
jelmerAfC: So, 1) the rich root format should become the default so there's no need for users to know about rich root anymore 2) there should be a way to enable an auto-upgrade mode in bzr00:00
AfCfullermd: :)00:00
jelmerAfC, ?00:01
jelmerAfC: If that's what you're saying, I completely agree.00:01
AfCjelmer: yup00:01
AfCjelmer: (and then the nuance that I would argue that auto-upgrade should be default, with much larger teams dealing with potential compatibility problems by disabling it, thereby leaving a "better" user experience for people using it in smaller contexts / just learning)00:02
fullermdThat would work nicer if the last default-upgrade hadn't blown fiery chunks on me   :p00:03
AfCfullermd: were they tasty? :)00:03
fullermdI dunno.  I force-fed them to lifeless.00:04
lifelessdato: ah well; I'll hope bzr is something you try again from time to time00:17
lifelessAfC: svn does a mandatory upgrade; users complain bitterly in nearly every IRC channel I'm in, on *every* svn release.00:18
AfClifeless: interesting00:22
jelmerlifeless: I think automatic upgrades should be optional, but they would be nice00:23
AfCA somewhat different question is "should I have upgraded to --format=1.6?" No idea, other than the general notion that newer formats are hopefully better maintained code paths, etc.00:23
lifelessgit changes the data structures as new versions come in silently; for instance, using a submodule in  git adds pointers that will confuse older git clients, but nothing to help the user using that older client figure out whats wrong00:24
jelmerlifeless, after all, bzr introduces new formats more often than svn with its 2 year major release cycle00:24
lifelessAfC: unless a plugin or documentation tells you to, you should never need to type --format in annywhere00:24
lifelessjelmer: I could buy into that, with some study on version propogation00:24
lifelessnote that 1.6 isn't a 'default' yet. It's used by bzr as-needed, and when a few months have past and everyone is likely to have a build available, then we'll make it the default00:25
AfClifeless: (sorry, but I really believe that `bzr upgrade --1.6.1-rich-root` looks terrible)00:25
lifelessAfC: so do I00:26
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
AfClifeless: er, so why did you just state not to use --format=1.6.1-rich-root? Sorry bud, you lost me00:27
lifelessAfC: 1.6.1-rich-root is mentioned in the documentation because we had a brown paper bag bug in 1.6. Its why there is a
AfCI got that part00:28
lifelessthe only people affected by the bug are bzr-svn users that have run bzr branch --stacked00:28
lifelessnoone else in the world needs to run upgrade --1.6.1-rich-root00:29
AfCIt seemed like you were saying "never use the --format" form of specifying a format version00:29
lifelessI was referring to both --format=X and --X00:29
AfCSo you're saying we _shouldn't_ have upgraded to X=1.6?00:30
lifelessthe use of parameters to choose a version is a sign of needing to do something at least slightly unusual, and most folk should never need to do that00:30
lifelessAfC: are you using bzr-svn ?00:30
AfCIn this particular repo, no00:30
AfClifeless: ^00:30
lifelessAfC: then there is no motivation for you to change your format00:30
AfCoh shit00:31
AfCum, should I downgrade back to --default then?00:31
lifelessthe 1.6 family of formats add the logic to support stacked branches (on the side doing the stacking)00:31
lifelessthey are no faster or more efficient than the '0.92-pack' family of formats00:32
AfCwell shit.00:32
AfCThat was a waste of time, then00:32
lifelessif you went to '--1.6' then just leave it, its fine. or go back to --default if you like00:32
AfCI'll stick with "leave it"00:32
lifelessif you were on default and went to --1.6.1-rich-root, then you're in the wide wide world of rich roots now, and can't go back to default anyhow.00:32
AfCThat'll teach me to be proactive.00:33
AfCClearly, I should not be doing systems administration before I've had a cappuccino.00:33
AfCAnd so with that, I go out into the hurricane.00:33
lifelessif you are passing a format parameter to any bzr command, its most likely that you are either a) using bzr-svn or b) experimenting with a development format to give feedback or c) doing something you do not need to do00:34
lifelessAfC: ^ future reference00:34
* AfC celebrates (c)00:34
lifelessthis will always be the case00:34
Peng_AfC: You should figure out how to upgrade to btrees. :D00:35
AfCI don't think btrees go very well in espresso00:35
jelmerlifeless: What happened to rich-root-pack as default format?00:40
lifelessjelmer: thats how we'll get rid of a) from that list00:40
lifelessjelmer: I don't know precisely whats left on the TODO list to achieve that, I thought we were pretty close at one point.00:41
awilkinsjelmer: Looks like my large SVN repo is nearly done00:50
jelmerawilkins, cool00:50
awilkinsAbout 100 revs to go (it's a bit slow now)00:50
awilkinsI'm being a bit rubbish at reading this task manager00:51
awilkinsIt says "Private bytes 506MB"00:51
awilkins"Virtual Size 1.1GB"00:51
awilkinsI have no idea which one is the memory consumption :-)00:52
awilkinsBut it's definitely the first time I've tried it and it's got this far without a) an error or b) running out of memory00:53
awilkinsSomeone explain what a rich root is because I can't find a definition in the wiki01:15
markhwhat I kept looking for as a younger man....01:15
awilkinsHeh. I had the opposite, a girl I had no chance with because her boyfriend was a millionaire...01:16
* markh expects only the Aussies will understand that...01:16
