=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === salgado-afk is now known as salgado === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevel === kiko-afk is now known as kiko === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch === kiko is now known as kiko-fud === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [18:49] hello mootbot [18:49] feeling like working today? [18:51] noooo, what a surprise ! [18:51] * jtv checks the team calendar for "mootbot vacation" [18:55] Rinchen: it worked for me yesterday [18:55] I spoke yesterday with seeker about it === kiko-fud is now known as kiko [18:56] did he spank the mootbot [18:56] yeah [18:56] the problem is that he's got very little time and it's written in eggdrop. The plan is to convert it to python and run it as part of ubottu [18:56] but that will likely take months [18:57] Rinchen, we could run mootbot ourselves on EC2? :) [18:57] Geez. I didn't even think things were actually written in eggdrop. [18:57] kiko, I've asked seeker for the source :-) [18:58] rockstar, you volunteer you!! [18:58] how hard can it be to write our own [18:58] kiko, Ack! [18:58] * rockstar cowers in the corner. [18:58] kiko, I don't know if https://edge.launchpad.net/mootbot has the latest version or not [18:58] rockstar, and after that you can work on cscvs!! [18:59] bigjools, not hard me thinks [18:59] kiko, are you dooming me to a life of rough projects? [18:59] bigjools, just takes time and we're all kinda short on that [18:59] rockstar, not rough projects, educational ones! [18:59] rockstar, if you fix a rough project a week it's only two weeks so far! [19:00] #startmeeting [19:00] Welcome to this week's Launchpad development meeting. For the next 45 minutes or so, we'll be coordinating Launchpad development. [19:00] Meeting started at 13:00. The chair is Rinchen. [19:00] Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [19:00] [TOPIC] Roll Call [19:00] Not on the Launchpad Dev team? Welcome! Come "me" with the rest of us! [19:00] New Topic: Roll Call [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] mini me [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] Meeeeee [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] him [19:00] me [19:00] bigjools: So, that's just 'jools' then. [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] pt [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:00] gmb: [19:00] gmb, or "ools" [19:00] me [19:00] me [19:01] Ursinha-lunch, mrevel - ping [19:01] mini jewels [19:01] me [19:01] me [19:01] ! [19:01] intellectronica: ping [19:01] me [19:01] bugs team is here [19:01] me [19:01] bigjools, murahem is away today? [19:01] translations is just me today [19:01] allenap's doing feathery things today, of course. [19:01] Um... [19:01] *fathery* [19:02] Rinchen: he's been excused for the ramadan month of September [19:02] mrevel? [19:02] bigjools, k [19:02] * sinzui wonders what feathery things are if they are not bird. [19:02] so soyuz is here [19:02] * bigjools needs to invent some Flying Spaghetti Monsterism excuse [19:02] me [19:02] code is here [19:02] thanks BjornT and thumper [19:03] bigjools: Pirate Appreciation Day [19:03] Foundations is here modulo stub [19:03] arr [19:03] YARR [19:03] Looks like releases is here minus mrevel who I'm sure will be along shortly and be very duly embarrassed for being tardy ;-) [19:03] ok, let's get going [19:03] the sun is over the yardarm [19:04] [TOPIC] Agenda [19:04] New Topic: Agenda [19:04] * Next meeting [19:04] * Actions from last meeting [19:04] * Oops report & Critical Bugs (matsubara/ursinha) [19:04] * Operations report (mthaddon/herb/spm) [19:04] * DBA report (stub) [19:04] * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) [19:04] * New packages required (salgado) [19:04] * Keep status of Critical bugs up to date (flacoste) [19:04] abentley: 8 days and counting [19:04] [TOPIC] Next meeting [19:04] New Topic: Next meeting [19:04] me [19:04] sorry [19:04] barry: pardon? [19:05] Anyone not available next week? [19:05] abentley: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ [19:05] ok so then we're all set [19:05] [AGREED] Next meeting same time, same place, Sept 18th [19:05] AGREED received: Next meeting same time, same place, Sept 18th [19:06] [TOPIC] Actions from last meeting [19:06] New Topic: Actions from last meeting [19:06] we have a few [19:06] * matsubara to add a note in the MeetingAgenda page about disclosing private bugs that will be discussed during the meeting [19:06] * thumper to chase status of resolve_lp_path (bug 260206) [19:06] * barry to work on more refinements for MailingListAPIView (bug 259440) [19:06] * stub to fix bug on account merging raising db constraint (bug 263672) [19:06] * stub to patch our fti regexp to avoid OOPSes (bug 174368) and discuss a proper fix with jtv [19:06] Launchpad bug 260206 in launchpad-bazaar "resolve_lp_path oopses with ValueError" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260206 [19:06] Launchpad bug 259440 in launchpad-foundations "OOPS in MailingListAPIView" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259440 [19:06] Launchpad bug 263672 in launchpad-foundations "account merging triggering database constraint" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/263672 [19:06] Launchpad bug 174368 in launchpad-foundations "Search query triggering error in tsearch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174368 [19:06] Rinchen: as you can see bug 260206 is fix-committed [19:06] resolve_lp_path bug is fix committed [19:06] :) [19:06] Rinchen: it's bug 269025 now [19:06] Launchpad bug 269025 in launchpad-foundations "Batch subscription information requests in XMLRPC" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269025 [19:06] thanks thumper and Ursinha-lunch [19:07] bug 263672 is also fix committed [19:07] thanks barry. I don't need to track this as an action then so I'm removing it and we'll track is as a critical bug [19:07] * Ursinha-lunch kicks ubottu [19:07] matsubara ? === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha [19:07] no stub...hmmm [19:07] * kiko chuckles [19:07] Rinchen: yes? [19:08] ok, I checked and matsubara's is completed [19:08] so [19:08] looks like stub has one but not the other completed [19:08] I know that stub fixed one half of his todos there [19:08] exactly [19:08] so I'll keep stub's second one on the list then [19:08] * kiko high Vs Rinchen [19:08] bug 174368 - i was going to talk with stub about it [19:08] Launchpad bug 174368 in launchpad-foundations "Search query triggering error in tsearch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174368 [19:08] parfait [19:08] right o [19:09] * Rinchen looks up the mootbot syntax [19:09] [ACTION] stub to patch our fti regexp to avoid OOPSes (bug 174368) and discuss a proper fix with jtv [19:09] ACTION received: stub to patch our fti regexp to avoid OOPSes (bug 174368) and discuss a proper fix with jtv [19:09] Rinchen: we never got around to that. [19:09] Rinchen, 15:00 < MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] [19:09] [TOPIC] Oops report & Critical Bugs (matsubara/ursinha) [19:09] New Topic: Oops report & Critical Bugs (matsubara/ursinha) [19:09] show time [19:10] bugs for today: 254918, 268612, 260140, 268264 [19:10] for foundations [19:10] bug 254918 (timeout in +addbranch): lifeless filed it [19:10] Bug 254918 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/254918 is private [19:10] can I add bug 268421 [19:10] Bug 268421 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/268421 is private [19:11] bigjools, i got one for you, bug 268612 [19:11] Launchpad bug 268612 in launchpad "Security adapter results should be cached" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/268612 [19:11] too kind :) it's in PQM right now [19:11] bigjools, as that bug was a critical, guess matsubara will talk about that later [19:11] cool, taking note [19:12] the timeout in +addbranch, matsubara asked me to point it [19:12] bug 254918 [19:12] oh wait, 268612 is not critical [19:12] Bug 254918 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/254918 is private [19:12] the first is a