
LjL(-offtopic) [01:18:31] <ASrock> it forewards me to #ubuntu-read-topic, which tells me to go to this link which tells me to change to port 8001, which i am already connected through and then it tells me to join #ubuntu-ops and they said they have to do sumthin and i still cant connect00:19
LjLhe's banforwarded indeed00:20
LjLbut isn't in the floodbots' quarantine00:20
LjLis there any specific reason, or?00:20
stdinthe forward was set by FloodBot3 according to the tracker00:25
LjLquite true00:25
LjLyet he's not in bot1's list00:25
LjLand i can't see him in the other ones', either00:25
LjLunless "victims" is lying to me00:25
jribLjL: yep, noticed the same when he was here trying to get unbanned before02:12
bazhanglocke, how may we assist you04:21
Flannelbazhang: He's on time out04:25
bazhangFlannel, thought he was supposed to come back in a week; is he exempt from the no idle policy in here?04:26
Flannelbazhang: no, he's not.  He's bf'd here.04:26
Flannelso, he should't be here.04:26
bazhangthanks for clearing that up Flannel04:27
Flanneland yes, he's supposed to not be here for a week. But  I imagine he doesn't know he's here.  that banforward ought to be turned into a regular ban.04:29
lockebazhang, it auto-joined me here because I'm banned from ubuntu-offtopic for a week04:29
lockei'll leave04:30
Flannellocke: thankee.04:30
Flannellocke: we'll see about getting that forward removed too.04:30
naliothbanforwards are so you can talk to whomever you forward about whatever it was you banned them for - and then remove the forward05:37
Flannelnalioth: Right, the talk happened earlier today05:37
Flannelmmm, 14 hours ago05:37
naliothbanforwards to here, anyway05:40
Flannelright.  It needs to be just a plain ban, he's apparently supposed to wait a week before coming back05:41
naliothif you banforward to ##fix_your_connection, you need to sit in there and wait for your peeps to come out of their dive05:46
elky_workheh, LimCore is informing ##php how crap php is05:49
Flannelwols needs a "dont be a dick" nudge.05:54
elky_workFlannel: he needs more than a nudge05:56
Flannelelky_work: yeah, well, I was trying to be polite :)05:56
elky_workFlannel: dont be shy to kick him. he'll sulk for a day or two, then come back05:57
Flannelelky_work: last night M--i and a few others were contemplating inviting him here and talking, instead of just kicking.  Since assuming he's been kicked in the past, it obviously isn't working.05:59
elky_workFlannel: talking doesnt work, especially not if some of the mediation team is in #debian, as he ignores the talking and trolls you in the other channel06:03
Flannelelky_work: Thanks for the warning then.06:03
elky_workyou can try, but in my experience it's just a frustrating waste of time06:04
Flannelsounds good06:05
=== FlannelK1ng is now known as Flannel
Flannelstupid ISP06:28
Flanneldecides to go offline just long enough for irssi to timeout, plus a few seconds06:29
ubottuIn ubottu, unop said: alternate is The Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent07:37
Flannelhe's so slow07:37
ubottualternate aliases: alternate cd, alternatecd, alternetive, alternative, alt - added by apokryphos on 2006-06-18 16:31:48 - last edited by Flannel on 2008-09-04 06:36:3907:37
Flannelalternetive, eh?  Interesting misspelling07:38
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent07:53
nalioththat should be "classic", not classical, imho08:00
Flannelit's very soothing though.08:01
Flannelbut, yes08:01
Flannel!alternate =~ #classical#classic#08:01
ubottuI'll remember that Flannel08:01
Flannelsorry ubot508:02
MyrttiI need new set of nerves, a wig and alphabet building blocks.08:25
MyrttiI've lost old my old nerves, pulled all my hair out and I've spelled things to people so many times the letters on the old building blocks are worn out.08:25
gnomefreaki need one nerve fixed than ill be happy08:26