awilkins9647/9699! exciting01:17
* awilkins is bored waiting for it and will now try Bazaar on IronPython 2.- b401:23
awilkinsooh, generating file id map01:26
awilkinsNew steps01:26
lifelessmistype, sorry01:33
markhSo, incase anyone is interested, bzr.dev's selftest on windows now results in "FAILED (failures=55, errors=50, known_failure_count=14)".  47 or so of the errors are the LockContention issue - so once we knock that off it will almost be manageable.01:42
mkanatHow do I cancel a bzr mv?01:45
markhmkanat: bzr revert?01:45
mkanatmarkh: I don't want to revert everything, just the mv.01:46
markhspecify the old name?01:46
mkanatIt says my new name isn't versioned.01:46
markhor maybe even the new name? :)01:46
mkanatOh, nevermind.01:47
mkanatSpecify the old name was right. :-)01:47
mkanatI was just in the wrong directory.01:47
markhyeah, it just worked for me :)01:47
markhg'day martin01:47
markhand the next most common test failure is related to URLs not being put together correctly01:49
markh  File "O:\src\bazaar\bzr\bzr.work\bzrlib\tests\test_transport_implementations.py", line 1339, in test_abspath01:49
markh    transport.abspath("/foo"))01:49
markhAssertionError: not equal:01:49
markha = 'unlistable+file:///O:/window%7E1/testbzr-t4cckw.tmp/test_abspath%28UnlistableServer%29/work/foo'01:49
markhb = 'unlistable+file:///O:/foo'01:49
poolie_jam, hi?01:52
=== mw is now known as mw|out
bob2null pulls seem to have become absurdly fast02:05
markhso does anyone understand transport.abspath?02:13
poolie_markh: hi, i think i do02:16
markhpoolie_: so a test is calling 'transport.abspath("/foo")'.  Best I can tell, that boils down basically to 'abspath(transport._rootpath, "/foo")'02:17
markhand as the second path is absolute, that always returns '/foo' - ie, the _rootpath is ignored02:17
poolie_that seems plausible02:17
poolie_but, kind odd to be passing that tbh02:17
poolie_normally we should only be working relative to the transport02:17
poolie_which test02:17
markhon windows, I'm seeing just /foo - and the test is failing - its expecting to see _rootpath02:18
poolie_(i have to go in a minute but i'll be back)02:18
markhI'm wondering how it works on Linux02:18
markh(but many of the test_abspath variations fail)02:18
* awilkins keeps meaning to set up an Ubuntu image for seeing what Linux does for particular test cases02:18
poolie_In [4]: get_transport('file:///home/').abspath('/goo')02:19
poolie_Out[4]: 'file:///goo'02:19
markhI've got one, just done have my debugger of choice and never mastered pdb ;)02:19
awilkinsHeh, I just insert 'print "bumhole : " + relpath02:19
awilkinsHighly unprofessional to use rude words in debug messages but it relieves the tension02:20
poolie_that assertion at line 1338 does seem plausible to me02:20
markhheh :) - print "WTF - ", blah is my usual :)02:20
poolie_so it looks like the problem is that transport.clone('/') is not really taking you up to the root02:20
poolie_sorry i need to go or i will miss the shops02:21
markhpoolie_: that test works for you though?02:21
markhno probs02:21
poolie_on linux, yes02:21
markhthat is what I don't grok :)02:21
markhttu later02:21
poolie_markh, i'd suspect clone('/') has some kind of bug02:21
poolie_would drill into that02:21
awilkinsmarkh: At least linux HAS a "/"02:21
awilkinsWindows doesn't have one, but it does contain drives...02:21
markhawilkins: its time you got over your fascination with roots ;)02:22
* markh ducks02:22
markhok, so clone being wrong is the clue I needed02:23
awilkinsMeh, I had to tinker with the local transport to treat "/" specially on Windws02:23
awilkinsWhich test is it?02:26
markhI think its stranger than that.  It doesn't make sense to me that 'transport.abspath('foo') returns me at the root of the transport, while transport.abspath('/foo') gives me the root of the file-system?02:26
markhtest_abspath in test_transport_implementations02:27
markhmaybe that is by design.  I better understand things more before I jump to conclusions...02:27
awilkinsIt's my fault02:28
markhheh - handy you are here :)02:28
awilkinsbisect 3549 and 355002:28
markhthat would be 3549.5?02:29
awilkins3549 is clean, 3550 introduces the bug02:29
awilkins3550 fixes SSHD support on windows02:29
awilkinsI'm not sure it causes problems for anything but the test, noone has complained02:30
awilkinsIt doesn't fail on Linux because it's platform specific behaviour02:30
markhthat path is handling "/" as a special case, but the test isn't testing specifically that - so it might be possible to fix without reverting what you added?02:31
awilkinsI think we can fix the test, probably02:31
markhthere are quite a few like it actually02:32
markhtest_has_root_works, test_clone_to_root02:32
markhand test_clone_from_root seems about it02:33
awilkinsmarkh: The problem seems to be that abspath makes use of the concept of "root", which windows doesn't have02:48
markhwell, it does and it doesn't02:48
awilkins(the test, that is)02:48
markh\foo does mean something on Windows - its just that '\' doesn't make every file available02:48
awilkinsYes, I exploited the "doesn't" part02:48
markhHow would a windows server prevent, say, the CD drive from being shared?02:49
markhor network shares02:49
awilkinsBy not sharing them?02:50
awilkinsAccess control lists?02:50
jamhi poolie_02:50
markhjam: hi - poolie ran out to the shops02:51
awilkinsRegardless of the merits of one approach over another, /foo is a different idea to \foo because \foo requires you to know what pwd is02:51
awilkinsWhereas /foo is always /foo02:51
