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Yasumotohey guys, I know the hug day pages stick to a pretty solid format, but do you think adding a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage would be helpful?00:39
bdmurrayYasumoto: yes, that would make a ton of sense ;)00:42
emetis there any specific process for joining the ubuntu bug team?00:44
Yasumotobdmurray: cool00:45
bdmurrayYasumoto: Do you mind doing it?00:45
emetI applied but I am curious if I have to do anything else00:45
bdmurrayemet: this team? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl/00:45
emetthere we go00:46
Yasumotobdmurray: nope, adding it now00:47
YasumotoI'm going to make it a section, just so it stands out00:47
bdmurraySounds great00:48
YasumotoI'm hoping to hold a mini bug jam at my school on Thursday, so it'll come in handy00:48
bdmurrayCool!  If you have any questions feel free to ask.00:48
Yasumotowill do, thanks bdmurray00:50
emetbdmurray, so bug control is like a more selective bugsquad?00:53
bdmurrayemet: It is for more experienced members of bug squad yes00:53
kgoetzhm. i must have /parted. anyhow. wondering if its posable to email the -bugs list without subscribing - i tried a few nights ago, and it seems i got rejcted.02:31
hggdhkgoetz, which -bugs list?03:16
kgoetzhggdh: i can check exactly, iirc ubuntu-bugs@lists.u.c03:20
hggdhkgoetz, hold on. Let me check if it is moderated03:24
hggdhkgoetz, perhaps you wanted ubuntu-bugsquad instead? ubuntu-bugs is pretty much an output-from-launchpad mailing list03:28
hggdhor mail-in to a bug03:29
hggdhno, really, only output from LP... this is not a list to send to, at all03:30
kgoetzhggdh: hm. perhaps i autocompleted the wrong thing. i'll try -bugsquad instead thanks :)03:32
hggdhkgoetz, welcome03:36
mrooneyis there a channel for the ubuntu.com website?03:44
mrooneyI am wondering if http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/ intentionally doesn't reflect 8.04.1 changes (such as Firefox), or if it is a mistake03:45
mrooneysorry for off topic :]03:46
greg-gmrooney: there is the "ubuntu-website" project in LP where you can file bugs03:48
greg-gnot sure about a website specific channel though03:48
mrooneygreg-g: okay, thanks :)03:49
mrooneyahh, bug 26272903:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262729 in ubuntu-website "Desktop tour says Mozilla Firefox Beta 5" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26272903:51
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dholbachgood morning06:58
Yasumotohey dholbach, I know you're super busy, but if you have some time, if you could check out https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yasumoto7/five-a-day/icon_countdown (and maybe give some pointers :) that'd be a huge help08:21
dholbachYasumoto: I'd suggest you talk to thekorn about it - he's the mastermind behind the applet08:26
Yasumotodholbach: ah, good idea, thanks08:27
Yasumotothekorn: ping :)08:29
thekornhi dholbach and Yasumoto08:30
thekornlet me get this branch08:30
Yasumotothekorn: the icon changes fine when I call the update_icon() method with the About window08:31
Yasumotobut when it runs after a commit, it hangs and freezes08:31
YasumotoI'm sure there's a way to debug it and figure out exactly what the issue is, but so far I haven't been able to gather any info08:32
thekornrigh, that's what I just found out ;)08:32
thekornYasumoto, I got an good idea on how you implemented it,08:36
thekornI'm running iout of time right now,08:36
Yasumotothekorn: cool, no worries08:37
thekornbut I will comment on the bugreport later today08:37
Yasumotosweet, thanks08:37
thekornbut in general I think this is a good idea,08:37
thekornthanks for your work so far,08:37
Yasumotoof course. the implementation may be a bit hokey, but it's a start08:38
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james_wis there a project for Ubuntu documentation? bug 26843509:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268435 in ubuntu "Documentation uses codenames, no match with release numbers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26843509:05
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dholbachjames_w:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc ?09:07
james_wdholbach: should have known, thanks :-)09:08
james_wmy VMs are not available at the moment10:10
