[00:00] I know way way back it used to be netscape and/or mozaic (moire?) were the main two browsers [00:00] and after that Microsoft put their finger in the pie with Internet Explorer... [00:00] ForgeAus: in school, netscape and altavista were the s**t [00:00] altavista used to be my fav search engine :) [00:01] ForgeAus: it was the best at the time. which is laughable now... [00:01] it was the one that introduced babelfish afaik [00:01] ForgeAus: correct! [00:01] now you just get groowe and you have all in one search engines.. of course theres also the search box in your browser assuming it has one (most do these days) [00:02] ForgeAus: google is awesomely powerful if you know all the 'dorks' [00:02] dorks? [00:03] ForgeAus: essentially parameters that let you search with ninja-like precision [00:03] ForgeAus: google it! [00:03] "this does not seem to be a valid image" does that mean my download was courrpt? [00:04] unclean: most likely [00:04] unclean: you dl'd an iso and cannot mount it? [00:04] possibly unclean [00:04] apparently [00:04] what kind of image was it? [00:04] .iso [00:04] I know it was a CD what but kind of data? [00:04] if it was say a PSP .iso I wouldn't expect kiso to understand it [00:05] (PSP being the games console Playstation Portable) [00:05] its a movie [00:05] ok dvd one? or vcd one? [00:05] k3b should understand it either way [00:05] ForgeAus: i think he's trying to mount without burning [00:05] like a virtual drive [00:06] yeah he was [00:06] erm did [00:06] although mounting a movie on dvd/cd is kinda strange [00:06] im not sure if its VCD or DVD it says NTSC in the file [00:06] wouldn't you want to play it? [00:06] using a media player? [00:06] like Kaffeine or VLC for example? [00:07] i remember in windows i used a program called Daemon tools [00:07] to mount images [00:07] NTSC = never the same colour? hehe kidding [00:07] like games or movies [00:07] then play them w/o the cd [00:07] unclean: what command did you use? [00:07] i just installed Kiso [00:07] thats it [00:07] in KISO it tells me its not a vaild img file [00:08] ign0ramus he used kiso to do the sudo mounting for him [00:08] unclean: i don't know much about kiso. wanna try from the command line? [00:08] sudo mount file.iso /media/isoimage/ -t iso9660 -o loop [00:08] thats what kiso does (via gui) [00:08] will be same issue [00:09] maybe you should try a media player and to PLAY the CD/DVD instead of mounting it? [00:09] ForgeAus: that's what it's *supposed* to do... i have no idea what he's trying to do in the gui. command line is better for trouble shooting [00:09] just refer to the .iso file as the "URI" in your player? [00:10] woudln't that make more sense? [00:10] unclean: i recommend installing vlc if you haven't already [00:10] (if it really is a movie) .... [00:10] either that or it's likely you were right about it being corrupted download... [00:10] I have [00:10] vlc [00:10] ok what happens when you try to use vlc to open the .iso file? [00:10] I just want to play a movie w/o buring it [00:11] in terminal, cd to the directory where your .iso is. then "vlc file.iso". it should play [00:11] unclean thats exactly what I'm trying to do for you.. [00:11] okay i opend the file in vlc [00:11] and if it doesn't it should at least give you some good information as to why it won't [00:12] it's playing? [00:12] ign0ramus too :) [00:12] and... its playing but no image or sound... [00:12] okay it just stopped playing [00:12] uh... that doesn't sound good... [00:12] possibly a corrupt .iso.... === ting is now known as ting_ [00:12] same effect in kaffeine (for replication purposes) === ting_ is now known as ting [00:12] yeah I agree, unless its some kind of codec issue [00:12] but I thought vlc had all the codec's etc... [00:12] ForgeAus: codec issues? in my vlc? :) [00:13] * ForgeAus shrugs [00:13] unclean: you have all restricted codecs and libdvdcss installed? [00:13] yes [00:13] unclean the most likely explaination is what you said, that you have a corrupted .iso file... [00:13] unclean: then it sounds like a corrupt file [00:13] test [00:14] sorry but I don't think we can assist you any further with that lol [00:14] hey ting [00:14] was I supposed to reply to that test? [00:14] unclean: if you have extra blank cd's, you can try to burn it... if it works, then something is wrong [00:14] rofl ign0ramus [00:14] hi forgeaus [00:15] first time here, stll learning... [00:15] anyhow my own possibly corrupted iso is pretty much done so I better check exactly how far its got [00:15] well i did try burning it and nothing picked up the dvd [00:15] ForgeAus: your nick looks decidely french when typed in all lowercase [00:15] hehe true [00:16] i was like 'who is he talking to?' [00:16] the eau thing is frenchish [00:16] like the -eaux suffix [00:16] of course Frenchish should always have a capital F too... [00:16] but I'm not so great with the technicalities of langauge sometimes [00:17] which is odd coming from a poet :) [00:17] yeah, but you have that poetic license to hide behind [00:17] dont vote obama! hes evil like windows! [00:17] SkEmO: *facepalm* [00:17] I aren't going to vote for anyone in an American Election since I'm both in and from Australia [00:18] argh [00:18] unfortunately our elections here are Mandatory... [00:18] ForgeAus: some people have a hard time understanding that there are other people in the world === root is now known as Guest76058 [00:18] we get fined, perhaps even jailed? for not voting... [00:18] well thats why I have the Aus on the end of my nick to assist with that one :) [00:19] ForgeAus: you can't help everyone :) [00:19] doesn't stop me from trying ... sometimes [00:19] however true it may be [00:19] okay I go to open the .iso in KAffenine and it keeps trying to d/l the codec then it says "error codec alrdy installed" then keeps trying forever! [00:19] rofl sounds like kaffeine to me :) [00:20] perhaps it drank too big a dose? rofl [00:20] unclean: kaffeine does that to me too. that's why i use mplayer or vlc. i've never really liked kaffeine, but it's one of those things that's installed by default, so i know most people still have it [00:20] normally I'd expect VLC to handle corruption more gracefulyl than Kaffeine, but that could just be me [00:21] in KDE4 theres Dragon player for video [00:21] I'm not even sure if it still has Kaffeine (DragonPlayer is basically Codein growded up a little) [00:21] ForgeAus: I have that too, but it doesn't seem to have a lot of options (granted, i didn't really look too hard) [00:22] (note my bad English there was on purpose) [00:22] ign0ramus KDE is still relatively new give it time [00:22] ForgeAus: i have a bunch of duplicate apps from when i was testing kde4... i got rid of it, but many of the apps remained [00:22] (in case you didn't understand what the real word should have been instead of growded, try grown :) [00:23] I still have a bunch of dupliate KDE4 apps and I still use KDE3 as my default [00:23] unfortunately Intrepid will be using KDE4 as its default [00:23] perhaps imho a little prematurely, however when the time comes it may not be quite so... we shall see [00:23] ForgeAus: no kde3 Intrepid release? [00:24] afaik there won't be a kde3 intrepid [00:24] ForgeAus: I'm still not ready to use kde4... i haven't tried the latest few versions, but the early ones were just unbearable [00:24] * [pyro] is wondering why his k3b says it can be updated but wont update [00:24] not even a default /.kde (that is kde4) and optional /.kde3 [00:24] Ehh, as long as amarok 2.0 is ready by that time I'm cool with KDE4 being the default. Hopefully nvidia will have fixed their issues with 2D rendering by then too. [00:24] * ForgeAus shrugs pyro, good question [00:25] pyro: i just went through that whole deal. if its saying that some packages were held back, *just leave them* [00:25] <[pyro]> sure [00:25] <[pyro]> i have been :) [00:25] NVidia/ATI drivers can be a real headache in X11 [00:25] I never quite got them working way back in Edgy [00:26] ForgeAus: I actually think that they're sometimes better than Intel graphics. It depends on the card, though. [00:26] Install works perfectly for me, but the current ones have a nasty reputation for having issues with 2D rendering speed on 8 and 9 series cards. [00:26] I kinda feel sorry for unclean, I know how it is to wait for so long to get an .iso when you download a hefty sized file like that only to have it not work due to data corruption :( [00:27] ForgeAus: there's plenty more porn out there. [00:27] ign0ramus your presumptuous! [00:27] besides I was talking about an operating system instead lol :) [00:27] it's just a gut feeling [00:27] at least in that case... [00:28] he said the .iso was a 'movie' [00:28] well it could have been some anime classic like Akira... wait thats not porn is it? [00:28] or "A Beautiful Mind" for all I know... [00:28] if it was, it would be 'hentai' [00:29] <[pyro]> kaira isnt porn no [00:29] <[pyro]> akira* [00:29] ok, when i've gone this far off-topic, its time for me to go [00:29] good chatting, fellas [00:29] I never quite understood the ending of Akira... [00:30] I was fine with it until a little after the big explosion happened... [00:32] Anybody know how ubuntu runs compared to Suse? [00:43] my firefox freezes when I try to open the 3rd window [00:43] Sorry if is a dumb question, but i don't find a way of change the window border! [00:43] ff 2 [00:44] i download some and i don't know how to do it :( [00:46] please some help [00:49] what is ur problem [00:49] i don't know how to change the window border :( [00:49] help [00:50] window border [00:50] i don't like crystal [00:50] what u like [00:51] the window that kubuntu have (crystal) [00:51] how do i change it for another? [00:53] someone knows how to use thunderbird [00:53] Thunderbird? What'do ya wanna know? [00:54] nobody? [00:54] You wanna change the window settings? [00:54] yes i don't like crystal [00:55] Click the K in the corner of your screen, go up above the word actions and click system settings [00:55] i downloaded some of kde-look but i don't see how to install them [00:55] where did you download them from? [00:55] kde-look [00:55] from kde-look.com? [00:55] yes [00:56] window decoration [00:56] Ah. I have yet to install new decorations, so I'm not 100% sure how to do that yet, but I can tell you where to change your window settings to something that's already installed. [00:57] K, system settings, Appearance, then Window Decorations [00:57] I use the Keramic myself, looks pretty out there. [00:57] Denise: what did you need to know about thunderbird? [00:58] i want another keramik, plastik, i don't like them xD [00:58] when i chose the server [00:58] do i put my personal furnisher company or hotmail if it is a hotmail account [00:59] Danu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276109 [01:00] I m dummy tonight [01:00] I'm not sure if Hotmail allows you to setup your email accounts with outside clients. I know with Yahoo! you have to pay for that special priviledge. What's the email account of your company and I [01:00] more than usual I guess [01:00] I'll tell you what to type in. [01:01] I'm happy with crystal decorators and icons generally in Kubuntu although I do mod them heavily and the colourschemes... [01:02] my current one I dub "my blue heaven" since its widgets are a pale-blue based on keramilk's colourtheme [01:02] Denise: http://www.mozilla.org/support/thunderbird/faq#webmail [01:02] only that I used colours from that to lighten the window parts as well [01:02] Denise: Yes. The Webmail extension integrates web site based email accounts into Thunderbird, allowing Thunderbird to download and to send emails using the web site. Some services may require a subscription for this type of access. Current information on the Webmail extension, supported services, and other add-ons for web based email can be found at the WebMail development site. [01:03] its a better blubuntu that the gnome theme for ubuntu called blubuntu is thats for certain hehe :) [01:03] thanks [01:03] I changed all my bars from blue to silver. [01:03] thenks anyway Sixzero [01:03] Six you'll be at home with Oxygen theme from KDE4 then [01:04] Denise: http://webmail.mozdev.org/ This link is the program you'll need to integrate hotmail into thunderbird. I haven't tried it myself yet, but I'm gonna check it out tonight. [01:05] I'm using Crystal SVG icons, Klearlooks widgets, and Keramik window frames. [01:06] Riddell, I have a new kdelibs fix [01:06] I tend to keep hopping back and forth between kde 3 and 4 [01:06] sounds good to me Sixzero [01:06] But the next time I log onto my kde4 session I'll switch it around and see what you were sayin'. [01:08] Btw, has anyone here ever had an issue with their sound coming out as too high of a pitch? Like, if you install a new soundcard, has anyone ever noticed their sound becoming a higher octave than normal on kubuntu 3? [01:14] the printscreen button gives me just one window how do I take a full screenshot? [01:19] alt+printscreen perhaps? [01:20] installing kde again [01:20] i know this will end in heartache [01:20] but i haven't used it yet under hardy, so here's hoping [01:21] (3, not 4. i'm not that much of a masochist!) [01:21] I'm atlking about kde3 [01:21] heartache, Daisuke? [01:22] Sixzero: kde and i have a love/hate relationship === ubuntu_ is now known as djamu [01:22] it loves to make me hate it. [01:22] well, i shall return shortly [01:23] you love to hate it or it hates to love you? [01:23] Daisuke_Ido: Ah, I understand your struggles. I'm still fighting with it. [01:25] alrighty then, i'm back on kde [01:26] this is hideously ugly under kde3 [01:27] bla..bla..bla everyone [01:28] well that's substantially better. forcing 96dpi seems to work much better for the fonts [01:28] Ksnapshot did it, is there a pastebin-like site for pix? [01:28] imageshack.us [01:28] its a png of my desktop, basic one, nothing special... but will give you a clue as to what I meant by my blue heaven :) [01:29] Daisuke_ldo: the printscreen key should open Ksnapshot [01:29] should, but apparently didn't in his case [01:30] you can configure it two ways at least [01:37] ok I think I shrunk it a little too far but this should give you the idea: http://img392.imageshack.us/my.php?image=blueheavensds3.png [01:37] (nothing spectacular just my blue theme [01:38] you can tell by my placement of the "trash" that I'm a former Windows user :) [01:40] I really aught to get myself a kewl non-default blue wallpaper [01:41] Anyone here ever heard of Hulu.com? [01:41] Sixzero: heard of, yes, used, no. [01:41] uh heard of it, I can't remember being there tho [01:41] ForgeAus: looks pretty standard to me [01:42] no kicker visible, but that's about the only real difference i can see [01:42] I just discovered it today on youtube. If you like Fox sitcoms and such, it might be worth a look at. For being completely free with no signing up or anything, it might just be the best video site i've ever seen. [01:42] hehe I autohid my kicker, its blue too [01:42] the non-defaultness is mostly the the widget colours [01:43] Sixzero, problem ive seen with many of those video sites - is that due to 'deals and other things going on' what videos you can watch today.. may radically change in the next week. :( [01:43] Sixzero, so enjoy the vids while you can. :) [01:43] * NCommander turns on the ScottK light [01:44] (keramilk is normally grey or white toobar/menu, etc backgrounds so I made my tabs/controls, etc all blu to mix in with it nicely, so they blend.. other than that and the grey bg for text its pretty much default [01:44] I've been to hulu before I remember that site, it wouldn't let me watch anything because I wasn't from their country [01:44] sorry had to step out, but just tried out ubuntu and have one question [01:45] Sixzero, at least that site tags the 'full movies' :) the wife liked that feature. she was sick of looking for somtning to watch and only finding video clips [01:46] wow you can watch Fringe there! [01:47] hay all in