
ubuntuhay all I am about to install kubuntu and i am wondering is there any advantages to having my home directory on a seperrate partition?00:01
starenkahi. how can i make katapult started on kde start?00:16
starenkai tried ~/.kde/Autorun/apps.sh, but it seems not to work...00:17
favroI thought it was ~/.kde/Autostart then you symlink from the binary in /usr/bin00:19
slylyiasI'm partitioning the drive (installing kubuntu). The drive already has a windows install on it. Now what do I do?00:19
slylyiasI was told to install windows first.00:20
favroslylyias: put the kubuntu cd in and reboot00:20
slylyiasI did00:20
slylyiasI'm at the disc partition screen of the install00:21
slylyiasI need to repartition, I want to have a small swap space at the start, (how big?) and the kubuntu install partition at the end.00:21
favroslylyias: did you leave free space for kubuntu?00:21
slylyiasleave? I was never asked.00:22
favrowhy swap at the start - works better as last partition imo00:22
favrobut I have enough memory00:22
slylyiasI don't know, was told at the start was better.00:23
favroslylyias: how big is the drive?00:23
favroslylyias: when you install windows you should be able to make partitions for it and have free space for kubuntu - that is the normal way00:24
favroslylyias: but you can resize it - it'll take a while00:25
slylyiasI'm in no rush.00:25
slylyiashow do I resize?00:25
favroslylyias: right click the partition00:25
slylyiasman, the font is so small I can barely read it00:26
cryingtuxi have distorted display on hardy after nvidia driver installation for my geforce fx 5600 card00:26
cryingtuxhow to fix it?00:26
slylyiasresize operation complete00:27
slylyiasI guess it goes fast when it's all empty space. :)00:28
slylyiasnow, swap file, start of drive or end?00:28
favroslylyias: it hasn't formatted it yet...00:28
slylyiasit's just 'free' space right now.00:28
favroslylyias: I would make a / partition then /home /then swap00:28
slylyiasokay, so an NTFS partition for windows, followed by /, then /home, then swap?00:29
favrocryingtux: is that the driver from nvidia.com?00:29
favroslylyias: yep00:29
slylyiasI've allocated 60gigs for all of kubuntu's stuff, what size should I make /,/home, and swap?00:30
favroslylyias: unless you have specific needs00:30
cryingtuxfavro: yes and i get this display issue mostly distorted display for all hardy based distros00:30
slylyiasI need an X11 environment from which to connect to the campus computing cluster. That's my first priority. Oh, and I need ns2 for some simulations.00:30
cryingtuxeither i get only 800x600 display or then distorted00:31
favroslylyias: 5-10G for / unless you  install heaps same size as memory for swap and the rest for /home is how I'd go00:31
Mojo_risini get this strange error when starting d-bus, any ideas?00:31
slylyiasSo programs reside in the root parition, and the swap file is for when you're out of memory, but what's home for?00:32
favrocryingtux: there is a new way X works in hardy - I haven't figured it out - best I can do is00:32
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:32
dwidmann_/home is where you keep your stuff00:32
slylyiasWhere I hang my hat? :P00:33
slylyiasWhat stuff, just random downloads and such?00:33
Mojo_risinknetworkmanager.conf looks like this:00:33
slylyiasAlso, what is the difference between a primary and logical partition? Which one do I want to set it?00:33
dwidmann_slylyias: all user-configuration, any personal files, etc00:33
cryingtuxfavro: thanks i will check that00:33
favronp :)00:33
dwidmann_slylyias: you can only have 4 primary partitions (or 3 and an extended partition in which you can have logical partitions)00:34
slylyiasSo I'll set them all primary, since I'm going to have 4.00:34
slylyiaswindows, /, /home, swap00:34
Schuenemannhey, how do I get out of qemu's window?01:02
Schuenemannlike when I click the mouse inside it, nothing but ctrl-backspace works for my "outer" OS01:02
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WalzmynI can't get my cd drive to open, is there a CLI command to eject it?01:32
dwidmann_Walzmyn: eject01:32
fReAkY[t]i got a problem with kubuntu. since i installed the kubuntu-kde4 packages my kde3 system tab shows the icons in one line :(01:33
Walzmyndwidmann, nothing happened01:33
dwidmann_Walzmyn: any error messages? did any other optical drives open?01:34
Walzmyndwidmann, nothing, it just dropped down to the next line01:34
WalzmynI've got a virtualbox of winders xp open, that's probably got it screwed up01:35
Walzmynbut it won't eject from there either01:35
dwidmann_Walzmyn: if you know the devices name (ie: /dev/scd1), you could append that to the eject command01:35
WalzmynI don't01:35
Walzmynok, killing the virtual instance fixed it01:36
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Fer_Mdpalguien habla castellano?01:46
Schuenemann!es | Fer_Mdp01:48
ubottuFer_Mdp: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:48
Fer_Mdpcha gracia01:48
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=== SkEmOm is now known as SkEmO
Multivaxdoes anyone know how to run a .deb file in kde 4?02:20
AgentZedI'm about to install Kubuntu 8.04, but I have a wee question.  I have 3 hard drives in my PC, sdb and sdc are RAID'd together and are full of very important things, while sda is separate from the RAID and currently blank.  I want to install onto sda, but when I select 'New partition table' it tells me 'If you procede with creating a new partition table on the device, then all current partitions will be removed'.  I just want to be absolutely certain that02:21
AgentZed the blank drive, and isn't including the other two drives under the umbrella of 'all partitions'.02:21
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powertool08Can anyone help me get ssh working?03:35
lufthanza_need some help with apt03:51
lufthanza_gonna have to paste in here, don't have a working browser anymore03:52
lufthanza_anyone can help?03:53
rayluwhat have you tried?03:53
lufthanza_sudo dpkg --configure -a, sudo apt-get install -f03:54
sales_guyHelp! Tried to get dual display working for a projector and now I have no GUI when I start up.03:54
raylusales_guy, more details03:55
favrolufthanza: what does   sudo apt-get install konqueror   return?03:55
raylulooks like you got a corrupted download or something03:56
lufthanza_favro: just a sec03:57
lufthanza_favro: same03:58
rayluaptitude clean, aptitude install konqueror03:58
rayluoh wait03:58
rayluyou'd have to resolve dpkg first =\03:58
favrolufthanza: try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:58
raylui doubt that'd work03:58
sales_guyI went to system settings, entered administrator mode, told it duplicate display on second display device... it told me I needed to log out and restart xserver. I logged out, got a grey screen... nothing I could do from there, so I had to power the machine down. When powering back up the video keeps refreshing and refreshing but is unable to start so it goes to command line mode03:59
lufthanza_same errors03:59
kostyahi all04:02
kostyaЕсть кто из Росии?04:02
lufthanza_anyone have any ideas?04:05
sales_guyHelp, system only boots to command Line!04:08
sales_guyHow to reconfigure xorg?04:16
favrolufthanza: one min04:17
lufthanza_favro: k04:18
favrolufthanza: try sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/konqueror_4%3a3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy1_i386.deb04:18
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sales_guywhat is the command line command to shutdown or restart the computer?04:22
powertool08sales_guy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:23
favrosudo reboot04:23
powertool08sales_guy: and sudo shutdown -h now to shutdown04:23
lufthanza_favro: didn't work, but i have an idea04:24
sales_guypowertool08: So any idea how I can actually do a presentation using a projector without embarrasing myself with all this command line, can't boot to UI, nonsesne?04:27
powertool08sales_guy: is it a laptop connected to a projector?04:28
lufthanza_favro: my idea didn't work either04:28
sales_guyIBM/Lenove T-6104:29
sales_guyI haven't installed the NVidia drivers because everybody tells me not04:29
favrolufthanza: let's start at the beginning - what were you trying to do?04:29
lufthanza_remove kde4, and reinstall kubuntu-desktop04:30
favrolufthanza: and you removed kde4 first?04:31
lufthanza_favro: what i could04:31
lufthanza_i installed it through 'kubuntu-kde4-desktop' but "sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-kde4-desktop" does nothing04:32
powertool08sales_guy: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=309271204:33
powertool08there are 3 links towards the bottom, they might help04:33
favrolufthanza: ok - kde4 should've been removed last by the looks of it - does  sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop   give a result?04:33
raylu(after removing, rm -r ~/.kde4 also)04:34
favroraylu: the --purge is supposed to remove config files04:34
rayluonly config files in /etc, i thought04:35
lufthanza_favro: it tries to remove kio-umountwrapper04:35
favrolufthanza: let it04:36
favrolufthanza: then install kubuntu-desktop again04:36
lufthanza_favro: kio-umountwrapper errors when i try04:36
lufthanza_... my installation is screwed04:40
lufthanza_or so it seems04:40
veritas_how do i change from xrender to opengl?04:40
favrolufthanza: me being me I would try   sudo echo "" > /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop04:41
veritas_ie how do i get konsole to be rendered by opengl as opposed to Xrender?04:41
favrolufthanza: then try sudo apt-get --purge remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop   again04:41
lufthanza_favro: used touch instead, since i couldn't get echo to work04:43
favrolufthanza: touch makes a file iirc04:44
favrolufthanza: try   sudo rm  /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/media_safelyremove.desktop   maybe?04:44
lufthanza_ok, setting up the fake file for kio-umount... (something in dolphin), fixed it04:46
favrok :)04:47
DezineI've been using gnome for quite awhile but want to give KDE a whirl. I like it so far but want to replace my gnome apps with kde ones. Anywhere that lists alternative to gnome apps? I don't like how gnome apps look under kde so would much rather have local versions.04:48
lufthanza_favro: thanks04:48
favrolufthanza: glad it's working04:48
deokanoni really need some help04:55
favroask away :)04:56
deokanoni am a complete  noob04:57
deokanonanways i installed kubuntu on my hard drive04:57
deokanonand then i set up everything and it was going great but then my password that i setup didnt work04:57
deokanonso (here comes the noob part) i went into disk manager in windows and formatted every partition that had some kind of linux on my laptop04:58
deokanonand now i seem to be unable to access my windows OS and i get an Grub error 1704:59
deokanonstage 1.504:59
deokanonand it just stays there... what can i do to get my windows back?04:59
