
bryceyay xserver 1.5 is out00:29
pwnguinrelevant to intrepid?00:43
brycethe changes are fairly modest, I think once the alpha-5 freeze is over it'd worth including, just for officialness01:03
pwnguinwell, im all for new01:03
bryceI suspect it's mostly bugfixes but only skimmed the changelog01:03
pwnguinbut mdz did get a bit loud when the kernel team decided .27 was the future01:04
bryceah, but the decision to do xserver 1.5 was made way back at UDS Prague well before Intrepid began01:22
brycewe've just been waiting for it to officially release01:22
bryceplus, the change from to is quite minor01:22
brycewe've been running with the xserver beta for quite some time.  Whereas with the kernel they were running with the stable .26 version and the jump to .27 is pretty significant (but still a good idea imho)01:23
pwnguinalrighty then. remember this when the mdz arrives ;)01:23
pwnguini wonder why the kernel wasn't .27 from the start01:24
Awsoonnto take advantage to the restriced drivers / duelhead will I still need an Xorg.conf? I see in teh log that it detected and loaded the nv module, but appears to not be using it....01:57
pwnguinnv or nvidia?01:59
Awsoonnxorg isreporting loading nv02:00
jcristauit's not the blob, then02:01
Awsoonnso will I need the 'ol xorg.conf afterall then?02:05
pwnguintheres' been consideration of a patch that will load nvidia over nv (when nvidia is installed)02:06
jcristauthat's only sensible if the fallback is fixed02:08
jcristauright now, it isn't, so nv is the safe bet02:08
Awsoonnshould jockey detect my nvidia card and install the nvidia driver for me in intrepid after an upgrade? or is it not working just yet?05:12
tjaaltonof course we'll get 1.5.0 in intrepid.. it's nice for a change to have an actual release in the distro >:P06:04
tjaaltonthat reminds me.. it should be fine to merge with lenny to get a proper release in hardy too06:05
bryceevenin' tjaalton06:06
tjaaltonhey bryce06:07
brycenot feeling well?  sorry to hear06:07
tjaaltonyeah, well my chair at work is pretty comfortable.. but smells bad06:08
tjaaltonshould only get there first ;)06:08
tjaaltonhum, so videoabiver has been bumped again, rebuild madness it is then :)06:09
brycetjaalton: btw I wrote up a page to document quirks (only one detailed so far):  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Quirks06:09
tjaaltonah thats good.. I've looked at intel a couple of times and there seemed to be some obvious quirk-cabable bugs06:10
tjaaltonbut didn't know how to write one06:10
tjaaltonAwsoonn: depends on your chip. if it's old enough jockey won't offer the blob because the old versions don't work with the new xserver06:25
tjaaltonso no point in breaking your system06:26
brycetjaalton: yeah I've got it on my todo list to document each of the intel quirks.  There's only 2-3 I actually understand currently07:06
brycewell, "totally understand".  Most of them I can guess what they do, but just not what situations they apply to exactly.07:07
brycetjaalton: don't remember if I mentioned already that I did up a patch to add quirking logic to -ati  for AGP incompatibilities, so we can set AGPMode to specific values on a hw-specific basis07:08
brycelooking through our bug tracker I think a huge proportion of our -ati bugs might be fixable with this quirk07:09
tjaaltonyeah that could be07:12
tjaaltonis $2 fed to $foo.postinst the version being replaced?10:19
jcristauif $1 is configure, yes10:20
tjaaltonok thanks10:21
tjaaltonneed to clean up /etc/X11/Xsession.d/*xorg-common* in x11-common.postinst..10:21
tjaaltonused to be in xinit on dapper10:22
tjaaltonmaybe comparing versions is overkill.. just check if the files are there and remove10:24
jcristauideally you'd check whether they're modified10:24
tjaaltonhow to do that?10:27
jcristauremove_conffile_* in xsfbs.sh10:28
jcristauor http://wiki.debian.org/DpkgConffileHandling10:28
jcristauthat said, these files are so old it might be ok to just remove them..10:30
jcristaunot sure10:30
tjaaltonthe md5sums aren't available, so I guess remove_conffile doesn't work then? just removing should be fine, yes10:31
jcristauweird. dpkg is supposed to keep the md5sums in its status db until the package is purged/10:31
tjaaltonin $pkg.md5sums?10:32
