
LaserJockI'd like to try to centralize and condense the amount of "info" we have to be easily accessible00:00
Lnsi agree00:03
Lnsi have my own wiki page that tries to do that, maybe we can use that as a rough template of sorts00:03
Lns http://lns.wikidot.com/referenceurls  is what i was most thinking of00:04
Lnslike an index page of all relevant resources00:04
LaserJockdefinitely something like that00:05
Lnsthe thing that's most frustrating to me is how to create a single hierarchy of finding WHERE to go...it's multidimensional00:06
Lnsyou almost need a search algorithm to be efficient00:07
LaserJockso I basically see 3 primary "areas" of documentation00:07
LaserJock1) about Edubuntu - release notes, why you should use it, it's goals00:07
LaserJock2) how to get help00:07
LaserJock3) how to help/contribute00:07
LnsThat sounds sane enough00:08
LaserJockso we could basically use one of those index pages for each of those areas00:09
Lnsbut the thing is, Xubuntu people, for example, won't look at Edubuntu for any of this00:10
LaserJockwell, tbh, I don't want them too :-)00:10
LnsBut what about cross-distro collaboration on bugs in Gnome vs. ltsp for instance?00:10
LnsEdubuntu and Ubuntu both use gnome as their DE00:11
LaserJockwell, ok, here's how I see it00:11
LaserJockif you try to make a "one-size-fits-all" index it will either be so details as to be unnavigable or so vague as to be unhelpful00:12
Lnsyeah...that's why i mentioned the search thing above...not that i think that's a good solution, but i agree00:12
LaserJockwhat we want is for Edubuntu people to easily plug into Edubuntu resources00:12
LaserJockthen people who connect groups do their work of getting things where they need to go00:12
LaserJockyou leverage the human network to pull everything together00:13
Lnswell we need to further distinctify (is that a word?) between edubuntu and ltsp in linux00:13
LaserJockthere may be some of that needed00:13
LaserJockbecause for a while there Edubuntu was LTSP upstream so they got tied together00:13
LaserJockbut now we need to sort of pull them back apart00:14
LaserJockso Edubuntu isn't responsible for everything LTSP, and other distros feel free to contribute to the broader LTSP documentation and support00:14
Lnsthe links are too hard to find for "normal" people though, to get to the resources they need...i think a catch-all wiki would be a good place to start, that's just me though00:16
Lnsi like the idea of the 1) 2) 3) top-level areas though00:16
Lnsa filesystem-type drill-down way to get to information00:17
LaserJockwell, except those are somewhat notorious for being only intuitive to the person who designed the hierarchy :-)00:18
Lnsi guess that's true00:18
Lnsman..this is hard00:18
Lnsi almost wish ubuntu didn't have so many different sub-distros00:18
LaserJock"is that Networking -> Server -> Samba or Filesystems -> Network -> Samba"00:19
LaserJockwell, don't think of it a sub-distros then :-)00:19
Lnsyeah - it's too 2-dimensional00:19
Lnswe need a 3D space of areas00:19
LaserJockespecially in Edubuntu where we're just an addon00:19
LaserJockthere's really no particular reason to think of us a sub-distro00:20
Lnswell i don't really anymore00:20
LaserJockmaybe better to think of a Special Interest Group or something00:20
Lnsbut a lot of people still do, because edubuntu is the first "distro" (back then) that started making thin-client networks easy to deploy00:20
Lnsit got stuck with the reputation ;)00:20
LaserJockwell, we can do that too00:21
LaserJockthat's the beauty of it, IMO, we can be a "distro" to some, "flavor" to others, "those weirdos that hate hard drives" to others ;-)00:21
Lnsbut how to point those things to the single entity that is edubuntu00:22
Lnsyou almost need a switchboard operator00:22
LaserJockwell, I think when it really comes down to it, nobody cares00:22
Lnsi agree with that00:22
