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herbie_tap tap tap    is thing on?00:06
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huatsmorning all09:07
seb128lut huats09:54
seb128mvo: when you have a moment could you look at the new comments on http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=545123 and tell me if that makes sense?09:54
ubottuGnome bug 545123 in general "Please support the SmInteractStyleNone again" [Minor,New]09:54
huatshello seb128 and mvo09:55
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mvoseb128: yes, will do10:04
mvohey huats10:04
asacseb128: i think swfdec needs to be newed11:24
seb128asac: right, will do that in a minute11:24
asacseb128: what gtk will intrepid final ship?11:41
seb128asac: 2.14.n11:41
asacseb128: swfdec has a problem which appears to be fixed on gtk-trunk11:42
ubottuGnome bug 548993 in gdk "regression: gdk 2.13 leaves stray windows in certain cases" [Major,New]11:42
asacswfdec author said that it will be fixed in next 2.13.x release. so we probably dont need to do anyhting here and verifying when that gets into intrepid is enough11:43
seb128the next gtk tarball should come soon11:44
loolasac: Oh that's actually a gtk bug; I'm glad it's goind to be fixed, it has annoyed me big time12:21
asaclool: right. i think even some of the windows we see with flash get probably fixed by that12:21
lapoheya seb13:46
laposeb128: http://xoomer.alice.it/bat/tmp/application-x-debian-package.tar.bz213:47
seb128hello lapo13:47
seb128cool, thanks13:47
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seb128tedg: btw you mailed me about a change which was required for the new gdm, the way to start it I think some time ago14:21
seb128tedg: any reason you didn't commit that to the bzr so people actually get the fix?14:21
tedgseb128: I made my own branch and committed it there so that you could look at it before committing it to the main branch.14:21
tedgseb128: lp:~ted-gould/+junk/gdm-snap14:22
seb128tedg: it has been week ago, it didn't turn to work as you expected?14:22
seb128tedg: would be nice to merge such changes quickly14:22
tedgThe change was in the .debs that I made.14:23
tedgIn general, the new GDM didn't work as expected :)14:23
seb128tedg: the .deb that you made but that nobody knows about, I point users to the team bzr to build a snapshot14:23
tedgseb128: Okay, so do you think the change is good?  I'd be happy to merge it.14:25
seb128tedg: looking at the diff, the email change is not required, not sure about all the usplash things you didn't document those14:30
tedgseb128, Hmm, I only remember changing on line...14:30
seb128tedg: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ted-gould/+junk/gdm-snap/revision/498614:31
tedgseb128: Oh, and the e-mail, yeah, that's not required.14:31
seb128tedg: what was the rational again about the background thing? I don't find your mail now14:32
tedgseb128: It wasn't starting in the background for me.  It would just block on package upgrade and init.14:33
seb128what do you mean?14:33
tedgseb128: I'm not sure about the usplash stuff, is that from a patch that got left applied?14:33
seb128no idea about that either14:33
seb128I though you fixed "login doesn't work after boot"14:34
tedgSo when the running "/etc/init.d/gdm start" that would block, forever.14:34
seb128not package upgrade issues14:34
seb128weird, it didn't for the previous gdm14:34
tedgSo I first noticed it on the upgrade, but then I found that it also happened on boot.14:34
seb128what happened on boot?14:40
tedgGDM would start, but I think it would block init.  So if you killed it the rest of init would run, and then it would restart.14:41
laposeb128: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/11844/ you can kill this one once done with patching g-i-t14:41
seb128tedg: ah ok, so just adding the --background seems to be a good idea, I'll do that later14:42
seb128lapo: ok thanks14:42
MacSlowpitti, how much can I bother you with more dbus/ck-related questions?14:46
pittiMacSlow: on that box where you try gdm: if you boot it normaly and use the standard gdm, does your GNOME session have a CK seat? (ck-list-sessions) and does it complain about errors?14:46
MacSlowpitti, I still need to get intrepid on the laptop (iwl3945 still refuses to work on it :/ )14:46
pittiMacSlow: as much as needed to get it working for you to unblock your work :)14:47
pittiMacSlow: shouldn't be different in hardy14:47
pittiMacSlow: I'm trying to find out what's broken in your dbus setup14:47
MacSlowpitti, no normal gdm/gnome-session works on hardy ... e.g. calling echo $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE in my current session in a gnome-terminal yields  a proper value14:47
pittiMacSlow: ck-list-sessions works, too? and doesn't complain about "cannot lookup session yadayada"?14:48
MacSlowpitti, yes14:48
MacSlowthat works too14:48
pittiMacSlow: so if you stop that session and gdm, and start your custom gdm, does ck-list-sessions still work afterwards and gives you a session for the new gdm?14:48
MacSlowpitti, no ... only when I try my custom installed gdm I've all these problems14:49
pittiMacSlow: you don't restart dbus or consolekit in between or anything?14:49
MacSlowno ... but just to be sure I can try exactely that right now once sec14:49
tedgSo, I added some icons to the FUSA applet.  And I got it working with uuencode/decode so that they'd go in the diff.  But since it's my first time doing something like this, could someone review this patch?  http://people.ubuntu.com/~ted/85_5_status_icons.patch14:56
MacSlowpitti, so I just exited my gnome-session, as root /etc/init.d/gdm stop and started just the upstream gdm14:58
seb128tedg: doesn't look correct14:59
