favro | ouass: hi | 00:09 |
anom01y | how do I undo this command: wget http://dl.ivtvdriver.org/ubuntu/80DF6D58.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 01:05 |
Odd-rationale | anom01y: well, one easy way would be to open Applications --> System --> Sofware Sources and go to the software keys tab... ( I think it is the third tab) and delete the key... | 01:09 |
j00bacca | can you embed a terminal session into the background? | 01:23 |
j00bacca | yes you can see http://wayofthegeek.org/2008/06/sooo-pretty/ | 01:26 |
nbl | hello | 02:10 |
nbl | agian.... | 02:10 |
nbl | backupPCor Bacula? any imput on what is better? | 02:10 |
nbl | any input* | 02:12 |
xindo | so anyone in here have an apple slim keyboard on a pc running xubuntu hardy/ | 02:25 |
xindo | ? | 02:25 |
xindo | there are a few bug reports about it, but can't get it worked out under xfce | 02:25 |
Rakeer | Is there an "OpenGL" wrapper for Xu? | 04:25 |
cody-somerville | :/ | 04:25 |
Rakeer | .i. | 04:26 |
* cody-somerville is off to bed. | 04:27 | |
cody-somerville | \o) \o/ (o/ | 04:28 |
Rakeer | allright then. | 04:28 |
Rakeer | maybe I should have asked "is there a way to route opengl calls through CPU" | 04:29 |
Rakeer | (in apps that are specifically opengl) | 04:29 |
dudeman | hello | 05:07 |
=== ozkugh_ is now known as ozkugh | ||
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna | ||
j00bacca | what is the name of the login screen for xubuntu/xfce? | 08:53 |
j00bacca | and where to get themes | 08:53 |
=== nillerz is now known as Nillerz | ||
Nillerz | Hey, are there any MD5 checksums for the iso for xubuntu? | 09:08 |
Nillerz | hello? Anyone? | 09:08 |
R1cochet | i believe there is | 09:08 |
R1cochet | but i just installed xubuntu an hr ago | 09:09 |
Nillerz | can you link me? They aren't in the download repositories, unless I am stupid | 09:09 |
Nillerz | also, how is xubuntu? | 09:11 |
Nillerz | is it like, working? | 09:11 |
R1cochet | http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/10/08/getting-the-right-image/ | 09:11 |
R1cochet | yea it works | 09:12 |
R1cochet | i removed kubuntu for xubuntu | 09:12 |
R1cochet | kubuntu gave me some probs | 09:12 |
Nillerz | I'm coming from Fluxbuntu | 09:12 |
Nillerz | There's minamalism for you, I loved it | 09:12 |
R1cochet | which desktop environment does it run on? | 09:13 |
Nillerz | Fluxbox | 09:14 |
Nillerz | Its the fastest linux I've tried but sure does have issues with not doing what I tell it to | 09:14 |
R1cochet | lol | 09:15 |
Nillerz | I want it to run at 2048x1536 and it never would... but that's X windows for you | 09:15 |
Nillerz | there were also issues of it not putting applications on the list of applications after an install | 09:16 |
R1cochet | did u update drivers? | 09:16 |
Nillerz | nah, it never updates either | 09:16 |
Nillerz | it was running 7.10 | 09:16 |
Nillerz | Also, found the MD5 checksums | 09:17 |
Nillerz | I was going to install gentoo thinking it would be a fun all-day project then it said "This could take several days or weeks to install" and I was like "heh..." | 09:17 |
R1cochet | lol | 09:18 |
R1cochet | yea me too | 09:18 |
R1cochet | but im not very familiar w/ nix | 09:18 |
Nillerz | Kubuntu sounds fun though | 09:18 |
R1cochet | but i dont think it will take that long | 09:18 |
Nillerz | Me neither, just a few distro tests here and there, | 09:18 |
Nillerz | which is why I wanted to install Gentoo, I wanted to get the guts and figure it all out bah mahself but jesus... | 09:18 |
R1cochet | lol | 09:19 |
R1cochet | yep | 09:19 |
Nillerz | There is no graphical installer (worht mentioning) so you gotta manually place files via terminal | 09:19 |
