
perilluxRummandinho: do you use the default settings?00:00
RummandinhoNah i just now use Sony Sound Forge00:00
DrValisteven_, do ls --help00:00
perilluxRummandinho: because I get HORRIBLE quality with the defaults.00:00
DrValiread the commands, and see if you can get ls to give you the output you want.00:00
RummandinhoAudacity is a good alternative but it really messes up if you have the W32.pate.b virus.00:00
mnWhat does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating?00:00
DrValiwhen you do, just repeat the command with the "> /home...." part and you'll have your answer.00:00
steven_DrVali: thanks. will do.00:00
zammyking112how do you install flash?00:00
mysterycoolIs there a way to put Applications, Places and System into one menu? I know there is a way but I don't know how. :/00:00
RummandinhoTry changin the KBps and Sample rate perillux00:01
tabakhase_something seems to be strange to my hdd...00:01
Gnea!flash | zammyking11200:01
ubottuzammyking112: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:01
mysterycoolzammyking112: Go to a flash website like youtube.00:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about universal00:02
luishey guys, I have a question00:02
Jordan_Umysterycool: gnome-main-menu ?00:02
perilluxRummandinho: that helps a little ya.  But I remember recording in windows movie maker at 44100 Hz and it sounded great.  Now it doesn't sound even half that good at 48000 Hz with audacity.00:02
mysterycoolJordan_U: Is that a package?00:02
erUSULzammyking112: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfre00:03
=== luis is now known as corunum
KidforkIm having a little troyub'00:03
corunumcan someone help me find out whats wrong with my sound?00:03
Jordan_Umysterycool: Yes, it's basically SuSe's main menu00:03
tabakhase_Error 18: Selected cylinder exceeds maximum supported by BOIS <- always with that "pci=routeirq" @ Gnea00:03
mysterycoolJordan_U: Oh, thank you :)00:03
MrKennie_corunum: what is the problem you're having?00:03
Rummandinho44100 and 48000 has the worlds difference00:03
RummandinhoIt makes Jim Morrisson sound like Dolly Parton00:03
mysterycoolcorunum: Yes?00:03
D3RGPS31Is there a package out there that allows me to use my command shell in a web browser, remotely?00:04
RummandinhoWait lemme do a bit diggin in wikihow for you00:04
corunummy sound stopped working all of a sudden, I think it may be a problem with the mp3 codecs or somethin00:04
kindofabuzzD3RGPS31, umm just ssh00:04
ulmolavender_Zeus_: Yeah, I restarted all of my routers and stuff, and now it works00:04
mnWhat does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating?00:04
usserD3RGPS31, thats not a good idea, just use ssh00:04
mysterycoolcorunum: It used to work before?00:04
corunummy music player stopped playing songs, it simply doesnt start them00:04
corunumyes mystery, it worked this morning00:04
D3RGPS31usser: I know it's not a good idea, I'd just like to know00:05
mysterycoolcorunum: Wait, it runs them but you hear no sound or the player won't open?00:05
corunumI tried two other music players and they both just crash00:05
RummandinhoI don't have a music player for my linux00:05
RummandinhoI don't have a video player for my linux00:05
corunumplayer wont open00:05
RummandinhoI don't have a player for my linux00:05
=== mysterycool is now known as misterNotYou
RummandinhoThat's why I am shunned to Windows00:05
=== misterNotYou is now known as mrNotYou
usserD3RGPS31, you could probably write something like that yourself in php i suppose00:05
=== schmitty is now known as SchmittyLHC
mrNotYoucorunum: You use rhythmbox?00:05
usserD3RGPS31, but i never heard of a package that does that00:05
D3RGPS31usser: thank you00:06
corunumyes, that one stopped working so I got audacious then amarok and neither work00:06
jmichelsen_so using the "!!" replicates the last command, is there a way to replace the first part of it, for example i do "vi scripts.sh" and then want to run it, is there something that will remove the vi so "!!" just repeat the last part?00:06
kindofabuzzD3RGPS31, alot easier to just ssh00:06
SchmittyLHCwhats a good command line irc chat client. I looking for something that is probably already installed on a redhat system? any ideas?00:06
mrNotYoucorunum: Go to the terminal and type in rhythmbox00:06
zammyking112How do i get flash player to work?00:06
jmichelsen_SchmittyLHC: irlli00:06
jmichelsen_SchmittyLHC: irssi00:07
mrNotYoucorunum: Tell me the output.00:07
lenswipehow do i install mcrypt on ubuntu so it works with phpmyadmin00:07
=== tabris|a1ay is now known as tabris|away
tabakhase_this shiddens me =(00:07
zammyking112How do i get flash player to work?00:07
lenswipeapt-get mcrypt DOESNT WORK! :(00:07
SchmittyLHCwho here is running a command line irc client right now?00:07
corunumit opened rhythmbox :/00:07
tabakhase_I just need my old, sweet 2.6.15 kernel <300:07
mrNotYoucorunum: So, it does work?00:07
lenswipeanyone know anything about mcrypt?00:08
corunumit opens but doesnt play any songs00:08
zammyking112How do i get flash player to work?00:08
kindofabuzzzammyking112, install it?00:08
corunumI think its something with the codecs00:08
kindofabuzz!flash | zammyking11200:08
ubottuzammyking112: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:08
nathanielneallwhere can i get more visualizations for rhythmbox music player00:08
lenswipeMYCRYPT halp please00:08
zammyking112install what and how?00:08
lenswipei cant get mycrpt to work00:08
favro!info mcrypt > lenswipe00:08
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message00:08
jmichelsen_SchmittyLHC: irssi00:08
kindofabuzzzammyking112, read the link00:09
jmichelsen_so using the "!!" replicates the last command, is there a way to replace the first part of it, for example i do "vi scripts.sh" and then want to run it, is there something that will remove the vi so "!!" just repeat the last part?00:09
lenswipefavro: "mcrypt (source: mcrypt): Replacement for old unix crypt(1). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.4-3.2ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 64 kB, installed size 264 kB" means nothing to me, can u expain?00:09
nathanielnealljmichelsen, for terminal you mean?00:09
favrolenswipe: the package mcrypt is in the universe repository ready to be installed00:10
favro!universe > lenswipe00:10
ubottulenswipe, please see my private message00:10
lenswipefavro: i know, i installed it but PMA still doesnt work with it for some reason00:11
lenswipefavro: any ideas?00:11
jmichelsen_nathanielneall: yea00:11
lenswipefavro: im still getting a message from PMA telling me that its not installed00:11
jmichelsen_nathanielneall: for terminal manipulation00:11
lenswipefavro: :=[00:11
KidforkIm having a bit of trouble with Ubuntu, I turned on my computer and everything is B I G. Like the toolbar is big, the icons are big, the programs are big. How can i fix this?00:12
favrolenswipe> apt-get mcrypt DOESNT WORK! :( is what I started with - I don't know mcrypt sorry :)00:12
gaintsurafavro: I think its libmcrypt00:12
jmichelsen_nathanielneall: another example, say I do "cat script.sh" and then want to edit it, can I do !! but replace the "cat" with vi or something? maybe sed can do what I want00:12
lenswipefavro: ok np00:12
favro!info mcrypt > gaintsura00:13
ubottugaintsura, please see my private message00:13
KidforkIm having a bit of trouble with Ubuntu, I turned on my computer and everything is B I G. Like the toolbar is big, the icons are big, the programs are big. How can i fix this?00:13
ToastGuyHow do I figure out what my computer IP address is?00:13
gaintsurafavro: thanks, but why are you telling me?00:13
ToastGuylike on windows ipconfig00:13
FloodBot2ToastGuy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:14
favrogaintsura> favro: I think its libmcrypt <-- this00:14
lenswipegainsura: no he was right, libmycrypt doesnt exist aparently according to terminal00:14
gaintsuraoh ^_^00:14
lenswipei meant to write mcrypt00:14
gaintsuraman, I'm so tired... and all I want is for 'null address' to stop trying to get into my system00:14
lenswipethe mycript was a typo00:14
KidforkIm having a bit of trouble with Ubuntu, I turned on my computer and everything is B I G. Like the toolbar is big, the icons are big, the programs are big. How can i fix this?00:15
SchmittyLHCdoes anyhere use bitchx?00:15
gaintsuralenswipe: I know what you meant, I frequently type mycrypt too00:15
mrNotYouWhat's the package to put a menu in the panel that has Applications, Places and System in one menu?00:15
tabakhase_KiDFlaSh resolution?!00:15
lenswipegainsura: lulz00:15
mrNotYouKidforx: Resolution.00:15
Jordan_Ugaintsura: denyhosts ?00:15
mrNotYou*Kidfork: Resolution.00:15
KidforkmrNotYou: How can i fix this?00:15
travis_how do i make a list of commands run in every single sistem boot?00:16
gaintsuraJordan_U: ??00:16
mrNotYoutravis_: sessions.00:16
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:16
gaintsuraJordan_U: mind if I pm paste you a line from the log?00:16
gaintsuratravis_: .bashrc is only for when you open a terminal00:16
travis_but this one loads only when the shell program is run00:16
mrNotYouKidfork: Go to System -> Preferences -> Screen resolution.00:16
gaintsurafound that out the hardway00:16
Jordan_Ugaintsura: I would prefer you use pastebin00:16
gaintsuraJordan_U: ok, np00:16
lukinhi there00:16
travis_is there another archive wich loads everytime?00:17
travis_y mean00:17
mrNotYoutravis_: Try the sessions.00:17
favrotravis_: .bash_profile loads after login00:17
mykhihi, i accidently damaged /usr/lib/libGL.so.1, is there any way to fix it?00:17
gaintsuraJordan_U: http://pastie.org/267848 thats 4 recent lines00:17
firiI'm trying to listen to some music, and when I launch Rhythmbox, Rhythmbox takes 30% of my CPU usage and Pulseaudio another 30% of my 2.9GHz CPU. Is this normal behavior?00:18
travis_i actually want to do it by hand00:18
lukinneed help configuring skystar2 on ubuntu guys anyone please?00:18
travis_using vi00:18
mrNotYoutravis_: oh.00:18
ussermykhi, i think u have to reinstall your video driver for that00:18
KidforkmrNotYou: The resolution options are 640X480 (which is set at) and 320X240 (which makes it even bigger00:18
ussermykhi, libGL is part of your video driver00:18
mrNotYouKidfork: You can set the resolution you want.00:18
gaintsurafavro: does that include running command's (the .bash_profile)00:18
mykhiusser, you mean like fglrx?00:18
nibsa1242bfiri: if Rhythmbox is indexing, yes. And yes, Pulseaudio frequently uses large amounts of CPU on my 2.42GHz CPU.00:18
KidforkmrNotYou: How is this possiable?00:19
ussermykhi, yea if u use ati00:19
mrNotYouKidfork: Hang on a sec plz.00:19
gaintsurahey IndyGunFreak ^_^00:19
firinibsa1242b: Thank you.00:19
ussermykhi, then thats the one00:19
IndyGunFreakgaintsura: how goes it.00:19
favrogaintsura: I use it to startx after I login automatically - I don't run a *dm00:19
ussermykhi, in the synaptic look in the fglrx package properties you'll pbbly see libGL file there00:19
gaintsuraIndyGunFreak: not bad, I'm tired as all get up though00:19
mykhiusser, fglrx-kernel-
gaintsurafavro: ahh, is there a way to make a command run every time you login to a gui?00:20
mykhiusser, will dpkg -i do the trick?00:20
zcat[1]gaintsura, system > preferences > session00:20
gaintsurazcat[1]: doesn't work00:20
zcat[1]gaintsura, works here. what command?00:20
mrNotYouKidfork: Did you click on Detect Displays?00:20
KidforkmrNotYou: Yes00:21
gaintsurazcat[1]: trying to get a custom made 'shader' python script to run00:21
ussermykhi, nope u have to purge and its not fglrx-kernel package its another one00:21
gaintsurazcat[1]: its something similar to python /home/gaintsura/new_shader.py <window>00:21
favrogaintsura: in ubuntu there is admin - session - startup for that00:21
gaintsurafavro: negative00:21
ussermykhi, xorg-driver-fglrx00:21
mykhiusser, so apt-get --reinstall install xorg-driver-fglrx? >>00:22
mrNotYou!resolution | kidfork00:22
ubottukidfork: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:22
extorIs there any way for me to send text to my desktop as a pure text overlay that just overshadows any windows I have open? Sorta like this screenshot: http://www.carmosaic.com/weather/scripts/image-overlay-demo.php00:22
steven_Hello all. I just bought a used laptop that I want to set up for my mom with Ubuntu. Can someone point me to a a link where I can learn how to remotely connect to her laptop when I'm off to college in order to update it, install software, and do other administrative things.00:22
eubeyis there a good alternative for windows journal for ubuntu tablets? i've tried xournal but it isn't pressure sensitive00:22
ussermykhi, dont reinstall just yet cause im not sure that libGL belongs to that package look it up in synaptic properties->installed files00:22
zcat[1]gaintsura, wrap the command inside a bash script and run that? That usually works out more reliablethan launching a long comand with multiple parameters from in session00:22
mykhiusser, i wish to know what you're talking about >>00:23
mrNotYou!vnc | steven_00:23
ubottusteven_: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:23
ussermykhi, hang on, i'll look it u[00:23
ussermykhi, *up00:24
mykhithanks a lot00:24
steven_mrNotYou: thank you.00:24
mrNotYousteven_: np :D =]00:24
zammyking112how do i make it so my screen aint so big00:24
gaintsuraJordan_U: any ideas?00:24
Decepticonhow do i turn on talkd so i can send the other user a massage00:24
mrNotYoueubey: I am not familiar with windows journal. What is it?00:24
mykhii actualy dont even have xorg-driver-fglrx in apt-get00:24
Jordan_Ugaintsura: No, sorry00:24
ussermykhi, is that the file? /usr/lib/libGL.so.100:25
Jordan_Umykhi: Make sure that you have restricted enabled00:25
mykhiusser, yes00:25
eubeymrNotYou, note taking using wacom pen, like a really specialized paint kind of00:25
gaintsuraIndyGunFreak: you know any security related stuffs?00:25
ussermykhi, how did u install ati driver? envy?00:25
mrNotYoueubey: Oh, sorry, I don't know. :/00:25
mykhinope sid, i could do it on envy00:25
mrNotYouIs there a way to send messages to another computer connected to the same network?00:26
ASrocki am having issues with ubuntu disconnecting from the internet, it works for a little while then it just quits, i have tried 2 different wireless adapters and 2 routers00:26
mykhiso i went for a sec on sid to get newest version00:26
IndyGunFreakgaintsura: other than, use a hardware firewall, disable ESSID, put a good password on your wireless network and change the default ESSID... no.00:26
mrNotYou!wireless | ASrock00:26
ubottuASrock: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:26
gaintsuraneed IPtables/security related stuff00:26
ussermykhi, sid?00:26
mrNotYouASrock: I am not sure if that might help but give it a try. Wireless has alway been a bug in Linux.00:26
mykhiusser, yes i got ati drivers from sid00:27
ussermykhi, what is sid?00:27
ASrockya but what i dont get is that one of my wireless adapters is connected via ethernet port00:27
Jordan_Umykhi: You can't use packages from Debian in Ubuntu00:27
ASrock...just like i wired connection so i wouldnt think that the adapter would have anything to do with it00:27
ussermykhi, are u running debian?00:28
mykhiwell im actualy using debian >>00:28
mrNotYouASrock: Again, it is wireless connected so there could still be a bug.00:28
mrNotYouIs there a way to send messages to another computer connected to the same network?00:28
mykhii hope it doesnt matter too much ><00:28
Jordan_Umykhi: You know there is a debian channel?00:28
EagleScreencan gdebi install more than one package at the same time?00:28
D1sa5t3ranyone have Acer Aspire One?00:28
ehtomhow can I get the number of bytes per sector for a device?00:28
ASrockwell i am shopping for a new wireless adapter for my computer can anyone tell me a wireless adapter that works right out of the box with ubuntu?00:28
mykhiJordan_U,  no i dont, it connects me to here automaticly00:28
ussermykhi, i dont know what the package called in debian the point is u have to reinstall fglrx00:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about talkd00:29
ehtommykhi: then you aren't using debian...00:29
KiDFlaShcan you USE the KAME00:29
tabakhase_it seems like ive got my kernel back...00:29
KiDFlaShthe kame package00:29
KiDFlaShkenn you use it?00:29
tabakhase_booting... *hope*00:29
byte-i'm a bit confused on the init script situation for 8.0400:29
mykhiusser, so if i used fglrx-kernel-src ill just recompile them again00:29
Jordan_Umykhi: Really, xchat in debian connects you here, that's odd. Anyway you can go to the debian channel by typing "/join #debian"00:30
byte-is upstart used by default, or is it sysv still?00:30
KiDFlaShwhy you try to denie it?00:30
Jordan_Ubyte-: upstart00:30
byte-because i don't have an inittab, but i also don't have upstart installed00:30
byte-which is confusing the hell out of me00:30
byte-i don't have any of the upstart binaries, and i don't have any of the configuration files00:30
byte-it seems like a pretty standard install besides the fact that it's inside vmware00:31
byte-any ideas on what's going on?00:31
grendal_primeis there a front end for shred?00:31
axeusAre Wobbly Windows not supported by Compiz?00:31
byte-it boots up fine and everything...00:31
mrNotYouaxeus: They are.00:31
KiDFlaShwho use compiz?00:31
Jordan_Ubyte-: Can you pastebin the output from "apt-cache policy upstart" ?00:31
perilluxis there any way to make audacity record at a lower volume.  Or to make it sort of "auto-level" so that it doesn't go too high and then get clipped making poor sound quality00:31
axeusHmm, I suppose I need to get a separate application to manage the settings of Compiz because I dont' see any type of configuration for that in X.00:32
byte-oops, my bad00:32
byte-i'm guessing the upstart binaries are in /sbin or /usr/sbin00:32
byte-i didn't actually look in there00:32
byte-it says it's installed00:32
tabakhase_How to freeze the kernel now? So that updater dont update him?00:32
ussermykhi, its not the kernel module u need to recompile its the driver itself that contains libGL00:32
mnWhat command is the equivalent of "del" in Win?00:32
SchmittyLHCi typed /join #channel; but i can't see the channel dialog, how can i view the chat inside the channel in bitchx?00:32
byte-but i can't find /etc/init/jobs.d00:32
byte-because it's not there00:32
mykhiusser, yea i just fond out cause it didnt work ;/00:33
SchmittyLHCmn: rm00:33
tabakhase_nm rm?00:33
byte-nevermind, i can't find the upstart binaries in any of the sbins, either00:33
FlannelSchmittyLHC: You'll have to consult your BitchX documentation.  BitchX isn't in Ubuntu due to its horrible security holes.00:33
byte-let me pastebin the output for you00:33
mykhiusser, is it fglrx-driver? or xserver-xorg-video-ati? im confused00:34
SchmittyLHCwhat command line client do you suggest Flannel?00:34
FlannelSchmittyLHC: I prefer irssi personally00:34
SchmittyLHCok, i'll try that thanx Flannel00:34
axeusHmm, Isn't Wobbly Windows supposed to be enabled by default with Compiz?00:34
SchmittyLHCim on a command line kick00:34
Jordan_Uaxeus: No00:34
evilGUIanyone know why I can't resume video in mplayer?00:34
axeusAh ok.00:34
zcat[1]http://pastebin.com/f23d5482e -- 'persistent' drops me into busybox. I have a second partiton, it's etx2 and labeled casper-rw. What else am I missing?00:35
BigBearcan ubuntu corrupt an ntfs partiition?00:35
axeusWell I just shoved a X850XTPE I found lying around in my closet in this box so I figure I can spare the resources.00:35
=== zburns is now known as zburnsAway
darren__wobby windows you have to select when you install ubuntu if your grafics card can handel it00:35
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evilGUII've been trying to find out how to fix this issue for weeks :/00:36
ussermykhi, its probably fglrx-driver00:36
ussermykhi, ati one is a opensource driver00:36
axeusdarren__ I just apt-get Installed KDE on the latest release of Ubuntu.00:36
axeusdarren__ So I just installed Compiz.00:36
JoelitoHi all, is there a SMTP server a light as lighttp web server? I only need to send emails to test my web form from my localhost?00:36
byte-Jordan_U, any thoughts?00:37
FlannelJoelito: From localhost to where?00:37
BigBearcan i use ntfs as the swap file?00:37
yatesquestion: how do you get a touchpad to drag by double-tap-and-hold?00:38
darren__axeus: sorry im new to linux i just know iselected mine in system prefrences apperance visual effects00:38
Jordan_Ubyte-: So upstart is installed, where is the mystery?00:38
BigBeari meant use a swap file?00:38
zcat[1]http://pastebin.com/f23d5482e -- 'persistent' drops me into busybox. I have a second partiton, it's etx2 and labeled casper-rw. What else am I missing? Anybody?00:38
evilGUIthe only thing thats holding me back from ditching windows is a working video player00:38
yatesquestion: how do you get a touchpad to drag by double-tap-and-hold?00:38
byte-Jordan_U, i can't find the configuration file00:38
JoelitoFlannel: Hi, mostly is a contact-feedback form that will send an email either gmail or yahoo00:38
IndyGunFreakdarren__: do you ahve gsynaptics installed?00:38
byte-Jordan_U, and i also incidentally can't find any of the upstart binaries00:38
IndyGunFreaksorry darren__00:38
byte-which seems like it might be related to the missing configuration file problem00:38
FlannelJoelito: using which email address though? something like esmtp can be used as long as you're only relaying it to a "real" smtp server00:39
darren__IndyGunFreak: thats ok00:39
KidforkmrNotYou: Are you still here?00:39
IndyGunFreakevilGUI: what do you mean a working video player?00:39
Jordan_Ubyte-: The upstart binary is named init00:39
evilGUII can't pause and resume in mplayer00:39
evilGUIwith any video type00:39
byte-Jordan_U, fair enough00:39
JoelitoFlannel: I think it'll be to gmail00:39
IndyGunFreakevilGUI: thats because mplayer sucks, use vlc00:39
perilluxwhat's the package name that has the volume level monitor and recording level monitor, I need to install it.00:39
zefyri hate cpanel so bad00:39
zefyri dont see why hosts rely on it so much00:40
FlannelJoelito: gmail has smtp I believe, so that'll work.00:40
byte-Jordan_U, is the default ubuntu upstart config file /etc/init/jobs.d?00:40
darren__Hi does any one know a good music player that you can add skins to00:40
Flannelbyte-: I think its events.d00:40
byte-Jordan_U, that's what the upstart site says, but it also said the binary was named 'upstart'00:40
IndyGunFreak!audacious | darren__00:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacious00:40
chalcedony.pdf fails to open: Unhandled MIME type: "application/x-ole-storage"  i only see a few error reports like this.. and none of them is current. it won't open regular pdf files  on Ubuntu Hardy 8.400:41
IndyGunFreakdarren__: audacious uses xmms skins, google and you'll find plenty of them00:41
JoelitoFlannel: Thanks :), is it "easy" as lighttp? I mean configuration...was really easy to add support to php, python and perl cgi scripts in my server.00:41
darren__Kidfork: ok thanks i wil take a look00:41
KidforkUbottu: I did what you said about the sudo /etc/init.d/?dm, do i start, stop, reload, or what?00:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:41
chalcedonyThis is an error opening the file in Evince : .pdf fails to open: Unhandled MIME type: "application/x-ole-storage"  i only see a few error reports like this.. and none of them is current. it won't open regular pdf files  on Ubuntu Hardy 8.400:41
byte-how would i go about changing the default runlevel00:41
FlannelJoelito: Mail servers are infinitely more complicated than webservers, but for what you're doing, it should be relatively straight forward.00:41
IndyGunFreakvlc is more liek a complete audio/video player... for just music, i'd look at audacious00:41
byte-nothing in /etc/events.d particularly pops out at me00:42
JoelitoFlannel: Thanks, I'll digg in :)00:42
chalcedonyany suggestions on where to ask about Evince, besides here?00:42
Kidfork!resolution | Kidfork00:42
ubottuKidfork, please see my private message00:42
byte-it looks like i can just create an inittab00:42
byte-i'll try that00:42
perilluxwhat's the package name that has the volume level monitor and recording level monitor, I need to install it.00:42
Jordan_UJoelito: Just make sure that you are never an open relay :)00:42
evilGUIVLC has problems with playing some of my h.264 mkvs00:43
chalcedonyat first i thought it was the file, but now i think its evince00:43
D1sa5t3rvlc sucks00:44
zcat[1]http://pastebin.com/f23d5482e -- normal live boot and installer work, 'persistent' drops me into busybox. I have a second partiton, it's ext2 and labeled casper-rw. What else am I missing? Anybody?00:44
evilGUIYeah and mplayer can't resume so linux needs a new video player00:44
Sn007akeHello all Newb ubuntu user here....... I've worked out all my Technical issues with ubuntu and started Using some various applications.  My big thing is I am not to fimiliar with the commands in the Terminal. Is there sort of a noob guide on them? maybe explaining what they are and what they do?00:44
RyanPriorDoes anybody know how to share a scanner from Windows such that I can access it from my Ubuntu box?00:44
midododo11hello can anybody help me00:44
jrib!cli > Sn007ake00:45
midododo11i want to play .dat video files00:45
ubottuSn007ake, please see my private message00:45
chalcedonyfound it .. on gnome.org00:45
perilluxis there any way, using audacity, to record at a high quality like 96000Hz and then convert it to 44100Hz afterwards?00:45
midododo11is there any codec for .dat video files?00:45
anom01yhow can I get my IVTV drivers working ? I tried following the instructions on the Ubuntu web site w/ no luck, one of the commands there gives me an error00:45
IndyGunFreakanom01y: what card are you trying to get working00:46
anom01yHauppauge PVR 15000:46
IndyGunFreakanom01y: that card is easy, it should be pretty straightforward00:46
Jordan_Uperillux: Audacity has a built in volume control and meter when recording00:46
anom01yok, well Im not sure if the instructions are the way to go00:46
IndyGunFreakanom01y: ok, lets start from the beginning...00:47
IndyGunFreakanom01y: have you installed ivtv-utils?(sudo apt-get install ivtv-utils)00:47
midododo11hey any body know how to play .dat video files?00:47
SchmittyDoesItok, Flannel i kinda like irssi00:47
IndyGunFreakanom01y: ok, do ou have VLC installed?00:47
SchmittyDoesItany new user tips00:47
anom01yyes, and mplayer00:47
tj83midododo11, i thing that vlc does... sudo apt-get install vlc00:47
IndyGunFreakanom01y: open vlc00:48
midododo11i have vlc but it dont work00:48
anom01yI tried mplayer /dev/video0 but that gave me an error00:48
tj83midododo11, worked for me in the past... sorry00:48
IndyGunFreaknow int he vlc window, FIle/Open Capture Device/PVR tab00:48
D1sa5t3rmidododo11, xine00:48
evilGUIah mplayer gnome will let me resume00:48
anom01yIndyGunFreak: vlc is open btw00:48
IndyGunFreakafter the pVR tab, just click ok, and see if it turns on your tv00:48
evilGUIcan xine deal with dual audio?00:49
IndyGunFreakevilGUI: why dn't you just install VLC and be done w/ it?00:49
evilGUIlagg issues00:49
Drk_GuyIs there a fsck for ntfs?00:50
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:50
IndyGunFreakanom01y: did that work?00:50
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anom01yIndyGunFreak: no00:50
anom01ygives me errors00:50
IndyGunFreakwhat error?00:50
anom01ysaid something like cannot open PVR://00:51
anom01yit is set to /dev/video0 in the PVR tab settings00:51
anom01yIndyGunFreak: I tried mplayer /dev/video0 and that did not work either00:51
tretle_laptopHi, I recently installed hardy on my laptop and Im getting errors when trying to install anything like updates or new software from apt00:51
cheekyhey i have windows in my machine and i wanna try ubuntu and look into taking up programing as a hobbie do i have to erase windows first and then install it?00:51
tretle_laptopdpkg: failed in buffer_read(fd): copy info file `/var/lib/dpkg/available': Input/output error00:51
tretle_laptopE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)00:51
IndyGunFreakanom01y: weird, mine worked out of the box everytime.00:51
luccohi i have a little problem00:52
luccoi try to install python00:52
anom01yIndyGunFreak: I did some of the instructions on the ubuntu web site and got half through them, maybe some of the commands I used screwed it up ?00:52
IndyGunFreakanom01y: maybe.00:52
luccobut ir say me that  configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables00:52
anom01y: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy00:52
luccowhat can i do?00:52
khini am trying to install xp on a computer that has ubuntu already installed. does anyone know why the xp boot cd fails to detect a hard drive at all? i know this HD works since i am currently using it...00:53
anom01yIndyGunFreak: I did everything including change the sources.list00:53
IndyGunFreakanom01y: change the sources list?.. there shoul have been no need for that00:53
anom01yok because It said to add something in there, so I did00:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about global-menu00:53
luccosomebody can reply to me pls00:53
dbgltquick, possibly stupid question: where do I get "prepend" (for bash scripts from)00:54
dbgltwhich package?00:54
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mnWhat does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating?00:55
anom01yIndyGunFreak: maybe after I install ivtv utils do I have to reboot the computer ? or add the drivers to the kernel ?00:55
ePax!es | stalin00:55
ubottustalin: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:55
SuperGWhat would I need to fix the error of "configure: error: *** GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***00:55
dbgltanyone know?00:55
IndyGunFreakanom01y: no, you shouldn't have to do any of that... basically, this is how i've set that card up since dapper on clean installs.00:55
dbgltI thought it was part of bash... appears not00:55
stalinalguien tiene un notebook hpdv5120???00:56
IndyGunFreakinstall ivtv-utils, install vlc, open card up in vlc the way i told you, then use terminal and ivtv-utils to change the channel00:56
IndyGunFreaktakes 45-60sec tops00:56
ePaxkhin: You should install XP foirst and then ubuntu00:56
stalinhp dv5120?00:56
khinePax thats kind of annoying when i have a year's worth of stuff on ubuntu00:57
Drk_GuyHow can i fix a ntfs partition from ubuntu? (can't boot into winbugs)00:57
sotec_prodHuge issue! I switched all of my hardware to a new case, and added a few fans, a cold cathode light, and a dvd-burner. Now neither of the dvd-burners are being recognized in Ubuntu Hardy. I've tried mounting them, creating a mount point, ect. to no avail. Can someone help me out?00:57
SuperGI have tried installing build essentials and download GLIB from source , but the error remains00:57
mnWhat does it mean when I'm getting Hits while apt-get updating?00:59
ePaxkhin: Then use partition magic and do one partition for xp as NTFS... actually i have not done it but i think it should work... then try to install xp00:59
khinePax do you know if it is possible to move my ubuntu partition onto an external, then install xp and simply move ubuntu back using gparted00:59
ePaxkhin: or... i have better idea for you... install xp virtually on ubuntu... with Virtual box (;00:59
ePaxkhin: I think that would be best for you (;01:00
sotec_prodePax: does any virtual software support 3D yet?01:00
sparrCan anyone recommend a good open source photo manager with flickr integration and a good tagging system?  I need to sort, tag, and upload like 15k photos.01:00
khinePax but can you just move partitions around like that or do i need to reinstall ubuntu01:00
ePaxsotec_prod: Not that i know of.01:00
anom01yIndyGunFreak: is there a daemon or something that has to be running ???01:00
sotec_prodePax: except for the Mac version of Virtual-Fusion01:00
sotec_prodVMware-Fusion, excuse me01:00
ePaxkhin: You can do allmost everything you need to do with xp as virtual OS as normal XP installation.01:01
sotec_prodwhich is a moot point considering Parallels...01:01
sotec_prodexcept games ePax.01:01
ePaxsotec_prod: japp01:01
sotec_prodwhich is a huge draw for me, as XP is my primary gaming station01:01
khinwhats weird is XP is not even detecting the drive exists. its not saying, you have a drive but i can't read it. its saying, there is no drive on this PC01:02
sotec_prodthere's a conspiracy here amongst the parallel/virtual software companies, I know it.....01:02
ePaxkhin: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-30794.html01:02
* sotec_prod re-up's his empty beer stein01:03
Drk_GuyHow can i install GRUB to an ntfs partition that hasn't been mounted because of errors?01:03
anom01yI need help with IVTV can someone please help me ???01:04
D3RGPS31How do I convert flv or avi to 3GP?01:04
TerminalErrormy sound is only playing from the left speaker im using 8.04, sound card is MCP55 High Definition Audio, lspci detects it01:04
Drk_Guy!ffmpeg | D3RGPS3101:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg01:04
usserD3RGPS31, use ffmpeg01:04
usser!info ffmpeg01:05
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.1 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB01:05
Drk_GuyD3RGPS31, ffmpeg -i flv avi01:05
usserD3RGPS31, just install one from medibuntu01:05
nano_does anybody know of a good alternative to F-Spot that can actually import video files as well?01:05
TerminalErroranyone have a idea?01:05
anom01yhow do I undo this command: wget http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/ubuntu/80DF6D58.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -01:05
TerminalErroranyone point me in the right direction of what i need to google....01:06
stylianosI am having problems with installing a theme. Help please?01:07
usseranom01y, sudo apt-key list note the ID then sudo apt-key del ID01:07
anom01ybloody kubuntu help screws up your computer01:07
stylianosI downloaded a theme but I don't know how to install it?01:07
Drk_Guyanom01y, system -> Software sources01:08
stylianos!kubuntu | anom0ly01:08
ubottuanom0ly: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:08
sotec_prodIs there a better IM client than Pidgin for Gnome?01:08
homeskilletwhat's the best way to run photoshop in ubuntu, wine or vmware+windows01:08
usserhomeskillet, cs2 u can run in wine pretty comfortably01:09
homeskilletdont think there's anythin better than pidgin for anything01:09
sotec_prodAnd if not, is there a better client, period? I don't mind installing additional libraries.01:09
Drk_Guyhomeskillet, vmware slows everything down01:09
ussersotec_prod, yes there is kopete01:09
Drk_Guyhomeskillet, amsn (msn only)01:09
EvolutionXtinctI have a weird problem.... And its forcing me to rethink if i should just do this on Windows 2003..... but for some reason the transfer rates on my Ubuntu 8.04 LTS are @ 12MBps.... This is a Adaptec2410SA RAID5 4x500GB Seagate Enterprise SATA 3G Drives01:09
usser!info kopete01:09
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 6970 kB, installed size 19284 kB01:09
sotec_produsser: how is kopete better?01:09
Drk_Guyusser, according to my experience, kopete FTL01:09
sotec_prodor how is Pidgin better?01:10
EvolutionXtinctI'm transfering from /media/RAID to a sub directory and 32GB's of multiple files is taking 1HR01:10
ussersotec_prod, it supports video01:10
ussersotec_prod, and i like its interface better01:10
D3RGPS31Drk_Guy, usser: thanks01:10
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:10
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes01:10
Drk_Guylol, np D3RGPS3101:10
TerminalErrorso no one has any clue what to do with my sound issue lol01:10
joshuajtlhey folks, can gnome control where an app (gimp for example) opens? (id like it to allways open on desktop2)01:11
EvolutionXtinctTerminalError don't feel to bad... no one does about mine either.01:11
EvolutionXtinctdoes anyone know anything about hardware RAID and integrating it w/ Ubuntu?01:11
nano_does anybody know of a good alternative to F-Spot that can actually import video files as well?01:12
TerminalErrorwell atleast im not alone01:12
TerminalErrorEvolutionXtinct, whats wrong with your sound01:12
EvolutionXtincti don't have a sound problem:)01:12
TerminalErroroh another01:13
EvolutionXtinctI have a RAID problem... or more or less a linux RAID problem cuz it works fine on Windows.01:13
sugiMy m-key is a 0 (zero) and my i-key is a 5.  How do I change it back to the normal setup??? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5746658#post5746658  link with more information01:13
TerminalErrorwell i guess ill come back later when its more active01:13
TerminalErrordo some more googling hopefully figure my other problems out01:13
EvolutionXtinctif i could find some way to install windows on the hardware as a host then as a guest I would love life... but i can't get Enterprise Edition of win2k3 and I have 8GB's of RAM in this lil beaset01:13
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TerminalErrorim getting a tb hd and 4 gig around friday01:14
TerminalErrorgoing to virtualbox01:14
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=== dmsuperman is now known as AgtSmith
sugiI need help with my keyboard layout.  For some reason my m-key becomes a 0 (zero) key and my i-key becomes a 5 key.  How do i fix this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5746658#post574665801:15
EvolutionXtinctthis lil 1U is a Supermicro 6015B-URV w/ a adaptec 2410SA 4port RAID 5 controller 4x 500GB Seagate 3G Enterprise NS drives, and 8GB's of RAM01:15
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EvolutionXtinctand dual 5130 Xeon 2.0Ghz CPU's i'm going to upgrade to 5430 CPU's once the price drops a lil more01:16
anom01ydo I need mythtv to get my hauppauge pvr 150 to work ?01:16
axeusHmm. Cubed Desktop seems to only want me to have 2 desktops. 0.o01:16
TerminalErroraxeus, you have compiz installed01:17
arquebussugi- are you using a US keyboard?01:17
sugiarquebus: yep and it's set to a USA keyboard layout Default01:18
dislohey guys i need to add the noexec to my grub config01:18
TerminalErroraxeus, system -> advanced desktop effects settings > general options > desktop size > virtual size set to how many you want01:19
TobarkHey all....is the version of Ubuntu for Power PC still kicking around? I have an old iBook id like to give it a go on.01:19
cheekyhey guys i need some advice i have 2 hdd on my machine and i want to try ubuntu butcant install it coz i have no DVD rom only an external laptop HDD any advice please ???01:19
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:19
dr_willischeeky,  thers ways of installing it witn no optical drive.01:19
dr_willis!install | cheeky01:20
ubottucheeky: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:20
cheekyok ..let me read that up01:20
nxmehtai'm having trouble connecting to samba on ubuntu 8.04 server from vista... the only things i've done so far are to set browseable = yes, security = users, encrypt passwords = true, run smbpasswd, and restarted the server.  am i missing something else?01:20
arquebussugi- do you have any other languages besides usa layout set up?01:21
sugiin the keyboard layout=no.  I only have USA default01:21
arquebussugi-ok, then Im out of ideas01:21
Salooooomycan anyone help? I cant press shift while in terminal, but I can in other apps01:21
cheekydrwillis thank you that link is  very helpful01:22
sugiarquebus: hahaha, thanks anyways >.<01:23
at28hey guys i download ubuntu-source-extra and i have hard time playing vidoes form you tube anyone can help me?01:24
zammyking111Does anyone know how to make it so everythings not so big?01:24
EvolutionXtinctwow the only article i can find abouty AAR-2410SA my adaptec card is from 200401:24
EvolutionXtinctthis sux lol01:24
axeusTerminalError: Hmm that worked great. :) However, the Panel still shows 2 desktops (even though there are 4). :) Also even though I can select Horizontal and Vertical desktops "Number of Desktops" remains uneditable. :)01:24
zammyking111Does anyone know how to make it so that everythings not so big?01:25
dr_williszammyking111,  clarify the issue/problem.01:25
anom01yplease is there anyone who knows anythign about ivtv, tv/tuners, hauppauge 150 ???01:25
dr_williszammyking111,  'not so big' is very vague01:25
zammyking111like ok i go to www.runescape.com01:25
zammyking111and i start the game01:25
zammyking111and i can only see half of the game not the full thing01:25
dr_willisanom01y,  my hauppage pvr150 worked fine for me under mythbuntu - once i confiured it right.01:25
zammyking111I have to scroll up and down etc to see it01:25
dr_williszammyking111,  increase your screen display size?01:26
zammyking111my music aint working wtf01:26
anom01ydr_willis: do I need mythtv ?01:26
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:26
dr_willisanom01y,  No.. I just use mythtv to recorde shows and so forth.01:26
dr_willisanom01y,  theres other tv tuner apps   that just  'watch tv'01:27
zammyking111so do you know how to increase the size?01:27
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Theebwhen i do the recovery mode, there is something has [fail] and i cant read which package because the screen moves fast and when i do the fix package it doesnt work. any idea how to figure out which package i need to fix?01:27
zammyking111how do i change the size?01:28
anom01ydr_willis: well I installed ivtv-utils, and I dont see any ivtv daemon running, and mplayer /dev/video0 doesnt do anything (except give errors)01:28
jkristhekingHEY this is my first..well third time on xchat can someone tell me how to like have a friends list kinda like a pane that shows people that i add ?01:28
skarfacejkristheking: use your notify list01:28
jkristhekinghow do i do that?01:28
skarfacewindow > notify list01:28
jkristhekingokeyy thank youuu01:29
zammyking111how do i change the size of the moniter???01:29
ubottuIVTV can be installed on Edgy by following the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Edgy01:29
anom01ywhat if I have 8.0401:29
anom01ythe guys in #linux said I am missing drivers (that was determind by a command they told me to execute)01:29
jkristhekingfor the notify list can i make it in the xchat window?01:29
TerminalErroraxeus, your workspace panel still only shows you having 2 sides of the cube but when you use the ctrl+alt right left arrow or left click and drag (if enabled) you have 4 cube sides01:30
skarfacejkristheking: you can type /notify to see who's on01:30
mindrapeanom01y: lspci shows devices and lsmod shows the drivers assigned to each.01:30
anom01ywhy are the instructions provided by !ivtv not helping me set up ivtv01:30
jkristhekingoh okeyyy01:30
sugiI need help with my keyboard layout.  For some reason my m-key becomes a 0 (zero) key and my i-key becomes a 5 key.  How do i fix this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5746658#post574665801:30
dr_willisanom01y,  ive never used mplayer to watch tv. Only mythtv, and xawtv (i think)01:30
anom01ywell I did dmesg and it said01:30
anom01ylsemple@TIR:~$ dmesg | grep ivtv01:30
anom01y[   52.045503] ivtv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_read01:30
anom01y[   52.046089] ivtv: Unknown symbol tveeprom_hauppauge_analog01:30
FloodBot2anom01y: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
jkristhekinghas anyone found out how to use all the buttons on a logitech mx 500 mouse?01:31
zammyking111does anyone know how to make the sound louder?01:31
dr_williszammyking111,  if your system is running at a lower then it should res. You may need to install the proper video card drivers. and use the settings tools to select a higher res.01:31
zammyking111how can i find the proper vid card because it came with the comp01:31
anom01ythen I was told I was using ubuntu (which is correct), and the drivers are missing, but I did install ivtv-utils, so what am I missing ?01:31
at28hey guys anyone can help me to install adobe flash player? for firefox?01:31
zammyking111because everything is working right01:31
zammyking111becuase my sound arnt as loud01:31
at28i install ubuntu-extra and installed old version? any idea how to fix it01:31
zammyking111its dimmed down01:31
zammyking111my graphics card wont run high games etc...01:32
_Zeus_zammyking111: what's your video game?01:32
zammyking111what u mean video game?01:32
zammyking111Im trying to run runescape on high detail and it wont let me01:32
_Zeus_(08:31:59 PM) zammyking111: my graphics card wont run high games etc...01:32
kernhello i just installed ubuntu on this new computer and took my other harddrive and put it in this one as well this one was used as storage..and i want to use it as storage again but it wont let me mount it! help01:32
_Zeus_zammyking111: what does it say?01:32
Salooooomyanyone know what shift does not work in terminal???01:33
jkristhekinganyone know how to save overclocking setting for a nvidia card PM me01:33
zammyking111it says... RuneScape was unable to start because your graphics card driver indicated that it didn't have the features needed to play RuneScape High Detail mode.01:33
dr_willisSalooooomy,  you mean terminal as in 'gnome-terminal' or  the 'console' ?  try a different terminal app perhaps.01:33
kbrosnanat28: v9 124  should be the most up to date01:33
dr_williszammyking111,  and your video card is a ?01:34
kernwhen i try to mount it will say you are not priveleged to mount the volume 'E'01:34
Salooooomydr_willis: I have tried both, to no avail :(01:34
dr_williszammyking111,  care to be more specific?    check the  following urls for installing nvidia card drivers...01:34
jkristhekingfx 550001:34
kerni also installed the storage device manager but it wasnt any help01:34
dr_willis!nvidia | zammyking11101:34
TerminalErrorwohooo well i fixed my sound problem01:34
ubottuzammyking111: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:34
zammyking111oh it says this also01:35
zammyking111 Your graphics card driver has the following problems:  Software Rasteriser01:35
TerminalErrornow on to fixing me next problem...01:35
dumbdumhello, how do i remove a program shortcut from the "application" menu? thanks01:36
zammyking111nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]01:36
zammyking111thats my graphic card now what01:36
kerndumbdum right click on applications then edit menus01:37
=== biglinux is now known as overlord
zammyking111My video card = nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]01:38
dumbdumOk, great thanks, now how do I remove the programs that it refered to? (The shortcut was for "WINE".01:38
zammyking111what do i do?01:38
arnellI got a black screen on reboot after enabling graphic accel. ATI HD 2900 XT. Does this mean I have to reinstall OS?01:38
kernclick on wine01:39
dr_williszammyking111,  install the proper nvidia drivers for the card. for starters. untill you get them installed/working. You wont be making full use of your card.01:39
kernfind your shortcut u want to remove01:39
kernright click on it and delete01:39
mikejetWhy does firefox always crash on x86_64 ubuntu? I'm running a dual core amd64 64-bit version of ubuntu.01:39
zammyking111ok i found my card which was nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]01:39
cheekycan i install ubuntu from an external HDD to one of my other hdd in my computer without using the live CD?01:39
zammyking111and i dont know where i can find that thing because the installation disc came with my computer01:39
kernsometimes u cant delete it so just deselect it01:39
zammyking111i didnt buy the graphic card alone01:39
dr_williszammyking111,  theres a hardware-manager tool in the menus that 'should' see/install the proper drivers.01:39
zammyking111i looked in there and nothing came up01:40
zammyking111i went to01:40
mikejetJust create a static .html file on your local disk with >20 embedded youtube links, and Firefox will CRASH on UBUNTU.01:40
kesrehey, I'm a newb trying to setup iwlwifi drivers for my machine - the first step is %make patch_kernel - and I'm already stuck - 'lil help?01:40
zammyking111system > admin > Hardware drivers01:40
cheekycould someone help me install ubuntu from a external HDD?01:40
dr_williszammyking111,  'using a disk that came with the card' is windows thinking.. thers no need for it. It could be that card is one of the problemmatic cards. and you may need to use the envyng tool.01:40
mikejetWho are the people who think this is acceptable?01:40
zammyking111it didnt come with a disc -.-01:40
zammyking111i didnt install the graphic card manually it came with my comp01:40
corben_dallasI think I've borked my flash in FF301:40
corben_dallas<corben_dallas> I added Mint to the repos list, now any site with Flash [and that's about half the interweb...] immediately ping my processor to 100%01:41
corben_dallas<corben_dallas> and the sound is really low too..01:41
dr_williszammyking111,  you need to install the proper nvidia drivers  reguardless...01:41
mikejetVista's death is greatly exaggerated. People need to run flash on webpages.01:41
anom01yvlc's pvr settings don't work on /dev/video0, and the command mplayer /dev/video0 gives me errors, but I have ivtv-utils installed ??01:41
dr_williscorben_dallas,  mint uses flash 10 beta last i looked.. that could be the issue.01:41
zammyking111ok so would i just google nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE]01:41
arnellI got a black screen on reboot after enabling graphic accel. ATI HD 2900 XT. Does this mean I have to reinstall OS?01:41
dr_willis 'need to run flash' - like we all Needed flashy banners and popup ads...01:41
corben_dallasdr_willis: so how would I get my flash back to the way it was?01:41
mikejetI had to pay $300 to upgrade my CRT to a LCD before ubuntu 8.04 would work reliably for me. Thanks ubuntu!01:42
arnellCan someone advise? thanks01:42
jessid!compile | jessid01:42
ubottujessid, please see my private message01:42
dr_williszammyking111,  No.. You would read the !nvidia bot link/url and read a little bit.  its very likely that 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new' will install the drivers.. but You should read and double check for your SPECIFIC video card.01:42
agentocant do sudo apt-get install this error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/44394/01:42
mikejetthe Linux nvidia drivers are SHIT.01:42
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dr_williscorben_dallas,   no idea.. fire up package manager.. remove the mint stuff.. reinstall the ubuntu stuff.01:42
alpinestrmy synaptics pkgmngr has hung at installation  how do i get out and clean the installation01:42
Salooooomyanyone know why the SHIFT key stops working in terminal app and konsole?01:43
kesrehey, I'm a newb trying to setup iwlwifi drivers for my machine - the first step is %make patch_kernel - and I'm already stuck - 'lil help?01:43
corben_dallasdr_willis: package manager is inside Synaptic???01:43
dr_willisSalooooomy,  as a test. try under a different user. could be some  keyboard setting.01:43
dr_williscorben_dallas,  synaptic is one of the package manager tools...01:43
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto01:44
agentohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/44394/  could anyone help me with this?01:44
Salooooomydr_willis: I am trying as root (I am the only user of my laptop).01:44
corben_dallasok how do I tell it to just get rid of the mint stuff?01:44
dr_willisSalooooomy,  try as a different user.. if it works for the other users.. then that points to a setting issue.. if it never works.. that points to a hardware issue..01:44
alpinestrhow do you clean the synaptics corrupted installation01:45
dr_williscorben_dallas,  thats a very good question.. could have it show by repository.01:45
alpinestrit just hung at acidlab installation kind of pathetic01:45
khinhow do i see my hardware information in hardy01:45
Salooooomydr_willis, shift key works in any other apps. just not in any shell... under my user...01:45
arnellI got a black screen on reboot after enabling graphic acceleration ATI HD 2900 XT. Does this mean I have to reinstall OS?01:45
agentohttp://paste.ubuntu.com/44394/   please!01:46
Jordan_U!repeat | agento01:46
ubottuagento: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:46
corben_dallasdr_willis: you mean, "Origin" tab at the bottom? I don't see any Mint mentioned there01:46
dr_willisSalooooomy,  how about under 'xterm' ?   I cant think of a setting that would affect konsole and gnome-terminal both.01:46
khini think my upgrade to hardy caused more problems than it solved01:46
anom01ytvtime says no such file or directory /dev/video001:46
khinhibernate doesn't work... that was really useful01:46
anom01ythe guys in #linux specifically said I am missing drivers01:46
cheekydo you have to be a programmer to set up linux?01:46
anom01yhow do I install the ivtv drivers if the instrutcitons provided from !ivtv do not work ?01:46
dr_willischeeky,  no  You do not.01:47
Salooooomydr_willis: i will try under xterm...01:47
monstrfolkcould someone help me with nic bonding01:47
Jordan_Ucheeky: Depends on your hardware :) But generally no, you don't01:47
dumbdumIs there a general search function in Ubuntu? So i can search for files folders on my entire HDD?01:48
jribdumbdum: locate01:48
argosyI've got a USB headset plugged in, and I'm trying to figure out how to get the sound/mike to work with it01:48
monstrfolki have ifenslave setup and created bond0 but from my understanding the bond, eth0 and eth1 need to have the same mac address...the bond and eth0 have the same but eth1 does not01:48
khinanyone know why hibernate no longer works in hardy01:48
dr_willisdumbdum,  'locate' command is handy. but its database gets updated once a day. or by 'sudo updatedb'01:48
khini think im going to downgrade to gutsy cause this is too useful to do without01:48
dumbdumYes thats what i want to do, locate files etc.01:48
Salooooomymonstrfolk: I saw a guide once which i used to create bond devices which was a team of nics load-balanced for redundancy... Ill try and find it for you01:48
Jordan_U!downgrade | khin01:49
ubottukhin: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:49
jribkhin: if it stopped working in a more recent version, it would be great if you could check if there is a bug at bugs.ubuntu.com and file one if there isn't01:49
Salooooomydr_willis: xterm exhibits same symptom, no SHIFT in that app either01:49
sotec_prodAnyone figure out how to connect to a Google Talk account with Kopete?01:49
zammyking111i need someones opinion01:50
zammyking111GeForce 6150 LE01:50
jribSalooooomy: so shift does work in another user?01:50
dr_willisSalooooomy,  weirdness.. Id be tempted to try a totally different window manager like jwm , and see if it also shows the same issue.01:50
mikejetsotec_prod: Kopte is not supported in this version. Try nvidia.01:50
Jordan_USalooooomy: try running "dash" and see if shift works there01:50
zammyking111and http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/hcl/data/components/details/2714.html01:50
zammyking111look alike?01:50
khinmy hibernate just causes the computer to shut down01:50
sotec_prodmikejet, what?01:50
Salooooomymosterfolk: http://www.linuxhorizon.ro/bonding.html01:50
jribzammyking111: at least keep it on one line if you are going to be offtopic...01:50
dr_willisJordan_U,  yea. i was thinking that also.. I cant think of any setting that disables shift.   unless its a capslock issue...01:50
zammyking111GeForce 6150 LE &01:51
zammyking111the same?01:51
FloodBot2zammyking111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
Salooooomydash has no shift, started in same user...01:51
arnellI got a black screen on reboot after enabling graphic acceleration ATI HD 2900 XT. What's going on? Anyone?01:51
dr_willisSalooooomy,  this is using KDE or GNOME as the desktop?01:51
jribzammyking111: I think you missed my point01:51
zammyking111GeForce 6150 LE &01:51
zammyking111the same?01:51
jribzammyking111: stop01:51
FloodBot2zammyking111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
Jordan_USalooooomy: Try doing an "su - <other user>" from that same terminal01:51
dr_williszammyking111,  that question made no sence.. and thats a SUN web site . so its not ubuntu related at all.01:51
Jordan_USalooooomy:And don't forget the '-'01:52
kerncan somebody help me mount a drive?? or rather teach me heh01:52
zammyking111omg its a drivers question01:52
jribkern: what filesystem?01:52
zammyking111so its related ;)01:52
dr_williszammyking111,  sun is not in any way  goingto apply to linux drivers...01:52
Salooooomyother users do not work01:52
zammyking111look at the link01:53
kernjrib ntfs01:53
Salooooomynither does my user su- root01:53
zammyking111and maybe ull see01:53
dr_williszammyking111,  you most likely  need to install the nvidia-glx-new package, like i stated earlier.01:53
zammyking111ok how would i do that?01:53
dr_williszammyking111,  the package manager tool.. or use the exact command i gave earlier.01:53
jribkern: do you really care to learn how to mount it manually or you just want it to work?01:53
zammyking111what command?01:53
dr_williszammyking111,  No.. You would read the !nvidia bot link/url and read a little bit.  its very likely that 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new' will install the drivers.. but You should read and double check for your SPECIFIC video card.01:53
mikejetdriver questions are the epitome of the bizzare. zammyking111 is being naive. to the extreme.01:53
kernjrib i would like it to auto mount everytime i startup... but yeah it wont mount at all right now01:53
agentodpkg --configure -a doesnt work01:54
dr_willismikejet,  and im about to give up on it. :)01:54
jrib!ntfs > kern01:54
ubottukern, please see my private message01:54
Jordan_USalooooomy: Does shift work in a vt ?01:54
jribagento: "doesn't work" isn't really helpful.  Pastebin your command and the full output01:54
agentojrib, http://paste.ubuntu.com/44394/01:54
zammyking111there its installing01:54
Salooooomydo you mean in a ssh session from another computer to the laptop01:54
Jordan_USalooooomy: No, ctrl+alt+F1 ( F7 to get back to X )01:55
zammyking111now how would i do that with my sound?01:55
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mikejetdr_willis : i feel your pain. I spent 100 hours failing to get an nvidia card to work on an old $1000 CRT on ubuntu 7.10(?). Upgrading to 8.04 and a modern LCD FINALLY fixed Ubuntu's problem.01:56
jribagento: what's
SchmittyDoesItanyone know of a speedtest that can run in shell? I like speedtest.net but i need something i can completely run from shell.01:56
Salooooomyshift works in a VT!!!!!!!01:56
zammyking111nope i got the latest drives and its not working01:56
zammyking111i did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new01:56
zammyking111and denied01:56
jribzammyking111: please stop pressing enter.  one thought = one enter01:56
agentojrib, a kernel that i compiled long time ago... but i uninstall it and im not using it...01:56
zammyking111I did sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new and it didnt work, or do i need to restart my computer for it to update?01:57
dr_williszammyking111,  that !nvidia url/guide i gave earlier - would of told you - to reboot.01:57
Salooooomyok that is BIZZZARE!!!!!! how come shift works in a VT and not when using any of three programs that open shells?01:57
Jordan_Uzammyking111: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers01:57
smm289u usually have to at least log-out, log-in after a major package install dont ya01:57
dr_willisSalooooomy,  im guessing some term setting.  but i cant imagine what one.01:57
jribagento: hrmm.  I don't know how it figures out what it needs to generate01:58
Salooooomyis it in bashrc? I recently modified it to set compix as my defauly WM01:58
dr_willisSalooooomy,  Hmmm... IT could be compiz grabbing the key..   Debugging #1 = disable compiz and see if it stillhappens01:58
SalooooomyI also used the --replace so that it would boot faster and avoid loading another WM01:59
dr_willisSalooooomy,  why did you mess with .bashrc to set compiz? :)  I never had to do that befor01:59
jdolan__hi, anyone have any tips for getting the soundcard to work for multiple apps at the same time with Hardy?  this used to work just fine in Gutsy.01:59
Salooooomytrying to kill compiz...01:59
dr_willisI just use that fusion-icon tool myself.01:59
Salooooomyi cant ps -A or | to find compiz's process and kill it (doh!)01:59
dr_willisSalooooomy,  kwin --replace02:00
jribagento: it's a bash script if you want to read it...02:00
Jordan_USalooooomy: Just metacity --replace02:00
yao_ziyuanwhat are commercial-quality linux games? games like Age of Empires...02:00
Salooooomydr_willis: kwin -- replace worked02:00
jdolan__yao_ziyuan, most of id Software's titles run fine on Linux.02:00
yao_ziyuanand i personally very much like MechCommander 202:00
Salooooomyso im guessing compiz is grabbing shift when in a shell02:00
dr_willisyao_ziyuan,  idsofware has their doom/quake games ported over. and a few other comercial companies.02:00
yao_ziyuanjdolan__: via wine?02:00
d4t4min3rcan someone give me the links to the new beta tests02:00
jdolan__yao_ziyuan, so that's the Quake series and all of it's derivatives..02:00
agentojrib, the problem is that dpkg want to do something in other kernel thats not even installed...02:00
dr_willisSalooooomy,  thats my guess also.02:00
jdolan__yao_ziyuan, no natively.02:01
jdolan__there are linux binaries you can download, and then you just copy in the game data from the Windows installation media.02:01
d4t4min3ranyone know the link on ubuntu where you can download the new beta test versions02:01
jdolan__yao_ziyuan, i'm also the maintainer of a Free game based on Quake, http://quake2world.net02:01
jribagento: are you sure it's not an issue with update-initramfs?  what's in your /boot now?02:01
Salooooomydr_willis: much thanks. can you suggest a way to load compiz at the start which avoids having to load another wm?02:01
Flanneld4t4min3r: #ubuntu+1, and its not beta, its alpha.02:01
yao_ziyuanjdolan__: i can't play first person shooter games02:02
jdolan__there are other kinds?  oO02:02
yao_ziyuanjdolan__: i feel dazzled and fainted when playing fast moving 3d scenarios02:02
jdolan__doh!  i've never had that problem at all, but i know plenty of people do.02:02
agentojrib, ok how do i update initramfs?02:03
Jordan_Uyao_ziyuan: Not sure I'd call it commercial quality, but xmoto is addictive ( 2D motocross game )02:03
smm289is there away to assume root permissions, sudo command but while in a gui file manager, like Nautalis.  A right click Sudo or something02:03
zammyking111I got an error and it said it cuoldnt find out my graphic card02:03
yao_ziyuanlemme see02:04
Flannelsmm289: Install nautilus-gksu02:04
jribagento: 'man initramfs' I'm not that familiar with it.  I do see a -u and -d that looks interesting02:04
dislohey guys how do i set the noexec grub flag to happen everytime the os starts02:04
dr_willisSalooooomy,  i dont use compiz. so No. :)02:05
smm289perfect, ty02:05
dr_willisSalooooomy,  personally i thought if you did compiz --replace  it set  the kwin variable so it did NOT load kwin, then compiz.. but i dont pay much attention to it.02:05
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zammyking111anyone know what i can do because its still not working :(02:06
phantomcircuitwho the **** did the ui design on eclipse ?!02:08
mpoz2Can anyone give me a hint on how to install openoffice.org3 in Hardy? I added the PPA (~openoffice-pkgs) to my sources.list but the new version won't show up in aptitude.02:09
favrompoz2: have you updated aptitude?02:10
Pie-rateI have a friend who still has 7.04 feisty, which is out of support october. if she uses the update manager to upgrade, will she get gutsy and have to upgrade again to hardy, or will she get hardy?02:10
dr_willismpoz2,  you did update the repo listing? 'sudo apt-get update' ?02:10
FlannelPie-rate: You can only upgrade one release at a time (except when dealing with LTS), so gutsy, then hardy.02:11
mpoz2favro, dr_willis: yes, of course :) several times02:11
dr_willismpoz2,  You wont belive the # of times ive frogotten to do that. :) and ive seen others.02:11
=== _Zeus_1 is now known as _Zeus_
Pie-rateFlannel: and i have to have her upgrade before october or she won't be able to at all?02:12
yao_ziyuanis there a tool like Norton Ghost that can totally backup my ubuntu installation?02:12
smm289I have 3GB of ram in my laptop but I notice Ubuntu only uses about 275MB, way-to go Ubuntu.  However, is there a tweak or something to force Ubuntu to use more ram.  Guess I have to much ;)02:13
Pie-ratesmm289: it'll use as much ram as it needs...02:13
smm289complete load into ram or something?02:13
xindosmm289: run a lot of programs02:13
FlannelPie-rate: There are ways to do it even after EOL, but that is the easiest.02:13
smm289ya, thats what I figured02:13
xindowatch it go up, you can use it all02:13
yao_ziyuansmm289: install virtualbox and install another ubuntu inside it02:13
Flannelsmm289: Linux will intelligently cache stuff, don't worry.02:13
khinhey, where do i look up what kind of SATA controller i have in ubuntu hardy02:14
Pie-rateFlannel: is running apt-get dist-upgrade the same as clicking upgrade in the update manager?02:14
IndyGunFreakyao_ziyuan: lol, great answer02:14
xindokhin: maybe lspci?02:15
FlannelPie-rate: No02:15
plouffeWhat prog to view DVD's? And is it possible to convert to avi or something?02:15
khinxindo thats it02:15
xindoplouffe: need to install resctricted packages02:16
Kr0ntabkhin, lspci02:16
D1sa5t3ruse google02:16
FlannelPie-rate: there are ways to upgrade using dist-upgrade, but not without other things02:16
Pie-rateFlannel: thanks02:16
plouffexindo and what programs?02:16
plouffewhat packages02:16
D1sa5t3rvlc is best for dvds02:17
sugiMy M-key, I-key (include some more) is messed up.  When I press them, they become numbers.  The M-key is a 0 (zero) and the I-key is a 5.  How do I fix this?02:17
xindoplouffe: what D1sa5t3r said02:17
Cpudan80VLC hear hear!02:17
plouffeand any progs to convert to avi,mp3,etc ?02:18
smm289ok, I desktop that runs Ubuntu 8.04 desktop, all it does is server files and keep backups.  When I click on Network using my Laptop (8.04) I do not see there server listed, however if I type its address into the location bar all its drives are displayed properly02:18
JabI wanna know the same thing plouffe02:18
smm289any idea why the server does not show up in the network browse02:18
Mc_abyssuse memcoder its quicker lol02:18
smm289its running samba, cause it also servers files to a few vista machines02:19
usserplouffe, ffmpeg02:19
Mc_abyssplouffe use memcoder or for flv ffmpeg02:19
plouffethanks usser Mc_abyss02:19
smm289in order to see the server I have to type smb://server289  why wont it show up in the network browse of nautalis.  My two vista machines show up02:20
Kr0ntabplouffe, in addition to what has been mentioned.,.. for audio.. a very good graphical ui for the task is "soundconverter"02:20
johnsmm289 check pm02:21
plouffethanks Kr0ntab02:21
Mc_abyssplouffe in terminal type mencoder filename.wmv -ofps 29.97 -ovc lavc -oac copy -o filename.avi obviously change filetype etc02:21
plouffethanks, copied that Mc_abyss02:21
Mc_abyssnp plouffe02:22
kesrehey, I'm trying to install a driver for my wireless - when I do 'make menuconfig' in lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/build, I get a bunch of errors about no such file/directory02:22
Mc_abyssright on that note im going to bed rofl its 2:20am doh02:22
D1sa5t3rholy crap02:23
Mc_abyssah but i need to be up by 5 rofl02:23
D1sa5t3rme 702:23
Mc_abysslol your as bad as me02:23
OntologIs there any way to set network profiles from the command line (as opposed to using the Network Configuration GUI)?02:25
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grendelsonWhen I upgraded my laptop I was using airco driver for my pcmcia card - now the card is not getting recognized after installation ( I can see it in pccardctl but it won't fire up02:25
grendelsonHow do I troubleshoot this?02:25
grendelsonI can't seem to get itt o start as it isn't recognized as installed when I try pcmcia/network start or anything02:26
grendelsonPrior to the upgrade I jsut had a stanza for it as eth1 in /etc/network/02:26
strategyOntolog, yes, the GUI just wraps over the commands. I don't know it particularly- have you tried ipconfig and such?02:27
TheMaxzillaWhy does AWN show three of each icons?02:27
TheMaxzillaAnd can I make it so it only shows one of each?02:27
slamFISTcuz awn sucks02:27
TheMaxzillaWhat's the alternative?02:27
TheMaxzilla(or) What's the answer?02:28
CShadowRunMy RGB in totem is messed up, yellow comes out as blue, blue comes out as orange, green comes out as purple...02:28
CShadowRunanyone know how to fix it?02:28
slamFISTnothing :P to me it those DOCS suck. anyway i had a similar issue as you did but i couldn't be bothered to deal with such a low rate program. i left it02:29
MTecknologyI wanna figure out how to launch the /usr/lib/gnome-applets/cpufreq-applet from within openbox without needing to run gnome-panel.... Any ideas?02:29
TheMaxzillaShould I just use the dinky little bar instead?02:29
gaintsuraI'm having problems getting multiple workspaces to work on my system, I've tried changing it through the workspace pager, compiz settings, and it will never go to more than 1, its setup to 5 rows 5 columns and I still only get one. Anyone have any ideas?02:29
slamFISTTheMaxzilla: i think it also separates between launchers and active programs that are running.. duno what the third could be02:29
skarfaceMTecknology: you want to control cpufreq from the command line?02:29
MTecknologyskarface: no - I want to be able to use that applet from inside openbox02:30
slamFISTTheMaxzilla: it's clean, simple and fast. that's what i use. if you want to make it look cool i just did the transperencey effect by 50%02:30
slamFISTand it looks good enough to me02:30
skarfaceMTecknology: ah. no. it's a gnome-applet.02:30
TheMaxzillaslamFIST: It makes three icons of my applications, three of the running applications.02:30
TheMaxzillaI tried that for a while, but I wanted more... eye candy...02:31
MTecknologyskarface: I can run nm-applet and gnome-power-manager in openbox02:31
D1sa5t3rwho want eye candy02:31
TheMaxzillaTheMaxzilla wants eye candy.02:31
D1sa5t3ruse vista then02:32
* TheMaxzilla wants eye candy.02:32
TheMaxzillaBut I love linux.02:32
Aragornugh, vista02:32
citizen42alphaI want eye candy == compiz02:32
CShadowRunD1sa5t3r ... are you on crack?02:32
CShadowRunD1sa5t3r ... vista...eyecandy?02:32
CShadowRundude have you seen compiz recently?02:32
TheMaxzillavista = puke candy02:32
D1sa5t3rwell if he want's eye candy02:32
skarfaceMTecknology: ah. didn't realize openbox had that capability at all.02:32
MTecknologyskarface: pypanel02:32
Aragorna lot of idiots fall for vista02:32
skarfaceMTecknology: ah02:32
skarfaceAragorn: fall for?02:33
* dr_willis states the Surgon General Declares that "Eye Candy" Can Cause "Ocular Cavaties".02:33
strategyUhh.. i just ram `compiz' instead of the settings mgr or whatever by accident and because i was bored and it closed and reopened all my windows and stuff.. was i not supposed to call that myself? X.X02:33
TheMaxzillaMore like jump into.02:33
MTecknologyskarface: hilight anything you wanna tell me - I need to walk for a minute (back surgery)02:33
Aragornfall for vista's dirty trickses02:33
vnhai, just trying heron on my mate's laptop and its a dell XPS m1530 and the touchpad has a bug...as soon as I touch it, it moves all across the monitor and clicks...how can I fix that on the livecd?02:33
strategydr_willis, lol02:33
vnnot fall, fail02:33
D1sa5t3ri use ubuntu,lint,arch,xubuntu...02:33
Aragornubuntu for the win lol02:33
FlannelHey guys, mind moving the vista discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic?  This channel is for support, thanks.02:33
Ontologstrange: ipconfig is pretty low level, I'm talking about commands that apply entire network profiles02:33
gaintsurahmm, it works now, nvm..02:33
Ontologerr... strategy02:34
KiDFlaShhello, do someone knew a videoplayer that can integrate subtitel-files?02:34
TheMaxzillavn: Is your friends computer your computer? Unless you have the same computer, the live cd should work.02:34
strategyOntolog, ?02:34
vnTheMaxzilla: nope, I'm on another02:35
KiDFlaShsmplayer can it for sure?02:35
strategyOh wow i sounded like some kind of windows/aol user.. i just have a bad headache and so i cant really think straight.. -_-02:35
KiDFlaShthank you02:35
vnlivecd has this bug, I know hopw to fix it while installed...but I need to show her whats ubuntu, she hates vista02:35
vnand cant install xp02:35
Ontologstrategy: ipconfig is pretty low level, I'm talking about commands that apply entire network profiles02:35
strategyOntolog, ah ok sorry.. im not very good with networking (or linux..)02:36
slamFISTTheMaxzilla left02:36
slamFISTi figured out his issue.02:36
slamFISTfuckin people02:36
FloodBot2slamFIST: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:36
KiDFlaShthx, Disaster02:36
buntunubanyone here tried lotus symphony and liked it?02:36
grendelsonanyone know how to get an aironet wireless pcmcia card started - it was working and then I upgraded and now card is recognized by pccardctl but won't get recognized as installed network device?02:36
D1sa5t3rKiDFlaSh, working?02:37
pznI'm trying to upgrade to intrepid, but "update-manager -d" shows 4 files with "404 not found" and aborts the upgrade. what can I do?02:37
sheysup Ubuntunians!02:37
D1sa5t3rsup shemale02:37
D1sa5t3rups sry shey02:38
Drk_GuyWhen i try to boot into winbugs, my machine just reboots02:38