MyrttiI honestly think I might just some day kill a colleague of mine.08:26
gnomefreakoh and someone else writing these scripts would be great08:26
jussi01Myrtti: *hugs*08:26
MyrttiI'm just so tired of telling things to him in so detailed way it would be easier for me to do them myself08:27
Myrttiatleast now I feel very calm about this.08:28
MyrttiI just had a licorice ice cream popsicle08:28
gnomefreakthat sounds good, ive never seen them or heard of them08:28
jussi01gnomefreak: be glad... they are horrible... (IMHO)08:30
gnomefreakim glad than ;)08:31
jussi01You kind of have to be finnish to eat those...08:31
gnomefreakthe name is muru?08:32
* Myrtti shoves a spoonful of Marmite into jussi01s mouth08:32
* gnomefreak thinks that isnt sold in the US08:32
Myrttivanilla ice cream with licorice/ammoniumchloride filling and glaze with teeny crisps08:33
Myrttithe crisps are why it's called "Muru"08:33
Myrttifor "crumbs"08:33
Myrttialso: NEWSFLASH! I'm Finnish08:35
naliothmmmmm marmite08:35
* nalioth just ordered a 2.5kg pail of vegemite08:36
jussi01nalioth: you can buy them that big? o.0?08:39
* jussi01 has a big jar of vegemite at home...08:40
Myrttibwah. I should go put my groceries into fridge08:42
jussi01yes, yes you should08:45
Myrttiand make coffee.08:46
Flanneldon't put the coffee pot in the fridge08:46
naliothjussi01: http://www.everythingaustralian.com/ve2tubainst.html08:47
nalioth2.5kg is about 5 pounds to you non-metric-system-users out there08:47
Flannelbut how many slugs is that?08:48
gnomefreakis that icecream?08:48
Flannelgnomefreak: no....08:48
Flannelthink... soy sauce, but a paste form.08:49
naliothnah, soy sauce tastes better08:49
gnomefreakyeah see that but i thought it was a term from another country for icecream08:49
Flannelnalioth: its a pretty decent analogy though, better than trying to describe vegemite08:49
naliothgnomefreak: you have never heard the band 'men at work' ?08:50
gnomefreaknalioth: nope08:50
Flannelgnomefreak: you'll get made a vegemite sandwich08:50
gnomefreaksaw the movie years ago08:50
naliothgnomefreak: come out from under your rock, dude08:50
naliothgnomefreak: not a movie at all08:50
* Flannel notes its likely on youtube08:50
nalioth'men at work' is an australian band08:50
naliothlong before the movie08:51
gnomefreaknalioth: it was with charlie sheen and emilo estivase (spelling is off)08:51
naliothgnomefreak: i konw the movie.  this isn't related whatsoever08:51
Flannelgnomefreak: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNT7uZf7lew08:51
naliothi will have a lot of vegemite sandwiches with a 2.5kg pail of it . . .08:52
gnomefreakwell now i see why it was blacklisted. i cant hear sound other than a ping08:53
Flannelcan someone check in on #u and give me an opinion of clarence_?  purposefully annoying? or just totally nescient?08:53
gnomefreak blacklist snd_pcsp08:53
gnomefreakwrong channel i would say08:54
naliothFlannel: clarence_ is most likely an ESL person08:54
gnomefreakother than that its hard to tell08:54
Flannelnalioth: Right, I have no problem with the language issue, just the lack of... two way communication at times08:54
naliothESL = english as a 2nd language08:54
naliothwell, lots of folks learn english from books and _only_ use it in the classroom while they're learning it08:55
Flannelwouldn't that be E2L? ;)08:55
naliothFlannel: i'm not in charge of etymology08:55
naliothanyway, those folks who learn english but never use it outsdie of a classroom can seem 'weird'08:56
Flannelgah.  I really don't want to suggest ##C08:56
Flannelas much as ##C is a better place topically, they'd tear him apart.08:56
gnomefreakeh he wants to learn i figured that is best place apart from reading08:57
gnomefreaklots of people in there08:57
FlannelHopefully he'll catch them at a better time.  And someone will direct him to the appropriate subchannel08:57
gnomefreakmaybe -ot?08:58
