
nxvlsoren: ping01:00
leonelScottK: django 1.0 has been released, the next step is wait for debain to make the package ?01:20
ScottKOr make one yourself.02:59
chmacAnyone know what package `dig` is in?03:22
chmacdnsutils :)03:23
chmacWhen I try to install dnsutils it tells me I also have to install bind9-host. I just want the dig command line application, is that necessary?03:24
chmacIs there another way to query mx records?03:25
hadsbind9-host is tiny03:29
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sorennxvl: What's up?06:35
nxvlsoren: you use mutt, don't you?06:36
sorenI do.06:42
nxvlwith imap?06:42
sorenI mostly use offlineimap, though.06:45
nxvlthe question is: can i have my imap folders using mutt?06:45
nxvland i need to declare all of them in the muttrc?06:46
nxvlor there is another way?06:46
sorenI think so.06:46
sorenofflineimap fixes that, though.06:46
nxvlthat's a package?06:46
nxvlor a configuration?06:47
nxvla package06:47
nxvlgot it06:47
nxvli need to read more on the topic06:47
nxvli'm using a mouse (a real one) after 4 months and i still put my finger on the trackpoint06:48
nxvli don't get use to it06:48
nxvlgoing to bed for now06:48
sorenOk, goodnight!06:49
nxvlsoren: i will ping you in the morning (afternoon for you, or something) so if you have any documentation, please have it closer :D06:49
* nxvl HUGS soren 06:49
sorennxvl: Sure thing :)06:49
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rihamHi all,I have a question about how to reset the timeout for the connections in FIN_WAIT1 state?I know that we can change timeout for connections in FIN_WAIT2 state by changing tcp_fin_timeout, but what about FIN_WAIT1 state ?07:39
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incorrectwhere can i find the docs for intrepid?10:34
mdzsoren: any reason we shouldn't change the default memory size in KVM to something which allows our own installation CD to run? :-)10:40
* delcoyote hi10:47
sorenmdz: It's 128 now, right?10:50
mdzsoren: yes10:50
sorenmdz: I don't see any reason not to change it to whatever we feel like. We advise everyone to use libvirt which doesn't rely on any particular defaults, so we should be free to do whatever.10:50
sorenmdz: What do you feel like instead? 256? 384?10:51
* soren is a bit out of touch with the current requirements on the desktop, I'm afraid.10:51
mdzsoren: 256 should work with current intrepid, 384 for 8.04 and earlier10:52
mdzsoren: the libvirt tools don't have any defaults?   so you have to specify the memory size for every VM?10:52
mdzI must say I just use kvm myself and am happy doing it10:52
sorenmdz: Oh, yes, the libvirt tools have defaults. They just don't rely on any particular defaults in kvm itself, which I thought was what we were talking about.10:53
sorenmdz: I can change the defaults for libvirt-generated instances as well.10:53
sorens/as well/instead/ perhaps :)10:54
mdzsoren: is libvirt smart enough to guess which OS you're trying to boot and select an appropriate default?10:55
sorenmdz: No. You specify it when you're creating the vm.10:55
sorenmdz: The amount of memory is not currently one of the per-os nor per-distro settings in virtinst, so it's a bit more involved than just changing a number.10:57
sorenmdz: Could you file a bug against virtinst about this?10:57
mdzsoren: I'm not that interested, was just curious about the state of the art11:04
sorenmdz: Heh :) Ok.11:20
=== dusty_ is now known as reginoldrr
_rubenstrange .. initializing a sw raid10 .. im only seeing full speed (i think) reads on the disks, no writes11:55
_rubenwell .. very very little writes11:55
acemodoes ubuntu-server automagicly lets cool'n'Quiet work or do i have to install something for that?12:00
sorenacemo: cool'n'quiet?12:05
acemoamd's stuff to lower the speed of the cpu when the cpu isn't bussy12:06
KillerKiwi2005anybody here know about mod mono ?12:08
sorenacemo: You probably want powernowd12:09
acemosoren: alright thanks12:09
spiekeyhas anyone an idea why my mails here get still logged into /var/log/messages?13:49
spiekeyhttp://pastebin.com/m212e46ee  ?13:50
sorenspiekey: Because your f_syslog only filters out auth and authpriv facilities?13:51
spiekeywell, but filter f_messages should do.13:54
spiekeyf_message: level(info,notice,warn) and not facility(auth,authpriv,cron,daemon,mail,news);13:55