shey1 point for  you.02:38
rand0mi have ubuntu hardy heron dual-booted next to win xp on my laptop.. when the OS choices menu pops up, i have multiple choices to get into my ubuntu desktop..   I dont remember exactly what the options are but there's something in the version number something.. one option is 16, one is 19.. any idea what that means (pardon the bad description)02:39
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slamFISTrand0m: one could be a failsafe option with a bunch of jibberish numbers on it02:40
puffI dist-upgraded my thinkpad to the latest and greatest for hardy. That puts me on kernel 2.6etc-19.  Hibernate is fixed now, and so far the disappearing-wireless issue seems fixed, but suspend is still broken.02:41
Drk_GuyWhen i try to boot into winbugs, my machine just reboots02:41
steven__where can i find the md5 sum checkfiles for the ubuntu 8.04 alternate (x86).02:41
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puffAnybody know how about later kernel version?  Is it possible for me to apt a later kernel version?02:41
KiDFlaShdisaster its working02:42
coolpethy guys.02:42
vnhow can I use the top menu in ubuntu only with the keyboard?02:42
vnmy mouse aint working02:43
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coolpetAnybody have problem to start xorg an asus barebone pundit p1-ph1 computer with ubuntu 7.10 or 8.4?02:43
D1sa5t3rKiDFlaSh, gd02:44
coolpetil be back02:46
Flannelvn: alt-f102:46
spiritssightI need help trying to figure out why I can not get my system to show or access wireless networks02:46
spiritssightit did in the past02:47
ethana2the OmniVision OV2640 in my new Ubuntu Dell is supposed to support a 2MP resolution at 15 FPS02:47
puffspiritssight: Hm, does "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" give you results?02:47
coolpetwhat can i do if i get black screen and the x11 does not start at 7.10 and 8.4, but 7.4 is working?02:47
ethana2but in cheese I'm only seeing some tiny thing like 640x48002:47
Pie-rateanyone know of a USB wireless adapter that will "just work" out of the box with ubuntu?02:48
phixxori'm streaming vlc over a network and the stream periodically disconnects, even though the network is fine. can anyone help me diagnose this issue?02:48
ethana2coolpet: what errors does X give you?02:48
phixxorpie-rate: the wireless documentation contains such a list, I don't know offhand02:48
ethana2Pie-rate: should be anything atheros or intel based02:48
phixxor!wifi | pie-rate02:48
ubottupie-rate: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:48
mbrigdananyone know of any GPU stress test for ubuntu?02:49
ethana2mbrigdan: Phoronix test suite?02:49
spiritssightis there a irc channel for networking02:49
Red-SoxHello...compiz fusion is very slow for me.02:49
ethana2spiritssight: networking is pretty general.....02:49
ethana2Red-Sox: what gpu?02:49
puffspiritssight: You didn't answer my question.02:50
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sparris there a channel for F-Spot?02:50
spiritssightI did not see your question sorry02:50
ethana2spiritssight: what are you trying to do with yoru network?02:50
puffspiritssight: Hm, does "sudo iwlist eth1 scan" give you results?02:50
ethana2sparr: probably something on gimpnet02:50
vnspiritssight: what's the question?02:50
spiritssightone sec02:50
Red-Soxethana2: It's an onboard chip..."Intel Mobile 945GM02:50
puffethana2: He can't get it to show or access wireless networks, which ithas in the past.02:50
ethana2try #fspot on irc.gimp.org02:50
slamFISTmbrigdan: try glxgears02:50
puffvo: He can't get it to show or access wireless networks, which ithas in the past.02:50
puffvn: He can't get it to show or access wireless networks, which ithas in the past.02:50
mbrigdanethana2: thanks, i'll look into that02:51
crdlb#f-spot appears to exist on gimpnet02:51
coolpetethana2 sothing :) just black screen. consoles running and i can switch it02:51
Red-Soxethana2: Is that not good for compiz?02:51
ethana2coolpet: could you put your xorg.0.log on pastebin and give me the link?02:51
ethana2Red-Sox: i think it's pathetic...  i'd turn down your effects02:51
vnpuff:k, seen that before, driver upgrade failure02:51
spiritssightpuff: it says that it does not support scanning02:51
ethana2Red-Sox: being intel, shouldn't be any software problem02:51
Red-Soxethana2: That's the problem...I don't have any on!02:52
ethana2Red_Sox: metacity --replace & exit02:52
puffvn: Ah?02:52
Red-Soxethana2: So there's no hope for Compiz on this machine?02:52
ethana2Red-Sox: i dunno, not sure which one the 945GM is...02:52
ackstormRed-Sox, no02:53
coolpetethana2 the first problem is: its a workstation at my work. it is an ASUS barebone Pundit p1-ph1 series computer02:53
Red-Soxall right..thanks.02:53
spiritssightpuff: did you get my respone?02:53
ethana2coolpet: ah02:53
FlannelRed-Sox: intel stuff should work fine.  Are you on Hardy?02:53
crdlbRed-Sox: the hardware is capable of it, at least at a low resolution (and definitely not with multiple screens)02:53
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Red-SoxAll I want is AWN...I wish that didn't rely on compiz02:53
mertheris there a better network browser then pyNeighborhood?02:53
puffspiritssight: Hm, "sudo ifup eth1"02:53
corunumhey guys, need help again lol02:53
Red-SoxFlannel: 8.0402:53
crdlbRed-Sox: compiz isn't the only compositing manager02:53
ethana2Red_Sox: all i want is a nice window list applet like xfce's02:53
puffspiritssight: What have you changed recently?  Did you upgrade anything?02:53
ethana2i wish i didn't have to rely on AWN02:53
coolpetnow iinstalled 7.4 and it works fine, but i want to update it. But the proxy does not allow it.02:53
Red-Soxcrdlb: Do you think beryl would work better?02:54
crdlbRed-Sox: no02:54
spiritssightpuff: it says "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1"02:54
corunumI tried to get a new splash theme and made a mistake, it doesn't load, I only see the terminal-like thing02:54
coolpeti tryed to copy the xorc.conf file from another 7.4 ubu to 8.4lts but it does not work after reboot.02:54
ackstormI thought intel chipsets didn't have 3d accel?02:54
the_darkside_986Hello. I'm having trouble getting the front headphone jack working on a System76 Ratel with DGsomethingwhatever mobo on Ubuntu 8.04.1 64-bit. I would try using System76 driver but last time I tried it wouldn't let me use it and the mirrors for it are down anyway... any ideas?02:54
FlannelRed-Sox: and you don't have compiz enabled by default?  that's odd.  You have xserver-xorg-video-intel installd, correct?02:54
Flannelackstorm: They do.02:54
Red-SoxFlannel: Well I haven't installed that, so no unless that was installed with the OS.02:55
FlannelRed-Sox: Beryl won't work better.  Beryl is dead.  compiz-fusion is the successor of both compiz and beryl.02:55
FlannelRed-Sox: Double check that you have it, it should have been installed by default.02:55
spiritssightpuff: when I first setup the system it worked if remember right, then I pluged in the either cable and then I noticed yesterday it was not working02:55
corunumCan someone who can help me with my splash theme pm me?02:55
coolpeti see the config file, but it is near the same as 7.4 default, and the ati driver works fine in 7.4, but i didnt know its the same driver in 8.4 too?02:55
Red-SoxFlannel: I do.02:55
Pie-ratedoes anyone have a usb wireless adapter that they just know to work straight out of the box with hardy? i don't really trust this wiki list02:56
spiritssightI installed ubuntu on sisters computer and thats what reminded me of what was not showing on my which I remember in the pass seeing02:57
puffspiritssight: Hate to ask this, but did you try rebootingit?02:57
coolpetethana2: any suggestion for me? :)02:57
cheekyhey is dr_ willis there?02:57
johnttrying to configure postgresql on ubuntu 8.3 server02:57
cheekyi cant seem to find himin the room kinda hard02:57
ethana2coolpet: ..I need the xorg.0.log02:57
spiritssightpuff: I would agree and thats ok to ask, but yes I have a couple of times :-)02:58
phixxori don't know of any, pie-rate, but if you ask on the forum and give people the chance to answer maybe someone will know02:58
ethana2why are you doing this on work machines?02:58
puffspiritssight: I had a similar issue in the past after an upgrade, and it went away after a reboot.02:58
Red-SoxFlannel: No other suggestions?02:58
puffspiritssight: Have you tried shutting down all the way and then restarting?02:58
spiritssightpuff: how can I check to see if its enabled or disabled02:58
FlannelRed-Sox: Take a look at your xorg, it... should be rather devoid of content.  Make sure you're not forcing it to use some other driver.  Unfortunately, I'm not really an X person, but I'm sure someone can help you out.  It really should work (of course, it should have worked out of the box too)02:59
Red-SoxFlannel: Okay, thanks.03:00
cheekyis it possible to install ubuntu with an external HDD?? coz my live cd doesnt work?03:00
Flannelcheeky: Try the alternate CD instead03:00
Pie-ratephixxor: i don't trust this list because it says the one she already bought and couldn't get to work, 'Works "out of the box"'03:00
cheekyalternate cd the text based one?03:00
Flannelcheeky: yes.03:00
cheekyis it harder?03:00
cheekycoz it gives me an error03:01
puffspiritssight: iwconfig03:01
cheekywhen i try to bootit up03:01
bigredradioThe expected bahavior when selecting my Firefox icon is to launch a new window if the app is already running. That is the case on all my systems. But on one system, I get an error that it is already running. Anyone familiar with this problem?03:01
cheekyand it works fine on my m8s laptop!03:01
Flannelcheeky: It asks the exact same questions.  If it gives you errors while booting, verify the MD5 of the iso you downloaded, and then make sure you burn at the slowest speed you can.03:01
Flannelcheeky: Verify the CD's integrity from the boot menu (penultimate option I believe)03:01
LoganhoupKind of quiet tonight..03:03
cheekyi woudllike some help please03:03
Loganhouphow may I help you?03:04
Flannelcheeky: If it booted fine for your friend's computer, its likely a good burn then. What error does it give you while booting?03:04
cheekyi wanna try ubuntu lol but it doesnt boot from my drive03:04
cheekyits alive cd...works fine on my friends laptop03:04
Loganhouphave you tried the alternative cd?03:04
cheekybut not on mine :(03:04
midnightRmbler cheeky: the drive has to be in your boot sequence03:04
corunumI will award the prize of five internets to the person who can help me fix my splash screen.03:05
midnightRmblercheeky: are you able to navigate in your BIOS?03:05
spiritssightpuff: here is the results of the last thing http://pastebin.com/f1265b4db also if you don't mind PM me as I am missing your response as can not see them fast as I am legally blind03:05
cheekyi did change the boot sequence03:05
cheekyand all03:05
Loganhoupis it giving you an error? is the screen messed up on boot? be more specific so we can help you03:05
midnightRmblerand the very same CD you used in your friends machine wont boot?03:06
N0_Named_Guyhello all :)03:06
cheekywe even saw it for the first time lol03:06
Theebhow do you see your recovery mode log?03:06
cheekynice backgroundand the screen switching03:06
cheekywas awsome03:06
cplxanyone here used any Sun StorageTek products?03:07
cheekyat boot03:07
cheekyit say03:07
cheekylinuxstuff waits ..and then second line03:07
icedwaterHi guys, how do I make usplash stop looking for higher resolutions and go straight to 1024x768 ?03:07
icedwatercplx, can't help you there ;) Sorry.03:07
cheekylinux error.. and i cant remember the others03:07
cplxicedwater - no worrise03:07
nkei0I've got a possible tricky question...  I've got a laptop running windows xp pro, however, it's broken and it's giving me a hard time installing ubuntu, anyone want to help?03:08
icedwaternkei0, how is it broken?03:08
vnhow hard time?03:08
midnightRmblercheeky: you'll need to be specific03:08
coolpetethana2 another question. I have a network proxy at my work, which only accept http request and port80. any possibility to set up ubuntu package manager to work with it?03:08
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: I'm not sure, but i thing it has something about the kernel parameters03:08
corunumicedwater, can you help me with the splash also? I think I'm a few steps behind you03:08
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: so you can do that usplash thing :S03:09
ethana2coolpet: probably not..03:09
nkei0Well, I'm not sure but one of the windows .dll files messed up and almost none of the drivers are working (cd/modems/lan/etc) and it also won't identify as windows so, I tried using my usb stick to transfer the iso and then using daemon tools to mount, but it won't let me.  I then just extracted the iso to the usb stick and tried installing from there and it asked me to connect to the...03:09
nkei0...internet during install and i can't03:09
nkei0I've tried to load the drivers through the usb stick and it refused to work as well03:10
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icedwaterN0_Named_Guy, would love to help, but I need to know more?03:10
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TaoTeShaunI was wondering if anyone knows of ways to speed up the internet. i have a dual boot and guessing that something is not working correctly since i get 4-4.5 mbps in windows but only about 300kbps in ubuntu. also, when pinging yahoo.com XP takes about 80ms where Ubuntu is taking 500-1600ms03:10
nkei0I've googled around and found the program unetbootin, but i'm wondering if i'll still need to connect to the internet during install.03:10
D1sa5t3rnkei0, replace the .dll03:10
nkei0I've tried, it doesn't work.03:11
icedwaternkei0, so you can't boot Windows?03:11
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: at the moment I can't help you more, I'm sleep drunk... :(03:11
coolpetethana2: I just hoped you will not say this :( i tried many ways, but i canno t set up. so its impossible this way. thy03:11
nkei0I can get into windows... but almost nothing works03:11
spiritssightpuff: I sent you a PM03:11
Loganhoupicedwater: if your talking about changing your usplash res. run sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf and change it in that file03:11
* icedwater smiles at N0_Named_Guy03:11
ethana2coolpet: that's one sucky proxy you got there, sorry03:11
icedwaterLoganhoup, thanks... but I changed it and it still tries two higher resolutions first.03:11
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: I think I have some doc about that, in my files03:11
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: wait a moment plz03:11
ZaidenI installed Wine, but the menu in the applications doesn't show the options for configuring wine or anything, only the program folders. How do I fix this?03:12
Loganhoupicedwater: have you tried updating it with sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu?03:12
D1sa5t3rburn image and boot..simple03:12
coolpetethana2: np :)03:13
icedwaterLoganhoup, I will try that...03:13
vnnkei0: yer not sposed to extract the iso that way afaik..03:13
nkei0D1sa5t3r:  I have the install files on the usb stick and can run it, but it asks to connect to the internet, and since the drivers for the lan won't load up I can't connect...03:13
eubeydid w32codecs get rremoved from the repo?03:14
Jordan_Ueubey: It was never in the default repos03:14
Jordan_U!w32codecs | eubey03:14
ubottueubey: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:14
D1sa5t3rtry burn the image and then boot03:14
D1sa5t3rit should work03:14
D1sa5t3rand u dont need internet03:15
nkei0D1sa5t3r:  So I need to boot from the usb stick?  Should I only have the ubuntu files on there?03:15
D1sa5t3rburn cd the image much easier03:16
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: got it03:17
nkei0the cd drive doesn't work correctly03:17
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: just change the /etc/usplash.conf03:17
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: to the values you want ;)03:17
coolpetHmm i'm fully with question :) I have Attansic L1 Gigabit Ethernet, but have only windows drivers on asus homepage. But ubuntu can use it by default, debian not. How can i trace down which driver can be used for it(what driver is used by ubuntu)?03:17
D1sa5t3rthen buy new comp :D03:17
D1sa5t3rhave u try to fix the windows with xp cd03:18
icedwaterN0_Named_Guy, I've tried it, it doesn't work.03:19
nkei0yeah, it won't run or boot to it, but with a cd (any cd in the drive) that's the only way I can get into windows03:19
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: does your monitor and vga support that resolution? :S03:19
TaoTeShaunI was wondering if anyone knows of ways to speed up the internet. i have a dual boot and guessing that something is not working correctly since i get 4-4.5 mbps in windows but only about 120kbps in ubuntu. also, when pinging yahoo.com XP takes about 80ms where Ubuntu is taking 500-1600ms. I am using the B43Legacy driver for my wifi03:19
leachim6can someone tell me all what's going on in this pic ?03:19
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: maybe it's some argument that is not passed to the kernel in boot time03:19
D1sa5t3rbut u can't shutdown with cd in?03:19
spiritssighthow do you know which DD-Wrt to use on a WRT54GS v303:20
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: i can't tell the names right now... but I thing it has something to deal with the framebuffer thing...03:20
nkei0I can shut down with the cd in03:20
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: I think you must the framebuffer resolution :S03:20
D1sa5t3rand start?03:21
corunumNeed help getting my boot screen back, I messed it up while trying to install a new splash theme.03:21
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: u must change, I mean03:21
TaoTeShaunlol, my last speed test came to 85kbps down and 636 up03:21
icedwaterN0_Named_Guy, my monitor supports 1024x768, but it tries two higher resolutions first03:21
D1sa5t3rso u can boot with linux disc03:21
TaoTeShaundriver problem i'm guessing03:21
Till10185got a problem with pidgin every time i try to enter a room it boots me off completely from pidgin and it just started recently03:21
nkei0not to the linux disc no03:22
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: in the grub's menu.lst pass to the kernel the arguments to put the framebuffer at the desired resolution03:22
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: that commands in particular I don't know by memory03:22
ice_creami recently found out i have issues with the latest firefox3 package and youtube..it all seems to work ok, but cpu temp shoots up like 20 degrees celsius o.O03:22
D1sa5t3rnkei0, im thinking that u r just evo :D03:22
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: and aren't accessible to me right now :(03:22
corunumcan anyone help me?03:22
ice_creamaka firefox3 and flash03:22
nkei0awesome, thanks for attempting though03:22
ice_cream(and by aka i mean 'in other words')03:22
nkei0I'm going to go hang with the wifey now03:23
icedwaterOh, is it the vga=791 etc stuff, N0_Named_Guy ?03:23
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N0_Named_Guyicedwater: yes03:23
N0_Named_Guyicedwater: that stuff03:23
Till10185any one know whats with pidgin whenever i try to join a room it boots me off and i got to restart it03:23
corunumyo iced, no names, I did the vga=791 stuff03:23
N0_Named_Guycorunum: and?03:23
corunumand everything the instructions said but I get no boot screen, just text03:24
Till10185any one whatsoever got any idea03:24
N0_Named_Guycorunum: just to clarify you, I'm a guy just begining in this linux stuff03:24
icedwatercorunum, maybe you want to check if the kernel line includes the 'splash' argument?03:24
templaedhe1I can't detect wiereless netowrks unless I'm like right next to em03:24
N0_Named_Guycorunum: so don't expect me to help you out for 100% ;)03:24
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icedwaterTill10185, not very sure about your problem... do you get some error messages?03:25
corunum20% is better than what I know still :/03:25
corunumlet me check ice03:25
D1sa5t3rTill10185, take the pidgin and burn it03:25
Till10185its not the computer  its lan connection or router you are using03:25
D1sa5t3rit sucks03:25
kindofabuzzcorunum, you trying to set framebuffer?03:25
N0_Named_Guycorunum and icedwater: I think there is a kernel option so you can pass a resolution to the framebuffer03:25
Till10185mine i can use up to 6 or 7 blocks away03:25
N0_Named_Guycorum and icedwater: I did something like that in a machine running Puppy Linux03:26
corunumI don't even know what a framebuffer is :(03:26
N0_Named_Guycorunum: LOL03:26
anom01yhi I recently had to run a command "modprobe ivtv", do I have to do this every time I boot ?03:26
Till10185or the usb or card lan connection not detecting it form far away03:26
kindofabuzzcorunum, set the vga=791 in defoptions in /boot/grub/menu.list03:26
N0_Named_Guycorunum: it is like the graphical mode in DOS :P03:26
corunumI shouldn't be messing with this stuff yet, is there anyway to get my original boot screen on again?03:26
N0_Named_Guycorunum: how did it disappeared in first place? :P03:27
corunumI tried putting a new one, and now neither show.03:27
anom01yhow do I set up automodprobe ?03:27
corunumI wouldn't mind the text in the boot, but there are alot of "failed to" in there lol03:27
Till10185im going to ask one more time cant find any info any where about this bug but whenever i try to join a room in pidgin it shuts me off and i have to restart it and it just started recently03:27
Vermux_ok, I need help mounting the windows partition , I booted using kubuntu live cd03:27
arnellHow complicated is it to install a graphics driver for ATI 2900 XT?03:27
N0_Named_Guycorunum: did you follow the tutorial to the end?03:28
kindofabuzz!envy | arnell03:28
ubottuarnell: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk03:28
N0_Named_Guysorry people03:28
N0_Named_Guygotta go!03:28
N0_Named_GuyI am sleepy here03:28
FloodBot2N0_Named_Guy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:28
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corunumN0_Named_Guy: Yes I did, and I don't know what mistake I made.03:29
arnellthanks I'll check it out03:29
anom01ywhat is the linux script command to wait 2 seconds ? halt, wait, pause ?? none of those work03:30
agentohello, i do sudo dpkg --configure -a and i get this errors update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img- Cannot find /lib/modules/ update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-  dpkg: el subproceso post-installation script devolvió el código de salida de error 1... ive google and didnt find something03:30
ethana2usleep 2 maybe03:30
* ethana2 tries03:30
corunumkindofabuzz: I already did the vga=791 thing, can you tell me if its correct?03:31
ethana2it's 'sleep 2'03:31
ethana2finally, a command that's spelled right03:31
MellowYellowUbuntu is not detecting my ethernet connection. Wifi works great, but I want the extra speed of a wired connection. Anyone know where to start on fixing this?03:32
cgrapskiCan anyone help.  I tried intalling with WUBU and get the option between XP and Ubuntu.  But when I choose Ubuntu I just come back to that screen.03:32
SchmittyDoesItwhere is the config for irssi03:32
bolito_join #ubuntu-es03:33
GneaSchmittyDoesIt: ~/.irssi/03:33
SchmittyDoesItthanx Gnea03:33
Gneabolito_: /join #ubuntu-es03:33
cgrapskiI meant that I get that screen upon boot.  And come back (without booting ubuntu) to that screen when choosing ubuntu.  Booting XP works fine.03:34
GneaMellowYellow: plug a cable in03:34
MellowYellowGnea, LOL, yea did that03:34
GneaMellowYellow: what is your network setup like, physically?03:35
Red-SoxSometimes, when I try to view a YouTube video or other flash content in Firefox, it freezes for a few seconds and then starts playing a little into the video.  Does anyone know of a way to prevent this hiccup?03:35
joshuajtlhey folks anyone know where rhythmbox icons (arrows, play pause etc) are located?03:35
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, try flash 1003:35
spiritssightis it still a bad idea to flash with DD-wrt using FF03:35
Gnea!wubi | cgrapski03:35
ubottucgrapski: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.03:35
MellowYellowcable modem -> router -> laptop03:35
Gneacgrapski: check that first URL03:35
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: Do I need to compile that or is it in the repos?03:35
smm289my laptop runs ubuntu 8.04, my file server runs ubuntu 8.04.  Samba is running fine on the server.  While using my laptop I click on places, network, but the ubuntu server does not show up.  I can access it by smb://server289.  why wont it just show up in the network browse03:35
GneaMellowYellow: is the router a hybrid wired/wireless?03:35
MellowYellowright now I am using wifi to connect with the laptop I want to use an ethernet cable03:36
MellowYellowGnea, yes03:36
cgrapskiGnea OK will try that.03:36
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, no just download it03:36
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, from adobe03:36
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: okay03:36
cplxanyone here used any Sun StorageTek products?03:36
Gneasmm289: is nmbd running?03:36
broken1after changing from kernel .21 back to .2003:36
smm289I have no idea03:36
smm289running on the server or the client03:36
smm289how do i check03:37
broken1I nolonger have the firmware I need for my sound and wifi setup03:37
Vermux_Im frustrated here, need help using live cd to mount a windows partition03:37
MellowYellowGnea, the router is not the issue.03:37
GneaMellowYellow: try these steps: a) disable your wifi connection on the laptop, b) plug the cable in03:37
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: bleh I have to compile it03:37
broken1the live cd works fine though03:37
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, no you don't03:37
MellowYellowGnea, did that, I then have no connection to the internet03:37
broken1how can I recover my system?03:37
GneaVermux_: click on Places->the_windows_drive03:37
GneaVermux_: should put an icon on the desktop - double click on it03:38
MellowYellowtried different ports on the router, they all work for other computers, not this one03:38
broken1which is the current kernel ubuntu is now on, Hardy?03:38
Vermux_Gnea: places?03:38
balleyneI'm having trouble configuration multiple monitors. How can I make 1900x1200 an option? It isn't listed when I go to System->Pref->Screen Resolution03:38
GneaVermux_: between Applications and System03:38
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: How do I install it?03:38
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: nvm I got it.03:39
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, hang on a sec, let's pm03:39
GneaMellowYellow: open a terminal when everything is disconnect and type:  ip a  , then pastebin the results after you re-enable the wifi03:39
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:39
MellowYellowballeyne, that is most likely because either the monitor or the graphics card does not support it, especially in dual monitor use03:39
Red-Soxkindofabuzz: thank you.03:39
kindofabuzzRed-Sox, are you registerd so you can get pm's?03:39
balleyneMellowYellow: hmm, that would make sense in terms of a dual-monitor thing. Then, I'd want to turn off my laptop monitor (so as to use the external only)... any idea how to do that?03:40
Vermux_Gnea: where?03:41
Vermux_Gnea: it is kubuntu 8.403:41
MellowYellowballeyne,  it is a laptop and you are trying to drive both?03:41
GneaVermux_: oh... you should ask in #kubuntu then, they would be able to help you better03:41
broken1which kernel is ahrdy on plz?03:41
manoihow do i install skipe ?03:42
zcat[1]Ummm.. what's the other way of doing a claculation in bash other than $[ $x - $y ]03:42
Gnea!skype | manoi03:42
ubottumanoi: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto03:42
broken1anyone know?03:42
broken1-uname -a?03:42
Vermux_Gnea: not much help there03:43
MellowYellowballeyne, if so then I doubt your onboard graphics card has the ability to drive an external monitor at that resolution either way03:43
MellowYellowGnea, http://paste.ubuntu.com/44421/03:43
zcat[1]http://pastebin.com/f23d5482e -- normal live boot and installer work, 'persistent' drops me into busybox. I have a second partiton, it's ext2 and labeled casper-rw. What else am I missing?03:43
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GneaMellowYellow: yeah, saw it... hrm, it looks like it's okay... are you disabling wifi from the desktop or with a switch on the laptop?03:43
balleyneMellowYellow: yeah, it's a laptop... hmm... damn... I used to do it, but I guess it was with a different (though older) laptop... I'll look into that03:43
broken1this is crazy03:44
MellowYellowwell the switch actually does not disable it in linux (really interesting) so I did it from the desktop03:44
Gneabroken1: ?03:44
Gneabroken1: running 2.6.24-21-generic here03:44
broken1I simply need to know what kernel is Hardy on?03:45
TateradeShe Works!03:45
Gnea!patience | broken103:45
ubottubroken1: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:45
broken1Gnea: thanks03:45
spiritssightany good irc channel for wireless issues and also talking about routers with DD-WRT03:45
Taterade@broken Run Terminal and type in...03:45
broken1I was told .21 is experimental03:45
Gneabroken1: i just told you. you could be a bit more patient.03:45
TateradeHold on let me check help pane:)03:45
Gneanotice that it's -21, not .2103:45
MellowYellowspiritssight, ddwrt :)03:45
balleyneMellowYellow: any idea how I'd get my laptop monitor off anyways?03:46
MellowYellowspiritssight, darn, maybe not :(03:46
TateradeType (uname) into the terminal minus ()03:46
D1sa5t3rMellowYellow, where u from?03:46
bcowananyone have alpha5 running in vbox??03:47
broken1notice that you understood 21 as 2103:47
broken1since its the only 21 kernel relevent03:47
ScreaminIkei visited the wiki and followed the directions step/by-step, but am unable to get moinmoin running in apache03:47
MellowYellowFn F5 does it for me if I remember correctly03:47
MellowYellowD1sa5t3r, Mars03:47
spiritssightMellowYellow: ddwrt did not come up as channel it said03:47
vrangWhat does the (number) after a man page name mean?03:47
TateradeIs the RSS feed in Fire fox helpful?03:47
bfighow can i see debug info for fp?03:48
bfigdo i need to install some specific package?03:48
vranglike man ifconfig displays "ifconfig(8)"03:48
vrangwhat's that 8 ?03:48
GneaMellowYellow: if you plug the cable in, does ip a change at all?03:48
MellowYellowspiritssight, yea, sorry I knew openwrt had a good one, and I thought I remebered ddwrt having one as well03:48
MellowYellowGnea, nope03:48
MellowYellowGnea, ifconfig reports nothing different03:49
GneaMellowYellow: what about:  lspci | grep Ether03:49
TateradeAnyone use RSS?03:49
MellowYellowGnea, btw ifconfig does not even show a eth003:49
Gnea!anyone | Taterade03:49
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ubottuTaterade: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:49
GneaMellowYellow: yeah i noticed that too (btw, ip a is just a more advanced ifconfig)03:49
spiritssightdd-wrt is the channel :-)03:50
MellowYellowspiritssight, Yay, they are actually fairly helpful in there, that is when there are people not lurking03:50
puffspiritssight: how's you networking problem?03:50
Theebi love ubottu03:51
Nagarkeu preciso de suporte em portugues ?03:51
Taterade@Theeb ???03:51
bobertdos!pt > Nagark03:51
ubottuNagark, please see my private message03:51
broken1my system has lost the ability to load firmware vital for sound and wifi, how can I recover this functionailty?03:51
mordofhow would i locate/remove a cron task? i've got this cron thing going in the background that keeps doing test emails, and i want it to stop cause it's annoying, lol.03:51
MellowYellowGnea, http://paste.ubuntu.com/44423/03:51
Gnea!sound | broken103:52
ubottubroken1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:52
Gnea!wifi | broken103:52
ubottubroken1: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
Nagarkubottu tanks03:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tanks03:52
ubottumordof: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm03:52
Taterade@broken what sound card are you using?03:52
broken1my wifi is not broken03:52
mordofkeppi : ty ^^03:52
broken1the system will not load ANY firmware03:52
Gnea21:51 < broken1> my system has lost the ability to load firmware vital for sound and wifi,03:52
broken1SOUND and wifi03:53
Gneabroken1: you just contradicted yourself - you said your wifi is broken.03:53
broken1thus the canned wifi tort will not suffice03:53
Theebya im having problems with my sound card if i play amarok + any other audio source03:53
Gneabroken1: which is why you were presented with options for *both* problems. help yourself.03:53
broken1I am helping myself apparently03:53
MellowYellowTheeb, what sound server are you using?03:54
Tateradebroken what computer are you using?03:54
Gneagood, because we're sure not getting paid to put up with your attitude.03:54
broken1Taterade: a nforce i68003:54
TateradeTry going to....03:54
Rakeeris there a console command to check uptime?03:55
MellowYellowGnea, so anything stick out in the lspci? it seems like it is a fairly common ethernet controller03:55
TheebMellowYellow, sound server? no idea, im on sony laptop03:55
FlannelRakeer: uptime03:55
bobertdosTheeb: As in Alsa or Pulse?03:55
Taterade@rakeer You mean ping speed?03:55
GneaMellowYellow: okay, see if you can pastebin all of the output from the dmesg command please03:55
RakeerFlannel: maybe I just should have tried it, thanks ;)03:55
Theebthats the only one that works for microphone03:55
broken1Taterade: my system was unstable with .21, so I thought it was the nvidia driver at frist, I uninstalled the nvidia drivers, and rolled back the kernel, and lost sound and wifi. NO wifi firmware will load, no matter the card. These wifi firmwares are in the kernel  blobs. My system worked out of the box.03:55
bobertdosTheeb: You could probably still try Pulse for playback though.03:56
RakeerAny idea why my uptime would say there are 2 users?03:56
Rakeeror is that counting root plus acct?03:56
perilluxwhen using audacity and recording at 96000Hz every once in a while the sound skips when I play it back.  It sounds great and then it suddenly jumps forward about half a second like there's a hole in the recording.  Also, this isn't random, it happens regularly about every 30 seconds.03:56
Theebdoes work for mic :\03:56
GneaRakeer: that depends what the output of the w command is03:56
Theebit does but makes annoying noise when i talk03:57
broken1Taterade: I can boot into desktop, but no sound or wifi, it seems my onboard LAN port is even borked. Serems like all things related to my Nvidia chipset is broekn03:57
perilluxalso, it's not a problem with playback.  It actually gets recorded like that for some reason03:57
Taterade@broken goto System-Prefrences-Sound and check to see if changing those options will fix the sound.03:57
MellowYellowheh lots of output had to pipe to file03:57
MellowYellowGnea, http://paste.ubuntu.com/44424/03:57
broken1Taterade: it won't because the system no longer recognizes that I even HAVE a sound "card"03:57
Theebbecause i have trouble with amarok + vbox sound03:58
Theebi have to close one of them03:58
Taterade@broken broken sound card?03:58
broken1its not a sound card03:58
broken1itsd all onboard stuff that works with the livecd03:58
mordofkeppi: i didn't set up the crontab.. it was done by something else that i must've installed.03:59
bobertdosTheeb: So, do you have System->Preferences->Sound all set to Alsa?03:59
RakeerGnea: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/44425/03:59
TateradeIts still a sound card.03:59
MellowYellowbroken1, we get it, everything is broken. Now what on earth did you do to break it all?03:59
RakeerNot sure what that means exactly...03:59
broken1but for some reason, a change of the kernel has busted the system03:59
mordofkeppi: neither of the links given helped at all with that03:59
noriyukiHI I have this Microsoft keyboard (wireless) connected to my laptop... the F1-F12 are not working properly from the keyboard however the are on the laptop's keyboard so I assume the problem is the wireless keyboard compaqtbility any help??>03:59
broken1the sound "card" is fiine, so is everythign else03:59
Jordan_Ubroken1: Does it work if you boot into the old kernel?03:59
broken1this is not a hardware issue03:59
MellowYellowbroken1, then just downgrade the kernel, not a big deal03:59
TateradeBroken touch the motherboard with wet hand with the power cord pluged in.03:59
broken1if it were, it would not play on the livecd03:59
broken1I need to know how to get default functionality04:00
YaKkO_FJValgum br ae?04:00
Nagarki need a free shell04:00
TateradeThen buy new computer.:(04:00
GneaMellowYellow: i noticed that you've suspended your system once or twice.04:00
MellowYellowGnea, yes04:00
TateradeI did that.04:00
Nagarkwhat i do to have one ?04:00
Jordan_Ubroken1: Does it work if you boot into the old kernel?04:00
broken1why buy a new computer when this one works?04:00
broken1I'm feeding you aren't I04:00
broken1sorry I did not recognize you04:00
YaKkO_FJVsomebody knows to liberate door 7000? I find that firewall this not leaving to liberate!04:00
Theebbobertdos,  i have them set to PulseAudio sound server and vbox to alsa04:00
FunkyKarmahey ... any experience here with installing JBoss AS?04:01
Taterade@broken- kidding (Gonna go try using Rss feeds)04:01
YaKkO_FJVsomebody knows to liberate door 7000? I find that firewall this not leaving to liberate!04:01
Aeron|mtfwhat's the command to use to ignore someone in IRC using X-Chat?  "ignore [user] ALL" isn't doing the trick04:01
GneaMellowYellow: okay, it looks like the system is losing the ethernet device when you do that - try rebooting and see if it works.04:01
MellowYellowbroken1, just use the older kernel04:01
Theebbobertdos, and i still have to close one of them, otherwise sound wont work or amarok will freeze  if i open the vbox firs tthen amarok.04:01
MellowYellowheh ok04:02
MellowYellowbummer though04:02
YaKkO_FJVsomebody knows to liberate door 7000? I find that firewall this not leaving to liberate!04:02
EvolutionXtinctanyone familiar w/ Adaptec RAID on Ubuntu?04:02
bobertdosTheeb: Why not let Ubuntu switch to Alsa too? That's what I would do.04:02
GneaMellowYellow: there's still a possibility of fixing it :)04:02
=== sproots is now known as roflcon
bfigcan somebody help me with freepascal on ubuntu? i'm desperate and need to hand an assignment for uni tomorrow!04:02
bfigi have my program finished but the debugger won't appear and i don't know what to do04:03
bfigi got two errors in like 5000 LOC04:03
noriyukiHI I have this Microsoft keyboard (wireless) connected to my laptop... the F1-F12 are not working properly from the keyboard however the are on the laptop's keyboard so I assume the problem is the wireless keyboard compaqtbility any help??>04:03
Theebbobertdos,  i will have the same problem. i still have trouble running amarok + firefox flash videos. one of them wont work and amarok will freeze if i start firefox flash player  first04:03
mindrapetry #pascal04:03
bfignobody there04:03
mindrape#delphi ?04:03
Jordan_UTheeb: I think that the new version of virtual box released recently outputs to pulseaudio04:03
EvolutionXtinctso no one is famliiar w/ adaptec?04:03
bfigwhat does delphi have to do with pascal?04:03
Gneabfig: there's some people in there, but do note the /topic04:03
mindrapePascal is kinda... awful.  Maybe if it were C, Java, PHP, or something more common we could help.04:03
SchmittyDoesItfantastico is fantastic04:03
TheebJordan_U, the recording is not clear04:04
bfigit has nothing to do with the lang04:04
Theebwith pulseaudio *04:04
bfigit has to do with the compiler thing... the debug won't output the problematic lines04:04
bfigso basically i only get 'two errors'04:04
=== Wingless-Archang is now known as Nata-Oh
Theebi wonder if the problem in amarok04:05
bfigand i'm alone to find them in my whole code04:05
TateradeJust learned that RSS in firefox is the simplest thing I've seen...04:05
Jordan_UTheeb: Recording?04:05
TheebJordan_U,  i use ventrilo on vbox.04:05
mindrapebfig - well pastebin it... but I'm pretty sure very few people know Pascal.04:05
bfigmy whole code?04:05
mindrapewell unless you can help pinpoint the problem, I'd think so.04:06
MellowYellowwell that brought it back, any clue how to keep it from happening again? As I really like the suspend ability04:06
bfigi need help to configure the debugger! not04:06
Taterade/msg ubottu etiquette04:06
YaKkO_FJVsomebody knows to liberate door 7000? I find that firewall this not leaving to liberate!04:06
YaKkO_FJVsomebody knows to liberate door 7000? I find that firewall this not leaving to liberate!04:06
Tateradethat didn't work...04:06
bfignot debugging the code04:06
bobertdosTheeb: Well, I'd at least let Ubuntu playback run on Pulse..........and yes, as a matter of fact, RhythymBox might behave a little better. It seems to do better for me.04:06
mindrapebfig - you realize this is like asking a Visual Studio.NET debugger question in a #Windows channel, right?04:06
Gnea!repeat | YaKkO_FJV04:06
ubottuYaKkO_FJV: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:06
bfigi have no idea where to ask but here or on #pascal04:07
Theebbobertdos,  will try that. thanks04:07
Taterade@Yakko have you tried going to your routers support page?04:07
bfigmaybe somebody here had the same problem: the debugger doesn't install automatically i think, although i installed all fp packages04:07
bfigi really don't know where to ask mindrape04:07
MellowYellowGnea, well that brought it back, any clue how to keep it from happening again? As I really like the suspend ability04:07
mindrapebfig - how about reading up on http://www.freepascal.org/04:07
r2swhich mobile PC/tablet has 3G capability??04:08
bfigi've tried but i haven't found anything... i've found i have really poor google/browsing skills lately04:08
Jordan_UTheeb: I'm sorry I don't know what ventilo is04:08
bobertdosbfig: We're sorry that we can't be of more help, and we don't mean to be rude, but you'd probably better leave before an op yells at you :)04:08
Cordenguys can you refer me into a website that shows the count of ubuntu 8.04 from older ubuntu versions?04:08
bfigok well, thanks for trying... :(04:09
Cordenjust need it to support my recommendation to upgrade from 6.10 to 8.0404:09
TheebJordan_U, voip, just like teamspeak.04:09
mindrapebfig - when in doubt echo out your variables at random intervals in the code or counts... like put one in each function.04:09
Aeron|mtfwhenever i start up firefox it is set to 'offline'.  where can i change that setting?04:09
Jordan_UTheeb: So the problem is that the audio is not clear, not that it's not playing at all?04:09
rand0mwhen downloading something in transmission (or with utorrent running through wine), once the speed of the transfer seems to peak, my connection dies completely... anyone know what could be the cause?04:09
bfigmindrape: the code won't compile, that's my problem...04:10
TheebJordan_U,  yes.04:10
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Cordencan anyone pls04:10
TheebJordan_U, just the recording part.04:10
bfigmindrape: i can't find the errors because the compiler doesn't point out which lines they are04:10
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: By default it is set to offline when network-manager thinks that you aren't connected to the internet04:10
mindrapebfig - well like I said earlier I have never used Pascal but pastebin the code and I'll see if my logic from other languages carries over.04:11
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, okay, will look for that next time.  i never had that problem with versions prior to 3.004:11
bobertdosCorden: The count would be 7.04, 7.10, 8.0404:11
jessid!kernel | jessid04:11
ubottujessid, please see my private message04:11
bobertdos Corden: We've been following that same scheme for years.04:11
bfigmindrape: i thank your eagerness to help but that's not the correct approach. even if i paste the code and you help me troubleshoot i won't have solved my problem04:12
bfigmindrape: i need to be able to track my own mistakes04:12
mindrapewell good luck at life then.04:12
Taterade@Corden I did that upgrade then I learned command line. I never want to install programs with out command line plus 8.04 runs a lot faster on my old computer.04:13
GneaMellowYellow: try adding this to your boot line: pci=routeirq04:13
GneaMellowYellow: also, what make/model is the laptop?04:13
Cordenme too im using 8.04 at home, but here in my work place we still use 6.10.04:14
CShadowRunbeen asking about this for 3 days now, my video playback colors on ubuntu are screwed up, will anyone ever help me?04:14
* EvolutionXtinct wants to kill adaptec...04:14
Gneabfig: there's no need for that.04:15
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: You can turn that off with offline apps notify in about:config IIRC04:15
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Gnea!guidelines > bfig04:15
ubottubfig, please see my private message04:15
bfigGnea: what do you mean? i have 'two errors' (that's what the compiler says i have) but it doesn't say which line i should look04:15
Cordenbrb guys ill boot my  6.10 :D04:15
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, where is "about:config" at?04:15
Jordan_Ubfig: Can you pastebin the exact errors?04:16
Gneabfig: well perhaps, once you've adjusted your attitude toward those that are making an attempt to help, you might actually solve the problem.04:16
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: In the URL bar type "about:config"04:16
bobertdosAeron|mtf: Just type it in Firefox.04:16
khaotikis there a channel for help with ubuntu servers?04:16
Gnea!server | khaotik04:16
Salooooomycan anyone help with this issue? I have inserted into my .bashrc a script which runs compiz --replace. Compiz starts up, but any shells cant use the SHIFT key. when I run another WM, and then run compiz, everything is fine, but I dont want to use the other window managers, to save on boot time and memory.04:16
ubottukhaotik: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support04:16
=== jared is now known as d4rkmonkey
wick3danyone know why i can't change my screen resolution? its stuck at 800x60004:16
Flannelkhaotik: Here, or #ubuntu-server04:16
bobertdos!fixres > wick3d04:17
ubottuwick3d, please see my private message04:17
GneaSalooooomy: remove compiz --replace from .bashrc - you're basically running it twice04:17
khaotikthank you04:17
wick3dthanks ubottu ill try it out now04:17
SalooooomyGnea: if i remove it, another window manager starts up, not compiz, and to use compiz, i basically have to run terminal, and type compiz&04:18
fused_Can someone please help me with the command to set the background in Eterm?04:18
Aeron|mtfi see no option for offline apps notify :/04:18
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: Did you do a search?04:18
illyscan i speak with some1 i need help :(04:18
bfigGnea: i haven't been hostile towards people trying to help me. I've been trying to explain myself from the beginning!. i can personally find the errors if i get the usual information about where the errors are (line, type of error), and those are not showing up when i try to compile. instead, i just get the 'compile failed, x errors found' thing, without any clue where they are04:18
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: Search for "offline"04:18
Jordan_U!ask | illys04:19
ubottuillys: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:19
GneaSalooooomy: have you checked out any documentation?04:19
illysi am new in linux today i install it in my computer and i cant log in04:21
Hqrsieif my cpu clock is listed as 1600mhz in my /proc/cpuinfo when it's supposed to be 2600mhz and I'm running a retail bios is there any way to change it?04:21
SalooooomyGnea: yes, I have been through many forums (which is where I read to add compiz --replace in .bashrc). I also have been through the walkthroughs in beryl-project.org, and compiz-fusion. I am new to linux, so if there is something simple im missing, my bad. I am only experienced in OS X and AIX04:21
speeneranyone know how i can set amarok instead of rhythmbox to be the default app that launches when i plug in my ipod???04:22
Rakeerdoes anyone offer an OpenGL wrapper for non-acceld video?04:22
bobertdosillys: If you went through the standard desktop install, you should have created a login through the wizard......04:22
Gneabfig: first of all, please bear in mind that this channel is a general support channel for Ubuntu. To ask of any kind of help specific to any program or programming language is clearly beyond the scope, although it is allowed if someone actually knows what they're talking about in regards to that specific subject matter.  I realize you had a deadline, but you're just going to have to RTFM until someone answers in #pascal, or maybe find a web-based forum that04:22
Theebeven tho i have all the playback selected as pulseaudio, i am only able to increase decrease the volume from the volume control under alsa mixer device04:22
bobertdosRakeer: You should find an option for iPods somewere in System->Preferences->Removable Media04:23
Salooooomyin ubuntu, hardy... is there a location where I can specify the WM executable, instead of forcing it to run in .bashrc?04:23
bfigGnea: i understand, thanks for trying anyway. please understand i didn't intend to be a prick to those trying to help providing an alternative answer04:24
GneaSalooooomy: i would highly suggest removing that line from your .bashrc and making sure that you have the desktop effects turned on from the menu correctly: Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects04:24
bobertdosRakeer: sorry!! :p04:24
Rakeerbobertdos: No, I mean an openglwrapper to emulate GL via cpu routines..04:24
Rakeerno worries04:24
FloodBot2Rakeer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
* Rakeer pats FloodBot2 on the head. Good boy.04:24
Gneabfig: as long as they understand that, then that is fine.  have you tried reading the manpage for the compiler, or whatever it is that produces the output, to see if there's a setting or a commandline argument to set for more verbosity?04:25
ASrockmy wireless disconnects after a while, it seems like once after a certain amount of data gets transfered it disconnects me, from both my wired and wireless connections04:25
bobertdosspeener: You should find an option for iPods somewere in System->Preferences->Removable Media04:25
mordofquestion: when i use ls -l, what does it mean if a file is highlighted in yellow?04:25
speenerbobertdos: i checked, but there's no option for it04:26
SalooooomyGnea: compiz does not come up in the prefferences menu. Maybe i missed something during the install? in order to run it i have to execute compiz from within my shell. adding it to .bashrc was my way of having it persistent. adding the --replace was only used to keep from having another WM load up and consume resources.04:26
bfigGnea: the documentation is online and to be honest i really don't know where to look... i've tried finding any reference to 'debugger output' or 'compile failed' but failed miserably04:26
GneaSalooooomy: it's not going to say 'compiz' there. you will get 3 options. try disabling it altogether (so there's no desktop effects at all) and then restart the system, then try to turn them on again from the Visual Effects panel04:27
Gneabfig: what command are you using, exactly?04:27
SalooooomyGnea: Trying that, i hope its that simple!04:27
bfigGnea: i'm using 'Run' == 'Compile and run'04:27
Gneabfig: in your terminal?04:28
arnellupgraded from 7.1 to 8.04 rebooted and system hangs at BusyBox. Anyone know what's happening here?04:28
bfigGnea: in pascal editor04:28
Gneabfig: you'll have to excuse me, i haven't mucked with pascal in over 15 years (and i hated it with a passion). what's the name of the pascal editor?04:28
bfigGnea: 'Free04:29
bfigGnea: 'Free Pascal IDE for Linux for i386'04:29
dunasSo there's a new X Server coming in 8.10?04:30
Gneabfig: and where did you install it from?04:30
Gnea!intrepid | dunas04:30
ubottudunas: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!04:30
bfigGnea: i used sudo apt-get install fp- and every item existing that started with that04:30
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bobertdosspeener: Nothing under the Multimedia tab for Portable Music Players?04:31
speenerbobertdos: i don't have a multimedia tab04:31
powertool08Does anyone know which package I need so k3b can handle m4a tracks?04:32
speenerbobertdos: i have: cameras, pdas, printers & scanners, input devices04:32
speenerand there's nothing in any of them04:32
KattollikisdI have a problem with my Mozilla Firefox and my Global Menu Applet, can someone help me?04:33
Gneabfig: compiler messages (F12) doesn't help?04:33
GneaKattollikisd: just tell us what the problem you're having is, in detail, and someone might be able to :)04:34
KattollikisdGnea, ok :S ( Sowwy )04:34
bfigGnea: i'm not recieving anything when pressing f12... i don't get an option to see anything that generates... maybe it is not configured to give debugging output? i haven't been able to find anywhere to see this04:35
KattollikisdI can't see the firefox menu ( File..... Edit...... View... ) in my Global Menu Applet, can someone Help me? pleases04:36
kerni have a server setup on one computer a crossover cable plugged into it and the other side plugged into this computer... now im trying to connect to it on this one but what info would i put in for the wired connections GATEWAY address ??04:36
richieI can't remove kubuntu-desktop because that package is not installed, so how do i remove kubuntu programs, leaving me with me originally ubuntu installation04:36
Gneabfig: :)  i pressed alt-F and then scrolled to the right until I got to the Compile menu, it's at the bottom04:37
KetrelQuestion, I know to change your mac address in linux it's "ifconfig eth0 down hw ether <mac address>", but how (other than doing it by entering the number manually) would you change it back to the default?04:37
keppiuse the server address as the gateway address04:37
Flannel!puregnome | richie04:37
ubotturichie: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »04:37
GneaKetrel: i suppose it depends on the amount of time required04:38
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bfigGnea: i press the button in the menu or f12 and nothing shows up04:39
bobertdosspeener: What about when you go into the file browser and Edit->Preferences->Media?04:39
Nubbiecan somebody  please help me in configuring X 7.4 to use a proper driver?04:39
Jordan_UNubbie: What gfx card?04:39
`MatirDoes anyone know what would cause errors like http://paste.ubuntu.com/44434/ for multiple drives?  SMART seems to find no problems with the drives themselves, and the problem occurs for both SATA drives in the system.04:39
Gneabfig: how big is your terminal window?04:39
speenerbobertdos: GENIUS04:39
richieFlannel: i'll give that a try04:39
NubbieJordan_U: i'm using an intel 810i graphics set, i should be using the "intel" driver04:40
GumbyHi all, I am running ubuntu hardy and I keep getting this message wheneve I install or uninstall a package "scrollkeeper-update: error while loading shared libraries: libscrollkeeper.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"  I've removed and reinstalled scrollkeeper as well as libscrollkeeper0 but the messages wont stop.  Anyone have any ideas?04:40
bfigGnea: default terminal size... i had problems last time i had a bigger window and compiled, when it came back the whole thing went psycho04:40
Jordan_UNubbie: Does your xorg.conf state to use "intel" ?04:40
bobertdosspeener: *phew* You know, they really need to stop moving things around on us like that!04:40
KetrelGnea: what do you mean?04:40
Gneabfig: try this on for size: exit fp-ide, stretch the terminal window vertically so that it's around 80x50 or taller, then run fp-ide04:41
speenerbobertdos: i know, every time a new version of anything comes out and nothing is the same...04:41
NubbieJordan_U: i have an extremely minimal xorg.conf file.04:41
KetrelI mean I know I can just make a script to restore to default and execute it when needed.04:41
GneaKetrel: you could just record the original mac to a text file and recall it later04:41
Jordan_UNubbie: Does it have a "Device" section ?04:42
NubbieJordan_U: it just says "configured <blank>" in the identifier sections04:42
KetrelGnea: yes, but suppose I forgot it, is it actually stored somewhere on the device (where it can't be changed) which I locate it at?04:42
NubbieJordan_U: yes sir it does, and i have specified the "Driver     "intel"04:42
bfigGnea: internal error and must exit :p04:42
Jordan_UNubbie: And it's still not using that driver?04:42
NubbieJordan_U: i am assuming it isn't, because compiz is failing to start.04:43
lordvladimirhello i have a bit of a problem that i cant seem to locate an answer to in ubuntu forums, i normally  use xfce, but was tinkering around with gnome. and for some reason i got this fast user switcher applet error, and then my desktop icons arent there now and when i right click on the desktop it does nothing.04:43
Gneabfig: something's whacked with your ide config then :P04:43
Jordan_UNubbie: Can you pastebin the output of "compiz --replace" ?04:44
Jordan_UNubbie: Your card might be blacklisted for some reason04:44
bfigGnea: i'm checking some compiler preferences... i'll check all the possible config options and tell you if i get them right... thanks for the help04:44
KattollikisdI can't see the firefox menu ( File..... Edit...... View... ) in my Global Menu Applet, can someone Help me? pleases04:44
GneaKetrel: why do you need to change the mac in the first place?04:44
Gneabfig: cheers04:45
bfigGnea: wow... something in 'compiler preferences' was the thing! i got my debugging info!04:45
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, i'm toggling the 'offline' stuff and when i kill the browser and restart it, it's still offline04:46
arnellWhat is the diff btween kernel 2.6.24-19 and 2.6.22-15?04:47
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: Don't change anything but "browser.offline-apps.notify" if you changed anything else make sure you set it back to default04:47
`Matirhas anyone seen lots of problems with "hard resetting link" on sata_sis drives?04:48
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, both browser.offline and browser.offline-apps.notify are set to false04:49
KattollikisdI can't see the firefox menu ( File..... Edit...... View... ) in my Global Menu Applet, can someone Help me? pleases04:50
bobertdosKattollikisd: I think the part that's confusing people is that we don't know what the "Global Menu Applet" is.04:50
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, i can't figure this one out.  it's still setting to offline when i start up the browser again04:50
Jordan_UAeron|mtf: How are you connecting to the internet ?04:51
Aeron|mtfJordan_U, dialup via wvdial04:51
arnellIs there any diff btween booting kernel 2.6.24-19 and kernel 2.6.22-15?04:51
Kattollikisdbobertdos, this is Global Menu Applet http://cache.lifehacker.com/assets/resources/2008/02/uubuntumac_cropped.jpg04:53
danbhfivearnell: hopefully, the later one is better, and it usually supports more hardware04:53
bobertdosarnell: Even if you don't always notice, there are usually significant changes from one version of the kernel to another. So yes, always make sure you boot with the latest kernel version available.04:53
Kattollikisdbobertdos, is the bar that look like Apple in the GNOME Panel04:54
EvolutionXtinctAnyone know how to get better performance outta a Adaptec RAID card?04:54
spiritssightHow can you connect to a router that is behind another router04:55
psilo-anyone awake?04:55
arnellEverytime I boot with the latest version, my system hangs at the Ubuntu orange bar. Any ideas for what's going on?04:55
spiritssightHow can you connect to a router that is behind another router04:56
keppispiritssight: connect the Wan port of one router to an LAN port on the other04:56
psilo-can someone help me with a ralink usb device?04:56
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ubottupsilo-: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:56
danbhfivearnell: try switching to one of the ttyts, with ctrl+alt+f1 or f604:57
spiritssightkeppi: I tryed that it seem not to work04:57
psilo-Please someone help me with a Ralink USB device?04:57
psilo-thats more of a request04:57
keppispiritssight:  Set-up the one with the WAN plugged in to static ip04:57
pasteeaterI want newly created filed to default to 664.  Is it stupid/unsafe to set "umask 0002"?04:58
arnellsorry, what's ttyts?04:58
arnellI'm a newb04:58
sheytalk to you ..... something and something else.04:58
danbhfivearnell: try the short cuts I gave you, and you shall see, use ctrl+alt+f7 to get back04:58
spiritssighton the main router I have the sec one plug into number four port, on the sec router I have it plug into the WAN04:59
danbhfivepasteeater: is this fat32?04:59
arnellIs fl the windows key?04:59
spiritssightalso it has the IP address that it assied using the first router04:59
arnellsorry that's F104:59
sheyf-one arnell04:59
danbhfivepasteeater: well, I don't know the answer to your question, but I thought umask was for non-ext* partitions05:00
pasteeaterdanbhfive: i don't think it is filesystem specific05:01
spiritssightkeppi: I don't understand why its not working it gives me a screen that says can't establish a connection to the server at
bobertdosspiritssight: Look through your router's configuration menus for switching between Router/Gateway/Bridge mode.05:02
pasteeaterdanbhfive: i set it as 0002 anyway ans it seems to be working fine.05:02
keppispiritssight:  is that screen on the router or your computer?05:02
spiritssightits the DD-WRT fireware05:02
spiritssightits on the brower05:02
keppispiritssight:  can you ping the first router?05:02
bobertdosspiritssight:: You'll usually find it under some sort of Advanced Routing section.05:03
spiritssightyes I am login to the first router05:03
spiritssightI want to look back and forth to setup the seting that I did on the first one05:03
keppispiritssight:  on the second router did you set the DNS to the address of the first router"?05:04
spiritssightis that the problem05:04
keppiSet the DNS and you should be fine.  I'm on a computer behind two routers as we type.05:04
psilo-anyone familiar with the manufacturer GXT?05:07
psilo- apparently it doesn't exist05:07
psilo- and they don't make Wifi USB devices, yet i have one in my possession05:07
danbhfivepsilo-: use lsusb with it plugged in05:08
psilo-Bus 003 Device 008: ID 148f:2770 Ralink Technology, Corp.05:08
psilo-is 2770 the chipset version?05:08
danbhfiveno, but sorta05:09
danbhfivebut no05:09
danbhfive148f:2770 is the usb identifier, it uniquely identifies the chipset05:09
DOT3CHhow come my usb speakers work, but i can only turn the volume up about a 1/4 of the way, is their something i need to do to be able to use the full volume of the speakers?05:10
psilo-danbhfive: ah, well how can i find the exact chipset?05:10
spiritssight2ok I am back I am about to try this now05:10
=== linux_ is now known as DareDevil
lowluxwhy is there some stupid assholes charging 40$ or 60$ for some wine rippoff to play your games? has anyone built a open source supper for games in wine yet?05:11
complexityhas anyone here had success runnning Miro?05:11
complexityI am running 7.1005:12
mindrapelowlux - ?  you talking about cedega?05:12
danbhfivepsilo-: well, its an Ralink chipset05:12
lowluxcrossover theat progam05:12
mindrapelowlux - my understanding is that wine is just an attempt at a basic API layer...05:12
spiritssight2It does not seem to be working05:12
psilo-danbhfive: but don't i need a specific driver?05:12
danbhfivepsilo-: i would just figure out how other ralink cards are worked, and see if you can get it working that way05:12
mindrapecedega and crossover and those others try to emulate that and more... ie; so Direct X will work fully and whatnot.05:12
lowluxyou have to pay for it..05:13
mindrapesome people dont want to code for free...05:13
mindrapeyou cant fault them for wanting to put food on the table.05:13
lowluxthats not the linux way of doing things..05:13
mindrapeoh really?05:13
=== SVI is now known as DBO
mindrapeSo RedHat and SuSE shouldn't make money?05:13
mindrapelowlux - I think you have a bit of a misperception about "the linux way of doing things"05:13
lowluxthey ofer there stuff for free.05:14
psilo-danbhfive: thanks, maybe ill give that shot05:14
lowluxcharge you out of the ass for the cds.05:14
mindrapelowlux - yet they seem to be public companies that have an income... how is this possible?05:14
spiritssight2keppi: it seems not to be working on the bottom of the FF it says trying to connect to (D-Link sec router)05:14
mindrapeclearly this isn't the "linux" way!05:14
danbhfivepsilo-: have you tested it?05:14
lowluxsupport... just like ubuntu05:14
psilo-danbhfive: nope, not sure how to do that05:15
smm289I have had ubuntu 8.04 installed for about two weeks.  I want to watch a DVD, I insert the DVD and Totem Movie play starts up and then gives me this error: "Could Not Read From Source"05:15
smm289any ideas ?05:15
mindrapelowlux - thats part of it.  They do charge for RHAS and ES though.05:15
keppispiritssight:  ok, which is your first and which is your second?  Are you able to ping both routers?05:15
psilo-danbhfive: when i pull up ifconfig it doesn't show up though05:15
danbhfivepsilo-: plug it in, and try to use it to connect to the internet,   use commands like iwconfig, and see if it shows up05:15
mindrapelowlux - the "linux" way which I think you mean is the "open source" way doesn't necessarily mean you give your code away for free...05:15
danbhfivepsilo-: guess it doesnt then05:15
thyagusam ... how good is the scratches on the dvd?05:15
psilo-danbhfive: it doesn't show up under iwconfig either05:16
mindrapelowlux - if you want RHAS for free they will give you the source CDs... most people choose CentOS for this reason because those are a pain to work with.05:16
smm289dvd is fine05:16
smm289no scrathces05:16
OntologHow do I view STDOUT / STDERR on startup? The Ubuntu splashscreen blocks all this but I want to debug a problem05:16
spiritssight2ok my first is a Linksys WRT54GS v3 and the sec is a D-Link 2310 I am able to connect right now to the Linksys as I am on the internet with this one05:16
lowluxi never used redhat..05:16
thyagudo you have mplayer? smm28905:16
lowluxnever liked rpm..05:16
mindrapewell it looks like we have something in common hence our arrival in this channel.05:17
lowluxthink there interface is ulgy like a carttoon or somehting05:17
thyagutry it with mplayer smm28905:17
lowluxubuntu is ulgy too05:17
smm289yep, I tried mplayer also, but all that does is run forever but with no video display, I have to actually kill the proccess or it will sit there forever05:17
keppispiritssight:  from a workstation behind the second (d-link) router are you able to ping the first (linksys) router?05:17
jmichels1nI need some serious net help, trying to config a USB net adapter via cli, it was working fine a while ago, moved the pc to a diff network and they cant connect, can someone help me please?05:17
mindrapelowlux - really?  I use CLI mainly... don't theme my xfce away from the generic install when I do rarely use it.05:17
danbhfivelowlux: mindrape: can you guys take it to offtopic?  this channel is for support05:17
thyagu20 question marks above my head... to hear mplayer misbehave05:18
Theebany idea on how to get the shared folder for vbox on ubuntu desktop?05:18
smm289ya, it just sits there05:18
smm289I supose i could try another dvd, just did not want to get up and find one05:18
lowluxhow can i password protect my porn folder?05:18
lowluxso no one can get in it..05:18
smm289good  question05:18
Flannellowlux: You'll need to use encryption05:19
thyagulol.. try that first... smm28905:19
keppilowlux:  "chown lowlux:lowlux porn"05:19
lowluxwhat program>?05:19
Garibaldihi folks05:19
phishHow do i kill a process that's running by it's name? ie nautilus05:19
jmichels1nI need some serious net help, trying to config a USB net adapter via cli, it was working fine a while ago, moved the pc to a diff network and they cant connect, can someone help me please?05:19
GaribaldiI a bit of a ubuntu novice and I'm trying to install kile (a LaTeX editor), and it says I have unmet dependencies05:20
Garibaldihow do I go about properly installing unmet deps?05:20
TACPILOTI have an LVM2 mirror set up, Bonnie++ shows it writing to both drives ,b ut only reading from 1.  Shouldn't LVM mirror stripe read ???05:20
danbhfivejmichels1n: have you looked at the man page for iwconfig?05:20
thyaguuse -f option in apt-get Garibaldi ..05:20
FlannelGaribaldi: How are you trying to install it?05:20
GaribaldiFlannel: apt-get install kile05:20
FlannelNo.  don't use -f05:20
lowluxwhat do i use to protect the folder?05:21
FlannelGaribaldi: try sudo apt-get update05:21
jmichels1ndanbhfive: yes and no, i have read the basics,05:21
GaribaldiFlannel: yeah, I did that first05:21
FlannelGaribaldi: What unmet depends does it say it has?05:21
Garibaldisays:  'kile: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.5-1) but it is not going to be installed'05:21
Garibaldialso on konsole05:21
keppilowlux:  "ch lowlux:lowlux porn"05:21
mindrapelowlux - do you JUST want it so only you can access it or do you want to "hide" it as well?  Because chown and chmod can make it so just you can get to it.05:21
keppilowlux:  "chmod 700 porn"05:21
`MatirDoes anyone know what normal temperatures for a hard drive are?  Or rather, what temperatures I should try to keep it at?05:21
FlannelGaribaldi: Alright. pastebin your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list)05:22
danbhfivejmichels1n: I have had success using iwconfig adapter then whtever options I need to connect, and just ignore the rest05:22
lowluxhide it as well..05:22
keppilowlux:  only you will be able to access it when logged in as lowlux05:22
mindrapelowlux - you should probably consider getting an external drive... thats much easier to hide from your parents.  :)05:22
jmichels1ndanbhfive: it shows the ssid there correct but no IP05:22
lowluxi seem to can't get a 2ed hard drive to work on ubuntu..05:22
mindrapekeppi - technically if his dad is an admin he can gksudo a filesystem browser like thunar and find him out...05:22
tj83`Matir, mine runnin at 41C which is high from the hitachi data sheet.. but it runs fine05:23
mindrapeI guess he could remove his parents from the sudoers file...05:23
keppiwell, I guess that's true05:23
danbhfivekeppi: that just links it to the first user.  any livecd can side step that05:23
GaribaldiFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44441/05:23
`Matirtj83, ahh... I may need to cool mine down... got one up to 4405:24
mindrapeI'd say the easiest is to get an external drive.  2nd best would be to create a 2nd partition and dont automount it and encrypt it.   3rd would be to chmod and chown it and preceed it with a .05:24
keppitrying to hide porn is prolly a bad idea anyways.  The numbers won't add up and parents will wonder where all the missing space is?05:24
tj83`Matir, search for the data sheet on your model.. but i have seen mine as high as 48C but it keeps going.05:25
GaribaldiFlannel: anything look wrong?05:26
`Matirtj83, k, thx05:26
FlannelGaribaldi: hmm, alright.  So, that all looks normal.  What we're going to do is try and install that package (kdelibs4c2a) and then see what error it gives,05:26
hitman1985anyone got a fast idea how to make a txt file out of a directory content ?05:26
smm289well a new DVD is in and its spinning and not doing anything05:26
danbhfivehitman1985: ls?05:26
danbhfivehitman1985: or tar05:26
FlannelGaribaldi: if it continues to give us *that* errr ("but it is not going to be instaled" we go one layer deeper, eventually we'll get an actual error.  Not a "something is wrong!" but an actual description of whats happening.05:26
hitman1985danbhfive, a folder ,  not an archive05:27
smm289nope its playing but it sounds like my computer is possesed and there is no video05:27
smm289sounds like a dial-up modem has taken over my speakers05:27
GaribaldiFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44442/05:27
FlannelGaribaldi: perfect05:27
FlannelGaribaldi: and, what does `apt-cache policy kdelibs4c2a` give?05:28
hitman1985danbhfive, i got a folder full of files like rar files, and some avi files and mp3 as well, but i dont want to type all of it one by one, so i thought there was a little application / script what just puts that info in a txt file or close to txt05:28
danbhfivehitman1985: im not sure what you are trying to do, but ls and tar both work on folders.  ls will list the filenames of the folder contents, and tar has the ability to turn them into a single file05:28
GaribaldiFlannel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44443/05:28
hadi57hi, i just got rokr8 mobile phone, any body know how to sync data to my ubuntu pc?05:28
hitman1985danbhfive, what is ls exactly ?05:29
smm289try and play a dvd, my speakers sound like a dial-up connection and ther eis no video05:29
danbhfivehitman1985: are you working from the command line?05:29
smm289tried using Mplayer05:29