markhawilkins: yeah - but trying to pretend windows is otherwise might be a can of worms02:52
markhI'm not a windows server admin would expect '/' to share every mapped drive02:52
awilkinsThe only case where '/' is allowed as a transport base on windows is when you are executing "bzr serve"02:52
markhbut - I don't really want to start a debate over that :)02:53
awilkinsAll other routes in go through checks that prevent you using '/'02:53
jamhi markh02:54
awilkinsIt's the only way that sshd works because the --inet call uses '/' as a transport base02:54
jammarkh: using anything but a relative path for Transport gets you into the wide world of undefined02:54
awilkinsOtherwise you can only server repos that are on the same drive02:54
awilkinsas python.exe02:54
markhyeah, I'm happy to accept that requirements.  I don't quite understand why the tests are failing though when they aren't explicitly testing '/'02:54
jamso ".get('/foo')" is ... ?02:54
jamI eventually wanted to forbid it02:54
jamI don't think we got that far02:54
awilkinsIt's because on windows, a transport with base '/' is actually ''02:55
markhbut - these tests don't have a base of '/' do they?  They have a base in the temp dir.02:55
awilkinsThese tests don't have any dir - they are testing path math, not file io02:56
jammarkh: I believe spiv introduced a test on the behavior of passing '/'02:57
jamat the time, I believe I wanted it to abort, but he was fixing some other bug02:57
jamand we didn't want to do both.02:57
markhjam: the issue is many windows tests are failing, along the lines of:02:57
markh  File "O:\src\bazaar\bzr\bzr.work\bzrlib\tests\test_transport_implementations.py", line 1295, in test_clone_from_root02:58
markh    root_transport.clone('.bzr').base)02:58
markhAssertionError: not equal:02:58
markha = 'readonly+.bzr/'02:58
markhb = 'readonly+file:///O:/window%7E1/testbzr-t4cckw.tmp/lone_from_root%28ReadonlyServer%29/work/.bzr/'02:58
markhI'm happy to avoid a debate about the correct semantics for serving '/' at the current time :)02:58
awilkinsI apologize for causing this bug by the way :-)02:58
markhawilkins: and accept the thanks for fixing the bug :)02:59
* awilkins is thinking02:59
markhno - sorry02:59
markhI meant the *original* bug02:59
markhit was obviously a real requirement02:59
jammarkh: so the problem is about ".clone('/')" is returning 'readonly+' instead of returning "readonly+file:///"02:59
jamI think it should strip the O:03:00
awilkinsThe o:// is correct03:00
jamI think the *test* is about not doing two '//'03:00
jamso you don't get file:////03:00
jamwell, file:////.bzr03:00
jamand the same for03:01
jamhttp://host/.bzr being correct03:01
markha couple of other similar failures also have '+file' and '+.bzr' different in the scheme portions of the URLs, which I suspect is a different problem (but they *also* have the path portion wrong)03:03
awilkinsmarkh: o:/ is where your python.exe is, yes?03:04
markhyes, and the source tree and the temp dir03:04
markho:\window%71 is %temp%03:05
jamwindow%71... seems like an interesting temp dir03:05
markho:\Windows_Temp_Files - I've changed %TEMP% in my global environment.  I keep getting sick of going digging for it :)03:06
jamahh, o:Window~103:06
markhand "\temp" has kinda been abused by me over the years to mean more like "scratch"03:06
jamthe dreaded 8.3 name03:06
jamfunny story... I worked for a while at a company that tracked stocks03:07
jamWe had a feed that came in, ~2GB per day03:07
markhand o: is my fastest dsik :)03:07
jamand it would sort the stocks by prefix a/ b/ c/ etc03:07
jamthe "D" directory got filled with "DE:foo" because we got the german stocks03:07
jamWhich caused you to end up with D~1324234 style names03:08
jamdisabling the 8.3 names made the whole thing go *tremendously* faster03:08
jambecause you didn't end up with a path collision for *every* file in the directory03:08
awilkinsI wonder if it makes things just go faster anyway, it must eliminate a pointless check03:09
markh%temp% could end up suffering a similar problem I guess with too many similarly prefixed temp files that don't get cleaned up03:09
awilkinsI can't think of anything I use now that needs 8.3. names03:09
jamawilkins: yeah, but in this case it is at least O(N) to insert a new file03:09
jambecause it has to find a new unique 8.3 name03:09
jamAnd when you have 100,000 german stocks... N gets big03:10
markhif you disable short paths, I could imagine a few things failing03:10
jammarkh: yeah, things that don't like spaces, etc. But most *new* programs should do fine03:11
jamThen again for %temp% maybe not03:11
markhI recall some issue where its extremely hard to use an argv[0] with spaces in it to some exec/spawn function, for example.03:11
markhI've personally written code that will fail if win32api.GetShortPathName() fails :(03:11
markhbut in all cases I've used it, its been the last alternative I could think of03:12
jammarkh: ah, and tla/baz-1.0 used 8.3 in creative ways03:13
jamSpecifically, Arch had a really bad habit of repeating itself in path names03:13
jamLast I checked it would create a 13-layer deep path structure03:13
jamwith a lot of redundancy03:13
jamWhich could easily put you over the 260 char limit03:13
jamso we hacked in code03:13
jamthat would *create* the paths with the full name03:13
jamand then remember it as the 8.3 name03:13
jam12 * 13 = 156 chars03:14
jamso we would stay underneath MAXPATH03:14
jamugly hack, but it worked03:14
awilkinsNTFS can actually use much longer filenames, I think it's just the userland that won't use more than 260 chars03:14
