
mrooneyjames_w: well now I have been unable to resist giving ubuntu-wallpapers a hug. I see you Confirmed bug 198563, but I can't figure out where they are called "Simple Ubuntu"00:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 198563 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Both wallpapers called "Simple Ubuntu"" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19856300:02
james_wI remember confirming it, let me look00:03
james_wyeah, still present00:04
james_win the tooltips of the preview images00:04
james_win "Preferences->Appearance"00:04
mrooneyhmm, I don't notice that on Hardy, Elephant says "Elephant" but the Heron and the Heron-less both say "Ubuntu"00:05
james_wI can't see where it's set in the package though00:05
mrooneyjames_w: are you testing on Intrepid and noticing something different from me?00:06
james_wI'm on Intrepid00:06
mrooneyoh okay, so to clarify the bug isn't that two things have the same name, but that Elephant is improperly named, right?00:06
james_wand have "Ubuntu" for plain brown, and "Simple Ubuntu" for the heron and elephant00:07
james_wI think they are all misnamed00:07
mrooneyI would think the plain brown and heron should be swapped00:07
mrooneyyeah haha00:07
mrooneyjames_w: still looking for it in the package? or gave up?00:11
james_wI was looking at something else for a minute00:11
james_wI had pretty much given up00:11
mrooneycan I apt-get source for Intrepid on Hardy?00:11
james_wknow of a way to extract metadata from .png files?00:11
james_wmrooney: yeah, add an Intrepid deb-src line00:11
james_wnot so good on .png apparently :-)00:12
james_wmrooney: apt-get source will always pull from Intrepid then. You can override with e.g. "apt-get source ubuntu-wallpapers/hardy" I believe00:13
mrooneyjames_w: something like "deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted" ?00:16
james_wI think that's right00:17
bdmurraymrooney: that's correct00:18
bdmurrayjames_w: actually I think pkgname/release is broken00:18
bdmurrayhowever you can do pkgname=versionnumber00:19
mrooneyjames_w: it's right in ubuntu-wallpapers.xml.in :]00:25
mrooneyI think anyway, it mirrors what I see in Hardy, though it should have pulled the intrepid version I would expect...00:25
james_wit's not what's in my /usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntu-wallpapers.xml though00:26
james_wI have Ubuntu/Ubuntu/Elephant there00:26
mrooneyyeah that is what my xml.in looks like here00:26
mrooneydid I not grab the Intrepid source maybe?00:27
james_wyeah, it's just not what I see in the tooltips00:28
mrooneyoh, they match up on Hardy for me, hrmph00:32
mrooneyif my Intrepid install wasn't so sketchy I'd just try it :)00:32
emetsometimes people submit nonsensical or hard to understand bug reports, is there any way to handle these?01:17
hggdhemet, try to understand and, of course, ask for clarification ;-)01:19
hggdhwhat is the bug?01:20
emetbug 26875801:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268758 in gnome-terminal "gnome-terminal crashes when vmware-workstation running" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26875801:22
emetI fixed the spelling in the subject01:22
emetthat's okay right?01:22
Hobbseetake them out the back of the parking lot and enlighten them....01:23
Hobbseeemet: do we distribute vmware-workstation?01:24
emetI don't think so01:24
emetI really doubt that's what it crashed though01:25
Hobbseethe retracer might come up with something.01:26
mrooneyhm, bug 268784 is interesting01:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268784 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] suggestion for better summary information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26878401:28
HobbseeFetched 33.9MB in 54s (621kB/s)01:30
HobbseeExtracting templates from packages: 100%01:30
HobbseeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)01:30
Hobbseeyet trying it again works fine.01:30
keessbeattie: have you been involved in the hardy kernel SRUing?  I'm trying to figure out how close the -proposed kernel is to getting published.01:55
sbeattiekees: not really, I tested one item.01:56
keessbeattie: okay, I'll go ask the kernel folks01:57
bcurtiswxBug Control: Bug 268795 needs to be marked wishlist02:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268795 in virtualbox-ose "Intrepid: please update virtualbox to 2.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26879502:01
bcurtiswxthank you02:01
mrooneybcurtiswx: okay, looks reasonable, done!02:04
bcurtiswxmrooney: ty :-)02:05
bcurtiswxmrooney, i grew up in greece.  just read you go to RIT.02:08
mrooneybcurtiswx: oh neat! indeed02:11
mrooneywhere are you now?02:11
bcurtiswxmrooney, i graduated from SUNY Oswego, now im a Computational Science Grad student at george mason uni in VA02:13
mrooneybcurtiswx: oh that sounds exciting. using your education to help out ubuntu as well, apparently?02:19