Flannelgnomefreak: From what I remember, ##C is worse than ##C++, and theres little more than "we don't do XYZ here, because thats a third party library" or rtfm08:58
Flannel-ot might be better, yeah.08:58
Myrttiyou know what really bugs me out with the edge.launchpad?08:59
gnomefreaknot sure -ot will help since its so early09:00
Myrttithe DAMNED google map isn't https.09:00
jpdsMyrtti: known bug.09:01
Flannelgnomefreak: Its usually alright.  Get an earful of something, if not perfect C help.09:01
gnomefreakim a little bit with C but not a whole lot sincei  havent used it in years09:01
Myrttijpds: known bug or known feature? 'cause I have to press "Yes I'm sure I want to load this page even if the people responsible for it didn't put all content in https" *every* *goddamned* *time*09:02
gnomefreaki dont get that message09:04
Myrttiyou're not using epiphany09:04
MyrttiI am09:04
jpdsMyrtti: It's a bug, surprising I've never had the confirmation box popup for me.09:04
gnomefreaknope not atm09:04
jpdsAh, I use Firefox. :)09:04
gnomefreaki use ff3.0.1 and ff3.109:05
gnomefreakand 409:05
Myrttiand I've not used ff since hardy came out09:05
gnomefreakgood thing its not a xul problem09:05
naliothepiphany blows.  firefox blows harder ( amazing that it started out as a leaner version of the mozilla browswer, and now it's more bloated than the seamonkey browser )09:06
* Myrtti nods09:06
gnomefreaktry prism ;)09:06
Myrttibut http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=548993 makes baby seals cry09:07
ubottuGnome bug 548993 in gdk "regression: gdk 2.13 leaves stray windows in certain cases" [Major,New]09:07
* gnomefreak takes a break 09:08
* ikonia steps in09:29
gnomefreaki hate when they do that. they leave before i can type the answer09:36
Myrttiwhut! screen is compiled withou --enable-nethack?09:47
naliothnethack the game?09:47
* nalioth is lost09:47
Myrtti11:20 <@Renter> You cannot escape from window 7!09:50
Myrtti11:20 <@Renter> The screen cannot be found. It has probably been eaten by a grue.09:50
Myrtti11:28 <@Renter> {"Cannot lock terminal - fork failed", "Cannot fork terminal - lock  failed"},09:50
Myrtti11:29 <@Renter> {"Detach aborted.", "The blast of disintegration whizzes by you!"},09:50
Myrttino nethack-gnome? ;___;10:05
* Myrtti kicks planet ubuntu10:31
Myrttiwork dammit10:31
Myrtti;__; it doesn't work10:40
Myrttiif pulling wols over for a discussion is useless, what can we do then?10:52
Myrttiban him? ask CC to mediate? poke jono?10:52
Seeker`can we poke jono anyway?10:53
elkbuntuMyrtti, you can try all avenues, but it will only end up in him getting banned in the end10:56
MyrttiI'd like to make a strong case before banning him10:57
elkbuntuMyrtti, while you do that, he continues.10:58
elkbuntuthe case is already written in the #ubuntu logs anyway11:00
Myrtti2008-09-04 13:03:1111:03
elkbuntuMyrtti, huh?11:06
Myrttinothing, rewriting my aliases11:06
* Dave2 . o O ( Waiting for 30 mins time? )11:07
elkbuntuwhat's in 30 mins?11:08
Myrttiit's Dave2s obsession11:25
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash11:28
Seeker`Myrtti: that and goats11:28
Myrttitrue ^11:29
Seeker`right, time to try and convince the doctor to give me stuff11:29
Seeker`back in a bit11:29
jribso do you think another person talking with wols would be helpful or might make things worse?11:49
Myrttiwell, I've been told that I appear <quote>to frequently part #ubuntu-ops if difficult discussions are going on</quote>, so I don't think I'm suitable person to talk with him. ._____.11:54
MyrttiI didn't particularly find that quote funny, but there it is, and it's better to act as we are expected to than to surprise anyone. -______-11:55
bazhangnot laughing.11:55
bazhangjust think it is so far off the mark as to be laughable.11:55
* Myrtti waves to the audience "HI THERE, PEOPLE READING LOGS!"11:56
Myrttimore coffee11:56
ikoniawho's reading logs now ?11:56