order to get my wireless card to work (ndiswrapper), I have to restart dbus first? is this normal? [01:48] First Video at Hulu i try to watch wants me to login...... [01:48] :) [01:48] it aparently has 'nudity' [01:48] lol, i haven't tried one of "those" yet [01:49] 'bad girls from mars' a old B Sci-Fi movie. :) [01:49] I only just watched an episode of family guy with on 45 seconds worth of commercials. Pretty cool. [01:50] Sixzero, last i checked veoh and Hulu were some how related also. (or making some deals) a lot of the hulu shows ive seen with the Veoh Player app. (windows only) [01:51] shadowhywind: do you have to do it every time you want to use it? [01:51] Sixzero: only on reboots [01:52] shadowhywind: what is your wireless card? [01:52] Sixzero: bcm4312 [01:53] 'the following video is broght to you with limited comercial interuuption by the....' "Ad Council" ? The Gov is buying ads on R movies. :) [01:53] shadowhywind: I've got a linksys card in my compaq box running on that same driver, but it only asked about the dbus once, and that was weeks ago, so i can't recall exactly what it said. [01:53] ah [01:53] the Display settings dialog does not show the "natural" resolution (1600x1050) of my monitor (LG W2242T) [01:54] ofv: what video card are you running on? [01:54] Ati sapphire 3600 [01:54] ofv: is it a radeon? [01:54] yes [01:55] ofv: have you installed drivers for it yet? [01:55] 'native' res. :) You are using the DVI output conection for the monitor? [01:55] dr_willis: yes [01:55] ofv, normally on mymachines - one has to have the ati, or nvidia drivers properly installed, and then it will use the proper res [01:55] Sixzero: it is working "by default". The propietary drivers crashes the machine on startup. [01:56] dr_willis: how can I check that I have the drivers properly installed? [01:57] ofv: I couldn't get the display settings to detect my monitor as anything other than plug and play generic monitor UNTIL I was able to get my radeon drivers properly installed. Problem being is that ubuntu by itself couldnt recognize my monitor, but with the video card drivers (no monitor driver is available for me) it is now able to correctly identify the monitor and its native resolution. [01:58] ofv: hold on a second and I'll give you the link to the drivers you need and the other information you'll need with it. It's kind of a pain, but once you get it going right, it'll be WELL worth it. [01:58] Sixzero: okay, same question as for dr_willis: how to check that drivers are okay? (I'm a novice) [01:58] Well if you said you isntalled them befor and the thing crashed.. thats not a good sign. [01:58] Sixzero: thanks, waiting eagerly :-) [01:59] the main issue is with ati/ubuntu/linux drivers :( and new cards.. often it takes a few weeks/months for the drivers to get updated properly. [01:59] Ive totally given up on ATI cards for the next few years. [01:59] ofv: once you install the drivers, you'll want to open a terminal window and type flgrxinfo. If it talks about Mesa drivers, then it didn't install correctly. If it tells you about ATI drivers, then you're golden. [01:59] !ati [01:59] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [02:00] ubottu: aren't those the drivers available via the Hardware Manager. They crash my computer on startup. [02:00] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [02:00] do I only have to install samba to be able to share folders on the network? [02:01] ofv: is it an HD 3600? [02:01] ofv: lol, you tried to chat with the bot. [02:01] Yes. [02:01] hahaha :-) Novice IRC user too :-) [02:02] ofv: its ok, so am i. [02:02] ofv: These are the drivers you need. [02:02] ofv: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8-8-x86.x86_64.run [02:02] ofv: save it to your desktop and I'll walk you through it. [02:03] Sixzero: AMD64 arch here. [02:03] Sixzero: sorry, I see those are for 64 too. === shadowhywind_ is now known as shadowhywind [02:09] Hardware manager app may not get the 'latest' drivers. (in fact odds are it wont get the latest) [02:09] Theres also the envyng tool that 'might' grab newer drivers and install them for you. [02:09] ofv, failing all this. The next ubuntu release is due out next month. It shold have updated drivers on it. [02:09] Thanks, dr_willis, I'll keep that in mind. [02:10] Sixzero: the file is here. [02:10] Ubntu uses this 'ever 6 mo' the next release comes out. schedule. So often its just easier to wait a bit. (or test out the beta/rc/pre-release versions)) [02:10] ofv: Ok, for the sake of simplicity, I want you to right-click the file you just downloaded, and rename it ati.run [02:11] done [02:11] ofv: i opened a private window so we don't get yelled at for flooding the support channel. [02:15] u shouldn't get yelled for asking questions, that way we all learn, IMO [02:19] howdie folks [02:19] howdy goulde [02:20] what's happening [02:34] tryin to get these vid drivers installed, but they seem to want to fight us === raul is now known as raul__ [02:35] hola [02:36] Hi all. I'm having trouble getting Bluetooth to work properly on my Thinkpad T61 with Hardy. There seems to be no way to associate the laptop with my BT mouse. I also have checked in the System Settings | System Services page, and bluetooth is listed as "not running" despite me clicking "Start". Any tips on how to get it talking properly? [02:38] Hi somebody recommend me a good theme for kde? [02:38] please [02:38] Did you have any luck getting those installed earlier Danu? [02:39] kinda, but i need a good theme [02:39] what theme you guys use? === raylu_ is now known as raylu [02:41] Danu: The default. It's pretty enough for me. :-) [02:41] um.. that's what i use all the time , it's cool but.. [02:44] ok bye thenks, i think i'm gonna stay with the default, it's nice thenks Crell [02:44] OK then... [02:44] Now, about my bluetooth... :-) === CyberSix_ is now known as CyberSix [03:13] help, how do i do to quit the background black in OO.org? [03:13] it's that i installed a theme and put the black [03:14] help [03:14] is anyone else getting this K3B package that wont update?? [03:15] lol [03:15] Danu [03:15] it says its "left back" [03:15] ok ups sorry [03:15] help [03:16] i'm 13 so take it easy [03:16] my bash console is saying : error go to bed [03:16] what does it mean [03:16] help [03:16] hey I m 12 [03:16] is anyone else getting this K3B package that wont update?? [03:17] rkhunter says I have hidden files [03:17] what is it? [03:19] is .initramfs could be the malicious file that always makes my firestarter crash? [03:19] Denise: are you seriously only 12? [03:20] no [03:20] someone knows what that file is for pulse-shm-2793567619 ? [03:20] That would've been rather impressive, for a 12 year old to know their way around this OS [03:20] is anyone else getting this K3B package that wont update?? [03:21] lemme check stud [03:21] thanx [03:22] rkhunter says it is a suspicious file [03:22] I got this message....W: GPG error: http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CB53C4079072870B [03:23] semistud2354: are you getting that message in synaptic or adept? [03:24] adept [03:24] kubuntu hardy heron [03:25] lol...kubuntu hardy heroin [03:25] its that good...lol [03:25] lol === sean is now known as Guest98953 [03:26] I got a lot of failed downloads in synaptic, but no problems in adept, and no updates available.... [03:26] Hi all. I'm having trouble getting Bluetooth to work properly on my Thinkpad T61 with Hardy. There seems to be no way to associate the laptop with my BT mouse. I also have checked in the System Settings | System Services page, and bluetooth is listed as "not running" despite me clicking "Start". Any tips on how to get it talking properly? [03:26] what's the command for updates with apt-get? [03:27] Or more simply, how do I tell Kubuntu to go into discoverable mode, and/or pair with another device? [03:27] what's the name of the default theme!!!!!!!?????? [03:28] hey [03:28] but installing opensource package [03:28] is open to the all world [03:28] it is not secure [03:28] srry bout that [03:28] batt died [03:28] had to plugin [03:29] what's the name of the default theme!!!!!!!?????? [03:29] what theme [03:30] debian simply [03:30] would be more secure === Czessi_ is now known as Czessi [03:32] SUSE? [03:33] and all these chatrooms for help [03:33] can be full of hackers [03:33] OMG [03:35] OPEN SOURCE THE ROOT KIT [03:35] ja ja [03:35] FREE THE WORLD [03:36] FREE THE PIRATES [03:36] FREE DENISE ASS [03:37] lol [03:37] I m freaking [03:37] u need high security level on linux too [03:38] root kits are here!!!!!! [03:38] ok [03:38] going to sleep [03:38] byebye [03:38] whats a good set of software to make a 'torrent server' ? [03:39] WINDOWS 7 [03:39] hey rkhunter is an open source [03:39] download from the web [03:39] who says it is fonctional? [03:40] all those samaritans? [03:40] how do i fix my screen [03:41] like half of my screen is missing from my monitor [03:41] how do i fix it [03:41] GET A NEW MPNITOR [03:41] its not my monitor [03:41] how do i reset the screen config? [03:42] START REMOTE DESKTOP [03:43] wachu mean [03:43] is there any command in sudo i can type [03:43] to restarts my setup [03:43] reboot in safe mode? [03:43] SUDO ./ [03:44] im gonna all uninstall [03:44] and reinstall [03:44] without all the downloaded crap [03:44] Alex135: you'll need a tracker [03:46] half of the windows is missin from my monitor [03:46] and its not my monitor and i i tried settings nothign works [03:46] how do i fix it? [03:47] TRY XCONFIGURATOR [03:48] whats that [03:49] ola pessoal [03:50] lol [03:50] how do i fix it [03:50] its aserious question [03:55] lawl [03:55] pwoplw [03:55] wpesdarf [03:55] ba [03:55] wreb [03:55] aw [03:55] re [03:55] ba [03:55] WS [03:58] how do i restarts my resolution [03:59] for my monitor half of the screen is cut off [03:59] mani213: did you try to reboot in safe mode? [03:59] ye [03:59] mani213: and it still had the same problem? [03:59] ye man [03:59] mani213: what kinda system? [03:59] i ned to fix this so i can work on my stuff [03:59] kubuntu [03:59] what video card are you running, and which version of ubuntu? [04:00] ati 9200 [04:00] i mean the hardware as well [04:00] kubuntu 3 or 4? [04:00] amd 64 athlon [04:00] kubuntu 3 [04:00] i think [04:00] did you just install the drivers for the radeon? [04:00] i had this problem last time and some one told me a command to type in konsole [04:00] and it was fixed [04:02] is the picture blown up so big that you can't see half the screen, or do you see the whole screen, yet half the screen is blank? [04:03] ye things seem to be bigger in size [04:03] then they should be yet my wallpaper is normal size [04:03] nothing blank [04:03] the wallpaper tends to readjust to fit the resolution. [04:03] and i did the setting for my monitor and its fine but some how i need to i guess restart the config [04:03] or setup [04:04] what part of your screen can you see? bottom left, bottom right, top left? [04:04] top left [04:04] same thing with the log in screen [04:04] it was streached [04:04] when i started it [04:05] can you open a terminal window? [04:05] and type systemsettings into it? [04:05] whats terminal window [04:05] konsel [04:05] <[pyro]> konsole [04:05] yeah [04:06] <[pyro]> right click desktop and pick "run command" then type in "konsole" [04:06] <[pyro]> or.. just type "systemsettings" :D [04:06] <[pyro]> short way to it.. [04:06] so type sudo systemsettings? [04:06] yeah, try that [04:06] no, just systemsettings [04:06] right click, pick run command and type systemsettings [04:06] ok i got a screeen [04:07] can you see the display settings? [04:07] ye [04:07] now [04:07] click it and see if you can change your resolution [04:08] tell us what the highest res it tells you is [04:08] !botsnack [04:08] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [04:09] its 1280x768 and refreash is 60 hz [04:09] is that what it's supposed to be? [04:09] ye [04:09] thats what i have for windows [04:10] and windows is fine on my computer [04:10] were you able to change it? [04:10] ye i cant change it [04:10] but no difference [04:10] huh? [04:11] i tried changing it [04:11] its same thing [04:11] images are streched [04:11] man [04:11] mani213: change the resolution to as high as the slider bar will let you...if you cant see the apply button, then after you change the resolution, click the back button and tell us what happens [04:12] It should ask if you want to save the changes, if it does, go ahead and save it [04:12] What model is your monitor, btw? [04:13] 1280x800 [04:14] what about 1280x800? [04:15] screen size the highest it goes is 1280x800 [04:15] Were you able to change it to 1280x800? [04:15] ye man [04:16] but its still streched [04:16] what kind of monitor do you have? [04:16] <[pyro]> mani213: are you talking about your desktop background image? [04:16] samsung 172n [04:16] not background [04:16] my windows [04:16] <[pyro]> so the icons & etc ? [04:16] every thing but the desktop [04:16] ye man [04:17] <[pyro]> ok, on your monitor, do you ahve a button that you can push that will "autoconfigure" so to speak? [04:17] ye i already did it [04:17] doesnt work man [04:17] <[pyro]> can you take a screenshot of your desktop for us? [04:17] <[pyro]> with ksnapshot [04:18] and how [04:19] i have the image saved on my desktop [04:19] how do i send it to you? [04:19] He's telling us that someone gave him a command to type into konsole that was able to correct his problem. [04:19] <[pyro]> stick it on a website [04:19] I just cant think of what it would've been [04:19] <[pyro]> flikr or something [04:19] which website? [04:19] <[pyro]> oh right [04:20] how do i send the while to you [04:20] do you have a website where you put up pictures often? [04:20] i need a website [04:21] photobucket.com [04:21] flikr.com [04:21] both of those would work [04:21] but you gotta sign up for them [04:21] <[pyro]> http://imageshack.us/ [04:22] there you go, do imageshack.us [04:22] can someone point me to a set of instructions showing how to go about replacing kde3 w/ kde4 in kubuntu 8.4? [04:22] <[pyro]> mani213: if someone told you to type in a command in the console, and that fixed your problem previously, check your ~/.bash_history file to see if you can find the command you used. [04:23] *8.04 [04:23] Thanks to ImageShack for [URL=http://imageshack.us]Free Image Hosting[/URL] [04:24] earthsound: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 [04:24] Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

