
=== RainCT_ is now known as RainCT
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon
=== Sikon is now known as LucidFox
andresjhello. anybody here? :)04:10
andresjhey I'm trying to package the latest versions of lyx in my PPA; but I'm running into problems.04:12
andresjI could upload 1.5.6 (only source change, no debian/ dir changes) for intrepid to launchpad, and it worked well04:12
andresjbut when I run pbuilder locally on a package for hardy, it cant find some dependencies04:13
andresjthe thing is, those dependencies are in hardy RELEASE04:13
andresj(whilst lyx-1.5.5 is in hardy-backports)04:14
ScottK-laptopYou pbuilder probably doesn't have backports in it's sources.04:16
andresjthat could be... but does it matter? the packages it says are virtual (e.g. Depends: libboost-test-dev which is a virtual package.) all come from boost source package, which changelog says is in "hardy", not "hardy-backports"04:17
andresj* ScottK-laptop04:18
ScottK-laptopandresj: What version of boost do you want?04:21
ScottK-laptopYeah, there aren't any in backports04:22
danbhfiveanyone here that can help me with debugging a c project's compile errors?04:23
andresjScottK-laptop: any that works :P >= 1.34.1 the package seems to say04:23
ScottK-laptopWhich hardy has.04:23
andresjI don't see why pbuilder fails04:24
andresjtelling me they're virtual04:24
ScottK-laptopIt's not a virtual package either.04:24
ScottK-laptopI suspect a pbuilder bug.04:24
wgrantPerhaps the pbuilder lacks universe?04:24
ScottK-laptopboost is in Main04:24
wgrantSo it is.04:25
ScottK-laptopandresj: There is more than one way to get pbuilder to try and satisfy dependencies.04:25
andresjScottK-laptop: I am completely lost regarding that sentence.04:25
m8i-freyaCould I ask some question about packaging? If I found some bug in the "debian" directory comes from svn, should I report to upstream?04:25
ScottK-laptopandresj: pbuilder has to figure out what packages you need to build with.04:26
andresjof course04:26
ScottK-laptopThere's more than one set of methods it has to do that.04:26
andresjmm... ok...04:26
ScottK-laptopI find the current default method somewhat problematic.04:26
ScottK-laptopIIRC I got errors like that.04:26
andresjmm... how do I change it, then?04:27
ScottK-laptopSo I'm going to suggest you change it.04:27
ScottK-laptopI'm looking that up.04:27
ScottK-laptopIt's been a while since I've done it.04:27
andresjhahaha ok04:28
ScottK-laptopandresj: You'll need to edit /etc/pbuilder/pbuilderrc04:29
ScottK-laptopandresj: There's a line that starts PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD=04:30
ScottK-laptopandresj: Make it say: PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD="/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends-classic"04:30
ScottK-laptopI'm not sure that will help, but it's helped me when I had problems like yours in the past.04:30
andresjmm... ok ill try that :) thanks.04:30
andresjstill telling me that libboost-filesystem-dev is not available. :/04:33
andresjoh thats in universe!04:33
andresjScottK-laptop: do u know how to add universe to pbuilder?04:33
ScottKandresj: Sorry, I'm exhausted and off to bed.04:34
andresjthats ok thanks for your help :)04:34
andresjhey any idea why a specific requeriment was added to my package when debian/control doesn't say that? More specifically, lyx-1.5.6~ppa1~hardy1 has Build-Depends:  libboost-dev (>= 1.34.1),  libboost-filesystem-dev, libboost-signals-dev, libboost-regex-dev (among others), but Dependencies in aptitude appear: libboost-filesystem1.34.1 (>= 1.34.1-8), libboost-regex1.34.1 (>= 1.34.1-8), and libboost-signals1.34.1 (>= 1.34.1-8) none o05:17
RAOFandresj: dpkg-shlibdeps magic.05:18
andresjRAOF, oh I see... but I only have 1.34.1-4 in enabled repositories, I don't know where 1.34.1-8 came from... (I am using PPA)05:19
RAOFApparently 1.34.1-8 is the last time that the ABI was added to.  Alternatively, because it's crazy C++, they might just bump the shlibs each revision.05:19
RAOFandresj: Where are you building it?  Because it'll pick up the dependencies from where you build it.05:20
andresjRAOF, on launchpad, in a PPA05:20
RAOFPresumably actually building in a hardy context?05:21
andresjRAOF: well, the package is distribution hardy, if that's what you mean05:21
andresj(I mean, not only in the version number)05:22
RAOFRight.  I'm not sure if PPAs build against backports?  Maybe that's it?05:22
andresjRAOF, does that mean the package won't build? it did, though.05:22
andresji have binaries, and I added my PPA to my sources.list, and tried installing lyx through aptitude05:23
RAOFThe package obviously built, and is picking up those dependencies from the packages installed during the build process.05:23
andresjnow, where does packages come from? I have all checkboxes marked in my Software Sources dialog05:24
RAOFCan you pastebin the build log?05:26