jcristauin /var/lib/dpkg/status10:32
tjaaltonoh, status db10:32
tjaaltonyeah, there they are10:32
tjaaltonok so I'll use that10:33
tjaaltonyes, because it's simple10:35
jcristauxutils uses that if you want an example. remove_conffile_lookup in preinst install|upgrade, _rollback in postrm abort-*, _commit in postinst configure10:39
tjaaltonok so in this case r_c_l xinit "foo", since it was in xinit10:45
tjaaltonoh you have to run all three.. ok10:46
tjaaltonhmm, I don't think in this case the rollback is needed10:48
tjaaltonunless it's backported to the hardy package10:51
tjaaltonok I think it's ready11:01
tjaaltonfixed the package versions and pushed it for testing on my PPA11:33
Awsoonntjaalton: I guess old is relitive, my card is a 6800GT, is this goign to be broken in the new X server by chance?12:33
tjaaltonAwsoonn: no, the latest driver should support that12:36
Awsoonntjaalton, so would you happen to know hwo I can debug jockey to see why it thinks I don't want the blob?12:37
tjaaltonAwsoonn: I think tseliot is your man for the job :)12:38
Awsoonnwill ping~ Thanksl12:39
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sorenRemind me again: Why is it that the default Display "Virtual" setting isn't 10000x10000 so that side-by-side monitor things are just an xrandr call away?15:28
pwnguinif i were to hazard a guess15:28
tjaaltonbecause otherwise you'd have a large desktop to scroll around?15:28
pwnguinit'd be related to the amount of video ram such insanity would allocate?15:28
sorentjaalton: Erm.. no?15:28
tjaaltonok :)15:29
sorentjaalton: That's the viewport setting, surely?15:29
jcristausoren: because otherwise you wouldn't have 3d15:29
jcristausoftware gl is slow15:29
jcristauplus, that would use a massive amount of memory15:29
tjaaltonsoren: right..15:29
sorenjcristau: Wouldn't that only become a problem when I actually start using the extra virtual space?15:29
jcristausoren: no15:29
sorenjcristau: Ok.15:29
sorenjcristau: Just curious: Is this considered a bug? I mean... I would seem better to me if adding an extra monitor and being able to just extend your desktop onto it with xrandr would be possible, but perhaps I'm missing something.15:32
sorens/I would/It would/15:32
jcristauyes, it's considered a bug15:32
jcristauit's also hard15:32
sorenOh, no doubt.15:32
sorenI'm deeply impressed by what xrandr does already.15:32
sorenXRANDR, that is.15:33
sorenxrandr isn't so spectacular in itself :)15:33
jcristauif you're interested15:33
sorenI wouldn't mind sacrificing 3D capabilites on the altar of dual-head setups.15:34
tseliotsoren: thanks to the work which I'm doing with bryce on the gnome-control-center all you will have to do is apply your settings, let it set the virtual resolution for you (if you wish so), log out and log in.15:46
tseliotof course you will still lose direct rendering15:47
tjaaltonbut only if the size is bigger than the chip supports?15:47
tseliottjaalton: yes, of course15:48
sorentseliot: Lovely.15:48
tseliottjaalton: i.e. bigger than the current framebuffer15:48
tjaaltonbryce: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2008-April/034582.html18:30
bdmurraybryce: I think I'm reading to validate a series of xorg.conf files.  Is there a package with a small number of bugs I could test with?18:31
tjaaltonbryce: so if we drop xorg.conf it should work18:34
tjaaltonor at least the driver section..19:10
bdmurrayI got impatient and I'm checking all the xserver-xorg-video-mga bugs19:13
tseliot1bdmurray: you might find a lot of interesting stuff in the reports assigned to nvidia-glx19:14
tseliot1maybe too much stuff19:14
bdmurrayI wanted to test a package with a small number of bugs first to make sure everything is working right19:15
bdmurrayThen I'll get crazy!19:15
tseliot1ah ok19:15
brycebdmurray: xserver-xorg-video-nv probably doesn't have an overwhelming number19:17
bdmurraybryce: would also checking "closed" bug be helpful?19:34
brycebdmurray: nope, only open ones19:34
bdmurraybryce: so looking at bug 5801 - which as an invalid xorg.conf - I'm not certain the best way to establish a relationship between my comment and the problematic xorg.conf20:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5801 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "(NVidia only) Wrong default and maximum resolution on widescreen monitor (stretched 1024x768) on GeForce 6200" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/580120:38
