
nhandlerHello emgent`nl00:12
bddebianWhy the fsck can I not create an intrepid pbuilder from hardy?03:05
lifelesshave you installed the backported pbuilder?03:06
bddebianProbably not.  Do I have to?03:06
bddebianI normally just copy the debootstrap scripts and modify them a little.03:06
lifelessyes, hardies pbuilder is frozen before intrepid exists03:06
lifelesswell, there are a bunch of deps of debootstrap - any of them being outdated can cause an error03:07
bddebianHmm, never done it before between releases.03:07
bddebianpersia: Guess I can't help ya. ;-P03:07
bddebianHardy-backports doesn't pick up any newer version03:12
lifelesswell, if the deps are up to date, it might just be something anomalous03:15
persiabddebian: There's an updated debootstrap in backports.03:17
persiahttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/ : look for ~hardy103:18
persiaIf that doesn't work, 1.0.10 can be backported (and maybe should be, considering DeveloperWeek)03:18
bddebianfricking thing is downloading alien-arena-data at the moment :(03:20
persiabddebian: Which debootstrap do you have installed?03:25
persiaWhat arch do you have?03:27
persiaActually, doesn't even matter.  Grab http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.9~hardy1_all.deb03:27
persiaIf that doesn't work, complain, and 1.0.10 can be backported..  Just grab http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.10.dsc and recompile under hardy.03:28
persialifeless: The main issue with debootstrap 1.0.8 is that the release "intrepid" is entirely unknown, rather than dependencies, etc.03:32
bddebianpersia: Aye, which is why I usually just copy and modify03:32
NCommanderpersia, I "worked" around the issue by just copying the hardy script to intrepid03:32
NCommanderor just install the old release, and then upgrade it03:32
persiaNCommander: remember, an upgrade (even with do-release-upgrade) doesn't leave the system in the same state as an install.03:33
lifelesspersia: you can use the result though to do a clean debootstrap :P03:34
persiabddebian: As NCommander points out, it's always possible to create a hardy chroot, log in, and upgrade it.  Not 100% clean, but likely fine for most build tests.03:34
persialifeless: Indeed :)03:34
NCommanderpersia, you going to be around for a little bit03:35
persiaActually, one can probably do pbuilder --login (which doesn't save by default), upgrade, create a new pbuilder chroot, save that, and then throw away the dirty upgrade.03:35
persiaNCommander: For a while, I expect.03:36
* NCommander loads a trap with ScottK bait03:45
NCommanderShhh, I'm hunting Kitterman's03:46
StevenKBe wevy wevy qwiet?03:47
NCommanderYup, its ScottK season03:47
=== NCommander is now known as NC|Elmor_Fudd
StevenKITYM Elmer03:49
=== NC|Elmor_Fudd is now known as NCommander
NCommanderI best kill this joke right now, or else its going to get into a GPL/LGPL season joke03:50
bddebianIts BSD season!03:50
NCommanderNetcraft confirms it! BSD is Dead!03:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about meme03:51
NCommanderI was expecting something about overused poorly written memes :-/03:51
NCommanderubottu needs an upgrade03:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
NCommanderOr an AI03:51
StevenKNCommander: http://www.google.com/intl/xx-elmer/03:52
NCommanderWell, if that isn't fud, I don't know what is :-)03:53
* NCommander is enjoying these bad puns03:53
StevenKBooo, hiss!03:53
NCommander#ubuntu-fudd - when Ubuntu and Looney Toons cross :-)03:54
* StevenK looks for NCommander's latitude and longitude for an ICBM03:55
NCommanderStevenK, they say the brilliant are insane. Maybe the inverse is true.03:55
NCommanderSince I'm insane, maybe I can back into brilliance03:56
bddebianHeh, let me know how that works out eh? :-)03:56
NCommanderWell, lets put it another way. They say those who like pain are crazy.03:57
NCommanderI like to program in x86 real mode ASM (ah, the DOS days)03:57
NCommanderThus I like pain, and those who like pain are crazy03:57
NCommanderThus I'm crazy03:57
NCommander.... you know, I have that scary thought those last five lines of IRC transcript are going to be (b)logged somewhere, and come back to hurt me when I apply for a tech job04:07
* ajmitch wanders over to bash.org04:12
copprobash is back up?04:16
copproaw, nope :(04:16
jdongnew azureus looks good.... less vuze junk comin soon :)04:17
NCommanderWooo, saved from being logged04:21
bddebianThis is where pbuilder keeps choking: http://paste.debian.net/16359/04:21
NCommanderbddebian, er, why don't you simply copy the hardy script to intrepid04:23
NCommanderIt works fine04:23