QuickPost border="0"> Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others! [04:24] <[pyro]> mani213: your desktop looks fine [04:25] http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot4dy7.jpg [04:25] <[pyro]> mani213: its your monitor thats not displaying the res properly [04:25] man i tried [04:25] its linux [04:26] thanks, mani213, I did see that. it gives instructions on getting kd4 installed, but just says you can install it alongside kde3. i'm looking for instructions on how to cleanly remove as much as kde3 as possible w/o having to manually go through adept and find all of the kde3 packages. does such a set of instructions exist? [04:26] sorry, thanks kreggz [04:27] Ыыыы [04:27] earthsound: I think the only way to do it is to install the latest version of Kubuntu which is Intrepid i think [04:27] <[pyro]> mani213: if you set your resolution down 1 notch in the config box, does that look normal then? [04:27] earthsound: it still will have some kde3 libs [04:27] <[pyro]> mani213: you may need to restart your x server after changing the res settings [04:27] <[pyro]> its going to be a while before i remove kde3 :) [04:27] русские есть?=) [04:28] ye [04:28] how so [04:28] do i restart the x server [04:28] i think thats what i did last time [04:28] i guess i'll just add kde4 alongside kde3 and log into it separately, then [04:28] <[pyro]> well, you can log out of your session, when you get the login screen up, press CTRL ALT and BACKSPACE and that will restart x server, then login again [04:28] you could also try to go into gnome [04:28] and remove kubuntu [04:29] theres no command that would reset my monitor settings [04:29] and set them up again? [04:29] TRY XCONFIGURATOR [04:30] sudo: XCONFIGURATOR: command not found [04:30] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ [04:30] man x [04:30] i did [04:31] sudo configurator? [04:31] heys guys, how do i add an app to the panel when it doesnt appear in the menu? epiphany web browser to be specific... [04:31] kreggz: i think i found an answer: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3096033.msg138664#msg138664 [04:31] <[pyro]> mani213: try kwin --replace [04:32] apparently, there is a kubuntu KDE 4 Remix [04:32] <[pyro]> mani213: or: /etc/init.d/x11-common restart [04:32] naw it just took and compiz and turned it off [04:32] but, you're right, it's not until 8.10 (intrepid ibex) that it'll be a (mostly) pure KDE 4 [04:32] chown: changing ownership of `/tmp/.X11-unix': Operation not permitted [04:32] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ [04:32] yeah, ive been looking into the a fair bit [04:33] <[pyro]> mani213: sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common restart [04:33] i don't mind have the old kde, just in case I want to test something [04:33] damn my torrent is slow [04:35] * [pyro] looks for a beer [04:38] i feel like beer now [04:38] my linux just frozz [04:38] and it wasnt letting me do anything so i had to restart but my screen is still messed up [04:38] what was the last command u told me [04:40] can someone tell me how udev renames network devices? on boot I see: "udev: renamed network interface eth0 to eth2" but I don't want it renamed [04:40] does anyone here know anything about apparmor profiles? [04:44] what do i do? [04:44] <[pyro]> mani213: sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common restart [04:45] mefisto__: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/udev.htm [04:45] nothing happens man [04:46] it doesnt even ask for my password [04:53] mani213: if you leave out the "restart" on the end, do you get a usage message? [04:54] no [04:54] nothing [04:55] mani213: are you typing it in correctly? [04:55] sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common restart\ [04:55] sudo /etc/init.d/x11-common restart [04:56] is what i typed [04:56] in konsole [04:56] ls /etc/init.d/x11-common [04:57] what? [04:57] in english pls [04:58] what do you mean? [04:58] put this in konsole to see if x11-common is where it should be: ls /etc/init.d/x11-common [04:59] ls /etc/init.d/x11-common [04:59] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ ls /etc/init.d/x11-common [04:59] /etc/init.d/x11-common [05:00] mani213: what are you trying to do exactly? [05:00] im trying to fix my screen [05:00] half of its missing yet the back grounds perfect [05:00] everyt hings streched [05:01] and no its not my monitor and ic hecked the settings on linux [05:01] have you made some changes and need to restart X? [05:01] i restarted 50 times [05:01] its been liek this since 3 days now [05:01] what happened 3 days ago? [05:01] like the screen became sctreched [05:01] iconcs words windows [05:02] yet background is perfect [05:02] <_2> "reboot will fix anything" [05:02] and how do i do that? [05:03] you could try reconfiguring xserver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [05:04] maybe backup your xorg.conf [05:04] im a noob [05:04] <_2> !nv [05:04] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:04] so i dont know how this works [05:04] try going through this guide then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [05:04] <_2> kreggz dpkg-reconfigure makes a backup [05:05] so what should i do [05:05] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ ls /etc/init.d/x11-common [05:05] /etc/init.d/x11-common [05:06] <[pyro]> mani213: read that howto [05:06] _2: ok cool [05:08] its madd wierd [05:08] what ever i type it says not found [05:08] mani213: everything ok? if you find that hard and you have a nvidia/ati card you can download envy-ng [05:08] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ sudo aticonfig [05:08] sudo: aticonfig: command not found [05:09] do you have an ati card? [05:09] ye [05:09] ati [05:09] go to the terminal and type sudo apt-get install envy-ng [05:09] * mr---t- waves to _2 [05:10] @mani213-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install envy-ng [05:10] Reading package lists... Done [05:10] Building dependency tree [05:10] Reading state information... Done [05:10] E: Couldn't find package envy-ng [05:10] thats cause i gave you the wrong package name [05:10] sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-gtk [05:10] mani213: have you installed the restricted driver? look in Kmenu > system > hardware drivers [05:10] <_2> shalom mr---t- i have a full pipe and am lagging about 4 minutes right now... [05:11] lol, he said pipe [05:11] whats a restricted driver ? [05:11] a driver which is restricted [05:11] freeRag: not free, open source [05:11] It's a driver that can't be released with the ubuntu package because it's closed source [05:11] ha just that [05:12] it shows [05:12] otherwise known as proprietary [05:12] two components [05:12] thats are enabled [05:12] yep download them both [05:12] damn linux frolks always renaming and rebrading stuff [05:13] how do i find the md5 of a dvd? [05:13] mani213: if one of them is your video card, then you have the driver installed [05:13] i cant download them it just shows whats being used [05:13] naw [05:13] no video driver [05:13] i dont think so [05:13] do you know how to open synaptic mani213 [05:13] nope [05:13] mani213: so what are the 2 things enabled? [05:13] im new to this [05:13] in the terminal type sudo synaptic [05:13] i see atheros hardware and a wireless lan card [05:13] tony_: there are small utilities on the internet that can show you. it's easiest to search it in google or download one from a torrent [05:14] tony_: you're looking for the checksum, right? [05:14] <_2> not sudo with gui apps kreggz [05:14] i googled. only one came up and it didn't work [05:14] Sixzero: yes [05:14] can i install kubuntu on windows add remove programs ? [05:14] works for me ;) [05:14] <_2> !kdesudo | everyone! [05:14] everyone!: In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [05:14] !sudo [05:14] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE) [05:15] so ye what do i do now? [05:15] ouch [05:15] type kdesu synaptic [05:15] <_2> !worksforme | kreggz [05:15] kreggz: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/ [05:15] ;( [05:15] can i install kubuntu on windows add remove programs ? [05:16] freeRag: yes [05:16] so do i need to install a video driver now? [05:16] to usb ? [05:17] <_2> kreggz and don't get discurraged. remember i'm lagging so my posts will appear out of sequense. [05:17] tony_: check private message [05:17] _2 thats ok, I'm learning things all the time [05:17] mani213: do you have synaptic open now? [05:18] whats synaptic? [05:18] main213: type kdesu synaptic [05:18] <_2> i.e. to see what i'm responding to read maybe the top line of your screen and then my post ;/ [05:19] mani213: it is a graphic utility to install programs [05:19] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ kdesu synaptic [05:19] sudo: synaptic: command not found [05:19] <_2> i think the transfer just finished.... maybe i'm not lagging now... [05:19] its not found on my computer [05:19] :S [05:19] so i need to download it ? [05:19] mani213: are you having a joke with me?? [05:19] so kubuntu can redistribute the proprietary driver ? [05:19] what do you mean? [05:19] <_2> mani213 you can but don't need to kdesudo adept [05:20] i though synaptic came standard, maybe it doesn't... [05:20] kreggz: hes been here 4 ever trying the helpers patience [05:20] <_2> freeRag under special rules yes. [05:20] when i type in kdesu synaptic it says not found [05:20] ok, type sudo apt-get install synaptic [05:20] kdesu apt-get nvidia [05:20] everytime i change my system colors KWD crashes causing a 11 (SIGSEGV) error, how do i fix this? [05:21] sudo apt-get nvidia [05:21] <_2> freeRag ^ install [05:21] <_2> key word missing. [05:21] good evening guys [05:21] sd32: report the bug [05:21] <_2> Darkhound [05:21] i'm on kde 4.1. how do i tell where my dvd is at? it just says dvd in Dolphin. like /dev/dvdrom, etc? [05:22] tony_: is another one [05:22] freeRAg why did you insult me [05:22] i dont like you [05:22] tony_: I think it might be in /media [05:22] how do i get my windows decorations back? [05:22] ok [05:22] its done installing [05:22] and what have i done to you lol? [05:22] <_2> sd32 http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=de3eb87a [05:22] mani213: did you install synaptic or nvidia? [05:22] you barked [05:23] <_2> sorry tony_ ^ [05:23] _2: thanks [05:23] synaptic [05:23] <_2> sd32 miscued sorry. [05:23] <_2> tony_ http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=de3eb87a [05:23] kreggz: it keeps telling me it's a directory, not a dvd [05:23] :-0 [05:23] mani213: ok type kdesu synaptic [05:23] _2, thanks [05:23] tony_: if you want to use the graphical interface there is a widget you can add [05:24] <_2> tony_ there is a kde4 specific channel #kubuntu-kde4 [05:24] Hello I am a C language student in windows I was using turbo C++ compiler for my studies but now I am in kubuntu I don't know which will be nice for me? [05:24] yo this is the same as adept manager [05:24] <_2> !info gcc | valentinex [05:24] valentinex: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.62ubuntu6)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.2.3-1ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB [05:24] is that what you were asking for [05:25] mani213: do a search for envy-ng [05:25] kreggz: what widget is that? [05:25] <_2> valentinex install the package build-essential and it will pull in most every thing you need [05:25] <_2> valentinex you might want to look at kdevelop too [05:26] tony_: new device notifier [05:26] <_2> !info kdevelop > valentinex [05:26] valentinex, please see my private message [05:26] _2: thanks trying :D [05:27] tony_: add it from the task bar not the desktop [05:27] and at long last, I get my laptop up and running again [05:27] * twylight blows the dust off the keyboard [05:27] you can but it isn't as convenient [05:28] i see envy-core [05:28] and envy-qt [05:28] get the gtk one [05:28] can i get em all [05:28] core gtk and qt? [05:28] just get gtk [05:28] _2: sorry I am new to kubuntu where to install that? build-essential [05:29] O.o Su returned with an error [05:29] how do I fix that [05:29] twylight: use sudo [05:30] not in the console [05:30] then again, I'm using 6.06.1 [05:30] <_2> !dpkg | valentinex [05:30] valentinex: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [05:30] <_2> !adept | valentinex [05:30] valentinex: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [05:30] okay its downloading 5% done [05:30] twylight: Ijust joinedthe chat,what are ya trying to do? [05:30] <_2> there. see the link ^ [05:31] whenever I try to run an application using kdesu it fails, and says [05:31] Su crashed with an error [05:32] <_2> !kdesudo | twylight [05:32] twylight: In KDE, use « kdesudo » (Gutsy) or « kdesu » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) [05:32] _2: thanks :o [05:32] <_2> twylight also if you need to test sudo's functionality. in a konsole run sudo echo boo if it boo's at you it's working [05:32] ok..... [05:32] this is messed up [05:33] half the time it works [05:33] and the other half it makes my pointer go all screwy [05:33] <_2> that sounds somewhat like a vidio driver glitch [05:33] mani213: When you get envy, find it in the K menu. Once in the program download the ATI drivers [05:34] <_2> !envy [05:34] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [05:34] twylight: is it the bug listed on the bottom of the page ubottu gave? [05:34] nope [05:34] ok [05:34] mani213: this may help you with your problem... no guarantees [05:34] never mind it, I've got it fixed [05:34] okay man [05:35] thanks for the help [05:35] i wasted a good value of your time [05:35] ubottu: thanks for the link chap, good to know [05:35] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [05:35] mani213: doesn't matter I'm not doing anything important ;) [05:35] <_2> !welcome | bobito [05:35] bobito: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! [05:36] _2: are you a bot? [05:36] <_2> yes [05:36] cool [05:36] do you guys get paid for helping ppl like me? [05:36] <_2> but only on tuesdays [05:36] mani213: yeah it's pretty good money 100k a year [05:36] <_2> mani213 not a cent [05:36] <_2> !help [05:36] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [05:36] lol [05:36] robots don't get paid [05:36] <_2> !patience [05:36] The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines [05:36] oh ok ok [05:37] <_2> there it is. [05:37] !irrelevance [05:37] Sorry, I don't know anything about irrelevance [05:37] !anything [05:37] So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. [05:37] that's as much as I'm going to abuse ubotu [05:37] <_2> !botsnack [05:37] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [05:37] i like linux i just dont know it that well [05:37] !spam [05:37] Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu ): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense... [05:37] but im happy to use it [05:38] i had enough with windows [05:38] !windows [05:38] For discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents [05:38] mani213: i know how you feel [05:38] <_2> mani213 that's what brought most of us here [05:38] what happened to the message of dealing with insanity? [05:38] or was I always too intoxicated to deal with that? [05:39] what do you think of apple osx? [05:39] hehe [05:39] !botabuse [05:39] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [05:39] my message of dealing with insanity = "sometime insanity is the sanest choice" [05:39] then again I also tend to say "confusion is my natural state" [05:40] mani213 :) nice attitude [05:40] <_2> ForgeAus when someone says to me "oh, you are from the states, which one?" i normally answer "confusion" [05:40] lol [05:40] mani213: hit alt-F2 and type in: krandrtray [05:40] I don't know much about apple OSX either, but I am an equal opportunity OS enthusiast :) [05:41] in adept, how do I get the list from the universe and multiverse? [05:41] ye this sets your screen size [05:41] its spelled confucious [05:41] mani213: that will give you an icon that lets you change screen resolution [05:41] <_2> !repos > twylight [05:41] twylight, please see my private message [05:41] ye same thing thats in settings [05:41] i tried t already didnt really work for me [05:42] ahh its part of kde3.5.10 kewl :) I had it and I didn't even know! [05:42] (krandrtray I mean) [05:42] I always loved quickres :) [05:42] ForgeAus: it comes with the kcontrol package [05:42] am only here 'cause i put 3.5.9 on my desktop [05:42] <_2> gx009 the oriental philosopher ? [05:43] its a phylosophical .rpm [05:43] man if i cant fiz this ima fix it tom i gata go sleep wake up class tom:S [05:43] * ForgeAus thinks an .rpm is alien :) [05:43] 2, I am using 6.06 [05:43] OLD version on a craptop [05:44] usually ppl ask me what osx im runnin when they see linux on my laptop [05:44] <_2> twylight dapper here too [05:44] mani213: has anyone asked to paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? [05:44] makes sense mani :) [05:44] so what osx are you running rofl :) [05:44] no [05:44] I need to get some packages to turn this thing into what I need it to do [05:44] i dont think so [05:44] <_2> twylight if the page doesn't still contain the link for dappet i'll see if ican find you something [05:45] <_2> dapper [05:45] im a noob :( [05:45] I'm triplebooting 10.4.5 Tiger, Kubuntu 8.04 LTS, and XP Home... =) [05:45] I remember all I had to do was type in something in konsole but apparently not [05:45] something like sudo apt-get update [05:45] mani213: can you copy