thumper one I guess.. [19:12] kiko: I looked at it, and I don't think so [19:12] thumper, what do you think it is? [19:13] bigjools, but 268421 is [19:13] some weird publication issue [19:13] not a simple code issue [19:13] some retry, timeout, failure reporting issue [19:13] maybe foundations could add some input in the report. [19:14] sounds good [19:14] so [19:15] anyone of foundations that want to add something to that? [19:15] flacoste? [19:15] no [19:15] heh [19:15] salgado? [19:15] am I allowed to say no as well? [19:15] no [19:16] salgado, no, you are not fixing mailman issues, so you have no trump card [19:16] which bug is that, btw? [19:16] http://launchpad.net/bugs/254918 [19:16] LINK received: http://launchpad.net/bugs/254918 [19:16] Error: This bug is private [19:16] bug 254918 [19:16] Error: This bug is private [19:16] /culture_shift Please say "yes, I'd love to help!" :-) [19:16] Bug 254918 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/254918 is private [19:16] what do you say? [19:17] it looks nasty [19:17] which one? [19:17] I'll take it [19:17] cool [19:17] #268421 is easy [19:17] well, kind of [19:17] but they want to give me the other one [19:17] flacoste, it's 254918 [19:17] flacoste, that one is for next month, we know already [19:18] so cool [19:18] moving on? [19:18] bug 260140 [19:18] Launchpad bug 260140 in launchpad-bazaar "revisions' rss feed timing out for some projects" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/260140 [19:18] Ursinha: let's not block on 254918. salgado can give some input later in the report. [19:18] Ursinha, is that still happening on edge? [19:18] and that issue doesn't happen often anyway [19:19] kiko, no [19:19] only in LP [19:19] lpnet [19:19] Ursinha, okay, let's arrange a CP for that revision onto lpnet then [19:19] cool! that's what i was expecting [19:19] great [19:19] bug 268264 [19:19] Launchpad bug 268264 in launchpad-bazaar "Listing +subscribedbranches by most interesting causes LP to crash" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/268264 [19:20] need a person to this bug [19:20] I'll take it for now [19:20] it's a ugly bug [19:20] Ursinha: sorry, for jumping in, but has anybody been able to reproduce this? [19:20] cool! [19:20] flacoste, which one? [19:20] Ursinha: #254918 [19:20] thumper, I did that initial branch. Would you like me to look at it? [19:20] rockstar: yes please [19:20] flacoste, I bet no [19:20] thumper, I'm on it. [19:20] then i say ignore for now [19:21] flacoste, i didn't, matsubara? [19:21] I've seen something similar, though [19:21] I'll have a quick look [19:22] Ursinha: nope. [19:22] flacoste, so, no [19:22] salgado: then a very quick look :-) [19:23] Ursinha: just keep an eye for similar timeout OOPSes. if they start to happen more frequently add to the report and ask some input from foundations [19:23] well, for me that's all, other bugs are critical and matsubara will talk about them [19:23] flacoste, not the same thing I saw before. I'll ignore it for now [19:23] matsubara, sure, i'm watching [19:23] all right [19:23] so, here we go [19:23] We have 3 critical bugs not in progress yet. They are bugs 265067, 268421, 269025 [19:23] Launchpad bug 265067 in launchpad-foundations "MailingListAPIView still oopsing" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/265067 [19:23] Bug 268421 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/268421 is private [19:23] barry, can I move 265067 and 269025 to in progress? Anything blocking you there? [19:23] spurious codehosting failures!!! [19:24] matsubara: see flacoste :) [19:24] flacoste, news about 268421? (you said that one is easy, cool!) [19:24] matsubara, i guess he's working hard on that [19:24] Soyuz has two in progress, bugs 269021 and 269014. Any blockers there, cprov? [19:24] 269025 is in progress [19:24] Launchpad bug 269021 in soyuz "The PPA index page times out for private archives" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269021 [19:24] Launchpad bug 269014 in soyuz "sha256 checksums in release files for all gzipped files