LaserJockthey're using "something"00:22
Lnsthey are goal oriented00:22
LaserJocksometimes it has bugs00:22
LaserJocksometimes they need help using it00:23
LaserJockbut yeah, they're just trying to do something00:23
Lnsmaybe that would be a better focus00:23
Lnson the goal, rather than the technology00:23
Lnsseems more human00:24
Lns"I want education-related software and themes on my computer"00:24
Lns"I want thin-clients"00:24
LaserJockso ...00:25
LaserJockon my 3 index pages I'd group by those tasks/goals00:25
LaserJocklet's try that out real quick00:26
LaserJock1) What is Edubuntu?00:26
Lnsyou want me to do this on my wiki?00:26
Lnsi actually can right now00:26
LaserJock  * educational OS for kids00:27
LaserJock  * thin-client server environment for educational settings00:27
stgraberoh, looks like interesting discussions here00:27
LaserJock  * educational content delivery platform00:27
Lnsstgraber: feel free to chime in with your thoughts00:27
LaserJock2) How can I get help?00:28
LaserJock  * Help for educational programs00:28
LaserJock  * Help for LTSP servers00:28
LaserJock  * Help for general issues00:29
LaserJock3) How can I contribute/help?00:29
LaserJock  * General information - mailing lists, IRC, reporting a bug00:30
LaserJock  * Making LTSP better00:30
LaserJock  * Becoming a part of the Edubuntu team00:31
LaserJockhmm, well, that's what came off the top of my head anyway00:31
Lnsit's a great start00:32
Lnslet me whip up a page and put those in there00:32
stgraber* Packaging education packages ? (reporting new softwares)00:32
LaserJockyeah, I think that might be a good one00:33
LnsOk, let's go back to the 3 main areas - i gave them more generic names, what do you think of "About", "Support", and "Contribute"00:35
Lnsand i'll put descriptions in those names00:36
Lnsmaybe i'm getting off base00:37
Lnsbut if these are all going to point to the REAL resources (and not try to just create another fragmented information source), those might be good starting points00:38
LaserJockno, that's good, I just got a lightbulb in my head00:40
LnsI created as generic of a top-level as possible - i called it "Goal Digger"00:45
Lnsso there's no way we will have to recreate things from the top00:45
Lnsman...i want those [+] things to create a nice menu00:46
Lnsbut that even seems too 2-dimensional00:46
Lnsi'd love to create something that taps into all of the other menus and creates symlink type things00:47
Lnsbut that's the hierarchy of the wiki itself probably00:47
Lns(sorry talking to myself kinda)00:47
Lnsok, i created a new wiki all together for this, anyone can edit it (can't on the other one i posted)00:54
LnsI need to leave, but why don't we keep this URL and start adding web page addresses, IRC resources, mailing list URLs, etc. to it?00:56
LnsI'll be back tomorrow and maybe we can all talk about it more00:57
LaserJockLns: in a little bit I think I'll have something on edubuntu.org00:57
LnsLaserJock: ok00:57
LaserJockI thought, hmm, why not just rip of the nice work the ubuntu.com webmaster have done :-)00:58
LnsLaserJock: might as well :)00:58
LaserJockso I'm taking http://www.ubuntu.com/community00:58
LaserJockand remolding it into our About, Support, Contribute00:58
LaserJockbut I'm going to add Governance on there00:58
Lnsalright i'm outtie01:01
Lnslet's get back on this tomorrow if possible... ping me if possible, let's keep the ideas flowing01:02
Lnsi'll try and get back here asap though01:02
LaserJockstgraber: still around?01:06
stgraberLaserJock: yep01:24
LaserJockstgraber: have a look at http://www.edubuntu.org/node/5001:27
stgraberLaserJock: access denied01:27
LaserJockstgraber: did you log in?01:27
LaserJockcan you log in?01:27
stgraberLaserJock: yeah01:28
stgraberI'm logged in01:28
LaserJockand still nothing?01:28
stgraberbut I'm not sure I have much right on the website actually01:28