favrodeokanon: you'll need to go to windows recovery console and type /fixmbr05:00
raylugoogle grub error 17 :D05:00
rayluoh wait05:00
rayluyeah, what favro said.05:01
Search4Lancerq: is it safe to banish kbuildsycoca4 to the fiery pits of hell? I've never heard of it before, and for some reason it's hogging up a boatload of my CPU05:02
deokanonraylu i`ve been googling error 17 on the website for quite a while now... but the forums dont seem to be helping my situation05:03
rayluer, you don't need to do that05:03
rayluit can't find the files because you banished them from your hard drive :P05:03
rayluso you either need to restore them (reinstall linux) or restore the old boot loader (fixmbr on the windows recovery console)05:03
deokanonthe thing is favro everytime i restart i always end up on that screen and the script for the error 17 is displayed everytime05:04
favrodeokanon: you need to put the windows cd in - best of asking in ##windows05:05
fernandoXi hate linux!!05:05
SkEmOi hate linux!!05:05
deokanoncan i do the fixmbr from my xp install cd?05:07
deokanonoops sorry05:07
deokanondidnt see the last msg05:07
favrodeokanon: yep - you need to go to ##windows - fixing xp isn't done here :)05:08
deokanonah cool... thanks dude05:08
favronp :)05:08
deokanonlol... this has been a pain in the ass for two days now05:08
deokanoni finally gave up my manhood and seek help05:08
Search4Lancerno, really, can I kill kbuildsycoca4 safely? is it really that freakin important to be sucking on my processor so badly?05:12
favroI've never seen it before Search4Lancer - not that that means alot...05:14
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dwidmann_Anybody in here know much about subtitles in mplayer? I'm getting this message: "/home/blackwaltz/.fonts/GapsS.ttf doesn't look like a bitmap font description, ignoring." "Cannot load bitmap font: /home/blackwaltz/.fonts/GapsS.ttf"  ... how to fix so I can use my font?05:21
VanessaEI need to "share" this printer such that my husband's computer can print to it also. It's already set up and working beautifully on my box, but I can't figure out how to get my husband's box to see it.  Both machines run Kubuntu.05:23
VanessaEer, this = my CX6400 (copy&paste error)05:23
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:24
favroVanessaE: the last one ^^05:24
VanessaE*both* boxes run kubuntu. :-)05:24
favrokubuntu uses cups05:25
VanessaE"Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows"05:25
favro!cups | VanessaE the last link05:25
ubottuVanessaE the last link: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:25
favroVanessaE: try this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu05:26
VanessaENo good, those are Gnome instructions.05:27
* VanessaE <--- KDE.05:28
VanessaEany other suggestions?05:30
favroVanessaE: good luck finding a kde specific one...05:30
stdinVanessaE: kdesu system-config-printer-kde05:32
VanessaEMazel Tov!05:33
VanessaEthanks, stdin :)05:33
calamariI've been having a problem logging out, shutting down, or restarting.  It will go to a back screen where all I can see is my mouse pointer, then after a while if I don't push ctrl-alt-backspace to break out of it, my computer will hang.  Anyone seen this?05:35
raylui'd check xorg logs05:36
rayluhow are you shutting down?05:36
calamariraylu: you mean what I'd like to have happen or what I end up having to do?05:36
raylulike, what do you click/type to shut down?05:37
calamariraylu: I have to do the ctrl-alt-backspace and shut down from kdm.. sometimes that fails too then I have to log in via ctrl-alt-f1 and issue sudo shutdown -h now05:37
rayluah, so sudo shutdown works?05:38
calamariraylu: what I'd like to have work again is going to the K menu, click log out, click shut down05:38
calamariraylu: yeah it works05:38
calamarinot very convenient tho :)05:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:38
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:39
mr---t-de nada05:39
raylucalamari, checked the xorg logs yet?05:39
calamariraylu: what would I be looking for?  there is a lot in these things05:40
rayluno idea :P05:40
VanessaEstdin: that worked, partially.  His box can see the printer, but now neither of us can print :(05:40
calamarifrom what it looks liek to me, it's only logging as I bring it up, not when I shut down05:41
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stdinVanessaE: it works on my LAN, cups keeps a some logs in /var/log/cups/, maybe something useful in there05:44
VanessaEsigh...something's really screwed up now - how do I restore the "default" cups config?05:45
VanessaE(i.e. what it looks like on a fresh install)05:45
mars_i'm coming!05:46
bdizzleis there something similar to character map on Kubuntu?05:49
raylu!hi bdizzle05:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi bdizzle05:53
rayluoops :P05:53
raylu!hi | bdizzle05:53
ubottubdizzle: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!05:53
bdizzledo you know if there is anything similar to character map on Kubuntu?05:53
penguiniatorbdizzle: gucharmap is on my utilities menu (GNU Character Map)06:01
bdizzleyeah, I got it06:02
bdizzlecouldn't find the character I was looking for though06:02
bdizzleI'm trying to work on quantum and need that dagger character06:03
penguiniatortry a different font... might have the character you need06:03
Luigiwhat program can i use to manage my ipod?06:11
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:19
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Engelus[work]добрій день07:31
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:31
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surajsomebody tell me how can i disable my touchpad click in kde?07:43
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Guest30255hey guys im having a bit of trouble with Firefox 3 ! every time i go to use it it trys to go to the webpage that i want then it freezes and goes all grey ! its really frustrating... any ideas on what to do08:16
ForgeAustry going to a different website see if that works?08:17
Guest30255it does it on most of them08:19
ForgeAushehe why isn't there a konquiview extension for firefox :)08:59
ForgeAus(like ieview for interenet explorer and the new baby chromeview, heck they even have safariview :).... )09:00
ForgeAusI guess I could have been sillier and asked why theres no dilloview! rofl09:00
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:47
LynoureIs there something similar to Istanbul (screen record with a limited area, and sound) for KDE? Or anyone gotten Istanbul to actually finish saving in a reasonably short time?09:48
jussi01!screencast | Lynoure09:50
ubottuLynoure: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.09:50
Lynourekrecordmydesktop does almost everything, but no area select09:50
jussi01Lynoure: I dont use them, so thats all I can offer, sorry09:51
Lynourejussi01: Yes, I'm aware of those already. Istanbul seemed the best but fails to save the result anywhere (seems to hang)09:51
powertool08Lynoure: camtasia + wine?09:52
Lynoureand weirdly, recordmydesktop for gnome allows window selection, but for kde, not09:52
ActionParsnipLynoure: it does do area selection09:52
* ActionParsnip waves to jussi0109:52
Lynourepowertool08: hmm, would that let me record Linux windows?09:53
jussi01heya ActionParsnip09:53
powertool08Lynoure: umm... not sure, I've only used it from windows, and only a time or two at that09:53
Lynourepowertool08: but I don't really have a $300 budget for it either09:53
powertool08Lynoure: there are plenty of torrents if you aren't against it09:54
jussi01powertool08: no, dont even suggest that in here please09:55
Lynourepowertool08: Have you ever tried Istanbul? Could you, if you haven't? I'm curious if it hangs for anyone else09:55
powertool08jussi01: sure thing09:56
powertool08Lynoure: No I've never tried it, but I'll give it a shot09:56
powertool08wow... comes with quite a few packages09:56
jussi01Does anyone know how to get konqi to load pages in parts? ie. not down load the whole page then display it, but display it as it downloads?09:56
Lynourepowertool08: oh, yes, it's gnomy, unfortunately09:57
powertool08Lynoure: well, all the gnomy stuff was bound to happen sooner or later, maybe i'll see how much gnome-terminal wants to get now, I prefer it to konsole but it wasn't worth all the extra09:58
powertool08Lynoure: where is istanbul hanging at?09:58
Lynourepowertool08: it keeps on staying in the "process of saving to disk" forever after I have finished recording09:59
ActionParsnipLynoure: do yu have free space to save the file on your partition10:00
powertool08Lynoure: are you recording everything, an area, or a single window?10:00
LynoureActionParsnip: yes, but it should also prompt what to save as and where, afaik10:01
Lynourepowertool08: single window10:01
ActionParsnipLynoure: id look into that10:01
LynoureActionParsnip: I have about 17G free10:01
LynoureActionParsnip: ought to be enough10:01
jussi01yay for netsplits...10:01
* ActionParsnip applauds10:01
powertool08Lynoure: hmmm... I get tons of nice errors... saving to disk currently10:02
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Lynoureseems that gtk-recordmydesktop lets me choose a window and does not hang, but is weirdly much more sluggish that its kde frontend version with a full screen even when having just one window recording area10:04
LynoureI'm trying to find something suited for a web usability test10:05
powertool08Lynoure: I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43584/10:06
Lynourepowertool08: Did it hang or crash? Hmm, could report a bug then, I guess.10:08
powertool08Lynoure: It was a hang I suppose, didn't drop back to the prompt until I ctrl-c'ed it10:09
powertool08Lynoure: I ran it again as root and I didn't get quite as many errors but its still taking forever to save10:10
Lynouregtk-recordmydesktop might be good enough, I think, at least for the first rounds10:11
Lynourepowertool08: Thank you for your help10:11
powertool08Lynoure: according to this one website, after clicking the grey square to stop it should pop up a window asking where to save, it didn't do that for me10:11
Lynourepowertool08: yes, I noticed that too.10:12
powertool08Lynoure: no problem10:12
Rioting_pacifistakregator crashes and running it in console doesnt give me an error, i suspect its because of the db thing it warned me about, is there a fix_akregator_database_using_magic command or something.10:15
powertool08Lynoure: looks like somebody filed a bug already https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/istanbul/+bug/20606310:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 206063 in istanbul "istanbul can't record when area selected (dup-of: 132130)" [Undecided,New]10:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 132130 in istanbul "istanbul crashed with AttributeError in stop_recording()" [Medium,Incomplete]10:15
Lynourepowertool08: I was just about to check for that in LP. Thanks.10:17
powertool08Lynoure: I found several variations but pretty much all saying it wouldn't save and was unusuable10:18
