
nullackIt also occurs under the nv driver00:04
asacnullack: ok00:42
ftaJazzva, do you see that too ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90964100:42
asacnullack: try to downgrade nspluginwrapper00:42
asacto the hardy version00:42
ftaJazzva, (i do)00:42
asacnullack: and sudo apt-get install --reinstall nspluginwrapper00:43
nullackasac: will test and report result00:43
nullackasac: before or after downgrade?00:43
asacnullack: sorry ... last line should reed:00:43
nullackasac right00:43
asacafter downgrading nspluginwrapper00:43
asacfta: x86?00:44
asacfta: goes away by downgrading nspluginwrapper?00:44
asac(and reinstalling flashplugin)00:44
ftai don't have nspluginwrapper00:46
asacfta: could you please try it?00:46
asacand see how much worse it is ;)00:46
ftaon my laptop (amd64) i have it (obviously), it's sucking far too much cpu00:46
asacfta: yeah. still i would be interested in x86 experiences ;)00:47
Jazzvafta, yep... from time to time01:00
JazzvaI thought it was related to nspluginwrapper, but someone reported that it happens without nspluginwrapper too01:01
ftai see it a lot in prism (xul 1.9), not that much in ff3.101:02
Jazzvamaybe it's related to fx?01:02
JazzvaI have 3.0.101:02
Jazzvafta, bug 25076901:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250769 in xulrunner-1.9 "Firefox opens new popup window when leaving any page with swfdec content" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25076901:03
asacok so dropping windowless support fixes nspluginwrapper quite well here01:04
JazzvaThat's what I'm also seeing, beside flickering, and the rest01:04
asacgood to know that there is at least that option if w dont find why its so damn slow01:04
Jazzvaso damn slow? npw/01:04
asacJazzva: flashplugin ;)01:05
ftaJazzva, i'm not seeing this with flash,, i do see a window quickly appear when i close a tab containing an embedded totem01:05
asacits slow as hell here with nspluginwrapper 1.1.0 ;)01:05
Jazzvawell, the video is working here nicely with 1.1.0...01:06
Jazzvathough, only when I watch directly on youtube :)01:06
asachttp://wetter.rtl.de/ ?01:06
asacthe card on the left should animate when you hover the mouse01:06
asacerr map not card ;)01:06
ftait does here.01:07
Jazzvasame here... a bit slower, but not painfully slow01:07
ftait's fine, fluid01:07
asacfta: do you have nspluginwrapper?01:07
Jazzva(though I'm still on celeron 1.7)01:07
asacJazzva: which driver?01:07
ftano, i'll try but not tonight01:07
Jazzvahmm... let me see :)01:07
asacfor nspluginwrapper with windowless + ati driver kills it01:08
asacon amd6401:08
ftait puts my cpu to the roof01:09
JazzvaI think it's open-source driver for ati... forgot it's name01:09
asacJazzva: radeonhd?01:09
asaci had that before ... now i have ati as someone said that 3d works there01:09
Jazzvaumm... that doesn't sound familiar :)01:09
asacJazzva: then its just "ati" most likely01:09
asaclike what i have01:10
nullackCould I get some help on downgrading the package please. Ive edited my preferences:01:10
nullacknullack@PPP:/etc/apt$ cat preferences01:10
nullackPackage: nspluginwrapper01:10
nullackPin: version*01:10
nullackPin-Priority: 100101:10
nullackAnd added deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main restricted universe multiverse to sources.list01:11
asacnullack: just download the deb from launchpad01:11
asacand then01:11
asacsudo dpkg -i nsplugin*.deb01:12
nullackOk, so we dont pin and fiddle with preferences01:12
asaci wouldnt do that01:12
asacits just for tesing ;)01:12
nullackasac Im pleased to report that fixes it01:22
nullacknullack@PPP:~/Desktop$ apt-cache policy nspluginwrapper01:22
nullack  Installed:
nullack  Candidate: 1.1.0-0ubuntu201:22
nullack  Version table:01:22
nullack     1.1.0-0ubuntu2 001:22
nullack        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/multiverse Packages01:22
nullack *** 001:22
nullack        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status01:22
asacnullack: so what are your exact symptoms?01:23
nullackOn the intrepid revision the symptoms are01:23