andresjRAOF, you mean from the PPA? It already has an URL: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17331201/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.lyx_1.5.6-0ubuntu1%7Eppa3%7Ehardy1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz05:26
RAOFandresj: Hm.  The boost libs are all coming from Hardy universe.  I idon't know why you've got crazy dependencies.05:28
andresjRAOF, yeah, its very wierd. What's even more wierd is that the build log never mentions 1.34.1-8; only 1.34.1-4 (for libboost-filesystem, that is)05:30
RAOFRight.  I dunno.05:31
andresjwhats more, it specifically says that the pkg depends on libboost-filesystem1.34.1 (>= 1.34.1-2.1)...05:31
andresjthats extremely wierd05:31
andresjwell thank you for your help RAOF :)05:31
andresji added my PPA for intrepid, not for hardy05:32
andresj'tupid 'tupid!05:33
andresjOK, so now I have packages for LyX 1.5.6 in my PPA. I think this almost fixes the bug https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lyx/+bug/253196 (Bugfix upstream release of Lyx (1.5.6)). All that is needed is for the package to be put into the official distribution.05:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 253196 in lyx "Bugfix upstream release of Lyx (1.5.6)" [Low,Triaged]05:53
jscinozyay revu is broken again06:49
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RAOFHm.  Any motu-release around?08:18
RAOFI'd like to get an FFe for gnome-do + gnome-do-plugins; do you want 2 separate bugs for that, or just one?  -plugins is useless without the first, and gnome-do is fairly useless without -plugis.08:19
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NCommanderRAOF, gnome packages had a freeze exception already I thought08:46
RAOFDo isn't a GNOME package.08:46
RAOFI don't suppose anyone said anything ueful while I was punched off the internest?08:47
* RAOF wonders how long he'll stay on the net this time.08:50
DKcrossestas ahi?09:04
DKcrossalguien anda por aqui?09:04
DKcrossnecesito una ayuda porfavor09:05
HobbseeRAOF: i'd say together.09:05
HobbseeRAOF: i could ack it, technically, but...09:05
DKcrosscan help me man?09:06
DKcrossi have problems. with package09:06
NCommandermorning Hobbsee09:07
Hobbseehey NCommander09:07
HobbseeDKcross: yes?09:07
DKcrosshelp me please09:08
HobbseeDKcross: with?09:08
DKcrossdpkg-source: construyendo emesene en emesene_1.0.1-1.dsc09:08
DKcross debian/rules build09:08
DKcrosstest -x debian/rules09:08
DKcrossmkdir -p "."09:08
DKcross/usr/bin/make  -C . CFLAGS="-g -O2 -g -Wall -O2" CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 -g -Wall -O2" CPPFLAGS="" LDFLAGS="-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions"09:08
DKcrossmake[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/dkito/Preparacion evento/de home/charla/tar conversion/emesene-1.0.1'09:08
DKcrossmake[1]: *** No se especificó ningún objetivo y no se encontró ningún makefile.  Alto.09:08
DKcrossmake[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/dkito/Preparacion evento/de home/charla/tar conversion/emesene-1.0.1'09:08
NCommanderDKcross, please do not flood the channel09:08
DKcrossmake: *** [debian/stamp-makefile-build] Error 209:08
DKcrossdpkg-buildpackage: fallo: debian/rules build entregó error de estado de salida 209:08
DKcrossdkito@dk-System:~/Preparacion evento/de home/charla/tar conversion/emesene-1.0.1$09:08
NCommanderDKcross, post the logs/output on paste.ubuntu.com09:08
* wgrant makes some gurgling noises, then asphyxiates.09:09
NCommanderah crud, I missed the MOTU meeting09:09
* NCommander pokes wgrant's dead body with a stick09:09
* wgrant rots.09:09
HobbseeNCommander: seeing as no one really bothered to attend it (again), then...you didn't miss much09:09
DKcrosswhat is the problem?09:09
* NCommander shoves wgrant corpse in a blender for quick and easy disposal09:09
* Hobbsee doesn't read whatever language that is.09:10
slangasekthe problem is your debian/rules doesn't correspond to your upstream sources09:10
NCommanderDKcross, most of us speak english, you'll have to set LC_ALL/LANG to en_US to get the error messages in something we can read09:10
NCommanderor another en setting09:10
slangasekand is looking for a makefile, which you don't have09:10
Hobbseeand don't paste the english version in this channel, either!09:10
sebner1siretart: is already someone else working on mlt?09:14
DKcrossi need help:(09:15
siretartsebner1: not that I know, just assign the bug to you09:28
DKcrossneed help please09:31
wgrantDKcross: Why are you trying to repackage emesene 1.0.1 in what is likely a highly inappropriate manner?09:37
DKcrosswgrant,  hola?09:39
DKcrosshi wgrant09:39
DKcrosshola alguien habla español?09:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:42
DKcrosspero necesito ayuda de motu09:43
DKcrossno es problema que este en un canal hablando español09:43