Lynourepowertool08: But I don't get whether it's fixed for Ibex or what...10:19
Lynourepowertool08: I guess they are basicly saying this is not kind of thing that would get fixed for Hardy anymore.10:19
powertool08Lynoure: I guess, the one I linked was filed under gutsy though.10:20
LynoureEven though this fills the criteria of "Bugs which may, under realistic circumstances, directly cause a loss of user data"10:20
powertool08Lynoure: isn't Hardy a LTS release?10:20
Lynourepowertool08: For Ubuntu at least, yeah.10:20
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korayhi everyone11:22
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:43
ActionParsniphi chisiyuan11:47
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:47
ActionParsnipwelcome to welcome chat11:48
giuliaspeak italian11:48
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:48
favrobest I can do for italian :)11:49
chisiyuanI speak Engjlish, and know no Italia11:49
ubuntu_Can anyone helpp me? it's my ffirstt time  in Linux11:49
ubuntu_ hello?11:50
ActionParsnipgiulia: mi piace vino economico. abiamo una machinna. machinna es rotta11:50
favroubuntu_: sure if we know about it :)11:51
giulia piace vino economico. abiamo una machinna. machinna es rotta11:51
giulia[12:51] <favro> ubuntu_: sure if we know about it :)11:51
ActionParsnipgiulia: my spelling is a bit poor but you get the idea?11:51
chisiyuanubuntu_, what's the trouble?11:52
jussi01ok, lets keep it english in here :)11:52
ActionParsniphehe just showing off my pidgin italian11:54
=== Maxa is now known as Maxa_
Lynoureabaddon: hi12:03
ActionParsniphi abaddon12:03
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abaddonhow in irssi show who is on channel?12:06
ActionParsnipabaddon: i dont use irssi, sorry12:06
Lynoureabaddon: the normal /who  works12:07
Lynoureabaddon: the info gets usually sent to your status window12:08
ActionParsnipabaddon: http://www.irssi.org/documentation12:09
jussi01abaddon: or /names12:09
abaddonLynoure: ty12:09
* MementoMori is away: pappa12:11
jussi01!away > MementoMori12:16
ubottuMementoMori, please see my private message12:16
ActionParsnip!away > ActionParsnip12:21
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message12:21
ActionParsnip!away > ActionParsnip12:23
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message12:23
ActionParsnipif i set myself away do i have to set myself as back?12:26
gx009decided to try out kde and went for version 4.1 on 8.04 ... crappy ; so installed 3.5 just to give kde the benefit of doubt.. and it kicks 4.1 by a factor of like 100% ..12:30
ActionParsnipgx009: 4.1 uses less ram, ut 3.5 is more stable imho12:30
ActionParsnipgx009: you tried fluxbox :D12:31
g33k_gir1hi... I have an Intel Quad Core machine -- should I be using the x86 install CD?12:31
gx009no.. am all ubuntu though12:31
abaddong33k_gir1: 64bit AMD and Intel12:32
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: you can if you want. id use 64bit personally12:32
Rioting_pacifistakregator crashes and running it in console doesnt give me an error, i suspect its because of the db thing it warned me about, is there a fix_akregator_database_using_magic command or something.?12:32
gx0094.1 might theoretically use less ram but kacpi process was killing my cpu12:33
arklinuxhi will kaffeine work under 4.1?12:33
g33k_gir1cool -- I want to make full use of the new architecture (I mean, thats why I bought quad core), but the FAQ said the AMD 64 was only for AMD chips...12:33
Rioting_pacifistActionParsnip: is that a new test, because the original test saying 4 used less than 3 was flawed?12:33
ActionParsniparklinux: should do12:34
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: its a 64bit achitecture, itll work fine12:35
ActionParsnipRioting_pacifist: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=49110212:35
ubottuDebian bug 491102 in akregator "akregator: Crashes or freezes" [Important,Open]12:35
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: great stuff, thanks12:35
g33k_gir1abaddon:  : great stuff, thanks12:36
gx009to say the least i was disappointed they call 4.1 the next gen kde .. 3.5 ftw! (improve on 3.5, ditch 4.1!!)12:36
abaddong33k_gir1: np12:37
JuJuBeeHow do I change from using the kde3 kdm to the kde4 kdm? I have kde4 installed already, but when the option came to select kdm, I fat fingered the selection accidentally.12:37
ActionParsnipgx009: i dislike kde as a wm but the apps are sweet12:37
PiciJuJuBee: run this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm12:37
ActionParsnipgx009: i run fluxbox on top of kde12:37
JuJuBeethanx Pici12:37
gx009gnome is my thing.. but i decided to use kde for my home desk12:38
Rioting_pacifistActionParsnip: the bug doesnt get anywhere it jsut started working again for him :s i can get the libraries and file a bug report if needed but im fairly sure this is related to the warning you get when you try and open two instances of kontact12:39
ActionParsnipi would12:40
marcobxbro1is there any program that can take my running config and create a live cd with it12:44
ActionParsnipmarcobxbro1: ive looked round myself and found not much but they'llprobably be something there now12:46
Rioting_pacifistmarcobxbro1: im sure there is a program this thread may have a few suggestions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22962512:50
marcobxbro1ok most haven't helped12:51
mnoirwhen I specify firefox as the browser for kmail (click on link in email, open in ff) kmail pulls ff onto it's desktop rather than leaving it where it was running.  Why?12:57
mikkocwhich version of kde4 does 8.04.1 come with?12:57
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:59
corigoCan anyone recommend a CD burner replacement for K3b?13:10
Lynourecorigo: maybe, depends on why you want something else than K3b13:12
corigoI'm running K3b on 64bit HH and every time I burn a CD it errors out on the burn (Lenovo/IBM T-61 Thinkpad)13:12
jussi01corigo: k3b is _the_ premium cd writing software on linux. why do you want something else?13:13
Lynourecorigo: What kind of errors are you getting? You can try something like Burn, or even cdrecord directly, for testing13:15
corigoAnd they both support burning ISOs to disk?13:16
Lynourecorigo: of course13:17
Lynourecorigo: that's the basic unit of cdburning, everything else is more hitech in comparation13:17
marcobxbro1Rioting: is there a program that is like reconstuctor but for kde13:22
marcobxbro1reconstructor is geared toward the gnome aspect13:22
chisiyuanhello, if there is a way to swap ctrl with win of the keyboard?13:24
Lynourechisiyuan: Multiple, even, but all of them quite hands-on13:26
Lynourechisiyuan: I do my exotic keyboard changes by having a modified symbols file for the keyboard. That allows me to change it through the kde keyboard applet, which is nice, but has the downside of occasionally getting overwritten. Many just put a xmodmap file of their changes to the Autostart directory13:28
Lynourechisiyuan: I can try to walk you through either13:29
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chisiyuanLynoure: well im rookie, plz detailit13:30
Lynourechisiyuan: this is not really a rookie change, either of them. That's why I'm not offering to walk you through _both_, you'll need to do one or other. xmodmap way will not get overwritten by any packages, but it will be there until you remove it or override it with new changes. Which one seems more suited for you?13:32
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marcobxbro1does anyone have issue intalling remastersys13:35
LynoureOne (you or me) still needs to digg up the key codes needed. I know Control_L and Control_R, but not sure what the Windows key is.13:35
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chisiyuanLynoure: im a little confused. I'd better man xmodmap first. Thx, and i'll back if necessary.13:36
Lynourechisiyuan: http://www.manicai.net/comp/swap-caps-ctrl.html shows a similar (but not the same) change, pay attention to the XFree86 Version 3.x section, because I don't think there is a shortcut for the swap you want13:38
gx009that 'open root shell' option is sweet .. nice use of shells13:40
chisiyuanLynours: thank you. I'll check it .13:40
Lynourechisiyuan: I think the windows keys have keycodes 115 and 116, and that their action is called either Meta_L and Meta_R or Super_L and Super_R13:42
gx009i guess i should restart session to have dvd playback after ../install-css.sh?13:44
dr_willisI normally dont use that install-css.sh method. I normally install the proper libs from the medibuntu repos13:45
Lynourechisiyuan: If you run into difficulty or get stuck, just ask13:45
dr_willisYou just need to rerun the dvd player program most likely. Not logout13:45
gx009too late ..13:45
gx009i did rerun kaffeine.. nothing.. same message to install css13:46
dr_willisI dont use kaffeine. SO cant tell about that.  I tend to use vlc/gmplayer13:47
dr_willisCould be kaffine expects the ones from medibuntu13:47
gx009... checking13:47
EddieSgx009: do you use Kubuntu?13:47
gx0093.5 ftw!13:47
EddieSlol, alright-kde 3.513:48
EddieSI bet13:48
EddieSyou have trouble13:48
EddieSplaying dvds right?-I used the css-script method13:48
EddieSand maybe getting the repositories from http://www.kubuntuguide.org13:48
EddieSwill help -13:48
dr_willisI rarely play dvds much. but i dont have trouble playing the ones I have tried.13:49
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:49
dr_willisI normally enable medibuntu and install  "libdvdcss2" and thats about all i have ever done13:50
EddieSI have done the same dr_willis :). With me everything works perfectly however...13:50
EddieSoh, and I got some encrypted dvds13:50
EddieSto play-using that script13:51
EddieSthat comes with kaffeine13:51
dr_willisPersonally i tend to use k9copy to copy dvds to iso files.. then play those. :)13:51
EddieShaha, well, thats another method13:51
gx009not too elegant though13:51
EddieSBut I cant be bothered to grab that iso-burn it-and play it back13:51
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dr_willisI find it very elegant. - More elegant then trying to open up a dvd case on the plane.  an toteing around a dozen disks.13:52
gx009but install-css got me the right lib (libdvdcss2) .. so am just gonna reboot and see what happens13:53
EddieSBut well, I usually watch the inflight entertainment13:53
dr_willisIt may put the lib in /usr/local/lib also13:53
Lynouregx009: should not need a reboot13:53
Lynouregx009: just closing of your player software, I think13:53
EddieSgx009--just close and start kaffeine-whaht the above guy said-13:54
dr_willisit could be that the video player dident close, it minuimized to the tray.13:54
LynoureEddieS: girl, but anyway :)13:54
EddieSwell, on the internet you never know ;)13:54
Lynoure(not a big difference in ascii)13:54
EddieSgurl* got it :)13:54
dr_willisGirls use Pertier fonts. :P13:54
EddieSok, lets stop the gender wars :P13:55
LynoureHard to stop something that did not start :)13:55
