
MarkopotamusOdd-rationale: Cheers for the help. I'm off now. Later"00:02
Odd-rationalek see ya00:02
dominic_how are you all doing?00:26
superspuckhello, just installed xubuntu and all was fine until I installed restricted drivers, uptaded my system and rebooted. now all I get is a background and a mouse-pointer when I login. what the hell? yes please help me :o02:00
TheSheepsuperspuck: press alt+f2, type 'xfce4-panel'02:00
superspuckalready tried that, nothing happend02:01
TheSheepsuperspuck: nothing happened when you pressed alt+f2?02:01
TheSheepsuperspuck: or when you typed that nad pressed enter?02:01
superspuckno when I executed xfce4-panel02:01
TheSheepsuperspuck: ok, try xfce4-terminal and then xfce4-panel in it02:02
superspuckthat one fails to execute02:03
superspuckno such thing02:03
TheSheepsuperspuck: with what meesage?02:03
superspuckfailed to execute child process02:03
TheSheepin terminal?02:03
superspuckah there it is :P02:04
superspuckonly one problem can't see more than 25% of the terminal02:05
superspuckbut nothing happens when i write xfce4-panel02:05
ubottuSaying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.02:06
superspuckyes I mean nothing since I can't see the terminal02:06
TheSheepthen resize it02:06
TheSheepwhy can't you see it?02:07
superspuckyeah managed to catch it02:08
superspuck** Message: xfce4-panel already running02:09
superspuckit's a ghost ^^02:09
TheSheepmaybe your virtual screen is larger than physical, and you have it scrolled so that you don't see the panel?02:09
superspuckoh yeah that makes sense there's a lot of overscan02:10
superspuckxubuntu uses xorg.conf?02:10
TheSheepyeah, you can configure it with 'sudo displayconfig-gtk'02:11
superspuckah yes now I see everything, thank you thank you ^^02:12
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indohow do you mount a windows file system?04:37
gaurdroI'm seeing a bit of weird behaviour on startup.  if i hit alt-f4 it switches to terminal like normal but the colors are green and blue.04:54
gaurdroalso, trying to switch to a terminal once it's running only gives me a black screen no login prompt.04:54
favrogaurdro: it should be ctrl+alt+F1-6 to get a virtual terminal alt+F7 to get back afaik05:19
imneatanyone know how to get the rhythmbox desktop visualization working?05:24
favroa quick google showed lots of bugs about that...05:31
imneatyea that's all i'm finding too - but all that I find are relating to the plugin not working at all or it causing freeze/crash05:34
imneatwhen I load it nothing happens. it's as though it thinks all is fine.05:34
favrothere is #rhythmbox on gimp.net I think...05:36
imneatI'll check it out - thanks!05:38
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NunChuckowhy does Wubi need to download the insatlation files when I got the disk ISO already?08:41
NunChuckonever mind, it seems it stopped acting stupid08:41
NunChuckoyeah there it goes08:41
solotim/join #c09:32
solotim/join hell09:32
honkytonkwillieI'm using Mint XFCE and I Flash doesn't ever work on Firefox.  Is this a common issue?10:10
honkytonkwillieSorry, wrong channel...10:11
TheSheepkwhk: what's the frequency?10:15
kwhki was trying to upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04.  But got a problem in the middle.  It said there was insufficient space and i need to clean up an additional 19M at '/'.10:16
TheSheeptry sudo apt-get clean10:17
TheSheep(this will delete the packages it already downloaded)10:17
kwhkTheSheep: tried. it asked me for password.  then i saw nothing happened.10:17
TheSheepkwhk: now check your free disk space10:18
kwhkTheSheep: at '/'?10:18
TheSheeptype 'df -h'10:18
kwhkkenneth@kenneth-laptop:~$ df -h10:19
kwhkFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:19
kwhk/dev/sda1             3.6G  2.3G  1.2G  67% /10:19
kwhkvarrun                110M  108K  109M   1% /var/run10:19
kwhkvarlock               110M     0  110M   0% /var/lock10:19
kwhkudev                  110M   48K  109M   1% /dev10:19
kwhkdevshm                110M     0  110M   0% /dev/shm10:19