Mba7ethhi ... is there any java specific room here in IRC ?05:29
FlannelGaribaldi: alright, there's our problem.  You've enabled hardy-backports, and that's whats causing the issue.  It's not in your sources.list, check to see if you have any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and if they have hardy sources in them.05:29
hitman1985danbhfive, not to advanced with ubuntu yet, so i run regular gnome or gui i guess thats what you call that ?05:30
GaribaldiFlannel: ah, ok, I have a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unison.list05:30
Garibaldi(don't know what that might be)05:30
tj83hitman1985, cd to your dir05:30
smm289try and play a dvd, my speakers sound like a dial-up connection and there is no video.  Any ideas ?05:30
tj83hitman1985, and then ls > file.txt05:31
Garibaldibut it does have hardy-backports in there.  Should I remove that, re-run the apt-get update, and try an upgrade?05:31
bangershi is there a serial console client for ubuntu? I need to connect from my serial port into another ocmputer05:31
bangersin solaris I just use t0p05:31
GaribaldiFlannel: ^05:31
FlannelGaribaldi: You'll have to do some manual tweaking of packages, because that one is already the hardy version.05:31
GaribaldiI see05:31
smm289try and play a dvd, my speakers sound like a dial-up connection and ther eis no video.  Any ideas ??05:32
tj83hitman1985, is that what you were trying to do?05:32
sheysmm289: which movie player?05:32
hitman1985tj83, just one sec05:32
sheyhave you tried other players?05:32
smm289still no good05:33
sheysmm289: sudo apt-get install xine-ui05:33
hitman1985tj83, does that also work with subfolder ?05:33
smm289what is xine and why do i want to install it05:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine-ui05:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine05:33
tj83hitman1985, i dont think so05:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libdvd05:33
smm289google here I come.  ty05:33
sheysmm289: make sure you have all the codecs installed.05:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xine05:34
smm289can i get the codecs i need from synaptic05:34
smm289package manager05:34
sheysmm289: let me check something..05:34
hitman1985tj83, danged :(  i got a external hdd filled with stuff and need a list of all the files on there in one txt or word file :(05:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gxine05:35
tj83hitman1985, sorry, i thought i had you fixed :( sorry, i tried it with the -R option it didnt work.05:35
GaribaldiFlannel: hum, I removed the currently installed version of kdelibs-data (after removing the backport thing you pointed out)05:35
Garibaldiand now it seems to be playing nicely05:36
sheyis ubottu broken?05:36
hitman1985tj83, any applications that would do something similar available ?05:36
arnellcan't find any documentation on swithing ttyS. Can someone help me out?05:36
tj83hitman1985, not sure.. googling05:36
arnellTrying to boot from kernel 2.6.24-19 and hangs at BusyBox05:36
arnellWhat's happening here?05:36
nathanielnealli have an urgent issue05:37
smm289according to synaptic libxine1 and various are already installed05:37
hitman1985tj83, tried that :) but ill try some more thx anyways05:37
nathanielnealli get an error while priniting from open office or gedit05:37
sheysmm289: check for libdvd* and libcss05:37
smm289What I found:05:38
smm289Most DVDs on the market today are play-protected by the Content Scrambling05:38
smm289System (CSS). libxine does not provide any code to descramble those DVDs,05:38
smm289because of legal uncertainties. If you still want to play those DVDs, you'll05:38
smm289need a CSS decryption library like libdvdcss that is supported by libxine.05:38
FloodBot2smm289: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
danbhfivearnell: did the ctrl+alt stuff work for you?05:38
danbhfive!medibuntu > smm28905:39
ubottusmm289, please see my private message05:39
sheysmm289: yeah, that was my next suggestion, Medibuntu.05:39
nathanielneallanyone know a fix for an error while printing?05:40
sheynathanielneall: telepathy tells me... nothing... what is the error?05:40
danbhfivearnell: also, if the earlier kernel works for you, I don't think there is much issue with just using that05:41
nathanielneallit just wont print any documents at all05:41
arnellno tried all the F-keys and still the same result... hanging at BusyBox. But booting 2.6.22-15 seems to boot okay.05:41
hitman1985tj83, i ll just ls every folder then put it in one :) thanks, i ll take the time to do it, at least not to much typing that way05:41
nathanielnealltheres not a loat to say05:41
hitman1985have a good one cya05:41
danbhfivearnell: but you are able to switch to different ttys?05:41
TACPILOTI have an LVM2 mirror set up, Bonnie++ shows it writing to both drives ,b ut only reading from 1.  Shouldn't LVM mirror stripe read ???05:41
arnellYes, thanks05:41
Dfcnvtnathanielneall, I assume you couldn't get your document to print to your printer machine.. correct?05:41
tj83hitman1985.. i might be onto something gimme a sec05:42
KetrelGnea: I need to change the mac because at my school, you have to register your computers (and they identify by mac), I want to register my xbox (they do consoles separately) and their backlog for this is about 3 weeks.05:42
arnellAre there any surefire fixes for my ATI 2900 graphics probs?05:42
arnellthat you know of?05:42
KetrelMy trial subscription will be over by then, so I'm just gonna spoof as my xbox, register it myself and then go back.05:42
nathanielneallshey, a flash of what looks like a printing operation comes up properly and is immediately replace by a dialog box that reads cannot print05:42
danbhfivearnell: on bootup, tty1 and tty6 will show you what is happening.  That ubuntu status bar just hides it all05:42
Dabbuwhen i enter sudo wvdialconf in my terminal my computer hangs but if i enter wvdialconf everything goes well...but this is not able to write to /etc/wvdial.conf...any help05:42
Rakeermulti-user Whiteboard software in ubuntu?05:42
nathanielneallerror while printing05:42
Dfcnvtif so, check for any connection to see if the printer is actually connected to your computer or whatever it is that should be set up.05:42
Rakeerubottu whiteboard05:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whiteboard05:43
sheynathanielneall: is your printer setup correctly?05:43
nathanielneallDfcnvt, thats right05:43
nathanielneallshey, it should be how can i tell?05:43
poccoKetrel:  why not use a router?05:43
danbhfiveRakeer: whats a whiteboard?05:43
cyixWhere should I start looking for info on file sharing between 3 cpu's, all linux, 2 wired, 1 wireless.05:43
ykphuahDabbu: you can get wvdialconf to write to another config file and copy it over to /etc05:43
Ketrelpocco it's not supported on their network05:43
sheynathanielneall: system > adminstration > printing05:43
Ketrelhubs and switches yes, but not routers05:43
Ketrelthe double natting doesn't work well with them05:44
tj83hitman1985... i dunno what its doing but its looking awfully hard for something lol hdd going crazy!05:44
DfcnvtIs your printer is connected as usb/parallel-port/ethernet(rj-45)05:44
Ketrel(I actually have a router, but I have to use it as a hub)05:44
Dabbu ykphuah:how to do that05:44
nathanielnealli tried to print a test page05:44
GaribaldiFlannel: Thanks again for your time -- I think I got everything straightened out05:44
nathanielneallgot an error05:44
GaribaldiFlannel: I really appreciate it05:44
nathanielneallCUPS server error05:44
FlannelGaribaldi: Sounds good.  Also know that Feisty is reaching EOL soon, you should think about upgrading.05:44
nathanielneallThere was an error during the CUPS operation: 'client-error-document-format-not-supported'.05:44
Rakeerdanbhfive: Its kind of like multiplayer paint :P so people can remotely share ideas on a simple whiteboard like you would have in a presentation room05:44
poccoKetrel:  oh05:44
Dabbu ykphuah:there is a .wvdial.conf file in my home directory...what is this05:44
sheynathanielneall: what kind of printer??05:45
danbhfiveRakeer: so, real time multi user text editing?  or graphics editing?05:45
hadi57hi, any body know can help me sync data between motorola E8 and ubuntu?05:45
nathanielneallcanon BJS75005:45
GaribaldiFlannel: yeah -- I inherited this machine and it's in active use.  Hopefully come December I'll have a chance to backup the data and upgrade05:45
danbhfiveRakeer: I've seen it for text, but not for graphics05:45
ykphuahDabbu: try wvdialconf /tmp/wvdial.conf05:45
axeusIs there a way to get Compiz to allow you to "toss" or "flick" windows with your mouse? Wobbly Windows seem to stop when you let go of the mouse button.05:45
GaribaldiFlannel: but thanks for the heads up05:45
Rakeerdanbhfive: No, its just a space to draw simple things with lines...05:46
arnelldanbhfive: do you know of any definite fixes for ATI cards? I've looked in the forums and everyone seems to have the same prob as me.05:46
brian_are there a program that i can use my hava with it is a recording device for my tv05:46
DfcnvtUncomment application/octet-stream in /etc/cups/mime.types and uncomment application/octet-stream in /etc/cups/mime.convs05:46
dataspyhow can I figure out the biggest directory in / ?05:46
danbhfivearnell: no clue, sorry05:46
sheynathanielneall: you sure thats the correct model??05:46
arnelldanbhfive: K, well thanks for your help.05:47
nathanielneallit has also been refered to as s75005:47
Dfcnvtnathanielneall, maybe this will solve your problem. http://mindspill.net/computing/cross-platform-notes/cups-client-error-document-format-not-supported.html05:47
BenalexHello all... I am dual booting Ubuntu and Debian... and each time ubuntu upgrades Linux Kernel.. it updates Ubuntu's grub menu.lst .. how can I make it update Debian's grub menu.lst?05:47
brian_are thier a program i can use that i can record live tv thier a box called a hava05:47
EvolutionXtinctquestion.... when i unmount a USB thumbdrive do i have to powerit off to unplug it? or is it fine cuz mine has a light and when its unmounted in windows the lightshuts off here it doesnot05:48
arnellHas anyone used Envy to solve ATI graphics probs?05:48
EvolutionXtinctarnell you using like fedora or somethin?05:48
Dabbu ykphuah:what about the .wvdial.conf file in homw directory,why and for what this is there05:48
nathanielneallDfcnvt, that kind of helps but im not using windows05:48
danbhfiveRakeer: from google: http://coccinella.im/05:49
nodemongerAnyone know of some good resources for learning how to install and configure Beryl. Beryl's own wiki was defaced and is un-available...05:49
arnellEvolutionXtinct: ubuntu 8.04 kernel 2.6.22-1505:49
favroEvolutionXtinct: you right click it and select unmount first05:49
sheynathanielneall: did you goto system > adminstration > printing??05:49
GaribaldiFlannel: thanks again05:49
johninlexhas any one used envy before???05:49
sheysee if your printer is there listed or if it says it sees anything at all.05:49
nathanielneallshey, yes05:49
sheynathanielneall: its there?05:50
nathanielneallshey, wont print test page and the driver isnt on the list05:50
error404notfoundHi! is there any shell extension for svn on ubuntu like there is scplugin on mac?05:50
danbhfivenodemonger: its compiz now05:50
sheynathanielneall: try using the generic driver, and remove postscript if the option allows you too.05:50
dumbdumHi. Does anyone know of a "desktop sidebar" proggy like that in Windblows Blista?05:51
nathanielneallshey, ive been using generic05:51
nodemongerHow do I trigger the answering machine bot around here?05:51
nodemongerIs it ?05:51
Flannelubottu: tell nodemonger about yourself05:51
ubottunodemonger, please see my private message05:51
nodemongerHow do I see your private message?05:51
cyixok, how about this then... what is th elinux equiv of Samba?05:52
sheynathanielneall: your going to have to try to use one of the other drivers somewhat close to it, I cannot find anything on that orinter for linuz at all.05:52
nodemongerubottu: info beryl05:52
ubottuPackage beryl does not exist in hardy05:52
danbhfive!beryl | nodemonger05:52
ubottunodemonger: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz05:52
`MatirTwo of my drives are throwing errors like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44434/.  Anyone seen something like that before?  The drives seem to be woking fine.05:52
kobkritubottu : info tinyos05:53
ubottuPackage tinyos does not exist in hardy05:53
nathanielneallDfcnvt, what say you05:53
sheyisnt Hardy default with Compiz-Fusion?05:53
nodemongerThanks danbhfive... I need to learn that syntax05:53
nathanielneallDfcnvt, that looks like my error but without windows05:53
craig_shey yes but you need to add the program still .. its packaged .. just not installed05:53
voraistosHi, I have a question from noob land regarding encryption... I'm not judging the quality of the cipher one could use, but the "password". example: i boot my PC, it asks me about the luks passphrase, which is 20 letters long and made out of any possible character my keyboard can do... This seems fairly weak. I mean a bruteforce attack could find my passphrase rather fast, dont you think ? Thus making any super high grade encryption05:53
Theebshey unless you upgraded, because i had some trouble activating it.05:53
DfcnvtI think you can apply the same to your linux box.05:54
sheywhat exactly does Compiz-Fusion do?05:54
danbhfive!usage > nodemonger more usage goodness05:54
ubottunodemonger, please see my private message05:54
Dfcnvtshey, it's the special effect for the desktop05:54
nathanielneallDfcnvt, how?05:54
Theebshey desktop effects05:54
craig_does anyone know what would cause the Desktop Cube/Rotating Cube to not work in Compiz Fusion?05:54
sheylike the liquid motion when you move windows?05:54
nodemonger!feisty | nodemonger05:55
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
ubottuIt is spelt "FEIsty" :)05:55
sheyI just noticed in gnome when you (windows key) + e it drops all your desktops down for selection05:55
nodemongerAh ok...05:55
RedFrosti'm been on05:55
sheythats awesome05:55
Dfcnvtnathanielneall, I tried to find which pages would help you get to work for your problem.. http://jmatrix.net/dao/case/case.jsp?case=7F000001-17918F0-10C13CE7D87-C405:55
cyixWhere should I start looking for info on file sharing between 3 cpu's, all linux, 2 wired, 1 wireless.05:55
RedFrostthe ubuntu server?05:55
nodemonger!info FEisty05:55
ubottuPackage feisty does not exist in hardy05:55
Dfcnvtlook at the bottom of the page for the uncomment section..05:56
voraistosand the bot loses it :P05:56
danbhfivevoraistos: I can explain in offtopic05:56
voraistosthat would be great danbhfive05:56
RedFrostomg xchat is so cool05:56
HeManHi! Can GRUB change memory timing or such?05:56
=== zero is now known as Zero___
shey!info compiz05:57
ubottucompiz (source: compiz): OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.7.4-0ubuntu7 (hardy), package size 33 kB, installed size 68 kB05:57
Theebxchat hurts my eyes :\05:57
HeManWhen I start memtest from GRUB i finds lots of errors but when I start it from syslinux (on a USB stick) it doesn't find any error05:57
FlannelHeMan: no, GRUB doesn't do any of that, it just boots your computer.05:57
shey!info compiz-fusion05:57
ubottuPackage compiz-fusion does not exist in hardy05:57
Zero___hey, i just installed xubuntu-desktop metapackage from gnome, i HATE thundar, how do i replace it with nautilus?05:57
Dfcnvtshey, you never tried compiz?05:57
sheyI dont know...05:57
sheyhow do I play with it?05:58
Dfcnvt#apt-get install compiz05:58
sheyits installed I know that05:58
RedFrosti'm using compiz-fusion right now05:58
RedFrosti prefer it to enlightenment05:58
Theebgo to appearance > visual effects05:58
sheyDfcnvt: like I said, I accidently hit windows+e and it dropped my windows down, neat trick.05:58
tj83shey sudo apt-get compizconfig-settings-manager05:58
RedFrostyeah but it work only05:58
sheyTheeb: yeah that I know05:58
RedFroston gnome05:59
RedFrosti gtg05:59
RedFrosti hav school05:59
FloodBot2RedFrost: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
tj83shey then click on system, preferences,advanced desktop effects05:59
HeManFlannel: any ideas on my problem then?05:59
RedFrostbyebye guys06:00
Dfcnvtapt-get install gnome-compiz-manager06:00
Dfcnvtthat's where the manager is in System/Preferences06:00
sheytj83: THANKS!06:01
Dfcnvtoh sorry, I wasn't paid attention06:01
Zero___hey can i replace thundar with nautilus?06:01
Zero___thundar dosnt let me access the network at home06:01
tj83Dfcnvt, compizconfig-settings-manager resolves all the dependent packages including the one you listed06:01
valentinexhello file sharing problem when i try to share a file it gives me error06:01
dsmith_ctril-alt S shades the current window06:01
Dfcnvttj83, thanks, I'll keep that in mind06:01
christozhello, a friend of mine while is booting on ubuntu ,a screen appearing with these written:06:02
christozbusybox v.1.10.206:03
christoz(ubunt 1:1.10.2-1 ubuntu)06:03
christozbuilt inn shell cash06:03
vnixsomeone can help me with this "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" Thanks06:03
christozmeta (initramfs) [9.283382] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb]06:03
christozassumng drive cache : weite through06:03
crdlb!build-essential | vnix06:04
ubottuvnix: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:04
christoz[9.283382] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb]06:04
christozactually he cannot boot to ubuntu06:04
christozany help please?06:04
Driveninsane1Proxy IP address06:04
DfcnvtI guess it's grub fault06:05
Theebdamn i missed up my xchat font, what is the default size again?06:05
christozis there any relation with this?Malone bug 47768 in initramfs-tools "Mount Root Files System Failed" [Critical,Confirmed]06:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 47768 in initramfs-tools "Mount Root Files System Failed" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4776806:05
Driveninsane1does anybody have experience with Nvid drivers?more so the Nvid configged xorg? it would seem my screen stays at the proper 1280x800 (16:9) ratio.. but when running games its uses 4:3 ratios.... it dont show all of my screen... but the desktop seems to extend beyond the base of the lcd06:05
Dfcnvtchristoz, boot on livecd and chroot to the hard drive and work on grub-install06:05
christozwhat is chroot?06:06
christozany how to guide for this?06:06
christozDfcnvt, ?06:06
tj83christoz, if what you need to do is fix grub.. then do this :http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/06:07
christoztj83, i have no idea what to do06:07
Dfcnvtchristoz, I'm not sure it might be grub's fault with the case you're describing.. here's this site if it is the problem you have. http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=22435106:08
tj83christoz, not sure about your error.. but,, preforming those actions will NOT HURT the system. try it06:08
christozok, i;ll try thanks06:08
floamI've got an amd64 install of 8.04, and I'd like to try to change over to x86 without doing a real reinstall.06:09
floamis it possible just to tweak some string somewhere and do like a dist-ugprade or something?06:10
axeusWouldn't that require a different kernel?06:10
floamamd64 kernel can run 32bit x86 binaries.06:10
axeus*shuts up then* :)06:10
vnix"sudo apt-get install auto-apt06:11
vnix" what this use for thanks.06:11
Dfcnvtfloam, all I can do is give you this reference to see if there's a points to your answer... http://www.unix.com/answers-frequently-asked-questions/15284-32-64-bit-filesystems-files-oss-cpus.html06:13
floamDfcnvt: this doesn't look particularly useful, I'm well aware of the architectual differences between x86-64 and x8606:14
owen1what is a .package extention?06:14
floamwhat I'm more interested in is where in debian/ubuntu the architecture is defined06:14
DfcnvtI'm not sure which kernel will handle for both.06:15
Flannelfloam: We'd be happy to discuss it with you in #ubuntu-offtopic, we like to keep this channel limited to support only.06:15
owen1what is autopackage and how do i open a .package file?06:15
tj83floam, if what your asking to how to tell what version your system is running.... uname -a?06:15
nwmI had to restore my boot.ini file, but I have lost wubi as a result, what do I need to add to get my Ubuntu install back?06:16
floamtj83: that's not my question06:16
tj83floam, k sory06:16
* tj83 sorry*06:16
Flannelnwm: You should be able to edit it and make it work (but I don't know what to add)06:16
floamFlannel: okay, I sort of thoght I was looking for support.06:16
donnygreetings all. i have some questions about 802.11 device support. i've got a Linksys WUSB54G here, and I've built and installed the rt2500 module using module-assistant. i also have wireless-tools installed (apparently; the iwconfig command is available) but when i plug in my WUSB54G, although its lights turn on and dmesg shows some infos about a USB device, i have no new networking interfaces named /dev/ethN. can anyone help?06:18
therockst4r /msg ubottu etiquette06:19
Dfcnvtdonny, perhap you're looking at the wrong interface.. maybe it's ath0 interface?06:20
tj83donny, what reason do you have to believe that the interface is "ethN" ? that is not typical.. more like "wlan0" or similar, but i dont know about your adapter06:21
hmlwhta's a good tool for keeping all your emails local / writing them locally, and having them be automatically sent whenever you connect to a network06:21
Daisuke_IdoDon_Miguel: or ra0, i've seen that common among ralink chipsets06:21
Daisuke_Idodonny even06:21
amt2hi, my ethernet connection is not working; the little lights in the port don't blink so i think it's not even being recognized. I'm in a Toshiba P305-S8842. Any help would be appreciated.06:21
donnyDfcnvt, i will check for "/dev/ath*" tj83: in my past experience, it was eth1 after my wired nic eth0 (it was wlan0 on mac os x 10.3 though)06:22
donnyDaisuke_Ido, i'll check all of those. still i assumed the iwconfig command would know which devices to examine06:22
Dfcnvtdonny, it's not on /dev directory.. only iwconfig or ifconfig would show the interface for that..06:23
tj83amt2 if you dont get a link light.. its likely a bad cable or a crossover cable type06:23
donnyoh right, they don't have fs nodes in /dev anymore06:23
vnixchecking for mysql include path... configure: error: not found, please install the MySQL headers.. I have MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.1 installed06:23
vnixsomeone can tell me what error is that thank you06:23
Daisuke_Idovnix: where did you install it from?06:23
Dfcnvtjust type iwconfig and find which one is used.06:23
Orchid`Hi! i am looking for a way to find out if i can run Spore on my UBuntu computer, will someone please help me figure this out, or point me to a directory assistance table?06:23
amt2tj83, but evyerhting works when i'm on windows, and the lights do blink there.... i don't think it's the hardware...06:23
Daisuke_IdoOrchid`: write to the company and ask for a linux version06:24
vnixDaisuke_Ido: from src06:24
Daisuke_IdoOrchid`: if that fails, go to #winehq06:24
Daisuke_Idovnix: why?06:24
vnixDaisuke_Ido: PVPGN06:24
donnyvnix: you're configuring to build some application. it wants to include MySQL headers when compiling. it hasn't found them in the obvious locatinos. you can provide it on the command line. please see ./configure --help for more info06:24
tj83amt2 i will try to help.. i only have a few moments /join #SeaPhor06:25
Orchid`Daisuke_Ido:  i have WINE, however when i try to find otu if i can mount my cd-rw drive it says htere is no media in the drive, and thus cannot mount it.06:25
Daisuke_Idovnix: probably mysql5-dev06:25
Daisuke_Idobut i won't swear to it06:25
vnixi am using ./configure --with-mysql -prefix=ASDASA06:25
vnixI try to access to my sql and it's fine.. I can create database and query ^^06:25
donnyvnix: IIRC, the --prefix= option has to do with installation directories (can anyone else confirm or reject this?)06:26
danbhfiveOrchid`: Spore Creature Creator?06:26
dumbdumHi, does anyone know of a sidebar app "ala" Windows Vista? Thanks06:26
dataspyhow can I tell how big a directory is on the command line?06:26
Orchid`danbhfive:  it jsut came out in my area last night.06:26
danbhfiveOrchid`: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=758806:27
DfcnvtOrchid, you can make a images of it.... dd -if=/mnt/cdrom0 -of=/img/Spore.img06:27
donnyvnix, connecting to your database server proves that your database server is running, and your command-line client works properly. if, however, you want to *compile* source code that incorporates mysql header files, you'll probably need to install mysql-server-whatever-devel package06:27
Dfcnvtfor a mount....06:27
Flannelnwm: C:\wubildr.mbr="Ubuntu"06:27
vengerdumbdum, you mean like widgets?  there's a kubuntu kde4 remix CD that I know of06:27
Daisuke_Idodanbhfive: probably SPORE.  not the creature creator, since he asked about spore, not the creature creator, and again, winehq.org or #winehq06:27
vnixso donny what I should do now? change mysql?06:27
dataspydoobie doobie doo06:28
Daisuke_Idovnix: no, install the dev packages like i told you.06:28
vnixerm.. can you please guide me thanks06:28
Orchid`thanks guys, bad night tonight forgot its not on my autojoin...06:28
Orchid`thank you for th epatience! really.06:28
veyneis there a way to enable wine run prograqms to access the web?06:28
Area_51what is a good dvd player06:29
Theebveyne, have you tried vbox?06:29
Daisuke_Idovnix: best start is to: sudo apt-get install libmysql++-dev06:29
EK9totem sorry06:30
Daisuke_Idothen try to configure again06:30
dataspydoes anybody know how to tell how big a directory is in mb throught the command line?06:30
Area_51what other special codecs and stuff do i need besides w32codecs and the libcss06:30
veyneno sir, what does vbox do?06:30
vnixDaisuke do I need to shutdown mysql first?06:30
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Daisuke_Idovnix: nah06:31
Theebits virtualbox, you can install windows xp, or vista on it, even mac i think.06:31
vnixalright installing06:31
SkinnYPup_Looking for the name of the onscreen keyboard for use with tablets, anyone ?06:31
stralytici'm having some problems with nat when using bridging, could anyone lend a hand?06:31
Daisuke_IdoTheeb: good luck forwarding any ports to it.  why not help with his actual question?06:31
vnixdone... so what is the next step? daisuke?06:31
dumbdumHi Venger, yes like little apps that run on a sidebar to do various tasks. Like widgets06:31
Daisuke_Idovnix: try ./configure again06:32
vnixconfigure not found now06:32
Daisuke_Idoveyne: programs run under wine should be able to access the net just like any other program06:32
Daisuke_Idovnix: are you in the right directory?06:32
vnixerm hold on06:32
donnyvnix: you could try the libmysqlclient15-dev package if your'e using mysql 1.506:32
vnixoh thanks if work06:33
vnixit work...06:33
Kurtdataspy: try ls -lh06:33
donnyvnix :)06:33
dinarhow to turn on/off ircd-hybrid?06:33
vnixthere is one config warning from config.status. I can just ignore it right?06:33
vnixit's not error06:34
Kurtdataspy: in the parent directory...if you want to be more specific, you could do ls -lh | grep <name of directory>06:34
Daisuke_Idodepending on the warning06:34
vnixWARNING:  'Makefile.in' seems to ignore the --datarootdir setting06:34
donnyvnix, you will have to ask the developers of the software you are building :)06:35
vnixi see thanks^^06:35
vbhidehi there, how do i add pci=assign-busses to my boot options ?06:35
dresvnix: coming from the po subdir?06:35
veyneyeha, i had no problen runnin gSL offa my old windows backup and it ran like a dream..06:35
vnixI am sorry dres I don understand ><06:36
vnixanyone good with PVPGN here?06:36
Daisuke_Idoemulates battle.net?06:36
Kurtvnix, add  datarootdir = @datarootdir@ to the Makefile.in will probably fix that warning06:36
vnixokie i'll try06:37
* Daisuke_Ido is trying to figure out why it needs to be built from source06:37
vnixKurt is okie to add it to the first line?06:37
Daisuke_Idobefore you compile it, is there something wrong with the version in the repos?06:38
vnixi just download from the offcial site06:39
vnixnot using SVN06:39
vbhidehi there, ubuntu cannot read my sd card... i don't know how to add pci=assign-busses to my boot options !06:39
donnyvnix, you could see if it's already in the ubuntu repository and install it without having to compile it from source code06:39
* Daisuke_Ido blinks06:39
Daisuke_Ido!info pvpgn06:40
vnixya but it's 1.8.106:40
ubottupvpgn (source: pvpgn): Gaming server that emulates Battle.net(R). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-1 (hardy), package size 744 kB, installed size 2260 kB06:40
HeManIs memtest in intrepid patched from the on http://memtest.org/?06:40
donnyvnix, but i had assumed you already explored that possibility06:40
donnyvnix, ah, ok then06:40
vnixis okie... Maybe i try to update it and see how it goes06:40
vnixIf there's any problem can I find you again?06:40
Kurtvnix, should be fine there.06:40
Daisuke_IdoHeMan: ask in #ubuntu+1 for intrepid help06:41
Kurtvnix, there's usually a section in Makefile.in for system configuration settings which is where it would ideally go, but it shouldn't actually matter if you put it at the top06:42
HeManDaisuke_Ido: ah! thanks06:42
vnixAlright thanks Kurt I have bypass the warning^^06:43
Kurtvnix: congrats :) what's the package if I may ask?06:43
dataspythe problem: I'm locked out of my system because / is full, I've now booted into safe mode and was trying to move stuff to my home directory so that / has more space and I can boot back into my comp.  What can I delete without messing up my system?  Can I delete /var , it seems like a really big dir ?06:44
legend2440vbhide: in terminal type   gksudo /boot/grub/menu.lst    then add that  to end of this line    kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic root=UUID=0f094f73-619c-40ca-b941-07b4e479838f ro splash quiet06:44
dataspyI actually don't care about messing up my system I just want to get some data off of it06:45
Kurtdataspy: if you have things in /tmp/ they can almost certainly go safely06:45
lowluxi can not play any of my raideo on vlc... puse auideo sucks06:45
dataspykurt: thanks, I'll try that :)06:45
vnix_Kurt when I use "make" then it's compiling right?06:46
Kurtdataspy: things in /var can probably go as well, but I'd look at the subdirectories (common ones like /var/mail are important to many people even if not system important)06:46
Kurtvnix_, yes06:46
vbhidei simply can't figure out y my sd card is not working!06:46
vnix_how I specify which directory I want the compile files go to?06:47
vnix_make /dev0 ?06:47
dataspykurt: ok, I delete temp but I still have no room in / , is there anything else I can possibly delete, possibly in /var06:48
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donnyvnix, i believe you're thinking of the --prefix= option of the configuration script. then use "make install" to install the software you've built.06:50
icewatermani am getting a badsig error06:50
Kurtvnix, no, arguments to make are targets06:50
icewatermanwhen trying to update06:50
Dfcnvtgood god, what the hell are you doing? don't delete your root!06:50
Kurtvnix, usually you would do something like ./configure, make, make install06:50
icewatermanhardy-updates will not update because of that error06:50
Kartagiswhat repo do i get frostwire from?06:51
donnydon't listen to him. do it. delete your root. no one needs warned against this. a legitimate warning would be "that will erase your root." but that wasn't applicable.06:51
ubottufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire06:51
spiritssightDoes any one know where I can get the dirver for the GUI ndiswrapper it ask for a inf (the driver is for "0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)" ??06:51
Kurtdataspy: if you don't care about possibly losing personal info (like if you have mail in /var/mail), then you can delete stuff in /var/ without affecting your system06:52
spiritssightor is there a easer way to install this06:52
donnyspiritssight,  i think you have to download that from microsoft's website06:52
donnyspiritssight, check the ndiswrapper website, i think it's http://ndiswrapper.sf.net/06:52
vnix_/usr/bin/install -c -d -m 755 //Desktop/pvpgn-1.8.3/build/sbin <- This one I get. Something wrong with the directory when i using "make install"06:53
dataspykurt: thanks for the help!!!06:53
vnix_the //desktop06:53
obsidiethtpg victoria, i feel sorry for you smmagic.06:53
smmagicI feel sorry for myself06:54
obsidiethyou been dropping out the last few days?06:54
smmagicdumb squid proxies06:54
obsidiethmine has been shocking06:54
obsidiethi have a pretty basic question06:54
smmagicIm bannde from sites I've never been to06:54
Kartagiswhich one is better? limewire or frostwire?06:54
obsidiethbut ive got an ipv6 entry in my ifconfig, and i cant remove it.06:54
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smmagicKartagis, It doesn't make a differece.06:54
obsidieththey both use gnutella dont they?06:54
obsidiethnow, back to removing my entry.06:55
obsidiethi tried ifconfig delete ipv6-he06:55
obsidiethwhich is what its called apparently.06:55
obsidiethbut it says 'unknown host'06:55
obsidiethcome on06:58
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bazzwhy the hell would ld be telling me cannot find -lXmu when i have libXmu.so.6 in /usr/lib and ldconfig -p confirms that it's there and 'findable'07:02
obsidiethit seems im the only one here, but sorry i have no idea07:02
bazzheh, that's okay07:03
DfcnvtMaybe it's not only a file is actually there in your /usr/lib directory.. but a program that can't do the job correctly by using your libXmu.so.6 file...07:04
obsidiethi am sorry to ask again, but this is really bugging me.07:05
obsidiethhow do i remove an entry from my ifconfig.07:05
obsidiethim new and stupid, ill admit that.07:05
Dfcnvtok, if you want your interface disappear, then reach your hand in the computer case and pull out the network interface card.. and try ifconfig command...07:06
bazzobsidieth: ifconfig should only report things that are actually *there*, so what do you mean by remove07:06
obsidiethive got an ipv4in6 somethinf something07:07
obsidiethipv6 tunnel i guess07:07
obsidiethbut i want to remove it and add a different one07:07
Dfcnvtmaybe you don't understand what's ipv4 & ipv6 means in this era?07:07
Dfcnvtthey work anyway for your networking..07:07
iamasdoes anyone know how to get Japanese text support on english Wine? (I am running an English version of Ubuntu and trying to run Japanese programs)07:08
obsidiethoh mayne07:08
obsidieth-d was all i needed.07:08
obsidiethim pretty damn new at this:p07:08
AnAntHello, where do core dumps go ?07:09
dewmanguys how do u find the Ubuntu 8.04???07:09
Dabbuin wvdial.conf what does baud means.....?????/07:09
AnAntdewman: very nice07:09
thutohi there, is there anyone here connecting via vodafone hsdpa, i just installed ubuntu and am new to linux, I still cant get my wireless connection to work, been to a few forums and followed the commands in detail but still hitting brick walls07:10
AnAntDabbu: baud rate, modem speed that is07:10
AnAntthuto: you got a sim card reader ?07:10
DabbuAnAnt: so if this is 9600..what is my modem speed07:10
Abusadoque rede é essa?07:10
AnAntDabbu: why such a low speed ?07:11
yu7230954upgrade so   slow07:11
AnAntAbusado: #ubuntu-br ?07:11
thutoyep all is ready, i tested it on my windows machine07:11
DabbuAnAnt: i don't know it is configured automatcally....what is the speed means in kb/s terms07:11
AnAntDabbu: 9600 bps (bits per second that is)07:12
dewmanAnAnt, does firfox crash in urs???07:12
AnAntdewman: no, I use firefox 3 btw07:12
AnAntthuto: you using linux now ?07:12
Dabbu AnAnt: i have 2 mbps modem connection so what i should do ?07:13
clarencehow to enable ubuntu 8.04 of the effect?07:13
dewmanAnAnt, me too...in 8.04...but its already crashed a few times07:13
AnAntdewman: dunno about that07:13
thutoyep i am on Ubuntu as we speak but i am connected via WiMax at this point07:13
AnAntDabbu: try increasing baud rate, maybe the modem manual gives out some numbers07:14
AnAntthuto: ok, do you have any /dev/ttyS* ?07:14
DabbuAnAnt:i don't know...to what number should i change ?07:14
agentohow do i change group, owner and permission of files in a folder?07:14
iamasdoes anyone know how to get Japanese text support on english Wine? (I am running an English version of Ubuntu and trying to run Japanese programs)07:14
christozis there any ubuntu installation guide for absolute idiots?I'm so tired with the stupidness of someone07:14
Dfcnvtiamas, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Japanese_Input_and_Fonts_in_Ubuntu_7.0407:15
AnAntDabbu: dunno07:15
thutoyep /dev/ttyS0  /dev/ttyS1  /dev/ttyS2  /dev/ttyS307:15
AnAntagento: chgrp, chown and chmod07:15
iamascheers Dfcnvt07:15
AnAntthuto: what's the output of: dmesg | grep ttyS07:16
DfcnvtJust apt-get the fonts..07:16
agentoAnAnt, is it possible to change all those setting at once?07:16
AnAntagento: maybe via nautilus, the GUI file manager that is07:16
thutoAnAnt: [   29.280589] serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A07:16
thuto[   29.282272] 00:07: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A07:16
agentoAnAnt, yeah but.... there are a lot of files...07:16
AnAntagento: you want to give them all the same owner/group/permissions ?07:17
AnAntagento: select all those files ( you know how to do this ?), then right click, select properties, go to permissions tab07:18
agentoAnAnt, i want to be owned by root group root and that everyone can read files07:18
Flannelchristoz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation firs tfour steps on the page07:18
AnAntthuto: probably that's your sim card07:18
dewmanpls suggest me a good traffic/data transfer monitor software for ubuntu07:18
Ergo^im having big trouble installing python-dev in ubuntu 8.407:19
clarenceUh......Excuse me....07:19
AnAntagento: probably you need sudo to do this07:19
Ergo^'Depends: python2.5 (=2.5.2-2ubuntu4.1) but 2.5.2-2ubuntu5 is to be installed" , how can i fix that ?07:19
agentoAnAnt, cant change owner if i select them all07:19
AnAntthuto: you know how to use minicom ?07:19
agentoAnAnt, i do gksudo nautilus /folder, then i select all files crtl A and try to do it but there are files and folders so i cant change owner07:20
thutoAnAnt: minicom? no but i dont mind reading up, how can it help07:20
AnAntthuto: just to make sure that /dev/ttyS0 is your sim card reader07:20
AnAntthuto: minicom or any other serial comm. program07:21
spiritssightOk, I am having no luck having any wireless networks show up when I left click on the network icon on the taskbar07:21
AnAntthuto: it's something like HyperTerminal in windows07:21
spiritssightplease help07:21
FlannelErgo^: do you have hardy-proposed enabled? or intrepid?07:21
Ergo^Flannel: i have hardy proposed07:21
FlannelErgo^: Turn it off07:21
AnAntagento: dunno then07:22
rsc_what's "hardy-proposed" for?07:22
Flannelrsc_: testing packages before they're stable enough to be put into -updates07:22
Flannelrsc_: Its not fit for the general public, lots of breakages with versioning and stuff.07:22
thutoAnAnt: well the sim does work though, cos I tested it on my PC and Mac07:23
thutoAnAnt: I even turned off the pin07:23
dubhowto empty trash07:23
AnAntthuto: yes, but I want to make sure that /dev/ttyS0 is your sim07:23
AnAntthuto: that's the point07:24
Ergo^Flannel: i did, reloaded packages in synaptic, but didnt have any success07:24
spiritssightIs there any one that knows about wireless here?  I am not able to go on wireless with my system or see any wireless network in my area when I know there is some07:24
FlannelErgo^: Do you already have 2.5.2-2ubuntu5 installed?  apt-cache policy python2.507:25
thutoAnAnt: oh okay, let me try this out, i will get back to you then, thanks..07:25
Ergo^Installed: 2.5.2-2ubuntu507:25
dubis it possible to manually empty the trash07:25
FlannelErgo^: right, so we're going to have to force that to downgrade.07:25
Flannel!trash | dub07:25
ubottudub: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash07:25
thutoAnAnt: by the way can i still use the same commands like atdt and stuff07:26
Ergo^Flannel: something changed recently ( i installed python-dev) on another pc few days ago :D07:26
tsoloxi tried to install virtualbox-puel in Ubuntu, but it is looking for libqt4-core..i could not find libqt4-core in synaptics...help07:26
dubFlannel, so you just delete from there?07:26
Flanneldub: yeah07:26
AnAntthuto: yes, that's what I want to try: ati07:26
dubFlannel, thanks07:27
FlannelErgo^: Either that machine didn't have -proposed enabled, or the new version was added to proposed.  Either is likely.07:27
Ergo^Flannel: so what do i do now ?07:27
FlannelErgo^: We force it to downgrade. Go ahead and begin editing /etc/apt/preferences07:28
skinnymg1hello people i was wondering if someone could help me find a app to stream my desktop with07:28
clarenceme too!07:28
Ergo^Flannel: ok, i have pico ready07:28
MzLDid this server had a french channel please ?07:29
FlannelErgo^: you mean nano, but sure.  Add this to that file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44460/07:29
Flannel!fr | MzL07:30
ubottuMzL: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr07:30
Ergo^Flannel: pico ;-)07:30
MzLthank u :)07:30
Ergo^ah nano07:30
FlannelErgo^: Unless you compiled it yourself, you're using nano.07:30
Dfcnvtskinnymg1, you want to remote desktop? click on System/Preferences/Remote Desktop...07:30
Ergo^heh.. right you are07:30
Kartagishow do i increase my swap partition's size?07:31
skinnymg1no i want to stream my desktop to show what i am doing07:31
Flannel!swap | Kartagis07:31
ubottuKartagis: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info07:31
DfcnvtQuestion, if you use swap on your system, would it work without a ram? I wouldn't think so..07:31
FlannelDfcnvt: no07:32
FlannelDfcnvt: you can have a system without SWAP, you can't have a system without RAM07:32
Ergo^Flannel: ok i have that saved, what now ?07:32
Dfcnvtsuppose you have 256 megabytes.. with a swap of 2 gigabytes.. would that help any?07:32
Dfcnvt256 of ram..*07:32
FlannelErgo^: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:33
FlannelDfcnvt: That'd be a bit of overkill on swap space.  You probably want about 512MB of swap.07:33
Ergo^Flannel: ok, its done07:34
FlannelErgo^: now you should be able to install python-dev07:34
Theebis it possible to see the log of the "recovery mode" because i saw a "[Fail]" and i couldnt read which package, screen was moving fast. i need to fix that package but i dont know what package is.07:34
FlannelErgo^: also, delete the stuff we added to /etc/apt/preferences, we don't need/want that anymore, now that its done its job07:34
Ergo^Flannel: im not, is it possible polish servers are put of sync somehow ?07:34
FlannelErgo^: You're not why?  What error?07:35
nuccohi, does anybody know where my epiphany downloads disappear to?07:35
Ergo^Flannel: same error, but apt cache says that i have a "candidate" pinned, but installed is still newer wersion07:35
clarenceWho can help me solve the problem?:-/07:36
FlannelErgo^: do you still have proposed enabled?  Pstebin the output of apt-cache policy python2.507:37
KartagisFlannel> in that FAQ, count is 512. if i make it 1024mb, will count be still 512?07:37
DfcnvtClarence, you hasn't stated what problem you're having07:37
clarenceI was said!07:38
FlannelKartagis: no, itd be 1024, that page explains it on the next line07:38
Ergo^Flannel: no i dont have proposed enabled....07:38
Ergo^Flannel: http://paste2.org/p/7125807:38
Dfcnvtwell, refresh my mind07:39
clarenceI said how Ubuntu 8.04 on the use of additional special effects?07:39
FlannelErgo^: huh.  Ok, lets try this.  open up your preferences again, change it from 4* to 4.1, and change the pin priority to 100207:39
Flannelclarence: What makes you think you're not already?07:40
Kurtclarence: go to System -> Preferences -> Appearance, select visual effects tab, and choose extra07:40
Ergo^Flannel: the same result07:40
lbshi,who knows ubuntu liveusb ?07:40
Dfcnvtoh... you mean compiz?07:40
Archonwhat is exit status 134?07:40
Archonwith regards to apt-get07:40
FlannelErgo^: pastebin sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-cache policy python2.507:41
Kurtclarence: if you want more customization, run a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager07:41
Kurtpeople can't dist-upgrade to intrepid currently, can they?07:41
KurtI thought gcc was broken07:41
AnAntWhere do core dumps go ?07:42
FlannelKurt: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid questions, thanks07:42
Ergo^Flannel: http://paste2.org/p/7125907:42
lbswho knows ubuntu liveusb?07:42
KurtFlannel: I'm not really asking a question, merely commenting on the dist-upgrade if it was to intrepid :)07:42
FlannelKurt: oh, dist-upgrade isn't used in normal operation to switch versions.07:43
Mercury-anyone got wireless working for ubuntu?07:43
AnAntMercury-: yup07:43
FlannelErgo^: Hmm, and can you pastebin your preferences file?  Maybe I did something wrong.07:43
Mercury-apparently ubuntu is unable to locate my wireless components07:43
AnAntMercury-: try System->Administration->Hardware drivers07:44
AnAntMercury-: what's your card type?07:44
Ergo^Flannel: http://paste2.org/p/7126107:44
clarenceok, I give it a try07:44
Mercury-02:04.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)07:44
Mercury-        Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Compaq nw8240/nx822007:44
Mercury-        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 2207:44
Mercury-        Memory at d0000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=4K]07:44
Mercury-        Capabilities: <access denied>07:44
FloodBot2Mercury-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
iamasdoes anyone know how to get Japanese text working in Wine?  I have the MS fonts installed but they don't work07:45
Mercury-sigh, tis not my day07:45
cplxMercury- all good.. we've all done it atleast once :P07:45
NineTeen67CometHello all. I've asked this in Vbox too, but that room is silent tonight. Where else can I look to get Shared Folders to work in VirtualBox (not OSE) with Guest Additions added (USB works already) .. I have added chmod 777 to the directories I would like th loan out, but still nothing ..07:45
DfcnvtClarence, apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager  --- I can't remember the last time that have the whole packages for it..07:45
Mercury-"AnAnt, - no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"07:46
AnAntMercury-: nevermind, you don't need it with your card07:46
Dfcnvtwhen you're done with it, check in System/Preferences/Advanced Desktop Effects.. for the special effect to play with...07:47
AnAntMercury-: what does iwconfig give you ? please paste the output in private chat07:47
MikeSethMercury-: this card works for me with WPA2/PSK and wpa_supplicant07:47
iamasdoes anyone know how to get Japanese text working in Wine?  I have the MS fonts installed but they don't work07:47
Dfcnvtiamas, didn't you apt-get the japaneses fonts?07:47
iamasI did07:48
iamasthere were 2 that I couldn't get off the repositories07:48
AnAntMercury-: aha, so your wifi card is recognized !07:48
iamasbut other than that I followed the instructions07:48
Dfcnvtso, did it show the japanese fonts on the window side?07:48
iamasI'm sorry what do you mean?07:48
AnAntMercury-: what's your problem then ?07:48
nirupamafrom where does ubuntu take the translation work07:49
Mercury-i can't see my home wlan07:49
xTheGoat121xEvening all... I'm trying to get my USB headset to work... but getting issues07:49
nirupamaI have some translated stuff07:49
nirupamafor gnome07:49
AnAntMercury-: that's wierd, are you sure that the rf switch is on ?07:49
nirupamawhere I can upload them for review07:49
nirupamaand acceptance07:49
AnAntMercury-: yes, it's off !!!07:49
Mercury-can't turn on wireless components physically :s07:50
AnAntMercury-: eth1      radio off07:50
Flannelnirupama: Its done through Rosetta I believe.  Try asking your LoCo team07:50
nirupamaany body language team here07:50
AnAntMercury-: ?!07:50
nirupamaFlannel, any id or channel07:50
Mercury-anant - can't turn on wireless components physically :s07:50
AnAntMercury-: why's that ? HP laptops have a switch07:50
Flannelnirupama: What language?07:50
nirupamathrough which io can communicater07:50
Mercury-yeah i know, it's just not responding07:50
Flannelnirupama: and/or country07:50
Mercury-ive got dualboot07:50
Mercury-works fine in winblowz so it is indeed still functional07:51
Ergo^Flannel: is everything set up right ?07:51
nirupamaFlannel, 18 indian languages07:51
Flannelnirupama: Try #ubuntu-in07:51
AnAntMercury-: well, it works fine with me, I got 2 HP lappies07:51
iamasI installed the MS fonts, rebuilt my cache, and changed the order as suggested07:51
AnAntMercury-: how about looking at dmesg output when you press the switch ?07:52
FlannelErgo^: As far as I can see... it's gotta be something wrong with the version match thing.  Since it shouldn't be giving that priority to the other versions.07:52
Mercury-good idea07:52
AnAntMercury-: again paste the last few lines in private chat07:52
iamasI have very limited functionality in MS Word but system menus are still garbled07:52
Ergo^Flannel: so is there any path i can follow to fix tjhat ? i kinda need that package :]07:52
AnAntAnyone knows where do core dumps go ?07:52
xTheGoat121xI keep getting a warning, whenever I try to test the device, about it not being available for use07:53
chilli_hello can anyone help me i have a problem with firefox and youtube07:53
chilli_when i got to play a video on firefox07:53
chilli_it will play then pause every 2seconds even if the vid is loaded fully07:53
Dfcnvtiamas, if you're running Ubuntu, click on System -> Administration -> Languages Support07:53
Dfcnvtiamas, maybe that will help to install new fonts.. i dunno..07:54
hickophi, i cant empty my trash because of a folder, how can i fix this please ?07:54
FlannelErgo^: I'm sure its fixable yeah, but I have no idea what the issue is.  This *should* be working.  Uh, while its not really on topic for that channel, you may have luck in #ubuntu-motu.  Another thing you could try is setting the bigger version (-ubuntu5) to priority of -1, but with the way the matching has happend thus far (seems to ignore anything past the -?  past the -ubuntu? I'm not sure) I'm wary of suggesting that.07:54
iamasI have Japanese support enabled07:54
iamasit works fine in Ubuntu07:55
iamasbut Wine is still messed up07:55
kindofabuzzuggg anyone got a solution to ubuntu unability to cauto connect to wpa2 at startup?  annoying!07:55
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ericoin #asterisk07:55
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FlannelErgo^: the other solution is to wait until that package moves into -updates, which will happen at some point soon.  But that's obviously not really a solution.07:55
jareth_ kindofabuzz: is wpa2 supported any way? In my experience I stick with wpa-psk.07:56
susa24could someone please tell me how to save the alsa mixer sound settings so i dont have to keep putting them up every time i reboot?07:56
kindofabuzzjareth_, well it works, but i have to manually connect each time07:56
satynhi, is there any email client similar to mail ?07:56
kindofabuzzand then it may take 3-4 tries07:57
Ergo^Flannel: if i commented out the preferences file and do apt-get upgrade will it return to previous state ?07:57
jareth_ kindofabuzz: ic, that's odd. no idea  what could be the cause of that.07:57
FlannelErgo^: Uh, define previous state?07:57
Ergo^Flannel: before i got package pinned07:57
FlannelErgo^: with the default package priorities?  Yeah.07:57
kindofabuzzjareth_, is wpa-psk pretty secure?07:57
Ergo^Flannel:  thanks for all the help07:58
jareth_ kindofabuzz: secure enough |MHO :)07:58
Archonhas anyone here successfully installed java5, but had troubles installing java6 on ubuntu or some linux distro?07:58
FlannelErgo^: man apt_preferences for all you need to know (except the answer to this conundrum, of course) about pinning07:58
Mercury-how do i find out what ver of ubuntu im running?08:03
FlannelMercury-: lsb_release -a08:03
Mercury-Flannel, thanks :)08:03
iamassorry I just got the 8.04 random crash of death twice in a row, is the person I was talking to about Japanese text still here?08:05
thutoAnAnt: Hope you are still around, i installed and ran minicom but it would not dial anything out, the port I used is \dev\tty808:08
anubus69Hi everyone, my eth0 or network connection isn't working? it also shows grey out in network manager, any advice?08:13
Greyspacebt3I have a Never Asked question:08:15
Greyspacebt3How do get my Ubuntu to see and use my Nvidia "BFG Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 Video card" as I am sick of 800 x 600 resolution.08:15
shabdaI have installed firefox via, apt-get, I got firefox 3 beta 5. Now when I run apt-get upgrade, or apt-get update, my install of firefox does not get upgraded, what can be the problem?08:16
Flannelshabda: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:17
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Greyspacebt3Nvidia has a driver and I got it; however, sudo shutdown now still doesn't kill X enough .. .and  init 3 doesn't give me a terminal08:17
shabda8.04 I guess, the latest one08:17
Kartagisshabda> use upgrade instead of update08:17
Greyspacebt3same here08:17
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Flannelshabda: pastebin the output of this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:18
anubus69can anyone help me with my wire network on ubuntu 8.04, it doesn't appear to be working?08:18
shabdaKartagis: Already tried, might be I have some wrong repository selected, and and old version of FF exists there?08:18
l3d how well is clamav and what kind of viruses does it scan for ? as in linux  or windows?08:18
BrettGrey, I. Can't get nvidia drivers working either, I want my widescreen and cool animations08:18
Kartagisshabda> I believe so08:18
shabdaFlannel: http://dpaste.com/76574/08:19
Greyspacebt3Brett,,, me too08:19
Flannelshabda: Wow.  You have all sorts of important updates turned off.  Pastebin your sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list)08:19
l3d how well is clamav and what kind of viruses does it scan for ? as in linux  or windows?08:20
Greyspacebt3Brett, I bought this card to play Nexuiz and it sucks08:20
Flannell3d: It does all kinds of viruses08:20
BrettWhat card do you have?08:20
Greyspacebt3How do get my Ubuntu to see and use my Nvidia "BFG Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 Video card" as I am sick of 800 x 600 resolution.08:20
l3dso how offten should i update it08:20
shabdaFlannel: http://dpaste.com/76575/08:20
Greyspacebt3brett, Bfg stands for Big Blank Graphics08:21
BrettDamn, I got the 9800 gtx08:21
Greyspacebt3Brett.. I only have 800x600 resolution08:21
Flannelshabda: alright, go ahead and open that with sudo, and we'll replace it with a functional one.08:21
Greyspacebt3Brett, it really really sucks08:21
BrettI have something around there08:22
eccentricityhey all: anyone got a god way to browse and connect to wireless networks from a command line?08:22
Greyspacebt3Brett, Ubuntu doesn't even see the Nvidia card in restricted modules/hardware08:22
BrettBut I tribooted with winxp and winvsta so until a solution is found I can still use it08:23
Flannelshabda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/44467/08:23
BrettAnd my itouch hates typing long phrases, brb08:23
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity... google "Back Track 3"08:23
Dryantaok how do i delete .gvfs on my home dir?08:23
Dryantaeven when im root i get root@drybook:~# ls .gvfs08:24
Dryantals: cannot access .gvfs: Permission denied08:24
eccentricitythanks greyspacebt3, I'll try and let you know.08:24
BrettBack haha08:24
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity its linux that you don't install, it is a live DVD or a Live Flash drive08:24
shabdaFlannel: Done. Now I should run apt-get upgrade?08:24
Blackholdhello, I have installed a firewire HD and ubuntu don't detects it... is an ubuntu server 2.6.22-1408:25
Flannelshabda: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then... go get a drink or something, since it'll take a while.08:25
Blackholdbut in fdisk -l HD don't appear08:25
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity, if you forget your password it will help you pull it off of your router too08:25
BrettGrey how do I liveboot a USB 40gig harddrive?08:25
shabdaFlannel: To confirm, You just want these three lines, in my sources.list?08:25
eccentricitywow man08:25
Flannelshabda: Yep.  That's all you need.08:25
Greyspacebt3Brett Put Back Track on it08:25
Dryantaim just trying to delete the home dir08:26
Greyspacebt3Brett it is only 4 GB OS08:26
Dryantaso i can symlink it somewhere ese08:26
Dryantahow do i get rid of that gvfs?08:26
BrettHer I can't exit my irc app to look at it online08:26
Dryantai cant even ls or stat it :P08:26
shabdaFlannel: Ok great. Thanks. I really need to get FF 3, so that I can get Firebug working, to fix some pesky Ajax issues. :)08:26
Flannelshabda: there's actually more important updates you'll be pulling in.08:27
BrettOr how bout a windows so live boot?08:27
eccentricitygrey, this is fascinating, very cool stuff08:27
Flannelshabda: So, be thankful for your need for FF3 final, its going to patch some important vulnerabilities.08:27
Flannelshabda: (not in firefox... well, maybe in firefox, I have no idea)08:27
Blackholdcould someone help me on attaching firewire harddisk please?08:27
eccentricitybut really, all I'm looking for here is a simple utility that's gonna let me connect to my wireless network from a command line08:28
Greyspacebt3Eccenytricity,, I know.. and its all hush hush.. as they are all cops08:28
BrettWinxp and I don't like my itouch irc08:28
shabdaIs there a way I can just upgrade FF first, and get started with my work, while I ask the other stuff to upgrade in the background?08:28
eccentricityDig it. Already downloading.08:28
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Greyspacebt3Eccenytricity, I have learned so much.08:29
Flannelshabda: sure.  Sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox08:29
Flannelshabda: this can all be done through the GUI tools too, of course.08:29
InHisNametrying to install drivers for NVIDA card in Hardy.  Driver wants X-server off to install.  How do I do that ?08:29
gatestoneI tried shrinking my Windows XP NTFS partition with Partition Magic, but it failed. Any other suggestions?08:29
dahitokiriwhen is intrepid due for rtm?08:30
Flannel!intrepid | dahitokiri08:30
ubottudahitokiri: Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!08:30
Dryantaummm what to do?08:30
dahitokiriFlannel, thanks.08:30
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity,, remember start with the Wiki... then the newbe forum... then ask question worded as if you are one of them.. or you will get kicked for saying something like "I hack my friends wireless"08:30
Dryantai just need to delete this shit so i can move my home dir08:30
dougskoeccentricity: keep in mind that basically everything in BT3 is also in the ubuntu repos :)08:31
FlannelDryanta: Are you logged in with that user?08:31
DryantaFlannel: as root08:31
Dryantaroot@drybook:~# strace -e trace=lstat64 stat /home/phocking/.gvfs08:31
Dryantalstat64("/home/phocking/.gvfs", 0xbf921d14) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)08:31
eccentricityok guys, is it open source stuff?08:31
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity,, Doug,, has no idea what he is talking about...08:31
anubus69can someone please help with with my wire connection?  my network manager shows my wire connection as grey out?08:32
dougskoGreyspacebt3: huh?08:32
FlannelDryanta: How are you logged in as root?08:32
Dryantadoesnt work as that user either08:32
eccentricityI'm working on a Linux From Scratch right now too. I'm sure I could use some of it.08:32
DryantaFlannel: sudo bash08:32
shabdaFlanne: Looks like my FF got upgraded, http://dpaste.com/76576/, but starting firefox still runs FF beta 5. Do I need to restart/log off etc?08:32
FlannelDryanta: right.  That won't work.  Reboot, go to the recovery console, then do it.08:32
susa24could someone please help me with this problem, My remote or reciever is picking up keyboard commands instead of actual remote commands. Ive tryed everything still nothing. Can someone please help?08:33
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Dryantaso if i reboot to the recovery console i can delete the home dir and sym link it to a different volume?08:33
Kasra[K]I want to translate in lunchpad... witch license i must to chose?08:33
Kasra[K]BSD license?08:33
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:33
jareth_shabda: what does -> help -> about say ?08:33
FlannelDryanta: Yes, because right now you're still using the homedir, because you're logged in as you.08:33
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity, BT3 has put it together and made a configured package know to work together with support ... Ubuntu or what doug said is true but you would have to re-invent and configure and research for ten years to get the same result as just loading the live DVD... sorry doug08:33
jareth_shabda: after restarting ff08:34
Flannelshabda: Hmm, that... should work.  You restarted firefox, right?08:34
linuxhelpanubus69 did you check lsmod for listed driver?08:34
shabdaFlannel: http://dpaste.com/76577/, Yes :)08:34
eccentricityok grey: is it open source?08:34
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity, * known08:34
BrettIf I installed ubuntu on a portable harddrive then set that highest in boot priority in bios, it would boot ubuntu?08:35
co0lingFir3hello, how do i "love songs" for last.fm in banshee?08:35
anubus69no I didn't let me check08:35
FlannelBrett: yes08:35
eccentricityI figured an exploitation based distro might have qualms with being open08:36
dougskoGreyspacebt3: sure some things are pre-config'd, but there isnt anything you can do in BT that you cant do in *buntu, and you dont have to stray into slax. that was my point08:36
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity, however, BT3 is a collection of what is out on the net all on one dvd... however, you have to google the net to use the tools on the dvd...08:36
BrettWould it also boot grub? As in see winxp or something too?08:36
obsidiethmy keyboard layout is goin wack on every restart08:37
linuxhelpif you always have problems of hardware at ubuntu try lspci as root and lsmod this shows loaded hardware state08:37
obsidiethnow its on usa, but i cant get @ sumbols and stuff08:37
Greyspacebt3doug Eccentricity.. yes,,, however, my way is quicker08:37
shabdaI think I had mucked around with path sometime, can that be a problem? Though "which firefox" gives me "/usr/bin/firefox"08:37
FlannelBrett: That'd depend on your menu.lst, it doesn't do autodetection at boot or anything.08:37
BrettI just saw the @ symbol08:37
eccentricityc0olingFir3, in my experience, music players typically don't play nice with features like that of last.fm08:37
Greyspacebt3How do get my Ubuntu to see and use my Nvidia "BFG Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 Video card" as I am sick of 800 x 600 resolution.08:37
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linuxhelpif you want to check the hardware working with ubuntu boot the pc always first with a LIVE CD of wanted ubuntu/xubuntu version08:38
Chunky_KsEvening everyone08:38
obsidiethBrett, im on my laptop now:p08:38
BrettOh I thought it might08:38
shabdaOh! I ma using Chatzilla client, so might be closing FF did not close it off completely, let me log off from here, and try. :)08:38
KartagisFlannel> when I did sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1024Mb.swap bs=1M count=512 it made a file which is 512mb large. should I have did count=1024?08:38
FlannelKartagis: yes.08:38
linuxhelpif this works you can setup it perfectly if none try a older ubuntu live cd08:38
Chunky_KsI just upgraded my ATI graphics card. I was using fglxrx just fine before. I took the old card out of the epci slot in this machine, and put the new one into the same slot08:38
anubus69linuxhelp what should I be seeing in lsmod ?08:38
eccentricitynice to know its quicker, greyspace, but the truth is, I'm also interested in this stuff for building my own systems.08:38
Chunky_Ksand now ubuntu's hardware drivers thing doesn't offer me the ati drivers08:38
Chunky_Kscan anyone suggest how to fix this?08:39
crdlbChunky_Ks: what model are you using now?08:39
dougskoGreyspacebt3: do you have the restricted nvidia drivers installed?08:39
carrerais there problem with using "sudo bash" instead "sudo -i", "sudo bash" keeps my aliases?08:39
BrettHow hard would it be to make ubuntu look like Linux?08:39
Greyspacebt3doug brand new install08:39
BrettWe like windows08:39
FlannelBrett: Ubuntu is Linux08:39
Chunky_Kscrdlb: 485008:39
linuxhelplook for your ethernet chipset card listed like "nvidia ethernet XXX" or other name08:39
Greyspacebt3doug there is a list of restricted drivers which one08:39
Chunky_Kswas a 2400xt before08:39
BrettI meant windows, not Linux08:40
Greyspacebt3doug,,, I'll search and ask for conformation here brb08:40
eccentricityaccording to randall munroe, ubuntu is vista with some custom themes.08:40
linuxhelpanubus69 have a closer look at ubuntuusers.de / wiki08:40
dougskoGreyspacebt3: either nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new. one of those should work for you08:41
carrerais there problem with using "sudo bash" instead "sudo -i", "sudo bash"?08:41
shabdaNo, that does not fix the problem. :(08:41
FlannelBrett: Ah, its sort of easy, depending on how much you want it to look like it.  There are themes and stuff out there you can use.08:41
BrettUbuntu could kick windows over Steve jobs house08:41
dougskoGreyspacebt3: then in your xorg.conf, you need to set your device to use the driver, 'nvidia'08:41
eccentricityseriously guys, a command line utility to browse wireless networks, and connect to mine. Anyone know one?08:41
anubus69Linux help: I don't see it? I have Intel 5100, but I'm also running Ubuntu in VMware along with fedora, and Fedora is working, but ubuntu isn't08:41
linuxhelp@ALL how likes Windows they should try ICEWM for replacement with XP Style08:41
dougskoGreyspacebt3: you might also want to install, nvidia-settings, and use that to config your card once X is using the nvidia driver08:41
BrettFlannel I just need it to look convincing to a teacher walking by08:42
Greyspacebt3doug I have Nvidia-glx-new-envy installed08:42
linuxhelpat our school we have changed ALL PCs to Ubuntu08:42
dougskoeccentricity: iwlist is the most basic08:42
Greyspacebt3doug and nvidia-settings08:42
FlannelBrett: yeah, that should be easy.08:42
dougskoeccentricity: see also, kismet08:42
crdlbChunky_Ks: I don't think ubuntu's fglrx is new enough08:42
linuxhelpUbuntu is now a very good replacement for XP+Vista... i think..08:43
BrettThat's good, because I love ubuntu overall but I want to get away with it at schol08:43
Greyspacebt3doug  then in your xorg.conf, you need to set your device to use the driver, 'nvidia',,, <<<< thats what is missing08:43
eccentricityI'd rather my linux not be a replacement for windows or mac, to be honest08:43
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BrettLinuxhelp, I have all 3 on my desktop08:43
linuxhelphave all a close look at the new Netbooks Asus EEE 1000H with ubuntu08:43
Chunky_Kscrdlb: gyuh08:44
Chunky_KsI have unstable/experimental/canonical repos enabled08:44
linuxhelpthey are very fast and runs over 10 hours without power08:44
carrerais there problem with using "sudo bash" instead "sudo -i", "sudo bash"?08:44
BrettHow wud u her it on the see?08:44
dougskoGreyspacebt3: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file to edit. under the Device section, youll see a line for the driver08:44
linuxhelpthe only thing i miss a replacement for M$ Frontpage08:45
BrettGet it on the see08:45
zetherooI started downloading Ubuntu Ultimate and the download went to 900+MB out of 1.7 GB .... then the internet connection had a hickup and it just stopped downloading and all I got was an incomplete ISO ... I am in South Africa with limited downloads so this is very frustrating. ... is there a program like the one in Windows which enable you to resume a stopped download?08:45
linuxhelpNVU and Kompozer didn't work easy and don't like PHP Sites..08:45
dougskoGreyspacebt3: *back it up first before editing it*08:45
Chunky_Kszetheroo: wget -c08:45
linuxhelpDell also offers NEW Inspirion Ubuntu PCs08:45
zetherooChunky_Ks: what is that?08:46
dougskoGreyspacebt3: after you install that stuff and change that line, youll need to restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace. if X doesnt startup right, cp the old config back, let us know what happened08:46
Chunky_Ksit continues a stopped download08:46
linuxhelpyou can add 8GB RAM for vmware use..08:46
Greyspacebt3Eccentricity, I have to say this about that:08:46
Greyspacebt3The reason that I recommend BT3 is because there is not a Hard Drive Install therefore if you get caught doing something wrong you actually have no tracking or traces... or proof...08:46
Greyspacebt3but if you do a hard drive install of these applications they cashe the stuff that you wouldn't want there if you were sitting in court... enoff said...08:46
Flannelzetheroo: Don't use "Ubuntu Ultimate"08:47
zetherooFlannel: why?08:47
Greyspacebt3Thank you doug08:47
Flannelzetheroo: It's a hackjob and dangerous.08:47
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linuxhelpwhats Ubuntu ultimate?08:47
Drag0nLordanyone know anything about the MP-BIOS: Timer not connected.... error?08:47
zetherooFlannel: really? ... I have seen numerous people use it and they love it ....08:47
Flannelzetheroo: and on top of it being horrible quality, we don't support it.08:47
linuxhelpa new version?08:47
crdlblinuxhelp: no08:47
Flannelzetheroo: There's nothing it offers that isn't in the official repos08:48
crdlblinuxhelp: it is an unsupported derivative08:48
Flannelzetheroo: or, installable through non-horrible methods.08:48
zetherooFlannel: well it seems to come with a lot more ...08:48
Flannel!worksforme | zetheroo08:48
ubottuzetheroo: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/08:48
linuxhelpok thanks i will read about it08:48
Flannellinuxhelp: Don't waste your time08:48
linuxhelpok :-)08:48
* crdlb agrees08:48
dougskoGreyspacebt3: yep. and there's an easy fix for not getting in trouble for anything...practice on your own systems. vm's are nice to mess with08:48
Greyspacebt3doug,, you won't give up will you... lol08:49
zetherooFlannel: yes ... but Ultimate comes with a lot more built in with it ... I wish Ubuntu had more themes and extras built in ...08:49
Flannelzetheroo: as for your original question, many, many things offer resuming downloads.08:49
Greyspacebt3doug i am the same...08:49
dougskoGreyspacebt3: nope. i dont like slax, i do like ubuntu, and i always practice safe auditing :p08:50
linuxhelpquestion to all, i setup a laptup with Luks encryption and without LVM (alternate setup) how can i made i run with only one luks password question?08:50
Greyspacebt3doug I don't want to prove a point with you, I just want to help him make up his own mind with some extra knowhow08:50
zetheroohow can I get Windows to read EXT308:50
WoofWoofWoofI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop edition on an Acer 5920. Earlier, I shut it down and went away and when I came back a few minutes later, it was on, with a blank screen and a blinking cursor. It turned off when I pressed the power button. Now when I turn it on, it's not booting. It turns on and stops at the blank screen with the blinking cursor and does not proceed further. Right now I'm using the Live CD08:50
linuxhelpfor every mounted partition i must set password at boot08:50
Flannelzetheroo: Well, you're free to do whatever you want, but if you use ultimate edition, you'll get zero support through any Ubuntu resources.  It's got bad things going on, and doesn't offer you anything you can't do with an official Ubuntu install.08:50
nathanielneallanyone know how i can update google earth to 4.308:51
DryantaFlannel: thanks08:51
zetherooFlannel: I would like to understand what those bad things are ... otherwise I am just left in the dark08:51
linuxhelpLaptops have much problems with ACPI of 8.04 many bugs there try 7.1008:51
linuxhelpi have 7.10 at all thinkpads here..08:52
Drag0nLordbut...why would you want to look at ext3 from windows?08:52
Flannelzetheroo: Bad configuration choices, it uses automatix, I... don't have a list at hand or anything.08:52
Drag0nLordjust remove windows....more space for linux08:52
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Greyspacebt3doug your way ahead of us .. we want to see it work ... and then figure it out.. just the way you did as you said that you have used Slax and had a overview first.. later he or I will choose your way... lol08:52
WoofWoofWoofIt had been working fine until now08:52
linuxhelp8.04 is always buggy now08:52
WoofWoofWoofHow can I fix this?08:52
Flannelzetheroo: Simply the choice of *matix should raise red flags.08:52
linuxhelpsame with wireless cards RT6108:52
Drag0nLordext2ifs gives you read/write access from windows08:52
jareth_zetheroo: automatix was well known to ruin your system when updating...08:52
