
favroyamatteo_fullsto: move your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.bak then try that one00:00
yamatteo_fullstoi'm coming soon00:02
yamatteo_fullis there a xogr configuration?00:05
favroyamatteo_full: to get back to defaults use   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:16
yamatteo_fullno no00:16
yamatteo_fullthere is no problem00:17
yamatteo_fullsafe-graphics mode start in anycase00:17
yamatteo_fullthet command don't work00:17
TheSheepsudo displayconfig-gtk replaced it00:18
favroTheSheep: really? hmmm00:19
yamatteo_fullwhen i run displayconfig-gtk , i try to change something an test : "Configuration test failed. Please verify the selected devices and configuration"00:20
yamatteo_fullwith ANY possible setting00:20
yamatteo_fulldon't worry about00:46
yamatteo_fulli think i'll give up00:46
nubuntuguys i am trying to replace a gif file within my magento config.  the new gif is on the desktop, and i have to get it to: var/www/magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images/________00:53
TheSheepnubuntu: gksu thunar00:57
Sir_Lewk_I can't get spell check working in abiword or openoffice, does anyone else have this issue?01:02
=== Sir_Lewk_ is now known as Sir_Lewk
TheSheepSir_Lewk: any details?01:05
TheSheepSir_Lewk: do you have the language packs installed?01:05
hfmlsintsalled xubuntu in an old pc01:05
hfmlsboot takes too long..like 8 minutes. :S pentium III 128 ram.01:05
Sir_Lewkyes, they appear to be installed, I don't have access to the machine at this moment01:05
hfmlsand can u guys help me to use vesa driver please?01:05
Sir_LewkI'll get back when my brother finishes up his homework on it01:06
Sir_LewkI think it should default to vesa if nothing else works01:08
hfmlsit works01:09
hfmlsbut with some crazy resolution and pixels01:09
hfmlshow can i go to vesa?01:09
Sir_Lewkvesa will often not give you native resolutions01:15
hfmlsthat's ok01:16
hfmlsall i want is to see clearly01:16
Sir_Lewkwhat sort of graphics card do you have?01:18
Sir_Lewkthere is probably a better driver than vesa I'd think01:18
hfmlsthat's ok01:18
hfmlsi dont play games01:18
hfmlsthis is only to see mails01:19
hfmlsit's a pentium III700 128 ram01:19
hfmlswith a shitty graphics card01:19
hfmlswith the current settings colors are ok but image is kinda trimbled01:19
hfmlswith vesa used to work ok but i formated it01:19
hfmlshow can i see if it is using vesa?01:20
hfmlsor how can i make it use vesa?01:20
Sir_LewkI'm not entirely sure, haven't actually used ubuntu myself for a while ;)01:21
Sir_Lewktry checking what /etc/X11/xorg.conf says01:21
Sir_Lewk/var/log/Xorg.0.log may contain useful info as well01:21
favrohfmls: try   sudo displayconfig-gtk   in a terminal01:23
hfmlsand then01:24
favrohfmls: it should let you choose vesa as a driver afaik01:24
hfmlsit shows to choose resolution and kind of monitor01:25
ethana2I have Ubuntu 8.04.1 with gnome and xfce installed..  is there any way I can use xfce panel applets in gnome?01:27
ethana2rather, in gnome-panel01:27
favrohfmls: then   gksu mousepad /etc/X11/xorg.conf   and add   Driver  "vesa"   to the device section01:29
JuanTelezhi all? What is the name to run Terminal?01:34
JuanTelezthe path to the bin01:34
Odd-rationale /usr/bin/terminal01:34
JuanTelezOdd-rationale: thanks01:34
JuanTelezI was trying to run it from ALT+F2 but I'cant01:35
JuanTelezbut now I mark the option run in a terminal, and it works haha01:35
JuanTelezother n00b question01:36
JuanTelezI can't get rid of the Oreange calendar at start up01:36
JuanTelezhow can't I uninstall it?01:36
Odd-rationaleJuanTelez: do you have the orage plugin on your panel?01:36
Odd-rationaleJuanTelez: checked autostarted applications?01:37
JuanTelezOdd-rationale: yeap01:37
JuanTelezand, Terminal doesn't open completly, if I make ALT+F201:38
JuanTelezit opens the program but i get no promt01:38
Odd-rationalei gtg eat... bbl01:41
JuanTelezc ya Odd-rationale and thank!01:46
jdwpomMorning all - anybody want to answer an easy one?01:57
favrojdwpom: I guess no-one will speak up 'till they know what you're calling easy...02:07
jdwpomA good point.02:08
jdwpomI'm curious as to what happens when you try doing things like installing new hardware - specifically a graphics carf02:08
jdwpomBeing an ex-windows user, what I *want* to hear is 'you plug it in, linux'll detect it, find drivers, install them and make your day without anything complicated needed.  What I'm expecting is something involving the phrase 'recompile your kernel' which scares me.02:09
favrojdwpom: X is supposed to automatically configure for the card in hardy so a new card "should" be a non issue02:09
jdwpomDo weird things happen involving removal of old, unused drivers at all, or can I stop being paranoid that I'm about to break my system...02:10
favrojdwpom: worse case is you'll have 640x480 resolution or it want start the graphics and will need to edit xorg.conf02:12
jdwpomWhat can I say, editing system files still scares em02:12
favrojdwpom: you have to be accurate doing that - computers are dumb02:13
