
tgrundl1bsinder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45544/00:00
bsnider_well it got an ip address00:01
bsnider_can you ping google.com?00:02
miloszis ALSA known to be buggy atm?00:02
tgrundl1yes, and i can bring it up in a browser, but other website, apt, and aMSN timeout00:03
anubisuhm, can Intrpeid play mp3s?00:03
anubisbecause I can't get it to00:03
Neon_lights-poke- anyone here that could lend me some help? [:00:21
Neon_lightsI was just wondering whether if my nVidia drivers are supposed to be freaking out with anything 3D accelerated and giving green and purple bars everywhere.00:23
Neon_lightsor if I should file a bug. xD00:23
anubisuhm, can Intrpeid play mp3s?00:25
literalyes, if you install the appropriate codec00:30
literalsame as with any other ubuntu release00:30
anubisso if clever smartasses like ourselves already had the codec installed and no sound then what?00:31
anubissound form streaming lastfm, but no sound from mp3s?00:31
Neon_lightssounds like a pulseaudio problem to me.00:33
EagleScreenKubuntu Intrepid shows the desktop of my last session when it is starting session, inclusive after rebooting01:08
mib_lhfac4Someone know the correct alternative of "update-manager -d" for kubuntu?01:26
RAOFmib_lhfac4: do-release-upgrade should work (and is CLI), but I don't know the Kubuntu version01:26
mib_lhfac4i should go in intrepid01:27
mib_lhfac4now i'm in ubuntu hardy heron01:27
mib_lhfac4and do-release-upgrade said:01:27
mib_lhfac4Checking for a new ubuntu release No new release found01:27
RAOFYou'd need to pass -d as well.01:27
mib_lhfac4yeah work, thanks!!!! :-)01:28
shadowhywindhay all, not sure of this is an intrepid issue or not.. but in order to get my wireless card to work (ndiswrapper), I have to restart dbus first? is this normal?01:47
RAOFshadowhywind: Restarting dbus is probably restarting network manager & HAL & friends, which will then pick up your new (to the kernel) hardware.01:48
RAOFThat's not the best behaviour, so it might be worth filing a bug if you can reproduce this.01:49
shadowhywindbut even if the wireless card is on from boot?01:49
shadowhywindany ideas on a fix? or something i can try so i can more info to the bug report01:50
RAOFshadowhywind: Depends on what "on" means; the kernel doesn't know about it properly until ndiswrapper has loaded, and has the right windows driver wrapped, and loaded the firmware, etc.01:50
RAOFIf NM is getting loaded before all that happens, it may not pick up your card.01:50
RAOFSo, it seems you've already identified a fix; restart dbus.01:51
shadowhywindthe only issue that i have with restarting dbus, is that i lost like half the items in my systray01:51
RAOFYou could narrow this down by just restarting the network manager services; I believe they live in /etc/dbus/event.d01:51
shadowhywindso perhaps running the network restart command might help?01:52
carandraugI also have a problem with ndiswrapper since I updated to Intrepid. I have to stop NetworkManager (even though it's disable in the list of startup services), ifdown my network. Only after this Am I able to remove the ndiswrapper module. After reinserting the module I finally get internet01:54
shadowhywindok so /etc/init.d/networking restart looks like it didn't work01:56
RAOFYes, that's not network manager.01:57
RAOFThe network manager things live in /etc/dbus/event.d, or something.01:57
shadowhywindi have a dbus-1 but nothin inside of event.d01:57
RAOFHm.  Or they did.  They don't seem to now :)01:58
shadowhywindperhaps system.d01:58
RAOFHeh.  They seem to be in system.d now01:58
shadowhywindso which one do i have to restart and how?01:59
Joeb454anybody around?01:59
shadowhywindnioe hehe01:59
RAOFshadowhywind: I'm not sure anymore; this has changed since last I fiddled with it.01:59
carandraugit resides in /etc/init.d/NetworkManager . i have to stop it first to be able to fix my wireless connection with ndiswrapper01:59
Joeb454Just wondering if anybody knew why the username thing on the top gnome panel always tells me I'm offline02:00
shadowhywindcarandraug: so you have the same issue then huh?02:00
RAOFBah!  I should have paid more attention; /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart is probably your winner.02:00
shadowhywindJoeb454: sorry i don't use gnome so can't help yah02:00
shadowhywindok going to give it a try, so brb02:01
carandraugshadowhywind: not sure what's your issue. I came into the room in the middle of your talk. I solved mine by running half a dozen commands. Stop Network manager, ifdown wireless interface, remove ndiswrapper module and reinserting the module02:01
milos_Joeb454, how do you connect to internet, with Network-manager or with 'pon connection'?02:02
Joeb454milos_, network manager I think (whatever's the default for connecting to wifi)02:03
milos_Joeb454, i had similar problems when I am connected from terminal, but your problem is another issue02:04
Joeb454hmm, it's not really a problem, but it is annoying02:05
shadowhywind_well that quiet didn't work02:05
=== shadowhywind_ is now known as shadowhywind
carandraugshadowhywind: I don't think you got my message. You logged out first02:08
carandraugshadowhywind: not sure what's your issue. I came into the room in the middle of your talk. I solved mine by running half a dozen commands. Stop Network manager, ifdown wireless interface, remove ndiswrapper module and reinserting the module02:08
shadowhywindoh hehe02:08
shadowhywindwell in anycase sounds like i am going to get stuck with a few commands, i might as well stay with restarting dbus02:09
DanaGOooh, the gnome packagekit thingy doesn't freeze on retrieving changelogs like the old updater did!02:09
DanaGOh, and in addition: it doesn't show the WRONG item if you scroll quickly, unlike the old update-manager (which DID show the wrong things).02:10
DanaGThe backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!02:11
shadowhywindoh! new updates and there are some network-manager updates! maybe they will fix the issues02:14
carandraugshadowhywind: they didn't fix mine :p02:15
shadowhywindi wish they would post the new kernel.. hopeing that one will fix the last broken kernel for me. hehe02:15
ToHellWithGAis there any plan to fix the incorrect rate setting in the rt2x00 modules?02:16
ToHellWithGAsince gutsy, wireless chipsets on the rt2x00 module have defaulted to a 1Mbps rate02:16
ToHellWithGAit's a known problem that can be fixed by running "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M"02:16
carandraugshadowhywind: I have problems with the latest kernel (because of my graph card) so I have to use Hardy's kernel02:17
ToHellWithGAi was a little put off when i reset my computer running this bleeding-edge ubuntu version and it still had a bug that's been present since gutsy02:17
ToHellWithGAcarandraug: what video card is that?02:18
shadowhywindcarandraug: does your stop like a second into it and say kernel reallyy alive?02:18
carandraugToHellWithGA: ATI Radeon 9600XT02:18
carandraugshadowhywind: no. I just can't get anything there. I plan on try to check what's happening next week (I can't risk not having the computer working unntil Monday 5pm)02:19
carandraugshadowhywind: Only resolution I get with it is 640*430 or something like that02:20
shadowhywindnow thats bad02:20
shadowhywindalso anyone fimiliar with the konsole in kde 4.1?02:21
DanaG    - Avoid gnome-wm launching itself in loop02:23
DanaG    - Remove required components from the default session02:23
DanaGSo is that why I kept getting a freeze?02:23
