
ScottK-laptopRight.  I meant kdenetwork.00:00
ScottK-laptopNCommander: BTW, it's Riddell's key on the upload for kdelibs in Intrepid.00:00
NCommanderScottK, the same patch applies to both, just tweak the changelog00:00
ScottK-laptopNCommander: You sure?00:00
NCommanderScottK, yeah, it should apply cleanly00:01
ScottK-laptopDidn't apply for me, but maybe I messed up.00:01
RiddellNCommander: is it a problem?00:01
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I can roll the debdiff myself then00:01
NCommanderRiddell, no, we just found a better fix for the problem I'm testing building00:01
apacheloggerRiddell: master dirk made a better fix today in KDE svn00:01
Riddelloh, groovy00:01
* ScottK-laptop goes afk for a bit.00:01
NCommanderRiddell, can you upload a fix for hardy-proposed on powerpc? (its a no-changes binary rebuild to clear a segfault; I've confirmed it works right already)00:03
RiddellNCommander: if you get it to me quick00:03
ScottK-laptopNCommander: We don't have binary rebuilds in Ubuntu.  Needs a source upload and rebuilt on all archs.00:03
NCommanderScottK, right, I realize that. No changes binary rebuild == changelog only upload00:04
NCommanderRiddell, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-python-extras/+bug/18106800:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181068 in gnome-python-extras "miro.real crashed with SystemError in MozillaBrowser() on PPC" [Low,Confirmed]00:05
NCommanderTHe trick is going to be finding someone on ubuntu-sru to ACK that, I don't think any of them run PowerPC00:05
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I'm rolling the backports fix now00:06
RiddellNCommander: uploaded, it'll sit in unapproved which usually gets reviewed by pitti on fridays00:18
NCommanderRiddell, thanks, I owe you one :-)00:18
a|wenis anyone here running hardy ... and has a distribution list in kmail/kaddressbook that was added in gutsy (or prior release)00:24
JontheEchidnaIt is a sin to make KDE look like this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10104129/20071020-adept.png00:43
seeleExit?  Does that close the dialog or close adept manager?00:45
JontheEchidnaseele: that's from adept200:45
JontheEchidnaI am going through old bug reports00:45
seelehmm.. dinner or more cake?00:46
mib_lhfac4Someone know the correct alternative of "update-manager -d" for kubuntu?00:57
mib_lhfac4hi, btw00:57
seelebest ask in #kubuntu01:00
NCommanderScottK, ping?01:03
stdinapachelogger, Riddell or anyone: please have a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=kopete-cryptography for me01:04
JontheEchidnamornfall: is bugs.kde.org working for you yet?01:09
JontheEchidnaI have a reproducible way to give a package the description of another package01:10
JontheEchidnain Adept Installer01:10
=== kde_pepo is now known as kdepepo
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268106 in adept "On the Add/Remove Adept, software called "Krita" for Gimp packages" [Low,Triaged]01:15
JontheEchidna^Reproduction instructions are in the comment, both of those packages should be in Debian01:15
JontheEchidnaotherwise see http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17083501:18
ubottuKDE bug 170835 in general "Searching applications gives first result the description of the last expanded package" [Normal,Unconfirmed]01:18
apacheloggerstdin: get-orig-source not worky01:27
stdinno? it worked here01:27
stdinahh, poop01:28
apacheloggerdoc/ is gfdl01:29
stdin/doc/index.docbook: GNU Free Documentation License version 1.201:30
apacheloggeryou should note that in the on debian system... as well01:30
stdinthe GFDL license is in common-licenses01:31
stdinoh, yes it is :p01:31
apacheloggerI am too tired to give it a full revu01:32
apacheloggerthe changelog entry should mention the FFe and fix the FFe bug01:32
stdinapachelogger: do you know a good authoritative way of getting the base kde version? I'm using kdelibs5 in the rules but that blows up01:33
stdinand I really don't want to have to reinvent uscan in Makefile speak01:33
apacheloggerstdin: tear the original name apart01:34
apacheloggerof course I have no idea how to do that in make :P01:35
apacheloggerstdin: alternately you could just take a look at the other extragear apps01:35
apacheloggerbecause I think we pretty much don't care if watch is actually useful for downloads :P01:35
stdinthey all keep the -kde4.1.1, the lazy buggers :|01:40
apacheloggerthat is called productivity I guess :P01:41
* apachelogger goes to bed01:41
stdinI'll upload another version tomorrow, sleep sounds too good01:42
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Back02:38
JontheEchidnaAdept is completely triaged02:41
JontheEchidnaoh, actually a few reports still need to be forwarded upstream, grr02:41
=== kde_pepo is now known as kdepepo
emgenthello people02:52
emgentsomeone have kubuntu intrepid up?02:52
jjessehell emgent02:53
jjessehello emgent02:53
emgentmy touchpad and usb mouse seems dead02:53
emgentok found the problem :)02:55
NCommanderwb ScottK03:00
NCommanderScottK, I have your backport :-P03:00
ScottKURL please?03:06
NCommanderScottK, hold on03:06
NCommanderScottK, https://edge.launchpad.net/~sonicmctails/+archive?field.name_filter=kdenetwork&field.status_filter=published03:07
NCommanderScottK, it will probably FTBFS since the PPA doesn't have backports enabled03:07
NCommanderOh wait, scratch that03:08
* NCommander just posts the debdiff somewhere03:08
ScottK-laptopThanks.  I prefer that.03:09
NCommanderScottK-laptop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/45589/03:09
NCommanderI didn't see the need to open a bug since I don't know what it should have for a upload03:09
ScottK-laptopBug wouldn't autoclose in backports anyway.03:09
NCommanderScottK-laptop, oh, thats "wonderful"03:10
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I'm going to attack the Incomplete queue on hardy backports relatively soon (aka, this weekend)03:10
NCommanderI think I need to empty out my PPA03:11
NCommanderScottK-laptop, care to upload the new kdelibs?03:12
* NCommander can't get a clean debdiff03:17
NCommanderScottK, the clean rules is pretty badly broken on kdelibs-3.5.10, its causing the .diff.gz to be bloated to 720k, and the debdiff to 500k03:19
NCommanderScottK, its all the translations that are getting caught in the debdiff, and I have no idea how to fix this clean rule (and I'm sorta hesitant to even touch it)03:20
NCommanderScottK, do you want me to bother changing the clean rule and possibly break it worse to try and get a clean diff, or not bother?03:23
* NCommander checks ScottK's pulse03:29
=== Czessi_ is now known as Czessi
jtechidnamornfall: Triaging is also complete. Here is a list of all the bugs in the Ubuntu bugtracker that concern you as upstream: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.status_upstream=open_upstream&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&03:31
jtechidnaer, that's a long link and konversation broke it03:32
jtechidnaapachelogger: do want battiny script03:32