jdwpomThen the next question is, after inserting said graphics card (I don't even know what it is/if it'll be better or worse than what I've already got.  Spare parts make experimentation fun) and finding it to be worthless (a very real possibility) will unplugging and rebooting dig up the old drivers again?02:14
jdwpom(Obviously, most of this isn't happening while the power isn't on.)02:14
favrojdwpom: again it "should" ...02:15
favrosome are lucky some not02:15
jdwpomWell, to paraphrase, are drivers handled in the same way on an installed system as they are during the install?  (In other words, if I'm using a driver that the installation found, will it find it again)02:16
favrojdwpom: again it "should" ... it is new and still needs work imho02:20
jdwpomOkie doke.  I'll do some backing up and see what ahppens.02:20
jdwpomThanks a bundle :D02:20
favrosorry I couldn't be more positive about it...02:21
Genelykmidori  browser  version 0.0.18  ,03:10
Genelykin web is 0.0.21 T_T03:10
nubuntuguys i am trying to replace a gif file within my magento config.  the new gif is on the desktop, and i have to get it to: var/www/magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images/________04:44
nubuntucould someone please help me get a .gif file moved from my desktop to an image file?05:03
rcscompnubuntu: ??05:04
rcscompa gif is an image file05:04
Odd-rationalenubuntu: you could use the cp command: cp ~/Desktop/image.gif /path/to/destination05:04
Odd-rationaleif you need root priviledges, add sudo...05:04
nubuntuOdd-rationale: today someone had given me this command that *din't* work:  cp image.gif var/www/magento/skin/frontend/default/default/images/logo.gif  where logo.gif is the file i want to replace05:07
Rakeersudo cp05:07
Odd-rationaleand forgot the / infront of var05:07
nubuntui wonder if i tried that today ... lemme try it now05:09
nubuntuOdd-rationale: and Rakeer , i think *maybe* i got it,, gotta figure out how to get back to the frontend to see if its rendering ... thanks05:18
nubuntuOdd-rationale: i haven't gotten to a frontend view yet, but i looked in the filesys and the new logo is there ... with the same 'old' name of logo.gif, which is fine, although i thought i was renaming it with the command you gave me.  anyways, that was a breakthrough for me, thanks again :)05:31
nubuntubreakthrough meaning my first 'cp'05:31
JinKazamahi all05:50
JinKazamahow to delete files and folders from external HD . they are from Windows and now gives me that error :05:53
JinKazamarm: cannot remove `adr.WAB': Read-only file system05:53
wolsJinKazama: what filesystem driver?05:54
wolsif it's ntfs, you cannot write or delete on that partition at all05:54
wolsuse ntfs3g instead if you want write access05:54
wolsntfs3g > JinKazama05:56
JinKazamaI knant find ntfs3g here ...06:03
JinKazamawhat is this ? :/06:03
JinKazamaI cannot resolve this problem. please some help :)06:16
JinKazamawols: shall I have write access  if I make format this drive in FAT32 file system ?06:21
hacked```im running xubuntu live cd06:40
hacked```but the thing is, how can i see my windows fs ?06:40
hacked```(fat32 and ntfs for example)06:40
listdatahacked: try sudo fdisk -l06:55
listdataand also sudo blkid06:55
JinKazamahow to get the file system format to my externel hard drive ?07:10
favro!ntfs-3g | JinKazama07:19
ubottuJinKazama: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:19
clawhello guys a friend of mine has bashed hist tasklist on desktop07:45
clawno menu or anything07:45
clawhow i can fix that ?07:45
clawruned xfce4-panel07:49
s0edh3why does thunar freeze time to time?08:15
clawtry to reinstall it08:16
MarkopotamusHow do you run a program that's installed but not listed in the Applications menu?10:36
favroMarkopotamus: I start with    which "program"   in a terminal or type the path to it10:42
Markopotamusah I see10:45
Markopotamusfavro: perhaps what I really need is to start at square 1 with a newbies guide to terminal commands, the ubuntu file directory structure, etc... I have a feeling I'm just asking lots of dumb questions because I dont know what's going on.10:46
Markopotamusfavro: I didnt manage to get samba working last night :(10:48
favroMarkopotamus: I've never used it - what is giving you grief?10:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.10:50
favroMarkopotamus: what was the program that didn't add an entry to the applications menu?10:51
Markopotamuswell it's probably just me being dumb, not knowing the right commands, but there was one bitwhere I had to edit a file using sudo, but just couldnt get it to open10:53
Markopotamusfavro: I thought I had a few other media programmes installed but they weren't listed. Now I'm wondering if they're actually just packages which are part of the installed applications I *can* see. Can't check now, this lil laptop doesnt like multitasking too much10:54
favroMarkopotamus: in linux case is important x11 is different to X11 as an example10:54
Markopotamusfavro: yes, I remember that ;)10:55
favroMarkopotamus: most apps end up in /usr/bin - if you think you have something looking in there is a good start10:55