DanaGNew version of gvfs:  - Go back to using powers of 10 instead of powers of 2 for display sizes.      This means we will agree with printed sizes for most devices (e.g. memory      sticks will now correctly report "64MB volume" instead of previous      "61.7MB volume").02:26
DanaG(also points out how annoying hard-wrapped text files can be.02:26
MightyTweekHas anyone successfully built SVN mplayer on Intrepid?02:59
RAOFBut you're likely to get a better response to your actual question by asking it :)03:00
bsniderRAOF,  try out the new pulseaudio yet?03:00
bsniderand for that matter the new kernel03:00
RAOFYes to both; neither help my hda_intel buffer underrun problem.03:01
MightyTweekRAOF: point well taken. My question: How can I get SVN mplayer to build successfully on Intrepid? :D03:01
bsnidereven with luke's newer alsa-lib packages?03:01
RAOFYes.  Now trying with alsa-driver 1.1.18rc303:01
bsniderhow bad is the problem?03:02
MightyTweekSeriously, though. Doing a ./configure seems to work just fine, but when I run make, nothing gets built.03:02
RAOFMightyTweek: Better, but not quite there yet :).  For me to help I'd need to know what you've tried, and where it's failing :)03:02
RAOFThat seems pretty strange.03:02
bsniderMightyTweek, you do have build-essential and that crap installed?03:02
RAOFbsnider: Annoying; several tiny hickups/pops in the music over the course of a song.03:03
* RAOF restarts to load the new alsa drivers.03:03
tretlewhy isnt cheese available in ubuntu when it was included as part of gnome core since 2.2203:03
MightyTweekRAOF: Yes, I have build-essential and all of the other prerequs installed as far as I can tell.03:04
bsnideri asked you that actually03:04
RAOFtretle: It _is_ available in Ubuntu.03:08
RAOFtretle: I'm fairly sure it's installed by default.03:09
RAOFtretle: Sorry, I'm lying.  It's not installed by default, but it is in Ubuntu (at least intrepid).  Cheese 2.22.3-0ubuntu2 (universe)03:09
tretleshouldnt it be installed by default seeing as its part of gnome now03:10
MightyTweekRAOF: I've pastebinned the output of make -d here if that helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/45590. Warning: it's 107,444 lines long :)03:12
RAOFUbuntu-desktop isn't the same as the default gnome desktop.03:12
IdleOneis this the appropriate channel to get some help with clamTK?03:12
RAOFMightyTweek: Dunno.  Can I have the output without -d? :)03:13
MightyTweekRAOF: Without the -d, make produces no output. make clean does the expected deletion of files. Occasionally when I've done an svn up and tried a make after that some stuff has gotten built, but never the mplayer executable03:17
RAOFMightyTweek: What, _no_ output at all?03:18
MightyTweekRAOF: correct.03:19
bsniderare you able to build anything else?03:19
RAOFMightyTweek: Isn't it great that the mplayer devs are so cool as to build their own buildsystem? :(03:19
bsnideri guess you're being sarcastic there03:20
RAOFWell spotted.03:20
MightyTweekRAOF: they're a different bunch, it's true03:20
IdleOneneed some help with clamtk. I have scanned my computer and the results show 3 viruses found but when I click on Quarantine it says no items quarantined.Click on maintenance and I see cache,cache.VIRUS,gdm and gdm.VIRUS . I am not sure what to do now but this has me worried. running ubuntu 8.10 alpha5. any advice?03:22
IdleOneyes I asked in #clamav also. no response03:22
RAOFIdleOne: They're almost certainly false-positives.  What are you worried about?03:23
IdleOneRAOF: 3 viruses found on my Ubuntu system? I want to know what they are and why they are there03:23
RAOFOr, indeed, if they are virusesss.03:23
IdleOneRAOF: do you have any file named gdm.VIRUS on your system??03:24
IdleOneRAOF: yes that too03:24
bsniderMightyTweek, try building the aurora gtk theme03:24
MightyTweekRAOF: Okay, if I do a ./configure --enable-gui and then make, then I get a bunch of output of stuff being built. (I did a ./configure without the --enable-gui before.) It looks like it's just .d files that are being built though, and if I do a make clean and then a make again, nothing happens again, presumably because make clean isn't cleaning up the .d files03:24
RAOFMightyTweek: I'd suggest bugging upstream.  It sounds like their spiffy build system's broken.03:24
tretlethey probably are... it doesnt mean that they will affect your system but they might travel around your wireless setup to windows pcs03:25
IdleOnetretle: so then I should not worry? you say that like it's ok that my Ubuntu system could possibly infect the 3 other windows system I have on my home network03:26
mneptokIdleOne: how would Ubuntu infect them?03:26
MightyTweekRAOF: I've been watching the mailing list and haven't heard of anyone else having problems, but I might post a question there03:26
tretlewell its not as bad as the virus infecting the host and the other pcs around the network03:27
MightyTweekbsnider: how do I do that, and what will it do?03:27
tretlelook on the bright side after all03:27
IdleOnemneptok: tretle reply. implied that they could travel over wifi?03:27
bsniderMIghtif it works, it would virtually eliminate your own system as a possible cause of the problem03:27
mneptokIdleOne: hardly likely.03:27
tretlesamba shares would be a way that they could travel03:27
bsniderMightyTweek,  if it works, it would virtually eliminate your own system as a possible cause of the problem03:28
IdleOnemneptok: ok let's assume they are false positives. how do I make certain that is what they are?03:28
MightyTweekbsnider: ah, I see. Good idea. Do you have the command to check out the source handy?03:28
mneptokIdleOne: look for gdm.VIRUS in a virus DB? SANS?03:28
bsniderthere's the course03:28
MightyTweekbsnider: thanks03:28
bsniderjust run the configure script make and make install03:29
bsniderif it works, blame mplayer03:29
bsniderworks for me03:29
bsniderMightyTweek, you'll need the libgtk2.0-dev package too03:30
IdleOnehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=778659&highlight=gdm.virus mneptok according to this post it is a virus but not a gdm virus03:30
mneptokIdleOne: did you actually click the associated link or read the rest of the thread?03:32
mneptokthe Secunia link goes nowhere, and the OP says it's 100% a false positive.03:32
IdleOnethe secunia link returns 0 results for gdm.virus03:32
IdleOnemneptok: ok then I will mark it as a false positive. now I also have a cache.VIRUS, cache,gdm that are shown03:33
mneptokdeduce, Watson ...03:33
bsnideryou can avoid this problem by not running virus scanners03:34
mneptokweird. i was *just* going to say something equivalent.03:34
IdleOnebsnider: lol ok then03:34
bsniderthe recent windows refugees are so paranoid03:34
MightyTweekbsnider: That seemed to build fine. Guess it's something weird with mplayer's configure script03:35
IdleOneI am not a recent windows refugee I have been running Ubuntu for 3 years and on a whim I decided to run a scan03:35
mneptokIdleOne: what has ClamAV done for you except waste a temendous amount of your life?03:35
bsniderMightyTweek, or a problem with their svn files. maybe some are missing or something like that03:36
IdleOnemneptok: k I get what you guys are saying. uninstall clamav and be safe in the knowledge that my system is safe03:36
bsniderit is indeed. very much so03:36
mneptokIdleOne: uninstall ClamAV, and be judicious about how you open attachments and other such things. you'll be safer than with ClamAV, *and* have one free weekend per year in saved time.03:36