sorenOh, sorry, I somehow managed to misread your question.13:55
spiekeyno problemo ;)13:56
spiekeycurrently i log mail stuff into syslog, messages and mail.*13:56
spiekeythis is way too much :P13:56
spiekeyi want the mail stuff to be in mail.* only13:57
zulspiekey: modify your /etc/syslog.conf and you can customize it how you want13:59
spiekeyzul: i want to use syslog-ng13:59
zulspiekey: then modify your syslog-ng config file and customize it how you want14:00
spiekeythanks for this tips14:02
spiekeyguess what i am trying to do :P14:02
spiekeyi have tried to customize my syslog-ng.conf but its not working as i expected. Thats why i am here for :)14:03
mdzsoren: what is "kvm: emulating exchange as write" about?14:10
ScottKsoren: IIRC mjg59 had a blog post recently about CPU throttling not necessesarily saving power.14:15
* ScottK goes to see if he can find it.14:15
sorenmdz: It's nothing to worry about. IIRC, it's about an instruction that needs to be emulated (cmpxchg), but kvm uses a write instruction instead, but since the pages in question should be read-only at that time, it's not a problem.14:16
ScottKsoren: This is the one I was thinking of: http://mjg59.livejournal.com/88608.html14:23
ScottKSo I guess I'd like to make sure powernowd is really going to help before we ship it.14:24
sorenScottK: interesting.14:31
sorenScottK: He does point out, though, that the ondemand governor is a good thing. That's mostly what the powernowd package sets.14:32
ScottKOK.  I don't have a lot of knowledge, just wanted to make sure it was considered since it seems an area where the 'obvious' answer isn't always the correct one.14:32
alpha232I just recently installed -server kernel and it seems to hang after saying  "Starting Conexant HSF softmodem"15:53
alpha232i don't have one of those installed, and the login prompt never appears15:54
simonlavallinis anyone on this chanell16:11
simonlavallinI am a newbie and dont know if i am doing this properly16:12
sorenalpha232, simonlavallin: Patience, children! Patience!16:18
mdzsoren: can you help me understand what the kvm/evdev mess has to do with VNC?16:55
jdstrandmdz: fyi-- soren is afk for a bit17:21
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OverandI'm using UFW - and it doesn't sseem to be writing its rules out to any files.  It's *working* - but I don't see any rules created in a file anywhere.21:04
OverandI've even gone into /etc and done "grep -r (some port I opened up) *" and am not seeing squat21:05
jdstrandOverand: rules added via the 'ufw' command are added to /var/lib/ufw/*rules21:05
didrocksjdstrand: I have pushed a new version of ufw btw21:06
didrocksnormally, this is the final one regarding case insensitive implementation21:06
jdstranddidrocks: ok. I will likely not be able to get to it til early next week, but a big thanks21:07
didrocksI added lot of tests21:07
didrocksjdstrand: not a problem. Take your time :)21:07
didrocks(all is explained in the attached bug to my branch)21:07
jdstranddidrocks: cool, thanks21:11
NCommanderWell that was stupid21:28
* NCommander just killed /dev21:28
jmedinaat least wasn't /21:29
NCommanderHad it bound into a chroot21:29
NCommanderDIdn't want the chroot21:29
NCommanderforgot to unmount21:29
NCommanderThe system hasn't crashs yet21:29
jmedinacan't you re load it, mount it or something?, reload udev,21:30
jmedinaor something21:30
NCommanderwoot, that did it21:31
NCommanderrestart udev repopulated dev21:34
* NCommander is building a linux from scratch system21:34
jmedinaNCommander: good!21:35
ShitakeguyCommand prompts are fun.21:35
NCommanderI'm rebootstrapping Ubuntu from source21:35
NCommanderBut I need to rebuild everything with a different set of flags21:35
ShitakeguyHi.  I want to replace the 2 Windows servers on this school's network but i have to make sure that I get all the services changed over to ubuntu (woot).  Anybody done this before?21:37
ScottKShitakeguy: People have done it before, but it takes some planning and testing.21:37
jmedinaShitakeguy: depends on the services21:37
ScottKWhat services do you have to replace?21:37
ShitakeguyLOL I'm actually not sure...  which is where the problem stems from...21:38
Shitakeguycrap... that server isn't available on the net.21:39
NCommanderShitakeguy, if its just a file server, its fessiable to possibly replace it with SAMBA, If its an AD master, I won't try it21:40