broken" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/269014 [19:24] 1st one is in PQM [19:24] matsubara: 265067 is trying to land and get cb'd [19:24] I'm on the 2nd [19:24] flacoste: we save them for the end of week 3 [19:25] cprov-afk: what's it? [19:25] matsubara: a bug in python-apt in hardy that needs a workaround in soyuz [19:25] cprov-afk, a funny bug too [19:26] broken since 1903 [19:26] detected today [19:26] sounds like a beer commercial [19:26] haha :) [19:26] 1903? wow, that's like 105 coding years ago ;-) [19:27] Rinchen the mathmatician [19:27] kiko the speler [19:27] but not if you consider coding years are like dog years [19:27] Rinchen, moving on [19:27] * Rinchen checks the clock. [19:27] flacoste: by your previous comments, I guess you want to punt 268421 to salgado? [19:27] eh? [19:27] matsubara: that might not be a bad idea :-) [19:27] * jijua77 is away: Away [19:28] salgado: if you're ok with (please, say yes). we can move on :-) [19:28] * kiko pushes Rinchen [19:29] I won't have much time to look into that today [19:29] matsubara, Ursinha - that's your signal to come to a closure :-) [19:29] well, it's critical, you need to drop everything to deal with or we need to drop the importance [19:29] Rinchen, guess we have to have critical bugs assigned before that [19:30] s/with/with it/ [19:30] well, there is critical and critical :-) [19:30] heh [19:30] matsubara, right, but after this meeting I have my weekly 1-1 call with flacoste and there won't be much hours left for my day after that [19:30] matsubara: anyway, leave me assigned to it for now [19:31] well, since you guys will be talking, you can sort it out :-) [19:31] thanks flacoste and salgado [19:31] anything else matsubara? [19:31] back to you Rinchen, sorry for the delay [19:31] no worries, thanks matsubara and Ursinha [19:31] [TOPIC] Operations report [19:31] New Topic: Operations report [19:31] I guess I have this one today [19:31] • Codebrowse still having some issues [19:31] • App servers still dying. Similar to codebrowse, not as often [19:31] • IO Sprinting in London all this week [19:31] • All the LOSA LP wiki pages are being moved to the LP wiki [19:31] • We're currently doing a bug report sprint to record all the [19:31] funkies/manual tasks that should be in the UI [19:31] • Confirming that we don't have any more RF branches that can be hosted [19:31] on LP itself??? [19:31] • psycopg2 has been upgraded on all Prod servers [19:32] • That's it from the LOSA team unless there are any questions [19:32] [19:32] There was an email thread about this as well [19:32] My suggestion is to discuss these items there and move on with the meeting. [19:32] Objections? [19:32] no [19:32] ok. [19:32] [TOPIC] DBA report (stub) [19:32] New Topic: DBA report (stub) [19:32] stub is missing again [19:33] flacoste, I'll leave the DBA report to you [19:33] DBA report (proxied for stub who was abducted by Morpheus) [19:33] - DB patches landed. [19:33] - Some more late DB patch to review. [19:33] - Will investigate test-suite slow-down since the multiple store support landed. [19:33] EOT [19:33] any status updates flacoste on the master slave project? [19:34] we will begin testing on demo once the replication scripts branch lands [19:34] review is in progress [19:34] super [19:34] but the priority is the multiple-stores fall-out [19:34] any questions for flacoste ? [19:34] since we are rolloing that out next week [19:35] thanks flacoste [19:35] [TOPIC] Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) [19:35] Is anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent? [19:35] New Topic: Sysadmin requests (Rinchen) [19:35] I have an RT in for bigjools' shared imap for community help rotation [19:35] woohoo [19:35] phew! awesome! [19:36] * beuno has the ticket to update help.lp.net and news.lp.net [19:36] anyone else blocked on anything, especially for the roll-out next week? [19:36] since before I started [19:36] still not urgent though [19:36] https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html [19:36] beuno, the help thing? [19:36] Rinchen: 28196 - spam plugin - would be nice but so old not urgent [19:36] ehm [19:36] beuno, I spoke with elmo about giving the LOSAs access to do that. He's going to see what can be done. [19:36] beuno: out of curiosity, what needs updating there? [19:36] Rinchen, can we get the help wiki finally updated? [19:36] Rinchen, yes [19:36] https://rt.admin.canonical.