dr_willisMen use Terminal-Mono  Girls use Serif-doodly-fonts. :)13:55
EddieSoh yeah...13:55
EddieSyou're right :/13:55
dr_willisMy wife is definatly a "Ding-bat' sort of font user..13:55
EddieS...ok, yes they do like the elegant fonts...13:56
Lynouredr_willis: I'm not, though it sometimes makes sense for print13:56
dr_willisI use them for accents on my DVD labels13:59
Lynouregx009: Oh, and do tell if the problem got solved. It's always nice to know.13:59
corigo1Lynoure: I've been trying to burn the Ubunto 64 HH ISO to CD and even DVD. I've triple downloaded the ISO. The MD5 is correct. I have reduced the write speed, but every time I burn it there is an error track 1. The disks boot to Live fine, but fail on install and CD Verification14:01
gx009[08:53] <dr_willis> It may put the lib in /usr/local/lib also -  libdvdcss is not in there.. should it be?14:01
dr_willisgx009,  no idea. that script could of put t anywhere.14:02
dr_willisid hope a script would put it in a nice place like that..  but who knows. :)14:03
gx009as long as it is in the right place.. am checking adept just in case14:04
Lynourecorigo1: What's the error?14:04
dr_willisgx009,  that script installer will NOT put any entrys in adept.14:04
Lynourecorigo1: and have you tried on another set of disks yet?14:05
dr_willisunless its a very fancy script. :)14:05
dr_willisIt could of downloaded/installed a deb I guess.. ive never used it.14:05
gx009it was from a .deb14:05
dr_willisso the script grabbed a deb. :) prioberly the same deb that came from medibuntu. heh.14:06
linux_necesito un poco de ayuda14:08
linux_necesito saver algo de kubuntu14:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:09
chisiyuanAnyone knows wordnet?14:11
=== rocknzen is now known as RocknLnX
t2_hi, i am new to KDE, i'd like to start someprograms on login like pidgin, skype etc... where is the text file where i can add this ?   I noticed the .kde/autostart excepts to have .desktop files in there14:13
Lynourechisiyuan: What do you want to know?14:14
starenkat2_: you can make a bash skript in there and kde will run it14:15
t2_starenka: ah ok.  will do that.  thanks14:16
starenkat2_: dont forget to chmod +x the script14:16
starenkat2_: maybe a symlink into ~/.autostart also works... dunno. never tried14:17
chisiyuanLynoure: what does it do?14:21
Lynourechisiyuan: the package or the site or the project?14:23
corigo1Lynoure: I tried to different set of disks, and even the DVD ISO to be sure.14:23
Lynourechisiyuan: it's a collection of lexical data.14:23
Lynourechisiyuan: kind of a dictionary14:24
chisiyuanLynoure: so it's nice for me. thx again. U are a good guy.14:25
Lynourechisiyuan: Glad to be of service :)14:26
tdnHow do I get on with this problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/43858 I cannot the drivers for my Ralink USB Wireless network adaptor to work properly. I suspect a bug in the kernel image provided by Ubuntu mirrors. Please help me on this.14:28
ganymedehello, i have synced with the kubuntu repository for kde 4.1.1, but when trying to install quanta-kde4, i get: Package quanta-kde4 is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:29
ganymedeactually, let me head over to the kubuntu-kde4 channel14:30
corigo1Lynoure: is that xfburn? I don't see an app called burn?14:34
Lynourecorigo1: no, just burn. It's not installed by default in Kubuntu because it's for Gnome and will pull a pile of Gnome dependies with it14:36
Lynoureoh, maybe not that many :)14:36
corigo1I see Brasero as being the Gnome burn app.14:36
corigo1or burn414:37
Lynourecorigo1: I haven't used Gnome for some years, so I don't know what it currently uses14:37
LynoureThere is no package called burn4 in the standard repos at least...14:38
corigo1libburn4 is the only Burn that I can associate to our discussion14:39
ubuntu_Hay algeuin?14:40
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ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:41
LynoureIf I guessed the language right...14:41
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jussi01!cn | qinking15:12
ubottuqinking: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:12
qinkingubottu: thanks15:14
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:14
Sixzerogood mornin'15:15
vagnersudo apt-get install xmms15:15
vagnercomo instalar plugin flash no firefox do kurumin 8.0415:16
Sixzerosudo apt-get a_new_girlfriend15:16
Sixzeroc'mon.  nobody else found that funny?15:17
jussi01Sixzero: considering this is a support channel, no. try #kubuntu-offtopic for jokes15:20
SixzeroMy appologies, then.  I was just tryin' to lighten the mood.15:24
gx009i resolved dvd playback by (in part) following this link: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3086749.msg89334#msg89334 ; however, it was vlc (kaffeine still wasnt able to work), that ultimately saved the day15:27
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SixzeroOk, I've got a question.... Is there an X configuration program for ATI cards like the Nvidia Configuration tool?15:34
=== ubuntu is now known as drbrown
aarHi, I've just completed a Kubuntu Hardy install. The screen size is too small. When I go to system config it says that the screen settings are on the highest option (800x600), but that still doesn't cover the entire screen. How can I fix this?15:43
emilsedghaar: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh15:46
jussi01aar: which graphics card do you have?15:46
chxheya. I am on Hardy and I tried to connect to an Ad-Hoc network and I could not.15:46
emilsedghaar: after that, logout and login again15:46
jussi01emilsedgh: he may need restricted drivers15:46
aarjussi01: it's a trident cyberblade. configured as "generic"15:47
aar(plug n play)15:47
emilsedghjussio1: oh, i didnt know that having restricted drivers may cause bad resolution15:47
* jussi01 has no idea with those15:47
jussi01emilsedgh: yeah - often happened with my nvidia15:47
emilsedghjussio1: restricted drivers really hurt...15:48
aarWhen I run the live cd the resolution is similar to what i have now. However, once I install the OS (which I have done a couple of times before) the resolution is usually ok15:48
aari'll try the "dpkg-reconfigure"ing. Thanks for the tip15:49
venikWhen I try to boot in a kde4 session, I get a WHITE screen, followed by a black screen with the mouse cursor showing.  I then can do nothing-- when I type cnrl-alt-F1 I get NOTHING!.15:51
venikI have removed and reinstalled KDE4 a couple of times, but I always get this white/black screen15:52
venikwhat do I do?15:52
venikKDE3 works just fine15:52
venikbut I like the way kde4 looks15:52
jussi01venik: try removing you .kde4 folder (in your home folder)15:54
jussi01venik: also, in future, kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde415:55
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Ahmuckhi.  postgresql will not start from system services - system settings15:59
Ahmuckany reason why?15:59
Ahmuckwhen i hit restart, it shows that it goes through the proceedure, but nothing happens16:00
ReptileI've been a few years w/o Linux and now installed Kubuntu16:02
jussi01Reptile: cool :)16:02
Reptilewhat a leap in user friendliness16:02
ReptileWindows on desktop and Kubuntu on laptop16:04
ReptileDesktop is not in use currently16:04
chxSo, I am on Hardy and I tried to connect to an Ad-Hoc wifi network and I could not. Googling did not really help.16:05
veniksorry-- I thought I had switched to kubuntu-kde416:05
starenkais it possilbe to hook a script on some aplication signal?16:05
starenkaf.e run THAT skript when i quite THIS app16:06
jussi01Reptile: if you want to chat, may I suggest #kubuntu-offtopic - this channel is really for support only16:06
=== ek_ is now known as ek
shinbo Hey, quick question but I kinda messed up my bootloader and it deleted windows, and won't load ubuntu... if I install kubuntu without formatting will it delete my files on ubuntu?16:50
starenkadoes it deleted it just form the boot menu or whole parition16:50
starenkayou can edit grub options during start, hitting "e" i guess16:51
shinbomy windows partition? It would try to load it and then restart and continue to not load and then it was gone completely16:51
starenkaor you can add win back to the menu16:51
starenkahow gone?16:51
starenkayou cant mount it16:51
shinbounfortunately I don't have grub, I just dled OSL2000 and that is what messed everything up16:51
starenkabut it's stil; there?16:52
shinbogone like, when I tried to reinstall windows it said the partition was unusable16:52
shinboand I ended up like formatting/deleting the windows partition (because I didnt rlly care about it) and it was still not letting me install it16:52
shinboalso I tried to install kubuntu on big empty 80gigs where windows was in manual and it wouldnt let me do that16:53
starenkawhat is OSL200016:53
shinboa bootloader that was easy to install O_o I was in a rush... and when I googled it nothing negative came up so I assumed it was ok16:54
starenkawell i would try to run live cd, install grub and take and format the partition you need to format16:54
shinboall right, thanks16:55
starenkawell for nothing16:55
batti5hello all16:58
batti5i am new to the linux world16:59
shadowhywindhay all i have an ext3 partition used for data, i let the installer handle the mounting, and now i can't write to the partition without root priv, the mount options are rw,relatime any ideas?17:05
batti5try to open a file manager as root whit sudo, then set the ext3 drive to your user name17:09
JuJuBeeI am looking for a new laptop and will run Kubuntu primarily occasionally WinBlows for gaming (rarely though).  Anybody willing to have a look at 3 from new egg and give reccomendations?17:11
sbucathello damn i have a problem with my rutter netgear17:12
sbucati have a toshiba laptop17:12
sbucatand i can't see the network card (ethernet)17:12
sbucatthis is lspci17:12
bazhangmuckel1984_, dont paste that here17:16
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JuJuBeeAny takers on Laptop Suggestions?17:22
bazhangJuJuBee, that should be in #kubuntu-offtopic17:22
JuJuBeeK thanks17:22
ekJuJuBee: I'm liking the Asus M50, personally.17:23
JuJuBeeI was leaning towards that.  I just wanted to be sure Kubuntu will support the hardware and run smoothly.17:24
shadowhywindhay all is there a kubuntu intrepid channel?17:24
bazhang#ubuntu+1 shadowhywind17:24
shadowhywindbazhang: thats what i thought17:24
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ekJuJuBee: Should be fine. Only thing to worry about would be built-in wireless.17:25
ekBut, chances are it is an atheros chipset and widely supported.17:25
shadowhywindhaving a bit of an issue with the new kernel and no one seams to know how to fix it17:25
JuJuBeeek : the g50v has better resolution though.17:26
ekJuJuBee: Same screen sizes though.17:27
wizardslovakhello people i am newby with kubuntu ( i have it on virtualbox-kubuntu server) and i would like to know how can i see ifo about my system?17:28
kawiwhich info ?17:29