burnerassuming you dont' have bad ssl certs ;)03:36
IdleOnemneptok: i am always careful about attachemnts and I don't install anything that is not in repos unless I know for certain it comes from a good source03:37
mneptokIdleOne: those habits are 1000000000000000000% more effective than is ClamAV03:38
bsnidernot that we're trashing clamav or antyhing03:38
bsnideri mean it's not like it identifies false positives03:39
mneptoki wonder if when cars debuted, new owners asked, "How do I get this thing inoculated against hoof and mouth disease? I always had to do that with my horses."03:39
* IdleOne has all his shots and a few I wish I didn't03:39
bsnideri'm not sure microsloth would agree with that analogy03:39
bsniderlinux is to windows what cars were to hroses?03:39
IdleOnethat seems pretty accurate to me03:40
mneptokbsnider: more like "Linux is to automobile emissions what Windows is to horse emissions."03:40
bsniderif it was, more people would be using it03:40
MightyTweekbsnider and RAOF: I managed to get mplayer to build by deleting the entire folder and re-downloading. I should have tried that in the first place, of course, but I suspect their make clean isn't really doing a thorough job03:59
RAOFMightyTweek: Heh.03:59
bsnidernot to be picky, but what's wrong with the medibuntu mplayer?04:01
bsniderRAOF, did hte new alsa fix your sound issues?04:02
RAOFbsnider: No.04:02
bsniderwhat sound chip is it?04:02
RAOFOne of the infinititude supported by hda_intel; the codec is realtek 660, IIRC.04:03
MightyTweekbsnider: I'm needing E-AC3 support, which has only just appeared in the svn version. how often is the medibuntu mlayer built?04:03
bsniderit's a few months old04:04
bsnidere-ac3? that is that?04:04
MightyTweekbsnider: it's the audio codec used on HD-DVD discs04:05
gx009dding kde to ubuntudding kde to ubuntudding kde to ubuntu04:05
bsniderdolby truehd?04:05
gx009one of you hacked me and typed that04:06
gx009but considering there are more folks in #kubuntu , i should ask there04:07
IdleOnelol yeah we are in the habit of hacking Ubuntu users and then helping them fix the issue. Like we don't have enough issues to work on04:07
bsnideri can assure you i don't care enough to hack you or anyone else04:08
IdleOnei would not even know where to begin even if i wanted to hack you and delete your pr0n collection04:08
MightyTweekbsnider: apparently it's also known as Dolby Digital Plus04:08
bsniderhave they come up with a codec for dts-ma?04:09
MightyTweekI don't even know what that is. I just want to watch my HD-DVDs on my Linux HTPC :)04:10
bsniderwell, dolby truehd is hte update to dolby digital. dts-ma - "master audio" is the update to dts04:12
bsniderand since there are no more hd dvds in production, dts-ma is hte future04:12
gx009i thought hd dvd==blueray04:13
bsniderthey're 2 different things04:14
bsniderthe last hd dvd that was produced was "atonement" some time ago04:14
bsniderthe format is dead04:14
gx0091080p still rules04:14
bsniderboth formats have that04:14
bsniderbut that has half the resolution of 35mm film04:15
bsniderso i'm looking for ward to 4k tv resolutions04:15
RAOFbsnider: You project your TV onto a screen with an area of tens of square metres? :P04:16
MightyTweekyeah, I figured I'd get a HD-DVD/Blu-Ray drive when I built my new Linux HTPC, and picked up a few HD-DVDs for cheap, since they were clearing them out... I assumed the encryption had been cracked and I could just load 'em up and go... it's been a bit more complicated :P04:16
gx009thats impossible witht he current hardware04:16
MightyTweekI'm gonna stick with DVD for awhile I think :)04:16
bsnider4k x 2k as opposed to 2k by 1k04:16
gx009bsnider just invented a 18:16 format04:18
literalshouldn't that be 9:8 ?04:18
bsnideryou invented it?04:19
bsniderpatent it04:19
gx009hold on.. i gotta tell kernel not to boot up with acpi04:19
ToHellWithGAliteral: i'm pretty sure it should be ~5pi by ~4pi04:19
bsniderkernels don't respond to verbal commands04:20
bsniderwhent hey do, we're all in trouble04:20
ToHellWithGAwe need irrational, fractional pixels04:20
ToHellWithGAi guess those two disagree04:20
ToHellWithGAirrational, transcendental pixels04:20
literalcomplex pixels04:21
ToHellWithGAi'd like a screen with 100pi by 100e pixels04:21
gx009that would be cool .. then you can assign fallback pixels04:21
bsniderhow about toxic, explosive pixels?04:21
ToHellWithGAhow about a kernel module for my wireless chipset that doesn't show a regression first identified in gutsy?04:21
ToHellWithGAi kid, i kid04:21
ToHellWithGAi like connecting at 1Mbps to my LAN from 10 feet from the router04:22
ToHellWithGAit's fun04:22
bsniderwhich module is that04:22
ToHellWithGAfor an rt2500 chipset04:23
bsniderrealtek sucks on linux04:23
ToHellWithGAno ways04:23
ToHellWithGAit was gold on feisty and older04:24
ToHellWithGAthe new free modules only suck a little04:24
gx0092.6.27-2 only boots with acpi=off .. beam up to ...28-1 scotty.. hmm.. alsa got alittle confused about that04:24
ToHellWithGAi used that chipset with backtrack204:24
bsnidergx009, try the new kernel04:25
gx009which new one?04:25
RAOFgx009: Is this a laptop?  Mine only boots on AC unless I pass acpi=off.04:25
bsniderit's in there04:25
bsnidercheck synaptic04:25
gx009yep.. laptop04:25
* RAOF hasn't checked this with 2.6.27-3 yet.04:25
gx009i'll try an update from 26-204:28
DanaGrt2x00 is not realtek.04:31
DanaGIt's ralink.04:31
DanaGOH GOD, MY EYES!  http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/10/hp-shows-off-vivienne-tam-designed-digital-clutch-the-10-inch/04:33
MightyTweekwell, it's fuschia04:34
gx009" a bright red 10-inch netbook"  that looks way pink to me04:35
Jordan_UDanaG: Any idea what distro it's based on?04:36
DanaGWell, the current Mini-Note uses some variant of SuSE (I didn't bother remembering which one).04:36
DanaGyast2 == gag.04:36
gx009certainly gives a new meaning to "eye candy"04:36
DanaGwell, as package manager, at least.04:36
ToHellWithGADanaG: indeedums04:37
ToHellWithGAregarding ralink, that is04:38
ToHellWithGAralink was ace on feisty and older04:38
DanaGI set up a family friend's computer with a bcm4306 card, and kept the ralink for a spare for an old computer around here, because ralink is open-source.....04:40
DanaGbut in the end, I traded the two.04:41
ToHellWithGAthe ralink driver is bunk in ubuntu through04:41
DanaGOpen-source means 'jack' if it doesn't work for $INSERT_WORD_HERE.04:41
DanaGs/means/doesn't mean/04:41
ToHellWithGAit auto-sets itself to 1Mbps04:41
DanaGLovely feature!04:41
ToHellWithGAit's way wacky that i can manually set it to 54M but it auto-sets to slow slow04:42
DanaGThe b43 card also sometimes works better than my iwl3945 card.04:43
milos_has someone here ever managed to remove accidentally half of gnome with synaptic?04:43
DanaGNope, because I check what it's going to be doing before I let it do anything.  =þ04:43
gx009accident implies no one is at fault04:44
milos_DanaG, I am also checking but I didn't this time hhhh04:44
ToHellWithGADanaG: i bought a wireless g usb key just because of that bunk module04:44
ToHellWithGAthe ralink usb module works fine with all speeds04:44
ToHellWithGAi unplugged the pci card until i read up that i could manually set the speed04:45
* gx009 : gnome beats kde04:45
MightyTweekmilos_: yeah, I've done that04:45
* DanaG wonders which works better: b43 or ipw2200.04:45
DanaGI've got one of the latter in an old laptop around here.04:45
MightyTweekmilos_: not with synaptic though, it was with apt-get IIRC04:46
