=== Ramblurr_ is now known as Ramblurr | ||
mefisto__ | favro: but it will be using apt from livecd, installing in chroot environment. that's what I would try first | 00:00 |
Schuenemann | hey, I want to format an unformatted partition with qtparted but it says I have to unmount it first. How do I do that? | 00:01 |
MrKennie_ | if it's unformatted how can it be mounted? | 00:01 |
Schuenemann | I don't know | 00:01 |
Schuenemann | it had solaris before I deleted it | 00:01 |
mefisto__ | Schuenemann: can't you unmount in qtparted? right-click the partition | 00:02 |
Schuenemann | mefisto__, only property is shown | 00:02 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: whats sudo fdisk -l ? | 00:02 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, wait | 00:03 |
mn | !KPPP | 00:03 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kppp | 00:03 |
mn | !kopete | 00:03 |
ubottu | Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !Pidgin | 00:03 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, http://paste.ubuntu.com/44361/ | 00:04 |
favro | mn: dialup issues? | 00:04 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: and you want to format /dev/hda6 ? | 00:04 |
Schuenemann | the error says: filesystem not correctly unmounted. You have to run e2fsck. Modifying a filesystem in this state can damage it. | 00:04 |
allen | hello | 00:05 |
neversfelde | hello allen | 00:05 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, no, it's just swap. I think it is /dev/hda2 now | 00:05 |
allen | i just installed ubuntu but am having problems installing the gust additions, can anyone help? | 00:05 |
mn | favro: nah, someone was askin about it over at #ubuntu an hour or two ago and I was just lookin to find out some more on it | 00:05 |
Schuenemann | I didn't have any win95 partition | 00:05 |
mn | im on satelite | 00:05 |
allen | i am brand new to linux | 00:05 |
favro | mn: there is !dialup - check it with /msg ubottu !dialup | 00:06 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, it is 15 GB. It doesn't seem to be listed there | 00:06 |
MrKennie_ | allen: do you mean guest additions? are you using virtualbox or something? | 00:06 |
mn | aiight, thx | 00:06 |
allen | yes, sorry, using sun virtual box | 00:06 |
allen | and yes, guest additions | 00:06 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: mhh, it was a swap partition? Have you tried it with live cd? | 00:07 |
MrKennie_ | allen: I think ubuntu has all you need already | 00:07 |
allen | how do I get it to see a bigger screen size? | 00:07 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, no, it had opensolaris. | 00:07 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, take a look at this: http://img295.imageshack.us/my.php?image=qtpartedgz4.jpg | 00:08 |
neversfelde | sure about hda2? hda6 has a solaris | 00:08 |
MrKennie_ | allen: under system settings | 00:08 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, please, take a look at that picture. It calls hda2 the union of hda5 and 6 | 00:09 |
allen | i figured it out | 00:10 |
MrKennie_ | allen: you could install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils via adept too | 00:10 |
MrKennie_ | allen: not sure what you get because I've never run ubuntu using virtualbox | 00:10 |
allen | mrkennie: thanks, i' got it to install. it was a basic linux issue using SH. I am brand new to the linux world | 00:11 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: sorry, I do not use qtparted ,so I cannot trust it. Probably it is a mistake. | 00:11 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, what should I do? | 00:12 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: boot a live cd and take a lokk at your partitions | 00:13 |
Schuenemann | using what? | 00:13 |
neversfelde | Schuenemann: fdisk | 00:13 |
Schuenemann | neversfelde, but will fdisk show an unformatted partition? | 00:14 |
=== c is now known as enhazed | ||
MrKennie_ | cfdisk is a little more user friendly | 00:14 |
neversfelde | or parted | 00:15 |
Schuenemann | it looks like DOS fdisk | 00:15 |
neversfelde | there are several tools | 00:15 |
Schuenemann | let me upload for you what cfdisk is showing | 00:15 |
Schuenemann | here: http://img261.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cfdiskmc6.jpg | 00:16 |
MrKennie_ | fdisk, cfdisk etc will show any partition formatted or not | 00:16 |
Schuenemann | fdisk -l isn't showing it | 00:17 |
Schuenemann | there is a "free space" below hda6 there | 00:17 |
Schuenemann | that's the I wanted to format | 00:17 |
neversfelde | sorry, 1:18 am here in Germany. Have to go. gn8 everybody | 00:18 |
MrKennie_ | night | 00:18 |
Schuenemann | alright, bye | 00:18 |
MrKennie_ | Schuenemann: you need to create a partition where the free space is | 00:18 |
Schuenemann | MrKennie_, ok, I couldn't with qtparted, but cfdisk seems to be able | 00:19 |
Schuenemann | MrKennie_, can you tell me what is the difference between a logical or primary partition? | 00:19 |
MrKennie_ | I don't really know the specifics | 00:20 |
MrKennie_ | I'm sure someone here does | 00:20 |
Schuenemann | oh well, I'll make it logical as my ubuntu one is too | 00:22 |
grendal_prime | whats the handy dandy pkg that makes shred an item in the right click menu? | 00:24 |
MrKennie_ | kgpg iirc | 00:25 |
buckethead | Good christ - 31 sec lag! Anybody know how to decode a base64-gzip? I try to gunzip it and it says its not a valid gzip. | 00:27 |
grendal_prime | hmmm nope that gives me the right click encrypt option..but ummm no shred | 00:28 |
grendal_prime | its werid i have a machine here...its a debian testing install..it has it...but it has always had it. | 00:29 |
grendal_prime | I can always just use shred in a terminal..it would just be nice to have it right there in the browser | 00:29 |
mefisto__ | grendal_prime: what you want is a servicemenu for konqueror or dolphin | 00:31 |
grendal_prime | konqueror would be nice | 00:32 |
grendal_prime | i dont like dolphin much | 00:32 |
mn | What does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating? | 00:32 |
grendal_prime | got rid of it actually | 00:32 |
grendal_prime | what is the big deal with dolphin anyway.. just seemed not complete to me | 00:33 |
mefisto__ | grendal_prime: google "shred servicemenu" | 00:33 |
grendal_prime | will do | 00:33 |
MrKennie_ | ah it needs an addon. | 00:36 |
anom01y | anyone know how to get IVTV drivers to work ? | 00:44 |
grendal_prime | thanks mefisto__ i found something with that | 00:48 |
mefisto__ | grendal_prime: was it a shred.desktop file? | 00:49 |
grendal_prime | now i can get rid of all this damn porn | 00:49 |
grendal_prime | heheheh | 00:49 |
grendal_prime | ya that seems to work | 00:49 |
grendal_prime | just kidding on the porn by the way. | 00:49 |
mefisto__ | those servicemenus can be handy. you can always make your own too. they're just text files | 00:50 |
anom01y | !Ivtv | 00:52 |
ubottu | IVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy | 00:52 |
afeijo | I have 2 sessions not responding, how to close both? I'm in my third session, lol | 00:55 |
dbglt | afeijo: ctrl-alt-bkspc in the sessions doesn't work? | 00:56 |
afeijo | didnt try, wait | 00:56 |
anom01y | to anyone who knows anything here or cares to know things: the instructions on that IVTV link are useless and screw things up | 00:56 |
mn | What does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating? | 00:56 |
afeijo | dbglt: now both session shows as not used, but they remain in the sessions list | 00:57 |
anom01y | apparently all you have to do is apt-get install ivtv-utils, not all the rest of the instrucitons there | 00:57 |
dbglt | afeijo: hrmmm, they aren't running this way, but I'm not sure how to remove them from the list | 00:59 |
dbglt | afeijo: I would have thought it would be done automatically | 00:59 |
anom01y | anyone know how to configure ivtv ? | 00:59 |
afeijo | dbglt: ow, one is gone, one to go :) it take some time here | 01:00 |
dbglt | afeijo: :) | 01:00 |
afeijo | dbglt: the important is it closed firefox, now I can open in other session | 01:00 |
afeijo | thanks! | 01:00 |
mn | What does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/44371/ | 01:01 |
dbglt | mn: it's fine. Jusrt means it found the server | 01:02 |
mn | did it update though? | 01:02 |
dbglt | nm: aye. The last two lines tell you that | 01:03 |
anom01y | I need help with IVTV anyone here know anything about this ? | 01:03 |
mn | sorry, linux noob | 01:04 |
anom01y | !ivtv | 01:04 |
ubottu | IVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy | 01:04 |
mn | so fetched and reading mean it got the packages? | 01:05 |
dbglt | mn: yep | 01:07 |
anom01y | how do I undo this command: wget http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/ubuntu/80DF6D58.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 01:07 |
dbglt | and is updating the database | 01:07 |
dbglt | anom01y: sudo apt-key list, and find the key | 01:07 |
dbglt | anom01y: sudo apt-key delete <key> | 01:07 |
anom01y | the help provided by !ivtv screws up your computer | 01:07 |
dbglt | anom01y: mmm? Installing a gpg key shouldn't do much | 01:08 |
anom01y | no, well running the other commands provided by that help would have thank god they didnt work | 01:08 |
dbglt | anom01y: why would it have screwed it, exactly? | 01:09 |
anom01y | thanks btw | 01:09 |
anom01y | ok well !ivtv goves you wrong instrutctions, I went in #ubuntu and they told me not to do what I was doing, | 01:09 |
anom01y | !ivtv | 01:09 |
ubottu | IVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy | 01:09 |
anom01y | then again, I dont even know what version Edgy is, I have 8.04 so | 01:10 |
anom01y | it is my bad I am a complete newb | 01:10 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, none of that rap ghetto talk here please , use plain english so we can understand you | 01:11 |
BluesKaj | lots of people don't know what "my bad " means and it's poor grammar and english usage | 01:12 |
anom01y | uhh ok, how can I get IVTV working ? | 01:13 |
mn | BluesKaj, alot of ppl use "my bad" these days | 01:13 |
anom01y | I installed ivtv-utils, and then I tried mplayer /dev/video0, but I get nothing but errors | 01:14 |
anom01y | do I need mythtv for my hauppauge pvr 150 to work ? | 01:15 |
BluesKaj | well mn , it doesn't mean that it should be encouraged | 01:15 |
mn | I agree | 01:16 |
anom01y | !mythtv | 01:16 |
ubottu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 01:16 |
anom01y | well time to screw up my computer even more | 01:16 |
BluesKaj | we have memebers world wide who are studying proper english usage and expressions that are grammaticallly incorrect can be confusing for them . I'm guilty of it too , cuz i forget sometimes :) | 01:17 |
anom01y | glad there are people here who care more about grammar than computer problems | 01:18 |
mn | :) Good point Blues | 01:19 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, no there are apps like TVTime which should work with hauppage cards | 01:19 |
mn | Could be considered idiomatic? | 01:19 |
BluesKaj | mn, I think it's just trying too hard to be cool. | 01:22 |
mn | lol you may be right :) | 01:22 |
BluesKaj | mn, I'm an old blues musician so I recognize the symptoms :) | 01:25 |
mn | Lol | 01:25 |
Toph | i have been having a problem with my network for some time now,,, i have 2 vista machines and 1 Kubuntu, has set up Samba. i can access the Kubuntu machine from both Vistas, and can see the Vista machines on the Kubuntu, but can't open them,, any ideas? | 01:27 |
BluesKaj | Toph, I have to ask the obvious question : do you have filesharing enabled on all machines | 01:28 |
BluesKaj | ? | 01:28 |
anom01y | jeesh get more help in #linux then here | 01:28 |
Toph | BluesKaj: i do | 01:28 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, if you think #linux can help you more then ask your question there .. I answered your question but you didn't reply | 01:31 |
BluesKaj | Toph, Vista has some odd security issues that we here may not be able to help with, so maybe ##winows can help you with that question. | 01:33 |
BluesKaj | err ##windows | 01:33 |
Toph | BluesKaj: ok,, thanks | 01:33 |
anom01y | well I was told in #linux that I am missing drivers (after executing a dmesg command), so, my question is how do I install the ivtv drivers, I have a fairly recent kernel and am using kubuntu 8.04 | 01:35 |
dr_willis | Toph, try mounting the shares manually from the command line also. Ive seen the kde and gnome file managers 'share browsing' feature - having some issues at times. | 01:35 |
anom01y | the instrucitons provided by !ivtv | 01:36 |
anom01y | !ivtv | 01:36 |
ubottu | IVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy | 01:36 |
anom01y | are for older versions of ubuntu | 01:36 |
dr_willis | a bit out of date. :) | 01:36 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, that depends on the file extension of the drivers , if they are deb files then it's relatively easy as are gz or bz2 | 01:36 |
dr_willis | !find ivtv | 01:37 |
ubottu | Found: linux-image-2.6.24-16-386, linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic, linux-image-2.6.24-16-server, libvideo-ivtv-perl, ivtv-source (and 8 others) | 01:37 |
Toph | dr_willis: could you please give me the command for mounting a share... the Vista machine is 'VistaBox', the share is 'MyDocuments' | 01:37 |
anom01y | I am using kernel 2.6.24-19 | 01:37 |
dr_willis | Toph, i dont rember them exactly. its the smbmount command I belive. | 01:37 |
Toph | dr_willis: ok,, i'll check | 01:37 |
dr_willis | Toph, at least you dont have silly spaces in the shares names. :) | 01:37 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, have you looked at TVTime ? | 01:37 |
anom01y | I installed ivtv-utils, but nothing works (vlc) | 01:37 |
anom01y | do I need tvtime or mythtv or any of those ? | 01:38 |
dr_willis | anom01y, mythtv is overkill for just watching tv. | 01:38 |
BluesKaj | try tvtime , it won't break anything | 01:38 |
dr_willis | !info tvtime | 01:38 |
ubottu | tvtime (source: tvtime): A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0.3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 676 kB, installed size 1928 kB | 01:38 |
anom01y | I just want to record from the video inputs I plugged in | 01:38 |
anom01y | I don't really need to change channels or any of that stuff | 01:39 |
anom01y | vlc's pvr settings don't work on /dev/video0, and the command mplayer /dev/video0 gives me errors | 01:41 |
BluesKaj | I used tvtime with a sat receiver and remote ..worked fine | 01:41 |
BluesKaj | with a crappy ATI TV Tuner card | 01:43 |
anom01y | ok well I installed tvtime see if that works I guess | 01:43 |
anom01y | tvtime says no such file or directory /dev/video0 (so Im not on crack) | 01:45 |
anom01y | the guys in #linux specifically said I am missing drivers | 01:45 |
anom01y | how do I install the ivtv drivers if the instrutcitons provided from !ivtv do not work ? | 01:46 |
dr_willis | anom01y, OR the module is not loaded... | 01:46 |
dr_willis | try a 'locate ivtv' perhaps. | 01:47 |
dr_willis | or 'sudo modprobe ivtv' | 01:47 |
anom01y | ok those are done | 01:47 |
anom01y | no errors | 01:47 |
dr_willis | now check for /dev/video* | 01:47 |
dr_willis | ls -l /dev/video* | 01:47 |
BluesKaj | anom01y, there are some changes that might need to made to your Xorg.conf file , but I'm not sure what thay are with your card. | 01:47 |
dr_willis | also check dmesg output now. | 01:47 |
anom01y | ok /dev/video0 exists, but tvtime doesnt pick anything up there | 01:48 |
anom01y | alright thanks dr_willis that was exactly what I was looking for | 01:49 |
anom01y | I got a picture, but its only a fuzzy picture, so I think I need to configure it with tvtime | 01:49 |
anom01y | tvtime still gives me an error though | 01:50 |
anom01y | what is video4linux ? | 01:51 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i download icon set [for home, mozilla] icons are in .png how to hcange icons for applications? | 01:51 |