jtechidnamornfall: http://tinyurl.com/5sw2hd03:32
ScottKNCommander: I'd like the minimal fix that's gonna work.03:33
NCommanderah the joys of fixing backport clean rules03:33
NCommanderScottK, the debdiff still going to be huge however because it needs to decruft the previous upload03:34
ScottK-laptopWhich change are we on now?03:35
ScottK-laptopI thought kdelibs was broken in Intrepid?03:35
NCommanderScottK-laptop, thats the one, sorry, misremembered which version I was fixing03:36
NCommander(this is fun :-))03:36
yuriyjtechidna: that's amazing. good job!03:36
NCommanderScottK-laptop, I just really need to cut the diff down the size, but its going to be a huge debdiff to remove the cruft03:36
jtechidnayuriy: to tell you the truth I'm somewhat exhausted03:36
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Do we really want to mess with it?  If you say yes, I'll believe you.03:37
NCommanderScottK-laptop, your the one who said you wanted a clean diff ;-)03:37
ScottK-laptopDid I?03:38
ScottK-laptopI thought I said I wanted the minimal fix that would work.03:38
ScottK-laptop[22:33] <ScottK> NCommander: I'd like the minimal fix that's gonna work.03:38
NCommanderScottK, Oh, the fix is in there, there is just a lot of cruft in the patch from the bad clean rule (it regenerated the .pos, and all that got caught up in the diff)03:39
NCommanderScottK, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/26881703:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268817 in kdelibs "Patch to re-enable inotify on all architectures" [Undecided,New]03:41
* ScottK-laptop looks03:41
* NCommander hears Scott's eyes sizzle03:42
ScottK-laptopNCommander: At a glance, the changes in messages.po don't look right.03:43
NCommanderScottK, dah, I accidently clobbered the good diff with my work in progress one03:45
NCommanderOh wait03:45
NCommanderNo, this is what regenerated03:45
NCommanderScottK, I have no idea its constantly regenerating these03:45
ScottK-laptopWahoo.  Diff is less than 20,000 lines.03:48
* NCommander sighs03:48
NCommanderThe actual changes are less than 200 lines03:48
ScottK-laptopHow about you make me a special diff with just those lines and we go from there.03:49
NCommanderScottK, yes sire :-P03:49
ScottK-laptopIME applying 8,000 lines of .po file diff rarely ends well.03:49
NCommanderScottK, Riddell didn't even try, he just uploaded from my PPA03:50
NCommanderI'll see what I can do03:51
NCommanderall my changes are in the debian folder, so I should be able to diff just that03:51
ScottK-laptopSounds good.03:51
NCommanderScottK-laptop, check your PMs, that should be it03:57
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Any last regrets before I upload kdenetwork?04:19
NCommanderScottK-laptop, the worst we do is break lpia worse, and considering its an FTBFS fix, can it be any worse?04:20
ScottK-laptopI'm to dpkg-shlibdeps, so it shouldn't be long.04:21
* NCommander waves flags04:22
ScottK-laptopOf course there are a lot of those ...04:22
NCommanderThat took longer then the actual build itself ...04:23
NCommanderScottK-laptop, do we have any other big KDE todos?04:24
ScottK-laptopFor KDE3, I think it's mostly a04:24
ScottK-laptop... a|wen finishing some investigations.04:25
ScottK-laptopI still need to finish up on kdebindings.04:25
ScottK-laptopurr kde4bindings04:25
NCommanderScottK, Sounds like "fun"04:26
ScottK-laptopI'd love to hear you figured out php-clamavlib.  It's the last holdout on the libclamav5 transition.04:27
NCommanderOh, shoot, I'm sorry, my mind slipped on that one04:28
NCommanderScottK, I'll trade you that for uploads on my ada SRUs04:28
NCommanderScottK-laptop, where do I grab the current source package and build logs?04:28
ScottK-laptopNCommander: Just apt-get source php-clamavlib and throw it at your intrepid pbuilder.04:29
* jtechidna goes to bed04:29
ScottK-laptopNCommander: It won't take you long to get to the libtool fun.04:30
NCommanderHow bad?04:30
ScottK-laptopNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45614/04:31
NCommanderScottK, any desire for a specific patching system?04:31
ScottK-laptopNCommander: I think the current changes are all direct in the diff.gz.  I'd just go with that.04:32
NCommanderThey are?04:32
ScottK-laptopGiven that's the current path, I don't think patching and direct changes should be mixed.04:32
ScottK-laptopIf you want to go back and redo it all with dpatch, that's cool too.04:33
ScottK-laptopNo quilt please.04:33
ScottK-laptopkdenetwork uploaded for backports.04:38
ScottK-laptopkdelibs for Intrepid uploaded.04:57
ScottK-laptopRiddell: I uploaded a revised kdenetwork to hardy-backports for NCommander.  I pinged slangasek and asked him to accept it, but I'd appreciate it if you'd check and accept it if he didn't already.05:49
emgentuhm there is a bug in kopete, seems reject some chars on password field.. and faild login with wrong password.05:56
* emgent investigate..05:56
mornfalljtechidna: Thanks a lot, I'm off for a few days now, but next week I'll sort through it. The work is really appreciated, ta.07:02
apacheloggerRiddell: when trying to upgrade using adept I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45680/09:36
\shapachelogger: where was the quassel bzr archive again?09:36
\shapachelogger: got it...09:37
apacheloggerI can't edit the wiki page09:48
apacheloggerDoes anyone have arora installed?09:57
* apachelogger would be interessted if it works there09:57
Riddellit doesn't10:30
RiddellScottK-laptop: nothing in hardy-backports queues10:43
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, interesting, it's cycling through the available views and by the time it gets to te KDE4 one it has already loaded the KDE one and the qt versions clash10:47
RiddellI wonder why the KDE 3 one was left in there are all10:47
apacheloggerRiddell: compatibility with series where python-qt4 is not installed maybe?10:49
Riddellwe've used qt4 since edgy10:50
apacheloggerRiddell: dapper is still supported until 2009, isn't it?10:53
apacheloggeror is only dapper -> hardy supported as upgrade path?10:53
Riddellright, it's LTS to LTS only10:55
Riddellapachelogger: do you have the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log still?11:11
apacheloggerRiddell: I am doing an upgrade using update-manager right now. I can get you the file in about 17 minutes.11:12
ScottKRiddell: I got an accept shortly after I went to bed, so I guess he got it.11:14
Riddellapachelogger: using the gtk tool?11:15
apacheloggerRiddell: yes, that's the cool thing about VMs, you can easily get rid of that stuff again ;-)11:16
goatsockshm, can/should you ignore the ignore file in bzr like you would with cvs/svn?13:04
goatsocksor is that ignored by default13:05
Riddellbzr ingore ingore13:06
Riddellbut without the typos13:06
goatsocksRiddell: not `bzr ignore .bzrignore`?13:08
goatsocksbecause when i do that, it says:13:11
goatsocksWarning: the following files are version controlled and match your ignore pattern:13:11
goatsocksbut .bzrignore still shows up in `bzr st`13:11