Nafalloand in English?09:43
DKcrossubottu, please help me09:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about please help me09:44
DKcrossNafallo,  u can help me?09:44
NafalloI can help you in Swedish if you want? :-)09:44
DKcrossok thanks09:45
sebner1DKcross: we can help you in English ;)09:45
Nafallothe point was you're better off with English. sorry :-)09:45
slangaseksome of us can help in Spanish, but I assume it's considered a faux pas to do so on channel09:46
slangasekis there a quick tutorial on how to make a python package with cdbs?09:57
tseliotDKcross: si encuentras a algun motu hispanoablante (por ej. pochu) le podrás hacer preguntas en privado (yo soy italiano y aun no soy motu)09:58
wgrantslangasek: Module or application package?09:58
slangasekwgrant: application09:58
DKcrosstseliot,  gracias09:59
DKcrosstseliot, thanks09:59
slangasektseliot: he already found one, but I can't offer very good advice in this case09:59
tseliotslangasek: oh, ¿hablas español? ;)10:00
slangasekhe's trying to do a packaging demo shortly for an ubucon, but is trying to use dh_make to repackage emesene, and this obviously doesn't work out of the box10:00
wgrantslangasek: There's nothing to it, then.10:00
slangasektseliot: entre otros idiomas10:00
wgrantUm. Isn't dh_make meant to die?10:01
slangasekmeant to by whom?10:01
slangasekare you thinking of debmake?10:01
wgrantAnybody with sanity?10:01
tseliotslangasek: nice. BTW did you have a look at this page? http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy10:01
POX_slangasek: I guess the easiest way is to start with files generated with stdeb (http://stdeb.python-hosting.com/, it doesn't use cdbs IIRC, though) or just take a look at one of packages from python-{apps,modules} repo and and then join #debian-python ;)10:01
slangasekDKcross: the URL that tseliot gives, http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy, appears to include a quick example of how to set up CDBS for use with distutils10:03
slangasekDKcross: and emesene uses distutils10:03
wgrantDoesn't one need just a single line, in general?10:03
DKcrossi go :p10:03
DKcrosshttp://stdeb.python-hosting.com/ this?10:04
DKcrossits http://stdeb.python-hosting.com/10:04
slangasekDKcross: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy, busca "CDBS + distutils"10:04
_rubenhmm .. the debian maintainer's guide still lists dh_make as the way to go .. so apparently there's another/better way? ..10:04
* _ruben googles10:04
slangasek_ruben: dh_make is still what I use for spawning a new package, but I don't package python stuff10:05
slangasek(I also don't spawn many new packages, either...)10:05
DKcrossok thanks10:05
_rubenive only done a small number of repackaging .. am about to start working on my first 'fresh' package10:05
slangasekDKcross: and I'm afraid that's all I can do for you, son las dos de la madrugada aqui y ya tengo que dormirme10:07
_rubenah .. debmake is an old package .. i thought it was dh_make successor or smth, but seems the other way around10:07
POX_slangasek: some examples for Python applications: http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-apps/packages/10:07
DKcross:o aqui son las 4310:08
DKcrosssoy de EL Savdor man10:08
DKcrossgraciaspor tu ayuda10:08
DKcrosscreo que lo terminare haciendo10:08
DKcrosssudo apt-get source emesene10:08
DKcrossese ya trae la carpeta "debian"10:08
slangasekindeed it does... :)10:09
DKcrossni modo10:10
_rubenwhat would be the best/recommended way to package (3rd party) kernel modules? i guess smth with module-assistent?10:11
RainCTwgrant: how many times have you died already? :P10:13
wgrantRainCT: Too many. Floods tend to do that.10:13
DKcrossnecesito tu ayuda10:17
DKcrosspor fa..10:17
=== RainCT is now known as RainCT_
RainCTDktrKranz: Hey. Just to be sure, does bug #267078 need an exception or can I consider it a bug fix release?11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267078 in gbrainy "Update gbrainy 0.99 to 1.00" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26707811:06
DktrKranzRainCT, is there a "common" changelog? I see several of them, scattered into the diff11:07
RainCTDktrKranz: No. There's a NEWS file, but the changes it lists for 1.00 were already done in versions 0.98 and 0.99 (currently in Intrepid).11:08
DktrKranz     - Better support for low resolutions.11:09
DktrKranz     - Better error handling.11:09
DktrKranzthose could be considered as feature, unless they are bugfixe11:10
RainCTDktrKranz: well, I consider them bug fixes, someone else may consider them features ;)11:13
RainCTDktrKranz: anyway. that's the diff for the low resolutions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43876/plain/11:14
RainCTDktrKranz: and here is the error stuff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43880/11:16