LaserJockstgraber: try it now01:28
stgraberok, it worked this time01:29
LaserJockI need icons for the top and to tweak the other section for Edubuntu01:30
LaserJockbut I think it might make a good landing spot01:30
stgraberyes and the header is broken on that page01:30
LaserJockyeah, I don't know why, not sure if it's something I did (don't know why that'd happen) or not01:31
stgraberthe page doesn't validate, some non-closed tag it looks like01:34
stgraber(according to validator.w3.org)01:34
LaserJockstgraber: ok fixed01:37
stgraberyeah, looks good now. I like the way that page is done01:38
=== HedgeMage_ is now known as HedgeMage
sbalneavEvenin all04:03
HedgeMagehi, sbalneav04:03
sbalneavEvening HedgeMage04:08
HedgeMagehow are you tonight?04:08
sbalneavI'm doin' allright, as the song says :)04:09
sbalneavI upgraded my CPU and Ram yesterday, so now I have a CPU that can do full VT, and I can play around with qemu/kvm04:15
firewall_03I am having trouble getting my wifi card to work with 7.04 its a Dlink Dwl-G650, and I have read through a lot of the docs ubuntus page06:23
awilkinsI think you guys underestimate the annoyance of not having a LiveCD ; any chance of a LiveDVD image (I know that edubuntu adds around 430MB)10:30
awilkinsWould it be reasonably easy to generate one?10:30
=== Nubae1 is now known as Nubae
sbalneavMorning all14:39
ogramorning s!14:42
VoelundHey guys!14:51
VoelundI got a problem with GnomePanel! any pro that got some time?14:52
NubaeVoelund: what's the problem?14:54
Voelund:Nubae:  Well When i start my system gnomepanel doesnt work so i only see my desktop and no Over and under panels are showing.14:55
VoelundSo im on in Failsafe Gnome14:56
Voelundthen it works14:56
VoelundMy Update download tool isnt working either, but ill fix that later.14:56
VoelundIm not so good on the terminal, any command i can use to repair Gnome?14:57
sbalneavSimplest way to do that would be to log in as yourself on a text screen14:59
sbalneavand type the following command:14:59
sbalneavgconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel14:59
sbalneavThat will reset panel configs back to the default14:59
sbalneavlog in again on the console, and you should have the "default" Ubuntu panel config.15:00
Voelundokay, ill try that15:00
Voelundshouldnt i do that in root?15:02
VoelundIll try relogg then. brb15:03
Voelundill tell you how it went15:03
LaserJockLns: around?18:17
LnsLaserJock: just got in18:32
LnsWhat's up?18:32
LaserJockLns: http://edubuntu.org/node/5018:35
LnsLaserJock: nice! =)18:36
Lnslooks strangely familiar ;)18:36
LaserJockit's not fully "edubuntuized" yet18:37
Lnsyeah, great start though18:37
LaserJockbut I think it might make a good "landing spot" for people18:37
Lnsmost definitely18:37
LnsDo we want to keep this focussed on *buntu ? Or should we incorporate other distros?18:37
LaserJockI want it focused on Edubuntu specifically18:39
Lnsok - so the educational apps specifically, or LTSP resources as well?18:39
LaserJockand then some place like ltsp.org could then pull the distros together18:39
LnsI'd like to get in contact with the maintainers of ltsp.org regarding a revamp if possible18:40
Lnsit would be the sensible 'hub' for all things ltsp18:40
Lnsobviously heh18:40
LaserJockwell, sometimes the most obvious places don't end up being where things are at, for one reason or another18:41
Lnslike whitehouse.com ;)18:41
LnsLaserJock: Also, have you checked out schoolforge.net ? That might be some people we can collaborate with18:41
LnsLast night I was thinking about starting a non-profit regarding FOSS in education and other places, but they seem to have the ball rolling already18:41
LnsIt would be fun to see how much momentum we can get regarding consolidating all of this information18:42
NubaeLns: I've incorporated some of what you put in your getting started pdf into the official ltsp documentation18:45