nullack1. When browsing flash sites such as tv.com the browser starts reading the page01:23
nullack2. It will then vanish01:23
nullack3. Sometimes I get a segfault message into the sys log but its rare01:24
asacstop ;)01:24
asacwhat vanishes? the browser?01:24
nullackYes, FF01:24
nullackIf I restart FF, FF knows it crashed and presents the restore or start new session GUI01:24
asacok. that sounds like you had 1.1.0-0ubuntu1 installed when you installed flashplugin-nonfree01:24
asacdid you try to --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree when you saw those issues?01:25
nullackYes, I said that on your configuration it works :)01:25
nullackDowngrading to hardys version of the wrapper and reinstalling the non free flash works01:25
asacnullack: yes. thats not the question01:26
nullackThe Intrepid revision of the wrapper does not work01:26
asacplease upgrade to latest intrepid nspluginwrapper01:26
asacthen --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree01:26
nullackright doing that now01:26
asaci fixed most painful cases in ubuntu2 ... so when you didnt --reinstall on that version you might still see the issues from ubuntu1 ... which actually had exactly your symptoms01:26
asacat least when it always crashes for you01:27
nullackOk, youve hit the root cause there asac :) People who have been testing Intrepid for sometime did not get the reinstall of flash and ended up with an invalid config which is probably why Brian couldnt replicate01:29
nullackI no longer have the always crash01:29
asacok good01:29
nullackBut, the new bug of flickeing flash is pretty bad :)01:29
asacwell. actually i didnt trigger the --reinstall yet because i wanted to sort out issues like ubuntu101:30
asacunfortunately this kind of slow feedback has some colleteral damage ;)01:30
asacnullack: but that also appears to happen without nspluginwrapper on x8601:30
asacso its a flash or driver issue01:30
nullackIm happy to work closely with you for quicker feedback - its sometimes hard to go from a bug report to knowing who to talk too, and not to feel like Im pestering the devs with my bugs01:31
asacnullack: please comment on the bug so others can recover their stale ;)01:31
nullackI can do another test usng the NV driver on te flickering thing01:31
nullackcommenting now01:32
asacnullack: how bad is performance for you now?01:33
nullackIts higher than what it was. Im on an AMD Sempron single core, scrolling is the worse on sites like tv.com, conky shows 85-95% utilisation while scrolling01:35
nullackSitting at the top of tv.com Im floating around 50% with no scrolling01:36
asacnullack: which process is taking the cycles?01:37
asacthe firefox or the npviewer process?01:37
nullackXorg takes the most, then npviewer01:37
asacnullack: whats the ratio?01:38
asaclike 2:1 or more like 10:1 ?01:38
nullackOne sec I will u/l a file showing my conky which is pretty descriptive01:43
nullacknpviewbin just crashed, sending apport01:45
nullackasac : http://www.fileqube.com/shared/dGrpZBSMn9350901:47
nullackasac : its a png showing my conky so you can see details01:47
nullackYou can view it fullsize or download01:48
nullackasac: In the cpu utilisation history you can see the graph at around 50% which was the time I was sitting at the top of the tv.com page not scrolling01:51
asacnullack: as long as firefox doesnt crash its most likely just flash crashing01:51
nullackasac: Then you can see in the cpu graph where its maxing out/close to it where Im scrolling01:51
nullackThe conky shows cpu top and mem top for you01:52
asacok i think i made nspluginwrapper fast enough here to see the flickering ;)01:54
asacbut i think that hack added more instability to it01:57
asacthen it helped ;)01:57
nullackasac : I can confirm the flickering on tv.com is there for both the NV and NVIDIA drivers02:04
nullackIm going back to nvidia, gdm restarting02:04
nullackasac : Im raising a bug on the flickering - is the correct package for it the flash plugin or the wrapper?02:12
