzr uses dpkg10:28
persiaJust type the command at the prompt.  It ought work or not.  No need to change your setup.10:29
gnomefreakdpkg-buildpackage: source only upload: Debian-native package10:29
gnomefreakdpkg-buildpackage: warning: Failed to sign .dsc and .changes file10:29
gnomefreakthe native is caused by the tarball not being seen since its in build-area10:30
gesergnomefreak: the bug is not in gnupg2 itself, as you could successfully sign a file and a package.10:30
persiaOK.  That rules out it being caused by fakeroot then.10:30
persiaIt's also not debsign, because that works.10:30
gnomefreakthan why does removeing gnupg-agent make it work10:30
persiagnomefreak: Because then it doesn't even try to cache.10:30
persiaThe bug is that dpkg-buildpackage is masking something.10:31
persia(And oddly, not for most people, but just for you).10:31
persiaWith the changes from update-alternatives, at least you have a working gnupg-agent.10:31
gnomefreakanything else to try and rule out if it is my setup let me know ill be glad to test (going for smoke atm_10:34
gnomefreakalmost forgot firegpg fails to sign as well with gnupg-agent installed10:38
gnomefreakill try since i updated alternatives10:38
gnomefreakok firegpg works now10:38
gnomefreakupdated comments on bug about changing the symlinks everything but dpkg-buildpackage still fails10:42
gnomefreaknot sure what package dpkg-buildpackage im thinking devscripts10:44
geserdpkg-buildpackage is in dpkg-dev (see dpkg -S dpkg-buildpackage)10:44
gnomefreakbut would still be local afaik10:44
geserI guess it would be fixed very fast if it was a general problem :)10:45
gnomefreakafaik asac adn fta are not seeing this problem atleast i asked them a few days ago10:46
gnomefreakok changed target package10:52
gesergnomefreak: do you have also signing problems with this package or others too?10:52
gnomefreakgeser: you mean only building firegpg?10:53
gnomefreakit happens with any package i build10:53
gnomefreakhardy system and chroot work, 2 intrepid chroots and intrepid system fails10:54
gnomefreaki have one clean chroot and one i use for testing10:55
geserthe gnupg-agent is started in which system? hardy or intrepid?10:57
gnomefreakgeser: both afaik10:57
gnomefreaki get same prompt10:58
gesergnomefreak: I've a similar setup: main system (currently already intrepid) and a chroot for package preparing10:58
gnomefreakleave comments on bug i have to get ready to leave im hoping to be back in ~6hours or less10:58
gnomefreakgeser: and yours doesnt fail?10:59
gesermy gnupg-agent is only started in my main system and the chroot uses it as I bind-mount /tmp (and /home) and also have the same ENV variables set there10:59
gnomefreakchroot has its own symlinks and its own setup so it should work in chroot11:00
gnomefreakchroot is text IIRC11:00
gnomefreakatleast one of them is11:00
geserso you have a seperate .gnupg dir (and config) unrelated to your main system?11:00
geserinside your chroots11:01
gnomefreakyep gnupg not in my chroot11:01
gnomefreaki share $HOME11:01
gnomefreakill be back later11:02
geserwe can continue this when you're back11:03
asacanyone sees the flash problems here?11:03
asacif so, please ensure to have nspluginwrapper at latest version and then --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree11:03
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ramvi[CUSTOMIZING LIVECD] I experienced some problems upgrading something when customizing the livecd. It's fixed now, the bug reports are saved somewhere though and is the first thing that greets a new user. Where are the bug reports saved? How can I stop them from appearing?12:22
ramvinevermind, found it: /var/crash/12:26
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sectechbdmurray,  ping14:20
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bdmurraysectech: pong16:08
dholbachUbuntu Developer Week Sessions start now: #ubuntu-classroom17:03
bdmurraysbeattie: so I've found a bug that is a regression what's next?17:07
pwnguinbdmurray: can you bisect?17:09
bdmurraypwnguin: I'm not quite certain what you mean17:09
pwnguinwell step 1 is to report the bug. step 2 is to report that it's a regression17:10
pwnguinan optional step 3 would be to test the revision history to find where the bug was introduced17:11
bdmurraypwnguin: There already is a bug report and sbeattie is working on a new process for identifying regressions.17:11