james_wdoes anyone have a test system that they could try something that may kill X and possibly prevent the user from logging in on?10:11
james_wbug 24023110:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240231 in policykit-gnome "PolicyKit hangs X if a password expires during the session " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24023110:11
james_wwell, they claim it hangs X, I'm just being paranoid about the other part10:12
Ampelbeinjames_w: if a virtual machine is sufficient i can test10:22
james_wAmpelbein: yeah, that's sufficient10:22
james_wAmpelbein: is the bug clear about what you have to do?10:22
james_wI just want it confirmed so I can forward it10:23
Ampelbeini'm not sure what "application with an unlock button" means. screensaver?10:24
Ampelbeinok, firing up a intrepid-vm10:26
james_wAmpelbein: no, something that uses policykit10:27
james_wAmpelbein: e.g. "time-admin"10:27
Hobbseeoh, that unlock10:28
Ampelbeinok, i did sudo passwd <user> -e and started time-admin. pressing unlock brings up the "authenticate"-window, i am able to enter the (current, but expired) password. ~20 sec later a window comes "Could not autenticate - An unexpected error has occured". Closing this results in time-admin hanging. But X continues to run and when using xkill on the non-responsive time-admin window, I can continue working as normal.10:32
Ampelbeinoh, actually it's not time-admin hanging, but the "authenticate"-window (i assume thats policykit). Clicking close in time-admin closes time-admin.10:34
Ampelbeinbut the authenticate window has to be killed by xkill10:34
Ampelbeinshould i provide some screenshots?10:34
james_wso it's not as bad as the user says, but the policykit window still shouldn't hang10:35
james_wis this Intrepid?10:35
Ampelbeinyes, intrepid.10:35
Ampelbeinwith yesterdays updates.10:35
james_wcool, thanks10:35
Ampelbeini'll look for version10:36
james_wcould you update the bug with your findings?10:36
Ampelbein  Installed: 0.9-1ubuntu110:36
Ampelbeinjames_w: added comment, updated title and description10:41
james_wAmpelbein: great, thanks10:41
james_wI'll forward it shortly10:41
Ampelbeinjames_w: np. i'm adding some screenshots.10:45
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james_wanyone on Intrepid running compiz?12:26
Ampelbeinjames_w: i can.12:38
james_wAmpelbein: great :-)12:38
Ampelbeinhow do you want me to mangle my system? ;-)12:38
james_wAmpelbein: can you open "users-admin" click "Unlock" and try moving the "Authorization" window, and the "users-admin" window?12:39
james_wI want to know if a bug has been fixed in Intrepid, or is just a difference in window managers12:39
james_wshouldn't break your system this time12:39
Ampelbeincan move both12:40
Ampelbeinbut after some time (~30 sec) an error pops up, "Could not authenticate"12:41
Ampelbein(i did not enter my password in authenticate window, just moved both)12:42
Ampelbeinweird. i have to restart users-admin to bring up unlock again.12:43
Ampelbeinthere seems to be a timeout12:43
james_wbug 20118412:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 201184 in policykit "Unlocking administration tool gives an unexpected error" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20118412:44
Ampelbeinso, when i press unlock for first time and wait for the error to appear (Could not authenticate, an unexpected error occured) i cannot use users-admin until i restart it12:44
Ampelbeineven if i enter my password in authentication window.12:44
james_wyou just confirmed bug 202269 is fixed though, thanks12:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 202269 in policykit-gnome "policykit dialog movable after interaction" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20226912:45
Ampelbeinstrange. now my openvpn session to my employer faded after this timeout and i'm unable to get it back working. hmpf. should be just a coincidence, right? because i see no reason why openvpn is connected to policykit.12:48
Ampelbeinok, works again. server has been restarted... weird coincidence.12:51
tech2000Hi anyone here running Intrepid Ibex in any other language than English? that can check this bug I just filed to gnome...13:03
ubottuGnome bug 551640 in general "Hardcoded path in GDM...???" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:03
