
XiXaQhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba <-- This page recommends that a user uses ftp for sharing files between linux computers.. It should recommend ssh instead.01:32
FlannelXiXaQ: sftp you mean, I imagine (well, scp would work too).  Go ahead and change it.02:31
XiXaQI can't change that?02:34
XiXaQFlannel, can I? How do I do so?02:37
FlannelXiXaQ: Do you have a launchpad ID?02:37
XiXaQI know how to modify pages on the wiki, but I thought the help.ubuntu.com was restricted?02:38
FlannelXiXaQ: help.ubuntu.com is, the community section isn't, no.02:39
XiXaQoh, ok.02:39
XiXaQFlannel, how do I make a url? I'm linking to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto, but I'd like it to say "See SSHHowto" instead of the complete url.02:50
XiXaQwell. It's not very important. Only cosmetic :)02:53
FlannelXiXaQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HelpOnLinking  see the bottom-ish for examples02:54
XiXaQwell. I tried using the wikiname, but that wouldn't work?02:54
XiXaQthat is, I used SSHHowto.02:55
mdkeXiXaQ: you use: "See [[SSHHowto]]"10:39
mdkeXiXaQ: you should definitely read the page which Flannel showed you about how to link, it's very useful10:40
mdkecody-somerville: I'd like to remove the firefox-homepage and firefox-homepage-locales alternatives. Since 8.04 firefox has no longer used them (using ubufox instead for getting the startpage address). I don't think kubuntu uses them. Does xubuntu use them at all?12:28
mdkecody-somerville: assuming xubuntu uses firefox, I think the answer must be "no" but I wanted to check12:29
mdkecody-somerville: I've posted more detail to -devel, let me know if it affects xubuntu at all12:39
Syntuxshall we translate "<application>Yelp Help Browser</application>" in user-guide ? or keep it as it is13:56
mdkeSyntux: yes, you can translate anything which is inside a tag, you just shouldn't translate the tag itself14:49
mdkeSyntux: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Translation for some more detailed guidance14:52
mdkeSyntux: oh, one other thing - if you are translating the user-guide, try and contribute your translations upstream too, Ubuntu receives those translations along with other distributions15:17
Syntuxmdke, by exporting and uploading to .po to upstream ?15:18
mdkeSyntux: sure, or by just doing the translation directly with the upstream po file15:28
mdkeand then uploading that to Launchpad, if necessary15:28
Syntuxmdke, hmm so the nice rosseta isn't usable here :-)15:29
mdkeSyntux: that's true. You can work in Rosetta and send the po file exported from that to upstream, they can merge it15:32
Syntuxthere should be a way to automate this, only then using Rosetta can be meaningful :-)15:32
mdkeyes, I'm sure the Rosetta developers are very aware of that15:34
SyntuxI'll see if I can contribute something in that arena, Thank you mdke  :-)15:38
cody-somervillemdke, we do18:06
emetis the system documentation on launchpad?20:07
emetI want to make a OOBE branch20:08
emetso there is an OOBE ish thing21:06
emetit needs to be prettier21:11
emetanyone here?21:22
mdkecody-somerville: in what way is it used? firefox can't use it, I don't think22:53
cody-somervilleI think it is going to the Ubuntu page now22:53
cody-somervilleI need to see how it is working now22:53
mdkecody-somerville: does xubuntu use firefox?22:56
mdkecody-somerville: the same firefox as ubuntu, not a customised version?22:57
cody-somervilleI believe so.22:57
mdkeok, in that case it's not using the alternatives22:57
mdkefirefox gets its startpage from the ubufox package22:57
mdkeso you'd need an xubufox in order to customise the homepage22:58
cody-somervilleI don't really remember being alerted to that change, fyi23:13
mdkecody-somerville: I made a similar point to asac during the last release cycle when he implemented it; but he said that he had raised it on a mailing list. I can't remember exactly the details23:13
mdkeI guess it was specced out at a conference23:14
mdkeanyhow, let me know if you have any issues about removing the alternatives23:14
mdkebut I think as long as you are using firefox, they don't make a difference23:15
mdkeI was just making sure there isn't some browser out there using them23:15
cody-somervilleOkay, sounds good.23:15
mdkefeel free to approach asac about creating an xubufox, I suspect he would be happy to help23:15
emetwhere can I find the XML file that defines the "home page" of the help system23:25
emetI want to use it as a base from my OOBE idea23:25
_MMA_Would my assumption be correct in thinking that people on the doc team and in this channel are responsible for this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels ?23:54
_MMA_I'd like #ubuntustudio-devel added to the "Team channels" section.23:55
_MMA_With "luisbg" as the "Contact person".23:56

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