Nillerz | now, I'll be right back, I need to partition something over >>> there | 09:20 |
R1cochet | how do i add other partitions and drives to file manager? | 09:20 |
Nillerz | dunno. I'mjust making room for the OS | 09:21 |
Nillerz | I'm using Cute Partition Manager | 09:21 |
R1cochet | lol not u | 09:21 |
R1cochet | some1 else in here | 09:21 |
R1cochet | the installer will do that for u | 09:22 |
R1cochet | fdisk | 09:22 |
Nillerz | really? Okay, cool. | 09:22 |
R1cochet | yep | 09:22 |
R1cochet | im on dual boot | 09:22 |
Nillerz | But I already burnt the partition manager. :\ | 09:22 |
R1cochet | lol | 09:22 |
Nillerz | I'm really getting this because I miss being an elitist Linux head | 09:23 |
R1cochet | why didnt u use a virtual drive | 09:23 |
Nillerz | "Oh, I use **LINUX**, so I don't have to worry about hackers on steroids." | 09:23 |
Nillerz | nah, full install plz | 09:23 |
R1cochet | yea a virtual drive will let u mount the disk w/out burning then u can run from there | 09:24 |
R1cochet | as long as its an image file | 09:24 |
Nillerz | wait, you can install linux with a drive emulator? | 09:27 |
Nillerz | waaaa? | 09:27 |
Nillerz | but that requires an OS to run don't it? | 09:28 |
Nillerz | links plz | 09:28 |
R1cochet | ohh i thought u were talkin bout the app for partitioning | 09:30 |
Nillerz | you can run a partition manager through windows? | 09:30 |
Nillerz | you're blowing my mind here, continue | 09:30 |
R1cochet | partition magic is for windows i believe | 09:30 |
Nillerz | I'm going to see this, if it's true then GOSH DARN | 09:31 |
Nillerz | hello | 09:31 |
R1cochet | u can partition in windows yes | 09:31 |
Nillerz | it costs monies. | 09:31 |
R1cochet | lmao | 09:31 |
R1cochet | not if u torrent | 09:31 |
Nillerz | like, 70 bucks | 09:31 |
R1cochet | or find one in irc | 09:31 |
Nillerz | can it resize partitions? That'd be cool | 09:32 |
R1cochet | packetnews | 09:32 |
R1cochet | .com | 09:32 |
R1cochet | yes i think so | 09:32 |
R1cochet | but again the ubuntu installer will do that for u! | 09:32 |
R1cochet | just run the installer and ull se | 09:32 |
R1cochet | see* | 09:32 |
Nillerz | It will resize a partition? | 09:32 |
R1cochet | YES | 09:32 |
Nillerz | wat? | 09:32 |
R1cochet | run the installer | 09:33 |
Nillerz | I'll do that | 09:33 |
Nillerz | That's some fucked up shit, pardon my french | 09:33 |
R1cochet | no fucking problem | 09:33 |
Myrtti | !language | 09:33 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 09:33 |
Nillerz | I saw that coming | 09:34 |
R1cochet | so sorry | 09:34 |
Myrtti | :-< | 09:34 |
Nillerz | okay so I'm gonna make sure I don't break shit then I'll burn this shit | 09:34 |
Nillerz | SORRY! My bad, that was an accident | 09:34 |
R1cochet | ???? | 09:34 |
Nillerz | but anyway, I gotta check some things then I'm gonna run the live CD | 09:34 |
R1cochet | what u gonna burn? | 09:34 |
Nillerz | the iso | 09:34 |
R1cochet | ok | 09:35 |
Myrtti | ... | 09:35 |
R1cochet | yea try it out | 09:35 |
Nillerz | but first, checksums | 09:35 |
R1cochet | myrtti? | 09:35 |
Myrtti | I'm going to pretend I didn't see that this time, but this time only | 09:35 |
R1cochet | is there a way to ad my other drives and partitions to thunar file manager? | 09:35 |
Nillerz | thank you. I love you forever | 09:35 |
R1cochet | add* | 09:36 |
Nillerz | hashes match, yey | 09:38 |
Nillerz | so yeah, xubuntu, it's like, easier topronounce than Fluxbuntu | 09:39 |
R1cochet | lol | 09:39 |
R1cochet | but not easier than kubuntu | 09:39 |
Nillerz | Is it ZOO BOON TOO or is it ZOO BUN TOO | 09:40 |
R1cochet | ubuntu with a zoo i think | 09:40 |