anom01y | !video4linux | 01:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about video4linux | 01:52 |
anom01y | !v4l | 01:52 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about v4l | 01:52 |
BluesKaj | !info v4l | 01:55 |
ubottu | Package v4l does not exist in hardy | 01:55 |
BluesKaj | bbl | 01:55 |
anom01y | dr_willis: ok now I see a bunch of fuzz when I use mplayer or vlc to access /dev/video0 | 02:03 |
anom01y | tvtime still says error accessing /dev/video0 | 02:03 |
edulix_ | {j #bash | 02:04 |
edulix_ | ups | 02:04 |
andrei | hi | 02:05 |
anom01y | I remember I used to have to use mythtv and configure the channels everytime to use the tv/tuner card | 02:05 |
anom01y | but tvtime doesnt look like it configures the channels | 02:05 |
dr_willis | sounds like its tuning in static. :) | 02:06 |
anom01y | yeah well I do remember specifically having this issue before, and all I would do is use mythtv, rescan all the channels, then it would work | 02:06 |
anom01y | mplayer /dev/video0 would work after that, | 02:07 |
anom01y | so, without mythtv how can I get around this issue ? anyone ? | 02:07 |
favro | try googling for channels.conf | 02:08 |
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Vermux | ok | 02:10 |
Vermux | I boot my comp. with kubuntu live cd 8.04, I have to change the boot.ini in win, how do I do that? | 02:11 |
anom01y | ahh ok I see the prob, I am not using the cable input on the back, I am using the video/audio jacks | 02:11 |
anom01y | so there is no channel, so, I need to configure it for the video inputs | 02:12 |
=== root is now known as Guest76914 | ||
Vermux_ | hi | 02:23 |
Vermux_ | who can help me | 02:25 |
Vermux_ | how do I mount the windows partition? I boot from kubuntu live cd | 02:27 |
Scisco | hello folks | 02:28 |
master_ | How can I install flash? | 02:28 |
master_ | I tried even downloading and installing flash myself, but it said it doesn't support architecture x86_64 | 02:28 |
master_ | so I removed that obstruction from the installer script and it says it cannot find the path /usr/lib/mozilla/ which does exist.. | 02:29 |
Scisco | I take it you are running a 64 bit os? | 02:29 |
master_ | Scisco: 3 core phenom | 02:29 |
Scisco | your processor can support it but what os you running? | 02:30 |
azaghal | #xorg | 02:31 |
master_ | Scisco: kubuntu w/ kde 4 | 02:32 |
Scisco | okay there are still two types. x86 and 64bit | 02:33 |
Vermux_ | anybody? | 02:34 |
KiDFlaSh | hello, do someone knew a videoplayer that can integrate subtitel-files? | 02:34 |
wasabiii | hello KiDFlaSh | 02:36 |
hpladds | My newly installed wireless driver is bugging me. I can successfully ping www.yahoo.com, but I can not reach yahoo with konqueror | 02:36 |
hpladds | I can reach IRC channels though. | 02:36 |
Vermux_ | who can help with mounting? | 02:37 |
dh8 | hello guys, you probably heard this a lot of times, but with 8.04 kde4 am having a problem, knetworkmanager is not finding the devices, i changed / /etc/network/interfaces and added me to netdev but luck any suggestions? thnks | 02:40 |
hpladds | Vermux_: yes | 02:41 |
hpladds | dh8: what hardware | 02:43 |
dh8 | hpladds: its a dell inspiron 6400, intel pro wireless 3945abg amd a bradcom ethernet card | 02:46 |
dh8 | i see the cards in ifconfig | 02:46 |
hpladds | dh8: are you dual booting? | 02:49 |
dh8 | yes, with sidux | 02:49 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, how do I find the label of the partition I want to mount? | 02:49 |
hpladds | as root fdisk -l | 02:50 |
hpladds | dh8: what's sidux? | 02:50 |
dh8 | sidux its a debian sid based distribution | 02:50 |
hpladds | dh8: no winders windohs | 02:51 |
hpladds | ? | 02:51 |
dh8 | no, no windows | 02:51 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, it's dev/sda1 | 02:52 |
hpladds | dh8: does the hardware work in sidux? | 02:52 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: waht do I do now? | 02:52 |
dh8 | hpladds: yes, and in ubuntu and in dreamlinux | 02:53 |
hpladds | Vermux_: /dev/sda1 isn't already mounted ? | 02:54 |
Vermux_ | I dont know | 02:54 |
dh8 | hpladds: just courious, whats the problem with windows and knetworkmnager? | 02:54 |
hpladds | Vermux_: what does "mount" say | 02:54 |
Vermux_ | some stuff, it doesnt mention dev | 02:55 |
hpladds | dh8: I'm not certain that I understand the question. I was just trying to determine that the hardware worked | 02:56 |
Vermux_ | ok, how do I mount the windows | 02:57 |
hpladds | Vermux_: It is unusual that the first partition would not be mounted already if the machine is working | 02:57 |
hpladds | not impossible by any means | 02:58 |
hpladds | Vermux_: mount | grep sda1 | 02:58 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ? Im using my laptop to communicate with u. the issue is the desktop | 02:58 |
dh8 | hpladds: oh, ok thnx, the thing is that i can use my network devices with kubuntu if set them up in the console but knetworkmanager dont regonize them | 02:58 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing | 02:59 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I booted with live kubuntu cd | 02:59 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I have to edit somehow the boot.ini win file, because I currently cant boot the machine into windows | 03:00 |
hpladds | Vermux_: mount /dev/sda1 /name_of_mount | 03:00 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Ah live cd | 03:01 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes | 03:01 |
hpladds | that explains it | 03:01 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans | 03:01 |
hpladds | dh8: Sounds like the modules are not being called | 03:02 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: the comp. was thinking for a while, now Im getting a new line in konsole, nothing is written | 03:02 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Does mount say anything different | 03:03 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans when I trype it | 03:04 |
Vermux_ | it is blank line | 03:04 |
Vermux_ | how do I cancell that? | 03:04 |
dh8 | hpladds: thnks ^^ | 03:05 |
hpladds | ctrl +c | 03:05 |
hpladds | dh8: You thought of that already didn't you? | 03:06 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ctrl + c | 03:06 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: do nothing | 03:06 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Can you exit the console and open a new one? | 03:07 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes, I did that. mount doesnt give new info | 03:08 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I booted with this live cd | 03:08 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I have to edit the windows boot.ini file | 03:08 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Are you running Windows? | 03:09 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: not at the moment because I cannot boot to windows | 03:09 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: the machine is running windows usually, but it has a trojan now and I cannot boot now to windows, I have to edit the boot.ini file | 03:10 |
dh8 | hpladds: yep | 03:10 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ah I think I know what you're up. What Windows? | 03:11 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: xp | 03:12 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Version XP, Vista? | 03:12 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: xp sp2 | 03:12 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I need somehow to change back the boot.ini | 03:12 |
hpladds | Vermux_: mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /some/tmp/directory | 03:13 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: why fat? | 03:14 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it is ntfs | 03:14 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it says that mount point does not exists | 03:16 |
hpladds | Vermux_: That was going to be my next try, if you want to try it first | 03:16 |
hpladds | Vermux_: What did you type? | 03:18 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/windows | 03:19 |
hpladds | Vermux_: and you've created /media/windows already (well the windows part?) | 03:20 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes | 03:21 |
hpladds | Vermux_: You were right, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows | 03:22 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happaned | 03:22 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I recieve a blank line | 03:22 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: by the way I booted the cd and chose start using kubuntu | 03:23 |
hpladds | Vermux_: You won't get a message saying that the partiton has been mounted | 03:24 |
aotianlong | hi | 03:24 |
hpladds | But it should show up in when "mount" | 03:25 |
aotianlong | are there any other irc client for linux without konversation | 03:25 |
aotianlong | i don't like qt based application. | 03:25 |
anom01y | do I have to run that modprobe command every time I boot up ? | 03:25 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it didnt mount it | 03:25 |
hpladds | Vermux_: grrr | 03:25 |
geek_ | aotianlong: lots. xchat maybe? | 03:25 |
geek_ | wait... | 03:26 |
geek_ | aotianlong: why are you using KDE then? ;p | 03:26 |
aotianlong | thank you , let me try | 03:26 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: what do I do | 03:26 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I just mounted a ntfs partiton that way | 03:26 |
aotianlong | i'm using gnome | 03:26 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: running live cd? | 03:26 |
anom01y | hi I recently had to run a command "modprobe ivtv", do I have to do this every time I boot ? | 03:26 |
hpladds | Vermux_: You're close here | 03:26 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ? | 03:27 |
anom01y | how do I set up automodprobe ? | 03:27 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Nope no live cd | 03:27 |
Vermux_ | help | 03:27 |
hpladds | Vermux_: but if you created the /media/windows in the ramdisk it should still work | 03:28 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it doesnt | 03:28 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ls -Al /media | grep windows | 03:29 |
geek_ | aotianlong: ahh. #ubuntu might be a little more relavant then | 03:29 |
anom01y | is there a better place to put stuff besides the kde startup script ? | 03:29 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans | 03:30 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ls -Al /media | 03:30 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans | 03:31 |
aotianlong | geek_: when i opened konversation,#kubuntu was automaticaily opened. | 03:32 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ls / | 03:32 |
hpladds | Vermux_: you really should see "media" as one of the directories | 03:33 |
geek_ | aotianlong: yeah, thats cause its set that way. just pointing out if you use gnome, (and gtk+ apps) #ubuntu is more relavant ;p | 03:33 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, | 03:33 |
Vermux_ | hp | 03:33 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes, I see it | 03:33 |
hpladds | Vermux_: cd /media | 03:34 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes it's there, the windows | 03:35 |
hpladds | Vermux_: then ls ./ | 03:35 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, nothing is displayed | 03:35 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I'm stumped | 03:37 |
hpladds | Vermux_: you have seen the sda1 in the return from the "fdisk -l" right? | 03:38 |
hpladds | Oh is windows a directory or a file? | 03:39 |
hpladds | did you "mkdir /media/windows" as root | 03:40 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I dont see now anything with fdisk -l | 03:40 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: Im not sure | 03:40 |
hpladds | Vermux_: first things first: We don't see the sda1 partition, it's going to be very tough to mount. (smile) | 03:41 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: now we dont see, before that we saw it | 03:42 |
hpladds | Vermux_: sudo fdisk -l | 03:43 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, now it's there | 03:43 |
hpladds | Vermux_: great | 03:43 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: /dev/sda1 | 03:43 |
hpladds | ls -Al /media | 03:44 |
hpladds | Vermux_: ls -Al /media | 03:44 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans | 03:44 |
Vermux_ | just new blank line with no prompt | 03:44 |
hpladds | Vermux_: That is weird "ls" is a basic command, it shouldn't cause trouble | 03:45 |
hpladds | Vermux_: "ctrl + c" doesn't get you out of it? | 03:46 |
Vermux_ | no | 03:46 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: now I closed the session and opened a new one. there is no windows directory | 03:47 |
hpladds | Vermux_: we've seen it before though. | 03:48 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes, I created it again, tried to mount again but same thing, new blank line | 03:48 |
hpladds | Vermux_: created sudo "mkdir /media/windows" | 03:49 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes | 03:49 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I wonder what the permissions of the directory are? | 03:51 |
hpladds | Vermux_: the windows directory | 03:51 |
hpladds | Vermux_: This just a tmp file right? | 03:52 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Might as well open the directory wide open | 03:52 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: how do I check the permissions? | 03:52 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: this is using the live cd so I dont know where it opens the file | 03:52 |
hpladds | sudo chmod 777 /media/windows | 03:52 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok | 03:53 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: no mount again? | 03:53 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: now | 03:53 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I didn't expect to to yet | 03:54 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ? | 03:54 |
hpladds | Vermux_: now that the permissions are wide open, lets try to mount it | 03:54 |
hpladds | mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/windows | 03:55 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: nothing happans | 03:55 |
hpladds | Vermux_: did you check "mount" | 03:56 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I meant, I got a new blank line with nothing in it | 03:56 |
aotianlong | Vermux_: nothing happans is success | 03:56 |
aotianlong | ls /media/windows | 03:57 |
Vermux_ | I meant, that there is a new line but with no prompt | 03:57 |
aotianlong | is there any files exists | 03:57 |
Vermux_ | aotianlong: no | 03:57 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Give me about five min, I'm going to try mounting using a live cd, on another machine | 03:58 |
Vermux_ | ok | 03:58 |
=== Alex135_ is now known as Alex135 | ||
Vermux_ | aotianlong: maybe I should have booted the cd with a different option than TRY KUBUNT"U | 03:59 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Booting a nt machine with Ubuntu 8.04 disk | 04:01 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ? | 04:02 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Sorry I was giving updates of what was happening on my end | 04:02 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, maybe I should burn the ubuntu cd in the meantime? | 04:02 |
hpladds | Vermux_: It worked | 04:04 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I dont know wahts wrong | 04:05 |
hpladds | Vermux_: i can see the boot.ini | 04:05 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: what did u choose when booting the cd? | 04:05 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: Im rebooting | 04:05 |
hpladds | The first option. Something like "try Ubuntu with making changes to your computer." | 04:06 |