seb128tech2000: the bug described on launchpad and GNOME are not the same13:03
seb128tech2000: it's normal that it doesn't use the user directory because the admin tools are ran by the admin user13:04
seb128tech2000: the labels should be coherent though13:04
tech2000yes, they are..   just wanted to see so it's not just my system here..  :(13:04
seb128I don't get the issue on my system13:04
james_wbug 148534 isn't a polkit-gnome bug, I may have seen this reported elsewhere, has anyone else seen it?13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 148534 in policykit-gnome "User can shutdown machine even if others are logged in" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14853413:04
seb128in fact it does the same when using sudo right13:05
tech2000seb128: ok..13:05
Ampelbeinjames_w: bug 153706 ?13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 153706 in gdm "Any user can reboot or shutdown computer when screen is locked" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15370613:15
james_wyeah, similar13:16
james_whave you ever seen a warning when shutting down by any method?13:16
james_wI wonder how low down this needs to/can be fixed13:17
Ampelbeinsince i'm the only user on my machine i don't have that problem.13:17
james_wme too13:19
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atrusi filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/259786 a while ago, but it was marked as 'invalid' before I could get the requested information. it's in there now, is there anything that needs to be done to get the status updated (since i can't apparently change it myself)15:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259786 in network-manager "Hardy's NetworkManager often freezes between suspend and resume" [Undecided,Invalid]15:14
greg-gatrus: if you are logged in you can change the status to New15:29
atrusoh, indeed i can. i think my problem was that i tried to change the status and add descriptive text simulatenously... didn't seem to work before anyways.15:30
greg-gah, gotcha15:32
greg-gthanks for reporting the bug and providing the extra info15:32
greg-gjust fyi: your bug was closed a bit prematurely, we usually wait 90 days after a request for information15:33
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mrooneyoh no, a five-a-day exception!15:53
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mrooneydholbach: ping?16:17
dholbachmrooney: pong, but in a call right now - just ask and I or somebody else will answer in a bit16:17
mrooneydholbach: okay, I got the impression you had something to do with five-a-day, any ideas what http://dpaste.com/77212/ means? I am just doing something stupid?16:21
dholbachmrooney: argh, that's a definite bug16:24
dholbachmrooney: I'll take a look at it in an hour - should be easy to fix16:24
dholbachwe have another fix pending16:24
dholbachone day I'll use unit tests...........16:24
mrooneydholbach: :)16:25
dholbachthanks mrooney16:25
norsettodholbach: will fixing 5-a-day counts towards the 5-a-day :-) ?16:25
dholbachsure :-)16:25
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dholbachmrooney: uploaded, should be in PPA in a bit16:46
SyntuxWould you guys consider bug # 229641 a bug or should we convert it to a question ?17:45
bdmurraybug 22964117:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 229641 in ubuntu "I can't find a lexmark x83 printer driver " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22964117:46
bdmurraySyntux: probably a bug and should be about cupsys17:55
Syntuxbdmurray, but why not a question? I mean cupsys isn't responsible for getting all printers to work but getting them working if we have a driver17:56
Syntuxand bug 251219 should be a wishlist?17:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251219 in ubuntu "apple slim keyboard defaults to using a directional pad when it should default to a number pad" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25121917:58
bdmurraySyntux: I see your point but don't think there is a practical benefit from converting it to a question since someone has responded in the bug report.18:00
Konstigtdid I do it right when I closed bug  260174 with fix released?18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260174 in network-manager-applet "nm-applet crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26017418:03