goatsockswhich is very unlike cvs/svn13:11
Riddelldunno, I've not used it, you probably want to bzr add .bzrignore actually13:13
apacheloggergoatsocks: the ignore stuff is an evil hack13:39
apacheloggerRiddell: I invoked the DistUpgrade manually and it crashed :S13:39
goatsocksok bzr has two kinds of ignore lists... the kind handled by `bzr ignore` and thus stored in .bzrignore within the branch are ignores you want versioned and shared with other branches... then there's the local ignore which you can specify in ~/.bazaar/ignore for a list of ignores you don't want versioned13:39
goatsocksthe latter ignore file has to be hand edited13:40
apacheloggerthe latter is really only for global ignores13:40
apacheloggerlike backup files13:40
Riddellapachelogger: backtrace?  log?13:40
goatsocksapachelogger: exactly, that's the kind of ignores i'm after13:40
goatsocksapachelogger: like IDE generated crap13:41
apacheloggergoatsocks: you should store them in .bzrignore if you plan on sharing the branch though13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45769/13:41
apacheloggerRiddell: terminal seems to be broken actually13:42
seeleyay, cake for breakfast13:42
goatsocksapachelogger: afaict the files specified in ~/.bazaar/ignore aren't versioned hence won't be shared when sharing a branch... ?13:43
goatsocksseele: please don't say "zucchini"13:43
apacheloggergoatsocks: exactly that is why you should put that stuff in .bzrignore13:43
seelegoatsocks: someone's got to eat it13:44
goatsocksapachelogger: but the whole problem is i don't want to share the .bzrignore file also13:44
apacheloggeror get the ignores in the bzr internal ignore list on long erm13:44
apacheloggergoatsocks: well, then just throw the stuff in .bazaar13:44
apacheloggerseele: there is still zucchini pie left? Oo13:44
seeleapachelogger: i'm the only one eating it!13:45
Riddellapachelogger: the terminal doesn't exist until the packages are all downloaded and installing13:45
goatsocksapachelogger: i think you're right though, bzr ignore handling is nasty, probably why there's a spec for overhauling it entirely13:45
seeleapachelogger: (to be fair, i'm home alone this week)13:45
apacheloggerseele: hm, you could send some over.... ;-)13:45
apacheloggerRiddell: ok13:45
seeleapachelogger: come visit me an i'll make you a cake!13:45
apacheloggerworth a thought13:46
apacheloggermaybe post-intrepid13:46
Riddellapachelogger: where had the install got to?13:47
apacheloggerRiddell: getting new packages I think13:47
* apachelogger checks13:48
RiddellheaderHidden : bool  "This property was introduced in Qt 4.4."13:49
Riddellapachelogger: what version of python-qt4 do you have?13:49
Riddellthat would explain it then13:50
Riddellapachelogger: able to try this patch? http://paste.ubuntu.com/45781/13:51
apacheloggerRiddell: doesn't crash anymore \o/13:54
apacheloggerRiddell: I think the terminal button should be hidden unless there is something to show13:54
Riddellapachelogger: are you upgrading or can you test a patch for that too?13:59
* apachelogger kills the upgrade13:59
apacheloggerRiddell: now I can test a patch :)13:59
jtechidnaRiddell: is update-manager-kde invoked through Adept 3.0 for intrepid+1 upgrades?13:59
Riddellapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45784/14:00
Riddelljtechidna: no, through update-notifier-kde instead14:00
jtechidnaRiddell: so I guess my question is, what displays the release announcement this time around?14:01
Riddelljtechidna: update-notifier-kde will14:03
apacheloggerRiddell: are the dependencies for update-notifier-kde fixed yet?14:03
Riddellapachelogger: yes, in update-manager 1:0.93.1014:04
apacheloggeruh, 77 updates -.-14:08
goatsocksheh so if you don't wanna bother branchers with your .bzrignore file, `echo .bzrignore > ~/.bazaar/ignore`, then do `bzr ignore foo` inside your working copy to add ignores and create .bzrignore there, then do `bzr remove --keep .bzrignore` (because `bzr ignore` automatically `bzr add`s .bzrignore!)14:08
goatsockser sorry that should be echo .bzrignore >> ~/.bazaar/ignore14:09
apacheloggerseele: http://aplg.kollide.net/images/snapshot104.png what do you think about that dialog?14:10
goatsocksapachelogger: many users won't know what the "apt-file cache" is14:11
apacheloggereven more will not know what to click :P14:11
apacheloggerI am a dev dood and have no idea what "run this action" and what "next" is going to do14:12
goatsocksit's also not very sure whether you need an internet connection to carry out the task ;)14:12
jtechidnawell honestly, most users aren't going to install apt-file. But that dialog is confusing14:13
apacheloggerI chose next14:13
apacheloggerand now I am seriously confused14:13
seeleapachelogger: are you fixing this or are you just looking for validation?14:13
goatsockswtf, totally defeats the purpose of using a GUI updater tool14:13
jtechidnaapachelogger: next probably meant, see next notification14:14
apacheloggerseele: I am looking for validation14:14
seeleapachelogger: yes, it sucks.14:14
seelei can't get past the first screen, do i click run or next?14:14
seeleit doesnt even use the same language14:14
apacheloggerwell, now that we see this is a notification browser14:14
seeleit says "run this command" in the message but "run this action" in the button14:14
apacheloggerwould run also go to next screen?14:15
apacheloggerRiddell: go fix that notification thing :P14:15
* goatsocks can now get some real work done until the next bzr wtf moment14:17
apacheloggermornfall: so, why is the sidebar widget not following the mainwindow color gradient in oxygen?14:18
seeleapachelogger: was 104 the first image in the wizard?14:18
apacheloggerseele: the first was a popup in systray, telling me there are notifications, which left behind a light bulb, clicking on that lead to 10414:19
apacheloggerthen I clicked next, which lead to 10514:20
seelewhat is it supposed to do? run apt-get update?14:22
apacheloggerno, I think it is the thing that shows up to tell you to reboot your system14:22
apacheloggeror restart firefox14:22
apachelogger'post-update' notification14:23
seelehuh, that got lost on me.  so it would show up after a kernel update and tell you to reboot?14:23
seeleor is this the cryptic message you get everytime?14:23
apacheloggerseele: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/update-notifier-hooks.png14:24
seeleah ok.. so it's just that one that is confusing14:26
apacheloggerwell, I guess everytime you get more than one notification it's like that14:26
jtechidnamaybe it should be ignore?14:27
apacheloggerjtechidna: what should be ignored?14:27
jtechidnaYou could have a run action button and an ignore button, which would show the next notification, maybe?14:27
apacheloggermakes loads of sense14:27
apacheloggerBecause, actually the light blub disappears after it walked you through the notification14:28
apacheloggerAt least I wouldn't expect it do that.14:28
jtechidnagrr, update-notifier keeps popping up it's bubble telling me to restart14:30
