
stdinkde svn 85720701:28
ubottuKDE revision 857207: http://websvn.kde.org/?rev=857207&view=rev01:28
stdinapachelogger: ^01:28
stdinworks without the "kde" and with "rev ...."01:29
stdinbzr support coming soon :)01:30
* JontheEchidna tries02:02
JontheEchidnakde svn 85722702:02
ubottuKDE revision 857227: http://websvn.kde.org/?rev=857227&view=rev02:02
stdintrunk svn 857239 /KDE/kdebase04:53
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/?rev=857239&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase -r 85723904:53
stdintrunk svn 857239 /KDE/kdebase04:56
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/?rev=857239&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase -r 85723904:56
stdinthat's better04:57
jussi01apachelogger: around? Dunno if its you or Jon or who, but the twitter plasmoid is broken in 4.1.1 - I add it and get a small black circle... (PPA, Hardy)08:49
jussi01oh and apachelogger - that dot issue is also happening without desktop effects - it seems to be the top corner of a border thats behind everything perhaps?09:19
seaLneshould the twitter plasmoid use kde proxy settings? in intrepid in "works" for me but dosen't display any tweets09:42
NightroseseaLne: WindowsUninstall is the guy to ask09:43
seaLnedoes it work for you?09:44
Nightrosetwitter applet works for me in hardy - but i don't use a proxy09:44
seaLneyeah, just wanted to check it atleast worked for someone :)09:47
seaLnenothing worse than looking at the wrong problem09:48
goatsockshow about looking at the right problem, but being too incompetent to do anything about it? ;)09:49
* goatsocks finds himself in that situation a lot09:49
seaLneyeah i have that problem aswell :)09:50
xerosisseaLne: the twitter plasmod doesn't use the proxy settings atm but asiego is rewriting to afaik10:56
seaLnexerosis: ah, ta10:59
seaLneunfortunatly proxy support never seems to be a priority as home users don't need it10:59
RiddellI'd have thought it used kioslaves which will support everything11:05
seaLneyeah seems a bit strange but it was a very early plasmoid11:08
doc__hi there11:14
Riddellbuenas dias doc__11:21
doc__Riddell: hola :)11:26
NightroseRiddell: it should use that but according to the discussion on k-(c?)-d about Thiago probibiting the use of one function it does not (sorry forgot what exactly it was)11:48
Nightrosebut I think it is being changed or already is in trunk - WindowsUninstall would know11:49
Riddellhe prohibited QHttp no?  in favour of kioslaves11:52
Nightrosejep I think that was it11:53
JucatoQHttp and QFtp11:53
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=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
Nightroseany news on getting mailody to work in hardy? or does it at least work in intrepid?13:13
Riddellit doesn't work in hardy?13:18
Nightrosenope - due to appamor blocking akonadi last I heard13:18
Nightroseand I just tested - still doesn't work with latest updates13:19
* akonadi ..13:19
=== akonadi is now known as nihui
RiddellNightrose: turn off apparmour?13:23
Riddellapachelogger did a workaround in intrepid for it13:23
apacheloggerI actually think I backported all the stuff13:24
Nightroseyou didn't it seems :)13:24
apacheloggerI am pretty sure I did13:24
apacheloggerif people wouldn't mess up their apparmor...13:24
NightroseI didn't mess around with mine ;-)13:24
apacheloggerwhat's it saying13:24
Nightrosenothing - akonadi tray just doesn't start the server13:25
* apachelogger is surprised akonaditray is actually capable of starting itself13:26
apacheloggerNightrose: konsole akonadiserver start13:26
Nightroseand tells me it is not running13:26
Nightrosek sec13:26
Nightroseunknown command akonadiserver13:27
* apachelogger is going to remove kernel 2.6.2713:27
apacheloggerme@apoc { ~/4.1.1-hardy/mailody-kde4-1.5.0~alpha1 }$ dpkg -S akonadiserver13:29
apacheloggerakonadi-server: /usr/bin/akonadiserver13:29
apacheloggerme@apoc { ~/4.1.1-hardy/mailody-kde4-1.5.0~alpha1 }$ grep 'Depends' debian/control13:29
apacheloggerBuild-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 5), quilt, cmake (>= 2.4.5), automoc,13:29
apacheloggerDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, akonadi-kde, akonadi-server13:29
apacheloggerha! wrong source13:29
Nightroseapachelogger: is that your way of telling me I should have it? :P13:30
apacheloggeryou know, I am quite often surprised by the pointlessnes of dpkg/apt13:30
apacheloggerhow am I supposed to support prior releases if I can't easily get the source packages13:30
apacheloggerthis is crap13:33
apacheloggerNightrose: instal akonadi-kde and akonadi-server13:33
apacheloggerRiddell: is the main freeze lifted yet?13:33
Nightroseapachelogger: ok trying13:34
Riddellnot that I know of13:34
Riddellwhat needs uploading?13:35
* jtechidna needs a main upload sponsored too13:35
Nightroseapachelogger: ok akonadi-server was not installed - installing now13:35
Nightrosewhy isn't it installed as a dependency?13:35
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger and Riddell 13:40
Nightroseakonadi server running13:40
Nightrosemailody still claims it can't find a running akonadi server but well13:42
Nightrosewill get to that later13:42
jtechidnaNightrose: zips should work :(13:43
Nightrosejtechidna: :( yea13:43
Nightroseit doesn't though13:43
NightroseI tried it with several archives13:43
Nightroseno workie13:43
Nightroseand i have the version you said should contain the fix13:43
Nightrosei can try with a few more archives if you want13:44
Nightrosejust to make sure13:44
jtechidnadid the upgrade intall libzip1?13:45
jtechidnaor, is libzip1 installed at all?13:45
Nightroseok not working with any of the zip files I have here13:45
Nightroselet me check13:45
Nightroseit is installed - not sure if it was done with that update or not13:45
jtechidnaok, good. It's not that then13:46
apacheloggerjtechidna: writing batbackport13:46
apacheloggeralthough I am not exactly sure what it should be doing13:46
jtechidnaapachelogger: heh13:47
jtechidnaapachelogger: adding libzip-dev as a build depend for ark doesn't fix it in Hardy. Got any ideas?13:49
jtechidna"it" being the "doesn't open zip files"13:49
Riddelljtechidna: it needs the extra files to be installed too13:50
apacheloggerjtechidna: did it detect libzip properly at cmaketime?13:50
jtechidnaapachelogger: yes, I forgot to add the extra files that are produced to the .install file13:51
jtechidnaooh: http://grundleborg.wordpress.com/2008/09/05/return-of-the-plasma-browser-plugin/13:52
jtechidnaheh, kerfuffle13:53
apacheloggermy mouse is still low on battery13:53
* jtechidna haz wired mause13:56
jtechidna<3 pinentry-qt413:57
apachelogger<3 kate13:59
* apachelogger needs to talk to the quassel devs :P13:59
apacheloggerjtechidna: what is the status of the koffice FTBFS btw?14:00
seaLnequassel makes irssi look pretty :)14:00
jtechidnaapachelogger: I haven't looked at it14:01
jussi01seaLne: shush... quassel is lovely14:02
apachelogger♥ quassel14:03
jtechidnaI could sell the heat my computer generates compiling koffice2 to my neighbors!14:03
jtechidnamaybe I could use the money to buy a new computer...14:03
apacheloggerjtechidna: that indeed would be a good idea14:03
jtechidnaI'll probably get a laptop when I go off to college14:03
jtechidnanext year14:03
jtechidnaNightrose: new kdeutils buildin', should be done in half-an-hour-ish, depending on how long it waits in queue14:04
jtechidnaooh hotness & usability: http://www.notmart.org/images/newpanelcontroller.png14:05
Nightrosejtechidna: alright - let me know when it is done and I will test it14:05
Nightroseneed to go shopping in a few mins14:05
apacheloggerlaptops are mobile cluster nodes14:05
apacheloggerjtechidna: did you update our plasma-firefox packaging14:05
apacheloggerthat beast also needs backporting :S14:06
* jussi01 has no idea how to bluetooth on kde4... anyone care to enlighten me?14:06
apacheloggertonio would know14:06
jtechidnaapachelogger: nein14:07
apacheloggerô mon dieu!14:07
* apachelogger doesn't see the use anyway :P14:08
apacheloggerlast line in the gtk or qt section14:08
apacheloggerso much for ultimate lazyness :P14:08
apacheloggeractually you might want to read the paragraph above as well14:09