eccentricitywoofwoofwoof, mount your hard drive and browse around and look for some specific errors08:53
WoofWoofWoofIs something wrong with the bootloader?08:53
zetherooFlannel: can't one just get rid of it?08:53
WoofWoofWoofHow can I look for errors?08:53
jareth_zetheroo: it fucks it up badly08:53
WoofWoofWoofI'm very new to Linux08:53
eccentricityyou mean it isn't even beginning a boot process?08:53
Flanneljareth_: Please watch your language08:53
Greyspacebt3doug, I am still confused over a video and sound.. do you think I would be able to configure a slax like system smartly on Ubuntu in seconds.. nope08:53
eccentricitycheck /var/log/messages08:53
linuxhelp<WoofWoofWoof> did you make a start without usplash look for errors08:53
Flannelzetheroo: No.  automatix is one of those things that does damage in ways only reinstalls can fix.08:53
WoofWoofWoofeccentricity: Yes. It's not even beginning a boot process08:53
Dryantaim fine at 8.04 but i wouldnt run it on a clients server or anything hah08:53
zetherooFlannel: does it take over from Synaptic Package Manager?08:54
Drag0nLordi'm using 8.1008:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about googletalk08:54
Drag0nLordso far, 8.10 is excellent08:54
Flannelzetheroo: It conflicts with regular package management.08:54
ubottugtalk is an instant messaging program from Google. Currently, Google does not have an official standalone gtalk client for Linux (though you can chat via your browser in gmail) but supports connections from third party clients such as Pidgin. See: http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html08:54
dougskoGreyspacebt3: its all good. just be patient. doing things the right way will teach you 100 times more than doing them the quick way08:54
linuxhelp<WoofWoofWoof> might a problem with UUID of HDDs and the RESUME UUID inside /etc/initramfs-tools/resume08:54
FlannelKartagis: google talk is just jabber08:54
* WoofWoofWoof checks those files08:55
linuxhelpsometimes the UUID is not the same and the PC looks for a not listed partition (Upgrade Bug)08:55
eccentricityflannel's pretty much right, there08:55
Greyspacebt3doug thanks I'll try to get the video card and sound card working on ubuntu08:55
Kartagiswhy does XMPP appear in pidgin even though I choose google talk?08:57
dougskoGreyspacebt3: well ive gone through the crap of configuring X a million times so i can probly help with that08:57
Drag0nLordany hardware g33ks here?08:57
netsurf3hmm two questions: 1) is there any way i can force a switch to a tty if xorg has crashed or is there some sysrq combination that can kill x? also is it possible to unlock my LVM encrypted root, home and swap with a usb key and fall back to password if unavailble08:57
Greyspacebt3Thanks doug, I know you mean well08:57
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dougskonetsurf3: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X. ctrl-alt-F# will swith your tty08:57
netsurf3dougsko, i am refering to a locked up xorg08:58
linuxhelpyes i read about usb-stick and unlock luks partition08:58
Drag0nLordwhich agp video card should i use, the 3dforce2mx-32 or the ati rage 128 32?08:58
linuxhelpi prefer NVIDIA cards at all PCs08:58
netsurf3dougsko, it wount be killed if xorg is locked up and i could not switch to tty either08:58
Drag0nLordme too...but which would be faster/better on 8.04?08:58
linuxhelpi use a 8400GS with driver of nvidia08:59
dougskonetsurf3: if your keybaord is locked up, youll probly have to reboot08:59
netsurf3linuxhelp, hmm any linkage for the source? problem is it does need to fall back to passphrase from console just incase ;)08:59
WoofWoofWooflinuxhelp: There is no  /etc/initramfs-tools/resume08:59
Drag0nLordspecifically, which would allow faster video playback on youtube, etc08:59
Drag0nLordmy vid card is a 7300GS08:59
WoofWoofWoofThere is a  /etc/initramfs-tools/ but there's nothing called "resume" in there08:59
netsurf3dougsko, it was perculier, mouse worked, nothing else and gkrellm output locked up aslo09:00
linuxhelp@ALL /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume09:00
WoofWoofWoofAh, okay09:00
Drag0nLordmy wife, who uses Ubuntu 8.04 as her only OS, needs to be able to view vids and such without the choppiness09:00
WoofWoofWoofAnd what should I compare that with?09:01
eccentricitynetsurf3, if you can ssh into a machine with a locked up x from another machine you can use chvt... but in that case I guess you could just kill x the easy way09:01
netsurf3eccentricity, hmm cant ssh into it currently09:01
dougskonetsurf3: yeah thats weird. you might want to check your X log to see if anything stands out09:01
netsurf3shame :(09:01
linuxhelpmy wife use a DELL Inspiron 531 with a changed NVIDIA 8400GS works perfect with 8.0409:01
netsurf3dougsko, probably some wine weirdness09:01
dougskocould be09:01
Drag0nLordi don't have the option of the 8400GS09:02
netsurf3i was running half-life naturalselection09:02
linuxhelpi plugged in two HDDs with MDADM-RAID 1 and 2GB RAM09:02
Drag0nLordmy wife is on a legacy pc, 800mhz p3 with 512 megs of pc-13309:02
linuxhelpwhy socket?09:02
A_I_Is it possible to force a device name (sdc for my external USB HD) ?09:03
linuxhelpok this i use at work, with Nvidia MX400 AGP 64MB-RAM09:03
Greyspacebt3doug I installed nvidia-glx?? and sudo gedit xorg.conf and pressed C+Alt+backspace and this message popped up09:03
WoofWoofWoofeccentricity, I can't spot any errors, but I'm very new to Linux: http://pastebin.com/m5c90155a09:03
Drag0nLordso the nvidia would be the better choice?09:03
linuxhelpthen you must use NVIDIA DRIVER 96,XX of NVIDIA Sites09:03
WoofWoofWooflinuxhelp: What do I do with the resume ID?09:03
Greyspacebt3doug Configure low-graphics mode09:03
linuxhelpdo remove restricted-modules for setup nvidia09:03
dougskoA_I_: no. the device name is based on the driver that runs the device09:04
Drag0nLordi am very familiar with the installation of nvidia drivers09:04
nnullanyone tell me how i get my onboot splash thing back? like when i used to boot while it was loading it would say welcome to blah and u could see the programs loading09:04
A_I_but USB HD takes sdb when hotplugged09:04
linuxhelpwrite UUID  on paper and look at /etc/fstab for same09:04
A_I_but takes sda on reboot09:04
dougskoGreyspacebt3: ok, pastebin your xorg.conf09:04
WoofWoofWoofOkay, linuxhelp09:04
Drag0nLordi have these two cards to work with, and i'm not sure which is better09:05
eccentricityWoofWoofWoof: unfortunately, looks good to me :-)09:05
Drag0nLordi can't find useful specs on either of them09:05
dougskoA_I_: dont quote me on this, but i think thats buggy behavior09:05
eccentricityLH is more likely to be able to help you09:05
Greyspacebt3doug,, we are close... as I have a list of Nvidia Drivers to choose from ... ummmmmmmmm hard to pick09:05
dougskoGreyspacebt3: what do you mean? what are you looking at?09:05
linuxhelp@all i have to go for Questions look www.linuxonlinehelp.de THANKS09:05
WoofWoofWooflinuxhelp: UUID=07a29f46-5813-4716-878b-3547954816e1 none            swap    sw              0       009:05
WoofWoofWoofOkay, eccentricity. Thank you :)09:06
A_I_but it is logical, on hotplug system takes the first available and on reboot system do it in the "right" order09:06
Drag0nLordusb shouldn't be the first to load either way09:07
dougskoA_I_: yeah youre right, it is actually the "sd" driver09:07
Greyspacebt3doug After Crl+alt+backspace ,, it restarted and ubuntu had a configure Video Window popup... and now I am looking for the model that matches my  GTX 260 card..09:07
linuxhelpif your UUID is listed inside fstab it must run09:07
nnullanyone tell me how i enable the splash screen in hardy?09:07
WoofWoofWoofOkay, linuxhelp :(09:08
nirccan someone tell me the difference (if any) between openssh that's in ubuntu server and the openssh in esx?09:08
adammw111Can someone help me fix my network card? It's a generic card and has worked previously, but i can't even ifup it.09:08
WoofWoofWoofThanks :)09:08
linuxhelpnnull > see aptitude search usplash for installed09:08
dougskoGreyspacebt3: ok, this may or may not work, but give it a try. just pick the most logical choices and let me know if something is ambiguous09:08
nnullusplash is for grub splash screen tho right? linuxhelp09:08
linuxhelpif not install it now and run #initramfs-update -u -k all09:08
FinnishIs EMU 0404 USB working with Ubuntu?09:09
mm2000How do I add an user with root privileges from the terminal?09:09
Greyspacebt3doug your right there isn't a geforce that I understand: my choices are:09:09
Drag0nLordwhy would you add a root user?09:09
dougskoGreyspacebt3: this page might help too, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia09:10
Flannelmm2000: You mean add a user who can use sudo, yes?09:10
nircbasically i'm having this problem where when I transfer files via sftp to openssh on esx, my file is corrupt (yet the correct size), where as my file transfered to ubuntu server are not corrupt09:10
Flannelmm2000: sudo adduser username then sudo adduser username admin09:10
nircvia ssh and sftp09:10
A_I_is there a way to configure the sd driver to tell him which to take for sda and which for sdb (internal hd and USB hd for ex.)09:10
dougskomm2000: this page will show you how to work with your sudoers file, http://www.go2linux.org/sudoers-how-to09:11
Vezirhow do i reset an sd socket09:11
Vezirlike a /dev/sdd109:11
FlannelA_I_: that's determined by the BIOS and hardware.09:11
Veziri got it to come iup with this, but when i reseated the cable, it didnt show up09:11
ricticWhy might I be getting a shell labeled BusyBox (initramfs) when trying to boot from the ubuntu 8 install/live cd on a new computer?09:11
D1sa5t3ranyone have acer aspire one?09:11
dougskorictic: busybox is a stripped down bash09:12
WoofWoofWoofI'm using Acer Aspire09:12
adammw111How can i get ubuntu to find my network card. I keep getting "error while getting interface flags: no such device" when trying to ifup.Thanks=]09:12
D1sa5t3rWoofWoofWoof, pm?09:12
vnixAnyone know how to use SVN?09:12
dougskorictic: you see it a lot in places where there isnt much memory for full-blown bash09:12
D1sa5t3ri need one user :D09:12
WoofWoofWoofOkay, D1sa5t3 :s09:13
dougskovnix: yeah, whats the problem?09:13
ricticdougsko: Fair enough.  I was expecting the GUI installer, which is what comes up when using this CD on other machines I think09:13
vnixin windows I use SVN tor. where I can right click and auto update but in Ubuntu how? thanks ^^09:13
dougskorictic: hmmm...dont know why thatd be09:14
dougskovnix: cd to the top level of the svn project you checked out, and type, svn up09:14
Greyspacebt3Geforce; Geforce (fbdev); Geforce 256 Generic; Geforce 6 series; Geforce 6800 generic; Geforce 7 series; Geforce 8 series; etc... I have a 300.00 card called ""BFG Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 " umm09:15
FloodBot2Greyspacebt3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
Greyspacebt3doug one more line and I would have gotten kicked09:16
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dougskoGreyspacebt3: hehe :p honestly, i never had any luck with that ocnfig screen youre in. if youre using gnome, i would try the method described in that link i posted earlier09:17
vnixdougsko: svn command not found09:18
livingdaylighthola ubunteros09:18
dougskovnix: you need to install subversion09:18
livingdaylightcan someone tellwhether i need to install medibuntu to install ~Google Earth?09:19
dougskolivingdaylight: nope09:19
vnixdougsko can you give me the command?09:19
Greyspacebt3doug.. ok09:19
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:19
livingdaylightdougsko: what do i do with the Google Earth .bin file ?09:19
Flannellivingdaylight: You don't need to install the medibuntu repository to use packages from it.09:19
webDEViLvnix, apt-get install svn09:19
Flannellivingdaylight: don't use the bin, use the package from medibuntu09:20
vnixthank you09:20
dougskolivingdaylight: just run it09:20
dougskovnix: that package name is actually, subversion, not svn09:20
vnixcouldn't't find package09:20
vnixoh okie09:20
UbubeginI used the google earth bin, and my comp went WHITE Screen...09:20
vnixyeah it's running thanks09:20
livingdaylightFlannel: so, go to mediubuntu instead of Google earth website ?09:21
ogzyhow can i install an archived icon set just using terminal and set it the default icon set for the current desktop instead of using the Install button at the Theme manager windows09:21
Flannellivingdaylight: Yeah, you can browse the packages they have, download google earth, and then install it09:21
livingdaylightFlannel: i see a bunch of choices :/09:21
* livingdaylight scrathches his head09:22
vikkui have a kernel panic while iam booting krnel of Damn small linux (virtualized)over ubuntu..... it shows values of CPU registers , stack, call trace ,code and says that Kernel panic : Attempted to kill the idle task ..... hmmm what should i do , it doesnt go any further09:22
dougskovnix: run, synaptic, some time. its a gui for installing packages. aptitude is my favorite though because it removes orphaned dependenceies when you uninstall something09:22
crdlbogzy: A) extract it to a subfolder of ~/.icons (~/.icons/THEME_NAME)09:22
Flannellivingdaylight: you'll need googleearth-4.3 or -4.2 and the corresponding -data package: http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/index.html09:22
ogzycrdlb, i know that part but i want to make it the default icon theme also, do you know where its info is kept?09:22
livingdaylightFlannel: gracias09:23
crdlbogzy: gconf09:23
alrex021how do I go about reinstalling the nvidia driver on 8.04? I ran apt-get remove nvidia-glx-new then tried to reinstall but it reinstalls way to quickly and doesnt work09:23
dougskovnix: google it09:23
vnixi can't find it under add/remove. I will google it then09:23
alrex021i'm reinstalling because it stopped working and doesnt pickup the driver any more09:24
ogzycrdlb, no i dont want to use gconf or any other gui. i am writing my own icon setter for the user so i dont want to show anyother popup windows09:24
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:24
crdlbogzy: gconf is not gconf-editor. gconf is a configuration system09:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gconf09:25
ActionParsnip!info gconf09:25
ogzycrdlb, then i should check how will use gconf to set the icon theme thanx09:25
ubottuPackage gconf does not exist in hardy09:25
crdlbogzy: it has a C api, and bindings for many languages including python. there is also gconftool-2, a command line client09:25
ogzycrdlb, i am using python, thats nice09:25
livingdaylightFlannel: i'm wondering why there isn't one package with all the depnedencies in them? like a .deb instead of having to run around satisfying a multitude of requirements?09:26
Kartagisfunny, ubuntu made a 3gb swap on my home computer with 1gb RAM, whilst it made a 1gb swap on my work computer which also  has 1gb RAM09:27
alrex021How do I get my nvidia driver to appear in the "Hardware Driver" list?09:27
goldmetalKartagis, that sound gay09:27
ActionParsnip!nvidia | alrex02109:27
ubottualrex021: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:27
crdlbogzy: the key name is /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme09:28
bahbanyone have practice and experience making cairo-dock bend to their every whim?09:28
ActionParsnipKartagis: id use double your ram amount as the amount of swap space09:28
ogzycrdlb, ok thanx will check it now about the usage with gconftool09:29
dougskoKartagis: i would use about half, if you have a gig or more09:29
KartagisActionParsnip> I just did, because I was sick of having-to-reboots09:29
ActionParsnipKartagis: what does the system get used for?09:29
Kartagisdougsko> at the moment, it is 2gb of swap09:30
KartagisActionParsnip> are you asking how much the system uses?09:30
dougskoKartagis: yeah but how much ram do you have?09:30
Kartagisdougsko> 1gb09:30
ActionParsnipKartagis: no, what do you use the ubuntu install to achieve?09:30
KartagisI don't like windoew09:31
ActionParsnipKartagis: games? image / video editting? web browsing?09:31
alrex021ubottu: "Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers and check the box to enable the restricted drivers for your NVIDIA card if the option is provided. " -> The Nvidia card does not appear in the list. (It used to last friday. But something broke the settings I guess) ...is there a manual way to install or a better way to remove exisitng installed drivers?09:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:31
ActionParsnipalrex021: tried envyng-gtk?09:32
dougskoKartagis: personally, with a gig of ram, id use only about 512mb for swap. but like ActionParsnip's saying, it depends on what your doing09:32
KartagisActionParsnip> not games, definitely09:32
alrex021ActionParsnip: what is envyng-gtk?09:33
ActionParsnipdougsko: considering most folks have 200Gb hard drives or similar, im sure they can lose the space09:33
ActionParsnip!envyng | alrex02109:33
ubottualrex021: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk09:33
dougskoActionParsnip: yeah i guess, but thats not really a reason to waste it09:33
ActionParsnipdougsko: true enough09:34
Kartagishttp://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=499804#c6 <--- how do I do what he says?09:34
ubottuGnome bug 499804 in gtk-vnc "Cant type @ or \ sign (german keyboard layout)" [Normal,Needinfo]09:34
Stonekeeperhi. my friend is having an issue with his ipod/8.04.1 : http://pastebin.ca/1197034 : any ideas?09:35
ActionParsnipdougsko: i have 1gb ram with 1gb swap and i run fluxbox to reduce ram footprint09:36
Greyspacebt3doug no luck today,,, i'll try again later,, thanks for your help.. must eat... lol09:36
dougskoGreyspacebt3: cool, take it easy09:37
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: what version of gtk-vnc do you have?09:37
dougskoActionParsnip: yeah im the same way, but ive found over the years that i barely ever even use the one gig of ram that i have, so 512 swap is really all i need. thats me though09:38
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: sorry, minds all over09:38
bahbdoes anyone know how I can change application icons in cairo-dock?09:38
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: is the ipod in disk mode?09:38
ActionParsnipbahb: do you mean the app list or just the icons for the current apps?09:39
bahbcurrent apps09:39
bahbxchat doesn't want to class with its launcher09:39
bahbso I end up with a nice grey launcher and a bright orange app icon09:40
bahband it makes me sad09:40
ActionParsnipbahb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45599609:40
StonekeeperActionParsnip: ooh, i'll find out. Don't you normally just plug in your ipod and it mounts?09:41
Stonekeeperi don't think i put my ipod in disk mode to access it09:41
PrivateRolfStonekeeper: Yes.09:41
ActionParsnipbahb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock09:41
PrivateRolfStonekeeper: Usually an icon appears on your desktop.09:41
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: no idea, i dont own one09:41
Mc_abyssI just plug my ipod in and an icon appears on desktop09:42
ActionParsnip!ipod | Stonekeeper09:42
ubottuStonekeeper: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:42
Stonekeeperit's more a usb question09:42
PrivateRolfOh god I love Rockbox.09:42
ActionParsnipipod + rockbox = sweeet09:42
PrivateRolfStonekeeper: You should still be able to access it like you would on Windows.09:42
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: sup09:42
PrivateRolfAction: I love Rockbox. It makes torrenting so much easier. :D09:42
ActionParsnipPrivateRolf: my fileserver does that, ktorrent web interface :)09:43
StonekeeperActionParsnip: seems like a corrupt FS. Are there tools for formatting/recreating?09:43
PrivateRolfActionParsnip: You mean that once the torrent finishes, it automatically updates to your iPod? :O09:43
ActionParsnipStonekeeper: again, im not familiar with ipods as i think they are garbage, if yu webbowse round im sure there will be guides09:44
PrivateRolfStonekeeper: What's the question, exactly?09:44
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vnixAnyone is familiar with PVPGN here?09:44
PrivateRolfNo sir.09:45
ghostknifeWhere can I edit the global path variable. Basically, I want all users to have a certain path element, and when I sudo, I want it to also be there, though I don't want the existing path to be preserved. sudo should continue as normal (resetting the path), but the new path should also contain this desired element09:45
StonekeeperPrivateRolf: The question is - is there a tool to diagnose an ipod fs? the kernel is basically saying "corrupt fs".09:45
dougskoGreyspacebt3: use /etc/profile09:46
PrivateRolfStonekeeper: You can try connecting it to Windows, resetting the firmware, and trying again.09:46
PrivateRolfI've never had the problem.09:46
dougskooops, i meant ghostknife: use /etc/profile09:47
ricc101hi I'm new to ubuntu can anyone help me with my sound?09:47
PrivateRolfRicc101: Sure.09:47
ricc101thanks :)09:47
PrivateRolfWhat's the problem?09:47
ricc101basically I'm trying to get HD audio working, the volume contol is there plus it shows it working09:47
ricc101but still get no sound09:48
PrivateRolfHave you tried adjusting the PCM?09:48
ricc101how do i do that09:48
PrivateRolfRight click the sound icon.09:48
ActionParsnipricc101: try selecting alsa in sound prefs09:48
PrivateRolfOpen Volume control.09:48
PrivateRolfFile---> Manage Device, I can't exactly remember.09:48
PrivateRolfEEEBuntu doesn't come with gnome-volume-manager. :[09:49
dougskoalsamixer will work09:49
dougskoand should be installed on all *buntu09:49
ricc101i can turn the volume mixer up and down but i get nothing09:49
PrivateRolfDougsko: I have alsamixer.09:49
PrivateRolfJust not gnome-volume-manager09:50
dougskoPrivateRolf: ok. i was just throwing out an alt app in case someone wasnt using gnome09:50
PrivateRolfDougsko: No problem.09:50
ricc101i have 5 devices on the change device menu09:51
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ricc101HDA intel09:51
ricc101realtek alc88209:51
ricc101alsa pc on front09:51
ricc101then 2 capture ones09:52
ricc101i've tried using all 3 but i get nothing09:52
ricc101i can turn the volume up and down no problem but nothing comes out09:53
ActionParsnipricc101: speakers on and loud?09:53
PrivateRolfTry setting ALSA in System--->preferences--->sound09:53
ActionParsniphi clayton09:53
claytonis there an italian channel?09:53
PrivateRolf!rockbox | PrivateRolf09:53
ubottuPrivateRolf, please see my private message09:53
ActionParsnip!it | clayton09:53
ubottuclayton: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:53
ricc101I know the hd works as  i duel boot with vista09:54
ricc101and it works there09:54
ricc101but i use an optical cabl09:54
claytonis this the normal irc chat or it's another kind?09:55
elzoogHello everybody.  I am having a problem with Firefox in Ubuntu 8.0409:56
aRahimcan i ask some pppoe-setup questions here as i am using zenwalk09:56
PrivateRolfClayton, this is generally the support chat.09:56
PrivateRolfIf you're looking for off topic...09:56
PrivateRolf!offtopic | Clayton09:56
ubottuClayton: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:56
aRahimzenwalk room is dead and not getting any response :(09:56
PrivateRolfElzoog: What's the problem?09:56
claytonok, but in the past (when i had windows) i chatted on irc, with bigfun program... now i want to join some channel, but i don't have success...09:57
claytonùhow can i do?09:57
dougskoclayton:  /j #channel09:58
PrivateRolfClayton, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic09:58
ActionParsnipclayton: /j #<name of channel>09:58
askvictorI've got two jre's installed - sun and openjdk. I think the system is using openjdk - how can I change it to use sun?09:58
aRahimmods plz reply if i can ask queries about ZenWalk here??09:59
elzoogThe problem is, I upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10.  After I did that, the navigation toolbar and history don't work.  I have already tried uninstalling and then reinstalling Firefox09:59
unop!multijava | askvictor10:00
ubottuaskvictor: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives10:00
ubdi have just installed ubuntu via guided install however i am suspicious if i have a swap partition how do i check it?10:00
ActionParsnipubd: sudo fdisk -l10:01
aRahimubd cheack system monitor10:01
ubdallright i got one10:01
ActionParsnipnp ubd10:01
aRahimok upd10:02
Dream-Ub1got an error http://nexer.net/gnome.png10:02
ubdone more question, is it possible to configure max processor speed in ubuntu ?10:02
ActionParsnipaRahim: why have to open a gui app when a single line command outputs it?10:02
ActionParsnipubd: how do you mean?10:02
ubdActionParsnip: vista had this option to decrease the processor max mhz, i was using it to avoid heat...10:03
aRahimActionParsnip: i kinda thought him being a noob10:04
ActionParsnipubd: id underclock in bios, ive not seen that in a desktop OS before10:04
Blackholdhow to say to dmesg to use an other level of showing messages, for example, when loading a module, shows any info10:05
ubdok ActionParsnip thanks10:05
ActionParsnipBlackhold: grep10:05
ActionParsnipBlackhold: dmesg | grep module10:06
elzoogCan anyone help me with my Firefox problem?10:08
subtwoubd: Otherwise you maybe should look at cpufreq package if your CPU supports frequency scaling!?10:08
Dryantaelzoog: whatup?10:08
ubdallright subtwo ill install it10:08
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)10:09
elzoogI upgraded from Ubuntu 7.10 last night.  The problem I am having though is that the navigation bar, history, and bookmarks don't work in Firefox10:10
sushanthi am getting error cant mount volume when i insert my pen10:10
Dream-Ub1http://nexer.net/gnome.png  any way to fix that gnome error?10:10
elzoogubotto:  There are hundreds of other distributions besides Ubuntu.10:10
ActionParsnipelzoog: hes a bot10:11
Dryantaelzoog: delete your .mozilla and try again10:11
ActionParsnipelzoog: id rename rather than delete10:11
ActionParsnipelzoog: you can then copy stuff over10:11
BlackholdActionParsnip: now is not showing nothing!10:11
elzoogDryanta:  The entire .mozilla directory in my home directory?10:11
Dryantaelzoog: or rename it10:11
Blackholdwhat I need is to change the level of errors in dmesg10:11
Dryantai just delete mine when stuff like that happens10:11
Dryantabut i dont have huge important stacks of links or anything10:12
Slasher`hey all could anyone tell me if there's a command to list all unmounted drives please?10:12
unopBlackhold, see -n in the dmesg manpage10:13
unopSlasher`, sudo fdisk -l10:13
ActionParsnipBlackhold: grep basically takes all that output and only shows lines with the text you specify10:13
Slasher`thanks unop10:13
elzoogThanks Dryanta, that seemed to work10:13
unopActionParsnip, grep filters things out .. he wants to change the level of logging10:13
ActionParsnipelzoog: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old10:13
ActionParsnipunop: i thought he just wanted to see module activity10:14
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Dryantaelzoog: np10:14
unopActionParsnip, seems so .. but with more verbosity i assume10:14
elzoogWell, first I did "ps x | grep firefox" to make sure that firefox wasn't still running.10:14
ActionParsnipelzoog: killall firefox works too10:14
ActionParsnipelzoog: or pidof firefox10:15
Kate_MinsHello , i need help please, i installed apache on my server & i would like to know how i can enable (mod_read_write) ?10:15
nirupamahow does ubuntu update from one ubuntu version to another10:15
nirupamaI mean upgrade the system10:15
ActionParsnip!upgrade | nirupama10:15
ubottunirupama: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:15
elzoogSo, why did I have to delete the .mozilla directory (actually, I moved it to .oldmozilla)10:15
ActionParsnipnirupama: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:15
ActionParsnipelzoog: that hold all your firefox preferences and settings10:16
nirupamaActionParsnip, but will it really upgrade whole of my base system and the applications10:16
ActionParsnipnirupama: yes10:16
nirupamaActionParsnip, I want to upgrade from 7.04 to 8.0410:16
unopnirupama, not really, use the update-manager-core package10:16
ActionParsnipnirupama: no, you need ubottu's link for that10:16
nirupamaActionParsnip, so can I get 8.04 just by apt-get upgrade10:16
nirupamaActionParsnip, what is ubottu's link10:17
OntologI have a 1.80GHz processor however cpuinfo_cur_freq is only 600MHz. Why is this and how do I change it?10:17
elzoogAlso, I am wondering why did I have to search really hard to find an Ubuntu 8.04 DVD iso?  Is Ubuntu gradually getting rid of having DVD isos in favor of only offering the CD?10:17
nirupamaActionParsnip, you mean repository path10:17
ActionParsnipnirupama: as i said if you are going between versions then use ubottus link, if you want to upgrade the version you have, use my command10:17
unopnirupama, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:17
WoofWoofWoofAsked this earlier, but no one was able to solve it: I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop edition on an Acer 5920. Earlier, I shut it down and went away and when I came back a few minutes later, it was on, with a blank screen and a blinking cursor. It turned off when I pressed the power button. Now when I turn it on, it's not booting. It turns on and stops at the blank screen with the blinking cursor and does not proceed further. Right now I'm using the Live 10:18
ActionParsnipelzoog: the dvd just has more fluff on it (like multiple desktop managers and the like)10:18
nirupamaActionParsnip, please explain me ubottus10:18
hanaI was just trying to test Photoshop in Ubuntu. I put in the CD and attempted to see if wine would respond to it and get it to run. After installing Gecko and attempting the setup process, now Ubuntu will not even read the CD.10:18
ActionParsnip!upgrade | nirupama10:18
ubottunirupama: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:18
ActionParsnipnirupama: that link there ^10:18
nirupamaActionParsnip, ok10:18
ActionParsnipnirupama: will upgrade you to the latest release (hardy heron)10:19
nirupamaActionParsnip, ok10:19
ActionParsniphana: try a reboot, id try photoshop through wine or even cedega if you dont mind spending the cash10:19
ActionParsniphana: gimp is pretty sweet10:19
hanaActionParsnip, gimp is not sweet in my experience. But I did try a reboot and it's the same problem. I am trying photoshop through wine, as I mentioned already.10:20
elzoogAction:  Yeah, but I would rather have stuff that is not commonly used, but I would like to try on the DVD (for example, Rosegarden) so that I don't have to download a file from the internet every time I want to try something odd10:20
ActionParsnipelzoog: not very much in linux is common, all systems are unique10:21
hanaActionParsnip, I just needed to install gecko because the Photoshop setup.exe uses IE, which requires wine's Gecko component. But after I did that it seems like Ubuntu will not read the photoshop CD.10:21
ActionParsniphana: try remounting it10:21
hanaActionParsnip, I did. I remove the CD and put it back in and close it and it doesn't reead.10:21
hanaActionParsnip, it read the very first time.10:21
ActionParsnipelzoog: if you want all the extra stuff then the dvd is for you, id try and get it via torrents as its faster and you give back tothe community by seeding10:22
elzoogAction:  Well, I would say that firefox and openoffice are examples of programs that are common.  But for example, I have QCad on my machine.  That would be an example of something probably not common10:22
ActionParsniphana: you need to unmount the cd using sudo umount /mount/point/of/cd10:22
ActionParsnipelzoog: i use neither10:22
hanaActionParsnip, alright. I'll try that.10:22
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hanaActionParsnip, actually, I'm not sure what the mount point of my CD is.10:24
elzoogAction:  What do you use instead of Firefox?  I use Firefox because it's common enough that web developers are more likely to support it than, for example, Galleon10:24
ActionParsniphana: run mount on its own10:24
hanaActionParsnip, ok/10:24
ActionParsnipelzoog: opera, its way smaller in ram10:24
elzoogAction:  Yeah, I hear Opera is popular.10:25
hanaActionParsnip, I don't see any /media mounts.10:25
obsidiethopera is swoi10:25
Slasher`i like opera10:25
elzoogAction:  But if I were a web developer, I would only test my sites on Internet Explorer, and Firefox10:25
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, wrong. look up some tests10:26
ActionParsniphana: id have the cd out, reboot, then once you are back in, insert the cd10:26
hanaActionParsnip, ok.10:26
hanaActionParsnip, I'll be back if it doesn't work. Thank you.10:26
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: well it doesnt make my system drag like firefox does when it runs, thats my test10:26
Slasher`elzoog, i test mine on opera as well as those two and sometimes in konqueror too if i'm bored :P10:26
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, my FF barely ever get's past 100m10:26
ActionParsnipkindofabuzz: its how it runs on MY system that counts, not some test / benchmarks10:26
Slasher`well said ActionParsnip10:27
kindofabuzzActionParsnip, true, you should have said Opera uses les memory on my system =)10:27
Slasher`it was the mouse gestures that grabbed my attention to it to be honest10:27
elzoogSlasher:  If I notice a web site doesn't look good on Konqueror, I close konqueror and pull up firefox10:27
ActionParsnippeople rely too heavily on benchmarks when they can test software for free and see how it performs10:27
Slasher`i do that if a website doesnt look good in opera elzoog lol10:27
ActionParsnipand make their own choice10:27
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kindofabuzz3.1b1pre rocks my socks with JIT10:28
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elzoogSlasher:  I don't bother.  Rather than take the time to run konqueror, see that a web site doesn't look good so I have to run firefox anyway, I'll just save myself the hassle and just run firefox in the first place.10:29
ActionParsnipi have firefox on my work lappy so i can control amarok via xul10:29
stimpiedoes someone know how to 'circle workspaces' ex. go to workspace 1 from workspace for when going to workspace on the right?10:29
stodanwhat is opposite to cat? i want to write stdin to file, but i have to do it via pipe, not redirect10:29
ActionParsnipstodan: tac10:29
ActionParsnipstodan: no foolin10:30
stdinstodan: tee10:30
elzoogAlso, I went ahead and used the "not supported" Flash program from Adobe because the "free" alternative didn't work right10:30
Slasher`stimpie, ctrl+alt+left/right arrow keys?10:30
stodantee is better, thx10:31
hanaActionParsnip, I tried what you suggested and still no success.10:31
unopstodan, cat can help.  command | cat -> file10:31
hanaActionParsnip, perhaps if I explain exactly what I did before this problem happened, maybe you can help me understand what happened?10:31
stimpieSlasher`, they stop when you are at the edges and dont go the start again10:31
ActionParsniphana: strange, what if you manually mount it?10:31
Slasher`ah i see what you mean10:31
hanaActionParsnip, how do I do that?10:31
Slasher`stimpie,i don't know, sorry, i use compiz10:32
spookhow do i connect to irc in ubuntu?10:32
stimpieits a minor inconvenience10:32
ActionParsniphana: sudo mkdir /mnt/cd; sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cd10:32
ActionParsnipspook: you are on it now10:32
hanaActionParsnip, Alright.10:32
spookno, i want to connect to irc10:32
stdinspook: this is IRC10:33
br0kkNhi.  i removed a failing sata drive from my system, and get grub error 22 now.  i am fairly sure i can fix that (am on livecd now).  but i wonder is there some way to make it not die when the hdd order changes?  that os i kicked off my personal gear some time ago seems to handle this better for my brother.  is there a nicer way to config it?10:33
FloodBot2Greyspacebt3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
spooksuccessful troll is successful10:34
ikoniabr0kkN: raid mirroring is the best way10:34
ikoniaspook: please ignore it10:34
WoofWoofWoofAsked this twice before >.<10:34
WoofWoofWoofI'm using Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop edition on an Acer 5920. Earlier, I shut it down and went away and when I came back a few minutes later, it was on, with a blank screen and a blinking cursor. It turned off when I pressed the po10:34
hanaActionParsnip, I just hear the same sound I hear when I just put the CD in. The drive makes noise like it's trying to read it, but it doesn't successfully mount.10:35
ActionParsniphana: do you have 2 cd drives/10:35
ghostknifeIn which configuration file can I edit the global BASE PATH environment variable?10:35
ikoniaghostknife: I'm not aware of that varible10:35
ikoniaghostknife: what application wants it ?10:35
stdinghostknife: for your user or all users?10:35
Greyspacebt3dougsko, I have sound and I have video10:35
ghostknifeikonia: the PATH variable?10:36
ghostknifestdin: all users10:36
stdinghostknife: /etc/environment10:36
ikoniaghostknife: ooh PATH - I thought you where asking for BASE10:36
ghostknifestdin: that's what I meant with global10:36
hanaActionParsnip, no. Just one.10:36
ActionParsniphana: does it show up in bios?10:36
stdinbut they can override in their ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile10:36
ghostknifestdin: problem with that one is that it doesn't affect SUDO10:36
dougskoGreyspacebt3: awesome10:37
ikoniaghostknife: you may want to put something in /etc/skel to for new user creation10:37
hanaActionParsnip, I would just have to check. I just took the CD out and put it in my other computer and it works fine, so I know it's not the CD.10:37
stdinghostknife: sudo has a built-in "secure" path, you can't change it10:37
hanaActionParsnip, I'm going to try another CD in this one and see if it mounts.10:37
ActionParsniphana: good test10:37
dougskoghostknife: there's also /etc/profile10:37
ActionParsniphana: another good tets10:37
ghostknifestdin: I understand all those, I'm just trying to get SUDO to also include this when resetting the PATH env variable (don't want it preserved, so that a user can take on the new environment of the sudo'ed context)10:37
ikoniastdin: isn't there an option at sudo invokation to source a file for things like environment variable10:37
ghostknifestdin: oh10:37
stdinghostknife: at least not in Hardy (maybe for intrepid)10:37
Debs626Hello guys10:37
ActionParsniphi Debs62610:38
br0kkNikonia: yah, and we intend to make the server a central raid soon.  but for my desktop, where i often trade drives in and out to 'work on' or fix for friends, tinker, what have you...  that drive order thing is a pain when i go from 6 to 5 hdds and suddenly can't boot... and it wasn't either my bios boot and / drive or the drive with /boot that was pulled.  since i do this sort of thing a lot, i was hoping for some idea on how i might10:38
br0kkNconfig better to avoid this.  like how /etc/fstab can use uuids, mabye there is something like that for grub config???10:38
ikoniabr0kkN: make sure your grub /boot partition is always on drive 1 then10:38
stdinikonia, ghostknife: the -E variable to sudo should preserve PATH, but I think you need to edit /etc/sudoers to make it work (not sure)10:38
ikoniabr0kkN: then always swap out any other drive rather than drive one, leaving drive 1 in place10:38
ikoniastdin: thats it10:39
br0kkNikonia: okay, so it is having the /boot on the 250G IDE and bios-boot and various /10:39
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hanaActionParsnip, I put in another CD and it mounted on this computer. So I guess the CD drive is also working. My guess is that it's a problem with wine because before wine would run the autorun.exe fromt he photoshop CD, but after I tried to install gecko following online directions so that wine would complete the setup.exe process, this problem occurred.10:39
ikoniabr0kkN: thats the idea10:39
Debs626needing some help finding some internet radio broadcasting SW for ubuntu, something like SAM Broadcaster from Special Audio, I'm new to ubuntu and this is the only bit of SW thats holding me back from installing it on all of my pc's10:39
br0kkNroot installs on the 60Gig IDE... the split is causing my failure then?10:39
ActionParsniphana: now you have mounted a different cd can you mount you PS cd/10:39
stimpieDebs626, you may want to look at vlc10:40
hanaActionParsnip, that was my next step.10:40
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Debs626it dosnt broadcast does it stimpie ?10:40
hanaActionParsnip, itt worked. Good good.10:40
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ActionParsniphana: sweet :D10:41
br0kkNstdin, it would not be sudoers because i am in the grub boot-loader environment when i get my error10:41
br0kkNnot linux10:41
ActionParsniphana: cedega works ok with photoshop but its gonna cost you :D10:41
kindofabuzzuse wine, it's free10:41
hanaActionParsnip, how does it cost me?10:41
stdinbr0kkN: that response was not to you10:41
ActionParsniphana: cedega isnt free10:42
br0kkNikonia: well thing is my /10:42
hanaActionParsnip, oh. That sucks.10:42
hanaActionParsnip, how much?10:42
damohow do i see what motherboard i have in ubuntu?10:42
stimpieDebs626, depends on what you call 'broadcast'10:42
ActionParsniphana: neither is crossover office, you can try them for a while but then they want paying10:42
ActionParsniphana: not sure about cedega, crossover is 25 GBP10:42
br0kkNikonia: thing is my root partitions are on a 60Gig IDE and the other drives are usually SATA that I remove... but they come earlier to GRUB for some reason, methinks.  I would have to check to be sure, i haven't gotten that far this time yet10:42
morganI am a ubuntu blogger10:42
Debs626needs to be compatable with shoutcast stimpie10:43
ActionParsniphana: you'll have to check for your country10:43
hanaActionParsnip, where are you?10:43
ActionParsniphana: uk10:43
hanaActionParsnip, alright.10:43
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ActionParsniphana: gbp == great british pounds10:43
hanaActionParsnip, oh yeah, GBP10:43
br0kkNikonia: but i am going to put my boot on the same disk now, for sure10:43
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damohow do i see what motherboard i have in ubuntu?10:44
hanaActionParsnip, well, now my CD is mounting, so I'm back to square one trying to get wine to run Photoshop if possible.10:44
shewdizI own a ubuntu-related blog, I always post about ubuntu and I have many posts to come....10:44
ActionParsniphana: indeed, look at some walkthroughs, someone may have had succdss10:44
hanaActionParsnip, indeed.10:44
ActionParsniphana: and keep that other cd handy if it borks again10:44
hanaActionParsnip, alright.10:44
ghaleb hello, I want to export variables forever, each time I open a console I need to export them again, is there a solution ?10:45
shewdizhere is my blog about ubuntu, http://blog.shevin.info10:45
damohow do i see what hardware i have using ubuntu10:45
ActionParsnipdamo: lspci10:45
br0kkNstdin: sry, just saw that reply... np . thx10:46
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Greyspacebt3dougsko, for the Records this was the page that resolved all issues with Video and Sound on Ubuntu, Motherboard is a EVGA 132-CK-NF78-!A 3-Way SLI S-775 nVidia nForce 780i10:47
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* Kondensuotas_pie labas rytas10:48
Greyspacebt3dougsko,,, * _Big Thanks_ * your a great person and you know it... Thanks10:49
Greyspacebt3dougsko, I am installing Nexuiz now... lol10:50
dougskoGreyspacebt3: heh thanks. nice work finding that though. i have a prtty old nvidia card so i wouldnt have thought to look on their site for their newest drivers10:50
dougskoGreyspacebt3: good stuff. thats a fun game10:50
ikoniabr0kkN: apologies, my front door went10:50
ActionParsnipdougsko: nvidia-legacy drivers will do you if its old10:50
ghaleb hello, I want to export variables forever, each time I open a console I need to export them again, is there a solution ?10:50
Greyspacebt3Book mark it I am sure more people like me will ask for it again10:50
ActionParsnipdougsko: envyng-gtk is good for nvidia drivers though10:50
ActionParsnipghaleb: put them in ~/.bashrc10:51
dougskoActionParsnip: i was actually able to use just the regular nvidia-glx package10:51
ActionParsnipdougsko: awesome10:51
ghalebActionParsnip: thank you10:51
Greyspacebt3dougsko this is a 350.00 dollar gaming card.. and that means people expect it to work in Ubuntu10:51
bob1I have a new Dell that I duel booted. I put a HD from another Linux PC in it but it would only mount for the session. I went to "Places", "properties", "Volume", "settings" and "Mount point". I typed /media/drive Now I cant mount the drive at all....help10:51
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: not if the devs havent made support for it yet10:52
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: with open source you cant expect anything, there are no garuntees10:52
dougskoGreyspacebt3: i know id want it to work. but yeah, sometimes it takes a while before theres support for newer hardware like that10:52
Greyspacebt3www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_177.13.html * if you book mark this for the EVGA 132-CK-NF78-!A 3-Way SLI S-775 nVidia nForce 780i * many people will be happy10:53
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Greyspacebt3dougsko,,, your the support10:53
Greyspacebt3dougsko, lol10:53
ghalebActionParsnip: should I restart sth ?10:53
Greyspacebt3dougsko, you helped me find this, however, it took hours..10:54
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ActionParsnipghaleb: no, just close all terminals, next time one is loaded it'll be set10:54
Greyspacebt3dougsko, * Big Thanks *10:54
brettt_had god as my identd, wouldn't let me join ;p10:54
dougskoGreyspacebt3: well im glad you got it working. messing with X is never fun10:54
brettt_Anyone here good, familiar with Cairo-Dock?10:54
Greyspacebt3I didn't have to touch X,,, it auto configured it10:55
dougskoalways a bonus :D10:55
Myrttidoes anyone have any ideas about where one can find more information about the 60 day trial of Canonicals Landscape?10:55
Greyspacebt3dougsko, say no to check Nvidia for a kernel at the start.. the rest of the questions are the default10:56
ghalebActionParsnip: it didn't work10:56
unopghaleb, how did you export the variable in ~/.bashrc ?10:56
dougskoGreyspacebt3: easy enough10:56
ActionParsnipghaleb: did you put export on the line, if you look through the file you'll find stuff10:57
ActionParsnipMyrtti: you could install webmin instead10:57
ghalebActionParsnip:  yes10:57
bob1I duel booted my Dell and Ubuntu works great! but it sometimes restarts several times on boot up? any ideas?10:57
ActionParsnipMyrtti: its free forever10:57
MyrttiActionParsnip: it's not for me but for a friend who has tried to enroll for the trial and has some problems/questions about it10:57
ActionParsnipMyrtti: oh then ive no idea, ive used webmin a little10:58
ghalebI copied the exported variables into the shell, it worked10:58
Greyspacebt3dougsko, yeah,,, after 4 hours ,, then another 2 hours with you and dinner,, and then 30 minutes retrying it until I figured out "not to request new kernal... and let it rebuild a kernel... yeah it was easy10:58
ghalebbut it doesn't when  opening a new terminal10:59
ActionParsnipghaleb: type source ~/.bashrc10:59
ActionParsnipghaleb: in terminal10:59
unopghaleb, what's the exact line you used in your ~/.bashrc ?  maybe there's a syntax error in the export?10:59
zockyanyone know how I can turn off a usb device, as opposed to just allowing it to be suspended?10:59
dougskoGreyspacebt3: heh thats all part of the fun. if everything just worked all the time, there'd be a lot less (forced) learning opportunities haha11:00
Greyspacebt3dougsko, easy question how to I install a super terminal or root terminal11:00
dougskoGreyspacebt3: there isnt such a thing. what exactly are you trying to do?11:01
Greyspacebt3dougsko, but my head hurts11:01
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: no need, just sudo when you need root priveledges11:01
Greyspacebt3Actually there such a thing11:01
unopGreyspacebt3, you don't need to install one .. you can create a launcher that runs this command.  gksudo x-terminal-emulator11:01
lmgGreyspacebt3: actually, there is one installed11:01
zockywhat unop said11:01
lmgGreyspacebt3: just enable it11:01
lmgsystem > preferences > startmenu11:01
Greyspacebt3lmg.. your right.. but I don't rememeber where it is11:02
lmg> main menu that is11:02
Greyspacebt3lmg.. too funny11:02
vampurhello every one11:02
Cheiron  Not in scope: `is'11:02
Greyspacebt3lmg... thanks11:02
lmgGreyspacebt3: there under "system tools" > "root terminal"11:02
Greyspacebt3Thats the one11:02
Greyspacebt3lmg... you rock11:02
lmgbut what the others said is perfectly right too. it's just another launcher11:02
unopzocky, what king of a USB device is it?11:03
lmgno big deal. hth11:03
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: gksu terminal & will sprout a root terminal11:03
Greyspacebt3lmg there she is11:03
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: but its not needed as you are a member of admin so you can sudo stuff11:03
zockyunop, a builtin webcam11:03
unopif 'terminal' is indeed a valid command i.e.11:03
zockyunop, on a laptop11:03
dougskoGreyspacebt3: you can also do a 'sudo -i' in any terminal to get a root prompt11:03
vampuri am having problem with my pendirive when i installed the slux in my pendrive and now the pendrive is not reading it only shows me the removable disk can any one help me how can i regain it ??? thanks11:03
Greyspacebt3sudo -i11:03
lmggot a problem here myself. random system freezes with firefox (64bit system)11:03
Greyspacebt3whats -i11:04
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: man sudo11:04
dougskoGreyspacebt3: check the man page :)11:04
lmgdougsko: or sudo su -11:04
Dryantaor sudo bash11:04
dougskolmg: or sudo bash :)11:04
clarenceI'm register #ubuntu ,when  will the comfirm mail will send to my email?11:04
lmgto also get the environment of root (if that's needed)11:04
unoplmg, sudo su -  is crazy11:04
Greyspacebt3lol sudo us11:04
lmgunop: maybe, but it works :)11:04
ActionParsnipimg: is it with flash pages or any pages?11:04
zockylmg, I had random reboots with firefox for a few days last week and it somehow just went away. I updated some firefox addons in the meantime, though.11:04
Greyspacebt3lmg I like sudo us11:05
Greyspacebt3sudo su11:05
unoplmg, it works .. yes,  _unsafely_  .. use sudo -i or sudo -s to setup the environment properly11:05
lmgActionParsnip: not sure. since it freezes before displaying the page11:05
vampur i am having problem with my pendirive when i installed the slux in my pendrive and now the pendrive is not reading it only shows me the removable disk can any one help me how can i regain it ??? thanks11:05
lmgunop: that's for that. will try to remember11:05
clarencehow to set ubuntu kernel?11:05
ActionParsniplmg: try renaming you ~/.mozilla folder after closing all firefoxes, just to test11:05
lmgunop: s/that's/thanks11:05
ActionParsnipclarence: in menu.lst11:06
lmgActionParsnip: you think it's a plugin problem?11:06
Greyspacebt3I don't mind sudo for a session... but running sudo every command drives me nuts11:06
ActionParsnipimg: no idea, just testing11:06
clarencewhat meaning?11:06
brettt_can anyone help with cairo-dock?11:06
lmgActionParsnip: had to do some wierd stuff to get the flashplugin32 wrapped and output sound to pulse11:06
ActionParsnipGreyspacebt3: once you sudo you dont have to type the password again11:06
neggevampur: you mean you can't access the drive anymore?11:06
lmgActionParsnip: it's L mg, not i.11:06
ActionParsniplmg: took me a while eh11:06
vampurnot even it's being formatting11:07
lmgActionParsnip: heh.11:07
unopzocky, not sure your webcam would support this -- but you could try adjusting hal properties .. see hal-set-property and hal-get-property11:07
neggevampur: and you want to remove the flux thing from it so it's empty again?11:07
ActionParsniplmg: try nspluginwrapper with the adobe 32bit plugin11:07
lmgActionParsnip: that's what I have. + libflashhelp11:07
clarencehow to set the ubuntu kernel?11:07
zockyunop, will try, thanks11:07
ActionParsnipclarence: you select it in menu.lst11:08
vampuri just want to access my pendrive and is dere any way i can do so as when i try to read from either win os or linux os both it says removable disk but couldn't read11:08
ActionParsnipclarence: i told you11:08
neggevampur: you probably have to reformat it. You can use gparted for this11:08
ActionParsnipclarence: that file tells the system how to boot and which kernel to use11:08
michaesaurWhat's the Package called to apt MySQL?11:08
ActionParsnipclarence: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:08
vampurcan u help me gparted11:08
neggemichaesaur: mysql-server11:08
ActionParsnip!sql | michaesaur11:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sql11:08
lmgmichaesaur: server? mysql-server11:08
michaesaur!mysql | michaesaur11:09
ubottumichaesaur, please see my private message11:09
lmgmichaesaur: apt-cache search mysql11:09
clarenceI saw  the Internet , someone say use "make menuconfig"11:09
neggevampur: open a terminal and write "sudo apt-get install gparted", after it is installed go to System --> Administration --> Partition editor, select the appropriate device and format the partition (or remove all partitions and create a new one)11:09
ActionParsnipclarence: thats compiling the kernel11:09
ActionParsnipclarence: well, part of11:09
bob1My PC has a hard time starting. Sometimes restarting several times. any ideas?11:09
clarencebut it was faild11:10
ActionParsnipbob1: run the memory scanner and fsck your partitions11:10
neggebob1: start without the splash screen so you can see where it goes wrong11:10
lmgguys, not really an ubuntu-question, but: how hot are harddrives expected to become? mine are 40,42 and 43 deg celsius. is that okay?11:10
ActionParsnipclarence: you need the kernel source as well as the build-essential package11:10
|ns|nR8yeah its fine lmg11:10
mm2000hit there, how can i install locale en_GB (not UTF8) from terminal?11:10
ActionParsniplmg: sounds ok11:10
bob1negge, how do I satrt w/o the splash screen?11:11
lmg|ns|nR8, ActionParsnip: ok, thanks. I was a little worried.11:11
unopmm2000, dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales #probably11:11
RichiHlmg: anything above 30 degrees celsius is bad, but in reality, 40-ish is an OK value11:11
|ns|nR8lmg, ive had drives taht would burn your hand if you left it there11:11
clarencehow to speed up the Ubuntu 8.04 of the boot speed?11:11
lmgbob1: remove "quiet" and/or "splash" from the boot-line in menu.lst11:11
neggebob1: when you get to the GRUB screen, press E to edit the boot line, then remove the "quiet splash" part at the end11:12
lmg|ns|nR8: yeah, they _are_ hot.11:12
bob1Thanks Everyone11:12
ActionParsnipclarence: fewer startup services, more ram, faster hard drives11:12
vampurcan any one help i am unable to see and mount my pendrive11:12
ActionParsnipvampur: sudo fdisk -l show it?11:12
vampurwether in the wins os and linux11:12
neggevampur: did you install gparted?11:12
vampureven not showing in gparted11:12
neggevampur: tried another USB port?11:12
ActionParsnipvampur: what /dev is it and what file system?11:13
lmgvampur: did you set the right device in gparted? (to right pulldown iirc)11:13
lmgtop right11:13
vampurdear i am saying my pendrive is fat32 format and yestd i installed slux in it11:13
ActionParsnipvampur: what /dev is it in the fdisk output?11:13
lmgwhat's slux? a mix of slax + ubuntu?11:14
Greyspacebt3Is there a install that will show you your temperatures11:14
lmgGreyspacebt3: lmsensors11:14
ActionParsniplmg: if you run sudo fdisk -l you will get an output. Which /dev is the pendrive (e.g. /dev/sdb)11:14
lmg+ the applet + the driver for your mobos chip11:14
|ns|nR8does that report temps on sata drives lmg or just IDE11:14
Greyspacebt3lmg... hate to be a leach... but that was too easy11:15
clarencebut I found drag start-up rate for drivers is, how to solve11:15
vampurUnable to open /dev/eda11:15
ActionParsnip|ns|nR8: all hard drives are IDE, i think you mean PATA11:15
lmgActionParsnip: thanks for trying to help, but I don't have any troubles with my drives ;)11:15
ActionParsnipvampur: ok cool11:15
vampurit's unable to read the drive11:15
vampurcan i just format and make it fresh11:15
ActionParsniplmg: sorry wrong nick11:15
lmgActionParsnip: no prob, I figured.11:16
lmgGreyspacebt3: what motherboard?11:16
ActionParsnipvampur: ok sudo mkdir /mnt/stick; sudo mount /dev/eda /mnt/stick vfat11:16
ActionParsnipvampur: does all that work?11:16
Greyspacebt3EVGA 132-CK-NF78-!A 3-Way SLI S-775 nVidia nForce 780i11:16
Greyspacebt3This Motherboard is the best that I have ever had11:17
subtwodoes anyone know of a good online backup service that works with ubuntu, I've been looking at rsync.net and bqbackup - any other suggestions?11:17
Greyspacebt3it is pricey 245.00 but its built for today and for next month11:17
lmgGreyspacebt3: do you have a binary (script) called "sensors-detect" in your path (prolly after installing "lmsensors") ?11:17
vampurwith stick vfat ntn happen11:18
lmgsubtwo: g-drive for small files.11:18
vampurand with only stick one it did nothing11:18
ActionParsnipvampur: cd /mnt11:18
ActionParsnipcd stick11:18
Greyspacebt3I am still searching for lmsensors11:18
subtwoImg: thanks, but I'm looking at somewhere between 50GB and 100GB11:18
vampurnow what11:18
lmgGreyspacebt3: since this is not too ubuntu-specific, you can PM me if you want to.11:19
ActionParsnipvampur: do you see files?11:19
ActionParsnipvampur: ok11:19
Greyspacebt3lmg.. thanks I will for UBuntu specific its called lm-sensors11:20
ActionParsnipcd ~/ sudo umount /mnt/stick11:20
* lmg grins evilly11:20
vampurnow den11:20
ActionParsnipvampur: cfdisk /dev/eda11:20
ActionParsnipvampur: with sudo11:20
ActionParsnipvampur: then delete any partitions and recreate11:21
clarencehow to speed up the driver loading in the booting?11:21
lmgvampur: and make _sure_ you're using the right device11:21
vampurit says cannot open disk11:22
lmgvampur: does `df` list your drive?11:22
vampurpardon me lmg dear11:23
lmgdf is a command11:23
ActionParsnipvampur: then sudo fsck /dev/eda11:23
lmgbut since ActionParsnip is takin' care of you - I'll try to shut up ;)11:23
vampurfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:23
vampure2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:23
vampurfsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/eda11:23
vampurhey i can only be honoured if i can just only format it and can read and access it11:25
ActionParsnipvampur: can you repartition it in windows?11:26
unopfsck won't run on a physical device11:26
lmgvampur: pull out your drive, tail -f /var/log/messages and plug it in again.11:26
unopfsck /dev/eda1  #perhaps11:26
lmgthis is what happens here if I plug in a FAT32 stick -> http://pastebin.com/d53134c6c11:26
MetaMorfoziSHi all, is there anybody who have Genius G-Pen 4500 ?11:26
ActionParsnipvampur: try unops command11:26
vampurdear actionparsnip i trid a lot in win in all ways11:27
vampurbut couldn;t11:27
ActionParsnipvampur: did you right click my computer -> manage -> disk management ?11:28
encodehi guys. I'm trying to use pbuilder to build an updated package of clamav, but I can't even get it to build the source of the original package. It fails to find the dependancy libmilter-dev, even though it's installed11:28
encodeany ideas?11:28
ActionParsnipvampur: how big is this stick?11:28
vampurgaurav@Gaurav:~$ fsck /dev/eda1  #perhaps11:28
vampurfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:28
vampure2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:28
vampurfsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/eda111:28
FloodBot2vampur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
vampurit's transcand 4 gb11:29
ActionParsnipvampur: run unops command without the #perhaps bit11:29
unopvampur, what is the device name?  eda ?11:29
vampurgaurav@Gaurav:~$ fsck /dev/eda111:29
vampurfsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:29
vampure2fsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)11:29
vampurfsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/eda111:29
FloodBot2vampur: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:29
unopvampur, stop pasting in here11:29
AbracadabraCan anyone tell me how to list recursively with folder ?11:30
Abracadabrals -ltrR | grep icmpInSrcQuenchs | grep 2008-09-08 | more but I need it to list the folders11:30
unopAbracadabra, list what though?11:30
ActionParsnipvampur: just tell the last line, scrolling isnt cool11:30
unopAbracadabra, what are you trying to do?11:30
unopvampur, it /dev/eda  the device name of your harddrive?11:31
unopvampur,  eda doesn't sound right11:31
Abracadabraunop, I am trying to find all the files icmpInSrcQuenchs, recursively by a specific date and to find out which of those files are in which folder11:31
vampurdear unop how may i get the right name of the drive11:32
unopvampur,  sudo fdisk -l11:32
ActionParsnipvampur: id get testdisk installed. I think yuo can write a FAT to the device11:32
unopAbracadabra, you should use find instead.  something like.   find /path -iname '*icmpinsrcquenchs*' -type f -newer $SOME_DATE -exec dirname {} \;11:33
Abracadabraunop, so I start in /usr/folder (inside folder, there are over 200 subfolders, all named by numbers .... in each of those folders are the file icmpInSrcQuenchs). I need to list the ones that have been updating today, and in which folders they are in11:33
ActionParsnipvampur: yes, testdisk can write an mbr to the device which may or may not make it work11:34
ActionParsnipvampur: you can always uninstall it11:34
vampurdear action i installed testdisk now what to do11:35
ActionParsnipsudo testdisk11:35
unopAbracadabra,  find /usr/folder -iname '*icmpInSrcQuenchs*' -type f -mtime -1  #should list files modified in the last 24 hours11:36
vampurnow dere are option for creat log append file and no log11:37
unopAbracadabra, if you just want the directories these files belong in.  find /usr/folder -iname '*icmpInSrcQuenchs*' -type f -mtime -1 -exec dirname {} \; | sort | uniq11:37
ActionParsnipvampur: no need for a log11:37
brettt_can anyone help with cairo-dock?11:39
ActionParsnipvampur: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step11:39
vampuronly one media is being displyed11:39
valentinexHello i am new i want to install flashplayer11:39
Abracadabraunop, ty, and if I want to check files that have updated in the last 30 mins for eg ?11:39
Abracadabrainstead of the last day..11:39
lmgvalentinex: google "medibuntu repository" add it following the directions and install "flashplayer-nonfree"11:39
carreracan anyone tell me if there's a problem with using "sudo bash" instead "sudo -i", "sudo bash"?11:40
valentinexlmg: how to add directions11:40
unopAbracadabra,  hmm, see the  -newer option to find11:40
unopAbracadabra, also the -?time options11:40
valentinexlmg:  its in .tar.gz extension which i downloaded11:40
unopcarrera, sudo bash does not set the environment up in the same way  sudo -i does .. the former is not recommended11:41
unopcarrera, if i remember right,  sudo bash  is somewhat like  sudo -s11:41
unopthough not exactly11:41
carrerathanks unop, why isn't it recommended?11:41
carreraunop, so I shouldn't use it to run commands like "make install"?11:42
valentinexhow to handle a downloaded .tar.gz file?11:42
Abracadabraunop, ok, ty11:42
lmgvalentinex: that is for local install ~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins/11:42
mrglinuxare there any mail client program that it can separate each account in side bar (like outlook 2003) not each email from each account stand in a inbox ?11:43
unopcarrera, because the environment still has variables referencing your files, directories, etc .. and if any files are created (in your directories), only root will be able to open them -- which is almost never what you want.11:43
carreraunop, man page says:  The -s (shell) option runs the shell specified by the SHELL envi‐11:43
carrera           ronment variable if it is set or the shell as specified in11:43
carrera           passwd(5).11:43
unopcarrera,  sudo make install #should be enough11:43
valentinexlmg:  i am totally new . i should enter that in terminal? i dont know much about computer too11:43
carreraunop, so it seems like sudo -s is exactly like "sudo bash"11:43
carreraunop, thanks. I used to do "sudo -i" before I ran make install11:44
lmgvalentinex: extract libflashplayer...11:44
vampurthe media i mean the pendrive is not being displeyd in testdisk11:44
unopcarrera, it's safer to use sudo -i  unless you really really want otherwise11:44
lmgvalentinex: cut it. goto /home/valentinex/.mozilla/firefox/plugins/ and paste it there.11:44
unopcarrera, though it doesn't make sense to sudo -i just to run make install .. as you can just run make under sudo11:45
zachaWhat's "menu>quit..." called? I want to find out how to add more options to it (hibernate + sleep etc)11:46
carreraunop, so which is better, to just run "sudo make install" or to login to root interactively?11:46
unopcarrera, sudo make install11:46
lmgcarrera: sudo (without any switches) preserves your environment (display, path) which is needed by some programs.11:47
cabi #ubuntuusers11:47
valentinexlmg: home/valentine etc after that i am unable to find mozilla11:47
vampurnow wthat can i do just to format my pendrive as it's not able to read11:47
carreralmg, thanks. Isn't it best to use root's env for make install as in other Unix/Linux?11:48
lmgvalentinex: note: it's .mozilla11:48
xr600Anyone here got experience with getting Symbian phones to work with Ubuntu ?!11:48
lmgvalentinex: a hidden file with a .(dot) in front11:48
unopvampur,  what name does   fdisk -l   report about your device?11:48
valentinexlmg:  should i type that address in terminal?11:48
Slasher`xr600, my nokia 6300 just works when i plug it in, i use data storage mode11:48
lmgvalentinex: you can type in nautilus adress bar, or show hidden files (CTRL+H iirc)11:49
unopcarrera, not really, you just need to be root to run 'make install'11:49
unopcarrera, meaning, you need root's privileges11:49
valentinexlmg:  found it doing11:49
carreraunop, thaks11:49
xr600Slasher`Hm... How about Sync+uploading MP#'s to the bastad ?!11:50
xr600Slasher`Mine is a Samsung i45011:50
Slasher`xr600, MP's?11:50
lmgvalentinex: sorry, mistake. it's /home/valentine/.mozilla/plugins (strip the firefox/ parrt)11:50
darrenHi does any one know how to set up hotmail in evolution11:50
xr600Slasher`... Whoops, that would be MP3's :D11:50
valentinexlmg: after firefox there is not plugin folder11:50
darrenHi does any one know how to set up hotmail in evoloution11:51
valentinexlmg:  after mozilla there is also no plugin folder11:51
Slasher`xr600, when i plug my phone in it just gives me 3 options, nokia mode, something else and data storage, i pick data storage and can use it like a pen drive11:51
carrerawhat's in the medibuntu repository?11:51
xr600Slasher`My 'old' SE phone would show up in Rythmbox...11:51
lmgvalentinex: create one. put libflashplayer... in there.11:51
lmgvalentinex: restart firefox, flash away11:52
Slasher`xr600, hmm just looked about and can't see anything, so i can't help you there, sorry :(11:52
carreracan anyone tell me how I can add medibuntu repository?11:52
carreraI don't see it in the Software Sources list11:52
bastid_raZor!medibuntu | carrera11:53
ubottucarrera: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org11:53
ben34what is the program called which you can install a copy of xp emulated under ubuntu11:53
xr600Slasher`No prob... IRC is'nt my first cry for help either ;)11:53
bastid_raZorben34; vmware or virtualbox11:53
carrerathanks bastid_raZor11:53
ben34virtualbox was what i was thinking of11:53
carrerabastid_raZor, isn't VirtualBox better for running XP?11:54
valentinexlmg:  Thanks :D it worked11:54
bastid_raZorcarrera; i use VMWare and i've never used VirtualBox.. so i can't really say.11:54
darrenhi does any one know how to install hotmail in evolution11:54
unopdarren, hotmail does not support POP/SMTP/IMAP -- so my guess is you can't11:55
Badboy_Is it possible to write a recursive Macro(function like) in C11:55
carrerabastid_raZor, VMWare runs really slow on my laptop11:56
darrenunop: what does hotmail support11:56
carrerabastid_raZor, to the point that I gave up11:56
unopBadboy_, write a macro where exactly?11:56
bastid_raZordarren; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200408&page=211:56
valentinexHi there is a bird messenger. pidgin in buntu how to upgrade it to the new?11:56
unopdarren, as far as i can tell -- webmail only11:56
reaperanyone wanna help me with a wireless issue?11:56
Badboy_Actually I want to say that Can a macro call itself?11:57
carreraBadboy_, good questions but why would u want to do that when ANSI C recommends against macros11:57
darrenunop: ok thank you11:57
clarencehow to speed up the driver loading speed in the booting?11:57
Badboy_Oh no! actually this is only for experiment11:57
carreraBadboy_, then just experiment with it!11:58
dooglus!ask | reaper11:58
ubottureaper: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:58
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
clarenceWhat does that mean?11:58
Badboy_Actually I had to find an answer for my exam! I found a question to differentiate macro and function in C11:58
lmgthink I'll dump linux64. givin' me tooo much trouble11:58
lmgvalentinex: cool :)11:59
Badboy_Now I thought whether macro supports recursion or not11:59
michaesaurlmg: you should try from source.  Crux is a good banker.11:59
dooglusBadboy_: C preprocessor macros can't be recursive, but recursion can be achieved using C++'s template mechanism11:59
AlexCONRADwhat would you recommend as an client app that handles FTP, SFTP, etc ...11:59
lmgmichaesaur: come again. crux, banker?11:59
dooglusAlexCONRAD: GNU Emacs12:00
Badboy_thanx dooglus12:00
michaesaurlmg: i am the oracle.  you will follow directions because.  you are the one.12:00
* lmg nods in agreement12:00
AlexCONRADdooglus: I need a more GUI app :)12:00
d0c5i5I'm having a problem getting ubuntu to connect to our PIX, my pcf file works on windows, but when i try to import it into KVpnc, it keeps insisting that I enter a username/password (as opposed to group password)... Any suggestions?12:01
lmgI will do as you command, oracle, sir.12:01
dooglusAlexCONRAD: how about filezilla then?12:01
michaesauroh.  i'm in #ubuntu.  oops.12:02
AlexCONRADyeah, I was using this before under windows, but it's a win32 client ... I thought there might have more "linux" alternative12:02
dooglus!info filezilla | AlexCONRAD12:02
ubottualexconrad: filezilla (source: filezilla): Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 926 kB, installed size 2468 kB12:02
=== molgrum_ is now known as molgrum
y3ki've got a question regarding syslinux and grub error 17, anyone wish to help me?12:04
y3kok nevermind, i need sleep. goodnight12:05
lmgcan one use gparted to edit the systems / partition?12:05
lmgguess not while it's mounted.12:05
lmgbut how would I do that then?12:05
y3knope, you have to use gparted live CD or some other source12:05
y3kor an ubuntu liveCD would work too (i think it does have gparted on it)12:06
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
lmgy3k: yeah, I figured.12:07
lmgwhat If I dropped to single user mode. unmounted / and ran gparted from said live-CD?12:07
d0c5i5lmg: you would have to switch root12:08
d0c5i5lmg: why not boot the live CD?12:08
y3ki still don't get why my gparted Live USB gives me grub error 1712:09
d0c5i5lmg: there are also gparted boot isos12:09
=== eddie is now known as Guest48233
goldmetalis there a terminal version of 'system monitor' with cpu / ram / network graph12:11
lmgd0c5i5: just thinking about it.12:12
dashavoogoldmetal, try htop12:13
dashavoono network thing, but cpu and ram things12:13
goldmetaldashavoo, kick ass!!!12:14
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:15
ElemonGWhas anyone managed to make this motherboard work (http://ee.giga-byte.com/products/mb/specs/ga-ep43-ds3l_10.html)? i am thinking of buying it but i have heard there are no drivers for it in linux...12:15
kooothor_dashavoo, never heard of conky ?12:15
dashavookooothor_, no12:15
kooothor_then google it12:16
kooothor_it's pretty nice12:16
ActionParsnipElemonGW: just checking now12:16
dashavoocool, I will have a look, ta12:16
kooothor_dashavoo, look at my conky : http://xs231.xs.to/xs231/08371/screenshot4587.png12:17
ActionParsnipElemonGW: looks supported enough, intel loves linux12:17
ActionParsnipElemonGW: the sound is supported too but can need a bit of work12:18
=== Dedi is now known as dedi_away
clarencewho can answer my question?12:19
ElemonGWActionParsnip: nice... a bit of work could be what? using a newer kernel than the one provided with ubuntu? will ubuntu 8.10 have more luck as it has a more recent ((& unstable) kernel?12:19
dashavookooothor_, that looks cool, but its an X11 app =(12:19
ActionParsnipclarence: what is the question12:19
jribclarence: best to just repeat instead of asking that12:19
cheekyany one up ?12:20
kooothor_dashavoo, yeah, you're not using x11 at all ?12:20
ActionParsnipElemonGW: theres a few packages you'll need, theres documentation about it everywhere, it may even work out of the box12:20
kooothor_dashavoo, so try htop12:20