pwnguini thought it was wierd to hear you ask how to handle regressions17:11
sbeattiebdmurray: is it a regression in intrepid, a release, or an update for a release?17:53
bdmurraysbeattie: it's a regression in intrepid17:53
bdmurraycome to find out its kees's fault anyway17:53
sbeattieso tag it regression-potential (bleah, would like a better tag name)17:54
sbeattieif it's serious, add the ubuntu-release-notes project as a task.17:54
sbeattieheh, yeah17:55
bdmurraykees is fixing it already17:55
sbeattiekewl. then just tagging it will be okay.17:56
keesI've milestoned it for alpha-6, got the fixed package built -- just waiting for freeze to clear18:01
bdmurraysbeattie: so since it won't get fixed to alpha-6 maybe it should be release noted18:08
bdmurrayThe package is in main, and part of a default install18:09
sbeattiebdmurray: in this case, you could add it to the known issues directly on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverviewhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview and indicate that it should be fixed in alpha 6.18:15
bdmurrayI can blame kees on that page too?18:15
sbeattieBut of course!18:16
bdmurraywell, and give him props for fixing it18:16
keesyeah!  :P18:20
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Brother_Camcomo instalo ubuntu no Notebook20:02
Brother_Camele tem drives pra wireless?20:02
AmpelbeinBrother_Cam: Please ask in english ;-)20:03
pedro_Brother_Cam: maybe you can find more help at #ubuntu-br20:03
pedro_i think that's the brazilian channel20:03
Brother_Camno ingles!!!20:03
pedro_Brother_Cam: visita el canal #ubuntu-br es probable que ahi encuentres mas ayuda ya que es el canal de Ubuntu Brasil, aca se habla en Ingles20:05
flutefluteHello everyone20:16
flutefluteRecently I have been marking bugs fixed in Intrepid (not specific to Intrepid) as 'Fix Released'. Is this correct?20:17
fabrice_spHi. If trying to reproduce a bug, I see it's working correctly, should I close the LP, or ask to reporter his version?20:36
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Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: if you can't reproduce you should ask the reporter to have it reproduced and the specific version he's using. if he can't reproduce: invalid. If reproducable for the reporter and he's using an older version you could check the changelog if there is a mention of the fix, if not, gather all required information and forward upstream.20:57
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: and you could of course ask the reporter to test intrepid-live-cd20:57
fabrice_spAmpelbein: ok. Actually, looking for a similar bug, I found a previous LP with the same problem, so I marked it as duplicated20:59
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: thats correct.21:00
fabrice_spAmpelbein: thanks. I wasn't really sure it was correct to do that ;-)21:01
fabrice_spAnother question: what to do if a package doesn't appear in the package list of a bug? (python-matplotlib-doc)21:07
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: can you give a bug number?21:19
Ampelbeinbug #26217321:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262173 in matplotlib "upgrading python-matplotlib-doc installs apache2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26217321:21
fabrice_spI put the 'main' package (matplotlib)21:22
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: yeah, thats correct. you can search on packages.ubuntu.com for the package and then check the corresponding source-package name21:28
fabrice_spAmpelbein: ok. Thanks again ;-)21:30
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: you could also contact the folks in #ubuntu-motu to have a look at the bug. matplotlib is in universe so they should know why and if this dependency should be changed.21:32
fabrice_spAmpelbein: as this dependency comes from debian, I thinks it even has to be reported there (or I'll check to see if it has been reported)21:35
Ampelbeinfabrice_sp: sure. but first i would contact motu to look over it. they can perhaps give you a tip on how to continue from here.21:36
fabrice_spAmpelbein: Ok. I'll check with them21:36
bdmurrayWould anyone mind looking at a report for me?  I wanted to make sure the output makes sense to someone else before advertising it.22:09
hggdhbdmurray, which one?22:23