ToHellWithGAlol @ "old laptop"04:46
DanaGWell, it is: toshiba 1415-s10504:46
ToHellWithGAi used that wireless usb adapter to install hardy on a 200Mhz pentium 2 laptop04:46
ToHellWithGAit was ace04:46
milos_man i was soo furious, I wanted to submit like 19 angry bug reports04:46
DanaGThe wifi card is yoinked from a a friend's dead newer laptop.04:46
ToHellWithGAone usb port, 3.6GB hard drive04:46
* DanaG wonders: what could you use a P2 laptop for nowadays?04:47
DanaGWe've got one that's sort of abandoned in place (shoved in the back of a closet).04:47
ToHellWithGAmilos_: that's what "ubuntu-desktop" is for04:47
gx009victory!! 2.6.27-3 works with no acpi=off04:47
ToHellWithGAreinstall the meta-package milos_04:48
ToHellWithGADanaG: it's my grandmother's laptop04:48
ToHellWithGAshe plays solitaire and freecell04:48
gx009those are windows games..04:49
ToHellWithGAabsolutely not04:49
ToHellWithGAthose a re card games04:49
gx009play gnometrix!!04:49
ToHellWithGAs/a re/are/04:49
ToHellWithGAshe is 70 years old04:50
ToHellWithGAtransitioning to gnome games with the same game was ok in my book04:50
milos_i have installed some packages with dbg symbols(firefox and xulruner) from http://ddebs.ubuntu.com and it removed some very important form gnome04:50
ToHellWithGAno windows 98 games for her :)04:50
gx009good.. she's still in time to witness the glory of teh linuz04:51
ToHellWithGAmy poor grandfather04:51
DanaGAll my family friends are too stubborn to want to switch to anything.04:51
ToHellWithGAhe's getting the alzheimers04:51
milos_somehow i figured out in aptitude what was the problem04:51
ToHellWithGAit's too late to try to teach him how not to click every popup that says "click me"04:51
ToHellWithGAhe's on his 5th windows xp computer04:52
ToHellWithGAhe bogs them down and abandons them04:52
DanaGAdblock Plus?04:52
DanaGFree hardware?04:52
milos_ToHellWithGA, I have fix it, what a relief04:52
ToHellWithGAi refuse to do his tech support because he has a cluster of poorly-organized files he moves from one machine to the next with the help of some local computer shop04:52
gx009i have a amd k7 with Xubuntu in it..04:53
ToHellWithGAc:\work\property\jaksdf.wpd and c:\documents\personal\lksjdlfjsdlfkj.wpd04:53
DanaGHmm, just sit back and enjoy the free hardware when he discards the old stuff?04:53
ToHellWithGAnot at all04:54
ToHellWithGAi run all intel motherbaord/chipset stuff to avoid hassle04:54
ToHellWithGAi suppose i could salvage some RAM from it04:55
gx009am making that k7 into a debian 4.0 for entertainment purposes.. it still got about 700mb ram04:55
DanaGAnother thing you could do: put in a dd-wrt router, run dnsmasq, and have it block the same sites that the Spybot hosts file blocks?04:55
ToHellWithGAthe guy has been asking me for two years to help him get broadband internet04:56
ToHellWithGAi've explained it to him a few times, patiently04:56
ToHellWithGAhe now has broadband in his florida home but not in his winter home04:56
ToHellWithGAit perplexes him that he can't take it with him04:56
DanaGTime for a laptop with the mobile broadband?04:57
ToHellWithGAbecause he has the same long distance phone service, he thinks all of it should be a choice04:57
DanaGi.e. through phone provider?04:57
ToHellWithGAyeah that wouldn't be bad04:57
ToHellWithGAsince he is on dialup he would not find that slow04:57
ToHellWithGAhe's stuck on wordperfect04:57
ToHellWithGAhe refuses to learn to use MS word04:58
DanaGBonus points for built-in instead of dongle.04:58
ToHellWithGAas much as i hate word, it's more current and more widely-used04:58
ToHellWithGAi will not be teaching him LaTeX :)04:58
ToHellWithGAbedtime for bonzo04:58
ToHellWithGAgood talk y'all04:59
DanaGHeh, random thing: I set up a 6to4 tunnel thingy on my dd-wrt router, but then disabled it when I considered that it'd be essentially unfirewalled.04:59
DanaGWhat hardware does he get, that you won't use?04:59
DanaGYou could also tell him to donate to various places, for a tax deduction or something.04:59
* burner wonders what audio fixes are planned for intrepid... i still can't be playing rhythmbox and then watch a flash video at the same time05:22
DanaGI can.05:27
literalI'm trying to compile an application and I'm getting "sh: o: not found"06:08
literalsome Googling leads me to believe that I'm missing something related to gcc and g++06:08
literalI'm not very familiar with ubuntu's packages yet though, so I don't know what I'm missing06:08
DanaGtry make SHELL=/bin/bash whatever06:09
DanaGthe default shell in Ubuntu is 'dash'06:09
DanaG.... which is not able to handle 'bashisms'06:09
literalit's scons, not make :)06:09
DanaGaah, then try to export it first, instead.06:09
* Jordan_U wonders why people ask for /bin/sh when they really want bash06:13
literal"export SHELL=/bin/bash" doesn't help06:13
literaland the supplied SConstruct script doesn't say anything about which shell to use, so I guess scons itself is to blame06:14
literaleven changing the /bin/sh symlink doesn't help06:15
DanaGPerhaps you can execute whatever interpreter it is, with some "print everything it executes" parameter.06:19
literalthat would be python06:20
literaltoo bad I'm a Perl guy...06:21
alka_trashHey I'm downloading Ubuntu 8.10 and I'm pretty excited - does anyone know if Pulse audio is better in this release alpha 5? well compared to hardy06:21
DanaGbut anyway, man python.... it may have a way to make it print.06:22
DanaGhttp://product.cowon.com/product/IFA/product_page_2.php  --- yay for support for open-source formats!06:25
* DanaG is not a fan of Apple.06:27
literaldoes this link work for anyone here?06:29
* DanaG wants a USB thumb drive: http://www.usbgeek.com/prod_detail.php?prod_id=090506:29
=== fargiolas|afk is now known as fargiolas
teratomawhat's the setting that makes nautilus make all of your folders in /home appear on your desktop ?06:56
literal/apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir in gconf06:57
* DanaG did that, AND symlinked Desktop to home07:01
DanaGso apps that don't respect it still work as expected.07:01
DanaG/home/dana/Desktop -> /home/dana/07:01
literalapparently all that was needed was "sudo aptitude install g++"07:05
Daisuke_Idoliteral: build-essential didn't do it?07:29
DanaGWhat's up with the hg-mirror.alsa-project.org?07:35
DanaGNo changes in 3 months.07:35
DanaGon alsa-kernel dir, that is.07:35
literalDaisuke_Ido: it would have, but I was unaware of it07:36
TuTUXGanyone is experiencing problem with connecting to a large (larger than 160G) usb hard drive?07:40
literalwait, lemme connect my 250GB drive and see07:41
TuTUXGliteral, mine is a 200g 3.5 usb drive, and it's about 80% full07:42
literal3.5" here as well, 33% full07:43
literalno problems at all07:43
TuTUXGhardy livecd mount it fine, but not with intrepid alpha 5 (either live cd or installed system)07:43
literalwhat filesystem?07:43
literalFAT32 here07:43
TuTUXGxfs and reiserfs07:44
TuTUXGi have two partitions07:44
TuTUXGand another one with ntfs (160) couldn't mount either07:45
TuTUXGi'm wondering if the unetboot installation screwed this up...07:46
TuTUXGthe wired thing is i have another two 2.5" usb drive (both are 40g) and they all mounted fine...07:47
TuTUXGwith the 3.5" one, after i connected, nothing happened, not even under /dev/07:49
DanaGwhat does dmesg show about it?07:55
TuTUXGDanaG, wait a sec, let me see07:55
TuTUXG[ 1438.773216] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Sense Key : No Sense [current]07:56