kwhklrm                   110M   34M   76M  32% /lib/modules/2.6.22-15-generic/volatile10:19
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:19
TheSheepkwhk: besides, I don't need to know it, I just told you how to check it10:20
TheSheepkwhk: so you have 1.2G free on / now10:20
kwhkTheSheep: sorry.  yes, but it shows 1.1G at the left bottom in "File Manager"10:21
TheSheeprounding error, I guess10:22
kwhkTheSheep: ok.10:22
kwhkTheSheep: is 1.2 too little?10:23
TheSheepno idea10:23
TheSheepI don't know how much you had before cleaning10:23
solotim/join #empathy10:24
kwhkTheSheep: sorry.  pushed the wrong button so quitted.10:30
kwhkTheSheep: nothing else i can do to clean up, right?10:51
TheSheepyou can upgrade in parts10:54
kwhkTheSheep: could you please so kind to tell me how to10:56
kwhkTheSheep: or point me to info on web?10:57
TheSheepkwhk: just install some of the packages it tried to install manually10:58
TheSheepit will pull some dependencies, install it all, then you do that clean, and then do normal upgrade, so it installs the rest10:58
kwhkTheSheep: in fact, it stopped there at the very early stage of upgrade and then rolled back automatically.  not even at the stage of installing packages10:59
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kwhkTheSheep: hi12:30
kwhkTheSheep: i was wondering what u meant by saying "what's the frequency" to me12:31
kwhkTheSheep: :)12:32
kwhkTheSheep: i didn't know this.12:33
TheSheepsorry, I just remembered that when you joined12:36
kwhkTheSheep: i still couldn't clean up more disk space for the upgrade. seems that i need to do it from CD.12:40
TheSheepyou are doing it with the gui tool>12:44
Johnramb00Hi, why can't i use dpkg correctly? I always stop after keys layout :(12:58
favafrotrying to reconfigure xserver-xorg?13:02
Johnramb00dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg?13:03
Johnramb00I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.13:04
Johnramb00But after choosing the keyboard layout i get: xserver-xorg postinst warining: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008.090613571713:05
favafrothat's normal :) - it's just making a backup13:06
chris_debianThis is just telling you that you have changed the file.13:07
=== favafro is now known as favro
chris_debianfavafo beat me to it :-)13:07
Johnramb00but i can't choose any resolution :(.13:10
_sebastian_hi all, I have a old Dell Inspiron 4000 I installed xubuntu on but cant get a higher resolution to work, can anyone help?13:10
Johnramb00sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg try this :D13:11
Johnramb00I mean: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"13:11
_sebastian_on it13:11
Johnramb00_sebastian_: But i remember, when I had configured my Dell Latitude I had to change the xorg.conf manually too :-S13:12
_sebastian_yea until a few minutes ago I had 640x4... on my whole screen13:14
_sebastian_I found a forum entry and entered the driver info into xorg.conf13:14
_sebastian_and now I have a smaller part of the screen showing me my desktop at 640x4... and a black frame around it13:15
Johnramb00You know how to restart X11?13:16
Johnramb00Okay, great.13:16
Johnramb00So go to your terminal an enter:13:17
_sebastian_some things I know quite good, some not at all :-)13:17
Johnramb00sudo displayconfig-gtk13:17
_sebastian_ahh, I've been there before some minutes ago13:18
Johnramb00Like me :) I'm sitting in front of 3 screens and 2 of 'em waiting to be configured....also resolution problems :(13:18
Johnramb00And what can you choose?13:18
Johnramb00All resolutions in there?13:18
_sebastian_2 screens, first the notebook one has PnP at 800x600 61Hz13:19
_sebastian_the other only res is 640x48013:19
_sebastian_on the driver tab there is VESA selected13:20
Johnramb00Change it into your graphic card :)13:20
_sebastian_I tried with ATI r128 driver13:20
Johnramb00Or leave the X11 and go into Desktop 2/3 or what you want and then dpkg.13:20
_sebastian_and? the r128 driver should be the right one from what I read inforums13:22
Johnramb00It does not work?13:22
Johnramb00sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:22