jamawilkins: you have to disable the checking03:14
jamusing \\?\full\path\to\the\file03:14
jamYou a) can't use a relative path anymore03:15
jamand b) cygwin didn't support it03:15
markhheh - interesting hack :)03:15
jamand Arch only compiled on cygwin03:15
markhand most apps don't support it!03:15
jammarkh: right, Explorer didn't support it03:15
jamin XP03:15
jamOr at least win 2k03:15
markhno point passing a "\\?\" huge string on the command-line to an app that just uses open() on it, for example03:15
jamso you couldn't "del" the directory03:15
jamyou had to rename them03:16
jamuntil it was short enough03:16
jamand *then* delete it03:16
markhI've been stuck with exactly that when testing the same issue :)03:16
jamAnd I think explorer actually segfaults trying to browse to the dir03:16
jamnot "sorry I cannot do that" but actually hangs and dies03:16
markhand the cmdprompt failed in creative ways03:16
markhI ended up doing the renames under the cmdprompt03:16
jamawilkins: so the answer is a "sorta" for paths > 26003:17
markhtechnically yes, practically no in general :)03:17
awilkinsHg was running into that the last time I used it03:17
markhfor paths that only you ever work with, yes03:17
jamawilkins: yeah, one of the problems with re-using the paths given to you by the user03:17
awilkinsit escapes capitals with underscores03:17
awilkinsso for long paths with lots of caps in....03:17
jamawilkins: I remember someone who was versioning their Moin, which used capital letters for the hex hashes03:18
awilkins... nested in c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Hg03:18
jamso you had 40 characters all caps03:18
markhat least vista has changed back to reasonable paths in most cases03:20
awilkinsSo has WinXP when you diddle the install disk03:20
jammarkh: yeah, I do like C:\Users\username again03:21
jamDocuments and Settings crummy to type03:21
markhawilkins: so without your patch I hate to report I get 26 more tests passing03:21
awilkinsI mostly expand env variables when working in those folders these days03:21
awilkinslots of $env:appdata03:21
awilkinsmarkh: 'tis a dilemma03:22
markhand it we knock off the LockContention errors we will be down to ~25 errors, which is getting good03:23
awilkinsI think that might help some of the errors I've been seeing on auto-packs on SMB shares03:23
awilkinsMight be down to bloody oplocks though03:24
markhI've seen something similar, but the error is too transient to be locks IMO03:24
markhwell - bzr's use of locks anyway03:24
awilkinsWhere you commit to a bound branch and get error 1703:24
awilkins(you can fix by packing the branch, even over the network)03:24
markhcan't recall the exact details now03:25
awilkinsNeither can I, I must grab the log from the affected users03:25
jamawilkins: autopacks don't trigger SMB issues03:28
jamIIRC, the problem is that the network stack on win32 doesn't let you write > ~10MB at a time03:28
jamand we were expecting normal file operations03:28
jamwhich lets you write say 100MB03:28
jamI thought we had a patch for that sort of thing, to "spool" out to files chunks at a time03:29
jamshould be in either 1.6 or 1.703:29
awilkinsjam: Would that only work over network transports?03:29
jamawilkins: so it happens when writing on SMB03:29
jambecause apparently the psuedo file03:29
jamwrites into the network stack03:29
jamSo we changed it for *all* writes to the filesystem03:29
awilkinsThis is a 1.6 client03:30
jamawilkins: we first encountered the issue on networking stuff like bzr+ssh and socket.recv()03:30
awilkinsIt has my switch sibling patch, but otherwise it's release (I think)03:30
jam    * Pack operations on windows network shares will work even with large03:30
jam      files. (Robert Collins, #255656)03:30
jamthat will be in 1.7rc1 this monday03:30
jambug #25565603:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255656 in bzr ""bzr: ERROR: [Errno 22] Invalid argument" when "bzr pack" is executed manually or when "autopack" is triggered on a repository located on a windows network share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25565603:31
awilkinsTHat seems familiar03:31
awilkinsAlthough I seem to remember an error with a "7" in the code as well03:31
jamspeaking of which, markh, any chance to get a 1.6.1 final build uploaded?03:31
awilkinsI'll pull those logs if I recall03:31
jamawilkins: well markh mentioned error 17.03:31
jamBut it certainly sounds like what you were running into03:31
markhjam: it actually just finished uploading recently!03:36
awilkinsmarkh: If you change that transport.clone('/') to clone('/bar') and the next line to /bar/foo it fixes those 7 failures. Where are the rest?03:36
markhI used the '-1' convention you suggested03:36
jamawilkins: of course, you just broke the *point* of that test03:37
jammarkh: sounds good. Actually, can you update the bazaar-vcs.org/WindowsDownload page as well?03:37
awilkinsjam: I confess, I don't understand the point of that line if it's not to check that cloning /bar and getting a relative foo is equivalent to an absolute /bar/foo03:39
awilkins(or / + foo == /foo )03:39
jamawilkins: it is to check that for "/" + "foo" == "/foo" and not "//foo"03:39
jamversus '/foo' + 'bar' == '/foo/bar'03:40
jambasically it is testing the edge case of when we need to insert an extra slash, and when we don't03:40
awilkinsIt's 0342 and I'm not functioning. Bedtime. I'm not sure there is a simple way out of this anyway... it's one of those cogitive dissonance/ impedance mismatch/ tomato tomato things03:45