jtechidnaat least it's not annoying as windows where a whole freaking window comes up and steals focus14:31
apacheloggerI think adept updater crashed ;|14:31
* jtechidna reboots14:31
apacheloggerseaLne: I installed the kde-devel meta package and used the dist-upgrade tool -> no problems14:52
apacheloggerRiddell, or Riddelll_: terminal patch works14:54
Riddelll_thanks apachelogger14:55
apacheloggerRiddelll_: once oxygen-icons is installed it switches from crystal to oxygen for new current icons, looks odd IMO14:55
apacheloggerhm, s/new current icons/new icon changes/g14:56
Riddelll_I'll add that to a things to fix if I have spare time list14:56
jcastroRiddell: ok so I guess if there are ideas missing people should just make new ones?14:58
apacheloggerthat upgrade is somewhat ... weird15:04
Riddelll_jcastro: according to the meeting, brainstorm isn't a requirement15:04
jcastroah ok15:05
Riddelll_although it might be an idea to ensure jono knows that15:05
seeleRiddelll_: when i talked to jono about it he said just create new ideas15:12
jjesseseele: new kubuntu related ideas on brainstorm/15:12
seelebut personally, i think that defeats the purpose of them using brainstorm in the first place.  it is supposed to be a community collection of ideas.  the system breaks down if people submit arbitrary ideas that the user community wont understand enough to vote on15:13
* seele has issues with brainstorm15:13
seelereally, a usability category?  now we're asking users to self-diagnose?15:13
jjesseyes we are :)15:14
seelewhy don't they tell us how to design the UI while theyre at it15:14
JontheEchidnamy problem with brainstorm is the gnome bias15:14
jjesse+1 JontheEchidna15:14
* jjesse spent some time trying to find kubuntu and server brainstorm ideas for his uds application and couldn't find any15:14
JontheEchidnajjesse: there is a kubuntu tag15:14
jjesseJontheEchidna: must have missed it i was using the search15:15
jjessetried kde and kubuntu15:15
JontheEchidnaThis idea needs to be closed: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/11546/15:16
JontheEchidnajjesse: all KDE brainstorms: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=&ordering=mostvotes&relation=99&state_new=1&state_needinfos=1&state_blueprint_approved=1&state_workinprogress=1&state_done=1&state_already_done=1&state_unapplicable=1&nothing_attached=1&bug_attached=1&spec_attached=1&thread_attached=1&attachment_operator=0&tags_operator=and&tags=&category=-1&type_idea=1&_search_submitted=true&state_deleted=0&state_not_an_15:16
jjessewow twhat a link15:16
jjesseyou couldnt' tinyurl it? :P15:17
JontheEchidnaThis idea needs closed too: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/12292/15:17
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you need a paste protection, not battiny :P15:17
NightroseJontheEchidna: i can close them if you want me to15:18
Nightrosewhith what text?15:18
JontheEchidnauh, for the first one15:18
apacheloggerNightrose: not wortht the time15:18
jjessehttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/11054/ katapult is no longer used15:18
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: you shouldn't care about them15:19
JontheEchidnaKDE 4.1 in Hardy has already been done15:19
apacheloggerthe point of rating is that pointless stuff doesn't get to the top :P15:19
apacheloggerjjesse: my just upgraded vm tells a different story15:19
JontheEchidnaand we can't doing anything about Qt's licensing, since Nokia controls that. And the current dual licensing method is Qt's whole business model15:19
jjesseapachelogger: really katapult is still used?15:19
* Nightrose closes them15:19
apacheloggerjjesse: it certainly works15:20
JontheEchidnajjesse: all kubuntu-tagged ones: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/search?tags=kubuntu&ordering=mostvotes15:21
seelehas anyone gone through the registration process?15:22
apacheloggerRiddell: it appears to me that all the recommends of kubuntu-desktop don't get upgraded in dist-upgrade15:22
seeleis there a free text area besides "about yourself" where you can talk about what you want to work on?15:22
apacheloggerRiddell: and adept gets removed completely which leaves the resulting intrepid without GUI package manager15:23
* seele would rather send an email to a person that matters than fill this form out15:23
Nightrosehmmm strange15:23
jjessebut limited to 1000 characaters15:23
seeleoh great15:23
Nightrosei can't edit any of the ideas you posted15:23
jjesse+1 seele15:23
Nightrosebut i can edit others15:23
JontheEchidnaNightrose: actually I think the first one wants KDE 4.1 moved to hardy-backports15:23
JontheEchidnawhich hasn't been done yet, so don't close it15:24
NightroseJontheEchidna: yea - i can't anyway - dunno why - i am a moderator15:24
apacheloggerit's really against backports policy15:24
apacheloggercould break too much15:24
apacheloggerstdin: is there some lp dood I can poke about the kubuntu-bugs name?15:26
jjesseseele: are you werking on the application right now?15:30
seelejjesse: no i gave up15:37
seeleyou get a tiny box to talk about everything you do for ubuntu?15:38
jjesseapparently that's all you need15:38
seeleseriously, i want an email address and i'll write up a nice letter with links to projects etc.15:38
jjessebut i think the brainstorm links are supposed to help automate the scheduling of the disscussions15:38
seelehum, i dont even know if my boss would let me go15:40
seelethis is a problem15:41
seelei need a new job15:41
seele(if i wasnt so lazy i'd just work for myself)15:41
Riddellhmm, well I filled in the second page of the application and got sent back to the start15:42
seeledid it have an error message: "Too many KDE related Brainstorm topics. Please try again."?15:42
Riddellnaw, I was trying to fill in a non brainstorm URL15:42
jjesselol seele15:43
jjessei hate doing documentation for customer engagements they are so boring15:43
seeleit would be good if a group could fix Samba and then another group could design a UI for Samba15:43
seelethen we just need someone to implement it in QT and GTK15:44
seeleand everyone get's a new more usable samba15:44
apacheloggerseele: Qt, not QT :P15:44
seeleapachelogger: shiftkey lag :P15:45
seeleisnt it Gtk also?15:45
seeleah geez15:45
seelethe Printer config UI could use some love too15:45
seeleand system settings reorganized15:45
seeleand a new user management tool15:46
apacheloggeruser management is in development I think15:46
apacheloggerthat reminds me15:46
apacheloggerwe need to kill kuser15:46
seeleapachelogger: who is working on it?15:46
* JontheEchidna hides15:46
seeleoh yeah? hehe15:46
apacheloggerobvious I guess15:46
seeleJontheEchidna: have you seen the Redhat UI proposal?15:46
JontheEchidnaseele: nope, just sorta trying to scrape together a working UI15:47
apacheloggerIMHO we should just give kuser a make over15:47
apacheloggermost useful for everyone15:47
Riddellapachelogger: that means c++15:48
apacheloggerRiddell: if I knew c++ better than I do, I probably would prefer it over python :P15:50