=== ubuntu is now known as hoofin | ||
hpladds | ooo * without making changes | 04:06 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I have Kubuntu, not ubuntu, is it make any difference? | 04:06 |
hpladds | No | 04:06 |
Vermux_ | I need "with making changes" right? | 04:07 |
hpladds | no | 04:07 |
hpladds | "without making changes" | 04:07 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: rebooting | 04:07 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I choose trry kubuntu | 04:08 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: or F4? | 04:09 |
hpladds | Vermux_: try | 04:09 |
Vermux_ | does anybody know what do do to run live cd so I can mount the windows partition? | 04:10 |
hoofin | hi new to kubuntu anyone know how to get firefox from xp under kubuntu | 04:10 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: where does it save the directories I create? | 04:11 |
Vermux_ | in RAM? | 04:11 |
hpladds | Vermux_: in memory (ram) | 04:11 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, in a minute kubuntu is up and I'll try again | 04:11 |
hpladds | Vermux_: here are the step I took | 04:12 |
hpladds | from the cmd line | 04:12 |
hpladds | sudo mkdir /media/windows | 04:13 |
hpladds | fdisk -l (note the "l" is a lower case L | 04:13 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: how do u get to the command line? | 04:13 |
hpladds | Termial window | 04:14 |
hoofin | I have firefox on xp pro now I have kubuntu how do I get fire fox to run in kubuntu, xp dual boot | 04:14 |
hpladds | You were using it before | 04:14 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: how do u get to the terminal window? | 04:14 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I was using konsole | 04:14 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I want to use the terminal | 04:14 |
hpladds | Vermux_: that will work | 04:15 |
hpladds | Application > Accessories >Terminal | 04:16 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ok, fdisk -l shows me /dev/sda1 | 04:16 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: and /dev/sda2 | 04:16 |
Vermux_ | ok, how do I mount now the windows partition? | 04:16 |
Vermux_ | it is sda1 | 04:17 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Does one have an asterisk indicating that it is boot (most likely sda1) | 04:17 |
Vermux_ | yes | 04:17 |
Vermux_ | sda1 | 04:17 |
charles | hello guys | 04:17 |
Vermux_ | I have also sdb1 but it is a memory stick | 04:17 |
charles | imma HUGE no0b...:( | 04:17 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ^ | 04:17 |
charles | anyone willing to help? | 04:17 |
hpladds | Vermux_: Did you "sudo mkdir /media/windows" yet? | 04:18 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yes | 04:18 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: what next? | 04:18 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: mount? | 04:18 |
hpladds | yup | 04:18 |
charles | anyone...at all? | 04:18 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: r u sure it is mount -t ntfs....? | 04:18 |
hoofin | I think there is only two people here | 04:19 |
hoofin | besides us | 04:19 |
hpladds | it worked for me | 04:19 |
charles | im here | 04:19 |
hoofin | me too | 04:19 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: r u sure it is mount -t ntfs....??? | 04:19 |
hoofin | newbe | 04:19 |
charles | i just need help understanding Kubuntu,,,commands,scripts etc etc | 04:19 |
hpladds | Vermux_: It worked for me | 04:19 |
gkffjcs | is there any documentation on the contents of the .local dir? More specifically is there any documentation on how to externally edit the contents of the kmenu? | 04:20 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: failed to mount | 04:20 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: mount is denied because ntfs is marked to be in use | 04:21 |
charles | is there any documentation for noobs on Kubuntu??!? | 04:21 |
charles | maybe...www.tldp.org? | 04:21 |
hoofin | there is a whole lot of stuff for editing you should goggle what you are looking for the truth is out there | 04:21 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: ooo, I need to disconnect the memory stick I think | 04:22 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: how do I force that? | 04:22 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it is sdb1 | 04:22 |
charles | ANYONe please...help me...im just wanting to learn | 04:22 |
hpladds | Vermux_: fdisk -l to learn what devise is the memory stick | 04:22 |
hoofin | im in your shoes here | 04:22 |
charles | send me in the right direction to teach myself Linux and etc any docs or forums would help | 04:22 |
charles | i believe theyre ignoring us hoofin lol | 04:23 |
hpladds | Vermux_: umount /the/device/name | 04:23 |
hoofin | just goggle linux forums | 04:23 |
hoofin | I know | 04:23 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: the memory stick is fat16, the page file is ntfs | 04:23 |
charles | my bro-in-law told me to check out www.tldp.org | 04:24 |
gkffjcs | charles: what would you like to do? In general if you have a specific question ask it, else, there are a tone of resources online, try google, ubuntu forums, and linux forums | 04:24 |
hpladds | Vermux_: it is not "unmount" just "umount" | 04:24 |
charles | im there now but it seems as complicated as what im trying to learn | 04:24 |
gkffjcs | charles: what are you trying to learn? | 04:24 |
charles | gkffjcs...im just wanting to learn the basics | 04:24 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: what about sda2? | 04:24 |
charles | im currently running Kubuntu with a GUI...but i want to learn scripts and etc etc and how Linux works and such | 04:25 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it says it recognized unclean shutdoesn | 04:25 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I wouldn't touch sda2 | 04:25 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: I umount the sdb, it said that it is unmounted | 04:26 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: still same message | 04:26 |
gkffjcs | charles: if you want to learn about scripting, then perhapse look into bash, bash is the default shell (command line) in kubuntu, you can ask about it at #bash | 04:26 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: because windows wasnt shut down in a clean way | 04:26 |
hpladds | Vermux_: lets try some this: It worked as wellon my machine. "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows" | 04:27 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: $logfile indicates unclean shutdown (0,1) | 04:27 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: same message | 04:27 |
gkffjcs | Vermux_: try mount -t ntfs /dev/whatever /media/windows/ -o force | 04:28 |
hpladds | I doubt the boot.ini is on the sda2 | 04:28 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: it says again the log file message and that forced mount, reset $logfile | 04:29 |
Vermux_ | yay | 04:29 |
Vermux_ | it worked | 04:29 |
Vermux_ | !! | 04:29 |
hpladds | Vermux_: I like gkffjcs suggestion | 04:29 |
powertool08 | Can anyone here add m4a tracks to k3b without error? | 04:30 |
gkffjcs | thanks hpladds | 04:31 |
Vermux_ | hpladds: yay | 04:31 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: thanks | 04:31 |
Vermux_ | now how do I change back the boot.ini to its original state | 04:31 |
Vermux_ | currently its forcing the machine to boot into safe modwe | 04:31 |
Vermux_ | mode | 04:31 |
charles | im just wanting to learn Kubuntu,,,anyone know of any tutorials i could download and read? | 04:32 |
gkffjcs | you should get a menu an the option the select with mode to start windows in. Select normal boot or whatever it is, and then shut down properly | 04:32 |
gkffjcs | that process itself should reset the boot in windows | 04:32 |
gkffjcs | charles: there a lot, try google, if you keep asking the same question you will keep getting the same answer. | 04:33 |
gkffjcs | If you have a specific question feel free to ask | 04:34 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: what menu, I cant boot win. I mounted windows partition with kubuntu live cd so I can change manually the boot.ini file | 04:34 |
gkffjcs | otherwise I don't know how to help you, nore will anyone else. | 04:34 |
gkffjcs | oh, sorry, what happens when you try to boot windows? | 04:34 |
gkffjcs | dose it boot at all? | 04:35 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: What does the -f option do? I just read the man -- still didn't understand. | 04:35 |
gkffjcs | in what? ntfs-3g | 04:35 |
gkffjcs | it force resets the log file, in case of a dirty dismount of an ntfs volume | 04:36 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: to make long story short, it is a trojan. couldnt boot to safe mode for some reason, so I tried to force safe mode with superantispyware boot safe, after that I cant boot at all, it gives the options of safe modes, normal, last know conf. etc. but it wont boot it to the operating system | 04:36 |
gkffjcs | hmm, do you have a windows cd? | 04:37 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: so I wanted to change back the boot.ini file that I assume SAfeBoot changed | 04:37 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: yes, cant use the recovery console because it doesnt accept m password (probably the Trojan action) | 04:37 |
gkffjcs | try opening /media/windows/boot.ini in a text editor and see what it looks like, | 04:38 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: so first, I want to change the boot.ini back so I can boot | 04:38 |
gkffjcs | Vermux_: I don't know how to do that | 04:38 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: it says gkffjcs in support msn page the default of the operating system says multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect | 04:39 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: I currently have /fast detect /noexecute=optin /safeboot:network | 04:40 |
gkffjcs | ok, here, one second | 04:40 |
gkffjcs | http://pastebin.com/m4c61f4ce | 04:41 |
gkffjcs | this is my boot.ini, compare it to yours, and see if there are obvious changes | 04:41 |
gkffjcs | other than that this is a linux channel, and I am limited in my win knoledge, there is an unofficial #windows, maybe they can help you better. | 04:42 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: ok, thanks. the order is not important right? /fastdetect first or after /no execute... | 04:43 |
gkffjcs | I don't know. | 04:43 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: so if I quit the kubuntu live cd it will save the changes I made with the editor, right? | 04:45 |
gkffjcs | you need to save with the editor, if you open the file in a text editor then you ned to save in that text editor, it has nothing to do with the live cd it self, it's just like in anyother program, you change the file you need to click save. | 04:46 |
Vermux_ | gkffjcs: thanks, I Saved it | 04:46 |
gkffjcs | honestly I don't think you have a problem with your boot.ini, but I honestly don't know what else the problem is also in the recovery console try leaving the password blank and logging in as administrator, unless you specifically set a password for the "Administrator" user in xp it has no password, that might be the source of your password issue | 04:48 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: ok now I've reread the man page for mount. It does not detail a "force" option for -o. You made it up *smile* | 04:52 |
gkffjcs | no i didn't, it's a fuse option, read man:/ntfs-3g | 04:53 |
gkffjcs | or man:/fuse | 04:53 |
gkffjcs | man:/ntfs-3g | 04:53 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: ah thanks | 04:53 |
gkffjcs | hpladds: when ever you see a mount command with the form something something -o someoption, the file system is probabily based on fuse. | 04:54 |
gkffjcs | for instance curlftpfs mounts ftp locations as a local fs, and you need to user for example -o user="username" | 04:56 |
albert | hello everyone! | 04:59 |
albert | i am a new user on kubuntu. Any body could help me? | 04:59 |
albert | a promble about vim | 05:00 |
albert | it is can not set sytanx on. | 05:00 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: thx. Never heard FUSE before | 05:01 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: Can i run a tough one by you? | 05:01 |
gkffjcs | ok, sure | 05:01 |
hpladds | I'm currently typing on a machine with a freash install of the lastest madwifi driver. I can ping www.yahoo.com | 05:02 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: I can ping any site on the internet, but | 05:03 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: I can not gain access to any websites | 05:03 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: "error while loading www.yahoo.com" | 05:05 |
gkffjcs | hmm, try putting this in your address bar | 05:06 |
gkffjcs | | 05:06 |
gkffjcs | it should bring up google | 05:06 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: nope | 05:07 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: no luck, same error | 05:08 |
charles | can someone tell me how to install a theme on KDE 3.5.9 | 05:08 |
charles | please? | 05:08 |
gkffjcs | hmm, well, all that means is that it's not a dns problem, honestly I really don't know much about wifi drivers, dose the mad wifi have any configuration? Also are you using knetworkmanager? | 05:09 |
charles | gkffjcs...could you help me? | 05:09 |
charles | ive downloaded a theme and i need help on how to install it? | 05:10 |
gkffjcs | charles: is it a whole theme, or just a color or icon theme? | 05:10 |
charles | a whole theme | 05:10 |
=== charles is now known as charles__ | ||
gkffjcs | ok, type alt+f2 | 05:11 |
=== charles__ is now known as charles | ||
gkffjcs | and then type in "kcontrol" | 05:11 |
charles | ok..now? | 05:11 |
charles | app and themes...then theme manager? | 05:11 |
gkffjcs | click on Appearance and themes, and sleect theme manager | 05:11 |
charles | ok | 05:12 |
gkffjcs | click on Install New theme | 05:12 |
charles | when i go to the folder...it shows all the folders...how do i load all of them at once? | 05:12 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: I go to System Settings > network. I don't have knetworkmanger. | 05:12 |
gkffjcs | hpladds: um, it's probabily actually in your system tray, it should be a little icon with signel strenth bars | 05:13 |
hpladds | ps -A shows that it is running | 05:14 |
gkffjcs | hpladds: try your system tray | 05:15 |
hpladds | Ah, mine is a icon for an RJ-45 (I suppose) outlet | 05:15 |
charles | gkffjcs....when i go to where i extracted the theme to it shows the folders...no files to install | 05:15 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: in th system tray | 05:15 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: wireless devices are only accessible via a right click on the icon | 05:17 |
gkffjcs | yeah, that's it | 05:17 |
gkffjcs | dose it show your connected to a network? | 05:17 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: Actually it says thatI'm not connected | 05:19 |
gkffjcs | ok, so that means you manually configured your adapter, honestly, this is not where I really know my stuff, so sorry. What I would check is your dns, and see, if other services are able to connect to the internet, you might also check your bwoser settings to see if there is something strange there. | 05:21 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: Oh! I signed on from a console window. | 05:21 |
gkffjcs | your using a console based irc client? | 05:22 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: That definately pointed me in the right direction | 05:22 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: Konversation | 05:22 |
NightSpore | hello | 05:23 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: I guess I don't really know the difference between a termial and a console window | 05:24 |
