
m0u5ewhere would i go to find a ubuntu svg?00:44
m0u5eerr ubuntu logo svg*00:44
m0u5e_MMA_: ty01:14
Cimi_MMA_, did u read?01:26
_MMA_Which? You last post?01:28
_MMA_It was an opinion last I saw. I had nothing to say.01:28
Cimiwhich kind of guideline you would like to follow? are you sharing with me the same ideas?01:32
Cimiin terms of contrast, design, palette01:32
CimiDS[02:31] <Cimi> which kind of guideline you would like to follow? are you sharing with me the same ideas?01:34
CimiDS[02:31] <Cimi> in terms of contrast, design, palette01:34
_MMA_CimiDS: Maybe. Maybe not. Its late here and I should be with my family. Ill chat tomorrow. :)01:36
CimiDSlate? here is 2:30am :) have a nice evening with them! see you01:37
Domestiquleshey everyone05:59
Zirodaykwwii: ping07:41
* thorwil finally install community themes09:06
thorwilkwwii: the new wave from your ppa is named as "New Wave", not "NewWave", right?09:21
* thorwil has to figure out which one is from the manual installation09:22
thorwilguess it's the other way round09:24
kwwiithorwil: no, from my ppa it is NewWave10:15
thorwilok, already removed the other one10:16
thorwil_MMA_: hi. i have a bg color proposal now. could benefit from discussion and thinning out13:43
thorwil_MMA_: i'm wondering where to put it atm13:44
_MMA_thorwil: ML maybe?13:46
_MMA_Get wider opinion and refine for wiki from there.13:46
thorwilyeah, guess won't hurt to put it on my blog, first13:47
thorwil_MMA_: i just simplified the wiki page a bit. many levels ain't nice for reading13:48
* _MMA_ looks.13:48
_MMA_I'll be leaving in 30 mins for about 6hrs. I'll attend to any ML posts or whatnot after that.13:48
_MMA_Yeah. The changes to the wiki are good.13:50
_MMA_I was mostly putting up info so I didn't forget without too much thought on organization.13:51
thorwilthat's how i tend to start, too13:52
thorwiltook a while until i learned that you need to just run into it and can't put everything into the right place from start :)13:53
_MMA_Yeah. I just hadn't started to refine yet. I've been trying to get some of the technical stuff worked out as well.14:02
_MMA_thorwil: Try your hand at using the template when you get a chance please.14:02
thorwilposting to ml after coffee, bbl, too14:05
dilomo1what's up with the icon wiki?19:52
thorwilwhat should be up with it?19:52
ambrini am new to the gorup19:53
thorwilhello ambrin19:53
ambrinanything I can help with?19:53
ambrinwhen is the next meeting?19:53
thorwilambrin: we don't do meetings these days19:54
ambrinthorwil: aww why?19:54
thorwilambrin: i guess it just didn't lead to much19:55
thorwilambrin: there are some themes in https://launchpad.net/~kwwii/+archive19:55
_MMA_thorwil: We'll have one about the icons in a bit. Just wanna get things more focused.19:56
thorwilambrin: that could benefit from testing and fixes19:56
dilomo1Cory said he'll set up a wiki page19:57
dilomo1where artwok and concept can be uploaded19:57
thorwilambrin: for details about that, you should talk with kwwii, who is team leader an employed by canonical. it's weekend, though ... ;)19:57
ambrinthorwil: yeah -- i was here on the weekdays -- it was pretty quite19:58
ambrinin here19:58
_MMA_dilomo1: It's a work in progress. Who are you on the ML?19:58
dilomo1Anton the New Wave dev19:59
thorwilambrin: well, there are only few active people here.19:59
_MMA_dilomo1: Ahh... Cool. :)19:59
* _MMA_ is Cory. :)19:59
thorwil_MMA_ is Metal Music Addict19:59
dilomo1there's nothing wrong with that20:00
_MMA_dilomo1: I've *not* posted about it yet intentionally but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet20:00
thorwilambrin: are you subscribed to the mailing list?20:01
_MMA_It still needs a bit of sorting. Im adding a bit of info here and there with thorwil.20:01
ambrinthorwil: yup20:01
dilomo1the icon - it's cool20:01
dilomo1but don't you think we need a logo20:01
ambrinthorwil: did I read it yet? -- is the question :P20:01
dilomo1for the whole iconset20:01
_MMA_dilomo1: Its just there.20:02
thorwildilomo1: a logo takes time and shouldn't be made before we have an idea of the direction20:02
ambrinit's very sad when I rather read work email vs. personal email20:02
thorwiland actually it's not that important. not for our audience20:03
_MMA_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/BreatheIconSet/Icons shows an example of how its gonna look. And is hooked into Launchpad/BZR. (the preview image with the sizes and link to source SVG)20:03
_MMA_So when Bzr is updated so is the wiki previews.20:04
dilomo1wow that's cool20:04
_MMA_dilomo1: But we're still laying the technical groundwork. I don't want anyone to have to do anything but create.20:06
dilomo1I'm just looking at that One Canvas Workflow20:09
dilomo1we should really provide good tools20:09
dilomo1and then just create :)20:09
thorwildilomo1: a test run with it would be appreciated ;)20:09