Johnramb00With that you reconfigure your whole settings for the xserver13:23
_sebastian_leaving the screen settings as they are and changing only the driver causes a mess when clicking on the test button13:23
_sebastian_I did reconfigure which left me with the same result as when I started here in the room :-(13:23
Johnramb00Hm...i'm sorry.13:24
Johnramb00I don't have any other ideas.13:24
_sebastian_same happens when I try the ati driver not the r128...13:25
Johnramb00But perhaps you'll find something here: http://ubuntuforums.org/13:25
_sebastian_thanks for helping13:25
Johnramb00No problem.13:25
Johnramb00Good luck for you :)13:25
_sebastian_yea I checked there and there is a post which did what we did, thx again13:26
_sebastian_the thing is I had it running on gutsy...13:28
ozkughgood morning13:49
kwhkTheSheep: sorry, am just back from dinner. yes, i use gui tool13:52
kwhkTheSheep: any implication?13:55
viddhow does one add a directory to the PATH?14:46
TheSheepvidd: edit /etc/environ14:50
vidddo i have to do something to make the changes take affect?14:53
TheSheepvidd: relog14:54
TheSheepvidd: or restart the terminal at least14:54
TheSheepvidd: you can also do it locally, only in single terminal14:54
TheSheepvidd: by executign that file14:54
viddrebooting now14:55
viddfor some reason sbin wasnt in my PATH14:56
bringatowelwere you using the sudo command?14:59
bringatowelusually sbin is stuff that can only be run with sudo, right?15:09
viddi dont believe so15:10
viddiwconfig can be run by a user15:10
bringatowelthere is probably another user version in /usr/bin or something15:11
bringatowelall the other programs look like root stuff, such as mkfs, fsck, swapon, and such15:11
TheSheepbringatowel: no, /sbin/iwconfig is the one that is run by default15:12
TheSheepbringatowel: try 'which iwconfig'15:12
bringatoweloh yeah, they are all 75515:15
bringatowelhmm weird dunno why it wasnt in the path15:16
=== kwhk_ is now known as kw
viddok....does the user have a seperate environment path?15:17
viddi did sudo su and root has no issue so the global PATH is correct....15:20
viddit seams to just be my user15:20
TheSheepvidd: check your .bashrc and .bash_profile15:21
bringatowelTheSheep, sbin is not mentioned in either of those files for me15:23
viddi dont even have a .bash_profile on the machine that works =\15:24
bringatowelme neither15:27
bringatowelbut sbin is still in my $PATH15:27
viddok....its my desktop manager15:27
viddi switched to tty, and it worked, terminal on desktop did not15:28
bringatowelahh, thats funny15:28
viddthanks for helping me to think more clearly =]15:28
bringatowelhehe good thing you did, i had no clue what might be wrong :D15:29
viddi set up "slim" instead of gdm for desktop manager15:29
viddso i brought this on myself =]15:29
kwhk2TheSheep: hi, me again. earlier u asked whether i used gui tool for upgrade. yes, i did. does this help? or are there any alternatives?15:30
bringatowelhaha that always happens, when something is broken it can be traced to something i messed up =P15:33
viddi wouldnt say i "messed up"15:33
viddjust havent ironed out all the wrinkles yet =]15:34
bringatowelfair enough, well mistakes or any challenges are on the path to learning more anyway =)15:35
TheSheepkwhk2: yes, let me see15:36
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:36
TheSheepkwhk2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)15:38
viddbringatowel, the issue is clear as day....as soon as i opened the slim.conf file15:38
kwhk2TheSheep: yes, i followed steps in that instruction15:39
bringatowelvidd, thats good to hear, how do you like slim? never tried that one myself15:39
vidd3rd line" default_path  [incorrect info here]15:39
viddits sweet15:39
viddruns better on the 256k ram lappy15:40
TheSheepkwhk2: you can upgrade with apt-get, but I'm not 100% sure it will do everything that autoated upgrade does15:40
viddgdm is like pushing a hourse through a doggy door15:40
TheSheepvidd: well, ubuntu needs accessibility...15:41
TheSheepvidd: screenreader, braile terminal...15:41
viddTheSheep, i understand that15:44
