
DanaGOH GOD, MY EYES!   http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/10/hp-shows-off-vivienne-tam-designed-digital-clutch-the-10-inch/00:06
=== Neon_ is now known as Neon_lights
Zirodaykwwii: you awake?05:18
dilomopsyke83: hey man09:00
* DanaG wishes the NewWave theme were in deb format.09:22
DanaGOh, and I'd like to see a matching unlock dialog for each wallpaper, perhaps.  That'd be cool.09:23
DanaGhmm, grey-on-grey... a bit gloomy.09:27
DanaGwindeco, that is.09:27
* DanaG sticks with his bright orange.09:27
dilomoDanaG: do you know how to theme the main menu09:42
dilomoseparately then the rest of the menus?09:42
dilomobtw there is deb09:43
DanaGNope, I don't know if it's even possible.09:43
dilomoin the kwwii's PPA09:43
dilomoabout the lock dialog09:43
dilomowhat wallpaper do you have in mind09:43
DanaGOne for each of the wallpapers there.09:44
DanaGFor example, the "intense" one.09:45
DanaGThat way you could pair the GDM, the wallpaper, and the lock dialog.09:45
dilomoI asked you because it's not so easy to do09:45
dilomoand most people want smth modern09:45
dilomofor wallpaper09:45
dilomosi I thought nobody is using these wallpapers but09:46
dilomoindeed it is good for all them (gdm ld and bg) to match09:46
DanaGHot Wave Intense is pretty spiffy.09:46
DanaGI just do think the grey titlebars are a bit gloomy.  For a while, I was using a dark blue-and-grey theme, and it actually adversely affected my mood.09:47
DanaGOnce I changed to the nice bright orange, my mood improved... literally instantly.09:47
DanaGLike, BAM!09:47
dilomothats cool09:47
dilomoI haven't thout in this direction so far09:48
DanaGbug: set as wallpaper (from eye-of-gnome) doesn't work.  :(09:48
DanaGThat's an Ubuntu bug, not an art bug.09:48
DanaGMy theme: http://picpaste.com/screenshot-orange-nodoka-2.png09:48
dilomowow I'm so not used to light themes now that when I look at it09:50
dilomoit's strange for me09:50
DanaGHeh, did I show you this?  It's "oh god, too bright!"  :   http://www.engadget.com/2008/09/10/hp-shows-off-vivienne-tam-designed-digital-clutch-the-10-inch/09:50
DanaGMy orange there is also a bit of a funky shade, too.  It's to match the bridge picture.09:51
dilomo:) these ppl are crazy09:51
dilomothat pink laptop is09:52
DanaGThe goggles! They do nothing!09:52
dilomolooking very bad IMO with that glossy screen09:52
DanaGAnother random, interesting theme: http://astyanax0.deviantart.com/art/Muku-1-0-3313387509:53
dilomohmm interesting09:54
DanaG... and the theme I currently use when in Windows:  http://www.wincustomize.com/zoom.aspx?skinid=6568&libid=109:55
DanaGHmm, would it be possible to just 'tint' the grey of the window top, slightly?09:56
DanaGOh yeah, and I find slanty icons to be odd; I currently use Tangerine.09:56
DanaGThe OpenSUSE 11 Industrial icons work surprisingly well with this.09:57
dilomois that vista ? ;)09:58
dilomotint ?09:59
DanaGOh yeah, that Molten theme (with the dragon) works in both XP and Vista.10:00
dilomoyou can change the colors you need in the gtkrc file10:03
dilomojust search and replace "#696969" with your custom color and it should work10:03
dilomobtw you will need to do that replace in the metacity-1.xml theme file too10:03
DanaGCool.  I'll have to try that tomorrow -- here's the time where I am:10:04
DanaGThu Sep 11 02:04:09 PDT 200810:04
dilomowhere is that10:04
DanaGPDT is Pacific Daylight Time.10:04
dilomoher ist 12.0410:04
DanaGDaylight Savings Time.... more like 'screw up your clock twice a year' time.10:05
dilomono I mena what city10:05
DanaGSan Luis Obispo, CA.10:05
DanaGCA state, that is.  (with international community, you can never assume.)10:05
dilomoyeah I know that10:05
dilomobtw what is Washington DC ?10:06
dilomothat DC?10:06
DanaGWashington DC?  I can never keep that one straight.  Best just to use the full name.10:06
DanaGI mean, whose bright idea was that.... Washington, and "Washington, DC"10:07
DanaG... =þ10:07
DanaGAnyway, /me goes off to bed.10:07
DanaGheh, random thing: google for 802.11h, you get this as one thing:10:08
DanaG802.11 * Planck's constant = 5.3148354 × 10^-31 m2 kg / s10:08