cheekywhao for a moment thought this roomwas dead12:20
ActionParsnipcheeky: ive been up 5 hours now12:20
cheekyhey how can verify that ubuntu will run smooth with my hardware i have before i install in permenantly ?12:21
ActionParsnip!hcl | cheeky12:21
ubottucheeky: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:21
dashavookooothor_, I am using X11, but I like stuff like that to stay in my terminal... I already use htop, that is why I recommended it to the person who asked originally12:21
reapertest everything12:21
kooothor_cheeky, live CD ?12:21
ActionParsnipcheeky: or websearch12:21
ElemonGWActionParsnip: i couldn't found any documentation about it.... neither anyone reporting success/failure using it... could you point me to the documentation you have found?12:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ich12:21
kooothor_dashavoo, ok oops, I thought it was u askin...12:21
ActionParsnip!find audio12:22
ubottuFound: alsa-utils, bluez-audio, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio, kaudiocreator (and 71 others)12:22
ActionParsnip!hda | ElemonGW12:22
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hda12:22
D1sa5t3r!find video12:22
ActionParsnipdoes anyone know the trigger for intel hi-def audio12:22
ubottuFound: gstreamer0.10-x, x11proto-video-dev, xserver-xorg-video-apm, xserver-xorg-video-ark, xserver-xorg-video-ati (and 67 others)12:22
ActionParsnipElemonGW: realtek is usually ok12:24
ActionParsnip!usb > cheeky12:25
ubottucheeky, please see my private message12:25
omar!grub > omar12:25
ubottuomar, please see my private message12:25
MrKennieActionParsnip: intelhda?12:26
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:26
ActionParsnipcheers MrKennie12:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hda12:26
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:27
MrKennieActionParsnip: wild guess but np :)12:27
ActionParsnipi tried loads as you saw :(12:27
ActionParsnip!hi | clarence12:29
ubottuclarence: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:29
g33k_gir1what would you all recommend as a replacement for CorelDraw12:32
remoteCTR1i have changed my hostname in the system/adminstration/network gui now i always get some hostname cannot be resolved errors (allthough i restarted the computer) how can i fix that?12:32
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: gimp12:33
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: isn't that more of a replacement for Photoshop?12:33
jribg33k_gir1: tried inkscape?12:33
stuporglueg33k_gir1 -- Inkscape12:33
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: both corel draw and photoshop are graphics packages12:34
stuporgluegimp is for raster graphics, inkscape is for vector graphics. I think corel draw is more for vector work, isn't it?12:35
coz_stuporglue, I believe you are right12:35
freexeHi, I've been having problems with using 2 music players like hypem.com inside firefox and listen. Is there a easy fix so they can both play at the same time?12:35
g33k_gir1nope ... haven't tried Inkscape. I've manage to convince my supervisor to make the switch to linux on her personal machine. Is Inkscape easy to use for a windows-convert with windows-only computer skills (ie, she aint gonna be running anything on the command line until she gets her confidence up)12:35
jribg33k_gir1: it's all graphical12:35
stuporglueInkscape is very slick and even works with Wacom tablets. It's cross platform and has good documentation.12:36
ActionParsnipfreexe: make them use alsa in your sound prefs12:36
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coz_g33k_gir1,  are you trying to find linux replacements for windows applications?12:37
stuporglueMy computer locks up hard every time I try to do a large file transfer (multiple gigs). It doesn't crash immediately, but at some random time during the file transfer. All my disks SMART status reports the disks as good and nothing shows up in any of the system logs. Anyone got an idea of what I could check?12:37
g33k_gir1coz_: yes12:37
coz_g33k_gir1,  hold on I think I have alink for that specifically12:37
g33k_gir1trying to make the switch as small a "culture-shock" as possible12:37
Picig33k_gir1: Inkscape has a version for Windows too, why not try that out first before switchign to Ubuntu?12:37
clarencehow to speed  up driver loading speed?12:38
dooglusg33k_gir1: inkscape is pretty easy to use.  it's available for windows too ( http://downloads.sourceforge.net/inkscape/Inkscape-0.46.win32.exe )12:38
freexeAccessExcess, how do I make flash use alsa?12:38
remoteCTR1sudo: unable to resolve host myhost how do i fix this?12:38
dooglusclarence: load less drivers, or get a faster hdd12:38
clarencehow to do ?12:39
g33k_gir1cool, thanks all12:39
ActionParsnipg33k_gir1: not a bad idea to plan. I applaud you12:39
coz_g33k_gir1,    http://www.foogazi.com/2006/11/10/alternatives-to-windows-programs/     http://www.linuxalt.com/12:39
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.12:39
jribremoteCTR1: pastebin the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts12:39
stuporglueclarence, figure out what you don't need to load and stick it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:39
coz_g33k_gir1,  those are a few links   if you google    linux alternatives to  window programs you should get a few more hits12:39
remoteCTR1jrib: sec pls12:40
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip: its a self-motivated -- if I plan now, while I have the machine in front of me, I will (hopefully) reduce the quantity of tech calls I get for help ;)12:40
coz_g33k_gir1, most of the applications do have linux alternatives12:40
tim167my soundcard is 'busy', how can i figure out which process is using it and stop that process ? thanks12:40
ActionParsnipwell if you can get www connection you can jump in here and we can advise12:40
coz_g33k_gir1,  do you have wacom tablets at work by some chance?12:40
Muhammad_SaadHi, Ubuntu does not recognize my monitor and uses the resolution 800*600. How do I tell it to use 1024*768 instead?12:41
dooglustim167: "sudo fuser /dev/dsp" ?12:41
tim167dooglus: no return from that ...12:41
clarencehow to use extra effect in ubuntu 8.04?12:42
dooglustim167: do you get a pathnamein the error message about the busy soundcard?12:42
coz_Muhammad_Saad,  which video card is this?   lspci |grep -i vga12:42
jrib!ccsm > clarence12:42
ubottuclarence, please see my private message12:42
tim167dooglus: no, btw i try to use the soundcard via alsa, if that matters...12:42
remoteCTR1jrib: did you get that message of mine?12:42
Muhammad_Saadcoz_, the video card is Intel.12:43
erUSULMuhammad_Saad: gksu displayconfig-gtk12:43
coz_Muhammad_Saad,  ok  which one exactly  that command should have spit out a number for it12:43
jribremoteCTR1: add 'katana' to the end of the first line in your /etc/hosts.  You'll need to reboot into recovery mode and use an editor like nano to do so12:43
tim167snd_pcm_open (output): No such file or directory12:43
tim167snd_pcm_open (output): Device or resource busy12:43
g33k_gir1coz_: no, not wacom tablets12:43
Muhammad_Saadcoz_,  Intel Corporation 82815 Chipset Graphics Controller (CGC) (rev 02)12:44
tim167dooglus ^ oops hit enter too early, but here's the error message...12:44
remoteCTR1jrib: will do thanks!12:44
jarnosDo you have to use Alternate install CD to be able to install grub to boot sector of a partition?12:44
coz_g33k_gir1, ok just checking   there is an application that uses mouse gestures  caled gestikk  not sure if you need that  it replaces sensiva on windows12:44
ActionParsnipjarnos: no you can install grub from the live cd12:45
darrenhi can some one help me i deleated the bottom ubuntu panel because it was not working does any one know how to get it back12:45
ActionParsnip!grub | jarnos12:45
ubottujarnos: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:45
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coz_Muhammad_Saad,   ah... you might try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --phigh   but I rarely deal with intel12:45
Muhammad_Saadcoz_, the displayconfig-gtk command has worked. Thanks.12:45
ActionParsnipdarren: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83713.html12:46
clarencewhat's ccsm?12:46
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jribclarence: did you read the private message from ubottu?12:46
tim167dooglus, normally i get that when some program hijacks the soundcard, but now no programs are running that can possibly do that, and i don't want to reboot because there's a download in progress, so i have to find a way to release the soundcard...12:46
coz_Muhammad_Saad, ok that was erUSUL12:47
jarnosActionParsnip: I know you can install grub from the live cd, but can you install it in other location than MBR?12:47
jribclarence: it tells you what ccsm is12:47
dooglustim167: did you try using 'aoss'?12:47
clarencein channel, no people answer me12:47
coz_clarence,  we are there answering you you have look again guy12:47
ActionParsnipjarnos: the bios looks for the mbr to boot, the booting software can be any place you want12:47
dooglus!info also-oss | tim16712:48
tim167dooglus: no, what's aoss ?12:48
ubottutim167: Package also-oss does not exist in hardy12:48
dooglus!info alsa-oss | tim16712:48
ubottutim167: alsa-oss (source: alsa-oss): ALSA wrapper for OSS applications. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15-1 (hardy), package size 51 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)12:48
coz_clarence,  go back to #compiz-fusion12:48
coz_clarence,  we are there12:48
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php12:48
dooglustim167: I run "aoss firefox", "aoss mplayer", etc., and then all apps can share the soundcard at the same time12:48
tim167dooglus: cool, i'll try to install it...12:49
remoteCTR1jrib: that worked just fine thanks once more:)12:51
jribremoteCTR1: no problem12:51
vikkuCould not find kernel includes in /lib/modules or /usr/src/linux  ....can any1 help me fix it12:52
tim167dooglus: result with "aoss vlc": ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave, [00000319] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)12:53
ActionParsnipvikku: do you want the kernel source?12:53
Drezardusing the terminal, whats the apt-get commands to COMPLETELY remove something and all files associated with it and then reinstall it12:53
vikkuActionParsnip : iam  trying to install kqemu and getting exactly this "Could not find kernel includes in /lib/modules or /usr/src/linux - cannot build the kqemu module"12:54
ushimitsudokiDrezard: apt-get purge12:54
Drezardtried that :S12:54
ushimitsudokiDrezard: you have to reinstall it with apt-get install afterwards12:54
ActionParsnipvikku: are you compiling it?12:54
Drezardushimitsudoki, tried that, only problem is /etc/apache2 was deleted and that doesnt work to reinstall it :S12:55
ubottukqemu is a kernel module (now free under the GPL license) for speeding up the !QEMU virtual machine. Installation instructions can be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/KQEmu12:55
lokai-linwhy am I getting problems finding stdio.h, math.h etc when I compile...?12:55
kiiwiiHi, all. Having install pure-ftpd by defaut, I run pure-ftpd-wrapper, meet "Unable to start a standalone server: Address already in use"  and then Seems I could not reload the service to take effect on modifying the file under /conf. WHY?12:55
vikkuActionParsnip : yea (Kqemu) , from source12:55
ushimitsudokiDrezard: is the problem the "purging" or the "installing" part?12:55
Sexy_guykiiwii hello Whence you?12:55
doogluslokai-lin: because you didn't install build-essential12:55
yahya__hi all, I am seeing arabic as seperate letters in all applications, could anyone please help me fix it?12:55
vikkuUbootu : need to check out that12:55
kiiwii?? Sexy_guy12:56
tim167how do i find and kill the process using my soundcard ?12:56
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ActionParsnipvikku: do you have build-essential installed?12:56
Drezardushimitsudoki, reinstalling doesnt put the file back12:56
lokai-lindooglus: thanks ;)12:56
ActionParsnipvikku: http://wiki.clug.org.za/wiki/QEMU_and_Ubuntu_Breezy12:57
ushimitsudokiDrezard: you tried "sudo apt-get install apache2"? Did it give any errors?12:57
JackTopi need help to restore grub after os installs.  i have my root on sda5 (including /boot).  I get an error 15 when trying to boot a kernel.  i can boot xp12:59
michaesaurwhy is there 2 listings of the same user when typing 'users?'12:59
Drezardushimitsudoki, no errors, it installs just without install /etc/apache212:59
erUSUL!grub | JackTop12:59
ubottuJackTop: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:59
vikkuActionParsnip : looking that link now13:00
ActionParsnipvikku: id try get it from repos so you get auto updates but compiling will make it more sturdy and maybe faster13:00
ushimitsudokiDrezard: what happens when you try to start apache (sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start)? Any error there?13:00
vikkuActionParsnip : compiling helps in understang too ,what goes on in the system to give ur finctionality13:01
Drezardushimitsudoki, yeap, apache2 throws the error of 'Can not find apache2.conf'13:01
vikkuActionParsnip : compiling helps in understandg too ,what goes on in the system to give ur functionality13:01
dr4gis someone able to tell me where the default php.ini file is on ubuntu 813:02
vikkuActionParsnip : here it is13:02
vikkuvikku@ubuntu:/lib$ dpkg -l |grep binutils13:02
vikkuii  binutils                              2.17.20070103cvs-0ubuntu2                 The GNU assembler, linker and binary utiliti13:02
ushimitsudokiDrezard: the only suggestions I can make then are to try "apt-get check" and the --fix-missing and --fix-broken switches. Check "man apt-get".  sorry13:02
cheanhello every body13:03
Kate_MinsHello, I need help please , does it possible to use "mv" command to move just the files with size above 10k ?13:03
ActionParsnipvikku: sudo apt-get install build-essential13:03
ushimitsudokidr4g: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (there are some other related files, but this is the main one)13:03
Rajecguys is ubuntu able to read/write from ntfs?13:03
ushimitsudokiRajec: yes13:03
vikkuahh ok13:03
ActionParsnipvikku: that will install libs and the compiler13:04
kiiwiiHello, all. Having install pure-ftpd by defaut, I run pure-ftpd-wrapper, meet "Unable to start a standalone server: Address already in use"  and then Seems I could not reload the service to take effect on modifying the file under /conf. WHY?13:04
vikkui do have it13:04
vikkuvikku@ubuntu:/lib$ dpkg -l |grep build-esse13:04
vikkuii  build-essential                       11.3                                      informational list of build-essential packag13:04
ActionParsnipvikku: sweet13:05
ActionParsnipkiiwii: did you configure the server?13:05
ushimitsudokiKate_Mins: check here maybe: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-programming-scripting/51895-script-move-files-depending-size.html13:05
kiiwiinot yet13:05
vikkuActionParsnip : but then there couple of headers file missing ....13:06
cojones_hey guys, i just installed KDE 4.1, then in an attempt to get GTK working nicely, installed gtk-qt-engine-kde4 and kde4-style-qtcurve-kdeconfig and now KDE hangs during boot (sorry! no one's responding in #kubuntu)13:06
Rajecushimitsudoki: without any problems or I will have to install something.13:06
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ushimitsudokiRajec: should work straight out the box13:06
vikkuActionParsnip : what is this step "  Install linux headers: (replace amd64-k8 with the linux image type you are using).  # apt-get install linux-headers-amd64-k8 "13:06
vikkuActionParsnip : in the link you gave me13:07
ActionParsnipvikku: aaah sounds about right13:07
ActionParsnipvikku: if you use uname -a you can get your kernel version etc etc13:07
Rajecushimitsudoki: thx13:07
vikkuActionParsnip : then ?13:07
ActionParsnipcojones_: try fluxbox :)13:08
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get install linux-headers (then press tab to autocomplete)13:09
amanullai m running xp and ubuntu dual boot but now i m having an error message while login in ubuntu "INTERNAL ERROR failed to initialize hall"13:09
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amanullaevery thing will be ok unless i press quit button all works normally in ubuntu13:09
amanullabut whaen i press quit button13:10
amanullasystem just hangs13:10
amanullaand never repond13:10
amanullasorry respond13:10
amanulla "INTERNAL ERROR failed to initialize hall" what to do with this can any one/13:11
ActionParsnipamanulla: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29113013:11
dr_willisamanulla,  you sure it dosent say 'Hal' ?13:11
cojones_ActionParsnip: if i want to suffer, i'll just go w/ icewm ;)13:11
ActionParsnipcojones_: id suggest fluxbox13:11
amanullaya it display a box like this13:11
amanullaINTERNAL ERROR13:12
amanullafailed to initialize hal13:12
ActionParsnipamanulla: check the link13:12
amanullaya it shows hal13:12
anatolEnter text here...hey13:12
cheekyyou there13:13
vikkuActionParsnip : I have thi error  http://paste.ubuntu.com/44523/13:14
ActionParsnipcheeky, yo yo yo13:14
ActionParsnipvikku: did you press tab afterthe word headers to autocomplete it13:14
vikkuActionParsnip : I didnt get that , like why should i do that ? , i didnt do it13:15
arvind_khadrivikku, do you want to install linux-headers??13:15
vikkuActionParsnip : u just want me to do this rt :  sudo apt-get install linux-headers ?13:16
vikkuActionParsnip : of course13:16
D1sa5t3rhow i change desktop font color?13:16
ActionParsnipvikku: when you've typed it all press tab13:16
arvind_khadrivikku, then what you are doing isnt complete... you need to use this... sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)13:16
ActionParsnipvikku: it will list all the packages starting with that13:17
amanullawhat does this mean "start nautilus as a root "13:17
Rajecguys have you tried to install ubunt using wubi? have you experienced any serious problems?13:17
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, can i interrupt?13:17
chronographertype 'gksu nautilus' and be careful13:18
up_the_ironsis anyone running rxvt-unicode on Hardy with LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 and not having prompt / cursor crazy issues?13:18
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: go for it bro13:18
stuporglueRajec : I used it that way for about a month with no issues13:18
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, you guys are installing the headers right...13:18
vikkuYes Arvind13:19
amanullawhile searching to solve this problem  "Internal error: failed to initialize HAL!" i got this statement "start nautilus as a root"what does this mean13:19
chronographeranyone good with java let me know if I can put a listener for a SWT menu button in a separate class ?13:19
Picichronographer: Try ##java13:19
arvind_khadrivikku, then use this sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)13:19
ActionParsnipamanulla: did you check that link i pasted?13:19
chronographerneed register for #java13:20
amanullaya i found these words in that link only13:20
amanullawhat does this mean "start nautilus as a root"13:20
Emmplant it *deep.*13:20
Pici!register > chronographer13:20
ubottuchronographer, please see my private message13:20
ActionParsnipamanulla: kdesu nautilus <- type that in terminal13:21
vikkuActionParsnip and arvind_khadri : And iam still getting this arvind_khadri13:21
Rajecstuporglue: Great. So I need just one  free partiction which will be formatted and even dual booting will be solved automaticly?13:21
jevangeloim writing a shell script and need to get today's date but last month....13:21
vikkusoorry this http://paste.ubuntu.com/44523/13:21
arvind_khadrivikku, did you use what i gave?13:22
jevangelofor today's exact date i have TODAYDATE='date  +%m-%d-%y'13:22
vikkuyes i did13:22
jevangelohow do i get this date but make it last month13:22
Emmdate -d "last month" +%m13:22
stuporglueI don't think you even need a free partition. Doesn't Wubi just install to a file on the Windows partition?13:23
amanullaActionParsnip:now i have 3 operating sysytems working on my computer xp+ubuntu7.04+ubuntu8.04(in xp using wiki)13:23
arvind_khadrivikku, do you have your live cd?13:23
jevangelooh wow13:23
vikkuof ubuntu  ? no not now13:23
Emmnp. :)13:23
dougskoEmm: thats pretty slick, but wont work in freebsd13:23
amanullai have this problem in ubnutu 7.04 as installed in free space as dual boot to xp13:23
Emmthen go ask in #freebsd13:24
arvind_khadrivikku, you can install the headers from that... btw which kernel?13:24
Emmwear your horns, tell 'em Emmett sent ya.13:24
dougskoEmm: i was just mentioning it for portability purposes13:24
amanullain ubuntu 7.04 i m unable to configure internet connection and having this error "Internal error: failed to initialize HAL!"13:24
amanullawhat can i do13:24
arvind_khadrivikku, does aptitude find packages of headers for you?13:25
Abs0luteBeginnersomeone here got experience with ubuntu 8.04 64bit and 64bit VMWARE Server ???13:25
arvind_khadri!tab > vikku13:25
ubottuvikku, please see my private message13:25
amanullahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/44525/ see this13:26
amanullaany one pls13:26
vikkuarvind_khadri: aptitude lemme check that13:27
arvind_khadriamanulla, ethernet ??13:27
stuporglueamanulla : Have you googled your error message? The first three main results have several things you can try : http://www.google.com/search?q=Internal+error%3A+failed+to+initialize+HAL!13:27
fbcitrunning Ubuntu server 8.04 I seem to have a nic that will not respond to ARP requests; google does not seem to know what is wrong; tcpdump shows only that the nic does not respond; any thoughts?13:27
fbcitthe same nic does respond to arping, however13:27
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amanullaarvind_khadri: ethernet means?13:28
arvind_khadrivikku, aptitude search linux-headers-$(uname -r)13:28
drue_Can any one help me out13:28
arvind_khadriamanulla, what do you use to connect to the net?13:28
Pici!ask | drue_13:28
ubottudrue_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)13:28
arvind_khadri!ask | drue_13:28
Picidrue_:  Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE13:29
Pici                  line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer13:29
amanullaa small box13:29
amanullai dont know its name13:29
nAhIaNE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:29
amanullaits like a wireless box fixed over upstairs13:29
jribnAhIaN: did you run the command?13:29
SoepstengelHello everyone. Is there a tool that periodicly analyzes log files (system log files, apache, mail, etc.) for errors or other weird things (attacks or so) and e-mails the result?13:29
nAhIaNE: _cache->open() failed, please report. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:29
drue_i need some help,When i try to update i get this E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:30
drue_E: _cache->open() failed, please report. so can someone help me?13:30
nAhIaNcan anyone tell about this  problem ???13:30
sipiorSoepstengel: yeah, have a look at logcheck13:30
vikkuarvind_khadri: iam getting same err for that search too http://paste.ubuntu.com/44523/13:30
jribnAhIaN: did you see my question?13:30
amanullaarvind_khadri:i dont know what technically it is called13:30
lrojasi just installed ubuntu server, and i was following the documentation to install lighttpd + ruby + rails, everything installed ok but now when i try to access the site, it says conection refused... what am i doing wrong?13:30
vikkuDynamic MMap ran out of room13:30
nAhIaNjrib: nope I dont know how to run  the command13:30
Picidrue_: Did you run that command?13:30
SoepstengelI'll check it out, thanks sipior.13:30
arvind_khadridrue_, nAhIaN  sudo dpkg --configure -a     run that command13:30
Rajecstuporglue: I heard that ubuntu is slower when using wubi(because of IO operations)13:31
drue_i am new to ubuntu13:31
arvind_khadriamanulla, did you try googling about your problem13:31
amanullaarvind_khadri:how can i find it?13:31
nAhIaNarvind_khadri: how ???13:31
Picidrue_: Go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal and type that in13:31
arvind_khadridrue_, open a terminal...13:31
jrib!terminal | drue_, nAhIaN13:31
ubottudrue_, nAhIaN: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:31
vikkuarvind_khadri: iam getting same err for that search too http://paste.ubuntu.com/44523/13:31
PicinAhIaN:  Go to Applications>Accessories>Terminal and type that in13:31
drue_ok thanks13:31
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:32
arvind_khadrivikku, are you on a live cd??13:32
arvind_khadrivikku, the command you are using is wrong!!!13:32
lrojasi just installed ubuntu server, and i was following the documentation to install lighttpd + ruby + rails, everything installed ok but now when i try to access the site, it says conection refused... what am i doing wrong?13:33
amanullaarvind_khadri: i m having internet connection in xp ,ubuntu 8.04 installed in xp but im unable to configure my internet in ubuntu 7 installed in free space how can i?13:33
drue_ok what command do i type in the terminal13:33
Picidrue_: sudo dpkg --configure -a13:33
vikkuok tribe be back13:33
drue_dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege13:34
drue_that is what i get13:34
amanullafirst i want to solve thin problem because if i configure net there that solving this problem there "hal error"will be a little bit eaour suggesstionssier with y13:34
Picidrue_: Did you put the sudo in front of it?13:34
Picidrue_: You need to.13:34
arvind_kPici, did vikku leave?13:35
drue_it wont let me type my password13:35
Piciarvind_k: Looks like it13:35
psilohello ^^13:35
Picidrue_: Why not? Whats happening?13:35
jribdrue_: you just don't see it.  But you are typing it13:36
dooglusdrue_: programs can't stop you typing anything13:36
drue_it wont let me type #'s13:36
Picidrue_: Its a security feature for it to not show the characters when you type.13:36
drue_there we go :)13:37
drue_Thank you guys so much13:37
dr_willisLinux basics. :) the lack of * feedback when entering passwords. :)13:37
d0c5i5can someone recommend a nzb app (preferably X/gui)?13:38
Tophatwhere can i shop for linux stuff? like coffee cups and stickers and blahblah blah13:38
Picid0c5i5: pan is the only gui newsreader that supports nzb files that I know of.13:38
arvind_kTophat, ubuntu.com13:38
dr_willisTophat,  cheapbytes.com may have some stuff/ads13:38
dr_willisTophat,  then theres tons of other linux related sites with their own stores.13:39
* a[2121]e slaps MistaOtai around a bit with a large trout13:39
grafihave a problem13:39
KenBW22which package do i need to install to read wma's?13:39
dr_willis!w32codecs | KenBW2213:40
ubottuKenBW22: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:40
Rajecguys I have Intel Core 2 DUO 2160 so I should download  ubuntu for 64bit AMD and Intel computers right?13:40
amanullasee this http://paste.ubuntu.com/44527/13:40
drue_After i do sudo dpkg --configure -a will it let me install updates?13:40
amanullaany one13:40
dr_willisKenBW22,  install the w32codecs pack for starters13:40
jribRajec: 32bit will work as well if you want to use that13:40
brettt_Hi, is there a command in terminal that will show like systeminfo?13:40
jribbrettt_: lspci and lshw13:40
Rajecjrib: yeah I see but 64bit should be better once I have 64bit CPU13:40
KenBW22dr_willis: ive already installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, dunno if that has the w32codecs package in it13:40
jribRajec: how much ram do you have?13:41
dr_willisKenBW22,  if you dident have medibuntu enabled.. it dident.13:41
dr_willisI think.13:41
dooglusamanulla: "using wiki"?  what do you mean by that?13:41
Rajecjrib: 1gb ;) but for example I heard that 64bit Vista version is faster than 32bit13:41
ikoniaRajec: you heard wrong13:41
amanullai have installed ubuntu 8 in xp as an application software in xp using wiki13:41
dr_willisRajec,  i imagine it depends on the tasks the OS is doing.. I dont find it any faster. :)13:41
ikoniaamanulla: wubi13:42
KenBW22dr_willis: i can *play* the wma's, but im trying to convert ione to mp3 using soundKonverter. but it doesn't list wma's as a supported format13:42
JackTophmm i think i really have problems.  parted shows / as sda5, but grub need it as (hd0,6)13:42
Rajecikonia: thats experience of one of my (very experienced) friend13:42
lrojasi just installed ubuntu server, and i was following the documentation to install lighttpd + ruby + rails, everything installed ok but now when i try to access the site, it says conection refused... what am i doing wrong?13:42
ikoniaRajec: he's wrong13:42
amanullait mean i can uninstall it when ever i need from add r remove programs13:42
ikoniaRajec: and doesn't appear that experienced13:42
ikoniaJackTop: thats correct13:42
dooglusamanulla: you just said "using wiki" again.  what do you mean by that?  wikis are a kind of website that users can edit13:42
JackTopi'm pretty sure that sda6 used to be my root...13:42
Picidooglus: amanulla means Wubi13:42
ushimitsudokiamanulla: wubi?13:42
amanullaok im wrong its wubi13:42
jribRajec: I don't see why, 64bit just lets you address > 4GB ram.  You won't notice a speed difference if there is one anyway.  The issue is that some software isn't available for 64bit.  For a desktop user, I can only thing of the lack of sun's java plugin for 64bit13:42
ikoniaJackTop: why is that a problem ?13:42
dr_willisKenBW22,  thats a different thing then. :)  It may not even support wma. or it may be a compile time option. I would check the ubuntu forums, and perhaps the soundkonverter homepage.13:43
dooglusJackTop: sda6 is (hd0,5) I think13:43
nAhIaNPici: I've runned that command the nany other command do I need to do ???13:43
drue_Setting up gnome-games-data (1:2.22.3-0ubuntu2) ... How long does this normally Take?13:43
PicinAhIaN: Nope, that should do it13:43
ikoniadooglus: depends on the extended partition layout, but your correct13:43
sipiorlrojas: well, is the web server running?13:43
Rajecdr_willis, ikonia, jrib so rather 32bit  beccuase of potencial problems with 64bit version13:43
KenBW22dr_willis: oh right. i had the same problem with mp3's until i installed lame. assumed there must be one for wma's as well13:43
dr_willisRajec,  for most people i dont see much reason to go 64bit unless you got lots of ram.13:43
amanullakonia:is it wubi13:44
dr_willisKenBW22,  no idea on that . I never touch wma's :)13:44
jribRajec: that's what I would recommend, yes13:44
dooglusJackTop: I have "root (hd0,1)" and "root=/dev/hda2"13:44
Rajecdr_willis, ikonia, jrib ok thanks ;)13:44
KenBW22dr_willis: i dont normally, but there wasnt an mp3 available13:44
amanullaikonia: is it wubi or wiki?13:44
ikoniaamanulla: wubi13:44
nAhIaNPici: thanks13:44
dr_willisKenBW22,  you may want to google for wma to wav converter apps and see whats out.13:44
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:44
JackTopikonia: don't know seems i lost my swap partition.  i've tried to repair my partitioning. both parted and qtparted showed problems.  ok maybe they have all moved now.  i'm happy i can boot again.  is there some utility that will check the integrety of my partitioning?13:45
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amanullaany one for meeee13:45
ikoniaJackTop: fsck will check your file system integrity13:45
zachaI had one unformatted partition that was 1024MB. When I formatted it to linux-swap, It has left over a 7mb unformatted partition. How do I get the 1019MB and 7.84MB back together?13:46
moncojhrim getting constantly this error in my syslogs Sep  8 22:30:09 ubuntu pulseaudio[6633]: protocol-native.c: Failed to push data into queue , whats going on?13:46
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?13:46
dr_willisamanulla,  i imagine everyone has totally frogotten your original question now.. YOu may wish to rephrase/summarize it in a better format.13:46
riegersnIm on a desktop that always powered on, can I turn off the 2 power management services (acpid & apmd) ?13:46
amanullaits in clear over here13:47
JackTopikonia: and how can i check that the partition table is ok ?13:47
ikoniaJackTop: why would it not be - the partition table is either valid - or invalid13:47
drue_Will sudo dpkg --configure -a Also fix my sound driver cause i had a power outage which caused all of this13:47
JackTopikonia: i think something went wrong when i was resizing the disk using qparted13:47
dr_willisamanulla,  not everyone has a web browser handy. a summary is always handy.13:47
nAhIaNPici: I am using amsn for msn mesenger but for yahoo which one is better than pidgin brother, in pidgin I dont get any notification if user come online or offline13:48
ikoniaJackTop: so if you can mount the partitions there is a valid partition table13:48
amanullaok i need to configure internet connection  in ubuntu 7.04 how can i13:48
ikoniaJackTop: I'd be more worried about your file system13:48
PicinAhIaN: I'm not sure, sorry. I dont a messaging client.13:48
nAhIaNPici: ohh ok13:48
arvindnAhIaN, use the plugins in pidgin for that ... then there is kopete13:49
ricc101Hi can anyone help me on how to install drivers via the terminal?13:49
amanulladr_willis:can  you get my problem13:49
Muhammad_SaadHello, I have recently configured my display settings and since then, the gdm log-in screen is not displayed properly. Everything else is working but I cannot see the options menu while logging in. Any help?13:49
ikoniaricc101: what drivers ?13:49
amanullais im clear/13:49
JackTopok, i suppose that i have to unmount the fs before being able to fsck ?13:49
arvindricc101, drivers for what?13:49
ricc101the lovely creative x-fi ones :/13:49
ikoniaJackTop: thats a very good idea13:49
riegersnIm on a desktop that always powered on, can I turn off the 2 power management services (acpid & apmd) ?13:49
ikoniaricc101: there should be documentation with the drivers on what to do / how to use them13:49
ricc101I am trying to do that but the i cant get it to run in the root directory13:50
dr_willisamanulla,  this is a wired network? or wireless?   i have no machines with 7.04 so really cant walk you through the menus either.13:50
ikoniaricc101: what command are you trying to do, and what error13:50
drue_Does anyone know if i can reinstall my sound drivers Via Terminal?13:50
ikoniadrue_: 1.) why do you want to re-install 2.) what drivers ?13:50
ricc101says bash ./: is a directory13:50
drue_my sound dont work anymore13:50
ikoniaricc101: your just doing ./ ???13:50
ricc101when i type in ./ installer13:51
ikoniaricc101: ./installer13:51
ricc101the files are there i've moved them13:51
ikoniadrue_: so why re-install your sound card drivers ?13:51
amanulladr_willis:i cant get your question13:51
ikoniaricc101: what command does the docs tell you to run13:51
drue_when i open volume i get this "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."13:51
amanullacan you be clear?13:51
ikoniadrue_: what happened to break the setup, what did you do ?13:52
dr_willisamanulla,  this is a wired network? or wireless?    (seems very clear to me)13:52
riegersnCan anyone point me in the right direction of where to find out what services I can disable and what I can't ?13:52
drue_it work but i had a power outage then when i rebooted it didnt work13:52
arvinddrue_, was the sound working previously?13:52
amanullaare you asking about my network connection?13:52
ikoniariegersn: you should be able to enable/disable any service you want13:52
ricc101it says Run one of the following commands as root in the terminal:13:52
ikoniariegersn: most are controlled by init scripts13:53
amanulladr_willis:are you asking about my network connection?13:53
ricc101which i did and it says no such file or directory which is bull13:53
dr_willisamanulla,  err.. yes..13:53
arvinddrue_, after you ran sudo dpkg --configure -a what happend?13:53
ikoniariegersn: so you need to run ./installer in the directory where the file "installer" exists13:53
drue_it done a bunch of stuff13:53
amanullait is a wired13:53
=== arvind is now known as arvind_khadri
drue_it fixed my updates13:53
=== zero is now known as Guest488
riegersnikonia, but i know there are some services that is best to keep on13:53
amanullaits a point to point connection13:54
ikoniariegersn: such as ?13:54
ikoniariegersn: you only keep on what you want13:54
ikoniariegersn: what you keep on is what you want13:54
amanullatype pppoe ethernet interface13:54
amanullais im clear?13:54
dr_willisamanulla,  You are trying to run a single cable from one pc to another with no router/hub?  Im not clear on how pppoe fits into that.13:54
brettt_Hi, is there anyway to make my whole top panel transparent13:55
ricc101where is the root directory13:55
riegersnikonia, so i can disable like "system communication bus (dbus)" and not have any issues?13:55
brettt_with out making the icons and text disapear?13:55
dGodFatheRi need some instant help please, i am in a vnc session and i minimized my windows only they disappeared from the screen13:55
Piciricc101: /13:55
dGodFatheRhow do i get them back to view? i need the console and everything else13:55
amanullai have a wireless box over my upstairs from there its wired to my system is im clear?13:55
ikoniariegersn: depends on what you want to do, dbus is important to the desktop13:55
ricc101im in there for the terminal but i need to put the files to run it13:55
jribdGodFatheR: does alt-tab work maybe?13:55
arvind_khadridrue_, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-base13:56
ikoniariegersn: run the command in the directory where "installer" exists13:56
dGodFatheRjrib: No man it's the first thing i tried13:56
riegersnikonia, see thats what I mean, i want to slim this box down but don't know what all the services do13:56
drue_ok thanks13:56
ikoniariegersn: then just disable the obvious stuff13:56
dGodFatheRit changes through my host pc applications13:56
arvind_khadridrue_, try that...13:56
ikoniariegersn: things like dbus are low resource anyway13:56
=== brettt_ is now known as brEz
dGodFatheRbut not inside the vnc13:56
amanullaok will be back in few minutes byeee for nowwwww13:56
riegersnikonia, is there a site that can explain what they all do?13:57
jribdGodFatheR: you have a panel at the top?13:57
riegersnikonia, thats really what Im looking for13:57
dGodFatheRyes a vnc config panel13:57
dGodFatheRjrib: yes a vnc config panel13:57
ikoniariegersn: well, there are various sites such as tldp.org that has basic overview to linux which will include some services13:57
dGodFatheRwith 3 options13:57
drue_ok let me finish these updates13:57
jribdGodFatheR: you are in ubuntu right?13:57
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?13:59
PredaGRhello people, my firefox installed adobe flash player, but no sound coming, was wondering how I can fix it14:00
arvind_khadriPredaGR, which FF??14:00
kbrosnanPredaGR: see known issues section of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio14:01
arvind_khadriPredaGR, enable backports and check for the latest one14:01
kbrosnan3.0.1 is the latest14:01
drue_ok that didnt fix my sound problem, Is there a way i can uninstall then reinstall gstreamer?14:02
zachaHow do I merge two unformatted partitions together (1GB + 7MB)?14:02
PredaGRarvind_khadri: backports?14:02
ikoniazacha: is it worth it for 7 meg14:02
arvind_khadrikbrosnan, ya i know14:02
doogluszacha: use gparted14:02
arvind_khadri!backports > PredaGR14:02
ubottuPredaGR, please see my private message14:02
Picizacha: You'd need to delete one and expand the other using gparted, but only if they are adjacent, of course.14:02
dGodFatheRjrib: well?14:03
dGodFatheRjrib: yes i am in ubuntu14:03
dGodFatheRusing the xvnc4viewer14:03
drue_sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-base Did not fix my sound problem,is there a way i can uninstall then install gstreamer?14:03
JackTopok how do i boot into single user mode from the live cd ?14:04
drue_some one please help me14:04
ricc101can anyone please tell me which folder is the root folder to copy files into to run the ./installer file?14:04
ikoniaJackTop: use the boot option "single" from your grub menu, you don't need the live cd for that14:04
ikoniaricc101: it doesn't matter14:05
ikoniaricc101: you can make a directory where ever you want14:05
Captain_RedbeardI have a cmake question... I'm getting: Unknown CMake command "macro_optional_find_package" What is this aand how can I work around it?14:05
drue_ok brb i have to restart14:05
ricc101I've tried and it keeps saying no such file or folder14:05
ikoniaricc101: you "make" the directory you want14:05
ikoniaricc101: then put the files in it14:05
ricc101i;ve done that and it says it has to be run as root14:06
ikonia!pm > Gopan14:06
ubottuGopan, please see my private message14:06
Piciricc101: Where are you trying to make a folder?14:06
ikoniaricc101: use sudo14:06
arvind_khadriricc101, then use sudo before it14:06
trylleklovnmorning lads, due to a bug in the sound driver im using, i need to reload the driver upon reentry from suspend, i do that by adding "fuser -k /dev/snd/*; modprobe -r snd-cs46xx; modprobe snd-cs46xx" to /etc/acpi/resume.d/72-acpi-pain.sh but it doesn't seem to be executed, if i run the commands manually it works fine14:06
ricc101thanks ill try it out14:06
valentinexHi file sharing problem i am getting error message long error message while trying to share a file14:07
JackTopikonia: i don't have a single option.  just lots of kernels and recovery modes. also a memtest86+14:07
JuJuBeeI use  NIS for login in my room.  It was working fine last week, but today, I cannot seem to get it to start on the workstations.14:07
ricc101now says sudo: ./installer: command not found14:07
ikoniaJackTop: you append the word single to the boot argumentts14:07
arvind_khadriricc101, do you have a source?14:08
arvind_khadriricc101, source as in the compressed form of the drivers...14:08
ricc101this where i've put the files  '/home/ricc101/Documents/installer'14:08
JuJuBeeI cant get nis tto start on student workstation... sudo /etc/init.d/nis start (or restar ) then ps aux | grep nis does not show anything but the grep...14:08
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?14:09
arvind_khadriricc101, ok now cd into it14:09
cheekycan anyone tellme why when i install ubvuntu itdoesnt load up when i restard my computer after the installing from the livecd14:09
drue_Thank you guys so much14:09
ikoniaJuJuBee: nis is not a program14:09
drue_all of my problems are resolved14:09
=== trylleklovn is now known as srn
arvind_khadridrue_, welcome :)14:09
ikoniaGopan: please don't do that14:09
ricc101I've cd'ed14:10
JuJuBeeSorry, my bad, ypbind is running, but nobody can log in still14:10
JuJuBeeWas fine Friday.14:10
ricc101into the documents folder14:10
veeti123cheeky have you checked your bios, it's possible that computer boots from wrong media (harddisk)14:10
ikoniaJuJuBee: have you built your maps, have you got the clients to bind to it14:10
ricc101what do i do now? thanks14:10
ikoniaricc101: follow the instructions with the installer14:10
zachaSorry I didn't see the new replies. This is what it looks like: http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/5512/partitionmk3.png14:10
ricc101Thats what im trying to tell you i am14:10
cheekycan anyone tell me why my installation didnt work from my live cd?14:10
ricc101but its not working14:11
ikoniaricc101: what part is not working now14:11
cheekyit just goes to a black screen14:11
ricc101./installer part14:11
JuJuBeeikonia : how can I tell if the bind was successful?  ypcat passwd works14:11
ikoniaricc101: show me "ls -la installer"14:11
veeti123cheeky if you don't know what bios are it doesn't matter14:11
valentinexhello file sharing problem14:11
Captain_Redbeardanyone here who has some experience with cmake?14:11
ikoniaJuJuBee: is that on a client - or the server14:11
cheekyi  i do kinda14:11
cheekyi set up my boot sequence14:11
veeti123cheeky ahaa14:11
cheekyand it still gives me the ubuntu slash screen14:11
ikoniaJuJuBee: then it should be bound, if an external client can do a ypcat - you know it's hitting a master/slave server14:12
cheekysplash screen and then goes black14:12
ricc101-rwxr--r-- 1 ricc101 ricc101 33149 2008-04-09 04:24 installer14:12
cheekymind you i have 2 HDD14:12
cheekyone running wndows14:12
cheekyand the other hoping to try ubuntu14:12
dr_willischeeky,  one is the framebuffer splash. other is X configuration/Video card drivers  are seperate thing.14:12
veeti123cheeky i google some, wait a second14:12
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?14:12
ikoniaricc101: so if you do "sudo ./installer" what happens ?14:12
dr_willischeeky,  People will want to know your exact video card I imagine.14:12
madknmap localhost tells, ipp port is open, nmap from the client machine doesnt see ipp port at all! what's wrong? client is even in /etc/hosts.allow and i think i configured /etc/cups/cupsd.conf right...   http://pastebin.ca/1197183 this is my cupsd.con  any suggestioins?14:12
JuJuBeeikonia : after entering username and password, seems to hang  Blank screen  Background pic only (background of login screen)14:13
cheekyits a nvidia 660014:13
ricc101ahhhhh thanks ikonia its working now14:13
ikoniamadk: hosts.allow is for connections, not port scans14:13
cheekybut see iam still running on the live cd right now14:13
ikoniaJuJuBee: most common cause will be name resolution on that14:13
cheekycoz this is my second install and still cant get it up and running14:13
ikoniaJuJuBee: if you get a black screen - it means it's taken the credentilas14:13
ikoniacredentials even14:13
madkikonia, so, i would see the ipp port if i scan from the client machine!14:13
kooothor_can someone help me out with this fan pb on mactel ? thx >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5749409#post574940914:13
ikoniamadk: depends if there is anything blocking that port (hosts allow doesn't block a port)14:14
JuJuBeeikonia : yp.conf lists server by IP not name14:14
ikoniaJuJuBee: sorry, I mean from the server back to the client14:14
ikoniaJuJuBee: reverse loolup14:14
ikoniaJuJuBee: have you got NFS home directories ?14:14
madkikonia, can you look at the cupsd.conf file i posted? ( http://pastebin.ca/1197183 ) what's wrong with it?14:14
ikoniaJuJuBee: can you ping the client ?14:14
ikoniamadk: what problem are you having14:15
ikoniaJuJuBee: so is the nfs server running, resolvable, pingable, from the client ?14:15
madkikonia, i cant install the printer (on windows client) from my linux (server). the printer is running with cups.14:15
zachawhy is one partition nestled under /dev/sda2 while the other isn't? http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/5512/partitionmk3.png14:16
ikoniamadk: what happens when you try to install it, and what type of printer is it14:16
JuJuBeeikonia : Yes14:16
ricc101right im now getting after runing the file14:16
ricc101checking for gcc... gcc14:16
ricc101checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables14:16
ikoniaricc101: install the package "build-essential"14:16
Piciricc101: you need to install the build-essential metapackage: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:17
ikoniaJuJuBee: well, thats the most common issue - name resolution and nfs server14:17
dr_willischeeky,  You could install the nvidia-glx-new package from the console of your installed system. that may kick it in the head. :)14:17
ikoniaJuJuBee: your nis server appears to be working in that it has authorised your client14:17
madkikonia, i cant find the printer. so i did the portscan which tells, ipp port isnt opened. on server, i can access cups with localhost:63114:17
madkikonia, i did it with this how-to: http://www.linux-fuer-alle.de/doc_show.php?docid=13214:17
the_darkside_986What's the GUI way to change the host name in Ubuntu? I tried changing the host name file but that seems to cause problems and doesn't update everywhere.14:18
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab14:18
ikoniamadk: sounds like the cups server isn't listening on the interface you want14:18
kia  /quit14:18
ikoniamadk: in future if possible try to use ubuntu docs/guides14:18
kooothor_can someone help me out with this fan pb on mactel ? thx >> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5749409#post574940914:18
JuJuBeeikonia : thanks, but client still hangs after uname/passwd  Students cannot login still.  Any other suggestions?14:18
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?14:18
ikoniaJuJuBee: I'd strongly look at the NFS server, does the nfs server log mounting the home drive on that clients IP / MAc ?14:19
exaltedHi. What's the proper way of changing tty's resolutions?14:19
srnis there a log file of execution of /etc/acpi/resume.d ? and where?14:19
brEzHi, how can I change the xchat icon in the panel when it's minimised?14:19
madkikonia, hmmm.. k, in future. you have suggestions?14:19
ikoniamadk: yes, if the application is not listening on the IP you want (localhost only) then something is blocking it, or it's not bound to the correct interface14:20
ikoniamadk: what make of printer is it14:20
joaopintobrEz, I don't think you can change it, it's probably hardcoded14:20
TulimaqRyanPrior:  what is your sudo fdisk -l output14:20
ricc101got the file to run this time but right at the end it says:14:20
ricc101make: *** [all] Error 214:20
ricc101make: *** [install] Error 214:21
madkikonia, it is hp14:21
ricc101Installation Unsuccessful14:21
brEzmakes the whole theme oogly :P14:21
ikoniaricc101: then you need to get support from the people who make the driver14:21
FloodBot2ricc101: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:21
madkikonia, hp laserjet 1200 sw, a laser printer14:21
ikoniamadk: no problem, so its quite a supported one, good14:21
arvind_kricc101, hang on... paste the output after you ran ./installer on pastebin14:21
arvind_k!pastebin | ricc10114:22
ubotturicc101: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:22
exaltedWhat's the proper way of changing ttys' resolutions? (P.S.: I'm well aware of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution, but it won't work for me)14:22
JackTopikonia: hehe, am in the root shell now, and have umounted the filesystems.  what are the best options to run on ext3 fs ?14:22
cheekyiam still on live cd14:22
cheekyi cant get it to boot my copy that i installed14:22
ikoniaJackTop: fsck /dev/$device is all you need14:23
ricc101sorry its I've pasted thanks for the info, sorry to be such a pain14:23
JackTopikonia: many thanks for your help14:23
Picicheeky: Are you removing the CD from your drive before you try to boot to the installed version?14:23
arvind_kricc101, give us the URL it returns :P14:23
adityaghow do i format a pen drive ?14:23
RyanPriorTulimaq: It lists my two partitions and my swap, no mention of the USB drive.14:23
cheekyi removed the cd when i restarted my computer14:24
cheekyafter the installation14:24
arvind_kadityag, by cli?14:24
madkikonia, so what do i do?14:24
valentinexFolder sharing problem...........14:24
adityagarvind_k: any way...either cli or gui14:24
Picivalentinex: Are you asking a question?14:24
ikoniamadk: find out if anything is block it, and check the config for what interfaces it's bounc to14:24
ikoniabound to14:24
spiritssightany one here know how to setup and us DD-WRT router firmware14:25
spiritssightI am unable to connect using my dyndns account domain14:25
arvind_kadityag, use gparted14:25
yatesmy system often, usually just after dismissing a dialog box, unexpectedly switches to another workspace. this is very annoying - anyone know the reason?14:25
ikoniaspiritssight: sorry - thats not an ubuntu problem14:25
Picispiritssight: Join #dd-wrt14:25
ikoniaspiritssight: this channel is for support questions towards ubuntu only14:25
yateson a laptop/touchpad14:26
spiritssightPici: I know this is a ubuntu room, I ask because it seems there is no one in or responsing in the dd-wrt room14:26
ikoniaspiritssight: that doesn't make it appropriate to as in here14:26
arvind_kricc101, did you run sudo ./installer or not?14:26
yateshas anyone else seen this unexpected workspace switch?14:27
krunchyfrogIs there a package for installing a wiki somewhere in apt-get?14:28
RyanPriorI've got a USB drive (recognized as Lexar Media by lsusb) but it won't automount. Can anybody help me mount it?14:28
yateswhat is the normal keystroke sequence for switching workspaces?14:28
valentinexPici:  when i try to share a file i get error http://paste.ubuntu.com/44540/14:28
RyanPrioryates: ctrl+alt+(left|right|up|down)14:28
spiritssightwell I guess I will ask the question I asked last night and still having problem is I can not access any wireless network with my system14:28
spiritssightcan any one help with this issue14:29
ikoniaspiritssight: your router is not setup14:29
ricc101i did arvind_K read further up14:29
yatesRyanPrior: thanks14:29
Picivalentinex: run this: gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf      and add or change "usershare owner only = False"  to the file.14:29
ricc101i get this now http://paste.ubuntu.com/44538/14:30
spiritssightikonia: Yes it is my gf computer access the router14:30
weboidekrunchyfrog: have you tried phpwiki ?14:30
ikoniaspiritssight: then why are you looking for setup help with your router ?14:30
doogluskrunchyfrog: have you tried aswiki, didiwiki, docbookwiki, dokuwiki, hiki, ikiwiki, indywiki, jspwiki, kwiki, mediawiki, parsewiki, phpwiki, twiki, and wiliki?14:31
weboidekrunchyfrog: I found many ones on apt... just do apt-cache search 'wiki'14:31
madkikonia, can't find anything whcih tells me to which interface cups is bound14:31
spiritssightsetup of the router with regardes to being able to connect remotly (dyndns)14:31
ikoniamadk: try telneting to the port14:31
arvind_kricc101, read the installation notes properly for pre-requisites14:31
ikoniaspiritssight: I see14:31
vbabiyHey has any one been able to use banshee 1.2.1 with the IPOD 5th gen?14:31
krunchyfrogwow, it's the first time I see the apt-search command14:32
cheekycan anyone tell me why my installation of ubuntu doesnt load up even after i removed the disk when i t was restarting and change the boot sequence to HDD and then it loads ubunti splash screen and then just goes into a  blank screen ?14:32
valentinexPici: it opened a text file now where to add usershare owner only = false?14:32
madkikonia, nmap cant find the port...14:32
ricc101this is what i have been following http://paste.ubuntu.com/44541/14:32
RyanPriorvbabiy: As far as I know, 5th gen iPod doesn't have Linux support. Apple is doing all it can to make its products work only with iTunes.14:32
weboidekrunchyfrog: you can do : apt-cache search 'whatyouwant'  and then do, apt-cache show packageyouwant to see info14:32
ikoniamadk: I didn't say nmap it14:32
madkikonia, telnet cant connect to that port14:32
Picivalentinex: Anywhere is fine. Maybe the bottom of the file.14:33
ikoniamadk: ok, so it's not listening on that port, so check your cups config/setup14:33
vbabiyRyanPrior: no this is the Ipod with video it works well with amarok14:33
madkikonia, i did that. twice. i cant find the error.14:34
valentinexPici: with commas? "usershare owner only = False"14:34
spiritssightany one help with my issue of wireless manger not see ANY wireless in the area and its not the router as my gf system is connected to it with out a problem14:34
RyanPriorvbabiy: Cool. I guess 5th gen must be supported now, then. If you're looking for people more familiar with Banshee, try joining irc.gnome.org/banshee14:34
Picivalentinex: You mean quotations? No, without them.14:34
arvind_kricc101, you are missing some files... i dont know which ones14:34
ikoniamadk: you won't find an error in the config file, you need to look for an interface and/or port setup, and if there isn't one there, check the default out and see if it's what you want14:34
yatesspiritssight: are you using a laptop with a Broadcom wireless card?14:35
madkcan someone check my cupsd.conf? http://pastebin.ca/119720114:35
ikoniamadk: whats this Listen 192.168.1.*:63114:36
ikoniamadk: thats an interface and port14:36
ikoniamadk: exactly as I've just told you14:36
madkikonia, i added this just one minuite ago14:36
madkikonia, and it didn't work with or without this entry14:36
ikoniamadk: is that a valid parameter to use ?14:36
spiritssightyates: yes I am using laptop with broadcom wireless 4311 I think is the number and I did a lot of stuff yesterday with installing nsdwrapper etc and it made no differents for me14:36
yatesspiritssight: and what's "gf"?14:36
ikoniamadk: is LISTEN a cups parameter14:36
madkikonia, didnt work either14:36
spiritssightgirl friend14:36
madkthe two entrys above were in the default configuration. so i assume yes14:37
yatesdid you install the firmware?14:37
arvind_kricc101, btw what are you compiling?14:37
yatesspiritssight: did you install the firmware?14:37
spiritssightI believe so14:37
ikoniamadk: well the first line binds it to the localhost only14:37
krunchyfrogNow, can anyone help me reconfigure my tvpc? It's connected to my tv using the s-video out of my fx5200 but  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and rebooting didn't help14:37
spiritssightyates: I believe so14:37
ghamdanAssistance!!! Any advise on how to view my Ubuntu file system from MSwindows XP -- i got a duel boot happening ?14:37
erUSUL!ext3 | ghamdan14:38
ubottughamdan: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org14:38
yatesspiritssight: i have the exact same situation and mine worked beautifully immediately14:38
ikoniaghamdan: I advise you not to14:38
madkikonia, oh, that's not what i want.14:38
ikoniaghamdan: the ext3 driver is not stable in windows - please check in ##windows for window support14:38
adidusthow to install nist net in ubuntu 7.04? anyone can help me on this? need urgent help. lecturer want to see result tomorrow14:38
Piciadidust: nist net?14:39
ikoniaadidust: what is nist net14:39
yatesspiritssight: did you see some message about "fw-cutter" or somesuch when you installed the firmware?14:39
weboideghamdan: try this, works good : http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/14:39
yatesspiritssight: are you using 8.04LTS?14:39
adidustnetwork emulator14:39
dooglusghamdan: I use the ext3 driver in windows to read my linux drive, but don't trust it to write14:39
ikoniaadidust: well I suggest you use the resources your lecturer gave you14:39
adidustmy lecturer gave me nothing14:39
adidustjust ask me to install it14:39
ikoniaadidust: I can't see nist net as an ubuntu packaged application14:40
spiritssightyates: yes I am using 804lts, and yes I do see the fw-cutter14:40
Piciadidust: From where?14:40
spiritssightyates: I PM you14:40
adidusti am from malaysia14:40
ghamdanthanks for advise guys ..!!! It appears safe to read but not to write !!14:40
ikoniaadidust: there are documents on that page14:40
ikoniaadidust: use the docs on that page14:41
valentinexPici:  Didn't work still same error message. copy pasted and saved that document . > usershare owner only = False14:41
dooglusghamdan: http://www.howtoforge.com/access-linux-partitions-from-windows14:41
adidustthat why i dunno how14:41
adidusti am new to linux14:41
ikoniaadidust: open them up and read through them14:41
ikoniaadidust: read the docs then, they seem quite solid and self explinatory14:41
adidusti tried14:41
adidustbut failed14:41
ghamdandooglus thanks mate14:41
Picivalentinex: You need to run this as well: sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart14:41
ikoniaadidust: then speak to your lecturer to get help14:41
yatesspiritssight: i don't know how to pm!14:41
adidusti got installation guide but its for 6.0614:42
ikoniaadidust: then speak to your lecturer to get help14:42
adidustmy lecturer want result only14:42
ikoniaadidust: thats not the goal of a lecturer14:42
adidustdun want help14:42
ikoniaadidust: speak to him and explain you don't understand the basics14:42
adidustmaybe you can try talk to him14:42
adidustthen i am so gonna fail14:43
Piciadidust: We're not going to do your homework for you, sorry.14:43
valentinexPici: still same problem and error message. do u know what that the folder i am trying to share is in FAT32 my window partition14:43
ikoniaadidust: if your course requires linux knowledge - then you should have linux knowlege. No course would tell someone to install linux software - without any linux pre-requisits14:43
adidusti just wanna ask some thing14:43
ikoniaadidust: you did - you asked how to install it14:44
adidustcos i am not computer course14:44
adidusti am engineer course14:44
krunchyfrogok I installed phpwiki but can't access from http...  is there any special trick to do to make it work?14:44
ikoniaadidust: then speak to your lecturer14:44
Fritz87Im making my own live ubuntu USB os, Fritzbuntu.  Because there just aren't enough ubuntu distros out there14:44
adidusti cannot run cd /usr/src/linux14:44
adidustit says14:44
ikoniaadidust: because it doesn't exist14:44
adidustfile not found14:44
ikoniaadidust: it doesn't exist14:44
madkikonia, i needed to add @LOCAL to the browsable section. this did it. i had an ip address there. but this didnt work :/14:45
ikoniamadk: nice job !14:45
Picivalentinex: After running the sudo invoke command I suggested as well?14:45
adidusti go www.ict.kth.se/courses/2G1305/nistnet-under-ubuntu-20061012.html14:45
adidustit teaches me to type bla bla then type cd /usr/src/linux14:45
cheekydo i have to format or anything before installing ubuntu on a HDD tht had NTFS files system on it ,... ? coz i already deleted the partisiotn using gparted14:45
ikoniaadidust: contact the person who wrote that document/your school14:46
valentinexPici:  yup it stopped samba then started again.14:46
adidusti am in engineering college14:46
ikoniaadidust: contact them14:46
adidustnobody noes linux leh14:46
Fritz87go engineering!14:46
R_YoYo_Radidust, /usr/src/linux doesnt exist normally on ubuntu14:46
R_YoYo_Radidust, you could download the kernel source14:46
krunchyfrogcheeky: if its for ubuntu only the installer will give a few choices and you can choose the entire disk14:46
ikoniaR_YoYo_R: there is more to it than that14:47
cheekyi chose the entire disk14:47
ikoniaR_YoYo_R: hence why we can't support that doc14:47
krunchyfrogthen it will wipe the ntfs14:47
cheekybut do i need to like setup grub to run it properly after its been installed ?14:47
R_YoYo_Rikonia, does that directory exist if you grab the kernel source?14:47
ikoniaR_YoYo_R: there is more to it than that14:47
Fritz87Nobody uses linux? At my school of engineering, all engineering freshmen take intro to computing for engineers and they spend the first week doing linux before they do things like matlab and C++14:47
jribvalentinex, Pici: bug 211966 probably14:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 211966 in nautilus-share "nautilus-share report a warning about missing  /var/lib/samba/usershares" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21196614:47
adidustthe instruction first say : 1. sudo apt-get install emacs21  i tried but it says file not found14:48
Tenguhas someone tested/used "timevault" on ubuntu ?14:48
ikoniaadidust: as I've told you that document is not applicable to later versions of ubuntu14:48
jribvalentinex, Pici: bah wrong bug.  Anyway, user gets added to sambashare group but needs to login again14:48
adidustthen my uni must be 3rd class uni14:48
yatesis there no way to become root? you must sudo each and every command?14:48
adidustcos we learn C++ and matlab only14:48
Tenguyates: sudo passwd -> activate root account; or "sudo -i" and you become root.14:48
hateballyates: sudo -i14:48
jribPici, valentinex: bug 21209814:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 212098 in nautilus-share ""easy" file sharing not notifying about logout/login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21209814:48
soundrayTengu: please don't recommend this without attaching a warning14:49
jribyates: just use sudo -i  if you think you really need a shell with constant root privileges14:49
Picijrib: ah, thanks /me makes note14:49
Tengusoundray: which warning?14:49
Pici!noroot | Tengu something like...14:49
ubottuTengu something like...: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)14:49
PiciTengu: or see !sudo14:49
soundrayTengu: that enabling root logins runs counter to Ubuntu's security design14:49
adidustikonia : that means if i wanna use that guide i must download back ubuntu version 6.06?14:50
Tengu-.- ok..... not really used to ""ubuntu security"", as I use other linux system. sorry. would know for the next time.14:50
yatesthanks all re: sudo14:50
soundrayTengu: :)14:50
ikoniaadidust: contact your lecturer and explain the situation14:50
jribPici, valentinex: personally, I had that bug and logging in again fixed it.  But I've had to tell someusers to add themselves to sambashare again manually14:50
yatesalso, is there an apt tutorial?14:50
Pici!it | Mirko14:50
yatesa good one...14:50
ubottuMirko: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:50
jrib!apt > yates14:50
ubottuyates, please see my private message14:50
darren__Hi can some body please help me i have a usb wifi i can connect to the internet but it does not show any signel strength can some one help its been driving been reading in all the forums but no one seems to have the same problem14:51
darren__driving me nuts14:51
yatesthanks ubottu14:51
d_dyerhow do i remove items from the start menu?14:51
yateset al.14:51
arvind_k!wifi > darren__14:51
ubottudarren__, please see my private message14:51
Picid_dyer: Right click on the top of the menus and click edit menus14:51
yatesgot to go - spiritssight good luck on the wireless.14:51
darren__arvind_k:  yes a wireless usb14:51
d_dyerok thanks14:51
R_YoYo_R d_dyer start menu? lol ... sorry just funny14:51
adidustikonia : i tell her i must download and install 6.06 cos later version of ubuntu does not support that document?14:51
valentinexjrib: how to add myself to that group?14:52
ikoniaadidust: that document is now invalid14:52
jribvalentinex: did you log out and back in already?14:52
darren__d_dyer: system prefrences main menu14:52
adidustcos the nist net emulator long long time din update liao14:52
darren__d_dyer:  no problem14:52
valentinexjrib: nope ok i am going to do that14:52
jribvalentinex: sure, if it still doesn't work, do 'sudo adduser $USER sambashare' and then login again14:53
adidustikonia : Ok. Then how do i install the emulator?14:53
valentinexjrib: $user? its my username? or just write the same?14:53
ikoniaadidust: talk to your lecturer - or read the docs on that site14:53
ikoniaadidust: you've been told what to do and how to deal with it 3 times now14:54
jribvalentinex: $USER (caps are important) will be replaced by your actualy username automatically, but you can just write your username too since that's the same thing14:54
darren__Hi can any one help i have a plug in usb wireless card i can connet to internet but does not show signel strength i bought a diffrent type and model to see if it was the wireless but it doing the same its really anoyying if any one knows what it is please explain14:54
adidustikonia : sorry. but that means the documents on that site also invalid liao ? cos the last time it is updated is year 2002 or 200314:54
valentinexjrib: ok14:54
ikoniaadidust: I don't know - I'm not reading the other documents, talk to your school14:55
adidustikonia : Ok. Thanks a lot14:55
Aethelredadidust: there is a site with patches for those who want to use NISTNET with 2.6.* kernels:  http://www.dps.uibk.ac.at/~sven/publications.html#software14:56
Tengudarren__: I rememer I read a bug on launchpad about network manager not showing wireless power...14:57
Tengudarren__: maybe a small search on launchpad can help you :)14:57
darren__Tengu:  thats the problem i have one built in that is turned off aswell when thats on it shows signel strength just not the pug in wireless14:58
adidustaethelred : Thanks a lot dude.14:59
xubuntuuserHi2all, does anybody use orage?? it shows me the config dialog at every startup. How can i stop that?15:00
Aethelredadidust: also, look here:  http://www.stabellini.net/nistnet.html15:01
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soundrayxubuntuuser: I don't know orage, but this kind of problem usually boils down to the program not being able to write its configuration files. Perhaps one of your config directories is not owned by you any more? Also consider asking in #xubuntu15:03
xubuntuusersoundray: if i change the configuration tese changes stay to the next reboot.15:05
fevelhi everyone15:05
darren__hi i think its called network manager the icon that shows signel strength does any one know if there is any prefrence settings for it..it does not show my signel strength15:05
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fevelhas anyone heard of vsx virtualization?15:05
soundrayxubuntuuser: if the problem is a permissions one, as I suspect, you could fix it with 'sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME'15:07
xubuntuusersoundray: thanks, i used the command... hoping for next reboot!15:08
soundrayxubuntuuser: logging out and in again should be enough15:08
igormorgadoA sample image can be found here:
igormorgadowrong paste =D15:09
soundrayfevel: if this is not a support question, try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic15:09
shankJust installed ubuntu server on a Poweredge 2650 with broadcom net extreme card. I'm having issues, I cannot use anything network related. pinging gives me a destination unreachable....15:10
tobagohow to find out how many sessions are accounted on the system? and its username?15:10
soundraytobago: 'w' or 'who'15:11
Picitobago: w15:11
Picitobago: or finger15:11
erUSULtobago: how many sessions are open? or how many user accounts in total the machine has?15:11
tobagoerUSUL, how many sessions are open15:11
erUSULtobago: the follow the advice of soundray or Pici ;P15:11
edjuscreenlets under kde?  If so, anyone w/ a pointer?15:12
tobagoPici, it returns too much entries. on my machine is one session opened, but 11 entries15:12
Picitobago: Do you have 11 terminals open?15:12
erUSULshank: "ip a" and "ip route" output on a pastebin would be nice to have...15:12
KDB9000Need some help setting up Netatalk so I can have a mac talk to my Ubuntu Laptop.15:12
Picitobago: Are they all your suername?15:12
tobagoPici, yes15:12
tobagobut the user is accounted only once15:13
Picitobago: I dont know what you mean by accounted15:13
erUSULtobago: my comp has three now X windows a two screen's "tabs"15:13
tobagologged in15:13
tobagoPici, ^^15:13
soundrayshank: what does 'lspci | grep Eth' give you? Please don't paste if it's more than one line.15:13
shankerUSUL: what is a paste bin15:13
Picitobago: Each terminal 'session' counts as a separate login.15:14
erUSULtobago: yes but every terminal uses one tty and counts15:14
erUSUL!paste | shank15:14
ubottushank: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:14
shanksoundray: one sec15:14
erUSULtobago: plus the one used by X window15:14
shankah shucks, i'm using a IP KVM, and I cannot copy from here I dont think, let me see15:14
erUSULshank: add what soundray asked to the big paste15:14
tobagoPici, erUSUL so finger/ who doesn't return the number of logged in users.15:15
Picitobago: No, it does exactly that.15:15
tobagoPici, then i misunderstand the process of logging in.15:15
Picitobago: Every time you open a terminal you run another login shell, and effectively login again. 'w' shows you from where the user is logged in from, see the TTY and FROM columns.15:18
ogzyi need the value that i should change for gdm setup at gconftool usage, anybody have an idea?15:18
weboidePici: does it mean you can only open 6 terminal ?15:19
KentonHi. I'm techy but very new to Linux. I'm trying to access files on a Windows 2000 desktop from my Linux laptop. So far I'm able to read and write files on the Windows PC from my Linux PC, but I can't create any files on the Windows PC. Samba was preinstalled on my Laptop, and I haven't made any changes to the installation. I mount the shared directories by issuing "sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=... -o rw ..." command in a terminal window15:19
soundrayogzy: could you explain a bit more?15:19
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Piciweboide: I dont believe there is a set number of login shells you can spawn.15:19
weboidePici: there is 6 TTY started at boot time15:20
Piciweboide: Yes, I wasn't really referring to those though.15:20
LynetKenton: Can you create files on the share if you connect to it from a Windows pc?15:20
weboidePici: okay ;)15:20
AJC_Z0X terminal logins use pseudo ttys, not real or virtual ones. They are finite but large in number15:20
shankGuys, what you have requested are screenshots located here http://www.theshank.net/linux/1.jpg http://www.theshank.net/linux/2.jpg http://www.theshank.net/linux/3.jpg15:21
erUSULweboide: that's the numbr o getty processes that are run by default on boot...15:21
ogzysoundray, sure, i used python gconf binding to set up my icon set from terminal, now i want to the the similar thing for a new gdm theme set up so that i will change the defaut gdm theme, so if you know gconftool it sets some values for such things, do you know the value for gdm?15:21
PiciAJC_Z0: Large enough to not have to worry about the limit ;)15:21
weboideAJC_Z0: oh ok15:21
KentonLynet: Yes. Windows to Windows works fine.15:21
AJC_Z0Usually a subshell, as opposed to a login shell, is started when you open an X terminal15:21
shankLet me know if there's any other information you need some my server15:22