Markopotamusfavro: right now samba is the thing I wanna get working10:57
favroMarkopotamus: what's holding you up?10:57
Markopotamusfavro: ok, well Im looking at this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently " Mounting unprotected "guest" network folders"10:59
Markopotamusfavro: I've created my folder...10:59
Markopotamusfavro: but I cant seem to edit the /etc/fstab file10:59
favroMarkopotamus: does   gksu mousepad /etc/fstab   in a terminal not let you?11:00
Markopotamusfavro: It does! See, I just didn't know to do that ;)11:01
favroMarkopotamus: ok :)11:02
favro!sudo | Markopotamus11:02
ubottuMarkopotamus: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)11:02
Markopotamusfavro: thanks11:03
Markopotamusfavro: Incidentally, I keep getting an error saying "sudo: unable to resolve host <computer name>"11:03
Markopotamuserm... by <computer name> I think I mean the name for the root account, or the first name that was asked for on instalation11:04
favro!hostname | Markopotamus11:06
ubottuMarkopotamus: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab11:06
Markopotamusah ok11:08
Markopotamusso it's likely that they don't currently match?11:08
Markopotamusfavro: so - sudo mousepad /etc/hostname or gksu mousepad /etc/hostname ?11:09
favroMarkopotamus: yep - check the two files then set it in terminal11:09
favroMarkopotamus: I would just browse to them first11:10
favrosee that both are the same11:10
Markopotamushmm. well they're not11:10
favroMarkopotamus: then gksu mousepad /etc/hostname11:11
favroMarkopotamus: make it the same as /etc/hosts and set in terminal11:12
Markopotamusfavro: what do you mean "set it in termnal" ?11:12
favroUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname11:13
Markopotamusfavro: so what I've got in /etc/hosts is localhost <host name>.<something>11:16
Markopotamusfavro: is it ok to just makesure <host name> matches what's in /etc/hostname ?11:17
favroMarkopotamus: there's other stuff that uses /etc/hosts - best to change /etc/hostname imo11:17
Markopotamusso.. erm. Right. For the hostname thingy, in a terminal I'm typing "sudo hostname <a hostname>" or what?11:19
Markopotamusor litterally just "hostname <a hostname>" ?11:19
Markopotamus( favro: )11:20
favroMarkopotamus: so /etc/hostname will have as it's only entry  <hostname> from <host name>.<something>11:20
favroI've got no idea what <something> could be...11:21
Markopotamusfavro: it should be there though, right?11:21
favroMarkopotamus: I've got no <something> in my /etc/hosts11:22
Markopotamusfavro: right now /etc/hostname has as its only entry <hostname>11:22
Markopotamusand that's it11:22
favroMarkopotamus: type   hostname   in a terminal11:23
favroMarkopotamus: is it the same as in /etc/hosts?11:23
Markopotamus<hostname> is the same, yes, but in hosts it has .<something> on the end11:24
favroand what does the terminal output say?11:24
Markopotamusfavro: just says the hostname11:24
Markopotamusfavro: (the right one)11:25
favroMarkopotamus: you shouldn't have the sudo error now11:25
Markopotamusah groovy11:25
Markopotamusfavro: argh, no, it's still there11:26
favroMarkopotamus: so with /etc/fstab edited does the samba bit work?11:26
favroMarkopotamus: can you copy/paste the one line in /etc/hosts with the <something> in it?11:27
Markopotamusit's safe to past that info, right?11:29
favroone line yes11:29
Markopotamus127.0.1.1 criter.Ady11:29
favroMarkopotamus: so that is hostname.domain then? - that's the <something> .Ady?11:31
Markopotamusyes, I think so11:31
favroI'd remove the .Ady if it isn't part of your hostname and try again11:32
Markopotamusooooh I know something I've done wrong11:33
MarkopotamusI got this line wrong in fstab //servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8,codepage=unicode,unicode  0  011:33
* Markopotamus removes .Ady11:37
Markopotamusfavro: *ouch*  warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab11:39
Markopotamusmount error: could not find target server. TCP name Panglos/share not found11:39
MarkopotamusNo ip address specified and hostname not found11:39
favroMarkopotamus: sounds like you have to name the windows comp in /etc/hosts - I'll have a quick google11:41
Markopotamusah, I just did something to my windows PC to make sure the dirrectory matched and now I have a new error11:43
Markopotamusbut it still says  warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab11:43
favroMarkopotamus: gksu mousepad /etc/fstab   go to the end of the last line - hit enter - save and close11:44
Markopotamusfavro: where'd I be without you :\11:47
favrohehe :)11:47
Markopotamusfavro: Right! so... now the error is Permision denied. Hmm.11:47
Markopotamusthe folder I made to root, can't do anything with it.11:48
favrowith mount -a?11:48
Markopotamuswhat's the path to something on the desktop? /home/username/desktop/folder ?11:49
favrosudo chown -Rv Markopotamus:Markopotamus /path/to/mountpoint11:49
Markopotamushrm. Still permission deinied11:57
wolsMarkopotamus: what are you mounting exactly?11:59
Markopotamuswols: just a folder. I want this Xubuntu laptop to talk to  my Windows XP PC11:59