TuTUXG[ 1438.773220] sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] Add. Sense: No additional sense information07:56
DanaGSummarize, rather than pasting.07:56
DanaGHmm, odd.07:56
TuTUXGit just repeats that again and again07:56
TuTUXGexcept the time stamps r different07:57
TuTUXGwhat does that mean?07:57
DanaGIt means something's screwy with the enclosure attaching.07:58
TuTUXGbut it mounts fine with my old hardy and hardy livecd07:59
TuTUXGand winxp... , with the ntfs one07:59
TuTUXGbtw it is not sata drive, it's ide08:00
TuTUXGi mean pata08:01
ArenlorSo just how (un)stable is Intrepid currently?08:09
Jordan_UArenlor: Depends on your hardware, last I heard none of the nvidia drivers were working :)08:21
Jordan_UArenlor: But my comp is running pretty well08:21
DanaGThe 173 and 177 drivers work for me, but not the 77 and 96 drivers.08:27
ArenlorI've only got to worry about BCM43XX and fglrx drivers myself ^_^08:32
clustywanted to know if its worth while me crying about the fact that bluetooth does get restarted after a suspend to ram?08:50
Jordan_Uclusty: Yes, check if there is already a bug filed and if not file one please.08:58
clustyJordan_U, acceptable?09:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268877 in bluez-utils "bluetooth service does not restart after a suspend to ram" [Undecided,New]09:05
clustyor should say about hardware and stuff?09:05
Jordan_Uclusty: Can't hurt to give info on what hardware you have, they will probably ask for it later if you don't09:12
Jordan_Uclusty: Thank you for taking the time to report the bug :)09:18
clustyit's my pride :D09:19
clustymight be the first bug that was not reported and was not dissmissed due to lack of info :D09:19
=== mvo__ is now known as mvo
ernstpanyone know usplash details?12:46
ernstpI'm having the problem that it starts from the initramfs, but then it quits and drops me back to the console after a while12:47
ernstpprobably when the initramfs is done12:47
mrxmikevmware-tools (For guest OS) fails to install on intrepid13:22
mrxmikethe kernel panics / crashes =), known problem?13:22
mrxmike2: can i somehow become a 'professional' beta tester, together with a friend of me?13:23
mrxmike(both IT professionals, well my friend is attending computer science at uni..)13:23
mrxmikevbe_init() failed with -22, is what i get after installing vmware.. i guess that this is the vmware kernel module crashing13:26
mrxmikehmmm, actually... its not i see.13:26
mrxmikeits on launchpad already i see =)13:27
Ngmrxmike: vmware is so not our problem, it's vmware's problem ;)13:34
mrxmikeit sure is13:34
Ngmrxmike: as for being a "professional" beta tested, if you mean for Ubuntu there is no such thing, just test and file good bugs :)13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189621 in v86d "v86d missing, needed for uvesafb (dup-of: 246269)" [Undecided,Fix released]13:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246269 in linux-meta "Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d" [Undecided,Invalid]13:34
mrxmikebut there are problems with the vesa driver uvesafb13:35
mrxmikeNg: ahhh k .. well.. guess i should become a launchpadder then ;)13:35
Ngalso try to be responsive to bugs - often you'll get someone ask you to file some more information (hardware info, kernel messages, steps to reproduce, etc) and if you don't respond, the bug will end up expiring13:36
mrxmikeNg: sometimes people ask unnessarily more info, to just avoid to pick up on a problem13:38
mrxmikethat kills..13:38
mrxmike.. uhh where's kubu on launchpad? :S13:41
mrxmikekubuntu=ubuntu with just KDE repos added? :S13:44
mrxmikei dont get it13:44
dns53the kde desktop, the repo's are common13:44
mrxmikewell.. then there's a really thin line between them.......................13:46
jtechidnakubuntu=ubuntu with a different set of default software13:46
mrxmikethe difference is as small a s few hundred packages then13:46
jtechidnabasically KDE + KDE versions of Ubuntu-specific tools13:46
mrxmikedns53: nearly common i guess you mean13:46
mrxmikeyeah k =) qt..13:46
dns53you can change between them by adding/removeing ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop13:46
jtechidnaUbuntu is basically Gnome + GTK versions of Ubuntu-specific tools13:47
mrxmikeare the ubu dev teams focused as much on both14:00
mrxmikeor is kubuntu a 2nd thing.. ?14:01
mrxmikemy first bug report =) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dolphin/+bug/26897514:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268975 in dolphin "Dolphin segfaults when the view is changed" [Undecided,New]14:01
jtechidnamrxmike: I can reproduce your crash!14:11
jtechidnaI will get a proper backtrace and report it to KDE14:11
jtechidnaThanks for helping make Kubuntu and KDE better for everyone.14:12
=== bluedog_ is now known as bluedog
mrxmikejtechidna: you as well :-))14:30
* jtechidna reboots to see if the new kernel fixed things14:32
mrxmikek :)14:32
JontheEchidnameh, still crashes modprobe15:04
mrxmikewhats wrong? :)15:05
JontheEchidnaoh, modprobe dies when I boot with the .27 kernel15:05
Turskihow do i get virtualbox working in interpid, since it doesn't have correct kernel module?15:13
mrxmikeyou dont15:14
mrxmikei think15:14
mrxmikeTurski: why run virtualbox on intrepid?15:14
Turskiwhy not?15:15
lore20u need to install another kernell15:15
lore20compile a vanilla... ore use a previous version15:16
Turskistupid :/15:16
Turskiwhy there's no module for latest kernel?15:16
mrxmikeask #vbox15:17
mrxmikevirtualbox doesnt support Alpha releases /kernels used in it i think... that will be the answer you get15:17
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utehello @ll, is there any possibility to use the nvidia-glx-96 driver pakage under 8.10 alpha5?15:25
JontheEchidnaute: nope15:25
utewould there be an option in the final or must i bury my geforce 315:29
JontheEchidnadepends on when nvidia releases an updated driver15:30
utenot very satisfying, but typically nvidia15:31
flithmhey everyone... when ibex I don't get fglrx installed by default like I did with hardy, and when I install fglrx my system gets totally hosed.  I have an older ATI card.  Does anyone know what's going on?  With Hardy compiz ran no problem but I'm having real trouble getting it to work on Ibex15:32
flithmwhen == with sorry15:32
JontheEchidnafglrx probably isn't compatible with the new xorg, gotta wait until ati releases an update15:33
JontheEchidnaI think the free drivers do some 3D accell, so at least you aren't as screwed as us legacy nvidia users15:34
flithmyeah that sucks.  Nvidia's been kind going down the tubes the last year or so.  I used to say I'd never buy another ATI card but maybe that'll change15:35
flithmwell I suppose it'll be AMD15:35
=== seisen__ is now known as seisen
flithmI wonder what'll happen if there's still no fglrx ready by the time 8.10 ships.  that'll probably be messy for a lot of people15:36
flithmnot to mention the nvidia legacy driver.  does nvidia even have plans to update it?15:37
JontheEchidnafrom what I've heard, sorta15:40
flithmwell that's good :)15:40
linkinxphello!.......how is intrepid running??15:48
mrxmikepretty Alpha, if you ask me :)15:48
mrxmikeits getting to the 'right way',15:48
linkinxpi guess15:48
mrxmikebut not really usable as a desktop OS15:48
linkinxpi had troubles with video!15:48
mrxmike(ie. adept is not really available)15:49
JontheEchidnamrxmike: what do you mean by not really available?15:53
mrxmikewell, i wasnt able to search for packages15:53