Myrttiikonia: did you honestly think no-one is reading them?11:56
Myrttiof course they are11:56
ikoniaI know people reading them11:56
Myrtti's the fourth wall11:56
ikoniapeople read them in general11:56
Myrttisorry, sarcasm and irony are too stuck on me today11:57
jribthese logs are so boring :/12:00
Myrttithat's why I try to make them funnier12:00
Myrttipeople who are intrested enough to read them should have *something* funny in their lives12:01
jussi01anyone who reads these logs "just because" needs to get out more12:06
Myrttitoo bad the logs don't show the behaviour I'm frequently having since they strip joins and parts.12:11
ubottuIn ubottu, Masterweb said: dude this is way too much documentation - I don12:23
Piciubottu: tell Masterweb about bot12:23
Pici05:51:14 <wols> cbx333: you are very very slow too, since you're unable to grasp a simple question12:33
Piciwols: Do you see anything wrong with this?12:33
wols 11:48 < wols> cbx333: what videocard?12:34
wolsand I only got the answer after above statement.12:34
wolsif you don't like what I say, you're free to do whatever you want. good day12:35
LjL[13:33:59] <Macarena25> I am in my WEBCAM enters and we spoke. Kisses! WWW.AZAFATA.COM.AR12:35
wolsfyi: I'm still in #xubuntu12:40
Myrttishould I?12:43
Myrttiwe'll see how he behaves there12:44
Seeker`he seems to be trying to provoke a kick from there by telling you he is there12:53
MyrttiI don't mind him being there12:53
Myrttihe'll get a kick though faster than you can say "weasel" if he is being naughty though12:54
elkbuntuMyrtti, he'll play coy for a bit first, now that he knows we mean business.12:54
* Nafallo says weasel12:55
LjLstop highlighting the poor wea sel12:55
ubottuIn ubottu, morningwalker said: wow, this is amazing...13:12
PiciNothing, just a late reaction to ubottu.13:30
jribanyone know enough german to know if "ScheissDroge1" is offensive in german?14:10
bazhangscheiss is sh..14:10
PiciDry sh** according to google14:13
jribmasteredu has an issue with it, sheissDroge says it means stupid drugs14:14
LjLit most likely does14:14
LjLif it were dry shit, it would have the adjective before the noun just like in english14:14
LjLstill, "stupid" is not quite the literal translation of "scheiss"14:14
jribany issues with "shit drugs" as nick?14:16
jribor "shitty drugs" I guess14:16
PiciMaverus keeps asking me 'take op?' in a pm, I have no idea what hes on about.14:17
jribhe's the turkish person right?14:18
LjLwhich turkish person?14:18
LjLhe's also in gentoo's -ops14:18
LjLyes, what about him14:18
PiciWhat I just said above.14:18
LjLPici: ok... but when jrib says "he's the turkish person right?", that makes me suspect there's been previous issues with them14:20
PiciLjL: No, hes just in #ubuntu saying things in very broken english.14:20
Myrttishould I ask him?14:20
Myrttiin PM14:20
LjLhe's doing the same with the gentoo guys14:21
LjLhalf turkish half broken english14:21
bazhanghe is already in -tr14:21
PiciAre they confused too?14:21
LjLthey're never really confused14:21
LjLthey're gentoo people14:21
* jrib hopes the shitty drug issue just goes away14:21
PiciI think I finally figured out what Maverus wanted.14:26
PiciThe ops of #ubuntu-tr, I gave him the /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-tr list command14:27
PiciYeah, it took a while.14:27
LjLweird coincidence he'd have a problem with the gentoo ops too, though14:27
PiciI wonder if he just happened to be in #gentoo and just ended up being pointed to their ops channel when he was asking about 'ops'14:28
LjL[15:27:55] <HNSZ> You must feel so cool now. Maybe next time address the trolls before they piss me off.14:28
LjL[15:28:14] <LjL> if you have complaints, #ubuntu-ops is available14:28
LjL[15:28:22] <HNSZ> okey14:28
HNSZSo why would you kick me?14:28
bazhangbeing offtopic and cursing for one HNSZ14:29