NightSpore | I'm using a console client too | 05:24 |
hpladds | But truly I think I configured from a terminal window | 05:24 |
NightSpore | how do I send "cont" signal to a terminal? hehe | 05:24 |
hpladds | gkffjcs: Thanks I must sleep. | 05:25 |
sancho21 | Why can't I see some of Japanese kanji character? | 05:25 |
sancho21 | I just use hardy 8.04 english version | 05:27 |
sancho21 | But as I browse using konqueror to Japanese site, some characters are unrecognized. But they are in Firefox | 05:28 |
sancho21 | Sorry, I meant, they are recognized in Firefox | 05:28 |
HenryHeron | Need some help, please. Wish to install kde desktop on to ubuntu 8.04.1 from live cd (kubuntu). Can't find the option to do this. Thanks | 05:31 |
gkffjcs | HenryHeron: what, so you have ubuntu installed on your system? | 05:36 |
HenryHeron | Hello, any one here, knowledgeable re my above question. Thanks! | 05:37 |
gkffjcs | HenryHeron: hi, the red means I responeded to you | 05:37 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:Yes, correct | 05:38 |
NightSpore | can anyone enlighten me as to how I can send a "sigcont" signal to tty1? | 05:38 |
NightSpore | I could simply reboot later but I know there must be an easy way to unfreeze this session | 05:38 |
gkffjcs | you cannot install stuff on a live cd | 05:38 |
gkffjcs | you can install stuff on an installed system, and can use a live cd as a source of packages if you don't have internet. | 05:39 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs: well, I have internet connect (dial up) so I got the "live cd" but can find no option to just install kde desktop on current system | 05:40 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:any directions would be very appreciated | 05:41 |
gkffjcs | huh, in a live cd there should be an icon on the desktop, saying install to hard disk | 05:42 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:but it only (apparently) offers a full install | 05:43 |
gkffjcs | oh, don't boot off the live cd, boot into normal mode | 05:43 |
favro | HenryHeron: if you put the kubuntu cd in and search it for .deb files you'll have what you can install of the cd | 05:44 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:in my ubuntu OS or do I boot from live cd? | 05:45 |
sancho21 | Font packs in Kubuntu is not as complete as ones in Ubuntu | 05:45 |
gkffjcs | no, you want to boot into the installed ubuntu, and add the disk as a repo, then install form the disk | 05:45 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:from synaptic pm? | 05:46 |
gkffjcs | yes, in synaptic there should be a manage repositories option, make sure that the cd is checked as a source, and then refresh the package list | 05:47 |
gkffjcs | I think that should work | 05:47 |
HenryHeron | gkffjcs:THANKS. I'm embarrassed I didn't think of this... :) & thanks favro! | 05:48 |
carutsu | I need to install subversion 1.5, where can i find the backport? | 05:49 |
favro | !svn | 05:49 |
ubottu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 05:50 |
carutsu | nevermind I found a backport in launchpad | 05:52 |
carutsu | thanks! | 05:52 |
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen | ||
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skinnymg1 | hey hows it going guys | 07:19 |
=== mitch_ is now known as Guest40255 | ||
skinnymg1 | i need to find an app that is capable of streaming a desktop in kubuntu | 07:23 |
Guest40255 | hello | 07:25 |
skinnymg1 | hello | 07:25 |
Guest40255 | when is kubuntu/ubuntu 8.10 going to come out | 07:26 |
skinnymg1 | check the website | 07:27 |
emilsedgh | Guest40255: release versions say: 8.10 means 10th month of 2008.8.04 means 4th month of 2008. | 07:27 |
Guest40255 | i have and its not there | 07:27 |
Guest40255 | thanks | 07:27 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
anipy | how can i learn upgrade-history of a particular package, e.g. kdesvn, and roll-back to an earlier version? | 08:03 |
SkEmO | should i forward the ports for my ktorrent? | 08:13 |
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konrad | How can I disable compiz from CLI? When I boot the computer I'm left with a black screen and mousepointer about 10 seconds after login. Suspecting compiz to be involved | 08:36 |
konrad | Uninstalled compiz, but that leaves me without any form of window decoration like title bar or resizeable border. How do I get them back? | 08:55 |
=== brooks is now known as [brooks] | ||
=== [brooks] is now known as `brooks[faptop] | ||
razalas | hello | 08:56 |
=== richard is now known as Guest84113 | ||
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anipy | is anyone else experiencing problems with kdesvn on kubuntu 8.04 accessing sourceforge.net SVN service? | 09:17 |
anipy | i'm getting different error messages that do not make any sense since september 4. on that date sf.net migrated SVN service + it seems i have upgraded to a new svn package from kubuntu... now i do not know if the error is on sf.net or on an error in new svn package | 09:19 |
bushwakko | hey, I just installed kubuntu, but I've got the old 4.05 thing | 09:19 |
bushwakko | I want 4.1 | 09:19 |
jussi01 | bushwakko: #kubuntu-kde4 for kde4 support | 09:19 |
jussi01 | :) | 09:19 |
bushwakko | ah | 09:19 |
RurouniJones | !flash | 09:21 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:21 |
vikku | i have a kernel panic while iam booting krnel of Damn small linux (virtualized)over ubuntu..... it shows values of CPU registers , stack, call trace ,code and says that Kernel panic : Attempted to kill the idle task ..... hmmm what should i do , it doesnt go any further | 09:21 |
holycow | vikku: thats either a damn small or your virtualization software issue | 09:23 |
holycow | you start with a google on your errors and narrow it to one of those two tree | 09:23 |
holycow | from there you contact the teams involved to help | 09:23 |
vikku | holycow : alright just found some topics in google | 09:24 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 09:28 |
HollowPoint | hey ActionParsnip | 09:31 |
ActionParsnip | hey HollowPoint | 09:31 |
mrthao | someone help me avande compiz for kubuntu8.4 pzl!!! | 09:45 |
ActionParsnip | mrthao: what does avande mean? | 09:47 |
ActionParsnip | mrthao: do you want compiz installing?? | 09:49 |
mrthao | sorry advance | 09:49 |
mrthao | yes | 09:49 |
mrthao | this is my mean | 09:49 |
mrthao | can u help me | 09:49 |
mrthao | ? | 09:49 |
ActionParsnip | !compiz | mrthao | 09:50 |
ubottu | mrthao: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion | 09:50 |
ActionParsnip | mrthao: it wont work unless you install you graphics drivers | 09:50 |
mrthao | oh | 09:51 |
mrthao | i see | 09:51 |
mrthao | thank you very much | 09:51 |
ActionParsnip | np | 09:52 |
* ActionParsnip hates compiz | 09:54 | |
romunov_ | ActionParsnip: turn it off :D | 09:58 |
romunov_ | toolbar disappears? :D | 09:58 |
ActionParsnip | romunov_: no its just nasty, and breaks stuff | 09:59 |
romunov_ | and only in OOo? | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | romunov_: its broken a tonne of things. i prefer fluxbox, gets the job done fast | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | romunov_: i dont even have wallpaper, eye candy is lame | 10:00 |
RurouniJones | Wallpapers are an integrated part of the visual desktop environment paradigm!!!!! | 10:01 |
RurouniJones | </phb> | 10:02 |
=== ajaya is now known as bluezz_nept | ||
ActionParsnip | RurouniJones: huh? | 10:03 |
bluezz_nept | I need help.. | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | wassup bluezz_nept | 10:04 |
bluezz_nept | I was creating a new partition in Kubuntu..out of unpartitioned space in my hard disk | 10:04 |
bluezz_nept | I used Gparted.bt it's saying "hal-storage-fixed mount refused uid 1000". | 10:04 |
bluezz_nept | wht does dat mean? | 10:04 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: did you run it with kdesu? | 10:05 |
bluezz_nept | ....I used GUI of gparted.. | 10:05 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: did you get asked for a password? | 10:06 |
bluezz_nept | .......yep.. | 10:06 |
bluezz_nept | I used root password. | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: ok cool | 10:06 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: you should use your own as you are a member of sudoers and not logging in as root | 10:07 |
bluezz_nept | okiee.. | 10:07 |
bluezz_nept | bt I am able to see the partition in my storage media.. | 10:08 |
bluezz_nept | bt I can't save anything in it..it shows mount error. | 10:08 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: did you format it? | 10:09 |
bluezz_nept | nyway thanks Action..I will try to format it again..let's see how it goes next time. | 10:09 |
bluezz_nept | I will ask again if the problem occurs again.. | 10:10 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: what command are you using to mount, and what fs you using? | 10:10 |
bluezz_nept | ..file system I am using ext3 | 10:10 |
bluezz_nept | How to mount it..I jst formated it.. | 10:10 |
bluezz_nept | and I thought it will automatically get mounted.. | 10:11 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: not unless you add it to /etc/fstab | 10:11 |
bluezz_nept | okiee..so how to add it . | 10:12 |
ActionParsnip | !fstab | bluezz_nept | 10:12 |
ubottu | bluezz_nept: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 10:12 |
bluezz_nept | okiee..Thanks a lot ubottu... | 10:12 |
HollowPoint | anyone know of a good control panel that's OSS other than ISPConfig? | 10:14 |
ActionParsnip | bluezz_nept: hes a bot, | 10:14 |
wesley_ | how can i know the ip adress off the person who´s black mailing me on a forum and how can i get it in kopete | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: view the email headers, i dont know how to do that in kopete | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: plus it may be spoofed | 10:20 |
=== richard is now known as Guest17 | ||
wesley_ | its a forum that guy is black mailing my girl and i wanna know who that is | 10:21 |
wesley_ | phpBB 2 is the forum using | 10:22 |
dwidmann | wesley_: what do you intend to do after you find the persons ip address? | 10:22 |
dwidmann | wesley_: the admins of the forum probably have access to the ip address, I would think. | 10:23 |
wesley_ | to punch some though in him its realy low to edit pictures off a person and not reveal you indentie | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: if you view the email headers (normally hidden) you will get some IPs | 10:23 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: report him to the authoritys | 10:24 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: or block his account | 10:24 |
wesley_ | ActionParsnip its not a e-mail | 10:25 |
ActionParsnip | wesley_: what is it then? | 10:27 |
wesley_ | a forum | 10:28 |
ActionParsnip | then ask the admin for their ip as most forums log ip addresses of loggers | 10:28 |
dwidmann | ActionParsnip: if you have a second, do you think this is good or bad: http://www.xnowherex.com/images/prototype9.html | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip | dwidmann: looks ok, just the image or is there more/ | 10:31 |
dwidmann | ActionParsnip: just the image ..... so it's only okay? Any ideas? If you can't tell by the pages title ... I'm kind of going through a lot of ideas and many of them are not so good. | 10:31 |
ActionParsnip | dwidmann: this is offtopic dude, this is kubuntu support | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | !ot | dwidmann | 10:33 |
ubottu | dwidmann: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 10:33 |
dwidmann | ActionParsnip: I know ... but the ot channel is even more dead than this one right now. | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | well its offtopic and ops will kick or ban you | 10:33 |
dwidmann | meh, let 'em | 10:34 |
mindspin | hi, I am kinda trapped. When I boot hardy with 2.6.22-15 kernel, I cannot mount my camera anymore, when booting 2.6.24-21 the soundcard is not detected. any ideas? | 10:56 |
jussi01 | mindspin: you are on intrepid? | 10:58 |
testi | I want to buy a webcam, how do I know, that it is compatible with ubuntu hardy. Are all logitech webcams compatible? | 10:58 |
mindspin | no | 10:58 |
mindspin | but installed the 2.6.24 kernel because it "worked" | 10:59 |
testi | is there a blacklist, or a whitelist? | 10:59 |
jussi01 | !hardware | testi | 10:59 |
mindspin | but after next boot, sound disappeared again.. | 10:59 |
ubottu | testi: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 10:59 |
gokturk_ | #pardusgeyik | 10:59 |
testi | thanks, jussi01 | 11:00 |
jussi01 | :) | 11:00 |
MetaMorfoziS | Hi all is there anybody who have Genius G-Pen 4500? | 11:26 |
=== mistrnole is now known as Mistr | ||
octavarium | ciao | 12:02 |
octavarium | c'è nessunO? | 12:03 |
ogzy | how can i get the kde theme info just using konsole? | 12:09 |
MetaMorfoziS | cat /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | grep Theme | 12:10 |
Notch-1 | hi | 12:30 |
marco | hello | 12:31 |
marco | someone can help me? I've got trouble with screen resolution | 12:31 |
Notch-1 | i have installed kubuntu 8.10 alpha 5, but now wich is the best way to update? | 12:31 |
Pici | Notch-1: 1) 8.10 support/discussion is in #ubuntu+1. 2) see below | 12:33 |
Pici | !final | Notch-1 | 12:33 |
ubottu | Notch-1: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Hardy. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console. | 12:33 |
Notch-1 | ubottu: i tried but something goes wrong | 12:34 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:34 |
Notch-1 | hehehe | 12:34 |
Pici | Notch-1: okay, see #ubuntu+1 for supprort then ;) | 12:35 |
Notch-1 | if i update with apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade xorg crashes... | 12:35 |
Notch-1 | tnx Pici :D | 12:35 |
marco | I install nvidia driver with envyng-qt. I've got the correct refresh rate at kdm, but when I login goes to other refresh rate. I try change xorg, nvidia-settigs withou sucess | 12:35 |
marco | :'( | 12:35 |
Notch-1 | Pici: i don't think i need support, i was just telling you a problem that might be a bug... | 12:36 |
=== basti is now known as basti|off | ||
stdin | !bug | Notch-1, we use Launchpad for bugs | 12:37 |
ubottu | Notch-1, we use Launchpad for bugs: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 12:37 |
Notch-1 | yes, but i'm not sure, that's why i'm asking here :DDDD | 12:38 |
Notch-1 | maybe i used a wrong command... | 12:38 |
=== marco is now known as clapton_pt | ||
Notch-1 | i used: sudo su \ apt-get update \ apt-get upgrade \ apt-get dist-upgrade, is that right? | 12:39 |
clapton_pt | someone can help me? I've got trouble with screen resolution | 12:40 |
clapton_pt | I install nvidia driver with envyng-qt. I've got the correct refresh rate at kdm, but when I login goes to other refresh rate. I try change xorg, nvidia-settigs withou sucess | 12:40 |
warlock | hola, no se si alguien ha utilizado el webmin en ubuntu | 12:41 |
warlock | esque voy al archivo minserv.conf y no encuentro el allow ese | 12:42 |
Notch-1 | warlock: lo siento pero creo que nadie te intenda, tienes que hablar english :D | 12:44 |
Notch-1 | (y yo no conozco webmin :P) | 12:45 |
clapton_pt | Notch-1: hello, can y help me? :D | 12:46 |
Notch-1 | ? | 12:46 |
clapton_pt | I install nvidia driver with envyng-qt. I've got the correct refresh rate at kdm, but when I login goes to other refresh rate. I try change xorg, nvidia-settigs withou sucess | 12:46 |
warlock | ya veo jeje | 12:47 |
Notch-1 | clapton_pt: i dunno, sorry | 12:47 |
ghostcube | dont use envy | 12:47 |
Notch-1 | warlock: :DD | 12:47 |
warlock | crei que estaba en kubuntu-es jjeje | 12:47 |
Notch-1 | :DDDDDDDDD | 12:48 |
Veliouras | how do i compare pdf files in ubuntu? | 12:48 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: u need to set the refresh rtate in ure xorg.conf file | 12:48 |
ghostcube | just edit nvidia settings and safe the xorg.conf file to desktop | 12:48 |