the contents of that file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf) at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and then tell us the url [05:46] twylight sudo apt-get update will just refresh your list of packages [05:46] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ /etc/X11/xorg.conf [05:46] bash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied [05:46] mani213@mani213-desktop:~$ [05:46] to install one you use sudo apt-get install [05:46] <_2> twylight here's a list of dapper sources. http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/?show=d7085814b [05:46] (or adept if you wish to do it graphically) [05:46] ... && apt-get upgrade [05:47] forge, I know how to do this, the problem is getting the list of packages to start with [05:47] gx009 or dist-upgrade :) [05:47] this install is incredibly broken and I'm trying to get it up to speed [05:47] mani213: to open the file: kwrite /etc/X11/xorg.conf [05:47] <_2> twylight oops "restricted" is not on any of those. you can add it to each execpt the backports [05:48] i just installed envy [05:48] twylight I'd suggest if you have something like dapper that you forget updating "THIS" install and just download a hardy .iso and start from there [05:48] !envy [05:48] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [05:48] this laptop is from 1999 [05:48] becasue dapper -> edgy -> feisty -> gutsy -> hardy is a LONG path [05:48] <_2> twylight kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list [05:48] it's an old P3 IBM thinkpad [05:48] mani213, open it from the k menu [05:49] it ssays [05:49] envy doesnt support my card [05:49] and foes recognise it [05:49] :S [05:49] doesnt* [05:50] hardy won't run on this, I tried [05:50] dapper is the only secure version that runs [05:50] twylight: what model? [05:50] I've no idea [05:50] what card DO you have mani213? [05:50] and what kinda issue? [05:50] ati 9200 [05:50] er.. it should say on it ;p [05:50] AHHH !! :| [05:50] main213: so you tied to install the ATI driver? [05:50] !ati [05:50] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [05:50] ye [05:50] I'm not flipping this thing over [05:50] <_2> twylight each repo has a common look and feel about it. "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main universe multiverse restricted" <<< the type. the url the codename (dapper) the section/s all ubuntu sources.list files have that look and feel. and anything starting with # is ignored. [05:50] Why does Kubuntu have to be so AWESOME!! :( [05:51] mani213: I had that card until a few days ago. wait and I'll find a link for you [05:51] twylight: should be on the front. on the bar with the indicator lights [05:51] iSeries [05:51] ok [05:51] is what I can see [05:51] twylight: thats a start.. [05:51] Ubuntu I just hope it will remain so awesome when KDE4 becomes default [05:51] what kinda issues? [05:51] <_2> twylight you might want to note that for future refferance ^ [05:52] I'm juggling a few different things here... [05:52] (which is about to happen with Intrepid [05:52] mani213: https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run [05:52] what do i open it with [05:52] twylight: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Template:I_Series would be a start [05:53] when i click the link its asking what i wana use to open it [05:53] I figured out the problem 2 [05:53] what should i click [05:53] ? [05:53] save it to desktop [05:54] my installer fuxxored the repos, commenting out every single one [05:54] doesnt let me save [05:54] i can only open it [05:54] <_2> twylight good half the job of fixing is finding the error [05:54] with a program but its asking which program [05:54] mani213: can we see your xorg.conf? type this: kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf then paste that at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [05:54] I uncommented them [05:54] let's see if I fixed it [05:55] <_2> twylight have to close any package manager and reopen [05:55] restart adept [05:55] <_2> yep [05:55] mani213: right-click the link, copy to clipboard, and paste it into your web browser [05:55] aaand [05:55] <_2> update [05:55] http://paste.ubuntu.com/45631/ [05:56] <_2> update package list twylight what ever it's called in adept [05:56] * _2 only uses apt [05:56] I'm having a little trouble getting java netbeans to work [05:56] my kubuntu bar rearranged itself, and a bunch of windows rearranged themselves [05:57] <_2> !netbeans [05:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about netbeans [05:57] <_2> !java > Colonel_Panic [05:57] Colonel_Panic, please see my private message [05:57] that should repair itself when I restart [05:58] kdesu doesn't like my laptop, methinks [05:58] oh wait... now it's working! [05:58] <_2> twylight don't forget that any thing you do in kde you have to "apply changes" as a general rule. [05:58] kool beans [05:58] I know [05:58] <_2> no net beans [05:59] <_2> :) [05:59] I think kubuntu dislikes my little nubmouse device [05:59] net beans ? [05:59] mani213: looks like your video card hasn't been detected [05:59] ye [05:59] so what should i do [05:59] !panic | mani213 [05:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about panic [05:59] <_2> twylight could be the wrong protocal you might want to check the xorg.conf [05:59] ( [05:59] go to ati main site [06:00] mani213: did you paste that link into your web browser [06:00] and install the driver? [06:00] mani213: that was the link to the driver [06:00] we have sources [06:00] I repaired the issue [06:00] yeye [06:00] its downloading [06:00] to my desktop [06:00] next issue, the mouse [06:01] mani213: is your computer new? [06:01] <_2> !helpersnack | twylight sorry there isn't a fixer snack [06:01] twylight sorry there isn't a fixer snack: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! [06:01] when it gets done, tell us and I'll walk you through it. I did it earlier for another dude and it worked like a charm. [06:01] naw 5 years old [06:01] thanks [06:01] I love linux for this reason [06:01] challenges, problems to solve [06:01] kk [06:01] alright im heading off, sounds like Sixzero has a good plan [06:02] linux kicks ass [06:02] _2: what? kubuntu don't support netbeans? [06:02] <_2> twylight and the freedom to change things without breach of contract. [06:02] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans [06:02] okay, my available packages have jumped from 914 to 18525 [06:02] I don't care about contracts [06:02] but I hate paying for things :P [06:03] mani213: do you have tvout on your card? [06:03] <_2> valentinex ? Colonel_Panic said he got netbeans working a minute ago and said "cool beans" to which i replied "no, net beans" [06:03] naw naw [06:04] as soon as I get back into this system, and it's been almost a year [06:04] christ, a whole year [06:04] I got arrested for something stupid [06:04] been trying to get my laptop back online [06:04] mani213: ok, go with Sixzero's suggestion [06:04] it was in a very bad way [06:04] netbeans isn't necessarily necessary... I mean theres other options for the most part, like eclipse and/or kdevelop for example [06:04] why anyone needs java ? [06:04] <_2> twylight i hate to know that anything i do will make me a liar. and if you click the "i accept" on a M$ EULA then almost anything you do will make you a liar... so i don't do windows. [06:05] i installed envy so how do i uninstall it now so i dont waste hard drive space? [06:05] _2: :)) ok [06:05] EULA is an acronym for Eh? Ur Life Assimilated! [06:05] besides lspci whats a command to show all detected devices in the machine? [06:06] lshw [06:06] !fail [06:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about fail [06:06] <_2> twylight i though it meant "Eew U want me to agree to that Lol All the way to linux" [06:07] mani213: go in synaptic, search for ngenvy and checked all the green boxes and tell them to uninstall completely [06:07] it has various meanings [06:08] sudo apt-get remove --purge envyng-core envyng-gtk envyng-qt [06:08] Evil Undead Lawyer Attack [06:08] <_2> !info envyng [06:08] Package envyng does not exist in hardy [06:08] <_2> !envy [06:08] envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk [06:08] mani213: sudo apt-get remove --purge envyng-core envyng-gtk envyng-qt [06:08] ok [06:09] i love the linux EULA namely the USE AT YOUR OWN RISK bit [06:09] i just went to adept manager and removed it [06:09] how about the windows UELA: Use at the risk of everyone around you [06:10] <_2> freeRag i love the fact that it's "your" software. not "you have the right to use OUR software, as long as you do what we say do with it" [06:10] did it finish downloading mani? [06:10] 2 [06:10] it's more like everyone's software [06:11] linux is the hippie/commie OS, minus the opression. (The drugs are optional) [06:11] opression? [06:11] niite all [06:11] nite t [06:12] <[pyro]> NIGHT FOOL! [06:12] <[pyro]> ;) [06:12] <_2> fire [06:12] i love waxing hippie/commies [06:13] can I ask a n00b question [06:13] <_2> firewall_03 another one ? [06:13] shoot [06:13] <_2> you just asked one.... [06:14] thanks, I am having trouble getting my wifi card to work with 7.04 its a Dlink Dwl-G650 I went to #ubuntu but there a bunch of douche bags [06:14] people are nicer in #kubuntu than #ubuntu? [06:14] the ati driver finished downloading [06:14] please don't use offensive language like that in here, we're only here to try to help [06:14] what steps do i take now [06:15] twylight I wasn't referring to you guys but ok [06:15] mani213: Ok, right click the file you just downloaded, and rename it to ati.run [06:15] <_2> firewall_03 heh some of the same folks here... so lets not call names... but is this wireless ? [06:15] hippie/commies = trols [06:15] yes it is [06:16] okay [06:16] now [06:16] mefisto__: yup that's why I left ubuntu >:) [06:16] <_2> !wifi | firewall_03 see if anything here helps [06:16] _2 I went to the site and looked through a lot of the DOCS [06:16] firewall_03 see if anything here helps: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [06:16] _2 already read through some of that didn't help my cause [06:16] ypu need MADwifi [06:17] <_2> firewall_03 i'm not well versed in wifi so i doubt i'll be of much help. maybe someone that has a wifi and hopefully a dlink will step up. [06:17] freeRag ok do I have to download my old install cd or would just downloading it work [06:18] what do i do now [06:18] HELP!| [06:18] HELP! [06:18] mani213: now, open a console window [06:18] fireup kdesu [06:18] ok [06:18] anyone know how i make kmail sit in the tray instead of closing when i hit close? [06:18] it used to do that, but since my reinstal it just exits [06:19] mani213: now in the console window, type cd Desktop [06:19] anyone here has any experiend with lightning on thunderbird? [06:19] i cant seem to find out how to make it send an invitation to atendees [06:19] bash: cd: Desktop: No such file or directory [06:19] mani213@mani213-desktop:~/Desktop$ [06:19] no go to mozzilas irc [06:19] freeRag just download madwifi [06:20] mani213: ok, you're already there then [06:20] mani213: type sudo sh ati.run [06:20] ok === Darkhound is now known as Darkhound- === Darkhound- is now known as Darkhound [06:20] so when ever i wana install a file thats what i type then file name? [06:20] wtf... somone has my nick registared here [06:21] what is nickserv? [06:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/45639/ [06:21] i got an error [06:21] <_2> Darkhound /msg nickserv help [06:21] I wouldn't be surprised if somebody did [06:21] i guess there is another darkhound on this IRC server [06:21] <_2> Darkhound nickserv is an irc service provided by freenode [06:22] i got this [06:22] i am new to all this [06:22] you might want to try some alternate name, like "Dimdog" or something [06:22] [Notice] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify . [06:22] use hellgod [06:22] <[pyro]> lol [06:22] its free [06:22] <_2> Darkhound then i'd say "if you didn't register that name, you better find another" [06:23] <[pyro]> Darkhound: /nick DarkerHound ;) === Darkhound is now known as Darkhound- [06:23] <_2> Darkhound /nick VeryDarkHound [06:23] lol [06:23] mani213: Hmm, that's weird [06:24] <[pyro]> DarkestHound [06:24] well lol thanks guys [06:24] this is my 1st day here and my 1st day on linux [06:24] everything is new [06:25] <_2> well i'm going to piddle around a bit while i have the free time. if anyone needs me.... ah.... i'll finish that thought after while. [06:25] How do I have kubuntu mount a previously created /home dir from another hard disk? [06:25] I am having trouble getting my wifi card to work with 7.04 its a Dlink Dwl-G650, and I have read through a lot of the docs ubuntus page [06:25] What's this guy missin, y'all..... [06:25] Architecture: i686 (32-bit) [06:25] X Server: unable to detect [06:25] Darkhound-: do you know the linux easter egg ? [06:26] Darkhound-: type in term sudo ./ [06:26] theres only one? [06:26] you mean super user [06:26] Hello I want to reset my OS fonts etc all sizes how to do this? [06:26] sudo is the program that lets you run apps as sup[eruser, yes [06:26] mani213: are you still here? [06:27] uh I got command not found [06:27] if you want to run a kde app as superuser, use kdesu [06:27] term is a command? [06:27] <_2> ForgeAus x-terminal-emulator is. [06:28] xterm is yes [06:28] <_2> ForgeAus and sudo -i or who ever needs a root shell [06:28] xterm is a terminal app, yeah [06:28] and terminal (or terminal.app konsole roxterm etc) [06:28] yaquake [06:29] kornshell [06:29] <_2> x-terminal-emulator [06:32] How to install netbeans? I got it in .sh extension [06:32] sudo apt-get install netbeans [06:33] valentinex, you a Java developer? [06:33] anyone here good with wifi/network managers? [06:33] Colonel_Panic: no new I am new to learn. [06:33] eclipse. [06:33] well netbeans is a development environment for Java [06:33] it's for developing Java apps [06:33] i need to get my wifi configured better... it always connects at 1mb, but my router is close and before the reinstlal i could get 54mb all the time [06:34] lol [06:34] Colonel_Panic: so which I should use to learn java language? :-s [06:34] valentinex: both will do you just fine [06:34] use mono [06:34] hehe [06:34] freeRag: you're kidding, i hope [06:35] mono is an attempt to implement the microsoft .NET framework on UNIX [06:35] still very glitchy at the mo [06:35] hence my response. [06:35] i use gambas [06:35] valentinex: netbeans will be fine for you [06:35] netbeans looks pretty nice, I must say [06:36] Daisuke_Ido: ok :) [06:36] I'm having trouble locating my jdk directory [06:36] jave is great if your into trojans [06:36] java is great if your into trojans [06:36] freeRag: :)) [06:36] it's not in /usr/local [06:37] whats so funny ? [06:37] try etc/usr/local [06:38] I'm more of a Lifestyles guy myself [06:39] your an idiot but thats beside the point [06:39] :-s wewkz [06:41] there is no /etc/usr/local [06:41] colonel, do you know how lighnigh works? [06:42] try var/usr/local [06:42] freeRag, if you don't have anything constructive to say, please just don't say anything at all [06:43] constructive ? [06:43] roflol [06:44] if you r looking for constructive why did you come to irc ? [06:45] certainly not to converse with pathetic trolls in #kubuntu [06:45] lol seems this freerag is a bithasty === xiii is now known as darkened === darkened is now known as cknowles [06:46] folks now days only come to irc to get profiled by the NSA [06:48] ubottu: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [06:48] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [06:48] :D intelligent bor [06:48] bot* I thought human [06:48] oi === _2 is now known as Agent_bob [06:48] How can I completely get rid of lirc and all settings for a completely fresh install? [06:48] Daisuke_Ido: indonesian? [06:48] no [06:49] Japanese? [06:49] its" i do suck in" indonesian [06:50] enough. [06:50] !ops | freeRag [06:50] freeRag: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01! [06:50] cknowles