viddand that is why they say more ram15:44
viddi dont have the ram, so i have to cut out some of the features i dont personally need15:45
TheSheeplike chinese input methods15:45
TheSheepand fonts15:45
viddwhich means, of course, headaches for going agfainst the grain15:46
viddor oppertunities to learn15:46
viddwhichever viewpoint you prefer15:46
viddand i finally beat it into submission!16:02
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vinnlHey slow-motion19:55
slow-motionhi vinnl19:55
slow-motionpidgin is strange i ignore a user and he still talks to me19:56
vinnlMight be a bug19:56
cody-somervilleI experience that once and awhile too19:57
slow-motionits not a bug, its a feature. pretend you ignore hin and still get the shit he talks.19:58
cody-somervilleThats definitely not a feature : P19:59
viddonly M$ calls stuff like that "Features"19:59
* slow-motion whistles20:00
viddlike when they introduced MSDOS and hitting the ctrl+alt+del would crash the OS, they called it a "feature"20:00
viddlike they planned it or something20:00
cody-somervilleActually, it was intentional20:01
cody-somervilleIt was a debugging feature for developers but people liked it so much that they kept it in20:02
viddi wasnt there...so i dont know20:02
slow-motionyou mean the reboot was a systen crash?20:02
viddthe story i heard was it was an oopps20:02
xindoanyone know of a way to configure a touchpad in xubuntu?20:03
slow-motionso someone build it in msdos to reboot the system when something goes wrong?20:03
cody-somervilleslow-motion, pretty much.20:04
cody-somervillexindo, Good question :-)20:04
cody-somervillexindo, I want to disable tapping on my touchpad but our mouse configuration dialogue doesn't seem to feature that option.20:04
* vidd only knows how to disable it20:04
xindoworks fine, but every time i barely graze it, it registers as a tap20:05
* cody-somerville nods.20:05
viddxindo, this is kinda old...but worth a look-see20:06
xindovidd: good stuff, the link it provides is extremely detailed20:08
xindotells you how to disable touch pad while typing, exactly what I need20:10
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad20:11
w00t-i have an IBM T41, the radeon mobile 7500 is supposed to be supported out of the box, but i can't turn any desktop effects on. any ideas?20:14
livingdaylightis there a xubuntu ppc iso?21:16
vinnlSomewhere, I believe21:16
livingdaylighti have an iBook G3 400mhz21:16
cody-somervilleFor what release?21:16
vinnlHmm, but I can't find it :(21:16
livingdaylightotherwise there is ubuntu ppc alternate disc. Install cli and then install xfce on top for X21:17
viddthat was my recomendation....21:17
vidddo0es that ppc have internet access?21:17
livingdaylighteasier if there already was an xfce ppc completee21:17
livingdaylightcan do21:18
viddlivingdaylight, does that ppc have internet? you can do the mini iso and it will let you add whatever desktop ya want21:18
livingdaylightvidd: you can do the mini iso?21:19
viddim looking for the iso link now21:19
livingdaylightthe reason i repeat with '?' is coz i don't know what mini iso is, so 'yes' doesn't help me, lol :)21:19
livingdaylightthe machine only has 128mb ram, but i'm looking on eBay to find more which will help21:20
viddwhat the mini does is it just has enough info to get your machine connected to your broadband internet21:20
viddit downloads everything else from the internet "on the fly"21:20
livingdaylightis that xubuntu?21:22
livingdaylightotherwise i was thinking of debian ppc + e1721:22
viddthe mini is cli, and lets you choose to install whatever you want at the end....21:23
viddlamp, ubuntu, edubuntu, xubuntu, whatever....lots of choises21:23
viddi just need to find where the #%^&#$%^ ppc iso's are21:24
Maximilian1stHi all.21:24
Maximilian1stYou are here too :-)21:25
Maximilian1stGood thing, anyway.21:25
viddlivingdaylight, it would appear that PPC is no longer supported....21:25
Maximilian1stI wasx wondering what happens if I install a goodie from svn, source install over an xubuntu packeged version?21:25
viddi can help ya get the older version, and you can apt-get update to the latest version21:26