ghostcube | look into it u will se what to change | 12:48 |
clapton_pt | ghostcube: I change it | 12:49 |
g33k_gir1 | I've installed kde 4.1 (point something? the latest CD image available under releases), and I can't figure out how to move widgets on the bottom taskbar/panel | 12:49 |
ghostcube | !kde4 | 12:49 |
ubottu | KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 12:49 |
clapton_pt | ghostcube: http://rafb.net/p/xQ6KXb88.html my xorg | 12:50 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: u need 1024 ? | 12:50 |
clapton_pt | ghostcube: it's my main resoltuion | 12:50 |
ghostcube | is this lcd ? | 12:51 |
ghostcube | or normal monito | 12:51 |
clapton_pt | This monitor always work with other PCs with ubuntu, only crash with this new. nvida 8500gt | 12:51 |
clapton_pt | CRT | 12:51 |
ghostcube | ok i saw it 85 hz lol | 12:52 |
ghostcube | :) | 12:52 |
clapton_pt | I don't know what have I to do | 12:52 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: could be an envy prob what happens if u comment modeline ? | 12:52 |
clapton_pt | I try everything that I know | 12:52 |
clapton_pt | ghostcube: I added modeline recently | 12:52 |
clapton_pt | works bad without modeline too | 12:53 |
clapton_pt | It's a attempt to fix :D | 12:53 |
ghostcube | remove the _85.00 for a test | 12:53 |
lokai-lin | hm, why am I getting an error along the line of can't find stdio.h when I try to compile...? | 12:53 |
clapton_pt | I added _85 too | 12:53 |
clapton_pt | without _85 works bad | 12:53 |
clapton_pt | it's same | 12:54 |
ghostcube | try _75 | 12:54 |
clapton_pt | My problem is: I change xorg many ways | 12:54 |
ghostcube | without .00 | 12:54 |
clapton_pt | and redfresh rate always set at 87hz | 12:54 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: u can reconfigure it | 12:54 |
clapton_pt | nvidia-settings always show me 87hz | 12:54 |
JackTop | i need help to restore grub after os installs. i have my root on sda5 (including /boot). I get an error 15 when trying to boot | 12:54 |
clapton_pt | I try change to "auto", but always go to 87(interface) | 12:55 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: if it works it is in the range of monitor | 12:55 |
ghostcube | :| | 12:55 |
ghostcube | so maybe remove this 85.00 and try only _75 | 12:55 |
clapton_pt | my problem is "I cant change default refresh rate" | 12:56 |
clapton_pt | my monitor works at 75 or 85 | 12:56 |
=== basti|off is now known as basti | ||
clapton_pt | but when I login blows to 87hz | 12:56 |
Veliouras | how do i compare pdf files in ubuntu? | 12:57 |
clapton_pt | hello | 12:59 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: cant dcc here | 13:00 |
ghostcube | clapton_pt: xorg values are not the sdame as the detected values some times | 13:00 |
cojones_ | hey guys, i just installed KDE 4.1, then in an attempt to get GTK working nicely, installed gtk-qt-engine-kde4 and kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig and now KDE hangs during boot | 13:01 |
=== rmblr is now known as Ramblurr | ||
cojones_ | no one? | 13:07 |
dr_willis | cojones_, try making a new user. see if it affect them as well. I dont use kde4. so cant help | 13:11 |
cojones_ | backin a sec | 13:12 |
cojones_ | hey guys, when i try to open a .deb file in KDE it opens Ark | 13:26 |
cojones_ | when I say 'open', the goal is to install | 13:27 |
lokai-lin | . | 13:29 |
powertool08 | cojones_: try sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb | 13:30 |
cojones_ | powertool08: yeah i'm aware of that method :) i'm looking for a graphical option | 13:30 |
cojones_ | thanks though | 13:30 |
ghostcube | gdebi ? | 13:30 |
ghostcube | isnt it loading it into gdebi | 13:31 |
ghostcube | then its not made well | 13:31 |
cojones_ | nope, not loading into gdebi | 13:32 |
cojones_ | i'll look into that | 13:32 |
jussi01 | cojones_: you are on kde4, correct? Id suggest you might like to ask in #kubuntu-kde4 if so :) | 13:36 |
cojones_ | done and done | 13:39 |
powertool08 | and that its white | 13:40 |
powertool08 | wrong window... ignore | 13:40 |
=== marco is now known as clapton_pt | ||
JuJuBee | I use NIS for login in my room. It was working fine last week, but today, I cannot seem to get it to start on the workstations. | 14:05 |
JuJuBee | No NIS logins seem to work. | 14:06 |
=== vsudilov is now known as lokai-lin | ||
=== lokai-lin is now known as lokai | ||
* lokai me | 14:21 | |
thefish | firestarter wont do anything with executables and policies for internet access based on application | 14:23 |
Pici | thefish: Is that a question? | 14:24 |
thefish | that was me being a complete egg | 14:24 |
thefish | wrong window *and* wrong time :D ftl! | 14:25 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i download icons, how to change icons for mozilla, home, mail?? | 14:25 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i download icons, how to change icons for mozilla, home, mail?? | 14:27 |
_spm_Draget | I am the administrator of a PC and wanted the user to not have root rights. So I removed him from the sudoers group. I enabled the root account so I can su to root. But kcontrol does not work when I start it as root and as the user I cannot change anything because it needs admin rights and tries to use sudo to elevate the current user. How can I change the behaviour of kcontrol to use the normal root user instead? | 14:29 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i download icons, how to change icons for mozilla, home, mail?? | 14:37 |
_spm_Draget | I am the administrator of a PC and wanted the user to not have root rights. So I removed him from the sudoers group. I enabled the root account so I can su to root. But kcontrol does not work when I start it as root and as the user I cannot change anything because it needs admin rights and tries to use sudo to elevate the current user. How can I change the behaviour of kcontrol to use the normal root user instead? | 14:41 |
Hamra | !gnucash | 14:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnucash | 14:46 |
lokai | is there a tool that sends user-specified keystrokes to the terminal? | 14:46 |
DennisBagley | hello all - i am using kubuntu hardy kde3 and have just got compiz working with custom (compiz custom settings manager) config - i cant find where to enable dragging a window round to another face of the cube - also i cant right click on a window and send to desktop x - anyone know where to enable this - or is it a kde thing | 14:46 |
RurouniJones | !compiz | 14:49 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion | 14:49 |
DennisBagley | cheers - will off to #compiz-fusion | 14:49 |
=== JanMalte_ is now known as JanMalte | ||
gx009 | looking for kubuntu 8.10 DL link | 15:06 |
gx009 | 64bit | 15:06 |
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC | ||
ghostcube | www.kubuntu.org | 15:10 |
ghostcube | there are all mirrors | 15:10 |
g33k_gir1 | help! i upgraded from kde3 to kde4, and now I can't run firefox from the K menu -- I get the KDE Crash Handler popup | 15:13 |
ghostcube | g33k_gir1: firefox in terminal works ? | 15:14 |
g33k_gir1 | yes, but with errors in the terminal | 15:15 |
g33k_gir1 | errors at http://paste.ubuntu.com/44559/ | 15:15 |
ghostcube | !kde4 | 15:15 |
ubottu | KDE 4.1.0 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 | 15:15 |
ghostcube | try it here | 15:16 |
ghostcube | no idea | 15:16 |
ghostcube | seems the libaries are missing but i dont know why | 15:16 |
=== mtowne is now known as Razorcloud | ||
Razorcloud | hello everyone | 15:16 |
g33k_gir1 | oh well... i suppose its not a catastrophe, as long as I can run it somehow :) | 15:16 |
g33k_gir1 | thanks | 15:16 |
Razorcloud | i just installed kubuntu 8.04 yesterday and i LOVE it | 15:16 |
g33k_gir1 | will submit as a bug-repro | 15:16 |
g33k_gir1 | bug-report | 15:17 |
gx009 | i have tried a number of .iso images for the 64bit version (8.10) and all have failed so far | 15:18 |
g33k_gir1 | gx009: are you burning the images from linux? | 15:18 |
gx009 | yes | 15:18 |
g33k_gir1 | gx009: I had the same problem over the weekend. worked perfectly when I burned it from a windows machine. | 15:19 |
g33k_gir1 | go figure | 15:19 |
gx009 | meh | 15:19 |
g33k_gir1 | i know | 15:19 |
Razorcloud | wait are people having problem burning CD images? | 15:20 |
gx009 | i'll give that approach a try.. just never really thought about it.. what program did you use to burn .iso to disc in windows | 15:20 |
Razorcloud | if im not mistaken, its not just as simple as burning the file to the disc | 15:20 |
Razorcloud | definately use infrarecorder | 15:20 |
Razorcloud | it has an option specifically for creating CDs using isos | 15:20 |
Razorcloud | and its free | 15:20 |
lex | hi guys. can i somehow optimise kernel for i686 architecture? | 15:21 |
Pliskin | hello :) | 15:23 |
Pliskin | Superkaramba doesn't display my widgets | 15:23 |
Pliskin | I don't understand why | 15:23 |
Pliskin | can somebody help me? | 15:23 |
Pliskin | (sorry for my english) | 15:24 |
Pliskin | It display the widgets but they seem hidden by the background | 15:24 |
Pliskin | I am using KDE 3.5.10 | 15:24 |
Malique | Hey guys, any chance I could get a hand working out why I can't get network CUPS printing working? | 15:24 |
g33k_gir1 | Razorcloud: I think the issue is in burning isos in linux | 15:25 |
g33k_gir1 | Razorcloud: or at least, that was the problem I had. worked fine if I burned the image in windows | 15:25 |
g33k_gir1 | gx009: I used InfranView in windows | 15:25 |
gx009 | k | 15:26 |
Pliskin | lex : the | 15:26 |
Malique | I have a printer connected to my desktop, and am trying to get it working on my laptop through the network. I can find the printer as a remote CUPS printer, and can add it with the right driver, but it won't print, it gets stuck "processing" it forever | 15:26 |
Pliskin | the kernel is already optimised | 15:26 |
Pliskin | if you use kubuntu | 15:26 |
neWbieZ | hi guys ivegot a prob apparently with flash, could you help? when i watch a videoclip (i.e. youtube) there's an horizontal line in the centre of the screen, like if it's switching frame, it's pain in... and my eyes hurt. can you help? | 15:27 |
Pliskin | konqueror ? | 15:27 |
Malique | Anyone? | 15:28 |
Razorcloud | yea i had some problems with flash | 15:29 |
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Razorcloud | i used a solution i found online | 15:30 |
neWbieZ | same that i do? | 15:30 |
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Razorcloud | no mine just says i have no flash plugin | 15:30 |
Malique | *sigh* why do I always feel invisible when I come to this room for help :( | 15:30 |
Razorcloud | when i very clearly spent a good amount of time in konsole | 15:30 |
Razorcloud | having it install | 15:30 |
Razorcloud | eh dont worry about it | 15:30 |
lex | Pliskin: yes, i use kubuntu 8.04 and konqueror | 15:30 |
Razorcloud | most people dont watch their IRC | 15:30 |
neWbieZ | or they just dunno the answer :D | 15:30 |
Razorcloud | i guess | 15:31 |
Razorcloud | but the flash thing is annoying | 15:31 |
neWbieZ | so how did u solve ur prob razor? | 15:31 |
Razorcloud | i didnt yet | 15:31 |
neWbieZ | yes it is! | 15:31 |
Razorcloud | i mean i found a simple konsole command | 15:31 |
Pliskin | lex, I asked neWbieZ about konqueror ^^ | 15:31 |
neWbieZ | but apparently we're the only two i heard of | 15:31 |
Razorcloud | that seemed to install a flash player | 15:31 |
lex | i do not like dolphin, it has no functionabillity like old konqui. lol | 15:31 |
=== JonathanD is now known as Jonathand | ||
Razorcloud | but on another visit to youtube | 15:31 |
Razorcloud | it said i didnt have the plugin | 15:31 |
Pliskin | anyway, if you are using kubuntu, the kernek is generic and optimised | 15:31 |
Pliskin | kernel* | 15:31 |
Malique | Well, if anyone knows anything about CUPS sharing over network, feel free to give me a hand | 15:31 |
neWbieZ | no no now it works but the quality and this line | 15:32 |
neWbieZ | its not just with youtube though | 15:32 |
neWbieZ | with all the streaming video shares | 15:32 |
Razorcloud | yea i figured that | 15:32 |
neWbieZ | so no solutions? | 15:32 |
lex | any good book recommendation for network administration? | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | nope sorry | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | oh if flaccide was here... he knew how to help lol :D | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | normally i just read wikis | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | alright though thank you anyway :D | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | that sort of thing | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | yes i tried but... | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | havent found much | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | ah | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | what problem are trying to fix again? | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | usually i always read the wikis b4 to get here | 15:33 |
Razorcloud | oh the video thing? | 15:33 |
lex | Razorcloud: wikis are kinda for pros only. i am intermediate sysadmin if that exists :) | 15:33 |
neWbieZ | sorry? | 15:33 |
lex | neWbieZ: what kind of problem do you have? | 15:34 |
neWbieZ | hi guys ivegot a prob apparently with flash, could you help? when i watch a videoclip (i.e. youtube) there's an horizontal line in the centre of the screen, like if it's switching frame, it's pain in... and my eyes hurt. can you help? | 15:34 |
lex | oh | 15:35 |
lex | neWbieZ: try purging the package and reinstalling flash codec | 15:35 |
neWbieZ | i did twice | 15:35 |
neWbieZ | its the same | 15:35 |
lex | neWbieZ: or: the problem is in your graphic driver maybe. can you screenshot it on imageshack? | 15:35 |
lex | neWbieZ: other coded videos? eg. divx xvid etc??? | 15:36 |
Malique | PLEASE can anyone help? | 15:36 |
lex | Malique: what is it? | 15:36 |
neWbieZ | lex: well i guess so but the thing is that this horizontal line appears only when the subject in the video is moving vertically, if you understand what am saying | 15:36 |
neWbieZ | i dunno how to explain it better | 15:36 |
lex | neWbieZ: mhm. | 15:37 |
lex | i understand | 15:37 |
neWbieZ | du have a sol? | 15:37 |
Malique | lex: I can't get CUPS to print over the network, I can add the printer, and I can send jobs to it, but they get stuck on "processing" forever | 15:37 |
lex | neWbieZ: what is your refresh rate? what graphic card is it? | 15:37 |
neWbieZ | the driver is correctly installed | 15:37 |
lex | Malique: what printer? | 15:37 |
neWbieZ | i followed the wikis | 15:37 |
lex | neWbieZ: sol? | 15:38 |
lex | solution? | 15:38 |
neWbieZ | anyway it's a geforce 9600 gt which drivers i installed following the wikis (sol=solution) | 15:38 |
Razorcloud | if your helping with a graphics problem | 15:38 |
Razorcloud | i might as well have you help me also | 15:38 |
Malique | lex: it's a Samsung CLP-300. The drivers work, the test page works from the desktop printer where the printer is connected, just not from the laptop. It used to work, then I did a reinstall of the desktop system and now the laptop can't print anymore | 15:38 |
Razorcloud | but i can wait until your done with malique | 15:39 |
lex | neWbieZ: on other video formats does the same problem happen, or not? | 15:39 |
neWbieZ | if i watch one of my videos for example on vlc nope | 15:39 |
lex | Malique: sorry, no idea. try looking through config files for cups... | 15:39 |
neWbieZ | it's just on the net thats why i think its a flash prob | 15:40 |
Malique | lex: the config file should be default, I haven't touched it. I have looked at it, everything is set to Allow All. I don't know enough about CUPS config files to tell much more than that | 15:40 |
lex | neWbieZ: try going on topgear.com or bbc.co.uk/topgear and open a realmedia or wma stream. | 15:40 |
lex | Malique: i really have no idea, sorry :( | 15:41 |