LjLHNSZ: because, after being told to check your attitude (and language) and to bring offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, you ignored both parts of the advice14:29
HNSZMy complaint is: I ask if someone knows anything about a certain topic. Twenty peopl just hurl themselves on me to tell how I should pose my questions. WHy don't you kick those everlasting trolls that never ever help someone but always are criticising people that ask question? So I got rude yes. I'm tired of having to go through the same damn ritual every time. It's just hollow memes and cliches.  So unban me please.14:32
jribI asked you to ask your next question, not twenty people14:33
jribThe reason being that time is often wasted with questions like those.  Because often you will have someone who has used bitchx but have no clue how to answer your next question.  Since you are really interested in the answer to the next question, you should just ask that14:34
HNSZNo you criticised a very normal check I did. I want to know if someone have anything to say on the topic before I ask a question.14:34
LjLHNSZ, i very highly doubt that bazhang and jrib are trolls14:34
HNSZjrib: So you decide what I can and cannot ask??14:34
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:34
LjLHNSZ: ^ the above is the reason why they told you that14:34
jribI didn't criticize you.  You misunderstand what I said if that's the case14:34
LjL#ubuntu is a channel with 1300 people on it14:34
LjLyou don't just ask if anyone is using... anyone likes...14:35
LjLyou ask support questions14:35
LjLlike, "i have the following problem with bitchx: ..."14:35
jribI wasn't attacking you in someway.  I was telling you how to get better help14:35
HNSZAgain do YOU decide what I can and cannot ask??14:35
LjLyes, we do.14:35
HNSZAnd you don;t think that's unreasonable?14:36
LjLno, i don't.14:36
LjLwe're the operators, we're responsible for keeping the channel on-topic and available for Ubuntu support questions and answers.14:36
LjLthat involves setting guidelines on what the reasonable topics and questions are for the channel.14:36
HNSZ If you can justify what you do than I think you live in a very thick ego bubble.14:37
LjLyou're entitled to your opinion.14:37
LjLanything else?14:37
bazhangHNSZ, you were advised that there was an offtopic channel for chit chat.14:37
HNSZLjL: Yes, you are an asshole unfit to be an admin I don't want to chat under your control14:38
jribalways a winning argument14:38
jussi01LjL: are you up with the bansearch commands? Did you note that email?14:40
LjLjussi01: i know it exists, i don't know which email you're talking about, although i'd suspect the "new bantracker bot commands" thread would be it14:41
LjLglad there is @mark14:42
jussi01yep :)14:42
PiciOh, that reminds me, I wanted to log a wishlist bug14:42
jussi01Pici: you know where :)14:42
jussi01Pici: curiousity, what is it?14:43
Picijussi01: A web based factoid moderation queue14:44
LjLi want a factoid spellchecker14:44
jussi01Pici: ahh, nice Idea - shouldnt be too hard I wouldnt think :)14:44
LjLthat bans you if you misspell14:44
LjLdid you ever notice the floodbots opping themselves repeatedly, when they're already opped?14:46
PiciNo... but every once in a while they'll fight for setting +J/-J14:46
LjLthat's pretty normal14:47
LjLbut the #ubuntu-it bot consistently plays up that way14:47
LjLmaybe its code wasn't updated to play nice with the new services...14:47
LjLbut i've updated it now and i've already seen it doing it once14:48
LjL(the new services are a pain in the bottom anyway)14:48
jpdspopey:  29 - #kubuntu: ban *!*@unaffiliated/fujisan [by ballard.freenode.net, 1405618 secs ago]14:59
popeyhow come?14:59
jpds3 - #kubuntu: ban *!*@115-54-215.ftth.xms.internl.net [by stdin!i=stdin@ubuntu/member/stdin, 462052 secs ago]14:59
popeyubuntu member banned from ubuntu channel, whodathunkit15:00
jpdsBantracker would be the best place to ask.15:00