* cody-somerville is bugging them to get the PPC port building again.21:26
vinnlMaximilian1st, why wouldn't you first uninstall the packaged version? :)21:26
Maximilian1stYeah, why. I don't know, imagine the case where I would compile a new xfdesktop...21:27
vinnlMaximilian1st, you mean you want to try Xfce 4.6 or something? Because it's been packaged for Xubuntu 8.1021:28
Maximilian1stWhy, I'll tell you. I'm affraid of loosing things. But in the end, There is no good reason for it. You're right.21:28
viddMaximilian1st, all i can say is "tell us what happens...and make a back-up!"21:28
Maximilian1stGood point.21:28
Maximilian1stThe thing is, I'm giving final touches to the French translation and have no idea what some otions are made for, I really need to look in the menus to be sure of what and how I should translate it.,21:29
viddMaximilian1st, is your /home on a seperate partition like all testing machine should?(IMO)21:30
Maximilian1stOh wonderfull world.... No, sorry, I do backup important stuff though and can recover within an hour. I use a notebook, and that is all I have.21:31
viddif so, in the event of a total disaster, you can re-intall without overwriting the /home partition21:31
livingdaylightvidd: yes, that might do it21:32
livingdaylightvidd: i did download ubuntu alternate from which i can install a basic cli install. From there i can install xubuntu-desktop for eg?21:33
viddbut that is messy imo21:34
Maximilian1stxubuntu-desktop is a meta package, no?21:34
Maximilian1stmeta? an empty package that triggers a lot of others?21:35
livingdaylightvidd: i agree, but i'm not finding any easy alternatives21:35
viddbecause you get the ubuntu splash, the god-awefull discusting color screme21:35
livingdaylightvidd: not many distros have ppc iso21:35
viddthis gives MUCH better boot experience....21:36
viddand lets you install the desktop during install21:36
viddand its TINY21:36
livingdaylightTHANK YOU vidd21:37
viddno problem21:37
livingdaylightvidd: "the desktop"?21:37
livingdaylightthat's already downloaded?21:38
viddits at the very end of the install process21:38
livingdaylight12.8mb iso?21:38
viddyou have a list of all available meta-packages....you choose which (if any) you want to install21:38
livingdaylightmeta packages such as?21:39
viddyes...i told you its tiny21:39
livingdaylightthat is really tiny. the ubuntu alternate i downloaded earlier is 600+mb's21:39
viddLAMP....Xubuntu-desktop....DNS Server....etc21:39
livingdaylightxubuntu-desktop is all i need i believe21:40
viddits so small because all it has is what is needed to get your wired lan card working so you can connect to the internet21:40
viddeverything (and i mean EVERYTHING) else is downloaded off the internet21:41
livingdaylightvidd: i read on one debian tutorial and what they told me in #debianppc also is that the oldworld macintoshes may require original MacOS cd's What is your experience?21:42
Olivier66Hi, someone speak french ?21:45
livingdaylightOlivier66: ouip un peux mais je ne parle pas xubuntu :/21:45
vinnlUn petit peut :P21:45
Maximilian1stno problemo ici21:45
livingdaylightOlivier66: alors, c'est quoi la question?21:46
Olivier66I don't know why the windows menu are so bigger in openoffice ?21:46
Maximilian1stQuel est le sens de la vie?21:47
Maximilian1stThat is strange French you write... So bigger than...21:47
Olivier66mets ton gps max21:47
Maximilian1stpas compris le gag :-p21:48
Maximilian1stAh, oui21:48
Maximilian1stc'est bon. Il est tard ici.21:48
Olivier66Pourquoi les fenêtre des menus son si énorme sous openoffice21:48
Maximilian1stcomparé avec quoi?21:48
livingdaylightles grandes fenetres c'est du bon Feng shui21:49
Olivier66toute les autres applications de l'environnement xubuntu21:49
livingdaylightpour laisser entrer la lumiere21:49
Maximilian1stthat was a good one ^^21:49
Olivier66le problême est qu'elles dépasse de mon écran21:50
vinnlOpenOffice uses it's own methods of displaying everything, I suppose you can set the font size in its preferences21:50
livingdaylightvidd: te encore la?21:50