jamI always like how "tomato tomato" doesn't work at *all* in print.03:46
jamI've see "tomatoe tomato" but then you're just misspelling03:46
harbinger0x7c0Hi...  I'm new to bzr and I'm looking for some help with bzr-svn and ssh tunnels.03:51
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, hi03:51
markhjam: updated the wiki03:53
harbinger0x7c0Hi, jelmer!  So, would you like to hear what I'm trying to do?03:54
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, sure03:54
harbinger0x7c0There's a svn server I'd like to be able to connect to, but it's behind a firewall I can only bypass by connecting to another machine.  I set up a 2-hop ssh tunnel to get through, but I think I'm missing something in the syntax for connecting to it because I get an error about an unsupported protocol.03:56
harbinger0x7c0The URL I provided was "svn+ssh://alt255@localhost:8080/home/alt255/SemanticAnalysis"03:58
jamharbinger0x7c0: well, the first thing to test with any of this, is whether *svn* connects correctly04:02
harbinger0x7c0That makes sense...  I'll try it out and report back.04:06
harbinger0x7c0Okay.  I was able to successfully check out using svn over the same tunnel.04:08
markhjam: so best I can tell, the awilkin's patch changed things to that osutils._win32_local_path_to_url('/') no longer includes the current drive in the URL.  That doesn't sound good to me.04:11
jammarkh: the change seems fine to me, as long as it gets expanded to the rest of the code correctly04:11
jamI have no problem faking "file:///" on windows when we need to04:11
jamI *believe* we already use file://host/ to translate for \\network\drives04:12
markhso should "/foo" get the drive back in the URL?04:12
markhie, is only '/' special?04:12
jammarkh: no "/foo"  should just be an illegal filesystem path04:12
jamsince it doesn't have a drive lettr04:12
jambut that doesn't mean we can't create a path file:///foo04:13
jamwell, we can't create the *file* but we04:13
jamcan make the string04:13
markhyeah - its not an illegal filesystem path :)  I understand bzr wants to treat it as special.  But that would mean all tests that use '/foo' are invalid on windows?04:13
markhand does it mean those tests should actually be throwing an "illegal path" type exception?04:14
jammarkh: we should *never* be trying to open('/foo') on any system04:15
lifelessmarkh: no tests should be doing /foo anywhere :P04:15
jamso just representing it in memory... seems fine to me04:15
jamSo I see tests like:04:16
jam        # the abspath of "/" and "/foo/.." should result in the same location04:16
jam        self.assertEqual(transport.abspath("/"), transport.abspath("/foo/.."))04:16
jam        self.assertEqual(transport.clone("/").abspath('foo'),04:16
jam                         transport.abspath("/foo"))04:16
jam(sorry for flooding)04:16
markhwhat about tests like 'transport.abspath("/foo")'?04:16
jambut that doesn't seem like anything that would really break anywhere04:17
markhwell - isn't "/foo" an invalid abspath on windows?04:17
jammarkh: LocalTransport.abspath('/foo') => file:///foo04:17
jammarkh: it *is* but so is "C:/not/a/direcotry/foo"04:17
jam(again, I personally think the transport api should all be relative paths *anyway*, but that is a deeper change)04:17
markhso when you say "/foo" is an illegal filesystem path, what's that mean?04:18
markhI took it as meaning its an invalid abspath04:18
jammarkh: so my point is... we don't need to detect that it is invalid until we try to *do* something with it04:18
jambecause we have to detect when a path doesn't exist anyway04:18
markhif its invalid, shouldn't we detect that early?04:18
jamagain, real code shouldn't be making up paths04:19
jamit should take them from the FS with stuff like 'abspath()' etc04:19
markhso - getting back on topic - if "/foo" is invalid, the tests should not be using it on windows, right?04:19
markhregardless of when it is checked04:19
jammarkh: the tests are only testing the join() etc logic, I don't think '/foo' is a problem.04:19
sohailhow can I copy a directory to another directory?04:20
sohailnot move, but copy. I want to copy a directory and make modifications04:20
markhand that join logic makes no sense on windows as the path is invalid04:20
markhwe don't need to test the "/" edge case for invalid paths - we don't care *what* it returns for practical purposes.04:21
jammarkh: well, we also are testing http transport etc. There is at least an argument about not running that test for LocalTransport and win32, except we still need to handle join("file:///' , 'C:') correctly, because of things like "bzr serve"04:23
markhyes, some new tests are probably needed I agree04:24
lifelessmarkh: tests that actually do IO shouldn't be using /foo04:25
lifelessmarkh: I don't think any are04:25
lifelessmarkh: tests that test url joining logic it should not matter regardless of platform04:26
lifelessmarkh: and if it does matter, I don't understand why04:27
lifelesssohail: 'cp' - we don't have a copy operation in bzr today04:31
lifelesssohail: (other than 'bzr branch' to make a full new branch04:31
sohaillifeless, doh :-(04:31
sohailI have a presentation that I want to rip up04:31
sohailI guess I can just do a file system copy04:32
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, sorry, was away for a bit04:42
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, what's the error you get with bzr-svn?04:42
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: the error is 'bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url "svn+ssh://alt255@localhost:8080/home/alt255/SemanticAnalysis"'04:48