apacheloggerRiddell: on intrepid apparmor is again eating akonadiserver14:10
apacheloggerI seriously hate that security stuff14:11
jtechidnaCan anybody tell me why this won't work? svn export svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/trunk/kdereview/kio_bookmarks/14:13
Riddelljtechidna: svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdereview/kio_bookmarks/14:14
Riddellapachelogger: grr14:14
jtechidnaRiddell: thanks14:14
* apachelogger hunts apparmor saying "exterminate!!! exterminate!!!!"14:33
ScottKdevfil: Congratulations.14:34
devfilScottK: thanks14:34
ScottKapachelogger: Please be fixing, not exterminating.14:35
apacheloggerProblem located and extermianted :P14:35
apacheloggerScottK: I guess that equals fixing apparmor? ;-)14:35
ScottKProbably just the profiles.14:36
ScottKSince it's installed by default, we really should make the profiles work for us or the end users will be very grumpy after release.14:36
apacheloggerthe profile is brought in by akonadi14:37
apachelogger  /home/*/.local/share/akonadi/* rw,14:37
apachelogger  /home/*/.local/share/akonadi/** rwk,14:37
apacheloggernow everythign is working as expected again14:37
Riddellwhat does that mean?14:40
apacheloggerread write lock on every file and directory within that path14:41
apachelogger* is only files apparently14:41
apacheloggerthinking about it14:41
seaLneand the k?14:41
apacheloggerthat is still buggy ... what if the user is root14:41
apacheloggerseaLne: locking14:41
seaLneor that isn't their homedir, at mine is /home/s0/kd14:43
seaLneat work14:43
seaLneok bad example but not just root might not be in /home14:45
apacheloggerthey use the very same solution I used now14:48
Tonio_Riddell: kpdf should provide pdf-viewer I guess14:50
* apachelogger there is no kpdf in kde4, is there?14:50
ScottKokular, right?14:50
Tonio_apachelogger: okular :)14:50
apacheloggerah, ok :)14:51
Tonio_apachelogger: sorry for the bad old inabits :)14:51
Tonio_Riddell: I can upload with the fix, ok ?14:51
apacheloggermain is frozen14:51
ScottKI think we're still officially frozen.14:51
Tonio_apachelogger: the package will go in when it gets unfrozen14:51
Tonio_apachelogger: no ?14:51
ScottKTonio_: It's a soft freeze.14:51
ScottKPublisher is on, but devs are asked to not upload.14:52
apacheloggerseaLne: seems to be working14:52
Tonio_ScottK: so we have to wait.... ok :)14:53
apacheloggerjust that I don't have a dbus session14:53
* apachelogger switches user14:53
apacheloggerjtechidna: are you using adduser for userconfig's create user?14:54
apacheloggerseaLne: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43632/14:55
apacheloggerall working :)14:55
Tonio_Riddell: well kdegraphics is prepared, I'll upload once the freeze ends14:56
seeleeek, akademy talks are going up.14:57
RiddellTonio_: what's new in it?14:58
Riddelloh provides ok14:59
Tonio_Riddell: well any package that depends on pdf-vieser installs me acroread :/14:59
ScottKDoes anyone else have any kde4bindings changes they'd like in?  I'm preparing an upload for after the freeze.15:00
Tonio_Riddell: package ready, I'll upload after the freeze15:00
jtechidnaapachelogger: no clue, I'm just getting the GUI in shape15:00
seelehmm.. i twould have been nice if they flipped to the overhead every so often so you can see the slides15:00
RiddellTonio_: more importantly, kdesudo doesn't work sometimes15:01
Tonio_Riddell: ah ?15:01
Riddellon the first run of adept after a login15:01
apacheloggerjtechidna: there were quite some problems with userconfig not following the settings defiend in teh past IIRC, no clue if they are still existing at all15:01
Tonio_hum according to mornfall that was an adept issue15:01
Tonio_Riddell: will also fail with sudo15:01
apacheloggerTonio_: it doesn't terminate upon cancel15:01
Tonio_Riddell: I can't fix that the kdesudo side15:01
Tonio_Riddell: sudo+adept issue, not especially kdesudo15:02
Riddelloem-config-prepare has something similar15:02
apacheloggerTonio_: go to systemsetteings -> advanced -> and click the kdm module -> then click cancel in the kdesudo dialog15:02