LnsNubae: oh wow18:45
Lnsthank you!18:45
LnsI wasn't sure if it was good enough to put in something like that heh18:46
Nubaemisbehaving processes, user management18:46
Nubaesure it was :-) and thankyou18:46
LnsOne thing you might want to add, well..actually i should file a bug, is that KUser is flawed when run from Gnome - you have to modify the .desktop file to run "gksudo kuser" instead of the default exec= line18:47
Lnsotherwise it doesn't elevate your privs correctly and won't work18:47
LaserJockLns: why are you using kuser?18:48
LnsLaserJock: Mainly because there are sorting/searching issues with gnome-users-admin18:48
Lns(it doesn't work)18:48
LaserJockperhaps we should fix that18:48
LnsThere's a filed bug already18:48
Lnslemme dig it up18:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259163 in gnome-system-tools "users-admin does not sort when Name/Login/Homedir field clicked" [Undecided,New]18:49
LaserJockwhile I appreciate the constraints school admins are under, etc. people are waaaaay too hack-happy in Edubuntu :-)18:49
LnsLaserJock: what do you mean?18:50
LaserJockI mean, I've never seen a community so eager for nasty hacks, workarounds, or ditching programs18:50
LaserJockI understand the reasons why, but it's really not helpful for developers18:51
LnsI agree18:51
LnsI see that is a big problem for the long-term acceptance of edubuntu18:52
Lnspeople need things to work, but these hacks break upgrades and just cause fragmentation18:52
LaserJockok, so this bug is a good point18:52
sbalneavLaserJock: hey hey18:52
LaserJockyou've filed the bug not against ltsp, that's good18:53
LaserJock*but* Edubuntu won't know about it at all18:53
LaserJockperhaps we should start either using a tag or subscribing to these bugs18:53
LaserJocksbalneav: morning18:53
LnsLaserJock: what about triaging? would that work in this case?18:53
LaserJockwell, but we have to know the bugs exist first18:54
* Lns is still learning about the bug proces18:54
Lnsyou know what i've seen before, which i'm not sure is present or not in LP, but in Mozilla bugzilla, is a default e-mail list whenever a bug is created18:54
LaserJockso the problem is we have a "radar" ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/~edubuntu-bugs/+packagebugs ) but if a bug doesn't get on the radar we're not going to know about it18:54
Lns"Bug e-mail sent to foo@foo, bar@bar, etc"18:55
sbalneavLaserJock: So, see the post about getting the DebuggingLTSP page as our central point for "bugs that affect LTSP deployments"?18:55
LaserJockright, well, Edubuntu isn't going to subscribe to *every* bug in Ubuntu18:55
LnsLaserJock: right - well critical, default packages like this do effect all *buntus18:55
LaserJocksbalneav: briefly (trying to get some research done this morning), did you create that page?18:55
LaserJockLns: right, but right now there are 200 open bugs on the package you filed that bug against18:56
Lnsthat's...good? :p18:56
LaserJockLns: having an edubuntu developer know it's there so they can either 1) fix it or 2) push it forward is important18:56
LaserJockso we have 2 good options, tagging and subscribing18:57
LaserJockLns: the kernel has ~3500 open bugs :-)18:57
LnsLaserJock: well...a kernel vs. a user admin gui... a bit different. Of course IANAP so i'll shut up ;)18:58
LaserJockthey are different, but people still have to look at them18:58
LnsBut that particular bug has been present for a loooong time..i was just surprised that it wasn't reported earlier than i did18:58
LaserJockUbuntu right now has ~48k bugs open18:58
LaserJockwe need to be able to get Edubuntu people's bugs fixed in all that18:59
LaserJock48k bugs and < 200 developers18:59
sbalneavLaserJock: No, it was already there, but very sparsly filled.  I figure rather than a new page, we could expand that one.18:59