toobaz2hello. I don't want to bother, and it even isn't a direct problem for me, and I have no problem in waiting. But that said: is there any particular reason why my simple patch for the critical (for its package) bug 221007 hasn't still been accepted after a week? I mean: should I contact someone or just wait? thanks11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221007 in python-gtk2-doc "[patch] bad interpreter (python 2.4) given for pygtk-demo" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22100711:19
DktrKranzRainCT, seems low impact or just bugfixes then. You can proceed11:19
* DktrKranz mode cooker on, c u later11:20
RainCTDktrKranz: thanks :)11:20
Hobbseetoobaz2: er, probably because we can't read minds, and don't read all bugs.11:21
* Hobbsee grabs a link11:21
toobaz2Hobbsee: this was just the point: I thought "[patch]" tag would have taken your attention; next time, should I ping someone here?11:22
toobaz2I mean: what's the expected behaviour of a "patcher"?11:23
* Hobbsee mutters at teh wiki.11:23
Hobbseetoobaz2: have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess11:23
Hobbseetoobaz2: (and patch is less than useful, as various people are known to tag their bugs with 'patch', even when there isn't a valid patch, in an attempt to get them fixed faster)11:24
Hobbseetoobaz2: the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess is the preferred process - although i don't know why it's not linked from the MOTU/ section.11:24
Hobbseeso it gets looked at every once in a while, and preference tends to be given to the sponsorship queue11:25
toobaz2Hobsee: OK, was just following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing under "Preparing patches"...11:25
Hobbseei figured.  it needs an amalgamation :)11:25
Hobbsee151.  yeesh.  i thought people had been working on it11:25
RainCTtoobaz2: (note that you will have to provide a debdiff for the sponsorship queue; normal patches will just be rejected)11:26
toobaz2RainCT: OK11:29
RainCTtoobaz2: basically the only difference is that you're missing a new changelog entry (use  dch -i -D intrepid  to create it) and that you've to use the command  debdiff  instead of  diff11:29
toobaz2yep, I know debdiff, I maintain a package in Debian, I just didn't know how to act in Ubuntu. thanks, shall act immediately11:30
RainCTtoobaz2: Ah, alright. The process is basically creating the debdiff, testbuilding the package (with pbuilder or whatever) to ensure that it works, and uploading the debdiff to a bug and subscribing ubuntu-universe-sponsors (universe, multiverse) or ubuntu-main-sponsors (main, restricted) to it :)11:32
RainCT(although some packages, like the mythbuntu- ones, have a different prefered workflow)11:33
toobaz2RainCT: shall I post a patch for Intrepid and one for Hardy? Or will Hardy - in case it seems necessary - just be backported?11:34
RainCTtoobaz2: first one for Intrepid, and once it has been accepted you can create one for Hardy and follow the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates process11:34
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bobboIf an Ubuntu native package (not in Debian) has the version number "0.1", how should the next version be named? (0.1-1?)12:19
geserbobbo: can you be more specific? which package is it?12:20
bobbogeser: usb-creator12:21
sebnergeser: \o/ for the ACK script :)12:21
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bobbogeser: current version is 0.1 and I dont know how to version the next bugfix12:21
geserI'd probably use 0.1.1 but better ask evand about the versioning scheme for it12:23
bobbogeser: ok, thanks12:23
geserbut 0.1-1 seems also good as you don't touch "upstream" version space12:24
nhandlerIs there a way to be able to build a source package (debuild -S) with an Ubuntu version in debian/changelog, but a non-ubuntu maintainer in debian/control?13:56
DktrKranznhandler, export DEBEMAIL=something_not_containing@ubuntu.com13:57
DktrKranzI'm not sure it can be bypassed in other ways, that's the one I use when I need to :)13:58
nhandlerThanks DktrKranz. That worked. IMHO, there should be an option you can pass to debuild that will tell it to not complain about this.14:00
DktrKranzthat change is hardcoded in devscripts, but I think a wishlist bug can be filed. Not sure if it has already discussed, though14:01
DktrKranznhandler, could you please try with dpkg-buildpackage -S -W ?14:02
nhandlerWhat does the -W option do DktrKranz ?14:03
DktrKranzif it doesn't work, change could be probably integrated with that option to turn error into a warning14:03
RainCTnhandler: -W     Negates  a  previously  set -E.  Only dpkg-source uses this, but dpkg-buildpackage recognizes it, and passes it thru to dpkg-source.14:03
RainCTnhandler: manpages are your friends :)14:03
DktrKranzRainCT, we haven't manpages.u.c yet :)14:03
RainCTDktrKranz: we have :)14:04
DktrKranzwasn't it empty?14:04
iulianAnd it rocks so far :)14:04