wizardslovaklike system specs and etc17:29
abaddonwhat info17:29
kawiI do know in the GUI stuff but in a konsole you can try cat /proc/cpuinfo fr example17:30
JuJuBeeek: Looking on Asus.com I think the wifi is Intel® WiMAX/WiFi Link 510017:30
wizardslovakcause i installed ubuntu server ,but i didnt like shell so i got GUI kubuntu and wanna see if its show kubuntu server17:31
ekJuJuBee: Ah. Intel uses their own chipset. But, there are Linux drivers for them.17:32
JuJuBeeSounds good...  Thanks for the input.17:32
jussihow to use 4 speakers at kubuntu?17:33
jussicant get them work even with alsamixer17:33
Tm_Thi jussi17:33
Tm_T!fi | jussi17:33
ubottujussi: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi17:33
abaddonpipetux: hi17:36
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pipetuxhola necesito saber como actualizar kubuntu17:37
jussi01!es | pipetux17:40
ubottupipetux: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:40
pipetuxThank you!17:41
pipetuxuna consulta... lo que pasa que soy nuevo en Linux... necesito saber cual es la version mejor para principiantes17:42
jussi01pipetux: only english in here please17:42
jussi01pipetux: type: /join #kubuntu-es17:43
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Niteyehow can i install little things like in vista so I have the temperature and weather on my desktop?18:03
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emilsedghNiteye: kde3 or kde4?18:09
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Niteyekde4 seems to have it out of the box but i went back to kde3 for stability18:10
emilsedghNiteye: superkaramba.18:12
LjLNiteye: although you can easily have them on your panel, without installing anything18:23
Niteyeokay, superkaramba works fine, but now i need to find the widgets id need lol, there are so many18:23
mrxmikeafter the today updates, i couldnt start my system / well get into it18:31
mrxmikeafter the boot part.. when it loads KDE, it crashed - locked up18:31
mrxmikeaccess trough vty terminals (ctrl+alt f1 .. f6) wasnt possible either18:31
mrxmikenow the problem is, non of the nvidia drivers are working anymore18:32
mrxmikethe nonfree nvidia-glx driver doesnt work anymore18:33
mrxmikeonly 'nv' the opensource version does18:33
Niteyedoes anyone know a good widget for superkaramba? i have tried a few (including liquid weather) but they are all primitive (eg. only have three cities in them)18:34
mrxmikeproblems with broken nvidia on kde 4.1.1?18:42
Daisuke_Ido!kde4 | mrxmike18:43
ubottumrxmike: KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde418:43
mrxmikeDaisuke_Ido: what is that for kind of response?18:43
mrxmike+ its outdated, its 4.1.118:43
Daisuke_Idoit's telling you to ask for help in the proper channel for kde418:43
Daisuke_Idoand 4.1.1 isn't a major release18:43
mrxmikethanks for the link then18:44
Daisuke_Idono worries.  a lot of the same people hang out in both channels18:45
Daisuke_Idojust /join #kubuntu-kde4 and you should be alright18:45
mrxmikeim there already =)18:45
=== aziz__ is now known as aziz
sylushey guys19:05
syluswhats a good mirc cliant for doing fserving im running kubuntu19:05
syluscan anyone help me?19:06
mot_anybody know where i can get an ISO of the ubuntu spin that the new dell mini inspiron uses?19:07
namelesssomebody willing to help a hand? i got an odd profile problem19:08
nameless(atleast.. i think)19:08
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=== vgh is now known as gnomo
gnomoHI i have an Epson LX-800 printer (pretty old) and i don't know how make it work!! thenks!19:17
mot_sudo apt-get install cups19:17
mot_then go to http://localhost:631 and add it manually19:18
ghostcubegnomo: not recognized by the printer setup in kcontrol ?19:18
ghostcubeis the ex printer listed in the list19:22
ghostcubeex 80019:22
=== ubuntu is now known as padey
ghostcubegnomo: cn u choose the driver Epson 9 pin generic19:23
ghostcubeshuld be the dfriver for ure printer19:23
ghostcubegnomo: and IBM Proprinter II should work19:24
EruaranCan someone tell me how you're supposed to download and save an svg wallpaper ?19:28
ghostcubeopen the svg in browser svwe page as19:28
EruaranI had to do it from firefox...19:29
gnomoghostcube thenks but now it prints!, but i don't understand nothing of the printing19:36
ghostcubeisnt working coreect ?19:37
gnomothe printing it's very bad19:38
ghostcubewhat  driver have u choosed19:38
gnomo9 pin19:42
gnomoi try with 24 pin too ghostcube19:43
gnomoand it's the same19:43
=== mlins is now known as mlins|away
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ghostcubegnomo: there is an driver pacvkage19:45
ghostcubethe omni driver19:45
ghostcubeit supports ure printer but u must install it19:45
=== mlins|away is now known as mlins
gnomoplease help me because i'm a total rookie19:48
ghostcubegnomo: http://www.linuxprinting.org/download/printing/omni/Omni-0.9.2.tar.bz219:49
ghostcubedownload it to desktop or homefolder19:49
ghostcubeunpack it19:49
ghostcubeand go into the folder19:49
ghostcubetype  sh setupOmni19:50
gnomoit says in the Konsole that can't open ghostcube19:55
ghostcubechmod +x setupOmni19:56
ghostcubemaybe u need an  sudo sh setupOmni19:57
ghostcubeif it needs root19:57
gnomoit says it doesn't exist!19:59
ghostcubegnomo: u downloaded the package and extracted it ?19:59
ghostcubeis there maybe another folder inside the one u extracted to19:59
gnomoi downloaded in the home folder20:00
gnomoand extract it20:00
ghostcubeyes change into this folder20:00
ghostcubeis there another folder inside ?20:00
ghostcubecause i got the file here20:00
ghostcubei downloaded too20:00
gnomopics, music20:00
ghostcubenah in the extracted folder20:01
gnomobut the Omni is in one folder20:01
ghostcubenot in hiome folder20:01
ghostcubechange to omni folder20:01
gnomoin the extracted folder is all that i download nothing else20:01
ghostcubeu got an tar.gz extractt it to an folder and inside this folder u ewxtracted it into should be many files20:02
gnomoof course20:02
gnomobut it's only one setupOmni20:02
ghostcubechmod +x setupOmni20:02
gnomoin the konsole says that doesn't exist20:03
ghostcubewhat doesnt exist ?20:03
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away
gnomothe file20:04
ghostcubehave u changed on konsole to the folder where setupomni is inside20:04
ghostcubeif u open konsole ure in homefolder nothing else20:05
ghostcubeso u must change to the omni folder on konsole20:05
gnomoum... sorry mi dumbness but i don't get it20:05
ghostcubetype ls to konsole20:06
ghostcubeu will see the omni folder or20:06
ghostcubehave u ever worked on konsole ?20:06
gnomojust with apt-get install xD20:06
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
ghostcubeu have to chnge to the omni folder now20:07
ghostcubecd is the command for that20:07
gnomoi see a folder Omni20:07
ghostcubecd foldername20:07
ghostcubecd Omni20:07
ghostcubels -lisa20:07
gnomoi type cd Omni in the konsole?20:07
ghostcubechmod +x setupOmni20:07
ghostcubeyes all kommands20:07
ghostcubepuh a bit leraning wouldnt be the worsest heh20:08
ghostcubelearning :)20:08
=== mcas_away is now known as mcas
ghostcubeready ?20:09
ghostcubesh setupOmni20:10
ghostcubewhat error20:11
gnomosetupOmni: 376: source: not found20:11
gnomoError: XML parser is undetected!20:11
gnomowhat's that?20:11
ghostcubeok i cant help u much about the needed dependencies20:12
gnomoand this :20:12
gnomosetupOmni: 228: source: not found20:13
gnomoBUILD_DEVICES= XMLDevice~20:13
nadirhi guys20:14
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ghostcubegnomo: inside the folder is an docs folder20:14
=== Guest97868 is now known as nadir_
ghostcubethere is an building and installing howto20:14
ghostcuberead this get the needed dependencies by adept20:14
ghostcubeor apt-get installl20:14
ghostcubeshould help20:14
ghostcubeif u get this installed driver will work20:14
nadir_does anyone uses vostro here?20:15
nadir_i got some audio problem20:15
gnomothenks ghostcube, i'll try, damn old printer! xD thenks20:16
mrxmikecan i use the main repos 'nvidia-glx' with kde 4 or should i use envyng?20:16
ghostcubemrxmike: never use envy20:22
ghostcubenvidia-glx-new should work20:23
ghostcubewhat card is this20:23
mrxmikebut whole KDE locks up on loading........... with the current nvidia-glx driver20:23
ghostcubesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-drivers-$(uname -r)20:23
ghostcubebefore this20:24
ghostcuberemove the old kernel20:24
mrxmikeold kernel? :|20:24
ghostcubeold driver20:24
mrxmikekernel module you mean?20:24
mrxmikeim currently on 'nv'20:24
ghostcubedpkg -l | grep nvidia20:24
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mrxmikeghostcube: http://www.pastebin.ca/119510420:25
mrxmikeuname -r > 2.6.24-19-generic20:25
ghostcubeok so do this20:25
ghostcubesudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx --purge20:25
ghostcubethen do20:26
ghostcubesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)20:26
mrxmikewhy reboot?20:26
ghostcubebelieve me20:26
ghostcubethen again reboot20:26
mrxmikeim not using ti see all nvidia modules are still loaded20:26
mrxmikewith mode probe20:27
ghostcubei know this is not needed but this is sometiomes strange20:27
mrxmikei see all nvidia modules are still loaded20:27
mrxmikewith mode probe20:27
ghostcubeu must get rid of the loaded modules20:27
ghostcubethen uninstall the nvidiaglx and purge it20:27
mrxmikeyeah, ok - ull hang in there a sec!!?! :)20:27
ghostcubereboot the system install what i posted20:27
mrxmikei really appreciate your help, was getting very desparete20:27
ghostcubeand reboot into x20:27
ghostcubethis is clean and safe20:27
mrxmikebrb 1sec then..20:27
ghostcubebe here20:28
mrxmikeback! :), now just install 'nvidia-glx' ? :)20:31
ghostcubeu still on nv ?20:31
m_tadeuhi everyone20:31
mrxmikeghostcube: yep20:31
ghostcubesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)20:31
mrxmikeok.. pumping...20:31
mrxmikedone, now reboot again, or modprobe nvidia-glx by hand?20:32
ghostcubenah u havent triggered the nvidia-xconfig20:32
ghostcubeor ?20:32
m_tadeuI have 2 screeens...and on the second one maximized windows won't fill the whole area. a vertical bar on the right shows the background image +  icons20:32
ghostcubebut not needed u can set just in xorg.conf20:32
mrxmikeghostcube: now i did :)20:32
ghostcubenvidia instead of nv20:32
ghostcube sudo nvidia-xconfig  --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2420:32
ghostcubedo this too20:33
ghostcubecan u paste the xorg.conf to nopaste.info20:33
mrxmikexorg.conf is done, but is loading the module nvidia-glx / restarting kde then.. enough?20:33
ghostcubemrxmike: reboot is better20:33
ghostcubeu have loaded mesa modul20:33
ghostcubeno change inside x20:33
mrxmikeok, well rebooting again then.. :D20:33
ghostcubeeh nah20:34
ghostcubecan u paste the xorg.conf to nopaste.info20:34
ghostcubehmm i have had told u this20:34
mrxmikewoops .. :D20:34
mrxmikeyou got the paste anyway :< :D20:35
ghostcubeflood kik20:35
ghostcubethis bans out of pn20:35
