
ftaasac, does it build ? my 1st try didn't went very far00:14
asacfta: it built00:16
asacand the unittests work00:16
asacbut its not the browser00:16
asacjust the infrastructure00:16
asacthe whole chrome/ and browser/ directory isnt build from what i saw00:16
ftai probably didn't use the right sources then00:18
kgoetzare you packaging google chrome?00:19
ftaseems it's too early to do that00:19
asacfta: the latest fixes landed in the last checkins00:20
asacmaybe run a svn up first00:20
asackgoetz: i think it will take quite some time untl we are close to the browser00:21
asacthe build dependencies dont even include any xlib ;)00:21
asacso all the UI is most likey non-existing ;)00:21
kgoetzah, hehe. this could be a long term project *g*00:21
asacbut maybe its all there and just excluded from build00:22
* kgoetz wonders if this channel will become #ubuntu-webbrowsermanglers00:22
asacbut most likely behind the walls at google ;)00:22
asackgoetz: why not ;) ... approaching a broader audience gives more flexibility to bundle forces where they suite well ;)00:23
kgoetzasac: hehe, expanding your empire, one .deb at a time.00:23
* kgoetz heads off to work. catch you in 90 minutes all :)00:25
asacwell i wil be in bed hopefully00:25
kgoetzsleep well then, catch you another day00:27
huatsHi  there.09:48
huatsI am updating a package that was depending on libxul previously and now depends on xulrunner-1.909:48
huatsThe build went fine by the remplacement of libxul-dev with xulrunner-1.9-dev09:49
huatsbut when I launch it, I get an error of a missing libxul.so09:49
huatsOf course I have xulrunner-1.9 installed09:49
huats(which provides the.so in question)09:50
huatsbut it is not yelling if I install xulrunner-1.9-dev09:50
huatsany idea what might be wrong ?09:50
huatson a side note I have noticed with lintian that a rpath problem might be found there...09:51
huatsdo you think it is the cause of my problem (i am not very handy with rpath)09:51
asachuats: most likely it requires a bit of porting10:06
huatsasac: ok10:11
asachuats: most likely your application uses pkg-config --cflags --libs libxul10:12
huatsasac: AFAIK the application has been ported to xulrunner-1.9... It is really the packaging here...10:12
asacyou need to use libxul-embedding-unstable10:12
asachuats: if its ported then you probably need to change a configure flag10:12
huatsok I'll have a look then10:12
huatsasac: the thing is the problem is not at build time but at the execution time... which is why I am suprised10:13
asachuats: i am not surprised10:18
asacthats a wrong configure flag10:19
huatsasac: ok10:19
huatsI'll check then10:19
huatsasac: thanks10:19
asachuats: remember that some apps claim to have been ported to 1.9, but they are not10:25
huatsasac: ok10:25
asachuats: the reason is that some project still dont understand the difference10:25
huatsasac: I'll try to understand that... :)10:25
asacof compiling a plugin (which is basically what happens when you just build it like 1.8)10:26
asacand compiling and starting a standalone application10:26
huatsasac: I think in that case it is the case since it works fine when I install xulrunner-1.9-dev10:26
asacwhich is different now in 1.910:26
asaclots of project claimed to support 1.9, but it didnt even work ;)10:26
huatsasac: I'll remember that :)10:26
asachuats: it works fine?10:26
huatsasac: it can be executed yep10:27
huatsbut not if I remove the xulrunner-1.9-dev (and thus simply have the xulrunner-1.9)10:27
huatsthat is what suprise me10:27
huatsthus I think the app have been really ported to 1.9 :)10:28
asacsounds wierd10:29
huatsthat was my guess too :)10:29
huats(and indeed with a simple ldd I can see that with the xulrunner-1.9-dev installed it founds libxul.so and libxpcom.so while not if I remove xulrunner-1.9)10:30
huatsI have tried to change the configure flag "--with-gecko=xulrunner" to "--with-gecko=xulrunner-1.9" but same pb10:31
asachuats: look in configure.in/ac10:33
asacdo they use PKG_CHECK_MODULES( .... libxul) ?10:34
huatsasac: the only reference to xul in configure.ac is10:34
asachuats: so how do they get the build flags for xulrunner?10:34