R1cochet | been wondering myself | 09:40 |
Nillerz | I'm concerned about the _bun_ part | 09:40 |
Nillerz | long u or short u | 09:40 |
R1cochet | i say boon | 09:40 |
Nillerz | I've always said bun | 09:41 |
Nillerz | is it possible to backwards construct a file out of an MD5 hash? | 09:43 |
R1cochet | i dunno | 09:43 |
Nillerz | That'd be interesting... probably take several days at the least though | 09:44 |
R1cochet | only used md5 about 3x | 09:44 |
Nillerz | are you in this chat from xubujntu? If so what browser are you using, or IRC client? | 09:45 |
R1cochet | right now im on pidgin but it sux | 09:46 |
R1cochet | im dling wine so i can run mirc | 09:46 |
R1cochet | and utorrent | 09:46 |
R1cochet | im gonna remove pidgin asap | 09:46 |
Nillerz | Ever use Opera? | 09:46 |
Nillerz | Has built-in bittorrent client and chat client for IRC | 09:47 |
R1cochet | about 2 yrs ago but that was on winblows | 09:47 |
Nillerz | The bittorrent client leaves something to be desired but the irc client is swell | 09:47 |
Nillerz | also, its gotten insanely good since 2 years ago | 09:47 |
R1cochet | i think mozilla has built in irc client | 09:47 |
R1cochet | or at least addon | 09:47 |
Nillerz | chatzilla yeah but it sucks | 09:47 |
R1cochet | ok i dunno | 09:47 |
R1cochet | i only like mirc | 09:47 |
Nillerz | Firefox is horrible because it's making open source applications look bad | 09:47 |
Nillerz | how are you running uTorrent without wine? | 09:48 |
R1cochet | im not w/out wine | 09:48 |
Nillerz | oh okay | 09:48 |
R1cochet | thats y im dling wine | 09:48 |
Nillerz | ??? | 09:48 |
R1cochet | downloading | 09:48 |
R1cochet | * | 09:48 |
R1cochet | my connection is slow atm so its gonna take some time to dl | 09:49 |
R1cochet | 30min more :( | 09:49 |
TheSheep | wans't there a linux version of mirc? | 09:49 |
Nillerz | I'm using Roadrunner cable it is awesome | 09:49 |
Nillerz | I don't think there is... | 09:49 |
R1cochet | i used to have rr | 09:50 |
R1cochet | i liked it | 09:50 |
R1cochet | but where im at now i cant get | 09:50 |
Nillerz | I remember because it's hard enough to find a decent windows IRC client, linux is usually much harder | 09:50 |
Nillerz | Ah, that's horrible, I know how it is | 09:50 |
Nillerz | We have it now since they built windmills around us and needed internet up there | 09:50 |
Nillerz | We were on dialup for YEARS | 09:50 |
R1cochet | im stuck with either verizon (no FIOS) or charter | 09:50 |
TheSheep | Nillerz: irssi is very decent | 09:50 |
R1cochet | ima go w/ charter 10m down | 09:50 |
R1cochet | ive written some scripts for mirc so i dont want to lose them | 09:51 |
Myrtti | xchat is quite good if you want a gui | 09:51 |
Nillerz | gui's are for pussies. | 09:52 |
Myrtti | as long as you remember not to mix it up with xchat-gnome which is bad | 09:52 |
Nillerz | Fluxbox could run Gnome and KDE apps. It was neato | 09:53 |
Myrtti | Nillerz: OH, really? Well then I have to change from irssi back to xchat, NEH? | 09:53 |
Nillerz | NEH? | 09:54 |
Nillerz | HEH? | 09:54 |
TheSheep | Nillerz: you can run gnome and kde apps in any window manager | 09:54 |
Nillerz | is it justme or does this window manager look EXACTLY like gnome? | 09:57 |
TheSheep | it uses the same window toolkit and themes, so you might get this impression | 09:59 |
Nillerz | :( | 09:59 |
Nillerz | but you say it is faster, right? | 09:59 |
R1cochet | is there a way to get file manager to see my other drives and partitions? | 09:59 |
Nillerz | also, Gnome is just u g l y | 09:59 |
TheSheep | Nillerz: question of taste, if you don't like it then use fluxbox | 10:00 |