bdmurrayKonstigt: yes, that looks good - thanks!18:08
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bdmurraypedro_: I've been looking at some apport-crashes w/o a package and alot of them are gvfs crashes.  Do you know if this is working right?20:29
bdmurrayThe apport bit, not gvfs. ;)20:30
Tindorhi, does anyone know whether the bug that the new adept can't select many packages at once has been reported20:31
sbeattiebdmurray: hrm, I had a gvfs crash in the alpha 5 iso testing, but apport wouldn't submit it because there were newer packages available in the archive.20:32
asomethingTindor: not sure, you could take a look here: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept20:34
Tindorasomething, thanks. I'm quite new to ubuntu and lauchpad and find it quite hard to navigate there20:35
jdstranddoes python-launchpad-bugs have code in place to set Bug.authentication? (eg via ~/.p-l-b-rc or something)20:51
bdmurrayjdstrand: ~/.python-launchpad-bugs.conf it looks like there is a cookies section20:52
jdstrandbdmurray: is that documented somewhere? more importantly (for me), can you paste the contents of yours somewhere?20:56
mrooneycan someone confirm or deny that a version "0.11.6svn20080909-0ubuntu1" means it was pulled from SVN yesterday?22:19
james_wmrooney: that is correct I think22:20
seb128mrooney: the uploads history is easy to find on launchpad22:20
seb128mrooney: what is your issue exactly?22:22
mrooneyseb128: well, you can probably tell me specifically since I was asking about rhythmbox (http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/rhythmbox)22:23
seb128mrooney: ah your question was about the versionning and not about the version available22:24
mrooneyseb128: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=374078 apparently was fixed in r5751 of rhythmbox svn22:24
ubottuGnome bug 374078 in iPod "Track transfer does not work for certain file names" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]22:24
mrooneyso I was trying to figure out how to tell if Intrepid has that patch22:25
seb128mrooney: right, that was fixed today, I'll do a new snapshot soon22:25
seb128mrooney: apt-get source rhythmbox; edit rhytmbox-*/ChangeLog22:25
mrooneyseb128: today? 5751 is a long time ago, I think22:25
Konstigthow is it possible that bug 241139 is set to importance low? shouldn't it be critical?22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 241139 in nautilus "Intrepid Ibex: Cannot access samba share "Unable to mount location"" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24113922:26
seb128mrooney: ah, they fixed a bug similar today, feel free to close this one then22:26
mrooneyKonstigt: well it depends on how many people in impacts, among other things: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance22:27
seb128Konstigt: not everybody gets it, it's only samba, and changing to critical will not change the fact that the bug is an upstream one and the ubuntu team doesn't have anybody knowing gvfs good enough to work on that22:27
mrooneyseb128: okay so, in general, svnXXXXXXX means it was synced from svn on that date though, right? so one can expect all fixes committed to svn before that?22:28
danbhfiveKonstigt: I agree with seb128.  Its listed as an upstream bug22:28
Konstigti would say a quite big percent of the ubuntu users use samba daily. maybe changing to critical doesn't help very much since it's an upstream bug but I think it would be more correct to have it as a critical. this is in my opinion an absolute blocker for intrepid.22:30
seb128mrooney: right22:31
seb128Konstigt: we might have intrepid next year then22:32
seb128Konstigt: trying to create a lock situation? ;-)22:32
danbhfiveKonstigt: well, you should sell your case to the gnome devs, and get them to list it as critical.  I wouldn't worry.  I bet they'll fix it22:32
danbhfiveKonstigt: actually, I looked again.  That bug does block intrepid22:34
danbhfivefor gvfs, its listed as 8.10 milestone22:34
eu_mesmoIs there a way to know whether it's being working on a bug?22:37
eu_mesmoI posted a bug some time ago and have no answers in the thread22:37
danbhfiveeu_mesmo: I think its tough to get an answer unless someone confirms your bug22:38
eu_mesmoseems it has been accepted for the next ubuntu version, but not for the 8.04..22:38