bcurtiswxthat is correct.  Goal is to become an ubuntu member02:21
mrooneynice, good luck!02:22
bcurtiswxthank you!02:27
hggdhhum. bug 268784 is actually a good idea, at least on the first part02:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268784 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] suggestion for better summary information" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26878402:28
hggdhso is bug 268791, by the same reporter02:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268791 in ubuntu "Duplicates could be displayed all at once on One page." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26879102:29
hggdhI crossed by the reporter on bug 120527, BTW02:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 120527 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Sagemath.  Open Source Mathematics Software." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12052702:30
mrooneyhggdh: yeah, they are more meta bugs like, how bugs should be filed, I wonder what we should do with them02:31
bcurtiswxi've wondered the same thing02:31
hggdhso do I, so do I... perhaps a good idea is to circulate them to the bugsquad/bug-control lists02:32
bcurtiswxwhats the bugsquad list, i've been meaning to subscribe02:32
hggdhpart is under our (theoretical) umbrella, part is LP02:32
hggdhthese are the mailing lists we use to discuss bug work02:33
bcurtiswxsorry, i meant whats the website to subscribe02:33
bcurtiswx:-X its late and my brain has stopped on my02:33
hggdhbcurtiswx, ^^02:33
bcurtiswxthank you hggdh :)02:34
hggdhBTW -- if any of you deal with mathematics, Sage is a cool system02:35
mrooneyhmm bug 268800 confuses me as kmenuedit doesn't seem to be a package in Intrepid02:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268800 in ubuntu "Kubuntu Intrepid, kmenuedit has duplicate entries" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26880002:35
mrooneycan anyone enlighten me?02:35
Hobbseemrooney: it's part of kdebase / libs / one of them.02:36
Hobbseeor, used to be, anyway.02:36
hggdhseems to be there, per dpkg -S02:37
mrooneyHobbsee: hmm...searching for it on packages.ubuntu.com only shows up to Hardy02:38
Hobbseeah yes, the kde4-based names changed.02:38
Hobbseemrooney: it changed names, as did lot of kde's stuff, with the 3-->4 transition.02:38
hggdhwhich made me rather confused...02:38
Hobbseehggdh: tell me about it...i didn't help package it for a very good reason ;)02:39
mrooneyhggdh: ah, are you saying the new name is kdebase-workspace-bin?02:41
mrooneyof kmenuedit02:41
hggdhmrooney, correct for kde402:42
mrooneyit seems like the packages list should inform me of that02:49
bcurtiswxis rmadison a really useful tool?02:51
hggdhwhat we should do is build is a database with all of that, and give it a web interface, so you could search similar to apt-cache search (and really get results)02:51
hggdhbcurtiswx, if you are looking for a package, and you know the correct name of the package, yes02:51
hggdhOTH, if you do *not* know the package name, it is worth nothing02:52
bcurtiswxhaha, i figured that out02:53
bcurtiswxif only they'd build in a wild card selection02:53
bcurtiswxlike virtualbox* for example02:53
hggdhmrooney, 'whereis kmenuedit', followed by 'dpkg -S' on the result02:55
Hobbseebcurtiswx: YES!02:56
Hobbsee(as for rmadison being useful02:56
persiamrooney: Alternately, you can shortcut it for an executable with `dpkg -S $(which kmenuedit)` (not that kmenuedit is necessarily an executable, but it is sometimes faster than going through possibly many whereis entries02:57
hggdhyes, much simpler. Even better cuz 'which' will work on the current path, while 'whereis' has a hardcoded path (if I remember correctly)02:58
persiahggdh: whereis is hardcoded, but it also searches for things that aren't binaries, which can be useful in some cases.03:00
mrooneyhi persia! medium-time no see!03:01
persialocate is even more powerful: assuming it's been installed overnight, it can find anything anywhere by name (and doesn't take anything like the time required for the newer indexers that care about things like file content or file type)03:01
persiamrooney: Hi.  I've been busy, but had a bit of time now, and thought I'd comment :)03:02
mrooneyoh I didn't mean to imply you were gone, just that I haven't seen you, I guess we've both been busy :)03:06
hggdhpersia, wasn't locate taken out of standard installs?03:06
Hobbseehggdh: slocate changed to mlocate, on desktops, and got deleted on servers, iirc?03:08
persiahggdh: Plus, mlocate is easy for triagers to install, and is a handy tool.03:08
* persia uses locate all the time when which isn't enough to track down the right package for a bug03:09
persiaI also find `grep -r $(name) /usr/share/applications/` to be useful when a submitter reports the name of the menu item, but that doesn't happen to match a package name.03:10
mrooneyI only have used locate to find files on my computer03:10