NCommander(you get an intrepid chroot)04:23
bddebiand00d, that is where I started from04:23
NCommanderI never had any issues, I just did that yesterday on PowerPC04:23
bddebianNeither have I in the past04:24
persiabddebian: Try purging aptitude before upgrading.  aptitude isn't installed by default for intrepid.04:32
persiaslangasek: Yes, libjna-java did get test built.  I don't know why it worked for me, and not in the archives yet.  I'll sort it.04:33
slangasekpersia: possibly a -b test instead of a -B test?  anyway, cheers :)04:33
persiaslangasek: sbuild -A -d intrepid amd64 foo.dsc is my usual means of testbuilding.04:34
persiaErr intrepid.amd6404:34
bddebianpersia: Purging it from where, the damn thing doesn't even exist yet?04:36
persiabddebian: Oh.  I thought you were upgrading from hardy.  If you're creating it from scratch, I'm not sure how it could get in a state to do that.04:36
persiaDoes debootstrap work by itself against some arbitrary directory?  Is this a pbuilder-specific issue?04:37
mneptokpersia: ohaiyo04:48
persiamneptok: 今日は04:50
mneptokmmm! noodles!04:51
mneptokpersia: how goes the struggle?04:51
ajmitchbddebian: using some odd pbuilderrc?04:52
persiamneptok: It rained.04:53
mneptokpersia: i leave for Albuquerque tomorrow. feel free to tag along.04:53
* ajmitch tries to setup an intrepid pbuilder on the laptop04:53
* NCommander is bootstrapping Ubuntu from source from Gentoo04:55
NCommanderWe have officially left the horizon of sanity04:55
ajmitchbegone, heathen04:55
NCommanderajmitch, I'm doing it from an amd64 gentoo box04:56
bddebianajmitch: Same one I've been using since Dapper I think :)04:56
ajmitchbddebian: that may be an issue04:56
ajmitchThe following NEW packages will be installed: aptitude binutils build-essential ccache cpp cpp-4.3 dpkg-dev g++ g++-4.3 gcc gcc-4.3 libc6-dev04:56
ajmitchso something is dragging it in for me04:56
ajmitchbddebian: apart from that, it configured without any problems04:57
persiaNCommander: You do know there are liveCDs, right?04:58
NCommanderpersia, not for what I'm doing04:58
persiaNCommander: Yes.  That is *why* there are liveCDs :P04:59
NCommanderI'm rebuilding the archive with the PIE flag done05:00
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
Light-Does MOTU only Ubuntu-ise Debian packages, or do they also make Ubuntu packages from source (in cases where there is no Debian version available to Ubuntu-ise)?05:26
foxbuntuLight-, MOTU, is package administrators developers submit code to revu for MOTUs to review its up to snuff05:28
ScottKLight-: We do both.  Generally we like to use the Debian packages unmodified and would prefer to pass fixes and improvements back to Debian.05:30
Light-so... MOTU's only review submitted packages?05:30
ScottKNo, we also package stuff too.05:30
persiaLight-: Essentially, MOTU are responsible for about 12,000 packages, so wherever we can find ways to reduce the workload, we tend to be in favour.  Getting packages into Debian, and getting bugfixes upstreams are two ways we do that.05:35
Light-When you speak of bugfixes... are you referring to bugs in the package and not in the program?05:38
persiaLight-: Both.05:39
persiaWhere we can, we push package bugfixes to Debian (although there are a number of package bugfixes that are unique to Ubuntu), and we tend to push bugfixes for programs to both Debian and the program developers directly.05:39
Light-oh I see05:40
persiaAs long as we've not been successful in pushing the bugfixes upstream, we have to maintain the patches and port them to successive upstream releases, which is a lot of busywork, and does little to contribute to the overall quality of Ubuntu.05:43
persia(not merging is bad, but not having to merge is ideal)05:43
ApOgEE-hi all05:48
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AnAntdoko: ping07:54
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dholbachgood morning07:57
highvoltagemorning dholbach08:04
highvoltagehow is udw going?08:04
dholbachhighvoltage: very very well08:04
dholbachlots of clever people, lots of excitement, lots of energy, lots of fun :)08:04
dholbachI'm very excited08:04
dholbachhi iulian08:04
dholbachiulian: what happened to "Iulian"?08:05
iulianHiya Daniel08:05
iuliandholbach: Changed it because people used to call me lulian ;)08:05
dholbachhaha, ok :)08:05
highvoltagedholbach: excellent. I wish I could get involved, but I'm under a bit of strain at work this week08:14
highvoltagedholbach: I'm glad it's going good though, it means that it will probably happen again :)08:14
dholbachhighvoltage: yeah, I'd think so :-)08:14