LnsWell I have some good feedback from my site techs regarding issues (they love to complain about everything ;) ) so I can always somehow report them back here18:59
Lnsprobably on a schedule or something18:59
LnsIs there a meeting scheudle for simply reporting issues with Edubuntu?19:00
LaserJocksbalneav: ok good, I think that's a *perfect* place to tie into the existing QA work19:00
LaserJockLns: no, that's generally not productive19:00
Lnsso just tagging edubuntu bugsquad to filing my bugs will probably suffice19:01
LaserJockcomplaints are almost always too general to do much with, and people just go around and around19:01
LaserJockit might be helpful for people to vent19:02
LaserJockbut I'd rather they vent in the direction of LP so we can do something about it19:02
LnsLaserJock: oh no, i agree - I can translate those complaints into bug reports and get us informed on them though - because, unfortunately, 90% of the complaints  I get are actually bug-related19:02
LaserJocksure, the more bug reports the better19:03
* Lns just joined Edubuntu bugsquad19:03
LaserJockogra: you have a quick second?19:03
LaserJocksbalneav: do you have any feeling about how non-ltsp bugs should get on the Edubuntu radar?19:06
LaserJockmy feeling is subscribing is the best way to go, although tags are a bit easier to do19:07
LaserJockLns: dude, your first name is Jordan?19:07
LaserJockcool, so is mine19:08
Lnsoh wow hehe!19:08
LaserJockmy wife always tells me it's a girls name :-)19:08
Lnsso you're probably Mantha on the lists?19:09
Lnshaha... it's both dammit!19:09
LnsIt's definitely more masculine than "Jordina" haha19:09
Lnswhich a friend of mine loves to call me...hate that guy :p19:10
LaserJockwell, I live in city with fairly large hispanic population so I'm usually Jorge19:11
Lnshahaha.. i've never been called that..i live in northern california, which also has a good hispanic population.. i kinda like that though19:12
sbalneavLaserJock: Well, I'm perfectly happy to subscribe to them as a developer, but I'm just one guy.  What we need is some end-user agitation to "bump up the priority" on those bugs, and get them taken seriously.19:12
sbalneavThat was why I thought the wiki page with the pointers TO the bugs we're targetting might be a good way to pull in the community to add their voice to the mix.19:13
LaserJockLns: where do you live??19:13
Lnssbalneav: I had started to do that on my own wiki (pointing to bugs) - it seemed, at least to me, to be a great help and an easy way to keep up to date19:13
LnsLaserJock: About 1hr north of San Francisco19:14
LaserJocksbalneav: right, but from my perspective I need them on my radar so that I can "pimp your bug" ;-)19:14
LaserJockLns: funny, I'm in Reno19:14
LnsLaserJock: oh wow!19:14
LnsI'm in Santa Rosa19:14
LaserJockoh, I bet it's nice there19:15
LnsLaserJock: you know what, "Pimp my bug" would be an awesome domain for bug collaboration :p19:15
LnsIt's ok... great mexican food :)19:15
Lnsit's been hot as hell though.. how's it out there? My mom was once considering moving to Reno, she liked it a lot up there19:16
LaserJockLns: you been to Reno, other than Lake Tahoe it's a desert19:16
sbalneavLaserJock: yeah, so subcribining will fix that I think.19:16
sbalneavAs for pimping my bugs, I want bling and pretty things that spin.19:16
LnsI haven't even been to LT since I was a kid19:16
sbalneavOooh, and a boss sound system19:16
sbalneavAnd hydraulics19:17
LaserJock"dude, look at the grill on that bug, that's haaawt!"19:17
LnsWe should pool in for a LaunchPad ride19:17
* sbalneav imagines LaserJock as X-Hibit19:17
* sbalneav makes gang signs with his hands19:18
sbalneavDid I ever tell you I had plans to start up my own Rap group?19:18
LaserJockhmm, I don't think I have enough hair left for corn-rows :-)19:18
Lnscareful sbalneav ...there might be some Redhat members in here ;)19:18
sbalneavI was gonna call it "Plain White Rapper"19:18