Tonio_apachelogger: yep, I have to check that one out15:02
apacheloggerTonio_: also kdesudo should expect icon names not icon paths15:02
* apachelogger currently has to pass it the path to the kdm icon15:02
Tonio_apachelogger: it checks for names15:03
Tonio_apachelogger: oki I'll handle those 2 ones15:03
Tonio_apachelogger: the cancel thing is a bug15:03
apacheloggerk, thanks15:04
Tonio_Riddell: for adept, I think I can't do anything against that one...15:04
Tonio_Riddell: except for a workarround in the command in use or something15:04
Tonio_apachelogger: currently working on your issues15:05
Tonio_Riddell: also removing the xauth output that drives you nuts :)15:07
=== rdieter_away is now known as rdieter
Tonio_apachelogger: we could also recognize kcm modules I guess15:08
Tonio_apachelogger: not that hard to do, as kcmshell is used15:08
Tonio_would be nice to output "Login Manager needs upload priviledges" I guess :)15:09
Tonio_mornfall: any idea what causes the adept problem with sudo already ?15:12
apacheloggerTonio_: absolutely :)15:13
smarteror be able to launch .desktop15:14
smarterfor example kdesu /usr/share/kde4/services/style.desktop15:14
smarterand kdesudo will grab the title from the desktop file15:14
Tonio_hum does "kdesudo dolphin" work for you ?15:18
Tonio_seems that I get dbus issues here15:18
Tonio_probably some env things to fix15:18
Tonio_can you confirm ?15:18
* apachelogger confirms15:19
Tonio_and what about kdesudo konqueror ?15:19
Tonio_I get a bunch of output and doesn't work too15:19
smarterdolphin opens but the window is gray, dbus error in the console15:19
smarterthen it crashes15:20
apacheloggerit should attach to the user's dbus session15:20
apacheloggerotherwise it can't find nepomuk and goes insane15:20
Tonio_not a big deal to do15:20
smarterkonqueror doesn't seem to launch15:20
smarterkonqueror(16247) KToolInvocation::klauncher: klauncher not running... launching kdeinit15:20
Tonio_same for me15:20
smarteror it's taking a lot of time15:20
smarterkdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update15:20
smarterlooks like it's running all of kde in root :p15:21
apacheloggerkdesudo also offers --nonewdcop as start option ;-)15:21
Tonio_apachelogger: fake option still kdesu does the same :)15:21
Tonio_apachelogger: that's just for scripts compatibility15:22
* smarter /away for a bit15:22
apacheloggerRiddell: ksvgtopng from -runtime conflicts with old kdelibs4-dev's ksvgtopng ... should I remove the one from kdelibs4-dev or make the packages mutually exclusive?15:25
apacheloggerI guess option 1 makes more sense15:25
Riddellyeah 1 would be better15:28
Tonio_apachelogger: cancel click -> done :)15:42
Tonio_apachelogger: now exporting the dbus session15:42
apacheloggeradd postinst and postrm to akonadi15:46
ScottKapachelogger: I see you were in -release when I joined.  Do you know what we're waiting on for Alpha 5?15:51
meveni have a question about buidling kde trunk in intrepid15:52
jtechidnaapachelogger: could I have sponsorship for bug 262661?15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262661 in kio-bookmarks "Feature freeze exception for kio-bookmarks 0.2" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26266115:52
meveni encounter a problem about streamanalyzer lib that seams to be outdated or something15:52
apacheloggerScottK: too few testing, slangasek rerolled a new i386 edubuntu asking for testing 5 hours ago, no one confirmed it worked so far15:53
apacheloggerdunno if he did test it himself by now15:53
ScottKI see.  Thanks.15:53
mevendid someone work out this problem ?15:53
apacheloggermetellius: the word 'something' is no good word when trying to explain something15:54
jjesse_is the package ubufox the ubuntu customization of firefox?  if i remove it from my kubuntu intrepid build will i lose firefox?15:55
jtechidnajjesse_: yes, it is an ubuntu customization and is safe to remove15:55
apacheloggerjtechidna: always me15:56
apacheloggermetellius: yes, sorry15:56
apacheloggermeven: see above15:56
jtechidnaapachelogger: you're always around :P15:56