mrxmiketried to use it 5min ago it said something about 'this is not implemented yet' :S15:53
JontheEchidnaoh right, you can't search by package titles yet.15:53
mrxmikeJontheEchidna: so its not really usable i should say, not avalable15:54
JontheEchidnabut overall adept3 is much more stable and less slow than adept215:55
jnsquireUpdate manager is refusing to download the latest updates, is the repository currently broken?15:55
mrxmikeapt-get update first ?15:55
mrxmikethen try, apt-get dist-upgrade15:56
jnsquireOK, apt-get dist-upgrade seems to be OK.15:57
mrxmikenow the 'update manager' 'popup' should be gone...15:58
mrxmikejnsquire: doesnt the update manager try to use adept...15:58
mrxmike(which is like just said - a bit broken still..)15:58
jnsquireDunno, haven't looked under the covers15:59
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=== fargiolas is now known as fargiolas|afk
miloszwhat's the current problems with ALSA?17:00
miloszi get no sound in Miro, and no way i try to set it up, it just doesn't work17:00
miloszthe only app where it works right is my own media player but it also has a quite advanced config for ALSA17:00
miloszmaybe the "default" device doesn't work (?)17:01
gx0092.6.27-3 :: gnome 2.23.92 :: x64 :: mouse pointer dissapears from screen; only rebooting brings mouse pointer back up. it still works while in this invisible state e.g. i can still click on things but it is invisible17:15
gx009nothing obvious triggers it.. ramdom .. last time it was opening laptop back up and mouse was cloaked again ..17:17
miloszit's MPX malfunctioning! this time it thinks there are no pointers at all..17:17
gx009do you know if there is already a bug report about it?17:19
miloszi was just joking, MPX isn't implemented yet17:19
miloszgx009, what graphics driver do you use?17:19
gx009that might be it.. i havent enabled the nvidia drivers yet17:20
miloszwell it's still a bug with whatever drive you currently use...17:20
miloszmight be worth reporting17:20
ronnygot a weird issue, network-manager stops my manual configured usb0 (in /etc/network/interfaces) from working - any idea how to make it stop caring?17:21
DrHalanhey, did video playback break ?17:23
DrHalanvideos play slow and without sound in gstreamer17:23
ronnyhardy just never cared about usb0 to begin with17:23
ronnybut intrepid basicall disconnects all my other connections if i connect my openmoko to the usb17:24
ronnyits a massive pain and i have no idea how to fix17:24
gx009gvfsd-trash just crashed!17:26
miloszthat release date is never gonna be held]17:26
gx009tell that to the kde guys17:26
miloszwhy KDE?17:27
miloszdelayed 4.2 or what is it about?17:27
gx009its looking pretty sad.. i just ran 4.1.1 the other day .. terrible.. nothing worked on my laptop17:27
miloszKDE 4 is overengineered in details17:27
gx009even adept was broken. which is REALLY scary17:28
bsniderlew's running a nice piece about linux today:17:31
bsnideri don't think i agree that it's "thriving", although i guess he means it's a lot more usable than it was 10 years ago17:31
gx009in the past couple of years we've seen linux systems installed in more production machines ... dell, the newest sylvania and eeepc, google's gOS , etc.. i'd say thats 'thriving'17:33
bsniderin the same time, apple has grown much more17:34
bsniderthat's thriving. linux is slowly growing17:35
gx009they own they're own hardware.. go figure17:35
bsnideri don't see the connection. microsoft doesn't own its own hardware. they make deals with oems17:43
gx009money deals.. unless you wanna be a hobbyist .. can you?17:44
gx009since nm-applet doesnt wanna save my password i guess am trying creating a 'new wireless network'17:46
bsnidergx009, why doesn't it save your password? saves mine17:50
bsniderwhat happens exactly?17:50
miloszi agree that it's not "thriving" (just wanted to add that)17:51
gx009it does automatically bring up the 'enter your password' dialog for the right network .. but i have to manually input it everytime..18:01
gx009i just created an autoNETWORKX ("new connection") so i'll logout and check it18:04
gx009no results..  & am connecting a with a low signal strength even though am right next to the router18:06
bsnidergx009, you mean it asks for the network key, or it asks for the root password to get the gnome-keyring?18:08
gx009just network key18:11
bsnidernetwork-manager has nothing to do with signal strength. that's the driver's reponsibility18:11
gx009i didnt say it did18:12
gx009i just commented on that18:12
bsnideri see18:12
bsniderwhat wifi card is it?18:12
tsutheranyone have advice for me - I've got a Thinkpad t60 and running intretpid alpha5, the scroll wheel no longer works18:42
tsutherhow do I fix with this fancy new xorg?18:42
Sylphid|workdunno if this is the right place to ask but can anyone tell me why traceroute is not installed by the default ubuntu installation cd18:42
Sylphid|workor if it is scheduled to be added in intrepid18:43
miloszit's never been installed by default18:44
miloszby which i wanted to speculate that it will not change in I.I.18:44
milosztsuther, scroll wheel on what kind of device? USB mouse?18:45
DanaGTrackpoint stick, most likely.18:45
DanaGThat'd be the "EmulateWheelButton" option.18:45
milosza trackpoint stick most likely also doesn't have a scroll wheel18:45
Bauldrickhow can i stop my screen going black everytime i press a key on the keyboard?18:57
tsutherDanaG: yes, the trackpoint18:57
tsuthermilosz: it would be the middle mouse button scrolling on the trackpoint, not the "touchpad"18:58
DanaGHmm, synaptics now uses fdi files, instead of the xorg.conf.18:59
miloszow the trackpoint scroll ok18:59
DanaGcopy /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/11-x11-synaptics.fdi  to /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ and edit it18:59
tsutherfdi is new, right?18:59
miloszfdi files have been used since HAL was introduced18:59
DanaGYou'd want to add the things mentioned here:18:59
miloszeh i think i'm not enough informed about this19:00
DanaGthe emulatewheelbutton thing.19:00
tsutherdoesn't xorg handle mice and keyboards differently with the new version?19:00
utontoi'd like to know... is it normal that ubuntu ibex doesn have tty1 -6 but just the graphic one?19:56
utontotha't wierd than, cause since i installed it i just have the tty7 that's the one i am using atm19:58
utontois there anything to change in the grub menu to allow having all the terminals?19:59
carandraugutonto: I have all tty, 1 to 620:00
carandraugutonto: by the way, do you really need that many tty? May I suggest using screen instead?20:01
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots20:01
utontono i don't really need all of them20:01
utontobut at least a non-graphical one20:02
utontoto use in case of troubles with the X server20:02
Samushkai am having issues w/ my Intel X3100 graphics card in Ibex, i seem to be in VESA mode... ubuntu seems to boot up, gfx is garbled, then reboots, and works, but like i said, im in VESA mode...20:07
Samushkahow does one install/force intel drivers on ubuntu 8.10 ?20:08
utontochange the driver in your xorg.conf20:08
utontojust type intel in there20:08
Samushka/etc/X11/xorg.conf ... i dont see nothing configured in there, is there a way to configure xorg.conf auotmtically for first time?20:09
utontosudo dpkg-reconfigure20:12
Samushkai tried that, but it doesnt give me an option to pick my video card.20:13
Samushkado i set my indentifier to "Intel" >20:13
Bauldhow can i stop the screen gpoing black when i type?!!20:14