* Lns walks away slowly19:18
* LaserJock just about falls out of his chair imaging that19:19
LaserJocksbalneav: perhaps LTSP needs an equivalent of that "Kill -9" song ;-)19:19
sbalneavsudo pimp my bugs19:20
sbalneavOh, the fun we have :)19:20
* Lns goes to apt-get install pimp19:20
LaserJockdude, it'd turn bug #s into ASCII art :-)19:20
LaserJockwith a gold chain19:20
Lnsoh man19:20
sbalneav "19:20
sbalneav o<19:21
sbalneav "19:21
sbalneavWhat wasn't a very good bug19:21
sbalneavSorry, That19:21
Lns"ASCii stupid question, get a stupid ANSi"19:21
* Lns misses the BBS days19:21
Goosemoosewhen writing a preseed file: d-i preseed/late_command string wget && chmod +x ./post_install_tasks && ./post_install_tasks returns 'failed with exit code 127'. but if i run it on the machine after install it works fine19:22
Goosemooseany idea what i need to change?19:22
sbalneavHmm, not sure.19:23
LaserJockGoosemoose: have you tried talking to #ubuntu?19:23
LaserJockpreseed issues should be non-Edubuntu specific and you might get more exposure19:23
GoosemooseLaserJock, yes i tried there and got no response19:24
Goosemoosetried ubuntu-server but its dead19:24
sbalneavGoosemoose: Can you tell where it's failing at?  For instance: If you shorten it to just the wget, does the file come down?19:27
sbalneavWonder if this might be an issue?19:28
sbalneavThey seem to indicate creating a udeb, then putting the script in that19:28
Goosemoosethe wget works fine19:32
Goosemooseno error returned19:32
Goosemooseso it has to be the part after19:32
Goosemoosebut if i type it on the command line it works fine19:32
Goosemoosethis isn't an interactive script though19:33
Goosemooseit just joins the domain19:33
sbalneavDoes it produce output?19:37
sbalneavI wonder if it doesn't like any output produced. Maybe ./post_install_tasks returns > /dev/null 2>&119:38
Goosemoosemight be19:43
sbalneav"I expect the -devel list to pick up soonish"20:17
sbalneavShould be my new .signature.20:17
* Lns sees that just communicating with the community is a full-time job ;)20:17
sbalneavWell, this is it.20:17
sbalneavI'm at my full-time job, frantically trying to do my work I get paid for, PLUS answer emails, PLUS monitor the IRC channel.20:18
LaserJockso true20:18
LaserJockI'm preparing to teach lab, trying to write a journal article and dissertation, work on edubuntu.org ...20:18
LnsIm trying to stay afloat with my own business, support an employee, and pay my bills...along with this :)20:19
LaserJockyep, such is life in FLOSS much of the time20:19
* Lns is proud to be considered part of the OSS community20:20
LnsI would recommend a stress reliever ... I just got this from Thinkgeek..I can't wait for it to arrive. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/cubegoodies/922f/20:21
jimmy_bireredubuntu system requirements?20:22
jimmy_bireri have 8 MB of ram20:22
LaserJock... okaaay20:23
Lnswow...was that kinda like a doorbell ditch?20:23
sbalneavI was gonna tell him that 8MB of ram was a real Kickass DOS 3.3 system20:24
LaserJockat least it wasn't a flaming paper bag ;-)20:24
LnsSO... anyone have any comment on this Firefox 3.01 issue? https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45370420:25
ubottuMozilla bug 453704 in General "Extreme slowness, "Firefox is already running" error for >3 users launching Firefox in LTSP environment" [Critical,Unconfirmed]20:26
johnnynever seen it20:26
johnnyno firefox errors here..20:26
Lnsjohnny: how many users do you have on at the same time?20:26
LnsI haven't seen it at my office, but there are only 2 TCs20:26
johnny4 :)20:26
johnnyso.. >3 :)20:26
Lnswell it's an estimation20:27
Lnsand in my situation about 35 users will be logging on, all at once20:27
johnnyi really don't see how it would be a problem..20:27
johnnyslowness maybe, but not "firefox is already running"20:27
LnsRight...i agree, it's strange.20:27