RainCTDktrKranz: no, the default page is just bad. search for something or click on a distro and you'll get the manpages14:04
gesernhandler: what's the use case for this? (ubuntu version but no ubuntu maintainer)14:04
nhandlerDktrKranz: 'dpkg-buildpackage -S -W' failed with the same error14:04
DktrKranzRainCT, WOW, thanks :)14:05
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iulianRainCT: Well, I wouldn't say that the default page is bad :-) What would you expect to see in a page that shows only manpages?14:06
* iulian thinks that is great.14:06
nhandlergeser: I am currently submitting a patch that was applied in Ubuntu to Debian. As a result, there is no need to have an Ubuntu maintainer. I like to include the changelog entry in the patch to make it easy for the Debian Maintainer to quickly see what changes the patch includes.14:06
RainCTiulian: something ;). the current page looks confusing14:08
nhandlerRainCT: I don't think it is too confusing. I just hope that they create a script that I can run from a terminal to fetch manpages from manpages.ubuntu.com.14:08
RainCTiulian: at least the dots would link to the <distro>/<section>/ index page, or there should be a big version of the search box or something14:09
RainCTiulian: I also thinked that the page was empty like DktrKranz until I saw that someone mentioned the search box on the ML14:09
RainCT*thought :P14:09
RainCTnhandler: somewhere someone (yes, my memory is great :)) said that he was working on a patch for man14:10
iuliannhandler: That website is there just to not use 'man' in a command line, isn't it?14:10
RainCTnhandler: which would fetch the manpages if it isn't available14:10
* DktrKranz was lazy enought to avoid noticing search box14:10
sebnerRainCT: requestsync is totally b0rken for me. but /me can't send a crash report since firefox is also b0rken xD14:11
RainCTsebner: what's the problem?14:11
nhandlerRainCT: I would love to see that patch in the repositories. It would save me a lot of time.14:11
DktrKranzRainCT, it's a feature, it's a feature, IT'S A FEATURE! :)14:12
sebnerRainCT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/43924/14:12
DktrKranzI broken it intentionally to avoid sebner using it14:12
sebnerDktrKranz: /me is using it the first time :P14:12
iulianRainCT: Ahh, you haven't noticed the search box? Yeah, I think it should be moved somewhere else.14:12
geserRainCT: perhaps somewhere = planet.u.c, someone = kirkland ?14:12
nhandlersebner: Have you tried using the --lp option?14:12
RainCTsebner: you didn't close Firefox properly or something14:12
sebnernhandler: in the first try, yes14:13
sebnerworking again14:13
sebner^^ xD xD xD14:13
RainCTsebner: although showing a warning and trying to find a cookie somewhere else would be good. feel free to submit a patch ;)14:13
* DktrKranz hides from sebner 14:13
sebnerDktrKranz: I still have >5 sync requests without filing more now ;)14:13
* geser has exported his LP cookie to a text file which requestsync uses14:14
sebnerRainCT: /me != python14:14
RainCTsebner: then learn python while you are young :P14:14
iulianOr C14:14
DktrKranzsebner, brainfuck is a better choice14:14
sebnerRainCT: no ^^ , btw. how to use this thing O_o I read the manpage but it's still a secret to me14:14
* RainCT runs away from iulian 14:14
sebneriulian: C , gah14:14
sebnerDktrKranz: what about whitespaces?14:15
RainCTsebner: requestsync <package> intrepid14:15
DktrKranzsebner, butterflies14:15
DktrKranzsebner, you are new to programming languages, it's better to start with something easy. assembler is a good starting point14:15
sebnerRainCT: you are my hero :D (writing intrepid shouldn't be necessary. fix it!) :P :P :P14:16
sebnerDktrKranz: rofl. hmm not that new. /me likes C# xD14:16
RainCTDktrKranz: ah, a got an idea a while ago.. We should get a rule so that when sebner gets a MOTU he has to sponsor as many stuff as he got sponsored14:16
nhandlerDktrKranz: Yeah right. I would suggest perl ;)14:16
iulianRainCT, sebner: I prefer to write something in C instead of python, but yeah, python is great too.14:16
DktrKranzsebner, c#??? go away, go away, GO AWAY!14:16
nhandlerRainCT: I think all MOTUs should be doing that anyway.14:17
sebnerDktrKranz: :P14:17
* geser throws mono at sebner14:17
DktrKranzRainCT, sebner is under *my* pressure. When he become MOTU, I'll push so many debdiffs to him he will collapse14:17
* RainCT hugs DktrKranz 14:17
sebnergeser: mono rocks :)14:17
sebnerDktrKranz: what about reviewing it yourself instead :P14:17
DktrKranzsebner, I'll drop my MOTU icon by then14:18
DktrKranzjust for the sake to bother you14:18
sebnerDktrKranz: lol.14:18
* RainCT rofl14:18
* sebner hides and runs away. No sebner no MOTU14:18
sebnerRainCT: help me to haXX0r my .lpcookie.txt14:18
sebner XD14:18