asacnullack: it happens with nspluginwrapper too (according to fta)02:14
asacnullack: but we cannot really fix flash plugin bugs02:14
asacso no real need to file bug on that package02:14
nullackI could setup an upstream bugwatch02:14
nullackOk Ill take it uo stream02:15
asacif you can really link a launchpad bug to an adobe ticket then go for it02:15
nullackOk Ill create one upstream and bugwtach it here in LP02:15
gnomefreakim here if needed im just working on some scripts (3) for addressbook07:13
* gnomefreak loves the new log out dialog but it would be great if it worked07:37
gnomefreakasac: you mean sound in flash?11:07
gnomefreakthat problem?11:07
gnomefreakblacklist snd_pcsp causes no sound if you comment it out you get system sound but no speaker sound11:09
* gnomefreak waiting for g/f to get out of shower11:10
asacgnomefreak: no ... i mean general flash issues if you are running nspluginwrapper11:10
gnomefreakoh im not running nspluginwrapper since its not "needed" on 32bit11:10
gnomefreaki can test it when i get home11:10
gnomefreakif i get out of here sometime this year11:11
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacJazzva: fta: ok topic one of today will be "packaging a new ubufox release" ;)14:39
asacthen i try to be innovative ... maybe writing a webbrowser with xulrunner ;)14:40
Jazzvaasac, ouch... I forgot about that :(14:40
JazzvaWhen is it?14:40
asac19 UTC14:40
JazzvaI won't make it... I'm presenting my project at 18:15 UTC14:40
asacsure ... maybe lurk ;)14:40
asacgood luck ;)14:41
JazzvaWell, if I can stay at comp. center at school... I should finish by 19UTC14:41
Jazzvaasac, thanks, I'm gonna need it. I'm scared of bugs that I didn't notice, and there is a probability there are some...14:41
asacJazzva: in class presentation nobody has problems with things not working ;)14:42
asacat least thats my experience14:42
asacwhat matters is that the talk absorbs them ;)14:42
asaccrashing prototypes can even be good to get some fun into it ;)14:42
JazzvaNot a class presentation... I'm presenting it to teacher's assistant, and then I get points on it... usually it's either 0, or 20... nothing in between14:42
asacok. i wouldnt be too scared;)14:43
asacthough a little tension is good to get high-performance ;)14:43
JazzvaAnyway... sorry for not mentioning this earlier... I was busy working on it, so I forgot about everything else14:43
Jazzvalittle? heh :)14:43
Jazzvagood luck with the presentation... I'll try to come if I can :)14:44
Jazzvaat least to lurk :)14:44
asacJazzva: then join #ubuntu-classroom now ;)14:44
asacJazzva: well. otherwise you will forget and cannot look ;)14:44
JazzvaIsn't it at 19:00 utc?14:44
asacat least that would happen to me ;)14:44
JazzvaI won't be at home ... I'll be at school :)14:45
asacah. thought you have your IRC running at home14:45
Jazzvamost of the time, yes... :)14:45
Jazzvaah... I can read backlog then :)... easier than looking at logs on the net14:45
Jazzvaoff to finish writing the documentation for this project :)14:46
Jazzvahave fun :)14:46
fta2asac, sorry, i'm not much into this those days, I'm having a hard time at work (heavy load). I hope i could clear this up in a week or so15:11
asacfta2: that was just for your interest anyway ;)15:12
asacnot like a request for help :)15:12
fta2asac, i don't want to give the impression that i'm no longer interested, I am, i'm just able to contribute less than usual but it is temporary15:14
asacfta2: thats all fine. you are doing a lot of work15:14
asaceven when you dont have time ;)15:14
asaclets hope its temporary ;)15:15
fta2i take on my night hours, maybe too much, my body reminds me it needs more sleep :P15:17
fta2meeting in 15 min; i need to move. cu++15:17
bdmurrayasac: somebody talked to you aboug bug 262693 yesterday right?16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262693 in flashplugin-nonfree "Flash not working: Intrepid, 2.6.27, FF3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26269316:10
bdmurrayI was wondering if it was a duplicate of something or if we can close some other tasks on it16:11