* Markopotamus has to go but will be back12:14
Markopotamuscheers for the help again, favro12:14
=== evalles_ is now known as effie_jayx
MarkopotamusWhat'd be the best way to get the java working in Hardy Heron?13:55
cody-somervilleMarkopotamus, how is it not working?13:55
Markopotamuscody-somerville: I can't run a jnlp file13:56
* Markopotamus is looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java right now13:56
cody-somervilleTry install xubuntu-restricted-extras13:57
MarkopotamusOo, is that accessible through Add/Remove applications?13:58
MarkopotamusYes, I see it is13:58
jimmy_birerhey1 someone can give me alternate cd adress?(link of iso)14:00
cody-somervillejimmy_birer, for what release?14:03
cody-somervilleMarkopotamus, :)14:03
jimmy_bireri want the link of iso14:04
jimmy_birernot html page!14:04
jimmy_birerbecause puppy crashes14:04
cody-somervilleIs that the same guy that was trolling here yesterday?14:05
Markopotamuscody-somerville: Yeh.14:06
Markopotamussudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre \o/ It works.14:06
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:23
WooIs it possible to set up raid 0 for my two hard drives here just as easy as I can in Windows?14:26
favromark!raid | Woo14:30
favro!!raid | Woo14:30
ubottuWoo: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto14:30
* cody-somerville notes that he needs folks to test Alpha 4 candidate and report to iso testing tracker! :-)14:30
WooRight, so there is no simple wizard I can run to make it?14:32
Ben_Cshow can i clean my system of loose packages that are not used, because of uninstalled software?15:15
viddBen_Cs, sudo apt-get autoremove --purge15:15
viddthe --purge gets rid of config files too15:16
Ben_Csvidd: is it the same as autoremovable in synaptic? cause in synaptic it lists packages that are autoremovable but i seem to use them.15:16
Ben_Cswell, i tr, thanks15:18
=== march is now known as march_afk
WooCan I set up two disks to the same mount point so I can combine their storage?15:21
viddBen_Cs, i dont use synaptic....so i cant answer that'15:21
pleia2Woo: no, it doesn't work like that15:22
pleia2Woo: look into LVM15:22
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO15:23
pleia2or do a google search for "combine disks lvm" or somesuch15:23
pleia2there are lots of instructions out there15:23
Wooi am a newbie15:23
pleia2combining disks is not a simple task, it takes a bit of work15:24
cody-somervilleNOTICE: IF you'd like to help the Xubuntu developer team, please feel free to help test the candidate images for the upcoming Intrepid Alpha 4. Everything you need to do so can be found at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/xubuntu/all :-)15:24
Wooi just want a a raid 015:24
Woowhat is the easiest way i can do it with minimum reading?15:24
Ben_Csvidd: if i continue using this cleanup method, will my xubuntu stay clean and not need reinstall? (i.e. windows needs clean reinstall every some time)15:24
cody-somervilleWoo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID15:26
viddBen_Cs, that should be fairely accurate\15:27
Wooi don't want to boot with it15:27
viddi cannot guarentee you will never need a reinstall....but not nearly as often15:27
Wooi just want my two new hard drives to list as one15:28
Woothat guide covers booting and installing15:30
pleia2Woo: http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/04/27/managing-disk-space-with-lvm.html?page=2 might be helpful, but as I already said - this isn't a simple thing, it's going to take some work15:31
Woook then i suggest "you" work on making it simpler15:32
Wooin windows it's just a few clicks15:32
The-KernelWoo, in windows its inefficient and prone to failure.15:33
WooIn Windows it just worked.15:34
The-KernelThe only time I have ever seen a windows RAID is when it has failed15:34
WooThen you lack experience.15:35
WooMe or my friends have never had any problems with it.15:35
WooAs end users.15:35
cody-somervilleWoo, Maybe you could work on improving the raid experience on Linux if you're interested in it :-)15:35
cody-somervilleWoo, You have to remember that the folks here are all end users as well and if they don't use raid themselves it might be difficult to do that work you're requesting of them.15:36
WooLol, I can't program anything without knowing how this all works in the first place :P15:36
jdwpom*Newbie Talking* Isn;t this an lvm issue?*15:39
jdwpom*Newbie talking* forget I spoje, after more reading15:40
jdwpom*kinda runk*15:40
stevenwcody does not approve...15:42
stevenwhey cody now that you're on...15:42
* cody-somerville runs.15:43
stevenwi put xub on my friend's laptop15:43
stevenwthe screen blanks every couple of minutes15:43
stevenwabout 5-10 if i don't move the mouse15:43
cody-somervilleI think thats called the screensaver ;p15:43
stevenwno screensavers, not locking screen when computer is idle15:43
cody-somervilleIt is just the screen blacking out15:43
cody-somervilleLook in power settings15:44
stevenwwhen i wiggle mouse, cursor appears15:44
stevenwbut it will not show X15:44