TheSheep | R1cochet: it should see them without doing anything special | 10:00 |
R1cochet | well for some reason thunar doesnt show them | 10:01 |
TheSheep | R1cochet: what kind of partitions are those? | 10:01 |
R1cochet | ntfs | 10:01 |
Nillerz | so the partition manager can re-size pa0rtitions right? | 10:01 |
TheSheep | Nillerz: yes, with some luck | 10:01 |
TheSheep | Nillerz: make a backup | 10:01 |
TheSheep | !ntfs | R1cochet | 10:02 |
ubottu | R1cochet: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 10:02 |
Nillerz | I don't have a hard drive to back up to... | 10:02 |
Nillerz | oh well.; | 10:03 |
R1cochet | i had no problems with resize nillerz | 10:03 |
R1cochet | but when i restarted winblows it checked hardware for changes cuz of resize but all was fine | 10:03 |
Nillerz | okay, I'll only give it about 5 gigs or so. | 10:05 |
TheSheep | !worksforme | 10:05 |
ubottu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ | 10:05 |
TheSheep | :) | 10:05 |
TheSheep | then again, it has gotten stablier in the recent versions | 10:06 |
Myrtti | ho-hum | 10:08 |
jarnos | Do you have to use Alternate install CD to be able to install grub to boot sector of a partition? | 12:28 |
returnCode | hallo fols | 12:51 |
returnCode | hallo folks | 12:51 |
returnCode | I need to install a vnc server on my laptop running xubuntu | 12:51 |
returnCode | can anyone suggest one? | 12:52 |
returnCode | where I can find docs et similar? | 12:52 |
favro | I use vnc4server | 12:52 |
favro | !vnc | 12:52 |
ubottu | VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 12:52 |
returnCode | running on composite desktop | 12:53 |
returnCode | is 's run on composite desktop? | 12:53 |
favro | it'll run if you have compositing | 12:54 |
returnCode | I use vino server, but seems not work when I try to connect by a win pc | 12:55 |
returnCode | I use vino server, but seems not work when I try to connect from a win pc, pardon | 12:56 |
ablomen | returnCode, are you trying to log in from windows with a vnc client or remote desktop? | 12:56 |
returnCode | My xubuntu laptop running vino-server | 12:57 |
returnCode | I try to connect using thight-vnc client on win pc | 12:58 |
returnCode | @ablomen: some hints | 12:59 |
ablomen | nah sorry no idea why it wont work | 13:08 |
returnCode | thanks anyway | 13:12 |
returnCode | thanks anyway | 13:13 |
cody | come si cambia la risoluzione della schermata di login in xubuntu hardy???? | 14:57 |
cody | how to change login screen resolution in xubuntu hardy????' | 14:57 |
cody | display,xml contains: | 14:59 |
cody | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | 14:59 |
cody | <!DOCTYPE mcs-option SYSTEM "mcs-option.dtd"> | 14:59 |
cody | <mcs-option> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/bgamma" type="int" value="100"/> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/ggamma" type="int" value="100"/> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/rate" type="int" value="60"/> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/rgamma" type="int" value="100"/> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/size" type="int" value="5"/> | 14:59 |
cody | <option name="XDisplay/syncGamma" type="int" value="1"/> | 14:59 |
cody | </mcs-option> | 14:59 |
TheSheep | !pastebin | cody | 15:01 |
ubottu | cody: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 15:01 |
cody | http://paste.ubuntu.com/44546/ | 15:03 |
cody | xorg.conf | 15:03 |
cody | how to change login screen resolution in xubuntu hardy????' | 15:59 |
jarnos | cody: do you have an edited xorg.conf? | 16:14 |
cody | http://paste.ubuntu.com/44546/ | 16:14 |
cody | here | 16:14 |
cody | what can i modify in display.xml? | 16:15 |