* apachelogger thinks we need a c++ workshop for next developer week15:50
Riddellyou really can't learn c++ in an hour15:51
Riddellit takes an hour to set up the build environment15:51
apacheloggerprobably true15:51
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I setup a torrent tracker on kollide for the 4.1.1 CD, I guess we wouldn't be allowed to use ubuntu's tracker either15:53
Riddellapachelogger: no I guess not15:54
Riddelleverybody hug rgreening!15:56
* jjesse hugs rgreening15:56
rgreeninghi all. looking to help out with developing KDE4 for Kubuntu. Anyone willing to be a mentor? Specifically, I'd like to start with Knetworkmanager or other similar scale app15:57
* rgreening hugs everyone back15:57
Riddellrgreening: knetworkmanager is notoriously hard to work on15:57
goatsocksyes, knetworkmanager please15:57
rgreeningbig arms15:57
Riddellrgreening: and needs developers just for that reason15:57
rgreeninggood. I'm willing to help15:57
Riddellrgreening: it's currently broken because network-manager changed its DBus API and knetworkmanager hasn't caught up15:58
rgreeningI'm not exoerienced with deb packaging, so I'll need some tips there. However, I am proficient in C++, etc.15:58
JontheEchidnaThere is a work on a network manager plasmoid, I know15:58
JontheEchidnaor rather, an infantile network manager plasmoid exists15:59
rgreeningok. is there a dev currently working on Knetworkmanager15:59
Riddellrgreening: so far knetworkmanager is essentially a suse project used by the whole of KDE, they're the only ones elite enough to know how to work on it15:59
Riddellrgreening: haschaa is the guy, but he's on a break for the next few weeks for his thesis15:59
Riddellrgreening: it's here http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/knetworkmanager/15:59
rgreeningok. I'l make a note. Do you have an e-mail addy for him?16:00
jjessewow sounds like knetworkmanager is a crazy project then16:00
goatsocksrgreening: fyi, this is pretty much the state of networkmanager stuff in KDE land: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-devel&m=122004639403690&w=216:00
rgreeningyes. but it is of crucial importance16:00
goatsocksthe plasmoid is the future imo16:01
goatsocksbut knetworkmanager is just a few inches from "it works"16:01
goatsocksfor now16:01
Riddellrgreening: it'll be in http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kde-common/accounts?view=log16:01
rgreeningI'll download the source and start reviewing. Does anyone have a link to the API changes that occurred?16:02
Riddellrgreening: asac would know, he's the ubuntu network-manager dude16:03
Riddellrgreening: you need to build --with-openvpn=no currently16:03
goatsocksrgreening: the relevant bug regarding the API breakage is bug 25927816:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259278 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager will no longer connect" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25927816:04
rgreeningthanks. good place to start16:04
goatsocksrgreening: specifically look for the comments about asac (alexander sack) bumping nm 0.7 without testing knetworkmanager ;)16:05
apacheloggerubuntu ain't has no QA16:06
JontheEchidnayou know that if gnome network manager was the one that broke due to the bump they'd moan for a reversion16:06
goatsocksyep, which is why i'm using nm-applet atm, crapping up my otherwise nice kde4 systray16:07
rgreeningI was pretty miffed myself when it broke. I am currently using nm-applet to connect.16:07
goatsocksditto ^^16:07
apachelogger<-- using tha prompt16:07
JontheEchidnathe api change doesn't seem to break wired connections so I'm fine16:08
rgreeningon a side note, anyone else seeing transparency issues in the KDE systray16:08
apacheloggeractually we should just break nm-applet :P16:08
JontheEchidnargreening: yeah, known by KDE, should be fixed in KDE 4.2 with new systray16:08
rgreeningmine are all black background rather thna transparent.16:08
apacheloggerenforcing a quick solution16:08
goatsocksrgreening: yeah that's a known issue, upstream is considering rewriting systray from scratch16:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: is that new tray already written?16:08
rgreeningjust wondering if it was specific to my Intel card of a general issue16:08
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pretty much16:08
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: pretty much means?16:09
JontheEchidnameaning, it hasn't replaced the current systray yet16:09
JontheEchidnabut soon16:09
apacheloggersoon might be too late for us :P16:09
JontheEchidnawell, it is still totally 4.2 material16:09
rgreeningI'm slowly getting to like KDE416:09
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: suse backported loads of 4.1 to 4.016:10
apacheloggerrgreening: btw, you don't have to worry about packaging, we have plenty of people who are willing to care about that ;-)16:11
rgreeningI come from the Gentoo world. ebuild was my friend. I just haven't gotten around to deb packaging yet16:12
goatsocksrgreening: ditto again16:13
goatsocksi'm still kinda stuck in the "if i can't compile it myself, it's crap" mentality ;)16:13
goatsocksdebs sometimes are picky about the environment they're built in16:14
goatsockswell quite often actually ;)16:14
apacheloggeronly if the environment is broken :P16:14
goatsocksapachelogger: idealist!16:15
apacheloggerseriously, I never had problems due to the environment16:15
JontheEchidnaall praise the might pbuilder!16:15
apacheloggerpbuilder is nothing without hooks16:15
goatsocksexactly what pbuilder was designed to addressed... if nobody ever had build environment borkage, there'd be no need for the likes of pbuilder ;)16:16
rgreeningok, fetching knetworkmanager sources now. setting build environment. any catches I should worry about?16:22
goatsocksrgreening: i've built knetworkmanager from the source deb without issue, it should be ok16:25
rgreeningwhat -dev libraries do I need? Says missing X libraries...16:25
rgreeningI guess I need KDE libs dev as well... any quick link to a list of what I need at a min?16:27
goatsockstry debuild, it should tell you what you need16:27
goatsocksdebuild -i -us -uc -b16:27
ScottKrgreening: apt-get build-dep knetworkmanager should get what you need16:28
rgreeningk. cool16:28
rgreeningthanks. dl now.16:29
rgreeningthat seems to be working better now16:32
rgreeningsuccessfully built knetworkmanager from svn. now need to research the API changes to D-BUS. Maybe I can find the changes in nm-applet...16:38
rgreeningridell: you see this report on usability for Knetworkmanager... http://weblog.obso1337.org/2008/expert-review-of-knetworkmanager-07/16:41
rgreeningI like a lot of the ideas here.16:41
apacheloggerrgreening: meet seele, beloved usability guru16:43
apacheloggerseele: meet rgreening our new knetworkmanager dood16:43
rgreeninghey seele16:46
* seele waves16:46
seeleis he coordinating with the suse peeps?16:46
rgreeningI'm actually just starting to help here... but if someone wants to point me in the right direction, I can certainly work with the SuSE folks16:47