johnnythat problem disappeared for me20:27
johnnyafter firefox 320:27
LnsBut it's definitely present at 7 of my sites20:28
Lnsjohnny: well it actually started happening for me after upgrading to Hardy20:28
LnsGutsy worked great in Firefox (minus the whole pixmap issue)20:28
LnsBut this issue is causing teachers and labtechs to revert to Windows 2000 :(20:29
LnsThey're starting to hate the "new Linux system" with a passion20:29
johnnyi had the opposite20:30
LnsWell maybe it's safe to say that the problem occurs when more than 10 users log on simultaneously20:30
johnnyi had the "firefox is already running" on gutsy for every user20:30
johnnyeven just my 420:30
LnsThe thing is, with mine, that error starts cropping up after ~3-5 minutes of lag-time after trying to launch Firefox.20:31
johnnyswitch from firefox to seamonkey maybe?20:31
LnsSome students will see the "Launching Firefox" panel tab dissapear after that amount of time, and when they try again, it will spew the error.20:31
Lnsjohnny: that's not a good idea for me.20:32
LnsAnd really, switching software because there's an issue will never get the issue resolved for others.20:33
LnsWhich is extremely counterproductive for the community.20:33
johnnysure.. but it'll get your folks working20:33
johnnyand prove what the issue is20:33
johnnyespecially since they should both be based on xulrunner20:34
LnsI'll try seamonkey out myself... i was thinking of epiphany as a temporary solution, but the thing is, i will need java/flash as they require it for typing programs and ciriculums20:37
johnnyflash is still going to be a problem20:38
johnnyuntil you can run it locally20:38
Lnsyeah - and java it looks like too20:38
Lnsso....no go for that20:39
johnnyrunning it locally seems feasible these days.. with newer ssh20:39
LnsI'd rather just fix my issue than try a time consuming workaround ;)20:39
johnnysounds like fixing your issue is going to be time consuming20:40
Lnsit has been20:40
johnnyperhaps even more so20:40
Lnsi'd still rather spend my time on fixing it20:40
johnnyflash in itself is broken20:40
Lnsugh...flash is fine johnny :) it's just the launching of firefox that's my issue20:40
johnnyi have problems with flash. damn thing eats up all the cpu20:41
johnnyhad to kill it20:41
Lnssorry :) works great for me, even with 35 users on it20:41
Lnswhat version you using?20:41
johnnywhatever is in ubuntu20:41
Lnswhat's your server hardware? what's the sites you're going to?20:42
johnnyi don't pay attention to what folks are doing on the pcs really20:43
johnnyi just know what i see in the process list20:43
johnnyit's just a standard dual core with 2gb ram20:43
johnnynot enterprise grade of any sort20:43
Lnsjohnny: you're running a small inet cafe right?20:43
johnnybeing that i only have 4 terminals20:43
johnnybut it does run the point of sale system too20:43
johnnyand play music20:43
Lnswell what i've always done is manually drop the flash plugin in /usr/share/firefox-3.0/plugins instead of using the ubuntu packages20:44
Lnssince i used to have issues, this is the best/easiest way to upgrade from adobe anyway, imho20:44
Lnsjohnny: you're using flashplugin-nonfree?20:45
johnnyi was20:45
johnnywe don't have sound anyways20:45
johnnyso it's not that big of a deal20:45
Lnsok.. :p20:46
Lnsso you just wanted to vent, eh?20:46
johnnyirritated at adobe20:46
Lnsjoin the club! :p20:48
LnsSo it looks like gnome-watchdog is cleaning up pretty well at my test-sites20:51
johnnymy folks never logout, so i haven't bothered with it20:51
johnnyi just leave em up all day20:51
johnnyand then run a script20:51
johnnyat the end of the day20:52
Lnsmainly gnome-panel, gconfd-2, bonobo-activati20:52
Lnsjohnny: a script to do what?20:52
johnnya loop on all members of group terminal20:52
johnnypkill -u $user20:53
johnnyumount /home/$user/.gvfs20:53
johnny copy server keys to /home/$user20:53