jarnos | cody: whrere is that? | 16:16 |
cody | /home/enrico/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/ | 16:16 |
jarnos | cody: I don't have such file in respective location. | 16:19 |
cody | in xubuntu ? | 16:19 |
cody | 8.04 | 16:19 |
jarnos | cody: yes | 16:20 |
cody | how to change login screen resolution in xubuntu hardy????' | 16:21 |
thread_au | hi | 16:23 |
thread_au | how can I start a concurrent session from xfce? | 16:23 |
thread_au | startx -- :1 opens a new session, but doesn't let me see the login window | 16:24 |
thread_au | just auto logs me in as whatever user ran the startx command | 16:24 |
jarnos | TheSheep: Applications > Quit > Switch user | 16:25 |
thread_au | there is no "switch" user in my quit box | 16:25 |
thread_au | just log out, restart, shut down | 16:26 |
cody | shit | 16:30 |
cody | why so hard to change resolution in login screen? | 16:30 |
steven__ | hello all | 17:45 |
Odd-rationale | !hi | steven__ | 17:47 |
ubottu | steven__: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 17:47 |
steven__ | i've been on once or twice before... LOL | 17:48 |
definitely | Hello, how to run thunrar as root | 18:30 |
definitely | ? | 18:30 |
Odd-rationale | definitely: gksudo thunar | 18:36 |
Odd-rationale | But please BE CAREFUL! | 18:36 |
definitely | ok second quesstion, what about editing startup list ? | 18:37 |
Odd-rationale | startup list? | 18:38 |
definitely | yeah StartUp programs | 18:38 |
Odd-rationale | definitely: Applications --> Settings --> Autostarted Applications ? | 18:38 |
definitely | aaaa ok | 18:39 |
definitely | my mistake | 18:39 |
definitely | didint saw it | 18:39 |
definitely | How to edit Applications menu lisat | 19:01 |
definitely | list'' | 19:01 |
steven__ | hmm | 19:03 |
definitely | umm | 19:04 |
definitely | is it possible ? | 19:12 |
steven__ | any ideas? | 19:34 |
bringatowel | hey is there some where to download more panel items? | 19:47 |
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale | ||
bytor4232 | Is there a way to set up network manager before I get to a wireless site? | 21:50 |
favro | !wireless | 21:55 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 21:55 |
favro | http://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dategr1.jpg - how do I fix a display that looks like that? hehe | 22:21 |
bytor4232 | favro: I have wireless networking set up already on the laptop. What I'm trying to do is pre-configure the Network Manager so I don't have to configure it on site. | 22:24 |
favro | bytor4232: I don't use wireless myself but isn't there a profile you can set for diff connections? | 22:28 |
bytor4232 | No, the network manager finds the access point, then asks you for the key. | 22:29 |
^paradox^ | hello everyone | 23:21 |
Odd-rationale | hi, ^paradox^ | 23:22 |
^paradox^ | ive been using ubuntu linux for about six months now. im still very new to linux | 23:22 |
Odd-rationale | welcome | 23:23 |
^paradox^ | i have ubuntu with installed on my machine. i recently installed xubuntu-desktop and have been running into problems with it | 23:23 |
^paradox^ | thanks | 23:23 |
^paradox^ | the problems seem to be totem related | 23:25 |
Odd-rationale | k like what? | 23:25 |
^paradox^ | when i play a song of any format i get no sound. when i play a video i get only video, no sound. when i insert a cd totem comes up to open it and i get error location not found | 23:26 |
^paradox^ | these things dont happen in ubuntu with gnome | 23:26 |
^paradox^ | whenever i just left click in the file browser or a folder totem is what opens up the media by default | 23:27 |