mrxmikelooks ok right?20:36
ghostcubehave u done this20:36
ghostcube sudo nvidia-xconfig  --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2420:36
mrxmike-dept is 24bit already20:36
mrxmikewhat is arg-glx-visuals?20:36
ghostcubei know20:36
ghostcubeok restart for compiz some changes needed20:36
ghostcubesome of this options are better to get more performance on compiz-fusion20:37
ghostcubebut restart before this if it works20:37
mrxmikeghostcube: FAIL!20:44
mrxmikeGLX cannot load somehow :S20:45
ghostcubedpkg -l | nvidia20:45
ghostcubedpkg -l | grep nvidia20:45
namele55hmm.. i like groping20:45
Ahmuckhi.  i'd like to be able to read on my computer screen.  my screen is a widescreen, and the fonts and icons are tiny.  how do i change this?20:46
ghostcubemrxmike: have u changed anything inside xorg.conf20:46
ghostcubepls post it again20:46
mrxmikeghostcube: no i did not, well a minute ago .. i had to change it to 'nv'20:47
mrxmikeotherwise i wouldnt be able to talk to you now20:47
ghostcubemrxmike: there is an bug inside anything20:49
mrxmikehuh? :/20:50
ghostcubeII) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so20:50
ghostcubedlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so: undefined symbol: _nv001462gl20:50
mrxmikeghostcube: it says 'nvidia-glx-new' shouldnt that be just 'nvidia-glx'? :S20:51
filippoHi to all: someone know where I can signal an error in the kde4 packages? (corrupted dependencies)20:51
ubottuKDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde420:51
NickBurtAnyone got any idea how to install/configure the built in dialup modem in an Acer laptop?20:52
ghostcubemrxmike: what version of kubuntu is this20:52
filippotnks ghostcube but anyone there want respond: I only ask where I can send a mail or add a bug ...20:52
mrxmikehardy with 4.1.120:52
mrxmikeit worked fine till this afternoon :o20:53
mrxmikecheck the last comment20:54
falstaffI used a program to change my monitor setting but I can't remember what it was (or where it is) I think it is a KDE program20:54
ghostcubemrxmike: ls -lisa /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions20:58
falstaffWhat program do I use to change the monitor settings?20:59
mrxmikeghostcube:  http://www.pastebin.ca/119513820:59
=== terry_ is now known as BacKhoE
mrxmikei think we have a winnner?20:59
ghostcubemrxmike: u havent told me that u installed manually before ;)21:00
mrxmikei tried to, that didnt work (is 4days ago)21:00
mrxmikethen a friend of me told me to use envyng m821:00
ghostcubehave u uninstalled it21:00
ghostcubemrxmike: have u dione envy install ?21:00
mrxmikeyes, but thats uninstalled................. totally and completely21:01
ghostcubenah it isnt21:01
mrxmikewith the nvidia driver that it tried to install21:01
ubottuenvyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk21:01
mrxmikeTm_T: .. hey..21:01
Tm_Thi hi21:01
ghostcubein cf chan just no is the answer for envy21:01
ghostcubemrxmike: locate nvidia.ko21:02
mrxmikeghostcube: http://www.pastebin.ca/119514221:02
mrxmikeghostcube: the symlink is wrong right?21:03
ghostcubemrxmike: sudo rm b/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so.177.6721:06
BacKhoEi,m a newbie ... can anyone see me ??21:06
ghostcubemrxmike: sudo rm /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so.177.6721:06
mrxmikethat is chmodded +x that file m821:07
mrxmikethe 169 is not fyi21:07
alexandrback yes we see you21:07
ghostcubemrxmike: i know21:07
mrxmikeghostcube: but what should i do more to fix it, deleting that 177 module is enough? :S21:08
ghostcubenah it isnt21:08
mrxmikeghostcube: i ran > sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.67-pkg1.run --uninstall21:10
mrxmikeand it said, it removed the 177 driver as good as it could21:10
ghostcubei think this is envy still hacked into the system21:10
SkEmOyes!!!!! windows sp3 just finished downloading!21:10
SkEmOim happy now21:11
ghostcubemrxmike: ls -lisa /usr/lib | grep libgl21:11
mrxmikeghostcube: dunno, to remove it ... i started envy, used the uninstall -> nvidia driver21:12
mrxmikethen when it had deleted the driver, i used adapt to remove envy21:12
mrxmikeand tried to install 'nvidia-glx'21:12
ghostcubei dont know if when i blacklist an modul in blackjlist if the restricted modules are still loaded21:13
mrxmikeghostcube: http://www.pastebin.ca/119515221:13
ghostcubeso we could figuere this out21:13
ghostcubemrxmike: ls -lisa /usr/lib | grep libGL21:14
mrxmikeghostcube: that 177 is totally gone now, that kernel module, for  sure21:14
mrxmikeghostcube: typoer ;D21:14
ghostcubelooks ok so far21:15
mrxmikedid the kernel still load the 177?21:15
ghostcubeseems so21:15
mrxmikewhat about, i make adapt reinstall nvidia-glx one more time21:15
mrxmikeand then reboot?21:15
ghostcubenot nvidia-glx man21:15
ghostcubemark it its nvidia-glx-new21:15
mrxmikei mean :o21:16
ghostcubereboot with nvidia in xorg.conf21:16
mrxmikeyes k, sorry21:16
ghostcubetry it21:16
mrxmikedone done, i appreciate your help, reboot :)21:16
falstaffI am trying to find the program that changes the monitor settings21:17
favrofalstaff: I think you want xrandr - e.g. in konsole   xrandr -s 1280x102421:20
=== dressed_in_black is now known as AndrewB
seba_amigos me pueden dar el enlace para Kbuntu en español21:26
Tm_T!es | seba_21:27
ubottuseba_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:27
seba_muchas gracias21:27
mrxmikeghostcube: no go :(21:28
ghostcubewhat is the error21:28
ghostcubemrxmike: is this your only kernel21:28
ghostcubei got a strange idea21:29
ghostcubeonly this kernel is affected by all installations so far21:29
ghostcubeif u install an kernel older revisioned21:29
ghostcubeboot this one21:29
ghostcubeinstall nvidia-glx-new21:29
ghostcubereboot in this one21:29
ghostcubeit will work21:29
ghostcubeu then must uninstall and purge all of the newer kernel21:29
ghostcubebut the system will work21:29
mrxmikei dont know if that is such a good idea :/21:30
mrxmikeif i purge the newer kernel huh21:30
Ahmuckhi.  i'd like to be able to read on my computer screen.  my screen is a widescreen, and the fonts and icons are tiny.  how do i change this?21:30
ghostcubeok now i see it loads stil the old kernel modul21:30
mrxmikeit'll remove all kernel modules for it?21:30
ghostcubemrxmike: yes21:30
mrxmikeyou sure?21:31
ghostcubebefore u do this u need to uninstall all inside this kernel like restricted modules and nvidia driver package21:31
ghostcubeand purge this21:31
ghostcubebut i see in the error it loadsa the newer modul21:31
mrxmikeno better ideas? :PD:D21:31
ghostcubenot the nvidia-glx-new one21:31
ghostcubeit loads still envy21:31
ghostcubeso if i do here an locate nvidia.ko21:31
ghostcubei get nothing21:32
ghostcubeso maybe its this way21:32
mrxmikeit probably IS a symlink problem then?21:32
ghostcuberemove the nvidia.ko files21:32
ghostcubelocate nvidia.ko21:32
ghostcubethis are 3 or ?21:32
mrxmikenvidia.ko or nvidia_new.ko?21:33
ghostcubeeh ?21:33
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ghostcubeu have more than one ?21:33
ghostcubecan u please post this21:33
mrxmikei have both :X21:33
ghostcubepost it pls21:33
mrxmikewhen i modprobe, i see nvidia.ko and _new.ko21:33
ghostcubelocate nvidia*.ko21:34
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ghostcubelocate nvidia.ko21:36
mrxmikeagain? :P21:36
mrxmikecheck last pastebin please :)21:36
mrxmikecheck last pastebin please :)o wait21:37
ghostcubehmm ok wait i have the same files21:37
mrxmikei probably get a ban on pastebin.ca because of you :D21:37
ghostcubeone is different for me21:37
ghostcubeok this locate rreturns nothing for me21:38
ghostcubemodprobe is different too here21:39
mrxmikelets trash the kernel then!!!!21:39
ghostcubenah wait maybe i have an idea21:39
jerome_hi all21:39
jerome_what is the canal for french please21:39
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:40
mrxmike#ubuntu-fr maybe21:40
powertool08!fr | jerome_21:40
mrxmikeyep ..21:40
ubottujerome_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr21:40
jerome_thanks all have a good evening21:40
ghostcubemrxmike: ok ls -lisa  /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/volatile/21:41
ghostcubethis locate is driving me nuts i think envy copied the original files over to the locate folders21:42
ghostcubei havent this folders here21:42
mrxmikeif i install the older kernel.............. remove /lib/modules/
mrxmikeboot into the old kernel21:43
mrxmikealso purge the
mrxmikethen reinstall that kernel?21:44
ghostcubeok u have to do this21:44
ghostcubesudo apt-get remove lnux image  nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules --purge21:45
ghostcubeu must look how the image is called21:45
tclevali cant start qt application: error on konqueror -> /usr/lib/libQtSvg.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv21:45
ghostcubesudo apt-get remove  linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic  nvidia-glx-new linux-restricted-modules --purge21:46
ghostcubebut before this u must install the older one21:46
mrxmikei check adapt to see how the older is called..21:46
ghostcubesudo apt-get install  linux-image-2.6.24-18-generic21:48
ghostcubeand make sure all modules from the -19 kernel called nvidia or so get killed21:48
ghostcubedont install the nvidia drivers to the -18 kernel21:49
mrxmikeno ok.. :D21:49
ghostcubei never tried this but this should work ^^21:49
skinnymg1hey guys quick question21:49
mrxmikeghostcube: i will just get into it, and immediatly install the new kernel again21:50
skinnymg1can someone walk me through how to install a .bin file21:50
ghostcubemake sure u do it correct21:50
ghostcubenot fast21:50
mrxmikeboth.. ;)21:50
mrxmikebut shall i before i reboot now, remove /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic21:51
mrxmikeas well by hand?21:51
ghostcubenah i think this should be clean21:51
mrxmikejust to be sure that envy / other (conflicting) crap is gone for sure21:51
mrxmikeghostcube: but why not?21:51
ghostcubecause the old kernel doesnt use the -19 modules21:51
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ghostcubecheck it after reboot21:51
ghostcubewhats inside21:51
mrxmikerm -rf21:51
ghostcubei dont know if this folder is there when u boiot inm after purging21:52
mrxmikereboot, pray for me guys21:52
mrxmikei dont trash mah kernels every day21:52
=== Czessi__ is now known as Czessi
skinnymg1can someone please walk me through an install of a .bin file21:53
jussi01skinnymg1: ok21:53
jussi01skinnymg1: first tell me the file...21:54
jussi01skinnymg1: have you got medibuntu by anychance21:54
joshtheitguyI was wondering if someone could assist me with an issue I'm having with the desktop effects in KDE 4.1.121:54
jussi01!ask | joshtheitguy21:54
ubottujoshtheitguy: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:54
jussi01!medibuntu | skinnymg121:55
ubottuskinnymg1: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:55
skinnymg1how do i check that21:55
jussi01skinnymg1: follow the instructions there, then google earth will be in adept :)21:55