DanaGThat's rather random.10:08
_MMA_D.C. = District of Columbia12:42
* _MMA_ used to live there.12:43
dilomohay _MMA_13:05
dilomodo you know how to make the main menu to use different color that the rest of the menus?13:08
_MMA_dilomo: The menu itself? What part?13:12
dilomowell the menu not the menubar13:13
dilomothe part with Games, Internet ...13:13
_MMA_You can, but this will then effect Firefox. :(13:13
dilomobut isn't that supposed to be different13:13
_MMA_It will effect it in a bad way.13:14
Cimiare you sure?13:14
Cimiyou can match the parent menubar widget13:15
Cimisomething like13:15
dilomoI'm trying with13:15
dilomowidget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*Menu" style :highest "newwave-panelmenu"13:15
Cimiyou may try, i'm not sure though13:15
dilomobut it doesn't work13:16
Cimiinstall experience engine13:16
dilomofirst I remove the pixmap from the Main menu13:16
dilomowith  "*Panel*MenuBar*"13:16
_MMA_Last I was playing with it (a week ago) changing the mainmenu effected FF badly. Something to do with the text color.13:16
Cimiit can be used to debug widgets13:16
_MMA_Ill look later. I just got up and have things to do.13:16
dilomowhat do you mean13:17
Cimiit prints the widget hierarchy13:17
Cimioh every widget you interact13:17
dilomothat's really smth useful13:17
dilomobtw is it possible to make the combobox menus with light bg13:18
dilomowith proper matching?13:18
Cimiconnect to irc.gimp.org and ask benzea13:18
Cimiabout the experience engine13:19
dilomowhat about it?13:20
dilomobtw what channel is benzea in?13:22
dilomohay psyke8317:31
psyke83last night I began organizing my Gmail account properly (filtering the messages from the ubuntu-art ML) and I noticed that Gmail categorizes many legitimate messages as spam... do the mail servers need to be added to a whitelist somewhere, perhaps?17:32
psyke83*legitimate messages from the Ubuntu ML's (I saw no false positives for any other mail, personal or otherwise)17:33
dilomowell I don't know17:34
dilomoI use Evolution17:34
dilomoand have now white lists17:34
psyke83dilomo: re your PM on the forums, you need to set bg[NORMAL] in the "newwave-menu" section, that's all17:35
psyke83the pixmap stuff seemed to interfere when I was testing it yesterday, though17:35
dilomoI have some great news17:36
dilomoabout themeing17:36
dilomoform gnome 2.24 we will be able to theme the main menu17:36
dilomoseparately then the rest of the menus17:36
dilomoit will match by widget17:37
dilomoand the name will be gnome-panel-main-menu17:37
psyke83are you sure it's not possible already? widget_class "*Panel*GtkMenu*"17:37
dilomoI talked with benzea today and he commited a patch17:37
thorwilkwwii: do you happen to know a commandline way of removing alpha layers from a batch of images?17:38
dilomonope I tried that17:38
dilomobtw I've updated the repos17:38
psyke83well I assume it doesn't work, but you would probably need to set the priority to highest17:38
dilomoif anyone's interested17:38
psyke83*would have needed to17:38
dilomoI tried all that stuff but in vain17:39
dilomobtw I decided that I combo menus should be light17:40
dilomoso that they are easy on the eyes17:40
dilomoand made some matching to do that but it turns out that the old Option menus17:40
dilomoare not reflecting the changes17:41
rsc__what forums are we talking about here? :)17:42
rsc__where is that?17:45
dilomoon irc.gimp.org17:48
* kwwii is off for the evening18:36
* DanaG likes the Nodoka engine still better than many others...... even with über-bright colors, it still looks soft and 'gentle' (hence the name).18:40
psyke83DanaG: ah but you're judging the whole engine by a single gtkrc theme :). I think Andrea also has Nodoka widget emulation in the Murrine engine (though it's not complete in Intrepid's SVN snapshot)18:42
DanaGSome time I'll post my theme somewhere, and then perhaps somebody can help me port it to that.18:42
DanaGI don't want to lose the rounded scrollbars, though -- I like them too much.18:43
CimiDSit is an ugly hack18:43
CimiDSthey will NEVER go inside murrine18:43