* popey doesn't know how to access that :S15:00
jpdspopey: Try: @login, then @btlogin15:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:00
ubottuError: You don't have the bantracker capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.15:01
popeyI R identified15:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.15:01
stdinbantracker is more restricted than logging into the bot, but I could give you access15:02
PiciI'll vouch for popey.15:02
popeythanks you Pici15:02
PiciOnly this time though ;P15:02
popeypici http://handbag.popey.com/15:03
stdinpopey: try now15:03
stdinyou can "/msg ubottu list Bantracker" too see all the commands available in the tracker and then use "/msg ubottu help <command>" to get some info on them15:04
Myrttido I want to know the story behind the handbag?15:07
popeyits what gets waved about when someone is bitchy basically15:07
popeyquite an old meme15:07
popeyprobably started by a TV programme called "Shooting Stars"15:07
PiciI just wasn't going to ask...15:08
ikoniawhats the scores george doors15:08
MyrttiI know a joke with a handbag full of 2 euro coins but it's not appropriate for this channel nor any other channel either15:09
Myrtticarry on15:09
* popey hugs Myrtti 15:11
bazhangwhich ubuntu member got banned15:11
popeymy bad15:11
popeythey didnt15:11
popey /ignore me15:11
Myrttinaughty popey15:11
bazhangthought it was limcore15:11
Myrttiscaring us like that15:11
Picilimcore is a member?!15:11
ikoniaPici: I was typing that15:11
ikoniacan't be15:12
bazhangno comment15:12
ikoniahe doesn't wear a cloak15:14
ikoniacan't see him on the members website15:14
jpdsHe is not a member.15:14
bazhangwas a joke15:14
LjLwhat changes if one's a member?15:14
Myrttiworld has collapset15:15
PiciLjL: Well we have revoked at least one person's cloak in the past for bad behavior.15:15
LjLah, sure.15:15
ikoniaLjL: I think its more a case of surprise if that user is a member because of his attitude and contribution15:47
ikoniaeg: you need to a.) get with the ubuntu approach and 2.) contibute - and if someone does neither it would be a shock if they had been accepted as a member, nothing "changes" more a case of just surprised people saw him as meeting the criteria15:47
MyrttiDear Flash - PLEASE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE16:03
Myrttibr, Miia16:03
bazhangwow fast16:05
PiciHe was asking the same thing in #freenode earlier.16:06
bazhangah so16:06
Tm_Thi kids16:28
Myrttihi Tm_T16:28
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 16:29
Myrttioh dear, could this be...18:00
Myrttignome bug 54508918:00
ubottuGnome bug 545089 in error-viewer "FTBFS, i have no idea why, blame mozilla" [Blocker,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=54508918:00
Myrttiit *really* annoys me18:05
Tm_TMyrtti: I fail to understand what is the annoying bit18:07
Myrttiyou haven't seen me curse about the gtk bug?18:07
Myrttiyou've been living under a rock the last few weeks18:07
Tm_Tah I have seen that, yes18:08
Tm_Tso that's the bastard?18:08
ubottuGnome bug 548993 in gdk "regression: gdk 2.13 leaves stray windows in certain cases" [Major,New]18:08
Myrttinote: regression18:08
Tm_Tregressions are worst18:08
jussi01oh, I love this :D Fetched 24.0MB in 17s (1367kB/s)18:25
Myrttiooohhhh myrtti@kani:~$ sudo aptitude install ttf-liberation18:26
MyrttiDaviey: thank you18:26
ubottuIn ubottu, dholbert said: dholbert is are Daniel Holbert <dholbert@mozilla.com>, a Firefox/Gecko platform engineer working on layout, printing, and SVG/SMIL18:32
ubottuIn ubottu, dholbert said: dholbert is Daniel Holbert <dholbert@mozilla.com>, a Firefox/Gecko platform engineer working on layout, printing, and SVG/SMIL18:32
Myrttishould we?18:32
MyrttiI guess we should18:32
Myrttijussi01: `18:33
* Myrtti shrugs18:34
Myrttiwe've got worse factoids?18:34