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, is bzr-svn listed if you run "bzr plugins" ?04:48
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: heh...  no. :-[04:50
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, so it looks like bzr-svn isn't installed correctly04:54
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: it looks like I'm short the svn development files.  Do you know what they would be named for Fedora?05:12
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, on Debian/Ubuntu it's libsvn-dev, not sure about fedora05:12
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: I got 'make' to finish, but now when I use 'bzr plugins' it says "Unable to load plugin 'svn' from '/home/tomas/.bazaar/plugins'".05:23
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, please check ~/.bzr.log05:24
harbinger0x7c0There's an "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'properties_handler_registry'" from line 160 of __init__.py05:28
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, your version of bzr is too old05:38
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: so I need an older svn-bzr?05:39
jelmerharbinger0x7c0: yeah - see the list on bzr-svn's wiki page05:39
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: lol, now it's unhappy about the python bindings.  It's starting to look like maybe 'yum' isn't always as convenient as I thought.05:45
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, you can't use the vanilla python bindings with fedora if you're using bzr-svn < 0.4.1105:46
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: I need to find the Fedora analog to the 'python-subversion' package, right?05:48
jelmerharbinger0x7c0, if you have bzr-svn < 0.4.11 you need to apply certain patches to python-subversion as well05:49
jelmeryou can't just use the released version of python-subversion, since fedora doesn't carry the required patches afaik05:49
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: I think I'm going to see about just getting a more recent version of bzr instead...  That's seeming a little simpler just now.05:50
markhjam: you still here?05:56
harbinger0x7c0jelmer: thanks for your help.  I think I'm done playing with this for tonight.05:57
clementeThe release notes for 1.6.1 are not linked in the home page; is this intended?08:41
poolie__clemente: they probably should be hey?08:42
clementepoolie__: I think so. Lots of people want to see what's new08:43
poolie__how's that?08:43
=== poolie__ is now known as poolie
markhpoolie: found a 2 line patch to solve 32 of those LocalTransport test failures :)08:44
clementeI think that many people are waiting for bzr to greatly improve and become better than the others :-)08:44
clementetherefore they are curious about the new improvements08:45
pooliemarkh, nice08:46
markhso if we get rid of the lock contention, we will be close to 20 errors left!!08:48
jmllifeless: thanks for the review08:56
jmllifeless: but you are never, ever going to convince me that adsorbSuite is a good name for anything :)08:56
pooliereally 'adsorb'?09:00
mwhudsonmy word, jml on a weekend09:01
markhheh - and a 1 character change for the other last 3 :)09:05
* markh mutters about linux people forgetting the 'b' in the file-mode... ;)09:05
jmlpoolie: really.09:11
jmlmwhudson: yes! I have internet at home09:11
poolieaside from anything else that distracted me into wikipedia description of material science09:11
mwhudsonjml: congratulations09:11
poolieAdsorption is a process that occurs when a gas or liquid solute accumulates on the surface of a solid or a liquid09:11
mwhudsonyeah, adsorb is something to do with catalysts, isn't it?09:11
jmlI suggest "test_suite_nomnomnom" as an alternative09:12
mwhudsonjml: ha09:12
pooliei guess it's just possible that the tests accumulate on the surface of the other test09:12
LarstiQmarkh: ai, I may be guilty of that myself.09:12
* jml goes to watch film09:14
lifelessjml: I'm not defending adsorb09:15
lifelessjml: I appreciate that making people read dictionaries is not a goal of testresources :). But the replacement name has its own issues, which is what I focused on, I thought09:16
LarstiQwhat's wrong with nomnomnom?09:16
lifelessLarstiQ: too many things09:17
* LarstiQ ducks for cover09:17
poolienight all10:23
poolielifeless: did you mean absorb or adsorb?10:23
poolieanyhow, night!10:23
fullermdMmph.  So, are we really seriously not putting releases in bazaar-vcs.org/releases/src/ anymore?10:30
* markh learnt today that adsorb was a word!10:40
AfCAren't we just the Oxford English Dictionary today.10:45
* AfC just looked it up. I had no idea that was a word either10:46
pooliefullermd: yes, we should be10:49
pooliethere is a makefile rule to do it and it's in the process doc10:50
pooliethere may have been a technical issue10:50
poolieanyhow, seriously goodnight!10:50
fullermdOddly enough, I knew that word, though for the life of me I can't think of any good reason why I would.10:54
pfeilHi, I would like to set up a bzr server for an open source project. I will push the inital source code, every body else can branch. When someone has modifyed the source, he/she should be able to commit, but without touching my stable branch. I will then review the changes and merge when appropiate to the release trunk. (This model is described as "1.3.7   Decentralized with human gatekeeper" in the Bazaar User Guide). Can someone point me to where11:16
AfCto where...?11:17
fullermdTo where!11:18