Razorcloud | lex im sure you probably have gotten my problem a dozen times so you might be able to help me quickly | 15:41 |
Malique | :( its ok | 15:41 |
Razorcloud | i just cant do flash in general | 15:41 |
neWbieZ | lex: ok one sec | 15:41 |
Malique | Anyone else? It's kinda urgent, sorry to be a pain | 15:41 |
Razorcloud | i can help a little malique | 15:41 |
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Malique | Razorcloud: any help is appreciated right now :) any ideas on what to do? The laptop can SEE the printer fine, and jobs sent from the laptop get to the desktop CUPS server, but just get stuck processing forever | 15:42 |
lex | Razorcloud: what type of problem do you have? | 15:43 |
Malique | It used to work fine until I reinstalled the desktop system, now it just plain won't work over the network | 15:43 |
neWbieZ | lex: weird.. the clip doesnt start plus twice it says underneath "not yet supported" | 15:43 |
lex | neWbieZ: just a sec.. | 15:43 |
neWbieZ | yep | 15:43 |
lex | neWbieZ: what browser? | 15:44 |
neWbieZ | ff3 | 15:45 |
lex | ok... wait a sec... trying to play it | 15:45 |
Razorcloud | okay sorry | 15:45 |
neWbieZ | i was on http://www.bbc.co.uk/topgear/ and could watch the clip but no fullscreen which is where usually happens | 15:45 |
Razorcloud | my TA for matlab was right over my shoulder | 15:46 |
Razorcloud | couldnt tab into IRC | 15:46 |
neWbieZ | usually this line is just on fullscreen | 15:46 |
lex | wma works for me | 15:46 |
Razorcloud | i will wait until yiou adress me again lex | 15:46 |
lex | Razorcloud: ok | 15:46 |
Razorcloud | wait are you ready for me? | 15:46 |
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Malique | Razorcloud: any help is appreciated right now :) any ideas on what to do? The laptop can SEE the printer fine, and jobs sent from the laptop get to the desktop CUPS server, but just get stuck processing forever | 15:47 |
lex | Razorcloud: yep | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | hmmm | 15:47 |
neWbieZ | lex: what do i do then? | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | be with you in a sec malique | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | okay lex | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | my problem is flash in general | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | i cant seem to get it in anyway | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | i read multiple places that claimed my version (8.04) broke flash | 15:47 |
Razorcloud | i found a colution online that was a konsole command | 15:48 |
Razorcloud | and it seemed to install a flash plugin | 15:48 |
Razorcloud | but alas, youtube still didnt work | 15:48 |
lex | neWbieZ: i really have no idea. try downloading a flv video and playing it from you pc. if it is the same, it is flash if not i dunno really :( | 15:48 |
jussi01 | !enter | Razorcloud | 15:48 |
ubottu | Razorcloud: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:48 |
lex | Razorcloud: please, let me think... | 15:48 |
neWbieZ | alright thanks for ur help | 15:48 |
Razorcloud | k thank you lex | 15:48 |
lex | Razorcloud: install for firefox is in kubuntu-restricted-extras flash plugin from the repository.. it must work. it works for me, with no manual setup whatsoever | 15:50 |
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Razorcloud | lex: this is the command i used after removing the flash nonfree, as the tutorial instructed | 15:50 |
Razorcloud | sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper flashplugin-nonfree lib32nss-mdns | 15:50 |
Razorcloud | i didnt have flash nonfree before hand anyhow but you know what i mean | 15:51 |
lex | Razorcloud: why did you remove flash-plugin nonfree. that one works | 15:51 |
Razorcloud | i dont think i HAD it before | 15:51 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: try installing kubuntu-restricted-extras | 15:51 |
Razorcloud | keep in mind mine is the 64bit distro... | 15:51 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: | 15:51 |
lex | Razorcloud: oh. well, try reinstalling it from adept. | 15:51 |
jussi01 | !flash64 | 15:51 |
ubottu | You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 15:51 |
ccoffey | I have a quick question, and it's incredibly noobie, but I'll ask anyway. On a frsh install of 8.04, I installed the windows effects from the k menu (nvidia driver). Should the title bar of my active window be 100% opaque, as the title bar on my background windows is translucent? Is that the way it should be | 15:52 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: you need the specialness... | 15:52 |
Razorcloud | hm? | 15:52 |
lex | i am really sorry, but i have to go now. my roommates are hungry, and so am I. I wish you guys luck in solving the probs. :) | 15:52 |
lex | bbye | 15:52 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: see what ubottu said | 15:52 |
Razorcloud | i did thank you | 15:52 |
Razorcloud | im not currently at my computer, at a lab computer | 15:53 |
Razorcloud | but will i be able to do the !flash64 command and my compy> | 15:53 |
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jussi01 | Razorcloud: just log into irc, then /msg ubottu flash64 | 15:53 |
Razorcloud | okay thank you very much | 15:53 |
jussi01 | no probs :) | 15:54 |
Razorcloud | yea see im not sure why im running 64 bit version | 15:54 |
Razorcloud | i dont recall having a choice between 64 bit and 32 when i was DLing the CD image | 15:54 |
Razorcloud | and imagine my horror when i installed onto my XP computer, after partitioning off 100gigs for linux and seeing the arch as x86_64 | 15:55 |
Razorcloud | im not a gigantic fan of 64 bit seeing as how, well in windows at least, its totally unstable. Are the linux 64 bits relatively stable? | 15:55 |
Pici | Razorcloud: It stable, but as you can see some proprietary software is not available for 64 bits. | 15:56 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: yes, but often things that are from closed source (like flash) are not available for 64bit | 15:56 |
Razorcloud | yes that is what i imagine | 15:56 |
Malique | Razorcloud (and anyone else): My CUPS error log is filled with stuff about being unauthorised (on my laptop). Not sure why, it was working fine on my laptop before: http://pastebin.com/m506f7508 | 15:56 |
Razorcloud | hmmm | 15:57 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i download icons, how to change icons for mozilla, home, mail?? | 15:57 |
Razorcloud | change the icons in general you mean, or in a dock? | 15:57 |
WaSTe[bRe] | general | 15:57 |
WaSTe[bRe] | on dektop | 15:58 |
Razorcloud | try right clicking on your desktop and there might be an icon option. You might also trying going to system settings in the K menu and going to one of the appearance menus | 15:58 |
Razorcloud | i havent tried it, but it might also be as easy as right clicking on individual icons and finding a change appearance/icon option | 15:59 |
WaSTe[bRe] | right cvclick on icon | 16:00 |
Razorcloud | malique, i have been thinking and i cant decide what i think is causing that problem | 16:00 |
WaSTe[bRe] | but there is not a button its picture of icon and i must presed on it, how did i mised that | 16:00 |
Razorcloud | it sounds like a permission issue to me but im not totally sure | 16:00 |
Razorcloud | not sure waste | 16:00 |
Malique | Razorcloud: yer, but even printing a test page as root doesn't work :( | 16:00 |
WaSTe[bRe] | yup | 16:04 |
WaSTe[bRe] | me too | 16:04 |
mrxmike12 | when i start doom, it only shows up as a little part of my screen | 16:06 |
mrxmike12 | im using nvidia twinview for (pcscreen+tv), how can i solve this? | 16:06 |
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BluesKaj | Howdy | 16:40 |
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JackTop | a question. i'm thinking for a multiboot system doing xp, osx, kubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntustudio etc, it might be better with a separate /boot partition. how do i go about moving the one from one of my root partitions to it's own? until now i only have xp/osx and kubuntu installed. /home is on it's own partition | 16:49 |
Razorcloud | is your hard drive currently partitioned? | 16:52 |
Razorcloud | quick question, im trying to copy two files (needed to install flash) into my firefox plugin folder, and it says i dont have permission | 16:55 |
Razorcloud | i am the only user on this computer and i am currently logged in so i dont see how it could be something like that | 16:56 |
jussi01 | Razorcloud: sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/where/you/want/it/ | 16:57 |
Tindor | Razorcloud, type ls -l in the parent directory to see who's the owner | 16:57 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i instaled kbfx and program loads i choosetheme click apply and nothing happedns! [using kde .3.5.9] | 17:00 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i instaled kbfx and program loads i choosetheme click apply and nothing happedns! [using kde .3.5.9] | 17:04 |
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emilsedgh | WaSTe[bRe]: you added it to kicker? | 17:06 |
emilsedgh | WaSTe[bRe]: right click, add applet | 17:06 |
Razorcloud | well jussi i got one file to copy over | 17:06 |
emilsedgh | (right click on panel) | 17:06 |
Razorcloud | but the actual installer wont budge | 17:06 |
minifig | I just installed Kubuntu on my other computer and then updates. I changed the Monitor in System Settings and now I cannot get into Linux. Not even the Login screen. | 17:06 |
minifig | Kubuntu Linux 8.04.1 CD install. | 17:07 |
Razorcloud | i type in the command to sudo it and it doesnt give me any errors but its not actually moving it | 17:07 |
minifig | It is stuck on a text screen. | 17:07 |
WaSTe[bRe] | what is kicker? | 17:07 |
minifig | Kicker is the taskbar | 17:08 |
WaSTe[bRe] | add aplet to pannel? | 17:08 |
Tm_T | no, kicker is the whole panel, which contains also taskbar (if you choose so) | 17:08 |
minifig | Oh. | 17:08 |
WaSTe[bRe] | it is added | 17:08 |
minifig | I know when I lose the taskbar I have to kill and run kicker. | 17:09 |
minifig | Unless that is wrong. | 17:09 |
WaSTe[bRe] | i have now 2 kde start buttions :D | 17:09 |
minifig | How can changing the monitor stop me from getting into Linux? | 17:10 |
minifig | I had to change monitors to see if I can change the 800x600 resolution. | 17:10 |
minifig | Darn Linux crap. rofl | 17:10 |
Tm_T | nownow | 17:11 |
minifig | Still on the text screen. | 17:11 |
Tm_T | that cannot stop you getting to Linux, but it can stop you getting to X | 17:11 |
Tm_T | that IS linux, son | 17:11 |
Tm_T | !resolution | 17:11 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 17:11 |
minifig | All I did was change the monitor from "Plug N Play" to "Dell P780" and now I cannot even get to the login screen. | 17:12 |
minifig | Been about 10 minutes on a text screen. | 17:12 |
minifig | Just sits there doing nothing | 17:13 |
Tm_T | log in ;) | 17:13 |
minifig | I can't | 17:13 |
Tm_T | you can, if you have text screen, hit enter once? | 17:14 |
Tm_T | you get "login:" | 17:14 |
minifig | It starts up, does some Kubuntu graphics thing, shows text about loading this and that, then it locks up unless I press control-alt-delete | 17:14 |
Tm_T | locks up?! | 17:14 |
minifig | It sits there doing absolutely nothing, | 17:15 |
Tm_T | yes, because you don't command it to do anything | 17:15 |
minifig | Everything says ok but nothing happens | 17:15 |
Tm_T | mmmmm, alt-ctrl-f1 -> login | 17:15 |
minifig | Starting this and that screen | 17:15 |
minifig | Let me try it. | 17:15 |
minifig | Okay, that did something but I am all in text screen. | 17:16 |
minifig | Loged in too. | 17:16 |
minifig | How do I get the graphical thing back? | 17:17 |
Tm_T | yes | 17:17 |
Tm_T | you have to fix your xorg settings | 17:17 |
minifig | Can you help me please? | 17:17 |
Tm_T | minifig: first, do following command: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 17:18 |
minifig | Linux only likes 1024x68 or better which is what I am trying to do. | 17:18 |
Tm_T | minifig: and use... | 17:19 |
Tm_T | !paste | minifig | 17:19 |
ubottu | minifig: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 17:19 |
minifig | I get 1 II and two EE messages | 17:19 |
minifig | I am on a KVM so I have to keep swapping back and forth. | 17:19 |
minifig | Virtual Height (1374) is too large for the hardware | 17:20 |
Tm_T | mmmm, there you go | 17:20 |
minifig | max(1200) | 17:20 |
minifig | screen(s) found but none have usable configuration | 17:20 |
Tm_T | some resolution settings are trying to push too high res for you | 17:20 |
Tm_T | I think I repeat myself but... | 17:21 |
Tm_T | 1911.52 < ubottu> The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 17:21 |
minifig | I only changed monitor because running it before I cannot get the "OK" "Apply" "Cancel" etc buttons at the bottom. | 17:21 |
veritas_ | konsole is so laggy =X | 17:22 |
minifig | Okay, I have it back, but just as before. | 17:31 |
minifig | I am going to try again, this time change monitor and resolution before doing the restart X server thing. | 17:31 |
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WaSTe[bRe] | what is linux komand in terminal to copy file? | 17:32 |
veritas_ | cp /loc/file1 loc/file2 | 17:32 |
WaSTe[bRe] | how to copy more file [6 of them] | 17:33 |
WaSTe[bRe] | [in windows copy *.* /loc/where/to/copy | 17:34 |
WaSTe[bRe] | how is command in linux? | 17:34 |
WaSTe[bRe] | what* | 17:34 |
albert | hi | 17:35 |
albert | how can i change my default login manager? | 17:35 |
haru | user management | 17:36 |
haru | just setting usr management | 17:36 |
albert | i'd prefer to do that in text mode, in case i'm not running kubuntu, but suse | 17:36 |
haru | KDE desktop? | 17:37 |
albert | yes | 17:37 |
albert | but i want to switch do gnome | 17:37 |
albert | to gnome* | 17:37 |
haru | sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop | 17:38 |
albert | i'll try , but i remind, im using opensuse | 17:38 |
albert | ;] | 17:38 |
albert | and i'm not sure if there are such metapackages | 17:39 |
haru | I think you need to read the suse's documents | 17:39 |
albert | someone once told me here how to that in terminal | 17:40 |
albert | maybe you know how? | 17:40 |
albert | it should be possible on my distro too | 17:40 |
haru | suse wiki?? | 17:42 |
minifig | Tim_T, I am back to the problem again. Any way to get 1024x768? I wrote down what System Setting says my video card it. | 17:43 |
minifig | is. | 17:43 |
WaSTe[bRe] | what how is command in linux?[to copy multiple fffiles?] | 17:44 |
albert | WaSTe[bRe]: maybe just try with 'cp' ? | 17:44 |
haru | use bash | 17:45 |
dreisinger | exit | 17:45 |
axel | exit | 17:45 |
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veritas_ | newb q, how do i copy everything inside a folder recursively except for my .svn folder | 17:58 |
jussi01 | veritas_: just 1 place at a time please ;) | 18:01 |
WaSTe[bRe] | yes it is cp [in winows i usecopy *.* where/to copy] [how to cpy file in linux ]all file in a directory]]? | 18:05 |
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minifig__ | Thank you Tim_T | 18:08 |
minifig__ | My problem is the onboard video. I need to replace it. | 18:09 |
minifig__ | Is a 16MB ATI Rage good for Linux? | 18:27 |
minifig__ | Right now I don't care if I get any of those special effects. | 18:28 |
jussi01 | !hardware | 18:28 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 18:28 |
minifig__ | Thank you. | 18:28 |
jussi01 | :) | 18:28 |
minifig__ | I am trying to setup an old computer for Kubuntu. | 18:29 |
minifig__ | 900Mhz 256MB memory | 18:29 |
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BluesKaj | minifig__, 256 RAM is a bit low , but it will work..cpu speed is ok | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | bbl... gotta do some painting | 18:38 |
mit | in gone there is "session" i can add app to so they'll start on log in, is there a similar feature in kde? | 18:40 |