asacbdmurray: looking16:42
asacbdmurray: adjusted stati properly16:44
bdmurraystati - heh16:45
bdmurrayasac: thanks16:45
asacbdmurray: i changed my mail filters16:45
asaci wont see anything i am not subscribed to atm16:45
asaci will also include triaged and in progress in that mailbox16:45
asacbut i want to ramp up step by step instead of busting my mailbox making even that approach void16:46
asacbdmurray: so to summon me just subscribe me to bugs16:46
asacthis will make me appear quite instantly16:46
bdmurrayasac: okay, thanks for letting me know16:46
asacoh ... assigned bugs i will see too ;)16:47
bdmurrayBy the way do you know of any tools to validate /etc/network/interface files?16:47
asacbdmurray: syntactically?16:47
asacbdmurray: what use case?16:47
asacotherwise ifupdown should complain i guess ;)16:47
asacwe have a parser in network-manager which could be used to make a verifier out of it16:48
bdmurrayTo check the files attached to bug reports16:48
bdmurrayAlberto wrote one for xorg.conf and I've hooked it up to python-launchpad-bugs16:48
asacbdmurray: i think the most frequent problems are not syntax problems, but semantical problems16:48
asacwhich are really hard to detect16:48
bdmurrayOkay, I was trying to think of other files attached to bug reports that might benefit from a similar process16:50
bdmurrayasac: I could query the database for all the 'interfaces' files so we could get an idea of how many have syntactic errors though16:51
asacbdmurray: ill think about it17:16
kaaloo1asac: ok here I am, would you like to give me some pointers now ?  That way I can work a bit on something this we21:33
kaaloo1asac: The DistributedDevelopment project is so ambitious, its pretty mind blowing21:34
asackaaloo1: agreed21:36
asacill be off in a few. but to give you the pointers lets look at ... hmm ... gnash :)21:36
asackaaloo1: the gnash full-source ubuntu tree is: lp:~gnash/gnash/ubuntu/21:37
asacmost likely the other plugins wont have a bzr tree.21:37
kaaloo1asac: it doesn't work for me, I installed the gnash plugin but I don't see it21:37
asacbut the changes are similar21:37
asackaaloo1: true21:37
asacthats what we need to change ;)21:37
kaaloo1asac: :)21:37
asackaaloo1: you probably have flashplugin-nonfree installed?21:37
kaaloo1asac: ok sounds cool then, yes I do21:38
asackaaloo1: so the old way how plugins were managed is by using alternatives21:38
asachave you heard of update-alternatives?21:38
kaaloo1asac: yes, I've used it to switch java implementations21:38
asacok basically alternatives are links created by the admin user that are system wide21:39
asacfor instance:21:39
asacall flah plugins use:21:39
asaclook add ls -l /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so21:39
asacit points to /etc/alternatives/xulrunner-addons-flashplugin21:40
asacso the alternative name is "xulrunner-addons-flashplugin"21:40
asacso in the old model when you wanted to use gnash instead of adobe you would do:21:40
asacsudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin21:40
kaaloo1asac: right21:40
asacthe new model wants to eliminate that alternative21:41
asacwell. actually for some reasons we want to keep it, but we want to install all plugins also in firefox-addons/plugins21:41
kaaloo1asac: wow there are a bunch of bad links in my /etc/alternatives21:41
asacwhy not xulrunner-addons? because there are applications that use xulrunner that dont have ubufox21:41
asacand thus we want to keep the option to switch the plugin through alternatives21:42
asaclet me check something ;)21:42
asackaaloo1: did you branch the gnash branch?21:42
kaaloo1asac: not yet, give me a sec21:43
kaaloo1asac:oh wow not much in there ok, sounds like what we did for ubufox21:44
kaaloo1asac: I see a post install script that calls update-alternatives for the different browsers21:45
asackaaloo1: right.21:46
asackaaloo1: so what we want (afaict) is to keep that21:46
asacas it is21:46
asacon top we want to add a link21:46
kaaloo1asac: ok21:46
