
bryceman, this AGPMode bug is pervasive00:23
brycetjaalton: looks like we have a choice between stable 2.4.2 or gem-enabled
jcristaufor a flickering value of stable ;)01:53
pwnguina bit of bugmail04:50
pwnguinapparently none of the bugs against wacom have invalid xorg.conf04:51
tjaaltonevery time you find the phrase "exact same problem" in a bugmail, stop reading..07:29
tjaaltonyou'll just get annoyed at people07:29
tjaaltonbryce: you mean they won't support 2.4.2 anymore?07:30
tjaaltonbtw, what is the intel vblank-support supposed to do?07:31
tjaalton(in drm)07:31
brycenot sure about the vblank07:36
brycebut yeah sounds like 2.4.2 is the last in the 2.4.x series07:36
bryce"exact same problem, except..."07:36
bryceor my favorite, "making it completely unusable"07:38
tjaaltonhehe, yeah07:39
wgrantFix it now or I'm going back to Windows.07:56
bryceooh, nice wgrant07:58
brycefutile attempts to extort a bugfix really wins points07:59
bryceanother good one is "I did foo, and then X didn't work"08:00
tjaaltonmvo: so you've been running the evdev snapshot for some time?08:37
tjaaltonmvo: any issues with it?08:37
mvohey tjaalton08:39
mvono, works fine for me08:39
mvoi run in on my two main machines08:39
tjaaltonmvo: ok cool. I'm just wondering if we should go for the snapshot or pull stuff on top of 2.0.408:41
mvois there a release planned soon?08:44
tjaaltonbut looking at the commit diff, it's pretty clear that master doesn't have anything suspicious, mostly more properties supported etc08:44
tjaaltonI'm not sure08:44
tjaaltonI'll ask..08:44
tjaaltonmaybe I'll just cheat in the meantime and pull master on top of 2.0.3 so there's no paperwork needed :P08:46
tjaaltonor bump the version to 2.0.9908:50
mvo__tjaalton: sorry, network trouble - what was the last bit you said?08:57
tjaalton10:44 < mvo> is there a release planned soon?08:58
tjaalton10:44 < tjaalton> I'm not sure08:58
tjaalton10:44 < tjaalton> I'll ask..08:58
tjaalton10:46 < tjaalton> maybe I'll just cheat in the meantime and pull master on top of 2.0.3 so there's no paperwork needed :P08:58
tjaalton10:50 < tjaalton> or bump the version to 2.0.9908:58
Ngtjaalton: yes please, do want newer evdev so I can do mvo's emulatescrollwheel trick :)09:26
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
tjaaltonright, I need to sync the upload of hal/evdev/gnome-settings-daemon/xkb-data to make sure the keyboard rules/model mess is sorted out once and for all09:32
tjaaltonsince currently the model is forced as evdev, but that has problems with some exotic layouts.. so the solution is to force rules=evdev instead09:33
tjaaltonthen the patch from g-s-d can be dropped, and people can change the kb model again09:33
tjaaltonand the evdev rule should be modified to support the exotic layouts etc09:34
tjaaltonuh, somehow git utterly failed merging xkeyboard-config master09:54
tjaaltonevery changed file in conflict09:55
bryce<3 git09:55
jcristauyou need to merge 1.3 first09:55
tjaaltonjcristau: isn't that merged already?09:56
* jcristau doesn't remember09:56
jcristaui think not09:56
jcristauit was still using cvs at the time09:56
tjaaltonah, ok09:56
tjaaltonwonder if Mohammed would mind me merging this in experimental too09:57
jcristaucvs keywords ftl though, they conflict the merge09:58
jcristaubut iirc other than that it's trivial09:58
tjaaltonyeah it looked trivial, simple substitutions and nothing else09:59
tjaaltonk, merge done10:29
tjaaltonguess all the .cvsignore files can be replaced with .gitignore10:31
tjaaltonlunch ->10:32
tjaaltonsigh, what a mess in xkeyboard-config.. I have no idea how these patches could apply before12:13
tseliottjaalton: I have fixed nvidia-kernel-common a bit (lintian doesn't complain any more) and added didrocks' patch. Would you like to have a look at the new source?12:22
tjaaltontseliot: sure12:23
tseliottjaalton: ok, here's a text file with the links: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/newlrm/nvk.txt12:23
tjaaltontseliot: anything specific I should be looking at?12:28
tseliotI have changed the debian/rules, control and removed some files12:29
tjaaltondebdiff would probably be easier :)12:30
tseliottjaalton: if you do a diff with the current version in ubuntu you will see all the changes12:30
tjaaltonoh wait, I can do tha t myself12:30
tjaaltonwhy didn't you merge with debian, they did most of the stuff already12:33
tseliottjaalton: merge or sync?12:34
tseliotI had a look at the debian package but I wasn't sure as to whether I wanted all the changes12:36
tjaaltonwell there is the debian version mentioned in preinst12:36
tjaalton if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt-nl '20051028+1+nmu2'; then12:36
tseliotyes, right12:37