sudo apt-get --purge remove lirc and remove it's local config file, probably in ~/.kde/share/config/ [06:50] !ops Daisuke_Ido [06:50] personal insults, insulting a language someone wants to learn, absolute unhelpful attitude... [06:50] Sorry, I don't know anything about ops daisuke_ido === sheik is now known as sheik_ [06:50] freeRag: >:) [06:50] let us be civil [06:51] Daisuke_Ido, what's the problem? [06:51] You want to uninstall IRC? [06:51] wait what? [06:51] i'm not uninstalling anything [06:52] cknowles was asking about removing lirc [06:52] (IR remote control interface) [06:52] oh sorry [06:52] anyone knows how to change chatroom? still newbie.............. [06:52] I'm in like 4 channels at once here, trying to get help with this problem [06:53] sheik_: type /j and then the room ame [06:53] name* [06:53] sheik_: /join [06:53] for example /j #kubuntu [06:53] ah right /join ... depends on your chat client [06:53] Colonel_Panic: what's the issue? [06:53] anyone familiar with lightning? [06:54] i am trying to send an event ot some atendees but it does not seem to work [06:54] okay but waht are the different channel? [06:55] sheik_: go to the server window for this server and type: "/list" [06:56] brb [06:56] Anyone know why I can't connect to my wireless, but any other one seems to work? [06:56] where is the server window(sorry)? [06:56] what client are you using? [07:05] silence === AlpineWolf is now known as edwinmmoore === edwinmmoore is now known as EdwinMoore === EdwinMoore is now known as edwinmmoore === edwinmmoore is now known as edwinmmoore_ [07:16] Darkhound-: my experience with lightning is that it doesn't work properly. did you install it from repos, or d/l from mozilla? [07:16] from repos === edwinmmoore_ is now known as edwinmmoore [07:31] good night [07:38] hi [07:38] hi [07:39] did it quiet down in here or somethin? [07:39] roflol [07:40] i guess they are shifting rounds [07:40] no, but i dont have anything to say [07:40] and this room isn't all about chatter anyway ;p [07:40] Happens.. if there are no questions, then no answers. [07:41] were did i put my glasses? [07:41] It just seemed to get a lil crazy earlier, hard to keep up for a irc noob like me [07:42] lots of noob in here today roflol [07:42] ive only meet noobs today [07:42] I looked up a copy of Ubuntu at Best Buy today and they wanted $20 for it. I wonder who makes the money off of it? [07:43] Canonical? === global_ is now known as global__ [07:43] no the kids that burn it [07:44] hi all [07:44] is it normal, that kpdf can't read/fill pdf forms? [07:45] freeRag when is a fellow no longer a noob ? [07:45] try xpdf [07:45] Agent_bob: good question. [07:45] i dont know [07:46] I mean, there's always gonna be something that we don't know === global__ is now known as global_ [07:46] but everyone i talked said they were noobs === global_ is now known as global__ [07:46] * Agent_bob is a noob only been using linux for 9 years... [07:46] хеллоу алл, есть Java программеры проконсультироваться? [07:47] I'm a nux noob. :( [07:47] !ru [07:47] Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke [07:47] well i reckon in this channel you'd have to be knoob [07:48] yeah [07:48] I've got one for ya, agent bob. [07:48] Agent_bob Opps, missing chanel =) [07:48] Ever had a problem with your audio in kubuntu being an octave too high in pitch? [07:49] Heretic_spb all i know is i can't parley with you in russian [07:49] Sixzero umm only a few mp3's that had a strange bitrate [07:49] Agent_bob =) [07:50] I just set up a dual boot with xp. I need to sync my ipod with itunes from XP, (i really dont like the music players for linux) anyhow...I need to be able to access my music folder in ubuntu from xp. any advice [07:51] backup 1st [07:51] C0L7 yeah ext2fs driver for windarz [07:51] tried that [07:51] it didnt work? [07:51] ok then ##windows [07:52] thanks [07:52] np [07:54] C0L7 ntfs-3g linux driver that would let you copy the files to ntfs from linux also both linux and M$ can natively read/write vfat file systems. maybe make a small share fs of vfat format [07:55] fat32 prolly ^ [07:55] Agent_bob: i need to get the new posted rooktik that uses the kernel debugin features and distribute it using bitorrent can you help me ? [07:55] freeRag lol [07:56] freeRag get all your warez at [07:56] :) [07:56] whats that means ? [07:57] nice Agent_bob [07:57] what are warez ? [07:57] You're kidding, right? [07:58] im talking about worms trojans virus the stuff hackers do [07:58] freeRag if you are truely ignorant. checkout wikipidia.org and search "rootkit" and "warez" [07:58] else i've said all i'm going to about it. [07:58] fi [07:59] fi ? [07:59] if ;then ;else ;fi [07:59] just closing the if statement [07:59] whatever [08:00] no parley foreigner with me pls [08:02] freeRag: can't kpdf open pdf forms or is there an extention for it? [08:02] noaXess yes kpdf is for pdf format [08:02] ![df [08:02] Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T [08:02] !pdf [08:02] pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source) [08:02] Agent_bob: i mean, read and fill pdf forms.. [08:03] if i open one, that should be a pdf form, kpdf gives me no option to fill in the form fields.. [08:03] noaXess oh write to... i don't know, i never liked pdf [08:03] i know what pdf is.. [08:03] i use acrobat reader 6 [08:03] freeRag: for lnx [08:03] ? [08:04] xpdf [08:04] !acroread [08:04] Sorry, I don't know anything about acroread [08:04] !info acroread [08:04] Package acroread does not exist in hardy [08:04] hmmm [08:04] there is a linux version [08:05] !medibuntu [08:05] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org [08:06] noaXess: acrobat is in medibunt === Darkrift2 is now known as DarkriftX === sizzle is now known as sizzle__ === sizzle__ is now known as sizzle [08:12] hi [08:14] hi [08:16] i will try xpdf.. [08:16] noaXess: try Okular [08:17] emilsedgh: on kde4 i have okular.. but just on kde3.. will try xpdf first.. [08:17] hm [08:20] emilsedgh: ok.. okular will be the choice, also in kde3 :) [08:21] why can't kpdf fill/read pdf forms? [08:23] Hi, i have noticed that in 8.04 fonts under KDE (3.5) are very bad, is there some specific reason for that? is this common, is there fix fopr that? thanks in advance. [08:25] !.run [08:25] Sorry, I don't know anything about run [08:25] !run [08:25] whats the deal with .run files? [08:26] oh [08:26] they probably are just scripts [08:26] its for a game though [08:26] its d/ling as a .run [08:26] ,/foo.run? [08:29] hi [08:30] regarding the 4.1 hardy packages, do i have to install some extra package signing keys, or are these packages unsigned by the packagers? [08:31] gms: PPAs are not signed, nothing we can do about that until Launchpad decides to fix it [08:32] stdin, hm, that is unfortunate [08:35] gms: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/125103 [08:35] Launchpad bug 125103 in soyuz "ppa archives are not signed" [High,Confirmed] [08:36] thanks, stdin, I was just about to search for this ... === trevorcowan is now known as Quarterstaff === mandragor2 is now known as weedar [08:58] irc://irc.explosionirc.net/eagles [09:19] how do u set the virus scanner to auto? === bobby_ is now known as Guest62726 [10:17] yo yo yo [10:34] I have a wireless pci card, tp-link 353g but I can't seem to get it recognized? lspci doesn't show it there [10:35] is it usb? [10:35] hehe [10:35] no pci card [10:35] ActionParsnip: read again :P [10:35] its early and ive jst finished my early grind [10:35] :) [10:35] * jussi01 hugs ActionParsnip [10:35] * ActionParsnip hugs back [10:35] :) [10:35] i also have tp-link 550g which works perfectly :( [10:36] and you are certain the card is not faulty? [10:36] Bauldrick: can you pastebin your lspci output [10:36] should atleast show up shouldn't it? ActionParsnip : this is the second one I've been sent [10:37] Bauldrick: you may have to disable acpi to get it working [10:38] I've got the 'good one' in at the moment, so cant paste lspci, could change around though, how would you disable acpi? [10:41] Bauldrick: http://neoaddict.wordpress.com/2007/05/16/disable-acpi-on-boot/ [10:42] Bauldrick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions [10:43] I'll give that a go, cheers [10:44] hello [10:45] jussi01: following from yesterday, still no luck with those ATI drivers... I'm performing a clean install to an external HDD and attempting to install the drivers there [10:45] :( [10:46] jussi01: I've managed to get the latest drivers installed and running, no errors in the xorg log files, but all I get is a blank screen. Tried an older version of the driver, same problem [10:47] :( [10:47] anyhow, persisting with the fresh install, hopefully the old nvidia drivers are all that's causing me grief [10:49] ndazza: you could try envyng-qt [10:50] ActionParsnip: I looked at that on jussi01's suggestion, but it has no idea what my card is (ATI HD4870) and refuses to install the driver [10:51] i thought you were using nvidia now? [10:51] ActionParsnip: i just jumped from nvidia to ATI [10:51] oh [10:51] ive always avoided ati due to poor support [10:51] hence i think the old (ie previously installed) drivers could be conflicting with the new ATI ones [10:52] I was hoping the new AMD open source strategy might have made a difference [10:52] ndazza: as long as they are not referenced they will just sit [10:52] ndazza: dpkg -l | grep ati [10:52] maybe [10:52] according to phoronix the 4870 shipped with same-day linux support [10:53] the ati drivers actually install .deb packages [10:53] ndazza: no good for gentoo then eh ;) [10:53] hehe [10:53] hehe [10:53] not so much [10:53] although it supports oodles of distros [10:54] from memory at least red hat, suse and ubuntu are supported, including intrepid [10:54] don't remember what the others were [10:56] i just stick to nvidia, tried and tested [10:57] hi guys, any of you know a way to use a ldap machine as login server for any linux distro? [10:57] ldap server* [10:57] !ldap | santiago-ve [10:57] santiago-ve: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information and installation instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer [10:59] hi ppl [10:59] who could tell me what player bes for listening mp3? [10:59] i got amarok [11:00] amarok plays mp3s [11:00] !mp3 | deamoon [11:00] deamoon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === nolwenn is now known as Amour [11:01] !pam [11:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about pam [11:01] !PAM [11:01] :/ [11:01] ActionParsnip: thanks that helped me to get on the rails [11:01] disadling acpi didn't seem to work, heres the lspci http://pastebin.com/m604f2ba6 [11:03] Bauldrick: use lshw [11:03] sudo lshw [11:03] Bauldrick: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter [11:04] Bauldrick: do you have onboard graphics? [11:04] ActionParsnip: yes it does [11:05] Bauldrick: oh you're having issues with wifi [11:05] Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20) [11:05] you need to find how to install an RTL-8185 wifi [11:08] sudo lshw gave this lot http://pastebin.com/m71b37ba6 [11:09] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=326945 [11:09] Bauldrick: ok the bottom block is what you need, it says unclaimed == no driver [11:10] Bauldrick: i think there is a realtek driver to compile from realtek, id go scope that out [11:11] will do, cheers. I know it's not broken atleast [11:16] hi, why I can't upgrade to new k3b. I am with kubuntu Hardy [11:16] I don't understand why I can't exit from KDM [11:16] it says that is kept back [11:17] or actualy I shuld say exit from X completely.. [11:17] ForgeAus: what you want to do [11:17] instead I on;y get options to shut down or restart (or log in/out hibernate /sleep) [11:17] nothing now stamen but I was having troubles with my xorg.conf [11:18] you can reset X and after that from the menu u can choose to login via terminal [11:18] ANYONE tried /testin Intrepred? [11:18] my X wasn't loading half the time and when it did it would be in an invalid gfx mode... I didn't know how to quit the running X server [11:18] you can kill it [11:18] :) [11:18] do you know how [11:18] nor did I know how to exit from KDM (out of X) back to the cli I was in [11:19] uh it didn't work when I killed X [11:19] (did you mean kill KDM?) [11:19] press at the same time ctrl+alt+F2 [11:19] HOW UNSTABLE is Intrepid ? [11:19] log in there, and [11:19] yeah that switches VT's but X is still running... [11:19] is it pretty usable [11:19] ?? [11:19] yes, kill kdm [11:19] mrxmike I'm not using intrepid so I wouldn't know [11:19] stop it [11:20] ForgeAus: why would i care to get your response. [11:20] can' /etc/init.d/kdm stop do that more gracefully? [11:20] mrxmike you asked a question I was just answering it... [11:20] i would like to 'beta-test' Intrepid, but if its pretty unusable.......... [11:20] ForgeAus: suck a goatse [11:21] doesn't KDM and/or X use those lock files? [11:23] Intrepid was planned for 19-SEPTEMBER === kim__ is now known as daresbalat [11:23] but its already available for a week... , so they made the deadline easily [11:24] or how should i see this? [11:25] so than try to to do this when you login: sudo /init.d/kdm stop [11:25] so than try to to do this when you login: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop [11:26] and it should stop it [11:26] ok stamen thanx, [11:26] I was trying to close X and it should have been KDM all along, no wonder it was causing me headaches :) [11:26] next time I'm tinkering with xorg.conf I'll have to try it [11:26] :) [11:27] well if you kill X kdm and any other program that runs under X will be killed [11:31] ok [11:37] Where´s the channel about development version 8.10 ? [11:38] can some one help a newbee with where to find nonfree reg setup? [11:38] where and what is use in kde === wesley_ is now known as Ik_Heb_een_vraag === Ik_Heb_een_vraag is now known as Cross [11:40] How can i add a mp3 to a video track? [11:40] Cross: have u tried kino ? [11:40] no [11:40] its an video edit tool [11:41] like studio on windooz [11:41] okay i use normal kdenlive but kdenlive failed with the audio output [11:41] never tried enlive [11:41] kdenlive is really good [11:43] but kdenlive crashed right away in 8.10. By the way does someone know if they are fixing that bug in knetworkmanager that prevents from conecting to wlan [11:45] Cross: 8.10 is still alpha [11:45] i know but works pretty good [11:48] hay all, when i change my volume it changes the PCM vol. not the master, anyone know to switch it around? === erwin_ is now known as vaiursch [11:52] bonjour [11:53] le serveur msn est of ou s'est chez moi qu'il y a un souci ? [11:54] lets see if this works, [11:55] !ubuntu-fr [11:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr [11:55] doom: #ubuntu-fr [11:56] !fr [11:56] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [11:56] thanks :) [11:56] ah! do many things, hehe have to remember that [12:01] doom, I have troubles logging into MSN aswell [12:30] if you're having problems with msn connection in kopete, try changing to "use HTTP method" in the connection settings [12:32] hi [12:33] hi === SuperSub is now known as ZUES [12:33] <[pyro]> hi [12:34] can anyone help me as I just upgraded my system to 8.04 LTS and now I cannot watch any AVI movies? [12:37] ZUES: make sure you have kubuntu-restricted-extras installed [12:44] <_-Jay-_> Hey hey, anyone having trouble with their KDE panels after the last update. Mine are kinda sick [12:46] <[pyro]> _-Jay-_: nope [12:46] <_-Jay-_> dang, mine just look like they are having refreshing issues [12:47] <[pyro]> u reboot / restart x ? [12:47] <_-Jay-_> like Programs i have closed still appear in the task bar until another program writes over that spot.. [12:47] <_-Jay-_> yeah tried both restarts [12:48] <_-Jay-_> tried re-sizing [12:48] <_-Jay-_> tried remove and adding the pane's again [12:48] <[pyro]> _-Jay-_: are you using compiz ? [12:48] <_-Jay-_> [pyro]: Yeah, you think that might be causing me