
tabakhase_sudo ls -> password request -> list of files in my home dir00:00
soundraytabakhase_: so sudo does work.00:01
soundrayIn the same terminal, run 'sudo umount /boot'00:01
tabakhase_sudo: unmount: command not found00:04
soundrayREAD CAREFULLY00:04
tabakhase_ahh i see *duck and run*00:04
tabakhase_sorry, my fault00:04
tabakhase_Now: error: device still used (error message is german, but it says this)00:05
tabakhase_and mounted to /mnt - done00:06
soundraysudo cp -a /boot/* /mnt/00:07
soundrayNext, do a 'cd /mnt'00:09
soundrayand run00:09
soundraysudo ln -sf . boot00:09
soundrayBe careful to type all the spaces00:09
soundrayOkay, now we want to umount /mnt and mount it on /boot again00:12
tabakhase_(reaction always take so long because the system lags and lags..)00:13
soundrayNot for much longer (we hope)00:13
soundrayRemind me, which device is your root partition?00:14
soundrayThat means we have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change all references to (hd0,6) into (hd0,0)00:16
soundrayDo you want detailed instructions?00:16
tabakhase_I think we have to add this (mount hda1 to /boot) also in /etc/fstab or not?00:16
tabakhase_no, i could edit it, already working with linux since 2 years or so...00:17
soundrayAlso, append the nodma option you want to the line that starts with "# kopt=" in menu.lst00:18
tabakhase_had to append it or could i edit the grub list while booting with "e"?00:22
soundrayTo prepare fstab, you can just do00:23
tabakhase_k, done00:23
soundrayecho /dev/hda1 /boot ext3 defaults 0 2 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab00:23
tabakhase_no "´s by the echo?00:24
soundraytabakhase_: optional in this case00:25
soundrayNow to install grub, run00:26
soundraysudo grub-install /dev/hda00:26
tabakhase_jepy =)00:27
soundraysudo update-grub00:28
tabakhase_sed: Lesefehler in /boot/grub/device.map:Input/Output error00:28
tabakhase_ Lesefehler in = reading error in00:28
soundrayI'm okay with German00:28
soundrayWas that error from the grub-install command?00:29
tabakhase_/dev/hda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.00:29
soundrayWas that error from the grub-install command?00:31
tabakhase_sed... see ahead) | grep: /boot/grub/device.map: Input/output error | /dav/hda (see ahead)00:32
soundrayWas that error from the grub-install or from the update-grub command?00:33
tabakhase_[11.09.08 - 01:28:15 ] <soundray> sudo update-grub *hubs* not seen, moment00:34
soundrayDon't run update-grub yet00:34
soundrayTell me if you have a /boot/grub/device.map file00:35
tabakhase_lag lag lag...00:36
tabakhase_yes, i have00:37
tabakhase_15 bytes00:37
soundrayWhat's in it?00:38
tabakhase_a lag -.-00:38
tabakhase_moment please...00:38
tabakhase_(hd0) /dev/hda00:39
soundrayI don't know why this happens. Please retry00:41
soundraysudo grub-install /dev/hda00:41
tabakhase_Slowly i think there is a error on this disk... my windows (on another partition) isn´t running some time ago00:42
tabakhase_Power fail, since then it was demaged and windows cant boot anymore00:42
tabakhase_but this was weeks before the first lag on ubuntu00:43
tabakhase_Error now: "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."00:44
soundrayTime for a new hard disk drive?00:46
tabakhase_its about a jear old00:46
tabakhase_and these fucking 2,5" harddisks are damn expenisve =(00:47
soundrayNo profanity please00:47
tabakhase_3,5 ive got millions here, from 649 MB to 250 GB, but these 2,5" -.-00:47
soundrayWe're still in a public chatroom00:47
tabakhase_No "tests" i can do to check the harddisk?00:48
soundrayDid you say it was working normally and started lagging after this powerfailure?00:49
tabakhase_after the fail my windows didn´t worked anymore00:50
tabakhase_so i switched to my old ubuntu on the other partition00:50
tabakhase_works fine00:50
tabakhase_update to 8.x, lags, changed kernel, works00:51
tabakhase_then for month´s everything was fine00:52
tabakhase_and some days ago lag´s started again =(00:52
tabakhase_(while this power fail windows was running) so i was thinkin "typical, damn os! lets get back to my lovly ubuntu"00:53
soundrayYou've got hardware trouble. I think this will continue until you replace the disk. Make sure you backup any valuable data before it dies completely00:54
tabakhase_hm k =(00:56
tabakhase_And do you know a good resulution for: "IRC, ICQ, MSN, XMMP, Jabber, Mails, Calendar AND best to sync. with my mobile phone?00:57
soundray:) no, sorry00:57
tabakhase_hm ok, thanks for all the time and all help so far00:59
tabakhase_very big thanks, organisate a new hdd now and try again -.-01:00
soundrayGern geschehen, schade, dass es nicht so richtig geholfen hat.01:00
tabakhase_soundray und sonst gibt es nix an HDD testern? Ala scandisk?01:04
soundray!info smartmontools | tabakhase_01:10
tabakhase_soundray dies after 10% -> unknown failure01:14
soundrayIt's not worth it. Use your time to raise funds for a new disk instead.01:15
tabakhase_ive got the error i think..01:16
tabakhase_"Error 661 occurred at disk-power lifetime: 15738 hours (655 days + 18 hours)01:17
tabakhase_I think the counter didn`t reset after changing...01:17
tabakhase_but additional, i dont think that could be the error that the system strikes like this...01:18
tabakhase_@ soundray01:19
tabakhase_ich rechne gerade mal01:20
* soundray muss jetzt mal an der Matratze horchen01:20
tabakhase_die 655 tage können doch stimmen...01:21
tabakhase_hm ok, dan gute nacht und nochmal danke soundray01:21
soundrayBis dann01:22
tabakhase_this was one very nice guy^^01:22
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=== edwinmmoore is now known as EdwinMoore
=== EdwinMoore is now known as edwinmmoore
=== edwinmmoore is now known as edwinmmoore_
=== edwinmmoore_ is now known as edwinmmoore
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=== k0002 is now known as k0001

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