Odd_Blokepfeil: You got cut off at 'to where'. :)11:18
pfeilCan someone point me to where I find instructions on how to set up the server?11:19
pfeilAnd - especially - the permission rights.11:19
mwhudsonwell, this sort of thing is extremely easy on launchpad11:19
AfCIf you have a server where they have (or you can create) normal user accounts for each committer, it's pretty easy too.11:20
pfeilI have already lokked into that, but I have a very restrict OpenSource licences, so Launchpad is not right for me.11:20
AfC"restrictive" and "open source" do not go in the same sentence.11:21
pfeilI have a ubuntu 8.04 server running ssh+sftp + whatever I will need...11:21
pfeilAfC: Well to be more precisely: Its Open SOurce, Users may not make money with it and are foreced to submit ALL changes.11:22
AfCpfeil: so for what it's worth, we have the setup you require in the repository we host. It does work to isolate one group of developers from another. You just use unix permissions and an appropriate umask. Frankly it's got nothing to do with bzr and everything to do with systems administration.11:26
Odd_Blokepfeil: What license is it under?11:27
pfeilIt is a propriate license, I am working on just right now - no official or approved Open Source License.11:28
Odd_BlokeAs AfC said, if you have a server where users have a login, then the problem is trivial.11:29
AfCOdd_Bloke: (well, not quite - he wants isolation. That makes it trickier)11:29
pfeilOdd_bloke: Yes I have a server. When I understand the abouve posting right, I will have to add a user account for every subsriber to the project?11:29
Odd_BlokeAfC: "restrictive" and "open source" often go together.  The GPL is very restrictive, in order to ensure that the four freedoms aren't compromised.11:30
Odd_BlokeAfC: Well, they just push to a world-readable branch in a well defined place in their home directory.11:30
AfCOdd_Bloke: sure sure. But you know what I was talking about. And so does he. It's either Open Source or it isn't. It's not really something we need to quibble about.11:30
Odd_BlokeWhich you can easily setup in locations.conf.11:31
fullermdNot something we have to quib...   dude, it's IRC!11:32
pfeilWell is there any docu about setting this up. I am not expreienced with seiitng bzr up on a server at all and i dont want to open wide security holes.11:33
AfCfullermd: :)11:33
koweyhowdy, #bzr folks! is one of the organisers for the previous bzr sprint around, please?11:34
Odd_Blokepfeil: If you are happy to use separate account for each user, then just treat bzr branches as directories in terms of security.11:34
AfCMaking that work with a shared repository takes a bit of care but is a nice touch.11:38
pfeilI would like to read a howto. Without, I will have to try around. This will take time. If there is a doc out there, I would be more than happy if someone can point me to it.11:47
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AfCPardon the dumb question, but I'm not a regular Ubuntu/Debian user these days. What do I have to do after adding the PPA line to a sources.list to make apt-get upgrade not ignore it?12:40
AfC(something about accepting a signature?)12:40
AfCHm. Forget it. I guess it works anyway12:41
ronnyanyone knows if "Javier Derderian" shows up here from time to time?13:13
=== jelmer is now known as Guest2056
hsn_python based installer for 1.6 available?14:17
Kamping_Kaiserif i want to export a bzr repo into something i can make .debs out of, what tool do i need? i cant seem to see one in the bzrtools package.14:28
Odd_Blokehsn_: What do you mean by 'python based installer'?14:32
Odd_BlokeKamping_Kaiser: 'bzr export'.14:32
Kamping_Kaiserhm. ok, thanks Odd_Bloke14:34
Odd_BlokeKamping_Kaiser: Alternatively, use 'bzr-buildpackage --split'.14:39
Kamping_KaiserOdd_Bloke, hm. thank you. i think thats wha ti was after14:42
Kamping_KaiserOdd_Bloke, yes, thats what i was after. thanks very much :)14:48
Odd_BlokeKamping_Kaiser: No worries.14:48
hsn_Odd_Bloke: installer without included python14:58
Odd_Blokehsn_: Presumably you mean for Windows.  I'm afraid I don't know.15:02
Odd_Blokemarkh and bialix are the two primary Windows people.15:02
Odd_BlokeBut I don't know if markh is around over weekends.15:03
=== Stellaris_ is now known as Stellaris__
=== Stellaris__ is now known as Stell23
Peakerhey, isn't "lp://proj-name/branch-name" an acceptable URL for bzr? (Launchpad)15:58
Peakeroh nm, found the right URL15:59
Odd_BlokePeaker: lp:proj-name/branch-name is presumably what you found.16:05
PeakerYeah, dropping the //16:05
Peakeralso registered the project properly16:05
PeakerI just registered xpdb - forking pdb to fix its troubles16:05
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
woleverI'm having a weird problem where `bzr log $FILE` seems to show _all_ revisions (that is, the same as `bzr log`) instead of just the revisions in which $FILE is changed... Any advice?17:05
beunowolever, that *is* odd17:06
beunowhat version of bzr are you using?17:06
woleverThis is a branch which was created with bzr-svn, if that's relevant17:07
beunoah, that could be why17:07
beunowolever, are you subscribed to our mailing list?17:07
woleverNo, but I could be17:08
beunobecause it's the weekend, and all the relevant people seem to be resting for some reason17:09
beunoor, you could file a bug/question in Launchpad17:09
beunowhichever you rpefer17:09
beunoprefer even17:09
woleverI'll try my luck on the mailing list -- thanks17:09
woleverI presume the users list would be more appropriate than the developers?17:11
beunowe actually don't have a users list17:12