nhandlerAccording to the top uploaders page that emgent made, I will have to sponsor 177 patches (as of now) in order to make up for the ones that other people sponsored for me14:19
iuliansebner: You like C# and hate C?14:19
RainCTsebner: you should leave stupid sync requests and create some good packages instead, and then finally apply to MOTU.14:19
sebneriulian: there are worlds between them O_o14:19
iulianOr I misunderstood?14:19
sebnerRainCT: stupid? I'm fixing RC bugs :P14:20
iulianWell yea...14:20
DktrKranzdoes anybody know how many times (and what are they) PPA publishes binary packages?14:20
jorgenptPPAs are updated every 5 minutes, afaik?14:20
RainCTsebner: yes but once you're a MOTU you can fix more RC bugs as you save time because you don't need to subscribe u-u-s ;)14:20
RainCTiulian: C# is more like Java, afaik14:21
sebnerRainCT: doesn't matter. Have I never told you? I pushed my application back after intrepid release14:21
nhandlerRainCT: C# and java are very similar14:21
RainCT(I don't know much about it, though. Knowing who created it scares me away *g*)14:21
DktrKranzjorgenpt, upload queue is scanned every 5 minutes, I was referring to publishing binary packages into the repository14:21
iulianRainCT: Indeed14:21
jorgenptOh, thought that was the same timer.14:21
sebnerDktrKranz: have you noticed that nhandler uploaded >50 packages more than I did? Punish him! :P14:21
DktrKranznhandler, keep rocking.    sebner: go on retirement14:22
RainCTsebner: where are the stats?14:22
iulianRainCT: /+uploaded-packages?14:23
sebnerRainCT: http://thc.emanuele-gentili.com/utu/14:23
sebnerwell exactly 50 ^^14:23
sebnerDktrKranz: I should :)14:23
* DktrKranz has 285 ?!?!?!?14:23
sebnerDktrKranz: seems so ^^14:24
DktrKranzmh... I didn't think so many14:24
iulianAhh, didn't know that emgent hosts a service like this.14:24
DktrKranzbut I suppose it's right :)14:24
sebnerDktrKranz: xD14:24
* DktrKranz wrote underlying code... python rocks!14:25
RainCTblargh my package count for intrepid is pathetic :P14:25
iulianYikes! I'm 6914:25
sebnerRainCT: hihi :P14:25
* RainCT considers breaking some stuff and fixing it afterwards to get some more uploads :P14:25
* RainCT discards that idea before Scott kills him ;P14:26
sebnerRainCT: meanwhile you could tell me how to haXX0r my .lpcookie.txt to make it working14:26
DktrKranzRainCT, could I suggest you "dch -i Rebuild just to enter Top-10 uploader list" ?14:26
RainCTand I'm still listed several times.. emgent`nl will you fix that somewhen? :P14:26
RainCTDktrKranz: Good idea. I could write a script to do that with all 20.000 universe packages :)14:27
gesersebner: wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~kees/scripts/cookies-sql2txt, run it and store the output in ~/.lpcookie.txt14:27
DktrKranzRainCT, do you want it? I already have it... now seahorse-plugins is in place, it's all automatic :)14:28
* DktrKranz hugs twice seb128 for that!14:28
RainCTgeser: I think requestsync already uses that script14:28
sebnergeser: you are my hero now :D14:29
RainCTDktrKranz: woo. what is that for?14:29
DktrKranzRainCT, it keeps stored your gpg password, no need to retype it each time14:29
geserRainCT: yes, but sebner wanted to store the cookie in a text file14:30
DktrKranzand when you do NBS cleaning, it's AWESOME!14:30
RainCTbtw, I installed and purged epiphany-browser a while ago and since then whenever I try to open a link from terminator it opens in gnome-terminal with elinks :/. How can I fix that?14:30
* sebner doesn't want but requestsyncs wants14:30
geserRainCT: select an other default browser doesn't work for you?14:33
RainCTgeser: Where?14:34
geserGnome or KDE?14:34
RainCTgeser: Gnome. I already have Fx3 selected on System -> Prefs. -> Prefered Applications14:35
DktrKranzuse chrome with wine :P14:37
LaneyRainCT: What does `xdg-open http://some.url' do?14:37
sebnerDktrKranz: It's running but not usable xD14:38
RainCTLaney: elinks14:38
DktrKranzsebner, so I guess you already tried... bad boy14:38
LaneyRainCT: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/25562114:38
sebnerDktrKranz: sure I tried :P14:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 255621 in xdg-utils "xdg-open's Gnome detection is broken" [Medium,Confirmed]14:38
sebnergeser: sebner@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ python cookies-sql2txt14:39
sebnerUsage: %s SQLITE3DB DOMAIN14:39
sebner !?14:39
RainCTLaney: thanks14:39
RainCTLaney: is the problem also on Hardy?14:40
LaneyNo idea!14:40
LaneyI don't think so though14:40
gesersebner: python cookies-sql2text ~/.mozilla/firefox/*/cookies.sqlite launchpad | tee ~/.lpcookie.txt14:40
sebnergeser: O_o14:40
LaneyDo echo $GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID and see if it returns anything14:40
RainCTLaney: OK, it doesn't; I'll define that in my ~/.bashrc then. Thanks :)14:41
sebnergeser: output is "# HTTP Cookie File" xD14:43
geserso it worked14:45