_MMA_With the template that is.20:10
_MMA_I'm still in development of the script that will make the icons from the SVG. I need to edit it to do some things for us.20:11
_MMA_Im not using the script stock, as-is.20:11
dilomo1btw there is smth that is not so good with this One Canvas20:12
dilomo1its this that you have all the icons just decreased in size20:13
dilomo1but sometimes you need to do perpixel edit that cannot be achieved there20:13
_MMA_There's *nothing* I can't do for icons in Inkscape.20:14
_MMA_And a note, they are not just scaled.20:15
thorwildilomo1: Kenneth and Cory think that there's no need for pixel-editing, if you create in the target size. and if you think about it, you could always zoom in and use pixel-sized rectangles ;)20:15
_MMA_They are redrawn with as much detail as needed.20:15
* _MMA_ has drawn with 1x1px squares in Inkscape before. :P20:16
_MMA_SO I have to edit the script to make it grab the scaliable icon, preview and output them to custom dirs.20:18
_MMA_I should have it done next week.20:18
_MMA_The bzr work will be *strictly* managed but anyone will be free to take on an icon from the wiki and submit via the ML.20:20
dilomo1one more question though20:22
dilomo1if we are going to create ine size icon in one file20:22
dilomo1how we could import palettes in inkscape?20:22
_MMA_I don't know if we're gonna have a set palette really.20:26
_MMA_but the file would go in: /.inkscape/palettes20:26
dilomo1I meant persets (gradients, markers, ect.)20:27
dilomo1This is really annoying right now in Inkscape20:28
_MMA_Don't know. Some of this we'll just have to work out as we go along.20:29
_MMA_I will be grabbing the Oxygen icons and putting them into templates for us to work from. So we'll have previews of everything we'll need to change.20:30
_MMA_So at 1st, it will only look like Oxygen. Then we replace as we create.20:31
dilomo1that's going to make things a lot easier20:31
dilomo1btw what's your name on ML?20:31
_MMA_Everyone will see. I shoulda put more in place before talking about it.20:31
* _MMA_ = Cory K.20:32
dilomo1:) nice to meet you20:34
_MMA_When Im not being mean to n00bs here I also run Ubuntu Studio. I act like I know what Im doing. ;)20:35
* _MMA_ pulls up thorwil's email to finally read.20:36
dilomo1what do you think this means at the Inkscape roadmap for 0.47:20:37
dilomo1Palettes  Custom palettes like from Gnome  Ability to load 3rd-party palettes (e.g. Pantone, Trumatch, Focoltone, Toyo, etc.)20:37
dilomo1probably is not going to work for us20:37
thorwildilomo1: one of the problems is that you will rarely see a blob of solid color. rather lots of gradients20:38
thorwildilomo1: it might help to think Material instead of Color palette20:39
dilomo1yes would be better20:39
dilomo1I wish pallets can store gradients too20:40
* _MMA_ is going to take thorwil and more knowledgeable people's word here.20:40
_MMA_I'm just trying to set up some of the base technical stuff. :)20:41
_MMA_Less of the aesthetic for now.20:41
dilomo1nice chat guys20:44
dilomo1but I have to sleep20:44
_MMA_thorwil: So what's the point of "Automatic Icon Color Adjustment?" A GNOME feature?20:47
thorwil_MMA_: it would make our job easier20:47
_MMA_But it's not something we do. It would be something GNOME did somehow right?20:48
thorwil_MMA_: it's just a little developer bait thrown out ;)  i don't expect anything to happen, but expressing my ideas eases my mind20:48
_MMA_Ahh... Gotcha.20:48
* _MMA_ reads the palette post.20:49
thorwil_MMA_: i should add that the color adaption experiment can also teach us a bit about the impact of bg color20:51
_MMA_thorwil: So here, we would define a set of colors that say "Human" to us and the icons we create should work well with them? Just not necessarily use them.20:51
thorwil_MMA_: we have to take ubuntu heritage, mark's insistence on certain colors and where we would like things to go into account20:53
thorwilwhere the top part of my set is rather conservative20:53
_MMA_Rows 1-4?20:54
thorwil_MMA_: all the warm tones from the icon test are not much different from what i already sampled from the human theme with heron background20:56
thorwilhttp://thorwil.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/bg_colors_01_i.png is the proposal20:56
_MMA_Well in the end I don't have much to say. At least right now. Hopefully we can get some credible opinions on the ML while I continue to put things in place.20:59
thorwil_MMA_: well, you can check if our color perception is compatible ;)21:00
_MMA_thorwil: Notice how the ML has calmed down? Happens near the end of every cycle.21:00
_MMA_On the surface, I have no issue with the colors.21:00
_MMA_Never know about the future. We might hit an issue later.21:00
thorwilgotta go. cya tomorrow!21:01

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