persiaThat finds out which .desktop file defines the menu entry, and one can then use dpkg -S to find the package responsible.03:11
persiamrooney: If you know the command line, which is usually a bit faster, as it only has to search the current $PATH, rather than the filesystem contents index.03:11
persia(mind you, both are typically fast enough not to really notice)03:11
hggdhHobsee, yes, this sounds, on my meager memory, more like it... thanks03:13
HewHey guys. My ubuntu-bugcontrol subscription is due to expire in seven days. Can someone renew this for me?06:32
persiaHew: You need to catch one of bdmurray, heno, pedro, jorge, or ogasawara.  I'd recommend trying on the other side of the day, as this tends to be a time that none of them are about (although there are exceptional days)06:36
Hewpersia: No worries, I'll ask again later tonight :-)06:38
dholbachgood morning07:09
macodholbach: hola07:11
dholbachhiya mac07:11
HewCould someone look at bug #261685? The E100 supports ogg vorbis and flac, but when I transfer these files using rhythmbox, it turns them all into mp3. Is this the same bug, or a new one?07:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261685 in hal-info "HAL entries for iRiver E100" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26168507:16
macodholbach: hew was asking for his bug control subscription to be renewed about a half hour ago, by the way07:24
dholbachmaco: I'm not an admin of the team07:24
dholbachand as far as I know you can renew it yourself, can't you?07:24
macooh sorry07:24
maco*shrug* i'm not on the team07:24
dholbach... yet07:24
HewI need to have the subscription renewed by an admin of the team. I'll ask again a bit later :-)07:27
* maco thought dholbach was in the list persia mentioned07:31
ogasawaraHew: what's your launchpad id?07:33
Hewogasawara: hew07:33
ogasawaraHew: ok, it should be renewed07:35
ogasawaraHew: I think you'll get an email in a sec07:36
Hewogasawara: yep, it has been. Thanks a lot :-)07:36
=== BugMaN1 is now known as BugMaN
LimCorerecent kmail asks me each time for my passphrase to openpgp... this is really bad... known problem?  Also, kmail seems to be riddled with other openpgp bugs I found... still :/11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268925 in kdepim "openpgp asks each time for pin/passphrase to the key instead caching it (kgpg? gpg agent is not helping)" [Undecided,New]11:04
persiaLimCore: likely an issue with your GPG agent, rather than with kmail: there've been a few reports of problems with agents in intrepid.11:14
LimCoreIm using 8.0411:15
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Triaged]13:26
Pres-GasWhy is there soooooo many duplicates on this?  I am getting mail bombed.13:27
HewPres-Gas: It affects a lot of people. Unsubscribe if you don't want to receive mail about it.13:28
Pres-GasOne of the mailings is has a subject line regarding ati catalyst video driver13:28
Pres-GasI am fine with getting it if the subject line of all of them stayed the same...I was afraid something was amiss.13:29
HewPres-Gas: Sebastien regularly cleans up all the dupes. If it's marked as a duplicate, then it's safe to say it's the same issue.13:30
HewPres-Gas: If you are referring to bug 258720, just look at the bug description and the stacktrace. It's pretty clear it's the same issue.13:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258720 in gvfs "ati catalyst video driver app, ?? fiesty fawn worked what happened? (dup-of: 252174)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25872013:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25217413:32
mrooneyHmm, what interesting definition of a day 5-a-day has. Does anyone know the day cutoffs in GMT?14:06
abby87sleep event is there in acpi right? or acpi-support?14:52
jjessedon't cry i didn't mean to scare you :)15:03
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jwendellhi, pedro_15:47
pedro_hey jwendell, how's going?15:48
pedro_jwendell: going to latinoware?15:48
jwendellpedro_, yep, and about you?15:48
pedro_i think so yep, just waiting for izabel to confirm some dates15:48
jwendellpedro_, the forum is from oct-30 until 01-nov15:49
jwendellpedro_, why a crash should have a valgrind log when it already has a good backtrace?15:52
pedro_jwendell: right, but in the email izabel sent us she said that we could arrive there the 28/29 so i'm asking here the right dates for that in order to ask for a couple of days at the job15:52
pedro_jwendell: well for example if the crash is related to a memory allocation it should have a valgrind log to see what's causing that issue15:53
pedro_valgrind helps better there, gdb doesn't really show anything15:54
jwendellpedro_, you just closed a bug even without ask upstream...15:54
pedro_jwendell: number?15:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257371 in evolution "evolution-alarm-notify crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_cache_push_magazine()" [Medium,Invalid]15:54