apacheloggerthat sounds like I should stop that :P15:56
jussi01apachelogger: is a super ninja15:56
mevenapachelogger: i wasn't here :/15:57
apacheloggermeven: what is the problem?15:57
apacheloggerholy barracuda, batman!15:57
apacheloggerErr http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main libcairo2 1.6.4-6ubuntu115:58
apachelogger  404 Not Found [IP: 80]15:58
mevenapachelogger: kdelibs refuses to comile because of conflicts with some dummyannalyzer class that is linked to the libtreamanalyzer package15:58
apacheloggermeven: you need kdesupport with all current strigi I guess15:58
mevenapachelogger: i compiled it first :S15:59
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
meventhe whole kdesupport i mean15:59
mevenon techbase the problem is registered15:59
apacheloggerwhich problem?15:59
mevenwithout hint to resolve15:59
apacheloggerNightrose: I seem to have got akonadi work, getting the changes somehow backported is going to be fun16:00
Nightroseapachelogger: you know you are my hero, right?16:00
apacheloggeryus, you are a groupie, I wouldn't expect anything else :P16:01
* apachelogger finished investigation and starts fixing, therefore he switches from daft punk to justice ;-)16:04
mevenapachelogger: the precise error message is "src/kdelibs/kio/kio/dummyanalyzers/dummyanalyzers.cpp:43: error: conflicting return type specified for ‘virtual signed char DummyEndAnalyzer::analyze(Strigi::AnalysisResult&, Strigi::InputStream*)’"16:08
mevenapachelogger: thanks i forgot the mailing list16:10
* apachelogger just googled that error :P16:10
meveni feel a little stupid :/16:11
apacheloggerjtechidna: got a debdiff for kio-bookmarks at hand?16:15
jtechidnaapachelogger: the first upload was a native upload, so there can't be a debdiff16:18
* apachelogger just created one16:19
apacheloggerjtechidna: kio-bookmarks (0.2-0ubuntu1) intrepid; urgency=low16:19
apacheloggeryou got bogus changelog entries16:19
apachelogger0.2 never entered ubuntu16:19
apacheloggerjtechidna: what is the point of the get-orig-source?16:19
jtechidnaOh, right16:19
jtechidnaapachelogger: to satisfy that dude from the motu council who wanted either a watch file or get-orig-source target16:20
Riddellare those complementary?16:21
apacheloggerRiddell: for updating the tarball, they are pretty much16:22
apacheloggernot for automatic QA tracking16:22
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
apacheloggerand certainly not when the actual upload is not based on any of them16:22
apacheloggerjtechidna: I am seriously unhappy with having a get-orig-source target when the actual upload is not based on it16:22
apacheloggerespecially if it is stable vs. svn16:22
jtechidnaapachelogger: ok, I'll just remove it then. a watch file isn't possible in this case either but oh well16:23
jtechidnaapachelogger: would you like me to just upload it to revu?16:23
* apachelogger generally thinks using revu for any kind of sponsoring is a reasonable good idea ;-)16:24
* jtechidna uploads16:25
Tonio_apachelogger: exporting the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS doesn't help16:26
Tonio_apachelogger: the strange thing is that my current standard ser has this set :16:26
Tonio_the /tmp file doesn't exist.... I must say I don't know how that works16:26
* apachelogger finds dbus overly complex really16:27
apacheloggerTonio_: maybe some dbus guru is around in kde-devel16:27
Tonio_apachelogger: true that, I really prefered dcop.....16:27
apacheloggerTonio_: actually, wouldn't kdesu do something similar?16:28
apacheloggerconsidering it should be able to start dolphin and konqueror16:28
Tonio_apachelogger: well sudo is :)16:30
Tonio_it should only be a matter of env variables in fact16:30
Tonio_sudo -H konqueror works like a charm for example16:30
Tonio_apachelogger: the issue is somehow due to kprocess....16:39
Tonio_apachelogger: /usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p passprompt -- /usr/bin/kcmshell4 kdm --lang fr16:39
Tonio_apachelogger: works16:39
Tonio_apachelogger: weird.......... but I'll find a workarround16:41
Tonio_Riddell: any idea what can cause the difference ?16:44