issues? [12:50] <[pyro]> _-Jay-_: try disabling it for starters, see that stops it, that way you can narrow down the problem. [12:51] <_-Jay-_> fair call, do an x restart now, brb === arturo is now known as arturo_ === arturo_ is now known as arturo__ [13:04] <_-Jay-_> [pyro]: yeah seams to be compiz making a a mess... It really doesn't like the kde panel does it [13:04] <[pyro]> _-Jay-_: im not using compiz atm, it doesnt like my POS video card [13:05] <[pyro]> try playing with compiz's various settings, you may find one of the effects is causing the problem [13:05] <_-Jay-_> yeah i had the problem for a while my last one kinda broke/burned/melted [13:07] <_-Jay-_> thanks for the hand [pyro]. [13:13] <_-Jay-_> Hmmm seems to be just with hidding turned on.... === roman_ is now known as roman__ [13:17] <_Bauldrick> i managed to get my rtl8185 based wifi card to show up in iwconfig, but the modules weren't installed perminanty. Now, after reboot, I get insmod: error inserting 'ieee80211/ieee80211-rtl.ko': -1 Invalid module format === tommi_ is now known as Sarge_TJ [13:20] Bauldrick: afaik you need to add the module to /etc/modules === joona is now known as KovisS [13:20] Hi, I just switched to Kubuntu. Do I need a separate firewall (firestarter, for example), or is there some sort of built in firewall in Kubuntu? [13:20] what internet connection type do you have? [13:21] with what modem? [13:21] is there a interprid channel guys, or a kubu dev channel? [13:21] !intrepid [13:21] Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! [13:21] 'Warning lots of breaking' [13:21] thats pretty much right =) [13:22] !firewall | Sarge_TJ [13:22] Sarge_TJ: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). [13:22] I have a WLAN (Buffalo Airstation), no modem, I just plug it in the wall [13:23] <_Bauldrick> favro: I was following this : http://rtl-wifi.sourceforge.net/wiki/Installing#Making_and_installing_the_driver - it worked first time, but now won't install [13:30] Bauldrick: tried rebuilding the module? [13:31] I installed KDE4 and now my fonts are so huge I can't see what's going on in both KDE 3 and 4. [13:31] Can someone help, please? [13:31] This is on Hardy. [13:31] <_Bauldrick> favro: a few times, it's only the last one that says invalid [13:31] jlido: try asking in #kubuntu-kde4 ;) [13:32] yeah, but it's affecting KDE3 too [13:36] _Bauldrick: well the error is invalid module format - looked in their forums? [13:36] xorg says it's set the DPI to 96. So there should be no reason to have the font's 1/3rd the height of my screen. [13:40] before I installed KDE4 I was having this font problem in kdm, but once I logged in to KDE3 they went back to the correct size. [13:40] Which was embarrasing, but at least I could work around it. [13:43] !launchpad [13:43] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [13:43] where is kubuntu on launchpad, i need to report bug(s) [13:44] mrxmike: Kubuntu shares the same packages as Ubuntu, so just file the bugs under the same packages. [13:45] Pici: i cant find dolphin on launchpad [13:46] mrxmike: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin [13:57] favro: why would it work the first time though? I'm lost [13:59] hello, i'm having problems to install kubuntu on a old pc, is their all smaller distro (less ram-usage, hd, etc).... hasn't to be kubuntu but i prefer kde [14:03] [14:59] hello, i'm having problems to install kubuntu on a old pc, is their all smaller distro (less ram-usage, hd, etc).... hasn't to be kubuntu but i prefer kde [14:05] Bauldrick: did you update a kernel or something? [14:06] how is KDE/Ubuntu in terms of Tablet PC support? [14:09] [14:59] hello, i'm having problems to install kubuntu on a old pc, is their all smaller distro (less ram-usage, hd, etc).... hasn't to be kubuntu but i prefer kde [14:10] favro: nope, just rebooted and now i get that error everytime I try to install them, I just seen my card may work with 2.26.27 in Intrepid, I'll give that a shot - not very wise I know but hey [14:10] Lokiase: kde is considered one of the heaviest window evironments [14:11] can anyone help me as I just upgraded my system to 8.04 LTS and now I cannot watch any AVI movies? [14:12] i have a P3, which linux-distro should i install? [14:13] Lokiase: there is xubuntu-ps3 I think [14:14] Lokiase: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_3 [14:15] not a playstation, a pentium 3 :) [14:15] heh [14:17] Lokiase: try xubuntu http://www.xubuntu.org/ [14:17] guys what graphic car should i get that it would work on linux with no problem cos mine ati is playing a bit [14:17] ? [14:20] deamoon: what do you have now...? [14:20] ati radeon x600pro [14:21] and you followed the instructions here? https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/graphics-cards.html [14:21] wow bad link, 6.10 [14:22] hi to all [14:22] well im nob on linux :D === Alex135_ is now known as Alex135 [14:23] how can i save xorg file ? [14:23] anyone been able to get kismet and aircrack-ng running properly on kubuntu useing a atheros wifi card? [14:24] deamoon: try here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI [14:24] !ATI [14:24] For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [14:25] deamoon: you shouldn't have to modify your xorg.conf file. [14:25] Alex135: yes i tried it and if u use the patches it works so far [14:25] ghostcube: how did you do it? i cant get kismet to recieve packets, same with airodump [14:26] ghostcube: yes i put my wifi card into monitor mode [14:26] madwifi has excellent howtos [14:26] kismet sux [14:26] to slow [14:26] ghostcube: i have looked and havn't found one that seems to work (i have recompiled madwifi several times aswell) [14:27] Alex135: hmmm [14:27] i hacked my own wlan [14:27] on proxim atheros one [14:28] Alex135: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php#documentation [14:28] and there is aircrack-ptw [14:28] lot faster then ng [14:28] http://www.cdc.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/aircrack-ptw/ [14:29] hmmm [14:29] u need the patches from aircrack for madwifi [14:29] to get this working [14:29] and make sure u havce the right one [14:29] if there is aonly an patch tto an older madwifi revision u must use the older revsiion [14:30] fun... alright [14:30] :) [14:30] thanks, ill start working on it [14:30] (for the 5th time) :p [14:30] and there is a new tool for hacking wpa but i wont tell it in this chan until its officialy released [14:30] ;) [14:35] yep the package name is steal-the-router [14:36] join #linuxmce [14:36] try adding "/" [14:36] Hi [14:36] hi [14:37] I need help with my graphic card [14:38] I can install the nvidia driver, but it s out of order [14:40] first problem in the past (with a GC witch work), I install compiz [14:40] nowaday I want to clear the references to it [14:40] but when I do ps -ef | grep compiz [14:41] kwrapper ksmserver --windowmanager /usr/bin/compiz.real [14:41] Where can I clear this call? [14:41] /usr/bin/compiz.real does not exist === jr is now known as Riddelll === Alex135_ is now known as Alex135 [14:58] hi [15:12] hello! [15:12] which package do i need to install to use the kernel source?? [15:12] i can#t find a package called "kernel-source" [15:13] !info linux-source | jonathan_ [15:13] jonathan_: linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 25 kB, installed size 52 kB [15:14] thanks :) [15:14] no probs [15:14] hm than i have a big problem :) [15:14] or a small but big for me ;) [15:14] jonathan_: what is it? [15:14] i do already have the newest version of this package [15:14] jonathan_: If u wan't to experiment with linux kernel, you might also wan't to check out the latest version from kernel.org [15:15] jonathan_: I assume you are compiling a driver or something? [15:15] and i get the following error: [15:15] ERROR: Kernel configuration is invalid."; \ [15:15] echo " include/linux/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing."; \ [15:15] echo " Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it."; \ [15:15] yes a webcam-driver [15:16] jonathan_: hrm, Ive not seen that one. [15:16] yes no one did yet ;) [15:16] jonathan_: for a simle driver(kernel module) you don't need to compile entire kernel, just the module. That's what linux-headers are for ;) [15:16] even google doesn't realy know about that [15:16] hm, then what do i have to change? i just said "make all" [15:17] and that was the error i got [15:17] the "make oldconf etc" [15:17] did it's job fine but didn't change a thing :/ [15:17] jonathan_: have u run make config (menuconfig,xconfig) before make ? [15:18] no [15:18] U need to configure kernel before compiling it. [15:18] in the same directory as the program i want to compile is within? [15:19] and how do i configure kernel? === eric is now known as Guest43383 [15:19] sorry, but i'm just a beginner and just want my webcam working ;) [15:19] jonathan_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile This is an excelent tutorial on kernel compiling [15:19] hm [15:19] do i realy need to recompile me kernel only to get my webcam working that worked on windows out of the box?! [15:20] jonathan_: no, you shouldnt. which webcam btw? [15:20] a quickcam [15:20] logitech [15:20] jonathan_: Though I think u just nid to compile kernel module (driver) for webcam.... Can u give me the driver source link, so I can check what it's all about ? [15:21] Jonathan this should work with quickcam driver out of the box [15:21] jonathan_: can you go toterminal and type: lspci and give me the line about it? [15:21] i have a usb cam [15:21] lsusb [15:21] * jussi01 has a quickcam - it has a major bug... [15:21] and the cam is displayed like this: Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messenger [15:22] jussi01: me too but it dont work in skype so i bopught an microsoft :) [15:22] jonathan_: I want the whole line thanks [15:22] it worked allright, yesterday, but the resolution was only half the size it should have been because with windows i was able to record in 640x480 [15:22] and with linux it was only 320x280 [15:22] and so i tried to fix that ... [15:22] jonathan_: webcam and linux isnt the best story :D [15:23] hm that's what i'm hearing all the time about every stuff... :/# [15:23] manufacturers... [15:24] hallo an alle [15:24] !de [15:24] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [15:25] ;) === schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm [15:25] jonathan_: can you give me the full lsusb line? [15:25] i got an brother scanner to work yesterday so its not all bad [15:25] :D [15:25] Bus 006 Device 005: ID 04b4:6830 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. USB-2.0 IDE Adapter [15:25] Bus 006 Device 003: ID 0c0b:b136 Dura Micro, Inc. (Acomdata) [15:25] Bus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 [15:25] Bus 005 Device 005: ID 046d:08f0 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Messenger [15:26] jussi lol [15:27] jonathan_: please dont paste to the channel - I just needed the 1 line :) [15:27] !pastebin [15:27] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [15:27] :) [15:27] nopaste.info is much faster heh [15:28] yes i already wrote i will use pastebin next time ;) [15:28] found something interesting? [15:30] jonathan_: hmm the id isnt listed anywhere [15:30] the id is listed everywhere ;) [15:30] and tells me i do have to use the qc-usb driver [15:30] http://www.linux-forum.de/quickcam-messenger-046d-08f0-8121.html [15:30] for example in there [15:31] (german) [15:31] jonathan_: http://home.mag.cx/messenger/ [15:31] and, as i sayed, i had it already working [15:32] hm i know where i get the driver from ;) [15:33] jonathan_: sudo modprobe qc-usb [15:33] my problem was the compiling [15:33] ( I think) [15:33] FATAL: Module qc_usb not found. [15:33] hrm, wonder what the module is called [15:33] but i hadn't it compiled right now [15:34] so how should it be working if i didn't install it right now ;) [15:35] locate qc*.ko [15:35] locate q*.ko [15:35] and to nopaste.info if any results [15:36] Anyone have a problem with Amarok, where you try to load a web site radio station, and it says "There is no availible decoder" [15:36] amarok-xine still needed maybe ? [15:36] or any amarok addon ? [15:36] hm [15:36] brb will try those [15:37] the ko file isn't compiled [15:37] u need the kernel headers ans build-essential and libtool [15:37] Which kernel headers? the newest? [15:37] and the common? [15:37] the one u use [15:37] uname -r [15:38] jonathan_: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-'uname -r' [15:39] amarok-xine is auto detect [15:40] i have linux-headers-2.6.24-19 installed [15:41] i think thats the one i should have [15:41] nelsonstreet: You probably need real audio codec, which is maintained in medibuntu repo, w32codecs or w64codecs package [15:42] yeah it was the w64 codec just found it lol [15:46] jonathan_: It's the right one, then. Now, all u need is to compile the module from the source package you have. A good source package must have INSTALL and README text files within archive with a instalation process explained, or relevant link to installation procesure tutorial.... [15:48] yes they say i only need to run the ./quickcam.sh script to install the messengetr [15:49] but then i get the same compiler-error as above [15:50] Kernel source is "" but running kernel is "2.6.24-19-generic" [15:51] maybe this could be the error? [15:51] hello [15:54] Can anyone visit http://webdevnews.net/ in firefox 3.0.1 on Kubuntu and tell me if all the images have horrible artifacts (look distorted or over-optimized)? [15:55] according to firefox that page conatins coding errors, FYI [15:55] jonathan_: yes cause u have the wrong headers installed [15:55] hm [15:56] dpkg -l | grep linux to nopaste.info [15:56] how do i change this because i'm sure i have the right one installed ;) [15:56] bob_: yes, one error relating to how WordPress inserts captions, and quite a few because the digg/reddit buttons don't validate. Nothing to worry about though [15:57] http://nopaste.info/f773cc01a7.html [15:58] jonathan_: where is this sh file on the page ? [15:59] sh file? [15:59] jonathan_: what's the output of: uname -a ? [16:00] Linux Kubuntu-7 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux [16:01] hmm ok i looked into that sh file and i dont get where it detecs the old kernel source [16:02] jonathan_: so u have the right headers , there is something in the instal procedure you're missing. Link to source archive would be most usefull as we are just quessing without it, and i could take ages to hit the right way ;) [16:02] sorry for my typoes :) [16:02] Githzerai: he has linux-source and linux-source-2.6.24 [16:02] is source needed ? [16:02] without numering [16:03] *b [16:04] ghostcube: I ment the source archive of a webcam driver he's trying to install [16:04] Githzerai: i can show u the 1.8 source of it [16:05] ghostcube: would be nice ;) [16:05] http://home.mag.cx/messenger/source/ [16:05] ;) [16:06] jonathan_u are trying the 1.8 version or ? [16:06] from 2008 [16:06] yes i do [16:07] looks like the sh file searches for the linux-source file and not the linux-source-2.4.24 [16:07] *6 [16:09] jonathan__ & ghostcube : There's a file named _README_MESSENGER i nthe 1.8 source archive with install procedure ;) [16:09] ;) ok will have a lok [16:10] is there a problem with sourceforge svn ssh atm ? im getting an invalid cert is this a mitm attack or just a temporary problem at sf? [16:11] Githzerai: so sudo make install should do it ? [16:11] hm the tip just to type "make install" isn't very helpful ;) [16:12] jonathan_ it is sudo make install [16:12] what does it say [16:12] :D [16:12] jonathan__: Yes, it shuld, then just load modules as stated below [16:13] bbl guys [16:15] hm [16:15] iwrote it three times now [16:15] it isn't compiling with the error message invalid kernel configuration. [16:15] and make prepare after make oldconfig returns the following error: [16:16] make[1]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c«, [16:16] benötigt von »arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s«, zu erstellen. Schluss. [16:16] oh [16:16] sorry i will translate [16:17] make[1]: *** There are no rules to create the target "arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.c", used by "arch/x86/kernel/asm-offsets.s". End. [16:29] hm is the normal header folder or the generic header folder the one i need for compiling drivers? [16:34] how do i easily create a iso from a folder? [16:35] install acetone2iso from getdeb mrkmike [16:37] mrxmike: man mkisofs === mandragor is now known as weedar === kim__ is now known as daresbalat [16:47] Does anyone know a great kubuntu book [16:48] mmm book? [16:48] google xD [16:48] especially for advance users [16:48] yeah [16:48] I like to read on the train [16:50] i don't think there are many [16:50] what're you trying to learn though? [16:50] nothing its for a friend [16:50] MarcoBXBRO1: google------print xD [16:50] he wants a kubuntu book [16:51] heh [16:51] if you go adavnced, you might as well look into debian stuff [16:51] I told him the documentation is kubi site [16:51] ok [16:51] or just read more about stuff done in linux, like apache, joomla etc [16:51] I'm no pro though :P [16:54] is it possible to turn on a usb hub maunally, my webcam is intermitantly listed by lsub short of physical damage which i cant see all i can think is happening is that the hub is not powered on all of the time [16:56] spawn57: how about Linux Bible 2008 edition ? ;) [16:56] that shit sucks [16:56] those work, but they're overviews [16:56] you won't get indepth info outta'em [16:57] they go over a tonne of things like samba, apache, configs, and other services.. [16:57] alright to start with [16:57] Hey, how can I check which version of libmtp I have? I'm trying to get MTP and my Sansa Clip mp3-player to be friends. :-) [16:58] apt-cache show libmtp [16:58] eml: Use adept or synaptic, u will have version displayed [16:58] MarcoBXBRO1: what do you mean by advanced user? it depends what your looking to do, generally i dont think there is a "kubuntu" book or even a "kde" one there may be some nice debian (or even ubuntu) admin books though [16:58] kernal [16:59] Githzerai, Ah true, I was in my terminal already so I just went by it. [16:59] Looks like I'm going to have to install a new version, which is not in the repository. :-( [16:59] eml: check the ppa's https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas , maybe you'll find .deb [17:00] Thanks! [17:00] Linux Kernel Development [17:00] MarcoBXBRO1: Now, that's for fanatics ;) [17:01] Man how lucky am I: https://launchpad.net/~foxmike/+archive === spike_ is now known as ForgeAus [17:01] Not the newest version but maybe new enough [17:01] Githzerai I don't like to be a sheep [17:02] I follow my own tune [17:02] 8) [17:02] :D [17:03] Damnit, now it tells me I'll have to remove amarok if I want to remove libmtp7 all of a sudden... how can I avoid doing that? [17:03] MarcoBXBRO1: Well, kernel development isn't something you wan;t to practice during train ride: You'll get sick :D [17:03] MarcoBXBRO1: Im sure there will be a linux kernel book about but i doubt it will be an interesting read unless you 1) are a c junkie 2) know about kernel design 3) are a sadist [17:04] linux kernel newbies is a good website perhaps they can suggest a good book [17:09] :-( I've added a repository where a package called libmtp8 is, but even after I added it I can't find it when I search for it. I did do apt-cache update after adding it to sources.list [17:09] eml: The command is apt-get update [17:09] Ah well that one I did, mistyped it [17:10] Still, the problem remains [17:11] And damnit, amarok depends on libmtp7 which I need to have uninstalled too [17:11] eml: Apt-cache policy libmtp7 may be enlightening [17:12] Nope, not to me, I'm probably missing something important? [17:12] hello [17:12] ?? [17:12] €1a [17:12] !ask [17:12] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [17:13] Marco look at this one http://www.kroah.com/lkn/ [17:13] que cosas [17:15] que todo estan mute [17:17] Okay now I've almost got my problem solved, I've installed a version of MTP that can handle my mp3-player. All I need to do now is install amarok WITHOUT libmtp7 because that'll install the wrong version of MTP which means I won't be able to contact my mp3-player from amarok anyways :/ any ideas? [17:19] mejor formate el pc pasate a windows [17:19] linux es chinvo [17:21] Alternatively if I could get amarok to use libmtp8 instead of libmtp7 [17:22] Hi somebody here use kbfx? [17:23] eml: what exact libmtp u have now ? [17:23] libmtp7 and libmtp8 :-P [17:23] I can't install amarok without installing libmtp7 [17:24] does anyone have problems with wubi>? [17:24] Danu: just ask [17:27] i can't apply kbfx themes :( [17:31] eml: by libmtp8 you probably mean 0.3.0 ,and amarok in hardy depends on 7 (0.2.6). I dot think ther is an solution except to compile amarok with libmtp 0.3.0. [17:32] eml: Perhaps u can explain in more details why u need specificaly libtmp8 ? [17:33] Githzerai, Yep you're right about that. I need the 0.3.0 version of it beacuse 0.2.6 does not support my mp3-player :-) [17:34] eml: One, bot absolutely not recomended, solution is to use amarok 1.4.10 from Intrepid, which uses libmtp8.... [17:35] Someone in #amarok talked about it being in backports, may I ask what backports is? I'll take a look at that then [17:36] eml: software sources - updates - unsupported updates... I'm on Intrepid, so could'nt check it right away ... ;) [17:37] Oh there's a repository for intrepid? Can I have the needed lines for my sources.list? [17:38] eml: As I've said, it's highly not recomended solution. Check backports first ^^^ [17:38] Ah, know I know what intrepid is :-p [17:39] Well, I wish I knew what backports was [17:39] eml: software sources - updates - unsupported updates... [17:40] Ah yes [17:41] Ah, I'm updating everything, hope it turns out well [17:42] Heh, I was going to go drumming 1:40hrs ago, but I wanted to add a playlist to my mp3-player... wasn't a 20min job at all :) === AcidUk is now known as Acid_Uk [17:42] eml: Well u'll get latest kde 3.5.10 (by lates, of course, I mean latest kde3 ;) ) [17:42] Oh [17:42] :( [17:43] Then I won't [17:43] eml: Why, not ? [17:44] hey guys [17:44] Githzerai, I want to stay with kde4 [17:44] Hi, jessica. [17:44] eml: I ment latest kde 3, 3.5.10 is in backports, so u'll get updates for already installed kde 3 programs ;) [17:45] even all [17:45] Githzerai, Oh, then I'll do it :-) [17:45] or i should say good evening [17:45] Hi, Acid_Uk. [17:45] Evening, and bye. Time to go drumming [17:45] Haha. Have fun. [17:46] eml: :) Bye. [17:49] my linux desktop is behind a NAT firewall. is there a remote control solution like gotomypc (client-server-client) that i could use to control this computer from outside? [17:57] hi all === eric is now known as Guest77197 [17:58] slt [17:59] wots happening in here all very QT === fale__ is now known as fale [18:01] Erm? [18:04] ok not alot I take it === nck is now known as belphegorr [18:06] How do you imort emoticons in kopete ? [18:06] hi... very new hardy user here trying to get my laptop to work with my wifi... i'm trying to install wpagui and i get the message "error: dependency is not satisfiable: libqt4-core." any help? [18:07] 1st off whats the chip set of your wifi card [18:07] also have you tried to add libqt library set [18:08] it's a broadcom... i'll have to find that sudo command thing to get more info. no i'll try that first i guess [18:08] if its a broadcom you may have to use a ndiswrapper [18:08] Konversation is type cool! [18:08] as broadcom are a night mare at they have been for me [18:08] i think i recall reading something about that in the support forums... [18:09] i could't get my belkin one to work so had to switch [18:09] can't i have a private chat , i need help with a kopete patch [18:09] plz [18:10] when i do lshw -C network it tells me it's a BCM4318 (AirForce One 54g) [18:12] hold on will check now [18:12] A simple uestion : how do i import/add emoticons in kopete ? [18:13] اعادة او البكم [18:13] !sa [18:13] For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join للغة العربية رجاء انظم #ubuntu-sa [18:14] I think Kmess is better than kopete [18:14] pretty smooth [18:14] BCM4318 use the windows driver [18:14] y que [18:14] and then ndiswrapper it [18:14] Kubunto: english only in here please [18:14] ya se [18:15] i'm a complete noob. i've downloaded ndsiwrapper but am working out how to install it... then i suppose i should go to the broadcom site and get the windows driver? [18:15] a channel that is in politics [18:15] quien [18:15] Kubunto: ##politics [18:15] ok [18:16] mattinwpg: try installing ndisgtk [18:16] normally something like ndiswrapper [18:16] modprobe ndiswrapper [18:16] vote for Obama [18:16] open up network manager see if it it works [18:16] Kubunto: not in here please [18:17] no politics [18:17] !tab > Acid_Uk [18:17] Acid_Uk, please see my private message [18:18] ok ya se soy sur americano me gusta el imperio gringo [18:18] Kubunto: this is the last time I will ask - english only please [18:19] there is a problem if you write in Spanish bothers [18:20] ??? [18:20] Kubunto: yes - this channel is english only [18:21] jussi01 and only for understanding the gringo [18:21] bye [18:21] bye === isabella__ is now known as _ [18:24] <_> yyy === isabella__ is now known as llehjshsjnmjeghj [18:27] sooo, kde4 ist installiert, nur sind die uhr und die shortcuts in der kontrolleiste auf der linken seite statt rechts, weiss jemand wie man das ändert? [18:31] hmm well let's see if this works. thanks for your help folks. [18:39] hi all [18:39] ...Dang. I forgot what I was going to ask [18:40] Oh yeah [18:40] When I run some programs (FF, Synaptics, GIMP) etc in KDE, the widgets look terrible in contrast to the Oxygen stuff [18:40] How can I make them Oxygenned? [18:41] Am I right in thinking it's something to do with GTK? [18:41] Jampiter: kde4? [18:41] Yeah [18:41] 4.1.1 [18:41] Jampiter: join #kubuntu-kde4 [18:42] ouch [18:42] KDE4 is not yet 'polished' [18:42] hello, how do i switch from sqlite to mysql? [18:42] Ok, cheers [18:42] what is the channel for french [18:42] !fr [18:42] Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr [18:43] WHat should I have in my smb.conf so that printers connected to my Kubuntu 8.04 machine can be used by an XP machine on the network? [18:46] does anyone know how to delete the 'bluetooth' icon on system settings === mcasadevall is now known as NCommander === groovehunter is now known as uffiole === francesco is now known as Guest25327 [19:01] How do I edit a file as root from dolphin (.lst) [19:01] Hello guys [19:01] quick question [19:02] how do I delete a printer that I no longer use from my list [19:02] ? [19:02] Dark-- in your browser address, type http://localhost:631/printers/ [19:02] Then choose printers, and delete printer [19:03] CUPS through a browser makes it really nice [19:06] venik: thank you so very muc [19:06] urwc [19:09] Why do I have TWO smb.conf ? One in /etc/samba/ and the other in usr/share/samba/ ? [19:09] Gaah.. I want to edit this damn file as root and it's not letting me! How do I make it work?? [19:09] My favorite way is to use Krusader in root mode [19:09] it has a nice built in editor [19:10] What's Krusader? [19:10] a very nice file manager that emulates the Norton COmmander [19:10] Like Midnight Commander? [19:10] yes [19:10] So how do I make that work? [19:11] of course u can also type: sudo kate /,,,,filename. [19:11] but I highly recommand krusader [19:11] sudo aptitude install krusader [19:12] Ok, I'll give that a go [19:12] thanks :) [19:12] np [19:13] krusader also has a nice built-in ftp client and fish client, and can be used to synchronize directories, even across the network [19:14] Cool [19:16] hi..Ihave following situation.. keyboard does not work all of a sudden under main account with hardy-kde4,1 - but works same pc with kde3 and with new account in kde4.1 - what too do? [19:17] after you install and run it, you can go to TOOLS/start Krusader as root, navigate to your file, select it and choose F4 (edit) [19:17] I also had a LOT of problems with kde4.1 [19:17] frybye, use kde 3 :] [19:17] What helps is if you delete the /home/username/.kde4 folder [19:18] how can I save space on kubuntu??? [19:18] and then type cntrol-alt-backspace to restart X [19:18] we had no prob until the k-board just stoppen working..only this (main) acct..? [19:18] jaakk..yeah but... [19:19] fry-- delete .kde4 [19:19] and reboot or restart the session [19:19] venik.. ok will tr5y tomorrow.. in bed now with eeepc and gnome-... [19:20] guys [19:20] how good support does kubuntu have for EPSON ALL in One devices? [19:20] fry-- how good is eeepc with gnome? [19:20] you can also backup the .kde4 and move some stuff back after you get it to work, if you don't want to lose all your settings [19:21] needs q a bit of tweeks - fixes but then fine.. [19:23] jaakkome: prolly better with all fresh.. hmm i am getting up too try this -hang on folks ;=) [19:23] I've had to do that quite a few times with kde 4... === Githzerai is now known as Githzerai|NotHer [19:27] guys [19:27] i am having an issue with kontact [19:27] it says that i am not the organizer of the event [19:35] is anyone here? [19:35] yes [19:36] I do not use kontact-- I use thunderbird with Lightning [19:37] can i set up kontact to recieve mail from hotmail, gmail and yahoo??? [19:37] or some other mail client? [19:38] don't know-- I only use Thunderbird [19:38] can thunderbird be set up to recieve those mails? [19:39] who's running gkrellm [19:39] ? [19:39] Yes, I believe that TB can receive mail from all of those [19:40] u simply have to add an account with the setting for that mail source [19:40] talking about receiving emails, did anyone set up their email with gkrellm?? [19:40] thanx venik [19:41] Hi, I can't use cmake. Following Error: CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found. Please set [19:41] hi to all [19:41] CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name. [19:41] what can i do? [19:42] guys.. my icons next to the clock used to be arranged in 2 rows.. now they are all in one [19:42] any reson for htat? [19:48] blackdeagle: Make sure you have g++ or gcc package installed [19:50] RurouniJones: alright, g++ wasn't installed .. thank you very much [19:50] it works =) [19:51] np [19:52] hi guys. Im installing packages from Synaptic but it keeps crashing on me when the packages are 100% installed but it doesnt seem to exit. The upate box just doesnt close. [19:55] !kmenu [19:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about kmenu [19:55] Can someone give me the name of the package to make GTK widgets look like QT ones in KDE4? Thanks [19:56] I have that too gzipper [19:56] I just kill the process [19:56] hmm. it annoys me though [19:56] Does anyone know how to copy the kmenu settings from one computer to another? [19:57] There has got to be a way to do it now.. I think it is the file ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu. I am trying to create a custom KMenu and place it in /etc/skel/.config/menus/ dir on a livecd that I have remastered. Not going as easily as it should, though. [20:04] has anybody tested network manager in 4.1.1 [20:05] it just does not work on a notebook [20:13] hi guys, in all of a sudden i got "segmentation faulty tree" error and cannot enter kde.... what is that??!? [20:15] Is it allowed to ask questions about backports in here? [20:19] hey I want to overwrite some files on a memorystick, within the gui, how do I do this? my kubi insists on me renaming the file [20:27] hi guys, in all of a sudden i got "segmentation faulty tree" error and cannot enter kde.... what is that??!?can someone help??? [20:27] <[ifrog]> !find pureperl [20:28] Found: libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl [20:29] How do you find the physical MAC address of a computer in Kubuntu? [20:30] Jampiter: ifconfig [20:30] Jampiter: In