pedro_jwendell: well that's correct i did closed that because we indeed need a valgrind log as Seb asked you15:55
pedro_jwendell: you can take the bug upstream if you want to but they probably are going to ask you for the same info15:56
jwendellpedro_, ok, my doubt is: Why asking for a valgrind log even if you're not sure the cause of the problem15:56
jwendellit makes the life of bug reporters too much difficult15:57
pedro_jwendell: so what can we do ? just close them?15:57
jwendellpedro_, forward it upstream and let developers decide if they want valgrind log15:57
pedro_if you can reproduce it that's ok if it happens again and you likely know how to reproduce it please get a valgrind log15:58
pedro_jwendell: alright , you're welcome to do so ;-)15:58
pedro_but as said they are probably going to ask for the same info15:58
seb128what is the discussion about?15:59
pedro_seb128: bug 25737115:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 257371 in evolution "evolution-alarm-notify crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_cache_push_magazine()" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25737115:59
pedro_jwendell:  is asking why we ask for valgrind logs on memory corruption bugs15:59
seb128because stacktraces are not revelant usually when there is a corruption16:00
pedro_he thinks that upstream should decide if they want it or not and we should forward them anyways16:00
pedro_seb128: that's what i said16:00
seb128that's a question of whether we want to throw everything at upstream or send them quality bugs16:00
seb128we decided to try having some quality there16:01
jwendellthe question is:16:01
seb128jwendell: but nothing prevent you to forward your bugs on bugzilla yourself if you want though16:01
jwendellin order to get a good backtrace it's enough to install some -dbg packages16:01
jwendellthis is easy to people16:01
jwendellbut a valgrind log is not so easy, so, most bugs will be closed as invalid16:02
seb128only corruption ones16:02
jwendellseb128, how do you know if a bug is corruption memory or not? do you look through logs and backtraces?16:03
seb128jwendell: yes, crashes in g_slice are corruptions16:03
seb128usually that's something trying to use an incorrect pointed or something has been freed already16:04
jwendellas a developer I already got some bugs like that, and, for me, a backtrace was enough16:04
jwendellI was able to identify the bug with a decent bt16:05
seb128jwendell: so tell me where the bug is from this e-d-s stacktrace16:05
jwendellthat's not the point of my question16:05
jwendellI'd like to improve the file of bug reporters16:05
seb128upstream doesn't look at most of the crashes anyway16:06
seb128so I prefer to send good ones16:06
jwendelltrue in this case (evo)16:06
seb128rather than some which are known to not be really useful but could be used to do detective work anyway16:06
seb128valgrind is not that hard to use16:07
seb128you just have one command to run usually16:07
seb128it's a bit different for session services16:07
jwendellback to my crash, it's unreproducible, I didn't even remember what I was doing...16:08
seb128but it gives useful clue on where the variable is freed where the stacktrace usually doesn't16:08
seb128right, upstream has thousand of suchs bugs16:08
seb128I don't judge use to send "that happened once, there is no other details and no valgrind log" bugs, they just pile in bugzilla for nothing16:08
jwendellok, I see the point16:09
seb128as said you are feel to contribute and forward those bugs, that's an opensource project16:10
seb128but I'm not wanting to do that16:10
jwendellseb128, I know, I was question about Ubuntu triage16:11
jwendellseb128, I understand now16:11
seb128good ;-)16:11
seb128jwendell: btw you didn't reply yesterday, what do you need in the new gdm version? (curious about it)16:12
jwendellseb128, I just want to try it, to have a strong opinion about it, because people are going to ask me about new Ubuntu with old GDM at our local events16:13
seb128jwendell: I'll try to upload the new version to a ppa tomorrow16:14
jwendellseb128, it will need consolekit 0.316:14
seb128jwendell: why? I tried the current svn yesterday and it runs on my intrepid16:15
jwendellseb128, mccann told me16:15
seb128they are just making sure distros will not use it ;-)16:15
stiVkees you just marked the bug i reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/269014 as a duplicate ... but i don't think it is. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/243630 describes an error where the CONTENT of the gzipped files gets signed instead of the file itself - the checksum is right there.16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269014 in apt "sha256 checksums in release files for all gzipped files broken (dup-of: 243630)" [Undecided,New]16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243630 in soyuz "Apt and Soyuz generating release files with invalid SHA256 signatures" [High,Confirmed]16:33