* cody-somerville needs people with amd64 computers to help test Intrepid Alpha 4 : - )15:44
stevenwif i alt-ctrl-F(number) then back to F7 it works15:44
cody-somervilleSounds like an X bug to me.15:44
The-Kernelcody-somerville I'll do it :P15:45
The-KernelI just lost my job so....15:45
The-Kernelwhy not!15:45
cody-somerville: O15:45
stevenwokay it's just a bug i guess15:45
stevenwit's just frustrating15:46
cody-somervilleI imagine.15:47
cody-somervilleCan you pastebin your Xorg.0.log?15:47
cody-somervilleAlso dmesg | tail15:47
stevenwwhere is Xorg.0.log?15:49
stevenwi am pastebinning dmesg15:49
cody-somerville /srv/log/15:50
cody-somerville /var/log15:50
stevenwno installed viewer capable of displaying....15:50
stevenwnevermind LOL15:51
stevenwis that it?15:56
cody-somervilletail messages15:57
stevenwnot at bottom?15:58
stevenwdmesg | tail is at line 736 i think16:00
cody-somervillecan you tail /var/log/messages16:00
stevenwerr exactly how to do that {n00b}16:01
stevenwLOL trying to put xub on other people's comps and it's the little things that are a challenge LMAO16:01
cody-somervilletype: tail /var/log/messages16:02
stevenwokay pastebin.com/m7a01eeee16:04
Woois there any easy to configure ftp server (like filezilla) you recomend?16:04
viddWoo, proftpd is simple enough16:05
The-Kernelyeah it is16:05
viddWoo, the only configuration i did was to lock users into their home directories (remove on #)16:06
cody-somervillestevenw, I guess you'll need to speak with someone from the X team.16:07
cody-somervillestevenw, I don't see anything suspicious.16:07
stevenwthat's so weird LOL16:07
WooI followed this guide. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux16:15
Woohjemmeserver@hjemmeserver:~$ sudo mount -a16:15
Woosudo: unable to resolve host hjemmeserver16:15
Woomount: unknown filesystem type ''16:15
WooWhat is wrong?16:15
cody-somervilleWoo, please pastebin /etc/hosts16:16
RakeerShould I chaneg EVERY entry in my sources file to reflect that address?16:18
cody-somervilleI think the instructions are pretty clear :-]16:18
Rakeerthe article has some typos I think...not sure...16:18
WooWhat should I type in the terminal for that, cody?16:18
cody-somervilleWoo, cat /etc/hosts16:19
Rakeerim confused...do i just switch ever us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ with ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/?16:22
Rakeerwill a find/replace be adequate?16:23
cody-somervilleyou'll also want to upgrade to hardy, I believe16:24
Myrtticody-somerville: cat /etc/hosts16:24
MyrttiWoo: cat /etc/hosts16:24
Woonevermind i just did /mount /dev/sdb1 and so16:25
Rakeercody-somerville: I'm on 7.10 hardy already...using psXubuntu16:25
cody-somerville8.04 is hardy16:25
Rakeerdon't want to upgrade but it does seem some of my stuff in repos im getting is outdated...16:26
Rakeerwhats the kernel version?16:26
Myrttilsb_release -a16:26
Odd-rationaleuname -a16:26
Rakeerah ok 7.04 feisty16:27
Rakeermy uname -a is16:27
RakeerLinux PS3 2.6.24 #1 SMP Thu Jan 31 16:25:19 JST 2008 ppc64 GNU/Linux16:27
Rakeerwill it cause me problems to change the sources on my kernel?16:29
Woohmm this is ackward16:29
Wooi marked text in the terminal, started typing16:29
Wooand it didn't replace the marked text16:29
viddWoo, that is correct16:29
viddthe terminal is not a text editor16:30
viddhighlighting will allow you to copy, but not replace16:30
Woowhy does it not recognize ctrl v? that's irritating16:31
viddit is ctrl+alt+v16:31
Woowhy the alt, isn't ctrl + v faster?16:32
viddyou can also go into the settings to change that default behavour16:32
stevethefiddleBy default it's Ctrl+Alt+V but you can change it16:32
viddWoo, how do you figure its faster?16:32
viddits still on set of keys16:32
Woohmm, nevermind it's not worth talking about. :)16:33
Odd-rationalealso, shift+insert16:34
Wooi can't seem to mount my disk. i have double checked the file system (ext3) is at /dev/sdc1.16:34
stevethefiddleAnyone use WINE?16:34
Odd-rationaleWoo: what command did you try?16:34
Wooin fstab it is called this /dev/sdc1 /home/hjemmeserver/seed-disk216:34
Woo /mount/dev/sdc116:34
WooWhen I browse to the folder I see fee space 35gb, no lost+found folder. It's suppose to be 1gb free there16:38
RakeerMyrtti: Any idea if security addresses get some kind of update?16:38
RakeerI get a lot of these strings: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/feisty/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  404 Not Found16:39
WooMaybe if I try a reboot...16:39
Myrttihttp://security.ubuntu.com is certainly a valid address16:39
Rakeerhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/43379/  thats my sources.list after I updated...everyhting look ok?16:41
Rakeerhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/43381/   heres what my terminal output after I ran sudo apt-get update16:42
cody-somervilleYou *have* to upgrade to Hardy if you want further updates.16:45
stevethefiddleUsing WINE: "Browse C:\ Drive" throws up error "Failed to open URL "~/.wine/drive_c". The URL "~/.wine/drive_c" is not supported. Anyone else have this problem, or know how to fix it?16:45