Fujisanwhere is jono bacon?20:17
FujisanJONO BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:18
FujisanI SUMMEN THEE20:18
pwnguinFujisan: jono@ubuntu.com20:18
Fujisanyou know him?20:18
pwnguinmore than i know you20:18
jussi01He is the community manager...20:19
FujisanI took a picture with him a while back: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3227/2438454269_a3489e2235.jpg20:19
stdinFujisan: this is a support channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is for general chat20:20
Fujisanoh wow20:21
FujisanI know this channel is for fallaciloquence20:22
Fujisanthank you stdin20:22
Fujisani am here because i wanted to know where i can get ubuntu intrepid ibex20:22
Fujisani cant find any download locations for it20:24
pwnguinalpha 5?20:24
teratomayou can download an iso or upgrade your install of Hardy20:24
pwnguinso in the topic is this url...20:24
Fujisanyeha i know i been there20:24
Fujisandidnt help me one bit20:24
Fujisani dont have ubuntu yet20:25
* gx009 :: google is your friend20:25
Fujisanno its not20:25
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/20:25
teratomaso download a iso of it and install20:25
stdinall the ISOs are on that server20:25
Fujisanso what are the new features?20:26
Fujisanand when is gnome being replaced?20:26
pwnguindefine replaced20:26
teratomayou can install kubuntu with KDE if you hate gnome20:26
* gx009 :: smells trolls20:26
Fujisanjono bacon blogged about it20:26
Fujisangx009 please20:27
PriceChildFujisan: blogged about gnome being replaced?20:27
Fujisani am not a troll20:27
teratomatrolling ubuntu sounds pretty boring20:27
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:27
FujisanJono Bacon; Although I am an ardent supporter and fanboy around GNOME, and I love the desktop for its simplicity and elegance…GNOME has become the software equivalent of my dad’s comfortable trousers - predictable and reliable, but has ceased to be exciting and innovative in new, innovative, visual, inspirational ways.20:27
_emet_!info mono20:27
ubottuPackage mono does not exist in intrepid20:27
PriceChildFujisan: Jono Bacon is the Ubuntu Community Manager. As far as I know he isn't in charge of decisions like that, nor does he indicate in that passage that it is being replaced. That is simply his opinion.20:28
Fujisangx009 what !enter?20:28
PriceChildFujisan: read what ubottu said immediately following that trigger20:28
Fujisani agree with jono bacon20:28
pwnguinFujisan: that post was about invogorating gnome, not killing it20:29
Fujisani know20:29
Fujisani meant to say revamped instead of replaced20:29
_emet_what is being replaced?20:29
_emet_gnome is being replaced?20:29
teratomayes, with ion320:29
_emet_about time20:29
Fujisanbecause i believe KDE people are designed challenged, and gnome has great potential20:30
Fujisanstdin i cant join #ubuntu-offtopic i have a 6 month old ban from there20:30
teratomai can't imagine why20:30
Fujisanso its not okay to talk about the future of ubuntu in here?20:30
Fujisani have nowhere else to go20:30
=== _emet_ is now known as emet
pwnguintalk is cheap, really.20:31
pwnguinanyone know what magic I must invoke to get nvidia working with dkms?20:31
emet!info mono-gmcs20:32
ubottumono-gmcs (source: mono): Mono C# 2.0 and C# 3.0 compiler for CLI 2.0. In component main, is optional. Version 1.9.1+dfsg-3ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 353 kB, installed size 1080 kB20:32
emetthat version is buggy20:32
emetI hope Ubuntu upgrades to Mono 2.020:33
Bauldanyone help me stop my screen going black when typing!?20:35
Bauldwhat should xorg.conf look like in intrepid then, mine says this http://pastebin.com/m45ba636420:44
gx009have you tried booting in recovery mode and select option 'fix xserver'? that might help20:45
gx009that's another way of resetting your xorg.conf to default values20:46
Bauldgive it a go now20:47
pisecxis it possible to fix problem with Human-Murrine20:51
Bauldnah, it still black when i type and seems to be when i toucj the mouse first time20:52
Bauldi only upgraded to see if i could get my rtl 8150 wifi card working - cant even boot with .27 kernel because screen is black after logo! stupid noob!!20:54
gx009have you enabled proprietary drivers?20:54
Bauldwhere are they on this20:55
pisecxGuys, how can I fix look of gnome?20:55
pisecxIt's broken20:56
pisecxAnd seems like it's a know issue, according to this http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-8-10-Alpha-4-Screenshot-Tour-91907.shtml20:56
Bauldsorry , but its almost impossible to see anything as each time i touch keyboard/mouse it goes black, flashes20:56
pisecxBut I could find how to install Human-Murrine20:56
gx009if 'this' means your on gnome, Bauld, then look in system>administration>hardware drivers20:57
Bauldsorry , meant intrepid - im on kubuntu20:57
Bauldno propriety drivers in use20:58
gx009try enabling it.. restart..20:59
Bauldnothing to enable?20:59
pisecxstop to ignore me ))20:59
Picipisecx: Look in Launchpad to see if a bug is logged, if not, log one.20:59
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots21:00
gx009then i guess you should update/upgrade, Bauld; because there should be a proprietary driver option in there ...21:00
pisecxPici: yes, it logged https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/human-theme/+bug/257712, I have installed this package, I don't see error any more but can not use standart human theme21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257712 in human-theme "human-murrine theme is missing" [Undecided,Fix released]21:02
pisecxPici: should I try to restart?21:02
Picipisecx: You shouldnt have to, but you may need to restart gnome.21:03
PiciOr relog21:03
pisecxPici ok, will try now21:04
Bauldgx009: update/upgrade still nothing in hardware drivers21:04
Bauldi'm on this mind 2.6.25-1-386 as nothing else will boot - that make a difference?21:05
gx009do you have 2.6.27-2 installed already?21:08
Bauldyeah , but it wont start after load21:08
Bauldjust a black screen - so i have to go back to this one21:09
gx009try editing kernel line adding    acpi=off    (at the end) and see if it boots21:09
gx009in grub21:09
gx009you can also just  kate /etc/grub/menu.lst  and add it there21:12
gx009then restart, of course21:13
Bauldbrb ofcourse21:13
oliver_g_1shouldn't the "nautilus" package be installed by default?21:17
gx009not if you have kde21:17
oliver_g_1no, it's ubuntu21:17
oliver_g_1and I'm wondering why Gnome desktop won't come up after last update21:18
oliver_g_1ok, /var/log/dpkg.log says it has removed nautilus and nautilus-cdburner today :-/21:19
oliver_g_1that might explain the login problems21:20
gx009that doesnt just happen .. a user had to have done that.. regardless, you have to reinstall that then21:22
gx009thats my guess21:22
oliver_g_1(ah ok, it has removed ubuntu-desktop, probably because I didn't select DistUpgrade in update-manager today)21:22
oliver_g_1wheee... desktop is back, _and_ it finally runs fast inside virtualbox :-D21:24
oliver_g_1thanks to the kernel patchers!21:24
Bauldargh, no joy21:25
gx009i suggest you take acpi=off out of the boot line and proceed to check the forums for a match to your situation or stay tuned 'til someone else can lead you in the right direction; unfortunately thats all i have21:29
Bauldgx009: cheers for your time, much appreciated21:31
DanaGOh hey, the dd-wrt firmware has a theme that that New Wave could take some ideas from.21:38
Irfanhi, I need help installing VirtualBox 2.021:49