Maximilian1stJ'ai le même problème avec les paramètres de evolution, énorme fenêtre...21:50
livingdaylightvidd:  vidd: i read on one debian tutorial and what they told me in #debianppc also is that the oldworld macintoshes may require original MacOS cd's What is yourexperinece?21:51
Olivier66max tu me comprends, c'est d'autant plus ennuyeux que je parviens difficilement à convertir ma femme de travailler avec21:52
viddi avoid MACs like the plague21:52
* vidd has never touched a MAC in his life21:52
livingdaylightvidd: it's not mine. My friend next door has just inherited his son's old mac g3, who's given me the greeen light to go ahead and revive the old machine with a linux based distro as the old os9.1 is no longer supported and supportable in both sense of the word21:53
Maximilian1stJe comprends tout à fait. Il faut peut-être essayer de changer la taille de la police principale pour tout le système et sinon, chercher dans openoffice pour changer l'aaparence générale de la bête...21:53
livingdaylightvidd: beautiful hardware though, common :)21:54
viddfrom what I understand (through word of mouth only) is that you van download the software easily21:55
Olivier66dans les paramêtre OO rien de concluant je vais chercher un tuto pour réduire la police du system21:55
livingdaylightMaximilian1st:  "Il faut peut-?tre essayer de changer la taille de la police principale..." <--- OMG?21:55
viddand all this french is making my head hurt!21:55
Olivier66I hope it's not difficult21:55
vinnlAnd here I was thinking the French never speak English...21:56
viddat least i think its french21:56
livingdaylightvidd: well, that is what i'm hoping because they no longer have the mac os discs21:56
vidddoes the MAC hav a burner?21:56
livingdaylightvidd: dont' think so, why?21:57
viddcuzz i think the reason you need the "old disks" is to get the PPC to recognize and read i386-burned disks'21:57
viddthis again is only speculation21:58
livingdaylightahhh... that's an intersting theory21:58
viddand with that....i need to take my last break21:58
viddbe back in a few21:58
Maximilian1stok Olivier66 , you should go in Outils>Option...>Affichage and change the icon size to small.21:59
Maximilian1stYou could have found that yourself.22:00
Maximilian1stOlivier66, Does that solve your issue?22:00
Maximilian1stvidd, See how I bravely make an effort and only write English. You will feel better ;-p22:01
Maximilian1stwas a joke, no offense meant. :-)22:02
Olivier66Merci max mais il ne s'agit pas des icones mais des dimentions trop grande des fenetres des menus de la barre d'outil22:03
Maximilian1stAs-tu un exemple de menu trop grand que je puisse au moins voir cela ici?22:05
Olivier66simple, outil/options la fenêtre prend  toute la largeur de l'ecran22:07
* vinnl is going to try and boot into Intrepid now, later22:08
Maximilian1stOlivier66, quelle résolution d'écran sur cette machine?22:08
Maximilian1stOlivier66, j'ai du 1024 ici et le menu des options rempli presque toute la largeur en effet.22:10
Olivier66c'est par défaut dans les paramêtre d'affichage avec unique possibilité d'être en 800*600, j'ai un ibm thonkpad m4022:11
Maximilian1stMais il permet d'avoir du 1024 cet écran?22:11
Olivier66oui car avant avec xp c'était possible22:12
* cody-somerville blinks.22:14
cody-somervilleOh dieu, oh dieu. Le français envahit.22:14
Maximilian1stcody-somerville, stay cool folks... This user has a screen resolution problem.22:15
Olivier66c'est fini cody depuis Napoleon22:16
Maximilian1stcody-somerville, is gtk-display still used to change resolution?22:16
cody-somervilleIt can be.22:17
Maximilian1stWhat is the Xubuntu way?22:17
cody-somervilleTo use Applications > Settings > Display22:17
cody-somervillegtk-config is defunct except for x-failsafe22:17
cody-somervilleAlthough I often use it (though it generally involves a lot of cursing).22:17
Maximilian1styou have an applications settings display menju? that is gnome you are talking about? Or is it me that has only xfce menu style.22:18
viddMaximilian1st, its you22:18
Olivier66Max alors si chez toi avec du 1024 du as la même chose je ne vais pas chercher à compliquer22:18