sebnergeser: not really xD but nvm. I'm doing it oldstyle14:47
RainCTsebner: the "database is locked" exception is catched now and only prints a warning14:48
mok0What is the status of the following page? It seems to be somewhat out of date. When looking through the MOTU minutes, it seems persia promised to create a writeup on the New Upstream Review process (using interdiff) but I can't locate that anywhere? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Meetings/2007-11-05/NewUpstreamReview14:48
RainCTmok0: I don't know about that page, but I thought we don't use interdiff anymore?14:49
mok0RainCT: yeah, me too14:49
geserthat's what I also remember, current is attach the new .diff.gz14:49
sebnerRainCT: bah, you did gbrainy 1.0 :P14:49
mok0geser: but it's not documented anywhere?14:50
RainCTsebner: of course :P14:50
mok0Our wiki is getting sanded with loads of out-of-date info14:50
sebnerRainCT: you stole me a FFe sync :P14:51
geserNCommander: Hi, interested in an interesting FTBFS? It involves libtool though.14:52
ScottKgeser: NCommander likes fixing libtool stuff.15:00
devfilzul: ping15:10
zuldevfil: pong15:11
devfilzul: can you please take a look at bug 264554 ?15:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264554 in xen-3.3 "libxen3 and libxen3-dev both include /usr/lib/libblktap.so" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26455415:11
Laneyapachelogger: Hi, are you interested in a debdiff for the kdelibs ftbfs?15:12
zuldevfil: ok15:12
apacheloggerLaney: very much so15:12
Laneyapachelogger: Excellent, just testbuilding then I will give it to you15:12
apacheloggercool :)15:13
* Laney updates GPG key with Ubuntu address \o/15:15
RainCTsebner: uhm? gbrainy 1.00 isn't in Debian15:27
RainCTsebner: and it didn't need a FFe15:28
RainCTmok0: nice mail (re rsplib) :)15:31
mok0RainCT: All that stuff ought to be in a guide for REVU uploaders15:31
RainCTmok0: indeed. maybe somewhere in (or linked from) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU15:32
mok0RainCT:  Right! I could start a document based on that email15:33
Ampelbeinhi there! i have a question about fixing a bug. If the package has not yet an automated-patch-system could i then use quilt to make my patches? or should i use inline-patching?15:50
RainCTAmpelbein: if there isn't any commented out patch system or such it is usually recommended to see which one the Maintainer uses on some others of his packages, or use the easiest one (eg., if the package uses CDBS then the obvious choice would be simple-patchsys.mk)15:53
Ampelbeinah, ok. thank you.15:54
ScottKliw: Are you around?15:55
Adri2000zul: fail2ban sru?16:03
gnomefreakis revu updated every 10 minutes? or is there an issue with revu16:17
RainCTgnomefreak: do you have a problem?16:33
gnomefreakRainCT: i repushed a package and its not updating it16:41
gnomefreakRainCT: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=firegpg isnt updating its been 30 minutes or so since push16:41
andresjare people here? i created a package to solve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lyx/+bug/253196 in my PPA (https://edge.launchpad.net/~andresjriofrio/+archive), and I was wondering if a MOTU member could check it (it works flawlessly with me) and release the upgrade...16:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 253196 in lyx "Bugfix upstream release of Lyx (1.5.6)" [Low,Triaged]16:43
andresji have both intrepid and a straightforward backport (no changes except in changelog) to hardy16:43
Laneyandresj: You should follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:46
andresjLaney: mm... ok I'll go that, thanks :)16:47
Laneyandresj: Did you speak to the Debian maintainer of lyx?16:48
andresjLaney: no, I didn't. I created the package mainly so that I could have the new version. :P   but then I saw that bug and thought my packages would help.16:49
Laneyandresj: Well if it's good he might want to upload it to Debian, no sense duplicating work16:50
LaneyBut there is a freeze on over there so he might not16:50
andresjLaney: mm... I see, I see. Do bugfix releases superseed freezes like in Ubuntu?16:51
Laneyandresj: Only for "important" bugs16:52
LaneyAnd I see that 1.6 is already in experimental so it's probably not very likely16:52
andresjhahaha, ok. I'll try sending this using the Sponsorship Process, then. :)   And nice to hear that, now I can use that package and port it to Ubuntu. :P Although I'm not sure which would be easier...16:54
Adri2000are automatic config.{guess,sub} changes acceptable in a sru?16:54
RainCTgnomefreak: the firegpg upload was rejected17:04
andresjhey is there a way to see the changes in the .diff.gz between two packages (same program, diff versions)?17:05
RainCTgnomefreak: uhm.. seems like it worked now; do you see it?17:06
RainCTandresj: debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc17:06