stiVbut at the moment ALL the sha256 checksums of gzipped files are exactly the same16:33
stiVi think this is a different problem ...16:33
keesstiV: oh?  let me go read more closely, sorry about that!  I thought it was a feisty vs hardy thing.  one sec16:34
keesstiV: yikes.  yeah.16:35
stiVi don't know who else is using sha256, but reprepro is. i don't know what to relate this bug to ... it's not a bug of apt itself, just of the signing process i guess16:38
stiVsigning == checksum calculation16:38
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keesstiV: thanks for the heads-up on that -- the archive admins are looking into it right now.16:49
keesstiV: btw, the bug is in "Soyuz" the tool that does the archive creations.  (The bug has been updated to reflect that.)16:50
stiVthanks for the info!16:52
bdmurrayogasawara: do you have an intrepid testing comment I could copy?17:02
ogasawarabdmurray: you mean you didn't get the 9123491234 call for testing emails? :)  Just a sec I think I have a condensed version17:04
bdmurrayogasawara: I deleted them all!17:04
ogasawarabdmurray: the test bug should have the long version (typo included).  or you can use something probably like http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2206817:11
bdmurrayogasawara: okay, thanks17:12
=== stiV is now known as Guest86075
bdmurrayogasawara: can you lend any insight into bug 225258?18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225258 in ubuntu "kernel 2.6.24 make pdfdocs fails" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22525818:10
ogasawarabdmurray: I haven't tried to build the kernel docs in a while18:16
bdmurrayogasawara: okay, the bug would be related to the doc not the doc making tool though right?18:17
ogasawarabdmurray: I believe so18:18
hwilde[69486.326312] BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s! [wpa_supplicant:4379]18:21
hwildewhat info would you like to submit this as a bug18:21
ogasawarahwilde: what kernel are you using?  I've seen a few bugs with similar errors being fixed with 2.6.2718:22
hwilde2.6.24-19-generic :(18:22
ogasawarahwilde: ah.  so how reproducible is it?18:23
hwildeit's only two months old but I buess i'm out of date18:23
hwildeit's not reproducible like on demand18:23
hwildebut it happens over and over and over18:23
ogasawarahwilde:  it would be best if you could try the 2.6.27 if possible18:23
hwildeI guess I will start building a new image :/18:24
hwildedo you have bug #s18:24
ogasawarahwilde: not off the top of my head, but just a sec and let my try to search18:24
hwildeI found plenty of cpu lockups, but not specifically referencing wpa_supplicant18:25
james_wogasawara: hey hey, what's the tag you are using for .27 regressions?18:27
ogasawarajames_w: regression-2.6.2718:27
ogasawarajames_w: feel free to ping me with the bug id too18:27
ogasawarahwilde: bug 256433 - but not exactly the same as what you may be seeing18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256433 in linux "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 11s! [khubd:1598]" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25643318:28
hwildenah my khubd is happy18:29
hwildealready been there done that18:29
james_wogasawara: bug 262853 (it's not directly in linux)18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262853 in ov51x-jpeg "ov51x-jpeg-source (even latest version 1.5.8) won't build against kernel 2.6.27" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26285318:30
ogasawarajames_w: ok thanks18:33
hwildeogasawara, so, I can't just upgrade this machine bc it's remote and behind a customer firewall...18:38
hwildeis there some way I can push all the required packages to it ?18:39
ogasawarahwilde:  you'll probably have to copy the .deb file over then18:40
james_wogasawara: upstream don't have a bug tracker, but it's reported a couple of times on their mailing list, no response yet18:41
ogasawarajames_w: thanks, yah that's one where the kernel's not like to change so the ov51x-jpeg-source will need to be updated18:42
james_wogasawara: sure, it happened for Hardy as well18:42
ogasawarajames_w: but it is good for us to note what's breaking due to the 2.6.27 shift18:43
CarlF1http://dpaste.com/77517/  whacked formatting on line 38 - is that a bug, and what package?19:01
bdmurrayCarlF1: looks like apport19:06
CarlF1bdmurray: thanks19:35
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 269170 in network-manager "NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Undecided,New]22:37
=== eddie is now known as Guest11863
bdmurrayhggdh: hi!23:42
hggdhbdmurray, hi23:42
hggdhso... how was the hug day? Or is?23:58
bdmurrayhggdh: fine, not much activity in the channel but some on the wiki page23:59
hggdhcool. Just got back from the day's work (still to go out & have dinner)23:59

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