viddWoo, I believe the reason you are seeing more space is becuase you are mounting it inside your home directory....it may be including the free space in your /home partition as well16:58
viddWoo, maybe you should set fstab to mount the partition as /seed-disk216:59
Woovidd: /home/hjemmeserver/sed-disk has no problems17:08
WooGod.. Can someone kill the idiots that runs mopeds without mufflers? =/17:11
Woodoes anyone want a tux here?17:28
Wooi have two stuffed toys17:28
cody-somervilleWoo, please see #xubuntu-offtopic for idle chit-chat :-)17:29
Woook. do you have any idea why my disk won't mount?17:29
cody-somervilleWhats the output of sudo lshw?17:32
Woohow do i mark all?17:35
Wooit doesn't respond to ctrl a17:35
nubuntui have too many pics and files i save temporarily to the desktop, and i noticed that if i try to save a new screenshot or anything to it, the grid doesn't readjust and make room for it.  where does it go?  also, how do i make each of the four desktops separate?  so that what is on one does not persist to the others?  i remeber seeing a button for that *somewhere* but i can't find it now.17:38
viddnubuntu, the desktop will not show items that dont "fit"....but they will still be there in the ~/Desktop folder17:40
* cody-somerville is off to a dentist appointment.17:40
viddMy recomendation is to configure your system to download to someplace other than the desktop17:40
nubuntuahhhhh, ok.  what about the control for the other three desktops?17:40
viddive never played around with that17:41
viddBy the way....if you remove items from the desktop, the item that did not fit before will not "auto-arrange" for you17:42
nubuntuya, i noticed that too17:42
nubuntui wish i could remember where that setting for the desktops is17:43
viddyou can either edit, or remove ~/.icon.screen0.rc to re-arrange17:43
viddthe path is ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/icon.screen0.rc17:44
viddtry setting up a icon.screen1.rc etc to see if that will make a difference17:45
zOapis there a program for creating xfce themes?18:16
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
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MarkopotamusCan anyone help me get samba working, so I can share files between this xubuntu laptop and my Windows XP PC?18:36
MarkopotamusEvery time I open the Shared Folders menu it says "Sharing Services are not installed - you need to instal at least either Samba or NFS in order to share your folders" Then there are two tick boxes to instal NFS and SMB. I click Install services but that same warning screen keeps coming back. This is wierd because Im pretty sure I did install Samba18:39
Wootry rebooting18:40
Wooit's not a standard answer in this case btw, sometimes it helps for this18:40
Markopotamusbut then what? It did this before the last time I rebooted :s18:43
MarkopotamusWoo: me are confuse18:43
hajhousei'm having poor performance with with firefox 3 on xubunty hardy. after some time browsing, the firefox process starts using 100% cpu and seems to freeze (window stops updating); it doesn't become usable again even after many minutes.18:44
* Markopotamus nudges favro in an emploring manner19:04
WooMarkopotamus: It sucks, I know.19:06
WooI was quite annoyed about this when I set up my box.19:06
WooI had a similar thing.19:07
MarkopotamusWoo: Hehe, cheers for feeling my pain.19:07
MarkopotamusWoo: Mind you, part of my pain is just straight forward newbie embarasment at not knowing more than I do about what I'm doing.19:08
WooI'm a newbie as well19:08
Wooright now it won't let me have more than one connection to the box. this means if i have one transfer running, i can't even mark something when browsing it in windows explorer without the transfer stopping.19:09
MarkopotamusWow. That's frustrating.19:09
Wooalso when i stream stuff from it it stops streaming after 2-3 secs sometimes, i have to stop the video and try again. usually it works after 1-2 times19:10
viddjust out of curiosity....who much ram y'all got?19:11
Wooon what computer?19:11
viddthe one with the firefox memory issue'19:12
Woowe don't all (y'all) have it, do we?19:12
MarkopotamusOn this one? 192 MB. On my other one, 2gb19:14
vidddoes the 2gb one have the same issue>?19:14
Markopotamussorry. Erm. GLEE! It works. They're now talking.19:15
MarkopotamusI'm looking at the contents of a shared dirrectory on my other computer in a terminal window. Huzzar.19:15
* Markopotamus can smell victory! It's nearly working.19:27
WooLinux: It just works, eh? :P19:27
Markopotamuswoo: well, don't want to speak toooo soon ;)19:29
MarkopotamusThankyou for putting up with me, all19:34
Woowhat did you do?19:35
MarkopotamusHeh. Went into the package manager and installed everything I could see relating to Samba19:35
Markopotamusthen went back to the Shared Folders dir and made a new folder. Which worked without complaint this time. Then had a look in a terminal using smbclient and suddenly I could see stuff on my Windows PC19:36
MarkopotamusRan over to the Windows PC and presto, it can see my shared folder :)19:36