asachuats: ok. that means they have a .m4 file10:34
asacwhich does that10:35
asacsearch for it ;)10:35
asacmaybe libxul.m410:35
huatsasac: I was looking for it already :)10:35
huatsit is m4/libxul.m410:35
asachuats: then look how that crappy thing does it ;)10:35
asacmost likely it doesnt use PKG_CHECK_MODULES; but attempts to do stuff manually ;)10:36
asacbut better check10:36
asacstandalone applications need: libxul-embedding ... or libxul-embedding-unstable if you need more symbols10:36
asac(pkg-config --config libxul-embedding)10:37
asac--cflags ;)10:37
asacand --libs10:37
huatsthere is no CHECK_MODULES reference in it10:37
huatssimple CHECK_EXISTS10:37
asacas usual ... this file most likely comes directly from stoneage10:37
asachuats: ok. what CFLAGS do they define?10:37
huatsthat is what I am looking10:38
huatsI need to read it10:38
asactry to search for XPCOM_GLUE10:38
asacif that string isnt there and they do it manually then its not properly ported to the standalone approach10:38
huatssince they mention both (libxul and libxul-embedding  with a test case)10:38
asachuats: ok10:38
asaclibxul-embedding is what is wanted10:39
asacpkg-config --cflags libxul-embedding will give you -DXPCOM_GLUE10:39
asacand other things10:39
asacbut that is the important part10:39
huatsno reference of XPCOM_GLUE in the .m4 file but there are such reference in the Makefile.{am,in}10:40
huatsApparently I can give a parameter to LIBXUL_INIT to use libxul-embedding instead of libxul (I'll try that right now)10:42
asachuats: yes. do that10:47
asacwithoug libxul-embedding it wont work10:47
huatsasac: ok10:47
huatsbut the questions remain why it work with xulrunner-1.9-dev :)10:48
asacnot sure10:49
huatsdon't worry10:49
asacbut i wouldnt waste time looking inot that10:49
asacunless we know they use libxul-embedding10:49
huatssure :)10:49
huatsthanks a lot so much :)10:49
huatsasac: stupid question : in the control file is it better that I build-depend on xulrunner-dev or xulrunner-1.9-dev ?11:20
huatsso far I have used xulrunner-dev (since it is an empty package that depend on xulrunner-1.9-dev)11:21
huatsbut I'd like to be sure...11:21
huatsand regarding the problem I am facing, I am working on that :)11:21
asachuats: if its a merge from debian keep xulrunner-dev12:06
asacotherwise use xulrunner-1.9-dev12:06
huatsasac: thanks12:06
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=== vk5foss is now known as kgoetz
ftaasac, yesterday, i finally had chrome fully built. indeed it's incomplete, just reftests for now. my previous attempt was with a direct svn checkout (~666M), about the same thing that we import in lp, it's far from complete. the sync using gclient brings 2.5G of junk, tons of ms binaries (exe, dlls) in the 3rd party dir but it's "buildable"13:30
ftai think i'll wait for it to move a bit further before i touch those scons file to see make the browser part build13:31
asacfta: we will create a chromium-project product13:33
asacwith all the bitsw we need13:33
ftawe need equiv of the --system-foo of mozilla, we already have most of the 3rd parties13:35
ftanot sure about webkit though, they use a tag, slightly patched, don't know what we have13:35
=== `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
ftaseems there are also bin only files13:38
ftaex gears13:38
fta"The binaries in this directory were an official build for chrome"13:38
asacfta: from what i can tell we need "base" "v8" and "webkit" and "build" and chrome13:43
asac(out of my head)13:43
Volansasac: you are already trying to compile google chrome for Ubuntu? :)13:43
asacVolans: it builds ... but is useless13:44
Volansno GUI?13:44
asacVolans: there is no gui code for linux in the "Hammer" build apparenlt13:44
asacthey dont even have a single x-related library in build dependencies13:45
asacfta: there are a bunch of bin-only files13:45
ftai know13:45
Volansso they are far from an alpha version...13:46
asacimo the google folks confused svn with "storage" ;)13:46
asacmaybe because they have this "we want all data syndrom" ;)13:46