MacSlowpitti, starting that upstream gdm failed with the error-message ** (gdm-binary:9272): WARNING** : Couldn't connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /opt/gdm-new/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused14:59
seb128tedg: either you do upstream change and roll a new tarball and doesn't bother using uuencode15:00
seb128tedg: or you add those as packaging change and install them in the debian/rules15:00
pittiMacSlow: right, it's looking for the wrong socket; it needs to use the system one in /var/run/dbus/15:00
MacSlowpitti, but there is this file/socket15:01
MacSlowpitti, does that matter?15:01
pittiMacSlow: you mean /opt/gdm-new/ socket exists?15:01
pittiMacSlow: that won't work15:01
pittiyou can delete that15:01
tedgseb128: I guess I'm a little confused.  I thought it was bad to do a new upstream tarball in general as it isn't "upstream" but it seems like if it's done in debian/rules it would be nearly impossible for upstream to accept the patch if they wanted to in the future.15:02
tedgThat's why I did it all inline as a patch, including the uudecode stuff.15:03
MacSlowpitti, ok I'll delete it and try again? BTW, I have the line "<servicedir>/opt/gdm-new/share/dbus-1/system-services</servicedir>" in /etc/dbus-1/system.conf, which I just commented out. That was a hint from Jon earlier this week.15:06
pittiMacSlow: you shouldn't attempt to run a second dbus under /opt; everything shuold use the normal system dbus15:06
pittiotherwise you need a second consolekit, hal, and everything as well; that's totally unnecessary15:06
MacSlowpitti, I didn't restart dbus at all or tried to start the on in /opt/gdm-new15:07
pittiMacSlow: but what is weird is that the dbus socket location shuold only be known to libdbus, and you certainly didn't rebuild that in /opt?15:07
MacSlowthat line is just a left-over from earlier attempts15:07
pittiMacSlow: <servicedir> shuoldn't be necessary15:07
MacSlowpitti, well I did install dbus, hald, ck with upstream gdm initially because I was told newer version of those were  needed15:08
pittiMacSlow: we have the latest dbus and hal in intrepid15:08
pittioh, wait, hardy15:08
MacSlowpitti, do you hint that I try to rebuild gdm with the hardy-supplied ones?15:08
MacSlowI don't have intrepid in a working state yet15:09
pittiMacSlow: that would be my first shot; if that doesn't work, you could take the intrepid dbus source package and build/install on hardy (that shouldn't cause any problem)15:09
pittihardy's hal should be alright15:09
MacSlowso what should i try next? intrepid dbus on hardy?15:10
pittiMacSlow: yes, and revert all the dbus config changes you made15:13
MacSlowchanges reverted15:13
pittiMacSlow: just weird that gdm needs such a new dbus...15:15
pittiMacSlow: maybe you can just try building against the normal hardy dbus15:15
pittithat'd certainly be easiest15:15
MacSlowpitti, hm... gdm's configure didn't complain using hardy's dbus now15:17
pittiso much the better15:17
MacSlowpitti, ok "ldd gdm-binary | grep dbus" reports the system-wide dbus library used now15:18
MacSlowpitti, I'll now repeat the inital test with stopping hardy's gdm, firing up upstream gdm and checking ck-list-sessions15:19
pittiMacSlow: good luck!15:19
* MacSlow would sell his soul to the devel if it helped15:19
MacSlowdevil rather :)15:19
MacSlowpitti, that first test yielded a small progress ... this time ck-list-sessions reported the session from the upstream gdm15:24
pittiyay, so dbus works with the gdm15:25
MacSlowpitti, but gdm itself was "stuck" and complained about missing gnome-session in the install-prefix where I put it15:25
MacSlowpitti, so dependency hell is moved a little further ... gnome-session15:26
pittiMacSlow: ugh; you can't configure it for standard prefix and run gdm out of the built tree?15:27
pittiMacSlow: well, if not, /opt/gdm-new/usr/bin -> /usr/bin symlink should do (or similar) :)15:27
pittiMacSlow: back in some 45 minutes15:28
MacSlowpitti, ok15:28
MacSlowpitti, just a quick update ... the issue with $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE is now solved ... thanks a lot for the help!16:10
seb128MacSlow: what was it?16:13
MacSlowseb128, wrong dbus16:15
MacSlowseb128, and misleading info reagrding the really required dbus-version for upstream gdm16:16
seb128you should really use intrepid for devel work16:16
MacSlowseb128, initially I wanted something stable ... and not introduce more moving targets than necessary16:17
seb128well it means that you have to backport all the things you need where you could just dist-upgrade16:18
seb128and things don't break that much around you16:18
emberseb128 is this the right thing to do when libgnomekbd have symbols removed and soname changed to .3 http://paste.ubuntu.com/43372/ ?16:33
seb128ember: I already packed this update16:33
seb128and evince16:33
embercool, but is correct the diff?16:34
seb128they are blocked due to CD builds, not the right time to change sonames16:34
seb128ember: yes, no need to add a shlibs though16:35
seb128I was just about to go16:35
emberhmm ok thanks for the info16:35
seb128I'll set up a new system to claim updates soon, I've discuss that with dholbach, we start duplicating work too much there16:35
mvoember: thanks for your updates! I will sponsor them as soon as intrepid is open again :)17:01
embernp, thanks17:01
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* mpt wonders why Nautilus offers an "Open in Text Editor" menu item when his iPod is selected19:21
tedgmpt: To change the lyrics of the songs!  Duh!19:26
mptoh yeah19:29
mptIn that case it should offer an "Open in Text Editor Backwards" item, so I can read all the subliminal messages19:29
tedgI think you should submit a feature request. :)19:34

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