andresjRainCT: thanks :) oh and btw there's somebody in RainCT_17:08
andresjoh and is there a command to download all files related (.orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz) given the .dsc?17:09
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz
DktrKranzAdri2000, it could be better if they can be omitted (e.g. launching debuild -S in a $distro chroot)17:11
ScottKandresj: dget is what you want.17:11
Adri2000DktrKranz: ok17:13
andresjScottK: oh ok thanks :)17:17
andresjScottK: hey debdiff also compares the upstream version files; is there a way to stop it from doing that?17:19
ScottKJust use diff directly and diff the two debian dirs.17:20
andresjScottK: what is the command to prepare a dir?17:20
andresjthat does: tar -xf .orig; apply diff; etc17:20
ScottKdpkg-source -x xxx.dsc17:21
andresjhaha thanks! wow its like u had all this in your head already17:22
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=== |riVen| is now known as emma
gnomefreakRainCT: ill check17:29
gnomefreakRainCT: ah it did thanks17:29
gnomefreakshould i add ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug ?17:30
gnomefreakah already are17:31
gnomefreakcan someone please review and sponsor http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=firegpg u-u-s is already subscribed to bug all lintian warnings/errors have been fixed17:33
mok0gnomefreak: we have FeatureFreeze...17:40
mok0gnomefreak: since aug. 2817:40
mok0Hopefully REVU days will start again when the devel cycle begins17:42
gnomefreakdevel cycle for intrepid+117:42
mok0gnomefreak: yes17:42
mok0"jj" :-)17:43
nxvlcody-somerville: ping17:45
cody-somervillenxvl, pong18:07
nxvlcody-somerville: i forgot what i was looking for you :S18:07
andresjhey anybody know how to add universe/multiverse repositories to my pbuilder?18:13
andresji tried `pbuilder --login` and adding them, but it won't work.18:13
andresjit doesn't change anything, i mean18:13
ScottKandresj: If you want to login and have the results saved, you also need --save-after-login18:14
andresjhahaha oh ok! :)18:14
geserandresj: see also the wiki how to add universe to your pbuilder (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Universe%20support)18:15
andresjhaha thanks that's so much easier :)18:16
DktrKranzScottK, re bug 267187, is it legal for motu-release members to self-ACK requests?18:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267187 in yazpp "[FFe] libyaz3 transition" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26718718:17
ScottKDktrKranz: Absolutely.18:19
ScottKIt's one of the prime perks of doing all this work.18:19
DktrKranzok, I'll ack it myself and then upload. thanks.18:19
riot_lehi @all, i have an Question about Bugfixing18:22
riot_lei joined dholbachs Lessons at UDW this week and want to start with my new knownledges, i take an patch from fedora (found on harvest: http://daniel.holba.ch/harvest/handler.py?pkg=gnome-settings-daemon&not_apply=11547) and apply this patch, edit the changelog, debuild, pbuilder and created an debdiff. What have to follow next?18:25
riot_leno one there who can help?18:31
albert23riot_le: now you attach your debdiff to the bug report and subscribe the right sponsor team. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess18:31
riot_lethere is no bug in Launchpad to that, i have taken this patch from direct from fedora-cvs18:34
albert23riot_le: in that case you open a bug yourself and describe the problem that will be fixed with your patch.18:35
riot_leok thank you albert2318:37
albert23riot_le: no problem18:38
mok0I've thrown a few paragraphs into a new wiki document. Please help expand! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVUWhatNext18:41
riot_lealbert23: i open a new bug report: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/267210 do you think that looks good?18:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 267210 in gnome-settings-daemon "no sound sample cache plugin that drops cached samples from pulseaudio  " [Undecided,New]18:43
albert23riot_le: From reading the bug, it's not clear for me yet what the problem is that will be fixed.18:46
riot_lei think there was no real problem, the patch just added a plugin18:48
albert23riot_le: so it is a new feature?18:50
riot_lein my opinion yes18:51
riot_lei try it18:51
albert23riot_le: in that case it may be a problem. We have FeatureFreeze now, and only fix bugs for Intrepid18:51
riot_leah ok, ill try to find another bug to improve my bugfixing-knowledge18:52
albert23riot_le: that may be better. Good luck!18:55
riot_lethanks for your help18:55
apacheloggerLaney: what's the testbuild status?19:11
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NCommanderScottK, :-P23:17
ScottK-laptopOh, the libtool thing.23:17
NCommanderScottK, yeah :-P23:22
* NCommander runs through his email23:25

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