rgreeningMy goal is to work on Knetworkmanager here. Any patches should be apssed up along.16:48
rgreeningGiven that Worelles was so important to Intrepid, Knetworkmanager needs a LOT of love16:49
rgreeninggee, kant spel today16:49
rgreeningHere's a question, should we opt to release nm-applet with Kubuntu if it isn't ready in time for Intrepid, given the current state of Knetworkmanager?16:54
Riddellwe should revert back to a workable network-manager16:54
rgreeningit being Knetworkmanager of course16:54
rgreeninghmm... so, opting for nm 0.6 instead of 0.7? Knetworkmanager is not real useful (the KDE4 version) as compared to the KDE 3 version, IMHO, at least not without some usability tweaks.16:56
rgreeningI'll do what I can over the next few days to see if I can figure out the current issues with the API.16:57
goatsocksthe fallback should be nm-applet imo17:01
goatsocksi think that's what fedora is doing17:01
apacheloggernm-applet pulls too many stuff in17:01
apacheloggerit wouldn't fit on the CD17:01
goatsocksit fits on the fedora livecd somehow ;)17:02
apacheloggerwe are really not going to drop anything17:02
goatsocks*shrug* i think users are just concerned with having something that actually works17:03
goatsocksnm-applet is the most mature frontend17:03
apacheloggerreverting to a workable network-manager works pretty much :P17:03
rgreeningI agree. If nm-applet + deps fit, then it should be the default if knetworkmanager is not suitable.17:03
rgreeningas reverting D-BUS and NM may be more problematic in the long run...17:04
apacheloggerrgreening: why would it be more problematic in the long run?17:05
rgreeningother deps, future upgrades could require newer D-BUS... I'm just thinking out loud. Maybe Im wrong17:05
rgreeningIt may all be a moot point if I can figure out where its broke and fix it :)17:06
apacheloggerknetworkmanager gotta switch to solid at some point17:06
apacheloggerand I think solid is pretty solid base to rely on :P17:06
goatsocksapachelogger: i think the plasmoid will make knetworkmanager obsolete, as it already uses solid17:09
apacheloggerthe plasmoid is not very much of any use jr said17:09
* apachelogger is doing yoda word order again17:09
goatsockswell it doesn't work right now because the main dev has been away17:10
jussi01How is todays daily, anyone? installable?17:31
Riddellyay, digikam compiled (on amd64)17:43
NCommanderRiddell, ah, the fun of FTBFS fixing.17:43
jjessewhat does FTBFS mean again?17:45
JontheEchidnaFailed To Build From Source17:46
* NCommander always used Failure vs Failed17:46
NCommanderRiddell, know any good FTBFS to kill?17:46
* JontheEchidna uses Fails and Failed interchangably17:47
* NCommander has dreamed of solved FTBFS in his sleep17:48
jjessewow someone needs to have better dreams17:48
NCommanderPorting (K)ubuntu ;-)17:48
NCommanderBrings new meaning libtool nightmares17:48
* apachelogger had some FTBFS17:53
apacheloggerah righto17:53
apacheloggerNCommander: kdenlive doesn't build in intrepid17:53
NCommanderapachelogger, link to build log17:54
apacheloggerNCommander: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45852/17:54
apacheloggerline 179617:54
apachelogger1706 even17:55
NCommanderyay pretty17:56
NCommanderapachelogger, why are you packaging an SVN snapshot?17:56
apacheloggerNo clue why we did17:57
apacheloggerprobably was debian anyway :P17:57
NCommandertry packaging a new kdenlive?17:57
apacheloggerNCommander: svn is KDE 417:57
NCommanderwait, what?17:58
apacheloggermaybe not17:59
apacheloggerKDE 4 version is in a branch17:59
apacheloggertrunk doesn't look very promising though :P17:59
apacheloggerRiddell: is kdeglobals somehow protected from kconf_update?18:00
NCommanderapachelogger, it was updated within the last four months18:00
apacheloggerNCommander: well, give it a try18:00
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know, why?18:00
NCommanderapachelogger, you want me to package this? (I rather package a new snapshot vs. fix an old one)18:00
apacheloggerRiddell: I am trying to kick the Icons group out, so that we ensure KDE 3 -> KDE 4 ends up with Oxygen18:01
apacheloggerNCommander: yeah, I wouldn't really want to update kdenlive, that is an evil package ;-)18:01
NCommanderapachelogger, why?18:02
NCommanderwhat is kdenlive?18:02
apacheloggermovie editor thing18:02
apacheloggerwhich encludes half the floss world in it's source tarballs18:02
* NCommander screams18:03
NCommanderdoesn't seem the additional sources are there18:04
apacheloggermaybe they stripped them18:04
apacheloggerRiddell: either there is some kind of protection or my kdeglobals is incompatible with kconf_update18:05
apacheloggerI can drain stuff from any other config, just not kdeglobals18:05
Riddellapachelogger: kdeglobals had problems in the kubuntu-default-settings profile, that's why it moved to /etc/kde418:07
Riddellso it's a bit wonky18:07
apacheloggerthat would explain it18:07
apacheloggerRiddell: due to the text/icon position?18:08
NCommanderapachelogger, you think its worth packaging a new SVN snapshot?18:16
apacheloggerwell, currently it doesn't have a menu entry in anything but KDE18:17
ScottK-laptopRiddell: It looks like we are getting very close to the point where guidance-backends can go away.  Is there anything we still need from kde-guidance or can I kill all of it at the same time?18:30
goatsocksguidance-power is still more useful than the plasmoid thingy imo18:34
ScottK-laptopgoatsocks: The KDE4 guidance-power-manager is in a different package now.  That'll stay.18:34
ScottK-laptopIt's more (IIRC) mountconfig, serviceconfig, wineconfig, and such that I'm wondering about.18:35
goatsockswhat's the preferred mount util?18:36
ScottK-laptopThat's part of my question.  I haven't been keeping track.18:37
ScottK-laptopMaybe apachelogger knows?18:37
apacheloggerWe don't have a preferred one right now.18:39
apacheloggerI suggest going wiht mountmanager though.18:39
goatsocksi'd like to know of a decent qt service config tool also18:39
* apachelogger notes to discuss mountmanager today18:39
goatsocksapachelogger: init services18:40
apacheloggerthere ain't such a thing18:40
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: I think in the next week I'll be able to make guidance-displayconfig and guidance-backends go away.  It'd be good to know what else in that package is obsolete and can die at the same time.18:41
goatsocksthere's no qt equivalent to bum?18:41
apacheloggergoatsocks: no18:41
apacheloggerScottK-laptop: I'll start an investigation18:41
ScottK-laptopapachelogger: Thanks.18:41
JontheEchidnaI would still like to keep guidance-displayconfig around18:42
goatsockshm, "bummer" would make a great name for a qt port18:42
JontheEchidnaas of now it's the only way to configure what type of monitor you have18:42
JontheEchidnaunless X is supposed to detect such things automatically?18:42
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: No.  It needs to die.  Increasingly the odds of it breaking your X are higher and higher.18:43