jussi01joshtheitguy: also, kde4 support is in #kubuntu-kde4 :)21:56
joshtheitguyah :) that is where I shall go then21:56
_2what files are needed on the remote host for sshkeys to work ?   ~/.ssh/authorized_keys   ????22:01
skinnymg1jussi01: thnx22:02
jussi01skinnymg1: no probs. I assume you got it working then?22:03
skinnymg1installing it now22:03
garthounetfrench hier?22:04
garthounetjussi french?22:04
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr22:04
garthounetdu tou speak french?22:05
garthouneti am banned french station22:05
jussi01garthounet: well unless you speak english, you cant get  help here.22:05
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jussi01garthounet: why are you banned?22:05
garthouneti dont no...22:06
Tm_T#ubuntu-irc is for local channels22:07
DeniseI m banned too22:08
mrxmikeghostcube: it worked22:08
Denisedont worry22:08
mrxmikeonly the monitor goes out of range.22:09
mrxmikecan i reconfigure my monitor from the shell? :S22:09
jussi01mrxmike: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:09
_2-plow for more control22:10
skinnymg1jussi01: thnx its working22:10
_2-phigh for less control22:10
mrxmikejussi01: that does not reconfigure monitor........22:10
jussi01skinnymg1: great :)22:10
_2mrxmike with -plow ?22:10
HighHomrxmike: I only just joined so missed your orginal question, jussi01 will restore defaults or you can customise your configuration manually by editing your /etc/xorg.conf file22:10
ghostcubeok so what is working now22:12
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mrxmikeok, in case it fails again.. i dont wanna reboot for the 500th time, is there a key to kill the kde login?22:12
ghostcubeback to work22:12
mrxmikewell, i get monitor out of range now22:12
ghostcubeok u on the -19 again22:13
mrxmikeYES :)22:13
mrxmikeand the kernelmods load fine :)22:13
mrxmikeso we fixed it22:13
ghostcubeso nvidia-glx-new is working22:13
mrxmikeyour idea... i performed :D22:13
mrxmikeyes it does i think :)22:13
_2mrxmike the default 6 login tty's may be accessed at any time with    ctrl+alt+f[1-6]22:13
mrxmike_2: doesnt seem to be able from the login screen.........22:14
ghostcubeok there is an easy way to set permannetly the rsolution22:14
ghostcubein xorg.conf22:14
ghostcubemrxmike: glxinfo | grep OpenGL22:14
_2mrxmike it is possable that your keymap prevents it.  use   alt+SysRQ+R   to reset the keymap to xlate22:14
_2then use ctrl+alt+f#22:15
mrxmikeghostcube: i cant get in kde, with the nvidia driver now22:15
ghostcubei know22:15
ghostcubeonly resolution22:15
mrxmike_2: thanks22:15
mrxmikei have no glxinfo :|22:15
ghostcubebut u are in kde now ?22:16
_2mrxmike killing kdm is as simple as    sudo killall kdm    or /etc/init.d/?dm stop22:16
_2ghostcube no  he's at kdm login screen22:16
ghostcube_2: ah ok thx22:17
ghostcubemrxmike: can u login to kde22:17
mrxmikenot with the nvidia driver, with nv i can22:17
ghostcubewhy not with nvidia22:17
mrxmikebecause the display shows out of range22:17
_2cause his monitor flakes out22:17
mrxmikeand then i cant ctrl+alt+backspace22:17
ghostcubehmm but no prob at all22:18
ghostcubekonsole can be opened by alt + f222:18
mrxmikeno, not from the loginscreen..22:18
ghostcubenah but in kde22:18
mrxmikethe keys dont work anymore some how....22:18
ghostcubesudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:19
_2with -plow22:19
ghostcubeit isnt configged now22:19
ghostcubei want not p low22:19
_2change monitor settings to something reasonable22:19
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:19
_2isn't configured ? ghostcube ?22:20
mrxmikeHighHo: no use...22:20
ghostcube_2: iam working with him more than an houre22:20
ghostcubethis si frsh kernel install22:20
mrxmikeHighHo: ahh wel that link is22:20
HighHowill leave you to it then, i missed the orginal issue :)22:20
ghostcubethe original issue is an craped kernel and nvidia loading22:21
ghostcubecause of using manually sh22:21
ghostcubeand envy ng22:21
ghostcubeso he uninstalled the new kernel instelled an old one booted reinstalled new one22:21
ghostcubeso he is there22:21
ghostcubemrxmike: what is now u aree at the login prompt22:22
mrxmikeOK, GUYS ITS FIXED22:22
mrxmikei tried sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange from the > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#Undetected Monitor Specs link22:23
mrxmikeand used those hor /vert freq in xorg.conf22:23
ghostcubeyes this was wat imeant by set this in xorg22:23
mrxmikeGHOSTFACE _O_ without you.... could have taken a year before i would have my GLX back :D22:23
=== rocknlnx is now known as are
ghostcubeso if u want compiz now22:24
mrxmikehahaha :-))22:24
mrxmike'enable-desktop' is all i need to do now right22:24
ghostcubeis this kde422:24
=== are is now known as rocknlnx
ghostcubei prefere  fusion-icon22:24
mrxmikeit already works :P22:25
HighHoyay i was useful afterall :p22:25
ghostcubeHighHo: yes22:25
mrxmikeHighHo: yeah men, thanks for the link22:25
mrxmikesometimes people !tell <user> something... for fun...22:25
mrxmikethat doesnt work, but im happy to have my system back in good state22:26
ghostcubecool this kernel switch worked22:26
mrxmikejeez what a bitch-nut was this to crack huh ghostcube :)22:26
ghostcubenever mentioned this before22:26
cleatonwrong channel22:26
mrxmikeghostcube: its a good way to get rid of alll the kernel modules...22:26
ghostcubecause in the last case i havent get what envy has changed22:27
mrxmikeif you do it, as an option ->  rm -rf /lib/modules/kernel-ver-generic22:27
_2mrxmike your assessment may be accurate "<mrxmike> sometimes people !tell <user> something... for fun..."  how ever i tend to think that most of the time it's more " !tell <user> something... " hoping that the link will be useful, while some times it isn't.22:27
ghostcube_2: heh yes better then saying nothing at all22:27
mrxmikebut most times, it is22:27
mehmetyo ! everyone!22:28
ghostcube_2: but this was why i sayd not configged now22:28
ghostcubecause fresh install never bootet22:28
mrxmikebut ghostcube: there's still a bug in the nvidia drivers22:28
ghostcubemrxmike: hmm ?22:29
mrxmikecan you open office-writer?22:29
mehmetnope... mine is working good22:29
mrxmikemehmet: not you22:29
ghostcubemrxmike: openoffice ?22:29
mehmetno.... nvidia driver works good22:29
mrxmikemehmet: stfu :D22:29
ghostcubemehmet: depends on22:29
mrxmikenvidia drivers seem to have a problem with certain java widgets .... results in screen corruption22:30
ghostcubemrxmike: could be the wrong java version22:30
mrxmikegot it started? > now click in the 'text area'.. as you would when you wanna write a letter22:30
_2ghostcube way ^ up there i saw his instructions to run your dpkg-re... command and also gave instruction on how to access the console so he could run it.    besides we may be saying different things when we say "not configured"22:30
ghostcubeand btw u can tune ure xorg.conf a bit22:30
mrxmikethen move the mouse over the kde taskbar22:30
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:30
=== mehmet is now known as |-phreak-|
mrxmikeghostcube: please try it, there's a few programs which have the same result (eclipse has it as well)22:31
ghostcube_2: prob is iam not native english iam german so its sometimes not so easy to switch the word follow up22:31
ghostcubein grammar :)22:31
mrxmikegut =)22:31
_2ghostcube i stand under you.22:31
|-phreak-|watch your language22:31
|-phreak-|i saw it22:31
mrxmike|-phreak-| pardon me, what is wrong?22:32
|-phreak-|i was mehmet22:32
|-phreak-|now im phreak22:32
|-phreak-|watch ur freakin language kid22:32
mrxmike:| ?22:32
mrxmikecant you just, do normal?22:32
|-phreak-|<mrxmike> mehmet: stfu :D22:32
mrxmikeyes, im having a conversation with something.. and you start talking trough it22:32
mrxmikelike you think, you're funny22:32
|-phreak-|yes so make it private22:32
mrxmike'someone' > not something22:32
jussi01mrxmike: |-phreak-| stop22:33
mrxmike|-phreak-| > dude, what is wrong with you?22:33
|-phreak-|im ok.. thanx22:33
jussi01!stfu | mrxmike22:33
ubottumrxmike: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.22:33
|-phreak-|fk it anyway22:33
mrxmikemanners etc...22:33
_2|-phreak-| come here to troll often ?22:33
|-phreak-|see? stfu is not welcomed22:33
mrxmikeanyway, ghostcube you noticed it? =)22:34
jussi01|-phreak-|: enough.22:34
|-phreak-|im all done22:34
|-phreak-|tell mr big gaymike22:34
ghostcubemrxmike: hmm nah i dont get it22:34
ghostcubebut i have some options ion my xorg.conf22:34
ghostcubeand maybe my card is a bit different aaaand i use twinview22:34
|-phreak-|what ?22:34
mrxmikeghostcube: well, if some java widgets have the focus, there's some sort of conflict with the nvidia drivers22:35
mrxmikethat can cause screen corruption (only seems to happen with java-widgets /nvidia combination)22:35
ghostcubemrxmike: ah yes i get it on my window borders22:35
|-phreak-|dood there is nothing wrong with nvidia drivers in ubuntu... u guys just screwed it i guess...22:35
mrxmikethere is a bugreport of this on the opensuse site22:35
mrxmikeghostcube: let me get the bug report for you..22:36
ghostcube|-phreak-|: nvidia drivers are the same crap as intel or amd at the moment intel is open but not very well in the state we use it here for compiz22:36
ghostcubenvidia is fine for 2d22:36
ghostcubebut not for aiglx and overlay22:36
edoceoHas anyone seen issues with runing aptitude from a shell script?22:36
edoceoSeems aptitude will execute in a sub-shell or something...22:36
edoceothe lines following aptitude execute before aptitude is done running22:37
|-phreak-|i do installed the latest nvidia accelerated driver, plus compiz fusion, i have the amazing look and feel stuff... i play tons of games and sht22:37
|-phreak-|nothing is wrong22:37
mrxmikeghostcube: 2d.. im talking about22:37
ghostcubemrxmike: not on compiz?22:37
ghostcubecant be at 2d no bugs afaik22:37
_2edoceo i personally use apt-get from script.   but do you care to pastebin your script i'll take a look.22:37
mrxmikeghostcube: no, http://forums.opensuse.org/applications/392259-minor-screen-corruption-kde-4-1-nvidia-drivers.html22:38
ghostcube|-phreak-|: i have it runnnig to depends on the card and the chip22:38
edoceo_2: will send link...thanks!22:38
jussi01|-phreak-|: you are not being helpful, this is the last time im going to ask, please be helpful or quiet22:38
ghostcubebut its a driver issue22:38
|-phreak-|anyone can help me about a development environment?22:38
mrxmikeghostcube: "Some people don't have the problems, thats the reason nvidia has a hrd time reproducing this bug, this bug as far as I know started after driver version 169.04"22:38
jussi01|-phreak-|: specifically?22:38
|-phreak-|ok check it out22:38
edoceo_2: http://vpn.edoceo.com/a.txt22:38
mrxmikeghostcube: they are working on it, from what i know.. so.. well, its only some slight glitches22:39
=== mlins is now known as mlins|away
edoceo_2: that one uses apt-get but still has the same issue22:39
mrxmikenothing serious, its not like things crash or something22:39