dholbachhighvoltage: luckily the scribes team has put up logs of the sessions08:14
NCommanderhey dholbach08:21
gesergood morning08:22
NCommanderhey geser08:22
geserHi NCommander08:22
NCommandergeser, how goes your  morning?08:22
dholbachhi NCommander, hi geser08:22
* NCommander works on bootstrapping Ubuntu08:23
gnomefreakanyone know if we added/removed support for "intex rtl8139D" nic08:23
geserHi dholbach08:23
dholbachgnomefreak: I'd ask in #ubuntu-kernel08:23
* dholbach doesn't know08:23
gnomefreakthanks dholbach i was thinking about asking there but noone is talking so i figured id try here first08:24
dholbachgnomefreak: yeah... it might be that they're all asleep - did you try #ubuntu-devel?08:25
gnomefreakdholbach: no not yet08:25
huatsmorning everyone09:07
didrocksmorning o/09:14
huatshey didrocks :)09:15
didrockshuats \o/09:16
jpdsHow does one easily rm .la files from debian/rules? (CDBS).10:02
jpdsBut which make target? I've tried post-install::.10:07
james_wdirecthex: Hey. MIR is approved, do we sync now then?10:21
directhexjames_w, unless you have any objections, i'd say definitely10:21
james_wdirecthex: cool, I'm away for the weekend, so it may be next week that I get to it.10:21
directhexas long as intrepid ships with a fully 1.9.1 stack, i'm not fussed about when precisely ;)10:22
geserI'm correct that requests for sponsoring a merge filed before FF now also need a FFe if they are for a new upstream version?11:05
directhexgeser, i've been told both yes and no. YMMV.11:17
DktrKranzgeser: new upstream version doesn't always mean a FFe is required. If sponsors think new upstream is only for bugfixes (and it's clearly so), they can proceed stating new upstream is for bugfix only.11:20
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
cbx333man I'm ticked off at #ubuntu12:26
persiacbx333: Then fix it :)12:28
Picicbx333: Whats up?12:28
cbx333annoying zealots12:28
cbx333I was asking advice on my slow graphics response12:28
cbx333and was told that I was very slow, for not being able to grasp a simple question12:28
highvoltagecbx333: ouch12:29
cbx333yeh ouch indeed12:29
cbx333it's unacceptable12:29
highvoltagethe person who did that should be reminded that the ubuntu CoC applies to the ubuntu irc channels12:29
cbx333this is for some people the first place they touch base12:29
Picicbx333: I just got on, but I see it in my logs here, we'll take care of it.12:29
cbx333I looked at the CoC12:29
Pici<- #ubuntu op12:29
cbx333Pici, thank you12:29
cbx333Pici, ok awesome12:29
cbx333As an ubuntu MOTU and a dev in the past....I was utterly insulted12:30
cbx333hey highvoltage....howz it going any how12:30
highvoltagecbx333: there is a small minority of people that make it unpleasant that constatnly have to be pruned back. I guess it's just the anture of things12:30
highvoltagecbx333: going well thanks. read your recent blog entries, glad to see that it's going good your side still12:31
cbx333Pici, also seek out "don't you get the point? or are you just being stubborn for the sake of it?"12:31
cbx333haha cool12:31
persiacbx333: You're *still* MOTU (for another three weeks or so, or if you renew)12:31
cbx333yeh things are going good12:31
highvoltage(and that you're managing giving atention to your kid)12:31
cbx333just don't have all the time to do all that I used to12:31
ajmitchcbx333: hey12:31
Picicbx333: Things like this anger me quite a bit, don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of it.12:31
cbx333persia, I'd like to review12:31
cbx333thanks Pici12:31
cbx333hey ajmitch12:32
cbx333persia, think I'll be allowed?12:32
persiacbx333: You ought get the reminder mail in a week to 10 days.12:32
ajmitchpersia: I let my membership for that one lapse12:32
cbx333oh man I've missed it in here12:32
cbx333so many friends that I don't have gmail accounts for :p12:32
persiacbx333: The practice has been to let people self-renew, and only ask for a declaration of intent if they miss the deadline.  No reason you're special in that regard.12:32
ajmitchof course he's special ;)12:32
cbx333cool cool12:32
cbx333ha ha12:33
cbx333so how are you ajmitch?12:33
cbx333man work is getting tough now12:33
ajmitchalright, busy enough12:33
cbx333got a week off12:33
ajmitchfrom the look of things, you're busy as well?12:33
cbx333yeh man12:33
cbx333the company I went to work for got bought out by Atmel a while back12:33
cbx333so....I now work for Atmel12:33
cbx333as an IT manager12:33
cbx333which is ..... a lot of fun12:34
persiaajmitch: You're still Core Dev, but you're likely welcome back to MOTU fairly easily, by poking MC by mail (if you care).12:34