psyke83DanaG: the nodoka and murrine engines will be available in Intrepid - you could make a hybrid theme, pick & choose the widgets you like from each engine18:43
DanaGUgly hack?  Can't say I've seen the code to know how hackish it is.18:44
DanaGre-link to thing I've posted before: http://picpaste.com/screenshot-orange-nodoka-2.png18:45
psyke83looking at that theme, I would change all the widgets to murrine, except the check/radiobuttons and frames18:46
DanaG... and scrollbars.18:46
DanaGI want non-glossy, specifically.18:46
psyke83for you, not me :)18:46
DanaGSlider things are fugly, though -- I'll admit that.18:47
psyke83it's easy to do in the gtkrc, just make an empty subdefinition of the murrine engine within the style definitions that you want to change18:47
psyke83or vice-versa18:47
DanaGHmm, right now my gtkrc uses Nodoka, obviously; would I be able to just change the engine it specifies?18:48
psyke83take a look at the Human(-Murrine) gtkrc to see all the new Murrine engine options, it's a lot more flexible than the previous release18:48
psyke83one sec18:48
DanaGOh yeah, and the Tropic windeco hasn't been fixed like the Human one supposedly has.18:48
DanaGMy windeco is Tropic without the red button.18:49
psyke83I'm on windows atm, can you paste your gtkrc to a pastebin? Then I'll edit it to show you how you can specify different engines18:50
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:53
DanaGThe color is a slight override of my own theme:  http://pastebin.com/f33bf9fd9  -- the index.theme for the color-match-to-bridge one18:54
DanaGgtkrc: http://pastebin.com/ffaeda7218:54
psyke83DanaG: let's imagine you only want to change the scrollbar in your theme to use murrine: http://pastebin.com/m2e1db132 (just an excerpt)18:58
psyke83conversely, if you want to have a theme that uses murrine for the majority of its widgets, you'd replace the engine subsection in "fedora-default" with murrine, and of course, use murrine's engine options instead: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2008-June/006567.html18:59
psyke83it's better to look at the Human gtkrc from Intrepid, but that post as a copy of the new engine options19:00
DanaGHmm, would I copy the options from the Nodoka default definition into the override section for those components?19:02
DanaGstepper style.... what's a "stepper"?  Is that the spinbutton?19:04
psyke83you mean, if you wanted a theme using murrine for the majority of widgets? Yes, you'd need to put the engine options into those sections19:04
DanaGYEah.  I'd intend to use Murrine for everything that can match the current appearance; I'd use an override for things that won't match well with Murrine.19:05
psyke83it's the "direction arrow" part of the scrollbar19:05
psyke83I haven't tested the latest murrine snapshot, but the stepper styles didn't seem to be complete19:05
psyke83*for the older snapshot19:06
psyke83you will need to define engine options in each section, but it's not as bad as you would imagine. For example, the animation option is only relevent to the "*-progressbar" style, and the others are obvious19:07
DanaGWell, that gives me something useful to work on for today.19:08
DanaGs/for //19:08
psyke83Cimi_: have you improved the Nodoka widget emulation lately?19:09
psyke83I mean, do you intend to allow the engine to look identical to Nodoka when using "style = NODOKA", or is it only about the gradients?19:10
Cimi_which widget actually differs?19:12
psyke83the frame rounding, the steppers, the listview header divisions, the checkmarks and radiobuttons, and maybe other stuff19:14
psyke83I didn't get a chance to test the latest SVN release, still stuck with the older release in Intrepid. I was just curious if you intend to make it emulate everything "as exactly as possible"19:15
LaserJockgreetings, does anybody know how I can get my hands on the icons that are on the Ubuntu wiki and website?19:25
_MMA_Got a link to whatcha need?19:25
_MMA_LaserJock: To the images?19:25
LaserJock_MMA_: well, I'm trying to work on Edubuntu's website19:26