jussi01!away > mlins|away22:39
ubottumlins|away, please see my private message22:39
ghostcubemrxmike: i cant reproduce iam on kde322:39
mrxmikeghostcube: with these kinda things you just have to wait till its fixed =)22:39
mrxmikeghostcube: ahhh, k22:39
|-phreak-|want to install eclipse with tomcat plugin, plus, a visual editor for GUI design, an SVN client to connect to a free repository on internet22:39
ghostcubemrxmike: lucky this normally isnt kde4 supprot chan rofl22:40
|-phreak-|want to create an Java web development environment with version controlling tool22:40
mrxmike=) i know i know =)22:40
|-phreak-|as short22:40
ubottusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/22:40
|-phreak-|i know what is svn dood22:40
jussi01|-phreak-|: I beleive eclipse has a svn plugin22:40
mrxmikejussi01: have no mercy dood22:40
|-phreak-|that is correct22:41
|-phreak-|but the entegration on linux is smthing hard22:41
jussi01|-phreak-|: do you know how to install eclipse on ubuntu?22:41
mrxmikeghostcube: i dont see the boxeffect in the desktop settings..22:41
|-phreak-|mrxmike: shut up22:41
edoceo_2: nevermind! I'm a tard.  Script executes in order, output is jumbled between some stderr and stdout which makes it look confusing22:41
=== mlins|away is now known as mlins
_2edoceo add 2>&1 to the lines with apt*  in them22:42
_2edoceo that will fix your output problem22:42
edoceoYea that was it ! Thanks!22:42
edoceoI should have less beer before hacking little scripts22:43
jussi01!guidelines > |-phreak-|22:43
ubottu|-phreak-|, please see my private message22:43
mrxmikeghostcube: i've asked it in #kubuntu-kde22:43
_2edoceo it do make sum differance22:43
ghostcubeis there another channel for kde on kubuntu :|22:43
ghostcubeeh ?22:43
jussi01ghostcube: #kubuntu-kde422:44
ghostcubejussi01: heh thx i thought there are more than this one for kde3 hehe22:44
ghostcubemrxmike: damn fingers eh ?22:44
|-phreak-|yo man...22:44
gx0093.5 owns 4.122:44
|-phreak-|what is up?22:44
ghostcube3.5.10 is all i know i cant say it rules cause havent treied 4.1.1 but i want my kcontrol22:45
ghostcubeso i wont change ;(22:45
_2ghostcube actually there are,  language specific channels22:45
|-phreak-|what i need is, eclipse+tomcat+svn client22:45
ghostcubei know _2 but not much to do there22:45
|-phreak-|help me out22:45
ghostcubeso if i can help i try here too and in compiz-fusion22:45
_2yeah i was just saying22:45
mrxmikeghostcube: yah, .. they had some miles of movement today yes :D22:45
jussi01|-phreak-|: so go install eclipse, then add the plugins as per the usual dialogues in eclipse22:46
kaRnAhi can anyone help me with wireless internet conenction in ubuntu22:46
mrxmikeghostcube: i dont dare the install any graphical stuff now anymore :P22:46
|-phreak-|do you know a free svn repository on the internet?22:46
|-phreak-|secure etc22:46
ghostcubeisnt sourceforge free22:46
mrxmikeyeah, and you get free svn with it afaik22:46
mrxmikebut its a bit limited afaik22:47
jussi01|-phreak-|: if its for an opensource project there are many22:47
ghostcubekiba-dock is hosted on svn  sourceforge22:47
|-phreak-|what is afaik?22:47
jussi01also, you can use launchpad with bzr22:47
ghostcubeas far as i know22:47
jussi01as far as I know22:47
mrxmikeas far as i know22:47
|-phreak-|ok ok easy22:47
jussi01!bzr | |-phreak-|22:47
ubottu|-phreak-|: bzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://bazaar-vcs.org/QuickHackingWithBzr for a quickstart guide.22:47
|-phreak-|bazaar is lame22:48
|-phreak-|svn rocks22:49
ghostcubetry sourceforge22:49
ghostcubeas hoster22:49
|-phreak-|what is the limit of uploads?22:49
ghostcube:| uffz22:49
ghostcubeno idea22:49
kaRnAi have just installed ubuntu desktop edition, i want to connect to wireless internet which is shared as adhac network, i have intel wireless card,22:49
kaRnAIn ubuntu, it tries to connect saying attempting to connect then it doent connect, but in windows i m able to use same wireless network.22:49
jussi01|-phreak-|: trhis is a channel for Kubuntu support, please constrain yourself to this.22:49
ghostcube|-phreak-|: #linux22:50
jussi01kaRnA: you installed Ubuntu? the you need to ask in #ubuntu22:50
mrxmike|-phreak-|: sup ?22:50
|-phreak-|nothin much... chillin... sup?22:50
ghostcubewatching simpsons rofl22:51
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:51
ghostcubei know sorry22:51
mrxmikeghostcube: have you noticed that the screen gets 'soften' when using that aiglx /compiz stuff?22:51
kaRnAlol noone reply at ubuntu,22:51
kaRnAok thanks btw22:51
ghostcubemrxmike: eh ?22:52
|-phreak-|check ubuntu forums... there are tons of topics about wireless connection problems and guides22:52
mrxmikeghostcube: it looks smoothened22:52
ghostcubekaRnA: not veryx helpful the info till now a bit more info about type of card ubuntu version or so would be helpful if u want help :)22:52
mrxmikeghostcube: when kubu+kde4.2 is released.. im  gonna put two screenshots next to eachother22:53
|-phreak-|i wonder how many seconds have kaRnA spent for seaching google for this...22:53
kaRnAIntel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG and ubuntu 8.0422:53
mrxmikeone with desktop effects on, and one off...22:53
ghostcubethe card isnt recognized in network manager ?22:53
ghostcubemrxmike: heh22:53
|-phreak-|plus could you able to find the linux driver?22:54
ghostcube|-phreak-|: if not recognized harder22:54
kaRnAit is recognised22:54
kaRnAit even shows the access point but just doesnt connect22:55
|-phreak-|see nigga?22:55
gx009maybe you would have had better luck with DHCP22:55
Pici|-phreak-|, Please watch your language in this channel, thank you.22:55
mrxmikekaRnA: i have this problem before22:55
mrxmikecan you select the authentication method? > dont think so .. its automatically huh?22:56
ghostcubekaRnA: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283422:56
mrxmikeghostcube: thats pretty 'hardcore' if you're a newbie to linux, but i dont know about kaRnA22:57
mrxmikeif he's new or not =)22:57
ghostcubethis isnt this hard22:58
kaRnAhow to install package, where to put it, i just downloaded a package linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic_2.
ghostcubeonly a lot of text22:58
kaRnAghostcube,  thanks22:58
ghostcubekaRnA: not this way just open synaptic22:59
kaRnAmrxmike,  then what did u do? installed kubuntu :)22:59
ghostcubeinm synaptic open the backport repos and the restricted ones22:59
mrxmikekaRnA: what is described in ghostcube's solution ,, the url he posted23:00
kaRnAmrxmike, i m reading that only23:00
mrxmikebut i really prefer the knetwork way over the wpasupplicant way23:00
ghostcubeknetwork uses wpasupplicant afaik23:01
mrxmikein the backgroun dyeah23:01
mrxmikebut it handles that all fully automatically23:01
ghostcubeglad that i can still do it manually23:01
mrxmikeas long as its not ndiswrapper.. you can be happy :d23:01
ghostcubesamba conf out of kde is terrifying23:01
kaRnAghostcube, what is synatic23:03
ghostcubesynaptic is ubuntu package manager23:03
joshuajtlhi folks, is there anyway to install ubuntu on kubuntu without having one DE see (or at least share apps) with the other?23:05
kaRnAwell i have to connect to adhac networ, hence automatic ip is assigned and their is no security,23:05
kaRnAbtw wat  is kubuntu, just a kernal or complete os?23:06
mrxmikekaRnA: a complete so called 'linux distribution', it uses the linux kernel (from linus torvalds..who wrote it with developers from all over the world)23:07
NCommanderKDE4 is nice23:07
mrxmikekaRnA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu23:08
ghostcubekaRnA: ubuntu kernel other desktop environment23:08
ghostcubeit uses kde so kubuntu23:09
kaRnAok i going to check if its work now, thanks, btw how to installed kde enviroment on ubuntu, or its complete diff distribution23:12
ghostcubesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:13
kaRnAok, i have download that package, or its inbuild23:13
ghostcubekaRnA: open konsole23:14
ghostcubeand type this into konsole23:14
ghostcubesudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:14
ghostcubewill do all the rest23:14
kaRnAi know that23:14
ghostcubeoh ok :)23:14
kaRnAno evertime i do that, it says package not found23:14
mrxmikeprobably because he has no inet ;D23:15
mrxmikeon that machine23:15
mrxmikeand only the cd repos23:15
ghostcubeoh ok so u need to fix inet before u can install23:15
mrxmikekaRnA: after fixing inet, come back.. we help you with the repos.............23:15
mrxmike(alhough, if you have inet .. it should go all full automatic..)23:16
mrxmikewhen you perform the command ghostcube recommended23:16
powertool08why do some dest/src ip's flash in wireshark?23:16
kaRnAok i m going  to check now, thanks23:16
=== carlos is now known as carlos_
powertool08Anybody here?23:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:30
UCVgay you23:30
powertool08When I try to mount a blank cd dolphin says could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: unknown protocol ''..23:31
White_Pelicaneverytime I try to upload my pictures from my camera using the cable, I get "could not lock the device" why?23:32
ghostcubepowertool08: mount an unwritten cd ?23:38
ghostcubethis doesnt work in windows or mac too23:38
powertool08ghostcube: yes, I want to write to a blank cd with k3b, it shows up in /media as unmounted, previously I would click it once, it would mount, then I could burn my image, now I get that error when I click it23:39
ghostcubemaybe u burned the wrong iso type ? hmm dont know now23:41
powertool08ghostcube: but there's nothing on it, its blank and I want to burn to it23:41
* UCV_ is back.23:42
bill__hello all23:48
powertool08ghostcube: I found some sites which said to delete some temp folders and rebuild kysocoa but those didn't help23:48
powertool08ghostcube: could this be an fstab issue?23:50
ghostcubehmm nah but i have no idea what is causing this right now23:50
ghostcubemaybe someone else is better to help :|23:50
powertool08ghostcube: the thing that confuses me is the Unknown protocol ''.. on google it seems like most people have Unknown protocol 'file/camera/something' but its blank for me23:51
ghostcubehmmm starnge issue23:52
ddmdlltI've kmail launchingb each time I plug in the AC cable, has someone had a similar problem?23:55
jhutchins_wkpowertool08: I think the previous behavior, a blank CD should be unmountable.23:56
=== rocknlnx is now known as rocknlnxv
ddmdllt(I've an eee 901 with kubuntu and a special kernel, but it should not be a reason)23:57
=== rocknlnxv is now known as RocknLnX
powertool08jhutchins_wk: but k3b doesn't recognize it as being there23:57
jhutchins_wkpowertool08: k3b should be able to give you info on the unmounted disk though.23:57
jhutchins_wkpowertool08: What does k3b say?  Empty?23:58
jhutchins_wkpowertool08: No media?23:58
powertool08jhutchins_wk: yes, no media present, I've tried in my cdrom and my dvdrom23:59
jhutchins_wkpowertool08: More than one disk?23:59

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