cbx333so howz Intrepid coming along?12:34
ajmitchpersia: I renewed core dev last week, as it was my last hold on both upload rights & membership :)12:34
ajmitchso I can still upload to universe & main if needed12:34
cbx333I was after core dev...but never quite got there12:35
cbx333and now just wouldn't have the time12:35
* ajmitch would be reluctant to dive back into uploading without a thorough review of what's changed12:36
persiaUnfortunately, it's still true that nobody put that document together.12:37
ajmitchwhich one?12:37
* ajmitch has been following the mailing lists, at least12:37
persiaThe "We're sorry life took you away, but here's what you need to get caught up and get uploading again" document.12:37
cbx333I'm just sorry I never managed to get Geyser off the ground12:38
cbx333I really wanted to do that project12:38
persiaI've seen requests for it since Dapper, but it's one of those things that never gets written.  I know I wanted to read it in feisty (as I missed edgy).12:38
cbx333are my sounds still in Intrepid?12:38
* ajmitch has had to do some package mangling recently at work, setting up pbuilder again & backporting12:38
cbx333Pici, are there any "official" support people12:39
ajmitchI was trying to backport stuff from lenny to etch, in the end gave up & upgraded the whole box to lenny :)12:39
ajmitchhad to backport subversion 1.5 to hardy for my personal use12:39
persiaI thought a couple people already backported subversion 1.512:39
ajmitchyeah, when I looked at the bug, ScottK said he just had to put a package together12:40
ajmitchthe few changes were just java related12:40
leleobhzsomeone here can help-me to compile a very old program?12:44
leleobhzhelp page say it compile in kernel 2.0.x12:45
cbx333right I'm off12:45
leleobhz(but the programm dont use anything directly linked with kernel)12:45
cbx333thanks again Pici12:45
Picicbx333: yep, cyas.12:45
cbx333really rubbed me up the wrong way today12:45
directhexleleobhz, for making an ubuntu package?12:46
leleobhzdirecthex: its a intent12:46
leleobhzbut i cant even compile the application12:46
directhexwhat app?12:46
leleobhzdirecthex: http://www.sai.msu.su/sal/Z/3/WAVES+.html12:46
persialeleobhz: What errors do you get trying to build?12:47
leleobhzthis app is now behind a BSD licence12:47
directhexHPC apps are, by and large, absolutely terrible12:47
leleobhzpersia: a lot really.. let me see if ive saved the output here12:47
directhexi mean shockingly bad12:47
directhexalso, i see no link to source. where is there source?12:48
leleobhzno... ive removed the file..12:48
leleobhzdirecthex: well, the original version is here: http://www.speech.kth.se/speech/esps/esps.zip12:48
leleobhzhave another link from a modified install script12:49
jmehdicould someone review my package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=webstrict ?12:49
directhexsigh, no build system. i sorta expect it for scientific software these days12:49
leleobhzthat "appear" to support fedora...12:49
leleobhzdirecthex: this app is *VERY* old12:50
leleobhzand unmantained since 2001 i think12:50
leleobhzdirecthex: this is the another link: http://ldc.upenn.edu/software/esps60.3.linmac.src.tgz12:52
leleobhzdirecthex: have some text about here: http://www.corpus4u.org/showthread.php?t=245412:52
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
leleobhzdirecthex: ill compile again to get the erros12:56
directhexthis is gonna take MAJOR hacking work in debian/rules12:59
leleobhzdirecthex: i need only to find a way to compile it in ubuntu12:59
leleobhzpatches is another thing :]12:59
directhexthere's a LOT of hard-coded nonsense12:59
leleobhzdirecthex: how can i redirect both stdout and stderr to a file?13:02
directhex2>&1 > filename.foo13:03
directhexor, apparently, just &>13:03
leleobhzdirecthex: ill use fakeroot to run these scripts... i get a lot of file i can remove after try compile13:06
leleobhzdirecthex: im compiling in ubuntu and ill paste the errors when its done13:08
leleobhzbut have a lot of:13:09
leleobhzlpcfloat.c: Na função ‘get_window’:13:09
leleobhzlpcfloat.c:112: aviso: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘malloc’13:09
leleobhzfor example13:09
directhexnever assume you're pasting the right thing13:09
directhexpastebin it all, or not at all13:09
leleobhzleleobhz@zorg:~/TRABALHO/DEVELOPMENT/SETFON/SVN/setfon/trunk/high_experimental/esps/ESPS/general$ ./ESPS_INSTALL &> /home/leleobhz/esps.err.inst13:11
leleobhzleleobhz@zorg:~/TRABALHO/DEVELOPMENT/SETFON/SVN/setfon/trunk/high_experimental/esps/ESPS/general$ ls -lah /home/leleobhz/esps.err.inst13:11