hajhousevidd: if you were referring to me, it's not a memory issue with firefox. much ram remains free while cpu usage goes to 100%.19:55
MarkopotamusHmm. Any idea how I could grant my windows PC permision to write stuff on this computer?20:05
viddMarkopotamus, who owns the share directory?20:22
MarkopotamusUmm. What's the console command to 'get' a whole dirrectory rather than just a file?20:22
MarkopotamusThe respective accounts on either computer I suppose.20:23
Markopotamusvidd: ^^ I think20:23
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viddMarkopotamus, did that link help20:25
Markopotamusvidd: still looking at it actually.20:29
Markopotamusvidd: thanks - Im starting to slow down now though. Been a long day.20:29
MarkopotamusIncidentally, vidd, could you tell me the command to transfer a whole dirrectory rather than just a file?20:29
viddi was looking for that myself last week20:31
viddi didnt get an answer20:31
Markopotamusyerk. That's not good20:32
viddi ended up using an ftp client (gftp)20:32
Markopotamusoh noes20:32
MarkopotamusMan, I really need a GUI for this samba buisness20:32
viddinstall it....use....then uninstall --purge it20:33
viddno muss, no huff, no fuss20:33
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Markopotamusvidd: erm... trying it, not entirely clear how to make it work accross the network though20:34
viddmake what work across a network?20:35
viddits easy20:36
viddset the hostname as the ip address of the server20:37
greenmanHi, anyone around `notes the sparsely populated channel20:38
viddhello greenman20:38
viddthis is sparse? i call it "uncrowded"! =]20:39
Markopotamusvidd: t'aint working20:39
viddis gftp installed?20:42
Markopotamus... ;)20:42
viddok....which machine is the ftp server?20:43
MarkopotamusErm. The windows PC20:44
viddand do you know its local ip?20:44
viddset that as the hostname20:44
vidddo you know the FTP username and password?20:45
MarkopotamusFTP username and password? If it's anything other than the account username and password for the accounts on either computer then I've no idea.20:46
viddwell.....when you ftp'd to the windows machine in cli....what did you use?20:46
greenmanvidd: uncrowded works.  :)20:47
greenmanHello.  I have xubuntu, and I seem to have lost my top and bottom bars, not quite sure how to get them back.  I don't remember changing any settings to get rid of them.  Any suggestions?20:47
Markopotamusvidd: I've never used ftp between these computers ;s20:47
viddMarkopotamus, when you set up the ftp server on the windows machine, you needed to create a user account with a password20:54
viddat least, you should have20:54
Markopotamushmm ok.20:55
viddmy recomendation would be to set the ftp server up on the linux box, and use filezilla to ftp in and out20:55
MarkopotamusWouldn't I need to instal extra software to do that? apache or something?20:55
viddjust an ftp server like proftpd20:56
Markopotamushrm. I wonder if smartftp would work20:57
Markopotamusrecurse, prompt, mget <directory>21:05
Markopotamusworks \o/21:05
MarkopotamusResult! Not a pretty result. Not a user friendly result, but never the less... lots and lots of stuff is now transfering from meh windows PC to this one.21:06
zynergia server with a 10mbps port is going to have a maximum upload speed of 1000KB/s, right?21:08
greenmanAnyone got anything for my question?21:16
cody-somervillegreenman, press alt+f221:18
cody-somervilleand type in: xfce4-panel21:19
cody-somervilleand hit return21:19
greenmanCool.  Is glad to have that back.  What got rid of it?  Will it start auto next time I login?21:22
viddsorry greenman i was on a call @ work =]21:25
viddgreenman, it probably just crashed, and should reload21:25
greenmanvidd: that's fine.  :)21:25
greenmanWell, I've restarted since I lost it, that's why I ask.  But since it's going now it should start when I restart?21:26
viddit depends....21:26
viddwhen you restart, do you save your session?21:27
greenmanvidd: It never asks, I just click the door, and then the shut down button21:27
viddthere is a check box21:27
greenmanvidd: I'll look for it next time I shutdown21:29
greenmanwell got to go.  Thanks for fixin' me up.21:36
viddis google chrome available in the repo's?21:37
greenmanI've heard it's all kinds of buggy21:39
viddoh...then ill wait21:39
greenmanvidd: I don't have it yet, I've just heard from a few who do.  :)21:42
viddi had a customer want help with it21:42
greenmanwell, if you wanna get it, I wouldn't say no, the bugs were little things like not doing frames right, and a little css hiccups.  It's bound to be better than IE...  `S`21:52
* vidd dont use M$ products if at all possible21:52
greenmansame here.  `S`21:55
thinkmassiveare you talking about Chrome?21:58
thinkmassiveI walked in late21:58
thinkmassiveI'm running Vista in a VirtualBox VM and I'd like to set it up for other Linux users at my office, but I'd like to make it so my desktop icons and panel are restricted to one display22:01
thinkmassivehas anyone done this?22:01
thinkmassivethat's Linux desktop on one display, vm on another, just to clarify22:01