bdmurrayThe problem deals with the fact that 2 attachments could have the same name and the attachments aren't easily distinguishable20:40
bdmurrayThere are some numbers in the librarian url and in the edit url for the attachment but those are easy to find etc....20:42
brycemaybe just list the URL to it?  Or refer to the comment# that it was associated with20:42
bdmurrayGot it, I'll just add an additional link to the librarian url20:43
bdmurrayin the comment I add - sound good?20:49
tjaaltonbryce: yay, driver fallbacks do indeed work21:41
tjaaltonhttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/17291373/Xorg.0.log (from bug 26197721:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261977 in xorg-server "nv is chosen even if it doesn't support the card" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26197721:43
tjaaltonit's kinda built in the xserver already.. no new magic needed, if the conf had multiple driver sections it would try them one by one until it works21:45
tjaaltonso.. this should make failsafe quite a bit more straightforward21:46
brycewait I said that already21:48
bryceis there any additional work you see we need to do to polish it up?21:48
tjaaltonwell I'd like to make sure if it's enough to just not have any Device-sections in xorg.conf21:50
tjaaltonif not, there should be another way to feed options21:50
tjaaltonlike NoLogo for nvidia, Virtual for dualhead etc21:51
tjaaltonmaybe if there would be xorg.conf.d/ with files that are sourced, so that they could replace or add stuff to the default, generated configuration21:52
tjaalton(that's not a new idea)21:52
* bryce nods21:53
brycehowever on the other hand, Virtual will be going away sooner or later21:54
tjaaltonwell yes21:54
brycealso alberto's x-kit will be handling flipping on/off options21:54
tjaaltonbut if there's xorg.conf this fallback-stuff won't work21:54
tjaaltonat least that's what I fear21:55
tjaaltona really hacky way would be to modify dexconf to add all the device sections21:55
tjaaltonbut that's... ugly21:56
tjaaltongoing back to the 90's21:56
tjaaltonheck, I'll try the deb myself22:00
tjaaltonhrm, gotta love (un)reliable power management with .2722:01
bryceyeah my laptop has started hanging on suspend/resume again22:03
brycefor a while there it was working reasonably reliably22:03
tjaaltonyeah for me too22:04
brycehonestly I've been having a LOT of problems since about alpha-3/422:04
brycejumpy mouse pointer, flickering on starting/stopping gnome apps, boots successfully only 50% of time, strange screen corruptions, suspend/resume issues...22:05
bryceit's a bit disheartening22:06
brycebut... gives me something to do for the next month ;-)22:06
tjaaltonsounds familiar.. the flickering/mouse jumping are related, somehow 945/965 are on other sides of the fence; fix one and the other breaks22:06
tjaaltonalthough I haven't seen the flickering on 965, but mouse jumping stopped after applying the latest patch. although that made the mouse jump on 94522:08
brycemm, yeah I last updated it friday so maybe there's a fix22:08
bryceoh, also I'm seeing the screensaver failing to come on again22:08
bryceI also can't say I'm a fan of the new power switch, where you have to go back to the gdm screen in order to shut the system off22:09
brycesince suspend/resume doesn't work, it adds extra work to shutting down the machine22:09
tjaaltonyeah that sucks big time22:10
tjaaltonbut the new user-switch applet has an option to shutdown directly22:10
bryceoh does it?  I played with that only briefly, I'll look closer22:10
tseliot1bryce: if you click on the User Switcher in the gnome panel you can select shutdown. This should save you some time22:12
tjaaltonok, verified that the server doesn't use built-in configuration if it can find the system xorg.conf22:15
tjaaltonand I think there's a simple way to use the failsafe even if you had an xorg.conf that has issues for whatever the reason.. just move it aside like now, but don't generate a stub file but use the server defaults like normally22:38

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