bdmurrayhggdh: http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/reports/needs-packaging/needs-packaging-run-2008-9-4.txt22:24
hggdhbdmurray, you are reporting on hits on Ubuntu for needs-packaging, correct?22:26
bdmurrayhggdh: yeah, so KBasic matched a debian upstream bug report for MS-QuickBasic which is wrong22:26
bdmurrayIf it were right you'd want to add an upstream link to the debian bug from the ubuntu bug22:26
bdmurrayooh look bug 264192 might be fix released22:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264192 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Salasaga - create learning material similar to Adobe Captivate" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26419222:27
bdmurrayI want to make sure the output and course of actions make sense22:28
bdmurrayI could put the likely course of action in the script I guess22:28
hggdhso what you need is actually a follow up on all hits, correct?22:28
hggdhmight be a good idea to show the upstream bugs you find22:29
bdmurrayWhat do you mean? I believe the upstream bugs are there22:30
hggdhthey are, but showing the link would make sense, I think22:30
bdmurrayOh, you mean the link for the existing bug watch, not the potential one?22:31
hggdhthen a quick look would help expedite22:31
hggdhotherwise we have no option but to open the bug and look at the upstream22:31
bdmurrayThe ones with existing watches should already be good22:32
bdmurrayI don't think there is a need to look at them22:32
* hggdh tends to be cautious22:32
hggdhI like the output otherwise. Bug 145530 is an example... probable hits upstream, then it is (hopefully) easier to find the correct one)22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 145530 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ClaSS" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14553022:33
bdmurrayand some of the bug reports could use better titles probably like bug 22953722:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229537 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Email Notify Plasmoid" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22953722:34
hggdhwell, this one is actually the name of the package ;-/22:35
LaserJockbdmurray: I like that list, good work22:35
hggdhemail notify22:35
hggdhbdmurray, are you going to add a checkbutton?22:35
bdmurrayhggdh: what do you mean?22:36
hggdhfor every one looked at, and done, so that other will not need to worry (until next run)22:36
LaserJockbdmurray: do you think it'd be possible to have a "reviewed" button or something to get rid of known mistakes?22:36
hggdhLaserJock, you hit it smack on...22:37
LaserJocklike I see ruby is on the list, which is obviously not one we want to keep22:37
LaserJockit'd probably add a lot more complexity to the script though22:37
bdmurraybug 18028222:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 180282 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Ruby Nmap::Parser Library" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18028222:38
LaserJockhaving to maintain a list of what not to show22:38
bdmurrayright, I think what should happen in that case is 180282 could use a better "1st word"22:38
LaserJockI mean, that's a perfectly good name for it22:38
LaserJockI'm not sure how we're going to convince people to name them very well22:38
LaserJockeven nmap is bad22:39
LaserJockparser is bad22:39
LaserJocklibrary is obviously bad ;-)22:39
hggdhwell, it *is* a parser22:39
LaserJockbdmurray: but people have to know naming conventions to do that22:40
LaserJockand I think the vast majority of needs-packaging filers aren't going to know22:40
bdmurrayor we could add a "reviewed" tag to the bug that my script could ignore22:40
bdmurrayright but the same people who are reviewing this list could also modify the bug title22:40
bdmurrayso not necessarily the n-p filer22:41
hggdhI worry on extremely generic tags, like 'reviewed'22:41
bdmurrayhggdh: right, that makes sense22:41
LaserJockbdmurray: that's quite a bit of work though don't you think?22:41
LaserJocktweaking titles just so the script works better22:42
bdmurrayAnd what would a "reviewed" button do?22:42
LaserJockit would drop that bug to a lower part in your list I guess22:42
LaserJocksimilar to what Harvest does22:42
hggdhthe same as a 'reviewed' tag, similar to what I asked: allows for this specific entry to be bypassed22:43