tseliotit's not finished12:37
tseliotI have to go for lunch now. See you later12:37
tjaaltonok, ask again when it's finished :)12:38
tjaaltonI don't see why it couldn't be merged first12:40
tjaaltonthere xkb-data pushed to git..13:15
tjaaltondidn't feel like autoreconf'ing it13:15
jcristautjaalton: haha. you got to discover the xkb-data disaster :)13:52
jcristautjaalton: deleting the generated files from the source package and generating them cleanly on build would probably help13:54
tseliottjaalton: I did the merge: http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/newlrm/nvidia-kernel-common_20051028+1+nmu2ubuntu1.debdiff15:22
tseliotbut I haven't attached the debdiff to the bugreport yet15:24
tseliotfederico1: how do you suggest that I apply the settings with the capplet with a .desktop file on login?17:41
tseliotBTW I have implemented this new feature even though my patches still need some polish17:41
federico1tseliot: do you actually need a .desktop file?  if you set a flag somewhere, gnome-settings-daemon could notice that flag at startup and reconfigure the screens17:42
tseliotfederico1: ok, I could modify the gnome-settings-daemon but I don't know if I can check that the outputs haven't changed in the settings daemon17:44
tseliotand we don't want it to apply the settings if the outputs have changed (e.g. if in the meantime you have swapped the external monitor with another,etc.)17:45
federico1tseliot: you may need to change the API in gnome-desktop a bit so that it can save without applying.  Then you can compare the loaded configuration with the current one, with gnome_rr_config_match()17:49
tseliotfederico1: yes, that's what I did in xrandr-capplet.c and libgnome-desktop/gnome-rr-config.c17:50
tseliotfederico1: but currently I make it save the settings to another xml file if the capplet can't apply the settings17:50
federico1tseliot: ah, ok17:51
federico1tseliot: then you can make gnome-settings-daemon see if that file exists.  If it does, match() it to the current screens and see if it's possible to use it17:52
tseliotfederico1: do you know which file I should modify in the gnome-settings-daemon?17:54
federico1tseliot: gsd-xrandr-manager.c17:58
tseliotfederico1: aah, it's in plugins. Thanks18:00
tseliotfederico1: ok, I guess I'll have to play a bit with gnome_rr_config_apply_stored() in gsd_xrandr_manager_start(). I should get something working soon18:04
federico1tseliot: yeah, it shouldn't be hard... g-s-d is a bit of a PITA to debug, but that's like any startup program18:06
tseliotheh, right18:06
* tseliot > dinner. bbl18:09
tjaaltonjcristau: yeah, I wonder why anything with xkb in the name is shite18:58
tjaaltontseliot: that's more like it. ready to go :)18:58
tseliottjaalton: great18:59
jcristautjaalton: btw, feel free to revert my videoabiver bump, it's not like the abi has actually changed, and i guess it would be a pita for you19:44
=== dereck is now known as Awsoonn_
Awsoonn_I am having issues with an ATI Radeon 7000, it has duel heads; the screen resolution tool can detect both of my monitors, but when I apply nothing useful happens20:02
Awsoonn_It is using the opensource driver, and there are no appernt options to use the blob20:03
tjaaltonjcristau: ok, although soon we should be able to just sync them from experimental ;)20:41
tjaaltonAwsoonn: there are some issues in the tool on intrepid20:42
bryceAwsoonn: probably you need to adjust your Virtual setting in xorg.conf20:48
bryceAwsoonn: are you on Intrepid?20:48
tjaaltonah, that incarnation left already20:48
tjaalton22:29 -!- Awsoonn_ [n=dereck@oscar.lssu.edu] has quit ["Lost terminal"]20:49
bryceI've put the AGPMode quirking patch into our -ati for testing - http://bryceharrington.org/ubuntu/Ati/20:52
bryceI need to refresh my ati test box to test it.  If anyone else has a system they could check it on too it'd be appreciated20:53
tjaaltonI'll probably upgrade my VDR box later this year, and it could end up being an AMD box.. so can't test just yet ;)20:57
bdmurraybryce: I've finished tagging xorg.conf files23:14
bdmurrayI checked every package at https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+packagebugs23:16
brycebdmurray: excellent, thanks23:19
bdmurrayonly 8 invalid though :(23:19
brycestill good to know.  I'll go through those 8 when I get some time23:21
bdmurraymight have missed a few23:22
bdmurrayThere are 67 files that end with 'org.conf' for example 'fglx_xorg.conf'23:22
bdmurrayand 'working-xorg.conf'23:22
bdmurrayI guess I'll get back to you ;)23:23
bdmurrayheh - diff.xorg.conf seems to be a false positive23:45
bdmurraybryce: Maybe I should check compiz bugs too?23:49

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