mu91t | hi can anyone please help me regarding the default totem media player....It shows an error message whenever i try to run any media(even supported) | 18:41 |
powertool08 | mit: put a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart/ directory | 18:41 |
mu91t | hi can anyone please help me regarding the totem movie player | 18:44 |
powertool08 | what is the error specifically? | 18:44 |
mu91t | powertool08: it shows failed to connect stream:invalid argument | 18:45 |
powertool08 | mu91t: are you using pulse audio or alsa? | 18:48 |
mu91t | no i am using totem player : the default one with ubuntu | 18:49 |
powertool08 | mu91t: Yes, totem is your player, but what is your sound system? You can check with K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System -> Hardware tab | 18:50 |
mu91t | powertool08: ok ya I am using alsa | 18:52 |
powertool08 | mu91t: I don't know what it is. I was looking at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/191027 could be something related to that | 18:54 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 191027 in totem ""Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"" [High,Confirmed] | 18:54 |
powertool08 | mu91t: Another person fixed it by removing and reinstalling totem | 18:56 |
minifig__ | trying to play an internet radio? | 18:56 |
minifig__ | I use mplayer. Gives an error but works. | 18:56 |
powertool08 | minifig__: Its with all audio, totem gives him/her "Failed to connect stream: invalid argument" | 18:57 |
minifig__ | Oh. | 18:57 |
minifig__ | I will zip it. lol | 18:57 |
minifig__ | I never used that one. | 18:57 |
powertool08 | mu91t: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=825148 <- forum thread where the reinstall fixed it | 18:58 |
mu91t | powertool08: can i do this reinstallation of totem using ubuntu cd.... i couldn't find such option | 18:58 |
powertool08 | me either, I user mpd + ncmpc for my audio player | 18:58 |
=== marco is now known as clapton_pt | ||
powertool08 | mu91t: you shouldn't need a cd | 18:59 |
minifig__ | I use mplayer to play an http radio and whatever wants to run to play other formats. | 18:59 |
clapton_pt | hello | 18:59 |
powertool08 | mu91t: I see what you mean tho, I don't have a totem package to remove either | 18:59 |
=== minifig__ is now known as Minifig | ||
=== Minifig is now known as Daniel-Minifig | ||
mu91t | should i download it fresh from the ubuntu web and then tryian install | 19:00 |
powertool08 | mu91t: totem? or something else? | 19:01 |
Daniel-Minifig | That would get you the latest version. | 19:01 |
mu91t | totem | 19:01 |
Jampiter | Hi, quick noob question | 19:01 |
Jampiter | How do I change my keyboard mapping? It's got stuck on the US one and I need the UK one | 19:01 |
powertool08 | mu91t: sure, or any other media player you wish to try out VLC is always good to have around, it plays almost any codec without issues | 19:01 |
mu91t | is there vlc for ubuntu on the synaptic | 19:02 |
Daniel-Minifig | I used VLC in WIndows. Great player. | 19:02 |
powertool08 | mu91t: yes | 19:02 |
powertool08 | Jampiter: K Menu -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout | 19:03 |
Jampiter | Thanks :) | 19:03 |
powertool08 | Jampiter: if you check the enable layouts box and add at least two layouts then it puts a flag in your kicker bar and you can change layouts with one click on the flag | 19:04 |
mu91t | powertool: yeah i found it...jst tryian to install | 19:04 |
Jampiter | Ah great :) Thanks! | 19:04 |
powertool08 | Jampiter: The settings are under the switching options tab | 19:05 |
Jampiter | Thanks :D | 19:05 |
Daniel-Minifig | brb checking on my other computer. I re-installed kubuntu. | 19:05 |
Daniel-Minifig | Changed the video card. | 19:06 |
mu91t | powertool: thanks a lot man | 19:06 |
Daniel-Minifig | Another satisfied camper. lol | 19:07 |
powertool08 | ha, yep | 19:07 |
powertool08 | I wish I were a satisfied camper :/ | 19:07 |
Daniel-Minifig | Do you think a 16MB ATI video card is good enough to be using in Linux. I doubt it can handle effects though. | 19:08 |
jerome_ | hi all | 19:08 |
Jampiter | I have something like that :p | 19:08 |
powertool08 | Daniel-Minifig: i would think so, like you said, it wouldn't work well for compiz | 19:09 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: it's depend of what you wxant to do, if it's for a server it's ok | 19:09 |
Daniel-Minifig | I installed a PCI card to scrap the onboard video. Ubuntu forums says there is problems with the i810. | 19:09 |
avihayb_ | I have an ATI radeon 7200 with 32MB. the 3d effects stop working if I push the resolution above 1024x768 | 19:09 |
Daniel-Minifig | I am new with Linux. Special graphical effects are not important. | 19:09 |
mu91t | powertool: is there any player to play an .ape file | 19:09 |
powertool08 | lol, usually thats the first thing on the list after initial install | 19:10 |
avihayb_ | then you can use an ol'e cyrrus logyc with 4mb | 19:10 |
jussi01 | mu91t: vlc plays most stuff, you tried that yet? | 19:10 |
powertool08 | mu91t: What's an .ape file? | 19:10 |
avihayb_ | won't be fun tough | 19:10 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: if it's for a old computer you want to put as a server whith no mouse no screem, no keyboard, no problem | 19:10 |
Daniel-Minifig | Yeah, I heard all about Linux and the special effects like cube. I say I want to try out the OS and be used to it before trying to get the effects working. | 19:11 |
mu91t | powertool: vlc doesn't play that....ape file is an audio file(lossless) | 19:11 |
master_ | ok.. I switched from 64-bit kubuntu to 32-bit, since I otherwise couldn't get a number of things working, like flash on firefox 3 | 19:11 |
master_ | problem: 32-but kubuntu only sees 3.21 GB of my 4GB RAM | 19:11 |
Daniel-Minifig | This PC can easily handle the effects, I just haven't figured uot how yet. lol | 19:11 |
master_ | How can I fix this? | 19:11 |
=== paolo is now known as gringoEL | ||
powertool08 | mu91t: try mplayer and make sure you have all the gstreamer plugins/codecs | 19:12 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: if you want to learn put the pc like a server, and try to configure administre it, | 19:12 |
mu91t | powertool: hey buddy for how long are you using linux.... u seem to be a geek | 19:12 |
powertool08 | mu91t: About a year and a half, somewhat of a geek, but I have decent google-fu :) | 19:13 |
=== holymoly is now known as holycow | ||
Daniel-Minifig | I don't know what a server is. I just want to setup the older computer for Linux so I can try it out. | 19:13 |
powertool08 | mu91t: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=344331 | 19:13 |
mu91t | powertool08: hey whats this man | 19:14 |
Daniel-Minifig | I guess it is working. rofl | 19:14 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: a server is a computer whitout screem, mouse, keyboard, with services like ftp server, ssh server, samba and all of that | 19:14 |
powertool08 | mu91t: its the forum with the thread to play .ape with mplayer | 19:14 |
* powertool08 loves my ssh | 19:15 | |
mu91t | powertool08: hey very fast yar | 19:15 |
powertool08 | err... s/my/his | 19:15 |
Daniel-Minifig | Thank you jerome_ | 19:15 |
jerome_ | powertool08: me to ssh ...haaaaa yes | 19:15 |
jerome_ | for nathing Daniel-Minifig | 19:16 |
jerome_ | nothing sorry | 19:16 |
powertool08 | I went to my compsci class last week and my school login is all jacked up so I just ssh'ed back home to do my assignment | 19:16 |
mu91t | powertool08: you are in school???? and you know this much ....great | 19:17 |
powertool08 | and then I could enjoy my irc :D | 19:17 |
jerome_ | yes powertool08 and with the piblic key just login with password one time | 19:17 |
powertool08 | mu91t: ha, I know people 5 yrs younger than me that put me to shame | 19:17 |
powertool08 | jerome_: yep, I've got the regular password disallowed, must have key or no entry | 19:18 |
mu91t | powertool08: you are putting me to shame i am in final year of my graduation | 19:18 |
master_ | My guess is, even if I recompile my kernel to support more than a pathetic 3.21GB of RAM, that fix will be overwritten by the next set of kernel updates... | 19:18 |
powertool08 | mu91t: graduation? College? | 19:18 |
Daniel-Minifig | Be back later. I am swapping to the other computer to se if it worked. I will try not to kill it this time. lol | 19:18 |
master_ | small memory limitation is a BUG in ubuntu! | 19:18 |
master_ | and a stupid one, too | 19:18 |
mu91t | powertool08: kinda surprising ! ya i know | 19:19 |
powertool08 | mu91t: I'm in my 5th year of undergrad | 19:19 |
Tm_T | !offtopic | 19:19 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 19:19 |
Tm_T | just to remind you (:) | 19:19 |
mu91t | powertool08: you are in which standard in school | 19:19 |
powertool08 | ok | 19:19 |
Tm_T | root: hi, are we rooted now? | 19:19 |
powertool08 | which standard? as in major? | 19:20 |
=== root is now known as Guest12143 | ||
jerome_ | root as joined this channel mouahahaha | 19:20 |
powertool08 | haha, oh noes! #kubuntu was hacked | 19:20 |
mu91t | powertool: i am not getting you..., probably you guys have a different education system there... | 19:20 |
=== kal is now known as kalenedrael | ||
Tm_T | ok, I repeat... | 19:20 |
jerome_ | hehe probably a newbie to login as root | 19:20 |
Tm_T | !ot | mu91t && powertool08 | 19:21 |
ubottu | mu91t && powertool08: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 19:21 |
jerome_ | he will learn..... | 19:21 |
powertool08 | mu91t: Probably, if you mean what am I studying, then its Tech management | 19:21 |
powertool08 | mu91t: PM? | 19:21 |
mu91t | powertool08: lets talk inprivate space | 19:21 |
Tm_T | mu91t: powertool08, please feel free to join #kubuntu-offtopic | 19:22 |
jerome_ | powertool08: you are a student? | 19:23 |
Daniel-Minifig | Is there a way to disable the i810 video card in Kubuntu? | 19:24 |
Daniel-Minifig | It is onboard. | 19:24 |
powertool08 | jerome_: Yep, undergradate | 19:24 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: you must do it in bios | 19:24 |
powertool08 | Daniel-Minifig: check in your Bios settings | 19:24 |
jerome_ | powertool08: to late :) | 19:25 |
powertool08 | jerome_: yep | 19:25 |
Daniel-Minifig | None in BIOS. Just says "Primary Video (AGP/PCI). Thank you. | 19:25 |
powertool08 | jerome_: I'm multi-tasking :P | 19:25 |
jerome_ | powertool08: same for me like my debian | 19:25 |
Daniel-Minifig | I did it again. Killed Linux. I thought a different video card would work. | 19:26 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: check more in other menu | 19:26 |
Daniel-Minifig | I checked all through BIOS. The PC is an old emachines. | 19:26 |
Daniel-Minifig | Seems alot of people hate it. | 19:27 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: an alod like what a celeron 400 ? | 19:27 |
Daniel-Minifig | 900Mhz. Might be Celeron. | 19:28 |
Daniel-Minifig | This PC is 2ghz Dell P4. 512MB memory and 128MB nvidia video. | 19:29 |
jerome_ | my last server is a celeron 400 a change it 6 month ago it work during 5 years every dys withut any problem with a suse 8.2 | 19:29 |
=== alain is now known as Guest45718 | ||
Daniel-Minifig | If you want a laugh, I have an old old P166Mhz still up and going. DOS/WIn98SE. | 19:30 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: in fact when i change my PC my client is the same as your PC and i put it like a server and buy a new one | 19:31 |
Daniel-Minifig | Maxes out Packard Bell. | 19:31 |
Daniel-Minifig | Maxed | 19:31 |
jussi01 | !ot | 19:31 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 19:31 |
jerome_ | Daniel-Minifig: laught..... to do a server to learn it's ok | 19:31 |
jerome_ | you don't need more | 19:32 |
jerome_ | for learn | 19:32 |
jerome_ | it's depend of what you want to do with linux | 19:33 |
=== marco_ is now known as clapton_pt | ||
jerome_ | if it's to use the system it's impossibe but it's it's to learn how linux work it's ok | 19:34 |
KRF | 900mghz? impossible to use? no | 19:35 |
jerome_ | KRF: of course you can but only on terminal | 19:36 |
KRF | lol, jerome_. 900mghz is a lot | 19:36 |
jerome_ | KRF: hehehe | 19:40 |
mit | my sansa clip is not being recogized. | 19:45 |
mit | how can i fix that? | 19:45 |
sbucat | mit: ? | 19:46 |
sbucat | do you have sansa view or something like that? | 19:46 |
jerome_ | what is sansa? | 19:46 |
sbucat | i think a mp3-mp4 player | 19:47 |
jerome_ | have you some message in you /var/log/message went you plug it? | 19:47 |
jerome_ | /var/log/messages sorry | 19:48 |
jerome_ | unplug, open a konsole as root do tail -f /var/log/messages | 19:49 |
mit | sbucat: no, its called sansa clip | 19:49 |
jerome_ | plug it on show | 19:49 |
mit | its an mp3 player | 19:49 |
sbucat | mit: but you have said your sansa clip are not recognized so.... it's a movie plauyer too? | 19:49 |
sbucat | do you haveconverted a movie and your sansa doesn t want play it? | 19:50 |
mit | Sep 8 21:50:01 mit-desktop kernel: [159917.284574] usb 5-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 12 | 19:50 |
mit | get these | 19:50 |
jerome_ | ok and just hat? | 19:51 |
KomiaPoika | how do i display which graphics card i have | 19:51 |
mit | jerome_: yes | 19:51 |
sbucat | KomiaPoika: lspci | grep VIdeo | 19:51 |
sbucat | KomiaPoika: if it doesn t work try only : lspci | 19:51 |
mit | lspci | grep vga | 19:52 |
KomiaPoika | sbucat: thanks | 19:53 |
sbucat | y are welcom | 19:53 |
sbucat | e | 19:53 |
jerome_ | mit have a look at this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312196 | 19:54 |
sbucat | mit: but it's an hardware problem , your device is not recognized or your clip , i mean with clip movie film or that stuff , are not recognized by your sansa player | 19:54 |
sbucat | ? | 19:54 |
mit | the device is called sansa clip | 19:55 |
mit | and it just appeared | 19:55 |
mit | in my device bay | 19:55 |
mit | strange | 19:55 |
mit | took it a while | 19:56 |
KomiaPoika | what package should i install to have linux kernel sources | 19:57 |
Jampiter | How do I uninstall the 386 kernel? | 19:57 |
jerome_ | kernel-hearders | 19:57 |
SkEmO | should I forward my ports on ktorrent? | 19:57 |
jerome_ | headers | 19:57 |
SkEmO | download speed is awesome as it is, but upload is poor :/ | 19:58 |
jerome_ | KomiaPoika: make a aptitude search kernel-header | 19:58 |
KomiaPoika | jerome_: kthx | 19:58 |
KRF | SkEmO, if dl is ok, its okay :) | 19:59 |
jerome_ | KomiaPoika: for ntothing | 19:59 |
* Jampiter asks for help here :p | 19:59 | |
SkEmO | i see | 20:00 |
KRF | Jampiter, dpkg -l | grep image*386* | 20:00 |
KRF | then apt-get remove <pkg> | 20:00 |
KRF | Jampiter, dpkg -l | grep *image*386* | 20:00 |
Jampiter | Thanks, but I don't know the package name :p How do I find that out? | 20:01 |
KomiaPoika | jerome_: i have install linux-libc-dev, but nvidia drivers still can't compile a kernel interface for me. what package am i missing? | 20:01 |
KomiaPoika | let me install kernel-package | 20:04 |
KomiaPoika | libc6-dev | 20:05 |
KomiaPoika | duh | 20:05 |
jerome_ | KomiaPoika: try a aptitude search nvidi | 20:11 |
jerome_ | nvidia... of course | 20:11 |
jerome_ | my english is so bad ...hahahahahah | 20:12 |
KomiaPoika | jerome_: it's ok after i install libc6-dev, i could install nvidia's appropriate drivers | 20:16 |
nixbox | kubuntu does not come with madwifi wireless drivers? | 20:16 |
skinnymg1 | hello irc realm | 20:26 |
jerome_ | KomiaPoika: ok | 20:27 |
ToHellWithGA | has something replaced the kde control center in intrepid ibex? | 20:36 |
ToHellWithGA | the "kcontrol" package is mysteriously gone so i'm stuck in single-click frustration | 20:37 |
jerome_ | ToHellWithGA: welcome in linux :) | 20:38 |
KRF | ToHellWithGA, try `systemsettings` | 20:38 |
ToHellWithGA | thanks y'all | 20:38 |
ducatimoto | /j#Aigo-MID | 20:49 |
=== bill__ is now known as bboy | ||