the HWaddr field [20:30] Is that it? [20:30] Ok [20:30] Thanks :) [20:33] <[ifrog]> !find Geo::IP::PurePerl [20:33] File Geo::IP::PurePerl found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others) [20:34] <[ifrog]> !find PurePerl [20:34] Found: libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl [20:34] !files [20:34] An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview [20:35] Whichh Hwadder field? [20:35] where do you set the kubuntu 4.1.1 in the login manager [20:36] Jampiter: when you do "ifconfig" it'll list all the network devices, and it will show a line like "Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" for each device [20:38] Thanks :) === Githzerai|NotHer is now known as Githzerai [20:57] türk varmı? [20:58] anyone can help me? [20:58] im the new user on kubuntu [20:58] how can i install firefox 3 [20:59] metehan, with Adept Manager [20:59] metehan: I think its Adept Manager, thats what I used [20:59] ok im looking [21:01] waowww [21:01] its so easy [21:01] ok so how can i play world of warcraft on kubuntu [21:02] with wine [21:02] Installing stuff is so cool now lol [21:03] so i have a network and i download another computer on windows on my wow folder [21:03] how can i do that? [21:04] if the folder is shared on the windows machine, you can access it through system menu > remote places > samba shares [21:06] im checking [21:07] although I think you need to reinstall the game from cd:s under wine to get it working [21:07] metehan- learn the command line [21:07] things may be easier with adept but not as good [21:08] adept its working [21:08] firefox installed and i using that [21:08] its reeally nice [21:08] I know, it'll work [21:08] adept is good if it does what you need [21:08] but there's many things you'll have to do on the terminal [21:09] but adept is good! [21:11] hımm Knetwork manager not working! [21:12] I had lots of problems with it :/ [21:12] How's it not working? You seem to be able to connect to the Internet at least [21:13] no no imean i want the download wow to my notebook from my Pc [21:13] Mine refused to connect to my wireless, it works now but still takes a few tries before it connects. [21:14] how can i get kde4.0? [21:15] imean where [21:15] install kde4-desktop with adept [21:15] There were directions for upgrading to 4.1.1 on the kubuntu homepage. [21:16] metehan, to get wow to work, you need to first install wine and then install wow from cd:s [21:16] ok downloading now [21:16] ok i get the wine [21:17] install kubuntu-kde4-desktop, and it's not 4.0 and hasn't been for some time [21:17] cds ? [21:17] yeah, you know the little round shiny things music used to come on? === [ifrog] is now known as drag|n [21:18] metehan: what graphics chipset does the laptop have? [21:18] i have compaq nx 7300 i think its not good [21:19] graphics chipset, not the model of the laptop. [21:20] intel 945 -is810 [21:20] yeah, i wouldn't expect to play WoW on that. [21:20] intel 945 i 810 [21:20] my kubuntu cds wont install or "run without installing" after boot - both the 7.10 version and the kde 4.1 versions hang at "loading kernel" then say they can't read the boot cd and ask me to reboot... help! [21:21] come on in win xp i play the wow normal with raid group hyjall :D [21:22] this. isn't. windows. [21:22] you're free to try [21:22] ok [21:22] but it doesn't work on a core 2 duo 2.0ghz with 2gb ram and intel 965 [21:22] i know, i've tried. several times. === jonatitlan is now known as Terrabreak [21:23] definitely give it a shot [21:25] !pm | metehan [21:25] metehan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. [21:26] what the... [21:26] so icant play wow beacuse i install the kubuntu ? [21:29] Does Kubuntu have a utility to configure the system? [21:32] ok now i install the wow [21:32] again! [21:33] its some patchs download and its kill meeee [21:33] Kubuntu live cd gets to the first menu, but when I try to install or "try it without installing", it gets stuck at 13% loading kernel... then says it can't read the cd (i've tried 3 cds that i know work) and asks me to reboot... plz help === urli is now known as Xulu [21:35] Resistol: For some reason I had the same problem, it would stop for a minute then said it could read media and ask to reboot. I checked the image checksum and everything was okay, all I could do was burn on a different CDRW and it finally worked [21:36] alguien habla español ¿?¿? [21:36] Hola a todos desde Argentina [21:37] es! |Xulu [21:37] Ubuntu392944, I tried burning with Nero, then with magicISO, using two different kubuntu versions [21:37] I only have 1 cd burner though [21:37] Resistol: Make sure that the CD image you are burning isn't bad, that happened to me once. [21:38] Is there any way to crc check the iso from windows? [21:39] Resistol: if you want to check the md5 sum of an ISO image file, there are tools on Windows for that. [21:39] !es | Xulu [21:39] Xulu: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [21:40] hello i cannot see videos in you tube, i can play them fine and get sound but not see em [21:40] penlost: Make sure the volume on the youtube player isn't muted/all the way down. [21:41] ty coja, but i can hear them fine but cannot see them, the box is black [21:41] Resistol: http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/ Look for md5sum [21:41] Resistol: Did you try with different brand media? Ive never had a problem with the Sony ones I was using, I burned Backtrack, TinyMe, Ubuntu, PCLinuxOS and others and only Kubuntu ISO gave me problems, I tried a few different ones and it finally worked (none of the disc are scratched they are brand new). Not sure why it was so problematic [21:42] Hello. I have a problem with KDE shutdown. [21:43] after pressing the logout or reboot buttons on KDE, the screen goes blank and there is no more activity. [21:43] any hints? [21:44] Hello. Is there a channel for erc (emacs based IRC) support? [21:45] ofv, I have a similiar problem on my laptop. My problem is connected to the proprietary ati drivers [21:45] jaakkome: bingo! I have the propietary ati drivers too. [21:46] i have tried downloading and installing flash but it did not help [21:46] If it is the same problem, I don't think there's much you can do about it [21:46] Carla1989: take a look at http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/EmacsIRCClient [21:47] wow Google Android is based on Linux :) [21:47] How do you life with it? The only "solution" for me is pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del [21:47] odd that they have webkit libraries there but havn't made a gui for Chrome on Linux yet! [21:47] Carla1989: there is a mailing list, but not an irc channel. Try on #emacs. [21:48] tks ofv. [21:48] I think they're still trying to figure what to use for it (ie gtk, custom or something else) [21:48] well, it's a laptop with a busted battery, so I just shut down every time I have to move it anyways :] [21:48] whatever the case I doubt there'll be a ChromeQT .... but you never know... [21:49] but you should try a different video driver to confirm that it's the same problem at least [21:49] hehe if Google make a custom toolkit would that make them Widgles? or Goodgets? [21:49] This started after installing the ATI propietary driver, so it seems the culprit. [21:50] well it was filed as a known bug against the drivers and I haven't heard of a workaround... damn ati [21:51] jaakkome: do you remember the bug id? [21:52] no, been a while since I looked at that [21:52] jaakkome: okay, thanks anyways. [21:54] Does Kubuntu not have a central configuration center like other distros, except for the "System Settings" icon? [21:55] iit still has kcontrol [21:56] although system settings is kinda like a kcontrol wrapper provides lots of kcontrol modules and/or custom ones, etc... [21:57] I guess kcontrol is somewhat useful [21:58] is there something else you were referring to? [21:58] what exactly was it you were looking to configure? [21:59] ForgeAus: I have a previous linux distro installed, and I want Kubuntu to mount that drives /home as my default /home, im trying to do this possibly thru "Disk & Filesystems" using kcontrol now [22:00] I think thats in the Admin section of system-settings too btw :) [22:02] hey, how do I get MP3 support on 6.04? [22:02] !codecs [22:02] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [22:02] thanks [22:03] !thanks === Xulu is now known as AnGeL [22:03] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [22:03] anyone know of a good FREE cross platform (lin&win) email client that, unlike Thunderbird, has no database size limit, or at least a larger than 6GB limit? [22:03] !botsnack [22:03] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [22:03] cross platform... uh no [22:03] aside from kmail [22:04] and/or pretty much the entire kdepim suite [22:04] kmail? [22:04] as to a size limit of the Database I have no idea [22:04] does that run on Windows? [22:04] hi folks, i had a problem few times ago about virtualbox and network, i solved all problems about all bridging, network managing, name resolving, etc. the point i always missed was the Firewall! now it's also set. love you bots. thanks for all.. [22:04] yes kmail... if its in kde4win then yes [22:04] oh, yeah, Thunderbird has a nasty 4.81G db size limit (at least on win) [22:05] does that mean I have to run a desktop environment in Windows to run kmail? [22:08] I'm having trouble sharing folders- it fails when I right click and choose share; when I click details, it tells me to make sure fileshareset is setuid root, which as far as I can tell, it is [22:10] ok i get the wow but and i try a few times with wine but its doesnt work ,and my desktop getting smaller every time [22:11] is there anyone can help? [22:14] guys.. the icons on my system tray, next to the clock used to be in 2 rows.. and now are in just one. is there a way to change that to 2 rows [22:18] is there a way to install apps from the ubuntu cd, for when you're not connected to the internet? === erwin_ is now known as vaiursch [22:19] !aptoncd | d0wn [22:19] d0wn: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers [22:19] Can someone tell me what the package to display GTK windows with QT widgets in KDE4 is called? Thanks [22:19] !nothing [22:19] Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail. [22:20] jaakkome: gtk-qt-engine [22:20] wops [22:20] Thanks :) [22:20] Jampiter: gtk-qt-engine or gtk-qt-engine-kde4 if you use KDE4 [22:20] Thanks :) [22:20] IppatsuMan: do you know of a way to do it via CLI? [22:20] you're welcome :) [22:21] all I need to do is install OpenSSH-server [22:21] which is already on the CD, somewhere [22:22] Will I have to restart programs after that? [22:24] anyone? [22:26] !list [22:26] Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [22:26] d0wn: insert the CD and run "sudo apt-cdrom add && sudo apt-get update" [22:26] ciao [22:26] that will add the CD to the sources.list [22:26] !it | ago_ [22:26] ago_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [22:27] Darkhound: tried adjusting the height? - right click on the panel - configure panel [22:28] i will try that thanks [22:29] !botabuse [22:29] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids. [22:30] Thank you [22:31] stdin: sorry, I manually added the cdrom to the sources.list. i forgot to check in there first :P [22:31] stdin: thanks though for helping :P [22:36] I'm doing a complete update [22:36] outdated version + apt-get upgrade + time = why did I do that?! [22:39] CHEESE [22:41] Has ANYONE succeeded in sharing a printer connected to a Kubuntu 8.04 machine from an XP machine? I am using CUPS, and when I check the box to share the printers, it asks for username and password, but it keep asking for them repeatedly [22:42] if the Web interface to CUPS is broken (or restricted by default), how can I share printers? [22:43] don't all try to help at once.... one at a time, please === cb_ is now known as cb__ [22:50] hello [22:50] HELLO [22:50] dpkg is borked [22:50] orly? [22:50] I MEXICO AND YOU [22:51] venik: show us your smb.conf [22:51] how do I repair apt-get when it refers to error code (1) [22:51] it is minimal: [22:51] [global] [22:52] workgroup = MSHOME [22:52] pastebin it mind [22:52] server string = udi-kubuntu [22:52] security = share [22:52] [Word-L] [22:52] path = /home/udi/Desktop/Word-L [22:52] sorry... [22:52] available = yes [22:52] browsable = yes [22:52] public = yes [22:52] writable = yes [22:52] guest ok = yes [22:52] create mask = 0777 [22:52] directory mask = 0777 [22:53] !dpkg [22:53] dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. [22:53] !broken [22:53] Sorry, I don't know anything about broken [22:53] haha [22:53] !doesntwork [22:53] Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. [22:53] I was hoping that CUPS will modify smb.conf for me through the web interface, since they removed the printers sections from the System Setup, but it seems to be turned off in HH [22:54] Bauld, do u see anything exciting in my smb.conf? [22:55] I know that there is no printers section there, but see my note above === drag|n is now known as punk === punk is now known as [ifroog] [22:59] no, but then I don't know much - you can't change/control it from [22:59] :631 === [ifroog] is now known as drag|n [23:00] apparently, as part of PROGRESS, what we could do in GG is verbotten in HH [23:02] I killed my pc with II [23:09] what. [23:09] the. [23:09] crap. [23:11] twylight: It is traditional to actually ask a question [23:11] as aware of that as I am, I don't have a question to ask at the moment [23:12] * twylight growls [23:12] this is aggrivating [23:13] I'm trying to enable MP3 support [23:13] and encountering,, that's right, AN IMPOSSIBLE PROBLEM [23:13] libxine-extracodecs is not available to be installed [23:15] impossible probelm [23:15] !impossible [23:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about impossible [23:16] what is it then [23:16] twylight: lbxine1-ffmpeg [23:16] guys [23:16] question [23:16] when i have a file on the deskop [23:17] and i "cut it" to paste it elsehwere... it says "grayed out" [23:17] on my desktop [23:18] I'm going to try removing amarok and reinstalling it [23:18] hopefully I don't break anything [23:19] how do I clear a package that didn't install properly? [23:20] Hey guys [23:20] apt-get remove [23:20] any one? [23:20] and apt-get purge [23:22] Does anyone know what the default mount point for ntfs partitions (autodetected) is? [23:22] Darkhound: it'll stay there until you paste it afaik [23:23] (it doesn't appear in 'mount') [23:28] i already did [23:28] and it it still garyed out [23:34] Darkhound: browse to your home foder and open the desktop folder - what's in it? [23:34] i see it there [23:34] my picture === root is now known as Guest93682 [23:35] #bookz [23:35] Darkhound: try to delete it from there if it copied ok [23:35] it copied all right [23:35] my question is why doesit stil remain there [23:37] ok i see what happens [23:38] every time i "cut" anything drom the desktop [23:38] it stays there.. why [23:39] Darkhound: I don't use the desktop as a storage area but is the file still in trask ? [23:39] *trash [23:40] !songbird [23:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about songbird [23:41] !info songbird [23:41] Package songbird does not exist in hardy [23:41] it is deleted [23:42] !find songbird [23:42] but i dont think that is the proper function of "cut" [23:42] File songbird found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others) === root is now known as Guest43843 [23:43] Darkhound: or it might have something to do with how the desktop functions [23:45] iguess [23:45] lol wut === root is now known as DamienG === cody is now known as codster === root is now known as Guest78370 [23:54] still working on the MP3 capability === Githzerai is now known as Githzerai|Away [23:55] Kubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 minutes [23:58] limited attendance? [23:58] or open to the public? [23:59] open to the public, it seems