Maximilian1stvidd, must be me :-)22:19
viddall 8 of my xubuntu machines have that menu system =]22:19
Maximilian1stThat is weird... Mine doesn't, only when I log in gnome do I have these menus.22:20
viddgnome? or gdm?22:20
cody-somervilleDefault is only Applications and Places menu22:20
Maximilian1stI mean it, gnome22:20
Maximilian1stWe all use gdm, don't we?22:21
viddwell....i set a machine to load slim as the manager...but its very weak in the ram department22:21
viddand dont count as one of my xubuntu machines22:22
Olivier66Merci de votre aide, good night everybody22:22
Maximilian1stNow, I remember I had to twinkle xorg.conf so my resolutions appear in display, the xfce display menu22:22
Maximilian1stOlivier66, good night.22:22
vidddid he say "thanks for the help"? (my french really is bad)22:23
Maximilian1stvidd, He's not gone yet...22:23
Maximilian1stby the way he still is stuck with his laptop showing only 800x60022:24
viddyeah...but hes not talking english much either22:24
Maximilian1stYou can't blame him for that.22:24
vidddoes he have "default" listed in his applications->settings->settings manager ... Display?22:25
viddnvmd then22:25
viddtime for me to go home22:26
viddnvmd = never mind22:26
viddnight all22:26
Maximilian1stGood way back home.22:26
Maximilian1stcody-somerville, Can I recreate this menu somehow?22:27
Maximilian1stenlighten me22:29
cody-somervilleYou just create an xml file that conforms to the f.d.o spec22:30
Maximilian1stI created a new panel on top, it has the places for now22:30
cody-somervilleoh, I misunderstand22:30
cody-somervilleRight click, add new item, xfce menu at the bottom of the list22:30
=== Rakeer13 is now known as Rakeer
Rakeerwhat is the default partition manager in x?23:07
favrothere is gparted on the live cd Rakeer - partitions have to be unmounted to change them and the live cd is easiest for that imo23:10
Rakeerfavro: is there a way just to view current partition sizes/labels?23:11
RakeerId like to pass along the info, but I forgot which sizes I did for newwrold and swap23:11
favroRakeer: sudo fdisk -l   should do the trick23:11
Rakeerty, will try23:11
Rakeerodd, I get no output from that command23:12
favrotry   df -h23:13
favrosudo fdisk -l should work tho...23:14
Rakeerhhm, gives me some info, but not very specific..23:15
Rakeerfavro: I believe you, however it just returns to a prompt when I run it, no output, nothing23:15
RYknowHey guys, could someone help me out with screenlets.23:17
RYknowI've got it installed. When I start it up, it keeps asking to create a autostart dir. When I click yes, it put the dor on my desktop23:18
RYknowI don't want the folder sitting there though.23:18
RYknowI tried to create a dir in my home folder, but it says there is already one there.23:18
favroRYknow: starting it from terminal?23:19
favroRYknow: afaik there is a hidden folder in your home folder called .config - in there is a Aotostart folder - move the desktop folder into there maybe23:22
RYknowI'll try that.23:23
RYknowI tried to copy/paste the folder from my desktop, just to my home folder, and it wouldn't let me do that.23:24
RYknowI copy/pasted to folder to the auto start in .config.23:25
RYknowAfter restarting screenlets, it's still asking me if I want it to create an autostart.23:26
RYknowI'm not starting screenlets from the terminal.23:26
RYknowIt's if I go Applications - Settings - Screenlets23:26
favroRYknow: can you open a terminal and enter in it   cd ~/.config/Autostart23:29
favroRYknow: then type in   screenlets   and hit enter23:30
RYknowWhen i cd to Autostart. If I just type screenlets, it says "command not found?23:32
RYknowI'm still pretty new to linux. So bare with me please. heh.23:32
RYknowHey man. I gotta run to the store. Hopefully you'll still be here when I get back. I'd like to get this resolved if I can tonight.23:34
favroRYknow: there should be a folder in .config called Screenlets - if there isn't you need to make one apparently23:47
favroRYknow: and the command is   screenlets-manager23:49

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