asacthe link should point to /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/ubufox\@ubuntu.com/plugins/21:47
asackaaloo1: so for gnash ... create a mozilla-plugin-gnash.links file21:47
asac(look at klash.links)21:47
asackaaloo1: oh21:48
asacif there is no changelog entry with UNRELEASED in debian/changelog21:48
kaaloo1asac:ok, didn't know it could be done that way21:48
asacit means that the tree is "closed"21:48
asacso as a first commit open it up21:48
asacdch -i -DUNRELEASED21:48
kaaloo1asac:closed because of a feature freeze ?21:48
asacand then commit with "* open tree for packaging" or something21:48
asackaaloo1: no ... because when the topmost changelog has "intrepid" or "hardy"21:49
asacthat means that the commit you are looking at is a commit that was uploaded21:49
asacso good practice is to create the changelog entry like above21:49
asacto open the tree21:49
kaaloo1asac:ok but I dos see an UNRELEASED as the first changelog entry21:49
asac(close doesnt really mean: closed until someone approves it to be opened)21:49
asackaaloo1: which version is taht?21:49
asackaaloo1: yeah right.21:50
asacthen the tree is open21:50
asacand you can just add your changes to the changelog21:50
asackaaloo1: usually you mark your changelog entries with:21:50
kaaloo1ok I'll try it21:50
asac[ you name <youremail@something.tld> ]21:50
asac[ you name <youremail@something.tld> ]21:51
asac  * change 121:51
asac  * change 221:51
asackaaloo1: and remember to use debcommit ... which does magic things in case you close a bug in changelog21:51
asac(which you probably dont do right here ;))21:51
asacbut anyway :)21:51
kaaloo1asac: right, I followed the packaging course on you tube, and I did some work on the groovy package, I learned about LP: and Closes:21:53
kaaloo1asac: Thanks a lot !!  I will do that then and push it on lp so you can review it21:53
asackaaloo1: rock on!21:55
Jazzvasort of back... RMI thing that worked here didn't woork at school... so I have to fix it by 15th september.22:21
Jazzvaasac, how did the presentation go? :)22:21
asacJazzva: quite well ;)22:23
asacgiven that i was completely underprepared at least ;)22:23
asaci talked again too long about mozillateam in intro22:23
asacso we didnt get to writing a quick xul webbrowser22:23
Jazzvaoh, well...22:24
Jazzvagood that it went quite well... I'm gonna look at the backlog22:24
asacwhat didnt work about RMI?22:24
Jazzvaasac, dunno... since it worked here. so I was shocked :)22:25
asacany exception?22:25
Jazzvaasac, sorry... I was a bit off for a moment22:25
Jazzvayeah, client-side reports it can't locate the stub class22:26
asacso a ClassNotFoundException?22:26
Jazzvait happened on my computer22:27
Jazzvai'm not sure if passing java.rmi.server.codebase to jvm helped, but it seemed to work after that22:27
Jazzvabut that didn't work at the school22:27
Jazzvaand the TA said that java.rmi.server.codebase shouldn't solve that, and that it should work without it, too... so, i got confused :)22:28
asacJazzva: is it a classnotfoundexception or something else?22:28
Jazzvait's a ClassNotFoundException...22:28
Jazzvawell, first it reports UnmarshalledException (I think), and says that it was prodused by ClassNotFoundException22:29
asacJazzva: same jre version?22:29
Jazzvano... I have 1.6.0_07, at school it's 1.6.022:29
Jazzvabut that shouldn't really matter... it only differs in subversion22:30
Jazzvait also might be that I didn't know how to point to java.rmi.server.codebase at the server-side22:31
asacJazzva: quite some time since i used it, but for me it was quite simple22:31
Jazzva(if that actually matters)22:31
asacand i cannot remember java.rmi.server.codebase ever being used22:31
Jazzvahere it was file:///home/sasa/blabla/code22:31
asacJazzva: what you need is to have the stub classes in a jar that is in classpath22:31
Jazzvalemme check that22:32
asacJazzva: do you dynamically want to download the stubs?22:32
asacthats the only purpose i can find of that property22:32
asaci doubt that you want that22:32
JazzvaI'm not sure :)22:32
asaci doubt that you want that22:33