leleobhz-rw-r--r-- 1 leleobhz leleobhz 6,7M 2008-09-04 09:09 /home/leleobhz/esps.err.inst13:11
leleobhz6.7M only for out & errors :]13:12
leleobhzdirecthex: can i paste it on filebin?13:12
directhexoh god. yeah, whatever13:12
leleobhzdirecthex: this is from ./SETUP: http://pastebin.com/f5c2034e713:13
leleobhzdirecthex: http://filebin.ca/txbbtg/esps.err.inst13:15
directhexleleobhz, install flex-old13:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ScottKHere's a thought: Now that clamav is in Main, deactivate myself from core-dev so I CAN'T maintain it anymore ...14:12
lagayou could post patches and someone else will sponsor them14:13
leleobhzdirecthex: /usr/esps/include/xview/window.h:430: erro: expected declaration specifiers or ‘...’ before ‘XClientMessageEvent’14:20
leleobhz/usr/esps/include/xview/window.h:432: erro: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘win_pointer_under’14:20
directhextry using gcc-3.4 instead of 4.whatever?14:21
ScottKlaga: That's the flaw in my plan.14:25
leleobhzdirecthex: more erros14:25
directhexyou know this software is just badly written, yeah?14:26
leleobhzdirecthex: i think its too old to be built in newer compilation systems14:27
leleobhzanyway, the best alternative for this app really sucks more (and is the prefered)14:27
directhexthat's with flex-old or flex?14:28
directhexswitch around which you use14:28
leleobhzleleobhz@zorg:~/TRABALHO/DEVELOPMENT/SETFON/SVN/setfon/trunk/high_experimental/esps/ESPS/general$ ls -lah /usr/bin/yacc /etc/alternatives/yacc14:28
leleobhzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2008-08-29 16:35 /etc/alternatives/yacc -> /usr/bin/bison.yacc14:28
leleobhzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2008-08-29 16:16 /usr/bin/yacc -> /etc/alternatives/yacc14:29
directhexright, so?14:29
leleobhzcannot be a bison problem?14:29
directhexmaybe. but it might also be a flex problem14:30
directhexand i've had more problems with flex breaking on different apps than bison, where both are used together14:30
leleobhzpi  flex                                       - A fast lexical analyzer generator.14:30
leleobhziB  flex-old                                   - The old version of the fast lexical analyzer generato14:31
leleobhzdirecthex: hmmm14:31
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
nxvluhgr my mouse is not automatically detected when i plug it15:08
Mathiasdmare there any guides for packaging java ant packages?15:16
bddebianHeya gang15:33
geserHi bddebian15:35
bddebianHeya geser15:36
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
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=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
sebnerScottK: promoted to main \o/16:52
=== Syntux_ is now known as Syntux
liwwould anyone be interested in reviewing my two packages in REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=python-fstab and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=system-cleaner are the relevant pages; the python-fstab package is needed by the system-cleaner package17:38
liwthe system-cleaner package will hopefully be a really cool tool for keeping a system clean from all sorts of cruft, even for people who keep upgrading them during development or from release to release17:38
persialiw: How does system-cleaner compare to the cruft utility?17:39
liwpersia, it's not restricted to packages, for example it adds the "relatime" option to fstab; it also has a GUI17:40
persiaOh, so it keeps all the miscellaneous configuration changes up-to-date, even though it's not a fresh install?17:42
liwthat's the idea, yes17:43
=== mcasadevall_ is now known as NCommander
* persia watches the joins/parts for a python packager who can check these packages, as they sound nifty17:50
ScottKliw: What's the compelling rationale for a Feature Freeze exception for Intrepid for this?17:51
ScottKThere are lots of people who still want packages in, but it's generally too late.  Why should these be special?17:51
sebnerpersia: system cleaner O_o17:52
liwScottK, that's a good question, I'm not sure I have an immediate answer, actually17:53
liwwhich means I suck, of course17:54
ScottKliw: Fair enough.  I suggest that's probably the first thing to get worked out.  Note you can't get an actual FFe until you have a reviewed package, but some early discussion with motu-release to see if it's worth doing now would probably be a good thing.17:54
liwhowever, a review would still be very much appreciated17:54
=== cr3_ is now known as cr3
NCommandermorning ScottK18:01
sebnerliw: try to get it into Debian and with intrepid +1 we get it automatically18:01