Tonio_Riddell: /usr/bin/sudo -H -S -p passprompt -- konqueror16:44
Tonio_Riddell: that works16:44
Tonio_Riddell: kdesudo executes the same in a KProcess and that fails.......16:44
* apachelogger is wondering if mailody fetches just the mail headers or the bodies as well16:49
apacheloggerthat takes quite long really16:49
smarterTonio_: maybe it has something to do with the xauth command kdesudo executes?16:49
apacheloggerNightrose: I fixed akonadi-kde to depend on -server, mailody to depend on -kde and -server and -server to work properly in hopefully all possible usecases16:49
Tonio_smarter: nothing to do with xauth unfortunatelly16:50
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger 16:50
Nightroseyou are the bestest :P16:50
Tonio_smarter: problem to access dbus and that's it16:50
Tonio_smarter: works for what doesn't use dbus16:51
apacheloggerTonio_: maybe kprocesses messes up the envionment vars?16:51
smartertry with QProcess?16:51
smarteror the function in c++ std libs16:51
Tonio_apachelogger: "kdesudo env" gives the same result as sudo -H -P -- env16:51
apacheloggervery strange16:51
Tonio_apachelogger: true that :/16:51
apacheloggerjtechidna: suggestions for bug 217763 ?16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217763 in kdebase-runtime "kde4 no system notifications sound" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21776316:52
* apachelogger doesn't think we can do anything about it, plus intrepid uses .kde + new phonondevicesrc anyway16:53
jtechidnayeah, I don't really think we can do much16:54
jtechidnabut how to approach the actual report...16:54
apacheloggerKDE screwed up in 4.0 and didn't provide a proper transition path for > 4.0.016:55
apacheloggerWe don't plan to do so either, because 4.0 is as a whole very unreliable and 4.1 in Intrepid is going to use .kde and therefore gets a new configuration file16:56
jtechidnaWe could also fall back to this if we're feeling really lazy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Bugs resolved after update or config change16:56
apacheloggerdoesn't apply16:57
apacheloggeryou have t upgrade + kill your old config16:57
ScottKSince we released Hardy with 4.0 in it, I feel we really should support transition if we can.16:58
apacheloggerjtechidna: maybe we can fix it after all16:58
jtechidnado we know what the problem with the config file actually is?16:58
apacheloggerScottK: +1 but if it turns out to be too complicate we might as well close the report.16:59
apacheloggerjtechidna: no, but you will ask for a working config file :P16:59
apacheloggerfrom one of the people who uploaded a broken one16:59
jtechidnaapachelogger: you said KDE didn't offer a proper transition for > 4.0.016:59
apacheloggerI hope that just some configuration key changed in which case we could use kconf_update to fix it16:59
jtechidnadid you mean > 4.0.x?16:59
apacheloggerfrom .0 to anything later17:00
apacheloggerAnyway, I think the problem is really that phonon messed up device order at first 4.0.x start and doesn't handle this very well in later versions.17:01
RiddellTonio_: konqueror runs fine from kdesudo here17:03
Tonio_Riddell: hu ?17:05
Tonio_Riddell: kde4 kdesudo ?17:05
smarteroh, it run fines here too now17:06
Tonio_wtf ?????????17:06
* Tonio_ rebooting......17:06
Tonio_I'm lost17:06
smartermaybe it's because I tried it earlier17:06
Nightrosejtechidna: do you feel like backporting some of those plasmoids you packaged? and do you have the time for it?17:06
smarterTonio_: the xauth file has a timeout of 60 seconds, maybe konqueror takes longer to start?17:07
Tonio_smarter: good idea but I get the error after a couple of seconds17:07
jtechidnaNightrose: I could probably backport some.17:07
Nightrosejtechidna: that would rock :)17:07
jtechidnaNightrose: which ones did you have in mind?17:10
jtechidnaCzessi did lancelot yesterday btw17:10
jtechidnaRiddell: new update-notifier-kde works great. Nice icon too17:11
Nightrosejtechidna: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=plasmoid <- teacooker, lancelot, flickr, am4rok, system-status, weather17:11