master_ | kubuntu 7.04 on my laptop just stopped logging in.. I enter the password, the screen goes dark, and then it bring me back to the login screen. | 20:59 |
master_ | What can I do? | 20:59 |
powertool08 | master_: I'd check your Xauth logs in /var/log/ for clues | 21:02 |
master_ | powertool08: each try adds another 27 lines to /var/log/Xorg.0.log but that includes no explicit errors. | 21:13 |
powertool08 | master_: look at "dmesg | tail" and i believe kdm also has a log file in the /var/log/ directory | 21:14 |
sputnick | hi there | 21:14 |
powertool08 | hello | 21:14 |
sputnick | can I install kde4 from packages but no replacing kde3 ? | 21:15 |
sputnick | I would like to keep both if it's possible | 21:16 |
powertool08 | sputnick: I'm pretty sure it keeps both by default, at your login screen you can click on sessions and choose | 21:16 |
sputnick | I'm under Ubuntu hardy | 21:16 |
master_ | powertool08: dmesg doesn't show anything for each login attempt.. the kdm log adds 6 lines each time.. stuff like synapticsDeviceOn called and synapticsDeviceOff called and SynapticsDeviceInit called.. | 21:17 |
master_ | powertool08: at the end of Xorg.0.log, it also said synapticsDeviceOff called.. | 21:18 |
master_ | Might that mean anything? | 21:18 |
powertool08 | master_: I think its referring to your trackpad mouse | 21:19 |
powertool08 | master_: can you log in as another user without problems? | 21:19 |
master_ | let me try | 21:19 |
sputnick | that's ok, http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/kde4 I can keep both | 21:20 |
fredrik | hi | 21:24 |
=== mcas is now known as mcas_away | ||
powertool08 | hello | 21:24 |
Tm_T | !away > mcas_away | 21:24 |
ubottu | mcas_away, please see my private message | 21:24 |
master_ | powertool08: I created a user "guest" using the command line.. tried loging in via kdm and got a blue screen with an error dialog (forgot what it said).. So I also created a /home/guest and gave guest ownership of that.. Then I tried loging in guest and black screen, followed by back to the login screen.. | 21:24 |
fredrik | anybody knows whats wrong when kaffeine can't run proberly? | 21:25 |
ubuntu | salut a tous | 21:25 |
master_ | powertool08: I have serious work I need to get done.. and this is really hurting. | 21:25 |
master_ | Is there some way to kill kdm so I can try using "startx" from the command line? | 21:25 |
powertool08 | master_: I don't know of anything else, sorry :/ somebody in #ubuntu might be able to help more | 21:25 |
powertool08 | master_: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 21:26 |
fredrik | anybody got WoW to work in Kubuntu? | 21:26 |
=== gposabella is now known as boymask2000 | ||
=== carnage__ is now known as carnage^ | ||
* powertool08 doesn't play WoW | 21:26 | |
fredrik | :) | 21:26 |
master_ | powertool08: thanks! | 21:27 |
powertool08 | master_: np | 21:27 |
fredrik | my kaffeine says: loading of Xine failed.. or something... anybody knows what's going on...? | 21:27 |
zetheroo | I downloaded the Kubuntu 8.04.1 ISO and was installing it in Virtual Box ,, I got a popup window saying that the session was locked and its asking for a password to unlock it..... whats the password? | 21:32 |
ghostcube | hmm is there a reason why bitchx isnt anmore in repo | 21:39 |
CapitalT_ | Any eclipse users here? | 21:49 |
CapitalT_ | Does the side panels minimize vertically (like on Windows) or do they look like this http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/3/9/8/f_snapshot1m_e1a3c62.png&srv=img26 | 21:49 |
powertool08 | I've heard of it :) | 21:49 |
RurouniJones | Er, don't know what you mean byt he screenshot but AFAIK they minimise to the left | 21:50 |
CapitalT_ | RurouniJones: the panel should've minimized vertically (sideways), not horizontally. It wastes space this way | 21:52 |
CapitalT_ | RurouniJones: it already does that on Windows, and since Eclipse is written in Java I fail to see why that's not the case on Ubuntu | 21:53 |
=== pasquale is now known as pasquale__ | ||
mrxmike | can i install linuxmce on hardy? | 21:59 |
darrell | yeah | 22:01 |
maennel | hey guys | 22:01 |
maennel | somebody knows about the "sudo dolphin"-bug? | 22:02 |
maennel | one of its effects is, that there is on every dolphin closing an error message that says, that it hasn't the rights to write to the bookmarks.xml file | 22:03 |
maennel | in my case i can't even write anymore at all to any file on my ntfs data partition | 22:04 |
volty | hi, I don't see in font selection dialogs (for konsole, system wide ...) Fixed [Misc] font, but it's here, how can I enable bitmap fonts? | 22:09 |
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=== gr is now known as superg7 | ||
superg7 | dfgdfg | 22:11 |
Sixzero | Ok, I've got one for you guys. I just got my E-MU sound card working with Kubuntu, but for some odd reason, the pitch is a little high on the sound. Is there a way to adjust this? | 22:16 |
Sixzero | sixzero | 22:16 |
powertool08 | maybe in alsamixer? | 22:17 |
Sixzero | i'm installing to see. Kmix isn't much help with it though | 22:21 |
=== fale__ is now known as Fale | ||
morghanphoenix | How well do the kde4 games packages run when you're using kde3.5? Seems like the repos have a ton of packaged I had installed before upgrading, but now they all say kde4 on them. | 23:02 |
spike__ | how do I mount an hfs+ filesystem on a CD? | 23:06 |
=== spike__ is now known as ForgeAus | ||
favro | morghanphoenix: do your repos include any for kde4? | 23:07 |
morghanphoenix | any what for kde4? | 23:09 |
=== avihayb_ is now known as avihayb | ||
morghanphoenix | katomic, kbattleship, kbounce, kmahjongg. They all say that it is a part of kdegames-kde4 on the description, and I don't have kde4 installed. | 23:11 |
favro | !repos | morghanphoenix | 23:13 |
ubottu | morghanphoenix: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 23:13 |
favro | morghanphoenix: I'm just guessing that maybe you are set up to grab kde4 packages ... | 23:14 |
morghanphoenix | yeah, I have no problem getting the right one using apt on the command line, it's just the gui that seems to want to give me the wrong one. | 23:15 |
morghanphoenix | Browsing the list in read only gui, and installing in yakuake :P | 23:15 |
BluesKaj | morghanphoenix, that's cuz the latest aren't in the repos yet | 23:16 |
ForgeAus | to mount a (second?) hfsplus partition on a CD do you have to unmount the .iso part first? and how to mount the hfs part? | 23:16 |
favro | !info hfsutils ForgeAus | 23:17 |
ubottu | 'forgeaus' is not a valid distribution | 23:17 |
ForgeAus | I know the -t hfsplus part, but now what /dev/??? to use | 23:17 |
ForgeAus | or if its a block device? | 23:17 |
favro | !info hfsutils | ForgeAus | 23:17 |
ubottu | forgeaus: hfsutils (source: hfsutils): Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.6-11build1 (hardy), package size 73 kB, installed size 228 kB | 23:17 |
ForgeAus | I have them favro | 23:17 |
favro | k | 23:17 |
ForgeAus | but its a mixed-CD not a whole hfsplus one | 23:17 |
favro | ohh | 23:17 |
ForgeAus | I acn mount the cd part | 23:18 |
ForgeAus | just don't know how ot refer to the hfsplus bit | 23:18 |
favro | what's on the rest? | 23:18 |
ForgeAus | normal .iso | 23:18 |
ForgeAus | I don't know if the hfsplus is embedded in the iso or on a separate track or what tho | 23:19 |
ForgeAus | I just know that there is one there, and I don't know how to mount it lol | 23:19 |
favro | with hfsutils if you mount the cd you should be able to browse to it and read/edit - mount with no options | 23:20 |
ForgeAus | (good to know that I'm not a valid distribution tho rofl) | 23:20 |
favro | e.g sudo mount /dev/cdrom /somewhere | 23:20 |
ForgeAus | hmmm.. | 23:20 |
ForgeAus | ok I'll try that, I'll unmount the cd device already there | 23:21 |
ForgeAus | thanx! it worked! | 23:21 |
kieren | Hi | 23:22 |
kieren | I'm having trouble connecting wireless to my router | 23:22 |
kieren | I think the entered key is wrong | 23:23 |
Sixzero | what kind of wireless card do you have? | 23:23 |
kieren | How do I edit the stored one? | 23:23 |
kieren | BT thing for laptop | 23:23 |
kieren | Installed fine with drivers | 23:23 |
Sixzero | are you in KDE at the moment? | 23:24 |
kieren | Yeah | 23:24 |
aleboco | hi guys, how do i change the name of my machine? (ex. from antonio@antonio to antonio@laptop) | 23:24 |
kieren | Wired | 23:24 |
kieren | aleboco: it's located in /etc/hosts | 23:24 |
Sixzero | ok, look to the bottom right of your screen on the bar. To the left of the date and time you should see a white icon that looks kinda like a white popsickle, even though I'm sure it's supposed to be a plug. Do you see it? | 23:25 |
favro | I!hostname | aleboco | 23:25 |
favro | !hostname | aleboco | 23:25 |
ubottu | aleboco: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 23:25 |
kieren | Sixzero: yeah, i clicked that and selected the router | 23:25 |
kieren | Entered my WEP key | 23:26 |
kieren | But wont connect | 23:26 |
aleboco | thanks to all | 23:26 |
skinnymg1 | kieren; what kind of router is it | 23:26 |
Sixzero | Ok, so you've gone that far. You're wanting to know how to change the saved key? | 23:26 |
kieren | I think maybe the key is incorrect | 23:26 |
skinnymg1 | what kind of router is it | 23:26 |
kieren | skinnymg1: Wireless belkin one | 23:26 |
kieren | Does work, am connected to a wireless access point at the moment | 23:27 |
Sixzero | ok, go to that icon again, right click and select manual configuration. | 23:27 |
skinnymg1 | certain belkin routers cannot be decyffered by linux for some odd reason | 23:27 |
kieren | Oh :/ | 23:28 |
Sixzero | highlight the wlan0 interface and click configure interface | 23:28 |
skinnymg1 | but try this once | 23:28 |
ForgeAus | so its not embedded you just mount it as the CD device | 23:28 |
Sixzero | I'm on a belkin router. | 23:28 |
ForgeAus | odd that it knows how to detect | 23:28 |
skinnymg1 | i said certain ones | 23:28 |
Sixzero | when you click configure interface you can change the essid and the wep key from there. | 23:29 |
skinnymg1 | one i know is the one that comes with laptops sometimes | 23:29 |
BraveSpear | !kmix | 23:30 |
ubottu | kmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. KMix supports several platforms and sound drivers. Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix for complete information. | 23:30 |
BraveSpear | !ksystray | 23:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ksystray | 23:30 |
Sixzero | kieren: any luck? | 23:30 |
kieren | Trying... | 23:30 |
skinnymg1 | kieren try this | 23:30 |
skinnymg1 | right click the knetwork manager | 23:31 |
kieren | Brb, let me try the previous suggestion... | 23:31 |
Sixzero | Does anyone here know about configuring multiple soundcards in KDE? | 23:32 |
Kieren2 | No luck | 23:34 |
Kieren2 | Just saying cannot connect to <router> | 23:34 |
Sixzero | at least you're sure your key is right, so you're halfway there. | 23:34 |
Kieren2 | Yeah | 23:35 |
Sixzero | your card can see the router, yeah? | 23:35 |
skinnymg1 | ok try this | 23:35 |
Kieren2 | Yeah, can see the router | 23:35 |
Kieren2 | And asks for the key | 23:35 |
skinnymg1 | right click on the knetworkmanager | 23:35 |
Kieren2 | ... | 23:37 |
martalli | I know that this channel is still for versions 7.04 -8.04, but I have to say that the new version of Kubuntu is grrrrrreat! | 23:42 |
Sixzero | you talkin' bout kde4 martalli? | 23:44 |
martalli | kde 4.1.1 | 23:44 |
martalli | I had some initial bumps, but I think this is looking great. | 23:45 |
martalli | And the distro release is still in the alpha | 23:45 |
Sixzero | whats up with that lil dodad in the top right corner? i installed it once and it lasted me 5 minutes. | 23:45 |
martalli | Just wanted to be a gushing faboy in #kubuntu, since #ubuntu+1 is sullied by the gnome drudges | 23:46 |
martalli | =) | 23:46 |
martalli | what doodad? | 23:46 |
Sixzero | The orange curly thing in the top right corner, I think it has something to do with widgets. | 23:46 |
skinnymg1 | kieren sorry had to take care of something | 23:47 |
martalli | Sixzero: Yes, its for adding widgets | 23:48 |
martalli | They don't seem to have a lot of widgets yet, honestly. Personally, I don't care much for widgets...My wife has a mac and we haven't changed the widgets on that at all. | 23:49 |
Sixzero | martalli: as soon as i clicked on it the first time i installed kde4 it crashed my comp so I had to reinstall kde3 | 23:49 |
martalli | Sixzero: When was that? | 23:49 |
martalli | I think the 8.10 alpha is fairly stable...although adept only started working for me this week (I prefer the CLI anyway lol =) | 23:50 |
Sixzero | martalli: about 2 weeks ago | 23:50 |
Sixzero | cli? | 23:50 |
Sixzero | sorry, i'm still kinda new | 23:50 |
Sixzero | !cli | 23:50 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 23:50 |
martalli | It has been working for me....But I think I will keep our office on 3.5.x for the next iteration again, or until I am sure all the bugs are worked out. | 23:50 |
martalli | Sixzero: No problems. Instead of using adept or update-manager, you can simply run the update from the command like (from the konsole app) by running the command "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 23:52 |
Sixzero | It was a real pain to get everything installed right on my shuttle box, even moreso on my compaq with a radeon inside | 23:52 |
martalli | The first command updates the packages in the repositories, and the next command does the update | 23:52 |
* martalli doesn't have any radeons | 23:52 | |
martalli | But I thought that hardy and intrepid were going to work better with ati | 23:52 |
Sixzero | i hadn't caught the abbreviaton for command line interface, that's what threw me off | 23:53 |
Sixzero | <-- = dumb@ss | 23:53 |
martalli | Sixzero: no problem =) Did you come from the mac or pc world? | 23:53 |
Sixzero | pc | 23:53 |
martalli | They don't use the command line much, unless you hail from the days of DOS | 23:53 |
Sixzero | my compaq is a hackintosh dual-booting with kubuntu 8.04 | 23:53 |
Sixzero | the last time I messed around with command-line heavily was dos 3.11 | 23:54 |
martalli | Ah, sounds like you know your way around fooling with a computer, then =) | 23:54 |
Sixzero | I'm young, but I started even younger. I used to have a real authentic copy of dos 1 for atari 800, lol | 23:55 |
martalli | Linux is great for fooling around with the system, although stable distros like ubuntu, fedora, and mandriva should be able to do a lot for you with just a standard, stable install | 23:55 |
Sixzero | the system installed great. it's getting the graphics cards set up that hurt you at first. | 23:55 |
Sixzero | it took me an entire week to get just the right install/setup for that radeon card flrgxconfig would read it right | 23:56 |
martalli | I started with Linux around 2003, but now the default installs are very useful and rock solid | 23:56 |
martalli | Do you have an older radeon? I think the work on the radeons for linux is mostly with the newish cards | 23:56 |
Sixzero | 9600 | 23:57 |
Sixzero | I had similar birthing pains with the shuttle box. It's got an onboard geforce 7 and getting a stable driver for it was quite a chore. | 23:57 |
martalli | Yeah, only after I wondered why I didn't have desktop effects did I realize that my laptop running 8.10 kubuntu was using the vesa driver. The resolution was fine, but the eye candy missing =) | 23:57 |
Sixzero | exactly | 23:57 |
Sixzero | Does anyone here know about configuring multiple soundcards in KDE? | 23:58 |
martalli | yeah, this lappie has a geoforce go 7200...Somehow ubuntu just woulnd't recognize it, but with enough fiddling it seems to be working now | 23:58 |
martalli | Sixzero: got me there | 23:58 |
martalli | I wonder if the forums would have something, or the ubuntustudio folks | 23:59 |
Sixzero | Now that I've installed compiz on my shuttle box, i'm starting to wish I hadn't. Now none of the games will open correctly in full windows. | 23:59 |
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