jmedinaprobably it is a AD without GPOs, so a simple domain controller21:40
NCommanderWell, you could emulate AD functionality with an LDAP server, but you still would have to rejoin every client last time I checked21:41
NCommander(and managing an LDAP server is still a pain compared to Active Directory)21:41
NCommander(AD is awesome just because when it works, its perfect. Its when one of the DCs ****s itself do you have issues)21:42
NCommanderDomain Controllers21:42
arakthordomain controllers21:42
Shitakeguygotcha.  duh21:42
IntuitiveNippleYou can add Samba DC into an existing AD domain and then demote the current master and have Samba take over... there's documentation somewhere about it :)21:43
NCommanderMicrosoft's GPO/AD server side stuff pretty much blows everything else away in terms of set it and forget it tech21:43
jmedinathere are trick to move one user from one domain to other, and changes the SID in the windows registriy en everything21:43
NCommanderIntuitiveNipple, Samba emulates an NT4 master21:43
NCommanderIntuitiveNipple, if your running in 2000 or 2003 Native Mode, thats not going to cut it anymore21:43
ScottKAnd Samba 4 isn't there yet ...21:43
Shitakeguyo.k. from what I understand the only thing that my boss knows that the controllers do is to ...  run successmaker, and...21:44
Shitakeguywell... oh!  the other one has a halfassed setup file server.  with like 20 network mounted drives that nobody uses, or understands, or knows why they are there.21:44
Shitakeguymost don't know that it's there at all...21:45
NCommanderThe file server easy enough to replace21:45
* NCommander uses Samba over NFS these days since its so easy to setup21:45
ShitakeguyDude!  I was at A&M university and they have this cabinet with 40  18-gig HD's setup inside and also some kind of ... looked like a hard-drive carousel...21:46
ShitakeguySorry... hehe.  I'm going to put that thing on the NEW IMPROVED file server.21:46
arakthorthat nobody uses?21:46
arakthorcool idea though, got any pics?21:47
Shitakeguyyeah.  they donate their old equipment to schools and stuff.21:47
ShitakeguyI work at a school.21:47
ShitakeguyThey had two cabinets that looked the same size, but they had covers on them.  2 Silicon Graphics ones and a sun microsystems one.21:48
Shitakeguyis there a command to write the irc log to a file right now so i can save this?21:51
IntuitiveNippleI've seen it done - native 2003 - there was something else on the Linux side besides Samba... http://nitrobit.com/grouppolicy.html21:51
Shitakeguygood.  they have 2003 servers here... when you say  'native 2003'...  talk low tech to me.21:53
Shitakeguythat nitrobit URL did give me wood though.21:53
jmedinaGPOs are good, with samba and only opensource you need to use poledit (wich sucks)21:53
jmedinanitrobit looks promising21:54
Shitakeguybut yes.  nitrobit looks tasty21:55
bogey_This is a bit like suse enterprise21:57
spiritssightAny one here that got some time helping a very new person to get setup and make sure is working correctly so that can serve a non-profit website22:51
keesand people say perl is unreadable...         if not 'nx' in [x[x.find(': ')+2:] for x in open("/proc/cpuinfo").read().splitlines() if x.startswith('flags')][0].split(' '):23:08
ajmitchkees: what's wrong with that? :)23:09
keeshehe, well, I can read it (I wrote it) but it made me feel like I was writing Perl again23:09
ajmitchit is a little compact...23:09
ajmitchbut list comprehensions are useful like that23:10
keesactually, I can lose the read().splitlines() part23:10
keesjust open()23:10
ajmitchah, you can iterate over that by line, can you?23:10
* ajmitch didn't know that23:11
keesin list context it does the same a read().splitlines()23:11
* kees nods23:11
ScottKWell you can write Python that's unreadable, but it takes work.  Similarly you can write Perl that's readable.  That also takes work.23:11
boshheadUmm, that's perl?23:13
ajmitchso there's no flag where 'nx' can appear as part of the string?23:13
boshheadOh, that's not perl. Okay :) I thought I was losing it for a second.23:14
keesajmitch: my code breaks the flag list into an array.23:14
keesajmitch: if 'nx' in ['anx','nxb']:23:14
keeswill fail, e.g.23:14
ajmitchright, I should have read the bit that irssi wrapped :)23:15

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