LaserJockand I'd like to get icon images that are consistent with the rest of Ubuntu19:26
_MMA_"icons that are on the Ubuntu wiki and website?" Is just kinda vague. :)19:27
LaserJock_MMA_: sorry ;-)19:27
_MMA_Since I can link to many icons/sets/what have you. :)19:28
LaserJockI'm trying to make an equivalent of http://www.ubuntu.com/community/19:28
LaserJockso the globe and "Hi!" images19:29
LaserJockis there a set of those somewhere?19:29
_MMA_I would just rip those images. Some might be from Tango. Some look custom.19:29
LaserJockright, I just need *additional* images so I was wondering if there was maybe a fuller set to choose from19:30
tretleCimi_ http://www.cimitan.com/blog/2008/04/01/flat-menubars-and-toolbars-for-murrine-rgba-ugly-hack-d/ when you talk about the menubar are you talking about the menubar ion gnome-panel?19:31
_MMA_"Hi!" looks custom. The globe "looks" Tango-ish but I dont think is the one used in the set.19:31
LaserJock_MMA_: if I just install tang-icon-theme-* would that get me close?19:31
_MMA_LaserJock: Something also to look at: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Library19:32
LaserJockdoh, I was there last night19:33
* LaserJock needs to learn how to scroll19:33
_MMA_LaserJock: In any case, I don't know where the sources are. I *think* Matthew Nussem maintains the website?19:35
_MMA_(my spelling could be off)19:35
LaserJockit is, but I know who you mean :-)19:35
DanaG/usr/share/themes/Orange Mix/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:78: error: unexpected identifier `stripes', expected character `}'19:59
DanaGaah, not valid for murrine.20:01
DanaGHmm, buttons are about the same... but somehow look a bit glossier.20:04
DanaGWoah, if you set roundness really high, to like 1000, you get really funky results.20:13
CimiDSDanaG, yeah, but i don't expect people to do those things20:17
DanaGIt falls under "violating preconditions".20:19
DanaGHence the '=þ'20:19
DanaGGive crazy input, get undefined output; that's to be expected.20:19
CimiDSit can be fixed easily, but it requires a lot oh new lines20:21
DanaGDon't bother; I think it's amusing.20:24
DanaGMy comment was more of an "oh hey, that's funny" thing, rather than a "oh hey, this is broken" thing.20:24
CimiDSclearlooks has that fix, using radius = 1000.0 shpulg give better results20:27
DanaGYou could also just put a warning:  "WARNING: Using roundness over <threshold> may give very odd results."20:55
DanaG... though that could be annoying if somebody does it deliberately.20:55
DanaG"     You can't implement those scrollbars without hacks, and I really don't want hacks in my code" -- hmm, what kind of hacks?21:06
* DanaG wishes Stardock would make stuff for Linux... but then it'd have to be open-sourced.21:13
CimiDSDanaG, i'm quite sure that thecode for the concave steppers is in the scrollbar_slider21:20
DanaGThat _is_ funky, you're right.21:21
CimiDSmaybe tne drawing is splitted21:21
DanaGOh yeah, the focus thing is another one: http://www.cimitan.com/murrine/mockups/gallery  -- the "say no to ugly dotted"21:22
CimiDSthey draw the steppers21:22
CimiDSthen the rounded part is drawnin the slider21:22
CimiDSi agree with the focus21:23
DanaGOh yeah, behavior when clicking the rounded part of the scrollbar is also hard to define.21:24
DanaGHmm, I guess I could live with square scrollbars, as long as the styling is right -- but for now, having the _outer_ part of the stepper be rounded, looks odd.21:25
DanaGCurrently, when using Nodoka in OpenOffice, it somehow gets square scrollbars, and still looks fine to me.21:25
DanaGBut the focus thing gets me, for now.21:26
* DanaG wonders what sort of theme will stylistically fit with this brushed-metal laptop: http://blog.laptopmag.com/hp-debuts-elitebook-adds-10-notebooks-to-business-lineup http://www.slashgear.com/hp-elitebook-6930p-boasts-up-to-24hr-battery-life-0815536.php#more-1553621:28
DanaGTabs are also a bit different between the two engines.21:29
DanaGOh hey, the dd-wrt firmware has a theme that that New Wave could take some ideas from.21:39

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