
=== filo12341 is now known as filo1234
=== [Nik0] is now known as [NikO]clope
=== [NikO]clope is now known as [NikO]pipi
=== teKnofreak is now known as techno_freak
filo1234hi all15:23
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest28113
=== Guest28113 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest57866
=== Guest57866 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest83784
=== Guest83784 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest83881
=== Guest83881 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest32068
ZicI think it's his bnc's fault17:53
=== Guest32068 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest7417
=== Guest7417 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest86537
=== Guest86537 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest29834
=== Guest29834 is now known as trucMuche
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest78748
Zicgg :)18:12
filo1234if someone ban it on #frenode too :)18:15
Zicjust remove ;)18:16
PiciStaff control that, let them take care of it.18:17
naliothfilo1234: /help ignore18:18
filo1234nalioth: sure :)18:19
trucMuchesorry for changenickname19:39
PicitrucMuche: Fixed the issue?19:39
trucMucheyes ..19:39
trucMuchein my town all phone down19:39
trucMucheand after chanserv hate me :)19:40
trucMuchei remove auto join too19:40
trucMuchePici, sorry you can kick me to test if autojoin is removed ?19:44
PicitrucMuche: It wasn't autojoin that was messing up, it was just nick changes.19:44
trucMucheoh ok :)19:45
PiciAnd I have my kicks aliased to removes, so they should never trigger an autorejoin.19:45

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