Nightrosepick whatever you have time for17:12
Nightroseare there more than those mentioned on that page?17:12
jtechidnathat's just about all of them17:12
jtechidnaam4rok only works with juk at the moment though :( amarok dbus api changes17:13
Riddelljtechidna: yay17:13
Nightrosejtechidna: ok then it is useless to me ;-)17:13
Nightrosemaybe others would like it though17:13
jussi01*cry* I want lancelot on Hardy!17:13
Nightrosejussi01: chances are good jtechidna will backport it ;-)17:14
jtechidnajussi01: Czessi did it yesterday17:14
jussi01jtechidna: really?17:14
jussi01is it in the ppa?17:14
Nightrosebut not for hardy17:14
jtechidnahe uploaded it to the ppa yesterday17:14
jtechidnamaybe he accidentally uploaded to hardy...17:14
* Nightrose checks again17:14
Tonio_Riddell: does kdesudo dolphin works for you ?17:14
jtechidna*to intrepid, I mean17:15
Nightroselast I looked it was not there17:15
* jtechidna checks the ppa17:15
Tonio_works for me now17:15
jussi01its in the hardy ppa - least my apt-cache says so17:15
Tonio_kdesudo konqueror still fails17:15
Nightrosethere it is17:15
Nightrosejussi01: it is available17:15
* Nightrose hugs Czessi__ 17:15
jtechidnasomebody should blog about it17:16
Nightrosehehe yea17:16
NightroseCzessi__: blog blog blog!17:16
jussi01Im going to I think....17:16
Nightroseor you17:16
jussi01OOOHHHH!!! SUPER SEXY!!!17:17
RiddellTonio_: yes17:17
* Nightrose likes17:18
jtechidnait is quite nice17:19
Tonio_Riddell: can you paste me your kdesudo konqueror output somewhere please ?17:19
jussi01This is super sweet!17:19
jussi01Czessi__: you rock!!17:19
jussi01and whoeer designed that17:19
Tonio_Riddell: http://pastebin.com/m6903195b17:19
RiddellTonio_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43666/17:19
Tonio_Riddell: this is what I get, and no window comes out17:19
jussi01although... the background is hardcoded white...17:21
Tonio_Riddell: any idea why I get this ?17:21
RiddellTonio_: no, but if I logout and in again I get the same thing17:21
Tonio_Riddell: interesting..........17:22
Tonio_Riddell: I'll investigate17:22
Tonio_Riddell: now working for me......... super weird17:25
Tonio_Riddell: hum understand what happens17:31
Tonio_Riddell: hen you "sudo -H -- konqueror" once, it'll create what's needed so that kdesudo then works....17:31
Tonio_Riddell: for some reason, due to kprocess, there is something going wrong with the same command started in kprocess first....17:32
Tonio_Riddell: maybe working like in a jail or something....17:32
Tonio_Riddell: maybe we should consider switching back to a shellprocess or something17:36
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_away
Tonio_Riddell: I'm rewritting kdesudo to use qprocess instead, seems to fix according to my tests18:49
Tonio_Riddell: also, qprocess seems to pass all the environment, so no trick for Xauth, which is very cool :)18:50
NightroseJontheEchidna: wohooooooo19:26
Nightroseark worksforme19:26
Nightrosethanks a bunch19:26
Nightroseapachelogger: wohooooooooo19:27
Nightrosemailody and akonaditray no longer complain19:28
Nightroselet's see if I can actually get my emails with it from gmail19:28
* Nightrose hands cookies to apachelogger and JontheEchidna 19:28
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
yuriyScottK: sorry, not going to be able to get the hug day prepared for next tuesday20:42
ScottKyuriy: Urgh.  OK.  Can we do it another time?20:52
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
ScottKNCommander: indi FTBFS on sparc and PPC.  Would you please have another look?22:16
NCommanderLink to build logs22:16
ScottKNote, I haven't even looked at the logs.  In a hurry.22:17
NCommanderI didn't get the build failure notifications yet O_O;22:18
NCommanderArgh, damn it, my patch didn't quite work, I missed a sys/io.h22:20
NCommanderI test built this though ...22:20
ScottKPlease be attaching another debdiff to the bug then.22:25
ScottKActually, I can probably do it.22:25
NCommanderScottK, I rerolled the patch, test building again. I think some changes got merged into the diff wrongly, and I rolled a bad debdiff22:26