Volansmoreover I know that there are many problems with 64bit13:46
asacthey are far far away13:46
ftathere's even a full build of cygwin13:46
asac64bit isnt going to fly13:46
asacand unless that works i wont even consider a alpha a real alpha13:46
asacfta: i think we need non of those binary stuff on linux13:47
asacwe dont need third_party tools either i think13:47
asacscons is in the ubuntu archive and worked for me13:47
asacill try if a build with the directories above works13:47
asacor see what else is missing13:47
ftawe just need 1 or 2 of those stuff13:47
asacfta: what do you think we need?13:48
asac_14:47 < fta> we just need 1 or 2 of those stuff13:50
ftai don't remember which ones, i pointed out 1 or 2 yesterday. i need to recheck but it doesn't really matter for now, too early to spend time on that imho.13:50
asac_14:48 < asac> fta: what do you think we need?13:50
asac_14:48 < asac> if WebKit is the webkit code then maybe yes,13:50
asac_14:48 < asac> but we probably want to try to use src/webkit bindings with our webkit ;)13:50
asac_14:49 < asac> wtf is modp_b64 ;)13:50
asac_14:49 < asac> sounds like a bomber :-D13:50
asac_fta: well. we could make a v8 package ;)13:50
asac_i feel reluctant to put all that in one big piece of orig  ;)13:51
ftaif we split; we'll have to patch those scons files.. brrrr13:52
asac_well. i have to learn scons i guess ;)13:52
asac_but agree ... i feel like "why do i need to learn this again?"13:53
asac_doesnt look to difficult. but getting the best-practices right might not be trivial13:53
asac_fta: when i run scons in v813:58
asac_it starts like http://paste.ubuntu.com/43623/13:58
asac_(dont be confused ... its src/v8/src/third_party13:59
asac_not src/third_party ;)13:59
asac_lets see what comes out of building v813:59
asac_most likely someone has opened an ITP in debian13:59
asac_lets see14:00
asac_fta: ye14:00
asac_just running scons in v8 appears to work ;)14:00
asac_it produces a libv8.a ;)14:00
fta_probably but running scons in chrome will want to rebuild v8, that's what i meant by patching if we split14:01
asac_fta: debian bug #49770114:03
ubottuDebian bug 497701 in libv8 "RFP: libv8 -- Google V8 JavaScript Engine" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49770114:03
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fta_Version: 20080903-1  yeck14:04
asacfta: ok. want to take that ITP?14:05
fta_Binary: libv8-dev, libv8b1.. libv8b1 ??14:05
fta_asac, not sure. i want to work on the full thing but it seems like a lot of work = lot of time and as i said, i'm still busy with work14:07
fta_but we'd better do something now if we think it's not going in the direction we want it to go14:07
fta_Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5) .. not even python or scons ??14:08
asacfta_: that package of that guy?14:08
asachavent looked14:09
fta_i want branches for all this14:09
asacdoes it produce a shared lib?14:09
fta_yes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43630/14:10
fta_a lib without include/-dev packages...14:10
asacand with a non-existing shlibs version ;)14:11
fta_+++ libv8-20080903/debian/cron.d.ex14:13
fta_@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@14:13
fta_+# Regular cron jobs for the libv8 package14:13
fta_+0 4* * *rootlibv8_maintenance14:13
fta_oh, .ex14:13
asacmost likely not a reasonable packaging ,)14:13
asacjcastro: hurry. wake up14:14
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacjcastro: we need to setup a bunch of more chromium projects ;)14:14
asacjcastro: and you got stuck after https://edge.launchpad.net/chromium-project ;)14:14
asac(which should become a super project)14:15
jcastroyep yet14:15
jcastrowaiting for the super project to be approved14:15
asacall a bit messy i have to admit ;)14:17
asacjcastro: ok. lets wait then14:17
ftaasac, create a page on the wiki so we can write down ideas14:18
ftawhat's happening to my motu application ? still stuck ?14:20
ftarefused ?14:21
asacfta: no ... not all votes have been casted14:23
asacfta: dholbach is on it ... kicking the other council members ;)14:24
ftai see that one motu has been approved this morning, so it's not blocked for everyone :P14:24