LjLremoved my own ban on ANancy-152-1-3-43.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr from #kubuntu - it's a weird fellow with little english fluency, though18:36
PriceChildjussi01: Myrtti i'd rather not18:37
* Myrtti shrugs18:37
Myrttithat's why I asked and didn't run and make it18:38
jussi01Id agree - or then we would have every dev asking...18:38
Myrttitime to do the dishes18:38
LjLrepeat with me - ubotu is not an encyclopedia18:38
ubottuWe don't need factoids for *everything* ;)18:38
LjLconcise and to the point18:39
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:39
LjLbut inaccurate18:39
jpdsI finally understand why cdimage is limited-resources machine.19:01
naliothyeah, that's kinda manic19:03
jussi01Just going to remove some old bans in #k :)19:21
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.20:00
jussi01_someone please give me my quit message?20:17
PriceChildConnection timed out20:18
PriceChildjussi01_: freenode was having some routing issues i believe, but you've a different message than the rest :.20:18
jussi01_PriceChild: can you copy/paste for me?20:19
jdong15:13 -!- jussi01 [n=jussi01@ubuntu/member/jussi01] has quit [Connection timed  out]20:19
jussi01_(client died weirdly, gonna try debug/reproduce)20:19
jussi01_jdong: !!!20:19
jussi01_long time no see20:19
* jdong gets out the chart on reproducing....20:19
jdongjussi01_: long time no see, indeed :)20:20
jdongjussi01_: was stuck in a job all summer20:20
PriceChildyou were loving it20:20
jdongPriceChild: they cheated me out of money20:20
jussi01_jdong: you played poker with them?20:20
jdongjussi01_: nah they played "let's NOT give the scholarship to the kid who just saved the company $17m USD and needs to pay the 2nd highest US tuition next term..."20:21
PriceChildjdong: they're not still playing it?20:21
jdongI hate that ame20:21
jdongI always lose.20:21
jussi01_jdong: poor you... you could come here and have *free* tuition :D20:23
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
jribjdong: what company if you don't mind saying?20:28
Myrttiwhat was the channel for flaky connections again20:29
jdongjrib: General Dynamics20:49
jdongI guess I'll never understand huge companies.... it's one of those cases that everyone was doing what they were told to do perfectly... yet on the big picture the way that scholarship program was run was very wrong....20:50
jdongbut it was impossible to figure out who to talk to about improving it20:50
MyrttiI'm still hungry >___<21:21
Tm_Teat me?21:22
* jussi01 was hungry and ate bread with cheese and mustard :)21:26
MyrttiI will *not* comment21:29
Myrttiexcept that the cheese I bought today was funny21:30
Tm_Thad mickey mouse ears?21:30
Myrttino, it was icky21:30
Tm_Tah, that's funnier indeed21:30
MyrttiI bought presliced and the slices were stuck together :-<21:31
jussi01I bought weird cheese today also...21:32
jussi01edam, a block from euromarket - but its real soft21:32
Tm_Tuse hammer21:37
Tm_Tor axe! larger the better21:37
ubottu━━▊ ━━▊ ━━▊21:39
jussi01Tm_T: the problem is its too soft - like as if it was slightly melted21:40
Tm_Tjussi01: or too fresh, sometimes if its new enough it's still soft a bit21:40
MyrttiI think mine had gone the opposite direction21:41
Tm_Thmmm, twitter dataengine... maybe that can be used as a base for jaiku dataengine21:42
Tm_Tjussi01: ^21:43
jussi01Tm_T: perhaps... (please try)21:43
Myrttigwibber has jaiku.py21:43
* Myrtti shrugs21:43
Tm_TMyrtti: ye, that's another source21:43
Myrttiand apparently segphault is adding d-bus support to it21:43
jussi01shouldnt be too hard though... is it not just glorified RSS ?21:44
Myrttias in - it has it already - connections are just missing21:44
Tm_TMyrtti: I'm talking about plasma, so jaiku could be used in "any" plasma which support that kind of data21:44
* Myrtti nods21:44
Myrttimake a plasma-branch on launchpad on gwibber?21:45
Myrttithen you'd get support for facebook, twitter, identi.ca, digg, flickr, whatnot21:45