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
DanaGThat's news to me.21:52
Irfanyap, it's out in the sun21:52
IrfanI'am having problems with a compiler actually21:52
Irfanit says that there are known issues with gcc4,321:53
Irfanand that I should use older verision21:53
Irfanbut, that's the part I don't know how to do21:53
DanaGtry this: CC=gcc-4.2 /media/VBOXwhateverthepathistotheinstaller22:06
DanaGor anyway, export CC=gcc-4.2 before running the install thingy.22:06
Bauldhaha, the black screen when typing was to do with onboard vga thingy - just robbed a shite old nvidia card from another  pc and it works fine now, no no propriety drivers though22:13
pwnguinanyone know how to make dkms+nvidia happy?22:17
gx009_https://launchpad.net/dkms   <---- maybe you should give them a shout22:19
RAOFpwnguin: In what way are they unhappy now?22:20
RAOFpwnguin: I've found simply reinstalling the nvidia-1xx-kernel-source packge unborks it, on the one occasion it got confused.22:21
pwnguinits been broked for a while, i just decided now is the time to bother with it22:21
pwnguinman, im watching this series of training videos at work for Ubuntu22:25
pwnguinbased on like 7.0422:25
pwnguintopics include: Easy Ubuntu & Automatix [7:27]22:26
pwnguinthe closed captioning uses the wrong slashes22:28
pwnguineven when the author made a deliberate point about it22:28
RAOFBa baw!22:28
pwnguinyay. raof fixed it22:29
pwnguinnext question: what's the story with bootup?22:31
pwnguinkernel-helper seems to be spawning some terrible disk io22:31
pwnguinfind, cpio, frontend, lsb_release, apt-cache22:32
ganymedei'm kind of unaware of how packages are upgraded within an ubuntu version...is it like only security and bugfix updates are allowed within a single version, so when 8.10 is created, that's the only opportunity for major-number updates?22:35
ganymedeor is ubuntu always bleeding edge, as long as it's stable?22:35
bsniderhow do you define bleeding edge?22:44
ganymedelatest tarball available, provided it turns out to be stable22:45
bsniderno, that doesn't ever happen22:45
ganymedei guess what i'm really asking is whether packages ever hold back the newest version of something simply because it's too big of a step, and decide to put it off until ubuntu+122:46
bsnideryes, all the time22:46
RAOFUm, no.  Almost always not.22:46
bsnidereven small stuff like pidgin is put off until the next release22:46
RAOFExcept after Feature Freeze (which we're in now).22:46
RAOFBefore feature freeze, the reason why we don't have the latest upstream version is generally because no one's had time to package it.22:47
ganymedebsnider: and the reason for this is because of commercial 24/7 support? you don't want to have to support a version that ubuntu wasn't shipped with?22:47
ganymedeoh, okay22:47
bsnideri guess that's it22:47
pwnguinits not just "commercial support"22:47
ganymedebut is that only reason? if someone actually took the time to package the newest pidgin and make sure it's stable, would it go into 8.04?22:47
bsniderafter using hardy for 5 months, almost nothing in it is bleeding edge anymore22:47
pwnguinganymede: there's a process for exceptions22:48
bsniderganymede, no it would not22:48
bsniderit might go into a ppa for you to go out and get22:48
bsnideri got pidgin 2.5 from getdeb22:48
bsniderfor hardy22:48
ganymedeand the reason for it not to go into official repos, even though it's proven stable, is?22:49
ganymede(assuming it was proven stable)22:49
pwnguinthis is like assuming no friction or wind restance22:49
pwnguinworks good on paper, but we live in the real world22:49
pwnguinfor example22:50
bsniderhow would anyone know if it was stable? besides programming resources are put into the next ubuntu release, not into adding features to the current one22:50
bsnideryou can always go out and get new stuff from ppa's and getdeb and places like that. or build them yourself22:50
pwnguinthe latest release of xournal was put out a while bak22:50
pwnguinand the dude was angry because we didnt ship it (his release was after feature freeze and nobody wanted to bother with it)22:51
pwnguinupstream isn't good at release engineering, often times22:51
pwnguinthat xournal version had two releases within a day, because the first one was discovered to not actually work22:52
pwnguin"known stable" my ass ;)22:52
bsnidershuttleworth says he wants to address this issue by encouraging ppa repositories with new stuff22:52
pwnguinmakes sense22:53
pwnguinexcept ppas have no signature22:53
bsnideryeah, that's annoying22:53
bsnidersomething will have to be done about that22:53
pwnguinlots of upstreams already do host their own repos22:53
bsnidermaybe apt shouldn't check ppa repositories22:53
ganymedeokay, thanks for the clarifications22:54
pwnguinit would be nice if we could get upstreams to participate more directly22:55
DanaGwtf... why is VirtualBox suid root?22:59
anubisevolution of all things is broken22:59
DanaG(process:3448): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.22:59
pwnguintheres a boot chart for ya RAOF, literal23:02
RAOFDanaG: Possibly because it wants to mess with low-level kernel stuff?23:02
DanaGBut shouldn't that be separate from the GUI?23:02
DanaGThe GUI app itself is setuid.23:02
RAOFIt could be.23:02
pwnguinwhat's it run as?23:03
DanaG-rws--s--x 1 root root 16976 2008-09-04 03:31 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox23:03
pwnguini think suid is needed to run as anyone, including nobody23:03
DanaG-rws--x--x 1 root root 16976 2008-09-04 03:31 /usr/lib/virtualbox/VirtualBox23:04
RAOFDanaG: kvm gets around this by having the /dev/kvm device owned by the kvm group; virtualbox could presumably do something similar, but may not at the moment.23:04
DanaGSo, I can't use the nice qgtkstyle.23:04
RAOFYou could; just add it to root's themes, too.23:06
DanaGThat's not the issue.23:07
DanaGor do you mean I have to run it as root for real?23:07
DanaGIsn't that essentially the same as setuid?23:07
DanaG... as in privileges, not as in how it works.23:07
DanaGGreat, so now VirtualBox is fugly.23:09
DanaGIf I run it as root, I can't use my VM.23:09
DanaGIf I symlink root's .VirtualBox dir to mine, I get   p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }     Callee RC:   NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)23:10
pwnguinyour irc client uses css23:10
RAOFDanaG: What is the issue?  Why doesn't the qgtkstyle work for root apps?23:11
DanaGNope, the qt4 error dialog uses css, actually.23:11
DanaGthat's a copy and paste.23:11
DanaGRoot doesn't have my .VirtualBox dir; that's the issue.23:11
DanaGIf I symlink it to mine, I get that error.23:12
RAOFWhy does root need your .Virtualbox dir?23:13
DanaG... to use my VMs, of course.23:13
RAOFOh, so this has changed recently?23:13
DanaGSO I don't have to redefine everything.23:13
DanaGgksu virtualbox -- try it.23:13
* RAOF doesn't have virtualbox, so can't.23:13
DanaGOr without gksu, with using qgtkstyle.... it refuses to start due to being setuid.23:13
RAOFAh.  That now makes sense.23:14
DanaG... or if I update qgtkstyle to one that drops back to something else on setuid, it starts with no listed VMs.23:15
DanaGGreat, now I'm stuck with it uglier than before... at least when it was qt3, I had a decent theme.23:16
DanaGThe fallback qt4 theme is ugly.23:16
dupondjeThere is a problem with teh configuration server. gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 25623:44
dupondjeany id's ?23:44

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