^paradox^ | i have vlc media player and mplayer which i access with a right click and they play videos and songs just fine | 23:28 |
^paradox^ | under xubuntu | 23:28 |
Odd-rationale | that sounds like a strange problem... :| | 23:29 |
^paradox^ | ive been told that xubuntu can run any app that gnome can, but that doesnt seem true at this point | 23:30 |
Odd-rationale | well it should... that's the point... | 23:30 |
^paradox^ | but like i said im a nix noob so im afraid i dont really understand exactly whats going on | 23:31 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: is it 8.04? | 23:31 |
^paradox^ | i have 8.04 of ubuntu. i installed xubuntu thru synaptic and reloaded synaptic first. i assume i got the latest version of xubuntu desktop | 23:32 |
^paradox^ | xubuntu-desktop | 23:32 |
Odd-rationale | yes you would have | 23:33 |
Odd-rationale | my guess is that it is pulseaudio/gstreamer related... | 23:33 |
^paradox^ | ive been told that | 23:34 |
Odd-rationale | hold on. i'll be right back and see what i can do... | 23:34 |
^paradox^ | okie dokie | 23:34 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: ok. well let's try to replace totem-gstreamer with totem-xine. Same interface, but just different backends. open synaptics and search for totem. mark totem-gstreamer for removal and mark totem-xine for install. then select apply. | 23:37 |
^paradox^ | ok | 23:38 |
Odd-rationale | xine handles dvd better than gstreamer anyways... esp. encrypted ones with the libdvdcss2 package from medibuntu repo | 23:38 |
nubuntu | anyone got a minute to help me troubleshoot this sound problem (no sound) on a new hardy install? heres a paste of terminal output: http://pastebin.com/m7a44351a | 23:39 |
^paradox^ | Odd-rationale: did that | 23:41 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: have sound in totem now? | 23:42 |
^paradox^ | let me test | 23:42 |
^paradox^ | with a video yes. let me test a song too | 23:43 |
^paradox^ | alright have sound with songs too | 23:44 |
Odd-rationale | cool. i guess it is gstreamer related... | 23:44 |
Odd-rationale | how about rhythmbox. do you have sound in that? | 23:44 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: ? | 23:44 |
^paradox^ | ill check | 23:45 |
^paradox^ | with rythmbox it keeps flashing back and forth between the two songs i have in that folder | 23:47 |
^paradox^ | when right click to play with vlc vlc works | 23:48 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: must be a problem with gstreamer and maybe with it's pulseaudio integration... | 23:49 |
^paradox^ | if were to reinstall gstreamer would it remove xine? | 23:50 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: well, i don't think you can have totem-gstreamer and totem-xine installed at the same time... | 23:51 |
Odd-rationale | but you can have the gstreamer engine... | 23:51 |
^paradox^ | how does that work? | 23:51 |
^paradox^ | and what name would i be looking for in synaptic? | 23:53 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: for what? | 23:54 |
^paradox^ | this gstreamer engine | 23:54 |
Odd-rationale | you have it installed... | 23:54 |
^paradox^ | oh lol ok | 23:54 |
^paradox^ | any idea whats up with the CDs, why i get this error location not found? | 23:55 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: is it when you select cd from the totem menu? | 23:57 |
^paradox^ | its when i insert a cd. after its in the drive totem comes up and then i get error loaction not found | 23:58 |
^paradox^ | location | 23:58 |
Odd-rationale | ^paradox^: hmm. try using sound juicer to autoplay cd instead... | 23:59 |
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