Tm_Twe'll see, have to look at it21:45
Tm_Tbut now I need to sleep, erityispedagogiikka tomorrow (;)21:46
Tm_Tand lots of writing21:46
Tm_Tgood night kids and hugs for my littlesister21:46
* Myrtti considers going to bed herself21:47
jussi01Peoples, we should clean up bans... the banlists are getting big....21:47
Myrttiyes daddy21:48
FlannelMmmm, I've only got two!21:50
jpdsjussi01: My ban list is always clean.21:50
Flanneljpds: don't need to brag, sheesh.21:50
* PriceChild covers jdong's eyes21:50
jussi01jpds: good :) then the comment wasnt aimed at you ;)21:50
Myrttiis my browser broken again or are the show/hide log links unclickable?21:56
jussi01Myrtti: scroll up...21:56
FlannelMyrtti: you need javascript, unfortunately21:57
Myrttino, they are somehow borked with this client21:57
Myrttiand I *do* have javascript21:57
jussi01Myrtti: oh... in FF they work fine for me - also konqi21:58
Myrttidon't work for me in ff either22:00
FlannelMyrtti: You need to ask jussi01 to turn off the break_for_myrtti bit22:00
Myrttiwould someone check if removing ban on search string jkkjkjkj is safe?22:00
jussi01oooh, weird... now they are broken for me also.... hrm...22:01
jussi01stdin: still up?22:01
jussi01oh shush22:01
Flanneldag gonnit Myrtti, you broke the ban tracker!22:03
FlannelYou should've just gone to bed ;)22:03
MyrttiI swearz I did nuting22:04
Flannelah shoot.22:07
Flannelclassroom is busy right now, isnt it22:07
jussi01oooh, did you guys see Jucato got in the press? http://www.linux.com/feature/14695922:09
Myrttihrmpphhhh. merh.22:11
Myrttigood night22:11
jussi01lots of ooohs today :D ooooh.... nom nom... http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS9975696819.html?kc=rss22:11
jussi01with ubuntu, no less :)22:12
jussi01I should head to bed...22:21
stdinjussi01: I am22:36
jdong16:56 -!- mode/#ubuntu-ops [-b *!*i=fahq@*.showusyourteetees.com] by Myrtti22:38
jdongI miss this place :)22:38
* jdong thanks PriceChild for poking him at the right time22:38
* PriceChild grins and wonders why the i=fahq was deemed necessary.22:39
stdinjussi01: and fixed22:40
jpdsstdin: You fixed ubottu's Webcal?22:53
stdinthat depends on what you mean by "fixed"22:54
jpdsstdin: See the last message to ubuntu-motu@l.u.c.22:54
jpdsOh, wait, persia CC:ed yo.22:55
stdinI know, persia send it out after a discussion with me in -meeting22:55
jpdsDidn't see that, sorry.22:55
stdinand I'm subscribed to ubuntu-motu too :)22:55
Seeker`PriceChild: Because of all of the "nice" users from showusyourteetees.com22:56
stdinright now the topic of -meeting is accurate according to the google calendar, but it's not perfect22:56
ompaulHost *** not found: 2(SERVFAIL)23:28
ompaulI can feel a little pleadz?23:28
ompaulSeeker`, I has borked DNS23:31
ompaulnot sure how or why23:31
ompaulnetwork from without23:31
Seeker`who is the DNS provider?23:33
ompaulin theory one of the boxes on the lan23:34
ompaulon reality nothing kind of23:34
ompaulstory is this23:34
ompaulit knows everything23:34
ompauland a box called sub does not23:34
ompaulso it is not able to get the answer from either the internal please ask here first box23:35
ompaulor the gateway23:35
ompaulso it is failing twice23:35
ompaulbut the gateway knows who the host is23:35
ompaulSeeker`, I can has confusion :)23:36
Seeker`so the gateway is being more tight-lipped than you would like?23:39
ompaulit should tell the others what it knows23:42
ompaulanything in 192.168.*23:42
ompaulis the target for its knowledge23:42
ompaulI know it is not telling because if I dig on one of the lan boxes it says that the gateway is telling it nothing23:43
ompaulbut this may or may not be associated with this problem23:44
ompaul-- 16522 Kbytes in 227 Requests.23:44
ompaulSeeker`, so I am kinda confused I don't know which way is up23:44

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