asacstill frozen for alpha5 ... damn15:10
thvdburgtI was forwarded here from ubuntu-devel with this question:15:53
thvdburgtI have a question, I'm testing intrepid right now and when I open something I downloaded via the firefox download-dialog it does not respect my 'Open With' settings. Why isn't gnome-open or something similar used for this (I understand this opens it with the preferred operation)?15:53
asacthvdburgt: where did you configure the open with ..?15:59
thvdburgtProperties of the file. For instance. I use totem with .ogv files, but when I open it via FF's download-dialog it opens with banshee-1 . Looking at it now, does FF get the application from Preferences-Prefered Applicaions (Media-tab)?16:03
thvdburgthighlight asac16:06
asacthvdburgt: go to preferences -> applications16:16
asacand change the app you wnat to use16:16
asacXioNoX: what i made out of it is now on the branch16:16
asacthings work quite well16:16
asacin order to use the plugin switcher without the full_path option you need the latest xulrunner16:16
asacfrom  ~mozillateam16:17
XioNoXthe one in your PPA ?16:17
XioNoXI have it16:17
asacotherwise it will only work with full_path on16:17
asac(well ... in hardy you need PPA anyway)16:17
asacXioNoX: only feature left is that we add a menu entry "search and install ..."16:18
asacwhich will spwawn the pluginfinder dialog16:18
XioNoXWe have already an menu entry16:18
asacXioNoX: no ... i mean in the plugin alternatives window16:19
XioNoXyou mean not only for the activ page ?16:19
asacthe popup that allows you to switch16:19
asacshould also get a menu entry to search and install ... ;)16:19
asac(instead of switching)16:19
XioNoXno news from mconnor ?16:20
asacIll do it different ;)16:21
asacill open a new bug ... "allow preferred plugin for mime-type" ... to get the xulrunner patch with the prefs in16:21
asacwhen that has landed Ill try to get the ability to switch plugins in the preferences -> applications panel16:21
asacand when all that is done te only thing left is the plugin finder wizard16:22
asacbut given that alternatives are then supported, we have a better argument to beg for that16:22
XioNoXso there are things that I can do ?16:26
asacXioNoX: you can add that menu entry ;)16:27
asaclook at how the popups look like in applications pane16:27
asacthere is a separator and the then there are is an option "open with ..."16:27
XioNoXbut I don't really understand what does this application menu16:27
asacor "choose other..."16:27
XioNoXerr menu entry16:27
asaci opens the plugin finder wizard16:28
asacwith the mimetype16:28
asacof the entry16:28
XioNoXI understand16:28
asacdo you know which popup i am referring  to?16:28
asacthe popup you see in that screen16:28
XioNoXso the user could chose directly what plugin file manage a mimetype ?16:28
asacXioNoX: well. he can do that now with that dialog16:29
asacwhat we want is that he can search for more plugins that serve that mime-type16:29
asacso if you just have adobe flash16:29
asacyou cannot swtich atm16:29
asacso we add a menu entry that installs a new one16:29
asacso you can switch afterwards16:29
asacXioNoX: antoher thing we need is to hardcode plugin -> description mapping16:30
asaccurrently there is "Shockwave Flash 10.0..." for adobe16:31
asacand "Shockwave Flash 9.xx r999" for gnash16:31
asaci talked to gnash and swfdec guys16:31
asacand they said they cannot add something better to description as detection scripts sometimes look at that16:31
asacso we need to manually translate those plugins to something readable16:31
asacthe idea is to look what the filename is and if contains16:32
asaclibgnash ... its "Gnash, SWF Player"16:32
asacif its libswfdec...  its "Swfdec, SWF Player"16:32
asacXioNoX: so what we want is to fix the GetDesc function16:32
asacto consider that16:32
asacok ... i am going to sports now ;) ... cu later16:33
asac(hopefully alpha5 freeze will be over tonight)16:33
XioNoX cu16:33
ftaasac, http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/21:21

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