beunowe're one big family17:12
beunoand all developers are very friendly17:12
woleverAh, good stuff -- and I guess that's this one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/bazaar ?17:12
woleverYes, this is defiantly a problem with bzr-svn... I'll post to their bug tracker instead.17:35
Guest2056wolever, what verison of bzr-svn are you using?17:39
woleverGuest2056: I'm just in the middle of updating to the newist version -- lemme check and get back to you17:40
woleverAfter updating to the newest bzr-svn it's just erroring out17:45
Guest2056wolever, you updated to 0.4.12 ?17:45
woleverI'm running the HEAD of http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ejelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/17:46
woleverHere are the commands I'm running: http://pastebin.com/d73819fb117:49
woleverBefore everything was dying, the `bzr log a` would show both revisions -- not just the revision which 'a' was added.17:50
woleverDarn -- the last line should be `bzr log a` :P17:50
Guest2056wolever, "bzr log a" shows just one revision here17:53
woleverWhich version of bzr-svn are you using?17:53
Guest2056the 0.4 branch17:53
woleverWhich rev?17:53
woleverIt's possible that something is broken with my build of SVN... So I can look at that too17:55
Guest2056wolever, 0.4 revision 170817:55
woleverDarn, ok -- then something is wrong with my svn.  When I run `bzr co file://...`, it says "bzr: ERROR: a is already versioned"17:56
ubottuHi! I'm #bzr's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:08
hsn_wow 2 minute botlag18:09
Guest2056wolever, still there?18:46
Guest2056wolever, have you tried refetching the branch after removing the svn cache?18:46
woleverSame deal18:46
Guest2056and the branch you're checking out is just created with those commands you pasted earlier?18:47
Frenzelhi all18:51
FrenzelI have a quick question with hopefully a simple answer. In our project there are lots of people commiting but not all enter a good descriptive commit description. Can I edit commit descriptions?18:53
Guest2056hi Frenzel18:55
Guest2056Frenzel, not at the moment, there is an open bug report that discusses the implications of supporting this.18:56
FrenzelI would say, make it possible because now it is a mess18:56
Guest2056Frenzel, it's not trivial to support18:57
FrenzelThat I understand :)18:57
Guest2056I certainly see the use case for it, though18:57
Frenzelbut eventhough I would like to have this feature18:57
FrenzelWhere can I find this open bug report?18:58
Frenzelyou have a URL/bugid?18:59
Guest2056Frenzel, it should be in launchpad, not sure what the bug id is19:00
Guest2056Frenzel, there has been some discussion about changing commit messages on the bazaar mailing list earlier, it mayve been mentioned there19:01
Guest2056Search for the subject "Changing a commit message"19:01
Frenzelthanks a lot19:01
* Peng_ has been pulling from lp:bzr-svn for 7 minutes . . . . .20:40
Peng_Oh, it's done.20:44
Peng_Oh, lp:bzr-svn points to a different branch now. That'd explain it. Never mind. :)20:48
LarstiQoh, which one?20:50
Peng_LarstiQ: It changed from 0.4 to the trunk.20:52
LarstiQwhat, that thing lives again? :)20:52
Peng_I think I can pull from http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-svn/0.4/ without a traceback now too. Yay.20:53
=== abentley changed the topic of #bzr to: current topic is: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | Bundle Buggy under maintenance | bzr-1.6.1 now available ! | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/
StellarisGood evening, does anybody know of a (free) bzr hosting like launchpad, but with private repos/accounts? I looked at the tour on their site, but didn't see anything about private branches/hosting21:28
StellarisDid I miss it?21:28
Guest2056Stellaris, Afaik launchpad doesn't have that, at least not for free21:32
Guest2056Stellaris, (the folks in #launchpad know more about this, probably)21:33
Guest2056Stellaris, you should be able to use any sftp/ssh shell server for private hosting though21:33
StellarisGuest2056, okay, will look into that, thanks21:36
bud3030Hi, I have be looking for some time to delete bzrlib to upgrade but can't find enough to make this change21:39
LarstiQbud3030: you probably shouldn't do that.21:41
bud3030_hi lost the window21:42
LarstiQ22:41:31 < LarstiQ> bud3030: you probably shouldn't do that.21:42
LarstiQbud3030: do you want to use a newer version of bzr?21:42
LarstiQbud3030: where does your current one come from, package manager, run it from source?21:42
bud3030_just leave the dir and run source21:43
bud3030_thank I guest my ID should be ID iot21:44
bud3030_login out thanks21:45
* LarstiQ blinks21:46
Guest2056rockstar, fwiw, branching KDE branches with bzr-svn now works22:52
=== Guest2056 is now known as jelmer
Peng_abentley: I guess you can take the Bundle Buggy thing out of the topic now.23:41
Peng_abentley: What was the old server it was on? What's the new one?23:41
abentleyPeng_: Yes.23:42
=== abentley changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | http://bazaar-vcs.org | bzr-1.6.1 now available ! | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/
Peng_I don't use BB much, but it definitely feels fast. Nice. :)23:43
Peng_Yay Linode?23:43
abentleyPeng_: The old server was a Feisty Xen virtual machine hosted by unixshell.  The new one is a Hardy Xen virtual machine hosted by linode.com23:43
Peng_How large is the Linode?23:45
abentleyPeng_: a Linode 36023:46
Peng_ok :)23:47

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