Mannequinhi. On a XUbuntu 8.04.1 almost-fresh install, if computer stays inactive for a few minutes, the screensaver is activated (as expected)23:09
Mannequinbut then, if it stays inactive a few minutes more, it goes to a flickering  black screen and I can't go back23:09
Mannequin(the only way to have my computer back is restarting X, but then, I lose my works)23:09
favroMannequin: does it happen if you use a blank screen instead of animated screensaver?23:14
Mannequinfavro: haven't tested. How could I set it so I can do the test?23:15
favroMannequin: applications-system settings  would be the first place I'd look :)23:15
xaer0... my xubuntu is getting sick :(23:15
xaer0compiz, emerald, and AWM are working correctly.. and my system is hangs on shutdown/reboot23:17
Mannequinfavro: thanks. At least, doing a screensaver preview (both blank screen and animated/3d screensavers), the issue isn't triggered23:17
Mannequinit seems more related to a power management issue23:17
favroMannequin: you did say it took some minutes...23:17
xaer0compiz and emerald aren't loading correctly.. and i have to manually start "gnome-screensaver" on log-in23:17
Mannequinfavro: yes, I should keep  my hands aways a few minutes :)23:18
favroxaer0: try in #compiz-fusion23:18
Mannequinthe computer stays inactive -> goes to screen saver23:18
Mannequinthen, the computer still inactive -> stand-by?23:18
xaer0the only why compiz and emerald work is if i ask Compiz-Icon to restart the WM on every log-in and restart23:18
MannequinI will do the test, and then come back and report23:18
favroluck :)23:18
xaer0well my xubuntu still hangs on shutdown and restart23:19
Mannequinfavro: looking at the Power Management options, it seems to be probably related to the "Put display to sleep when inactive for 40 minutes". I will try lowering it to speed up my test23:20
xaer0this has all got to be a Debian or Xubuntu problem. OpenSUSE 11 (KDE) or Fedora 9 (Gnome) doesnt have this much problems23:21
Guest61855ok, tested, even using a blank screen as screen saver, when xubuntu "puts the screen to sleep", X craches23:31
Guest61855crashes, and it never comes back23:31
=== Guest61855 is now known as Mannequin_2
favroMannequin: check the X log in /var/log - I would do    cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE  in a terminal as a start23:34
Mannequin_2favro: I will... but... in the meanwhile, this happened:23:36
Mannequin_2i started typing ctrl+alt+f1 (f2, etc) until I get a console to run the command you suggested23:37
favroMannequin_2: does ctrl+alt+F2 get you a login prompt23:37
Mannequin_2and of course, i also tried ctrl + alt + f7, and it seems to bring back my panels/desktop with all my windows23:37
Mannequin_2I will trying to reproduce it, because I don't like this workaround of hitting  (several times) ctrl+alt+f7 to bring my desktop back23:38
favroso all your open windows are still open? - that's better...23:39
Mannequin_2(i can also try setting "Put display to sleep" to "Never", but again, it's just a workaround)23:39
Mannequin_2yes, the windows are still open. I'm about to try again (X "crashed").23:39
Mannequin_2ok, this is weird: ctrl+alt+f[1-6] doesn't do anything while my screen is flickering and totally black23:40
Mannequin_2but ctrl+alt+f7 brings back my desktop, all windows open, etc23:41
MannequinI'm here too :)23:41
favroMannequin: is there a setting in screensaver "to wake on mouse/keyboard"?23:42
Mannequin_2favro: I put the output of the Xorg.0.log here:23:44
favroMannequin_2: seems the touchpad isn't set up so X might be having issues with input from it23:46
cancuhi.. i want to know which are xubuntu requirements... can anyone tell me?23:47
favroMannequin_2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad23:48
cancuTo install Xubuntu, you need 1.5 GB of free space on your hard disk.23:48
cancuOnce installed, Xubuntu can run with 192 MB RAM, but it is strongly recommended to have at least 256 MB RAM.23:48
Mannequin_2favro: thanks, I will try (re)configuring X23:48
Mannequin_2favro: ah, thanks for the link too23:48
cancui have 128mb .. will it work? :S23:48
favrocancu: you'll need the alternate cd but yes it'll work23:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:49
cancuwhy the alternate?23:49
favrocancu: it is not a live cd so needs less resources like mem23:50
cancubut does it have a nice gui ?? :) ive never installed ubuntu without live-cd _S23:50
favrocancu: it looks more basic but if you read carefully it is straight forward23:51
cancuok.. ill download both cds and try :)23:52
favronp :)23:52
xaer0emerald + compiz fixed.. thanks for the channel referal23:52
xaer0okay next up... Unable to eject "drive": cannot spawn /usr/bin/eject23:53
xaer0"unable to eject "drive": Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL"23:54
xaer0weird errors o_~ things i havent seen before.. been a xubuntu user since 6.1023:54
xaer0anyone? i tired Gparted.. and ever since then this error has popped up with my removable drives23:58

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