NCommanderScottK, the issue was pbuilder on the PowerPC machine had a hardy chroot; I forgot to change the default there >.>;22:34
JontheEchidnaOk srsly, we need a pimpin' alpha5 release announcement23:32
JontheEchidnawhatever happened to those wiki pages like in the last releases?23:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: nixternal got a job is what happened23:32
Riddellbut he's still got to come to UDS in Decembre, we're not letting him off that :)23:33
JontheEchidnaWell I think the changes in Kubuntu are 100x more exciting than the ones in Ubuntu23:34
Riddellit's a whole new revolution for us23:35
NCommanderRiddell, want to sponsor koffice2's fix?23:36
RiddellNCommander: sure23:36
NCommanderRiddell, also mind sponsoring a fix for indi? (my last one fixed it on Hardy, not intrepid >.>;, I forgot to upgrade pbuilder on the PPC)23:36
JontheEchidnais main unfrozen yet?23:37
RiddellJontheEchidna: alpha is announced so I guess it is23:37
blizzzwhere did nixternal get his information for the release messages? was it just by hearsay?23:37
RiddellNCommander: yes please23:38
Riddellblizzz: yes, just asking here and people saying what they've been up to in the last two or three weeks23:38
NCommanderRiddell, uploading indi debdiff23:38
NCommanderRiddell, koffice2 is built in my PPA (saves you three to four hours confirming the fix works ;-))23:39
JontheEchidnaRiddell: once you have time I'd like sponsor ship for bug 264370 and bug 22421223:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264370 in kdepimlibs "[intrepid] kmail crashes when reading a Google Calendar invitation email" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26437023:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 224212 in kdegraphics "Dialogs Layer Incorrectly in Okular" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22421223:39
blizzzmh, something i'd not dare to do :(23:39
Riddellblizzz: if someone starts it as a template other people can fill in the gaps23:40
* JontheEchidna was going to copy over the skeleton of a hardy release wiki23:40
NCommanderRiddell, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indi/+bug/26450423:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 264504 in indi "FTBFS fix on non-x86 architectures" [High,In progress]23:40
NCommanderRiddell, https://edge.launchpad.net/~sonicmctails/+archive - my PPA with koffice built on all x86* architectures23:41
blizzzis there something yet for alpha 5?23:44
NCommanderRiddell, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/koffice2/+bug/26694123:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 266941 in koffice2 "FTBFS fix for koffice" [High,In progress]23:45
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Adept & update-notifier-kde are new in alpha5, correct?23:45
Riddellblizzz: KDE 4.1.1,  apport by default, volume keys work, compositing will work if you install mesa-utils, adept 3, update-notifier-kde will work if you dist-upgrade for update notifying; apport notifying; reboot notifying and upgrade hooks23:46
Riddellamarok 2 beta is available in universe23:46
NCommanderRiddell, is there any packaging to be done for KDE?23:47
RiddellNCommander: meta-kde needs updated for kde 423:48
Riddellmeta-kde4 got removed this week23:48
JontheEchidnablizzz: I've on a page for alpha523:48
JontheEchidna*I'm working on a page23:48
blizzzJontheEchidna: if you need help or so you may ping me... i dunno wether i can do something productive, but it'd be interesting23:49
Riddellscreenshots always help23:49
blizzzRiddell: ty23:49
Nightroseseele: looks like you dropped off planet kde :(23:54
Nightrosejust noticed as I saw your last blog on planet ubuntu but not on planet kde23:54
Riddelljust before anyone asks, I can't fix planet when it breaks I'm afraid23:55
NCommanderRiddell, you can make world, but you can't fix it :-P23:55
* NCommander runs23:55
Riddellkoffice2 uploaded23:58
RiddellNCommander: you didn't put the bug number in the changelog so make sure to close it manually23:58

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