persiasebner: Well, it's kinda Ubuntu-specific, no?  It cleans up leftover Ubuntu cruft.18:03
ograliw, i thought relatime was hardcoded in kernel now ? why do you need it in fstab18:05
liwI'm going to upload it to Debian, too (obviously, since I'm a DD), but Debian is in hard freeze, and I'm not going to bother Debian with this until after they release lenny; however, it might be good for Ubuntu to get this into intrepid so that cruft build-up can be reduced from intrepid already, and not from intrepid+118:05
liwogra, is it? I didn't know that (and I would be surprised, since it changes filesystem semantics)18:05
ograi see it all over my classmates where i use noatime in fstab by default ... so cat /proc/mounts looks a bit messy on them18:06
sebnerpersia: is it reallly useful or is like all the >1000 windows tools?18:06
ograshowing noatime,relatime18:06
liwogra, hmm18:06
persialiw: It cleans all cruft, not just Ubuntu cruft?18:07
ograbut i see relatime in my fstab on the normal intrepid lappie ... not sure how it got there18:07
ograand in /proc/mounts as well18:07
liwpersia, it has a plugin arch, and when I upload it for Debian, it will handle Debian cruft as well as Ubuntu18:08
liwogra, could it be specific to the lpia kernel?18:08
ograliw, nope, celeron classmates here18:08
ogranot using lpia18:08
liwpersia, however, certainly some of the tweaks are going to be system specific18:09
persiaObviously, as both the upgrade paths and specific cruft may differ.18:09
ograbut the kernel changelog doesnt talk about relatime so maybe i misremember18:10
ograand mount only talks about having it added to the manpage n its changelog18:10
* ogra quickly rushes to the shop ... forgot to buy catfood18:11
lagaah, another cat lover18:11
keescan a motu-council member please change the universe-contributors emblem to this one, which has transparency: http://outflux.net/wrench_emblem-trans.png18:30
siretartLutin: could you please take a look at the mlt package? it currently FTBFS in intrepid, and it seems you touched the package last. I suspect that we need a new upstream version because of newer ffmpeg, but I'm not familiar with mlt at all18:31
siretartLutin: same for kdenlive18:33
Lutinsiretart: I know, and this is long overdue. however, I don't have the time needed to do that for the moment18:35
persiakees: Working on it.  Thanks for the submission.18:35
Lutinsiretart: but I'd bet the FTBFS is related to missing headers // gcc-4.318:36
persiakees: Does that look better to you?18:37
siretartLutin: filed bug #264790 with full buildlog18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264790 in kdenlive "FTBFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26479018:37
siretartand bug #264613 for mlt18:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264613 in mlt "FTBFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26461318:37
Lutingcc-4.3-related for mlt18:38
siretartLutin: there is a new upstream for this on debian-multimedia.org. I suspect that a merge would fix that18:39
LutinI think so, but I fear I won't have much time18:40
siretartsame here18:40
siretartanyone else willing to give it a shot? just grad the mentioned bugs!18:40
sebnersiretart: just merging (though I won't have time until weekend)18:41
siretartsebner: I reckon that would be it. and I think it would fix a number of other bugs in launchpad with it18:42
keespersia: yea, that looks great, thanks!18:43
sebnersiretart: kk, like I said. I'd do it but no before weekend :(18:43
persiakees: Now, how can you tell?  I don't see any difference on my user page.18:43
keespersia: when it's displayed on a non-white background (for example, with the greasemonkey script "karma_suffix"), it's very clear.18:44
Lutinsebner: mlt and mlt++ are both in debian now, you might want to have a look at it (and possibly ask fabo about it)18:44
persiaAh.  greasemonkey.18:45
keespersia: (yay bzr URLs) http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Egm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/download/brian%40canonical.com-20080902180527-ailnday1yom5lppx/lp_karma_suffix.png-20080902174541-ccz35l22h5b1y54p-1/lp_karma_suffix.png?file_id=screenshots-20080902165617-0p38lk8fk43a7cxf-118:45
ScottKNCommander: Heya.18:46
sebnersiretart: Lutin : Wait! Are we talking about kdenlive or mlt? ^^18:46
persiakees: Interesting.  I suppose it gets cluttered as people belong to a sufficiency of teams, or does it filter only "interesting" teams?18:46
Lutinsebner: mlt18:46
keespersia: it filters only to "interesting" teams.18:47
NCommanderHow goes it ScottK ?18:47
persiaHrm.  All sorts of use for that.18:47