sbalneavIs anyone else getting emails from Nicholas Kendell everytime they post to edubuntu-users?20:53
johnnyoh.. forgot the rm -rf /home/$users/.20:53
johnnybefore the server key copying20:54
johnnythat runs on a cron every night20:54
johnnythat way when folks close down the store20:54
johnnythey don'th ave to remember to logout20:54
johnnyjust power em off20:54
johnny gvfs irritates me20:56
johnnywhen it doesn't let go when killed20:56
johnnylsof always complians20:56
Lnssbalneav: yes i am20:58
sbalneavI'll give it a couple of days.  If it doesn't stop, I'll contact the list admin.20:58
johnnytransport endpoint not connected..21:09
* johnny kicks it 21:09
DrXanyone know of a good FREE cross platform (lin&win) email client that, unlike Thunderbird, has no database size limit, or at least a larger than 6GB limit?22:01
johnnyi didn't know it had a limit22:02
johnnyyou're in the wrong channel tho.. try something more general22:03
johnnyi wonder if claws  is cross platform..22:03
DrXy, thunderbird 2 has a nasty 4.81GB database size limit22:05
johnnywhat error does it say?22:06
johnnyin case i run into that..22:06
johnnyi use imap for mail anyways22:06
sbalneavYeah, same here.22:07
Goosemoosei have one screen that pops up when doing preseed pxe install that says the 'selected device already contains logical volumes'. I thought that this would take care of it, but it doesn't: d-i partman-auto/purge_lvm_from_device boolean true22:07
sbalneavPersonally, I'd say if you've got more than 4 gigs of mail in one folder, you need some sub folders.22:07
Goosemooseany idea what im missing?22:07
Goosemooseno ones in the ubuntu-server room22:07
DrXno,it's the whole database, not 1 folder22:08
johnnywhere did you find out about this limit?22:08
DrXran into it, looked it up, it's a fact, man22:09
sbalneavI've never run into it myself.22:11
sbalneavBut then again, I mostly use mutt22:11
DrXoh, it hurts, it hurts22:11
DrXthat work in WIN?22:11
sbalneavNo idea, I haven't used windows in a long time.22:11
sbalneavmutt's a text based client22:12
sbalneavruns on the console or in a xterm22:12
sbalneavmight run under cygwin or the like.22:12
sbalneavDrX: According to this, looks like you can: http://www.geocities.com/win32mutt/win32.html22:16
sbalneavOf course, it's not a graphical mail reader.22:16
sbalneavDrX: "There is no known limit on the number of folders. The maximum size of a folder is 4GB unless the file system limits the maximum file size to a lower value."22:19
sbalneavSo, it's not total, just 4 gig per folder.  Could you split up some folders?  If you gave us a clue as to why you have so much data, we might be able to suggest something else.22:21
sbalneavGoosemoose: Did piping to /dev/null fix the other problem?22:22
DrXi'm going to try that, but I think it's 4GB per account, not folder22:22
Goosemoosesbalneav, it worked on testing from the terminal i havent tried reimaging first22:23
sbalneavNot according to the Limits page I read on the knowledge base.22:23
Goosemoosei wanted to find the other answer before i started a 30 min imaging22:23
sbalneavNot sure of your other question.22:23
sbalneavWell, I'm off for home.  Be on later tonight.22:23
Goosemooseok im just going to runn it then22:23
Goosemooseok thanks for the help22:24
* LaserJock staggers in after 2.5 hrs of General Chemistry for Scientists and Engineers I23:26
* Lns begs LaserJock not to blow up the chan23:32
LaserJockone wouldn't think a "let's find the mass and density of 60 pennies" would be so tiring23:32
LaserJockalthough much of it was the ~45 minutes spent in the computer lab showing them how to use Excel23:33
LnsI've found it generally enjoyable to not broadcast your computer knowledge to random people ;)23:34
LaserJockI'm supposed to be teaching them, I'm sort of obligated ;-)23:40

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