ScottK-laptopJontheEchidna: It is.18:43
ScottK-laptopIt needs either a total rewrite or death.18:43
JontheEchidnadeath it is, then18:43
mcasadevallScottK, what must die?18:47
JontheEchidnamcasadevall: guidance-displayconfig18:51
mcasadevallis that related to gtk-displayconfig18:51
JontheEchidnadisplayconfig-gtk uses the same backend, yes18:51
ScottK-laptopmcasadevall: They both use guidance-backends.18:51
ScottK-laptopmcasadevall: If you want to make your eyes bleed, grab the kde-guidance source package and look at the huge stack of hacks and patches I piled on it during Hardy to throw it over the finish line.18:52
mcasadevallok ...18:52
BartisKingKubuntu can to devotion my someone? I live in Poland.18:52
Arbyevening all18:53
ScottK-laptopBartisKing: We can always use more help.18:53
mcasadevallACK IT BURNS!18:53
=== mcasadevall is now known as NCommander
NCommanderso what's wrong with guidance-displayconfig?18:54
ScottKNCommander: It works great on X about 3 major versions ago.18:55
ScottKNCommander: It totally doesn't grok xorg.conf'less configurations and still uses Xinerama, not Xrandr.18:55
NCommanderWait, it parses xorg.conf's config file?18:56
* NCommander begins to twitch18:56
* NCommander has looked at the code that parses the xorg.conf config file in xorg18:56
ScottKMy first great hack was to catch the case where it would crash if xorg.conf was missing and then invent one that was sort of right.18:56
NCommanderI'll just say it burns18:56
jjessewow sounds like fun18:56
NCommanderXorg itself is an incredible bundle of crappy code18:57
NCommanderOr at least it was at the time of the Xfree86 -> XOrg fork18:57
NCommanderAbout the only good thing I can say for that cdodebase is it amazingly portable18:57
ScottKThe only good news was basically all the changes I was making were after it would have already crashed without my hacking, so the odds of me making it worse were low.18:57
* NCommander grabs xorg's source code18:57
NCommanderScottK, how hard do you think it would be to write a proper parser?18:58
ScottKNCommander: tseliot apparently has done one in the x-kit package.18:58
ScottKThere are several apps that need the function.18:58
NCommanderSo then *-displayconfig needs a rewrite, doesn't it?18:58
ScottKNCommander: No, it needs to die.  We have a KDE4 supplied alternative.18:59
ScottKGnome already got an alternative in Hardy.18:59
NCommanderso whats stopping it from dying (at least in Kubuntu)18:59
NCommanderScottK, the GNOME alternative is a joke.18:59
ScottKNCommander: It's what they're going with.19:00
NCommanderScottK, I still had to use gtk-displayconfig and some manual file hacking to get things working on my old laptop19:00
NCommanderThe GNOME alternative trusts that the video card doesn't lie about things like its max resolution or the monitors max resolution19:00
ScottKNCommander: There isn't a lot of point in removing the KDE one as long as the GTK one lives.19:00
NCommanderI think you can guess my next question19:01
ScottKWell bryce says he's about ready to kill off displayconfig-gtk.19:01
NCommanderso the problem solved itself19:02
ScottKNCommander: I think any effort you might want to put into re-writing the Guidance display stuff is better expended making the KDE4/Gnome tools better.19:02
NCommanderNow if we could only do that with libtool ;-)19:03
ScottKFFe pending for moving Jockey off of guidance-backends is the last major roadblock.19:03
NCommandervery good19:04
* NCommander looks at network manager's source19:04
=== Githzerai is now known as Githzerai|NotHer
rgreening__Riddell: Knetworkmanager is a fugly beast I must say.19:29
JontheEchidnaArgh, blatant KDE unfriendliness: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration19:33
JontheEchidna"# Log out from GNOME, if you are logged in "19:33
* Arby is just returning to get back into kubuntu work after a bit of an absence19:35
Arbywhat have we got in the packaging/testing type area that needs work?19:35
RiddellArby: hardy to intrepid upgrade needs testing lots19:37
ArbyRiddell: ok I can do that19:38
* Arby builds a VM19:38
RiddellArby: also see celeste's blog for testing toolbars19:38
seeleRiddell: it looks like Okular's default size got changed since I first tested the defaults, it needs to be +10px20:41
seeleit's enough to cut off the last button20:41
Arbyseele: just the person20:43
ArbyI was looking at your post on testing20:43
Arbyseele: do you only want tests on intrepid or is testing on hardy still useful20:44
seeleArby: it should work in hardy if you adjust the system settings option20:44
seeleit will be interesting to see how many people have changed the the default size on their apps and if they are bigger or smaller20:45
Arbyseele: it does work, I just didn't want to flood the bug report with useless information.20:45
seelesmaller default sizes might be a problem20:45
seeleArby: no its, ok.  if you tested it and the apps are ok, post a comment20:45
Arbyseele: so you want comments for things that look fine as well as things that don't, correct?20:46
seeleit's an arbitrary QA bug, i did the same for kgrubeditor :)20:46
seeleArby: yep20:46
* seele makes a note to clarify that for next time20:46
Arbyseele: I did notice one interesting point20:46
Arbymost of the apps in the 'Internet' section of the menu don't have text at all20:47
seeleyeah, i noticed that for konqueror but the other ones seem ok20:47
seelebut then other people say most of them are configured icons only20:47
Arbycould be I don't know20:47
ArbyI can make a complete list if that would be useful20:48
seeleRiddell: where is the default kde config stored?20:48
seeleArby: yes it would be so i know what to check20:48
* Arby sets to work20:48
Riddellseele: most of it is hardcoded into the code20:51
seelehum.. then i guess i ping pinotree20:52
Riddellseele: something like default app size is often hidden away inside multiple widgets and their sizeHint20:53
=== Githzerai|NotHer is now known as Githzerai
seeleRiddell: pino says he hasnt changed it so i dont know what happened21:03
* seele just needs 10 pixels!21:03
Riddellas I say the width Qt choses is based on lots of factors from the widgets within the app21:06
Riddellseele: if there's a fixed width that's needed it's not hard to set that21:07
seeleRiddell: hmm.. does that mean we can set optimal default sizes for all the apps and not some of the haphazard ones we have now?21:10
seeleThe default system monitor size is stupid21:10
NCommanderRiddell, Qt widgets changed a lot from release to release21:10
NCommanderwell, qt 3 -> 421:10
Riddellseele: I guess so, there's various ways we could do it21:11
seeleRiddell: what's the best way, and what's the easiest way I could do it and send you diffs?21:11
Riddellseele: not sure just now, I'll have to think about it21:12
Riddellseele: if you look in your ~/.kde/share/config/okularrc there's a [MainWindow]21:17
Riddellseele: presumably we need to set the height and width21:17
RiddellI'm not too sure what the State one contains21:17