hggdhby a, huh, reviewer22:43
LaserJockI guess maybe a question is if we want the list to be ideally empty or any "hits"22:43
bdmurrayI think that information should be contained in the bug report rather than outside of it22:43
hggdhyou could look for the tag, and report at the end (after the non-reviewed ones)22:44
hggdhso the data is in the bug22:44
LaserJockhggdh: I think it's more complicated then that though22:44
LaserJockwhat we actually want is those to go back to a "Nothing found." state22:44
bdmurrayBug xyz has tag abc so not used22:45
hggdhthen we could just ignore NP bugs that are tagged reviewed22:45
bdmurrayand if somebody fixed up the title they could remove the tag22:46
LaserJockhmm, yeah22:46
LaserJockso if somebody has triaged a NP bug but it's title just doesn't work well with the scrip you add the tag22:46
LaserJockI still don't know that taking only the first word is going to suffice22:48
LaserJockthe title should generally be the title of the software, which often has multiple words22:48
hggdhI do not think it will, but it is a good first approach22:48
hggdhwe will get potentially more hits, but it is better than missing a correct one22:49
LaserJockbdmurray: you're just using apt-cache searches?22:49
bdmurrayLaserJock: rmadison and some wnpp pages at debian.org22:50
LaserJockhmm, yeah, rmadison isn't so great when it comes to package name searches22:50
LaserJockI wonder if there's something better than can be done22:51
CycomI've got a bug that is marked as Fix Released because it's fixed in intrepid, but I want to see if I can get it Target to released to Hardy as well.  Bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/+bug/22327823:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223278 in linux "Keeping usb mouse buttons pressed results in repeated ButtonPress events [regression]" [Undecided,Fix released]23:38
CycomI can't do it myself.  Nominate for Release is a dead link, and I dunno how to fix it.23:46
hggdhCycom, first issue is this bug does not seem to have ever been identified on Hardy23:47
hggdhlast entry states it does not happen on Intrepid23:48
Cycomhggdh: I can assure you it does happen in hardy.  Also, I just had this discussion with one of the devs about how bugs get marked and such, and they suggested I see if this could be done.23:49
CycomHardy is supposed to be supported till 2011, and this bug would prevent day-to-day use with a mouse if that mouse required evdev.23:49
hggdhCycom, I did not state you could not/should not do it. I just stated it was not looked at Hardy23:50
Cycomwhat do you mean? as in the bug is not set as a bug in hardy at all? just in that particular package?23:51
hggdhalso -- and this is a Malone/Launchpad bug -- nominate for release is referring only to the last package (xorg evdev), which does not exist on Hardy23:51
hggdhCycom, please read the last comment23:51
hggdhThe events come from the kernel, so it's probably a bug there. Anyway, cannot reproduce on Intrepid, so closing as fixed.23:52
hggdhyou can also just re-open the bug, and state what you need23:52
CycomI did read the last comment.  Fixing it in Intrepid does not help the people relying on LTS.  And again, the course that I requested was suggested to me in #ubuntu-devel23:53
Cycomthey mark bugs as fixed released if they are fixed in future releases, and then if the fix needs to be backported, the bug should be marked as targeted to the old release.23:54
hggdhyes indeed. As I stated earlier on, there seems to be a bug on Malone that makes us unable to nominate for release based on Linux (the kernel package)23:55
bdmurrayhggdh: really?23:55
hggdhbdmurray, see bug 22327823:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 223278 in linux "Keeping usb mouse buttons pressed results in repeated ButtonPress events [regression]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22327823:55
hggdhtry to nominate Linux for Hardy23:55
bdmurrayhggdh: what happens if you do it?23:56
hggdhyou cannot23:56
bdmurrayIf I do it, it will just be approved23:56
hggdhMalone prohibits me23:56
hggdhdammit, now I can!23:57
bdmurrayIt might be context related23:57
Cycomdid you set it as also mark as fix in xserver-xorg-input-evdev?23:57
CycomI was under the impression that it was not an evdev package bug based on the comments, so I didn't.23:58

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