asacJazzva: what you want is to use rmic to produce stubs and skels22:33
asacand include the stubs in the -client.jar22:34
asacand the skels in the -server.jar22:34
asacbut maybe thats toooo old fashioned ;)22:34
JazzvaI'll play with it a bit...22:35
JazzvaI'll go to school these days and to try to make it work there... to see what's the problem :)22:35
Jazzvathanks for the suggestions :)22:36
asacJazzva: my gues its a firewall issue or something22:36
asacmost likely the download of the stub doesnt work there22:36
asacbecause your client cannot find the server22:36
asacare you using rmiregistry?22:36
asacto discover the server?22:37
Jazzvawell, I don't run rmiregistry, but call Registry.newRegistry() (I think that's the method)22:38
Jazzvabut it does the same as the call of rmiregistry22:38
asacJazzva: yes. rmiregistries are either contacted explicitly or they are found through network broadcast22:39
asacif network broadcast doesnt work it wont work22:39
Jazzvahmm, I would say this was explicitly. I called Registry.newRegistry() on server-side, and Registry.locateRegistry(host) on client-side22:40
asacand java.rmi.server.codebase on server side?22:41
Jazzvait might be the firewell...22:41
asacJazzva: did you try on the same host?22:41
Jazzvanope... but I think that at sometime TA mentioned something about the ports we're allowed to use22:42
Jazzvaanyway, I'll sort it out somehow :)22:43
asacJazzva: try on local host22:45
Jazzvaon local host it works...22:45
asacand tell the TA to stop wasting your time ;)22:45
Jazzvalol :)22:45
JazzvaI also tried last night with a friend... and it worked, too22:46
asacask him why this excersize is about proving him that rmi works22:46
asacno need to show that it works on different  hosts22:46
Jazzva(on the internet)22:46
asacjust painful and wastes time ;)22:46
LnsWow, a chan just for Ubuntu Mozilla folk?22:46
asacJazzva: well. then its certainly a port issue in the network22:46
asacLns: yes. people feel offended by good crack ;)22:47
Jazzvaasac, I suppose... I'm almost sure that he said once we can use only five ports...22:47
Lnsasac: .....ok22:47
Jazzvabut not in this exam term... I'll have to see22:47
* Lns runs away22:47
asacJazzva: tweak the rmi port then22:47
asacJazzva: should just be a -D on both sides22:47
JazzvaI think i can just do22:47
asacLns: whats up?22:47
LnsCan anyone comment on this bug I just filed? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45370422:48
JazzvalocateRegistry(host, port) :)22:48
ubottuMozilla bug 453704 in General "Extreme slowness, "Firefox is already running" error for >3 users launching Firefox in LTSP environment" [Critical,Unconfirmed]22:48
asacJazzva: well. registry is one thing22:48
asacJazzva: rmi is a different thing22:48
Jazzvaah... right :)22:48
asacJazzva: the registry is not the same transport and might hav a different port22:48
Jazzvaright, it's logical :)22:48
asacwell i am not 100% sure both ports just match22:49
asacby default22:49
asacbut better ensure that22:49
JazzvaI think I'll ask the TA about that :)22:49
Jazzvato check for ports22:50
Lnsasac: I've basically got the issue outlined in the bug URL.. it's horrible... I don't want to think what these people are starting to think about Linux in general..they're all new users :(22:50
LnsBasically trying to find as many people as possible to tell my issue to, and found this chan while searching freenode chan list..thought I'd bug you all about it too :)22:51
asacLns: ill ask someone who might know something22:53
Lnsasac: thank you so much22:53
asacgot that22:53
Jazzvafta, read it today...22:54
asacLns: is everyone using a different profile?22:54
asacor a different user?22:54
Lnsasac: yes, all different users22:54
Lnsall different thin clients22:54
asacso every user has a distinct account?22:54
Lnsasac: that is correct22:54
asacLns: does ltsp meant hat all user share the same x-server?22:55
asacor is there one x server running per-user?22:55
Lnsasac: there is a central LTSP server - the X "Server" (in traditional X sense) runs on each thin-client.22:55