Riddellit looks like it might need set for every resolution though which is nasty21:18
seeleRiddell: so we ship an rc for all the apps and they aren't autogenerated by the app?21:20
Riddellseele: we ship an rc for any apps where we want to change default settings21:20
seelethat's the way i know how to change app defaults, i didnt know if there was a better way21:20
seeleok, then it becomes easy21:20
seaLnewhat is the rationale behind move-to and copy-to not being enabled by default in dolphin?  i think it is one of the most usefull features21:21
RiddellseaLne: where's that?21:24
seaLneright click on a file21:25
seaLnesettings>general context21:25
Riddellah, I see it21:25
Riddellhmm, I don't find that sort of menu navigation useful myself21:26
Riddellbut as with all these things feel free to presuade us21:26
seaLnemeans you don't have to faff about cuting/copying files then navigating to the new place21:26
seaLnemuch better than the similar send-to in windows as it isn't restricted to where21:27
seaLneits not the sort of thing either that i think could confuse noobs as it seems to me anyway pretty intuative21:28
goatsocksoof... mountmanager is one of the nastiest UIs i've seen in a while21:30
seaLneespecially the "history" of locations in it makes it very simple to move files from say for instance a folder that a certain downloading program places them, into categorised folders21:31
RiddellseaLne: bring it up at the meeting this evening if you'll still be awake21:39
jjessewhat time is the mtg tonight?21:40
JontheEchidna7 EDT21:40
jjessebummer at dinenr w/ a client tonight21:43
seaLneRiddell: sorry i'll be in bed at midnight, its not a big deal21:44
NightroseseaLne: if you remind me i will bring it up21:51
Nightrosei find it useful as well21:52
ArbyRiddell: first attempt at hardy -> intrepid upgrade test fails http://paste.ubuntu.com/4593021:56
Arbycan't launch the update-manager21:56
Arbythis is a clean hardy install with kde4 fully up to date21:57
Arbydefault packages only21:57
Arbyhow do you want to track this, is it worth bug report?21:58
hdevalenceThe package for KDE4 digikam in intrepid is very very very old22:48
hdevalenceso it would be good for it to be updated, if someone has time. sorry if this is the wrong channel, but it seemed logical.22:49
Riddellhdevalence: mm, right22:50
rgreeningbeen mucking around with K-N-M0.7... and using D-Bus monitor to see what's happening. Not much luck so far. The code is undocumented... I hate that. lol23:22
Riddellrgreening: yeah, it's pretty hard to get into I'm sure23:23
rgreeningFor me, I doc the pseudo code and work top down. Beed doing that for 20 years. I can't stand no doc in the code23:24
rgreeninganyway... still gonna hack at knm... not giving up yet :)23:25
rgreeningmaybe the dev will show up by the time I figure out the problem(s) .. lol23:25
blizzzthere are people saying the code is the only doc needed. however, this implies that code is written in an understandable way :D23:26
neversfeldewhats the process to update digikam-kde4, can I help with this?23:26
neversfeldeI am a noob, but seems not to bee so complicated23:26
Riddellneversfelde: I actually have it compiling away here now23:27
Riddellneversfelde: but if you fancy looking into liblensfun that would be good, digikam says it would like to use it23:27
Riddellbut we don't have it packaged23:27
neversfeldeRiddell: will try it23:27
rgreeningblizzz: even if a function appears to be self documenting, it should still be documented. Afterall, its possible what you coded is not actually what you intended. Documenting will help clear that up ahead of time if you are dilligent about it (IMO)23:29
Riddellthe trouble with knm is it's build on the equally undocumented nm23:30
blizzzrgreening: honestly, while coding i seldom have lust to document it, eventually it is a less as possible (perhaps sometimes even less). sure it is a help, but you should name your functions and variable in a way that it is clear what they do.23:31
blizzzon the other side23:32
blizzzQt e.g. is very well documented what i fully appreciate23:32
rgreeningI totally disagree. If coding for yourself...fine. But for a global community, it's rather unfriendly23:32
blizzzrgreening: yepp.  probably it depends on the audience23:33
goatsocksi think the least a dev should do is give a technical overview of the whole system... the details can be left to the code itself23:33
rgreeningfor sure.. though, even if I program for just me, I document as what may seem obvious to me today, might not in 5 years.23:34
yuriyor probably 5 months23:34
blizzzsure as well, know that problem :D23:34
blizzzit's like my handwriting^^23:35
* goatsocks finds stuff he forgot he coded23:35
goatsocksonce i even thought "what ass wrote this?"23:35
rgreeningoh welll.. muh get back to reviewing this spaghetti23:36
goatsockshad another nice networkmanager adventure earlier when i pulled today's update of nm 0.723:40
goatsocksit wouldn't recognize the entry for my default ap anymore23:41
goatsockshad to remove the profile and re-add it23:41
goatsockssmells like another api change23:41
goatsockson the bright side, it seems to connect a little faster23:42
yuriyoh good timing on the meeting. just as I finished algebra and thought aah free for the weekend23:43
apacheloggerRiddell: I think we should do the jackalope discussion last23:45
* JontheEchidna tries to think of discussion points23:47
Riddellapachelogger: why's that?23:47
yuriybecause it could be held indefinitely?23:47
apacheloggerRiddell: because I think right now everything that is even partly intrepidish is more important than jackalope23:48
neversfeldeso I finally googled liblensfun :)23:48
apacheloggervorian: ping23:49
Riddellapachelogger: there's nothing else on the agenda23:49
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, because I can't edit it :P23:49
yuriyyeah, it says immutable page23:50
apacheloggerwe need to discuss some sensible way to triage all bugs related to default applications23:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: do you wanna do a report about kubuntu-bugs + the state of the bugtracker with me?23:50
apacheloggerwe need to discuss what to do about the wiki, because poor apachelogger can't use it and thus can't add agenda points23:50
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I'll put it on the agenda23:50
apacheloggerwe need to discuss whether to make mountmanager part of the default applications because currently we have no mount manager in intrepid23:51
apacheloggerapachelogger needs to talk a bit about upgrade testing, because we need a lot of that23:51
apacheloggeradnt ehn we can talk about jackalope I think :D23:51
apacheloggers/adnt ehn/and then/g23:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: done23:54
NCommanderapachelogger, is the meeting in #ubuntu-meeting?23:54
JontheEchidnaNCommander: email Riddell sent out sez yes23:55
=== Githzerai is now known as Githzerai|Away
RiddellKubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes23:55

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