AJC_Z0This means that your shell profile or login script is not run, only your rc script. See your shell's page in the manual15:22
weboideerUSUL: AJC_Z0: is there any reason to have 6 TTY started ? for remote login maybe ?15:22
soundrayogzy: I see. gdm isn't configured through gconf -- it's got its own setup tool (gdmsetup) and config files (/etc/gdm/)15:22
Piciweboide: Because not everyone uses XWindows, and some people like the option to fall back to these.15:22
erUSULweboide: those are for virtual terminals (Crtl + Alt + F1-6)15:22
weboidegot it : )15:23
soundrayogzy: generally, you can find out the names of gconf keys by running gconf-editor and searching for strings with Ctrl-F15:23
AJC_Z0weboide: Those are virtual consoles. You should be able to ctrl-alt-F1 to 6 or 7 to switch between them, with another for X15:23
ogzysoundray, i want to do everything without a gui, let me check /etc/gdm file15:23
LynetKenton: Hmm. My guess would be either wrong file rights on the mount point or wrong/different username/pw when connecting to the share.15:23
weboidePici: AJC_Z0: i tried those, but i don't know the key to press to go back to X : (15:23
Piciweboide: ctrl+alt+f715:24
weboidePici: thanks : )15:24
AJC_Z0weboide: keep trying increasing F keys. The last one which works will be your X session15:24
AJC_Z0F7 probably15:24
weboidei understand better now, thanks guys!15:24
valentinexjrib:  Pici:  that file sharing and doing all didn't worked :)15:25
krunchyfrogconsoles are great fallback/panic solutions15:25
KentonLynet: I suspect it has something to do with rights on the mount point. Even though its owned by my user ID, once I issue the mount command ownership changes to root. My ID/password is the same on both machines.15:26
valentinexone flood bot should mute the other bot15:27
darren__hi every one dows any one know if wicd is kinda the same as network manager does it have a icon and show signel strength15:27
erUSULshank: everything seems correctly set up ... only thing left is a driver bug...15:27
shankerUSUL: so.. what does that mean, lol...driver update? or15:28
shankerUSUL: i'm prolly a 2 out of 10 when it comes to knowledge in *nix15:28
neWbieZhi guys ivegot a prob apparently with flash, could you help? when i watch a videoclip (i.e. youtube) there's an horizontal line in the centre of the screen, like if it's switching frame, it's pain in... and my eyes hurt. can you help?15:28
soundrayshank: 3.jpg gives me a 40415:29
shankone sec15:29
shanksoundray: now set15:29
erUSULsoundray: is   broadcom NeXtExtreme bcm570115:30
LynetKenton: Have you tried playing with uid=yourlinuxusername?15:30
KDB9000Can someone help me with netatalk? I went though and made it (or so I think) so it will use openssl to encrypt the connection but it doesn't seem to have worked. Also I can't connect to my linux laptop from a mac desktop.15:30
noskloI need to troubleshoot something here, how can I change a variable returned by debconf-show package?15:30
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KentonLynet: No, I haven't. Is that part of the mount command? It sounds promising. (Remember: I'm a Linux infant. ;-) )15:31
soundrayerUSUL: thanks. Is this normally supported by the tg3 driver? ( shank)15:32
rajecguys I am now one of you I am on ubuntu lol :)). May I ask you what you use for quick running/finding applications?15:32
erUSULsoundray: tha's what i gathered from google :) firsdt thought of b4415:32
valentinexrajec:  ALT+F215:32
krunchyfrograjec: synaptics15:32
soundrayrajec: in terminal, 'apt-cache search searchterm'15:33
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weboideI need help to fix the Compose key bug, the script at startup doesn't seem to work.15:34
soundrayshank: does 'dmesg | grep tg3' give you any output?15:34
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rajecvalentinex: thanks thats what I was looking for I think15:35
shanksoundray: yes. last line is tg3: eth0: flow control is off for TX and off for RX15:35
LynetKenton: Yup.15:35
adidustI wanna ask. When i install Ubuntu 7.04. I dun have internet connection. how to fix this? I have the internet connection when i am in Windows.15:35
soundrayshank: anything that looks like an error?15:35
shanksoundray: line above that shows tg3: eth0: link is up at 1000Mbps, full duplex15:35
rajecGuys I just installed netbeans. I am used to desktop icon and exe file ;) there is no desktop icon so how should I run it?15:35
shanksoundray: not that i can tell, since last 2 show that it is up and running15:36
soundrayshank: I don't think the driver is the problem then. Good.15:36
KentonLynet: I'll check it out and give it a try. Thanks!15:36
krunchyfrogok, nvidia-xconfig says I need a "driver" line in "device section" Configured Video Device.  now what?15:36
soundrayshank: now you're going to ask, if it's not that, what is it?15:36
LynetKenton: Anyway, Ubuntu also has gui tools for mounting network shares. Look at Places - Network and Places - Connect to Server.15:36
shanksoundray: if it's not that, what is it?15:36
erUSULshank: soundray maybe tweaking something with ethtool ? like forcing some rate or full/half duplex?15:37
soundrayshank: good question15:37
weather15Adidust are you using DHCP?15:37
shankerUSUL: what command shall i run to enable full duplex15:37
soundrayerUSUL: perhaps... I'm afraid I have no relevant experience15:37
jacobs1i want to crate a user with same home directory. whats the command for that15:37
erUSULshank: "sudo ethtool eth0" should give you current status of some conf options ...15:38
shankerUSUL: okay i see a list of options..15:38
Lynetjacobs1: Same home directory? Why'd you want to do that?15:39
the_darkside_986How does one configure ircd-hybrid on Ubuntu 8.04.1 64-bit? I keep trying to connect locally with my machine's hostname but I get connection refused. I tried the correct port. Any ideas?15:39
the_darkside_986(And my hostname is confirmed to be correct)15:39
jacobs1Lynet: ok then, to a new directory15:39
jacobs1what would be the command15:39
soundrayjacobs1: go through System-Administration-Users and Groups, or run 'sudo adduser jacobs2' (as an example)15:40
Lynetjacobs1: For GUI: System - Administration - Users and groups. On command-line: adduser15:40
jacekowskiis it possible to use ipw3945 drivers on 8.04 instead of that crap iwl3945?15:40
erUSULshank: try "sudo ethtool -s eth1 speed 1000 duplex full" but keep in mind i just shooting in the dark15:41
the_darkside_986I don't get why nmap doesn't show IRCd running on my local machine.15:41
the_darkside_986I used /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid to start it.15:41
krauss'Ello there.15:41
shankerUSUL: I did eth0, and it set.15:41
kraussI am quite new to this OS.15:41
rajecI've installed netbeans by running sh command and it was installed but I cannot find it under add/remove application15:42
shankerUSUL: do i need to restart network services?15:42
overriderhey; can anyone recommend a quite recent business / smartphone that will nicely sync with some calendar or scheduling app under ubuntu? or a great pda maybe? thanks15:42
erUSULshank: and have that solved the problem ?? ^_^15:42
kraussCan anyone shed some light on how to install a program that was originally based for windows?15:42
Picirajec: Because add/remove only shows applications installed with apt.15:42
shankerUSUL: still destination unreachable15:42
a_oki am trying to compile something on ubuntu. this seems to be a problem since there is a header missing15:42
thiebaudekrauss:which program?15:42
soundrayrajec: you shouldn't install packages like that if there is an Ubuntu package. 'sudo apt-get install netbeans' would have done it15:42
erUSULshank: :|15:42
soundray!software > rajec15:43
ubotturajec, please see my private message15:43
shankerUSUL: i'm beginning to dislike linux15:43
kraussthiebaude: Adobe flash player15:43
PolarinaFor a laptop battery that lasts approximately 3 hours under normal word processing use - how long will the battery last while the computer's suspended?15:43
a_okthiebaude not something you know but it uses libroken and needs getarg.h that normaly comes with libroken15:43
soundrayshank: not that you have a good reason15:43
uro1hello! well i'm completely new to linux and i could use a little help regarding flash?15:43
kraussIt had the Linux option on the website, but I can't get it to run.15:43
a_oksorry was not for me lol15:43
rajecpici: ok15:43
Polarinauro1: apt-get install gnash15:44
thiebaudekrauss:use ubuntu-restricted-extras15:44
Noruashi people15:44
a_okcan anyone tell me how i can get some decent headers in ubuntu?15:44
shanksoundray: lol...i tried slackware and it didn't even recognize the nic.. so I went with ubuntu server for most compatibility but now it seems like everyone is working but cannot ping or anything network related.15:44
thiebaudekrauss:non free flashplayer15:44
arvind_khadri!ask | uro115:44
soundrayshank: dislike Broadcom for making poorly documented devices and not supporting free driver development15:44
ubottuuro1: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:44
jacobs1soundray:  and Lynet . thanks :)15:44
kraussthiebaude: I don't understand that. o_o15:45
arvind_khadria_ok, decent headers??15:45
uro1my problem is, that i can't go fullscreen in sites such as youtube... i've read a few forums regarding this topic but still didn't find the right answer15:45
erUSULshank: sorry... i'm out of ideas ... maybe you can reload the driver... "sudo modprobe -r tg3 && sudo modprobe tg3" and see if that makes any diference?15:45
Polarinauro1: If you want it to work under Firefox too:  apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash15:45
arvind_khadriuro1, firefox??15:45
uro1they said that oyu shouldnt get gnash15:45
rajecsoundray: ok thanks. I have netbeans in reposittory but I need netbeans for ruby development and there is only all in one15:45
uro1yes firefox15:45
a_okarvind_khadri: need headers that come with libroken15:45
thiebaudekrauss:in synaptic15:45
int86what to do with lost+found directory, how to restore all files in it, if I can only boot via live cd15:45
a_okand generally all other headers since its a development server15:45
arvind_khadria_ok, kernel headers?15:46
the_darkside_986I tried oftc-hybrid as my ircd but still can't connect...15:46
the_darkside_986I get connection refused in xchat15:46
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usamahashimiHello Everyone!15:47
soundrayrajec: okay. Well, you need to find out where it's been installed and create a launcher by hand, or hit Alt-F2 and run netbeans from there15:47
shankerUSUL: no worries, yea reloaded and restarted, no luck... ahh15:47
usamahashimiHow can I delete the outdated packages from /var/cache/apt/archives ?15:47
shankerUSUL: maybe I look will get a intel PCI card and solve my problem15:47
arvind_khadriusamahashimi, sudo apt-get autoremove15:47
int86what to do with lost+found directory, how to restore all files in it, if I can only boot via live cd15:48
arvind_khadriusamahashimi, and sudo apt-get clean15:48
bakerhello: trying to work efax with ac97 sound/modem card using alsa driver and sl-modem-daemon. Am i doing it right? ttySL0 is non-existant. what /dev does alsa card use?15:48
neWbieZuro1: reboot your window manager that's the solution15:48
shankanyways, thanks guys.15:48
uro1also tried it, it won't work15:48
neWbieZits the only way15:49
usamahashimiarvind_khadri, Doesn't apt-get clean delete everything in /var/cache/apt/archives?15:49
neWbieZi hade the same prob15:49
kraussThiebaude:  Ok, I'm in Synaptic15:49
kraussWhat now?15:49
neWbieZreboot it and it'll work15:49
uro1i've instaled the latest flashplugin-nonfree15:49
uro1but still won't work15:49
arvind_khadriusamahashimi, no15:49
rajecsoundray: when I hit alt-f2 netbeans folder appear and thats all. There is no way hot add more version of netbeans?15:49
BusMasteris there a tool to graphically manage my routing table?15:49
kraussdang, he left.15:50
usamahashimiarvind_khadri, ok, lemme check but first of all lemme backup my /var/cache/apt/archives :)15:50
PolarinaIs there a way to install Firefox 2 in Ubuntu 8.04? Firefox 3 keeps freezing my computer and it's annoying.15:50
arvind_khadriusamahashimi, :)15:50
kraussCan I get some help installing Adobe Flash player, please?15:50
kbrosnanPolarina: firefox 2 is in synaptic15:50
Polarinakbrosnan: Thanks.15:51
soundrayrajec: I'm not familiar with netbeans, so I don't know what should be happening. Perhaps you should remove the repository version to make sure you're running the one you have installed manually.15:51
Lynetkrauss: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree15:51
arvind_khadriPolarina, sudu apt-get autoremove firefox-3.0; sudo apt-get install firefox-215:51
arvind_khadri!flash | krauss15:51
ubottukrauss: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:51
spiritssightis there a irc for wireless issues15:51
Polarinaarvind_khadri: :)15:51
zxdi am using usplash , and the splash screen disappears and shows the console right before loading gdm ...15:52
uro1neWbieZ check PM15:52
rajecsoundray: theoretically there should be some way right? If I understand well linux is based or repositories which are places with applications right?15:52
soundrayspiritssight: if you're on ubuntu, feel free to ask here15:52
Lynetkrauss: Always search in synaptic before you attempt to download and install software manually.15:53
soundrayrajec: no, Linux is just the operating system kernel. Repositories are offered by some distributions, for example ubuntu.15:53
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uro1i need some help regardin sites like youtube to go fullscreen- can anyone help me? please PM15:53
kraussThanks so much guys15:53
rajecsoundray: ok so ubuntu is the one which have repository with missing netbeans versions ?15:53
spiritssightsoundray: I having been for the last 2 days geting help to get my computer to see wireless networks its a broadcom 4311 I believe15:53
rajecsoundray: if I want to instal it by app get I need to wait until they will add netbeans to repository15:54
soundrayarvind_khadri, usamahashimi: apt-get clean removes everything from the cache. apt-get autoclean is what you want.15:54
arvind_khadrirajec, try getdeb.net15:54
^BARrE|^good day15:54
Pici!info netbeans | rajec15:54
ubotturajec: netbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 813 kB, installed size 1924 kB15:54
soundrayrajec: please open a terminal, run 'which netbeans' and tell me what you get15:54
^BARrE|^im looking for opengl drivers how do i download?15:54
rajecarvind_khadri: thanks I tried to search for netbeans but no results15:55
soundrayspiritssight: I suppose you've seen the factoid then:15:55
uro1anyone can help me ragarding flash and fullscreen? please PM me15:55
soundray!broadcom > spiritssight15:55
ubottuspiritssight, please see my private message15:55
rajecpici: and point ?15:55
Lynet^BARrE|^: For which graphcis card?15:55
Picirajec: I'm just saying that netbeans is in the repositories.15:55
rajecPici: I know but not right version15:55
^BARrE|^OpenGL Python bindings and GtkGLExt Python bindings15:55
bakerhello: trying to work efax with ac97 sound/modem card using alsa driver and sl-modem-daemon. what /dev does alsa card use?15:56
arvind_khadrirajec, then compile it yourself15:56
spiritssightsoundray: what is factoid?15:56
Lynet^BARrE|^: Have you searched the ubuntu repositories? (e.g., open Synaptic package manager and search).15:56
soundrayspiritssight: what ubottu has just sent you as a private message15:56
rajecarvind_khadri: uch I downloaded it from netbeans site and run it using sh command15:56
usamahashimisoundray, I backuped my /var/cache/apt/archives and now I can try both the commands :)15:56
^BARrE|^im not sure how, im new to linux15:56
spiritssightthis looks to be the same thing I went through yesterday15:57
Lynet^BARrE|^: System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager.15:57
rajecsoundray:  you mean 'which netbeans' because this gets me nothing15:57
sydwWhat is the correct way to set up /etc/network/interfaces for two network cards? I tried http://paste.ubuntu.com/44571/ but I get two default routes and everything gets sent to
soundrayusamahashimi: or you can read 'man apt-get' to confirm what I told you15:57
uro1i need some help regarding flash and fullscreen viewing. can anyone help me? please PM me15:57
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^BARrE|^ok looking now15:58
usamahashimisoundray, yes, i tried your command and it did the job, thanks man :)15:58
arvind_khadri!flash > uro115:58
ubottuuro1, please see my private message15:58
kraussGuys, it said ti couldn't find the package15:58
^BARrE|^eh running update cant load atm15:58
soundrayrajec: then you haven't installed it. Please run 'sudo apt-get install netbeans'. This will get you version 6.0.1, which is not the latest but does support Ruby development15:58
arvind_khadrikrauss, you must have the repos enabled15:58
kraussHow do I do that?15:58
krunchyfroghow can I sudo something in gui?15:58
soundraykrunchyfrog: Alt-F2 gksudo command15:59
arvind_khadrikrunchyfrog, gksu15:59
kraussfrom the add applications program?15:59
rajecsoundray: ou yeah I've unistalled it because thats not version I want. I want to 6.5 beta for ruby. Btw if I download it and install by sh it should work right?15:59
arvind_khadri!repo > krauss15:59
ubottukrauss, please see my private message15:59
krunchyfrogno gui way?  like right click or something?  I need to sudo the nvidia control pannel15:59
int86How one can restore from lost+found   <<<>>>>16:00
spiritssightsoundray: I don't know if you got my response. I went though what you sent for link yesterday it appeared not to help16:00
soundrayrajec: I don't know. You should get instructions from the documentation within the package, or from the netbeans.org web site16:00
doogluswhat can I use to download podcasts which are a mix of mp3 (audio) and m4v (video)?16:00
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popeydooglus: banshee-1, hpodder, juice receiver, bashpodder...?16:01
soundrayspiritssight: so you went to that page -- which link did you follow?16:01
doogluspopey: thanks.  is the -1 a typo?16:02
dooglus!info banshee-116:02
ubottuPackage banshee-1 does not exist in hardy16:02
remoteCTR1what was the name of the get-the-time daemon?16:02
echinosis there an ossim apt repo?16:02
popeydooglus: there is a repo with it in on launchpad16:02
rajecsoundray: thanks a lot for your help16:02
H0T_R0Di have a toshiba l35 laptop and how do i get dialup working gnome-ppp cant detect the modem?16:02
soundrayremoteCTR1: ntpdate16:02
remoteCTR1soundray: thanks16:02
soundray!info ntpdate | remoteCTR116:02
ubotturemotectr1: ntpdate (source: ntp): client for setting system time from NTP servers. In component main, is important. Version 1:4.2.4p4+dfsg-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 59 kB, installed size 212 kB16:02
H0T_R0Dthere is no /dev/modem ...16:02
soundray!modem | H0T_R0D16:03
ubottuH0T_R0D: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto16:03
bakerHOT_ROD: did u use scanModem?16:03
doogluspopey: what if I want something from a standard ubuntu repo?  universe/multiverse is OK16:03
popeydooglus: try one of the others then16:03
alex-weejdooglus: banshee 1.0 does what you want, it's just it is too new for Hardy and doesn't qualify for an SRU16:03
remoteCTR1soundray: k, its installed and how do i get it to retrieve the proper date?16:04
int86 How one can restore files from lost+found   <<<>>>>16:04
alex-weejint86: copy and paste?16:04
soundrayremoteCTR1: it does it automatically each time your internet connection goes up16:04
remoteCTR1soundray: umm, kk but i cant turn it down it is a server16:04
soundrayremoteCTR1: hold on a sec16:05
remoteCTR1soundray: k, thanks16:05
int86alex-weej: I dont know there location, they are in total 400 mbs16:05
spiritssightIs there a way to remove and reinstall the stuff of the wireless, I don't get why this is working and the people that tryed to help have not been able to do so, its most likly me and I just don't know it :-(16:05
uro1hey- i have installed flashplugin-nonfree, but full screen still wont work16:05
tunnel25yes ma4de616:05
int86alex-weej: I want to restore them to there respective directories16:06
alex-weejint86: the filesystem doesn't know their location either... that's why they're in lost...and found16:06
tunnel25sliping full16:06
dooglusalex-weej: ugh, it appears that banshee requires a ton of MS-patented crap16:06
soundrayremoteCTR1: do a 'sudo true' to cache your sudo password, then run 'date ; sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate ; date'.16:06
alex-weejdooglus: if by that you mean mono... yes it's a CLR app.16:06
dooglusalex-weej: "need to download 15MB - 47MB extra disk space will be used" - yes, it's all mono stuff16:07
soundrayuro1: is the flashplugin listed when you type in 'about:plugins' as the URL in firefox?16:07
alex-weejdooglus: up to you.16:07
dooglusalex-weej: are there any non-mono alternatives?16:07
alex-weejdooglus: not that i know of that are as good. what difference does it make?16:08
popeydooglus: in all likelyhood you already have microsoft patented stuff on your machine but you dont know it16:08
soundraydooglus: if you are the least bit worried about patents, don't even think of playing mp3 and m4v stuff16:08
alex-weejthat's a good point, soundray16:08
Kain89hello @ all16:08
int86alex-weej: then whats the use for lost+found dirctory, my all etc and var directory went in lostfound after a fsck16:08
remoteCTR1soundray: umm that gives me errors16:09
alex-weejint86: when fsck scans your disk it finds files that are orphaned (don't have a directory entry)16:09
soundrayremoteCTR1: do you want to pastebin them for me to see?16:09
popeydooglus: fact is you have no idea what microsoft hold patents on, just that they _do_ hold patents on _some_ bits of mono16:09
alex-weejint86: it will place them in lost+found so you can decide what to do with them.16:09
doogluspopey: it seems like a waste of energy to work on mono apps when MS can easily kill the projects16:09
remoteCTR1soundray: did you just take that out of some perl script or something? cos those ; inbetween dont seem right to me for console...16:09
popeydooglus: take the fud elsewhere please16:10
alex-weejdooglus: no more easily than MPEG patent holders can kill ffmpeg etc.16:10
alex-weejand a large proportion of the world is free16:10
int86alex-weej: you mean manully, is there any way to reverse the process of fsck16:10
krunchyfrogwhat's initramfs at the beginning?16:10
alex-weejint86: unfortunately not16:10
rockyrockplease guys help me, i have a complicated problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91272816:10
soundrayremoteCTR1: you clearly have no idea16:10
BearishIs there someone who can help me with broadcom b43 wireless drivers? such as guides or links where i can download it?16:10
alex-weejint86: but... the files that were supposedly in /etc and /var will have been broken anyway16:10
remoteCTR1soundray: heh that might be true, so explain if you like?16:11
PolarinaHow long does a laptop battery that lasts approximately 3 hours under normal word processing use last while suspended?16:11
Picikrunchyfrog: Thats when grub loads the linux kernel.16:11
int86alex-weej: thanks , I should head for a fresh install16:11
lisa_can somebpdy tell me how i can go to the german ubuntu channel?16:11
alex-weejint86: i suggest so too16:11
Picilisa_: /join #ubuntu-de16:11
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:11
erUSULlisa_: /j #ubuntu-de16:11
young98anybody help me16:11
soundrayremoteCTR1: I don't know if I'm inclined to, if I get a response like yours above16:11
Piciyoung98: You'll need to ask a question first.16:12
alex-weejPolarina: days and days and days16:12
krunchyfrogpici: so what if booting makes initramfs kind of hang on startup?  how long can it take?16:12
remoteCTR1soundray: whats the problem, did i offend you in any way?16:12
young98i can't type any characters in my terminal16:12
Picikrunchyfrog: Is this the first boot after an install?16:12
int86alex-weej: isnt there any repair method as in windows16:12
Polarinaalex-weej: How many?16:12
Bearishcan anyone help me with broadcom wireless drivers?16:12
H0T_R0Dwhy is there no /dev/modem on my system, the laptop has a built in modem... wvdial says cant detect modem and gnome-pp says the same thing and in my /dev folder there is no modem16:12
H0T_R0Dis there a driver that i need?16:13
_UsUrPeR_Bearish: I have a broadcom wireless card working in my laptop right now16:13
rockyrockH0T_R0D: yeah16:13
arvind_khadri!broadcom > H0T_R0D16:13
ubottuH0T_R0D, please see my private message16:13
young98 Can't type any characters in my terminal..16:13
erUSUL!dial-up | H0T_R0D16:13
ubottuH0T_R0D: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto16:13
Bearishthere is a problem with my b43 driver16:13
the_darkside_986I give up on trying to get IRCD working in Ubuntu. So I'll just reboot to Windows XP. Unreal's irc server is awesome anyway.16:13
krunchyfrogpici: yes, does it change something?16:13
rockyrockH0T_R0D: check linmodems.org16:13
soundrayremoteCTR1: mate, I've been installing and maintaining unix systems via the command line for 15 years. Now you come at me with "did you just take that out of some perl script or something?". How polite do you think that is?16:14
young98 /server irc.hanirc.org 666716:14
arvind_khadri!broadcom > Bearish16:14
ubottuBearish, please see my private message16:14
_UsUrPeR_Bearish: I am using madwifi. it's a simple install, just jump in the dir, run make, then run make install and reboot the computer16:14
rockyrockH0T_R0D: forget about the ubottu just join the mailing list of that website16:14
rockyrockhas anybody read my problem???16:14
rockyrockmy problem is that i can't install ubuntu, plz read my post16:15
krunchyfrogPici: please?16:15
Picikrunchyfrog: Sorry, got a bit distracted.16:15
remoteCTR1soundray: no man you got that wrong, i din't mean it that way; i am not too familiar with bash scripting and as said before that thows an error, so iw as just asking, that was no "or what" question...says -bash: date ; sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate ; date: No such file or directory16:15
=== cesco_ is now known as cesco
Picikrunchyfrog: Are there any errors or does it just say that its loading?16:16
PiciremoteCTR1: don't enclose the command with quotes.16:16
LynetremoteCTR1: Erm.. You did type that in without any quotes, right?16:16
soundrayremoteCTR1: you pasted the quote marks. Only paste the stuff in between.16:17
LynetOmg, is echo here! ;-p16:17
IdleOnerockyrock: try using this http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent to install16:17
rockyrockwhat's the alternate?16:18
H0T_R0Dwhere do i get scanmodem is it in the repository?16:18
IdleOneit is a text based install. not complicated and gives you the same default Ubuntu as the live cd does when done16:18
remoteCTR1soundray: ya ok <-lil slow today, yet still this tells me Mon Sep  8 17:28:55 CEST 200816:19
remoteCTR1Mon Sep  8 17:28:55 CEST 200816:19
remoteCTR1which is unfortunately still not correct...?16:19
sysop1972Can someone help me with installing a secondary drive to my ubuntu system?16:19
skeddyhi, could someone point me in the direction of installing mywpc54gx16:19
rockyrockIdleOne: I have ubuntu 8.04.1 CD16:19
rockyrockIdleOne: is it something else?16:19
IdleOnerockyrock: yes but that is the Live CD version correct?16:20
rockyrockIdleOne: Live CD version of what?? of my CD???16:20
haptiKHOW CAN SHE SLAP?!?!16:21
krunchyfroghooray I got my tvpc back again!!16:21
rockyrockIdleOne: no, it's not16:21
sysop1972Does anyone know how to install a 2nd drive to a ubuntu install?16:21
rockyrockIdleOne: i used that CD to install ubuntu on other Desktop16:21
rockyrockIdleOne: i also tried xubuntu, but i got the same issue16:22
soundrayremoteCTR1: does 'sudo /usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian' give you anything?16:22
IdleOnerockyrock: did it give you the option to try without installing?16:22
krunchyfrogNo I need to make frets on fire work16:22
krunchyfrogno = now16:22
remoteCTR1soundray: it does: 8 Sep 17:33:49 ntpdate[6648]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting16:22
=== MaNChE is now known as error
rockyrockIdleOne: yeah, it gives 4 options: 1- Live, 2-Install, 3- memtest+. 4-boot from hardisk16:23
Darsoanyone know about using an hdtv as a comp monitor?16:24
IdleOnerockyrock: ok download and burn http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent this is a text install version and sometimes fixes the problems that some people have with installing from the version you currently have16:24
skeddyI need help installing my WPC54GX - It's PCMIA based, and it's plugged in, but there are no lights16:24
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rajechow to find out in terminal which version of some softwar is in repository16:24
Picirajec: apt-cache show packagename16:24
krunchyfrogDarso: there's lots of people doing that..  it all depends on your cpu, your ram and your video card.16:25
soundrayremoteCTR1: okay, it looks like you have ntpd running on your system. Can you 'sudo invoke-rc.d ntp stop'?16:25
IdleOnerajec: apt-cache policy package shows version installed16:25
remoteCTR1soundray: done16:25
rockyrockIdleOne: ok, how can i install it?? is it the same way or there are commands that i have to learn first?16:25
remoteCTR1soundray: now again the other command?16:26
soundrayremoteCTR1: yes16:26
IdleOnerockyrock: it is simple follow instructions. no commands to learn16:26
rockyrockok, thnx16:26
IdleOneno problem16:26
int86How to repair a insatallation16:26
IdleOneint86: depends on how you broke it16:27
rajecidleOne: cant make it work. I want to know which version of opera I will get when I will installed it through app-get16:27
remoteCTR1soundray: ok, sudo /usr/sbin/ntpdate-debian now returns the following after some seconds: 8 Sep 17:38:02 ntpdate[6892]: step time server offset -677.629238 sec16:27
soundrayremoteCTR1: so it's updated the time. See if it's correct now by running 'date'16:27
rockyrocki have another problem. There is a program called SCIM, it's always running even when i close it. It always appears in the notification area16:28
miteshmy system always shows the wrong time. when i reboot the system it displays "CMOS Checksum error", i have replaced my old battrey but didnot get the desired result. is there anything else that can be done?16:28
remoteCTR1soundray: unforunately it still isn't...   Mon Sep  8 17:39:21 CEST 200816:28
rockyrocksometimes i can't even write in Virtual Box16:28
int86IdleOne: broke with fsck, cant boot in any mode, but can browse parition while booting with a live cd16:28
krunchyfrogPici: that initramfs I was talking about, well the user says it was hung there and he got impatient after about 5 minutes and rebooted to livecd16:29
int86IdleOne: can I install in the same / , without formattion it16:29
elzoogHello everyone, I have another question16:29
rockyrockfirst i have to close it, then i open VBOX after that i can type in my Virtual OSs16:29
int86IdleOne: re-install I mean16:29
rockyrockeven when i close it, it runs again!16:29
elzoogDoes anyone know much about sound in Ubuntu 8.04?16:30
rockyrockalso it prevent me from using the Fast Search in the File manager16:30
IdleOneint86: do you have a separate /home partition?16:30
IdleOneint86: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome follow this guide to move your /home to a seprarate partiton then you will be able to re-install ubuntu without losing your personal files16:31
int86IdleOne: nope16:31
coregthere is an ubuntu live with incorporated LTSP?16:31
soundrayremoteCTR1: please do a 'date ; sudo ntpdate-debian ; date ; sleep 1 ; date' and tell me whether any of the dates shown are correct16:31
coregalready configured with dhcp and so on?16:31
elzoogThe sound quality I get in Ubuntu 8.04 is very staticy (unlike 7.10 where the quality was decent)16:32
remoteCTR1soundray: nope, sorry to say but it still runs some 18 minutes ahead16:32
IdleOneint86: I recommend you read that site 2 times completely. print it if you want and then follow the instructions carefully. I used it and had no problems with it16:32
elTigreHi! I have a rogue process (totem) and can't kill it16:32
elTigrekillall -9 doesn't work16:33
elTigreis there a way short of rebooting?16:33
spydonelTigre, pkill totem or killall totem16:33
int86IdleOne: k , reading16:33
IdleOneint86: :)16:33
elTigrespydon: that does not work16:33
spydonelTigre, ctrl+alt+backspace then16:33
elTigretried at least a dozen times ... also -916:34
elTigrethat will wreck my X Session16:34
elzoogelTigre: That's one reason I don't bother with Totem.  Use mplayer or vlc player.  Both of them are better.16:34
Fritz87Guys, what are your personal favorite ubuntu distros?16:34
IdleOneint86: don't let it intimidate you. :)16:34
elTigrethat wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear, elzoog ;)16:34
rengoholas. alguien sabe como crear ina imagen de cd o dvd con ectencion .iso para agregar archivos?16:34
elzoogCan anyone tell me how to improve sound in Ubuntu?16:34
rengova con que soft se puede rear esa imagen a si agregar archivos.16:35
metalmaniaHi all16:36
elTigrerengo: Insert raw CD, Drag files into CD folder and burn16:36
elzoogelTigre:  Well, my personal experience with Totem has never been good.  Since I have never had nearly as many problems with mplayer I simply use that.16:36
soundrayremoteCTR1: more like 11 minutes. But it's still strange...16:36
TrijntjeWhen i login to msn with pidgin, it says:16:36
TrijntjeThe root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin. (trying to log on to login.live.com) Does anyone know what i should do about this?16:36
rengowhat soft' name?16:36
elzoogI think mplayer should be the standard movie player in Ubuntu instead of Totem16:36
`MatirDoes anyone here use a VPS?16:37
rengonot cd o dvd . isert files.16:37
sysop1972could someone please help me install a 2nd hard drive to my ubuntu system?  The drive is physically installed I just don't know how to mount etc.16:37
remoteCTR1soundray: in that case my client's clock is also not correct, and yes it is... actually i thought ntpd was doing that anyways but it doesnt seem so...16:37
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL
int86IdleOne: what after that16:37
elzoogSo nobody here knows anything about how to fix sound?16:38
soundray!sound > elzoog16:38
ubottuelzoog, please see my private message16:38
int86IdleOne: I cant browse the home folder with ext2fs while on windows too16:39
jesus_some one there'16:39
Kubawhat happens below the scenes when i press control-alt-delete combo16:39
yrlnryMy Ubuntu 8.04 box recently offered me an upgrade from Subversion 1.4 to 1.5.  I don't want to take it.  How can I get the update manager to stop displaying the icon that says that new updates are available, until some *other* new updates are available?16:39
elzoogIs there someone that knows more about sound than a robot does here?16:39
metalmaniaBRB food ^16:39
LordMetroidIs there any configuration over what the notification area on the menu shall show?16:40
anon32elzoog, say what?16:40
elzooganon32:  ubottu is a bot.  It is the only thing that responded to my query16:40
anon32elzoog, what was your query? I just joined.16:40
elzooganon:  I am wondering how to improve sound in Ubuntu 8.04.  It works, but it is very poor quality (what I mean by that is it's very staticy).  I didn't have this problem with Ubuntu 7.1016:41
jesus_is there someone that knows why i can conect to my wifi ( i see all the conections but i cant conect them, my router doesn't accept the pass word)16:41
anon32elzoog, this sounds like a regression in the sound driver. What sound chip do you have?16:42
soundrayremoteCTR1: let's see if restarting the ntp daemon does anything. Run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'16:42
Marfihas anyone used the forensics .debs of ubuntu? autopsy, sleuthkit, etc? if so, are they as effective as the windows alternatives for data recovery?16:42
soundrayremoteCTR1: let's see if restarting the ntp daemon does anything. Run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' in another terminal to see what's happening, then enter 'sudo invoke-rc.d ntp start'16:42
elzooganon:  It's whatever sound card comes with an HP laptop,  HP Pavilion dv600016:43
anon32elzoog, well, you need to find out what that is. Usually, the "lspci" command will show it.16:43
remoteCTR1soundray: just a sec please16:43
remoteCTR1soundray: says the following: http://www.nopaste.org/p/aua2R45sob16:45
remoteCTR1!jp | Rostropovich16:45
ubottuRostropovich: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:45
lisa_join/ ubuntu.de16:45
scotelaroi lisa16:45
TrelousHi everyone *waves*16:46
elzoog"lspci | grep Audio"  returns  "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)"16:46
scotelaroi from brasil16:46
Mister_Higgs\joint #ubuntu-fr16:46
anon32urgh, that jap text seriously messed up my text console16:46
soundrayremoteCTR1: that ntp is a bit outdated -- which Ubuntu version do you have?16:46
remoteCTR1soundray: and now came this, does that help:  Sep  8 15:57:19 MailMath ntpd[22963]: sendto( (fd=-1): Bad file descriptor16:46
lisa_\join #ubuntu-de16:47
=== Kitu is now known as moine
soundrayremoteCTR1: ah!16:47
erUSULanon32: change your terminal emulator or7and irc client16:47
scotelaroplease chanel brasilian ubuntu ?16:47
elzooganon:  "lspci | grep Audio"  returns  "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)"16:47
anon32elzoog, ah, an Intel HDA. The drivers for those are kind of flakey - I would suggest looking into the module documentation for the hda driver.16:47
kraussI think I just installed everything fom the synaptics thing16:47
erUSULlisa_: /join ...16:47
anon32erUSUL, or, you could just talk in English like the rest of us.16:47
anon32and it's not a "terminal emulator" but an *actual terminal*16:48
elzooganon:  I didn't have this problem with Ubuntu 7.10.  You would think that a more recent version would be better16:48
anon32elzoog, I would as well. A hotfix would be to cut your PCM volume.16:48
anon32that should mask the distortion16:48
rich_hello everyone....has anyone tried to open an wmv file and had a prob ...i have16:49
anon32oh, I'm actually getting ahead of myself - do you get bad sound in all applications?16:49
anon32rich_, no, I haven't had any problems with WMVs.16:49
scotelaroplease chanel brasileiro in ubuntu16:49
Marfihas anyone used the forensics .debs of ubuntu? autopsy, sleuthkit, etc? if so, are they as effective as the windows alternatives for data recovery?16:49
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:49
spiritssightis any one able to help with fixing why wireless networks are not showing up on my system??16:49
rich_well anon 32....any advise16:49
soundrayremoteCTR1: I'm still talking to you :)  According to a quick web search, this means that you have more than one ntpd running. Try 'sudo invoke-rc.d ntp stop' again, then 'sudo killall ntpd', then check if any are still running with 'ps aux | grep ntp'16:49
remoteCTR1soundray: aye, sec pls16:50
rich_mplayer??? dont work16:50
scotelarooks obrigaduu16:50
atlantiscan wine for 64bit run photoshop (32 bit)16:50
elzooganon:  Yes, it sounds bad on pretty much everything.16:50
elzooganon:  Even if I turn down the PCM volume16:51
anon32rich_, if you are using a MPlayer version provided in the repositories, you should delete it. All multi-media software in *buntu is horribly crippled.16:51
anon32elzoog, sounds like a problem with the driver then.16:51
scotelaro Thank you16:51
N0_Named_Guyhello ppl :)16:51
firbthank you16:51
elzooganon:  Apperently, it's a Conexant High-Definition Audio Driver16:51
soundrayatlantis: the wine that comes packaged with Ubuntu 64bit emulates 32bit Windows, so it should be fine in principle. For Photoshop compatibility, see the winehq site16:51
anon32rich_, instead, you should download the sources for MPlayer and build it by hand.16:51
N0_Named_Guyanon32: did you checked medibuntu out?16:51
soundray!wine | atlantis16:51
ubottuatlantis: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.16:51
erUSUL!appdb | atlantis16:51
ubottuatlantis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org16:51
remoteCTR1soundray: as you said, just killed the other thread16:51
rich_Anon 32......what about mencoder?16:52
rich_is that good?16:52
anon32MEncoder is part of MPlayer and is similarly broken.16:52
soundrayremoteCTR1: no more ntpds running now?16:52
atlantisI couldn't even get the setup file to run through wine, click and click nothing happens, didn't know if there was a work around16:52
rich_oh ok16:52
remoteCTR1soundray: nope all killed16:52
soundrayremoteCTR1: try again 'date ; sudo ntpdate-debian ; date'16:53
sysop1972Can someone please help install a 2nd hard drive?  I do not know how to create mount points.16:53
soundray!newdrive | sysop197216:53
ubottusysop1972: For help with adding a new hard disk drive to an installed system, refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive - see also !fstab16:53
remoteCTR1soundray: already done, also the other command, yet still no change \o0/16:53
soundraysysop1972: a mountpoint is a directory like any other. Create it with 'sudo mkdir /var/local/nameofmountpoint'16:53
=== moine is now known as Kitu
b3z3rk3ranyone awake?16:54
soundrayremoteCTR1: sorry, I'm out of suggestions. What's the uptime on this machine? Perhaps it just needs rebooting to restore sanity...16:54
kraussOk, I did apt-get, for the flash player16:54
erUSUL!cn | lvdaxia16:54
ubottulvdaxia: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:54
Pici!en | lvdaxia Rostropovich16:55
ubottulvdaxia Rostropovich: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:55
kraussAm I doing the comman wrong?16:55
rich_anyone have a simple solution to play a WMV file?16:55
remoteCTR1soundray: humm... that would be 40 days16:55
remoteCTR1soundray: thanks alot for the effort though i appreciate it!16:55
sysop1972soundtray - Well I have shared folders on the primary hard drive and I am looking to add storage within the main shared folder.  Does this mean I createmy mount point in there?16:55
erUSULrich_: install w32codecs from medibuntu repo16:55
erUSUL!medibuntu > rich_16:55
ubotturich_, please see my private message16:55
erUSULrich_: also make sure you have ubuntu-restricted-extras16:56
rich_ok thanx16:56
kraussHow do you get Ubuntu Restricted Extras?16:56
rich_ok will do thanx again16:56
rich_will be back soon16:56
erUSULkrauss: is a package16:56
kraussI'm STILL having troubleg flash player downloadin16:57
b3z3rk3rin the repository16:57
kraussOn the CD?16:57
kraussOk, I just installed everything out of Synaptics16:57
PiciKrayZee: Everything?16:57
Picier, krauss Everything?16:57
kraussClicked Mark all16:57
kraussAnd installed itall16:57
kraussI have no idea what I'm doing16:57
Picikrauss: Thats pretty silly.16:58
`MatirAnyone here use a VPS provider?  I'm looking for one that's kinda cheap (since it's just for personal use) with fairly liberal usage, etc.16:58
nashkI'm setting up monit on my ubuntu server. I'm wondering if there's a startup script out there to use for when system reboots, it woul start monit automatically?16:58
kraussI felt pretty accomplished.16:58
soundraysysop1972: I don't know how well it will work if you create a mountpoint under a shared directory -- can't see a reason why it wouldn't, but I haven't tried. For sanity, I would move the main shared folder data to the new drive, then make the mountpoint of the new drive the new main shared directory.16:58
b3z3rk3rgo to your Applications tab16:58
Pici`Matir: Try ##web, #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support only.16:58
b3z3rk3rthen down to Add/remove16:58
kraussHeh, I am a NEW user to ubuntu16:58
kraussTotally NEW.16:58
Picikrauss: I understand.16:58
b3z3rk3rcongrats then krauss16:58
elzooganon:  Apperently, there is a problem with Conexant drivers16:59
`MatirPici, there's not even a ##web channel.16:59
`MatirPici, but thanks.16:59
kraussBut yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how to install this darned Adobe flash player16:59
kraussI downloaded the file16:59
Pici`Matir: Sorry, its #web16:59
kraussI just can't install it16:59
doogluskrauss: you can't install everything16:59
cheekydoes anyone know how to find out wat mother board iam running ?17:00
doogluskrauss: some packages are mutually incompatible17:00
soundraykrauss: did you run 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree', as has been suggested?17:00
cheekythought ubuntu ?17:00
kraussYup. I did.17:00
erUSULcheeky: sudo lshw | less17:00
doogluscheeky: through17:00
soundraycheeky: 'dmidecode' should give you some BIOS and mobo information17:00
cheekythe only reason iam asking17:00
cheekyis coz17:00
soundraykrauss: and did you restart firefox after that?17:00
cheekyicant get ubuntu to start up17:01
Pici!enter | cheeky17:01
ubottucheeky: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:01
Tulimaqkrauss: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree17:01
cheekyand thinking coz its my raid dirvers acting the fool !17:01
b3z3rk3rcheeky: you can always just check what model number you bought and look it up on the manufactureres website17:01
PiciTulimaq: He already did that17:01
cheekyok sorry17:01
kraussOk I'll try that17:01
soundrayTulimaq: he's done the apt-get, so don't confuse please17:01
Picikrauss: Its the same thing that you already did, just a different tool to do it17:01
erUSUL!fakeraid | cheeky17:01
ubottucheeky: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:01
krunchyfrogpici: I've been with cheeky for a while now...  he's the one have the initramfs17:02
krunchyfrogpici: initramfs problem I mean17:02
soundraykrauss: you mean restart firefox? Please use the nick of the person you're replying to.17:02
Kubahow to check soft version placed in repos?17:02
soundrayKuba: 'apt-cache policy packagename'17:02
kraussE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)17:03
kraussE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:03
kraussThat is the error I got17:03
Kubasoundray: thx17:03
soundraykrauss: do NOT paste errors here17:03
Picisoundray: I'm going to leave him to you, too many people talking.17:03
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soundraykrauss: what did you run when you got that error17:03
b3z3rk3rkrauss: you should use the paste bin mate17:03
soundrayPici: sorry, didn't mean to butt in17:03
kraussThe aptitude line.17:03
Kubado you know how to call gnome quit window from shell?17:04
Picisoundray: No. I was the one butting in ;)17:04
kraussAnd before that, and before installing all the synaptics stff, it said file not found17:04
soundraykrauss: you don't need to run the aptitude command if you've already installed it with apt-get17:04
kraussIt didn't work with apt get17:04
soundraykrauss: did you restart firefox?17:04
kraussTold me file does not existr17:04
kraussYeah, I did17:05
soundraykrauss: do you have synaptic running at the moment?17:05
Marfihas anyone used the forensics .debs of ubuntu? autopsy, sleuthkit, etc? if so, are they as effective as the windows alternatives for data recovery?17:05
kraussXchat, Gaim, Terminal17:05
soundraykrauss: any other package manager, like Add/Remove?17:05
kraussJust those three17:05
soundraykrauss: anything running inside the terminal?17:06
b3z3rk3rgtg guyz bbl17:06
kraussNothing. Started fresh17:06
AethelredHow do I decide between nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new  ?17:07
jmichels1nI am looking for a command line based forum navigator. maybe that can log in and post via a script? any ideas17:07
soundraykrauss: please use my nick. You mean you rebooted?17:07
uniscriptany idea how to add a group to my list of groups after I have access to the group without logging out?17:07
nashkis there a special room for ubuntu server?17:07
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ripper33hi all, i need some shortcuts on network programming. I am trying to code some c socket programming over gcc, but unable to test them on telnet, is there anybody experienced using telnet especially localhost (127.0.01)17:07
Mister_Higgs\join #ubuntu-fr17:07
krausssoundray: I mean I closed terminal and re-opened.17:08
krausssoundray: Should I reboot the whole computer?17:08
TulimaqAethelred: what card you are using ?17:08
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soundraykrauss: yes, that'll be the easiest way to get rid of the "Could not get lock" error17:09
Aethelred8800GTS 64017:09
cyberfinHi guys, can anyone tell me why I have a cdrom unit under /dev/sdc1 and a fat32 USB external drive also under /dev/sdc1 (which won't moun)? Please!17:09
krausssoundray: thanks for the help, be back in a few17:09
TulimaqAethelred: go with "nvidia-glx-new" then17:10
ripper33people help me to ignor system messages, i am using xchat17:10
Shoopufmy Flash videos don't have any sound, anyone know the problem?17:10
AethelredTulimaq: thanks, but how could I have found out the difference?17:10
soundraycyberfin: what tells you that the cdrom device is /dev/sdc1 ?17:10
ripper33ipw2200 hpnx6110 anyone know the problem17:11
jmichels1nI am looking for a command line based forum navigator. maybe that can log in and post via a script? any ideas17:11
cyberfincat /etc/fstab17:11
soundrayShoopuf: try installing libflashsupport17:11
soundray!info libflashsupport | Shoopuf17:11
ubottushoopuf: libflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB17:11
soundraycyberfin: could you pastebin that for me?17:12
highoctare u there?17:12
highoctcan anyone hear me?17:12
soundrayhighoct: no17:12
highoctcan u read me?17:13
hoarycripplehighoct, just ask your question please17:13
Aethelredhighoct: I can read you17:13
jmichels1n!anyone | highoct17:13
ubottuhighoct: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:13
soundrayhighoct: only faintly. Strike your keys harder17:13
hoarycripplesoundray, haha17:13
highoctok, here's my problem...17:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hurry17:13
highocti have a nokia n95, trying to di17:13
highocti'm trying to set it up as a usb modem,17:14
ripper33hp nx6110 ipw2200 wireless led button, anyone experienced17:14
highocti have all the commands to do so, but i can't run them cause it says i need root access17:14
cyberfinsure: http://pastecode.net/?action=viewpost&tag=308717:14
highocthot do i enable root to do this?17:14
hoarycripplehighoct, 'sudo' or 'su'17:15
cyberfinand here is fdisk -l: http://pastecode.net/?action=viewpost&tag=308817:15
highoctyea i tried that, but it doesn't work, it says i need root access...cause my login isn't root17:15
soundraycyberfin: I think that line 12 has been added by mistake. Line 14 is the correct one17:15
ripper33sudo must solve it17:16
cyberfinshould I just delete it?17:16
soundraycyberfin: yes17:16
ayhanhello there all. is there a way to video conference with a msn user ?17:16
clarbyHmm, trying to install python-imaging: I get the following: dpkg: error processing python-imaging (--configure):17:16
cyberfinok great thanks!17:16
soundraycyberfin: you have a 500GB fat32? Danger looming...17:17
highocteven when i use sudo it says that it doesn't have permission to write to wvdial.conf17:17
cyberfinnot for long... not after today17:17
soundraycyberfin: :)17:17
cyberfinnot that anything really went wrong but... ya know...17:17
cyberfinanyway thanks again!17:18
highocti ran into this problem before curtain things dont' work unless u log as root17:18
lore20ayhan: amsn17:18
lore20it should let u use audio/vido conference17:18
ayhanok, thanks ill check it out17:18
soundrayhighoct: what's the full command you're trying to use?17:18
highoctk hang on17:19
IctinikeHello! Just wondering if anyone could tell me how to access logs on ubuntu that will show me errors from this, and last run?17:19
lore20Ictinike: look in /var/log17:19
Ictinikelore20, thank you.17:19
highoctsudo vi /etc/wvdial.conf17:19
soundrayhighoct: and what are the permissions on the file? 'ls -l /etc/wvdial.conf'17:20
lore20highoct: u can use network manager, can't u?17:20
[nrx]Ictinike, log would be /var/log/messages ?17:20
Ictinike[nrx] Thanks :)17:21
IctinikeAnyone have an idea why my computer might be randomly rebooting after startup sometimes? It wasn't... 2 weeks ago.17:22
MarshalrustyIctinike: Before or after loading the OS?17:23
Ictinikemarshalrusty After or during.17:23
highoctlore20 i can use gnome-ppp but it's not working so i'm editing the file think the settings are off17:23
MarshalrustyIctinike: Have you checked the error log?17:23
EI5GTBanyone know of a login screen that has like a keypad on it? itd for use wth a touchscreen..17:24
Ictinikemarshalrusty That's what I'm attempting to find right now. :)17:24
ShoopufHow do I open a -rpm.bin file17:24
soundray!modem > highoct17:24
ubottuhighoct, please see my private message17:24
IndyGunFreakShoopuf: ubuntu doesn't use rpm.17:24
MarshalrustyIctinike: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515817:24
Ictinikeshoopuf RPM's are for Fedora and red hat etc, get a Deb17:24
grendal_primeDoes anyone have a centro yet17:26
Ictinikemarshalrusty, so, would "Messages.0" be from my last boot up?17:27
highoctsoundray fix the problem for me!!!!!!  soundray rocks! thanks a million17:27
* soundray blushe17:27
sysop1972does anyone know of a way to make an image to a dvd of the unbuntu drive for backup?  I do not want to image the unused space however.17:28
quallsysop1972, can do it with clonezilla17:29
quallnot directly to dvd though i dont think17:29
qualli dont know if anything images directly to optical17:29
sysop1972quall: does that make an iso or something? does it run from the desktop?17:29
hwildeis there any way I can record a screenshot video?17:30
martin_I upgraded to network manager 0.7 (from the ppa) in order to share my internet connection. But how do I do that, using the applet?17:31
Marfihas anyone used the forensics .debs of ubuntu? autopsy, sleuthkit, etc? if so, are they as effective as the windows alternatives for data recovery?17:32
martin_I connect over mobile broadband and would like to set up a wireless network that others can connect to.17:32
soundray!screencast | hwilde17:32
ubottuhwilde: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.17:32
dawnhi all17:33
lore20hi dawn17:33
lore20hi outbackwifi17:34
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ale22944hi all! does anyone know a good download manager that doesn't trash the partial file in case connection fails?17:34
soundraymartin_: what's ppa?17:34
lore20ale22944: the firefox extension "DownThemAll"17:34
Marfiale22944, firefox usually does a decent job of it17:34
martin_A personal package repository.17:34
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martin_Used for a backport of nm 0.7 to hardy in this case.17:35
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ale22944lore20: thanks!!17:35
martin_It's the same version there as in intrepid seemingly.17:35
lore20ale22944: np17:36
BitWraithis it possible to boot wubi with grub?17:36
martin_I am rarely stumped by a GUI, but this one is just not very clear...17:36
outbackwifiale22944: wget -c17:36
soundraymartin_: I would setup connection sharing with firestarter17:36
newbCan someone direct me to the correct channel? I am trying to install the proprietary Nvidia CUDA enabled 64bit driver on 8.04 64bit machine. But I'm constantly stuck in low-resolution mode.17:36
Marfinewb, try to edit your xorg.conf file and add the higher resolutions to it17:37
lore20!nvidia | newb17:37
ubottunewb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:37
NMit a joke install envy "in my case"17:37
NMand never losse17:37
martin_soundray: Yes, but then I'll have to take the interfaces away from NM. That's a hassle, since I would usually just connect automatically using NM.17:37
ThreethanSo, who knew that Linksys didn't work well with Ubuntu or Linux.17:39
soundraymartin_: I don't think you'd have to do that. firestarter just configures iptables17:39
soundrayThreethan: is that a support question?17:39
edjuTrying to run screenlets under KDE.  It errors out -- doesn't recognize the file format of '/usr/share/icons/screenlets.svg'.  That's a soft link to an existing file.  Any hints how to get this thing going?17:39
outbackwifiThreethan: I can safely say that linksys works well with Ubuntu :)17:39
Threethansoundray- No, that's more of an disgusted statement.17:39
martin_soundray: OK. The howto I saw was more intrusive, but maybe that's not necessary.17:40
soundrayThreethan: then take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please17:40
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krunchyfrogcan someone help me make phpwiki or some other wiki system work?  phpwiki does not install correctly as I can figure it out17:40
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lore20krunchyfrog: have u any problem with LAMP server?17:40
=== GhostlyDeath_ is now known as GhostlyDeath|Lap
krunchyfroglore20: never used that..17:41
lore20krunchyfrog: so.. first at all u need to set up a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server17:42
lore20!lamp | krunchyfrog17:42
ubottukrunchyfrog: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:42
krunchyfrogoooook well I already got apache and mysql and php setup17:42
krunchyfrogsorry I just didn't figure out lamp  ;)17:42
gnuskoolg'd ay17:42
NicEXEhow can I install a program on Ubuntu? (I have the package, if I extract it somewhere i can launch the program normally) Is there any procedure that make an installer handle this kind of files?17:43
lore20gnuskool: g'd day17:43
lore20krunchyfrog: try another CMS... search for it on google17:43
soundrayNicEXE: you would normally get your software from an Ubuntu repository17:44
soundray!software > NicEXE17:44
ubottuNicEXE, please see my private message17:44
gnuskoolNicEXE: dpkg --install then the package name17:44
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BitWraithdoes anybody here use lubi?17:45
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sysop1972I have one question about mountpoints..  is the mountpoint for a secondary hard drive the equivalent of going to d: drive in windows?  Does this mean that it is where I need to go to in order to locate the drive?17:45
BitWraithsysop1972, essentially, yes17:46
BitWraithit's typed a little differently, but it still gets you to the drive's files... same thing.17:46
soundraysysop1972: yes, but only once it's mounted17:46
v6F3hY-UfmlI'm having a problem where apache (httpd) won't start, and also doesn't produce any errors in the log =( any ideas?17:47
BitWraithright, I thought you already mentioned that. :-)17:47
lore20v6F3hY-Ufml: sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache(2)17:47
BitWraithv6F3hY-Ufml, did you try starting it by hand to see what is said in the terminal?17:47
BitWraithuh, or that. *shuts up*17:47
powertool08What is a good VPN client for ubuntu?17:48
sysop1972bitwraith : I have a folder /home/smbuser where I have subfolders that are shared with windows clients.  I am adding a 2nd drive for extra storage for the windows clients.  Should I make my mount point within /home/smbuser?17:48
v6F3hY-Ufmlyes, it reports as if it has started in the terminal, but nothing appears in either the 'task manager' nor the netstat listening commands17:48
v6F3hY-Ufmllore20: htanks17:48
soundraysysop1972: did you have a look at the link in the newdrive factoid from ubottu?17:48
sysop1972soundtray : I am reading the other link.. the ubuntu help link for adding a new drive17:49
coolhi  ho do i setup gyachi17:49
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BladesmanAnyone using getmail/fetchmail/anything to pull mail off imap.gmail.com?17:50
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Kn_join/ ubuntu.de17:51
Kn_join/ ubuntu#de17:51
Kn_how do i enter german ubuntu chat?17:51
omar_type /join17:51
omar_try this17:52
omar_type  : /join #ubuntu-de17:52
NicEXEI need to install a program but the file type is in *.tar.gz format (not deb) how can i install this kind of file types?17:52
zmyrgelwhat could disable my left arrow key?17:52
zmyrgelI use custom xmodmap but it has worked just fine on arch linux and on openbsd17:52
omar_NicEXE, you need to extract your file17:52
soundraysysop1972: if it was my system, I'd do the mounting under a system directory (as it is a system task). Then one can create user directories inside the new drive, and set up symbolic links from home directories as is required in your case.17:52
v6F3hY-Ufml<lore20> v6F3hY-Ufml: sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2 [no effect =/]17:52
omar_NicEXE, then you must compile it yourself17:52
Charlesboyhello everyone(hola a todos)17:53
rob`My printer supports duplex printing, but the option isn't available when i go to page setup in the print dialog, the only option is one-sided17:53
coolhow do i setup  hi how do i setup gyachi?17:53
Charlesboycan you help me?17:53
soundrayNicEXE: what are you trying to install?17:53
cool hi how do i setup gyachi?17:53
tommydHi all! Where do I find php5-dbg for 8.04?17:53
v6F3hY-UfmlI'm having a problem where apache (httpd) won't start, and also doesn't produce any errors in the log =( any ideas?17:54
tommydi.e. it does not seem to be included in the main repositories17:54
tommyd(I don't like to add untrusted / unknown sources just to get this one single package)17:54
BladesmanUse: tar -zxvf <package.tgz17:54
cool hi how do i setup gyachi?17:55
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NoiseEeeis KDE unadvisable to install?17:55
Charlesboysomone know about backtrack?17:55
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soundrayNoiseEee: no. Install kubuntu-desktop to get the full environment with applications.17:55
cool hi how do i setup gyachi?17:56
BladesmanInstall it in /usr/local if it isn't a standard package.17:56
soundray!repeat | cool17:56
ubottucool: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:56
NoiseEeesoundray: thanks17:56
NoiseEeeand does anyone know why I can ping my XP box, and see the name of the computer, but not any of the 'shared drives'?  my user/pass is exactly the same on both machines...17:56
omar_anybody knows a good partitioning app esle than parted ?17:59
coolwhat can  i ues to im and cam for yahoo  ssome one be for sayd  gyachi but the gyachi page dont have a noth  infor17:59
rob`omar_, what kind of features are you looking for?17:59
Bladesmanparted, cfdisk, ?17:59
omar_rob', icannot use gparted, it carshes my whole system17:59
coolwebcam im voice18:00
=== Guest7417 is now known as trucMuche
omar_it's gparted that crashes18:00
AethelredI'm running 8.04LTS. When a New Window is created by Firefox, it is drawn over the top of the previous window. How can I get new windows to cascade, ie: shifted down and to the right?18:00
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest86537
rob`omar_, tried fdisk?18:01
aRahimwanna start from termianl to get the errors why gparted crashes18:01
omar_is it loaded with xubuntu liveC D?18:01
gpledis there a replacement of outlook 2003 connecting to exchange 2007?18:01
aRahimyah it is18:01
aRahimUse GParted Live CD18:02
=== GhostlyDeath|Lap is now known as GhostlyDeath|Lpt
omar_rob`, i cannot setup windows, and i have deleted all the partitions, even gparted crashes when i tried to do something ( im using xubuntu livecd now )18:02
rob`omar_, are you sure the hdd is alright?18:03
outbackwifigpled: zimbra18:03
sysop1972should there be a /etc/fstab file by default?18:03
soundraysysop1972: yes18:03
outbackwifisysop1972: only if the OS is linux18:03
omar_rob`, normally yeah, cause i didn't anything hamrful, just tried to set boot and lba on the first part18:03
soundrayoutbackwifi: that should be taken for granted in this channel...18:04
aRahimsysop1972: but it wont contain mount points of other partitions except / and swap18:04
Charlesboyhey can you help me with backtrack?18:04
sysop1972I was trying to modify it as the link said but I do not see the file.  I even enabled hidden files18:04
soundraysysop1972: how are you trying to 'see' it?18:04
sysop1972I was using skyte18:04
omar_aRahim, gparted liveCD is based on gparted ?18:05
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aRahimOmar Yes18:05
* outbackwifi wonders what happened to good ole vi18:05
soundraysysop1972: what's that?18:05
powertool08it was replaced by nano!18:05
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aRahimsysop1972: you wanna edit fstab,right?18:05
sysop1972its a gui text editor18:05
gpledoutbackwifi: that for replacing exchange 2007?  which is not going to happen.  its not my server18:06
aRahimsysop1972: have to use root to edit fstab18:06
mertheris there a way to hide all the joining and disconnecting in this chat?18:06
outbackwifigpled: you want to replace your client?18:06
aRahimsysop1972: i mean sudo18:06
sysop1972I tried gksudo gedit but nothing happened18:06
omar_aRahim, then it probably won't work for me :D18:06
soundraysysop1972: what happens when you run 'gksudo gedit /etc/fstab' in terminal?18:06
gpledoutbackwifi: yes. im running ubuntu 8.04, and need to connect to exchange 200718:07
* outbackwifi or vi /etc/fstab18:07
NoiseEeemerther: its probably a setting in yr client18:07
outbackwifigpled: isnt thunderbird or evolution good enuff?18:07
sysop1972I am rebooting because I did not reboot after formatting new drive. Maybe it was a glitc18:07
soundraysysop1972: hold on!18:07
gpledoutbackwifi: evolution was, but it does not work with 200718:07
mertherI thought so too but I couldn't find anything in XChat18:07
sysop1972ok I am holding18:07
outbackwifigpled: wine is your best friend then18:07
JayDee gpled: Evolution is your best bet.. it will *pretty* much work with Outlook OWA mode. (depending on what the exchange server allows)18:08
soundraysysop1972: if your /etc/fstab really isn't there, then you won't be able to boot. So let's be sure what's going on first.18:08
gpledoutbackwifi: using virtualbox.  but would like to go native18:08
soundraysysop1972: do you have a terminal open?18:08
aRahimOmar Shoudl give it a try woth Live cd18:08
omar_i cannot use fdisk, it is unable to open hda18:08
gpledJayDee: yah, evolution stops at 200318:08
aRahimomar dont now why it crashes18:08
outbackwifisysop1972: what is the OS you are on?18:08
sysop1972soundray: yes18:08
JayDeegpled: no, I've used Evolution with Exchange 2007.18:08
deepuhow can i install real player18:09
omar_aRahim, no idea ! do you know a simple way to erase eveyrthing ?18:09
soundraysysop1972: 'cat /etc/fstab' should just list the file. Does that work?18:09
aRahimOmar everything, the whle drive?18:09
outbackwifisysop1972: ls -l /etc/fstab18:09
gpledJayDee: when i connect, it tells me it will not work18:09
sipioromar_: try "sudo fdisk /dev/hda"18:09
outbackwifidoes that show anything at all18:09
soundrayoutbackwifi: please don't confuse18:09
outbackwifigpled: thats a first one for evolution "I wont work" !!!18:09
outbackwifisoundray: ok u take this one18:10
=== Guest29834 is now known as trucMuche
soundrayoutbackwifi: :)18:10
aRahimOmar do you dual boot with windows?18:10
sysop1972sound : Yes that works18:10
gpledoutbackwifi: at lest it does not lead me along :)18:10
deepuhi iam new to ubuntu18:10
aRahimhi deepu18:10
=== trucMuche is now known as Guest78748
omar_sipior, i did it but the answer is the same :(18:10
sidewalkhow do i partition disks with gui in Ubuntu?18:10
deepucan any one tell me how to install real player18:10
sipioromar_: how about /dev/sda, instead?18:10
aRahimsidewalk: install GParted18:11
soundraysysop1972: have you found out the device name of the new drive?18:11
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:11
omar_sipior, thx it is working :D18:11
aRahimOmar sudo fdisk -l will giev you a good idea18:11
gpledJayDee: where you connecting to the imap service?18:11
sidewalkoh thanks18:11
sysop1972sound : should be sdb118:11
sidewalkbut i cant install anything :D18:11
v6F3hY-UfmlHi, I'm having a problem where apache2 (httpd) will not start, and doesn't report any errors during starting, stopping, nor in the log files or via the netstat monitoring command :[, any ideas?18:11
soundraysysop1972: that's a partition device name. So you've already partitioned it?18:12
omar_aRahim, fdisk can access to /dev/sda but what must i do then ?18:12
v6F3hY-Ufmlthere also isn't a httpd process in the 'task manager' nor one seen through the netstat18:12
soundraysysop1972: have you formatted it, too?18:12
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: what does apachectl configtest tell you?18:12
omar_i have fdisk specific command line18:12
BoglizkWhat kind of themes should i download?18:12
sysop1972and I created a mount point18:13
Charlesboyany can help me?18:13
soundraysysop1972: and have you checked that it mounts okay?18:13
sysop1972I am trying to create automount now18:13
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: do you have apache installed?18:13
soundraysysop1972: let's try a manual mount before you do that.18:13
soundraysysop1972: 'sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt'18:13
v6F3hY-Ufmlthere isn't a apachectl command18:13
v6F3hY-Ufmlyes, it wouldn't start otherwise, no?18:13
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: isnt that your problem; apache not starting?18:14
sysop1972should /mnt be substituted with the mount point i created?18:14
PolarinaI'm sorry, I got disconnected after I asked my question.  Did anyone respond to my question I asked eqrlier?18:14
v6F3hY-Ufmlapache doesn't seem to actually start, or it may start and stop very quickly, but it doesn't report any errors while starting via the normal start command, and this started happening a few days ago, before which it was working fine18:15
omar_Polarina, your question was ?18:15
soundraysysop1972: this should come back with no error. Then do a 'df -h /mnt' to see how much space there is18:15
Polarinaomar_: After resuming from a suspend, the computer asks me for my password. How do I make it so it won't ask me for it?18:15
omar_thx for all i can load gparted again :D18:16
omar_Polarina, wait i'll check out something18:16
aRahimthanks god18:16
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omar_fdisk is such an efficient partitioning soft :D18:17
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: if i remember correctly, it is also possible to run apache in the foreground18:17
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: should be -F18:17
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: this should throw some light if your /var/log/apache2/error.log isnt showing anything18:17
v6F3hY-Ufmlplace that after the end?18:17
sysop1972soundray : ok I assume it mounted.  I went to the folder where I set the mountpoint and it has more free space that the rest18:18
soundrayPolarina: open gconf-editor, find the key /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/suspend and un-tick it18:18
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines18:18
Polarinasoundray: Thank you.18:18
omar_Polarina, sorry i had an idea and it wasnt the correct parameter ! i cannot help you further18:18
aRahimsoundray: gave the solution18:18
coolcan any one help me??18:19
coolwhat can  i ues to im and cam for yahoo  ssome one be for sayd  gyachi but the gyachi page dont have a noth  infor18:19
steveireHi, is there a very simple guide for someone who is afraid of computers to get onto irc? Something like open xchat, click the button type stuff?18:19
steveireNo mumbo jumbo18:19
soundraysysop1972: now, to edit fstab, try 'sudo nano /etc/fstab' in terminal18:19
v6F3hY-Ufml"sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start -f" ?18:19
outbackwifisteveire: do you use firefox?18:19
soundraysteveire: perhaps on youtube?18:20
steveireoutbackwifi: Yes, but it's not for me. It's for a friend.18:20
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: nope /path/to/httpd -F18:20
steveireI use kde, but he got a ubuntu/gnome cd, which I haven't used18:20
Varoxdo you know how to count the lines of all files recursivly ?18:20
outbackwifisteveire: try chatzilla18:20
outbackwifivarox: i guess i do18:21
sysop1972soundray: nope.. it opened my password box but after I entered it nothing happened18:21
aRahimsteveire: its very easy18:21
steveireI to give him a link with screenshots and get him into this chatroom. He's having trouble playing dvds18:21
dooglusVarox: find . -type f | xargs cat | wc -l18:21
soundraysysop1972: what do you mean by 'password box'?18:21
Varoxdooglus: thanks18:21
chris062689Hey guys! :)18:21
steveireaRahim: Is xchat preconfigured to use freenode and enter this channel?18:21
outbackwifihey chris18:21
sysop1972for the sudo password18:21
steveireaRahim: Because I don't think it was the last time I checked18:21
outbackwifisteveire: you need to configure xchat to do that18:21
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: isn't that the same thing?18:22
aRahimjust type /server irc.freenode.net and then type join #ubuntu Thats it. Simple18:22
chris062689I got a question, which is.. more updated, glade or glade-gtk?18:22
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: nope18:22
soundraysysop1972: if you entered the command that I gave you, there shouldn't have been any 'box'18:22
aRahimsteveire just type /server irc.freenode.net and then type join #ubuntu Thats it. Simple18:22
steveireoutbackwifi: konversation comes preconfigured to do it. Anyway, Is there a simple screenshot guide?18:22
dooglusaRahim: I think you'll need a slash before the join there18:22
sysop1972soundray : I typed what you said..18:23
soundraysteveire: xchat-gnome connects to #ubuntu by default18:23
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: then what do you mean?18:23