asacLns: so does the server load peek while users are trying to open ffox?22:57
LnsBut user sessions are completely separate. I should note that this is a new issue with Firefox 3 under Hardy (Gutsy+FF2 worked fine).22:57
Lnsasac: yes22:57
asacoris the server idle all the time22:57
Lnsasac: it peaks pretty badly, and even after it's loaded on some clients, sitting idle at start.ubuntu.com, each process will take ~30-60% CPU22:58
Lns(on the LTSP server which runs Firefox obviously)22:58
asacok. i asked our ltsp guy. maybe its just a setup thing. its the first time i hear about something like that22:59
asacso chances are good (i would say)22:59
Lnsasac: ok - :) What do you mean it's a setup thing though?23:00
asaci wouldnt need to ask anyone if i knew that23:02
* Lns laughs23:02
asacwell. that guy is in the same timezone as i am so mos tlikely he will reply tomorrow. so bug me in 12 hours ... i might need more then23:03
Lnsasac: ok.. my wife is about to go into labor in the next day or so...so is it possible you can /msg me your e-mail?23:04
asacunlikely that i will remember that23:04
asaci have too much things that slip through already. i learned that promissing such things always comes back badly23:05
asacjust poll on me ...23:05
asac@time berlin23:05
ubottuCurrent time in Europe/Berlin: September 05 2008, 00:05:12 - Next meeting: MOTU in 21 hours 54 minutes23:05
Lnsok i'll make a point to get back to you here23:05
asacthats the timezone we are in (me and ltsp guy) ... so if you come earlier we will figure that out23:05
asaccu then23:05
Jazzvahmm... I always wondered...23:06
Jazzva@time belgrade23:06
ubottuCurrent time in Europe/Belgrade: September 05 2008, 00:06:41 - Next meeting: MOTU in 21 hours 53 minutes23:06
Lnsok..thx a bunch asac i appreciate it23:06
Jazzvaooooh :)23:06
Lns@time california23:06
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: california - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp823:06
Lns@time pst23:07
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: pst - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp823:07
asacwhy would california have a time? ;)23:07
Jazzva@time san francisco23:07
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: san francisco - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp823:07
Lnsi wish we didn't heh23:07
Lnstime is an illusion anyway, there's no such thing23:07
asac@time Los_Angeles23:07
ubottuCurrent time in America/Los_Angeles: September 04 2008, 15:07:33 - Next meeting: MOTU in 21 hours 52 minutes23:07
asachah ;)23:07
asacso california is clearly dominated by los angeles23:07
asac@time mountain view23:08
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: mountain view - Full list: http://tinyurl.com/4vyvp823:08
Jazzvano mountain view23:08
asaci guess at sometime it that will become UTC ;)23:08
JazzvaI checked the list... I was surprised there is no SF, nor MV... I thought they were more techie than LA23:08
asacJazzva: i really think that list isnt assembles for the sake of matching techies ;)23:09
Jazzvawell... I though SF and MV would be on the list :)23:09
asacSF has like 200k inhabitants ;)23:10
asacMV maybe 1k ;)23:10
Jazzvaonly 200k?23:10
asacjust a guess23:10
asacThe City and County of San Francisco is the fourth most populous city in California and the 14th most populous city in the United States, with a 2007 estimated population of 764,97623:10
asacfunny that the estimated number goes into the last digit for precision ;)23:11
Jazzvaheh :)23:11
asacat the time of the estimation we had 764,976.7566  citizens23:12
JazzvaI would like to meet that 0.7566 citizen :)23:13
* Jazzva doesn't like statistics and similar stuff too much :)23:13
asaci guess half of that are childs currently being born and the rest mexican immigrants that are still vading through the desert23:13
asacall sum up to 2.756623:13
asaclets see if chromium finally builds here ;)23:18
asacinteresint that chromium doesnt require any X libs23:20

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