Ampelbeineu_mesmo: due to the high amount of bugs filed this unfortunately happens22:38
Ampelbeineu_mesmo: can you give a bug number?22:38
eu_mesmoit has been confiremed for the next version..22:38
eu_mesmoyep: 25178122:39
Ampelbeinbug #25178122:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251781 in hal "[intrepid] Unable to mount USB memory devices" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25178122:39
eu_mesmoyes, I started the bug, then Matthew confirmed for intrepid22:39
eu_mesmobut I have the bug in 8.04...22:40
eu_mesmoand know at least of one person that is having the same issue...22:40
Ampelbeineu_mesmo: since the problem is kernel-related one solution would be to upgrade your hardy to the latest intrepid-kernel, using the intrepid-repos just for that issue.22:44
eu_mesmommm, but is there a way to upgrade just the kernel and not the whole distro using the repos?22:45
eu_mesmo(in gentoo you can do that, thought that wasn't possible in debian distros...)22:46
Ampelbeineu_mesmo: sure, just install the kernel-image and remove the intrepid repos.22:46
eu_mesmooh, interesting22:46
eu_mesmoand after doing so, won't it ask in any upgrade to downgrade the kernel?22:46
danbhfiveeu_mesmo: heh, no22:47
eu_mesmooh, ok22:47
danbhfiveyou have to do something called pinning if you want a downgrade to happen22:47
danbhfiveregardless, the default is to never downgrade22:48
eu_mesmook, that's a good fix. I'll try that. Thank you very much for your help22:48
eu_mesmogoodbye and thanks again22:52
dupondjelibgnomekbd-common got upgraded, and needs a newer version of libgnomekbd222:59
dupondjebut there isn't a new version of libgnomekbd2 yet ?22:59
seb128dupondje: no, the soname changed and the library is named libgnomekbd3 now23:00
dupondjegnome-applets etc needs libgnomekbd2 ...23:01
seb128dupondje: that's called a transition, wait for those to have build, libgnomekbd needed to build first, then the new library needed to be published then other applications can be rebuilt using the new library23:02
dupondjeoh ok :)23:02
seb128dupondje: rebuild updates have been uploaded, try again after the next update in one hour23:02
dupondjei'll do :) thx23:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 266956 in fglrx-installer "fglrx fails to compile with 2.6.27-2 kernel" [Critical,Confirmed]23:04
dupondjeshould be fixxed asap imo :x23:04
james_wseb128: is "Adjust date and time" from the context menu of the clock applet screwed for you as it is for me?23:05
james_wI can't set a time higher than "11:29:29"23:05
dupondjeyou can only ajust time in the morning ;)23:06
seb128james_w: yes23:06
james_whmm, time-admin doesn't do much better it seems23:06
james_wis there a bug open?23:06
jibeljames_w: yes there is one.23:07
seb128james_w: it has the same bug?23:07
jibelbug 26789223:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267892 in gnome-system-tools "[time-admin] unable to manually adjust the clock past 13:49:49" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26789223:08
james_wthat's the badger23:08
seb128weird bug23:08
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dupondjeisn't 13:49:49 some int/long limit ?23:13
dupondjeI can't even change anything in the time settings ... :p23:16
dupondjeall gray'ed out23:16
jibeljames_w: I've submitted a report upstream.23:25
james_wjibel: for which?23:25
jibelyes time-admin23:26
james_wI'm looking in to it23:26
james_wit may be an oobs issue23:26
james_wno the panel doesn't use oobs23:30
james_wit's either gtk, or a mistake with either the wrapping or the width I think23:30
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Hug Day! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080911 | Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
mrooneyhm, what might I do with bug 268752?23:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268752 in ubuntu-meta "[Intrepid] alpha 5 wallpaper is still stylized Hardy Heron" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26875223:40
james_wreassign it to the wallpapers package to start I would say23:44
james_wtell them it's being worked on and should be changed before release23:44
bdmurrayjames_w: probably ubuntu-artwork rather23:44
james_wah, ok23:44
bdmurrayor maybe not23:45
bdmurrayubuntu-wallpapers looks right23:45

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