
=== ALAYA_ is now known as ALAYA
=== merriam_ is now known as merriam
=== Rafik_ is now known as Rafik
=== crd1b is now known as crdlb
tabakhase_*here* @ soundray23:53
soundraysudo umount /boot came back without error?23:53
tabakhase_bash: unmount: command not found23:54
soundraytabakhase_: read carefully23:54
tabakhase_bash: because ive "su" to root23:55
tabakhase_and sudo also not works23:55
soundrayWhat's your ubuntu version?23:56
tabakhase_newest =(23:56
soundrayTell me what version please23:56
soundraylsb_release -a23:56
tabakhase_No LSB modules are available23:57
tabakhase_Release: 8.0423:58
tabakhase_Disc.: Ubuntu 8.04.123:58
soundrayAre you in gnome right now?23:58
soundrayOpen a new terminal and tell me what happens when you run 'sudo ls'23:59
tabakhase_if we need just the files from the old /boot ive already backuped it..23:59

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