Lutinsebner: well actually - they all go together. you very very likely won't be able to compile a recent kdenlive with the mlt in the archive18:47
ScottKSick kid home from school, but other than that, pretty normal.18:47
* NCommander hits the toolchain18:47
sebnerLutin: ^^, buh mlt was never merged before. Resync again or a pure merge?18:48
siretartsebner: answering that question is part of the task ;)18:49
siretartsebner: feel free to upload to the motumedia PPA to test it18:49
Lutinaway, will be back in a couple hours18:49
sebnersiretart: bah /me hides :P18:49
sebnersiretart: but don't expect anything before saturday/sunday :\18:52
sebnerLutin: ha! at least debian version of mlt is building :D but more on weekend ^^19:02
NCommanderWhy does binutils brak with hardening wrapper O_O;19:05
emgent`nlgood evening19:19
sebneremgent`nl: \o/19:20
emgent`nlhey, hey hey19:20
devfilemgent`nl, sebner: hi19:21
sebnerdevfil: :)19:21
stefanlsdhi emgent :)19:59
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
zoekeni am new to MOTU community20:19
ScottKHello zoeken.20:19
zoekeni want to contribute to ubuntu,what should i do?20:20
zoekenhello ScottK20:20
ScottKzoeken: It boils down to what do you want to do and what experience do you have.  We can advise you, but as a volunteer, you should try to follow your interests.20:21
sebner!MOTU | zoeken20:21
ubottuzoeken: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU20:22
zoekenthank you20:23
sebnerScottK: happy now since MIr was successful=20:24
ScottKWell I still have to add it to the server seed so it gets on the CD, and that means I have to use bzr.20:24
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
sebnerScottK: brrr, bzw :P don't worry too much. It got accepted. That's a big step forward =)20:25
* sebner can see how ScottK jumps up and down ^^20:26
ScottKsebner: I'm WAY too old to jump up and down.20:27
DktrKranzScottK, alias bzr to svn and do the job, IIRC commands are the same for both20:27
ScottKDktrKranz: Yes, well that's how I generally manage it.20:27
sebnerDktrKranz: ha! you approved my FFe's :P20:27
DktrKranzsebner, one... it's 250 euros, you know20:28
sebnerDktrKranz: not 2=20:28
DktrKranztwo... so it's 50020:28
* DktrKranz is happy to finally see seahorse-plugins in NEW20:29
leonelScottK: once python-django 1.0  gets in intrepid .. we can do a backport to hardy  right ??20:37
ScottKSure.  If someone asks for it and does the testing.  I'm still waiting for test reports for 1.0 on Intrepid for the FFe.20:38
lagahttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mythtv-theme-metallurgy-wide - can someone pretty please ACK my package? i'd need it go into intrepid for mythbuntu.20:41
ScottKlaga: Did superm1 approve an FFe for it?20:44
lagaScottK: yeah.20:44
lagasomeone from motu-release also said it was OK20:44
lagaand it's artwork anyways. ;)20:44
superm1i suppose i didn't on the bug, just in IRC, so let me add my ack to the bug20:45
ScottKHe's got delegated authority for mythbuntu stuff anyway.  I'd suggest it's worth mentioning that in a comment.20:45
superm1there we  go20:45
superm1bug 23624220:45
ScottKThat too.20:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236242 in openoffice.org "openoffice applications removed by automatic upgrade" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23624220:45
superm1that's not it20:45
superm1bug 26324220:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263242 in ubuntu "FFe: Metallurgy theme for MythTV needs packaging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26324220:45
ScottKsuperm1: Make it confirmed too.20:46
lagai wasn't sure about the workflow. the FFe wiki page for new packages seemed to suggest that i need to get it ACKed on REVU first before getting the FFe ACKed formally on LP.20:46
ScottKNormally that's the case, but superm1 is welcome to deviate if it works for him.20:47
geserlaga: on the other hand you will have it hard to find someone to review it without a FFe, so you need to do it in parallel20:47
ScottKIn this case, it makes it clear that a package review at this point is a useful thing to do.20:48
lagahum, yes.20:48
lagabureaucracy is complicated. :)20:48
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
lagai find it fascinating that people constantly ask me whether i got a FFe or not, but nobody actually reviews my stuff. but i'll be back tomorrow ;)21:26
geserlaga: it's just because the want to know if they need an other excuse for not reviewing your package :)21:28
lagayou bet ;)21:28
lagai even offered cat pictures. i'll have a new incentive tomorrow.21:30
geserlaga: like the ones on http://lolcats.com/?21:31