mib_5xjl22hello there! sorry to bother you all, I'm kinda ignorant when it comes to this, I just installed Ubuntu but unfortunately it doesn't detect the network card (which is even beeping and was working before)... any easy way to solve this ?!18:23
steveireaRahim: It's not for me. I have to send an email to a friend on how to do it, but he's not online now for me to talk him through it18:23
sysop1972soundray: something is starting to open now..18:23
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: I mean, locate the httpd binary and spawn it using this command18:23
sysop1972soundray: not sure whats with the lag..18:23
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: which httpd18:23
aRahimits just a 3 step guide really18:23
soundraysysop1972: did you type sudo or gksudo?18:23
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: should tell you the location of httpd18:23
aRahimstevie just choose a nick from the chat client and enter the commands18:24
steveiresoundray: The last time I opened xchat, I was confronted with a modal dialog, I had to choose a server and I had to choose a channel. That's fine for me, but he won't have a clue. Are you saying it's different noew?18:24
sysop1972soundray:  hmmm not sure if it is going to work... its all gray.18:24
v6F3hY-Ufmloutback wifi: doesn't say nothin? I guess that means it has disappeared (or uninstalled) somehow?18:24
steveireaRahim: It's not for me. I'm here already :)18:24
soundraysteveire: I can't speak about xchat. xchat-gnome is a different program, and it comes preconfigured as I said.18:24
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: youve hit the nail on the head18:24
aRahimsteveire: i know :D18:25
v6F3hY-Ufml"sudo which httpd"18:25
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: so please install it18:25
sysop1972sound: sudo18:25
steveiresoundray: Ah, thanks18:25
Ghufranhi all18:25
Ghufrani have a trivial problem18:25
sysop1972soundray : there it is finally open18:25
soundraysysop1972: what does the terminal show at this moment?18:25
Vagilinuxi use ubuntu and there is no root.......its the only distro i could get to install properly though. Here's the problem I'm running into: there's a configuration file to change the network workgroup, but I can't edit it because it is read only. It says the owner of the fille is root. No root. Any suggestions?18:25
aRahimsteveire: xchat will pop up a Network List and he can select irc.freenode.net and start chatting18:25
Ghufranbut its bugging me a lot18:25
soundraysysop1972: what's open?18:25
omar_Ghufran, what is your problem ?18:25
outbackwifivagilinux: sudo is your friend18:25
sysop1972soundray: doh, now it is gray again18:25
Ghufrani need to dtop Ubuntu to beep whenever i press tab for completion18:25
eirik_steveire: make sure he gets the package "xchat-gnome" instead of "xchat". as soundray said xchat-gnome automatically connects to ubuntu server18:25
PiciVagilinux: The root account exists, but is locked. Use sudo to gain root access.18:26
soundrayGhufran: please say what it is and keep it on one line18:26
Pici!sudo > Vagilinux18:26
ubottuVagilinux, please see my private message18:26
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v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: do you know what is the reinstall command, because it doesn't want to install what it already says is installed?18:26
sumithi.. what's the fastest way to compile a new kernel and install a new kernel in ubuntu? i am comparing it with fedora, where it is relatively quicker to change the kernel. Currently, for ubuntu, i am following make-kpkg method.. is that the best option?18:26
soundrayGhufran: System-Preferences-Sound -- last tab18:26
VagilinuxPici: thx18:26
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)18:26
Pici!kernel > sumit18:26
ubottusumit, please see my private message18:26
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: sudo apt-get remove apache218:26
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: sudo apt-get install apache218:26
soundraysysop1972: what does the terminal show at this moment?18:26
Ghufransoundray, awesome. thanks18:27
aRahimGhufran: disabke the system sunds18:27
sysop1972soundray: sorry you were right.. I did GKSUDO... the lag was gedit opening from earlier18:27
Ghufranyea aRahim.. got that!18:27
aRahimGhufran: disable the system sounds *18:27
soundraysysop1972: okay, so where do we pick up?18:27
v6F3hY-Ufmloutback: that is the command I used, it says already installed, and does nothing18:27
sysop1972soundray: now I have it open in nano18:27
soundraysysop1972: good. Do you know what to do from the guide?18:28
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: it says "apache2" is already the newest version18:28
outbackwifiwhen you say remove?18:28
sysop1972soundray: yup thanks18:28
dooglusGhufran: turn show-all-if-ambiguous on in inputrc18:29
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: sudo apt-get remove apache2 cannot say its the newest version18:30
outbackwifithats illogical18:30
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: so overall it had no effect18:30
doogluspopey: what if I want something from a standard ubuntu repo?  universe/multiverse is OK18:30
doogluspopey: sorry.  don't know why that came back18:30
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: I did remove, and reinstall, and then start, but it is not appearing in the system monitor, and which httpd produces no results18:31
chris062689Whats the difference between GLADE and GLADE-GTK?  Is one better than the other / more updated?18:31
soundraydooglus: should show-all-if-ambiguous be in inputrc by default?18:31
eirik_v6F3hY-Ufml, : is your system monitor set to view all running processes? (View - All Processes)18:31
ParallxI have to buy a new graphic card should I stay with nVidia or go to ATI with the new drivers?18:31
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufm: what does tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log tell you?18:32
chris062689What are you going to use it for Parallx?18:32
v6F3hY-Ufmleirik_: yes18:32
powertool08What directory has the kernel source code?18:32
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dooglussoundray: only if you want bash to show all completions when the completion is ambiguous18:32
pistachepowertool08 :18:32
dooglussoundray: the default is to beep on the first tab, and complete on the 2nd18:32
pistachepowertool08 : /usr/src/18:32
Parallxchris062689: I need 3d acceleration and get a powerfull one18:32
pistachepowertool08 : But you need the linux-source-* package18:32
dooglussoundray: I don't think ~/.inputrc exists by default - but I don't remember18:32
chris062689For what program though? Parallx?18:32
powertool08pistache: thanks, and I have it18:33
chris062689I mean, most 3d games don't require that much power (on linux)18:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:33
dooglusGhufran: run this, then start a new terminal, and the beeping will be gone:    echo 'set show-all-if-ambiguous on' >> ~/.inputrc18:33
Parallxfrom blender to gimp (with really high resolution images) to games18:33
soundraydooglus: I see. Can you tell me what it is that governs the behaviour of Alt-# commenting the current line?18:33
sysop1972soundray: how do I save with nano?18:33
eirik_v6F3hY-Ufml: try writing /etc/init.d/apache2 start18:33
eirik_to see if the apache daemon is running18:33
dooglussoundray: the hash key?  or does the # represent a number?18:33
soundraysysop1972: should tell you at the bottom. Ctrl-O to write out, I think18:33
chris062689Parallx I got a 9600GT and it runs great, though I think the only diff between 8800 and 9600 is the DX1018:33
Parallxchris062689: i heard about new ati drivers or that they were going to be more open18:34
soundraydooglus: no, I mean the hash key18:34
coolwhat can  i ues to im and cam for yahoo  ssome one be for sayd  gyachi but the gyachi page dont have a noth  infor18:34
aRahimsysop1972: CTRL+O18:34
Ghufranok dooglus thanks18:34
Parallxbut DX10 is not working on linux so....18:34
dooglussoundray: as in shift-3?  what does it do?18:34
chris062689yeah, so I'd go with the 880018:34
chris062689or 860018:34
Parallxchris062689: stick with nvidia then, right?18:34
chris062689yeah, nvidia > ati on Linux.18:34
chris062689You'll have to use Envy with the newer cards18:35
chris062689But in Ibex the drivers for them are in the hardware manager.18:35
v6F3hY-Ufmloutbackwifi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4460818:35
eirik_chris062689: why is that? does ATI suck at OpenGL?18:35
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differentrealityhi, does anyone konw how to use ntfsundelete ? it's an emergency :/ thanks18:35
soundraydooglus: no, what I mean is this: when I hit Alt-# (not a number, literally the hash key), it comments the current line and goes to a new one (as if I had done Ctrl-A # Return). I like this behaviour, but I don't get it everywhere.18:35
dooglussoundray: it looks like M-# is bound to insert-comment by default18:35
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dooglussoundray: "man readline", search for M-#18:36
soundraydooglus: where can I look up such bindings, please?18:36
soundraydooglus: cool, thank you!18:36
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufml: looks like your php5 installation is broken18:36
coolwhat can  i ues to im and cam for yahoo  some one be for sayd  gyachi but the gyachi page dont have a noth  infor18:36
outbackwifiv6F3hY-Ufml: why dont you reinstall it?18:36
v6F3hY-Ufmli think those errors are unrelated18:36
coolany  time sound18:37
PolarinaIs it really a good idea to store a Li-Ion battery in the fridge (4°C) while not in use?18:37
ZaidenWhen I installed wine, it didn't give me a wine menu in the applications menu. It does now, but it doesn't have the wine logo, and it doesn't give options to configure wine or remove programs, only the program folders. Is there a way to fix this?18:37
dooglussoundray: I guess M-# will do that in any program which uses readline for its input18:37
* outbackwifi thinks polarina could use his fridge for beer and not lion batteries18:37
soundraydooglus: strangely, bash puts the commented line in the history, but mysql discards it.18:38
PolarinaZaiden: Open up winecfg.18:38
Polarinaoutbackwifi: :P18:38
ZaidenWhat if I want to uninstall wine programs?18:38
Polarinaoutbackwifi: Wikipedia recommended it, and to have the battery charged at 40% before storing.18:38
soundrayPolarina: no. NiMH and Alkaline cells last longer in the fridge. LiIon are best stored at room temperature, charged to about half of their capacity.18:38
ParallxPolarina: http://www.batteryuniversity.com/images/parttwo-34.gif18:38
Polarinaoutbackwifi: Sounds odd to me.18:38
outbackwifipolarina: what does?18:39
differentrealityAnyone knowing how to use ntfsundelete in ubuntu to recover all files of a partition ? I misused rm command :( thanks18:39
rawi cant set the theme style i want on ubuntu18:39
rawwhere can i go to get help ?18:39
coolany im let me ues cam and voice18:39
* outbackwifi wishes differentreality all the best18:39
dooglussoundray: I guess that what to story in the history might well be application dependent, rather than a feature of readline itself18:39
differentrealityheh outbackwifi tnx :S18:39
rawwhere to go to get help with themes on ubuntu ?18:40
soundrayPolarina: perhaps the wikipedia author lives in tropical climates, in which case that advice is probably correct18:40
soundraydooglus: it must be.18:40
Polarinasoundray: Yeah.18:40
outbackwifiraw: gnome-look.org18:40
AethelredI'm running 8.04LTS. When a New Window is created by Firefox, it is drawn over the top of the previous window. How can I get new windows to cascade, ie: shifted down and to the right?18:40
outbackwifiraw: each of the themes has an installation guide18:40
steveireIs pidgin in the default ubuntu install?18:41
JayDeeWhat would cause random apps to crash in 8.04, or upon launch appear with a blank window without the UI widgets?18:41
soundraydooglus: sometimes I wonder whether it's really worth configuring things to that level of detail...18:41
Polarinasteveire: Yes.18:41
coolremove the add on18:41
rawoutbackwifi, i went there i found the theme but no help for installation18:41
hasibaWhat's a sound size for a /boot partition?18:41
outbackwifiAethelred: that behavior should not be limited to firefox; if you open multiple terminals it would happen too18:41
soundrayJayDee: first thing to exclude is bad RAM. Run memtest86 from the grub menu for a few hours18:41
outbackwifihasiba: i wouldnt waste more than 128 MB18:41
SchmittyDoesIthasiba: you shouldn't need a boot partition18:41
dooglussoundray: did you see control-U in bash?  it does something similar, but instead of commenting the current line, it deletes it and makes it available in control-Y for later pasting18:41
Aethelredoutbackwifi: that's not what's happening on my box.18:42
coolany im let me ues cam and voice18:42
outbackwificool: kopete18:42
omar_cool, try aMsn18:42
soundraydooglus: :) kind of like Ctrl-A Ctrl-K, which I use all the time...18:42
JayDeesoundray: Is there a way I could get some sort of info on what this is doing? like a log file.. it has even happened to GDM.18:42
dooglussoundray: I run all my command-line stuff inside an Emacs shell, so I get a totally consistant history/editing interface for everything, rather than having to worry whether mysql/bash/python/etc... offer the same interface18:42
cooldont work  is amsn for all im?18:43
rawoutbackwifi, i extracted the theme and copy paste it in ~/.themes folder but while trying to change the theme it doesnt appears in my themes.18:43
soundrayJayDee: try the dmesg command and look in /var/log/syslog18:43
outbackwifiraw: you need to install the theme using the theme wizard18:43
outbackwifiraw: dont extract it on your own18:43
Deniseprivate network18:43
rawoutbackwifi, i did tar zxf theme.name.tar.gz18:44
JayDeesoundray: system was stable before on 7.10, on upgrade to 8.04 problems started happening immediately. dmesg /var/log is clean.18:44
eirik_cool: amsn is for MSN only18:44
bobertdosSo when creating a separate home partition, no home directory gets created in the root partition, right?18:44
JayDeedmesg AND various stuff in /var/log I mean.18:44
soundraydooglus: yes... I think I remember you telling me that before. I have my special little trouble with emacs, though18:44
assargadonI made pipeline with gst-launch. Now I can hear sound from my speakers, when I talking somwthing into microphon. How can I broke this pipeline?18:44
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rawoutbackwifi, where can i find theme wizard to install it? in themes it says install. while trying to install it i got an error.18:44
dooglussoundray: it's not for everyone, that's for sure18:44
dooglusbobertdos: root's home will still be in the root partition, and an empty /home mount point will also be created in the root partition18:45
coolany for yahoo im?18:46
doogluscool: pidgin18:46
outbackwifiraw: this seems pretty old --> http://www.msccompcasts.com/2005/05/how-to-install-themes.html18:46
outbackwificool: kopete18:46
omar_cool try yahoo messenger for linux18:46
doogluscool: ah - but no cam/voice in pidgin18:46
eirik_cool: but pidgin doesnt have cam support.  its a nice all-in-one IM tho18:46
coolpiding dont do cams or voice18:46
rawi will take a llok18:47
outbackwificool: skype for linux for full voice and cam support18:47
omar_cool, try yahoo messenger for linux18:47
soundraydooglus: I use it for most of my editing, but I hit some annoyances that I can neither explain nor debug. For example, I get cursor placement problems when I use it in gnome-terminal -- I have to hit Ctrl-L all the time to be sure that the display contents and buffer contents match.18:47
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:47
dooglussoundray: which emacs?18:47
bobertdosdooglus: So if all goes well, I assume the installer puts an entry in fstab for home to mount to that point, yes?18:47
coolthat dont have voice or cams18:47
dooglussoundray: oh, and why would you want to run emacs in a gnome-terminal, rather than using a gtk-linked emacs?18:48
dooglusbobertdos: right18:48
soundraydooglus: 21.3.1 on a remote feisty machine18:48
dooglussoundray: oh, I see - because it's remote and you don't want to do X forwarding18:48
dooglussoundray: I run a gtk emacs locally, and use TRAMP to edit remote files18:48
dooglussoundray: but that's not efficient if the remote files are huge18:49
soundraydooglus: I could do X forwarding, but I like the fact that with GNU screen, I can start editing something at work and can pick up exactly where I was from home18:49
bobertdosdooglus: Okay, good, all I wanted to know, thanks!18:49
* Polarina uses laptops for servers.18:50
dooglussoundray: does the problem with cursor positioning only happen once you've moved your screen from work to home?  could it be the changing size of the screen that's messing things up?18:50
* outbackwifi thinks polarina has considerate customers18:51
soundrayJayDee: one way to narrow down the problem a bit would be to use a gutsy live CD and a hardy one for a while, to see if and when the problem occurs and whether it is perhaps limited to your harddisk installation18:51
mik3hi, when my machine boots the splash screen is off by half. when i log in ubuntu automagically corrects it and aligned my resolution properly. how can I fix the original problem? I tried redoing my dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to see if maybe its defualt settings got changed somewhere but that did not work.18:51
JayDeesoundray: This is actually a office deployment of Ubuntu. We upgraded all the systems and i've only had issues with this one.18:52
outbackwifimik3: which splash screen?18:52
mik3outbackwifi: the log on screen18:52
soundraydooglus: it could well be. I notice a problem with 'ls' column output as well, but mutt and other programs are fine18:52
outbackwifimik3: gdm?18:52
JayDeesoundray: it does have a radeon x1300 card, all the rest have intel or nvidia.18:52
mik3outbackwifi: the log on screen and the ubuntu boot progress screen18:52
mik3outbackwifi: yeah gdm18:52
soundrayJayDee: tried switching from ati to fglrx or vice versa?18:53
outbackwifimik3: arent they two different things? the boot progress screen has got nothing to do with X18:53
JayDeesoundray: also, I don't think it would be ram, because all the apps crash the same way. blank windows without the UI elements. or.. stop responding (ie stop drawing the UI elements)18:53
JayDeesoundray: I did move it from vesa, that it was on to fglrx.18:53
RipfoxHey all18:53
JayDeesoundray: no change.18:53
Polarinaoutbackwifi: What do you mean? Laptops are the best - builtin UPS, acceptable performance, easy to reorganise the internal structure. We have laptops stacked on top of eachother.18:53
mik3outbackwifi: well whatever, either way it's misaligned and i want to fix it.18:54
soundrayJayDee: I doubt that it's the graphics' fault then18:54
outbackwifipolarina: acceptable performance?18:54
rich_back again........why would some WMV files play and some will not...odd18:54
Polarinaoutbackwifi: And they eat up very little place. Sure, it's more expensive, but all the extra features it brings - you can't deny it. :)18:54
outbackwifirich_: youve run into mr gates DRM18:54
JayDeesoundray: we tried to test his session as he was upgraded by having him login to another system (using exported nfs home's).18:54
b3z3rk3rlol outbackwifi18:54
b3z3rk3rtoo true18:54
rich_mr gates?18:54
JayDeesoundray: he had no problems with that so its something on this system itself.. but damm if I can figure it out.18:55
cheekycan anyone please help me ...i  havent moved on with even trying out ubuntu for the last seven hours ... here is my forum thread... please if anyone has some times please help me out :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91398218:55
outbackwifimik3: what is your graphics config?18:55
gafatoahello, Do you know if main site Ubuntu's ISO is "patched" ?18:55
rich_and what is a DRM?18:55
JayDeesoundray: when it gets into its error state, dmesg, and logs are clear. processor is idle, and ram is generally 30% used.18:55
coolyes its a iso18:56
outbackwifirich_:  Digital Rights Management18:56
rich_ah yes...that18:56
outbackwifirich_: exactly18:56
dooglussoundray: any reason why you're using feisty?  I think the bug you're seeing has been fixed since18:57
b3z3rk3rlooks like bil screwed u too rich18:57
rich_lol....ya thats true18:57
JayDeesoundray: its a real mind bender of a problem.. we have 3 really good linux it people here and nobody can figure it out.. :)18:57
* outbackwifi thinks rich_ got those files off his windoze friends18:57
Polarinaoutbackwifi: It's Digital Restriction Management.18:57
rich_trying to DL the w32 Codecs18:57
Polarinaoutbackwifi: Tell people the real thing.18:57
pistacheHello all, does anyone provide support for selfcompiled kernels (RealTime) ?18:57
soundraydooglus: it's out of my control (mass feisty deployment in university Department of Computing)... but it's good to know that it's a bug18:58
cheekycan anyone help me please installing ubuntu ??18:58
rich_and a bunch of other codecs to play the files18:58
dooglussoundray: it sounds familiar anyway - I reported something very like it a few years ago, and haven't seen it recently18:58
outbackwifipolarina --> Definition: Digital Rights Management (DRM) a system of solutions created or designed as a means to control the unauthorized duplication and illegal ...18:58
outbackwifipolarina: google it18:58
dooglussoundray: I believe 'xterm' doesn't have the bug, so that's a possible workaround I suppose18:58
b3z3rk3routbackwifi: wiki?18:59
Polarinaoutbackwifi: Richard Stallman says it's Digital Restriction Management - And he's always right, no matter what he says!18:59
outbackwifiabout 400 mil hits18:59
outbackwifipolarina: if you say so18:59
* Polarina thanks outbackwifi for listening.18:59
outbackwifithats the effect of DRM:18:59
b3z3rk3rits the same thing just worded diff18:59
rich_has anyone tried Elisa....software19:00
b3z3rk3rthats all19:00
rich_not anyone sister19:00
b3z3rk3rnope, what is it?19:00
* outbackwifi would rather stick to ubuntu support here19:00
rich_it says it plays WMV files and a bunch of other stuff19:00
soundraydooglus: another emacs question if I may: I used to be able to enter the £ symbol -- somehow I had to switch the input mode by hitting Ctrl-\ -- do you know what I'm talking about?19:00
assargadonIs gstreamer pipeline becomes active after gst-launch close?19:01
rich_it has not worked for me19:01
dooglussoundray: not really.  the question mark symbol?19:01
soundraydooglus: :) no, sorry, the currency symbol for the British pound19:02
cheekyCan any one please help me ?19:03
rich_not me19:03
wbmjcheeky:what's the problem?19:03
cheekyhere is the forum thread19:03
rich_i need another beer19:03
rich_sorry cheeky19:03
cheekybeentrying to get this work19:03
cheeky7 hoursplus or something19:03
cheekyits getting old19:03
soundraycheeky: have you tried disabling RAID in the BIOS?19:03
cheekythis is my problem19:03
cheekyno if i dot wouldnt it detect my HDDS?19:04
dooglussoundray: oh, I see.  "C-\ runs the command toggle-input-method"19:04
=== mujtaba_ is now known as mujtaba
dooglussoundray: so I hit C-\, type british, hit return and then S-3 inserts a sterling sign19:05
soundraydooglus: I'm getting "Can't activate input method `rfc1345'"19:06
dooglussoundray: what if you put this line at the end of your ~/.emacs :              (set-input-method "british")19:08
differentrealitydoes anyone know this error and how to fix ti?  Transport endpoint is not connected19:08
differentreality*ti = it19:08
cheekyany question ... just dissapeared ... again for the millionth time .. andihave spend 7 freaking hours trying to get this .. up and running19:09
dxdemetriouwhen I try to ping or ssh some machine from the network using the name it don't work, but smb://machineName works. can I make the machines on the network to work using the machine name?19:09
outbackwifidifferentreality: what is the context?19:09
unanyone know of a nice channel that would know about some Makefile.am debuggin' eh? keeps generating bogus rules...19:09
askandI showed the ubuntu livecd for a friend but it was painfully slow...But he can run windows XP on it..ideas? why can this be?19:09
Orbixxdxdemetriou: Not as far as I know.19:10
outbackwifiaskand: windowsXP off liveCD?19:10
soundraydooglus: I get a pound symbol on the left of the status line now, but S-3 seems to be bound to backward-word19:10
OrbixxThe reason why it works by SMB is because Windows uses netbios which resolves machine names to IP addresses.19:10
askandoutbackwifi: nah ubuntu19:10
OrbixxSomething which I think Linux doesn't do.19:10
outbackwifiaskand: are you comparing apples to apples?19:10
cheekydoes anyone know about .. thsi problem ... soi cant get my old computer back .. coz ubuntu screwed me over19:11
differentrealityoutbackwifi,  i run ubuntu and I have a ntfs partition.  I used ntfsundelete on that partition, because I accidentally execurted rm * (ntfsundelete was unsuccessful unfortunately).  I tried to access the partition and I got this message.  I tried to mount it again and I get this message along with a couple more, as well as I get a message saying that according to mtab my partition is already mounted.19:11
askandoutbackwifi: ? I just want to know what the reason can be that the livecd is so slow19:11
outbackwifiaskand: running anything off liveCD depends a lot on the RAM available19:11
cheekyany one?19:11
dxdemetriouOrbixx, ok, but isn't somehow funny to connect with ssh using windows but not from linux?19:11
askandoutbackwifi: ok so the probems might disappear if he installs ubuntu?19:11
Orbixxdxdemetriou: That didn't make any sense.19:11
outbackwifiaskand: sure19:11
soundraycheeky: have you tried disabling RAID in the BIOS? Please give an answer that makes sense19:11
askandoutbackwifi: can it have something to do with a slow cdreader?19:12
sharrellI am trying to finish up a preseed network install and everything is working correctly except for the root password, I am using this line: "d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password *" but it leaves a directory listing in the password field in my /etc/shadow. Anyone have any ideas? Is my syntax wrong?19:12
outbackwifiaskand: it could too19:12
pistacheHello all, does anyone provide support for selfcompiled kernels (RealTime) ?19:12
b3z3rk3rlivecd eill load everything into ram, but a slow cd drive wont help matters i dont hink19:12
rawoutbackwife, i dont have theme preferences on my ubuntu. or I cant find it.19:12
rawoutbackwifi, i dont have theme preferences on my ubuntu. or I cant find it.19:12
dooglussoundray: in a gnome-terminal still?19:12
cheekysoundtray no i have iam reinstalling it again for the 5 th time .. and waiting till it restarts and then ill gointo bios change the boot sequence to HDD19:13
outbackwifiraw: generally in system--> preferences19:13
cheekybut i dont really know where to diable my raid drivers in my bios19:13
outbackwifiraw: generally in system--> preferences--> appearance19:13
soundraydooglus: yes...19:13
* outbackwifi is running KDE these days19:13
rawoutbackwifi, i went there and it doesnt exist.19:13
cheekyiam sorry iam no help but an annoyance and greatful for a community like this but .. ubuntu is annoying me right now19:13
soundraydooglus: but it's the same in xterm19:13
dooglussoundray: I'll try it in Emacs 21.  I have 22 here19:13
pranavausing ubuntu 8.04 ...help me to google talk in pidgin19:13
thunderdanoh wow i got into this irc channel with pidgin! i'm learning new stuff all the time!19:14
outbackwificheeky: your inability to turn off raid is annoying you19:14
outbackwifipranava: what is the issue?19:14
dxdemetriouI don't know much about but, is there any way to use netbios in linux for taking the machine names?19:14
outbackwifidxdemetriou: you dont need netbios for SSH19:14
cheekymaybe so .. butubuntu is DEfinitly not a Os for someone who can just pick itup .. i have to say19:14
pranavayahoo chat works fine19:14
soundraydooglus: ha, on my local machine it works (emacs22 and hardy)19:14
outbackwifidxdemetriou: even if the SSH server is on a windoze machine19:14
cheekyas i might be the unlucky .. one19:15
ePaxHow do i add rhythmbox icon to my desktop?19:15
pranavabut not google talk19:15
outbackwifiePax: rightclick and add launcher19:15
ePaxoutbackwifi: thnx19:15
pranavaserached for help19:15
pranavain web19:15
dooglussoundray: I'm running something called sidux at the moment, having wiped my hardy partition a few days ago19:15
rawoutbackwifi, i went there and it doesnt exist.19:15
outbackwifipranava: my crystal ball still cant figure out what error you get19:15
outbackwifiraw: i give up19:15
Polarinacheeky: I even asked someone if he's going to get [GNU/]Linux. All I got as a response was "No, I'm going to get Ubuntu".19:16
pranavasometimes read error19:16
* outbackwifi is proud of polarina19:16
b3z3rk3rlol Polarina19:16
differentrealityoutbackwifi,  any ideas ?19:16
outbackwifipranava: you need to be more specific--> are you able to login19:16
dooglussoundray: emacs-version's value is "21.4.1" - and # shows up as a pound sign after C-\19:17
outbackwifidifferentreality: cant say; never undeleted an ntfs partition (why would i want to do that )19:17
pranavaI am getting message ..waiting for connection!!!19:17
cccatchanyone (sucessfully) useing Logitech Trackman Wheel trackball? want to buy it. also i have some problems with logitech ultra-flat keyboard. some keys dosnt work correctly.19:17
coolhow can i mount cam19:17
dxdemetrioumaybe I didn't make clear what I'm trying to do.. there are some machines dual boot with ubuntu and windows working with dhcp on the institute I work. I joined them to the domain, but I have troubles to resolve the machine names from Linux19:17
phantomcircuitwhy is the latest version of svn not available in the ubuntu repos?19:17
outbackwifidxdemetriou: use lina19:18
Orbixxdxdemetriou: Resolving Windows machine names?19:18
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outbackwificool: use screws19:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lina19:18
outbackwifi!info lina19:19
ubottuPackage lina does not exist in hardy19:19
soundraydooglus: oh, great, I get the pound symbol on the # key (which is not on Shift-3 since I have a UK keyboard)19:19
pranavaoutbackwifi: i used port 5223 ....19:20
pranavastill no use19:20
thunderdanin pidgin, how do i set it to not show when people enter and leave the room?19:20
soundraydooglus: actually, I get a choice -- if I hit 2 after #, it'll insert # and not the currency symbol. This is nice!19:20
cccatchthunderdan: tools->plugins->join/part hiding19:20
ePaxWhen i have allready icon of rhythmbox on my desktop is it possible to hide the name of it and just to have icon?19:20
dxdemetriouOrbixx, the machine from windows is called for ex. a1, and from linux a1-l. I installed samba relative packages for sharing and I could find the machine booted on linux from windows using it's name "a1-l", but from linux I couldn't. I understood the using of netbios from windows, but I'm trying to find something on linux19:20
dxdemetriououtbackwifi, what is lina?19:21
outbackwifipranava: did this not help --> http://www.google.com/support/talk/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2407319:21
thunderdancccatch: thank you :)19:21
ronnyanyone knows a good howto for replacing libdrm, mesa and the video drivers with custom compiled ones without breaking the package-management?19:22
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master_Anyone here know how to fix ubuntu's stupid 3.21 memory limitation problem?19:22
master_Can't see more than 3.21GB19:23
thunderdanhas anyone gotten a wireless card to work with the bcm4315 chipset?19:23
ronnyi need to install the git versions to fix some errors19:23
^_lalu_sera :D19:23
FloodBot1CAPADIMERDA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
soundraymaster_: install the amd64 version19:23
pranavaoutbackwifi: that link is absolete for atleast ubuntu 8.0419:24
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dooglussoundray: type "C-h I RET" to describe the current input system19:24
cccatchmaster_: also make sure your bios configured properly (like memory remap enabled)19:24
dxdemetriououtbackwifi, I'm not trying to use linux applications on windows.. just to can remote the machines by their names19:24
master_soundray: I read in a forum that ubuntu 64bit doesn't see more than 3.21GB either..  And, I cannot get flash to install on 64bit version, either19:24
wbmjronny: I'm pretty sure if you compile them as deb files they show up in Synaptic under local installs19:25
outbackwifidxdemetriou: use smbclient;19:25
cccatchmaster_: url?19:25
mar2hey guys, i recently installed windows xp after installing ubuntu and now my grub boot menu is gone. I have tried to follow some terminal commands to reinstall the grub menu, but get an error 22: no such partition...can anyone please help :)19:25
master_cccatch: closed the browser and don't remember the exact search terms..19:26
wbmjmar2:you need to mount your HD with a live cd and reinstall grub19:26
rtz3467!grub | mar219:26
ubottumar2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:26
soundraymaster_: amd64 supports any amount of RAM that current PC motherboards support. Installing flash is a matter of running 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'19:26
mar2wbmj: i am running off the live cd at the moment19:26
psormar2: reinstall your grub19:27
ronnywbmj: i cant create compatible debs, dpkg complains about overwrites by the split up dev packages19:27
dxdemetriououtbackwifi, I said that smb works. from nautilus smb://machineName works, ssh://machineName don't work. ping machineName from windows works (after installing samba packages), ping machineName from linux don't work19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm431519:27
wbmj!grub | mar219:27
ubottumar2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:27
outbackwifidxdemetriou: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/809119:27
master_soundray: failed to install..  ok.. I will re-install 64-bit...rrr.r..19:27
mar2ubottu: i have tried those insturctions but got the following error:19:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:27
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:28
psormar2: and why you not use virtualbox for win ?19:28
mar2psor: what is virtualbox?19:29
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto19:29
master_soundray: I will write down the package name to install.. I searched in adept, google, and asked numerous people on irc and got no solution for installing flash for two days with 64bit installed.. I downloaded directly from adobe and the installer said it didn't support architecture x86_6419:29
KRF!virtualbox | mar219:29
ubottumar2: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:29
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx19:29
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spore19:29
danielm_mcyou suck ubottu :-P19:29
soundraymaster_: that's right, it doesn't, but Ubuntu64 automatically installs it with nspluginwrapper, which adapts it to 64bit firefox.19:30
linduxed_danielm_mc: lol19:30
soundraymaster_: I use it on various machines with no problems.19:30
master_I will re-install 64...   wish it were easier to find out how to do simple things like that..  I wrote down the package name you gave..19:31
soundraymaster_: I've had issues with Java web applets in 64bit -- you may or may not hit this problem, too19:31
danielm_mcyeah java is hell on 64bit19:32
danielm_mcsun6 openjdk is the way to go19:33
outbackwifidxdemetriou: linux ssh does not use windows netbios machine name. it uses the dns host name or ip address19:33
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:33
uni need a channel with people who know about autotools, particularly the Makefile.am part19:33
danielm_mcoutbackwifi : that's debatable19:34
outbackwifidanielm_mc: how so?19:34
outbackwifior should i re-word it as linux ssh should not use windows netbios names?19:35
dxdemetriououtbackwifi, maybe I'll try to make a script that will find somehow the ip from the machine name, and then use it for ssh..19:35
soundraydooglus: I'm off, thanks for your help today.19:35
danielm_mcoutback: by default it uses hostname or ip address, but depending on your systems settings acquiring that information can be done in many different ways (i.e. netbios WINS server, winbind... )19:35
danielm_mcetc etc19:35
* outbackwifi is taken violently sick by the mention of so many wins in one sentence19:36
Sergnomehi all,19:36
Sergnomei am first time using irc,19:37
norbert108so do i:D19:37
Sergnomecan someone help me,19:37
eccentricitywe can try. Ask.19:37
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:37
Sergnomecan i make calls?19:37
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:37
danielm_mccan i make calls?19:38
danielm_mcthat's getting pretty philosophical19:38
thunderdan!the meaning of life19:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:38
PiciSergnome: Can you elaborate?19:38
outbackwifiSergnome: do you have a phone?19:38
eccentricityD yu have a phone?19:38
danielm_mc!carrier pigeon19:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about carrier pigeon19:38
eccentricityya beat me19:38
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:39
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=== Skitt is now known as Skittt
=== Skittt is now known as Skitt
Sergnomei have headset, i was using skype, but, now i neeb19:39
outbackwifisergnome: buy skypeout credit19:39
norbert108that's so strange... i've got internet for 3 years and i using irc first time19:39
outbackwifinorbert108: you havent missed much19:40
Marfinorbert108, outbackwifi agreed19:40
norbert108i'm readin bash.org too...19:40
eccentricityoutbackwifi ain't kidding.19:40
b3z3rk3rlol me too norbert10819:40
Marfinorbert108, wow, you are out of the loop. =)19:40
outbackwifionly, all we talk to are bots19:40
Orbixxbash.org is still down isn't it?19:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:40
* outbackwifi thanks Pici19:41
Sergnomei have got internet for 7 year, but i am using irc first time:)19:41
eccentricitythat' the best of irc there, norbert108. With that, you getting everything you want from irc but never have to use it. Everything except perhaps distro support19:41
Marfieccentricity, thats what were for19:41
Sergnomei need to make pc to pc calls,19:41
* outbackwifi has joined ubuntu-offtopic for useless banter19:42
Sergnomei think i can do this using irc19:42
PiciSergnome: IRC is only text.19:42
outbackwifisergnome: you think wrong19:42
Sergnomeok, thanks.19:42
=== WastePotato is now known as WastePuree
eccentricityno prob.19:42
unityofsaints21any1 here have experience with configuring DMZs in ubuntu server?19:42
H0T_R0Dwhat file do i have to edit to tell the kernel to load specific driver at boot?19:43
outbackwifiyep, they all died19:43
MarfiH0T_R0D, that would be modprobe19:43
eccentricityHOT_ROD: what kinda driver?19:43
danielm_mcanyone ever configure gslb on a ubuntu dns server?19:43
MarfiH0T_R0D, don't remember the file...hol.d on a sec19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gslb19:43
brunoI was set the the power management to get hibernate when battery get critical low, but it not work, because the system functions until battery done charge, how can i solve that?19:43
Sergnomei am ubuntu georgian translators team member, and i need it for conversations19:43
H0T_R0Di have to modprobe the driver every time i want to use it i want to load it at boot time...19:44
eccentricityOh, I see. Sergnome, what sorta troubles are you having with skype?19:44
outbackwifisergnome: translations on the fly?19:44
assargadonIs it normal I can hear sound from my speakers when talking into microphone?19:44
bastid_raZorH0T_R0D; add it to /etc/modules19:45
danielm_mchot_rod - check /etc/modproprobe.d ; modules19:45
eccentricityaye, that should do.19:45
danielm_mcetc etc19:45
outbackwifiassargadon: yes, unless you mute the mic19:45
Sergnomei am new in ubuntyu, but allready member of translators team,19:45
Sergnomebefore ubuntu, i was using windows, i am programmer,19:45
MarfiH0T_R0D, i forget the name of the file to edit. you can do modprobe <driver> to start it up, also19:45
assargadonoutbackwifi: and if I do it, no recording will be possible, isn't it?19:45
danielm_mcmodutils as well19:46
outbackwifiassargadon:  not exactly19:46
mar2hey guys i am trying to reinstall the grub boot menu off of the ubuntu live cd and i think i am getting stuck because I am not mounting my root partition when attempting to reinstall, could someone help me out with this please...19:46
mnemoapparently, the old games "heretic" and "hexen" has been released under the GPL now --> http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=864305  would be nice to have them packaged in debian/ubuntu19:46
* outbackwifi loved heretic19:46
Marfi!grub | mar219:46
ubottumar2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:46
Marfimar2, look at the recovering one19:46
mar2Marfi: sorry i'm a bit new to linux19:47
mar2Marfi: not sure exactly what you mean :)19:47
Marfimar2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows19:47
Marfimar2, that should be what your looking for. =)19:48
mar2Marfi: yep i think so...I have tried it a few times but keep getting an error19:48
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danielm_mcdoes anyone know how to set pidigin to not display when people enter and exit this chat room?19:49
Marfimar2, check your PM19:49
Marfidanielm_mc, use xchat? =)19:49
carandraugdanielm_mc: go check in the plugins list, the one called "Guifications"19:49
mar2Marfi: pm?? :P19:50
Marfimar2, i sent you a message...should be on the side bar19:50
mar2marfi: how do i do that?19:50
carandraugdanielm_mc: but like Marfi said, xchat is probably a better IRC client19:50
KomiaPoikahow do i display which graphics card i have19:50
Sergnomeplease help me find kylix for ubuntu 8.04 amd6419:51
Sergnomeif exists of course19:51
danielm_mcguifications seems like a little overkill ;-)19:51
danielm_mcoh nice, yeah i might check out xchat19:51
danielm_mcis that like the new bitchx ?19:51
brunoI was set the the power management to get hibernate when battery get critical low, but it not work, because the system functions until battery done charge, how can i solve that?19:52
Picidanielm_mc: xchat has a GUI.  irssi is another cli irc client thats still supported.19:52
carandraugdanielm_mc: new bitchx?19:52
unwhat is a good autotools channel?19:53
amritai have only 640x480 resolution available... in "screen and graphics".... what to do ?19:53
Polarinaamrita: Install the evil driver.19:53
norbert108install mon-free graphic driver19:53
amritathe driver is fglrx19:53
Sergnomeanyone, help me find hamachi for ubuntu19:53
danielm_mcxchat-gnome, woot19:53
Sergnomewith graphical interface19:54
amritaI have ati radeon xpress 110019:54
norbert108@Sergnome : google helps you19:54
mcdanieloh nice19:54
mcdanielxchat is pretty hot19:54
carandraugdanielm_mc: if you select to configure the guifications plugin, uncheck the boxes "join" and "leave". That's what you want. If you decide to install XChat, install the normal version, not the Gnome version (I've heard it hides lots of stuff in the GUI)19:54
ArdorinIsn't there and nvidia gui to activate the external monitor port ona laptop?19:55
jkristhekingxchat for gnome is very bad lol19:55
krimHow do I install Liberation Fonts on Ubuntu Hardy 64bit?19:55
amritafrom where can i get the evil driver? is it the correct one for ati radeon xpress 110019:55
nico{}is there a separate channel for ubuntu on PS3 or does it happen here?19:56
amritaPolarina: from where can i get the evil driver ?19:56
=== shai is now known as anna_bi
Polarinaamrita: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers19:57
KedareHi all19:57
KedareSomebody can tell me what the difference between Ubuntu Server and Debian please ?19:57
Sergnomecan i make my own channel?19:57
norbert108how can i patch kde2 under bsd? :)19:57
PiciKedare: lsb_release -a19:58
gadhizt_beliahow i can get akill ban release???19:58
erUSULKedare: they are different distributions with different packages and versions19:58
=== WastePuree is now known as WastePotato
gadhizt_beliasumone help me??19:58
Picinorbert108: This is the Ubuntu support channel, try #openbsd19:58
KedareerUSUL: and why choose ubuntu server or debian ?19:58
erUSULgadhizt_belia: what do you want?19:59
Picigadhizt_belia: In regards to an Ubuntu channel?19:59
erUSULKedare: personal preference; is up to you19:59
gadhizt_beliai get a akill from dalnet channel last week19:59
gadhizt_beliahow can i release??19:59
Picigadhizt_belia: Talk to their operators, this has nothing to do with Ubuntu or Freenode.19:59
gadhizt_beliait's really annoying19:59
KedareerUSUL: but i can't choose if i don't know the difference between both :/19:59
gadhizt_beliai use  an xchat20:00
=== eddie is now known as Guest40464
Picigadhizt_belia: This is not Dalnet. This is Freenode, and you're asking in the Ubuntu support channel.20:00
usamahashimiHello Everyone!20:00
gadhizt_beliai know20:00
gadhizt_beliabut i use ubuntu20:00
usamahashimiHow can I convert a .flv file to .mp3 (audio)?20:00
Legendarioevery time i restart the session it uses gtk instead of emerald. someone told me to use the command "emerald --replace" which actually works, but i have to type that on every session. How can i fix it?20:01
Picigadhizt_belia: #ubuntu-offtopic might be able to help.20:01
gadhizt_beliai  thought someone could help me20:01
bastid_raZorLegendario; add that command to sessions20:01
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erUSULKedare: the difference is less than with RH/CentOs/fedora ... most conf files and other things are similar/equal20:01
erUSULKedare: as i said is up to you.20:01
=== ascott_afk is now known as ascott
Legendariobastid_razor, ok. i believe this will work, but it didn't use to be like that on the past... Can u guess why?20:02
KedareerUSUL: it look like ubuntu have most "Fresh" (recent) Packages ?20:02
ill_phazeSo I've got a bit of a problem. The boot drive on my current machine is 'swappable' and I have two drives (one with xp and one with ubuntu). Last night, my xp drive decided to eat shit and die. This wasn't a huge problem because I just swapped it for the ubuntu drive. HOWEVER, now I can't access any of the NTFS partitions that I used to be able to access in ubuntu. It's saying that they were shut down wrong in windows and I need20:03
erUSULKedare: yep compared with the stable debian release yes... it releases every 6 months ...20:03
ill_phaze  to load up windows and shut down properly. Is there anyway around this?20:03
bastid_raZor Legendario i don't use emerald so.. right off i don't know.20:03
erUSULill_phaze: ntfsfix from ntfsprogs20:03
erUSUL!info ntfsprogs | ill_phaze20:04
ubottuill_phaze: ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB20:04
erUSULill_phaze: yep20:04
jimcooncatI want to package a custom configuration, for example, openssh-server. I just want to have my custom /etc/ssh/sshd_config and a postinst to reload the running sshd. Should openssh-server be a depends of my new package, or pre-depends?20:04
dooglusill_phaze: do you have another windows machine you can fix the disks with?20:04
Sergnomei need to have my own channel, for conferrences20:04
erUSUL!pm | ill_phaze yes it is a package you can install20:04
ubottuill_phaze yes it is a package you can install: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.20:04
Sergnomei am ubuntu georgian translators temam on launchpad20:04
jribSergnome: /msg chanserv help20:04
krekonhow could I make reiserfs in fstab to have write permission in user mode?20:04
KedareThe only debian distro i can't install remotely to my server is 4.0, it use recent packages ?20:05
MrKenniein modprobe.d/options, are the options seperated by space, comma or is it 1 per line?20:05
PiciSergnome: See #freenode for more help.20:05
doogluskrekon: just don't mount it readonly?20:05
bastid_raZorMrKennie; one per line20:05
jribSergnome: ask #ubuntu-translators as well if there are any conventions you should follow20:05
MrKenniebastid_raZor: thanks20:05
krekondooglus : I don't20:06
brunohow can I install a new cursor theme?20:06
sidewalkim having problems with dpkg20:07
sidewalkafter installing 8.04.1 i ran the updates and it hung20:07
jribsidewalk: pastebin the command you run and the error you receive20:07
deepfriedsquirreWhere are all the packages that I've downloaded with apt? /var/cache/apt/archives?20:07
jribdeepfriedsquirre: yes...20:07
erUSULdeepfriedsquirre: yes20:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:07
sidewalkwhen running apt-get upgrade i get the following error message: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)20:08
jribsidewalk: you need to *pastebin* everything in full20:08
ill_phazeThat solved my issue. You guys are awesome!20:08
deepfriedsquirreHmm, I'm just wondering why my partition has 21GB of data in it when I uninstalled pretty much everything to get ubuntu-desktop with one or two other things installed and I only have about 500mb in apt's cache.20:08
KRFdeepfriedsquirre, apt-get clean20:09
deepfriedsquirreKRF: yeah I'll try that...20:10
jribdeepfriedsquirre: use Accessories -> Disk Usage Analyzer20:10
deepfriedsquirreYeah, baobab's been nice to me in the past.20:11
deepfriedsquirreGrrr, gparted keeps on failing, ti's driving me barmy.20:15
deepfriedsquirreOh, I got this CD without a hash in ubuntu hasehs20:16
nixboxubuntu does not have madwifi drivers?20:16
deepfriedsquirreWhich I found quite wierd20:16
deepfriedsquirreHang on, I'll find the filename of the iso20:16
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assargadonI testing my microphone with gnome-sound-recorder. And I can hear my voice in the speaker. Is it normal? Outbackwifi (it's nick of meber of this channel) told me "it's normall unless you mute you microphone". But if I mute it, recorder will not hear my voice, too, isn't it?20:18
deepfriedsquirreI have an ISO called Ubuntu_8.04_amd64.iso - I didn't find this in Ubuntu hashes. Why? How can I check it?20:19
deepfriedsquirreHmm, a quick google search didn't reveal anything20:20
Picideepfriedsquirre: Is that the server or desktop or alternate CD?20:20
sladendeepfriedsquirre: where did you get the ISO from[A/20:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:21
deepfriedsquirreOne of Ubuntu's download mirrors20:21
jribdeepfriedsquirre: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes check your hash against all of the ones here20:21
deepfriedsquirreAnd it's the desktop one20:21
deepfriedsquirrejrib: Not found20:21
deepfriedsquirreMaybe it's a bad cd.20:21
jribdeepfriedsquirre: download it again then from a mirror that names things correctly :)20:22
deepfriedsquirreCheers lol20:22
deepfriedsquirreMaybe it's that I extracted the ISO from CD after deleting it from the computer and brasero or whatever I used named the extracted ISO based on the name of the CD.20:22
QuibusHi, where can I get help to get fglrx working?20:23
LamoNeed help getting my nvidia beta driver to stick. Every time I reboot after installing the driver on my Compaq Presario CQ50-115NR it defaults back to no driver with low res. To install I drop to bash(ctrl+alt+F1)at login, then run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop followed by sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.70-pkg1.run which it installs fine till reboot.20:23
jribLamo: why didn't you use System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers instead?20:24
Lamojrib: cause that driver doesnt support my graphics card20:24
jribLamo: what card do you have20:25
Lamojrib: hold i forget20:25
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jrib!away > ascott_afk20:26
ubottuascott_afk, please see my private message20:26
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cheekyhey again ..20:29
cheekyi needhelp20:29
cheekyplease please20:29
cheekysomeonehelp me20:29
FloodBot1cheeky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:29
cheekyihave spend 8 hoursnow20:29
cheekyor more20:29
jribcheeky: convention on irc is to just ask your detailed question on a single line20:29
Lamojrib: NVIDIA GeForce 8200M G graphics20:29
jimcooncatI want to package a custom configuration, for example, openssh-server. I just want to have my custom /etc/ssh/sshd_config and a postinst to reload the running sshd. Should openssh-server be a depends of my new package, or pre-depends?20:30
TheCounthello :)20:30
cheekyi have been  trying to get ubuntu running for the last 8 or9 hours... and iam still stuck in the same boat ... so forgive me for not haveing patience20:30
jribjimcooncat: you might want to try #ubuntu-motu20:30
jimcooncatk thanks jrib20:30
TheCounthow can I fix font handling in ubuntu? the system doesn't seem to use the truetype fonts I've installed, or xfs for that matter :(20:30
jribLamo: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual ?20:31
Lamojrib: nope but i will now, thanks.20:31
RawkFishSo my buddy has a Epson CX7450 and a CX 8400 that is not being recognized in ubuntu. Is there any information I can relay to him??20:31
jribTheCount: what do you mean?  Are they just not available to your applications?20:31
jrib!printing > RawkFish20:32
ubottuRawkFish, please see my private message20:32
jribRawkFish: check there20:32
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:32
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate20:32
jrib!msgthebot | finalbeta20:32
ubottufinalbeta: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.20:32
TheCountjrib: hmm, yes20:32
RawkFishJRIB Thanks20:32
jessid!kernel | jessid20:32
ubottujessid, please see my private message20:32
jribTheCount: how did you install them?20:33
TheCountjrib: but apparently my problem is that I expect Lucida Console to be available, which doesn't seem to be the case20:33
RawkFishUbottu thanks20:33
taofengi made a huge mistake and converted to vfat my /home partition (while i was on my system stored on a USB disk)... Do you know how i could convert it back and have access to my file again ?20:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:33
TheCountjrib: in that particular case, apt-get install sun-java6-fonts20:33
jribTheCount: did you restart the application?20:34
TheCountjrib: even restarted X20:34
phobos_i wonder whats wrong when all osd elements in gnome are gone (no osd for brightness or sound volume) ?20:36
gpledi see VirtualBox 2.0.0, just released.  how can i tell when ubuntu will have this in synaptic?  using 8.0420:36
TheCountjrib: but it seems more like I've been convinced to have fonts in my systems which I don't have20:36
ZambeziAnyone with libtiff-tools installed? I need the configurationfile for tiff2pdf how it is as default.20:36
jribTheCount: where are you checking for the fonts?  I'll try to install them here20:37
finalbetawhat would you personally use to take daily backups of a system? Knowing that you have a system around. The best thing would be to just be able to start a second machine to the state of last nights backup. Could dd do this for me? How does dd work with open files/databases?20:37
jribZambezi: why don't you just purge the package and install it again?20:37
TheCountjrib: I'm just installing msttcorefonts (*cough*)20:37
TheCountjrib: maybe that helps20:37
cheekythis is my problem posted : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=913982 this on the web forum and no one has answered it and you can see that i have been trying for long time by looking at the time of post.neways.. i removed the primary HDD where windows was installed and triedto  boot up but this time grub showed up .. and let me choose my kernal ..oncei didt that still it just gave me the splash screen this time in a better reolou20:37
TheCountjrib: I've been searching with xfontsel20:38
cheekyi tried to keep in in oneline20:38
TheCountjrib: and I'd be wanting to use them in firefox/prism20:38
cheekyso please help me20:38
Zambezijrib: Cause I'm not using Hardy atm.20:38
Devastannn ci credo20:39
FloodBot1Devastan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
Devastansono tutti utenti!?20:39
DevastanFloodBot1 soka20:39
gogzmerHello. When I installed ubuntu originally,I made the boot partition too small and am now having trouble updating to newer kernels. Is there anyway to increase it?20:39
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat20:39
Flannel!it | Devastan, CAPADIMERDA20:39
cheekycan anyone please please please take a look at this ?forme20:39
ubottuDevastan, CAPADIMERDA: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:39
ImBodencan someone help with themes on 8.04 and gnome?20:40
phobos_gogzmer: you can use gparted20:40
cheekycould some onehelp me or just tell me that linux is notgonann work for me... soi can bloody move on20:40
gogzmerphobos_: I am on a server, and need to use a command-line solution if possible20:40
gogzmerphobos_: There is no desktop environment installed, and I would like to keep it that way if I can20:41
Flannelgogzmer: try "parted" but you'll need to be doing this while its offline unless you used LVM.  So you'll need to use a liveCD anyway.20:41
phobos_gogzmer: then use parted20:41
gogzmerI have tried using that to a limited extent already, and it complained about the partitions being ext320:42
=== n is now known as SuperNN
cheekyso i take it no one can help me?20:43
SuperNNMy USB2.0 NTFS externals didn't show up , how can I mount them ?20:43
TheCountjrib: found the problem, thanks for being my sounding wall20:43
jribTheCount: heh, no sweat.  What was the issue?20:43
cheekythnks guys20:43
cheekythank you soo much20:43
TheCountjrib: -ESTUPIDUSER ;)20:43
gogzmerI am having a problem checking in files to a subversion repository. Here is the error I get: "svn: File not found: transaction '362-1', path '/wisCareersRepo/Trunk/C_CVstuff/ColInfo.asp'"  Does anyone know what is is from?20:44
mizipzoris there a way to disable the "alt key to move windew" shourtcut? i need the alt key for an app :p20:44
TheCountjrib: if I expect X to be working with msttcorefonts I should have them installed ..20:44
cheekycan some one please help me ?20:44
Flannelcheeky: to be honest, you haven't asked an actual question yet.20:44
cheekybeen working on this foralmost bloody 9 hours20:44
TheCountcheeky: sure, but please stop whining :)20:44
Flannelcheeky: yes, you've given us a story, but no problem or question.20:45
SuperNNAlso when I go to Places -> computer I get "Nautlus couldn't display "computer" Natulius (or whatever) can not handle computer: locations"20:45
cheekycome on ... 9 hours for this ???20:45
cheekydont you think that absurd?20:45
TheCountcheeky: and your very long line was cut off ..20:45
jribcheeky: you drown out your actual question if you keep saying "please help me" in various guises20:45
ImBodencan someone help with themes on 8.04 and gnome?  i've got all the window borders and everything black, but the side bar in the file browser is white text on a white backround.  i have a screenshot to help illistrate what is going on20:45
TheCountcheeky: if you don't know what you're doing you can take DAYS :D20:45
cheekyok here is my forum thread ...20:45
SuperNNmy USB's normally show up as /media/My Book, and /media/My Book_20:45
cheekyi put everything there20:45
karnameI need advance video editor for 8.04 , what suggest you ?20:46
AethelredI'm running 8.04LTS. When a New Window is created by Firefox, it is drawn over the top of the previous window. How can I get new windows to cascade, ie: shifted down and to the right?20:47
jribkarname: pitivi or kino20:47
mik3A few months ago the ubuntu boot progress screen/login screen became misaligned. I want to say it started doing this after doing an apt-get upgrade to make sure my ports were all up to date. Basically the screen gets shifted 1/4 to the right of the screen. Once I log in to my account the resolution is automatically realigned properly. I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but using all the default options didn't correct the problem. Any advic20:47
TheCountcheeky: seems like the kernel you install doesn't support the hardware, while the installer kernel does20:47
MrKenniecheeky: there are various things that can prevent ubuntu booting20:47
cheekyright after i do this .... i dont even get an answer about it..theppl trying to answer it just move on to someone else problem .. that seems to have been easier for them to answer !!!! i even posted my progress of wat i have done on the forum link20:47
Flannelkarname: try cinelerra20:47
TheCountmik3: your line is too long and was cut off.20:47
karnamejrib : tanks , but i need more advancer20:47
maniheercheeky: have u got and IDE HDD?20:48
TheCountcheeky: no private messages, please20:48
Flannel!repeat | cheeky20:48
ubottucheeky: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:48
MrKenniecheeky: have you searched the forum for similar problems?20:48
jribkarname: avidemux is the only other one I know20:48
mik3A few months ago the ubuntu boot progress screen/login screen became misaligned. Basically the screen gets shifted 1/4 to the right of the screen. Once I log in to my account the resolution is automatically realigned properly. I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but using all the default options didn't correct the problem.20:48
MrKenniecheeky: I've found several results20:48
maniheercheeky: have u got an IDE HDD?20:48
karnamejrib : like adobe premier20:48
TheCountcheeky: sure it's IDE, not SATA?20:48
jribkarname: never used it20:49
cheekyi even added the all_generic_ide20:49
cheekynothing happened20:49
maniheerthats wat I was gonna say20:49
billybigriggerafternoon all20:49
vadimhi everyone. Can you advise me a program to encode DVD's to avi??20:49
karnamejrib : and ulead vedio studio ?20:50
ImBodencan someone help with themes on 8.04 and gnome?  i've got all the window borders and everything black, but the side bar in the file browser is white text on a white backround.  i have a screenshot to help illistrate what is going on20:50
cheekyi did that then i even dissconnected the other IDE ..20:50
jribkarname: nope.  Your best bet is to just search the packages for "video editor" and try them20:50
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale
cheekystill boots back into busy box v1.1.120:50
maniheercheeky, how about root=/dev/cdrom20:50
billybigriggeri have a quick q, when moving files i wanted to move the ~/btit directory to /var/www but instead it moved to /var/www/btit, how do i move all the files in the ~/btit dir so they are at the root of my webserver? ie ~/btit/foo/bar.php becomes /var/www/foo/bar.php, and NOT /var/www/btit/foo/bar.php20:51
karnamejrib : very tanks.20:51
cheekydid you check the error message given from gparted?20:51
abchirkanyone knows the default config fiole location for rdp?20:51
abchirkI mean remote desktop for Gnome?20:51
jribbillybigrigger: mv ~/btit/{*,.*} /var/www/20:51
billybigriggerjrib, thanks bro20:51
jfincher_I've just installed Hardy on my Thinkpad R500, which uses the madwifi/atheros wireless card.  Even though the restricted drivers are listed as in use (and enabled) I don't see a wireless option in the network manager -- any ideas?20:52
=== KaiForce_ is now known as KaiForce
abchirkjfincher_ follow this guide.. http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192 and install madwifi snapshot20:53
mik3A few months ago the ubuntu boot progress screen/login screen became misaligned. Basically the screen gets shifted 1/4 to the right of the screen. Once I log in to my account the resolution is automatically realigned properly. I did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but using all the default options didn't correct the problem.20:53
billybigriggerjrib, cannot move ~/btit/.. to /var/www device or resource busy????20:53
abchirkIt worked for me :)20:53
ImBodencan someone help with themes on 8.04 and gnome?  i've got all the window borders and everything black, but the side bar in the file browser is white text on a white backround.  i have a screenshot to help illistrate what is going on20:53
abchirkjfincher_ I need to take the madwifi_hal and then reboot... :)20:54
billybigriggerjrib, sudo mv /home/billybigrigger/btit/{*,.*} /var/www is not the right command or what?20:54
jribbillybigrigger: did it move some stuff anyway?20:55
billybigriggerjrib, yes20:55
ravendarkmik3: have a look in /etc/usplash.conf and make sure the resolution is set correctly.20:55
jribbillybigrigger: did it not move anything?20:55
billybigriggerjrib, moved everything but ~/btit all files/folders moved20:55
billybigriggerjrib, sorry my bad no prblm i guess20:56
|Jack|hi all i have small problem, i cant install ubuntu on my pc, always loading and loading screen , after this i see some a.. Shell, my pc is duron 800 mhz, 128 ram, radeon 9600XT20:56
jribbillybigrigger: it's because I forgot that in bash .* expands to . and .. sorry20:56
=== Sephi`AFK is now known as Sephi
jribbillybigrigger: at least I think that's why20:57
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
billybigriggerjrib, ok, now sudo chown root:root /var/www/*.* and sudo chmod +r /var/www/*.* should make all files readable and owned by root correct?20:57
TamagotonoDoes anyone know if there is working support for the G45 aka Cantiga aka x4500MHD video chipset in Gutsy?  I am only having limited luck in Intrepid A5 and was thinking about stepping down if it works.20:57
jfincher_I would say o+r20:57
jribbillybigrigger: no, only files with a '.' in them20:57
jfincher_just to be explicit20:58
unopo+r is not what he wants20:58
billybigriggerjrib, so /var/www/* then20:58
jribbillybigrigger: yes, but that will miss anything that starts with a '.' (there's probably nothing like that there though)20:59
unopbillybigrigger, that will miss out the dotfiles you copied over though20:59
mik3ravendark: yeah that didn't do it. even when gdm sometimes 'misses' and you can see the boots up text, that is misaligned as well20:59
unopbillybigrigger, shopt -s dotglob;  sudo chown root:root /var/www/*; sudo chmod +r /var/www/*20:59
EJ\\'elcome ßack bigfuzzyjesus20:59
ravendarkmik3: hmm, i really don't know then, hang around and ask again and scour through the forums, i'm sure youll find someone thats had more experience with it21:00
laughtearintrepid is installed, it's working well, but the hardware drivers of nvidia does not work properly. i just installed the alpha 5 this evening..21:00
laughtear the installed hardware driver is the 177th one of nvidia. but i also tried the 173 one before, nothing changed. i use this samsun 226bw in 800x600 now without 3d support (it should be 1680x105021:00
jriblaughtear: please see the /topic about intrepid support21:01
billybigriggerunop, bah, now i can cd into any dir's21:01
laughteari tried to call people on ubuntu+1, but there's no response even when i asked "anybody here" dude..=(21:01
billybigriggerunop, permssion denied21:02
unopbillybigrigger, you mean you can't ?21:02
billybigriggerunop, yeah, because i changed owner to root:root right21:02
jriblaughtear: that doesn't mean you should ask it here... it just means you should be patient there and actually state your question21:02
billybigriggerunop, but i thought everything was readable???21:02
sidewalkim using an acer aspire 5024 and i want to have the wireless network card working, can anyone tell me how to get it working?21:02
=== hristo is now known as qweqq
unopbillybigrigger, world needs execute bit set if you want to be able to cd into those directories .. just read does not suffice21:03
billybigriggerunop, bah thought i could get away with that21:03
unopbillybigrigger, in other words, o+rx21:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 502421:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acer-acpi21:04
billybigriggerunop, read/execute? o is for???21:04
_panebi am using ubuntu 8.04 integrated into a windows domain and i have a question: how can i "cd" to a windows share (to execute scripts)?21:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aspire21:04
jrib!fishing | sidewalk21:04
ubottusidewalk: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:04
unopbillybigrigger, o = other = world .. same thing21:04
jrib!wifi > sidewalk21:04
ubottusidewalk, please see my private message21:04
billybigriggerunop, ok21:04
billybigriggerunop, man this is making me mad, i thought all files and folder/subfolders would be affected, now anything inside a folder still has billy's ownership, and rights are still -rw------- on all files inside the dir's21:05
kraussDoes anyone know if the resolution of Ubuntu is resizable?21:05
kraussIt's kind of hard on my eyes.21:06
billybigriggerunop /var/www/* doesn't affect anything inside dir's eh?21:06
unopbillybigrigger, did you chown recursively?21:06
rastafarixIn you humble opinion, which one is better Gnome or KDE?21:06
bobertdoskrauss: What are you wanting to do, change the resolution?21:06
jribrastafarix: try both and use what you like21:06
billybigriggerunop, no, just did sudo chmod o+rw /var/www/*21:06
kraussYes, Bobertdos21:07
unopbillybigrigger, in that case, contents of directories are not affected21:07
Odd-rationalerastafarix: you must decide for your self. it is all about taste and choice...21:07
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unopbillybigrigger, only the directories themselves are21:07
yatesno adobe acrobat for ubuntu?21:07
billybigriggerunop, oh, files/dirs in /var/www are affected but nothing inside the dirs21:07
unop!info acroread | yates21:07
ubottuyates: Package acroread does not exist in hardy21:07
rastafarixjrib: I want that my desktop looks really nice, where can I get some gnome skins, etc'?!?21:07
jrib!themes > rastafarix21:07
ubotturastafarix, please see my private message21:07
unopbillybigrigger, that's correct21:07
bobertdoskrauss: So what are your options in System->Preferences->Screen Resolution?21:07
billybigriggerunop, -R at the end is recurvise?21:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xemacs21:08
bobertdos!medibuntu | yates21:08
ubottuyates: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:08
unopbillybigrigger, well, best not to put it at the end .. but if after chmod (or chown) itself21:08
billybigriggerunop so sudo chown root:root /var/www/* -R and chown o+rw /var/www/* -R21:08
billybigriggerunop oh ok21:09
unopbillybigrigger, that would do .. but i would write it as.  sudo chown -R root.root /var/www/* #etc21:09
yatesbobertdos: thanks - i'm very new to ubuntu - how do i configure apt to use another repostiory?21:09
kraussBobertdos: I didn't see that there. You helped already21:09
kraussBobertdos: Thanks21:09
bobertdoskrauss: :)21:09
billybigriggerunop, difference between root:root or root.root is there any?21:09
bobertdosyates: Follow the guide. Copy and paste things, it's easiest.21:10
unopbillybigrigger, not so much with GNU chown, you can use either21:10
billybigriggerunop ok cool21:10
kraussI just clicked Sign in on youtube21:10
kraussAnd firefox died.21:11
bobertdoskrauss: Has it crashed abruptly like that before?21:11
kraussBobertdos: first time.21:11
kraussBobertdos: And I just tried it again, same result.21:12
yatesbobertdos: ok, thanks21:12
bobertdoskrauss: What version of flash are you using?21:12
Brazilllé nois21:12
kraussBobertdos: the latest, I just installed it21:12
speakmanhi folks!21:12
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kraussBobertdos: 9 I think it is.21:12
scifiguy951what kind of scan would i do in nmap to find pc's connected to my router?21:12
bobertdosyates: Feel free to ask if any of that confuses you.21:12
Brazilllsoy BRasil21:13
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speakmanI'm looking for an IDE which don't requires special project files, but can run "make" an such. Much like "textmate" on Mac. Any ideas?21:13
bobertdos!br | Brazilll21:13
ubottuBrazilll: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:13
billybigriggerunop, thanks for the help bro21:13
depscifiguy951: nmap isn't the tool you want to use, your router should be able to tell you who is connected to it if it is a prefabricated router, if it is a linux box, I can point you to a few commands21:13
bulgaristan /ns register bulgaristan21:13
bulgaristan /ns register bulgaristan  asl112221:14
scifiguy951it is winxp21:14
felix-da-catzI am having a hard time getting my linksys wpc54gs card working with Hardy Heron.  I have tried the ndiswrapper method and it doesn't seem to be working properly.21:14
bobertdoskrauss: I always like to be sure of the flash version. So, would you mind checking about:plugins in Firefox, please?21:14
scifiguy951on the pc that is connected21:14
kraussBobertdos: Ok21:14
jribbulgaristan: hi, you need to choose a new password21:14
bulgaristanyou can gime a little help :)21:14
bulgaristanso i install ubuntu21:14
jvargasflash 10 on firefox 3 causes a crash21:14
jvargasanyone had this problem?21:14
jribbulgaristan: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying21:15
yatesbobertdos: does ubuntu use the /sbin/chkconfig and /sbin/service mechnism for services, like the sshd ssh daemon?21:15
bulgaristanbut i think i`m a little of bit a lamer21:15
bulgaristanmand i have allot of bug they are21:15
cheekyiam sooexhausted21:15
bobertdosyates: I'm not sure, I'd assume so.21:15
kraussBobertdos: Yep, 9.21:15
unopyates, no .. debian/ubuntu uses update-rc.d and invoke-rc.d for chkconfig and service respectively21:15
timohi dose open office have an irc channel ?21:15
bobertdosjvargas: This is a known bug. I know it's getting fixed for the next release. In the meantime, there is a workaround.21:16