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=31420 [19:36] kiko, yes [19:37] matsubara, the themes [19:37] I have branches for both [19:37] in theory, the LOSAs should be able to do help.l.n but they don't have access to news.l.n [19:37] beuno: okie, thanks [19:37] beuno, can you please email the losa email addy and see if they can take the ticket for help.l.n? [19:38] Tom has done roll-outs there before so I know they have access [19:38] Rinchen, will do. We still need news though [19:38] maybe they can do it as a training exercise since they are in London [19:38] ok, thanks. [19:38] thanks Rinchen === mrevel is now known as mrevell [19:39] [TOPIC] New packages required (salgado) [19:39] New Topic: New packages required (salgado) [19:39] * henninge has to run but hopes that everybody will take it easy on jtv [19:39] what's it for me this week? [19:40] ok then. thanks salgado [19:40] I've just emailed the LOSAs to know what version of psycopg2 they're using now. we want to use the same for development [19:40] btw [19:40] thanks Rinchen [19:40] good move [19:40] [TOPIC] Keep status of Critical bugs up to date (flacoste) [19:40] New Topic: Keep status of Critical bugs up to date (flacoste) [19:40] yeah [19:41] so it's important when we work on Critical bugs [19:41] especially public ones [19:41] to add a comment at least daily to inform of progress [19:41] in the mailing list time out [19:41] for example [19:41] there were no comments posted for nearly one week [19:42] although we did progress and work on it everyday [19:42] no comments gives the community the impression that nobody is working on the problem [19:42] and that progress was communicated internally [19:42] through our standup notes [19:42] but for people external to the team, it just looks like we are twiddling our thumbs :-) [19:43] that's all, any comments? [19:43] +1, -1 [19:43] +1 [19:43] +1 [19:43] +1 [19:43] +1 [19:43] +1 [19:43] flacoste: +1. when can we have a "still working on it" button? :) [19:43] barry++ [19:43] +1 [19:43] The hard part is just trying to remember to actually comment on it. [19:43] flacoste: or do you spell that launchpadlib+pythongoo ? [19:43] Rinchen, once a day sending an email to a bug number isn't that hard.. [19:44] barry: actually, that's right! [19:44] Rinchen: if we can do it through the api, then cron's your bff [19:44] kiko, I agree. Remembering to do that though isn't always easy [19:44] +1 [19:44] anyway, thanks flacoste [19:44] * barry starts a-hackin' [19:44] we have one tiny late edition to the agenda [19:44] [19:44] [TOPIC] Changes to this meeting! (kiko) [19:44] New Topic: Changes to this meeting! (kiko) [19:44] Rinchen, maybe emailing bug numbers should be easier... [19:44] anyway [19:44] *********************** [19:44] howdy everybody [19:44] if you look at your clocks, there's 1 minute left of meeting [19:45] 0 [19:45] and I don't mean just this week's [19:45] I hope you enjoyed it [19:45] because it's the last week we will run the meeting with this audience and in this format [19:45] Oooh, we're witnessing history. [19:45] from now on, the thursday meetings are disbanded [19:45] gasp [19:45] oh my [19:45] * bigjools boggles [19:46] :-o [19:46] THE SKY IS FALLING... [19:46] but, there is a but [19:46] :-) [19:46] jeroen and stub don't have to be (pretend they are?) zombies any more [19:46] we fear change [19:46] *drumroll* [19:46] we'll be having a Production meeting [19:46] which will be run by joey's dynamic duo [19:46] Ursinha, matsubara ^^ [19:47] hahaha [19:47] cool [19:47] * mrevell is Alf the butler [19:47] lol [19:47] mrevell, wasn't Alf an alien? [19:47] attendees will be releases, LOSAs and each team's QA contact [19:47] mrevell: lol [19:47] what's a team's qa contact? [19:47] * abentley pictures an orange, pig-nosed alien butler. [19:47] you are encouraged to come if there is some production issue that you are concerned about [19:48] intellectronica, it's a role which will be established by next wednesday by your team lead [19:48] mrevell: You must have been strategically shaven that last time I saw you [19:48] * kiko agrees with abentley [19:48] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALF_(TV_series) [19:48] LINK received: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALF_(TV_series) [19:48] and that's all the news. cancel the item out of your agenda. cherish the memories. and look forward to more meaty, less washy meetings. [19:48] kiko: can team members take turns? [19:48] Dynamic duo ... Batman and Robin ... which leaves me as Alfred Pennyworth [19:49] intellectronica: +1 [19:49] does this mean that Ursinha and matsubara have to wear capes? [19:49] kiko: when does it play? [19:49] flacoste, right now. this was the last meeting. [19:49] bigjools, i don't want to be robin [19:49] who does! [19:49] I'm not wearing my underwear over my pants [19:49] lol [19:49] mrevell: Which makes you Michael Caine, by current reckoning. [19:49] mrevell, I guess that means I'm Commissioner Gordon then? [19:49] mrevell, you are above and beyond these crude QA fanatics [19:49] matsubara: please do next time [19:49] but it'd be cool to drive the batmobile! [19:49] Heh [19:49] kiko: when will the production meeting be held, and where? [19:49] matsubara: so you have to go change then? /me ducks [19:50] flacoste, that's for us to decide. I suggest the same time and place, but different attendees. [19:50] ok [19:50] it was nice while it landed [19:50] but 35 people is too much for a meeting [19:50] matsubara, Robin never drove the Batmobile [19:50] it was also nice while it LASTED [19:50] * bigjools applauds [19:50] and it's a bit of a disruption during the week [19:50] He had that motorcycle. [19:51] rockstar, just like the one matsubara has [19:51] This of course means your daily team standups become even more valuable. [19:51] rockstar, I think he didn't have a proper driver's license [19:51] kiko, so it was 49CC moped then? [19:51] If you need something brought up, you can attend the production meeting or pass it to your QA contact [19:51] kiko, matsubara has the license to drive motorcycles, i don't [19:51] rockstar, I think he was an illegal [19:51] exactly what Rinchen said [19:51] stay tuned for the official announcement on-list [19:51] and teamleads, look at your inboxes tonight :) [19:52] kiko, "an illegal" in my country is an illegal immigrant [19:52] Rinchen, that's my item [19:52] salgado: my bike is much better than robin's [19:52] [AGREED] This is the last, ever, weekly Team IRC Meeting. History hath been made. [19:52] AGREED received: This is the last, ever, weekly Team IRC Meeting. History hath been made. [19:52] What, prey tell, was legal in a story about a vigilante? [19:52] +1 sinzui [19:52] I' [19:52] oops [19:52] thanks Rinchen [19:52] and with that, I bid you all, adieu [19:52] but not goodbye [19:52] But I seem to fool like Batman and Robin were All-American [19:52] matsubara, you know... that's just your opinion, man [19:52] thanks all and god speed [19:52] Thank you all for attending this week's Launchpad Developer Meeting. See the channel topic for the location of the logs. [19:52] #endmeeting [19:52] Meeting finished at 13:52. [19:53] salgado: I feel scammed. you previously owned it! [19:53] hahahahah now i got the joke [19:53] and I loved it, but it's nothing compared to robin's [19:53] Robin's had guns on it and stuff. [19:54] I think you have to live in the Southern U.S. to get away with that these days. [19:54] yeehaw [19:55] rockstar, or any country in the southern hemisphere (with very few exceptions) [19:55] salgado, I lived in Guyana for a year. I've seen something similar. [19:55] Although it was usually a pedal bike [20:02] rockstar, guyana! ah, right, I remember now! === salgado is now known as salgado-afk