lagano, i've got two cats.21:32
directhexyou should have chinchillas. they're fuzzier21:32
lagai'm thinking about getting a maine coon21:33
lagathey're very big21:33
fabrice_spHi. I'm having a look at bug #262173, and as the 'wrong' dependency comes from debian, what should I do next?21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262173 in matplotlib "upgrading python-matplotlib-doc installs apache2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26217321:39
DktrKranzmok0, http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/debcheck.py?dist=intrepid&package=theseus reveals it has some unmet dependencies. Do you plan to have a look at it?21:46
mok0DktrKranz: yes21:57
DktrKranznice :)21:57
mok0DktrKranz: ah, it's a change concerning atlas3-base-dev21:58
POX_fabrice_sp__: for #262173 - ask for a sync with Debian of javascript-common package22:44
DktrKranzmok0, thanks for theseus :)22:55
=== stefanlsd_ is now known as stefanlsd
mok0DktrKranz: you're welcome :-)23:03
mok0Hmm, some of them failed23:04
leonelScottK:   for backport django  to hardy  we need  python-sphinx  and libjs-jquery    all these 3  builds and installs fine in hardy from intrepid  well django from debian unstable ..23:08
ScottKleonel: OK.  Should be doable.  First I need people to fille out all the wanted info on the FFe to get it into Intrepid.23:10
mok0Anyone recognize this gfortran/libatlas-base linking error? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/43478/23:12
leonelScottK: ok23:12
mok0Compiles under x86_64 but not i38623:13
ScottKmok0: Does theseus need an SRU for Hardy too?23:13
mok0ScottK: I don't think so... this is a gfortran transition issue23:14
mok0ScottK: we still have g77 in hardy23:14
ScottKAh.  OK.23:14
ScottKNevermind me.23:14
mok0ScottK: but are you aware of libatlas troubles in ii?23:15
mok0Perhaps I should ping norsetto23:15
ScottKNo.  Just thinking it might be needed.23:16
albert23mok0: that's probably because atlas is ftbfs on i386, but successfully built on amd6423:20
mok0albert23: I suspect you are right23:21
directhexwhat use is gcc-compiled atlas?23:29
slangasekas opposed to what?23:39
azeemhand-optimized assembler23:39
azeemknow your cache sizes!23:39
frithwhen building a package, how can i turn off the tests that are performed?23:42
azeemfrith: is it your package?23:43
mok0directhex: what do you mean?23:43
azeemfrith: otherwise, try to export  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck23:43
directhexi guess i don't really see who ATLAS is for23:43
frithopenldap 2.4.1123:44
directhexopenldap uses BLAS?23:44
mok0directhex: it's a linear algebra library, highly optimized23:44
frithBLAS ?23:45
mok0directhex: opendlap? I don't think so23:45
directhexgetting 2 threads mixed.23:45
mathiazfrith: openldap support the nocheck option23:46
directhexi guess i just don't know anyone who uses a distro-provided BLAS.23:46
directhexactually, it's probably a sensible option for developing on a desktop23:46
mathiazfrith: tests won't be run if you use DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck23:47
frithalready building :) thanks23:47
azeemdirecthex: there's quite some programs which use blas/lapack but which don't do such heavy computations that it'd take minutes/hours/days23:47
frithi've only ever got it to build once and pass the tests23:47
azeembut where atlas might make a difference in response time compared to blas/lapack23:48
mok0Probably a dumb question, but... what CPUs use the lpia archetecture?23:48
directhexlpia is i386 with a few different compiler flags iirc. intel atom.23:49
mok0ah, eeepc23:49
azeemonly the last one23:50
mok0oh, yeah23:50
frithchecks are happening23:51
directhexazeem, i've never pictured BLAS as something you'd use unless you're a numerical analyst or someone's holding a knife to your throat. maybe both!23:51
mok0frith: why don't you want checks to happen? Seems sensible to me23:51
azeemfrith: how did you set DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS?  How do you build it?23:51
frithi exported it23:51
azeemdirecthex: apps use blas23:52
frithmok0, i've rarely get the checks to pass23:52
mok0frith: eeerrh, sounds like a bug?23:53
frithwell, i don't think my own backporting of openldap 2.4.11 to hardy counts as a bug23:54
directhexgood god, a gimp plugins package using blas23:54
mok0directhex: yup.23:54
mok0directhex: It's used lots of places23:54
directhexwell, the gimp plugin thing is probably the best example of what azeem's talking about. wasn't expecting it, but i consider myself re-educated.23:59

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