jrib!openoffice | timo21:16
ubottutimo: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org21:16
jvargasbobertdos: tell me21:16
dooglustimo: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/IRC_Communication21:16
timothank you21:16
yatesbulgaristan: i just installed ubuntu yesterday for the first time after using fedora for 3 years and out of the box it's 10 times better.21:16
felix-da-catzin dmesg I am getting b43-phy0 ERROR: You must to go http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware and download the correct firmware (version 4).  However whenever I try to download and install the b43-fwcutter it does not make for me.21:16
jvargasbobertdos: with youtube it works ok, but in a page with jw media player it crashes21:16
dooglustimo: specifically: #Openoffice.org  Users and generic channel, please use this for questions related to OOo usage21:16
bulgaristanbut i have a simple bug21:16
bulgaristanlike my player21:16
bulgaristani`m from bulgaria21:16
FloodBot1bulgaristan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:16
bulgaristanand have a unicode problems i dont know why21:17
jribbulgaristan: stop pressing enter21:17
yatesunop: thanks21:17
bobertdoskrauss: Do you have libflashsupport installed? I find for some people that disabling compiz (Visual Effects set to None) helps.21:17
jrib!bg > bulgaristan21:17
ubottubulgaristan, please see my private message21:17
bulgaristanwow srr21:18
kraussBobertdos: I don't think so. I used the Adobe site's instructions. And how is that done?21:18
unopyates, though if you want the service command,  the debian-helper-scripts package offers one21:18
bobertdosjvargas: Open a terminal. Type sudo mkdir /etc/adobe21:18
jvargasbobertdos: done21:19
timojvargas: ls /etc/adobe21:19
sarthorHI. i install gyachi.deb with default pakage manager in GUI, No i want to remove that, but i want to clear all the directories, settings, that made, how can i do that???21:19
jvargastimo: nothing, just created it21:20
jribsarthor: sudo apt-get purge PACKAGE21:20
timoahhh ?21:20
sarthorjrib, thank you21:20
timoit should be created21:20
bobertdosjvargas: Get into that directory. Then, type: gksudo gedit mms.cfg21:20
up_the_ironscan someone point me to a doc that explains how codepages work?  I learned all about locale yesterday, and got UTF-8 working in rxvt-unicode, but inside mutt, people who send me stuff from Windows and CP1252 charset, doesn't show up correctly.  I'm wondering what I'm missing.21:20
jvargasbobertdos: what to put in21:20
bobertdostimo: No, that directory doesn't exist unless you create it yourself.21:21
_panebhow can i 'cd' to CIFS mounts? when i open them with nautilus they are mounted on the desktop, but i cannot cd to them21:21
bobertdosjvargas: WindowlessDisable=true, then save the file and restart firefox.21:22
laptopWhere can I see the list of KDE themes?21:22
unop_paneb, you'll have to mount the shares using mount.cifs21:22
laptopI want to enhance visual appearance of my desktop21:22
bobertdosjvargas: You'll notice that the old drop-down menu problem comes back, but at least the crashes go away.21:22
kraussBobertdos: How do you disable the Visuals?21:22
jvargasbobertdos: thanks!21:23
bobertdoskrauss: System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects, set to None.21:23
jvargasbobertdos: yeah, drop down menu is under the video screen. but it works.21:23
kraussBobertdos: Thanks man21:23
billybigriggerif mysql is installed is it safe to leave the any user no password with usage privilages or can i delete the 3 entries?21:23
timowhen you compy and pase why is the font different in openoffice?21:24
timocopy* paste*21:24
jvargasbobertdos: i hoped flash player 10 solved that problem as said in new features list.21:24
kraussBobertdos: Appearances not in the menu man.21:24
khaledهل استطيع الكتابة باللغه العربية sorry  it's test my lang21:25
bobertdosjvargas: The blog I follow for Linux flash already says this bug has been fixed in the next batch of alphas, so I would expect it'll be fine in the next version.21:25
jvargasbobertdos: thanks bobertdos, where is this blog, so I can stay advised21:25
bobertdosjvargas: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/21:26
guntbertkrauss: the second item from top21:26
bobertdosjvargas: This blog is also how I know about the workaround.21:26
scifiguy951how can i find pc's on my router?21:27
scifiguy951and connect to them?21:27
sarthorhow can i install getlibs on my hardy??21:27
kraussGuntbert: That's desktop background21:27
sarthorits not working with apt-get21:27
jvargasbobertdos: i see. thanks a lot bobertdos :-)21:27
jfincher_abchirk: I followed the instructions there, and they worked up until the "dhclient ath0" part, which fails without getting an DHCPOFFERS21:27
tobyrHey guys, is there a way to install Xubuntu using grud?21:27
tobyrCan't use CD, Can't use USB....21:27
guntbertkrauss: what version are you using?21:27
jfincher_abchirk: I know the AP is working, however, because I'm using it from wireless elsewhere21:28
depsarthor: I've never heard of "getlibs", what is it?21:28
kraussGuntbert: Ubuntu 5.1021:28
tobyrWas thinking I could extract the ISO to a folder and get Grub to boot from it21:28
Odd-rationaletobyr: do you ubuntu installed right now?21:28
Jowitobyr, you can install via network21:28
sarthordeb http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=560346121:28
sarthordep http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=560346121:28
Jowi!install | tobyr21:28
ubottutobyr: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:28
tobyrI can't get into the bios of this laptop, it's hosed, the CD drive is broken too :)21:28
sarthordep http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=484363121:29
guntbertkrauss: ah I see, I didn't use ubuntu back then - sorry21:29
abchirkjfincher_ laptop?21:29
kraussGuntbert: Right, it's fine. =D21:29
bobertdoskrauss: Is there a reason you're using such an old version?21:29
Jowitobyr, last link might be work to have a look at21:30
tobyrThat Wiki page is great, found loads of stuff, thanks :)21:30
abchirkjfincher_ I needed to switch off then on... before that he didn't connected and use wicd instead of networkmanager21:30
echinosWhat would an ls entry with blue text and green background mean?21:30
Odd-rationaletobyr: also, try http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/21:30
depsarthor: it isn't in the ubuntu repos, you're going to have to install it manually21:30
kraussbobertdos: It's all I could get my hands on. I'm just a 15 year old21:30
tobyrwicked, thanks :)21:30
SirBijanhello all21:31
Odd-rationalekrauss: you can order the latest version for free: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/21:31
SirBijani'm having a problem regarding mounting my freebsd slice inside ubuntu21:31
bobertdoskrauss: Well, that shouldn't mean anything ;) Do you have high speed internet and a disc burner?21:31
sarthordep is it safe to use?21:31
SirBijaninside ubuntu, I write: mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/sda2 /media/ttt21:31
SirBijanand it works fine, the only thing is that it only mounts the root partition of my freebsd slice21:32
kraussbobertdos: I sure do21:32
depsarthor: it appears to be a user generated shell script (looking at it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=474790) I have no idea if it is safe, from a quick glance over it it looks fine to use21:32
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bobertdoskrauss: Then I would suggest downloading the LiveCD iso for Hardy and making your own Hardy disc.21:33
blue112Hello everyone, I have a problem of rights, can you help me ?21:33
zetheroo I downloaded the Kubuntu 8.04.1 ISO and was installing it in Virtual Box ,, I got a popup window saying that the session was locked and its asking for a password to unlock it..... whats the password?21:33
Odd-rationaleblue112: sure. just ask :D21:33
depblue112: get a lawyer =) Kidding, just ask the question and if someone can help they will21:34
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depzetheroo: whatever your user password is. The automatic locking is to prevent others from using your machine if you walk away and forget to log out21:34
kraussOh boy21:34
kraussMore installing21:35
SirBijananybody with FreeBSD slice mounting inside ubuntu in here?21:35
romulohi, my ubuntu stopped displaying message about usb pendrives i put, like when i unmount then it no longer appears the notification to not remove it, how i restore that?21:35
zetheroodep: well its the live session ... and the user name is ubuntu ...21:35
bobertdoskrauss: It's not so bad, but I WOULD suggest starting from scratch.21:35
depzetheroo: oh, LiveCD? Interesting....I'm assuming you tried to just use a blank password, right?21:35
xbxbHey, every time I want to mount a block device to my file system, I have to create the folder I'll mount it to beforehand. How come the folder isn't created/deleted automatically once I mount/unmount, since it's just an abstraction anyway?21:36
Odd-rationalekrauss: 5.10 is no longer supported anyways... it is strongly reccomended to upgrade your version...21:36
zetheroodep: I pressed a key combination and the window popped up saying the session has been locked ... asking for a password21:36
blue112I have a directory, for exemple project/ which I want to be shared by 10 users. So i've created a group, "write", and I've added each user to the group. After that, I've done a sudo chown -R :write project/. Then, everything is ok. But if a user (toto), create a file in this directory, it doesn't belong to the group, but to toto. So the other members can't edit it. How can I do ?21:36
zetheroodep: yes I tried it blank21:36
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jribblue112: Access Control Lists  is the only way I know21:37
depzetheroo: k, one sec, trying to recreate with a virtbox session21:37
zetheroodep: ok thanks21:37
blue112jrib: I don't know about it, can you tell me more ?21:37
nDuffblue112, google linux POSIX ACLs21:37
jribblue112: you'll have to google, I don't know of a good reference21:37
blue112(every users are completly noob, and doesn't know anything about linux or else...)21:38
jribblue112: only you need to figure it out21:38
blue112Ok, good. I'm gonna look about that. Thanks21:38
aarcanehow can I clear the cached entries in bluetooth-applet for phones that I'm not paired with ?21:39
scifiguy951how do i add a server?>21:39
_Zeus_aarcane: no idea sry21:39
aarcanescifiguy951, go buy one and blug it in21:40
_Zeus_scifiguy951: what do you mean add a server?21:40
scifiguy951i want that on here21:40
_Zeus_want what on here?21:40
depzetheroo: ok, try this: switch to a virtual terminal by hitting "ctrl-alt-F6", which should be already logged in, and then typing "sudo passwd ubuntu" to switch the password, then press "ctrl-alt-F7" to get back to the locked screen21:40
FloodBot2scifiguy951: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
bobertdoskrauss: Not to get off topic, but if you're concerned about your age, let me just tell you that I ran across an eight-year-old here one day who did a Wubi installation of Hardy!21:40
aarcanescifiguy951, /exec -o yes21:40
jribscifiguy951: don't run that21:40
jribaarcane: don't do that here21:40
scifiguy951dont run what?>21:41
_Zeus_scifiguy951: that is for another irc server21:41
aarcanejrib, you suck :(  he's not even asking about ubuntu, and probably running windows.21:41
_Zeus_not freenode21:41
_Zeus_what does that do? :-P21:41
scifiguy951how do i get in that room on xchat?21:41
_Zeus_scifiguy951: you need to get the server name21:41
kraussbobertdos: Wow...........21:41
scifiguy951how could i find it out?21:42
kraussbobertdos: And The Bahamas is not that advanced in technology anyways.21:42
_Zeus_scifiguy951: i have no idea21:42
scifiguy951would it say in the java applet?21:42
scifiguy951when i connect?21:42
_Zeus_scifiguy951: this is ubuntu support not wewillhelpyouwithwhateveryouneed support21:42
_Zeus_scifiguy951: why don;t you connect and look?21:42
zetheroodep: that send me to login to my real user.... and I don't want to do that21:42
scifiguy951k thnx21:42
CapitalT_Any Eclipse user here?21:42
CapitalT_Does the side panels minimize vertically (like on Windows) or do they look like this http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/3/9/8/f_snapshot1m_e1a3c62.png&srv=img2621:42
bobertdoskrauss: but that's exactly the type of environment where the open-source movement thrives the most :D21:43
karnamehow i can download a web directory and all files on it and all subdirectory ?21:43
kraussbobertdos:  I guess that's why I'm here, huh? ;)21:44
CapitalT_karname: httrack21:44
depzetheroo: ok, perhaps I misunderstood the problem, you're using a LiveCD and accidentally brought up the screen lock utility, but there is not a valid password for the user "ubuntu", right?21:44
bernrdohey folks - anybody tried installing Ubuntu 8.04 on a ThinkPad T400 laptop? Got my new laptop today, can't get Ubuntu installed. Got the Intel x4500 integrated video card. I boot the Ubuntu CD, run "Install Ubuntu", and all I get is a shell prompt. Can I install ubuntu from there? What command to run?21:44
_Zeus_karname: not sure21:44
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_Zeus_bernrdo: use try ubuntu21:44
_Zeus_not install21:44
zetheroodep: I am using the liveCD ISO in Virtual Box21:45
zetheroodep: and I am stuck in there21:45
_Zeus_why not reboot?21:45
depzetheroo: ooooh, sorry, I missed the fact that you were in VB21:45
bernrdo@Zeus, I did that too - it loads the kernel, tries to start X but fails because of video driver issues I guess? ... and I end up in a shell prompt again21:45
karnameCapitalT_ : can you write a example for me , for example i need to download this directory : http://www.soe.ucsc.edu/~pohl/C++BD/ , what should write?21:45
_Zeus_bernrdo: hmmmmmmmmm that's bad21:45
draginxxDoes anyone know the solution to getting skype to not have the audio playback error under ubuntu 8.04 64bit?21:45
blue112jrib: ACL seem to be a little bit too complicated, I have to change partitions settings etc... I don't want to change system stability.21:45
redvamp128Anyone ever use LXDE? I added firefox to the panel - but it has an X with a box- the icon works but no right click change icon? Any suggestion.21:45
draginxxIt was *just* working this morning.. for me21:45
jribblue112: I know of no other way21:46
CapitalT_karname: http://www.httrack.com/html/fcguide.html21:46
_Zeus_bernrdo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=227653621:46
bernrdo@Zeus: it does load X and it gives me the option to configure the video card ("Low graphics mode" or something like that) I configure it & press continue, and it just dies / goes back to the shell21:46
blue112jrib: Can't I set a sort of "umask" for this directory which applies right and group to every file created in ?21:46
CapitalT_karname: you probably won't use the gazillion options21:46
_Zeus_yeah try what that thread says21:46
zetheroodeb: yeah21:46
_Zeus_blue112: chmod?21:46
zetheroodep: yeah21:46
blue112_Zeus_: ?21:47
ralf_groovy baby21:47
_Zeus_blue112: chmod is hoow you set permissions21:47
blue112_Zeus_ : I have a directory, for exemple project/ which I want to be shared by 10 users. So i've created a group, "write", and I've added each user to the group. After that, I've done a sudo chown -R :write project/. Then, everything is ok. But if a user (toto), create a file in this directory, it doesn't belong to the group, but to toto. So the other members can't edit it. How can I do ?21:47
zachaI created a swap partition after I installed ubuntu, how to I get it to swapon automatically?21:47
zetheroodep: well i went ahead and reset it21:47
jribblue112: yes, using ACLs.  You can do the group thing by setting setguid on the directory, but you can't do anything about a umask just for that directory21:47
_Zeus_blue112: ohhhhh21:47
Lamowhen installing kde4 which packages should I install?21:47
bobertdoszacha: Add an entry into fstab for the partition.21:48
depzetheroo: oh, well, you just want to use the host key instead of ctrl-alt to access the ttys, for example, instead of "ctrl-alt-F6" hit "host key-F6"21:48
depzetheroo: doh21:48
bernrdo@Zeus: THANKS! Reading & trying.21:48
redvamp128zacha I can tell you what you need to do- but I had to have help for my system- You have to edit the Fstab file21:48
_Zeus_bernrdo: cool21:48
zetheroodep: thankfully the install was complete21:48
blue112_Zeus_: So you know how to ?21:48
_Zeus_bernrdo: some of the previous settings they reference will be different (like "nv") but you should be able to find it21:48
ralf_bye folks21:48
_Zeus_blue112: no21:48
karnamei don't httrack21:49
depzetheroo: excellent, disaster narrowly averted21:49
_Zeus_blue112: i have no experience with a multiuser setup21:49
zetheroodep: ha ... yeah21:49
blue112jrib: Yes, but I don't want to change partitions settings, that's a little dangerous...21:49
jribblue112: not really...21:49
_Zeus_blue112: he said nothing about a partition setting21:49
jribblue112: your just adding an option to your fstab21:49
jribyou're, ugh I hate that21:49
redvamp128I had to add one line to my fstab (sudo gedit /etc/fstab)21:49
_Zeus_redvamp128: and?21:49
blue112jrib: And how can I know a group id with it name ?21:49
redvamp128you have to tell it where the file is21:50
redvamp128by partition number21:50
redvamp128I can show you the line I added and you can go from there21:50
_Zeus_redvamp128: as in /dev/sdxn?21:50
_Zeus_redvamp128: please show it21:50
redvamp128my new swap is on 2cnd hard drive partition 321:50
redvamp128so yours may be different21:50
_Zeus_redvamp128: then it should be /dev/sdb221:50
jribblue112: getent group GROUP21:50
_Zeus_sdb2=second hd, 3rd partition21:51
kraussNo wait.21:51
_Zeus_!flood | krauss21:51
ubottukrauss: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:51
zachaThanks. I'm looking for what I need to add now21:51
nlodingif i set a password for root (sudo passwd root) what file stores that info?21:51
blue112jrib: Can I change partition settings without reboot computer ? I can't reboot it...21:51
jribnloding: there's a hash in /etc/shadow why?21:51
_Zeus_nloding: why?21:51
jribblue112: you can just remount21:51
erUSULnloding: what info? the password?21:51
blue112(i've added it to /etc/fstab)21:51
_Zeus_nloding: you can't just read the password21:52
_Zeus_it's encrypted21:52
nlodingi know i can't just read it21:52
blue112jrib: I can do it on / ?21:52
bernrdo@Zeus: yeah .. well ... under Device, I didn't even have an entry for Driver. I added "vesa" and it's loading X now - seems to work. Will keep up to date. Thx!21:52
jribblue112: I believe so21:52
_Zeus_bernrdo: cool21:52
blue112jrib: Can you tell me how can I do it ?21:52
Uranellushello, I want to enable remote syslog, for that there is the -r option for syslog .. but how can I make syslog only listen on a specific interface/ip ?21:52
nlodingsay i have two identical systems with ubutnu hardy heron; if i reset the pwd on one, and copy the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files to the other, will that reset it password too?21:52
bernrdoyup, works - thx a ton :)21:52
_Zeus_nloding: .... i doubt it21:52
_Zeus_i don't think so21:53
_Zeus_nloding: why not just boot to recovery mode and reset it???21:53
nlodingit worked in freebsd and openbsd21:53
_Zeus_you don't need to input the password when booting to recovery mode21:53
erUSULnloding: just reset it by hand ... carfully i might add21:53
nlodinglets say i have 100 units and need to reset them all21:53
nlodingand i want a shortcut :)21:53
_Zeus_nloding: do you know the root password?21:54
nlodingwhen they were freebsd, i copied master.passwd, pwd.db, spwd.db, and psswd and it reset the units21:54
_Zeus_oh, then that should work i guess21:54
_Zeus_i thought you forgot it21:54
definitelyHello i have one quesstion. Does Ubuntu use same apt sources.list like KUBUNTU ?21:54
MuppeteerHey, can anyone tell me how to find out what driver my wireless card is using?21:54
Yasumotodefinitely: yep21:54
Alpha232nloding: ssh?21:54
bytor4232I have two wireless networks I need to configure at two office yesterday for this laptop I'm on.  Is there any way to pre-configure network manager before I get on site?21:54
rampageoberonnloding: you can do an automated script to do them from plain text file i suppose21:54
jribblue112: use -o remount   not sure if you also need to include all the options there.  Try21:54
definitelyyasumoto: Xubuntu also uses the same ones ?21:54
nlodingi'm not that familiar with unix security, so i don't know if freebsd operates the same ...21:54
Yasumotodefinitely: yeah, it's all in /etc/apt/sourcs.list21:54
nlodingAplpha232: i would be using scp to copy the files ...... ?21:55
erUSULnloding: well if the machines are clones (all software installed is the same) may work the problem is /etc/shadow may differ from machine to machine depending on software installed and users21:55
Yasumotodefinitely: the differences between x/k/ubuntu are just the graphical desktop environment21:55
nlodinghardware may be different, but users/software is identical21:55
guntbertnloding: yes, if the machines have the same accounts, copying /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow should do the trick21:55
Alpha232wt?   W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-updates/multiverse/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2  Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused)21:55
definitelyYasumoto: Ok ok thnx, i know where is it, just i am upgradeing to Kubuntu from Xubuntu. So wanted to be sure for that apt sources are the same. :) Ok thnx a lot21:55
nlodingoff to try, report back later21:55
Yasumotodefinitely: gotcha. no worries, glad to help :)21:55
definitelyYasumoto: Glad to get help. :P21:56
blue112jrib: Ok, i've done it. How can I check if everything is ok ?21:56
jribblue112: type 'mount' and see if the options you set are there21:56
blue112 /dev/hda1 on / type ext3 (rw,acl)21:56
blue112Seems to be ok.21:56
Alpha232ahhh, where does apt find it's proxy settings?21:57
ompauldefinitely, yes21:57
jribblue112: yep21:57
MuppeteerCan anyone tell me how to find out which driver my wireless card is using please?21:57
bytor4232vomax: lspci21:57
nlodingawesome, it works; i just needed someone to say "probably will" for me to do it -- didn't want to if there was no chance and it would hose it21:57
blue112jrib: So you've talked about setguid ? How can I set it ?21:57
jribblue112: if you're using ACLs don't bother.  Read 'man chmod' if you must21:58
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mik3these 'advanced special effects' i just enabled, is this compiz or beryl and how can i change the theme of it?21:58
jribmik3: compiz-fusion21:59
_Zeus_!info compizconfig-settings-manager | mik321:59
ubottumik3: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.4-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 594 kB, installed size 3928 kB21:59
jribmik3: #compiz-fusion for support with themes and stuff21:59
nickrudAlpha232, /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/* , or http_proxy env variable21:59
blue112jrib: I don't understand. How can I make the files created into projets/ dir own by group "write" ?21:59
jribblue112: just use ACLs.  You don't need to do that if you are using ACLs22:00
blue112jrib: I don't know how to use ACL the way I want...22:00
erUSUL!info eiciel22:01
ubottueiciel (source: eiciel): graphical editor for POSIX ACLs and extended user attributes. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 462 kB, installed size 1112 kB22:01
YamakiriHow can I get root's password?22:02
Odd-rationale!root | Yamakiri22:02
ubottuYamakiri: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:02
erUSUL!root | Yamakiri22:02
* erUSUL ouch!22:02
philsfhello, I used to have a lock icon in the notification area indicating my ssh keyphrase is cached (I guess in feisty I still had it), and I never seen it in a long time (ever since the upgrade to gutsy, also missing in hardy). Anyone know how to re-enable it?22:02
YamakirierUSUL: nothing's happening :p22:02
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YamakiriNo bot PM22:02
erUSUL!root > Yamakiri22:03
ubottuYamakiri, please see my private message22:03
blue112jrib: Ok, i've found something interestring.22:03
nickruderUSUL, ooh, that's a good program, I hate doing acls by hand22:03
erUSULblue112: what you want/need is setgid22:04
erUSULblue112: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid22:05
erUSULblue112: i quote "Setting the setgid permission on a directory (chmod g+s) causes new files and subdirectories created within it to inherit its groupID,"22:05
blue112erUSUL: That's exactly what I want. But what about rights (w) ?22:06
erUSULblue112: so "sudo chmod g+s writte" is all you need if i understand your requirements22:06
_Zeus_you mean write, not writte22:06
jriberUSUL: he needs write permissions for the group22:06
kiekohow do i register my name?22:06
blue112erUSUL: What is +s O_o ?22:07
nickrud!register | kieko22:07
ubottukieko: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.22:07
erUSULblue112: is sets the sticky bit22:07
blue112I don't know it.22:07
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erUSULblue112: sticky bit patented by Dennis Ritchie XD (some unix lore for free)22:07
draginxxDoes anyone know the solution to getting skype to not have the audio playback error under ubuntu 8.04 64bit?22:08
blue112Ok, but what it does ?22:08
Dorothy_Galehi all, my CD won't work under Xubuntu... same CD-ROM I installed it on22:08
_Zeus_Dorothy_Gale: what do you mean?22:09
_Zeus_do other cds work?22:09
jadams_when I create a new file, it's being created with me as the owner, but root as the group22:10
nickrudblue112, sticky bit means any file saved there will have the same group ownership as the containing directory does22:10
timojadams_:  make sure the groups are right22:10
timojadams_:  some times the groups can be two that fine22:10
blue112nickrud: So I don't need any setgid ?22:10
Dorothy_Gale_Zeus_, this is the first time I have tried to play an audio CD22:11
erUSULblue112: dhooo i quote again "The setuid permission set on a directory is ignored on UNIX and GNU/Linux systems" :( trying here does indeed not work as spected22:12
nickrudblue112, setguid is useful, if both people are in that group. However, by default ubuntu only gives the owner write permissions. If you want both to have write, you'll need to change their umasks or use acls22:12
blue112nickrud: I'm trying to use acl...22:12
nickrudblue112, bhwwwaaahhhh, acls are from the devil. I've set them up a few times, but each time it's been the devil of a time22:13
jriberUSUL: setgid should work fine on directories though22:13
blue112nickrud: Seems to be.22:13
* nickrud doesn't like stretching his brain that hard. 22:13
odin_Need help have lost access to a site...22:14
blue112Why does it says : group:write:rwx             #effective:r-x22:14
jribjim570_: aoeu22:14
nickrudblue112, I'm gonna look over that  eiciel  program erUSUL mentioned22:14
tiinahej jag skulle behöva veta vad för program man använder för att säga JA i terminal fönstret?22:14
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blue112tiina: #ubuntu-de ?22:15
tiinaHi anyone there who could help mee to get my problem solved22:15
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nickrudtiina, well, english translation might help ;)22:15
blue112tiina: Ask your problem and if someone can answer he does :)22:15
tiinaNeed to know hoe to say yes on the terminalwindow?22:15
blue112What do you mean by say yes ?22:16
nickrudtiina, type yes??22:16
nickrud!se > nickrud22:16
ubottunickrud, please see my private message22:16
tiinaokey but my program is in swedish22:16
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nickrud!se > tiina (they might have more clues about swedish language issues)22:17
ubottutiina, please see my private message22:17
tiinaalso...what is the program  which open tar,rar files in ubuntu?22:17
erUSULjrib: yep ... weird if i do the chmod g+s as normal user it succeeds but is ignored but if i do it with sudo it works (tm)22:17
nickrudtiina, just right click a tar file; install rar and right click rar's22:17
erUSULtiina: file-roller22:17
Drk_GuyAnyone needs help?22:18
nickrudDrk_Guy, my wallet is a bit light ...22:18
danielm_mc_yah, was hoping that some newbs would be around for a quick lesson22:18
Drk_Guynickrud, lol22:19
tiinadosent work for me???22:19
MoushiraI had ubuntu on dual boot, now when ubuntu starts I get a message with a list of commands available..and kernel is missing!22:19
Moushirashall I just re-install ubuntu?22:19
FreshUbuntuNoobHey guys, quick question, does wicd work well with unsecured networks and dhcp?22:19
strategyUbuntu can boot with the kernel missing!?22:19
jadams_I've got a webdav share, and files that users make keep getting pushed to lost+found.  Anyone seen this before?22:19
Drk_Guystrategy, the kernel is the core, w/o it can't do anything22:19
livingdaylightok, I've added a second Sata hard drive to my computer but i don't know how to reach it and format it22:20
danielm_mc_jadams check your svn config (?)22:20
strategyDrk_Guy, thats what i thought. Moushira said it booted up and told her the kernel is missing !?22:20
nickrudlivingdaylight, install gparted and use that22:20
Drk_Guystrategy, but, if you don't want to reinstall, you can repair ubuntu the gentoo way22:20
FreshUbuntuNoob!gparted | livingdaylight22:20
ubottulivingdaylight: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php22:20
erUSULblue112: so te recapitulate change users umask to make files they create writtable for the group and use the "sudo chmod g+s write" to make files within write inherit the group22:20
strategyDrk_Guy, Wrong person. My ubuntu is working great atm.22:20
Drk_Guystrategy, messing up with rm -rf, right?22:20
strategyDrk_Guy, Wrong person. My ubuntu is working great atm.22:20
strategyDrk_Guy, you mean Moushira22:20
livingdaylightFreshUbuntuNoob, sanx... you're no noob, i can tell :D22:20
Drk_Guystrategy, lol22:21
FreshUbuntuNooblivingdaylight, I am a noob :p22:21
erUSULlivingdaylight: use gparted22:21
blue112erUSUL: How can I change users umask ?22:21
Dorothy_Zeus_, I just had to reboot to make sure I could still boot off the Xubuntu install disk... I could22:21
pen_anyone here know how to get the panel a curve edge?22:21
Drk_Guystrategy, still, for Moushira to repair his system, he would need to recompile a kernel22:21
erUSULblue112: "umask whatever" on their .bashrc22:21
Dorothy_Zeus_, it's odd, it just not showing up when I boot22:21
livingdaylighterUSUL, i expected to find it by default under System22:21
Drk_Guystrategy, and that's definitively not for noobs22:21
strategyDrk_Guy, yeah, i was just wondering about the kernel and booting and crap22:21
erUSULlivingdaylight: system>Admin>Partiton>Editor22:21
bonk_hi, I have done the following: sudo apt-get install rar ; sudo ln -fs /usr/bin/rar /usr/bin/unrar , but Archive manager still doesn't recognize rar files?22:21
strategyya :O22:21
nickrudblue112, in ~/.bashrc , use umask 002 to have files saved as group writable22:21
livingdaylighterUSUL, yes, i don't have that22:22
blue112erUSUL: Actually they doesn't have .bashrc cause they all have the same home directory.22:22
nickrudDrk_Guy, not really, just download the deb, extract and put in place22:22
jribbonk_: just install the actual unrar and get rid of your symlink22:22
Drk_Guystrategy, Bios loads GRUB, GRUB loads kernel and runs it22:22
erUSULlivingdaylight: sudo apt-get install gparted22:22
pen_anyone here know how to get the panel a curve edge?22:22
strategyDrk_Guy, yep22:22
Drk_Guynickrud, chrooting22:22
Drk_Guynickrud, that's complex22:22
erUSULblue112: /etc/bash.bashrc ??22:22
livingdaylighterUSUL, so, its not in Ubuntu by default?22:22
nickrudDrk_Guy, live cd, whatever. And it's simple, walked several through it before22:22
bonk_jrib: apt-get install unrar?22:23
Drk_Guynickrud, have you gone trough gentoo install?22:23
jribbonk_: yes22:23
Dorothyhi all, if anyone can help me it would be apriciated22:23
blue112erUSUL: Ok.22:23
jribDorothy: best to just ask the channel your question22:23
nickrudDrk_Guy, no, I did my source stuff with lfs years ago. Gentoo come lately22:23
erUSULlivingdaylight: do not remember22:23
DorothyI did22:23
bonk_how do I erase the symlink?22:23
jribbonk_: rm22:23
Drk_Guynickrud, lol, still, it's a great way to improve your linux skills22:23
SebNaitsabesDorothy:  I just joined here,  so I didn't see you ask the question22:23
jribDorothy: best to just wait 10 minutes and repeat it then22:24
nickrudDorothy, it got missed, you should ask regularly22:24
erUSULbonk_: the same as any other file22:24
DorothyMy CDROM isn't working22:24
bonk_ok so I rm both /usr/bin/rar & /usr/bin/unrar22:24
kennyhey guys22:24
SebNaitsabesDorothy: what CD ROm is it?22:24
jribbonk_: no, only unrar which you created22:24
DorothyI can boot the laptop off the CDROM but once I boot to Xubuntu, nothing22:24
blue112erUSUL: Ok, that's working for umask. Now +s...22:24
Dorothythis is the same cdrom I loaded the system with the one on the laptop22:24
Dorothything is...22:25
jribDorothy: ask on one line22:25
Dorothyit's one of these laptops that the CDROM and Floppy are on a seperate dockingstation22:25
SebNaitsabesdockingstation wow that sounds like an old lap to me22:25
jribDorothy: make sure it's not loose.  It's one of those that you can eject the drive right?  Someone was here the other day because of that22:26
Dorothyjrib, like I said I can boot the laptop off the CDROM22:26
Dorothy..just tried22:26
blue112erUSUL, nickrud, thank's a lot, everything is working !22:26
erUSULblue112: no problem... we learned too by helping you XD22:27
JoesephIs there any way I can get a fairly up to date dictionary and lookup the defenitions through the kernel?22:27
blue112Great :)22:27
__jaschon__i get a "OAFIID:Glipper" error when i start gnome... is this a Glipper problem or a Gnome problem22:27
kennywhat were you helping with?22:27
ZambeziAnyone with libtiff-tools installed? I really need the configfile for tiff2pdf (and no, I'm not running Ubuntu atm).22:27
erUSULJoeseph: what definitions?22:27
JoesepherUSUL: Of the english language.  I've found one, but all the defenitions are from 1913.22:28
FreshUbuntuNoobHas anyone had any experience with WICD? Is it really any good?22:28
zendoHello. Can someone please tell me how can I set up and use my genius web camera?22:29
erUSULJoeseph: oops some how your mention of "the kernel" got me confused XD22:29
erUSUL!webcam | zendo22:29
ubottuzendo: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:29
favrohttp://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dategr1.jpg - how do I go about fixing a display like that? hehe22:29
adam_my amsn don' t want to conncect? sombody has anny idea?22:30
SebNaitsabesfavro: wow nice picture.  what did you do to virtualbox?22:30
FreshUbuntuNoob__jaschon__, Yes, I know that was a known issue with me as well... Apparently, Glipper expects one of the other programs to be started by the time it is started but infact errors out22:30
favroSebNaitsabes: it booted fine first time but I changed the resolution and every boot looks like that...22:31
__jaschon__Glipper ran fine when i was using Mint22:31
d_dyerhey i have a problem,when i try to update i get this "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." Is There a way i can correct this via Terminal?22:31
SebNaitsabesfavro: which version of virtualbox?22:31
jribd_dyer: run: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:31
d_dyerok thanks22:31
favroSebNaitsabes: it seems to be a xubuntu issue not vb22:31
erUSULd_dyer: you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." <<<< fairly obvious no?22:31
favroSebNaitsabes: 222:31
SebNaitsabesfavro: yes I was also wondering what distro you were on22:31
FreshUbuntuNoob__jaschon__, Well, it has always given me the error on startup when gnome asks whether to remove or keep this panel applet. The trick I used was to make Glipper sleep for about 8 seconds before loading22:31
SebNaitsabesfavro:  since this is the Ubuntu channel and by the sounds of it you got an xubuntu channel  try #xubuntu for help with that22:32
favroSebNaitsabes: xubuntu is the guest - with the issue22:32
JoesephWhy is there no attempt to upgrade from the 1913 defentions from the webster dictionary?22:32
SebNaitsabesfavro: what's the host?22:32
SebNaitsabesfavro:  also you can try #vbox22:32
favroSebNaitsabes: deader than a really dead thing there22:32
__jaschon__FreshUbuntuNoob, how do you make Glipper sleep for 8 sec?22:32
d_dyerThanks Guys :)22:32
favroSebNaitsabes: ubuntu minimal22:32
FreshUbuntuNoob__jaschon__, Hold on, let me find the relevant comment on launchpad22:32
SebNaitsabesfavro: try #vbox since it's not really an Ubuntu issue it seems22:33
favroSebNaitsabes: vbox won't help - xubuntu freaked at the resolution change22:33
SebNaitsabesfavro: what's the host OS?22:33
FreshUbuntuNoob__jaschon__, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glipper/+bug/213494 <= you can read up on it here... and the solution is to manually add a few lines of code in glipper... pretty easy and straightforward22:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213494 in glipper "[Hardy] Glipper dies when desktop starting" [Undecided,New]22:34
favroSebNaitsabes: an ubuntu minimal install22:34
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SebNaitsabesfavro: how much RAM does your computer have?22:34
d_dyeri like ubuntu alot better than XP,i just got it this morning22:34
favroSebNaitsabes: 1g22:34
SebNaitsabesfavro: why are you using a low RAM???? I think your host is.  and a low RAM guest?22:34
favroSebNaitsabes: I can run the other tw0 guests I've made with np22:34
danielm_mc_anyone here ever have any luck with dual screens on an x61 in a ultrabase?22:34
SebNaitsabesfavro:  well  you really want Xubuntu as a guest VM?22:35
edjuTrying to run screenlets under KDE.  It errors out -- doesn't recognize the file format of '/usr/share/icons/screenlets.svg'.  That's a soft link to an existing file.  Any hints how to get this thing going?22:35
favroSebNaitsabes: wouldn't have made it if I didn't...22:35
pen_anyone here know how to get the panel a curve edge?22:35
SebNaitsabesfavro:  you can delete that VM.  properly from  the hidden .vbox folder in home22:35
SebNaitsabesfavro: if you delete on virtualbox it only deletes  the entry for it22:36
SebNaitsabesfavro: how did you install it? from a CD or the ISO?22:36
ssaboumhi everyone,22:36
leneacan anyone please tell me a program with which i can view .mdf type images?22:36
SebNaitsabesfavro: and which virtual box version is it.  is it one you got from the Ubuntu repo.  or is it one you got from virtualbox them selves?22:37
favroSebNaitsabes: from the cd and fixing it should prove interesting22:37
JoesephHas anyone used ding?  I'm trying to figure out how I can get the defenition of a word to appear on the kernel with a command.22:37
SebNaitsabesfavro:  which virtual box are you using?22:37
favroSebNaitsabes: using dapper so the only option was to get it from vb22:37
SpherousHey, does anyone know how to mount an iso file to install something that takes 3 discs? If I mount it with gmount I can't unmount and switch to the second disc when I'm prompted to~22:37
favroSebNaitsabes: the latest22:38
SebNaitsabesfavro: ok so  not the OSE.  the PUEL the one with USB support?22:38
favroSebNaitsabes: yes22:38
jribSebNaitsabes: do you think mounting all 3 would work?22:38
KRFSpherous, with mount and some loop option, try to google that22:38
cgrapskiHello. Can anyone help with getting my wireless working in Ubuntu.  Wireless Connections doesn't show up.22:38
SebNaitsabesjrib:  mouting all 3 of what?22:38
SpherousKRF: sudo mount -o loop?22:38
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:38
__jaschon__FreshUbuntuNoob, thanks for the help..22:38
Joesephdict word works. All the definitions are from the 1913 webster dictionary... why is this?22:38
jribSebNaitsabes: bah, ignore me, wrong nick22:38
KRFSpherous, something like that i guess. i'm not sure, though22:38
FreshUbuntuNoob__jaschon__, No problem22:39
SebNaitsabesfavro: ok delete that VM properly  from  .vbox  hidden folder in home22:39
favroSebNaitsabes: nope - I'm going to fix xubuntu22:39
FreshUbuntuNoobJoeseph, I believe they have to do with copyrights. Essentially, copyrights are not valid anymore after 100 yeas (I think so)22:39
SebNaitsabesfavro:  then re install it, if still problems,  I have another idea :)22:39
cgrapskiI've tried all the documentation and forums and still cannot find the solution.  For example going through the doc it says look for an .inf file - and I don't seem to have one.22:39
SpherousKRF: I already tried that too, I tried burning them to a disc and doing that, but I'm getting Error: -1603 fatal error occurred during installation22:40
SebNaitsabesfavro: acstaully  leave your Xubuntu the one that isan't working properly and try my other idea now :)22:40
Joeseph2008 - 1913 is less than 100 years. Maybe they released the copyright?  Surely there's another open source dictionary out there....22:40
favroSebNaitsabes: all I did was run displayconfig-gtk and select my monitor and its' native resolution22:40
adam_why my amsn do not want to connect anyway, anyone no22:41
SebNaitsabesfavro:  did you know that you can run  VMware  virtual disk in virtualbox.  and you can actsaully download loads of already made one for loads of operating systems and so on.  I am pretty sure there is an already made for Xubuntu22:41
jribadam_: pastebin 'apt-cache policy amsn'22:41
SebNaitsabesfavro: and you don't have to mess around with a  vmware vmx file  when doing it in  Virtualbox22:41
FreshUbuntuNoobJoeseph, From wikipedia: The dictionary's 1913 edition of the 1900 International, renamed Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, has in modern times been used in various free online resources, as its copyright lapsed and it became public domain.22:41
SebNaitsabesfavro: now it will be interesting to see if one of those works for Xubuntu in your virtualbox or not22:41
favroSebNaitsabes: defeats the purpose I got vb for...22:42
JoesephFreshUbuntuNoob: Thanks.  I shoulda known to wiki.22:42
carrerawould installing libcurl and libcurl-dev solve this  configure: error: Please reinstall the libcurl distribution -22:42
carrera    easy.h should be in <curl-dir>/include/curl/22:42
favroSebNaitsabes: you seem to be missing the issue22:42
FreshUbuntuNoobJoeseph, Wiki knows all your deepest darkest secrets :p22:42
attickidI cant see my ntfs partitions,Ive been using linux for more than one year adn I could saw them before. I got both windows and linux, when Im on windows I can see them...also I cant mount usb devices..any help please?22:42
SebNaitsabesfavro:   you may find it's  an  Xubuntu  issue  with your set up.22:42
jribcarrera: what are you compiling?22:42
SebNaitsabesfavro:  what did you get it for?22:42
carrerajrib, php22:42
JoesephFreshUbuntuNoob: yup.  It and google know the ultimate answer too.22:43
carrerajrib, I've already added libxml2-dev22:43
favroSebNaitsabes: I changed a setting - and I want to change it back is essentially where I'm at22:43
jribcarrera: php is in the repositories, why aren't you using the packages from there?22:43
SebNaitsabesfavro:  which setting?22:43
favro<favro> SebNaitsabes: all I did was run displayconfig-gtk and select my monitor and its' native resolution22:43
carrerajrib, for one I like installing everything under /usr/local22:43
SebNaitsabesfavro:  you can  change loads of Virtualbox settings in the program yes22:44
favroSebNaitsabes: thnx - it is not vb issue22:44
SebNaitsabesfavro:  you can also re add your  virtualdisk for Xubuntu  as if you had only just done it22:44
attickidI cant see my ntfs partitions,Ive been using linux for more than one year adn I could saw them before. I got both windows and linux, when Im on windows I can see them...also I cant mount usb devices..any help please?22:44
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:44
knoppixIs there a means of finding out exactly what package I've installed in the past?22:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package22:45
jribcarrera: erm, why not use LFS then...  I think that's a terrible reason.  You don't get automatic security updates for something like php this way.  Anyway, 'sudo apt-get build-dep PACKAGE' will get you the build dependencies for PACKAGE if you choose to ignore my warnings22:45
knoppixI'm just thinking of having a list of everything transferred to a new partition.22:46
knoppixSo not just displayed in a GUI...22:46
MarBertoh yes Knoppis give me a moment22:46
knoppixWhere is the list of installed packages kept?22:46
MarBerti'll give you the command22:46
carrerathanks jrib22:46
ozzloyi just installed soap4r and wsdl2ruby isn't available.  how do i get it?22:46
MarBertsudo dpkg --get-selections > installed-software.log22:47
MarBertYou'll get in home a file named installed-software.log22:48
favro!clone | knoppix22:48
ubottuknoppix: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate22:48
olmarimagnetron: Did got my barcode scanner to behave keyboard-like22:48
olmarimagnetron: wasn't it you with whom I did talked about that the other night?22:49
magnetronolmari, it was. how did you do it?22:49
olmarimagnetron: took couple of beers and hacked the other barcode scanners perl code22:50
magnetrongood idea olmari. you had a programmer in you after all22:50
MarBerthey, I need to make audio + video calls over MSN22:50
olmarimagnetron: essentially I needed to take out all the checks as original scanner sends some prefixes and whatnot, mine pushes only the end result in ascii22:51
MarBertwhat program can I install?22:51
olmarimagnetron: well.. couldn't do that from scratch... still not knowing half of the program code :D22:52
=== Shady is now known as Shade08
tabakhaseWhat can I do against lags caused by 100% "I/O Wait"?22:53
=== Ha is now known as Healer
HealerHi everyone22:55
MarBertwhat program to make audio + video calls over MSN??22:56
Healeri have a problem with unzipping rar files22:56
SebNaitsabesMarBerty:  Mercury Messenger?22:56
Healertried installing 3 programs but all say the same: Unkown file22:56
Healeranyone know what the problem is?22:56
zachaI can't hibernate. I installed uswsusp (said it couldn't find a valid swap) so I made/mounted a swap. I don't know what to try now22:56
SebNaitsabesMarBert:  Mercury Messenger or I guess Windows Live Messenger under Wine?22:56
PolarinaHealer: RAR has a license on it and people don't want to spend a fortune on purchasing a license to implement support for RAR.22:56
MarBertI went on the home page It doesnt take audio calls22:56
frodoapt-get install unrar22:57
erUSUL!rar | Healer22:57
SebNaitsabesHealer: how did you try to install them?22:57
ubottuHealer: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:57
Loganhoupso how are you today ubottu?22:57
PolarinaHealer: I strongly discourage you to AVOID RAR at all cost, there are better compressing archives out there than RAR and are free.22:57
SebNaitsabes!bot |  Loganhoup22:58
ubottuLoganhoup: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:58
attickidwhen I try to mount a partition it says "fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy"..22:58
Loganhoupwell it took you long enough to respond22:58
HealerPolarina: I have never used rar, I just cannot unpack *.rar files22:58
SebNaitsabeshe cannot respond to you22:58
Loganhouphey don't laugh bots are people too22:59
SebNaitsabeshe is a bot22:59
SebNaitsabesI triggered him to respond at you22:59
frodohealer you have to install unrar-free22:59
LoganhoupI've always known that22:59
HealerSebNaitsabes: Thanx for the help22:59
frodoit's on ufficial repositories22:59
PolarinaHealer: Just flame the people that use RAR.22:59
SebNaitsabesif you want to play with the bot22:59
Loganhoupyou bot racist22:59
attickidcan Anyone help me?22:59
HealerPolarina: Haha, i will22:59
SebNaitsabesyou can join another channel and do fun things with it22:59
philsfI used to have a lock icon in the notification area indicating my ssh keyphrase is cached  by the seahorse agent (I guess in feisty I still had it), and I never seen it in a long time (ever since the upgrade to gutsy, also missing in hardy). Anyone know how to re-enable it?22:59
Loganhoupwhat channel? that I didn't know22:59
bobertdosattickid: with what?23:00
Healerfrodo: thank you!23:00
PolarinaHealer: That's the spirit. ;)23:00
HealererUSUL: Thank u!23:00
attickidbobertdos: when I try to mount a partition, the console says "fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy"23:00
Healer!info unrar-free23:00
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (hardy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB23:00
section3How can i do a force copy to overwrite files23:00
section3cp -f doesn't work23:00
jribsection3: that's default behavior23:01
section3jrib, how can I have it overwrite files23:01
jribsection3: that's default behavior23:01
bobertdosattickid: What kind of partition?23:01
attickidbobertdos: ntfs, but it worked before...23:02
bobertdosattickid: The last time you exited Windows, did you do so cleanly?23:02
attickidbobertdos: nope23:03
c01100011I am looking for a minimal panel (pypanel,bmpanel etc..) that works with compiz's multiple desktops.23:03
bobertdosattickid: Then that's probably the issue. Go into Windows and exit it properly.23:04
orgy`hi, ubuntu sort of locks up when i try to logout. erything keeps going, like mp3 players and such, but i have no control over the desktop. only thing that helps is ctrl+alt+backspace.23:04
c01100011every panel that i've tried treats compiz's multiple desktops all as one23:04
attickidbobertdos: ok ,thanks23:04
reportingsjrHi, I just got a new HD and I was wondering how I mount it so I can use it?23:05
penanyone here know gtk+23:05
jribreportingsjr: have you formatted and partitioned it first?23:05
penis there a gui for developer so I can know where the button is in the object hierarchy23:05
reportingsjrjrib, no, I just installed it. Never really done this before =\23:05
jribreportingsjr: you can use gparted to do that23:06
c01100011pen, I never manage to get development help in the Ubuntu channel23:06
bobertdos!info glade | pen23:06
ubottupen: glade (source: glade): GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.12.2-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1556 kB, installed size 5152 kB23:06
reportingsjrc01100011, ubuntu isn't really the developers platform. :p23:06
reportingsjrc01100011, too much of a pain to deal with packages and such.23:06
penso it's just glade?23:07
c01100011<-- i'll be darned, way to prove me wrong bobertdos23:07
penI'm just trying to develope my own them that's all23:07
penreportingsjr, well, I like ubuntu so I tried23:07
bobertdospen: Ah, well theme development might be a little different, but glade is the builder intended for GTK GUI app development in the general sense.23:08
reportingsjrpen, oh, it's not bad by any means, just gentoo would probably be better to develop on.23:08
lee_Does anyone know where I can get a copy of libdvdcss2 in Ubuntu 8.04/64bit?23:08
jribpen: art.gnome.org has a tutorial23:08
jrib!dvd > lee_23:08
ubottulee_, please see my private message23:08
=== InfiL00p is now known as infil00p
bobertdos!medibuntu | lee_23:08
ubottulee_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:08
penjrib, but I want the specific button for theme to apply on23:08
penjrib, but I don't know where it is in the hierarchy23:08
jribpen: checked gtk docs?23:08
penjrib, which doc?23:09
reportingsjrjrib, so, what do I need to do after formatted and partitioned with gparted?23:09
penjrib, I was in library.gnome.org23:09
jribpen: k23:10
attickidbobertdos: I reboot Ican access my ntfs from windows. but i still have the problem,I cant mount them in linux23:10
jrib!fstab | reportingsjr23:10
ubottureportingsjr: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:10
penjrib, have you ever done theming before?23:10
jribpen: no23:10
penjrib, i want to know what button is it for the time weather on the panel23:10
penjrib, I want to change that23:11
bobertdosattickid: It's possible they could still be getting mounted, but not appearing on the desktop.23:11
attickidI tried to do it from console and I look on the media folder also23:11
pendo anyone here know what the button is called on the panel for the gnome-panel widgets?23:11
pennot the window selector23:11
attickidbobertdos: I tried to do it from console and I looked on the media folder also23:11
djdanoHey all, anyone know a good light weight Media manager I can use to organize my music, and sync it with my MP3 player, I'm using xubuntu23:12
pznhow can I make network-admin forget everything I configured? I intend to erase some file, reboot and see its behaviour like it is a new ubuntu23:12
=== nostferka is now known as nostferka^
pendo anyone here know what the button is called on the panel for the gnome-panel widgets?23:13
philsfI used to have a lock icon in the notification area indicating my ssh keyphrase is cached  by the seahorse agent (I guess in feisty I still had it), and I never seen it ever since the upgrade to gutsy, also missing in hardy (so it's a regression). Anyone know how to re-enable it?23:13
carandraugpen: you're talking about the notification area?23:15
pencarandraug, kinda, but no. Widgets in general, like the weather time23:16
JoesephOccasionally, when moving windows with Compiz turned on, the windows will simply disappear.  Has anyone else had this problem?23:16
pencarandraug, do you understand what I mean?23:16
carandraugpen: not really. I don't any of those fancy stuff :p23:17
djdanoHey all, what is the preferred media player, audacious, banshee, rhythembox, or amarok?23:17
extorhas anyone here put xosd based messages on their screen, how does it work?23:17
carandraugpen: *don't use any23:17
pencarandraug, do you know anything about gtkrc?23:17
dan1234562k8rythmbox ftw23:17
carandraugcarandraug: no. Just that the place where icons appear (like pidgin, xchat, music, etc..) is called notification area. And many people removef it and then don't know what they have to add back to the panel to get it back23:18
mgeorgeg'day folks :)23:18
jribextor: the man page usually has examples.  I remember that gnome-osd looked better23:18
mgeorgedamn there is a shitload of people in here >.<23:19
djdanodan, i have rhythmbox, and I'm unable to sync it with my thumb drive based mp3 player, do you know if this is possiable23:19
dan1234562k8i recently installed libflashsupport to solve problems with sound output on youtube but now firefox randomly closes and it is quite annoying anyone got any ideas?23:19
=== chrissss is now known as chrisss
dan1234562k8no sorry :S23:20
=== chrisss is now known as chrissss
pendo anyone here know what the button is called on the panel for the gnome-panel widgets? not window selector...23:20
djdanodan, flash10?23:20
dan1234562k8no ithink its 923:20
dan1234562k8yer its 923:21
djdanohave you tried removing or renaming your .mozilla folder? and removeing all flash stuff like gnash and only having flash-plugin-nonfree v9 installed?23:21
netsurf3is it possible to update gnokii and gnome-phone-manager so that interactions with sony ericsson k610i is supported? as in fedora 9 this works fine23:21
reportingsjrjrib, still there?23:21
jribreportingsjr: yep23:21
extorjrib the man pages seem kinda criptic. you know of any web pages with more on em?23:21
reportingsjrjrib, should I just sudo gparted then format and partition my new drive?23:21
c01100011pen, the area where nm-applet shows up ?23:21
jribextor: are you reading gnome-osd-client's manpage?  You just do 'gnome-osd-client MESSAGE'23:22
penc01100011, you mean the menu? no, i mean the button like thing around widget23:22
reportingsjrjrib, ?23:22
jribreportingsjr: gksudo gparted.  Make sure it's your new drive, not one with your data on it23:22
ScheissDrogen!ot > ScheissDrogen23:22
ubottuScheissDrogen, please see my private message23:22
reportingsjrjrib, what do you mean?23:22
=== BadLagWTF is now known as YummyYummyKitten
reportingsjrjrib, when it's started up, make sure it's my new drive? (how do I do that? :p)23:23
extorjrib...lemme try gnome-osd-client23:23
dan1234562k8im confused now :S23:23
jribreportingsjr: well you have your current hard drive with ubuntu on it, right?  You don't want to use that one.  Type 'mount' and you'll see what your current drive is called23:23
=== YummyYummyKitten is now known as YummyKitten
extorgnome-osd - OSD message framework for GNOME  <--- This package, right?23:23
djdanodan, mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bak23:23
djdanosudo synaptic23:24
reportingsjrjrib, ah, I see. So do I have to switch drives or something?23:24
djdanoremove all flash23:24
jribreportingsjr: at the top right of the gui you can pick the device23:24
bobertdosdan1234562k8: In firefox, type about:plugins. Check to see if you have anything like gnash or other flash-ish looking things installed.23:24
djdanoinstall flash-plugin-nonfree version 923:24
reportingsjrjrib, ah, gotcha. Thanks!23:24
reportingsjrjrib, 750gb hd, it might take a while! :p23:24
alex-weejdjdano: flashplugin-nonfree23:25
chrissssdoes anyone use ajaxterm?23:25
Goosemoosehas the error with connecting to .local domains not been fixed yet for likewise?23:26
philsfI used to have a lock icon in the notification area indicating my ssh keyphrase is cached  by the seahorse agent (I guess in feisty I still had it), and I never seen it ever since the upgrade to gutsy, also missing in hardy (so it's a regression). Anyone know how to re-enable it?23:27
extorjrib, so gnome-osd-client needs xml formatted input parameters?23:27
ScheissDrogenwhat happened to ubuntu-offtopic ? no ones in there but a norway bot ?23:27
jribextor: works fine if I just use regular text23:27
jribextor: that's only with -f it seems23:28
reportingsjrjrib, what type of disklabel should I choose? msdos? (default)23:29
jribreportingsjr: default23:29
reportingsjrsweet! :)23:29
HazarathCannot get setup to get past like, 13%, tried disabling pretty much every option, using the lastest distro.23:29
ubotturavi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:29
reportingsjrwtf, it only shows 698.64GiB/750 >:(23:29
c01100011Hazarath, installing off a cd or usb ?23:31
HazarathI should prolly add that I ment the little loading screen with the progress bar frezzes during setup.23:31
Hazarathc01100011, both.23:31
reportingsjrHazarath, which loading screen with progress bar?23:32
c01100011Hazarath,  had a similar issue installing yesterady23:32
reportingsjrthe one during partitions?23:32
extorjrib, I got my first printout. Beautiful. Now to finetune it23:32
jribreportingsjr: http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9829266-7.html23:32
rawi can install any theme i want on ubuntu ? or it must be gnome theme ?23:32
reportingsjrjrib, nice. :D23:32
c01100011is it a consistent percentage or change every time23:32
Hazarathreportingsjr, the one while setup loads. The pretty orge one.23:32
Hazarathc01100011, none.23:32
extor -f --full23:33
extor              Enable  "full" message specification syntax, which is XML based. <--- This sort of implies some missing functionality though, for pure text based stuff23:33
Hazarathc01100011, it always locks the same place.23:33
rawi can install any theme i want on ubuntu ? or it must be gnome theme ?23:33
reportingsjrHazarath, ah, ok23:33
nubunturic you see me23:33
Unipzwhere do I report bugs?23:33
HazarathSo, ideas on fixin'?23:33
jrib!bugs | Unipz23:33
ubottuUnipz: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:33
UnipzThere is a pretty serious bug in the installer23:34
c01100011Mine locked up in a different place each time. But the 2 times (don't ask why i needed to reinstall) I got it to work, i was playing around in another terminal sesssion while it loaded23:34
balrogUnipz: ?23:34
c01100011i don't know if that was dumb luck , or it helped23:34
balrogshould i install virtualbox from the repos or from the .deb on the website?23:34
maxagazwhat cli command to listen a directory of mp3 ?23:34
UnipzIf you install ubuntu onto hd(1,0) the installer sets up the grub.conf (or whatever loader ubuntu uses im not sure) to load from hd(0,0) regardless of where you installed ubuntu to23:35
c01100011and when it did freeze, it was because of a problem accessing the squishfs23:35
Unipzhad to manually modify the launcher23:35
ak-49What is the difference between the ubuntu dvd versus the iso (besides the obvious difference in size)23:35
Hazarathreportingsjr, c01100011 what do I do? Try again diffrently? Kinda usin' dual boot at the moment.23:35
haberneti have a desktop pc and im trying to install ubuntu on it...the cd rom drive will read/install from windows xp cd but not ubuntu cd...the ubuntu live usb drive i created wont boot on it because it "cannot find linux kernel" does anyone have suggestions on how to install ubuntu on it? it is not hooked up to internet23:35
lgcHi. What's inside the Ubuntu-in-Windows install option on the 8.04 disk? What kind of VM?23:35
reportingsjrHazarath, when I installed mine always froze up on the partition part, try a few more times, if that fails get a new disk and try that, if THAT fails ask in here again. :p23:36
Jack_Sparrowak-49 the dvd includes the "Main" repo23:36
Hazarathreportingsjr, tried for 6 hours last night. Heh.23:36
reportingsjrHazarath, ouch!23:37
ak-49thanks, jack_sparrow.23:37
c01100011Hazarath,  switch to terminal 1 when it freezes, and see if it having trouble reading squishfs23:37
Hazarathreportingsjr, Fell asleep once during the loading, it still didn't proceed.23:37
nubuntuanyone got a minute to help me troubleshoot this sound problem (no sound) on a new hardy install?  heres a paste of terminal output: http://pastebin.com/m7a44351a23:37
UnipzAlso have the issues with nvidia and ati drivers for the newest version of ubuntu been resolved?23:37
Hazarathc01100011, how do I do this?23:37
c01100011cntrl alt f123:37
Jack_Sparrowc01100011 To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"23:37
Hazarathc01100011, I'll try that, get an idea of what the error is.23:38
Jack_Sparrownubuntu /join #alsa23:39
lgcI need to hear some experiences with vitualizing Windows in Ubuntu.23:39
brunicwhere is the gtk files on ubuntu linux?23:39
Goosemooselgc, tried it and gave up. could never find the nic23:39
tamerwhy when i continoue pressing backspace it effects the screen light23:39
Jack_Sparrowlgc This is the wrong room for discussion.. try #ubuntu-offtopic23:39
lgcGoosemoose, what VM did you try?23:39
c01100011lgc, Virtualbox xp good experience23:40
lgcc01100011, oh, I like That!23:40
nubuntuok jack will try alsa23:40
c01100011for the added bonus, i set it fullscreen on a compiz cube face23:40
c01100011I am amble to spin the cube and land in windows23:41
Jack_Sparrownubuntu they are best with sound issues23:41
reportingsjrjrib, ok, now that I've got it formatted and partitioned, just do mnt /dev/sda /home/jon/media_hd ?23:41
reportingsjr(or something close to that, whatever works?)23:41
c01100011(getting out requires a tricky key combo)23:41
jribreportingsjr: did you create /home/jon/media_hd already?23:41
reportingsjrjrib, no, any special permissions or anything that it needs?23:41
jribreportingsjr: nope23:41
* extor wonders if a KDE-osd exists as well and if it is sexier than gnome-osd23:41
lgcc01100011, did you manage to copy an old windows partition or you did a fresh install in the VM?23:41
reportingsjrjrib, ok, that's been created. Now run that cmd?23:42
c01100011lgc, fresh install, kept it minimalistic, just the applications that i would need to reboot to use23:42
pendo anyone here know what the button is called on the panel for the gnome-panel widgets? not window selector...23:42
reportingsjrpen, system tray?23:42
jribreportingsjr: do you want it to be automatically mounted when you boot?23:42
reportingsjrjrib, yep23:42
penreportingsjr, system tray doesn't make the individual icon a button23:43
reportingsjrpen, what do you mean?23:43
lgcc01100011, did you get sound and USB access?23:43
penreportingsjr, do you still have your time and weather up on gnome panel?23:43
reportingsjrpen, yes..23:43
oblivion62hi, anyone seen any issues with Firefox spontaneously crashing in Hardy? Happens to me every time on the login page for my online bank...23:43
jribreportingsjr: pastebin the outpuf of 'sudo blkid'23:43
penreportingsjr, if you move your mouse over, you could see the button prelight effect23:43
penreportingsjr, that's what I'm talking about23:43
reportingsjrjrib, http://pastebin.ca/119760223:44
Jack_Sparrowoblivion62 probably just a flash issue.. can you post the url that crashes23:44
jriboblivion62: flash on the page?23:44
oblivion62Might be flash. It's www.halifax-online.co.uk23:44
jribreportingsjr: is your new one sda?23:44
reportingsjrjrib, yeppers23:44
Jack_Sparrowjrib Hoiw ya doing.. sorry I have not been around.. Kinda busy up at the school23:44
jribwhat's up Jack_Sparrow23:45
jribreportingsjr: add this to the end of your /etc/fstab: UUID=285323c3-4056-4c31-97e9-94e31a1617d0 /home/jon/media_hd ext3 defaults 0 223:45
ScheissDrogen...also #ubuntu+1 shows none23:45
ScheissDrogen**no one23:46
Hazarathreportingsjr, c01100011, here you go... this is the error: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6452/pict0067ba4.jpg23:46
jribScheissDrogen: there are 184 people there23:46
c01100011is there a good way to maintain a constant connection when using open wifi networks on the move ?23:46
reportingsjrjrib, added23:47
ScheissDrogenjrib ? /join #ubuntu+1  ??23:47
jribreportingsjr: sudo mount -a23:47
jribScheissDrogen: yes?23:47
Shazzam6999stephen hawkings little computer uses cellphone networks to access the internet.... so its possible, not sure if its possible for everyday people though23:47
Chunky_KsHeya all. I'm using the ATI drivers installed /a la/ the "manual installation" instructions in the ubuntu wiki. It's all working and I enabled dual head with aticonfig --initial=dual-head, but it's using classic unix dual head configuration with two screens23:47
Jack_Sparrowc01100011 The best way is to buy supported hardware and not try to run under fwcutter or ndiswrapper23:47
reportingsjrjrib, mount: special device /dev/disk/by-uuid/285323c3-4056-4c31-97e9-94e31a1617d0 does not exist23:47
ScheissDrogenjrib..: I try again...23:47
jribreportingsjr: hrmm23:47
Chunky_Ksshould I use xinerama with the ati catalyst drivers?23:47
Chunky_Ksor is there a better way?23:48
jribreportingsjr: how about: ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/23:48
Hazarathreportingsjr, c01100011, did you get that?23:48
c01100011yeah, or maybe i should just keep the aspire one in the bag untill i get out of the cab23:48
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ScheissDrogenjrib..: thx, i must have misstyped23:48
jribScheissDrogen: no problemo23:48
c01100011Hazarath, yeah i got it, not the same problem I had. I don't really know how to help you. But at least you have something to search on now23:49
reportingsjrjrib, http://pastebin.ca/119760423:49
goldmetalwhere are the icons pictures? it's not there anymore when i try to change the icon pic.  in gnome menu bar23:49
jribreportingsjr: oh.  There's probably a way to do this without rebooting, but I don't know it.  Let's ask the channel, but you might want to reboot if no one knows23:50
Hazarathc01100011, Alright, how about you, reportingsjr?23:50
Isaac_of_Trekthis is ubuntu help chan, yes?23:50
bobertdosIsaac_of_Trek: Yes, sir!23:50
jribHow do I get /dev/disk/by-uuid/ to know about a newly formatted hard drive?23:50
jrib(without rebooting)23:51
javiergIs there a terminal program that I can setup so when I open it, it automatically has more than one tab open with specific names on them?23:51
Jack_Sparrowjrib will mount -a do it?23:51
jribJack_Sparrow: nope, that's the command that failed when we tried to mount it :)23:51
chamunksHas anyone in here used opensuse or suse-enterprise?  I'm loving ubuntu but im just curious why Novell is so highly regarded.23:52
reportingsjrjrib, so I can just reboot and it will all be said and done?23:52
jribchamunks: better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic23:52
javiergIs there a terminal program that I can setup so when I open it, it automatically has more than one tab open with specific names on them?23:52
jribreportingsjr: yes, it should be23:52
reportingsjrjrib, why didn't you say so!23:52
LordMetroidIs there a way I can configure the notification area?23:52
jribreportingsjr: well I'm curious too23:52
LordMetroidWhat to be shown and what not to be shown in it?23:52
HazarathDuring setup, I get the following error and a system halt, alt-cntl-del doesn't even regester. A picture of my screen is here: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6452/pict0067ba4.jpg23:52
funkyHatreportingsjr: we like doing things without rebooting when we can (which is most of the time :))23:53
LordMetroidCause I do not want that network icon to be shown, I got another better network monitor23:53
lee_how do I install "mediaLib" to compile ffmpeg?23:53
Isaac_of_TrekI cant get my wireless networking to come up. Acer 3680-2633 Driver is on. I have no icon for network mgr23:53
chamunksWell than on a related note, whats a good way to manage and update a house full of ubuntu computers from one of them.23:53
Jack_Sparrow!info ffmpeg23:53
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu7.1 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 664 kB23:53
cheekyhey  i just installed ubuntu and its working finally ..now that its running ..i clicked the hardware drivers program and it shows that nvidia accelerate grpphics driver is not enabled and not in use ..23:54
jribchamunks: ssh works for me23:54
Jack_Sparrowlee_ why are you trying to compile something that has already been properly compiled for ubuntu.23:54
cheekyhow doi get the driver for this ?23:54
lee_Jack_Sparrow: Yes, I know what it is- i'm trying to compile it with different lib support but now its asking for mediaLib23:54
chamunksjrib, I'm looking for something that might do it all in one or two commands.23:54
lee_Jack_Sparrow: because I need to use codecs that aren't compiled by default23:54
d_dyerhey,is a a screen capture program for ubuntu that i can use to stream my screen on ustream?23:54
chamunksjrib, Or maybe a webgui23:54
javiergIs there a terminal program that I can setup so when I open it, it automatically has more than one tab open with specific names on them?23:55
jribchamunks: yeah, ssh and a small script :)  I think there was some program for this, but I forget the name atm23:55
lee_Does anyone know where/how I can get "mediaLib" development libraries?23:55
goldmetali want to change my firefox icon, where are the icons located on 8.04?23:55
goldmetalused to be a lots of icon, but it's gone23:55
jribjavierg: gnome-terminal23:55
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bobertdosIsaac_of_Trek: In the terminal, does your wireless interface show up when you type ifconfig?23:56
Jack_Sparrowlee_ goldmetal /usr/share/pixmaps/mozilla-firefox.png23:56
javiergjrib, Can I set it up so when I open gnome-terminal it opens up the specific tabs?23:56
Jack_Sparrowgoldmetal /usr/share/pixmaps/mozilla-firefox.png23:56
d_dyeris there a screen capture program for ubuntu so i can stream my screen on ustream?23:56
jribjavierg: yeah23:56
cheekycould some one tell me wat i need to do once i first installed ubuntu and it allbran new wats my next move ihave to do .. iam a newbie and .. been spending alot of time trying to get where iam and iam finally here and ubutu is finally up and running .. wat shouldi do next to see if it all compatible with my computers hardware?23:57
chamunksjrib, le sigh.. Ill poke around synaptic for a bit more than some more googling23:57
chamunksjrib, thanks still.23:57
jribchamunks: the reason I know one exists is someone asked before.  But I think I googled for something like remote debian update/administration23:57
HazarathDuring setup, I get the following error and a system halt, alt-cntl-del doesn't even regester. A picture of my screen is here: http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6452/pict0067ba4.jpg23:57
Isaac_of_Trekit is showing ethernet (that don't use) and "local Loopback" not my wireless connection23:58
reportingsjrjrib, ok, now it says only root has permissions to the folder. Can I change the permissions?23:58
d_dyernever mind i will find one my self23:58
jrib!permissions > reportingsjr23:58
ubottureportingsjr, please see my private message23:58
reportingsjrjrib, I may have, or may not have chmod'ed my entire OS to 077 after being pissed off about permissions once. hehe23:58
goldmetaljack-desktop, thx.   how about for xterm icons or any terminal icons. where should i look?23:58
jribd_dyer: it helps if you are a little more patient23:58
jribreportingsjr: heh23:59
Isaac_of_Trekit did come up23:59
Unipzwhats the best window <--> linux vnc23:59
lee_Does anyone know where/how I can get "mediaLib" development libraries?23:59
Isaac_of_Trekwhen I put in23:59
chamunksjrib, thanks ill pickup where you left off i appreciate it.23:59
Isaac_of_Treksudo lshwC network23:59
d_dyeri know your helping other people but there is 1300 people in here23:59
reportingsjrjrib, what in the.. it says that 35gb of the drive is already used up! Now it's down to freaking 650gb! what's going on?!?!23:59
ScheissDrogenlee: try an apt-cache search medial*23:59
darrylbanyone have any ideas about how to get a live cd running version of ubuntu to use the closed nvidia drivers?23:59

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